Humors Feed on Humors Thm onr You Cat Rid of Thm th Battar. Ia tli Spring there' an effort of Natnr to cleanse your ay 6 tern. You know this by the pimple and other eruption! on your face and body, In the Spring, therefore, is the best time to take . Hood's Sarsaparlila For the quickest results. But whenever taken, this great medicine thoroughly cleanses the sys tem. reU into all its nooks and cor ners. remoTea all humors and all unhealthy accumulations. "Rood's Sartaperllla is an eicellent blood purifier. W had a little boy with as whose bands and face wen broken out with sores. We (are hlra Hood's 8rtapa rilla and the sores soon dlssppearedL' lorn Icitru, Nlpomo, Cal. Aoeofrt No ubotltuto. Poor Old Coal "Buleey claims that he has more octal engagements than he can till Does he really shine in society?" "Oh, yea. Didn't you ever see that dress coat of his? There was never another so shiny as that. " Simplicity In Funerals. The simplicity which marked the ancient Jewish burial ceremonies has much to commend it even to us. The inexpensive coffin and the uniform linen shroud served to eniphasiie the equality of all in death. As things are today the rich tax their brains to invent new funeral fineries and the poor impoverish themselves to keep up with their wealthier neighbors. Vats aifaabtra ie oe every box of the feaaloe Laxative DromtHjuiniae Ta.ita ke mat; that era mm Im oew stay Ms lacerrected IthMcV. "It was funny to hear that man talk at the political meeting, " re marked Johnny. "He said 'between you and me, ' all right enough, and then he corrected himself and said 'between you and L " ! "You mean he incorrected him self," said Tommy severely. I am sure Pirn's Cure fur Consumption saved my life three yean ieo.-Mu Taos. Boseins'. Maple street, Norwich, N.Y., Feb. 17, 1900. liU Task. GeorgeWith t he assurance of your love I could conquer the world. Grace That will not be necessary. All you have to do is to conquer PP- A Traveler's Opinio Mrs. Quizzer (who wants to know something) Now what do you con sider to be the most curious thing you ever saw. professor? Prof. Trotter A woman, madam. Under Watet " Strange acquaintances are to be mads under water. H. rholps WblUaarsh. who for a time adopted the caUInc ot pearl-fisher lu Australian waters, tell this story of meeting a submarine mon ster: It waa a muddy day, and everything in consequence looked blurred and ex aggerated. In the yellow distance I saw an Immense dark object moving slowly toward me. As It cam nearer. I made out a central body with several great arms or feelers waving rhythmic ally. My heart was in my mouth. I felt sure It was an octopus. Then, when I was about to stir up the mud at my feet, to avoid being seen, I disco v- j ered that the enemy was nothing mor than a fellow-diver. The feelers I had BARON STEUBEN'S NAMESAKES. Blaf7 Revolutionary BoMler'e Nan . Borne by Many Other. Baron Steuben, tho bluff old soldier of th Revolution, waa greatly beloved by bis men. He was called everywhere "Th Baron," and to one woman, who cam to him asking permission to nam her child for him, he said, "And what will you call hlraT For, like all titled personages, be had a profusion of proper names. "Why," said the woman, "Ml call him Baron." Baron he was, and so were the other namesake. Indeed, when the old sol dier was Urged to lay aside bis title, in the euthuslasm ot the French Revo lution, he answered that It would b of no use. There were too many Hnron Imagined were hia arms, legs and llneJ Steuben In existence. A shadowy giant about twelve feet high, jjlth huge hands and a head like a small barrel, wa approaching. He walked slowly, hi heavy boot raising the mud behind htm Ilk cloud of dust, and his great central eye gleamed darkly. Although I knew him to be a man. It was