Are 2400 Disorder incident to the ha man frame, w nu.ui.iu.j-iu, ' vu. v moted by impure blood. The remedy i. simple, Take Hood's Sai-saparilla. rro,. el.l. -.Ji.t A ltTL enecuveiy purines me oiooa is Known to every drum?'". Known to hundreds of thousands of people who themselves or by their friends have experienced its curative powers. The worst cases of scrofula, the most agonizing sufferings from salt rheum and other virulent blood dis eases, are conquered by it, while those cured of boils, pimples, dys- peptio and bilious symptom, and that tired feeling are numbered by millions. XT r- r..e, JCCl il klUf JUluf t(tu Will do you good. Begin to take It today, As It Seemed to Her. Mr. Clubman I never was a Jury man but once, and then the jury was out all night. Mrs. Clubman How you must have enjoyed it! Boston Courier. tow-a Oft ( (MM, Laxatlv Bromo-tluintne Tablets enre a old la eueday. .Boors, Koray. racaaaaaaia. Supremely Restful. "I wonder if there's any lazier occu- nation than fishing.'' "Well, yes looking at people fish ing." Brooklyn Life. There are a treat many reaiedies bat there Is one CI R a for a poor complexion; that ts Garfield Tea. which cures by purilTing the blood, thus removing the caase. A Reminiscence. "One time," remarked Wragson Tatters, "I got Into a soft snap." "Did yer, honest r Inquired Perry Patetick. "what waa Itr "A poor ole watchdog dat hadnt no teeth left Philadelphia press. hows mist t?e offer One Hundred Dollars Reward lor any saaa of Catarrh that eaaaot ba cured by Hall's Catarrh coru. . We the undersigned, bare known F.J. Cheney fee tiie past 15 eara, and bellere hint perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin ancial it able to carry out any obligations mads I their sra. . WarreVTsriX. Wholesale Drusclsts, Toledo, O. Waloiso, Knots A Marti, notesaie Drue-lets. Toledo, U. Call's Catarrh Cura la t ken .a: :rnally . actios Oreo; It oa the blood and coos surfaces of tfcesystcnL Pri e Tic per bonis. Bold hy all rusvtsts. ie imoiu-us ire. Jiail s family rul rttiMet. Glad of It Mamma Why are you so quiet. Bobbie? Robbie (aged six) I was dess thinkin how glad I am Christmas doesn't come In the summertime. Mamma Why? Robbie 'Cause I wear such teeny weeny short socks in the summer time. A NEW ACCOUNT BOOK Of Particular Interest to TKruhtrmca i Farmers. Bnssell St Co., of Portland, Ore., the largest dealers in machinery on the Pacific Coast, have just issued at con siderable expense a neat and very com plete account book for up-to-date thresbeimen, etc. The books are for free distribution, and all people who want them should write immediately to Busseil & Co., Portland, Ore. Choice of Letters. think I shall adopt letters as a profession," observed the party with the bulging brow. "Typewriting or sign painting?" in quired the sardonic person. Balti more American. TOTJ KNOW WHAT TOP All TAKING When von take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, because the formula ia plainly printed oa every bottle showing; that it la simply Iron and Qui nine in a taitetess lorn. Ho erne, no ray. We. Kitchen Necessities. "Cook, do we need any necessities for the kitchen?" "Yee'm. I'd like a Roman chair, one of them Venlshun lanterns an' some more pillars fer th" cozy corner." In dianapolis Journal. THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY DLOOD TAINT. Scrofula isbnt a modified form of Blood Poison and Consumption. The parent ww uuuucu l'J ciuiex wui m the ciuiu vox same qiaraac manifesting itself in the form of swollen glands of the neck and throat, catarrh, weak eyes, offensive sores and abscesses and of- ten times white swell- tag sure signs of Scrofula. There mav( be no external stirns for ) alongtime.forthe disease derelopa alowly ti rauc caaea, dui tne poison is in the blood snd will break out at the first favor able opportunity. 