OREGON MIST Entered at the lotoirice t 8t. Helens, Oregon, a second-class mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER Issued Evkrv Fhiuav Mohmno Br DAVID DAVIS, Editor ano I'sopkiktor. taiHtiCKIPTIUN CHICK: One copy one year, in advance. . Six month COUNTV OKKICKRS. Representative Sorrann Merrill, Clatxkanl) Judge Joseph B. Doan, tulmer Oler i- Watt. St. IMent BK(rir R. S. llaltan. St. Helen 1. ..... K. K.ua Kt Hilll ITWUic ---- 7 - -- Sunt, ol Uchool. ...J. H. cn and. Hu ton umyor":.'.""-".."'. ...A. B. I.litie, Himitoii Coroner Dr. H. R-Cliff, St. Helen CommlMloner j P w' d ci. ti MARCH 29, 1901. Yellow journalism in the Chinese language ie called li li Kel. That style of diction may not be elecant but in this case it is singularly exuressive, and shows that the Chinese language is picturesque in metaphor if not in ap pearance. schedule ore-Dared for President McKin- ley's western tour he will be in Portland on Monday, May JOth and remain one day. Fro ill there the President will pro ceed to the Yellowstone National Park, by way of Tacom Seattle and Spokane. Rkau Th Mm and get all the news of the county. You can obtain it in no other way. While we are increasing the amount and improving the quality of new in our paper, our patronage ia correspondingly on the increase. Urge your neighbor to become a subscriber to the paper, that he may keep posted on current county events. Thi headlines over the dispatches tell as that General Eiuilio AguinaUlo has been captured and is now a prisoner in s Manila jail. He was found in Imbela province by Funston. But Aguinaldo L u . 1 u f. 1 j : 1 . ""r7LnV... ..'f" I.' V:::' 4. t 7u there mav be another case of mistaken l4L,n I identity. Thibb should be a business men's association organixed here to promote ! the interests of the city and connty. itx and connty. There are alwavs matters comina- alona nn. k. i.. right time would mean much toward the beat interests and improvement of k. .nA ,nn. v;;k overlooked or ignored', for what is every-1 body's business is nobody', business. j fAWtr lines seem to have rone to the We have just finished reading ..... 17 . t fulsome euiogv 01 (senator Mitchell in a red hot populist paper, which in the same issue reier to Aiarx nanna aa a traitor in the country." Thi too, when it it known that lit. Uanna specially wanted Mr. Mitchell elected. "There's no accounting for tastes," the monkey aid when he kissed the cat. Salem Independent. Bout one having inforned Mrs. Nation that a certain Western paper had pub lished the report that she was about to be divorced, she responded in writing: "Tell that editor to correct that lie and do it quickly bv telling the people that what he wrote was manufactured in hell and is in the mouth of devils." Horn this literarv style is not elegant, but it is terse and forcible and could be imi tated with advantage by some of our newspaper and niagzine writers. ; Bt a recent law we are now receiving thirty-two ounces of butter for two pounds. This is good news to the pro vider of the household. But if the good ' housewife accepts it a a license to use one-half more butter about her prepar ation of victuals where will we land? And too, the foxy dairyman may tack on another 10 cents a roll to compensate mm ior ma luii-weight roll. In either case, however, we'll have the satisfac tion of getting what we pay for. Wi shake hands with the Oregonian on its proposal for a title for the 1905 ex position, "American Pacific Exposi tion" is brief, yet it incorporates a vol ume of meaning. Not only do we ap prove the title, but we pledge hearty support to the big fair in our feeble way. Our ia a section of the state which wit - nessed the early explorations of the Lewis and Clark expedition, and every Individual np and down the Columbia river should feel directly interested in the undertaking. Hon. H. W. Cobbett, who was a can didate for the- United State senate, de clares that on the first day of next Jan narv he will start in and make a fight for election at the next session of the legislature. He will see that clubs are organized in every county in the state, and he proposes to make a hard fight and commence early. His friend, Joseph Simon's, term will expire at that time. Mr. Simon will also make a fight and with few dark horses in the field the next session of the legislature promises to be more tropical than the last. Obbqon weather, Oregon scenery, Ore gon hospitality and Oregon, collectively, made a big hit with the Chicago mil lionaires who visited us last week and those gentlemen will return to their homes in the windy city brim full of pleasant memories of the Webfoot re public. The good impressions which these gentlemen have received of us will act with swift contagion to our ben efit and our only regret ia that we do i not often have an opportunity of dis- j ptaying our many resources to rep- resentatives of the Eastern states. Ore- gon weather, which is nice by nature, ! wa on dress parade at that partieular i time and gracefully succeeded in sus-1 taining the state's reputation for having ! the most salubrious climate on earth, j Mr. PoBTkB, editor of the Oregon City i Enterprise, and senator from Cluckanias county, says, editorially, in his unoer: I 'Th OM,.uurtiul uiwl I I. ...... been radically changed mid much fur the