COUNTY VSfILL BUY PROPERTY ,!MLKH D1UIK orrBR TOTAL vKU AMOUNT HUB-' .. ... n-fnut of Law Tone ikln Sale 01 !" jutl- Voan, who rsicjmtly Hmded )wfZ.iZ ..V miuiitv iidtiua hold In ,eT" Ii,o were called together to EST- """'"Jr." .tr?. j "js ...Mml action reur"'" " i 7- S ift tail leglslatursj regulating the KmpUmi ol property bought Tn by S at dltiK)Bnt tax te, U dV "U. that thl. county I. not . UloU. The g ,'" ore. w it the July salt) to bid n bl i.,twul to ll claluii the county ffd. X the; l..cludin,r the i ,rnt ii.tret, end he ihould have uiorel support of all concerned lu ThSwctlon objected to by the county iiulitna rMie follow: 1 'iKlhVllrtt Monday fur July , mm the sheriff ol every county In thii !ww n wbioh lands hall have been f.ewtofore bid In (or taxes by such .uiatv or any Pb He corporation there Tana to Wl.fch limy .hall have ao i ilred title, aa, herein provided, shall S w sell audi lands to the highest lidder lor cash, In manner and form aa Zm sale under execution. But no levy ni Hlltiit certificate ahall be requited, and no notice ahall lie given, except a brlel notice suiting the time and place of sale, and that all property to which ,l,,eouiityor other pu ilia corporation l,uac(iulrnl title by virtue ol tale tor uwiTwIll ha aold to the highest bidder for cash at the time and place named. Bucli notice ahall be published once eh week lor lor lour suoceaslve week ,iw io .id aale. The aale ahall (Lin wiUi the taxes (or the latest vear, and proreud backward and through the rolls; i luvertie order ol time, but no lrasl ol land ahall be aold more than "The Judgot were ta session all the sltarnoon and the law and the point InTolved were thoroughly discussed. It m agreed that the law would aland the teat ol the courta and the only remedy nosnule waa to deviae some plan to re lieve the Ituation until the next amnion ol the legislature, when the obooxiou mcMure can be repealed. It waa de cided not to aak the governor to call an eilra session lor the purpose ol re pMllugthe law, but to wait until the liexi U-gislature convene In 1U0S. Alter much deliberation, during whndi many Situs were gone over, the following waa evidftd upon aa the moat Inaalble: The counties will offer the lande held lor de linquent Uxe and II any blddera appear who olfer the amount due in Uxes and cotta, aa eomputwl under the old law the property will be told. Otherwise the county will bid it in and hold It until the next legislature when petition will be made (or deed to the land. Tliia practically means that the upsrt price in all bidding will be the total amount due under the old law and will defeat the scheme ol tax evadera and brokrto buy in deelrahle properties held by lb counties at ridiculously low price. Mr. John rlwager, o( Kelso, waa In town Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mr. A. J. Hubert were hop ping in Portland Tuesday. Don't forget to call on Collin A Gray when you want to buy something. Norman McKay waa down (roin 8auv ie'i island Monday attending to business alfsir. P. O. Marka, ol Uoble, waa In Port land Monday attending ta business nutters. Mr. and Mr. Frank Dow returned Ut Saturday from 8ealde, where they had spent two weeka. Willie Bailey, a nephew of Mrs. J. B. (iudlrey and Jim. Joeeph llayburn, U visiting relatlvea here. Kev. Mr. Fhilhrook will preach at Doer Island and Ht. Helen next Bun day at the uaual hour. Mrs. I. H. Humgardner, ol Olatskanie, is in a Portland hospital suffering Irom an attack ol typhoid fevor. Miss Loin Frakee. who It attending Portland Hiisineas College, visited rela tives in Kalauia laat Saturday and Sun day. Court house attache are on the hut tie this week preparing (or the coming fusion ol circuit court to convene next Tuesday, Dr. J. E. Hall, ol Cletskanie, waa in town Tuesday in attendance at the monthly meeting of the medical pension examining board. Bert Tarbell haa recently added a planing machine to hi Bachelor Flat null pinnt. 0. 0. Mover will operate the machine thl summer. Now is the time to buy your spring and niiiiiiMi. mjia f.,lll.ta A flrav carry the largest atock ol general mer chandise troui which to make your se lection, Richard Beaseman, John Edhotm and Win. I'lacke, ol Vernonia, were in towir luesuny evening, en route tot nown river points, in ntlest ol employment, which they will have no ditllculty tn finding. Mr. John Pcott, o( Kelaraa, wa in town Wednesday, helping to swell the Will it I..' .1. - ... nl m cAcuouuttr ujr pnTiiiiii lii taxes. Mr. tkjott reports that Knl ama is livelier since work itttrted on the ew railroad. A itrand ball tn ik nluce at Maveer ft buturday evening, May 18th. ha been announced, and the bill are being mmeu out t this olnce. I tie manage jnsiit of the affair 1 in good hands and It will he . bin success. Tl,a ..1. ..11 HMf1tal.lA ..V viuik uuice was n vvtj yiMMw""" part ol the county' tnachiney last tun, .11. IM . . -1-..