The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 12, 1901, Image 2

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JCntered at tlie Foetoltice at ft. II leu. Utt such proportion that the little re
Oregon, a iw-onl-fl mail matter, j public wa in a fair wav to Kwe not only
Iseusu Every Fbiday Mi.ii.nino By
Editor and I'ltorRiETOB.
Ons copy on year, in advance $1.00
hi mnnina
atapresntaltv..,.-Koraji Merrill. Clatatanle
J u.r, . , . Joseph H. lloau. Rainier
Clara . J- Wall, st. Helen
Sheriff...... B.S. Haitan. et. Helens
Treasurer r.. Kose, re tietens
Supt. oi School! H . Cnpeland, lionlion
Ammm,. Martin While, St. Helens
a ... A. B. LUlle. Uoiiltoa
,,, ;'. Dr. 11. R. Cliff. St. Helen
, , 1 P. A. rmse. ocenrKe
Commissioner j- w u pjiubunr
APBIL 12. 1901.
Mr. 8. Chas. Davis haa aociatel him
aelf with the editorial ami buiness man
agement of this paper, and is authorised
to transact businew of any nature con
cerning the, publication of the paper.
UAVID 1UV1S, inuitsner.
This is the season for planting. Plant
an advertisement in Tus Mist aud yonr
business will grow.
Now that Fnnston haa proven himself
ao plucky in tne proscenium oi warm
enterprise the people of Kansas should
.. - j t - -:n I . e !...: ..,......
vena mm on a aim nuus iui ium bww
lost reputation.
Portland may not act noon our sug
gestion of leasing Aguinaidoand placing
him on exhibition during the summer
carnival, for the reason that perhaps
many of his kind are already in that city.
Ths demand for canned horse has in
f creased to such an extent that the Linn
ton abattoir it again in operation. The
' demand comes from Europe, undoubt
edly. No, we did not say ''paas the
horse, please."
If Hay flowers are large and numer
ous according to the number and hu
midity of April showers, we will have
pansies as large as sunflowers and chrys
anthemums bigger than the average foot
ba!l player's head.
Takbo the work of all the legislative
bodies into account, there were about
10,(100 new laws enacted during the past
winter. In legislation everything noes
except polvgamy and the river and har
bor bill. '
It will require all the tact and re
sourcefulness of even the brilliant Fun
ston to retrieve the good name .of Kan
sas unless the people of that state art
promptly in suppressing the pops, cy
clones and joint-smashers.
I ,Hon." H. W. Corbett keeps his
word good regarding his campaign for
election next year to the senate, some of
y "the boys" throughout the state will no
doubt have more spending money.
That's one way of inflating the currency.
It now tranpires that the Idaho legis
lature, which was controlled wholly by
fusion forces, also cost 12,000,000, not
withstanding the fact that the state is
mailer and less important commer
cially and every other way than Oregon.
Tax disaster in the new tunnel of the
Great Northern railroad is another evi
dence of the inferiority of man's best
handiwork to that of nature. The tunnel
is a great work and constructed in ac
cordance with the latest ideas, bnt is
Hon. T. T. Geer, who will now as eov
ernor of the state, welcome President
McKinley to its hospitality, did a simi
lar service for President Harrison ten
Tears ago, when, as speaker of the house,
he was chairman of the committee from
that body, and went to the state line to
meet the pre ident.
The Salem Journal suggests that Ar
bor Day might be employed to teach
boys and girls to graft. There are a num
ber of Oregon politicians who are well
op in the art aud their services might
be secured as instructors. The Albany
Democrat might also be able to give the
young hopefuls a few pointers.
Ginebal Fo'sros has been promptly
and suitably rewarded for his daring
capture of Agninaldo, the Filipino lead
er. Now, if the government metes out
justice to the little rebel nigger by
promptly shooting him, most of those
entitled to it will have received their
just deserts and a vexatious problem will
nave been judiciously disposed of.
Thi oil mining furor has struck Ore.
gon, and there aeetm to be every reason
able probability that a little mtelligiit
effort will be rewarded by the diwovery
of valuable wells of petroleum. Colum
bia county can boast of as good oil
prospects as any section of the state,
and some startling developments will
undoubtedly be made here during the
next year.
A dew aeries of postage stamps will
eoon appear, namely: the Bunalo fcx-i erai people as they were buving goods
position series. The one cent stamp of j last Saturday at John Delfar's store,
green color, will have a picture of a lake j First and Yamhill streets, Portland,
steamer to represent the great transpor- Mr. Dollar's stock consists of a com
tation industry of inland seas in which plete assortment of men's and boy's
Buffalo is so much interested. The two clothing and a general line of shoes of
cent stamp, printed in red, will have a I the latest styles at a price twenty per
railway train; the four cent stamp, in cent less than any other store in the
red and brown, an automobile; the five jcitv, Eyery visitor can, without any
cent, in bine, a picture of the new bridge j difficulty, purchase exactly what is
at Niagara Falls; the eight cent, lilaca wanted.
picture of the lock at Ht, 8te, Marie,! It is not surprising then that nearly
and the ten cent, or light brown, ao (every purchaser expressed the determin
ocean steamer. j ation to qnit their old trading place and
L.J i transfer their patronage to Mr. Dellar in
Im the century lust beuun there will i
be 6,117 Sundays, in that whim we
have hardly yet learned to speak of as
.ha loot Vaatam Kiin.latr iiaa i-u 1 1 ,..,. I
once on its earliest possible date, March '
22, 1818, but this will not recur till the
twenty-third century. The earliest Eas
ter in the new century will be March 23,
1V13. Easter Sunday will fall once on
its latest day, April 25, 1043. This also
occurred once in the century just passed
in 1866. Ascension day is practically
always in May but on three occasions in
the past century it occurred in June,
in this century it will occur four times.
It seems that Uncle Sam is to be put
to the necessity of teaching another in
solent latin state what constitute com
roon gratitude if not common decency.