better. The responsihilitv will full largely on the assesKor. in proper shape with con hir work is' If in proper shape with correct desmption. T . J. . the new law the county guarantees the I tax title and refunds the money if the title fails. This will resultin all property I sold at delinquent sale being bid in by j private parties instead of the county" i and the countv will get the tax. If i through fault ofofficers the tax title fails, ; the county will have to refund the j money. All possible technicalities have been removed from the procedure to m tn make tha title cood if oossible. Taxea are parable twice a year with a three per cent premium lor prompt payment." Tim pedasfognea are In revolt aitainst the rule making it compulsory to unb uilt to the awful torture innicteo uy that modern mental organisation called the teacher' institute. Those who es- tcape unharmed from these otiii 114 icliiiiosareforttinalely not matte ot coui fl.00 ! luun clav, and could probably be auc 60 1 cessfully tapped for India rubber juice. To sit tor hour ana listen to paper on the mortality of bacteria, molecular for- . . m : j .1 :i.n mationoi tne ternary pertuu, iiib vuiuii itv of the extinct elephyapoturaiuus and the amputation of pedagcyical appropri IM1UUB t I C RIIIKi wvvn.f ...... ...... k u m,uirt,s something- more than ation ts racKiug, 00011111$ ana nair curu I salary to tempt one to withstand these I pangs of listening to these awful di- w,,at " 'rich The big tne acuities 01 me minu. mean iew'ii- era' institues are morally depressing and physically enervating, and there is no reason why tne law aoouui o vio lently punish those who teach school by compelling them to undergo the painful operation of attending the sessions. Astoria Herald. Tub United State government, hav ing income thoroughly disgusteo with the jockeying muddle in which China and the powers have been engaged for the pan year, has very sensibly decided to withdraw our army' from Fekin, leav ing only a legation guard of 160 men. In the meantime England and Russia are making gigantic preparations to fight a bitter war over the carcass of poor old China. The friction between the two former powers baa now become so extreme that a heavy clash cannot be averted more than a lew weeks at the moat. Indeed, it ia more than probable f" n8rV? w" """"J n"w F between England and Russia if the former country could mobilize an army such as it now has in the Transvaal. Russia now has 100,000 men in China, JUSt The &SZfs ree the sue ot their respective armies ia tne difference in the siae of the bluff Eng land and Russia can run on each other, and in this case the percentage seems to be largely in favor of Russia. AB01T BOADS. Plans lYom Ten States on View at Paris Eiposltlon. Ten states have at the Paris exposi tion exhibit! of scientific road making. Considering the fact that we have the worst roads, the attempt to teach the world how to construct good roads will naturally be attributed to Yankee mpadencc. There hu been marked UI1V3 IU btlia tVUUVI V 111 ftllUWl' edge as to road building, and a large part of our trouble in this direction has been because of our ignorance of the 2Vr principles of road instructs Jh government has been taking an 1 instruction. loe povernmem uaa uwd taaiog ma ac- "Te interest in tnis worx, ana 1 trying to teacti people bow to make a good road IT!1? favorite plan seems to be to lay two "i08 lnlc" ,or wagon. 10 run on ana with a wagon on such tracts one horse "I Pnl1 rger load than three, or eren e5.,on the ordinary road. It will be readily seen that such .d woald " im.raenM ving to t Kia r.rni.p ,1a mnltt r nm n a l im products to the railroad at greatly re duced expenses; be could save both as to the number of horses, and as to the strain that He would need to put upon those that he did have, while working on the road, Saving horseflesh is not a conspicuous object in farm management. We are too apt to be careless, in this regard, some times working our teams too hard, driv ing them too bard, overloading them and now and then ruining an animal by overstraining. A country doctor was once remonstrated with for buying such light bnggie. He wore out a good many. Hit reply to the remonstrance was that buggies were cheaper tbau good horses, and that he could drive a horse three times longer to a light vehi cle then he could to a heavy one. The cost of roadbuildmg is sometimes too great to be considered at all. There is no doobt of that ; and farmers who live in sections where it is exceedingly ex pensive to build good roads are not to blame lor opposing their construction. Bat good road are of such vital import ance that the subject ought to be calmly considered in itn every phase. Thev will enhance the value of property ; will save many dollars in the increased active longevity of horses; will add to the price of all stock that is carte" 1 to market, for it can be carted more economically. WEIGHTS AXD MEASURES. New Law for Tbelr Regulation Now In Effect In Tbls State. The new state law relating to the standard weight of produce, provides that "whenever wheat, rye, Indian corn, oats, barley, clover seed, bukwheat, dried apples, dried peaches, potatoes or pears shall be sold by the bushel, and no special arrangement as to the meas ure or weight thereof shall be made by