OREGON MIST CUTSkAME HEWS ITEMS. Isaac Btiuiirardner was Entered t the PtietoHlce at 8t. ll-letis, week. Ho. look it little Oreirun, as eecuud-ulaes until muttor. COUNTY OFFICIALPAPER. Issuhd Evsky Friday Morning Bv DAVID DAVIS, Editor aud Propricto. BtJBSCBlPTION PRICK: One copy one year, in advance. . Six month ........ In town lait bleached yet Representative Nornwn Merrill. cltknl Natal, above Mist. from liia illness, but reports himself all Martin White is Inking notes of our wealth this week for tho inkiiiimtiim of the county court. At a consequence wo l will and ourselves on the tax roll later. I The new shingle mill of DiiKKn, Mar- zs ' vin A liolter is now ready to split out , shingles and the partners feci that they 1 00 lre we" elu'PPo to 0 gooJ work in 60 ,ille - i Miss Maud Bryant has gone to the ) Nehiilem valley to teach the si-hool at Ansa Aiaiv uvuenor June.. Clera Sheriff Treasurer.... tint, ol School. Anunnr Surveyor....... Coroner Coramtaatonera ..Joseph B. lou. tuinler J. o. wall, St. Helen ...R. S. IIhiikii. 91. Helens K. Rom. St Helens ...-I. H. CoDeland, Houlton Martin White, St. Helen A. B. Little. Hn.-lmn .Dr. H. B. Cliff. 8t Helens ha a school secured above Mayger, and begins work there tins week. The stcumer Shaver looked familiar as she steamed in Monday afternoon after an interval of several weeks. The McMinuville ia scarcely lanro enuitffh to '"'w ' Dnci!puiifJrT ' l0 ,he work bol'"1 I11 n1 Portland. s.ciuj nirni wciii' win w miai, iiiu first of the week ou a business trip. He happened to strike rather bad weather for an outing, but the business in hand required hi attention at that particular time. Miss Leona Pophain, attending school at Philomath, and Mis Annie English, at Forest tirove, each expect to come home this week tn be preseut at the graduating exercises of our public SCQOOIt. Roy Kltferton leit on Monday morn ing lor Dundee, to take charge or his father's store for a few weeks. Roy ba;) been trusted and faithful employe at race's store tor some time ana is a com petent salesman.. Mr. 8. Chas. Pavis has associated him- Watson Elliott and A. S. Graham elf with the editorial and business man-1 were in town Saturday and represented APRin 6, 1901 PUBLISHER'S NOT1CK. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Over 116,000 Represented by Tram, fen During' March. 0 W, J K and Euireno lilakenley to James and Charles Mucklo, line V W Id IUI.IUR1VVI, flllU II 7 I 00 150 00 agement of this paper, and is authorised to transact business of any nature con cerning the publication of the paper. Payid Davis, Publisher. It ha been definitely settled that President McKinlev will be in Portland on Wednesday, May 22. The president has expressed a desire to visit as many towns in the state as possible, and every opportunity will be extended to do so. W have felt satisfied all the time that . Oregon would be entitled to some of the honor for Aguinaldo'a capture. Fun ton on time worked in an Oregon City paper mill. This is somewhat farfetched, bat no more so than the story of the dog " that ran through the orchard. Till Mist ia growing in popularity nd consequent increase of circulation each week. We have solicited none whatever, but the average weekly in crease in circulation since January 1st baa been five. The increase will be more rapid and the total proportionately larger before the year close. Marshland at the court house meeting that afternoon. Upper Clatekanie was represeuted by Oliver Anderson, W. H King, Ole Erickson, and others. Word received from San Diego indi catee that A. M- lichenor, who is spend ing the winter there, is quite seriously in and thought to he in a verv critical condition. His daughter, Mrs. J. A. English, started on Monday morning to visit and assit-t in caring for him. The last reports from him were little more favorable. Friday and Saturday evenings of this week are to be given over to graduation exercises and an entertainment, partici pated in by the teachers and scholars of our public schools. A graduating class ol three persons will appear on rriday evening to receive the congratulations ot their friends and listen to an address by Hon. C. W. Jbulton. whose presence me school board are bappv to nave se cured for the occasion. Our neighbors in Hazel Grove have felt their school building should be more accessible and secured a new location for th? outity road so as to make it possi ble to reach it without trespass upon anyone. The new road is now open to the public. Enos Hankins has been getting his house moved nearly a fourth of a mile to face the new road, and C. W.Jones wants to turu bis around so that passers bv can see the front instead of the back of" his bouse. The new road will prove a convenience to auite a num her of persons. The order of United Artisans gave a social to wtuch the public wss invited for a small consideration of 15 cents, at Conyers' hall on Saturday evening. A gooaiy number were present and listened to an entcrtainine Drotrramme of mnstc and recitations, after which lunch was served and a general social time with