The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 22, 1901, Image 4

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    Spring Humors
of the Blood
Come to a large majority of people.
Trobubly 75 per ceul. of these are
cured every year by Hood's Sarsupa
rilla, and we hope by tlili advertise
Eicnt to get the other SS per cent, to
take this great Spring Medicine.
It will sharpen your appetite, euro
all stomach troubles, relieve that
tired feeling. "
Its strength as a blood purifier is
demonstrated by its marvelous cures of
Scrofula Salt Rheum
Scald Head Bolls, Pimple
AN Kinds of Humor Psoriasis
Blood Poisoning Rheumatism
Catarrh Malaria, Etc
All of which are prevalent now.
Will do you a wonderful amount of
food. Be sure to get Hood's.
Prince to Stick Type.
Like all the male members of the
royal house of Germany, the crown
prince is about to learn a trade, which
will probably be that of a compositor.
Take laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All
Iruvglsts refund thenmnev If It fait to cure.
C W. tirove's signatore lion each box. i.
Cant Take the Medicine.
Bobbs Laughter is a cure for In
digestion. Dobbs But a man can't laugh when
he has dyspepsia. Baltimore Amer
ican. By tatlnrnARriKLD TEt.tli. danger
oi romrat'tlng la grip t letst-ntd,
tor the siem is cir.niied. the
blood fntritlcd aud the digeejinn
perfected by tbta great herb cure.
Germany's New Navy.
The German naval programme,
which according to the original an
nouncement, was not to be completed
until 1916, is now, it sems. to be
finished by 1906. In that year Ger
many will have at least 40 ships,
SO large cruisers and 28 small cruis
ers. When Tea Bay Ink
get Carter's and van will iret the best every
time. ''Inklings'' free. Carter's Ink t'o.,
Buying Land in Sweden.
In Sweden tnev have a land ar
rangement of this kind: the former
will give a tenant so many acres of j
ground, provided tne tenant will give j
him so many days labor for so many
years, the labor to be paid aa wanted.
The Beat Freeeriptioa for Malaria
Chills and Kerer Is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless
CbiU Tonic. It la simply Iron and qnlalne in
s liHtrlett form. No ( are. Ko Pay. Price oOe.
The Caspian Sea.
The Caspian sea is literally a great
depression in the surface of the earth.
It la 84 feet below the regular sea
level. Besides this, its waters have
very little salt in them, being almost
Of Particular
Interest to Threshtrmta
Russell & Co., of Portland, Ore., the
largest dealers in machinery on the
Pacific Coast, have just issued at con
siderable expense a neat and veiy com
plete acoonnt book for np-to-date
thresheimen, etc. The books are lor
free distribution, and all people who
want tbem should write immediately
to Bossell & Co., Portland, Ore.
Police Hard to Dismiss.
A New York police commissioner
declared that it was easier to hang a
man for murder there than to dismiss
a policeman. "Last year," he said,
"the board had to pay out 1130.000
In back salaries to men who had
been reinstated by the courts.
PITA Priiwntlv Cured. Ko nt. er nerrooeaaw
si lie after first isr' mtnf Ur. Kli'.real Heirs
tMtnm. SndforrKEi!wJ.0etrultitilU'ltnel
Is.. Us. B. U ajjsa, U4..WI artaSU f hiliUI.hi. Pa.
; Anti-Automobila Law.
Denver has an ordinance which pro
hibits operating an automobile at a
speed greater than six miles an hour,
and employs a mounted policeman to
enforce it.
Catarrh has become such a common
disease that a person entirely free from
this disgusting complaint is seldom met
with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh
as nothing more serious than a bad cold,
a simple inflammation of the nose and
throat It is, in fact, a complicated and
very dangerous disease; if not at first, it
Very soon becomes so.
The blood is quickly contaminated by
the foul secretions, and the poison through
the general circulation is carried to all
parts of the system.
Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis
factory and disappointing, because they do
not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S.
uues. l L cieanaea ine i.'iixxi oi inn noison
and eliminates from the system all catar
rhal secretions, and thus cures thoroughly
and permanently the worst cases.
Mr. T. A. Williams, a teadlnff drv-eoods tner-
CBtm oi cpsrufluui, o. v. wnirn
' Por yean
i naa a severe case or
Basel Catarrh, with all
the disagreeable effects
which belong to that
disease, and which
make life painful and
unendurable. I ased
medicines prescribed by
leading phvsicians and
augfc-tea by numbers
of friends, but without
gelling any better. I
then began to take S. 8.