- 1.. m..a """'i ins tots 1 receipts in n mounted to 11UH4.46, aslollow: Cir -1lU a. m a . . .11 lna 43.15 Und reilemptioiifl, $755.06. Atturney Powoll 9oemn to Imvo cor- tlnv in I I .1 II.... K!lsalatl ivs iiKsi iirjjiiiiinw wss v everal tract, and i constantly accttm uiating information which place him in position to dispatch business In that line. , K. K. Quick, of the abatraot company, this week pnt In a new typewriter to fiolp his otilee with the nottesaary facil ities lor conducting the large volume o( bttahiet which he I called upon to turn put. The machine 1 a "New Century," the very latest design In that clas of "a!hinery, The present alight rite In the Colum bia river has been disastrous to the log gers and mitt men who, it la said, have lust between three and four million leet of logs. Thl estimate ninv or nmv not bfrexuKitorated, but it is known that a great many logs have gone adrift. The rer In front o( this plat wa full of logs Tuesday morning and a large nnm ber were picked up by Captain James rMICidlin UllH Mf aiattrtUtam U'llll ttlM hiunch "Katie." It ia thought most of iog wntcii piuised bore roi( Iikish atiHydeii island, opposite Vancouver. In bidding for the mall contract which will be lt next Beptember, no one will he allowed to enter bid unlet he vet in the locality In which the mall I to I carried. Thl will keep the Eastern .harper tioro bidding; they lurmerly bid in the contract at starva tion ralet, and thou In order to come even they give the people of the dis trict M llllB44lul.l mull ............ nil. contracts are bid In a great many times " ""'i w" nave never seen the route and when they come to getting the mails through they bump up muIiisi the real thing and the people have to luil'er (or It. This I a commendable move on the part o( the department lu barring these men out and will be appreciated by the ftttntUM. In tlllM Amnlu , Jl- bllVID HOT" eral Instances where suboontrncUir are yainiy endeavoring to maintain their honor snd twulv hv ..I.... ...Mn . 7 "'j 7 ihmiijiii uinn mil starvation price. The government does " n-nuviH nur swv mat people win work fur It fiir nnthit. " - .' H, im mm loniiuil- arlle compensation could Just as well be had (or carrying mail a (or any other tervlce rendered. IK PROBATE C'Ol'BT. HettleMeut ef K states aid Appointment or AduiiiiiHtrutors. In the nrohate court laat MnmUv iit Tuenlay J wlge Doan transacted consid erable buslnusa. Itie will of Israel Oragg, deceased, was admitted to proUte, and 1. 8. Uragg appointed executor, with the will annexed, The aale of real property in the Daisy M. Lyons estate was confirmed. K. K. Quick was appointed adminis trator of the estate of Frank U. Milton, deceased. An order waa made on Tuesday ap pointing Mary Haines administratrix of thewsUteof Htephen Haines, deceased. Final settlement was had In the es tate ol J. K. itecgle, deceased, and the administrator, J. A. lieeglo,' discharged. The H, H. Fuilerton, deceased, estate waa settled on Monday and the admin istrator discharged. The Anal settlement in the Murdo McKay, deceased, estate was had. Final settlement ol the John Kltter- Ing estate waa had Tuesday and the ad ministrator discharged. w iiuaiu Aureus, a tunject 01 r.uiperor William, declared Ills Intention ol be coming a cillxen, before Judge Doau on Mommy. Ta Brack Heart ef Timber Laud. liyJunel work will be resumed on the track laying of the Uoble, Nehalem A Pacific Bailroad. This road will. when completed, connect Kxuben. a small place near Uoble, 011 the Colum bia, wiin penajem, Jjtst summer the first work on the road was done and abont (our miles ol rati were laid from lteulien. Thi part ol the road has been kept in operation all winter and much timber has been hauled from the interior to the river. It is expected that fifteen more mile will be com pleted belore the rainy season aeta in tii coining (all, and iu another year the 1 entire system may be completed. - ! Tne country tspped by the uoble, Nehalem A Paul lie ia one of the finest timber land districts ol the state and aa soon aa an outlet haa been found lor iu resource will rapidly develop and rise in value accordingly. It ia rumored on good authority that the railroad pro-1 