music, games, etc., made tbe time until midnight pass Tery quickly. The order would be able to replenish its treasury by the addition of a few dollars. This order being one where a husband and wife can both join seems to bave verv enjoyable meetings, as the reports and enthusiasm of its members indicate. It baa s good class of members here. Our city election came off Monday of this week. A citizens ticket comDrisins the present officials almost entirely, was in me neia unopposed tor a time, until a party of half a dozen concluded to pot up another to excite some interest. It did excite considerable interest, and a lively canvass was made on election day by the friends of each, resulting in a close race for the winners. The follow ing is the ticket elected: President of council, S. C. Tichenor; coancilinen, A. F. Myers, Frank Merrill, J. E. Hall, Bruce Haines: recorder. Chorine I. Conyers; treasurer, M. E. Page; mar- snai, ueorge butherland. The inaiori- ties ranged from three to six only, re sulting in mixed ticket. , , , , , , , ... , -w a, v-i i 1 1 ii i ii iiic city A officer of the exar's household took council, a public meeting ... heWi in shot at his majesty the other day but 1 Merrill's hall last Saturday afternoon to the bullet missed its intended mark J nder the matter of building a court bout 27 feet, after which the shooter fJSST -Jil"'.'0- ' "J ... ' ... .... quite well attended, the different sec- Tery sensibly turned the pistol to- j tions of thia portion of the county being wards his own head and blew out what j represented by progressive and inter few brains he had. thus savin? the i eted citizens. President of council. 8. emment ih trnnhla f Hr.in if f, Mm V:.Tienor, presided, and Frank Mer- Some of those Russian nihilists will AatTDf aldo is t prisoner, awaiting the decree of the government to deal with him. Fonston, his captor, has been promoted to a brigadier general in the regular army. Aguinaldo might be in duced to behave himself by being pre sented a $100,000 residence in Manila nd being placed on the retired list at a alary of $50,000 a year. Ir there waa ever a time when St. Helena and Columbia couuty should wake from their lethargy it is now, when thousands of homeseekers are pouring into the Pacific Northwest. Nowhere in Oregon is to be fonnd more congenial climate nor better oppornnitiea for profitable investment than in Columbia county. Wa desire to suggest one thing aa an attraction for the Portland summer car nival. Aguinaldo has been captured. If Portland could lease him from the government and exhibit him irr that city during the carnival, be would attract 8,000,000 people there, each of whom would gladly pay $1 for the privilege of seeing the rebel general. Now, let Port land act hastily in this matter. Port land is to have Lewis and Clark cen tennial, why not have aa ''Aguinaldo exhibition T" make a mistake and kill "Nicky" some of these days if they don't stop such foolishness as this, and then a big emi gration to the Siberian mines will be the next sensation. Thx people of this state will again vote on a number of constitutional amend ments at tbe next general election, five altogether, among them being one for adoption of the initiative and referen dum. The adoption of eueu an amend ment ie, in our opinion, a theory, wild and useless. No doubt there are lets than one-third of the voters who under stand and want to know nothing about the proposed workings of the initiative and referendum. At tbe general elect ion last year the people voted on five proposed amendments to the constitu tion, and how intelligently did thev vote? Not one-half of tliem voted at all, and so would it be with the initiative Qd referendum. Not one-half of the voters would, by their ballot, express an opinion aa to the adoption of a law, as the initiative and referendum would in tend, because they would know nothing j muoui ii anu care less. nil was ehoeen secretary. The chair man stated the object of the meeting, after which W. U. Conyers, Dr. Hall, Frank Merrill and Norman Merrill being earn in turn caned on, expressed de cided objections to having a court house built in Columbia county at the taxpay ers expense until a permanent location could be decided npou by vote. A reso lution to this effect was unanimously agreed upon. This resolution was sup plemented by an offer to tender the coanty court a building site and build ing valued at $15,000, free of expense to to the county, if tbe county seat is lo cated at this place. This otter, with the resolution, was drawn up and signed by those present and copies of the same were to be circulated in this lower part of the county for additional signatures, i A letter from D. W. Freeman was read, i giving expression to the same objections j vi uunumgar. me taxpayers expense as were presented py we speakers at the meeting. "Decide the location by vote or accept our offer," seems to be unan imous sentiment. of lots 4 aud 19, blk 33. 