Family Seereta. "Those people In front of our cage mt they are descended from us," ob served tha First Monkey. "Well," commented the Second Monkey, "we arc about the only ones of their anrestora that tbey will pay admission to see. Baltimore Sun. Swallowed Hii raise Teeth. A man recentlv sallwel hi false teeth and ft dnive him mad. Monmrha will eland a great deal, hut not rrrryihiti. If vou re li weak trv llo-lrttrr rUniuaru, Hiiters, Itftirea iiiditvttiuii, constipation, kidney and liver mniolea, aa rll an ma laria and fever and aitue. I i particu larly etteciiv in all nervous anectiona. and i airunglv reniiitnieiided at this eea- ui ol Hin vt-nr lieu tne a stem la run down and nnwi auaceptibla to disease. All arupgiDts Keep it. Immersion. "Go bury thy Borrow!" said I. The man bowed hla head and went hla way. That night I came upon him drinking heavily. "la thia the way you bury your tor row?" I aaid. . "Hush! thia la a burial at sea aaid the man, with a bitter, haunt- Inn emtio. I felt much pity for him. thereup on, and would have had something had he asked me. Detroit Journal. ALUM BAKING POWDER. Declared by tha Court to be Umnshole- aome, and Ita Sale In Violation of the Pur Pood Law. A case In the courta of Davenport, Iowa, the other day appears to have fixed the status of the alum baking powders as an illicit article of trade. It seems that The Pure Food Co, of Chicago, sold to a firm of grocers la Davenport a quantity of baking pow der called "Pure Food Baking Pow der." The grocers sold same of It, ascertained that it was an alum pow der, returned the powder unsold to the manufacturers and refused to pay for it. The manufacturers sued to col lect. The case was tried before Judge Bollinger and a Jury. Attorneys Neal Neal, and S. A. Finger defended the grocers. It was shown that the pow der contained alum. The defence claimed, consequently, that it was in jurious to health and that traffic in It was against public policy. Expert testimony was introduced to show that alum when taken into the stomach would influence the gastric Juices to the detriment of the person using It. The Jury rendered a verdict for the defendants, which means that alum baking powders are deleterious to health, their sale Illegal in the state. The pure food law of the state are upheld. A Cass of Contagion. She Do you believe In this theory about spreading disease by kissing? He Well, they say there's aome thlng in it. "Did you ever catch anything by kissing a girir "Yes, once; my father saw me at It." Yonkers Statesman. IT TIE AFTER EFFECTS HIDE LIFE IIS- ERMLE FOB 1 YEAH. Ob. mt the Pecalaritiee mt m Diseaee That Will Mot Slay Cored-How II Wu Drive Oat. From Reporter-Journal, Gardiner, He. Grip often leads to pneumonia. More frequently it will appear to be cured but leaves the patient broken In health, short of breath after slight exertion and affected by every change of weather a fit subject for the many diseases induced by the in clemency of early spring. How this may be avoided, how the system may be cleansed of the linger ing after-effects of grip and put in condition to ward off disease la best told in the words of one who Is able to apeak from experience. Mr. Sum ner Cross, of 80 Mechanic street, Gar diner, Me., says: "A severe attack of the grip, about five years ago, left me in a very bad state. I could not sleep and I had no appetite. My head felt heavy, and I was rather dizzy at times. Changes of the weather seemed to have a bad effect upon me and I was miserable most of the time. "I had been like this for a year when a lady, who had beard me com plain, recommended Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People. Shortly after