8. It l ad tbe desired
effect, and cured me
after taking ciehteen
bottles. Jn my opinion B. 8- S. is the only medi
cine now In use that wUl effect a permanent cure
of Catarrh."
is the only purely veg
etable blood purifier
known, and the great
I est of all blood medi
cines and tonics.
If you have Catarrh don't wait until it
becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be
gin at once the use of S. S. 8., and send
lor our book on Blood snd Skin Diseases
end write our physicians about your case,
CiitfrS Hill-
I Best Coogk brnp. Taatas Good. Use
I la tuna note er aniffnifts.
w ifinreie"',wwytt"
mi .i.wi. s si it. a isa
Nebraska Hotel Clerk Pell la
Wanted to Marry Him.
Denver. Col., "Dear Mr. Crawford:
Since there
re is no law which permits
to marry It will be Impossible
two men
for me to consent to become your wife. !
Toil will find all the evidence of my
womanly charms which so attracted
you. as well m the 'form wbtcb
you so admired lu my room upstairs. 1
am sorry to blast your fondest wishes,
beg to renin I n your sister.
"Minnie Swirt."
That was the reply which Harry R.
Crawford, night clerk of the Midway
hotel at Kearney. h reeelved from
bis isdy love nt tlte Indaor hotel In
Denver when anticipating an accept-
ance of his offer or marriage. Behind
the sarcastic little note l the story
or a shrewd little bunko game.
Last November a handsome, flaxen
haired young woman aiKnred at the
Midway hotel in Kearney, Nek, and
was hired as waitress by . landlord
Casey. She said her name was Minnie
Swift and that she was trying to care
for herself, as her mother was an Invalid
and dependent for support uikhi her
only brother, who was a ,-struggllug
mining operator at Cripple Creek.
She had many admirers, among them
W. S. Weaver, a cattle buyer from
Wyoming. After three weeks she ask
ed for leave to stay at home for a few
days. Next evening a slender young
man registered at the Midway hotel as
Arthur J. Swift. Cripple Creek. Colo.
Harry R. Crawford, night clerk, asked
If .he was related to Minnie Swift.
"She's my sister." answered the
young man. "Do you know her?"
When he learned that Minnie waa a
j waitress at the hotel he Inquired eager
ly about her. and obtaining her address
went away. The following morning
he brought a note from Minnie asking
permission to stay at borne while her
brother was in town. On the after
noon of toe fifth day he asked Mr.
Casey to cash a draft for "only $2,TO.'
The proprietor couldn't, but W. S.
Weaver waa only too happy to accom
modate his sweetheart s brother, who
had to leave town that night. Next
day Minnie Swift returned to work.
The draft was protested. Minnie cried
and said that there must be some mis
take: that her brother was In Denver
closing a mining deal. Weaver, being
unable to go. sent Clerk Crawford with
the girl to Denver to find Arthur 8wift
and rectify the error. Weaver paid the
expenses of the trip. Crawford pro-
posed on the train and Minnie promised
! him an auswer next morning. In the
morning Crawford found the note
given above. He went to the room ad
'joining his. which was occupied by the
gin. On the floor was a corset, a wig
of yellow hair, powder, roure aud curl-
Ing Irons. Crawford notified the police
ana went home.
Aa-ricaltaral Departments Collection
( New t conomic Plants
The Department of Agriculture at
Washington is now putting Into shape
a collection of new economic plants aud
vegetables tvhk-b are expected to prove
of great value to the farmers aud gar
deners of the country. The collection
was made by Barbour Lathrop. former
ly of Chicago, who has speut two years'
time and thousands of dollars of bia
own money on the project
Two years ago Mr. Latbrop left New
York, taking with him as an expert
botanist David U. Falrcblld, who was
assigned for the purpose by tbe De
partment of Agriculture at Washing
ton. At tbe time of bla selection Mr.
Falrcblld waa In charge of tbe section
of seed and plant introduction.
During tbe two years which have
elawed the party has visited almost
every part of South America, Europe,
Africa and Asia, to aay nothing of the
elands at which tbey have made stops.