with difficulty that I re frained from taking to my heels. At sight of me, he, too, was startled; but he quickly recovered, and we shook hand. Then w nodded, grinned, showed each other th stato of our bags, and parted. The Bteatu Locomotive Doomed. It is claimed that within fv rn the electric moter wiil completely siitili (lie steam locomotive, ami trains ill then rush alone at a sored of 100 miles aii hour. To travelers this will prove a (rreat blewmig. but no more so than Hosietier's htonmeh Hitters, has nroveti a bleisniir to those ho wish to regain their hrltli qiiickiy. The Bitten ctiredvsteiwia. indigestion, bilions- proves the appetite and purine the blot!. ! Steuben, On full-grown namesake he ac quired under peculiar ' circumstances. When he wa one day Inspecting a Connecticut regiment he found a fine looking ergeant, named Jonathan Ar nold. The baron had been one of the court which had unwillingly condemn ed Andre, and he detested th "wretch who drew him to death." So he advised the man to change his name. "But what name shall I taker' cried Arnold. "Any name you please," answered i th baron. "Take mine. It'a at your ! aervlce." I So Jonathan Arnold duly became ' Jonathan Steuben, and under that name fought bravely and well. When he returned to his Connecticut home, after the war. he married, and his son waa named after the old soldier, "Fred erick William." To him Baron Steuben willed a farm, and Frederick William a good soldier In the War of Marvel Watch of Geneva. A manufacturing firm of Geneva, Gwttaerlaad, has for many year been making a specialty of complicated timepiece and a watch placed on view at the Pari exposition Is regarded by them a their highest achievement In It they hav overcome problems whlrli were before considered Insolvable, and hav succeeded In retaining th slso of th watch within a convenient limit of a pocket timepiece namely, twenty llgne. corresponding to th American eighteen else. But two of these 7b Llcihcra cf Largo F nmffiao In this workaday world few women are so placed that physical exertion la not constantly demanded of them in inrir dally life We make a special appeal to mother ot large families whose work is never done, and many of whom suffer, and suffer for lack of Intelligent aid. to women, young or old, rich or Doubtful. First Crony Let me see, didn't ! Strickland marry one of Old Smiley 's girls? ' Second Crony Yes. j First Crony By the way, though, isn't Smiley dead? Second Crony He was the last I j heard of him. i 1812, died In the service. Proving s Theory. j Yabsly Do vou think there i ; anything in the theory that business ! worries can sometimes cause a com- . plete loss of memory? Aludge 1 es, I know that it work : that way in my case. The more I j borrow money, the more treacherous j my memory becomes. rani a. du Cballln has announced that he will go to Russia and gather material for an Impartial book upon in dominion of the Caar. CoMinjneies. Cy Xick You don't catch me ty ing myself to any namby-pamby fe male for life. Miss Thrust I dare say not, Mr. Nick unices the woman was crazy. GRIP'S RAVAGES The Boat riooeilotloa tor Malaria CaCls aa Fever is a bottle of Grove's Taateleas Chill Tonic. It la sIhdIv Iron, and antnine In I teeniest form. No Care. No Pay. Price Me. Slipshod Work. St. Peter What's the matter the recording angel's department? Spirit Slipshod work. They are trying to find out who is to blame. You let Mr. Greatman in yesterday, didn't you? "Yes; there wasn't a thing against him." "Well, the recording angel ha got hold of an old newspaper printed by the opposition party, and has found all sorts of horrible things about him" lOW'l TBIST We error Oh Hundred Dollars Beward lor any see Catarrh that caa not be cored bj Ball's Catarrh Caru t. J. CHEHIT