The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 22, 1901, Image 3

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    8 it FOR GA1NOR FOR 10SS?
Li Tralb th or A
f . the l'ronrrtr.
. i. territory known a tn
? .....iltiris." which, by the way,
f W.Jii row Columbia H)"ty two
L,,, taken . f"1".,.. b.,un llloiuliod in
i,MrtWh ""."'r.-t.i. . au,,...
b",l w ol trit terror to the
?',To( the legislator from Multito
?' ?h and Washington counties,- and
a fwwltant spirit I. manifested
'f. CoTeuibi county people In the
Wadiro wgelnlng wtiat rightfully
domain, yet thora itlll re-
f ni acl.asm to be bridged.
f tJilw lor tranaorlhlni the record
f ,.it(nu the territory hi iuuii snaps
k.ul.e &t, If eny, will aocm. to
ft The hourly line. 4 the county
1 . ...,..i.illwl inniiruoratlriir terri-
l!"'; ffom another county,, but It U ne
- IiTw do other thlnn In order to
ilwe) tU benIH la a peou nary jiw,
iSfT ,d cannot 1 assessed In Colum- or no provl.lon in the
Jl,f for obtaining tlili necewtery iutor-
I However, tfala may be, the feet re-
1.1 n that by "troite 01 miioom, 111
?loui policy a legl.ltive conm,ittee
sEwporeted a provision In a bill already
,inw'T j ,f,lh n.mi.lmaiit aatali.
.itiS the bouuilarli ot Columbia
f" 7 liikinit iu "No Man' Und," on
ie?. ialand, "f'v" "ft
1 .1.. wuiitiuvn liiiniiilMrv. which
Lionl on miw .,....... . - i
... ulaced in Washington county two
fnSIuethlng hM been wild about thle
urr Wry Dtiing v""'""" "
wMMainglt. I'Ut thi remain debet
!uTThe year before the "eleven eeo
tloni" were uken wy tail county re
eclvtd in taxat from that territory
'bout $7S. During the eama period
imotliDO wee paid out ior aid of de-
r.. . urn, ami iihui the owner
tliss m v" ' ' , ; ,
Ub j the lnd wee treneferred to that
foounty nothing peld lor eld forcer-
Uln onwi reiiuing man. iwrt muicu
to h no dinpoeitton to farm the county'
i.m ml die neoule have become mlf-
iuilnln, much tt) the graUfcatlon of
ill concerneU. 11 ui pom wo vnai me
powrwlon and exuitence of a poor farm
Until ham the taiue aalutary alfeot
itn In Columbia.
Perttanel Arrartg for Another Big
Htreet t'aralval.
PnrtUnd it to have a etreet fair thle
furamer and it li to liave all the aide at
trtctlom that the city la able to create
out of 1U rich treaaury of reeonrcea, A
comiulttee of rniroeeiitative buaineaa
min met at the Comuiemial Club Tuea-
Uy eveninc to draw up plana and apeci
flcnliom and aetthe prellminHry inachtii-
my in ruotlna. The lite of the function
will likely oe on me para irwnia rnmm
aI Morriaun atreeL It ia thouirht one of
tlia InUirnat oninre will ) aaked to co
operate in the affair, a did the Elk in
the carnival luat yar.
The dale of the fair will probably be
Jnneor July, and It will probably occur
abuut aba nine the newapaper kwguee ot
Aniitru't iniat In national convention in
Anionithe apecial attraction will lie
beatttlfiil nnral uarada with one of
Poriland'a fauiou pretty giria a queen.
Another attraction will be a water car-
I nival, on the Willamette river, the
aparial leaturea of whit-it are to be Ixwt
and yacht rare by day and a pryotech
nic rvprotluction of llie dealrut-tlon of
Mora Uantle and Uie battle of Manila
bay at niulit. The comiuiltue will alao
ik Secretary Ing, of (he navy, to aend
the battlehlp Oregon ami aoiue of the
lea famou reproauiilativna of the navy
to preaerve order and be admired by na.
Ai Mr. Lome ia a very obliiting gentle
man it la believed he will itNMlily com
ply with the requeat.