Everywhere tbey have gone tbey have
carefully Investigated tbe regular crops
oy tbe farmers of tbe country, and nave
purchased seeds and planta of such
species aa they thought might be In
troduced Into tbe United States with
advantage. Altogether 4.V) different
purchases have been sent In to the
Agricultural Department, and experi
ments are already well advanced with
some of them. Among those from
which great results are expected are
the Alexandrian clover from Egypt.
which Is Intended as a late fodder crop
for irrigated lands In California and
Arizona; tbe seedless grape from
Padua, Italy, Intended for tbe seedless
raisin Industry of the Colorado desert
region; Egyptian cotton, which la now
being tested by over 100 experimenter
In the South; and a series of East In
dian yams, one of which is said to be
far superior to the potato In flavor.
Where H a Test Failed.
Sir William Harcourt has pleaded
guilty to absent-mindedness and tells
a story against himself. He suspected
a man servant of stealing money and
at last resolved to set a trap. Taking
a handful of gold coins, he laid them
down on his writing desk and went out
Presently he sent this servant to the
room to fetch some article. Wbeu
John had returned be promptly went
to bis room to see if the coins bad been
touched. On the table. In tbe place
where be bad left them, were gold
coins. But were there as many aa he
bad left? He did not know, for he had
neglected to count them before he had
laid them down. "By this Incident,
you see." said Sir William, in telling
the story, "that I was boru to be
chancellor of the exchequer."
Some people are enthusiastic In ac
cepting Invitations, because tbey figurt
that they will save that much by eat
log sway from home.
( yjr AltAHbhKH a
Cost of Parla Police.
itie cost of the police force of
"arls trowa steadily year by year,
m 1872 It was 14,041.725 of which
12.237.300 waa paid by the city and
' h by. thf 0V.nT??A ,n
I ,4l96l'3tf0: lo U- M.U9.
A atmae Maa'a Secret.
One of the Mrnirrt men meanly listed
that the-eeoret f hia wonderful power was
Kprfeci divMtiiiii. Hosteller's (Stomach
ittera make riivestimi perfect, ami cures
sll complaint arisiuc from a week stoin
tch, suuh as iiiilixeatiou, hilioiiKiieae am)
til liver and kidney ailments. Ana blood
iiuriiier and nerve lonio it is marvelous.
It l reeumnieniled ly pliysicmun. and sold
by every itriiimiM in' the' country. Try it
also' fur malaria fever, and anile.
j Youn9 Lady" Bell Ringers,
! Sx ,oung adlf.B Dav8 e;rnei the
rt of bell ringing in the village of
Bradfleld, England. They "rang in"
i 1901 ' the church.
This signature ta an every box of the gaauiaa
Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tablet.
the reaaedr that etwee a mM la east stag
Profits of a Convict Mine.
The Tennessee convict coal mln la a
paying institution. The profits in the
last six months will amount to more
than $100,000.
Indigestion l efterruallv rured
by the original HKKH m'rdlrlne, OAR
S' I TKA. whlrh eattse a normal
action of the digestive organs.
Strike a Stccesa.
Cahlll Waa the atrike a aucceas
Caasidy It waa. After being out
six weeks we succeeded In gittln' back
our jobs. Puck.
Real red ts Perfect Health aaa) Strength
by Ur. Williams' Pink Pills for fale
People A Moat Wonderful Car.
ilea lae PrtM, Croud KapiiU, Jf tea.
Of the many remarkable cases
which have recently occupied the at
tention of the meulcal world and of
the public at large, none more atrik-
ngly illustrates the wonderful power I
f Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale
reople than the recovery of Mrs.
Jennie Tuttle. who. after two years'
confinement to her bed. waa restored
to perfect health and strength. Mrs.
Tuttle, who lives at the corner of Ful
ton and Market streets. Grand Rapids,
Mich., tells the following story:
"I had been flat on my back in bed
for two yeara and the dot-tors had
given me up aa a hopeless case. They
had resorted to every remedy known
to tbe profession and had even sub
jected me to the tortures of five sur
gical operations. My trouble was duo
to change of life and I grew weaker
and weaker until I became helpless
and unable to leave my bed. A nurse
and four physicians attended me.