CO., Props., Toledo, C We the andersifaed, have known t.l. Cheney for the past 15 years, and believe him perfectly aoor-ebl In all busln ss transactions and nn aaelal' - able to earn out any obligations mad by taelr Srm. Warr TaraX, W boletalo Drutetota, Toledo, Wauhns, Kii A Marvra, Wnolestle Druarlsu, Toledo O. Call's Catarrh Care ia t- ken -n: :rnelly, ee In directly on the blood and at. eons surface of tfcesrsbm. Prl e Ms per bo' tie. txd by all true lata. Testimonials free. Ball's Jraatily PU1- r- ta- teat. Whittling a Sia in Iceland. Whistling in Iceland is considered as much of a sin as profanity. There are some parts ot the world where those who whistle are fined and put in jail. After-Effects Are Often Worse Than the Trouble Itself How They May Be Avoided and Good Health Restored. from Me Journal, iantat City, Mm. Following every epidemic of the grip there remains a trail of after effects which are often worse than the trouble ' itself and which seem to baffle all efforts of physicians. A specific, however, has been found which not only will quickly restore the health after an attack of grip and expel the lingering germs, but, working through the blood will ren der the system proof against the dis ease. In hundreds of cases it has been shown that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People have accomp lished this result. One o! the many recent cures is that of Sirs. J. B. Shaw, of 2101 Bellefontain avenue, Kansas City, Mo., who says: "When the grip was epidemic here I as one of its victims and the disease left me in a bad state. I formerly had an excellent memory, but after the attack I could scarcely remember anything. I had severe pains in the top. and back of my head and was dizzy . by spells. I would lie awack until nearly morning and then full into a sleep that was not restful. My heart action was weak and I was a victim of nervousness. In fact my health was shattered by the attack of the grip and recovery seemed hope less. "After being afflicted in this man ner for several weeks, I read an advertisement Ida M. Tarbell has revised her "Xa poieon," which has reached a ssle ol 100,000 copies, and will reissue It nndet the title of "Napoleon and Josephine." Edgar Fawcett has written a new novel entitled "New York." It chron icle many strange phases of life In that city and has a convict for a hero Mr. Fawcett now lives In London. "New Glimpses of roe." by 1'rof. James A. Harrison of the University of Virginia, will Include certain phaset of Poe's life and character which. It ii assertedT have been hitherto overlook ed. Beulah Marie Dlx, author of "Htizh Gwyeth," has written a new novel ot early colonial life In New England, which will shortly le published under the title of "The Making of Christopher Ferrlngham." x. cagar remoerton has written a volume concerning Bret Harte. which takes the form of a mild biography. Mr. Harte has contributed a letter to the book and Incidentally remarks Unit much which Mr. Pemberton hn said about him should be left to his tomb stone,. The last literary wore- undertaken by Alphonse Daudet. a play based on his story, "La Petit Paroisse," has Jul been brought out In Paris. The piny Is both disgusting and stupid and I bone most loyal to the author's memory re gret that it should have been given to the public. It will be remembered that Arthur Lawrence published some time ago a volume entitled "The Life-Story. Let ten and Reminiscences of Sir Arthur Sullivan," written with the composer's authority. He Is now at work on a complete biography, which will be en tirely rewritten and contain much new matter. A Youthful Ruler. By the death of the Maharaja of Patlala his tittle son. Ticca Sahib, be come the nominal bead of about two million people. Tbla small youth Is, In a sporting sense at