OREGON MIST Entered at th I otitic at ft. II lens, Oregon, aa cond-cl mull matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Wrre Happenlag. (awttft Evaav Feioay Morhwo Br OAVID DAVIS, EDITO ASD pROpaiXroR- aoministhatohs nonce or sale or I Knsoim raowtrr. Mia. Ma Harms was Portland visitor Wed- j nt.nr oi l-tek. I VOTlrSHlHEKKBVGIVl.S THAT IK CO. a b. imm t. mm kuiu t.i a. u. ore. to ! !' " "';"''!.,"?"? AXa. absltet lit. t... LnlKh "' I "'Xlu Ih. h'gneS W.i.T. ail ..I lb. b.ra..l I Mm D. . Pattulo. f rortltnd. will ! rrot-rrta belonging to in mi ( nana e, : few D.u,Ju l ih. ratiulo 1mm Ihu auramer. ' ; pleace i tht late real-' Mr. Feu nock, of Portltud. was toe rats ' dnt-s) il Mid daaea..-. Weal. M eral -" Mr aim! Air. .H. F. Hiltf & hi. OjWt fctt .sea, tUM. U WH. (MI f ntl, Wl Semi-annual financial statement sOf the Condition of Columbia County, Oregon, on the 30th Day of March, 1901. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: One copy one year, in advance $1.00 Biz mouthe. . county officers. Rrpeeeentatlt. Korraaa Merrill. 01!kan! ....Jwpt M lon. Kainter J. O. Wetta, tt- Helens ..R. 8. Haiian, St. Helena F.. Ito-a. at Heieua I. It. Cof-rUnd, Hrro'.ton Juon Cl.rs herta" Treasurer Attaint JsaniB wniie,. nrirni grftror .. A. B Little. H mi lloe, ZZnil. .... . Dr. H. R Cliff. St Helen Commtteiottert Mft Pearl ctontnrer.o! Puilaod, lalHuT who retail. ea at KldgtWid. wash., for couple ut weaie. timer Kvers:il has rented iik farm belonging In Irvl iln3i iUiKUtujt rutin taiiiatue. tor Me soar tel. Tfc nut friende of Mr. J. 8. BsfoD tro very 50 glt.1 lo Hstra mi o i improving ausiwui aoos, Ml .Ol. W IWHFVWUW "Pap" sbefBald visited ml Rstuler e few data thin ee. U is r. poriad that Mrs. Wm. So( M u ertcmlj 111. N.rimi mvm lad (tuilj- uin up thnr rwtJruce lu the coliu UMt7 lr JJt nd Mm. i'muoct Wlll rultenao. of l'rt!o1. wmt Jnwn Uiellnl of U ikI on buiinrw. H luoit Jut A ut unl ud U jiut iLiiy u ever. Tamikln.t,f Ofwton City. In mwnf n ta lri(iu it 14. o vinvk io the lorviMim vl ta 1 tv. the vrulinv cvl;t l ltofTC. eiu s eep li nt Irmlt4c tmplenteutt. Te of Mie'. leu OAUf auJ uihler. c.h Itt tiMt; orrlA.i nath ilmeou npi-nxol XKatlly ml i-er ceut. iutervl. K. rt rr, ililBininnuir .M mi e-itv. SEMIANNUAL REPORT Of ISe Canutv rter of Columbia rmmir. !( of 'regon. howlng th mml -talm h)rh vounlt nj Circuit Ci.urM, for ol llol, mount l rru ilr.n, ! in .m.wul of wsrraiiu uttn.llii Mhl uupiiJ. trout the td df of iwiolur, lo Hie t dejt ol Mn-h, lull, twill Inelooiv: TlmMr LuhI, Art Juno J NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. OS WHAT ACVOl'ST ALLOWED. CitiTun tt L!iD rnr. , Otox cut. nreiill. Murrll JIX. 1 Norn n u HMttnV tiivks iiiat is aM-bii&ot-e with the ttrotllon of th act of Conf rei f June .t Un entitle.! "An ect lor Ibr : "I tituLr Uiuli lu the Matea of Olllor : Dir. Orecua. eftUs and WAbitintoll Terrt. ' lorr." h eilemled lo alt ihe Public Land Sutra I br "art of uoi i. LfJ, Kenjamiu A. K. llnl nier. of PrtiaiKl, cotuuy of Maltttoiftti, tr ! of urecan. kw Uu uar Alel la tbu oiKft bin R.x.1 ami britHra. f orl fund Roadc and brluget. rvuwl tnod Paufier f'ntiuua! account. Hreutl iNmrt C riminal aciviunt. )ualr ol ihe war court htatloiery. pnuutir a4 poatago. i oitrthocuc atkil )att ... Clerk HHerlff.. AWOl NT WARRANTO RAW pi.l br X- elaretu and famlix. ( ,worn .No. .jrj, (or tr. p in-ban of Baiitlf Mr. Tli lbwer ii penline, a eou! of ihe uibeat t of orctlon Ko. . in urutip 1 School uiMrlnltndaot niouiti wtik fne-ii la Portland Duriur keei.so, 4 north, ranee No. A wet, mod lll offer ' I'ooniy iu.lae . MutH)' K.iihe llaiea u aupuinteudiiit i proof to mam that the land marbt la Skua vl- i ocuit rummtulotMra.., the bouse vork. j oable for lift timrwr or atone lhau for aarirultur KtMd nperrljorv. ..... .... Mr. Jamea liill nd job Walter, ou reionu . ai purp.t. aod u et.oio4i hia claim bw4,biai , hot no of Albma. rwia doo o an,! before the Reitr and Receiver of Ihu Cofiuer I7ih dayol June, iau. ite naiara m wiiuiw Aevr C M. ..amo.oi I'ortlalid. Oregon. Loul ?i'e- Klertlou .. nert.nl tuv.oa. Orev., W. v . Allen, of W. t.lrict Aliornar nona, Otwou and W iu. Wachllne. o Port .aorf, O H, ul Keener On ioa. Auy and all tcruou ciaimlng adtenv-, Kebaie of lai , It the above"-dc-nbed UiuU ara requeued to ; Ke:Nteo Yt . ... lilt their claima lb thu oc on t before tald : Jurv 2?th of J una. CHA4. B. Mi.H)ReH. : H..rdil ornonera iuj7 Heaiater. Tate pabl bw t'oanlv no ln.U -.- -zrr-r- . i -rr !KdUer' aud ipatlon' linllpcenl fund.. :::8 APRIL 19. 1H0I. i tuition old acquaintance. ' I llenrt taneu ar., left lal Jloodae to enrara : In t af.