8t Heidi h 111 ail lev and wile to M iiradluy, BiV of sec 3, tp 0 ii, r it west, W K Conyers and wife to Cather ine Nelmii, a parcel of the K W Conyers d I c 123 00 A Campbell and wife to Margaret J Brvant, 130 acres in sec 14, tp 7 n, r 4 west ,.1000 00 K in ii io, Pacitlc, Ercolina and Maria Dotta to U E Withing ton, trustee, lot 3, tdk 6, Uo ble ; and ue of sec 2.!, tp 0 u, r it west 1 00 A J Deming and wifo to J and C Muckle, lota 6 to 13 inclusive, " and nW of lots 4 and ID, l Helens 1 00 J Eury and wife to J II Middle- ton, wVf ol sey ot sec 14, tp o n. r west 600 00 G D U i loon and wife to Uaunali Tyszkiewica, 44 acres in Kuighton die 300 00 John Hendrickson and wife to Cascariascn and Wilhelin Base, a parcel of land in Bohurrt d 1 c 1-jO 00 C G Huntlev and wire to State of Oregon, w of ne of sec 28, tp 6 n, r 4 west; quitclaim A Paud Chas Hill to G G May j ger, of ne of sec 8 and w) . of nw of sec 8, tp 5 n, r 4 . west, and nw Vi' of sec 17, tp 5 n, r 4 west 600 00 Elzada and A M Jolly to Dora Bell Lake, tot 10, blk 3, George town 100 00 J A Keiup to Samuel Hetunonen, 26 acres in sec 3, tp 7 n, r 4 w 700 00 Same to Herman Erkila, 'J3i acres in sec 3, tp 7 n, r 4 west 700 00 F J Louis to State of Oregon, w ol uetf of sec 27. tp B n. r 4 west 00 00 J 11 Lumiiarvi and wile to W Base, lots 8, 0, 10 and ' 11, sec 27, tp 8 u, r 4 west, and lots 6 and 7, sec 20, tp 8 n, r 4 west. .1500 00 Wm, W J and Edna Mellinger to J G Watts, lota 1 to tt, blk 16; 1 to 6, blk 4; 9 and 10, blk 6; all of blka 2, 6 and 13. 1st . add to Vernon ia, and all of blk 24. 2nd add to Vernonia 126 00 E Merrill and wife to J Hogran, lot I. blk . Deer Island 20 00 Rebecca A McGoon to F Dona hue and J Dodson, eH of nw sec 26, tp5. r 4 800 00 A Robinson and wife to F Dona- rue and J Dud son, w of sw4 of sec 6, tp 4, r 3; e.Si of tef-J of seel, tp 4, r4 1600 00 H and G E Tyszkiewicz to A H itlakealey, lots 6 to 18, and nj of low 4 and 19, blk 33, St Hel ens 1 00 Same to Sarah I Gilson, 140 acres lu ivnigbton die... 400 00 Harvey Tiugle to Frank Dixon, ne ol sec 3. tp 7. r 4 TJJU 00 Austa and W L VauDyke to Wm Mellinger, ar, lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, blk 4, 1st add to Veruouia . 1 00 E B wood to Anne E Wood, ewj.. oi new, seM ot nww. nw . ot e'i. lots 1. 2. 3. sec 9. to 7. r 4 1 00 G E Withington trustee, to L A ttargess, nei ot sec 22, tp 6, r2, 1600 00 G W Cole and wife to E E Quick ail lot 1 and e'4 of lot 6, toe 2, tp 7, r 6 600 00 C A Hill and wife to L Cochran, nehi oi neW. sec 14. to 7. r 4 140 00 J Iaeuhart to John Stewart, ne ot sec 4 and lots 3 and 4 and a, ol nw W, sec 4. tn 6. r 3 600 00 J Lain bei son and wife to M B Beaver and wile, 10 acres in Broylesdle 150 00 A R Slavens to K G Slavens, s ot sw4 of iw, ot nw, sec 24, tp4, r 2 60 00 Sheriff to Sarah A Ryman, e of se4 of se4, sec 29, tp 4, r 4, tax deed. Same to W II Dolman, 160 acres in aec 4, tp 4. r 1 36 02 Same to W P Maclay, ew, sec 8, tp ft n, r 2 w 20 28 Same to John Stewart, eeVi, sec 21. tpn. r 2w (Borthwick). . . 18 21 Same to tame, same (Bryan) 15 00 u j owuzer anu wire to J no- gran, lot 1. blk 6. Deer Island 20 00 D W Williams to Edwin lioss. nwW sec 3. tp 6 n. r 3w 1200 00 Mary l' Williams to J and C Muckle, lots 5 to 18 inclusive, and dK of lots 4 and 19. blk 33. 8t Helens 1 00 H Wood ham and wife to J B Kenny, 6 and 70-100 acres in nwW. see 13. tp fin. r2 w 600 00 V H Welch to Lena F Welch, n oi nw ii. sec 30. tp 4 n. r 4 w. and swVi of swji. sec 3.. 6 00 ueo jjeonard and wife to M B Beaver and wife. 10 acres in Broyles die... 160 00 B A Miles and wife to M C Gray. part of lot 18, blk 17, Ht Helens 250 00 ii eyverson to L Cochran, ne,vi of ne. sec 14, tp 7 n, r 4w. . . 140 00 J VanBlancom to H VanBlari- com, land in sec 4, tp 4 n, r 4 w 125 00 u 6 to u Btar, patent; U to Si K Cheney, patent; b 8 to Lewis Esaig, patent; U 8 to Harry Hnhn, patent; U S to Brice Hacker, patent ; U 8 to Chas Nelson, patent; fj 8 to J F Stevenson, patent; u e to J w .uowning, patent; 17 8 to A ti Brattao, patent; U 8 to W i Foss, patent. Job Couldn't Have Stood It . If he'd had Itching olio. They're terribly annoying; but Imcklen's Arnica Sntve will cure the worut cane of piles on earth. It has cured lliouimmU. For injuries, pains or bodily eruptions it the bent salve in the world. Price 26 a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at the St. Helens j'haruiacy, wtuitJwmmmm -l- ..-i-WBgwgBgSBg nonet or final ssmiMeiT. SCHOOL FUND APPORTIONMENT. HQTICS TO CREDITORS. XTOTirK IS 1IKRKHV (1IVKN THAT THIt N luultfralitiied au this uy bwn amxitmiHl il minimum i oi meiHic i aimuu i, urwm, ilmnwil. All iwmotia havlun olita.s mtulnut kl cxuis will unwent Uio iirai to ot at CUiir kuule, OrnitiHi, on or hvfor nix uioultu Irota ths Ural pulllol!uu ol Uili nolUn. MAKY M.ORWIfl, AmlitlnU'itttlx. Patd thin 4th rtsy of Mnlvh. 