least, the worthy son of his happened to father, for althongh be 1 only ten of Dr. Wil-! rears of aee be plays cricket well and In tht Same Fix. Wife This is a nice time to come home! I have not closed an eye all night 1 Husband D-do you think I did? PITs fsrneeaatlr Cores. Vo Sts er nsrroosnea itiw Bastortr, isa. Da. I afurr Srat da.'fl Ir. KliM'a f.rMl Nra S-b for VH.BE aVJ.M trU botMeand treat Kuaa.LuL.ui Arcat..rhUaUlplua.Fa Days of Rain. It rains on an average of 208 days in the year in Ireland, about 150 in England, at Kezan about 90 days and in Siberia only 60 days. Our 1901 catalog contains a full list of everything needed for photographic purposes. The fullest line of amateur goods in the west. Kirk, Geary & Co., 330 Sutter St., San Francisco. Had All the Marks. Teacher And how do you know, my dear, that you have been christ ened? Scholar Please, mum, cause I got the marks on me arm now, mum. When your liver Is out of order So not dose yourself with poisonous drugs that harm and never cure, but take Ger ' ieldTea, and HKHB remedy that CUKES. Tillman's Offer to Lecture. Senator Tillman has received a flat tering offer to go on the lecture plat form, with full privilege to select his own topic and discuss it in his own way., The southerner is a capital atory teller and has a keen sense of humor, both of which qualifications would stand him in good stead as lecturer. Hams' Pink Pills for Pale People. . an excellent rifle-shot Ills father Thinking they might do me good, I was a famous sportsman, equally proft began taking them at once. In three dent In cricket. In riding, polo-playing days I wan much better and could and pig-sticking, as the boar-hunt is sleep like a child at night. After 'called. using a box of the pills my memory was restored and I felt greatly en couraged. I continued taking them until I had used three boxes and was in better health than I had enjoy ed for several years. "If a stamped envelope is sent fot reply I will gladly answer all inquir ies relating to my case. " Signed, MK3. J. B. SHAW The last notable achievement of the Maharaja was making twenty-one run In eight and a half minute in the cricket match against the Bombay Par sees. So It will be seen that little Ticca Sahib has an Illustrious family record to emulate. iuuH sun asufc iww VI (lirav I ' : : w. tehee hav ver been constructed, f E.TJIS L1 v u v vt ... ' ww i, am s vi v Mnnw ui.w i iivuj the workshop of th Arm to b added to th magnlflcent watch collection of A. Pontl, th celebrated amateur of Milan, Italy. This watch, which ha a perpetual calendar Indicating the day of th month, th day of th week and th phase of th moon, also possesses two separate amall dials, upon which ar chown automatically for a given lati tude the time of th rising of the sun and th Urn of It setting. The dif ficulty overcome her wa great, hut what comprises th merit of the piece I that. In connection with the minute hand, which shows the mean time ((be time we use), It carries another baud which Indicates the sun' Urn (th true time). This hand, moving from th center aa do the band showing the mean time, constantly travels with them and places Itself each day at mid night In the position It should occupy In order to Indicate for that day th difference between the nieau and true time. Th variation 1 very great, being a much a fifteen minute in one di rection or th other. These dates ar April 18, June 18, Sept 1 and Dec. 25, Jewelers' Circular. City Feller's Advantage, "That thero farm," said the driver, "on the off side, belongs to a toiler in town that runs it for his health." "How does he get along?" asked the drummer. "Oh, 'bout 's well's the rest of us, only ho don't have to buy no gold bricks to como out loser, like we do," lias. CaJUini tsumua your lives be