-.t ou the loirjbia, tlh Mr. Kilio.a. ' j Mr uien 1 as old liberaiaa. harlug 0hed on ; I toe Columbia ir a uoo.it of jeara. j Road ruwrveaor Ha-rnuawn had a ftire of ; f tr.eo warklni;oi( the uew r..wl ihrourh ihelarma , . U i.ytKb and Hcn'f Urn. Uat ki.rtiday. , 1 The croood ;n t wet It waa decried to I aula .ro day before c.mp'.l:if the work. Mm Jennie Miller and rhlMren, who bare bevii ieii'tii) a -out4.rf we k wiib M.-a. Mil ler father. remrneJ lo their bo:n in Portland, j , Weurwlat.of laataeek Mia. Ham. a inter of. Mr. bacn, a!- returned home laatr.IJa; after ! a few dcTa, vnik N Timber Und. Act June i. ls?. NOTICE FORJPUBLICATION. I sited Plate bani OIS, llnvr.in t'ltv. Or., il.rch 11 lil. 'OTIC MBEUSHY lilVKS 1 hA f IN CUM- Total amount of claima allowed and warran'a drawn ., t mot a .. M Ml TJ 10 tat 71147 m w 11 4S .. HN MM WW Ji'SCO !) 00 M W III li M. 71 H'Jll WW I TO Id 7 00 torn ki . OHl M I (MM 01 Wiu. the people of Kjiii ple"e masxle Mr. .VtionT L'pon her me teoric riae to Utne he w lookeJ upon mm m tn.mk th'B iikf but no the I to ihe unael creamery. A plaiiorm hat b i aia of Umljer tanda in the alatra ol caiiiornla. , 7j . . . !.. -oi,,. ! ""-r au-. ihe rol Saa b-en mult of n front urvjr.n. Ne.ada and Wuntnict-n Temt.,rT." ! could not rry Bny ilretcn Ol lii luiaujiim- j n( Uif enMmrrr u, that the funuera can now aiteoded to all the Public Laud eutea by act of : tion be nteJ above comiiion sr ante upan.1 nlacethe.r m.U n;Ea on tha plat-1 A;t 4. lx Joiin . beared, of Vancourer, j Her cue 11 a j itonn wttho.it uj eitra trouble. oouoiy oi i i;e, aiaie oi waauiumuo. n mia j hor " Miaa Lilian Larva anent a few dare I land last weea. ae aitenaeo a meeting after cheap notoriety. bopelem one and if it were nut : sbaurd metbotiii roald only reeait in bringing it Into direpnte and driviuit from ita ranks those people who co-iM five it dignity and effective force. The people of Kan saa tbouM, thert-fore, ef lectually toppreea Mrn. Nation a soon at powibie and then either compel the ftate officer to enforce prohibition or expel the law from their statut. geappeeae Hen. Henry Baachman it working; for M. Collins this week. Kvemnr lar iranee. at paeilne. t-ire. Don. hav.na 4ln: a verr dei.rhlful Ume to pttine he wa he awn of Dwpuiy Maa ter Mr. H L. Vail, i-heaiao attenfled the an nual meeting of the Woneo a Poreizu Mfira. are .ocetr. which tra haid in the Taylor .-treat church ta Portlaa I, Tiiedii of Uu wee.- I. A. and Will Pattnlo spent Sundny at the Pattuki tarui. Mits Gertrude Lvnch visited with her j county oi t. iarae, aiate oi o asuiutnoo. nas inia g In Port. ' d"f' Dlt tn C1 0;DC hl aworo KUbrtneot Nik , r of i ha ! Adl. lor ill parcha ol Ih north S ol aonth i atvl ri- ! we1 cc",a No- - " lown.bio No. A AMOI ST OP OCTSTASWNO WARRANTO INPA1D. j Ovitttandln unpaid countr warrauu on the Slat day ofi! March. IWHueueral lun.1) ?7W 77 Kattluated ttilerwd acvrue-1 thereon il l w Imtauudln uupaid roaa warrant on lne JDth day of;! March. JHUl Total aiaonntof unpaid eouni warrants and lnitret..Jj awl 03 While ' worth, raace No. 1 wet and will offer roof to nuw titai luff ww wuin la muiv .aiuavi. ". H Powell. Juon Parker. A. Parker arid Lloyd L- IwrKk. cf Pitt-burg, Drogon. Any and all peroiua cinimiBr adeerselv the abote deacritd laiida are rcoeMed lo file their ciaittia In thia . - , i . . i ora.-e on or oeiore aaiu atn nay oi juoe, ivi. aaut at iscappooee a lew daya last week. ; alitail cu vt B. mookk. Regiter. Mr. Frank OldaVtd. of Prtladd, visited with relative last Monday and Toesday. Mm. J. F.J STATE OP OKKiiON. I t'ounlT ol 4'olonibla.i . ... . .. m .... ...... .t. ..I ,1. nl r..lii.M. rt.M nf lltMnll lln hriiahf mKIII iu timber or une than for arirultural bur- foreiolng ia'a true ami orrect atatemeui ol Ilia anion ui ol claima elloaed by Ihe l omiiy DOea.andlacaUMIak Bl claim u. ..id f ! ,:lrt,all llrl. of aald Ouuuty. I. Ihe all loonlh. ending on tb. Hh day of Jan-h. IWMU jr. ui ''-f ? , I 7Z ,7. what accoonl the aaiue ware allowed, aud llle amount o( warranta drawn, alio in ainoulil ol war- at Oregon tur. ,., on ttedneadar. thea : ,".,,... ini, .,. ,h. -m ,,., .ho re..rrl. of my ooic, and In my orocial baj of June. 11. Ilenanaeaaawitneaaca: aivia . ,rfllr .... hMnJ lh, -i f .faa County Court ol aald cui.tv. till- tt day of Anrd A V iwl. J. il. ATK, i ounn t lork. ' By W. A. HaRRIn IK-puty. Sl'SWAV LAW lSOPEBATIVK. IU IrrUIt. Wllfset be Erorred by l lh WardeB. The rnmliiY-eliiiu leature of the Oregon tiahins law will Hot Iw enloreed durii g the mining tenn. Tliia w" terminetl ii at the ineelinif of Ihe atate boaril ol liali coiniinaaioner lield io Salem laal week. A w alaittl a few diva Ag.,, ihe fiiiltire il the al InirtoirieifiHlutiire to paa a Ktliul.iy-clov init law retiiiered the Oregon law lin pritciible in lhat r.iw. t, and the fiati conimiaaioner determiiieil that ho effort to eiilorce otxKraiini ! the feature would be WHtle. Thia determination on the part of the tale board will lie welcome new lo the