1WU. 11. P. (in ham, AUornay for AduiliiimraU-U. mtUS A0HIMSTMT0KS UOTICt OF SALS Of PERSONAL PHOPtKXT. TVTOTICK I HKRKBV OIVKN THAT IN COM li iiUnuc with an onter ot the County Court maiie Man-n cm, iwii, i win tfiti hi puuuo aue tlou, to Ilia titirneat biiWor, all of the perntmal properly tHiioui:ut to me eaiaie oi Maria nr(, aeoeaiie I ; aale to take pleace at the late tohI- denre ol eald decawd Marl Went, al Seel' ih, Oregon, on Krlilay, April Slh, 1901. anle begin at 10 o'rhx-k In the forenoon of aid day. The property con9ii of borne, caul tievp hiwe and farming Implement. Term of !: 1vn dollar and umlor. ch In haml over tto. vlx mnmhi time ou approved itecurlty aieporceuu iuwre(. it. nr.i, nt Aiiniliiiitrator of tid eitate. . N0TICS TO CREDITORS. In the Comity Court of the State of Orturou, for l oioniDia i.onuiv. In the mailer of the vetatt of Fred Koble, 0 ota.-iM. riMIK UKPRRMMKKD, HAVlNll BKKN At 1 potnteil by the County urt of the Hiaie of Oremm. for Columbia eouuty, adnilniiitralriK of the ecuieof t'reil Koble, ileceaned. noiloe 1 hereby given to the creditor ot, ami ail peieoua IiavlUK claim AKain! aaio iHH-vaneil, 10 preveui them, yenned a by law rooutml, alttiiu li month alter the tint publication of Ihia uollee Io salil Anna Kouie, al ner rest.ienca at Keuiwu, Ureson. iled atarca loin, 1'JUi. Admlnlttratrlx of the ftate ot Kred Kohl, deeeaaed. . u. 1'owell, attorney for Ailuir. N0TICS FOR PUBLICATION. Uepartment of the Interior. Lamp urru at Oskoon City, Oa., March ih. 1901 NOTIOR IS IIKRKIIY OIVKN TUAT THIS tollowluff-uameil aetiler has died notloe of bla littentloii to mate final proof In support of hi claim, and thai "aid proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia Coniny. at tit. Helen;, Ort-non. on April tmh, twl, yl MAi.TlS (iCTSKSTAT. Hometeit entry No. lut42, for lb SK J" of the N K W aeiHlon AO, Tp 6 N, R S w. He name the folIowtuK wltntiie to prove III eotitiuuon re idenre upon and eultlvailou of ald land, vU: Jolianne llixn-k. W. C. Klehman. K. K. 1 hroop and Ueorge silt, all ol .eau. imitou. mKa) CHAS. H. MOOKKS, bvxlter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ieprtmeiit of the Interior. Lank ornca at Oisooii crv. Oa , Marrh '2. 1901 NOTICB IS HKKSBY (ilVES THAT THK followiiut iiained aetller ha Aled uollee of hi Intention to make rlnnl proof tn support of hi claim, and that eald proof will be made be fore the County t lerk ot Columbia County, at 31. neiena, tm'ffou. on apni i.-nn, iwi, via aStos KKROWSKI. Hommlpad entry No. 10.J6I, for the W U of SK '4 and S S ' Tp 6 N., K X W. Ill name the followlu wtliease to prove button tinnou residence uoon and ruhfvatlon of said land, vi: William Karth. Wiltord Miller, Jo bobieakl aud Stephen Lam pa, all ot Valley, or, CH Aa. B. UOOI ReKUter. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Conn of the Bute of Orvfon, In and for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of John Ktttcririd, deceased. XTOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT M J. i Ketierins. the administrator of the estate of John Kettering, det eaaed, ha rendered and presented for settlement, and filed in said Court bt Onal account ol lit administration ol said estate, aud that ihe "in day of May, !W1,ai2 o eluck. p. m.. at the court room of said Court, at the court house, to the City of 81. Helens, in said County and Htate. ha been aptnlnied by the judge of said Court, for the settlement of said una! account, al wnlrn time and place any person interested in said estate may appearand hie objection to such final account aud settle ment tuereof, and contest the same, aim M. J. KETTERINO, Administrator. Dlllard A Day, Attorney for Administrator. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. HERKRY GIVES THAT THE coanty superintendent of Columbia county ill hold tbe regular examination of appll- ESTABLISHED ....1900 JOHN A. BECK DEALER IN Hew goods at Collins & Gray'a. Mr. W. B. Dillard, of this citv, spent a few days at St. MarUu'a springs, Wash., last week. Collins & Gray carry one of the largest A landslide on the Astoria road, jutt below May ger, detained the tiaBsenger trains for a short time Wednesday j morning. In fact, it was necessary to transfer. OASTOHZA. Bean to y) Tin Hind 1m Haw Hum BoogM of , a Tin Hind lot Haw Umn Caasbt a Ireadfal Cold. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M. Thompson, a large maonfacturer of fine millinery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue, Chicago, aya: "During the late aerar tock. ofgener-al n,;rcbsndise on the Z'SL ' "H". , ?rf,"" 'd mtbv Ix)wer Columbia; call on them when you nft " wnt a1nd. ,DHde ,ne need anything, they will treat you w.l. -njj, Chaiuberlain's Couuh Kemedy for a se vere cold at that time, which we toed to releive her so nuicltly that I bought some for myself. It. acted like magic and I bfgaii to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel verv n)amri W. are pleased to state that Miss ! eTefen.VharZ.v"'- For 8"le at Daisy Watkins has been elected to take j Helens i harinacy. ciurii ui me ioiumoia uity et-nool fori the spring and summer term. Mitt j Walk ins had charge of that school last! year, and gave excellent satisfaction, as is the case with all the voting teachers of our city. While the school of our city is not so very pretentions it, has lo its credit the fact of turning out a num- . bar of students who are doing ij credit by their service as iDKractrs-a ia the county schools, I Watches, Diamonds, Silyerwarc, ...JEWELRY.... Impairing a Specialty. 