The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 03, 1901, Image 3

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TW" Hiit Portland.
Tl0N-rtl'rn Coin
1i.,, milrod ownership ol the Fort-
'"'i X Jfl 2nd right of way on the
no Jl , attar of time wlwu North-m,l-.o
I? will lt" l-ortlMid by way
!"S W of follow!,,,, the
"V I. o,. tl.ln side of tho river.
0 i n,iorly real and personal of every
..tied out of II Ml-rtor coiirt, Iho
i..vnic been granted to 0. W.
Eire. , ol U Northern I'aolllo, to Mill-
j .mltf IllBllfc rwiiviv " - '
... In favor of A. I wnsiay, may a.
Ci Tim original MstiMOnt l for
m (k)0 and was HiB rvauUnf oindeinna.
nV In favor olA.IU
I ems' lino, now tits proper y ol
. Oreipm & Washlnjetoi. Railway Com.
rVanv through tho defendants' farm on
CZ'i river? In November, 1HM, the
Kent was renewed for 114,419.
ffl luoi, credit of t,78U
aS.hU.M balance of 117.101 till
I ... which l the amount ouyiik to be
iiowrwl, under tho execution. The
tadMiont I'M been .Iki.mI twice and
ihmlly Ml llW ''n1 ' i' W
PTlTi'ortlnd & lMgot fcmnd lUllway
hld franchise to build a bridge
.cross the Columbia river, and bad pro
ended so fnr Into tho matter to build
draw pier, Whllo this franchise baa
elrestly been forfeited It la believed that
U new owner will haro ho troublo In
orocorliiga renewal of the same, and
hit' would Indicate tho intention of the
Northern Incillo to take It Una Into
l-urtlatid by another way than over the
raid Irom Uoble.
It estimated that two year will bo
required for lha construction of tho
niia-lflcenl lel brldgo which la to span
thetJoluiubla at Vaucmi ver. but a alio an
Urinated that thoaaotlon of road between
Vancouver and Kalauio, which, is now
being rapidly pushed, will bo ituoiedete
ly rewarded with profitable Imslneea, aa
It traverses a fertile region, which at the
present ships larjo quantities of pro
dure to l'uget Sound via Portland. The
railroad company probably count on
hauling away to the east 200 ear loala of
prune, wuicn me wr
ionnty expect to harvest this year
The track between Portland and (ioblo
may be turned ove to the Astoria A
Columbia River Railway Company,
whtrh will handle the local trafflc, while
the Northern will likely continue to ne
it m a meant of reaching their main
line on the north thore with the traffic
out ol Nehalom valley. n,
KtHkero I'aclBe 8koHly U Toko it
tlea In tho Matter.
Mr. li. W. I'earce, aaltan, to Preel
dent Mellrn, ol the Northern Parltle, In
reply to a letter In regurd to a branch
line to HI. Ileli'tia, etalea thatjualat
preaent It i lmp"lble to withdraw
from their field work any of their tur
ttort, but imt at anon aa their preeent
underiakingii are arcoiuplialied, a aur
vevingcrew will lie tent here to view
out a route to conn with the main j
Hue near lloulton. Thie aecoinpllnlioil,
there will verv likely be tome good bue- j
Mti.t..Uliut l.i mil fill.
tent by the minimny. and we thonld
Und maily to meet them half way on
any reasonable propoeal to conitraet the
line to our town. With magnificent
frontage for factoriet and mill, good
booming facilltiea for logi, plenty of
deep water In the chanuel, amirding
thiiiping for all lite vceaela, the locution
ia inviting and undoubtedly will toon
lie ullliiod.
4 ...... .i--
1 Count Mat First ot the
l'reient Month. j
The firt teuton of the county court 1
tlnce the change in the law eelting the ;
time for holding court In thit county, it
now In aeuiion. Under tho old law I
court would not have meV until Wed
iitadav of next week, but the new law
aayi county court thai! convene In Co
Imnbia county on the flrat Wediieaday
In January, March, May, July, BepUtm
her and Noveuilier, and accordingly the
ineinbert of that bodv mot here Wediiet
day morning and proceeded forthwith
to do bminemi. Thlo fact may incon
venience tome people throughout the ;
oniy, out won ia rarely Happen mat
the flret day of the month for holding a
term of court would fall on Woduetday,
at it hat lor the very ft ret tcmion after
the low became operative. There It a
.good deal of county bunlneaa awaiting
the attention of the court, and thit t
ion will Ian very likely the entire week.
Tampered with Athloa't Machlaery.