The reason for holdlna the (air ao
early in the aeaaon I the very thought
lul one that there are not likely to be
any counter attraction at that particu
lar time, a other propoaed lalre, carnt
Tali aud feativai thrmiuhoul the coun
try are billed for a little later date, o
that tin lair would practically have a
monopoly in lu lino. Then. too. July
it the month in which our floral wealth
11 In It prime and tliia would be a de
cided advantage to tlioae wiahliiK to
jiarticipata in the floral parade.
Forcing Koad-Tax (ollerUon.
InJltatlca (!ti'B iviiipt KuliinlAV In t.h
km of J. J. plank, road eupervieor.
againat Albert Ford. The latter ha
bmn in Ilia f lUOinmn tV.ww1
'Company and liaa repeatedly rrfuaed to
pay liia road tax. Hupervlaor I'lank
ao-onllngly garniaheed Ford' wage
uwcut paiuruay waa tne retiui.
HoWVr. til nlii lia Iln InnrvAMlivn
"i 4uiLice vox not uavjng rnceiveu
certiiied ooiile of the new law, the Jue
tice decided to continue the caae until
the lgth of April, at whlnh time It 1
hoiied to eatabliih a preosdent forau
perviaor la auch caaea.
M a I.O VerdhD(U -
Talf iWAMlr aataa ..lvtl..l. I laAn.
tlm L4vut thui Mnuur. li n .. lA
brought auit in the Clatsop county court
...wv inim tun rttiuv 01 jyni
jviuiomii ueeuaaeu. lt rrtttay Aator
ian aaiil "iln n. u..-.. n ui.
deraon v. Clara O. Munaon. exocutrii
the eatateof Byron Kimball, doceaaed,
thn 1 m p 11 ml .1 n .1 1 1 . 1 1 -a . A V.
treuu court yeaterday morning, award-
a tun piaiotin gizoo. The amount
ked for wa 2500 for service rendered.
T honiaa Henderson, hueband bl the
plaintitt in the above cats, ha bled auit
againat the Kimball taU for $16UU for
wr.vice rendered." 1
Preapectlre Street Improvement May
t rente Demand for lllocka.
The nitv
oleclded to nave Second and Third
etroetaln thatcity with Belgium block,
at ia 1 expected that contract will be let
"or furniahlng moat of the block from
we St. Helen qunrrle. The preaent
"uipaiea work ot improving oecoim
Hreet will require only about iO.000
7ut X 6 lB loouKin i win idhu
"W.OOfl blocks to complete the propoaed
r"""! 01 intra etreec. irie oiocua j
be esed in the propoaed work will be
much am.m.. In .u. .ml sill ho laid
eltoirethnp HirtuMntlu limn hu hnAn
loe heretofore.
The aystem which ha hneu decided
1on remiirna Hrat a. havv tmdv of con
crete to be canned with the blorke which
" oe cnrelully made and put togemer
with a atronii cement, over all ol which
thin laver of screened amid will be
Xi'llttered to tlemlnn t.lin miinil (if wheel
nd rill any opening which may occur
In the cement It ia thought the work
annot be commenced before Juno, as
the order for steel mU cannot be filled
before that time and it is desired to lay
the rail and p.v tin street at the
me time to the end that trect Irutflu
Maynotbeunueoesaarify interfered with.
'I'uUmula County, i Usual, the Flrwt
. w Iteuilt U) the Ntute.
Tua.lay morning Dt.Uloa, treasurer
of iln ooiinty, eaot Htate Teasurer
Mwire ao heck for iHao.HU, which 1 In
' 1 M0UIly'e "tate tax for lust
year. The utt, treasurer has alao anut
l-olHinbia county a atuUiment for W477.
84 for pur share of the ua,0()0 which
the legislature at the late ausaion appro
priated to pay off the outstanding scalp
..oty, ,"'" A the eaaio;i law
authorising the payment of thuae war
rant was not passed until long alter our
aaseaaineut wa up, there wa no
special levy made for that purpose, so
thatU seem the only way out of the
quandary I to pay the amount out of the
gunernl fund. The state is going to
force the payment of this tax aud we
mu Kiuivr nave to pay llie principal
now or pay intureat on it until next year
when we can make provlalon for both
principal and Interest In the general
aattwament. A It 1 not considered ad
visable to pay unnecessary interest, a
check covering the statemeut will prob
ably be sent the state treasurer In a
short time. For two or throe year paat
till county ha had the honor of being
the first to pay the atatu Ux, end this
year the same distinction Is again borne.