207 Morrison St. Bet. Front 4 r1rst. PORTLAND. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland on Taewlay, Thursday and Bat . nrrtay at 7 a. in. for St. Htltnt, Kalama. Carnir$ Point, Rainitr and Klto, , Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 2 p m. Wharf foot of Palmon Bt. H. H JLMAN. Agent. rOTICE 18 'county sut rants for county certificate at fit. Helen. fol low; commancine Wednesday. Atirll 10. at fl o cioc a. m , anu- continuing until Frioy, April 12. at 4 o.ockirk p. m. For first, second and third grade certliicates: Wednesday.- Feniaansbtp, history, orthogra phy, reading. Thursday Written arithmelio.theory of teach ing, gratamar, arhool law. friii lav. Ueoeraohv. mental arithmetle. nhva lology, civil government. roa raiaaav cgsTiriCATS. Wednesday, Penmanship, orthography, read ing. Thursday. Art olquestlonlng. theory of leaeh Ing, method. I. H. COPKLAND, County School operiulendant. Uoulton, Oregoa, March 29, ISO I. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. N OTICE M HF-REbToIVEN, THAT I'NDKR and hy virtue of au order of the County Court of Columbia county, tn the Stale of Ore non, made and dated March 22od, A. D, Itrffl, I, K. E. ijutck, as tbe administrator of the estate of John Hendricks, deceased, will on Tuesday, April aotb, A. It. I'JOl. at tbe hour of nneoVloek in the allernoon. of that day. at balilie aiutlr,n. at the front door of the eounty court house, in said county, pr,reeed to offer for sate and tell to the highest and best bidder therefore, the fol lowing described rati estate, situated lu said coanty. to vll; The north half of tbe south east quarter of section twenty nine. In town ship number five, north of range two, west of th Willamette Meridian. Terms of ale: At thedlsr-relhm of the dminlsttor io be either all rash, or not ten than half caah, and th b. anee within one veer wtih eight per cent. In terest, anu an oeterrea payments to pe secured oy arm mortgage on in property so sold. B.C. QUICK, Administrator of the estate of John Hend ricks, deceaaed. . H.GUimc'K, Attorney for the eetate. Bt Helen, Oregon, March 23, 1901. mAiiOt rpllK VSPBRSIUNKP HAS FII.KP H1H KM .MM . iiki1.,ii( Atliollir 1 iialn.oo1inladrolnlair,.t..rof Ihe estate . 0tr 8000 .W 1)0 IHMIHmtca Among the Hviral Hchoul iHstricw. The following tublosliowi th munlwr of the school district, iiatne of llio clerk, poslolHce of tlm clerk, nuiubur of clill dmn and the iiimmiit ot money allowed each school district in the county,-as Is shown by the-regular April apportion incut of wiiintv atdiool UHincy pHr tioiietl on Mon fay ol this week by the couuty itiporiiitttiideiit of schools i of Mnrdo McKay, dwwaied, lu ihCintiiyi"r of the statu of Oregon fur Columbia t'ountyi atidihesnid l-ii.intv t .iurt has il-d Monduy. the Silt day of Mav. IJ0I. at iu o'rliKik, lom uoen, tor Ihe heailug aud sattli'inuul of I lie am. All iiors.ins liavlug obootlon to said amiiiuitl are neretiy ttol lltwi to prestttil their ub Jet.t.ou..,i.ltl.u,.ndj,.I..M..)RKAN1 Ailntliilslrator of th est! ol Murdo MfKay, deeaad, inSvtiu Timliar Land, Act June J, 1STS. NOTICE rORPUBUCATION. United atatea Laud Olfln. OreiKin t Ity. or,, Marcn in, iwi, NOTICR IS UKUKHY tlfVKN THAT IN COM Vllano with llio pruvlalon of the aul of congres ot June S, im, entitled "An ai-l for th sale ot timtwr lauds In the state of California, Oregon, Nevada aud WaHhtuglim Territory." as sludd lo all the l'ublld trftud Htalea by aid of August 4. lrwl, Johu W. Loavell, ol Van.wttver. Oouuly of Clarke, atate of V aslilngton. h this day tiled In this otn. his swum stattitueiil No. Mid, fur ihe purohase of lb north H ,"ulU west of sentlou No. IH, lu township So. b north, rang No. J west, and will oner iro" lo show that the land sought la more valuable for lis tlnttnr or stone tliau tor agricultural pur poses, and lo establish hie I'lelin to said land btilor the Register aud tieeelvnr of flits oIIIko at Oregon Cily, Oregon, oil Wednesday, the "th day of Juus, lyut. lie name as witnesses: Alvla II. Kowall, John Parker, A. Parker and Lloyd L. Detrii k, of Pittsburg. Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tbe above dest-rllied Innds are requested to tile their claims in thi otni-e ou or belore said Ath day of June, hull, nilMu'J-l CD Art. B. MiHiKKh, Register. Timber Uud. Ant June S, 1H7K. NOTICE FOR FUBtlCATION. I'hitsd Trtts Lawk Orrtcg. Okimoh Citv, Or , Man h lth, 1901. T0TlCK IS HKRKIlY tllVKN TUAT IN COM 1.1 Ptlatu-e with the orovlilniis of the act of Congress of June a. 17. entitled "Au si t for ihe anle ol Umber land in the tiiaia of Caltforula, Onigon. NevMila, and Washington Terrlloty, a eitendwl lo all the 1'Uhllo iiid Htales Ii) act ot August 4, MM. William King Kade. of Oswego, eounlyid Clsi'kainea, slate of treou, ha this day tiled In lb Is oilli-e hi sworn statement No. MoJ, lor th porches of tbe NK i, ul seotlon No. S3. In townihlp No i N, range No. W, and will utter pnrnf lu show that Ui laud sous hi Is more vaiunftie lor it iliutier or Bioue uiau lor agriruilural purmises, and to establish hia claim to sdtd land before th Heclster aud It eelver of tills ottli- at Oregon Cllv. Oregon, on aionaav, the J7II1 day ol May. 11WI. lie names as witneses; William Wesley Allen and ore u. i.aveuuer, oi vi-ruoum, nr., anu Kimore nusseu ami jwitt it. oarutler. ol tmwego. ur Any aul all persons claiming adversely Ihi above deerrtbed lands ar reuuested to Ale Ihel claims u thisottlcs) on or before said .lilt day oi siay. iwu, UHAS. o. MlHiKr..i. ruXJuiiit Register Timber Laud, Act Juue S, 1.17. NOTICE rORJPUBLICATION. rstrao St Land Orncg, OasiioN City. Oretroa. Marrh 1. 