"One box of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pilla for Pale People gave me great
relief and after using them for three
months I was a well woman, having
been able to leave my bed the sixth!
week after commencing the treat-!
ment I can state that the cure waa!
complete and permanent as it Is nowj
three years since I used them. j
"I have recommended the pilla to
aeveral of my relatives. My mother-in-law-
who la 72 years old, took them for,
general debility, and they soon pro-1
duced a very marked Improvement In
her condition. I wish that the
thousands of women who are afflicted
as I have been may know of this rem
edy which has saved my life and
given me health and strength."
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 2nd day of August, 1900.
Seal Notary Public.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale
People are sold by all dealers, or
ill be sent post paid on receipt of
price, 50 cents a box. or six boxes for
$2.50, by addressing Dr. Williams Med
icine Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
Tha Doctor's Order.
Mother (an invalid) Johnny, don't
yon think I ought to punish you for
being so bad?
Johnny (aged 5) No mamma. You
know the doctor said you wag not to
Indulge in any violent exercise.
In Mourning.
Butcher Leg o' Mutton? Yes'm.
Mra. De Rlgeur And let It be off a
black sheep, if you please. We're In
mourning, you know. Philadelphia
Record. I
AWgetable Preparaiionfor As -similatirtg
tng rite Stouwctis and Dowels of
iiifiijt i()
Promotes DigcslionCheerfur
ness and Rest .Con tains neither
OphmMorphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
U ' "
Aperfrcl Remedy 10 r Constipa
tion, Sour Stomah,Durrtioea
Worms .Conviirswns .Feverish
ni.if and LOBS OF SLEEP.
Fac Sural Signature of
W" w if,,,.,, -.r -.TTj-y ,v m V ,
!a very prominent man
Owes Health and Happiness to
loiigrvasiueii Howard from Alabama.
Washington, Feb. 4th, 1899.
j-ru na Drug M f'g Co.. Columbus, O.:
Gentlemen I have taken Pe-ru-na
now for two wceaa, and find I am
very much relieved. I feel that my
cure will be permanent. I have also
taken it for la grippe, and I take
pleasure In recommending Pe-ru-nu
aa an excellent 'remedy to all follow
Very respectfully, M. W. Howard.
Congressman Howard's home ad
dress is Fort Payne. Ala.
Any man who wishes perfect health
must be entirely free from catarrh.
Catarrh ia well-nigh universal; almost
omnipresent, t e-ru-na is the only ab
! solute safeguard known. A cold Is
I the beginning of catarrh. To prevent
colds, to cure coids. Is to cheat catarrh
out of Its victims. Address Dr.Hart
j man. Columbus, O., for a free catarrh
, book.
An Old Port in Florida,
The oldest fort In America is at St.
Augustine, Fla. It was built by the
Spanish over three centuries ago. It
waa for a long time used aa a prison.
atfnS) thm Oasigiw axaf
!Wa Oft f e Onaf.
Laxative Hromo4)ulnlne Tablets cure a cold In
en day. .Ko cure. No Fay. fries 36 cents.
Cauaed Reduction in Arrests.
The fee system for arrests in Jack
son county. Missouri, was sbolishnd a
year ago. The number of arrests since
that time has considerably decreased.
Yoa can't make a mistake II oo gel
gg'it.ti i . s
VlltCn611, ltfidllS tt OldVCF 00.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
ms eeawasnr. mtm vaaa am.
"" ' mimsaina mnif"'
the . t
I Chang of Name.
I Mrs. IJi-eelie I stlDDOSe !h Oil"
i Hugs are awfully stuck up sluce they
.. - ... .... i. II.,
got that niouey irom jura, vuu.nie
Mra. f) rev Not so tUULQ as on
mlirht have atmnoaed: but I notice that
when they have mincemeat on the
tabid thev call It croquettes; It used to
be plain hash. Boston Transcript.
After ths Consultation.
Patient Now, doctor, what's
mutter with me. anyway?
Tha MmbiI Consulting- Physician
My dear, sir. do you suppose that If
wa knew what was the matter who
you, we would have decided to hold
poat mortem? Harper's Uasar.
Cul Bono?
"They say that Old Ootrot la barely
shin to write his name.
"Now, that shows the lu Justice of
things. Here I could write my name
to a check with the greatest ease
but what's tha use?" Indianapolis
Piles or Pain.
Many kind of dIIm Itching.
painful, letrlhle tortures, lull all are ill
ruri'd hy VawerenCaiidy t'atharllo. All
(lata, lw, !, toe.
Quick Exit.