thia I had occasion to go to Bangor and there I bought six boxes of the pills. While taking the second box I began to feel benefited. When I had taken them all I felt so much better that I bought six boxes more, and I have always considered the money I paid for them well spent. I would not be without them. "I shall always speak of Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills for Pale People in words of praise, for they are an hon est medicine. I recommend them be cause I know that they are all they are claimed to be." (Signed) SUMNER CROSS. Subscribed and sworn to before me. Z. F. LITTLE, Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, par tial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sci atica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, after-effects of the grip, palpitation of the heart, pale and sal low complexion and all forms of weak ness either in male or female. Sold by all dealers, or sent direct from Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., SO cents per box, or six boxes for 2.50. TOTJ KNOW WHAT YOU ARK TAKIMO i Wbra rod take Grove'a Taateleaa Chill Tonic, Decauie tbe formula ia plainly printed on evenr bottle ihowlnit that it la limnlr Iron and Qui. Bute In a taiieiew form. No cure, So ray. doc. For the Occasion. "Please look pleasant," remarked the photographer. Snap went the camera. "And now, ma'am," be continued, vou may resume your natural ex pression." Philadelphia Times. (larfleld Tea purifim the blood, reitulalea the dijrenttve organ and promote rood health. It la the herb medicine that baa been oaed saccetaluliy for many ream. A Fortunate Reminder. "Do you expect to have a pair of samples of every living creature in that ark?" asked one of tbe Jeering spectators. "From A to Izzard!" emphatically responded Noh. "Ah! that reminds me," he exclaimed. "The zebra!" And be instantly dispatched a corps of hunters to South Africa. Chicago Tribune. i Lu.ili Vtiitrtfe i Cough Sjrup. In time. tr.lrt br drusrrt.ti. WHY THE TWAIN fJTSPUTEB. Joha Ball Tbaaght of Bill, the Clerk ofHabjr. "How much?'' asked Arthur P. Rag lan of Leeds, England, offering to pay his bill. "Nine pounds," answered Clerk How ard L. Duller of the St James liotel, smlllug and bowlug. The eyes of Mr. Raglan, which had shone pleasantly, now glared, and hit yellow mustache curled up perceptibly as astonishment contracted bla uppei j Hp. "Why, It was only labst night "j "So," corrected Mr. Dalley, atlU; beaming proudly over bla leak at Mr. j Raglan, "yesterday morning at ' o'clock." ! "But I tell you It was lahst night at supper time," persisted tha Briton, bit. voice rising Into a roar. "Well, I reckon I ought to know," retorted Mr. Dalley indignantly. Indeed. And dayon't you think I ought to knayow aomethlng abayoul itr You? Why, what the devil hav you got to do with it? It's my baby and it'a a girl, and It weighs nitH pounds," came back the clerk, bla own 'dander" rising higher. "Nayow, did anybody ayver bear th like?" exclaimed the Englishman, apos trophlxing the world at large. "Uere I come and put up ayover night. Va ready to start and I absk the amount of me bill and this fayllow charges n nine payounds 4J and when I tel him I've been here since lahst night and he disputes me wayord, tells m I've been here since yesterday morn Ing, and, when I tell hlui I knayow better, he begins to talk abayout glr babies Instead of me bill." Who said anything about a blllr demanded Mr. Dalley. "Why. I did. you blockhead I'm en deavoring to talk abayout it nayow.1 But I'm speaking of my baby, my little girl, first, you know " "Oh, blow your baby!" cut In th Britisher. "I want to nay me bill. "Ob, I see." said