8. S. S. ctrrea this wast ing, destructive disease by first purifying and building np the blood and stimulating pu luviguraung me wnoie system. mk?ttg!2XZ$tig2i em sorencso. rrom this wound the al rrom mi wound tne aland on I the side of her fsce became swollen and bnrsted. aome of tne beM doctors here sad elsewhere attended her without sny benefit. We decided fT B. a., and a few bottles cared her en tirely." makes new snd purs oiooa to noansn ana strengthen the body. snd is s positive and safe cure for Scrofula. It overcomes all forms of blood noiaon. whether inherited or acquired, and no remeay so tnorougniy snd effectively cleanses the blood. If yon have sny blood trouble, or your child has inherited some blood taint, take S. S. 8. snd get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease dome; further danusre. Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make charge whatever for medical advice. INI swift apccine co, atlasta. aa, Luficii tomtit Ail ti KAiUgm OjrilO. TfaStsM In lima. fr14 by tiraxvlwt. ' "sjnei TVtf It W -"W-'lf aajwsj 1 k a . first 'cyjr-ftirM re. Ooud. Use I tims. a LIVINQ ON MONKEY MEAT. Btralte te Which an American Proa sector Wu Kettueeil In Mexico. Living In Mexico la often a dlsae- troua experience to tho foreigner who ia not acquainted wit? localities and cus toms. In the caae of John Bascon anil hi companion, an Englishman named uartin Hayes, their experience waa such, but It la also Interesting. In con versatlon with Mr. Basoon that gentle- versatlon with Mr. Basoon that gentle- , . , man stated the following to an fcuter- llw'aw lepurieri long .go I came up from Gu.te- m,, Wtl Btt Englishman named Mar- tin Hayes, and we had three burros I laden with goods. We prospected all the Una to Tonelado, and stopped for oue week with an Indiau at Tehu- antepec. While there we learned that In the district up to Touelado there was plenty of gold, aa another Englishman had passed through there with $8,000, which he bad panned out at a certain point somewhere In the region of San Pablo, In Oaxaca. We traced the gold ,jomj a .treama for sixty miles, and I reached as far a. San Miguel. We were very hungry by this time, having I run short of provisions, and. going across the mountains, were told that we snouia De careful, as banditti were numerous. Soon after two men met us not far from San Miguel and the both had rifles. They ordered us to halt. but I pulled a revolver and took their guns away from them and marched them on In front of us. When we ar rived at San Miguel one of them enter ed a complaint before the Jeae politico charging us with holding them up, but the Jew knew the men too well to list en to their story, and the result Is one of them Is still In jail at that place. 'When we left San Miguel we secur ed a moso to guide o- to where the Englishman referred to found his gold. but when we got there the moso would not stay, as It waa known the English man had returned and died there. We found his skeleton, with the legs and arms eaten off, and the moso, being fearful he would see the ghoet of the dead, left na to ourselves. We went across a river and camped In the ad jacent woods. Along the stream we prospected for gold, and In two weeks we found gold which went about 25 cents to the pan. We remained there about six months, and all that time we lived on monkey meat and green ba nanaa, and both, too, without salt. Just think of it! Nothing but monkeys, and occasionally a fowl or two, and not a tortilla or common hot cake. v ell, sir. my partner, Martin Hayes of London, England, died four months after from the privations suffered during that time, and I don't suppose his wife or family ever heard of it But we got some gold, all right, and monkey meat would have been all right for me, If we only had some salt Chihuahua En terprise. HE FEARED ONE-MAN POWER. That Waa Why Detroit Mast Got Ont a Warrant for Neighbor. After the applicant for a warrant had been admonished two or three times to stick to the text he was Induced to pre sent his grievances in a connected man ner. What I'm claiming. Judge,- Is that the main thing we've got to guard against In this country Is one-man pow er. We've got It In the nation, we've got It in New York, we've got It in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania and it looks to me very much as though we had It In Detroit Do you believe in it, Judge?" "Certainly not, but what has that to do with the case?" "I'm coming to that I only wanted to get a general expression of principle from yon. Ton are right Judge; en tirely right What is wrong in nation al, state or municipal government Is wrong to the end of the logical se quence, is It not?" 