The fait, tteamer Athlon, which was
taken off the l'ortland-Kainler run to
compete with the tpeedy tiyer. between
Tacom nd Seattle, ha evidently been
promoting trouble on her new ruu. Sat
urday afternoon the Athlonbecame die
ahled oft Mean Foint, while en route
from Seattle to Bremerton, nnd Invettl
gallon thawed that quantities of emery
dutt had been placed In the oil cant.
The machinery waa thoroughly over
hauled and cleamcd, and the pawiemreri
trentforred to the tteainor Pilgrim. The
Athlon wit unable to retnme tier tched
ule until the day following. The two
crack tteamert have uiade tevernl faet
fun, with a view to ostnbllthlng tpeed
rooordt, and rivalry between the admir
ort and crewt of tho two boats runt high.
I'nhappy Predicament of a Toorlat of
Great Taleut.
. Mr. Wonderlngw"illlo Watertank, a
broak-lein tourist ot picturesque mion
and petrifled gall, made his anjieurnco
on our ttreott at ait early hour Tuesday
morning and proceeded to ninko luisl
"SHU livoly among the local merchants
' a manner which I both orlgimtl and
Willie had a very large appetite for Bt.
Helens opodildoo ard a very siniill capl
tl with which to purohaie it, but lilt li
namilng ability soon oyoruinne n small
lifflonlty lika tiiat. ills desire for sheep
dip was slrongor than bis regit rd for en
tonuiry business methods, ao ho deuidod
-o suspend the rules until ho had seohr
oil the required amount of imose. Ao
eordlnglylia walked into Dr. Jay Ih'in
'ng's place of business and called for a
IjackHge of Pedro mink ing tobacco, wh lh
the accommodating doctor promptly gave
him. Willie thanked the doctor court
f usly and vanished through the dour mi
his way to Rlakualev A liliihardHniiV,
Y'i're ha "soaked" 'the tobacco for R
drink which he promptly landed licneiuli
his belt, h was several mlnuten bt'lorc
the paralyad doctor rouliand wh-il hod
happened, but when hodid Hnitlly "come
tcV. .''. rol-l for a cork-soruw with
which hedrew his breath, then heoleared
tho counter at a bound and started at a
Maud 8 gait for the corner, where he ar
rived about 11 feot and 2tt seconds too
ate to doanyeiiuctlve business. Willie's
llrst venture was such an el!rvoent
tiicoess that he decided It liuiht be tht
graft he long had sought and he tin
mediately stiirtifd out to interview the
other innrrhauU ot tho town, who.oach
n turn full Into the trap like a blind pun
In a tar barrel. Willie had all kinds of
fun nnd eoveral kinds of tarantula Juice,
but he finally went up against the roal
thing. Utj called twice on M. 0. Orny,
ol the pott ollke. both limns with exhil
eratlng success, but when he got absent
minded and culled the third time it was
Uioro than oven Mr. Urav'aitereiie nature
could stand, so he took Willie by Ihe left
ear and tropic of Capricorn and assisted
him to the door, punctuating the pro
ceeding with a few gentle kicks, which
landed in the region of Ills solar plexls.
Arriving at the sidewalk Willie was sale
ly landed In the gentle embrace of Mar
shal McKle, who escortod him out of
town and advised lilin to stay out hence
forward forever and anon.
Attorney Oonyers was up from Clats
kauie Wednesday.
John 0. Prlngle, of Ooble, wot In
town last Sunday.
Dr. Cnwood, the dentist, it in St. Hel
ens each Wednesday,
0. h, Parker and son, Albert, of Pitts
burg, were in town Tuesday morning.
T. J. Cleeton was down from Portlund
Tuesday looking after business matters.
Milt Marie Watte, nf finnnmau,
Ited relatives in tills cltv last Friday
Mrs. Nlanghler and Miss Daisy Wat
kins spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends at Mayger,
Tho case It reversed this time. None
ot the people took In the circus, tho cir
cus took In the people.
Rev. Mr. Phllbrook goes to Clackamas
and will not preach at Yankton and
Bachelor Plat next Sunday,
Tho comity treasurer has a call In
this issue for all outstanding warrants
endorsed prior to November 14th, llwO.
Fervlces will be held at the Episcopal
church in this city next Sunday even
ing, conducted by Mr. F. 8. Ursy, for
mer pastor.
Last week the type made an Item read
"May 13th" for the date ot the conven
ing of circuit court. It should have
read May 14th.
Aaaeoaor White has spent this week in
his ollice checking up his work. Hu has
the field work of the 1U01 assessment
about halt done.