the parties, the measure thereof shall be ascertained by weight, and shall be com puted as follows : "Sixty pounds for a bushel of wheat or clover seed. "Fifty-six pounds for a bushel of rye or Indian corn. "Thirty-two pounds for a bushel of oats. "Forty-six pounds for a bushel of barley. "Forty-two pounds for a bushel of buckwheat. "Thirty-eight pounds for a bushel of dried apples or peaches. "Sixtv pounds for a bushel of potatoes. "Forty-five pound for bushel of ap- I " v I"--. Senator XltcheU's Daaghter. The fact is recalled by the election of Mitchell aa senator from. Oregon that his daughter married, nine year tgo, into one of the oldest of France's titled families, says the Hpokeeman-Review. rilie is the wife of the due de Rochefon cahl. who has one of the flneat linAncn in France, three titles, all of last year's bird's nect variety, a commission in the army and a Host of friends. He seems to be an exception to the ordinary run of dukes, for he refused to marry his cousin and a great fortune, and took the Oregon girl without a dot. The couple met in Paris fifteen year ago. It was a ewe of love at first sight, al- though the duke is fourteen years his wile's senior, and had the reputation of a woman hater, - The lingering cough following grippe calls for One Mincte Couich Cure. For 11 ,lirost "n(1 '""g troubles this is the V " ' i. B1T .,,u- nriKH lain ruciujra PHtv.ntiMn.iinmlinn or "ale - A A. Perry, Houlton. ' 1 -1 Counterfeits of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are liable tocause blood poisoning, lnve Ihem alone. The original has the name BeWitt's upon the bos audi wrapper. It is a harmless arid healing' salve for skin diseases. Unequuled for i piles. For sale by N. A. Perry, Houlton, , i i . ....... i rvirnuiTK iuhiih iiaii WESTERN ORRGON TROUBLES MILITATING CONDITIONS FOR THIS SECTION TO COMBAT. Many Immigrant Could Find Lands la this Rich County. Columbia county has some of the finest valley under the sun, and people are needed to cultivate them. To stock them, to develop their possibilities, to start manufacturing on their water powers, to go back into their skirting bills and bring out the lumber, the mineral and the building atone abound ing there, to "people" these hills with sheep, and goats, and cattle, to enjoy the comfort and the wealth which ia within the reach of intelligent Industry, and to live to the ripe old age which our genial climate guarantees. We have the advantages and we need the people, and the people would be glad to come if ciruumstances were not so everlastingly agninst this vast and beautiful region known a Western Ore gon. The most unfortunate circum stance militating against it is the want of favorable railroad connection with those parts of the United btate whose people are looking toward the l'nciho elope for the very advantage which here abound in a superlative degree. We are constantly assailed with the inquiry: "Why do we not get tome of the immigration which we read about as coming I rum the East so plentifully over the transcontinental railroads at reduced rate?" The answer to this is that our unfortunate situation, from a railroad standpoint, leaves us out in the cold, so far aa the cheap emigrant rate are concerned. Those emigrant tickets are sold in the Eat to what are termed "common points." Over the Central and South ern Pacific railroad those "common points" mean any station in California, but if the people wish to come to Oregon they must stop at Hornbrook, recheck their baggage and pay local rates. Coming by the Northern Pacific or by the O. R. "A N. the "commnej points" mean any place in Washington or any place along the Columbia river to Port land, and should the immigrant . wish to penetrate the interior sections he must pay local rates. Thus, the home seeker are left either upon the northern border of the state or beyond its south line, and only few of them reach for the interior. There ought to be a concerted action among the cities of Western Oregon, through their boards of trade, to pro cure from the Southern Pacific the best terms possible from the south and from the north for laud looker. It is only br such means that the Western counties can be peopled and made fully prosperous. It is only so that the ex isting handicap can be removed from Western Oregon. Evidently some of our Eastern friends are slightly mixed in their knowledge of the laws in Oregon. - This state has some peculiar measures on its statute books, but none quite so bad aa is claimed. Here is what a New York paper says: "We understand that the men of this state are not in favor of adopting the way they do in Oregon. In that state every man who drinks is obliged to take out a license costing $6 a year, and unless armed with the documents he cannot be served with liquor at any saloon or hotel. Every six months the names of the persons who take out licenses are published in the papers, so tne puolic mav know tnose who are authorized to drink." They tell some prettv hard stories on us Webfooters, but this is the hardest deal yet. Maxims of Hafli. Talk' good, bnt 'taint wlae ter be always a hoi lerln throush vour hat: A little wind run a frlat mill, a hurricane diow it nas. Tbl here Is a world of trouble; we're never aulte free. 1 vtiin! When chilblains and aprinr cold leave a. summer