the clerk, blusblnf furiously. '"AH right." he added, angei rising In him again, "pay your bill, bui don't tell me to blow my baby. 1 won't stand that from any man." Nor will I stand a charge of 0 fot a night's lodging and a breakfast," re turned Mr. Raglan. The new and deeply Injured fathei said no more, but collected 1.50 ami the Englishman went out huffily. "I haven't got any prejudice against Englishmen," remarked Mr. Dalley bit terly to the sympathetic bellboy whc came to answer a ring for hot water "but If ever I saw a more heartless and unfeeling wretch than that it was In a dream." Denver Port. THIS BRIDE WAS VOX AT THE SIEGE OF PEKIN Cupid braved the dangers at Pekln. where Mary Conger Pierce, niece of Minister Conger, lost ber heart to Lient j Harold Hammond, of the Ninth Infan- HISS MART COXOEB PIEBCC. ry, during the siege. In tbe midst ol aar and disaster the courage displayed : Miss Pierce and the witchery of net !oveiy face completely captivated the brave lieutenant Before tbe Congers 'eft China a betrothal dinner was giv ?n in their honor. Miss Pierce Is an or phan, and comes from Rushville, I1L Spending la Hometimea Baring. The true end of statesmanship la to promote tbe greatest public welfare, whether this means saving dollars or spending dollars. When economy will contribute to this welfare economy is good, but where It will cripple some important branch of public service then economy is bad; and tbe public official who tries to make a record In defiance of this fact is no real friend to public welfare. Where sinecures exist, or utM'li-ss political "job" commissions, or where waste occurs by poor organi zation of tbe service, then economy and reorganization are in order; but where important work would be less effec tively done by arbitrarily abolishing offices and reducing tbe number of em ployes, then tbe path of statesmanship Is to point out tbe grounds for distin guishing between tbe two cases and shape policies accordingly. Gunton'a Magazine. Lasting Qualities of Wood. The nary department recently con cluded some tests for tbe purpose of demonstrating tbe lasting qualities of wood used In warships treated with the flreprooflng process. Samples taken from the torpedo-boat Wlnslow were employed in the tests. Tbey bad been In nse for five years. Tbe report show ed that tbe wood bad lost none of Ita anti-fire qualities. Their Taste Goes Wrong. Even tbe best Judges of tobacco can't always be depended on. Sometimes their taste goes back on them, so to speak, and remains blunted for a week at a stretch. Professional samplers of tobacco take a week off every few months and never look at tbe weed until they return to duty. In that way they keep In condition. Infantile Pessimism. Aunt Emma Well, Mary, I haven't seen you for a long time. I bear tbat you bave a little sister at your bouse. I suppose she cries sometimes. Little Mary Cries? I should say she does! Wby, I never saw anyone tbat appeared to look on tbe dark side of things as she does! Puck. Many a man is toasted whs neods to I be roasted. CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. Remarkable Experience of a Prominent Statesman. CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON GIVES PE-RU-NA A ENDORSEMENT. ( H I CONGRESSMAN MKF.Kl.S0X, OF OHIO. Hon. David Meeklson is well known, not only in his own state, but through out America. He began his political career by serving four consecutive terms as mayor of the town in which he lives, during which time he be came widely known as the founder of the Meekison Bank, of Napoleon. Ohio. He was elected to the fifty-fifth con gress by a very large majority, and Is the acknowledged leader of