'Tea, if I take your meaning." 'Oh, you've got my meaning, Judge. One-man power is wrong when It gets beyond the individual, or the family. say. Now, Judge, we have one or these obnoxious bosses op In onr block. Tee, sir, precisely the sort of fellow we've been condemning. He tells ns all how to raise our children, makes tbem keep quiet when he wants them to. dictates to the women about the garbage, raises ned if a dog barks, protests if anyone wakes him np by getting home late, tells the mall man his business, cen sures all who have any doctor but bis. tells us when to trim onr trees, and rushes to the Ore marshal when any of us want to make some slight Improve ments. "Now he knows better than yon do how I feel on this one-man power busi ness and when he rushed over before breakfast to tell me that the snow was not properly cleaned from my walk, I Just turned loose and kicked him half the length of the block. He'll be out tomorrow and I want to get a warrant for him as a one-man nuisance before he can get at me for assault and bat tery." Detroit Free Press. Where He Waa Weak. Mr. Jowders looked gloomily at the letter to which he bad just painfully affixed his signature, and then cast a dubious glance at bis wife. Do you want to jnst run this over before I send it to son James?" be In quired; and when Mrs. Jowders shook her head, he hastily folded the sheet, which bore the marks of hours of toll, and thrust it Into sn envelope, which he sealed with trembllnsr exrxdl- Uon - Dd then teane1 back ,n cha" wiui au nir ui reuei. I was afeard you'd want to read It and then most likely 'twould be ali to do over again, mother, like the last one," be said. "But I'm glad James wrote he didn't mind a word misspelled here an' there. There's some things 1 can do, but I never could seem to get a good purchase on the system of spell ing, someway. "As I view It," continued Mr. Jow ders, "there's some words you can spell by the looks, and some you can spell by the sound; them I can most gen'lly manage. But when you come to spell ing by jndgment and main stren'the, my chances are about as slim as they make 'em." A young man Is considered eligible these days who would have lacked SO per cent of being In that list twenty year. ago. A man dislikes attention until it Is 1 about te be taken away from him. Tenure In Office. Dr. Priming of Germany declare! that marriage prolong! lite. Thla (tree ome amart bachelor an opportunity to rise and remark that marriage makes life aeem long to a man. Bos ton oioue. Pining el Ytllowiton Park. It Is said that lha geysers which hT made tills park famous, an gradually de- dining. Tin brings to mind tha fact, that I d,,M" is e law of the world. Health is ; the most precious possession i the world, jd 00 great care cannot be given to It. in tne annua, you snouia renew your r" In the aitrmar. you should renew your with Hi next of all medicines. H outfit ter Stomach Diners, It alto cures stomacl disorders. Try it. Late Realization, "I now realise," aaid the pig, as they loaded him Into the wagon, bound for the butcher's, "I now realise that overeating tends to shorten life.' Indianapolis Press. Tablss Turned. "The first time I tried to smoke cigarette It made me awfully sick "You are getting even now." "I don't see how." . "Why now they make everybody else sick when you smoke them. The tving. MB HTM WONDERFUL CUBE II I STUBS8RI CAS OF IHEUKITISM. Tha KVIdene la Furnished by tha retary wf the Board at Trod of Walleburf, Maw Turk, nasi Cannot Ma Doubted. The popular secretary of the Wells- burg. N. Y, board of trade la Mr. W, J. Dalton, and hi. statement to a re porter regarding one of the most im portant eventa of his life carries with it the greatest weight It is unusual tor person to be afflicted from