moter are tiavlng agenta tn me neiu buying up all available land near the mole of the new road and big deals are looked for in the near future. The assured construction of the North ern Pacific branch Irom tt. Helens to Pittsburg will open tip an equally boun titlul limber district, and great activity is expected in that part ol the stale with the starting up ol these roads. Tillamook Headlight. Dr. Cavrrmd. the dentist, is in tit, Hel ens each Wednesday. Ml MiiIIIa 1'r.u.Kniol nf Ijitirande. spent several dav in this city visiting friends md relatives. U U'.v ,,l Pnrtland. at tended the school entertainment in this city 8aturday evening. Mr J. R. Watts, o( Kcappoote, at tM,iM,l tin mriiioiiiMS which closed tlie public school here (Saturday evening. Mist Mary Conyera came down Irom Orvjon City and took part In the gradu utinir exertisea which were held here Saturday evening. k,i haa an tar ImKn taken bv the mnlu M,.ii,inl.yiriiiAra in relation to the VUHIII. W r.i.-.i..- --. . - erection of a new court tiouse, and it is likely that nottiing win oe uoiio m mo matter for a wnue yeu ii u,. iim.i,h n( Pdhilnr. widow o( the lale Peter Krone, died suddenly athernome at it ocioca .iiiomij night. Deceased had been a resident o( tins eounty (or many years, settling with her husband at Pittsburg many year ago. A voung ton ol Mr. Jensen, of Stella, was bromrht to this place Friday to have a aurgeon's attention. The little fellow hal ampntntui me inucx impiw right hand near the drat joint, by the careless handling of a hatchet. Dr. Uos and Cliff dressed the wound. A party ol acverul ladie and gentle men Irom this place went to kiiiuuia Friday evening to tee the "Iteostrkk liu tlm Iik.ii I talent ol that city. The entertainment Is pro- nouncetl a success ana a koiw uun repoi ted by those who al tended. ' Chnrck Dedication. The Warren Methodint churuh will be dedicated next Sabbath at 11 a. m. Pieaiding Elder Kookwell will preach and conduct the service. The people of Warren have don nobly in bringing to completion this church ediHce with but a friction of 100 still unpaid. If the friends at. other placet near by w 11 come and help a little, a neighborly kindness will have been perfomed and a good cause assisted. All are cordially invited to be present. The family o( Mr. 8. Saxon arrived in this city last Saturday night direct (roin ...i raw-imvinir the Ullicagu, aim " , (luorge residence In the north part of town. Mr.jsaxon aim sun two or three month ago, and are o , . i i ...i.i. .1.. irn that ihev well pieaiwu witu expect to make Oregon their future liotne. , . Enforclug Llcease Law. . Considerable excitement was created here Saturday by the arrest of two local fishermen on a cnarm oi a huw. One of tta parties was tr ad T i i.,.ii..u(v,r who found tliut toe do fondant was neither a cit ixen nor the possessor of the statutory license, hot of which conditions the law require of ttthuriuun. He vvns fined 60. Mr. Andrew Hubert, who waa a o arre-ted on the same . hHrge, had hi. cane continued until Ms ' W. . Al' ml .er tlHliermen at th place m-nedt-atcly complied with the law by tak mu a license, so It 'a ffi'S anv further arrests will b nei.ossa y. The law requiring. t 'f " license of u.5l) took eflwt My 1st., . THE CLOSING OF THE SCHOOL OlPIiOMA PHK8KNTKI) TO ONK ailAUUATK. Splendid Maslcal and Literary Pro gramme Rendered. The ceremonies of closing the public school of this place and the graduating exercises of those who finished the eighth grade, or common school course, were conducted liefore a large ludieuce of patrons and interested visitors Hat urday evening. A very entertaining literary and musical programme had been arranged and waa very creditably rendered. It it not convenient in our limited space to give each particular feature of the entertainment the notice they merited, but it it mutt be said that all who participated acquitted themselves with persunal credit and much pleasure to their friends. Miss Leota Whitney, who delivered the address of welcome, did so in a brief but very pleasing manner, Dr. Cliff made tome pertinent remarks upon our present school facilities and very point edly told the people of this place what their duties are in educational matters and it Is to be hoped that what the doctor said will bear fruit in the near future and cause the people to take Immediate action toward securing creditable school facilities. The addresses by Superin tendent Copeland and Mr, Collins were scholarly and pertinent. Among the muHical leatures was a solo by Miss Mury Conyert which