Doaruera ana aceeter come. Don't marry a gal 'cause she's pretty, nor 'cause sue a tntrxed out mienty auca; A sold brick I lovely ter look at, but somehow, yer tire ol It quick. Setten' down isn't practical farmtn' thoagb some ter tnat notion is weo: If a mortKaxe was raised like whisker one populist uue d be dead. Some proverbs tht' pat enooich one time fall flat If rer trr em on twice: Dou't quote "talk 1 cheap'' ter a feUar who' jest paid ter a lawyer dvice. Ter armie each night at the groe'ry won't cure all your troubles nor ills; Thi settlin' perlltlcai question dou't help yer to settle jour Dim. A chip ain't by law an "oppressor" 'cause he wears a diu nnt aunn tile: And it don't signify man' honest li he shov els a pie with a knife. There's a heap of good dishwasher ruined by navin' a college uponngm : A hen beau the world at her bnslne, but alie ain t worth a nickel fer nngln . Puck, Prof. Ivison, of Lonaconing, Md.. suf fered terribly from neuralgia of the stomach and indigestion for thirteen year and after the doctors failed to cure him thev fed him on morphine. A friend advised the use of Kodol Dys pepsia Cure ana alter taking a tew bottles of it he says, "It has cured me entirely. I can't say too much for Kodol Dyspepsia (Jure." it digest what you at. For sale by Pi. A. rerry. Houlton E8TABMHHED ..WOO 172. JOHN A. BECK DEALER IX Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ...JEWELRY..., Repairing a Specialty. JB7 Morrison W. Bet. Front k f1rt. FOBTLA.ND. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leave Portland nn Tnesdsv, Thursday and Bat arday at 7 a, m. lor St. Hiltnt. Kalama. Carroir Point, Rainitr and Kilto, Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed nesday snd Friday at i p. m. Wharf foot of Salmon Bt. H. HOLM AN. Agent. Brinn Brothers ! CAFE ST. HELENS, - . - OREGON. NEW PLACE. If you want something good In tha line of whioky try SHAW'S MALT Only the best of Liprs and Cigars Kept in Stock ! OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO 12 O'CLOCK MIDNIGHT. , at NOTICt TO CfieOfTOHS, NQTIGkX Qr FINAL Stiiktm' NOTK'R 18 HKRKBY (IIVKN THAT THR nmlortinwl hw thi 1 been poliiiixl administratrix of the ealate t Auanu J OrwlK, tltHH'awd. All )irtim having olalti. agnliist vaitl i'ftlat will pnweitl the Nam u in at Clnt kniiio. Oroimu, nn or hfon xlx month trow the llrat publication u( thi iintlvn. MAKV M.ORWIO, Anilnlxiratrlx. . Daleil lhl 4th ty or Month, 111. tt. r Urn. ham, Attorney fur Ailmliitaliatrlx, iiiHa r. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ICntMtn of Rtlav A(ltn. diapd. VTUTIOK 18 HKKKHV U1VKN THAT I.KT !N taraof lmtnUlrttinuii theeatateot HI ley AiUmn, tei'Hl, were sranUKi to in minor' eittntHi on tne win nay w renniary a. u iw. hv the Comilv Oourl of Otilnmlila County. All penum havliit; claim aiminat alt eatatear ro,Miroi to exninii uum w me ir aiiowiuH'B, i mv nlH In tha cltv of Hi. Helen in aalil Bounty anil Mate within U mouth alter the date ot tin none or tnoy anau n nrrvr barred. Tht llat day ol teurnary, A, I), iwi. K. k. UUICK. AilnilnUlralor of the ealale of Kilty Aitama, UeoeaMKt. tt. N. tlruiwr, Alloruoy lorAuuun talrator. ' ADMINISTRATOR'S HOTtCC OF SALi OF huso hal pnoemrr. VrOTIOK 18 HKRKBY (HVKN THAT IN COM Xi pllaiiiiv wtlh an onler of the County Court made March 61 h. IWI1. 1 will tell at public auc tion, to the Itlittieat bldiler, all of the pernio! property beloin;lnK to the aaUleol Marl 'la deceasm-i ; sale to tat pieace at in law re dciica ot ld dereaaeit Maria Weat, at Seal nw, Orexou.on Friday, April 2thh, lwl. aale Kln at 10 o'clock lu the forenoon vf aaid day. the property oonalal of hone, rattle heep note and farming; Implement. Term of ale: Ten dollars and under, eaah In hand; over 110, alx month Mine on approved security at percent, intereat. n. nwi, maUaS. Administrator of Mid e.ite H0TICE TO CREDITORS, In the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for Columbia bounty. In the matter of the estate of Free) Koble, de 1Mlef CNIiKRHIONUn. HAVINd Br Kit Ap pointed by the County Court ol the stale of Orvan, lor Columbia county, atUninistrauii of the ett of Kred Kiae, itecvaMd, nolle I hereby given to the ciedllor of, and all penon havlnit Vienna attain! aaid .ileci-asod, to prraent month alter the tint pabllcatlua of tills notice loam Auna Rome, at nrr rniwr t aieuuen, Oregon. l)ted March IJtn, I'.ut, . . . ,'abi a sunwn. Administratrix of the eti ol Kred tiobla, deceased, n. H. t o well, attornoy for Adiur. V0TICB FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Laru orrica T Osgood City, O.. Marah ftth. lWlt XTOTICK IS HKKEHY OIVKN THAT THIS 11 lollowlng-uamed settler has wed notice oi Ma Inttmtloti to make dual nro.il In atimtort ol hlselalm, nd that mild proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at St. Helens, Oregon, on April fJtn, imi, via HA.iTIM (ilTTskNTAT. Homestead eutry No. KM!, for the SH of the Sf i. section 30, Tp N, K t W. He names the followlugwitnesaas to prove his contluuou res idence noon snd cultivation of aatd land, vis: Jtthanne Hoccfc, W. C. K'l hmsu. K. K. Throop and tieorge situ, all or Kea-ei, urtfron. ml&aJ CH A8. B. MOUKKtf, Register ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Laud urrica at Oasooa city, Oa, March iiXll. VrOTlCIS IS HEREBY' GIVES THAT THE il