Haliermen on Ihe lower river. A li ! been heretofore aUtted. the Sunday law waaof alwoiulelv no benefit to the in duatrv. fiali enter the river In great number on Sunday, but II doe not follow that Ihey reach apawnlng water. IW Tliuraility lliev are at the I'aacade, ; where the wlieela lake them. The law, 1 then, merely diarriiniiuited airii)l the : lower river liahvrnieii, but alforded no ' protection to the Nulling inter!. A will be rrinemliered, the Sunday ' fro l ii re wa iiultnled in the Oregon law at the iiiataiu-eol Uepreaentative lltime, of Cwn and Curry count tea. At the 'conference Iwlween the nieniberitof the Oregon and t aahlngton legialatiirea.lt jwa deckled that the Sunday law ahould j be Incorporated in the law of Ixdh atatea, though the U'aahingtnn legiala- U ra expn-Krl doiiht that the legmlnttite of their alaie would agree to the proviw ion. They protiiitl to inaert the cliie, however," but the engroealng committee neglected to ropy the proviaion and the bill paMsi without it. In diai-uiMiing the matter the Ut board look into coniideration the lad that both atnte have concurrent jurta dii tiutt over the water of the Columbia and conflicting law would re tilt in endlea difficulty. Accordiinslv It wa delrrmir.eil that the Oregon law could not be enforced and Warden Van Duaen will make noetfort to require obwrvance of the proviaion lu question. I wtxli to tl'unk my Irienda and nuii.. j bn fur tt"-ir klndiiew during the ,u.,. noa aiwi iii-wtii "i hit meter, mien Kind no Will never l forgotteii. Only tht Father above ran it'pay them, J. B. HiLAwa. OABTOniA. Bawntk I" M W" Bofj), BigBaiaj f Timber Land. Art June J. 17. NOTICE FORUBLICATION. I'aiTao TaTg La Ornc. ning wa the guest of Spring it here and farmer are busy Mr. and Mi. Ou. Hegele. of bachelor I .aao. . citt tr . '.arch nth. trt. patting in tbeir crop. ! Flat, !at Sondav. vqTici : lo HEit.BY oiVhN that in com r a..... .5 a.u. . I wi at il -1, t... w. U pHancc with tlx proTiaioo ol the act of . SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT ! Of the Cotmtr Treaturer of Columbia Connie. Oregon, for tha al monlht ending oh th ;Wth day oi March, lwd, ol money rocejived and aid oul. from whom received and from what amine, j and on waal account :alu out: AMOISTS RI'CRIVKD. Min Mneette Grewell, who ha been brief visit to her parent. i ,.n r.rf ra mtia una nnimi ' .inanuiriRa i .... in rort'and several weeks, ia borne on a aa ol timber tanda ib the Staiea of Caliloruia. i To amount on band from la rep irt. u re ton Neada.aol vaaaniinrtun Territory," aa On acroanc uf die funeral aervicea last ! A-jr.isi 1. 11 William Kiurkade. of i iawero. 1 T attendance county of Clarkanaa. atate of Oregon, hea thia ; i.u u Ol aieo in cut uice uia awvru Maicuiui .- . t WSJ, lor the purche ol the NK of aeotion I J' No. XI. In U.wnhip No 4 N. ran re No. 5 W. and l Jo will offer proof to alio thai the laud aouaht ia ) To more valuable for ita timber or atone tb&u for JL arrlcnitural purpoaea, and lo eataHliah hta i Jn 1 claim m aaid land before the Kegiter aud it. . Satciav, onlv a lew were in at the M. E. Sunday School. Vail Grange No. 2S4 will bold their ball Mi Effie Vanehn expect to take a trip to Lakeview in the near future. Harry Wert and Mr. Jtred West were Portland visitor last Wednesday Pete Loogignont, witli hi crew, com menced work on the comity roads last Mondav. Mr. Josephine Mav, of Hammond, ) meeting at the echool house I vi.iting with her iter, Mr. La(e! t"18 batunlay evening, at , :S0. Brown, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lynch, of Seep- I ceiver of thUithceat orenon ' nr. ortiton. on i a Mr. and Mr. Lafe Brown are refcic- poose. were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Monday. th jrth da- of May. mot He name, j To Inf over the arrival of a baby born on j E. H. Lynch, of this place, Sunday last. Wednesday, April 17th. j FrMk Naj?Ie elpects to fnr tlle Mrs. Ed Wickersham and family have mines this week. Hi manv friends all been enjoying a few days vit with Mr. j, bim good luck in ail hi nndertak Wickensbam' daughter, Mr. SUry.jnp, Abbet, of Clifton. Hie returned home J Rihert j., ha rooTed Ht down Bonaay evening ana nuinie, -no .., o , Wiliamette. where I it will be niore convenient to bi work. I Ha ia tiahinv on the Willamette with We had quite a little excitement one iieorge Cunuingham. day but week, caused by I). W. Price' . . boose catching on fire around the chim-f It rnmored abont that a small . CT . ... . ....... . . h'.II , . . . ,n Ilia nav Inm , .. to aototinti received fmnl bhertd . . To " FROM WluraofRCE KKCF.IVCP. County Clerk. been spending a few weeks with her grandma, came with her. a. witnefere: Wiliiam nealcy A.icn awl Ora i. Laven-ler. of Vrrnnnia, or., and a.tmoreJ. Kuaaeil and J hn B. Oardncr, of ia ,.