wat charmingly tung and received a hearty encore, but the ludy'a (Ins talents were badly handi- capiwd by the sccountic properties ol the nan, .'Mist, Winnie way and Messrs. V. II. Johns and It. A. McCall each ren dered' pleasing vocal soloi-. Miss Nellie Payne was the only mem ber ol the class who was entitled to re ceive a diploma at this time, she having tuxen and passed the examination of teachers held in this city, at whicli time applicants for diplomas in the eighth grade are heard and passed upon. The other member of Miss Payne's class will be heard at the next regular exami nation of teachem and those who pass will be given diplomas. Mr. James Dart, chairman of the school board, presented the diploma, and after con gratulating the recipient, expressed a hope that the good work would continue. A well executed drill by the youngest member of the school followed, ami the entertainment closed with a very pretty May pole dance by aix little ladies who charmed the audience with the pretty figures which they executed. Mist Finley and Miss Watkint are en titled to no little credit (or their success ful management of the school during the past term. It is hoped that (or the reputation of the city and in justice to the patrons of thi school a creditable school building and school facilities will be provided before the opening ol the next school yenr. Circuit court will convene next Tues day morning. Mrs. B. Cox spent this week in Olym pia, Wash., visiting her daughter. Miss Gertrude Fiulev left last Sundav for Bandon, Coos county, where she goes to accept a position for the summer. It seems to be unavoidable, but never theless probable, that St. Helens it to be "meaaley." iwo easee in town al ready, with others certain to follow. Yon are much more liable to disease when your liver and bowels do not act properly. PeWitt't Little Earlv Risers remove the cause of disease. For aale by N. A. Perry, Hon 1 ton. Seldom doet it occur that suffering humanity has an opportunity to offer apparent sympathy to a doctor, but there was a case of that kind in our midst this week. Dr. Cliff waa knocked out in the first round by C. 11. Johns' large dog, the animal running at (ult tilt, in the dark, struck the doctor on the left knee, head on, and (or several hours both were hore de combat. A telegram was received here announc ing the death of Mrs. Cynthia Ferchen, at San Francisco on Monday morning. Mrs. Fen-hen wa the daughter of Mr. Charles English, ol Peer Island, and haa many acquaintance here. The remains will be brought home (or burial t the family burying ground near the old hume, and it is expected the funeral will take place today. Mrs. Ferehen'a husband is in Alaska, where it will be Impossible to communicate with him (or perhaps tome weeks. We stated last week that James Adams, supervisor ol road district No. 14, was expecting aid Irom the county court to Improve the road Irom Pitts burg to Bunaer mil. tie succeeoeu in securing tome linancial assistance from the county and with what money will otherwise be raised there can be tome good improving done on the road. It is very necessary for the St. Helens Pittshurir road to be placed in better conditiou than it ha been (or the past few vears, and we hope to be able to note" that Supervisor Adams will have greatly improved the condition ol the road liefore another winter is on hand. Successful Plane Becltal. 1 r fnnA.l .miaiff fttuaa crAVA a vorv mra ii"uv. ... ...... ......... - - , suciMs(ul piano recital Thursday even- ing at tne resiuenco oi rar. ami jiub. a. ,i iif..... I, l.iu ,itv Aa tha i-laita is a large one'and the invitntious general, a laige manner were preseuk ui mo vancement made by the class aince the last similar event was very noticeable. m . I I..- 1... M livnv ttttrl Mr. IWO VOCai BUlun i . v. ' "J Johns added gYeatly to the pleasure of the evening, ine progrnuimo with a Mav pole dunce and cakewalk by six pretty little misses, in appropriate costumes. This feature greatly delighted everyone present. Kd Gore was down from Scappooee Wednesnay. Kd declared that he killed the largest bear, Tuesday, that he ever saw. - It la announced that a parole ia to be given the Younger brothers, the famous Missouri bandits, in July. The Younger brothers have been In the Stillwater, Minnesota, ponitenitiary about twenty four vears, where they were sent to serve' life sentence lor complicity in a bank robbery at Northfield, in that state. The James boys and other famous border outlawt were implicated in the robbery, but all of them man aged