fullowtug'Uanied settler ha filed not Ire of hi Intention to mttke dual proof in eupportof bt claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County clerk of Columbia County, at !4. Helen, Oregon, on April lMh, 11101, vis: ASTON KElUnVoK.1. Homevteid enirv So. 10.VSI. lor theW'.'offE and S ' SIV C. sec . Tp 6 N.. K a W. He name the loilowlng winease to Drove his eon tlnuou residence uion and cultfvatlnn of said land, vis: William Karth, Wlllord Miller, Jo Soblwki and Stephen Lamp, all of Valley, Or. L llAS. a. gouKU, Kegister. NOTICE FORUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. La so orrica at Oi City. Os. rebrnarv 1Mb. I'll VTOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE X.V foliowlng-named settler ha (lied notice of hi intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and tnat said proof will De made na ture tne Kcgtarer nu Keoeiver at urvgou vity, oregou.on apni it, iwi, vu: GEORGE B. J0HS8ON. Homestead entry No. tO IHO, for the Z of NW r. SWt-iof SKi and HM of HEW, section , townships north, range 4 west, lie name the loiiowing witnesses to prove nis coaunuoiis re Idence upon, nd cultivation of, said land, vis: Halpb Eoirers and J. A. MrDouald. of Vcrnoula. tiregon. and T. J. Uhlman and John lines, oi Portland, Oregon. CHAH. B. MOOKKs, lilmJS Itvglater, TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. VTOTICK 18 HERKRY GIVEN THAT THE a county superintendent of Columbia county will bold the regular examination of appli cant lor county certificates at Kt. Helens.' as lol lows: commencing Wednesday, April 10. at o'clock a. ro , and continuing antil Friday, April 12. at 4 o.oclock o. m. For first, second and third grade certificates: Wednesday. Peumanshlp, hlstorv. orthogra- phv, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic. theory of teach ing, grammar, school law. Friday. Geography, mental arithmetic, phys iology, civil government. ro ratWAkv cgariricATa. Wednesday. PanmanahtD, orthography, read ing. Thu rsilsy. Art of aueatlonl ng. theory of rcacb- Ing, wethods. 1. H. COPKLAMU, County School Kuperlnteudeut. Houlton. Oregon. March 29, 1W11. ADMINISTRATORS SALE OF HEAL ESTATE. rOTICB IS HF.RKHY GIVEN, THAT UNDER a and by virtue of au order of the Couutv Court of Columbia county, lu the btate of ore- non, inadr and dated Msrcn Z2nd, A. u. iwi, i. K. K. Uulck. aa the adinlnlatretor of the estate of John Hendricks, deceased, will on Tuesday, April 8Mb, A, D. I'JOl. at the hour of one o'clock in the alternoon, of that day, at pabllc auction, at the front door of the county eourt house. In said county, proceed to offer for sale and sell to the hlghei-t and beat bidder therefore, the lot lowing, described reM estate, situated tn aid comity, to-wlt: The north hs.ll of the outh- ent quarter of section twenty-nine. In town hip number five, north of range two, west of in wumnieit sienoian. lerni oi sie: At the discretion of the admlnlstator to be either ail cash, or not less than half cash, and the bal ance within one year with eight per cent, ln-ter-st, and all deferred payment to be eeoared by nnt mongsge ou tne projicny so som. a. a. Huii.a, Administrator ol the estate of John Hend ricks, deceased. H. OBUHKK. Attorney lor me estate. Bt. Helen, Oregon, March 23, lwl. mXH summons ar publication. Id the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia ceunty. Reinhold Retchardt,PUlnlln", Adell la Brothers and Walter! SVUUOKH. Brothers. Defendants. I To Adullda Brothers and Waiter Brother, the above-named defendants, N TUB NAMK OK THE HTATK OFORKOON: You and eaoh ol von are herehv required to appear and answer the complaint Sled againat rou in tne aoove-eniiueu ciise, on or oeiore ilar lotb. lWii. which dale Is alx weeks after March 211th, 1901. the date of the first publica tion ol this summons, and If yon fnlltn so ap pear and answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will auolv to the Conrt for the relief nrayed for and oemanded In the complaint filed attains yon Herein, tn-wii: win taae ;uigmcnt annnat vou and each of roa for the sum of twio.00. to gether with Interest thereon from the oth day oi ,uine. iwa, at tne rare oi ten per centner an nan until nald: for the further sum of S7ft.00 at torney's fee herein, for his coat and disbar. menta of this stiff, and for a decree foreclosing FiAinun s mortgage in tn msnner province, uy aw. and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem lust and equitable. This summons is pnbllshed by order of Thos. A. Ml)' Bride. Judgcf the abnve:entitled Court, mad and dated sitrcii win. iuui. GRAHAM A CLF.KTON, Attorneys fur Plaintiff. mhnlO Reopened to tbe Public Oriental Hotel, EUGENE BLAKESLEY, : Proprietor. ST. HELENS. Board by Day, Week or Month At Bkssonabi. Kioubk. Visitors met at steamer landings and ' guest baggage looked after, THE OLD 8TAND 1ST. HELENS, : : OREGON. rtiHIt tJNPERSIONKD HAS KII.KD HIH I Jl 1 nal aiTnuut as admlnlatrator of 111 ealat oTMurdo MoKkv, deneaaed, In thi't'imhty , ottrl ol the Mate of Oregmi for Columbia, l, and the anld County Court has lined Mnnda), tlx mti day of May, mil, at ten ociwk, fo niu, for the hearing and scitlcm.nt of the am. All persons having objeiilons to said account are berebv nolllleii to present their Ob- !,U '"''''"""l'MORKI.ASr., Administrator nl lit alt "1 Mindo MeKaVi