Tlcginnlng Msy nth, the evening train
of the Astoria A Colombia River Rait
road will leave Union depot, i'ortland,
at 6:56 p. m. instead of 7:0U p. in.
Try the new remedy for rotlvenes,
Chnmborlnlti's Stomach and MverTalt
lets. Kvery box guaranteed. Price 25
cents. Fur tale at the St. Helens Phar
Mist Mabel Blackford, of Clatt
kanle, vielted the county school super
intendent last Salnrdiiy to procure a
permit to teach the summer school in
district No. l.
Do not fall to attend the school enter
tainment tomorrow (Satnrdnv) evening.
The proi-ceds will lie applied on the
school library mini, reriormance win
begin promptly at 8 o'clock.
Homo very large shad are being taken
this season. James Sheldon had ons on
display last Friday which weighed ten
pounds. This It considered an ex
tremely large fish ot that kind.
Gladys I-svcrne, the Infant daughter
ot Mr. ami Mrs. 1). W. Richardson, aged
17 dnvt, died of pneumonia last Friday
afternoon and was laid away at Odd
Fellowt' cemetery on Saturday.
John Baker, of Bachelor Flat, nnd 8.
P. Uallartl. of Pittsburg, who made tlnnl
proof on their hoinesteodt Inst August,
could receive the patent to their land by
applying to the Oregon City laud olBce
Last Friday Judge Bollinger, of the
Untied Statet District Court, made an I
order to have thirty trial jurors drawn
to appear on May 27th. J. u. uouirey,
of St. Helens, it the only one from Co
lumbia county.
On Thursday evening a number of
ladies from the local Rath bone temple
paid a fraternal visit to the tomple at
Rainier, where several Initiations wero
conducted. A pleasant time it reported
by those who attended.
Mrs. I. II. Copland, of lloulton, it
tpending tome time at Albany, assist
ing In the care of her aged mother, whote
physical condition is said to be very
critical. Mrs. Copeland will probably
remain away some time.
Lieutenant Pat Mnllay, who has been
doing service In the Philippines, visited
his uncle, Mr. John Dolan, of Warren,
a day or two last week. Lieut. Mullsy
has a three-monthi furlough, and will
tpend most of the time with reiatlvet
In the Eatt.
made final proof on hit homestead, I
.. .. r H 1'it
clerk Monday, for the southeast H ol
tho northeast H of section 80, In town
ship 6 6. His witnesses wero h. R.
Throop and W. C. Klchman.
Superintendent Copeland will begin
tomorrow tending out topics of the
eohool lawt to director and clerks of
school district. There are many yery
Important changes in the school laws
audit is necessary that school oftlcers
familiarise themselves with the changes.
Tho sheriff had tome minor repair
mtdo to the court houte this week.
Thit wat necessary in order to have a
place in which to hold circuit court next
month. Th windows were fall ng out
and tho door were caving in, but it ha
beenpatohed up so a to answer the
The teacher institute for this county
will be held thit year Into l
very early In July, verv likely at
Ralnlor. 'Superintendent C"peland
arranging matter now for th coming
Institute, and at soon as ha can asecr.
tnin definitely who he can obts it as li -ttrnctor,
the date and place will be de
cided upon. .
Mr. Hugh- Smith and family, of Con-
n irht to visit wim
.t' L.. vvi.lm. and family, for some
llli IT. IW
while Kansas
!'"B- .. w' YJ- a orctty good
U.era&r'.ll.and he I. n' '
to remain there. Tholr visit here will
extend well Into the summer.
Mist Flnloy Is devoting much time
aud euergv to the preparation of a tu t
ab e ai.dentei laii.lng programme to be
"um expenses which
tJPUT W ' . I,' .,
It has beun ncoccssary to Incur.
....iifuii'ni'H to timiiiiu
and they should ho cncouragi'd by it lll
MORTa age tax Ijaw rulino
County Clerk Maintains That Interest
Hnst be Paid.
Monday was a busy and financially
profitable dny in the comity clerk'sof
(Ice. Mr. B. Nixon, receiver of the
Portland Havings Hank, an institution
which once flourished, but which has
for some years been iiisolvonl, was in
town paying up old scoree and attempt
ing to gut the imrtltutioii'i affairs into
tangible shape. Thit county't officers
may bo well enough pleased that Mr.
Nixon came, because he left oonsldm
able money before ho got away. Hit
total liquidation amounted to aMl.t H
Of thit amount tJ0.78 was back taxes,
the county holding a lien against the
lands on which the defunct banking in
stitution held mortgagee for that amount.