A lew years since the (South American
republic of Venezuela got into a uiixup
vitb England over the lut-atiou ot certain
boundary line, and the, tfiaputa auw-
( HIV uinnivM riw aju mi
main ahe uoww.aa.1 with her inuVuuiiil
etiee Into tho bargain. At thin matte of
the proceedi ngathi govern uiMit, in coui-piiam-e
with tue proviaiona of the Mon
roe doctrine, iitterl'errod, and politely
but hrtuly told England to keep her
hands olf, and t'reeldent Clevelaud pro
ceetleil to settle the dispute in a manner
fair to Kith parties, thou taving Veueiu
ela'a independence, for had matters been
allowed to come to an issue between the
two couutriea Veneauela would imply
have become a colony of (.treat Brita,u.
Later on certain Atnericau capitaliata
secured concessions from the wobbly
little republic which permitted them to
O'lerate aonie asphalt mines, aud they
accordingly laid out large sums in se
curing and transporting machiuery for
that purpose. Their sueci'ss in mining
arouaed the cupidity of certain avaricious:
state official ami by the application
of the trickery and uiaciuatiotia peculiar
to those countries the' Americana were
robbed of their mines, concessions and
even denied the privilege of proteating
anninel. their unjuv. treatment. Coiupli
citiona followed, of course, and after ex
nnusting every honorable and ilititiitied
meana of aecuritig respectful treatment
of our citizens thin government has re
called our minister and in a few days
will dispatch one of Admiral Schley'-
peta to V euexuela. and it is tale to as
sume that 1'resiuViit Castro will find
a lot wore argument in the muzzle oi a
13-iuch guu Mian he could see in Secre
tary Hay's representations.
Vauktoo Sews.
C. H. Weblier, who has been seriously
ill for several weeks, is much improved.
Mr. Stevens, recently from Michigan,
has bought SO acres of land from Harry
Slieriuau aud wilt at once build a neat
Thou. Ilolstein has sold his team and
logging outfit to Mr. Heed, who will con
tinue putting logs into Milton creek,
near the Holstein plaee.
J. A. Brinn and T. Holstein have
bought the logging outfit of $mith Bros.,
on upper Coweiman, including two large
donkev engiues, and are now on the
ground getting them in running order
for the coming season.
Mr. and Mrs. Hyde are enjoying a visit
from their daughter, Mr, liuut, from
Ferris, Michigan. Mr. Johnson and
family, who accompanied Mrs. Hunt,
have decided to remain, and will occupy
the Saxton house this summer.
J. W. Saxton, Clyde Chamberlain, G.
Solomon, Fa mice and Will Sanrvine and
Lester Baily, are among those who will
begin work at once at T.Brown's new
camp on the lower Cowlitz. Mr. 6a Hon
and Mr. Chamberlain will move their
families to Catlin as soon as the weather
will permit.
Schemes Devised to On twit Old Bossy
of this Land.
tor a tact there has been more in
genious rascality add cussedness de
veloped in connection with the single
item of cows' milk than in any other
thing produced on tne larui. The dairy
man early learned to water and skim it,
the milkman who peddled it to adulter
ate it with formalcbyde and .salicylic
acid to keep it from souring, the butter
maker to work casein and water into
the butter and the steer man and the
hog man and the cottonseed oil man
each took a hand to fraxluiently beat old
oossr out ot ner vested rights, while
onlv a few commission men can now
handle the butter and keep the ten com
mandments. But that is not all. for the
great packing companies have turned
' . i , . . : .
pans ui tueir eiauguier nouses into
"creameries," where oleomargarine is
manufactured by the wholesale from
beef fat, hog fat, veal fat. mutton fat,
or any other old fat that can be scraped
up. Think of a well bred cow, one of
the Creators best gifts to man. having
as competitors the pump, the steer, the
hog, boutheru oil mills and Northern
drug stores, and the legion of slaughter
bouses, the wonder is that ahe la able
to do business at all.
Laplanders in This Coantj.
It is not generally known, but it is no
less a tact, that in the lower end of this
county reside two gentleman, natives of
Lapland, who came to this continent
three years ago, at the time the rein
deer were imported by our government
to be o!ed in penetrating the interior of
Alaska to take relief to what was then
supposed to have been a host of starving
miners. These two gentlemen came
with the aniirrals, and are now located
in this county, having purchased lands
near Qaincy. Their have not been
among our people long enough to be
very familiar with our customs or lan
guage, but are taking bold of the situa
tion a they 6nd it in the land of their
adoption, and promise to become useful
Bestlegg Laborers.
H. O. Howard, the Yankton sawmill
man, was in town lat Friday on busi
ness, and reports trade in his line good,
and rapidly on the increase. Mr. How
ard says the greatest drawback these
days is to keep a force of men. There
is so much employment everywhere that
the laboring element is restless, contin
ually gr'ing from one place to another.
This condition is to be deplored, how
ever, onlv from that point of view and
condition of circumstances which gives
employers trouble in securing the nec
essary help.
Not Married to Any One.
"No matter how long one has been
doing their trading at a certain store,
they are under noobligations tocontinue
doing so if they can do better elsewhere."
That was the opinion expressed bv sev-
Card or Thanks.
We desire to sincerely thank oor
neighbors and friends for their kindness
and sympathy during the recent sick
ness and death of our dear children.
Mb. and Mas. F. M. Pabkeb,
Vei nonia, Or.
Change of Time tor Meeting.
According to a recent act of the legis
lature, approved by the governor on
February 23. the time for th
of the regular terms of county court has
been changed to meet on the flrst j script, according to a notice he has in
Wednesday in each month, beginning! this issue calling; for all warrants en
with January. There is a serious ones-1 domed prior to July 1st, 1900. He will
tion whether this is going to be a good
change or not,
School began at lluzel Grove this week.
Prof. Whittenand wife made a short
visit to the metropolis Monday.
V. II. Convent spent n day at the
county eut the tirst of the week.