his party In his section of tbe state. Only one flaw marred the otherwise complete success of this rising states man. Catarrh with ita insidious ap proach and tenacious grasp, was bis only unconquered foe. For thirty years he waged unsuccessful warfare against this personal enemy. At last Pe-ru-na came to the rescue, and he dictated the following letter to Dr. Hartman as the result: I have used several bottles of Pe-ni- na and feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that if I use it a short time longer I will be able to fully eradicate the disease of thirty years' atandlng. Yours truly. "DAVID meemsiw. Many people can tolerate slight ca tarrhal affections. A little hoarseness, a slight cough, a sold In the head, or a trifling derangement of the digestive organa do not much disturb the aver- age person in his business. But this is not true of tbe nuDllc speaKer orsiage artist. His voicemnst always be clear. ! lungs perfect, digestion undisturbed, Her Strenuous Way. 'Yon didn't seem to get on with that Boston girl?" 'No: she sat on the edge of ber chair, ready to run and look up my pronunciation in tbe dictionary." Chicago Record. Thm Baat rroeeriptlon for Malaria Chills and Fever la a bottle of Grore'e Taxteler Chill Tonic. Itlaelmplr Iron and qulnioe In a lastelfs form. Ho cure. . No Pay. Price 00c. Over-Anxious. H Who knows but when I come back from the Philippines you may be engaged to some other man? She Nonsense: ab ii you were coming back without sending me word! Harper's Bazar. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Sooth ing Syrup the bent remedy to nse for their children during the teething period. How Strange. "Well, I suppose that young Good fellow Is married?" "You don't say ao! I'm surprised! "Why, I supposed everybody knew he was engaged." "To be sure but that's different." Colorado Springs Gazette. Halp Natpra Help Tout Vitality eannot cure dleme unleat your body'a kept clean Inside and out. Caacan-ta Candy Cathartic keep tt clean Inaiue. All druggl.u, 10c, a.e, UK. Clever 8alesman. "I wish to see a bonnet," said Miss "For' yourself, miss?" Inquired the French milliner. "Yes." "Marie, run down stairs and get me hats between 18 and 25." Bonnet sold. Tld-BlU. Piso's Cure 1 the beat medicine we ever used for all afleeiions of the throat and lungs. Wat. O. Eawu,xr, Vatibureii, Ind.. Feb. 10, 110. j Well Posted. McJIgger He's pretty well post ed In social institutions. Isn't he? Thingumbob Yes, I believe be Is posted for non-payment of dues at all the clubs. If that's what you mean. Philadelphia Press. WANTED UWE AGENTS la all towm of Oregon, Waahlntton and Idaho, LE ROY Modal 50, $35.00, PORTLAND DELIVERY. TO SELL LE ROY BICYCLES LISTED AT tWOO, fJ3.).0O AN P ttO.OO. GUARASTKKD TO JANUARY 1, 1902. WKITB FOR CATALOGUK, DISCOUNTS AND TKHM& HZMIY GOODMAN & COMPANY, , ...,i2o Finn srKtrr.... Jobbmrm of BJoyola Sundrlom. Portland, Oregon. HIGH "..lll'H f Hence the popularity of among the leading actors Fe-nt-na and ac tresses 01 this country. They have com to re gard Pe-ru-na m indeapeneable to their success. Their profession is so exacting that It ; requires perfect 'V X (& P"'''". They ' ' regard Pe-rn-naaa Ml aril- Thnmaa their friend and. saiegimni. .Many letters are receiveu from this class of nonle. Miss Car rie Thomas,' in speaking of Pe-ni-na," cays: "1 have used Pe-ru-na with splendid results. Would not be with out it. No money would hire me to have a settled cold or chronic cough, or hoarseness. Catarrh Is tbe most dreadful thing that could happen to one of my profession. Pe-ru-na Is my shield and protector agalnBt this moat undesirable disease." Carrie Thomas. If you do not dertvo prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Ponina, write at once to Dr. Hart man, giving a full statement of your cane and he will lie pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. flnn ir. Hartman. President of Sanitarium, Columbus, The Hartman (J. Knightly Warfare of Old. Medieval knights often took a vol untary oath that they would never spare the life of an enemy. FIYQ Perman'Mlr CarMt. nta ar nroWHai llw lirni.'5'.ii.