to escape except the Youngere, who were caught, convictod and tent to prison for life. Under the conditions of the parole thev will be released from prison, but will not be allowed to leave the state. The members of tlie county commis sioner's court did not finish their work last week, so a recess was taken from Saturday evening until Wednesday morning, when their labors were resum ed. The wora oi unemiug uy .. ouent tax sale book lius occupied the attention of the commissioners since they met last. This is very niportant work, since the law requires the sheritt to sell all such property m.y tlie first Monday in July. Should there be n parcel ol land sold which thy owner, hud redeemed the entire side "'If1'' be I invalidated, mere are a cw " audit and allow and some minor details to look after, which will very likely keep 1 the bmlv in session until Unlay. " A cocktail at Ave make one' thoughts thrive, a dram in the morning Is rummy, but beer after wine, while it's all very line, make one next morning (eel bumtny. The least in quantity and most In quality describe JJeWitt' Little Early Risers, the famous pill (or constipation and liver complaints. For tale by N. A. rerry, nouiton. ( Back in Kansas the other day. a man named Wheat was married to a girl namea corn. When the choir tang "What Shall the Harvest Be?" a small boy in the audience piped "nubbins." A Minnesota woman haa been married three times. Her maiden name was Partridge, her first husband's name waa Robbint, the second Sparrow, and the y resent one is Quayles, and they live on ay street. Tiiere are two young Rob bins and one Hparrow and two Quayles. One might almost be forgiven for sug gesting that the lady I a ''bird." Biliousness i a condition character ized by a disturbance of the digestive organs. The stomach is debilitated, the liver torpid, the bowels constipated. There is a loathing of food, pains in the bowels, dizziness, coated tongue and vomiting, first of tlie undigested or partly digesujd food and then of bile. Chainberlain'a Stomach and Liver Tab lets allay the disturbances ol tiie stom ach and create a healthy appetite. They also tone up the liver to a healthy action and regulate the bowels. Try them and you are certain to be much pleased with the result. For sale at the St. Helens Phnnnacv. HOTICt TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the Bute of Oregon, for Columbia Cuunty. Io th mailer of (lie estate of V. O. MlUor, de- csiuimi. VTOTICB 18HKKKBYUIVEN THATTHE US- ii derilsne! has been duly antxiiuted admin lttralor of the estata nl If. I). Millar, deceased, and liai qHKlllled an mch, and that all pemons hnvlna elalifiM aaaluai Mid eiilaia are herein' re quired to jirei'eni the same to me, with' proper voncnera, at my oince in tne city ol m. Helena, Oiecnn, within six months from theriate ol ibU notice. E. . quick:. Administrator of the estate of K. O. Miller. deceased, bated May K, lvol. ml0-)7 N0T1CS FOR PUBLICATION. Department ol the Interior. Land urrtca at Ubsuom City, Oa., April 2u, laoi. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fiillowhis-naiiied aettler haa filed notice, of his Inteutlou to make final proof In support of his claim, and that .aid proof will be made be fore tlie Itealnter and Receiver, at Oregon City, OreKOO, on June 1'2, 1W1I, vli: ADUIMON 0. HOTCHKI88, Homeitead entry So. 11.472. for the nii of sec tion M, tp 4 north, ranie 4 west. He names the following HneNne to prove his continuous rea ldenre upon and eiiltivatiou of said land, viz: Horen Jeppeson. Peter Itoflinatj, CuerlieC. Net arm, and Albert Thlvlerae, all of Bocona, Ore gon. a'JBuiSl CHA8. a. UOORK8, Regiater, NOTICE FORJPUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. I.akd Ornci at Ontoim city. Oa. April 20th. 1901. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE follow! UK-named aettler haa filed notice of hta Intention tu make final proof in aupportof hta claim, and that said proof will be made be- I..H Ik. niinlu ..Uf. nf l'Ali.mM. M....nlu Ul Heleus, Oregon, on June 5th, 191, vis: ISAAC T. WIL80N. Homestead entry No. 11.448, for the se4 of sec tion s, tp 4 north, range t west. He names the follwing witneacee to prove hla contlnuoue re Idenre upon and cultivation of ald laud, viz: E. H. Faxon and tiiut Andemon.ol Yankton. Or egon, and Julius Eloeter and Andrew Keiiow ftki.of Valley, Orevon. aomiat i.has. n. auuit&o. negtaier. Timber I-and, Act June S, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April ttrd, 1001. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN COM oliance with the provisions of ihe act of Congress of Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the aaleol timber tanas in tne states oi i siimnno, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Laud elates by act of August 4. 1HIU, Joseph It. Urban, ol Portland, Couuty of Multnomah, state of Oregon, haa this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. Mil, for the purchase ol the of section No. fj, lu township No. 4 north, range No. 6 west, Willamette Meridian, and will offer proof to Bbow that the laud sought Is more vsluabe for tu timber or stone thau for agricultural pur noses, oud to establish hla claim to said laud be fore the Register and Receiver nf this Office on Saturday, the th day of July, 1WU. He names oa witnesses: Hurl Warren, of Portaud, Ore gon, John 8. Gibbons, ol Kelso, Oregon, James Ul boons, and Ernest V. Uurwlck, of Portland. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are requested to file their claims In this odlce on or befora said tKli day of July, WU1. CHAB. B. MOOKES, J6Jy6 Register. Timber Land, Act June S. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION., United States Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, April 2rd, M01. NOTICE 18 HEREBY I.1VEN THAT IN COM' pllauoa with the provisions of the act of Congress of June , 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of Umber lands In the ntatcs ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Slates by act of August 4, 18W, Bun Warren, of Portland, county of Multnomah, state ef Oregon, has this day filed tn thisoilkce his sworn staseincnt No. 53UU, for the purchase of the neH f section No. Si. in township No 4 norlh, range No. west, and will offer proof tn show that the land sought ia more valuable lor Its limber or stone than lor agri cultural purposes, ud to establish his claim to aid laud beiore Ihe Register and Receiver of this olhce at Oregon Cily, Oregon, on Satuiday, the th day ot July, lwOl. He names as wit nesses: Jos. K. lllbbons. Joseph H. Urban, Krnesl V.Merwick.of Portlaud.Orcgon.and John 8. lllbbons, of Kelso, Oregon. Any and all per sons claiming adversely the above-described lauds are requested to tile their claims in this olliro on or before said 6ih day of July, 1901 a;J f CHAS. B MOORES, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. Unitid StatssLano orrica, . . oawioa City, Or., April 28, 1901. A sufficient contest affidavit having been tiled In this olllce bv Nora Conyers, ooniostant, against homestead entry No ll.ttta, made July 1ft, Itasl. tor SH of Section , Township Nonh, Kengo 8 West, bv Jacob 11. Lund, coiiteatee, iu which it is alleged that contestant "knows the present condition nf tha same; also that said Jacob Lund has abandoned said tract of land for more than one year laat past, and that he has neither resided upon nor cultivated id laud for one year last psst nor has any member ol his fam ily, or any one else resided upon or cultivated the said laud for him. That his present resi dence Is o me unknown, and that aaid alleged absence from the said land won not due to his employment In the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps of the United States as a private soldier, orllcer, seaman, or marine, during the war with Spain, or duriug any other war in which the tulied States may be engaged," said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation al 2 o clock p. in. on Juno L, l'."Jl, belore the Register and Receiver at the Uulted States Land otllce In Oregon Cltv, Oregon. The said eonleslanl hav ing In a proper umdavtt, filed April !, Wl, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service of this notit cannot be mode, it Is hcrebv ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. aJtimHl Wat. GALLOWAY, Receiver. AitasVaWWIasWtjsfsjaaB. Stanwood & Sherman Bros. -MANITPACTUBKBS Or- Lumber Bridge Timbers and Ties a Specialty. We manufacture "rst-olass rough lumber for all purposes for the trade, which wo sell at a niost reasonable figure. Dimension Lumber. Frice at the Mill, $5 Per M. lew YANKTON, OltEGON. NOW FOR ANOTHER THING PORTLAND CAPITAL, TO BUILD TILLAMOOK BO A I). Desired to be Strictly a Local Eater prise for Portland. In a report which the officers of the Portland, Nehalem & Tillamook Bail way have just made to the directors of the' company, a comprehensive plan of work is outlined. It proposes tlie build ing of forty-three miles of road to be in operation in November or iecember, and the issuing of $(150,000 of 6 per cent first mortgage bonds to meet