The steamer Shaver will make ua two
visits per week, beginning Monday.
Misses Cronin and Thayer, teachers
at (Juiiu'v, and Mis. Parelius caiue over
to attend' our school entertainment.
Mr. Bailey, of Portland, has been
spending a week in this vicinity in the
interest of the order of Washington.
V. A. Hall, instructor in the inter
mediate department, is attending the
tcachera' examination this week. He is
engaged to teach at Cliftnu this summer.
Miss Nora Convent came down from
Si. Helens on a brief visit to parents
and friends aud incidentally to attend the
exercises connected with the closing of
Miss C. J. Tracy left Monday for Port
land, she has been a very successful
teacher in our primary schoolroom and
will be welcomed back if she decides to
teach here again.
Vincent Tichenor left with his old
friend. Jack Cameron, the first of the
week, for Nehalem, where he expects to
enter the employ of the Voeberg A
Wheeler Mill Company.
A. M. Wheelerof Falrhaven, Wash.,
spent a few days in town recently, visit
ing friends. He is a brother-in-law of
Mrs. Tilden liraham and haa other
friends in and about town.
Hon. N. Merrill left for Portltnd on
Monday expecting to be at the county
seat on Tuesday to interview the county
court on the matter of court house loca
tion. He w ill present a strong petition
against a new building at this time.
Mi?s Lev in a Pophaui spent a few days
with parents and friends in order to at
tend the graduating exercises, as she is a
member of the class of 1902. he re
turned to Philomath the tirst of the
week accompanied to Portland by her
It is reported that John English has
been tendered and accepted the position
of purser on the steamer Shaver, and
will enter upon his duties as such Mon
day 15th. John will make a good pur
ler, his cheerful attention to duty mak
ing hiuj popular.
Forest Grove contributed generously
toward the attendance cud interest at
the school exereisee last week. Misses
MrCobh, EngliMh. Tichenor and Messrs.
J. C. Bryant and Harold Shaver were
on hands, each adding in some measure
to the enjoyment of Friday evening.
A horse hitched to a dray on which a
cook stove was loaded, started so sud
denly aud unexpectedly from in front of
rage a store I uesdav, Uiat tne stove
soon rolled off the dray, caught against
a telegraph pole abjve Conyer' store
and tne horse went on without it to the
neighborhood of Clark's livery stable,
where it was captured without injury to
the horse but very serious mishap to the
stove and some damage to the harness
which, being made up largely of ropes,
could be repaired.
The city of Clatskanie is in possession
of a silver medal from the California
State Floral Society, awarded last fall.
on account ot an exhibit ot Uregon
mosses which took the premium at the
society's exhibition at San Francisco,
Cal. The collection was made at the
suggestion of Mrs. Chandler, of Sau
Francisco, who visited here something
over a year ago, and being something of
a botanist was greatly interested in the
variety and beauty of the mosses about
here. A few of our citizens were in
duced to prepare a collection cf these
mosses and ferns for exhibition and sent
them to California, winning first pre
mium, as stated.
On Saturday evening Graham's ball
was well tilled to witness a programme
given by the scholars of the public
schools. There were few numbers on
the card, sutrzestinz a brief exercise, but
a good deal ot stage setting and prelum'
nary work was required on each uuin
ber so that about two hours were occu
pied in the performance. The enter
tainment was a very enjoyable one,
though' a little less demonstration by
the juniors in the audience would have
been appreciated. The programme con
sisted utaiuly of drills with musical ac
companiments and some little diversions
which were well rendered, the scholars
doing their parts in a surprisingly skil
ful manner considering their oriel prep
aration. This was a pay entertainment,
the proceeds being devoted to paying
such expenses as were occasioned in the
graduating exercises. The result finan
cially was satisfactory in addition to
the pleasure of a good entertainment.
The annnal graduation exercises were
held in the ehurch last Friday and were
well attended, notwithstanding the rain
that was pouring down outside. The
audience room had been taafully and
very elaborately decorated for the occa
sion, Oregon grape having been used so
as to form a massive curtain, suspended
from the ceiling and draped in very at
tractive style. Flowers were also very
much in evidence, and were ingeniously
distributed through the green so as to
greatly enhance the effect. After the
audience had been seated by young lady
ushers robed in white, the three mem
bers of the graduating class, Misses
Elsie Hughes, viyian Tichenor and Mr.
Vincent Tichenor entered and took their
places on the platform, followed by Prof.
Wbitten and Hon. C. W. F'ulton. After
an invocation by Rev. Culmer, Miss
English gave a violin solo accompanied
on the piano by Miss McCobb, director
of music at Pacific University. This
wns well received as it merited. Miss
McCobb was on the programme for a
song and two piano selections, which
were given during the evening to the
delight of the audience. She is an
artist in music, a brilliant pianist, with
a rich ami pleasing voc.J power also,
and contributed very largely to the en
entertainment of the evening. Mivs
Hughes read an essay on "The Cru
sades," Mis Tichenor took "The Em
press Josephine" for her subject, while
Mr. Vincent Tichenor gave an oration
on "Our Insular Possessions." Those
exercises were well given and creditable.
Hon. C. W. Fnlton gave a half hour of
very excellent advice and suggestion
along educational lines, showing quite a
familiarity with general literature. The
address was practical and helpful and
will not soon be forgotten. Dr. Hall, in
a few words of commendation to the
class and teachers, presented the diplo
mas. Harold Khaver being present, was
called on for a song, and responded by
giving a selection called "Asleep in the
Deep." He has a rich baritone voice
and sings well. After this the lady
ushers brought forward boquets and
other Uikens of greeting from friends,
and the closing by Kev. Culmer ended
an evening of rare enjoyment, an epoch
in the history of Clatskanie.
Boy-lnr County Warrants.
The coanty treasurer has opened tip;
opportunities afrain lor holders ol county
warrants to negotiate the sale of their
paper. That official wants to purchase
f6000 worth of outstanding county
probably buy (26,000 worth of warrants
between now and the end of the year.