dweasvd. niSSaja Timber Und. Act J line 3, U7M. NOTICE FOBJUBtlCATION. Hkii.i m, i.b,i,I flrtlita. tiregt.n t:lty, Or.. March 111, KM. titi,' in llP'uh'liV illVKN THAT IN COM- IM pllance with the provlalons of the ant id oongrtaa ol June I). WW, entitled "An ac for 111 tnl ol lliMlwr lands in (he tate of Callfnrnla, Oregon, Nevada and Waihtuul.nl Territory,' a tstetided lo all the I'Mbllo l.aud Htaie by aot n August t. 1WJ. John W. Iavell, of Vancouver, aounlvof Clarke, stale of Washington, h thi duv Hied In this office his sworn atulcmeut No. mi. tor the purchase of Ih north , ol south west ' of section Nn l, In township No. S north, range No, J wot, d will oiler proof lo show Unit Ih land nought la more valuable for II timber or stone than lor anciiiiri our p,iaea, and lo estsbllah his claim to said hind belnre the Kcglatcr and Receiver of this nine i Omuh i-ii., ir.M.n i.n Wedtieadav. Ill tb day of June, 1WU. II nameaas wlluvaava: ,,lv,a 11, Powell, John Parker, A. raratir ami uiyij U Hetrlck, of Plttahurg, Oregon. Any and nl iiermma clalralng adver.ely the above described lauds ar requested lo hie their claims In this office on or before sain n nay oi June, nan. nlAmH CIIAii. U. MOUUI.M, Uexister. Timber Uud. Act June t, 1K7H. NOTICE FORJPUBUCATION. Ckitsd Ststs Land Orrirs. . . ... ., .. .. . ,.,1. ism VTOTICK IS HKRKBY (IIVKN THAT IN COM i pllance with the provision of the act of Congress ol June I. wnt, entitled "An an lor the sale of timber lands In the Htatesnf California, hmmii Vnvu.ta nd W salillnrtoll TerrllorV. ai eitemlcd lo all the I'ubllo Land Stales by ao ol August t,lM, WUllam King Kadc, of tbc siiHniv fit rlacksniaa. state uf Olvaon. ha lawego, ia this day tiled In this wmi-e his aworn aiatetneut No. for Ihe purchase of the Nit S, el seollon N.i l l iiMhlh Nn a N. rttture No. ft W. and will offer proof toshowlhat the laud sought la more valuable, to? Ila tlmlier or stone than for agricultural nurooses. and to eatabllah hi claim to aaid land be lore the Heglaier and R- erlver of tbls nlflns at Oregon City. Oregon, on Monilav. lbe7thdiiy ol May, tnul. He uania a wliucsea: William Wesley Allen and Ora I). Lavender, ol Vcrnoula, dr., aim mniorej KojiMdi uud J ihn It. tlardner. of Oswego, Or Any ami all iieraoua claiming adver.ely the above drssrlbsal iands sx reouseted lo file Ihslr claims in til )in on or netore sain jim uay of May, IWI, VII A. B. II"HW, mShniM Register. Timber Land, Act J una 1. 17. NOTICE fORJPUBLICATION. 1!itp Stt I.ano Orrirg, OaannM l!iTY. Oregon. March 1. 1901. NOTICk I HKKKHV til V KN THAT IN COM-pltsn.-e with the provisions of the art of Coiigressof Jan I entitled "An act for the aale ol timber lands In Ihe Slate of Cali fornia. Oregoa. Nevmla. and Washington Terrt lorr," aa extended lo all the Public l-and Mutes by aot of August 4. net.1, Edward II. Olson, ol Portlsad. eonniv of Multnomah, stale of Ore gon, ha this day tied lu this office h is sworn statement No, ca. for the puruhaseoi in n.e. 4 ol srctlon No. In lo nb,lp No. (N range No. & W, and will offer proof to show thsl the land sought I mora valuable for lu tlmlier ot Hone i fein for agricultural purposes, anu to es tablish ii Is claim to said laud before Ihe Regis ter snd Receiver of ibis oitto at Oregon City, Oregon, on Wednesday, the M day ol Mar. liioi. He names a wltnesaoa: O. D. Vavcudr nd W. W. Allen, of Vemonla, Columbia County. Onitfon. and u. W. ateveiis ami J. H. Stevens, ol porileud. Oregon. Any and all peraona claiming adversely in anova-ueacrirasa lanit r retiieai s.1 to tile their claims In tills offli urn or befor anld '.'Jil dy of May, l'.Jl UiSmU CHAS. B. MOORKS. Raglster. Timber Laml, Act June . M7. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. VaiTio Btats Lkd orrtra, Oaitoog Citv. uregiiu, Man-h 'Jlsi, tool. XToriCK IH HKRKH1 filVKN THAT IN COM i a tihsncawltb the nrovlsions of the aot of Congress of June 3, IHts, entitled "An art fur the ails ol timber lands in me states ol i siuor nla. Oregon. Nevada and Wasliiugmn Terr! lory," aa extended u all Ih Public uud Htatc oy act of August , ws. Heiiiaiuin a. h. itiii nier. of Portland, oouulv ot Multnomah, state of Oregon, has thi dav Fllc-I lu thla ofnee hi aworn atatvment No. rss7S, for the pun-bMse of the southeast yt of section No. i. lu township no. nortn, range no. a wai, ana win oner proof to alio that Ihe laud sousht Is more val uable for It limber or stone than tor agricultur al nunxHiea. and lo eaubllah hi claim to said land before ih Register aud Receiver of thi office at Oregon cuy, Oregon, oa Monday, the I7tn day or June, rwi. H uame a witnesses: C. H. tisrrlson. uf Portland, Oregon, Louis Hle gen, ol Winona, Oregon, V. W. Allen, of Wi nona, Oregon and Wm. nachllne, of Portland, Oregon. Any aud all persons claiming adverse ly the above-deaf n bed lauds are reqoeaied to file their claim lu this otllce on or belore said 17lh day of June, UUL CUA, B. MOOHKH, oljJ Kegister. Timber Land, Act Juse 1, 171 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION CaiiTgD Rtstu Laud Orrica, OaaciuS Citt. Oregon. March Jlat. pnl. N OTICK lit HtRKBV OIVkN THAT IN COM pllanc with Ihe provision of the act of Congress ef June S. lids, roll led "An aot for tne sale oi timoer lands in tne states m senior nla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Terri tory," aaestvudrd lo all Pabllc Land Htaie by act of August 4. 