-rh- Klla'.;rrat Nrrt B-nW-T- ftcnJ r..r Pat KK wJ-eOtrt! h.rftlanl trt im. la.B.II hiia.U4..ulanl!tl.,ibiliMlua.l'a. Sugar Cane. The sugar cane grows from six to twenty feet high. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Slgnaturo of 5m FacSlmll Wrapper Mew. Tar aaaail mmA mm mmmy to take as mew FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION I ti'cZm I Purely Tefetabla.SaS- CURE SICK HEADACHE. LE ROY Model 50, $35.00. PORILAN, DELIVERY. m 'CARTERS ! Kittle 1 PILLS. D A Qood Reason. Papa You know, Junius," how much I disapprove of fighting etlll It Is gratifying to know that you have beaten a bigger boy than yourself. Why did you fight him? J nines 'K said I looked Ilka you, dad. Moonshine. Sayings of Little Folk. Mother Don't boll those canned peas, Bridget; they only want to be warmed, Little Tommy Mammy, p can't talk, can they? Mother -Ol course not. dear, why? Little Tommy Thon bow do you know what they want? Motherhood. In Old Kentucky. The parson came out and remon strated with the major for being too hasty with hla gun. "After he said that," aaid tne par- on, "you should have forgiven blm.' "And didn't 1?" spoke up the ma jor. "Wby, parson, I was one of the pal!-boarcra." Not Entirely Disinterested. Utile Bessie I like you better than Inter's other beau. The Beau I'm glad to hear tbat. Wby do you like me? Little Bessie 'Cause alster never eata any of tha cheap candy you bring, and I get all of It. New York journal. Hit Name. The teacher of the Sabbath school claaa approached one little fellow who waa present for the first time, and In quired his name, for the purpoee of placing It on tha roll. "Well." aaid the youngster, 'they call me Jlmmte for abort, but my malilon name Is James." Christian Register. A Literary Note. Mrs. Meddergrass-Well, If I was them Boers. I'd just go without readln' before I d do It Mr. MeddcrgrasB-Do what? Why, the papers say they've been In' a lot o' British magailnes."- takin Baltimore American. Sizing Her Up. Mrs. Wltherby Do you know, John, tbat chorus girl on the left looked at you tonight aa if she actually knew you? Wltherby Umph! That's Just about aa much sense aa she baa got. Harper's liaiar. ra th 0oa awe? SVavHka Off Ihm Omid. lAxallr rlromo-stulnlne Tabletaenre a cold la ouedaj. .fcucura, No Per. Prtoa aaoeola. Not the Same. D'Auber I waa certainly gratified at what Mr. Crltteek said about me. Dabster What waa that? D'Auber Why. you heard him. He aaid I was unquestionably a deft col oring Dabster I understood him to say "daft" Philadelphia Press. The Difficulty Overcome. Brooks I wish you would pay me that I0 you owe me. old fellow. Borrow It I couldn't think of It. "But I'm here to remind you of It, Smart Set. Thia alfaatur la ea every boi of tha (aaulne Laxative BromoQmnine Tew. tne rsnedjr that eairee m mm la mmm stay Changed His Mind. Friend But I thought you were going to commit suicide In case she rejected you. Rejected Suitor So I was; but af ter I made tbe threat to her and left, I came back and peeked in tha win dow and saw her reading a novel. Ohio State Journal. bows Tuiaf v offer One Hundred Dollara Reward for any eaae ol Catarrh that can no; be eured by II all 'a catarrn i ore. F. 1. CHENEY A CO . Pmpa., Toledo, O. W tbe nndcr. ncl, hare knowu r. J.Chenor for the pait It reara. ami believe him perfectly honorable In all buain transaction and fin ancial 1- able to cam out auyobllfaUona y tueir arm. Wavr A Tanx. Wholexalo Druanlata, Tolelo, f. Wai.di.ho, K ikkan a Marvis, Vmoletale Drue lau, Toledo, O. Kall'i Catarrh (Jure ia I ken .ni rnally. aollni f.lrecdroa the blood and m.eoua eurfacea ot the.r.t m. Prl e Tic per bo Ue. boid by all drucil.u. Te.ilrnonl.l. tree. lulUVemilr Pu). r-th'baet. Mail Bags for Petticoats. The empty mallbags not having been returned from the Congo for some time, It was found on Inquiry that the sacks were regularly being stolen by the nativea for presentation to their wives, who used them as petticoats. Your gnide and gnard is the famous Oregon ftlood Pnrilier, tested and true. Ure it now. Not a Good Player. - Hodd Hang it all! Do you suppose I'll ever make a good golf player? Todd (pityingly) Never, old man. You think too mm h of your family and your business. Harper's Bazar, The aratem cannot be In (mxI condition when the bowei. are ron.tioated. Take Oartleld Tea, tt curNCmatiation and effect ually regulatee the liver. In the Poetry "Business." A correspondent, writing from Tex crkana, says: "I bave two sons In the poetry busi ness, They can write it by the yard, or foot Just as needed. I don't know bow you meaHure it, but what would you give for live or six yards? My boys are bard-working fellows, and they need the money." Atlanta Con stitution. OESTFOHTEI DOUJEL Kfrm bavon't t rrjrtiUr, bmiHhj moTttnnt of Ihfl wait rjr dr. your tlok.ur will b. fcl p four opD, ftoit b wall, force, tn Ihaatiapa of rlolant phfsle or pill poiann. ia tiaiiaaroua. Tha 'fino4)thf.t. eslst, most parf act war of kaaplna tba axmjl ear and claaa ia w tak Raver Hlekan, Waaktan. or lr!ia. MM. Attn Wrlia for fraa aample. and booklet on bwaltb. Aildruia lavllat ftauua; iaa,ar, UtMfa, Kaatml, law Tara. 181a KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN Mil &fb CANOV Tito Chnnrjo 0 Ufa la the most Important period In a wo. man s xlatence. Owiuir ta modern methods of living, not one woman ia a thousand approaches thia perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying and some times painful symptoms. Those dreadful hot flashes, sending the blood surging to the heart until U seem ready to burst, and the falnl feeling thai follows, sometimes with chills, aa if the heart were going to atop for good, are symptoms of a uan y .fTK It if j - y. mm Mas. Jaxma Noai.a, frarous, nervous trouble. Those hr4 flaahea are juat a many calls from nature for help. Tbe nerves are cry- tng out for aaatKtanoe. The cry should be heeded to time. Lydia E. Plnk- jhem'a Vegetable Compound was pro- j pared to meet , the needs of wonuma j yft VhU trlin P?d" iTli'.iji I u bulld P wt'"wl nervoua ; svstem. and enables a woman to pas ; wiat, grana cuange ir umpniijr. f . "J fnr atok woman cauaed Dy mange or line, i euiirrai nun na flushes, and fainting spelts. 1 waa afraid to go on the street, my head and back troubled me so. I waa entirely eured by Lydia K. IMnkham'a Vegeta ble Compound." Mas. Jkni Noam, 010 Keyser bt, Uertnantuwn, l a. Manifestations of Gray Matter. "Am I aa intelligent aa your other young man, Dolly?" "Well, you quote more poetry than he does, but I think he beats you on neckties." Chicago Record, To Spell Shakespeare's Nsme. It has been shown that Shakes peare's name haa been spelled, by re sponsible writers. In llfDtf different ways. In his own time, hla contem poraries spelled his name hi thirty two different ways. TO CUM! A rOLII l!l OKI DAT Take laxative Kromo Quinine Tablet. All Irurf lau relund the atone t If it fails