the cost. Recent investigation haa demonstrated that, it is possible to get a grade of per cent at the summit, instead of the I per cent grade reported last fall. It has been found that the timber belt tributary to the first lorty-three miles of road it capable of furuiehing a revenue of $o00,000 annually lor at least ten con secutive years, against an interest charge of $32,600 on the basis of 6 per cent on 1050,000. The line it to be absolutely independ ent of all transcontinental connections, and its eastern terminus it to be at Port land. Two different routes for the road have been examined, one of which would reach the Willamette river at Oswego, and another that reaches Port land via Cornelius Gap. It is the pur pose of the promoters of the road to build to both Tillamook and Nehalem bays, the extreme length of the road to be eighty miles, bnt only forty-three utiles of 'it will probably be completed this year. After crossing the coast range summit the road follows down the 8Almonberry river and reaches the Lower Neha'lem river at a point eighteen miles above its mouth, where a branch line will be extended to Grand Rapids, the main line extending on down the river to Nehalem bay. It is expected that the road will be com menced at once and rushed with all pos sible haste to completion. T" .1... nAn. mmmIv fnrMstlvsnMS J.IJ. 1110 . . .......... w. , . , Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Every box guaranteed. Price 25 cents. For aale at the Bt. Helena Phar macy. Th Kabolf nf r.ViA rpniihlican nartv it should be said that Abraham Lincoln emancipated more colored men than tne democratic party has disfranchised. OASTOniA. Bears ta tigaatus of jt int amo ita nm nmjs noopi COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Cocktt TatAauasa'sOrrics, 8T. IlKi ans. Ok., Kay 1, 1901. NOTICE 18 HEREBY WIVES THAT ALL unpaid County Warrants of Columbia Connty, Oregon, which have been presented and endorsed- "Sot Paid for Want of Funds," prior to November 14. 1U0O, will be paid upon pre sentation at this office. Interest will not be allowed after this date. EbWIN KOoH, mamsl Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. ' ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. r-HE 0Nl)EE8IONE"bHA8 BEEN DULY AP X pultlfea oa ouminmrBiur oi me ic v,. O. C. Joqulsh, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon lor Columbia County, and haa daly qualified. All persona having claims against said estate are hereby notified to pres ent the same to me at my residence at Reaben, coiamma ouui j , ureaon, wiiu wupei .winn ers, within six months Irom this date. KAY E. WATTS, . Administrator of the estate of O. C. Joqulsh. deceased. J. C. Moreland, Attorney for Estate. Ma, 1901. inlOmai. Timber Land. Act June i, 187S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United 8 totes Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, April 26, 1901. XTOTICE 18 HEREHY GIVEN THAT IN COM I if nllnnca with the nrovisions ol the act of Congress of June 3. 187S, entitled "An act for tne Sale or limoer lonus in ne pwiiea oi iaiiui- uai nrnron. Nevada, and Washington Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land States by the act of August 4, 1K92. Prank Durbrey, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Ore gon, haa this dav Bled In this office his sworn statement No. &.194, for the purchase of the nwVj nl section No. SX. In township No. 4 north, range No a wm( and will oner proof to show that the laud sought is more voluabe for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to aald loud before the Register and Receiver ol mis omce tu uregon uny. Ore gon, on Saturday, the tth day of July, 1901. He names as witnesses: Burt Warren. Joseph W. Urbati, lames E. Gibbone, of Portland, Oregon. John s). Uibbons, of Kelso, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands ore requested to file their claims In Una office on or netore ssin-etn aoy oi juij 1901. mS-Jyd CHAo. B. MOOHEtj, Register. NOTICE OF FILING FINAL ACCOUNT. BT ASSIGNEE. In the matter of the assignment of A. P. Anrys and 8. H. Klstner, partners, doing busiuess under the nrm name ana atyie oi anrya a Vlna. Inanlvent itehtora. To the creditor of sold Anrys 4 Klstner, and to whomsoever It may concern, greeting. V"OU WILL P LEAKE TAKE NOTICE THAT X I. J. B. Iioan, oa tne aamgnee oi tne prop anv ni Mill Ann s & Kistner. have this day tiled In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia Couuty, my nnat account as soon as signee and that such final account will be taken up and heard and passed upon by Ihe said Court ik.i.Ai,nit- nntirt hMiisB In the cliv ol Ht. Hel ens, in the County of Columbia, III the State of Oregon, on Baturuay, tne im uay oi may, u. itini i the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as the matter can be so heard and pased upon ; also that sold as signee will then and there apply to the Court tor his discharge and for the release of the sure ties on his bond from all liability, upon the making of distribution of the assets then In his nanus, 11 any. Doted at the city of St. Helens, Oregon, this, April lath, 1901. J. B. DOAN. Assignee. 