childhood with rheumatism out It Is even wonderful that there la a remedy so exactly suited to the tratment of this Btubborn disease that one hundred doses were sufficient to eradicate it In a case of twenty years' stand' Ing. The proof that such a remedy Is within the reach of ad rheumatic sufferers is found in Mr. Dalton'a own words. He says: . "I had been troubled with rheuma tism all my life, even when a boy. It attacked me in the legs, arms snd shoulders. The pain in the latter was particularly severe. I, of course took medicine for it but did not obtain permanent relief. One day about three years ago while reading a newspaper, I aaw an advertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and determined to give them a trial. I had taken but three boxes of the pills when the trouble, which had been my affliction from child hood, entirely disappeared. "About a year later I had another attack of rheumatism which i brought on by working in a damp place. I remembered well what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People had done for me, so I immediately purchased some, strangely enough, just three boxes sgaln cured me, and have been entirely free from rheu matism ever since. I have told a num ber of people about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and they have taken them with most bene ficial results." (Signed) W. J. DALTON. Dr. Williams' Ping Pills for Palo People are sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 12.50, by Dr. Williams Medicine Co. Schenectady, New York. He sure you get the genuine; substitutes never cured anybody. Look for sue full name on every package. Jarring Mrs. Von B. Mrs. Von Blumer My children have been to school now two terms and have made scarcely any progress. Mrs. Wltherby How sad! And it s such a good school, too! Detroit Free Press. The Bast Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of antra's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply Iron and qnlnine in a tasteless lorm. tun, so rtr, I rice oue Mixed. Officer of Gas Company But don't you know we can't afford to give you eood gas at any sucn price as mat.' Consumer What are you giving us now, hot air? unicago iriDune. The remsrkable snrwsa of Carfleld T, the f rrmt H KKH eure lor Con stipation and Sick Heailsche, Is due to its healtfol action on all the digestite organs. Entitled to Half Rates. Beggar Please give a poor old blind man a dime! Citizen Why, you can see out of one eye. "Welt, then give me a nickel." Chicago News. C ASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of 8trange Obstinscy. "It's funny how things work," re- maked the fluent man. "I have tried everything for insomnia without the least relief. And the other evening 1 merely mentioned a few of the ex- nedients I had tried, and every man in the room was fast asleep before I bad got , half through." Boston Transcript Two Big Pains J mm to be the hcrUse of the kumaa faUnii every wberc, vis: Rheumatism and Neuralgia bat there U one eure end prompt care for both, vis: St Jacobs Oil WOMEN OF THE Regard Peruna as Their Shield Catarrhal ' Hra, Bttva A. Lorkirood I.: ta Candidate for the l'renlilui- . Mrs. Belva A Ickwood, lute candi date for the Presidency, Mrs. Belva A. Lorkwood, the emi nent barrister, of Washington, D. C, is the only woman who has ever been a candidate for the presidency of the United States. She Is the boat known woman in America. As the pioneer of nor sex In the legul pro fession she has gathered fume and fortune. In a letter to the Peruna Medicine Company she says: have used your Ptrunm both for myself and my mother, Mrs. Hannah J. Bennett, now In her 88th year, and I find It an Inval uable rtmtdy tor cold, catarrh, hay fever ar.d kindred diseases; also a good tonic tor feeble and old people, or those run down. and with nerve s unstrung." Yours truly, Belva A. Lock wood. Peruna cures catarrh by removing the cause, inflamed mucous mem branes. Dr. Hartman, the compounder of Peruna, once said. In a lecture to women: "A great number of women consult me every year. I often have occasion to say to