HflWflVMr it. I nr. ....... - a L. . V.
- , . .... "111. m IftRH AI UO
tiroinnt iii llila maitMp !. n 1- t.
Jaatory. The Ux must lie paid, and
ma yoouer the better. It la off both
mlnil ml I. ml an.l ' . .. . 111.
wo i iiuw at lilt
erty to pursue the even tenor of our
.! I. .ft 1ft t - ...1 A I
f I " a,Jou way towaru
looking out next for the school Ux.
reeling Xacb Encoiraged.
Mr, Charley Rurgdorfler. of the lumber
manufacturing tlrtu of Johnson t liurg
dorller Hroa., of Hoappoose, was in towu
Tueaday attending to busline matter.
Mr. llurgdortrnr 1 quite enthusiastic
over the prospects for the coming season'
work, not only in their line of buainoss
but for the whole community about that
section of the county. To have a
manufacturing establishment such as
those gentlemen own and operate in a
community ia not only a necuaaltv and
oonvanienoe, but an entcrpriae to be
aupporuKi, enurgi anti mainuinmi.
Measrs. Johneon A liurgdotfer Hroa. will
undoubtedly make their mill business a
Htramer Athlon Hold,
IiOcal patron of the river steamer
will regret to hear that the fine little
steamer Athlon ha been aold to Ht-attle
partiea. awl in a few daya will proceed
to tbeound where the ateiimer will be
nut on the run between Hrattle and
t'ort Orchard. The Athlon waa built
by Kaimn, Kellogg and fefiaver, who in
tendvd her for aervitw between l'ortland
and Rainier. Hlie la 124 feet long,
feet beam and aovon feut depth oi hold,
and ia said to be able to develop a speed
of 23 miles per hour under forced draft.
Iter equipment I otuerwia liraU'lans
ar.d altogether she ia considered one of
the moat successful attempts at steam
boat architecture ever attempted on this
part of the coast. Tito only changes
which will lie made In tli steamer are a
toothpick deck and con I furnaces, Khe
coal the builder 117.600, but they re
ceived 2W,0(JO for her. Her former
owners will immediately begin the con
struction of another boat which they
hope will be as succvshIuI as the Athlon.
LacaJ Pedagogy Finding Employment
in teuatry jiruoots.
ff.Lt- t. .1.. . I V. - Ananlni
11m ia viic lomiuii wi Mm w..i..a
of the country schools and much inter
est is to be noticed among the local
teachers In their endeavors to procure
employment for the summer season in
their chosen occupation. Coming under
our observation of Inte ia the employ
ment of Mias Unlay Ewing to teach the
Valley school, beginning laat Monday.
Mias Maude IHtcker has been engaged
aa private tutor to the children in the
borne 01 Air. ana Airs, r runs now, si
Oak island. Mr. Watson i'bilbrook
has been elected to Uke charge ot trie
Houlton school, commencing his work
last Monday. Miss (iulev, principal of
ft.-, tt li.l!... .kiu.1 ftft'ilt liuvftt rliartrfft
of a summer school near Beaaide, Iter
work to commence mere suonv vne nr
..f Ui.. I nli, j:vinrft Laa IwHftl
UI .'1 .
employed to teach the achool at tsples,
Wash., and a Mia Brown, from Tilla
mook, Will WlelU Hie Oircil in nacnmur
Flat this spring and summer. The
school will cloae In this city In four
weeks, when Miss Daisy Watkln ex
pect a country school.
The employment of the homo product
In our schools Is a mark of credit and
an evidence that faith is bad in the
m onuliiuhlv diat-harire
TUUIIK lOTt-llBi- " ... .."--.T - ---
alidtitimiin their Hn o( baiinesi, be-
flUlM n encouriieincni io our Kuuruw
.ml .hililv. It in viwibla evlileiice of
ui iLnvn iai mi, test i m -
morU worth fixixl ciiAriwwr. re
J.. inLora niiu Anil eiUUlOVfUent
UUHIUU H'" a.vv " -
1 I ii.Hilil Ia m. unurce
; in our iruiiiy, 7 -
IOI BUHia"llUll W lMWrr .
hnve ntUlued to no penouim ai rro
capable of entering the school room
Hinr otouBitia t""" ..". - ,
i.iokit tlm vim ntrer elements.