"Mr. Lew told me that he waa
Yule man. Do you know what class
he was graduated from?"
"From the sophomore class." Har-
lent Ufe.
A Hopeless Case.
"It's no use; Chumlelgh navar will
have sense."
"Whv? What has he done now?1
"Paid me 110 he owed ma right In
; frout of my tBllor.
Her Definition.
"What Is your definition of satire?'
"Satire." said Misa Cayenne, "li
something that compels you to laugh
against your will in order to let
appear that you
Washington Star.
are not angry."
New Industry In Australia.
The culture of the olive haa recently
been Introduced Into South Australia
ami Victoria, and good crops of fruit
are now being obtained, yielding an ex
cellent oil. The Industry bids fair to
become an Important one.
Her Pointed Vlsw.
Chappie (blase) Don't you think
society Is an empty thlug?
Miss Fuller I think there are lots
n' emuty things In society. Smart
i Si-t
!,' If. P.
Pumps Water, Saws Wood,
Lirinds reed, and costs two
cents an hour to run.
Get foil particulars from 310 Market
Street, Kan Francisco, Cal. ; First and
Stark Sli., Portland, Or.; Lo Angeles,
Cyclone" Thresher
If You Buy a New
Thresher, Engine,
You of Course Want the Best. Writ for
Catalogue and Prices,
; II fir of VnUm who homfrav14
; it u i 1f'4 unr- before Jun U74 (tto milter If
banii!l), ihoiild mddreM
HK.MKY M. K)P I', WMhlngton. D. O.
For 14o.
We MS s. eia tMs rsar ms.oss asw
rust oners, atwl aeM. off.r
j jnuL isiMr'l -In. Mood Tgaiate.. ass
I Tb. Sorthwn Leaioa t
I Hum'; s.rorlt. Oaloa...... .
1 KnMraU Ores. CemuuSer.... les
I Lltr usruen mot urn
lSrKallh UN
1 iaCtusm M.rkrt Ixttaes,,.. u.
I JtMaeaS floew SMda I
West . fee 14 seats. (lM
We will Bull ou this entire ei scs
worth of splvnffla awl nov.ltls tretj
loeMlwr with eror lane. Illustrated
piant.iia'BMu' Cats' "fu oa rerslut
of tel. aetie. . ise ia aostsas
(Mw la See Ik eaS aa.
Potstose at si so m bMrsI sad
OssalOtfttSslon.-Sii.nW. F
jots inn m e..tsCnw.wir
1 from It to M lbs. permnntb Of a
: Bsnaiess treatment.
' eured. ttrs. U
; Utwl.T St., Buobester,
! writes: "Konr j.ars
l redueea ts poeaas
I ama treaimenb. .ripTiauB -
' Intt.neratlfto Hare not gaiiiwl " Patl.nis treated :
er nialliyiuflflsntiaUr. 9it tarllealsrseuurss,wltb
suss, yH.P.C-MDI
IK Will
Incut Tmrli,Uis,Ut
Buy from the manufacturer, fries la lull rolls
i feet wide, l' feet long II. M
I . ,,
4 - " " " " 30
( ... .. 4.1'i
t - - - ... 4.1
All Kinds of Wire and Iron Work.
14 Front St., Portland, Oresjoa.
Ir BICK'OKD. W, thlngloB. 0. 0.. thev will re-
I celve quick reiiliea. H.tih N. H. Vols. Htsff
201 h corps, froseciitlng claims slnrs 1S7S.
A anaranteed Care foe C stairhead
CoasampMen. HJM. II Lock Boa lis,
W. H. .MIT. 1 CO. Buffalo. I.!., Prop'.
. F. M. 0.
Jle. 1S-101.
ercrone, M W Si U. f
if Ter vaiu- W II
the Maalss that Was laapreseetl
aa Una Basall Olrl.
One upon a time a loug while ago
wh.n the writer waa youug and aiu
glorious and occasionally expatiated to
some of her small companloua upon
the cost of her wearing apparel or the
nn in lie r of teasuooiia her mamma pos
seased. she was reprimanded aererely
for these Indiscretions, "l.lttle Isdlvs
da not boast." aha was told senteu
After awhile she cam flnuly to be-
llnva this hecsiise of Its eiitllesa repetl'
Hons and so she was often aurprlsed
when quondam friends confided In he
the enormous amount Ihey speiu
uually In dress or tbe slse of the turkey
thi-v had for their Christmas Uliiueu.