sacrificed when a word of advice at the tlrst approach ot weak nesa, may till your future years with healthy joy. Address a letter to Mrs. Pinkharo's Laboratory, Lynn Mas,, and you will not be disappointed. "when 1 broan to take Lydia E. Pinkharu's Vegetable Compound I wat not able to do mv housework. I suf fered terribly at tint of menstruation. Several doctor told me they could dc nothing forme. Thanks to the Pink ham advice and medicine I am now well, and can do the work for eight 1 th family. "I would recommend Lydla E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to all another with large families." Mas. Cjowa BaXLCvnxf, Ludington, Mich. Machinery, Implements, Farm Supplies, Etc Mitchell Bicycles $25 "$30 $35 $40 OXFORD, DEFENDER and DUNLOP TIRES Uliulop Rteel Rims. Agents Wanted, Full Una ot Sundries, Baud lor Catalogue. Mitchell, Lewis & Stayer Co., First aud Taylor tta. PORTLAND, OR. ADVANCE THRESHER CO, raolory, Haiti Greek, r i sy kranoh House, Fortland, Oregoa. ' To b Prosperout, Use th . "ADVANCE" THRESHER ' The sreatest money .maker, INw srlMs suil aaialmue see "Ariftuue'' aKeiiis, or write , Advance Thrtthtr Co Portland, Ce, Or write M. E. and E, T. Hay, VUbur, Tut, POULTRY NKTTINC. JOHN POOLS. Portland, Ongott,'l'r' -. sreeiwiusi, we Ii'ns;,,.,..,.,.,...,.,,,,,.,! St foot ot Morrison Street. ' J ii Can giv yon th boat bargain in Rugglee, Plow, Boilers and i'.nglnns, Windmill and Pump and Unral Machinery, tie ci befor buying. " " " " " . . - an J - ' IMHIM,1MM,M.U " " " " " .... 1st All Kinds ot Wire lis Irea Work. Portland wim iron work. 14 rreat t., rortlaail. Uregea, Chas. L. Mastick & Co. 78 i2ttS3&: CASH BUYKK8 Or HIDES, PELTS AND TALLOW. Consignment tolicltcd. Pay highest market prU. ritOMPT RETURNS, ixir in lstner and rinding. Refer to Wells, Fargo A Co. Bank, Bortland, Oregon, CONGRESSMAN BOTKIN S RECOVER. Suffered Twenty-five Years. Washington, D. C, April I, 1808. Dr. 8. I), llnrtmni), Columbus, Ohio, My dear loctor It gives mt picas- are to certify to the excellent curative qualities of your medicines, lYriiua Hon J. D. Roikln. ronirt'tunan-at-Larire from Kansas. mil Maiuiliii. I have boon alllicted more or le for a quarter of it century with catarrh of the otomitch ami -outimtioii ; a resilience in Witihing on has increMMti thewe troubles. A few bottle of vour medicine mve given me iiltntxt complete relief, and 1 am sure t hat a coiittntiHtinn of heir uc will effect a iierimineiit cure Pertina is surely a wonderful remedy lor catarrhal affection". J. I). But kin. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the nso of reruns, write at onco to Dr. Hart man, giving a full statement of our east;, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. llartman, I'lxtudent of the llartman Sanitarium, Colum bus, Ohio. The Boston Boy'i Ranch. A western cattle ranch bclonignzto the children of some Ikiston people, has been named by them "Focus," oecause it is where the sons raise meat. Blomn thm Oovgti anaf Mteran Oil thm atolaf. laxative Bromo-ulnlne Tablets cure a cold la eaaj. ,fo cure, aoray. rnceaocenM. Italians call locusts "little horses," and the German term for these pests hay horses." is New Xork to Philadelphia for $1 Tho nlnne tn ertnneet N'ew Ynrlr and Subscribed and sworn to before mr Philadelphia by trolley by way of Som- this 12th day of February, 1901, LIO'EL MOISE, (Seal) Notary Public. At all druggists or direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, H. x. rnce oo boxes, (2.50. ervllle, N. i are advancing. The track of the Philadelphia and New Jersey Railroad and the Philadelphia and Bristol Railroad will be used. Heavy track will be laid, and the car A Mother's Methods. "You see," said the mother, "Tom my is so uncomplaining and yielding that I always give him the first choice of everything. " "As lesson to Johnny?" asked the caller. "No. It gives Johnny a chance to take it away from him. Then both are satisfied. " l o --w t-emo ' run at a high rate of speed. The single trip fare between Philadelphia and New York, it is said, will be fl.