toeure, C. W. Urove'a autnature l.on evh bos. . Tne Ruling Passion. Klrst Enthuslastlit Oolfer I aay. will you play another round with ma nn Thursday? Second Enthusiastic Oolfer Well, I am booked to be married on that day but It can be postponed Punch. i LJ Machinery, Implements, Farm Supplies, Etc. Bee Line Buggies $85.00 AND HENNEV, $90.00 and up. Iron eornera on bodleaof all our llenne and Bee Una Buiiilea. Send for Catalog, MITCHELL, LEWIS I STIVER CO. First and Taylor Sts. Portland, Oregon. NEW LIFE TO In Life to New Onea. BrUSStifc Anchor tloe r Great Combination of fUrenftb and Baauty 'Tas Tis That Buna." UP. See Our Anchor Clamp Yon would be aurprl.ed If you knew how little It would vo.t vou to Ox up that old Halter eend for aoroe Anrhor Olainna and Uprlahla, and a nalr of our ilnhera, and make your old wire fence took Ilka a new one. ANCHOR FKNCK looks to nloe and Is o atrone that farm. re anmetlmea think that It luuat be iin't, though. OLaaW Bsroas Uino Catllo, Sheep and FARM, RAILROAD Write for Frleea and Catalogue, Af antt Wanted In Jtverjr Town, JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, , Foot of Morriton Btroet, Can give you tbe bast bargains In Bnggles, Plows, Boilers and Engines, Windmills ami Pumps and General Machinery. See us before buying. J,ll I mil m Naturalists say tha lobster will ion. follow tha buffalo and diamond-back terrapin. YOU DO YOUR PART hloh la, eand i your ai.lrH, tu ft 'luia-.a a 1 ift LL 1 T. . v inn nilDC whleh I., lallvuu Irea how to make mnnav fait In the rn-nt rat I'aolSn ( ua.l imtriileun: nil uo4im. Wrlla Iminedlnialv In Hankaraana Hrokera Oil l'0 J. W. Ilei.ner A O .., flnaiwiu awn., aie:iwmerelal Mwk, Cortland, Ore! gdf soeclal asauta warned la every town. Sprlngtlm Resolution. v Ucdqy Curo lure relief from llmmr, niliim and Inbaoos habile. Betul lor iartlcula(a to Knit) liitltuti, S14 Slxtk SL,PorilufJ,Or. fryPmpvrwrXnoTliMa MVCOKMICK buarM irwXiilaZjy.'fc Of addrraa A. H. BOYLAN, Portland, Or, FOX CATAI.041Vg AKD PRICKS, IF rt.,:.,,:.: pension ICSrOSO, Wasklefl, 0. 0.. Ihev will re, eelveaulrk renllra, H. sihM. II. Vol. m. a KthVorua. l'rostiuUa(ellnailurem, FOB SOLDIER'S HEIRS- Metre of Cnlon Sutillare who hom.iearf4 14 than MO erne before June u, Hit too nailer U eben-tonwl), alioiild addreaa IIRNHV a, (Off, Waahlatlea, D. 0. mm la beat time In en re Caiarra, rlronrhltla and t'on.uiuptiaa. Our rumeily I. luaranieed, It . O. Hue 1S. W. H. SMITH I CO., Buffalo. N. T. DON'X GET WETI THE ORKINAL , 1SH BUXlP OILCD CL.OTMIN ON MaAfUfSi evtHrwritBe fATAIOCUFS FRff MS fUl l LINE Of WBMNT3 AR9NATJ. JTOWEaca,B03TON.MA33i Free Trial 30 Days Vnr the neat ao dara we will hlsihlt tMOO machine on SO Have' free trial In vowr own home fot BI.7S. a4 thia aa. and tour name tor full dwrliloa and our free l rial onr. We slu rail aae.oo Hleyrlea fir Write l.a.r, Thia laa rham-e of jour liletiwia. People's Supply Co., Box 287 (8) SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. IT LEADS THEM ALL The "Cyclone" Thresher It You Buy a New Thresher, Engine, HORSE POWER OR SAW MILL You of Count Vant the Bat. Vrit (or Catalogue and Prices. RUSSELL & CO., Portland and Spoken. OLD FENCES! Clamps and Uprights. Taa Old Fsmcb. Tai Archob Fincs. blh priced. It t J a-.Jtj Hog Tight, it jvra sure alter cloalnt AND LAWN FENCE. SALfe"Se.-lJ a-JJ The Portland Anchor Fence Co. , 74a Nlcolal St., PORTLAND, Oregon. POULTRY NETTINC. Buy from the maniifaoturer. Frlce In full rolls 3 feet wide, 1'fl feet long , 1.M .... w .. ... 4.11 ... . All Kindt of Wire and Iron Work. PORTLAND WIRE X IHOM WOWK8 14V rruna (tt., 1-i.rHand, Uragaa. r. x. v. " WHEN writing; tk advertlaar gileeae tnentloa thia eper.