Times, as the dugmeat man so aptly
remarked, are changed now, however,
and osteutallou la the order of lite day,
siirs a writer lu the lliiltlinoie News.
IVrhaps this Is the fault of Hie news.
imuers. lVrlmpa some hungry report
er aearclilng for available "copy" and
finding It In the florist's bills for a big
wetldliur uia v be primarily lo bin me,
but at all evenla the marring of tw
young people of wealth la nowaday
made a ceremony of such ostentation
as to amount to vuliinrlly.
The charms of face or character of
the bride, the sood uunlltlea of the
groom are passed over llliily In rdt
that there may tie pleuty of space to
estimate tbe cost of the various dentils.
The amount of money that the pre
sents represent, the capital represent
ed by those who are Invited, tbe cost n
tbe trousseau, of the carriages, of the
flowers and the supper are all set down
with great accuracy and added with
much precision. When the lulal
reaches Into the ullllons the
nuptials are announced to be a autvess
and the young couple are siipHised lo
have entered the iimlrliiionlnl slate
under the happiest nnNplccs.
There la no effort made to conceal
the fact that money Is the nuwt Inter
esting thing about the pair and the oc
IVrhaps these people are lo be pitied
rerhaps. aa was said before, thieving
newspaper men break lu anil steal lu
formation about sieclal trains and or
chids aud trifles of that sort that the
families yearn to keep eecret But,
however that may tie, tbe writer never
reads that Miss Ko-and-ao received
twelve ropes of pearls, valued at V.
000, that she doesn't think of the old
maxim of the nursery ttaya, "l.lttle
ladles do not boast," and wish that It
could be handed on to the feminine
young aud old of American society.
tnlqae Conditio of Affaire la Cola
redo Vol a 'i leer Kealaaeal.
A u n Ui lie position lu the I'nlled
States army service Is that occupied by
Benjamiu I -car, Mr., and his sou. former
residents of Cripple Creek, who are
tuemtiera of the r'lrat Colorado Voluti
teer Keglmetit. which has been doing
duty lu l lie I'hlllpplues. The father ts
a private In C Company of the regiment
and bis son Is captain of the same com
pany, a condition hollered to tie with
out parallel In the Uuvernmeut service,
When the First Colorado Itcglmcjit
was raised lletijaiuln lar. Jr., was
acting as sergeant in a computiy aud
volunteered with bla comrades. The
father was foreman of the composing
room of a Cripple Creek. Colo., news
paper, but concluded to follow his son
to the Philippines snd Joined tbe ivgl
ment. Arriving at Manila he was
transferred to Hie couipauy of which
bis son was sergeant. As time psssctl.
the father saw himself still further out
ranked by his son. who, tliroiiKh meri
torious service, won several promotions
and reached a captaincy. The father Is
&0 years old and the son 20.
Mashed a "Maaher."
Two of the young women, pretty
ones aud well dressed, pliiylne at one
tbe theaters bon riled a car last
Ight for tbe theater and eat quietly
talking. A pretty young thing oppu
alte began to stare, smile, make eyes
and try bis best to make a hit. Hud
denly I he older girl hegtfn In a loud
"Oh, did I tell you about the mail on the
car lust night? He sat opptwlte ine,
and tried all kinds of ways lo make my
acquaintance, and waa such a nuisance
I wished his mother was there to take
him away." Everybody In the car,
who had watched things for some
time, grinned .appreciatively, and the
would-be gnllnnt blushed, looked very
uncomfortable and got out nt the next
atop. The two girls Inuglied, then re
sumed their personal talk, and when
they reached the theater got out quiet
Very 110(1 y III the Car Wnilted to
cheer them. Boston Uernld.
A lloyal Chair.
An Interesting cbnlr lu the newly re
stored church called the (Inrrlson
church, at Berlin, has been ordered by
the Kaiser to be placed iu bis pew
there. It Is a simple wooden affair,
and bears the following Inscription:
"King Frederick William I. once sat
on thla chair during divine services."
Bad Atr the liotedo.
Owing to the absence of British tour
ists. Bclgalu hotel-keepers have butt
tbe worst year they have known.
Deafness Isu't the urlllctlon to age
that It Is to youth; a deaf aged person
doesn't miss bearing many nice things.