IIIUVICil,. ....... ,.
rru. ...I1.i..k .!)' ra ia a Credit not
S. IIC !WIMIftMft w. --
only to the cnooi, ous to mo '"
teacners ana inose jtuuhk" -
.;..t.. ,A l,,faij.. rMuitlea It IS
an Inspiration to strive for larger attaiu-
menu, rue money lorum m" -
. l,..l n-li.u.U nr a very large
portion of it, at least, come direct from
r l .. 1. mnA tultitn wa can
our riomo
employ it to advantage by placing it In,
. . -. . ft I Ift AnlV It A.
the nana 01 uomepwyto n ,
comes tjuvy, . - -
j..... ,r (a ft r'luiutLttifti
r ghtly to be expectea oy inono wuu
. n '.1 J! ..I., t.. Mll'ulvfl
intesestea airocuy
Sheriff HatUn report Uxea coming
in at a very atiafactory rate, nearly
' ,. .i........,i i, l.avino- already
111 I1B UiUttoniiu . .-.
..,... iuH and recemteu lor. ai
thi rate it win tie posHiow
.... nt. (up liointr the nret
KWU ll uUI . vjv v. - - - w
coimty in the etate to pay the 1 etau Ux
whlcn una year amowiw " t'i
D, W, Price, of 8-appooe, and Mr.
t H Watta were in Portland
Monday. While in the oity the gentle
men purchased a large gsso ene engine
with which to operate a large pump
they are putting In to afford fire pro
tection lor tneir propon.
Ketuarkafcle Cure ol Kl"mH"'.
ji. .u vln.lli.alnr hna haa
iiieeauorui m ' ; ,t u.
. ..... ,u AntArt..w tf Mianiher-
oacaiionw "Vr"-', Vi . nioat
Iain's 1 am nairn v.d '"". , :
remarkable reauita m eacn c.
... 1 ..1.... i.tiin ulwinltlnr from
Willi rueuiiinni'i" , ,-
which lieauffered excruciating pain for
applications ui '" ', . . "ft .
aillictod and, real.,. .g
henellt ami entire reum .. - .....
time. tU-ond, in rheaimitlm 11 thigh
joint, proavra u a 7'-- ,
USin. WHICH WS III""""' "' ' '
I'" . , ' ..1.1.1 1.1. i.a 1 In mnt on
cation. ruooiiiK i i... - night, an up fn-
from pw. ror sum . n
If doubled by a weak digestion, iom 1 of
appetite, or consiipaiioii, v. - --- --
of (Jhaiulwrlain'S Kioiiiacu aim
Tablets. Every box warrantuu. for
sale at the t. l-tonena rum ii-r
Tax to be Collected lu CBMb.-Lery Sot
to Exceed Ten min.
A many are desirous 0 knowing jmt
what the new road law la, Tun Mit
will endeavor to give a idigeit of that
measure. Fint. the law nrxanrlhoa hu,
the commissioners, at the aama tlmo
other and general tar ia levied, shall
levy a road Ux, not to exceed ten mills
on assessed valuation. This tax ia to
be collected Just the same as ail other
Ux which may be levied. The mnnev
goes into the road fund, and can lie used
only for road purposes.
The law alto aiilhiirlnsa th ' county court to
appulut 011s tr more coupeteiit purnuiM tn au-
fwrvlM the road ami brllu wurk of tlie ouunly,
lie lonn. aiiiKilnteaii to expire ut Die II rut
Hirin 01 uourt lu 1WJ, m wbluta time tlia ooart
and annually thureafuir, apiolnt a roati
inuitvr or roaOiuuHlerii, to nerve until the auo-eemtororHlicu-uuMiraare
aiiiMiiiiu.1 hiu! im.hHi
Tliey iliall pity suult apiHilutues ufllclaut salary
rnaoie Kv.Mi aiioiuimtsuu, i that tliey may
aire their whole lima rum March t to Itocum
ber 1 Ui foaii work. Atoiuta hull give a
Utinl in the auru til 12,1X10. Komuvul may iollow
If the UMjrvl.lnn ol wurk shall not be aati.
labUtry tti the court.