Another important item in this con
nection is the (act that Mr. Nixon also
paid over gLUO of mortgage taxes, which
heretofore had been conaidered worth
less by the county, but which the su
preme court has recently ruled to lie a
legitimate and valid claim. This county
holds about 112,000 of such liens, but as
county resources this had uever been
estimated. Mr. Nlxon'e payment of
2tH) demonstrates the fact that the sev
eral amounts due the county on mort
gage taxes can be collected, and here
after there may reasonably be expected
a large income from this source.
There is a great deal of dlscu-sion
throughout the state concerning the law
enacted by the last legislature regard
to the collection of back taxes at the
sale which the sheriff ie directed to con
duct in July, ot all lauds on which the
county holds liens. The law is con
strued by tome to mean that only
taxes and rostt of tale are to be had
from the sale, without the statutory in
terest, but Clerk Watts refuses to Issue
redumption certificates until the whole
t mon nt against the landa, including the
penalty interest of thirty per cent is
paid. He maintains, and we believe
correctly, that be Is held responsible for
tho entire amount, including the stated
interest, therefore he refuoes to do busi
ness until everything chanted against
the lands has been liquidated. In case
the county cannot colluct the thirty per
cent it will be compelled to lose nearly
$6,000, as It holds about $16,000 of liens
gainst lands.
As a matter of fact, the county can
force the payment of the thirty per cent.
The county judge is empowered to bid
the lauds in again at the July sale, and
bis bid can be big'i enough to include
the thirty per cent interest. After July
1st there Is no longer any question re
garding the matter.
Since the prospective condition of the
county, in a financial tense, is to flutter
ing, an excellent opportunity is afforded
to proceed in the very neur future with
the erection of a good court house.
The county it practically out of debt,
and if, at the supreme court holds, tho
mortgage tax it collectible, that alone
will give the county 112,000, and as the
July tale of property for delinquent
taxes will undoubtedly bring in (12,000
or tlO.000, there will lie no other use for
the money except to invest It in roads
and public buildings, one as necessary
as the other. With tho start already in
the direction ot better roads it will not
be but two or three years, under the
preeent system, until the principal thor
oughfares throughout the county will be
In prime condition, meantime a suitable
county building can have been built
without extra burden of taxation. In
fact, the outlook lor the county from a
rinsm-lii! point of view is most encour
aging. Reading Circle! Final Meeting,
Last Friday evening, at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs.' J. tf. Watts, the exercises
were conducted which brought to a close
for this season the meetings of the St.
Helens Reading Circle. These exercises
were along the lines of a review of the
season's work, in the form of a library
party, where each participant represent
ed by costume or other means, the title
of a book or author, it beiiiK the duty of
each other participant to guest the title
of the ibook or author . Host Wotta iao-
ceeded in capturing the first pHse, hav
ing guesseu nineteen cui oi tniriy-iwu.
After these festivities a game of pro
gressive hearts was indulged in, twelve
bunds being- utaved. Mr. R. A. McCall,
of lloulton, vas the winner of the first
nrlxe at hearts. Refreshment were
served by the hostess, when the festivi
ties were brought to a clote.
Logging Railway Active.
Messrs. Cannon & Day, of the Goble,
Nehalem A Pacific Railway, have a crew
of 60 men at their camp six miles west
of Uoble, and are delivering about 60,
000 feet of logs a day at the river. They
have just received an order for 170,000
linear feet of piling 70 feet in length and
16 Inches diameter at the top. It is un
derstood that grading will be resumed
about the tenth of May, as'the supply of
timber accessible to the present termi
nus of the road Is about exhausted and
it is necessary to extend the road farther
Into the Interior in oruei to reacn a new
tupply. The present crew is able to
HUppijr Will - I " , , ,
which the road, la able to haul to the
river. ' 1
C. W., J. K. Blnkeslny and others of
our town took in "The Kvil Eye" in
Portland Wednesday evening.
Mrs. 8. B. Henderson will leave Houl
ton today for Ulottcestor, Muss., where
she goes oxpeftting to make her future
home with her nieces. Mrs, Henderson
has a host of friends here who regret
hor departure, but wish for her content
ment and happiness during her declining
days in her chosen home.
A sad case of drowning occurred nt
Clatskanle Tuosd.ty when the two-year-old
son of Mr. and Mr. Ueorge Milliard
strolled nwuv from the house ami fell
Into the river. The mother and father
wero both absent, from home, the young
son being left with an older sister. The
famllv reside near Bureau's mill, and
the bbdy of the child was recovered a
abort distance below the house.