-Ncw York Tribune. Ancient Roman Aqueduct Recent discovery in Jerusalem proves that the ancient aqueduct which brought water from Bethlehem through the Hinnah vaiiey, was built by the emperor Severus, 195 A. D. Inscriptions to that effect have been found. Necessary Apology. Ho Newlywed is always talking about his wife's money. She That's very strange. "Not so very. You just ought to see ber." The Superlative Degree. "Am I henpecked?" The harassed husband was commun ing with himself. "Henpecked V HI voice took on a tone of mingled humiliation and desperation. "I am henbusbeled, that' what I am." Baltimore American. So He Is. Mr. A scum I bear your old minister ha gone In for ritualism. Mr. Lochurcb (disgustedly) Yes, be' gone wrong, completely. Mr. Ascuin How can you say that? He' all rite now. Philadelphia Pres. An unmarried man goe twice a far In the road as a married man before he meet anyone who tell blm hi duty, v 1 A great nrfnd I always a generous . Active man br laree manufartiiiinr house: ftt.OOlrj casti paid for 12 ders trial; promotion and permsneiit prmltlon If satisfactory. Ad dress G. B. r. Co., "H Chestnut lit., fhllada. Coal can be transported 1,000 miles on the American lakes for 20 cents 4 ton. j I COME AND GO I X la many forms 2 I Rheumatism I - Neuralgia I Lumbago I . Sciatica 9 makeup a !irR part of hum in 9 y ftuffering. Thejr come u11en ly, V 4 but the go yromptif by th y y uof v I St Jacobs Oil f which le a certain sure cure, f WW UUrkjTWHbffc AL Owifh fcrrup. ' 1 m in L tLht rAIL Ifcitil br tlrurtrt,ii. 11 Do Good to All "To tumble into 'grumblo' ditch is easy, but it is not so easy to get out. One way out is by doing good to others. As we have opportunity, let us qo gwl unto all men." NEW LIFE TO OLD FENCES! Anchor Clamps and Uprights. Tia Old Ttrct. T Amroa rsvet, Tonr XAtm to K Arm. Uon T tfy Viiug Our M M jCSIk. Arm MTiM. A . roU KNOW WHAt TOO AMR TAKINO When von take drove's Taateleas Chill Tonic, because the formula It pialntr r-rlntedoa everv bottle showlne that tt la simple Una end Qui I bat '. toe. Bio la a tasteless form. No OureNo ray, Th Army Dentists, "I see that the reorganized army is to have 27 dentists." "That's a good thing. They'll keep the dngs of war in a condition to ahow their teeth to the best of ad vantage. Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth ng Hyrup the best remedy to use lor then nlUron during the teething period. Banana growing is a feature of fruit raising in southern California. Though it does not meet with the same success aa it does in tropical regions the enterprise is said to I making fair progress. TO CURB A COLD Iff ON DAI Taks Laxative Promo Quinine Tableta.' All irujtdsts refund the money II II tails to cure. t W.tirove'e signature Is on eaeh bus. The new library ut Athens is now completed. It was begun 11 year ago by Professor Ziller, of Dresden. It has room lor 400,000 volumes. People etpeet mwh from tlsrSeld Tea. and tbey are ntt ir dlMtapoiiit41 ; it runts stomach, llvr r and tNiw..I dts.ir1ers and cures cuDstlpatton and slt-k htadache. A physician in New burg, X. Y., had desperate battle with a Newfound land dog weighing 200 pounds, finally choking the dog to death. If you are a photographer and have not received a copy of our 15)01 cata log you have missed a good thing. Bend for it at once. Kirk, deary & Co., 330 Sutter St., San Francisco. Qreat Combination ol Siren tb sod Heaatjr. "Tn Ti TaT Binds." n ... CJ Ctaatr Bsroa Vsiso. See Our Anchor Clamp Yon would be surprised II