1W. William Wachllue. of Port land, county ol Multnomah, Stale ol Oregon. nas tnis usy nice in mis oinee nis sworn state ment No. M7'2. for tli a purchase of Ihe north east ol section No. HI, In township No. 4 north, range -i o west, anu win oner prooi so snow that the land sought Is more valtisble lor It limber or atone thau lor agricultural purpoeea, nd to esMbtlsh hi claim to said land before Ihe Rutlrtrr and Receiver of this office at ore- 5 on City, Oregon, on Monday, the I7lh day of one, ball. He name a wlliiesaea: C. B. Har rison and llenl A. R. Hillmer. of Portland. Ore gon, and Louia flegert and W, W. Allen, of Wi nona, Oregon. An v and all nersons claiming adversely the above-described lands are reoumt- ed to tile their claim In this office on or before said 17th os of Jun.i, IWI. in.au i iias. a. mooreh, Kegister. SUMMONS ST PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court ol Ih 14 tat ol Oregon, for r-..l..n.i.i. -....... Maav T. Williams, Plaintiff, vs. WlLI.ua Williams. Defendant. To William Wlillams, Ih above-named defend ant: N THE KAMK OF Til K HTATK OF ORROON: . You are hereby ninmoned and reuuire I to appearand answer the eomplnlnt II led against you on the l'Jlh day of Mareh, l'JUl, In th slie entllled suit Id the aliove named court, on or before Ihe loth day of May, A. 0. 1U1, which I the time prescribed In the order of publication herein of the timmons for you to so sppear and answer, and If yon 111 to so appear and answer the said complaint within said time, the 'lainun win apply to tn t:ourt tor tn relief emended in tlie id oamollnt. ui-wit: For decree of the said Court, dissolving the latnds of matrimony now and heretofore existing be tween you and the said idaintlir. on the grounds of the desertion for more than one year Im mediately Defer the commencement ol thla suit by yon, William Williams, of the plslntlll, try T. Williams, and on the grouud of hab al gross drunkenness for more than one yrai. and lot the car, custody aud control of the two chlldreu, the Issu of uch marriage, aud for such other relief in the premise as to tne i imn may seem right and just. This sum mons la published In Thb Oaguog Mist foe a niona la published period of si, weeks, pursuant to an order made bv the Hon. J. B. Doan. iudie of the Countv Court of said Columbia couuty, Oregon, dated the 22nd day of March, A. 0. 1WJ1, In the ab sence of fudge of said Circuit Court from said county nl Columbia- The dale of the llrat puh- lcatiou ol nils summons is March 2V. A. I). 111. and the lst publication I or will In May 10th, A. I). IWH. m'Jyinltl Attorney for Plaintiff. 0. It, UKIJI1KM gysV SLja yr si si aji sjsx ay sy i jVaUUkJS H M M H H H M M M M H M M H M rOH rOKTLANO, DAILY. -TBAMIH "America" i Willamett Slough Route Leave Bt. Helens. , ., 0:30 A M Arrive at Portland. 10:30 A M Leave Portland 2:80 PM Arrive at Ht. Helens. 6:00 P M VAUK 5 CKFJ i'M. Will Carry Nnllilntr but I'aasen gcrs anil Kast Kreinht. JtnKs noon, inier. WS ,fssr.rwlTfcTnrsTwfc A.M Htaie School Hpfrlntenitent Cltea the Iiaw In the Matter. We are In reiwlpf of paniuhlet ls- i i ..m.u. .f ilua iiiuirinttind- lent of miliHc iitrtiollrn, tmntalnli extract from te taw rcnnniin. servance of Arbor day, which tht vtmr falls ou April lath. Section IKI read a ''HotoTuS. Tn onler that the child ren In our puhllu schtHil shall assist In the work of adtirntiia- theschw grotintU with trees, and to tliiiulttl the niind of chlldreu towanls tha bennllts of the preservation and perpetuation of our forests anil the grow inn of tlmher, It shall he the duty of the author His in every piihllo school district In this state toaaiM.mlilo the pupil in their tiharne on the above dav In the school builtlltifc or elsewhere, a they niaydoeiii proper, and to provide for and conduct, under the (rt'iitital tirvisUii of city superin tendents, county ii)erliiteiideiit, teatih er. and director, or other school autlioiitios, haviiiff the Knnural cliarve and overeijht of the public schools In each city or district, to have and hold such exercise as shall tend to encour age the planting, protection, and pror vatiou of trees and shrubs, and with the liest methods to be adopted to ac complish such result. A young wan should not start out In life with an idea that the world owes hitn living, That assertion is false In fact, wmnit in principle, and dishonest In practice. The world owe no one any thing except that which ia gained by honest toil. There 1 no room lor drone, tramp or vagabond, and those who are not willing to work for a living must make room (or those ambition men and woiueu who desire to achieve success by lawful method. Have a noble purpose. Aspire to things above the common level, and with the motto, "Whatman has done, tnau ran do," determined resolution to euitd, energy and grit, there can be no failure. The world wanta your best It will have nothing else. The best la Mine to good. The poo rent boy In our laud may hope to be president when he ia older. He may be our leading financier, or the greatest minister. Money will buy many articles, but there are ether tiling money earn never purchase. Wealth will cover only a mall portion of the earth's area, l'ur pose cover all ol it. Have a purpose, stick to it, surmount those