The attention of our roadori is di
rected to the advertisement in another
column this week of Lindsay A Morton,
proprietors of tho St. Helens meat mar
ket, and dealers In all kinds ot fresh
ami salt meats. Tlwse gontleinen are
conducting a strictly up-to-date estab
lishment, and are prepired at all times
to supply not only the family trade .of
the cltv and vicinity, but will furnish
meats 'In large quantities for logging
camps, railroad oainps, steamboats and
surveying crews.
Messrs. E. E. Quick aud 8. H. Grirber
started hist Thursday on a jaunt to Ne
hitlem valley to attend to what they
considered pressing business matters.
Mr, Quick returned the next day. and
Mr. Uiuhcr mav be back, but we have
not, st-en blni. Quick traveled about
town tor two or three days in e, some
what demoralised condition, lie re
minded us of the character of the En
glish correspondent In the story of
Michael Sti'ogoir. who, nftor riding
uluhtv miles on the hurricane deck or a
Jaf k, said J "Pull it out from under me."
K. E. Quick, administrator, told by
public auction, Tuesday, the real estate
belongiug fi John Hendricks, deceased.
The sale was well attended, hut bidding
did not become very spirited. Jesse
Hendricks, brother of deceased, pur
chased the property, the consideration
being (.'100. There are eighty acres in
the tract, twelve acres cleared, fenced
and in fruit, with over a million feet of
yellow fir timber standing on the prem
ise. The purchaser got a bargain.
Dr. J. S. Glltner. of Portland, was In
this city Wednesday attending to busi
ness matters. Dr. Giltner is an exten
sive land owner in this county, and is
watching the movements of the railroad
companies and other porjecta of a de
veloping nature with a keen Interest.
Besides several hundred acre of valua
ble timber, the doctor own some land
on which he says there are extensive
coal cropping, and the building of the
road to Pittsburg will assist wonderfully
In developing his holdings.
James Adams, supervisor of road dis
trict No. 14, was in town Wednesday In
terviewing the county court in regard to
allowing some assistance for the im
provement of the road from Pittsburg
toward St. Helens. Mr. Adam state
that the funds for that district are not
sufficient to penult, of a very thorough
course of work being done on the roads,
and as the road leading from Pittsburg
to St. Helens is one of the most import
ant thoroughfares in hi district the
people feel that they and their super
visor are justified In asking some aid.
Biliousness is a condition character
ised by a disturbance of the digestive
organs. The stomach is debilitated, the
liver torpid, the bowels constipated.
There is a loathing of foxl, pains in the
bowels, dizziness, coated tongue and
vomiting, first ot the undigested or
partly digested food and then of bile.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
let allay the disturbances of tho stom
ach and create a healthy appetite. They
also tone up the liver to a healthy action
and regulate the bowels. Try them and
yon are certain to be much pleased with
the result. For sale at tho St. Helens
Department of th Interior.
Land Of rics at Oaoooa City. Oa.,
April a), 1901.
fullowliii aained asttler h as Hied notice of
his tnteutlou to make final proof In support of
his claim, ant thai MiWl proof wilt be made be
fore the Iteiiiaterawl Receiver, at Oregon City,
Oregon, on Jun li. luoi, via:
Homiteat eutry Ho. 11.473, for thn of auc
tion K4, tp 4 moth, range 4 went. Ha names the
followluif wiineHfeo to prove his continuous res
Idem' upon and cultivation of said land, vis:
Boren Jxppenou, Peter Hoffmau, Charlie U. Nel
son, ami Allien Thivlerge, all of Haeona, Ore
gon. aSinSl ( HAH. B. MOORE8, Kaglster,
Department of the Interior.
Lamu orrtct at OasooM city. Oa.
April ith, MM.
Al foliowf ng-uanied pettier has fllad notice of
his Intention to make float proof In support of
his claim, and that safd proof will be made be
fore the county olerk of Columbia eouuty, at bt.
Helens, Oregon, on June 5th, lisd, vis:
Homestead sntry No. It. 448, for the se of sec
tion S, tp 4 north, reuse S west. He names the
folltttlng wllneHxea to prove his continuous rea
dlence upon and cultivation ot aald land, vl:
R. 8, Faxon and Gnat Andenton.of Yanltion, Or
eaon, and Julius Floater and Andrew Kenow
aki, of Valley, Oregon.
-tt,mH ell A3. B. MOORES. Register.