Most people have the church Instinct
In their blood.
Little Liver Pills.
Must r Slgnatur of
ee Feo-Matlle Wrapper Betew,
Very Basall a ltd as easry
oaattwa MasMatama,
srsty TestaAlavaaa,.iXwit
del! brm
VillIIccpYou Osiy
Tabs. No Susvituti . rait CAVAteowt,
Showiws fuckUtai as ftAaMtms ajtotUri.
A J.TOWmCO. nosToa. Hats,
raotiT rts
laea aaeaeMrai
Bd daauf lotto.
and set hae oplnios
MILU. M. STSVISS 't., K.t.U. Istt.
Plv. . )5-Hlhlttlt,,V ABHINOTOM DVo.
aranva unvai vaicaao, t.ta.ajaoa aaa ue troll
For Catalogues
, ..of..
Regular Sell.
"How hits my new bunk sold?" asked
the younjc author of tha bookman.
Well. Jtitleina- from what the pur
chasers say. It la a regular aoU!" At
lanta Constitution.
With local sppllaslloBt, aa Ihey eaaDat rsaek
tbes.atuf i aiairh is a blood er
euiiiiiil..iialilii.as4, and in order to cure II
you must taki internal r.aiadiee. Hall's Ca
lami in. I. iak.n iiiiruall?,audeciailiictl
un Ih. b.ond and tnueoiis surfaces. Hall's Cs
Isrrlit ure Is nut a uu.i k lueillelne. It was
pretrri lied br ene of II.. b.t ehvslclaas la laU
t-onnoy lor years, and lea reaular preaeriplloa.
. ,k , li".. oi mo oeat loutra Kltowa. ooai.
blned With the best hliuul nurlS.r. u-lln. AU
ruetlvon tile mucous .urbu-aa. Tha aarlett
enn lunation nl the two inrmli.oU It what pro.
uii. .ui ii wouu.riui resuna inourina aatarra.
baud lur leetimiinials, Iroe.
u r "Kiav ,., Proprs., Toledo, u.
Sold by dminiisit. prlre 7u.
11 alls ratally 1'ills are tbe beak
Family Tlee.
"How close la your relationship to
thut millionaire;"
"Oh. hla brnthae tnarelarl mv
brother In law's sister." Detroit Free
Whra vou take Urove's Tasteless ('bill Ton It,
neeause ine lormuials plainly printed on every
bottle showlne that It Is slmelr Iron and Qui
nlitatoataaielssafrimi. No Cure, No fay. toe.
Msn'a Opinions.
can't tell some women
"Of course not: they won't stop
talking themselves long enough to let
you." funatieiphia Uuiietln.
Piso'a Curs cannot be too hlghlv spoken
si co null euro. J. W. O'Haiia. KB
'bird Ave., N,, Slliineaivolli, Minn., Jan.
Hsr Reward.
"I'd like
tq have toy
husband go
"Does lie hit anything?"
"I don't think ao; but aa I never ask
any questions about the gam ha
brlnga borne he alwaya buya ma a
handsome present of some kind."
Detroit rree I'resa.
Lazy Liuor
l have baa? s-kt.a . a alaal
with a torpid lirer. wau-a produuea eoaatlea
tion. I found CASOa HtT to a. ail sou alalnt
forthoin and seuured tuoa relief tbe Bret trial,
lhai I puivnesoil another suppir and waa eosa
pieielv umod I snail univ be too (lad to ree
otnainnd (;aacarew wbeoever the opportunity
rr..l,00.. j.A.stiTa.
tfcuu Husqusbanna Ave., Philadelphia, ra.
aiaasant. Walatabla. l-iituns. e..t. flaod. DS
ood, Mtver Slokea, Weaken, or Drive. pTa, its.luSi
SlwBMfl Sia.Sf Coaasar CSUMsa. MMtresl. S. Vara. SV
jgr rerry M aseds are . '"Nv
jW aaowataeeouatrf aver as
Ike aaast rellaate KeewataaS
f I asa i uouabi. uat sare a 1
1 1 aira.l aa .Map Bred. ad losa a 1
II deUaroalh.aarveH, 1
tail Ham Aaaaairesa, I
V d. m. riaav a co., J
fcNfc vaaaa ataaa asaawsssa .r
saUea tkls payee.
uarant..S bf all