1901. VTOTiCB W IIKKKHYlflVKS THAT IN COM Al pliant-e with th provision of iheaitnf Coiigrvss of June $ uiltli-l "An act tor tn sale ol limber lands In the (hate ol Call foruia, Oreg o. Nevada, and Washington Tarrl Ury," as eitemlett lo ll the Public Land fuiea by aet of August 4. 1MM, Kdwunl II tlh-'ii, of rortlaud, eoun'.r of Multnomah, atate of Ore gon, baa this day filed In this ndti-e his sworn statement No. Imo. for the purchase of Ihe N K oi svriion no. au, in low nstnp no, an., rwnge No 6 W, nd will offer proof lo ahow lhal the land sought la mora valuable for tta limber oi sums man lor agricultural purposes, aud lo es tablish his claim to as Id land behir th Real tersml ueceiver of this otltce at OninCliy, Oregon, on Wednesday, the Wd day ol May, 1W1I, He name as wtitieii: o. P. Laveuder and w. n. a leu, oi vernonia. Columb a County. Oregon, and O. W. Utavena and J. K. Hteveos. ol rortlaud, tiregnti. Any and all peruins claiming dvers-ily ths aboyeHleserlbed lamia are reuuest ed to tile their claim in till otlli o oa or taior sum ui aay ol May, l.sjl ntemti LIIAM. H. MUtlKKa. Register. N Timber Und, Act June , IM7a. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UmriD Svats Lakr Orrtca. Orkuon CITY. Oregon. Man-h 'Jlsl. loot OTICK IS IIKRI llV ofVKN THAT IN COM Pllaueewlth tbe nrovlsiona ol the aet Congres ot June , W7, entitled "An art lor tn sais ni tiuoer lands lu tlir Males oi caillor nut, Oregon. .Nevaila and WAsbluulon Terr! hry, ' aa ritended to all th Pablio Ijind Kisi.-s by act or Auguat 4. IWJ. Ken smlu A. H. It I mer. of Portland, eounty f Uultnnji.li. siL of Oregon, has this day filed In tbia oSli-e his sworn statement No. &I73, for the purrhftss the southeast H of sertlon No. so. lu lowuship No. 4 north, range No. & west, and will urtVr Proof lu show that the land stincrfat is mora val uable for Its limber or stone than for agricultur al purposes, and to establish hi. elalm tn said ami belure th Ketflslnr and Receiver of this omi at Oregon my. Oregon, on Momlay.tli in aay oi Juue, 1AU. lie uaines as witnesses; . n. uarnson. ot Portland. Or,.eiiu. Uiuts Hie. gen, ot n i nou. trrrgon, w, w. Allen, ul Wl noua, uregnn and Win. Waehl ne ol Port and yregon. a ny ana all persona claiming adverse lyth above-desrribrd Unit are reiiuested to rile their claims In this otllee on or belore said in nay ul June, ln. CUAS. II. MOtiHKH, m2j7 kealsu-r. Timber Land, Act Juae , 1H7S. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- Dnitsd ftTATaa Laud Orrtca, MOT'CE IH HKRKB? lifVKN TU AT IN COM s-ypllsne Willi the nrovlslnns of Ih. "ket ill flougres of Jun s, IMS, utilled "An et for tne aie ol limner land In Ihe state of Califor nia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory, ' ueilciided to all Public Ijind Sutra by act of August 4. W4 William Wachllue. ot Port, laiiu, county of Multuomab. Htsie of Oregon. aaa inis aay niea in thia u ios h s sworn atate. inent no. m l. lor tne nurrsu. ui tna suits. east ot aectlon No. al, lu township No. 4 north, rauge no. o west, and will offer uroof to show that th land sought It mora valuable for Its timoer or stone man for agricultural purposea, iiiu tuesiaiiiisn nia ciaitn to saia land before he KcgUterend Receiver of this ornee at lira- gon City. Oregon, on Monday, the 17lh day of '""i iwi- ne name Wltllese; V. . ur risou and Henl. A. R. lllUmer. id f,.rll.i,,t dr.. gun. and U.Ws hlegeri aud W. W. Allen, of Wl nona, Oregon. Any and all n.ru,n. i,l.imin. adversely His boylescrlbed lands are reiiuesi wl lo tile their claims in ihi ornca on or befor aid I7i h day of June, IHtl. ''"ii n ab. n. Mt)(hKS, Register. 5 CASTOR I A For Inlaati and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bougbt Bears tha Bignatara of Brinn Brothers ' CAFE SUMMONS Bf PUBLICATION. In the rireult Conrt of th Hiate of Oregon, for i.-'iiu in nia ijOumy. Reinhold Reichardt,PUdDtlfr, AdellJa Brother and Walter! 8UMMOXB. Brothers, Uefendaula. I - To Adellda Brother and Wa.ter Brothers, the above-named defendants. IH THK NAME Of THE HTATE OKORE00N: You and eorh of vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against ou in in aoove-entuiea cause, on or before fay 1Mb. 1901. which dale Is si weeks slt.r March 29th. 19U1, the date of the first nubllea- tlon of thl summon, and If you fail to so ap pear and answer, fur want thereof the plalmiV will apply to the Court lor the relief prayed tor and demanded In the complaint filed acaliist you herein, to-wlt: will take Judgment a-.