-go. Or Aar and all peraona Claiming adversely tb above deaenbed lauda ara refiaeated to file their claims In this oifice on or before aaid i7th day of Mar. lvlll. CHA3. B. McHlKr.s. mZlmi4 itegiaier. Timber Land. Act June. 1T. NOTICE FORUBLICATION. ' UaiTKD HraTita Lavo Orrtcg. Okox City. Oreroo. March 1. 1901. VOTICK Is HKHKBY lilVKS THAT IS OM i.1 plianre with the proviafoni of tha act of To " To Total Reeclved . .. t,eiieral lav. ..... ., . .'County road tan jnrec!al avitool tag. . . . . .. Special City taA ...jKrea . ...ilieltnqnvlll tag . . . jepectal hclxaal . . .M 'ouoiy;K'id. ...IPeaa .. ...iltclenintloo ol laod... ...iKcportera' rae. ....... ...'Kid Fund ...'part Rnail ...IKtneaann llcenaa ... Hjiecial Detwiatf AMOCSTb PA1U OUT. UNERL Ft' NO. WO jii!7 a jnt 01 tsrl M it : 7 M . v S aj fan 11,77 iu 10 UU 4 40 a ( 6.tJ 1. lli W JjlAaaifai illi'NFlT'l. Bey. One of the neighbors was nang-: " " I Ing out Clothes ana saw tne iDKiie. :"'"""""'"' a . - foruia, Oreg io. Nevada, and Washington Terrt The town people soon gathered there' "otw toe iy to nr.cu -.ue Auienca. and the fire w a. extinguUhed without This will 1 a great ronvemepce for the any great amount of damage being done. ' PP'e .of vicinity and will be much j i appreciateii. forv. at extenueil to all the Public laand htatca be act of August 4, IM. Edward H.ola..n. of Portland, county of Multnomah, state of Ore- ffin haa ihl. liar flle.1 in tMa nlSi'a h 11 itnf n l ataiement No. o3.a). for the purchase of the N.k. CLATSKAJIE XEWS ITEMS. E. W. Convera is in Portland thia week. The funeral of Alfred Sander was held &'.Er"2S, i'-t5f,hi k.k!? .f! at me uaa reiiowa cemetery un .-7110- laad sought it mora valuable lor lu timber or - dav. and wa well attended. Rev. I'fcil- atone than for agricultural purjnaee, and ioes hcank eaandneteal the aenicea .ml "Sear- " - "' " ta. Mrs. W. E. Conyers made a brief er xiy hA To Thee " was none bv the lrts.S!3;aXi.M.i3 visit to Portland tiiis week. jgt iiellens choir. Tne floral tributes ! He names at witneaaas: o. D. Iiemferand The carpenter, have been putting up ; were profnsw and very beautiful and j yl'sXT!.l n awning to secure McKiel pttjaa from mm liberally ttrewn ii over ihe frrave, ! ponini. Oregon. Any and u pfrMnjiairain0 ax l l ; L : 1 . t .... a I ...1 . t,l...ulv -r.a. !-,., ...a a.- I tu tin; vii t; i ctajiuiB im tui uiu. w sa ui triiuir; aid -4tlr ui Way. im n.6ml7 CHArt. ii. MOORK3. Re1j.tr. By amount paid out on county warrant! , . . . Bv atniMJiil fwii. oat tu 3 hl Hur(mn'ittt'a warrant Hv laiiic6 xvnenU fund on hand aplicablr to pamviu til rutin tjr warrant By baUm e achtxrl fund on hand . by amount facial tritr ta taid . later amtll f araawail aurk(Wll tA W tiakltt ! Br amount oiuntv rod tax paid Bjr amount bicycle tax patd out - v By amount mlMtn' and aailore' indigent fund paid out By amount paid out ftaie tax Bt amount paid ont Bounty tx by amount on hand t pay adrertined wiunty warranta , By ainonit on hand !'-. al city tax By aimiuiit on hand ipeciai auftooi tax By amouut on band county road tax Br amount on hand lnutut fund By amount on hand Btcycie fund. By amo jut on hand Soldiers and Sallon ledtrent fund By amouut on hand ipcildepilt. ',; v.:-' v, ... ,, Rev. Calmer left ou Tuesday for Port ; brother were not (ortien The roauv land and alem, expecting to return by friends ol Mr. feundbv and children have tha end of the week ! ltk profound tvtnpatr.T of thisceighoor- Mrs.J. M. Blackford and daughter, j hooJ in theif "ai bereavement, lois, left a few days ago for Montana t . . . to risit the lady's mother. Bel Et Transfer. Lumber 1 coming in from tbe Plippln I g E Bora w K s,mKtmi, n4otK4 B mill for shipment, the last few days hav : of .w, and nw4 of aerto. im ra, Iiooo ing dried up trie mud very rapidly. ! r Jaachiu to E Jau bma, of bwj Z.. .. . . . ... .1 tKKMllAXt. run ropham tin been laid op by 1 L v and w etachao to E E Uuick, sk of i XTOTUB 13 HKRKBY lil VR.1 111 AT IN COM w i aV pii.nca with the provlaions of the act of Timber Land. Act June 3. 187a. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- I'aiTtn STaiea LtXD Orrtcx. ORrooa city, lirtfon, March lt, VjOH. 100; rheumatism for a few davs but the pleas j awM. w'4 of ne-., nwj of secia, ! tory." aa ei nt weather of tbi. week let him olLrkti;ccn;;Yiii M J 200 00 25 00 ! ' Cocjeres of Jun 3. IS entitled "An act for j the tale of timber land in the Mt of Cat I (for- nia, Orefroo Nia1 and Hajiir.gton Trri- exoudeM to att rnrnc i.ti.fi atarea hy Aatiffun 4. William Wachiine. of Fort- land, county of Multnomah, Htaie ( Oregon. J faaa Ihin day filed in thia oll.ee hU wrn state i ment So. w72. for the onrcbaAe of the nurch- ! eaat lA of aevtion No. 31, in townahlp No 4 north. i ntnof rt fk wawf artfi will ntfaar fi.