8. H. UKCBKR, Esq., Attorney lor the Assignee. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court of Ihe State of Oregon for Columbia Conntv. Avery J. Singer, plaintiff, vs. UI.U v.vHlxvn. ripfcndntiL To Minnie May singer, the above-named de- V v Ttl if VAMR n THE STATE OP OREGON: X You are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the cotuplatut Hied against you In the above-etitl'led cause. In the above entitled Court on or before the 14th day of June. 1901, which is the last dav of the publication of this summons, and if yoa fall to so appear and answer the said complaint, for want thereof the plaintln will appiv tome mun iora uecrec ior ever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you and plain tiff, upon the grounds of desertion for more than one year immediately before thecommence meat of this anil, end for such other relief as to the Court mav seem right and Just. This sum mons is pnbitehed in Thk Oregon Mibt tor a period of aix weeka. pursuant to an order mode bv the Hon. Thos. A. Mcllride. ludge ol said Court, on the J9th day of April, 1901, the dote of the first publication being May , 1901, and the date of the lost publicarlim being Juno 14th, 19U1, JOSEPH 4SCHLAOEL, ,,,8)14 Attorneys for the plaintiff. SsVsasySAV' uriTI MFATI MEAT! f -AT THE- City Market St. Helens, Orkoon LINDSAY & MORTON, PROP'S. DEALERS IN Fresh and Salt Meat. City trade, lomring camps, steam boats ana raiiroau wiuiiis supplied. ORDKHH FILLED ON SHORT NOTICE. ,.VaV's'V,1 ..Pure.. DRUGS Regular 25 cent Paper Back Novels ...Only 10 cents... St. Helens 9T.P 2J Ornc, Ho,,. ! MaeVs)BsSaasABassi a) .sas. ft AAA i ftysW S V IWr ' Information and Appointments by Mail. ROOMS 60 & 51, WASHINGTON BLDG., Southeist Cori 4th 4 Wash. Streets, 5th Floor, POKTLA-ISTD, OEEGOK TlTtBULEVATOR. . Quality and Variety 'Are two very important leaturea to take into consideration when one goes to procure articles lor everyday nse and consumption. To . our host of patrons we are pleased to say we have QUALITY, VARIETY AND QUANTITY. Our large and select stock affords tlie intending; pur chaser splendid opportunity to get the beat Dargains onerea GROCERIES, DRY Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, Dianaets, on doming, ieeu, uuur, guruou ec, uiuiii a1"""! garden implements, and dairy suppliea, etc. etc. COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. Goods Exchanged for Produce. Seasonable Goods At our store means that we keep constantly for sale a variety and quality of merchandise which at all times is suitable to the demand of all well-living people. We cater to all classes . LOGGER, FARMER, MERCHANT. General Merchandising Is our especial husiness, and we have held the fort " by offering a high qualtty of goods at low . quality prieee. We handle Household Necessities Supplies for everybody and to meet all demands. We invite examination of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and . l ' quality. Now is the time to call on " DilET vMLUCIOLK,. popIilar dealers. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. lav'SVSaytVS,'SV'SS4Vs at lAtiiiensi o. rIIOOroa"Br nDflfi ' .1 iinii.iui s aa. u 0 Manufacturers ...All Rinds of Rough 4 riaeirluf... Ituallc ...Celling; i AND af . ...Dlnaenian Lumber... 5 SCAPPOOSfl. - School Supplies. Paints, Oils, Glass. Stationery. Shelf Paper. School Books. California Perfumes. Notions. Toilet Articles, Etc. Orders taken for . Wall Paper From Sample Rooks Portland Prices Books of all kinds. Pharmacy. 'Phones j'iS $ ! Theodore S. Thomson, Dentist in wis vicinity. GOODS, CLOTHING, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cuttlerj , ST. HELENS, OREGON. una ajianr- kit aaw.... of sad Dealers lu o and Dressed Lumber... ; Mill on south fork of Scappoose ereek.fnur V miles Irom srappooae station. . . I.nmher deliverer! nl S' Kipooe ststlon or Johnson's laiHlliic st 11.00 per M, extra. Alt Warren station, si.ou. - . - ORKGON - -