these patients: I fear you have catarrh, madam.' Becoming Personal. Mr. Saphed Aw do you believe ! thawt monkeys talk, Miss Smawt? Miss Smart I know they talk I have heard them. Ohio State Jour naL Ba Beautiful I A elear. elean romnlnlon is the foundation of ail beauty. CssjsreMt'aiidT C'stliurlli- uimkv sua keep the skm .ifi and riretr. A" uiutf (ista UK. ix, Auu. S - To ba Expected. "You fellows." complained the king of beasts, "don't seem to be properly Impressed when I start to describe my adventures." Ah!" replied the diplomatic hyena, your stories are wonaerfttl, but then we know you are a lion. I'nuauei phta Press. TO CURE A COLO IN ON B DAT Take Laxattte Bromo Quinine Tablets. All OrurrUts refund the money lilt tails to rnre. n. Urove's slgnainre iou eacu do, xju. The Secret of It. Ann Eliza There goes Mary Ma- loney. She's ih' styllshest dressed girl of any of us. Maria JaneAn small wonder. Her missus Is th' same size 's her, 'n em ploys th' best modulst in th' city- Philadelphia Bulletin. I do not believe Piso's Cura for Con sumption has an eoual for couvhs and cold.!, Johx V. Boras, Trinity springs. lud., Feb. 15. 1000. Rather Unkind. Gusher My wife has promised to wait for me at the gate of heaven If she Is the first to go. Flasher Tut, tut. You shouldn't be so revengeful as to make her wait through eternity simply because she made you wait while she fixed up sometimes. Life. STFOHTIIE BOWELS Tfre haven't ft mrnlsr. hesttbr movement of the bowta ferr u. jron're tick, or wui be), kmp your bowel, open, sad be wall- Force, in tbesbmpeof ioid pBTBie or pin poison, ia aaiarous. rut ufjtbtiit. culant, moat prfet wejr of beeping ibe eus ciear maa eieaa u ie uui T1eaejnt Ps1atahla Panf taafaflsiul TVa ClnrJI Kerer Mtokeo, Weaken. orOrlpe. Wo. 60e Write for free umple. end booklet on talin. AddraM rflaa C wmr, ttlMga. Iwlr t, law I ark. Ma EEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Bee Line Buggies $65.00 AND UP. ENNEY, $90.00 and up. Iron corners on bodies of all onr Ifenney snd nee iine uuggies. seua lor catalog, MITCHELL, LEWIS 4 STAYER CO. rst md Taylor Sts. Portland, Oregon, Northwest POULTRY News I V I If you keep poultry send lOtj. for 3 mos. Vji trlaltotlieOr Ken. ler. out h r, .IT Sls. It, Hrl d.t-r. Telia where t,getbealpoulirylnI.W. Sample free. J0jpji CANOV V Nkw YMA0I MAM II WIIIIIWB M II fl U I M CP VTA R M I III P I CMCiyTQ Ctn 1 11 flu 1 1 1 II I I a I III I III I 111 I I U. L.IU.I UNITED STATES Against Coughs, Colds, Grip and Diseases. They will generally reply, 'Oh, no, I never had catarrh. My nose Is per fectly clear, and my breath la not bad, I am not troubled with coughing or spitting, or any othor disagreeable symptom of catarrh.' "But, my dear niailitm, you may have catarrh all the sanne. Catarrh 1b not always located In the head. You may have catarrh o( the lungs, or stom ach, or liver, or kid neys and especially you may have catarrh ol tlftt, pelvic organs." The doctor went on e toaav: "1 have been nrnihfno tliia il.u-. Mrs. T. 1. Bsllsrd, trine lo; the last forty fi'Ttt years, but there are a v-re 'ae of tiatarrh vast mnititmla of brlaeia. women who have never heard It yet Catarrh . may attack shy organ of the body. Women are especially liable to catarrh of the pelvic organs. There are one hundred esses of catarrh of the pelvic organs to one of catarrh of the head. Most people think, be cause they have not catarrh of the bend, they have not catarrh at all This is a great mistake, and Is the cause of many cases of sickness and death." Mrs. T. Pelton, 862 St. Anthony ave nue, St. Puul, Mlnu., writes: "Peruna lias tlone wonders lor me. It has cured hit headache snd palpitation of the heart ; has built up my whole svstem. 1 cheer fully recommend Peruna to all suf ferers afflicted with catarrh. Mv moth er ia never without Peruna, When one is tired and Mrs. T. Pelton. generally out of sorts, if Peruna Is taken It immediately remove, that tired feeling." factory results from the use of Peru- an, write at once to Dr. Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of the Hartman Sanitarium, Colum bus, Ohio. Accommodating Old Man. He I asked you father', consent by telephone . She What was his answer? HeHe said: "I don't know who you are, but It's all right," Harvard uampton. In the Affirmative. The body of tne latest mysterious disappearance having been found at the bottom of a creek, we pause long enough to ask wbethor the mysterious disappearance ought not to stop dls appearing. Philadelphia Inquirer. CITC NnMtwnllT Oiml. No fits sr l Ills ull-r llnil !.'. i... nf ir. K ;rtt Nrrt MMKIIi FN BEH VS. UOIrUiiHHIIIHl tress ise. 1S. H. 11 KuoS.tul..WlsrtkSt., In the New South. A federal gunboat bus been ordered to Memphis for the special delectation of the old Johnny rebs during theli approaching annual reunion. How "things has changed" since 1861-6! I.ouluvlllo Times. Too Trus. Nodd How do you like your country nomeT Todd It's a great place. The only drawbnek is that I can't sell It. Harper's Bazaar. For Catalogue. ..of.. MANTLES, GRATES and TILINGS.. Address J. WALSH OHEBOH. Mm port la a a . WIEWWY'S 'FEDJL laVJ CUTLER'S CARBOLATEof I0DIKE A guaranteed Care for Catena and Coturomptlon. si.oo. 1) Lock Box lift, W. I. SMITH 3 CO., Buffalo, I.Y.,Prip't Th Russm (otteouHO Trsctmsj Skat a autuii i ce. wauaa mm The "Russell" Compound ENGINE b here to stay. It Is the Most Economical and Powerful Engine built. Write ut for full pirtitolift. RUSSELL & CO., PORTLAND and SPOKANE. POULTRY NETTING. Buy from tbe manufacturer, fries In lull rolls 2 feet wide, 1.0 le long.., si.m S ' a 47 4 m o on u S110 " ....!....;..!..'...'..." 4,u " .! all Kinds of Wire and Iron Work. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS 149 grous St., fortlaad, Oragea, T,l ! ' . f r 111 aWEPLj-S- r m-""s ak t f Jr when you plant X f Ferry's Seeds. If yon f buy cheap seeds you eaat I 1 I I ba sure. Take no chances If V get Kerry's. Dealers ersry- V ib wb-re sell them. Write for lil Head Annual mailed free. Jr Jr p. m. rtm a tjfjr DetreH, "(e UaMsl BTeTeTJTafJsafswaW ft OLD-TIMf RAILROADING. How Tracks Ware Constructed and Tralaa K Slaty Year Aaro. Irving P. Cook, who live, near South Byron, recently repaired a barn on the old Cook homestead that was built many years ago. In taking out a gran ary, some Umber, found in It. construc tion were recognised by Mr. Cook .a part of the Orst old New York Central Kallroad roadbed that waa built to By ron, which was for a time the terminus, about sixty year. ago. These white oak .tick, were 8 by 4 inches, as sound a when first used, and were what the first .trap rail wa. nailed or .piked on. The imprint of the two-Inch Iron .trap 1. plainly seen. Mr. Cook', recollection of the early railroading I. very clear, a. the road crosses his farm. He My. tie. were first laid, and on these were placed long stringers, which were of any kind of timber that could be obtained from farmer, near by. Tbeae stringer, were hewn on the upper side, and on the under aide were notched where they crossed each tie. On those stringers and running In the same direction white oak scantlings were fastened. When the ends of the trip, of Iron met, a short piece was placed o that the ends of the rail. If they might be called that, would not In dent the wood. There were no section bosses In tbose days, and handcar, were uuknown. The Orst repair gang consisted of three men, who carried a few spikes, a chisel, an auger, a hand saw, etc. In a handled basket The few heavy tools. Ilka a crow bar, atlse and shovel, were carried on j the men's shoulders. The men worked a. they plvssed, and during the hot summer day. It was no uncommon thing for the gang to spend hours In the shntle of Mr. Cook's sugar bush, ad joining the track. Trains were Infre quent, and a rosdiuaater's pony was uu- known. Among the locomotive, first used for freight and pasaeuger service were the Louis Brooks, Whittlesey, Asa Sprague and No. 4. the last being known as the iron Engine, because uo wood waa used In Its construction ex cept In the cab. These engines had only oue drive-wheel on each side. The Orst Fourth of July after the road was con structed and In running order waa ob served by the