-ftiif in ihfiw 225 W ) that the land aoutcht ia more vaiujihle for ita j tlinher or stone than for agricultural purpoaea. ! aud to etoahiiih his claim to said land before 10 00 , je KerfiAter and Rfeiver of thia office at ure 10 j iron City, Oregon, oo Monday, the 17th day of June, 1'JOl. lie names aa witnesses: O. B. mt- W j-iaou ftn,j benj. A. R. Hiilroer, of Fortiaud, Ore- i fon, and J.tJis .ef?ert aud W. W. Alien, of Wi . nona, Orexon. Any and all persona claiming; I 00 i aJverwly tne aboterlbed iandu arereftueKt- i ki In ttiaw their awlttliita. in chin rtflinm rati or raar..ra. 300 00 Mklu 17th Uar of June. 1901. i n.-Ui7 CrliK ri UilORrrf Rtrtor wU tA nwj, lie' of a. aecU, tpiin. I . . row. and lo. 4. aeuU. 1000 00 f . ... . . . " v- ... ... i. jj i s. WIIUMnUQ BY Oil B I if m rlnm a , . . , . , I .v , MB I UU Wll VJ T IV U'JUC in B.I BQ'i M I VeOfavilll I VHUVH IV It. locaieu in ana aoout our cny, nuviug gave. wSof nwli of tec 2 and ei4 ol recently found their way here from the j -. tin, rw ittso 00 In the circuit Court of the Hiate of Oregon, for again. McBrue tr.ct. two. rl' Mr. George Miller went to Portland i ' BikTit;o,eIr'1,ua' Zwem"-ha 1 Wednesday morning to visit her son in ! w II aIh-o and wile to A Lanen of tne noepital. i tie iwl is reported to he i . , tPn, r ;. f i J A Karr to J barr. Barr d I c. unit. uiruving. . g g HnmU ,u(l wile to (J B -jgn, 0 Wlir Prof. Whitten and Francis Hall went lor eu;avaUon tmtto Nebalem last week. Francis i, BLd'wTtiri '.hd' F there yet getting hi farm ready for a riniu of way ffr wagon roau.... lamuier'l crop. C C Chipman and wife to T 1 Thorn, e, w. ,. . . . . , . i of aw aud lots i and 4, see a, iptn... Hit. Quinn, of Astoria, has been! -im spending a few days in town the gueet of i K Carman and wife to A M Clark. uH of her friends Mr. and Mrs. Pilcher, at the j ,Vt.l&i.,ut--, atujjcriai uuvsi. Some three or four new families have i , A K uann lo Hurt Heat, part ol W ave.t tenn cialin. W East. There is room for them. It is reported that a family by the I Johr.mhan fcodge to w H Holmea, aeijof i--i tiaui . . . , tiie in fecig, ne1. 1 00 Columbia Countr. Reinhokl Kelchardt.Plaintln'.f -l il , .... ;.!, .. a . , ,1 . ... sea. -ee. to4n. rfw """"I ."'.S'"'! "" ! 1 iaM to ach.l dial- Sal ! BUHMON'a. rlw.. Mil. W Flanders to 9 b Uuunlnt, U ol ee.'7, sW of gwU and ne of sec a tpsii. rtw T I HI.piilUi M A Miller, lots 5 and 6, Ptippin'a tabdiv of Ticheaora add to Claiakaaie... E T bore Ui Burt West, part ol W W Wu evening was spent. Shingle mills are dangerous to hands with moat careful handling, and the! new mill of Holier, IJugan & Marvin bad its first victim last week in Frank Hazard, a young man new to the busi- iu uo i Annua Brother ana r alien ! Brothers, defendants. ( I 00 To Adeilda Brotners and Wa.ter Brothers, the above-named defendant.. Y.N THE NAMK OK THE riTATK OF ORF-ilON : 1 00 I X You and each of you are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint flieo agalnat I you in the above-entitled cause, on or before 100 00 : May 10th, l'JOl . which ilate It six weeks after March lth. I'M. tha dale of the first nublica- land claim 1 00 i tion of this summons, and If you fail to so ao- J Otil and wife school dist. No 7, site in ' pear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff Mfia, t,4n, rlw 1 00 f will apply to the Court (or the relief prayed for WO Howatton loU Benson, nv see 84, j and cmandfy in the complaint riled against tp7n. rtw 1M0 01 j you hefein, tvwit: Vi ill take j-tilgrneut airuinat r jawrnina ano wue to iu. uuuer, li : you unu eacn oi yon lor tiie sum or s.asj.i.1, to- I awf4 aeea. to4n, rxw , 1 00 : getlier with Interest thereon frorn the .uinday rnte nl ten per cent per nrt- lh (urtlier sum id $,f 00 at- or his conts and distiatK- 'meiitaof tins suit, aud for a decree foreclosing J plaiutitf s mortgage In the maimer provi'ted by 1 00 1 law, enri for suf.'h other and further relief aa to i the Court may aeeoi just and dutiable, 'i nia inmous is pnniiauei by oroerot itioa. a. sic a tice back of Oak Point, on the Wahing-1 ton aide, recently lost three children from diphtheria. Leander Burnam, an old soldier re aiding about two miles from town, was unfortunate in the be of hi house by fire tbe latter part of last week. The loss is quite a severe one as he is troubled by a partial paralysis, impair ing bis capacity for work. Some young ladies of the Epworth League gave one of tbe lesgue socials i F Little to N i.ore, n.'4 of scc7, t.'m, r2w &yj ou of June. Ufjn, m the i last Thurelay evening in Con vers' hall, j w " ,T"'e "d w;'e t"H ;s'IIon "',4 ?nm un''' P""1 '"' I1 Tht Mtherfntr. l.rinr nnitt, a n.mW u'1. ". DW T".1! '"' tonicy a fee Iierc'n, f- a o- ;o 1 . i ae- a, ijeni. rnw. ei ana iota a ana s, together at 10 cents apiece lo spend a so-1 e-7. -cl.i k1, of nvt4 and lota i eial evening and