Mrs. liosco Pearce and sister visited
friends ill Portland Monday.
W. Thurniimrtoii and family moved
from here to Skrunokawa Friday.
N. Kobinson and family have moved
in the house vacated by W, rhornmorton.
Otis Burhee and T. Jackson, of Castle
Kock, visited friends In this place Sun-
Mrs. Sarah E. Davidson, of Portland,
is visiting with Mrs. B. . Watts this
School in district No. 37 began April
1, with Miss Uatlle Munk, of Portland,
as teacher, ,
J. Payne and wife, ot Deer Island,
were the quests ol Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Colvin fundity.
Miss Limits Wetle began school in
district No. 20 Monday morning, attend
ance twenty-nine.
George, Henry and Miss Louise Morel
and Julian Wat-ser visited triends out
on Tide creek Sunday.
B. Vaudacar and' wife moved from
Kalama to this place Tuesday, They
will live in the Butts house.
Born at Neer City, April 6, to the
wife of Abe Neer, a son. Mother and
child doing well. Father is expected to
11. H.iriti and family, ot Astoria,
moved out to Mooresville Friday. Mr.
tlnritx is running one of the logging
doukeys for the G. N. A V. B. Co.
At a special nchnol meeting of school
district No. SO, held April 4, Anton Wise
was elected scnool uirector to nil out ne
unexpired term of G. C. Jaquiah, de-
..JUJl '
Si , . .,,,. i 1 1 i ,
was elected school director to nil out tne
H.M. Fowler, Martin Hoven and T.
C. Watts visited Ca-tle Rock lodge No.
62, A. F. A A. M., Thursday evening.
The third degree as conferred on live
candidates. Major Smith, of Kalama
lodge, was the presiding ollicer,
Bead the Local Paper.
The local newspaper should be found
in every house. Children should not
grow up in iuiu ranee who can be taught
to appreciate the home press. It is said
to be the stepping stone of intelligence
in all these matters not to be learned in
books. Give your children a foreign
paper which has not one word concern-
lug any person, place or thing thev ever
aw, or perhaps even heard of, and how
could you exiwet them to be interested?
But let them have a home paper and
rpiiHV, April , iiiuiun Jjlimaay mm ; gt. UelSlla, llregon, on Aoru .uu, iivi, na,
. Burvia. of Ronhen. ware united in i MAi.l'IN lil'TSKNTAT,
. .. . . . u...... m. itu f, ih. hi nr ma
hy tlder bushnell. at the resi- J"K J ml fa t N, R t w. lie nam, the
of Mr. and Mrs. ltustinull, Of. fullowlug wiinaaaio pm hl euutluuoua ra-
Complete List of tne Officer and Postofflce of the Clerk of Columbia
County School Districts for the Year 1001.
Nahs or DiaacToa Tiaa to mava.
N'tai or CLsai.
THr.i T1A.
1 M J roglert !W T Watt....
I E E Quirk H R Cliff
Si A Holailay lieo Merrill..
IK P Burns A Peterson...
trC TVhenor IN Merrill
6 Mrs E M Boossr.JJ M Aklus....
MVs Holt iM Berg
1 K
8 U W Freeman '.A K Harvey
I tD Holaday jP Umslgnout
iu j riiranam tit i voitio.....
1IPR Me-ker !C O Canlea ....
V2C w Mfllinger Ellen Mills
13 Dean Hlancbard-'FM Fowler
U John F.dholnt iO Hull
V ) M Reddles. iL Leonard
IS C K Brant.' IS Siesrart
17! A Inert Wood 'm Wood
1 John Boiler Ijobn Peterson-
1 II
i J K Headtee :r mn...
T 0 Waits.
H M Fowler Uohn
a w dc
A H roweii ie i
O Peterson K H
2i'N DPetenmu
lt Henderson.
S F J Peterson
W O W Rarne
W Mr. W i Zillman..
27 E R Throop
at T W Grant.
Jsi A i Orsirg
3) Fred KrlKga
81 Mark well j
XI Katelle Meaaerrc.
J W Hnnriaau.MjJno
Wm Haslet im
Carl orerll M M
WJ Zillman i)lier
MrsC MuPherson W R
i; tiaoiusai. . .. ., ' J naUs
W H Dobaon....iJ C Mevern
OLTarbell R B Mason
0 H Htatr W 8
1 KJeloerg J W
"LA Maleom
V. r)nydr iw H
H Hchmltt .. .Vancy Oor....JWH
u Walsnen . baa Lauren... i;lrr,
3iJCMonr' W Link ICC
37 r 4 Rticher ir Henderson.. ,.,Q Anllker....
S":W L Hrown IT H Men.ladt !A C Zlgler
" K Phllbrook :Ed Potter ;k A Perry....
0 W H King iWm Devlne iO Anderson...
11 Wn H Miller W l Miller !a Keno.kl
P Wanstrorn !A Nystrom I E Hoguerg..
43 Mr S E Avrea !D R Fowler C C
44 M PVonng IW R Holmea....tO W
H IEH Schoouqvsr.
V, John Jolnia IE N Davy
47 John PrlDirle 8 B Rosa
W B Tlmoney IJ F Siindbloota.
Wo II Holt
E Heinaer....
60 J W Fister , !
J W Lane
0 W Parker
oi;A M Parker
"-f s Malmberg
Mi W O Wood
fill A H Tarbell..
L Aamlller.....
II K Chirk
F Laraan
R Thorn.
P Sonnl
A K Foot
MrThn Anileraon
w N B Olaen..
7VV t Koaa
In the Circuit Court ot the Stat of Oregon, (or
roiumnia t;ounty.
Keiuhold Relchardt.Plalntlir.j
Adellda Broth'ers and Walter j "UMMONB.
Brothers. liefendauLa. I
To Adellda Brother and Waiter Brother, lb
above-named defendant.