railroad company by fir Ing a cannon from the rear platform of the last car on approaching stations The passenger cars were snort and much like the body of a stage coach Home or these passenger cars had au upper story, and from this upper deck Mr. Cook saw Martin Van Ilurvn climb down to shake bands with a crowd when be was running for the presl dency. The conductor waa then called a collector, and passed along on the out side of the cars on a runuing board that extended the entire length of the car. The putting of names on engines wss discontinued twenty flveor thirty years ago, the last to run on the western dlv son being tbe Dean ItlciViuond, which was No. 147; the Assrlah itoody, James Whitney, Jsmes II. Kelley and Geo. II. II. Its iter. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. The Heavy Hlater. Corns In, Sister MsnJy don't stsn' dar by de do Ds Addle dr-s s-gwlne, en de white san on de do I De ijsier In da center she weigh two bundered pouo , En de prise Is fer ds deacon dat'U swlns dat sister rouo l Don't you heah d music T Com en Jlue de ring! Ain't dis ballelula? Baring yo' pa'tnrrs swing! Ilesh come Deacon Williams he'll win out, I be boun 1 But, obi dat besvy slater dons fllns-ed Ilr'er Williams down! Still she stsndlu' lonesome noes' gsl In town; En de prise is fer da deacon dst'll awing dst sister roun I Don't yoo hash ds music T Come en Jine de ring I Ain'fdls ballelula T , Swing ye' pa'tners-ewlngt Bless God, none kla swing herl What you gwiue ter dor Dsr's de prise s-lookln' turn ds cliluibly- sneir ai you I Kr'er Wllllsois be is nilsaln', but he'll git oar, i ie douu i He gone ter git a derrick fer ter swing dat sister roun i Don't you besh da music? Come en , Jine ds ring I Ain't dls ballelulat Swing yo' pa'tnere swing! Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, lie forma la German lnjrnage. The Allgemelner Deutscber Sprach- vereln Is a Uerman association to en courage tbe flmptlflcstlon and purity of tbe German language. One of Its alms ts to make both spoken and writ ten German simpler, not only by using shorter and less Involved sentences, but by tbe elimination of tbe use of foreign words In the social, business and scientific worlds. Tbe headquart ers of the association are In Merlin and there are branches In Milan and many part, of Austria a. well a. In London. Lighting a Iamp with m Snowball. When a small piece of potassium, tbe size of half a grain of. corn, la dropped Into a tumblerful of water, some of the oxygen of tbe water leaves Its hydro gen, owing to tbe Intense heat which the chemical action produces, and com bine, with tbe metallic potassium, causing a violet bluish flame. When the piece of potassium Is placed on the wick of a coal-oil or alcohol Inmp, the flame produced by touching the potas sium with a bit of snow, Ico or water, will light the lamp. Age at Which They Married, Itoyal personages almost Invariably marry young. Queen Victoria was not 21 at tbe time of her marrlnge; the Prince of Wales wss rather less than 22 when he married the beautiful Alex andra.. The King of Italy was 24 when he married his seventeen-year old bride. The King of the Belgian, was first mnr rled at the age of 18, and the Emperor of Germany was 22 when be married the Empress, who Is a few months bis senior, Plenty of Room In Montana. There are about 80,000,000 acres of unoccupied public land yet remaining In Montnnn. Tbe dull man bores you and th. sharn one skins you. j lb .tbfo to Hmln Slak Wommn WSma Daatorm Fall, Dow gladly would men fl to we. man's aid did they but understand a woman', feelings, trials, senslblliti, and peculiar orgauia disturbances. Those things are known only M women, and Wis aid a man would gin ia not at his oommand. To treat a ease properly It is necaa. sary to know ail about It, and full information, many times, cannot be given by a woman to her family ph.. sloian. Hits cannot bring herself L tall everything, and the physician U Mas. 0. H. Ctirrsu. at 8) constant disadvantage. This Is why, for the past twenty-five years, thousands of women have bean con fiding their troubles