incidentallv, to Isepefit ! .nl 2-.l''J rw..... - a.i l. .. . ' .1....;.... T A and O W McHriue to K C Oiltnar, vwu.cu inline. oceani, 1-aBtn tnterent in Mcbride tr. tiwil. rlw, quit W h Newmm and wife to C L and M i Clark, lot 1 and 2, blk U, bokblna add to Rainier I Frank N'agie to M Berg. W and M Beaver, ! right ol tt'ay for wagon road A Player to M A Blackbird, lot It, b!k 4, l Bryant's llrat add lo Clatskanie lies, whose right hand got in contact ! FPavna and wife to M i Lane, uw'4 of In theClrr with the ctibifT aula- resulting in tlio ln. . " - 'An rtw 1 i S'1""!11 wun tne cuion saw, resulting in tne iom , K g,,.k Hll1 Wlfe Ul n A Mu,,,i , ot Maar T. vi mo unjoin sou . uu sjoou .iiiouii : UW'4 ana sw or ne i: lid 11 01 Se the palm of the hand. After being put tp4n rtw, quit i ..-.. 1 1 . . 11 . 1 ! ... (i W Knave rand wife lo C a. ris-ht of war ... eu.: ne.w 11c wens 10 1 urtiauu ur , ,or ,K..un m qq avwois icLiuiio. , mierlff lo slate laud board ue'i HtxOb, The Shaver Transportation Company ,a;X;-;;";. is fortunate in securing John A. English a Tucker and wile m J ir,in nd f as purser on board their steamer, and ! Donohue. of ne! aud lot 1. seel, John is fortunate also in securing a pwri- Mtn'ThuhhR 'narciVof 7W lion mat lie can nil cretiuaoiy aiioto: lund onHauvie'sialand tuoooi tne caiisiacnon 01 toe patron oi tne c j. nirin; to c ryganuncn, vt'i ot w company. He entered upon his dutiea , TfhTo1 If r' ftCo aii'd 'the ' iaioii Troit Monday. The steamer for the present ; Co to Willamette Pulp ai 1'aer Co, lou make us two visits per week, to be in- i siiip4n.riw creased to thiee a little later in the j .nan's1" ",rt0,ww eon. H Weft u BretVil W'est.' kVh'ln't'eVeVt'Yri Harold Syverson suspended logging "," J?,u operation on Beaver and thought he ,au-nu raieast, wouiu quit tne otisineH., out tne lever Total paid out. . Ft'NP. I tf,'7 as mil xi t. m m, as w a 9.l vi li a M AO :a) no MM m ', IK -. -a it li lain Ki i IW let l a7 l 'tl tsi It SA rw.al j STATE OF ORKOOS. I County ol Columbia,! I. E Iwin Koas, do hereby certify that the foregoing ia a trtia and correct statement of the amouut. lecetveil, baia out ana remaining on naiiu. in tne couuiy i rea.irrv oi aai. i.ountr tor inn six in on tha euilin on tb. Hint day of March, 1MI1. Wltuaaa my hand this Vlh Uar of Aptll, A D. 11. fciiwiN guns, touniy treasurer. Caught Oread fa I Cold. Mrrloti Kooke, mansgor for T. M. Thorn tieon, a large manudu'turer of tine uiilliuery at )66N Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at night ami mad me unfit to attend to my work during the day. One of mv milliner was taking Chamberlain's Cough fteinvdy for a se vere cold at that time, which woun d to releive ber o quickly that I bought some for myaelf. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once. lam now entirely well and feel very pleased to acknowledge its merits. For sale at tb St. Helen Pharmacy. The Iteat Itemed? tor IthetimaUam. Quick relief from pal". All who us Chamberlain' Pain Halm fur rheum, tiaiu are delighted with the quick re! ir from pain which II afford. When stieaklug of this Mr. 1). N, Sink, 0( Troy, Ohio. y; "Some Mine ago i had a severe attack of rheumatism n my arm ami shoulder. I tried numer ou remeti but got no relial until wa recommended by Meter. Geo. y. Parson A Co., druggist, of this place' to try Chamberlain' Pain Italtn. They recommended il so highly that 1 bought a bottle. I wa anon relieved ol all paiif. I have tlnce ret;oniniendi9l tbi liiltmn to many of my friends, who agree with me that It I the best remedy lor mu.a. lar rheumatism in the market. For sale at the St, Helen Pharmacy. Question Answered. Yes, August Flower still ha th. I largest sale d any medicine in the civ lined world. Your mother' ami grand mother' never thought of using any thing lo lor Indigestion or biliousness. !oclor wtre scarce, and they e!d(mi lieaul of apsrndi-iti( nervous prostra tion or heart Inilure, etc. They Auguat Flower to clean out th system and stop fermentation of undigested j food, regulate the action of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that I all they took when Icellng dull and bed with hud. ' ache and other aches. Yon only need I a lew (lores ol Ureen'a At'ouat k loav.a in liquid lorm, to make yon satisfied there Is nothing seriona th matter with you. Get Green's Prig Almanac. CASTOR I A For JjafiuiU and Children. IM Yon Kan Always Bssght Bean th BlgnAture Hcadiirhe often results from a disor dered condition of the stoinnch and con stipation of the bowel. A d'sse or two of Chamberlain' Htomarb and Liver Talilcl will correct tlieae diaordcrs and cure the headache. Sold at the St. Ik-lens Pharmacy. i Mrs. 0. E. VanDeoeen, of Kllboarn, , Wis., was atllicted with atomarh troulil i ami constiation for a longtime. Hhe i ), "1 liav trmi many preparation ; but none have done me the good that Chamberlain' Stomach and Liver Tab 1 let have," These Tablets are lor sal. t the rt. Helen Pharmacy. Prices ' cents. Sample free. OABTOnXA. lUtnust ) IM am Ya Htw Hm fcef). BlfatI f I PEMIANXUAL STATEMENT of the amount of money and warrants received for taxes, and money raid to tht County Trsaa nrer by the .