Timber Und, Act Junt S, 1878
United States Und OfB.ce,
Orgnn Cltv, Oregon. April 33rd, 1901.
pliance with the provisions ol lha act of
Cougren of June 1, 1870. entitled "An act for the
aaleof timber landa In theSla'es of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and WnNblngton Territory,' aa
extended to all the Public Land Hlatea by act of
Auguat 4. lxwi, Joseph II. Urban, of Portland,
Coualy of Multnumali, state of Oregon, haa this
day tiled In Uits oftiee hla sworn atatameut No.
Mvl, for the purchase ol the svr4 of acutiou No.
', In township No. 4 north, range No. S west,
Willamette Meridian, and will utter proof to
how that the laud ouht Is more valuabe for
lu Umber oratons thitu for ogrleitltural pur
poaea, and to eatabllah his t'liviui to aald laud be
fore the Kegluer eud Kovelverc.l this Ortiee on
Saturday, the liih Ua' of July, WOl. He names
as witneaaea: Hurt Warren, of Portand, Ore
gon, John S. Glbbonn, of Kelio, Oregon, James
Olbbons, and JirneM V. iturwlcit, of Portland,
Oregon. Any and all peraunx claiming adverse
ly th above'riewrlbiHl lands are requested to
file their claims in this otiloe ou or before aald
tli day uf July, 11101. CH A8. B. MuOKKS,
aaejjS tteglater.
Timber Land. Act June 8, 1878.
United States Land Offloe,
Oregon City, Oreiton. April JSnl, 1001.
pliauco with the provisions uf th sot of
Congrms ot Jiiue , IH7S. euUUwi "An act for th
sale of timber landa in the tilatet ol California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washing-tun Territory," as
exiended to all the Public Und Stales by act of
August 4, WW, Burt Warren, of Portland, otrnnty
of Multnomah, State f Oregon, haa this day
lied in thlaoltlve htsaworn iaemeut No. WW,
for th purchase of th ne'4 ot eectivn No. SI, in
township No 4 north, rang No. S west, and will
oiler proof to show that the land sought is mora
valuable for Its timber or slou ill mi for agri
oultiiral purpoKOS, aud to establish his claim to
said laud beioi-e the Register and Heceivar of
this utile at Oregon City, Oregon, on 8altiiday,
th 6th day of Jul v, lyul. lie names aa wit
nesses: Jaa. K. Olbbons, Joseph H. Urban,
l-.niest V. Herwlck.of Pnrtlaud.oregon, and John
8. Uibhons, of Kelso, Oregon. Any and all per
suns claiming adversely Ihe above-described
lamia am requested to til their claims in this
ollice ou or before said 6th day of July, 1901
wS )a CllAS. h MOOHKS, Register.
Department ot th Interior.
rjiTtntirTKLAaoorMcs, ;
orshon city, or., April aa, woi.
A sutUelent contest affidavit having ba.u tiled
In thia ottlce bv Nura Conyers, oonteataut,
against homestead entry No ll.i'il, nia-ic July
10. istw, for N Ki of section , Township 6 Norih,
Range 8 West, uy Jacob H. Lund, ooutestoe, In
which II la alleged that eontestant "knows the
present condition of the same; also that said
Var,Ki.iimt has abandoned aald tract of lnud
for more than one year lat past, and that he haa
neither resided upon nor cultivated snid land for
one year IIISI pasi uoroas any meiiiuerv. .its ..-
II v, er any oue else resided iivon or cultivated
ih.hM hunt far him. Thnt his nresent resi
dence ia 'o me unknown, and that said alleged
absence from th aald land was not due to his
employment In the Army, Navy, or Marine
i:orps Ol in vunni Dime. ne m pin piw
Ataxu utmin i.r murliin. ilurtmr the War With
Spain, or during any other war lu which the
United States may bo engaged," aald pattleaar
hereby uotllled to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching said alienation atgoolook
&m. ou Juno lli. ll'Ol, before the Register and
eoeiver at th Uulted 8tatos Land Oittoe in
nwimn tMiv. Omffnn. The said contestant hav
ing. In a proper altldavlt, filed April Ui, luoi, set
forth facta which show that after due diligence
personal service ol this notice cannot nemane,
it is hereby ordered and directed tal such
notice be given, by oue ana pnisir ptiunuawou,
a' Wat. WALLOWA Y, Receiver.
Stanwood & Sherman Bros.
-MANtirACTUjtiiHs or- -
Bridga Timbers and
Ties a Specialty.