you knew host little Ii would rt you to St us that old fence. Hetter send for some Anraor Clamps and t'prlshts, and a fair ol eur plnrhere, and make jrdur old Ire lauc look like a new one. ANCHOR ttHCt loekeee nlee ami le so strone ihsl larmere someilmee think that It must be bit a prlred. It ttn't. lboub. . Li.iJ uiue, Mwep ana nog iignt. iiNMtast.irsait.rcMi FARM, RAILROAD AND LAWN FENCE. The Portland Anchor Fence Co. 74 Mcolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon. Write for Trleea snl Caia'ojue. agenti Wanted In rir Town. WEATHERWISE (OTHERWISE! , WNTDeirTTOWWCAt SlICIER tt,vca T i UMf AND Kt..? BUY? KWAe Of IMITATIOM lOOH SO AMVt TKAO flAH, Jhowinarull Line of Gormentj and Hat. mm - n , " ' "'l7'"',w AIrn Is best time to euro Catarrh, , J Hronuhllia and Coii.uiiiiitm. dUisiliiLiI ua'nTJ.v:.v,.'r' " Wi SMITH 1 CO., Buffalo, H. Y. K. r. M. D. lto. l-lt. WMBMT writing snaua sal ta, ad.ertlsere please If One or two horse : sKesl. , losnd II. Cslle li:l ormnrk atent, at stldreas A. H. BOYLAM, n. Aft,, fartlaad, Of. tot Catalngue and Price. YOUR OLD STRAW HAT Made a with Ktrawlue. ('leant end llltiarhesanv Straw Hal. Rj mail, cents. Send stamM, WOODARD, CLARKE tc CO, Portland, Orfgon. Chemists Another View of Charity. "What is true charity, hut giving with a liberal and willing hand?" "Hy no means. When you know some things about another fellow, th charity might consist in giving tmth nig away." Puffs under the eyes; red nose; plmpltv blotched, greasy face don't mean hard drink ing always as much as it shows that there is BILE IN THE BLOOD. It is true, drink ing and over-eating overloads the stomach, but failure to assist nature in regularly dis posing of the partially digested lumps of food that are dumped into the bowels and aiflowed to rot there, is what causes all the trouble. CASCARETS will help nature help you, and will keep the system from filling with poisons, will clean out the sores that tell of the sys stem's rottenness. Bloated by bile the figure becomes unshapely, the breath foul, eyes end skin yellow; in fact the whole body kind of fills up with filth. Every time you neglect to help nature you lay the foundation for fust such troubles. CASCARETS vili carry the poisons out of the system and will regulate you naturally and easily and without trip or pain. Start to-night one tablet keep it op for a week and help the liver clean up the bowels, and you will feel right, your blood wiQ fo rich, face look clean, eye bright. Get 50c box of CASCARETS. take m directed. If tou ar not cured or i atisficd you get your money back. Bile bloat I quickly and permanently alVif 10c. Xsrr-s CURED BY . mm a ms a LIVER TONIO 25c 50c, ALL DRUGGISTS. HI IDC rJLeneM UUIIla) Bioulb.l NEVER SOLD EM BULK. ewel tronbtea. nn.ndl.ltl.. Kit. nieee, bad breath, bad blood, wlii aiuinarii, bieateel bosvela, foal walne after eaflata.. Ilaav imni. .. n n - L . T? anal dizziness. iV l,a jmar bowels don't aeore rasa, larlf eon are Cettlna; elek. Constipation kllla more peawle than all other slleeaaea toeathar. It le a MHI he rbronle allmenie and Ions; years or ntTerlne; that eerae wriertrerrls. Ne mailer what lie vou, atari taking M Slant FT lo-aar, ror ren will never art well and be well all the time until With UAiKaRK'rs to.dar, tinder an absolute Vtuu aatte to eare or istottejr rerunded. JV GUARANTEED Wmm .' asadlal.. (. th. wort. Ws llsi7?"7.f STr.r m.fA'l i" " ha.t khimui, W. kav fil mm JiJ.-Jli -!"1.A '' " ahaolotelr roa.ed so eara a aeaef raruaee. knr tea), twre Oe kaaea, at re iVaea a Ilai'.";'!'' werelas-la lrsw.l..s. mm fit real or; S "i,'!, mtLr .la aae stoe hmw, retara tke siasise k.a te as wr saall, mr ike drsijielrt r.s ur...... i. .-J . ...J .mw kMk tea Was, MIH, T.k.wr .ail. nMUrt it a bill . .. . --.7 - - . 1 1 iVl Si.m Mm