-ainst you and eaeh of yo for th mm of 1300 ,). to. gether with rnterest thereon from thenMbdiy of June. 1HW. at the rat of ten per cent per an num until pidi for the further sum of I7fi 00 At torney' fee herein, for his cost and dlsbarse- meni ot tni sun, ana tor a oecree foreclosing iiaiutin s mongsge iu tne manner provided by ; aw. and for aueh other and further relief as t., the Court may seem lost and equitable. This ttimraon ts published: by order of Tho. A. Mc Brlde. Judge of the bove:emUled Court, made and dated March Sith 1WH. OKAIiAM Sc CLFETOH, mahnlO Attornay for PlalntlfT. SUMMONS BT PUBLICATION. In the cirenll Court of ths Ruts of Oregon, for Columbia Couuty. Maatr T. William, PlatuUir, v. William Williams, Defendant To William William, the above-named defend ant: I N THE NAME OK THE STATE OK OBKOON: A You are hereby summoned and reiilre1 to appear and answer the oomolulnl hied against you on the 12th day of March, lajl, lu th bove entltled suit In th bov named court, on or belore the 10th dy of May, A. U. 1901, which Is lb time prescribed In the order ol pitbllnatlon herein of the summons for you to o appear aud answer, and if yoa tall to so appear and ?"."',rJhe compuslnt within said time, th plaintiff will apply i (ne court lrr th relief demanded la the ald complaint, tv-wit: For a decree of the said Court, disawlvlng the bonds of matrimony now and heretiifura eitatlng be- wu you sua tne ssict piaiutlfr, on the grounds of the deaertlon for mora than one year tin mediately befre the commencement ol this stiltby you, William William, of Ih plaintiff, Mary T. WlllUms. and on the ground of hab itual gross drunkenness for mure thsu on year, and fot Ihe rare, custody and control of the two children, the issua of uch marriage, and for auch other relief In the premises aa to the Court may seem right and Just. This sum mons I published In TH Oasoo Mist lor a Period of six week, parsusnt to au order made by the Hon. J. II. Dmn. Iiuim. i th.mnni. Court of aid Columbia county, Oregon, dated the 22nd day of March. A. D. Mol, In the ab wrnne of Judge of said Circuit Court from aald eounty ol Columbia. Tbe dat of the Brst pub lication or this summons la March 29, A. II. 14)1, sod the last publication la or will tie May UHh, A. t im. B. h. OKUIIKB, ""Mm Attorney lor Plalntlir. 1 dist. ctaaa CHiLuaaa r. o. 1 M 1 Knglert HO,.HiaiKMs),,.i i K. K. (Jnli'k 70 .HI llulrn .... I J A llolailay..,,. Sl .Heer Islaud.. s II P Hums Ill .Hudson o si 0 Tlfueiinr SW Claiakaiils , A Mrs K U llonser wm Unit . ltri..Waria SOW Freeman.... IS. Kishhawk 9-A I) Holaday hi. .HoapHHse , 10 Jas FOrahaHl.... 4..MalllUlld 11 F It Meeker In HI llvliiiia.., 12 0 W Melllugnr.,.. 15. , Vermuil lit Dean Klmiuliatd Jl . Italuler, 14 John Kdlioliu,,,, 2s..Vrtioul 15 J M Iteddlek x IS), ClsUkaul Is C K llrant, H9 halnler IT Allien WimhI ID .Veruouia AM r, . ..'; w ., 2.7 ll .. 122 40 .. IM 41 A2I 70 IH Johu Hosier... Ill J K Head!,.., 2l T t! Waits. .... 21 W II Case 2J N D Peterson., 2a II Ilendersou... it f J I'etamiu, ., JIi (I W llarllvs ... 2tl MrsW J 'lliiuao IS .CIaiskaul,. 27 K K Thmup... JJT W (Irani..,. Al A J Oragg C Hrl IA. 12. , 72 12. , M , en IS Mlsl.. .lm.yuitinv... Mist,, Rainier..., .... It.uiieil. ....... Pilisbnrg , Mlsl.,.." Mnygar,,,,,,,. a.. II.. an Fred SI M Markwel 82 Kstelle Mitaurr. U LA Haieoiu to II Melt milt , 3A Oscar Waiaeuen., Kit J C Mnliree. ., , 117 K A liiit-hr,,...,. as w I, Hniwu .19 C r. Plillbrouk.... 0 W II King 41 Wm II Miller 2l Wauslroiu 41 Mrs K Ayr.,., 44 M P Young ,, to it utanu m John Julius 47 John Pringlo 4 W H Tlmoiiey,,,. 49 U M Hull Mi John W Foster,.. 31 A M Parksr Kl's' M.hulxirg ... aa wm u "luiHi...... HAH Tarbet! Thoe Audersou... AS N BOIsen 7W J Hos. .Nauvlua t... IH 01 II , 2MI IT au su ItU IU IM 0 M m Wl OS h . an list Mil 77 111 u? vii tin HA OA 7 IM !l 12 7S U2 127 00 204 II 7M 02 ftii Ml VI on 115 m till m m 78 am no mi m Ins n KB TO 01 7 lii 40 IMI lo 7 110 71 i Ml 110 71 7J. Ml oa 70 a 70 110 71 l Alt M On IIS 0 7 UU 71 02 SO (H au w Im oa mi m US TU MS W 127 Oil At m 2M, .Keasey iri.. ld'apion ... , o .Mayer, 71. Yankluu IS Mlsl '.'.V,lli'ii 17.Kvs.ir ,, 111 . liter Island., 24. .Cists kaule... 47 llul.ls 47 .(li.bl 20 .Apiary , VI .Houlton , 2e. .Clalakaul.,,. III . Valley If). .Fishbawk.... 17 . HuuIi.iii ue .l islsksnls... ft , Veruoiila lA..uuinna. Vernonia..., Kslnler. Inaiinsuurt., Mlsl Vernonia.... M.,Mlsl., It. , Hsinna 20, Houlton.... ts.Kist aa, MsrshUtul.. . .West port... Tlia total amount apisnrtitinod Is $n, 040,36, aiiioiig a total number of rlili ilren of ii-M, at the rata of T2.H.'I'- cenU each, with (&U to each district, addi tional. The indicate joint district. Tla tUkmj to Keel Good. Countless thousands hare found a lilcaefiitr to the body In 1'r. King's New Ufa I'llls, which poaitively cure consti pation, sick hradacha, disalness, jaun dice, malaria, fever and au'ie and all liver and stomach troubles, Purely veg etable; never gripe or weaken. Only 2jo at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Cow and Calf for Hale. Milch cow, giving