We msnnfsetnr flrst-tslaas rough lumber
for all purposes for the trwte, which we
ell at a most reasonable tlguie.
Dimension Lumber.
Price at the Mill, $5 Per M
Pays 91,400 for Forty-Acre Tract
Adjoining Pittsburg.
Chehalis, Washington's mayor and
banker, Mr. Francis Donahue, is pur
chasing more Mebaletn land. He was
in this city Mouday and while here con
summated a deal whereby he becomes
the owner of a forty-acre tract of land
on Nehalem river, about one-fourth of a
mile above fitte burg, formerly owned
by Ueorge Pearson. The price paid by
Mr. Donahue would indicate that tie
wanted the land very much, the consid
eration being $1400. The tract, we are
told, ia to be laid out for a townsite,
its location rendering it an ideal spot
for such a purpose. -
Mr. Donahue baa recently become in
possession of several hundred acres of
laud in the vicinity of Pittsburg, which
would indicate that be ha unbounded
faith in tho development and upbuild
ing of that part of the county at a near
by time. His acquaintanceship with
the methods and manners of the North
ern Pacific officials in conducting their
business would seem to bo the urging
motive for his heavy investments in
that section, and stimulates the belief
that very soon the Northern's track will
lie extended to Pittsburg. In fact, we
were this week informed that grade
stakes are now being set on the survey
which is being made from Scappooeo
toward Pittsburg.
All this Is good news to an anxious
public, which has patiently waited
these many years for means of trans
portation in and out of Nehalem valley,
and should this hope be finally realized
within the next year the wisdom of Mr.
Jtonahue's actions in acquiring title to
such choice tracts of land will then be
In connection with this matter wo
might state that that six years ago
eighty acres of the same quarter section
in which Mr. Donahues latest purchase
ie located, sold for 1100.
a im tm ins raw r,mi wsjgt
Coohty Tasisi'Eaa's orricc,
ST. H elcns. Oa.. May S, 1901.
unpaid County Warrants of Colombia
County, Oregon, wblcb have been presented
and endorsed- "Not Paid for Want of Funds,"
prior to November 14, 1W0. will be paid upon pre
sentation ai tbls ollice. Interest will not be
allowed after tbla date. KDWIN KOSS.
ntamSl Treasurer of Columbia County. Or.
In the Connty Court ot th State of Oregon, In
and for Columbia uouncy.
In the matter uf the estate of John Kettering,
Ketterlnr. th administrator of th estate
of John Kettering, deceased, has rendered and
presented for settlement, and Med in said court
hla flual account of his administration of said
state, and that th 7th day of May, 1901, at i
o'clock, p. m., at the court room of said Court,
at tbe court house. In the City of Bt. Helens, ia
said Coauly and Stale, has been appointed by
the Judge of aald Court, for th settlement of
aald final account, at which time and place any
person interested in said astat may appear and
tile objections to such Anal account aud settle
ment tneraoii ana contest me same.
aome H.j.aniiKnii.u,
Administrator. .
Dlllard & Day, Attorneys for Administrator.
Timber Land, Act Jane S, 1878.
Dntted States Laud Offlve,
Oregon City, Oregon, April M, 1901.
Dliauca Willi the nrov islona of th art of
Congress of June t. 1S7S, entitled "An act for
th sale ot timber lands In the Stales uf Callfor
nai. Oration. Nevada, and Waahinston Terri
tory," as exiended to all the Public Land 8tates
oy in actoi Angus a, isiu, rrsus uurorey, oi
Cortland, county of Multnomah, Bute of Ore
on. has this dar filed in this office hli sworn
statement No. AS94, for the purchase of th tnii
of section No. 82. in township No. 4 north, range
No. west, and will oner prooi to snow mat in
land aouaht la more valnabe for Its timber or
toe than for earl cultural purposes, and toes
tabllsh his claim to aald land before the Register
aud Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore
gon, on Satnrday, the Sth day ot July, 1901. He
namea aa witness: nun rfarren.aui.epn v.
1 1 . 1 r - IT Ijlkhnn. a Amm.1,
John 8. Ulbhnna, of Kelso, Oregon. Any and
sll persons claiming adversely th above-described
lands are requested to file their claims
in tuts otnee ou or oeiore saio oia uar m .luiy.
1S01. mS-Ji'S CHA&. B. MOOK&S, Register.
In the matter of the assignment of A. P. Aurrs
sua n. 11. tvlstnar, partners, uomg ouaiuess
nnder th firm nam and style of Anrys
k'txtner. Insolvent debtors.