-herlffol Columbia County, Oregon, tor tbe sit muntha ending ou Ih gist day ol March. A. u. I'-aji. TO AMOl'ST RECEIVED. Collected on 1 delinquent Mi friuii tiwnersol property gold to Individuals fcold u Countv. Paid by couiuy on lands told prior to inw Advertising Gnu on lands told to individuals. Coats on land! sold to county Fees, mileage aud deeda Ta.1 baca ol 1 On original 1'joO tax roll Oct. Total received . Sot. DI.K1NU THE all IN Till OK March i Total 1138 tn 04 1237 VH... 39 57 217 U . 1.11 10 a 21 W IK TA i Dec. Jan. Feb. i'-al JO 31) 501 it. 001 IS M i 17 'Bt 17 40 IM 10 7Si j tJM 67J17KI0 40 I 21 00 S7 9U j 2? OOt-'ilSo 07:1771 id l.asi t) M 04 1237 41 3D 7 217 00 1.1 10 VIS IM 4S ai 2i(WI W ;"i5"'7i BY AMOUNT PAID TREASURER. Turned over to treasurer lKn) delln queiit Advertlting........ Cost on tat sale Fees, intleagesnd deeds. Tsics back ol IKW Ou original WUUUi roll ,. Advertising to R. II. Mitchell Total turned over PCRINO THE MONTH OF October Nor'mb'r 2Sr.l is I 217 09 a Hi; 12 ;.. U54 M 161 UK . . t (ti t Oeivraer January 13 OA I 2S6I 51 40 $ 17 W $ 17G 2:$ 24 M tut) February! I IbtA 2 March IB 7S 10 74 1M 2 W H 40.$ Ifrt S2 $ VHnt S6 Total turned over FA7HH 7S STATE OF ORKOO.N. ( County of Coluinbla, t herebv eertllv that the fnrenolng statement Is true, sbnwing the amount collected and the amount turned over each month, for the six month coding March lil-t. 1W1. n. is. IM 11 Sherlffof Columbia County, Oregon. I 00 1 00 10 00 Bride. Jude of Ibe Hbove:e!llled Couit, made and dated March 2nrh. 11. GRAHAM 4 CLEETOM, m2Vm 10 Attorneys for Plaintiff. I SUMMONS BT PUBUCkTIOH. A? HA in tne t;ircuit i:oun of tne mat ot Oregon, ror i;ounty. Wii.Liaas, PlalntifT, vs. too! Wiu-uat WtLLiaas, Defendant. ; loniiuam minams, me aoo,e-naraen oetena i ant: 1 N THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: 7.1 on ' X Yon are hereby summoned and reoulie I to HIM 00 I apfa-ar and answer the complaint hied against you on tne i.iu oay ot siarcu, iu, in tne aoove entiilcd suit lu the nbove named court, on or before the 10th dor of May. A. 11. IWiI, which ia SEMIANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of the financial condition of th County of Columbia, in th Bute ol Oregon, on the loth day ol Marcn, A. u. iwi. LIABILITIES. To warranta drawn on the county treasurer, aud out' Handing and unpaid, gen eral fund To estimated amount of inter eat accrued Ihere'iu To road warranta drawn on the county treasurer, and outstanding and unpaid... Total liabilities . AMOUNT. RESOURCES. I 'By funds In hands of county treaa- urer applicable to th payment of I county warranta ,$2701)1 77 My estimated unpaid current Uses I applicable lo the payment of coun- ....300 00 ty warrants illy funds lu hands of th county ) treasurer to pav warrant, on gen ....4S2 25' eral fund advertised and not pre I seined. By cash In hands of treasurer, road fund By amount of delinquent taxes 18 to lru inclusive , By amount of liens on land bid la by1 I county lor riixes ,.. Ky SO acres of land By lot, court home and nxturss. ,. .$27791 02 Total resources., AMOUNT. .$ 2M0 M ..2J2S6 57 ....872 29 . . .2614 24 . . .2428 M ..14042 IX ... WW 00 ...17U) 00 .$466110 4 603 00 mo 00 patent; same so W II Abies, the time preacribed III the order of publication rnil S.TV TQF Atf ornifi rafaTlftae hereinofthe tiimmont for you to so appeor COUNTY TREASURER S NUTICeS If voa fall lo so appear aud doe not seem to have left him entirely, and people heard with some surprise that Harry had purchased tbe machin ery of Barr' mill, about two miles out A Testimonial from Old Kogland. 'I consider Chamberlain's Conch Remedy the beet in the world for bron- nd answer, an answer the said ciunplaint within said time, the PlalntifT will apply to the Court for tbe relief I demanded In the said complaint, to-wlt: For a 100 00 - decree of the aald Court, dissolving the bonds j of matrimony now and herebifore existing be 1 00 tween you and the said plaintiff, on ihegrounda oi toe oeseriMJU nir moro .nun oni. year im mediately befare Ihe commencement oi this suit by you, William Willlamt, of the plaintiff , Marv T. Williams, and on the grounds ot hab itual gross drunkenness for more than one year, and for the care, custody and control of the two children, the issue of tucii marriage, and for such other relief in the premises aa to the Court may seem litfhl and lust. This sum mons It published In Tux OREOo.f Mist for COUKTV TSSASUUKK't "milt, fir. Hgi.SKt. Or.. April 12, 1001. VTOTICE IH HEREBY I1IVEN THAT ALL a.1 unpaid County Warrants of Columbia County, Oregon, which have Iweii presented and endorsed- "Not paid for Waul oi Funds." prior to July 1, lsmO, will be paid neon pre sentation at thia iilllce. Interest will not be allowed afler this date. El'WIN KOri.s, a 12m 10 Treasurer of Columbia County, Or. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. mn- I .... V ' t.. . , I Sl.a hi. Hnal i.a,.,..! . h .Te.'llln . - jiL . - ..... . penoa or six wecas, pursuant vo an oroer man. ' ............ .. a of town, and is having it moved to town i chit is," says Mr. William Savory, of , by the Hon. J. B. Doan, Jmlge of the County I County :oiirtof tne Btate of Oregon to imp across into wasoington, wttere Warrington, ungiana. "It has naved coun oi sam t;oiumoia county, ore be expect to build and operate a saw- my wife's life, she having been a marfr tSui-l ""d nrcl.'lt'c..1, miW near Cbebali. He I an enterprig- to bronchitis for over six years, being county of Columbia. The date of th Oregon, dated in the ao- from said I'HK UNDERSIGNED, AS EXECUTOR OF ' . tt.a will ,.f I m lll,.ur.r,n luaaa.a.1 Km. executor in tne for f tie county of Columbia, and Ihs same has been act for hearing and settlement for Tuesday, the 14th day of May, l'JOl, at ten o'clock, forenoon. miH near unerutii. lie an emerpns- ; to nroncniiis for over six vears, being county of Columbia. I he date of the first pub- i All irnri having objections to am acoonm g Citizen and Will do hi beet to make ' most of the tiueconlined to tier bed. Khe ' Hcstlmi of this summons It March W, A. a 1H, i are. hereby nntllied to be present at aald time Ncce. of the bu.ine.. That be may is now quite well. Sold .1 the St. Helens j VWjStf " Wf"li,frWHb' ' "".!." Pre''" irav KII.LIN. Jo 0 i tbe wib of hi friend. J'luirtnai-y. mUfmiu Attorney lor PlalntifT. Executor tif the will uf .1. K. Rlnearaon, dec.naed. i. - f"2.r""i "n rsjs. M AWgctabk Preparalionror As slmilaling mc Food and Rctfula ting rhiiSlouxKtts arsllVjwvis of Promotes DifccstionJCiwrfur ness and Rest Contains nelller Ojnitm.Morplune norMuicxaL ISotNakcotic. aasW.asaaj. Aperfccl Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish nest and Loss OF SLEEP. Fac Simla Signelurs of NEW YORK. 1. 1 U t F. . , tUl a, 1 ,i )g I-.., ). ; i EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. a, -J For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of At AW I.r ' AW- In Use For Over Thirty Years Tea .isjvtu. ..Heawv. SJSW vaaa srw. How About Your Title? CX RE YOU HURE It la sll right? Remember that II Is th Jr RECORD that governs. It Is our business to search Ih t records and show what they contain In relation lo lend titles. If you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real ..late security, take no man'a word, but luslst upon knowing what the record shows ingarding the title. An Abstract is aa essentlsl as a deed. Insist on having II. W. have the only set of abstract books In tha coanty. All work promptly executed snit aatltlacllon guaranteed. If you have property to Insure give us a call. Wear, sgniiti lor tbe best lire Insurance couipantne In lb. world. It vou niaic property mr saie list it wiiu ua anu ws will aud a nttyer. sj E. E. QUICK & CO., J mfmlm C.-aa. a, .,..-., B C tl ft M W W ""'" sr. Helena, trn.ooir m AD MINIS THA TORS SALE OF REAL ES TA TE. vrOTICK IH HEREBY OIVPN, THAT UNDER i it and by virtue of an rirrlor of tlio Countv I Court of Columbia enmity, In th Hlste of Ore nun, made and dated March 22nd, A. D. 1U01, 1. , E. E, tfuick.as the adiulnlstrHtor of the estate ' of John Hendricks, dcceasiid, will on Tuesdav, : April KOth, A, D. l'JOl, at ihe hour of one o'clock In ihe alternuon, of that day, at public miction, at the from doorof the enmity court house, in , said county, proceed to otter for sale and fell to the highest Htid best bidder therefor, the fol lowing described real estate, situated hi said ' comity, to wit: The norlh half of the smith- east quarter of section twenty-nine, In town- ' ship number five, north of range two, west of Ihe Willamette Meridian. Terms of shUu At , the discretion nf the ailmlnlatamr bi he sillier all cash, or nm loss than half cash, and the bal- , ance within one year Willi eight tier cent, in-, terest, and all deferred pnymcnls to be secured by first mortgage un the property so sold K, E. QUICK, , Administrator of the estate of John Heud ri'k, deceased. H. II. OKIIHKK, j Attorney fur the estate. ' rlt Helens, Oregon, March 1, 1001. nr.".i'JH immflFmTOmfflmiifiimffimuriiriiminfmunirm I THE NEW YORK STORE I j: IS OFFERING GRKAT BARGAINS IN 1 Clothirig J 1 $ g Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. & M. MORGU8. E Oioper Building Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon, g