I Yon and 'h of voa are herebv reuutred to
appear and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above-entitled cause, on or before
May lotb. l'Jul, which date I six week after
March '.Mil. Hull, the dst of the first publica
tion of this lurnmoni, and If you fall to o ap
pear and answer, for want thereof Ih plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for
end demanded In the complaint filed sanlnst
you herein, tn-wlt: Will take Judgment airalnst
sou and each of vnu for the turn of f;X)u.0u, to
gether with Interest thereon from thaxOthday
of June. IH'JH, at the rat of tell percent per an
nnm until paid; for the further sum of lJU()t
torney's fee herein, for hi cost and disbars,
menu of this suit, and for a decree foreclosing
plaintiff' mortgage in lb manner provided by
law, and for such other nd further relief as to
the Court may seem Just and eojiitsblo. This
summon i published by order of Tho. A. Mb
Brlrle. Judge of the sbore-enlilled Court, mad
sod dated March smb. 1WI1.
m2mU Attorneys for Plaintiff.
nal account as administrator of th eatat
of Murdo McKay, deceased, In the County Court
of th Mate of Oregon for Columbia county,
ana tne said i.oumy court na nxea sionuay,
the th day of May, 1V01, at ten o'clock, fore
noon, for the bearing and settlement of the
same. All persons having objections to aia
account are hereby notified to prefteul their ob
jection at said Urns and place.
Administrator of Ih estate of Murdo McKay,
deceased. m2VaM
Coostv TRBAsuag' "rrtcs,
St. Hsi-as, Os., April 12, 1901.
IX unpaid County Warrant of Columbia
County, Oregon, which have been presented
and endorsed' "Not Paid for Want of Funds,"
prior u July 1. HWO, will be paid upon pre
sentation at this office. Interest will not be
Mowed after this dale. EDWIN ItOSS,
aUmlu . Treasurer of Columbia County, Or.
In theOonnty Conrt of the Stole of Oregon, tor
;olunibia County.
Id the matter of the estate of Fred Koble, de-
poiiiMd by the County Court of the dtate
of Oregon, (or Columbia county, administratrix
of tha estsfa of Kred Unble. deceased, notice I
hereby given to the creditor, of, and all person
having claims against said deceased, to present
them, verified by taw wuirrf. within lx
month alter th first publication of thli notice
to said Anna Koble, at her residence at Keubn,
Oregon. Utd Msrch 1Mb, 101. (
Administratrix, of the e.t.l ol Fred Kobls,
dct ed. W. H. Powell, attornoy for Aduir. '
read ot the perwm whom they it"'t,
and with place with which they are
familiar, aud soon tin Interest ia awak
eucd which inereaae with verv arrival
of the local paper. Thus a habit Is
formed, aud the children will read the
papers all their lives and become InltV
Ilgwnt men and women, a credit to their
allocators, strong in the knowledge of
the world as it Is today.
Resolution of Condolence.
"The following resolutions were or
dered draughted by Houlton assembly
ot Artisans upon the death of their
.... ' . 1... !.. k UMnMH.A U.t.
of lh uutvona, ku iosb ill In III. all sin tits-
KnutUin to maun by tha hand of Ueatu our
lovtxt brothar, James Bradilm'lt, suit
Whrrvas, Hy tha itvalh af our blivad brother
his wife Inaw a Islllilul vnmiMiiluti. htsclnWI
tan a kind ami loving faibar, and Hniiimn
amtiubly a laillilu) and ilsvulad lumubar; thara.
lora ba It t , ...
HcsoLVSU, That whlls w sympathUs with
those who wars bound to ths dsartMt by tha
iiaareat and ttoaroal Hi"". w sharo with thstn
th hops ol rutilon In that batisr land whars
twrtlns Is no mora; and lorlhar ba It
KaaoLvan, That a copy ol thasa mhmIuUmis
ha sniuail upon tha minutes of HouUoii Assem
bly No. m); awipy aanl to tha family o( iho da
oMl; aud a copy aant lo Taa UaauoM MiT
ami ilia Columbia County Nawa tor uublloalloa;
alM) ba It . , , .
Kuokvan. That our ohartar ba draped la
mourning lor thirty ilaya. JM UnwiaY,
Deparlmvnt of the Interior.
Laki urras Attaoos Oitv, Oa.,
Mnroh th.
TnTic ta IIRRKtiV IIIVKN l iur Til It
i n fallowing named aettlvr aaa mm nuiioe oi
his Intontiou w maka anal wh.i lu mpwrt of
hlaelalui. aud that aald prixif a III U mads ba-
hus His County Usrk ol Columbia County, at
IN following oatned aettlvr baa Itled uollca of utmn aud cultivation of aald laud, vli
johamut Boeoa, NV. C. Kli-hman. K. R. Throop
and liront KIlU, all of Keaa. Oregon.
mlAaJS CHAM. R. JatHllUS, Keglttar.
notice or rmL scTTumtin.
Is the County Court of ths State of Oregon. In
and for t'olumbla County.
Ill ih mailer ut lbs nun of John Kettering,
Kettering. Iliu admlniatrator of thaaataie
of John tietwrlog. defeated, ba relioered and
Keoaentad lor aettlrmenl, ami riled in said t'ourt
la Sua! aivoant ut bla administration ol aald
estate, and that die ?ih day of May, Ivol, at
0'eloek. p. m , at tba court room of aald t;ourt,
at Ih court houae. in tha City of at. Helena. In
aid CtHituy and Slsia. has beau apiluted by
tha Judga of said t'ourt. for tha settlement of
aid Snal weounl. at wlileb lima and plae any
bla objection to orb anal account and aattl.
! ment thawof, and eontwt the sain,
i 4uoS M-J' Vd"ui.trau.r.
Ptllard a Day, Attorn? lor Administrator.
raon lutereated In said eatat may appear ana
i-Ierk'i PostofBo
osB rata.
T A Clonlnger!Harry Wast....
Edwin Rosa ijamaa part
Jama Oatuna.. Krwln It. Bert..