difficulties which appear to be. stumbling-blocks. One's station In Hie cuts no figure, for: "Honor and shame from no conditions rise ; act well your part, there all the honor Ilea." Aspb7tUte4 In the Tutsel. The operating department of the Great Northern railway is lacing serious trouble with service of the Cascade di vision. It I aaid that engineer end firemen by the doten have resigned their positions. The fact has been kept 3 niel, but it is known that engineer aud retuen have been picked up from cab doors unconscious alter passing through the tunnel. The trouble, it is said, will result In the immediate installment of J.WHi The Kind Too IIv Always in km for over SO yeara, L . ..... .t - " , - lf sas WV VS VVS OIF SVSSkSSj I ssussss Bug and baa bn nuttennd &LjU&2rfcf nl uprTialo lncs Mtf74-Ctfc44C Allow no ou to slooelve Allow All Coanterfelta, Imltationa and Jturs-toodM fare baft Experiment that trifle with and endajngr the health of Iiafanta and Cftlldj-en Experience aciUiuit Iperlnien What Is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute tor Castor Oil, Paro fjorlc Drops and Sooth loir Syrupa. It Is Iloeutasnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootld substance. Its age Is Its fruarantee. It destroys W ottos . and allays Feveriabaess. It cares Dlarrhaja and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, rures Constlpatloa and Fliitulency. It assimilates tbe Food, nnlatea tbe Stontach and Bowels glvina; healthy and navtuml sleep Tbe Children's lauaoea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the m r niasaaM is The Kind You Have Always Bought " In Use For Over 30 Years. w SN-Twa eoaassj, t anmasv arswar, mm vsmmi srv. How About S Bt YOU HURE It la all right? Remember that S Is th JrV KK('ORI) that goeerna. It I our tnialnea to aean h th C rernrds and show what the conlsln in relaltaa to land title. If ynii eotileniplal buying lend nr loaning money na real atateaeenrttr, Uke nn man's wont, but tnstatupon kunwliif wh the rmwd shows regantliig Ihe till. Ad Abatraet laaenllal a (teed. Insist nn having It. W have the (in If set of stntrset IhmiIis In the comity. All work promptly eiecnteil and satisfaction guaranteed. II ynn hare prniwrly lu luaiireglve u a eall Wear agenta for the heal Hre Insurance enntpaniea In tht wnrkl. If too he property fur sale list II with iw and w will Suit a buyer. E. E. QUICK & CO., ar..'. i a mrnuin iri I THE NEW YORK STORE afc. IS OFFERING GREAT BARGAINS IN Clothing - j "'-'"""i uiuvvi ivo, LJjyj to, wjuvvij, ivt.v. Oooper imildiiig, Main Street, St, Helens, Oregon. 1 elwitrlolty as the motive Mower for tht locomotives tin iiie luiinoi nivisitin, 'fha tunnel la nearly three miles In length and It inkps twenty minute to run tlironiiti. The hunt, luioke and atlRlne air hu made Ihe ps'segn dnnKerou in men In the engine valis, Ijtst week tha eniflnoer and liienmii on one train were aspli.vxiatrd while going through, the tiiniutl, and the train ran away lor fv milt) before the aoiidunur rnaidied ilia throttle end niweedad In itnttliig uontrol, NO 8l'HPRASI0J( (JO EH N Trout FUninn Next fttmtlay if warden yan iicis u, undav Imlna the last dnv nl n.- olomnl season on trout, and Rtiniln l.l,. m fnu.irtlA ItMiiitiM ,Ium !.!. festive anglers of Portland, Usine Warden tjiiimhy tins received iniumniui rtHpjtsl for permission to Ash upon that dav. A- Itut the Uame Wardon eannot grant the request. All days look alike to Mm and he has no more power to iiisina! the oHiratlon of the annm laws than ha has any other law, for this reason It may not be healthy fur Portland nirn rods to try their lurk neat Mintlay There will lie deputy game warden strung along most of the trout stream and as under the new law informants receive one-half of tbe flue that may be Imposed upon conviction, there will be some incentive to "stpieal." The imlly for a violation of tha trout law I a fine of from JD to f 100, Uy securing a tew conviction an In. formant Is enabled to make good wage, UKU8Effrmaii. John Burboe visited Portlsad Tuee. day. s E. O. Varney, ol Perl, wa In ton Monday. A. 11. Utile, of Houlton, wm In town Saturday. Rtssooe Pearoe and wilt ipeut Runday In lVr tin ml. Wm. Muacham and J. F. Smith vis, ited Portland Moadsy. Mrs. II. Usurer was a psatsengerout tbe KelhK lor Portland Monttey. Mi Louise Morel visited her mother, Mrs. Hi re, out on Tide creek, Hiindsy, Miasee Tempest McLaren aod Myrtle Paweon were naaaengeni for Portland on, the Kellotrg Monday. (Jeorge Car II, of uaaton, riained throuh, town last Kumlay on hi way to Italnler with hia team where) he expect to find work. (lu William, representing Lang 4 Co., of Portland, and Robert Heeler, representing the Hammond Packing Co,, of Portland, were In town Hatorday. A lodge oi ikM Onler of Washlngtoa was oryaiilsed at Ooble Monday evening by J. li. Mitohell, supreme organiser fur that order. The order alarta with twenty-Hire charter member. KatKtle Pony Iter Kale. First -el as, well broken, good roadster. Apply te Psva psaaauM, wrru, Orson. Cow and Calf ffur Kate, Mi Icli row, giving about ten quart per dsy, lor aale, Calf four months eld. Apply lo Ma. C. U, Movaa, Perls, Or, Dougbt, and which IkM botm baa borne the uinaautra off inndnr bit) m ita inDutcy. no on) to slooelve yoa la thla. Signature of Your Title? ff, HtLtH3. OflCUU"