Tlia oounty roatluiaiiten ahall say when anil
where ami iu wlmt maiiuer they shall eipenii
the ta aoKirllouiNl to the anveral dlalrlota, and
ha Mtiail lean the court luioriiiad at all Miiium am
to thu urosrew, and neetla. lie may cuuti-aet to
have the work done.
A petition oi twelve freeholders, endorned by
the t'oatiiuaiiuir. may be naitaed uuou hv tlia
court and lltey may Itutruut the surveyor to
aurveythe protHHaid change and Rive au entl-
met ui material aim laoor ueeunimry. x ji at
court may then advertise lu a newspaper for
uttis on sticn wora.
As to the poll ui, the law reads:
Bee. l.-Kvery male Inhabitant of this state
over twenty-one yeara ami under II Uy years of
ene, utilensby law exempt, shall aiiiiiutliy pav
a road poll las ol is wjilili slinli be collet ted by
tne riwl suiiervisor of the tllstnut lu whlvn
any person liable thereof rwitles, and which
must beeolleeted by jUju road aupervlsor on or
rteture tne lat nay oi jai-etiioer oi tne year lor
wlllfltl aatd loll las is due. Such Mad Doll taa
must be paid on deuiwui tu the road supervisor
as hsrelllaller provitletl.
Tito law make slrlnxeiit rules for the eolloc
tion of this poll tax. aupervlaors may collect
and expend iho money so received to the beat
attvantase lu liielr rtupeullve ulstrlcu.
The new law make no particular
change over tlie old one. Judge Dunn
suttes mat tnere la noimng mandatory
a to appointing a ''roadmuater," a the
law say "may' To lie mandatory the
taw should read "ahall." It ia not at all
piobabla that an appointment will be
made a the commiaaioners' court ob-
joct to creating new otlice and addW
tional expense, rney seem to think that
the various road supervisors elected
have sullicient ability to work amicably
with tlie court for the beat intercuts of
It concerned. The new law doea not
alter the biennial election of road super
visor, aa we understand it. llie only
change 1 that the road ux shall be col
lected in money, like oilier ux.
Experience of Chicago People on
hower Nnlialcin.
llert Tichenor is now at work at Flip-
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Peterson were
in town Monday.
John English ha gone to Marshland
to work for Henry Colvin.
Mr. Jones, of Jefferson, Or,, ia visit
ing Iter sister, Mr. Van Buren, in our
Will Van and wife, of Deep creek,
were transacting buaines in town on
H. J. T. Graham and wife are now res
idents of our city, occupying part of the
HllvoUrahatn house.
Will Bchueider came over Saturday
evenimr alter ins wile ana uaoy anu
next morning they lett uranuina lie li
enor a to give tlie baby an introduction
to their Iioiuj at Aiuyger.
Will FouU had the misfortune to be
kicked by hi borae on Monday morning
and felt for a while a though tlie wind
waa knocked clear out of him. So bone
were broken but be ha felt pretty sore
since. 9
The Ladle of the Maccabees and their
friend spent Saturday evening until
midnight in a calico ball which gave
them exercise and was expected to fur
nish some II nances a well. The flnanci'
al result is unknown to the writer.
A new and aubeuntial three aeated
ivtvanwl hark ha arrived to do duty in
currying passenger and packages be
tween sins ctiy alio. pftftv.M,
under charge of Chris Johnson. The
back In use is considered too light for
tlie best work.
0. W. Jone and wife, of Hazel Grove,
leave thi week for Fairhaveu, Wash.,
where Mr. Jones expecU to spend sev
eral mouths as superintendent of one of
the department in the factory for man
ufacturing tin cans. He ha had exper
ience in that business at tlie same place
and ia called back at an increased salary.
W. S. Hall and family will occupy the
Jones house during the absence of the
Practice among the achool children
auggesU that the close of the school
term is approaching, and with it an en.
teruinruent and graduating exercise.
The term close on the 6th oi April if no
interruption occur in the meantime.