Heannnnaa. .
t llelena
Peer Island ...
nibble. ...Ira Pareher
Usll (frank Merrill... it'latskaul
Blair Chas Kkftardson
HTirell jllenry Laraatn
w iir w is van
(lu.Uaire B Van t'lrra..
W Bt olvlp, .....IChaa N Col...
( IU PMaClar...
Ht Helena
Kmmou. Phlnes. Park...
Vernon la
Rainier. .......
w M rarry J F. Hroa
) P sheeler T b Peuslow
Osrans C H Hol.vart
Doan jW H Hauklns
Mist ,
M A Weirlck....
ti A Wilkinson.
Casper 1.1 bel....
Jared Wiltun...
H W la
j w llolmstrom
atorkeoborg Fred Fluhrer...
Prlngle Andrew Klllnt-
pobhin.... NR Hendrlrkaoa
Nelaon 'V T Unglaldt
Derebery j
l) P Cheldelln
rVappooe ....
Deer Island. . .,
Wra Talea.
Jno MaAdau.-.
J N Brinn...
M M Harre
-0 E Wonderly..
Hamgarrinari Nelson Pluckney
teo nirnaraam.
Hlnuunaa Jaron n
II Htehmao
Cha Kratik...
w Lowina!
;Ja Hinn
AMI Krtt'kaon
Frank (llaol.kl
A M Berg
lloulun. ......
Kock .
Jess Hendricks
W A Yoanlr.
A Smith ISO lohoonoTr.
Anderson John Anundl.
A Hworrl ... ..iJo VauBlarloom
Tlmoney.... w L liraham ...
Hraun (in Si'hnildlln..
in BrkenfId. Frank lookey-
FM Parker Geo Rlee
James Hill F Petersoo
J A MeDoaaid..;A M Randolph-.
J Mlllanl H T Bennati....
PBergeraon John Pall
A Kantnla I Kelll
:M E Morgan. ...!r McMlb
Mlat ....
KUt ,
Farm of SO acres, four mile east of LaCenter,
Wash.; lb acre plowed; 2u acres slashed, burned
and picked; good running watr; house lfls6,
lS-fooi walla; woodshed and cellar; barn 24xffu.
A foot walls; 1 acre In orchard, bearing trees.
Hawmlll flume runs through place. Fifteen
thousand feet of lumber to lie delivered on the
premises by the flame. For further Informa
tion call on or address L. Missis,
al2s2r) i Houlton, Or.
W. D. M0YSB.
St. Helens Hotel
Wallacs Morsa, Props.,
Is Now Repeiied to the Public.
Meals Served on Short Notice.
Beds 26 Cents, Meals 26 Cents.
St, Helens, : Orkoon.
Geo. L. Perrine,
House-Raising, Etc.
Estimates furnished on application. All
work guaranteed.
Watches, Diamonds, Silverware,
Repairing a Specialty.
207 MorrlMm St. Ret. Front A Pint. PORTLAND.
Leave Portland on Taesdav, Thursday and Hat
arday at 7 a. m. for
st ,,,, Kalama, Carnin Point, Rainitr
. .
" s,
Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed-
nesdaysnd Friday at 2 p m.
...,. .... ..,. .
Whrf foot of Salmon St. H. HULMAN, Agent.
Timber Laud, Act Jans t, IMS.
tlHiran St.ts. Lan "' .
PaaooN Citv. tiroaou. Mm'J 'I'd. ',
VToricki ia iiKRisiiy tilvKN rim im om-
IV pliauce with the provision, of the ant ol
Congroasol JuneS, l entlHed "Ail i' tor
the ssi. ol ilmtwr lands In Hit' atft of r ll'ir
ilia, Oregon, Nevada and lir
lory," a tended to ll the PuWIo Land Wate
by sot ol August 4. lawl, llenjsmlit A. R. t ill
iner. of Poitlainl, nuutiiy of Mnltnmiiali. etttt
of Oregon, has this dsv llled III till" "He Ills
worn siAiemei.t No. MTS, lor in puii ha. of
III oullieati of notion Mo. Sv, III lowus hip
No. 4 norih, iango No. !. and will oiler
proof to .how thai lh laud Bought la Bior val
ual.l for lis lliulwr or .tone than (or agrli'iillur
al puriHsva. aud to establish his elalm In said
Isinl twforeth Kegi.ter aud Receiver of Iliu
ol' at Oregon Cliv. Oregon, on Monday, th
ITth day ol Juii. IWU. Il nuie a wliiiesi:
0. 11. i.arrlson.oi Portland, Oregon. Louis Hi
gart.ol Wluoiia. Oregon, W. VA. Allen, of V.I
nana, Oregon and W m. Waehllne, ol l-ortlaud,
Orvgon. Any and all parsons clslnilug advura
lyth alHiv desi.rilwd lands ar nopiesi.! lo
III. their claims III till o'llc on or Iwtom said
17th day u June, 1IHI1. CUAti. U. HtltlKKrl,
Timber Uud, Act June I, S7g.
United Hiates Land OITi.',
llr... l llv (Ir March I J. 1001.
Al ptianv wnn toe pfy.wM, ...
congrvuot June S, IMS. eitillled "An a l lor the
sal ol tlmlwr lands In th stale of California.
Oregon, Uevad and Wa.hlugum Territory," as
su-nded to all tlie Public Laud Statra by "l ol
August 4. 1WJ. Jolin W, Usvcil.ol VauiK.uver,
oounty of Mark, state of W aslilngtott. has this
day filed In this onio his sworn .isteineul No.
fiiUI, lor th purchas of the north ol south
west V, ol sectlou No. I. In township No, 0
north, rauge No. 1 west, and will offer proof to
show thai ih laud anughl Is mor vluabl lor
Its tinnier or stone lli.n lor agrlcullHral pur
poses, and to establish his claim Pi said land
baiora the Hciler and Receiver of this onlo
t Oregon Citv, Oregon, on Wednesday, lite din
day ol June, IWU. He uameaas wlime: Alvia
H. Powell, John Parker. A. Parker and I.loyd
L. Detrlck, of Plttsbuig, oregou. Any and all
parsons claiming adversely the alMiv descrllwd
lands ar requested to HI thir claim. In till
ullli-e on or bvlor said Mh day ot June, lull,
uillm'il, II. MooltKa, Rvglsuir.