to us, and our advloe has brought happiness and health to eountleas women In the li.ti, Mrs. t'happell, of Grant 1'arW, 1IL whose portrait we publish, advises sU suffering women to use Lydia B. link ham's Vegetable Compound, as it eured her of Inflammation of the ovaries and womb ( site, therefore, speaks from knowledge, and her espertanee ought to give others confidence. Address Mrs, flak name Laboratory, Lynn, Mass, Would Not Submit. Johnny Doesn't Uncle Ilsnry Ilka plum puddlngf Mamma Yes; but tbe doctor weal let him eat It Johnny If I wa. aa big a. blm, H Ilka to see any doctor keep me Iron eating It Puck. Too Much Imagination. The gentleman whose claim to whole Florida island, based upon s Spanish grant, ha. been adversely considered by the supreme court, may be consoled by the fact that then are numerous people who have found sad defects In their titles to Spaoiak realty, principally, however. In to matter of castle, in Spain. Dal timers Herald. Compensation, "Yes," said .je author, "when I get started writing a novel I do toes considerable sleep over It." "Oh! well," exclaimed the critic who bad a neat way of disguising s bitter dose of sarcasm under the sugar-coating of apparent Battery, "what Is your toss la your readers gain." Standard. Tale si (a sts re hi as eery hot of Uta aaaslai Laxative BromcH?uinine TaMen Ike (eaaedy that erseea a eote) ta esse day What he had Heard. Tommy I'm glad I don't live out la North Dakota. Arthur Why? Tommy I have heard that they have thrshslng machines out there. Somervllle Journal. Even Therel "Mis. Vlnaaree, they don't bats th freshles st Vsssar College, do tbsyr "Don't tbey, though? They mads me buy pound after pound of almond buttercups and stand and watch then while they ate -them." Chicago Tri bune. HEILD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. A Prosperous and Popular San Francace Institution. Aasoa. (be Institutions loatiard srlis , ruwte snd development wf Ma rrsNi'loe. ileeld's Culk-ee Buhls s fHi.ii' "" Sler. Noia ns S business enterprise NwO s rdU4t!o4Mil IhalltutMMi. it has tfeett e'er slntT Its rsj.nlsalliHi, nearly fifrty years a ' tremel? HMjlar ftnl vniliteiiily suct-eMful. " Is In tne tlaas of ili.r solid and stilieianlU' '"' slltutlnns In whlrk s rlljr takes nrliki. t'lllcss 1.I lit to It aa una of the ul! reliabla snil "" euglily umgreealvs eetMt'ilelttneMla, as Insm tlun "riih a deSniie aurpuM sua sn sui" tinned statue. . in Muit.iiMi ritn rnflnmerHal ednrstleB tbe name at lleald's Is s kuea.-lniul word I'ariae t'veet and tliruuslnml m cuunirr large. In Its own Seld of eff.Ht II Is ss weJel; kuuern ss Slsnrurd or Herseler, fur It sorel'S students frnnj tbe four nuarters of tne g'": In inv every cum; In ('allfurnis but four b.s stiub-uts In lleald's iMiellu-aa Lolb ge. Tbe tuur not vnmented were 1I Norte, laaaern, oralis Snd Ventura. Ton regleter of lue colli-ge suorv tbat In IMS) sludenls were enrolled rmui ee Mlosrlug States sud Trrltorloe outside Ifnmla: In njenr rsaes tin-re were aeveral rep resentatives from eai-bi .Nevada, lows, Vtsss Inson, Uregou. Montana, Colorado, Tun, losso. arisons. Kalians, Mlseniirl, rennalvnula, P, .erney, Vermont, Virginia and New llnlm. Is luiHJ students csran directly In the st-bool f"'1 ilesleo, t:inada, Jon. the Hawaiian 1 1 "-'. Yukun Terrluwy, KlUrla and I'entral me"''"' Enroilraeats were slsv lusds fnua Kugland sua Sweden. , Its Isrcs body of alumni constitute s formldsbl nroinntlng force, snd tbe steady growtk of tiie college can be sltributed lerse. to the eoinmnditig volt's of tbt-ne thnitaanda ut grsdustes. wbo know whereof (bey suesb. Iks no pare catalogue and coiiejf laurnala sor run luiormaiion wrne 10 ie'a- anoreaa . v, iieajii, rresiun(, street, Ssa frswlsi-o, cel. HI. Philosophy. -She I wish I could be as contented a you. He Oh! I ain't contented only ' don't think If. worth while to worry about it" Puck. lf-..V adO PL ISli I3lirl WV BLACK oaYtULOW' Tas MoSuasTiTUTia. Faes Cavateguse M. r. M. 0. "ie. lS-S0e Wycsf writing ts, adrartlssrs pleaas aaoaUaa tlsls vapes. if v I 1 V 7y h ix x v. n f r r FreaWrDRY. i