about ton quarts per day, fur sale. Calf four month old, Apply to Ma. 0. C. Moykr, Pcrie, Or. KEABKYs "April shower, bring forth May flow, era." According to the proverb ol 0n, griilidiiiollierH there ought to ... biiiiiliitioe of flowers, as April has tieimn lior re I nil with copious tours. u Don't you hear the wliiatloT I lark I the engine toots, Sow the logs it-scoot lug lKiwn thousand chutes, Yea, yes, we hoar and we see, but wa keep up great thinking, if " of strict integrity and lullllona not (,,, "dcfcnco" but for ft railroad will again restore our lost faith, we'll quit think ing and "eupposlii" and go to believing' Itailroud and tiiulMtr men have tray! crawl tho Nolialem and KtMtk creek y ley as thick ft bee lu ft clover Held and' whether thev are as sure of reaping their reward as the honey bee only time will tell. About week ago Sirs Rticker and Dal ton, from Kvvrett, Wash., cllinlwd some ol the high hills along Hook creek and both overlooked and looked over ths timber laud, telling us their Intentions were to buy several sections if such at they desired could bo found In a body, Last week, Saturday, Hlrs McKay and Johnson, hailing from the same pUre went over nearly the same ground with place, II whk .i... . i :..i.-- .ii we kiiiio itiioiinon. au were verv genlleiiiniily men and the latter stated that without doiiht the Northern I'ltclila would ooma lo I'ilUlmrg. We sent word to the N. I', officials that we hoped to bs here either living or dead whenever thsv cnine if any time within the pale ot tha 2oth century, Wm. Hacker, accompanied by Xnn Magill, and August Hchulllpeit, went to Purest tirove March 't, to attend court at IllllaUiro. Mr. llaoker brought suit against the iihyeiclant lor uial practice in setting hi broken arm. At last re port thev hatl not returned therefore th result of the suit we do not know. Dam. ages to the amount of was claimed Miss Mary Cheldelln, from Portland, Is ga visiting her parent on Crooked creek and spending part of her time on her claim situated somewhere north of her father's and east of the Mist road, Amanda will remain sometime yet at her work of dressmaking in the city, Otto has been working and attending school In Kaatern Oregon, How long h expects to prolong bli stay we cannot tell. The Heat Heated for Itueamatlam. Quick relief from pain. All whom Chamberlain's Pain Halm for rheuma tism are delighted with the quick relief from pain which it afford. Wbo speaking of title Mr. D. N. fliiikt, of Troy, Ohio, aay: "Borne time sgnl had a severe attack of rheumatism ia my arm and shoulder. 1 tried numer ous romedie but got no relief until I wa recommended by Messrs. (ieo. f. Parsons A Co., drnggiate, of Oils plsos, to try Chamberlain' Pain Ilaltn. They recommended it so highly that I bought bottle. 1 wa soon relieved of all pig, I have since recommended this lininwst to many of my friend, who agree with me that It I the beat reined r for mtirn. lar rheumatism In the market. For al at the Hi. I Idem Pharmacy. II aCvtCclauie Preparalionfor As slmilaling Itc Food owl Hcijula Img the StuuvtctB and liowvls of Promolcs Digc9lionbjrfur ness and ResLConloins nelltier C)pttrm,MorphiiuJ nor MiiicraL ot Narcotic. - eujrsiHuumKX wHinn' sfaef Aperfrxl Retried rorComOpa non.SouTSlonwh.Diarrttoea Worins.CotivulsiotAS.Fcvcrish nfs andLQBHOr SUEP. Fax Simla Signalure of new YnnK. ink 'H t.- nnt For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ft ii iseara me Of f 0 A At In Use For Over Thirty Years Tw Hsnss weasry. Mew yea Oregon: the ST, HELENS, ' - NEW PLACE. If you want omethlng good in unt m wniy cry SHAW'S MALT Only the best of Liprs and Cigars Kept in Stock OPEM FROM 8 A.M. TO 12 fTOLOCK MIONIOHT. Reopened to the Public Oriental Hotel. i EUGENE BLAKE6LKY, : Proprietor ST. HELENS. teambu fK"yIiriaii wmm-mm mm mm UM-mw-m SttfaaVsni aW sfh aw V rfV h an, algj j log PORTLAND. DAILY, H M or'l3 W I f Imm WW I Ti ? , F -j ; Board by Day, Week or Month n AT BKABOHAnLt FlOUBH. 2 j Visitor met at steamer landing and H ht.hei.rsh'.'.. mi iY!TTryr?yn&i aauaaan sssaiissn j, mlm.M "America" t i Wfllamett Slongh Ronte M Leave Kt. Helens 0:30 A M Arrive at Portland, 10:30 A M feave Portland 2:30 P M Arrive at Bt. Helens. 0:00 P M f ARC !i CRMTSJ. Will Carry Nnthlnir but Pasen. Itera anil Kaat freight. jajikn anon, niter. H H H H H M 51 r 1 '01 How About Your Title? i I H Main Strttt sat? . KS Jf..P.L"? U to " ,,h Rm.mbr that II It th h1V: "'' S"erns. it is our business to searcn me records auri ihnw ha, ik.. ......i i-.i.... ... i..,j lltle. II you eonlemnlaus huvltiw l.M,i . i...mimm u nn ..al- fhil .L'r' uk0 ""."' "rd, but Insist urn kiiuwlii what LLSrf t1"."" """'atheillle. Aa Abslrs!nt l.asse"tial a eI. r.ia Bi',"L"!'' k "' promptly eactitrl ul llsftln fSiZF. Jh.V.".'!! hV P'00""' " Insure lve us a call W r WWissTra '0M 3E. E. QUICK & CO., BT. HELENS, OREGON 9 is IE 115 Jtt THE NEW YORK STORE IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothing-$ Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes', Etc. M. MORnnR. ; Cooper Luilding, Main Street, St. Helens. Oregon. I