Tlmlwr Laud, Act Jus . tSTH.
I'sitsu arsTg Laau orrtcg.
Obboos i itv. or , garch I4ih, IDOL
ptlance with the provi.lon ol th act of
Congress of June 1H7S, eutiileil "An 'l for th
salv ol tlmlwr land, in the Miaies nt California.
Oregon. Nevada, and Manhingtou Territory." as
eltendetl to all the Publio Uud ntalea by act of
August 4. 1W4. William Ktugkail. of itswego,
county of Clackamas, state ol Oregon, haatlii
dav tiled In this omc his aworn tatemeiil No.
M6J. lor Ih purehaa of I lie NK ol sect Ion
No. S3, In township No 4 N, rsug No. 6 W. and
will offer prool uithowlhat th laud sought I
mor valuable for It Umber or (too than fur
agricultural purpose, and to establish his
ol.lin to ssld UnJ before th Register end R
oelverof llil. "in.' at Oregon l liy, Oregon, on
Monday, th 17lh day nt May, Itul, He usinc.
as wltneas: William Wesley Allen end ore
D. Laveu.lur, of Vernonla. nr., and Kltnor J.
Russell aud John B, (isrdner, ol Oswego, Or
Any aud all person claiming adversely lb
bov described latnU ar requeated to file their
claims In thliomo on or hefor said '27th day
of May, 1VU1. t il AS. U. KOOKKS,
mXimM Register.
Timber Laud, Act Juue a, line,
Vairan Ststs Land Orrtrs,
Ohsxion Citv, Oregon, March 1.
1 pllsnr with th provisions of the act l
Congrvas of Jllll S l". nlllled "An act fur
thesaleol tlintier lands In tb Mtaie of t all
tornla. Oreg'iu. Nevada, and Washington Terrl'
lory." as xiended tu all the Public liud Slates
by act of August 4, IWJ. ttdward ll.nisoii, of
Portland, county ol Multnomah, atel of Or,
gon, has this dav Sled In this ornc his sworn
statement No, MM. lor th purchas of Ih N.K
ol section No. au, In Uiwiublp No. 4 N . rang
So S W, and will offer prool to allow Ihsl Ih
laml sought I mors valuabl Ha or
stoo than lr agrtcutiurat purpose, and to es
tablish hi. claim to uld laud belol III. Kr-il.
teraud Receiver ol this uitlc at Oregon City,
Oregon, oil V ednwlsy. Ih Hi day of May. 1VUI.
Ha names as wirneasss: o. U. Lavender aud
W. W. Allen, ot Veruoiiia, Columbia I ounty,
Oregon, and I). W. Mievens and J K. titeveas. ol
Portland. Oregon. Any and all rrt.ns claiming
adversely lbs above detent! lands are re'iocal
l to tile ihelr claims In this onii.e un or belure
Mid l dy ol tlx. 1'JUI
mSmi; I IIA 11. MOORF.M, Register.
t nd by virtus of au olcr of ih tNninty
Court ol Colutnbi county, lu the State uf !r
non. made ud dated March Slnd, A. I. luol I,
F.. K, guick, as th dinlnlalrstor of Ibe eatat
of John Hendricks deceased, wll ou Tuesitay.
April Kuth, A. I) IWU, at the hour ol on o dork
In th aliernoon, ol that day. at pnbltc auction,
at the front doornt the county court house. In
said county, proceed lo offer tr sale and '.eil to
th hlghot ami best bidder therclore. tit fol
lowing described rest eslate. aituatel In laid
county, to wit; The north hall ol the south,
east quarter of section tweni nlue, iu town
ahip numlier Ave, nonii of rang two, west ol
the W illamette Meridian Terms of sale. Al
thdlscretloaof the lmliibtetor to be either
all cash, or not less than hall .-salt, and th bal
ance within one vear with eight per cent. In
tercet, and all deferred peyun!n to be secured
by first mortgage on the property so ,,ld
Administrator ol the estate of John llond
rlras. deceased. . II URI'llKK.
Attorney lor tho eatat.
St. Helena, Oregon, March il, Ivol. mJeaJS
Depnrtmeitl of th Interior.
Laxp urru i at Ossuoh Citv, Oa .
Msri h 1, luol
ll following named settler ha. filed notice ot
his Intention to make dual proof In supiwrtof
hie claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at
HI. Helens, Oregon, on April l.'gh, luul, vu; j
Homestead entry No. In .V.I, lor the W' U of K.
H ami !-, HW 4, Me as. To 6 N KS W. He ,
names the following wines Ut prove hi. con
llnnous residence upon end cultivation of aald '
laul, vis: niiiiam harm, wiliora Miller, Jo
boble.kl and Htenhen Ijtmpa, all of Vailov, ur,
(JUS. B. MOOKKM, Regl.ior.
iv ullauce with an order of the County Court
made Mnrch ih. lull, I will sell at putilln auc
tion, lo the highest bidder, all nf the personal
property belonging to the estate of Maria Weal.
decease.i; sale to take ulcere al the late resi
dence ol said deceased Maria West, at Scai,-
Eoose, Oregon, on I'rldav, April 26th, luol, sale
i begin at 10 o'clock In th forenoon of aald
day. Th property consist' of horses, cattle
beep hog ami farming Implement. Term of
sale: Ten dollars and under, cash In hand;
over I0, sli month, tttn on approved security :
at S tier cent, luurcal. II. WKhT,
d AUtniniatrstor oi saia eitate.