To the creditor of said Anrys A Kistner, and to
whomsoever It msy concern, greeting.
I I.J. B. IMAii. as th asalanee of th prop-
arty of said Anrys Klatnar, have this day It led
In th Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for
Columbia Comity, my linal account as such as
signee and that such rlnal account will be taken
up sua neara ana pasrou upon uj ma bhuwiuf.
. I'nntttv rmirt hbltu. fit th (tttV of Hfc. Hel
ens, tn Ihe County of Columbia, lu the Stat of
urcgou, on etaiuruey, tne low uay ui aiy, a. v.
luoi, at the hour of 10 o-clock In th forenoon of
that day, or aa soou thereafter as the nistter can
be so henrd and poa-edupon; also that satd as
signee will then aud ther apply to the Court
for hla discharge and for the release nt the sure
ties on hla bond from all liability, upon the
making ot distribution of th assets then In hla
hands, if any.
Dated at the city ot St. Helens, Oregon, this,
April lsth, luoi. J. B. DO AN, Assignee.
S. H. UKUBhR, Esq., Attorney for tbe Assignee.
suuhons ar puuication.
In th Circuit Court of th Stats of Oregon tor
Columbia County.
Avery J. Singer, plaintiff,
Minnie May Singer, defendant
To Minute May Blngar, th above-named da-
J. Yon ar hereby summoned and required to
appear and answer th complaint tiled against
you In the abov ntl'led cause. In the above
entitled Court on or before th 14th day of June,
IU01, which is the last dar ot the publication uf
this aninmona. and If yoa fall to so appear and
answer th sold complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will applv to the Court tors decree for
ver dissolving th bonds of matrimony now
and heretofore existing between you aud plain
tin", upon the grounds of desertion for more
than one vear Immediately before theeommence
ment ol this suit, and for such other relief as to
the Court mav seem right and Just. This sum
mons ts published In THS Oasooa Mist fora
period of six weeks, pursuant tn an order made
l.v lh. Unn Till... A. Mellrlde. ititlar nl said
Court, on the 9Uth day ef April, 1001, the date of
th llrst paw inatlon using stay s, in, aim uie
dm of Ui last nubllrailnu being Juno Uih,
1118JI4 Attorneys for th plaintiff.
-At THK-
City Market
Sr. Hki.ens, Obkoon
Fresh and Salt Meat.
r i '
City trade, loRSting ramps, steam-
boats and ran roan tBiups
.Regular 25 cent
Paper Back Novels
' ...Only 10 cents-
St. Helens
Information and Appointments by Mail.
Sontheist Cor. 4th A Wash. 8treeU, Sth Floor,
Quality and variety
Are two very important features to take into consideration when one goes
to procure articles for everyday oso and consumption. To
oar host of patrons we are pleased to say wo have t
Our large and select stock affords tlie intending pur
chaser splendid opportunity to (ct the best .
bargains offered in this vicinity.
Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, saints, oils, glass, crockery, cuttlerj ,
blankets, oil clothing, feed, flour, garden seeds, orchard grass,
garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc.
Goods Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, OREGON.
Seasonable Goods
- 'i. ' t Mi" A iisuiiuji ;
At our store means that we keep constantly for sale a variety and quality
of merchandise which at all times is suitable to Die demand
of all well-living people. We cater to all classes
General Merchandising
Is our especial business, and wo have held tho fort
by offering a high qualtty of (roods at low
quality prices. Wo handle '
Household Necessities
Bnpplies for everybody and to meet all demands. We invite examination
of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and
quality. Now is the time to call ou
luMMWiiiiuwis m wvsaaswwas saasa ssiiwvihu
o Maitufsrtitrern
..ill Kinds of Rough
riaarlMt... Kisalla ...CillH;
KD .-
...Dlatsa.l.u luiuber...
lUUUa4 WWsV ,-oyfVSj
School Supplies.
Paints, Oils, Glass.
Shelf Paper.
School Books.
California Perfumes.
Toilet Articles, Etc.
Orders taken for
Wall Paper
from Sample Books
Portland Prices
Books of all kinds.
Theodore S. Thomson,
uf ami liealara III a
end Dressed Lumber...
Mill no sttmti fork nf yeuvHMw erevk.fuur t
aillc.i froui Seautiwiaa alailiui, ,
l.umter V liver.! nt HtHipOfwe station or 1
jnniison s itiiiitiiiff si si-uu uar m. exua. ai
" urroll ataljuii, Sl.lsl.
. - -
UltaS'.OOM 4