How About
a kb yow m
refiords an
,D that
I and show
title. If you contemplate buying lard or loaning money on real
estaie security, take no man e word, but insist upon knowing what
the record shows regarding the tllia, An Abstract lassesaentlal as
a deed. Insist on having It. We have the only act of ebelrtnt
dooss in in county,
guaranteed. If you have properly to Insure give ua a call Wear
agent for th best rlre Insurance companies In the world. If vou
nave property tor sale
E. E. QUICK & CO.,
Main Strt
I Clothirig- j
) - ' - .3
Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc.
: (hooper liuiiding, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon.
la the Circuit fmtrt uf 111 Httt ol Ongon fM
(oluuibla liounty, ior
Maav T. Wim.iaxs. Plulnllff,
Wilt.uit Wii.i.ish, I'cIimiiIui.I,
To William Williams, lliv auov uaniad rlefenil.
I Volt arc I eby saiuinoniKl ,j reuuireiiu
iivarend answer Ih nompLIni llle'l aii.lnVI
you on Hie U'll day nl Mutuli, lbs alsits.
until led .nil lu Ih ahov tiauivd court, on ,
before Hi Will d.iy nl May, A. D. Halt, l,u,h 1.
I he time prescribed In Ih on!r nl iiuWIoaUiin
herein ot lite suiiionin. for you to ao anoss.
and amwer, slid if row fall to so appear anil
uswr tlie aald eomplaliit within said Iliu ih.
tilalullir will apply lo lb Court lor th rel si
deniauded lu the said uuiuplainl, tu-witi Fur a
decree ol lbs aald Conn, dlunh liig the Inium.
ol uiatrlmony now and bereu.lor eslailng b,
tween you and the Mid plalutlir.uB thagrounrls
of Ilia disertloit lor more than on year Im.
mediately Ix'lsre I lie commemn-meut ol till,
nit by you. William William., ul lbs pl.i.iuii
Mary T. Williams, aud ou lit grouud of hall!
dual grow druuaeiiuesa lor mor than i,nt
year, aud lot the earn, nuslody aud imnirol o!
Ill two children, the Issue nl euch marriage
aud for eucli other relief In Ih as to
the Court may seem rlnht aud Ju.t. lum.
moils I piiblishatl lu Til oasuog Mi.t lor a
period ol aU wei'ss, imrsuanl to au order nisiia
by the llou, J. II. Iloau, Judg of th County
Court ol said Columbia county. Oregon, dsua
Hi iUud daynf March. A. U. luul, ,
cuce ul Judge uf said I'lreull Court Iron nu
oounty ol Ciiliimbia. 1 he ilsle of l lie nr.t pub.
Ilvittloii of this sununnus la Msrch au, A. I) li
and the last publluatlua I or will be Ms. uui'
A. I) Usui. N. H, IIIIUHKH,
lu'.Miiilli Allottiey lur I'lsintif
Tlmlwr Lend, Act Jua I, inn,
tlgiTSti Stats. Land Orrtcs,
Oaaoog Citv, orcaoii. March Jlst, luol.
pllauc Willi th PMVisioua of lb ail of
Congress uf June a, !, eiimlHl "An act fur
the sals uf tlmlwr land III III stale ul Callfur,
nla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington TerrU
lory," asesU'tulcd loall I'Mblte lAiid Htaiss bv
act of August 4. IWJ, William W aotillue, ul Purl,
land, county of Muliiuimata, Hist ot Otegon
haa this dsy IIIcmI In this t.ilioe hi swuru sis!!
mctit No, luii, for the purcbas ol th itottb.
a.l ol sectlou No, 41, lo township Nu. 4 nottk
rauge No. & west, and wilt offer proof to .luiy
thai the land eoughi la more veliubt f, lia
limlTerorstou than for agricultural purpose,
and to establish his claim In ssld land brlure
tha Hcglsier and Receiver ol this oflie t Or.
Ion City, Oregon, on Mouday, 111 nth duel
una. lvtll. Il nam aa witnesses: c, a, tla
rlson and Hn) A. R. Milliner, ol Portland, Or.
gin. and Louis (legerl and W. W A Ili a, nl W.
none, Oregon. Any and all (wmiue claiming
adversely the above dovrtlied lands are rsipiMv
.1 lo HI Ihelr claim. In lul of&c ua or bvlurs
aid I7thdayut June, Ivol.
I..JVI7 CHAS. b. MOOUM, KeglMar.
I the will of J. a. Rluearaott, deeeesad, ha
flle-l Ms filial aorountas auon aiecutur In in.
County Court of tba state of Oregon for the
oounty of Columbia, and Ih same he. be
set lor hearing and settlemeut for Tuesday, the
Ul h day of May, Ivol, al Ua o'clock forenoon.
All MtrMins having obiectluua na said accoual
ar hereby n.alllet to be present at eeulUgi
ud pises and urewot lb am.
al'JmiU It I1-N TON KII.LIN,
Kseoolor ul th will of J S Hlllsarson. decss4.
Reopened tojhe Public
Oriental Hotel.
Board by Day, Week or Montii
At Rxasonanli Fiuukk.
Visitors met at steamer lamllngs snd
gui-stg baKktaire looked alter.
J Brinn Brothers?
If voa Want something good la the
lineal whisky try
only the bt of
Liquors aud Cisars Kept 1b Stock
prayr srgr-r-B( wjr ps- a ayi a)fragvg
-Tf AMM-
Willamett Slough Route
y i
IiavB 8t. 1IbIiis. , .. 6:30 A M
Arrive at Portland. 10:30 A M
Iave I'lirtlaml ..... 2:30 PM
Arrive at Ht. llfluns. :00 P M
FAHK ta 't-:N I .
Will Carry Nollilng but reii.
gera and Fast Freilit. '
Your Title?
It la all rlghtf Remember that It Ie Ut
governs. It la our business to search tt
what the contain in relation to land
au wor promptly exeouted end atwaciion
list it with ue ana we will Dud a buyer.