One evening will be devoted to graduat
ing exercises, when Hon. 0. W. tulton
ia expected to be present and deliver au
address, in addition to the gradnatiou
essays and music. An entertainment,
literary and in character, will
be given another evening, perhaps the
About ixtv person gathered at the
residence of Mr. and Mr. Bryant last
Friday evening for a dime social. These
socials are made very pleasant by the
host and hostess assisted by a commit
tee who Uke it in hand to see that some
tiling ia introduced to test one's guess
ina propensities, or develops tolent for
menul amusement. Light refreshments.
is usually a leatureoi meeveumg set von
to a part of the company at a time In
some part of the house without inter
fering with the sport in other room,
The cash proceed are applied on pay
ment of Ue pastor's salary.
The burning out of a flue got the hose
cart out one morning last week and
while it was out some of the company
concluded to wah off the planked
treeU which was very satistactonly
done. Fortunately tlie water work here
belong to the citv and the authorities
are not limited in the amount of water
they can use so long as the supply is
sullicient. The patron are supplied
generously with good water at a very
reasonable rate and have excellent tire
protection- in addition. In thi town
niunicipal ownership of watework ia a
grand success.
As an illustration of the fact that one
cannot believe all he hears, a gentleman
and his family arrived here last week
direct from Chicago with the Inten
tion of settling on a farm along the
Lower Nehiilem river. The merits of
this particular land had been set forth
in such an attractive manner to thi
mmtlouian that he abandoned liia
Wines in Chiciigo, packed his effects,
uftor selling what ho wanted to, and
WHS soon iicaeteu lur viw"i
ion. where as stoted, he arrived last
n,....L Hum ha annurad two horses, one
each for himself and friend, and rode
over to the place whore he expected to
make hi home, and found to his sur
prise and diuguat that the .conditions
were not at all as represented, instoad
of finding seventeen acres cleared and
under cultivation, he found it yet to
cleiirand no habitable buildings were.
.1 ... i. . . .... tiT- .-:a
mere hi stimter ins lauiiiy. ma isuio
wa soon made up on the matter of a
home there. The next morning the two
men started on their return for Clat-
kanie and on the way hud a rather un
fortunate experience, Falling to reach
town before dark as titer booed to.
about 7 p. m. they found a big tree
across the road which was oa Are. The
men felt cor tarn they could not be far
from town, but It wa very dark. Be
fore them was a large tree on fire, at
one side, below them, they could hear
running water, and thought an em base
ment wa on that side, while on the
other was a steen hill. Thev saw no
chance to get by and soon accepting the
situation, remained near the fire all
night, . Daylight showed them a way
around the obstruction and the welcome
sight of the town in a short time. Wfeile
not pleased with the farm he went to
see. the man is pleased with Oregon and
feel confident that in thi ) mild climate
with the hospitable and busy people
here he can find a desirable home and
mean gf obtaining a livelihood.
Warren Happening,
Will Bacon is now working for Gus
Ilegele at Bachelor Flat.
George Beaver, of Ban vie Island, waa
a Warren visitor last Hunday. .
Clifford Ellis, of Portland, spent Bun-
day with relative at this place.
Peter Auderon ia building a neat pick
et fence around hi colcken yard.
Mr. and Mr. D. C. Allard, of Scap
pose, visited in Warren last Sunday.
Otto Hencke. of Wisconsin, is the
guest of Mr. F. II. Lynch and family.
Mr. Noon, of Portland, was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Clark last Bun
day. Service wilt lie held at the Methodist
church next Sunday evening by Kev.
II. T. Bennett and family, who have
been at Centra ia for the past few weeks,
returned home Thursday, of last week.
Henry Larson, sr.. received a fine
Jersey calf last, Friday on the steamer
llassaio, from parties at waierioru,
The dance given by the band boys at
the school ho use last Friday night, waa
very well attended and a royal good time
1 reported by all.
Mrs. Chria Jensen and children, of
Yankton, spent a few days visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mr. Niels Jensen,
of this plaeti, the tlrst of the week.
Miss Emily Tompkin. Lillian Lar
son, Rev. Bitllantyiie, tieorge Vanooee,
Robert Lavat and Mr. Tompkins were
paesenger on the America for Portland
lust HeturiJey.
The Stockholder of ,. the Sunset
creume rv called a meeting on r-aturday
evening lust ;bu,t only tbrse or four re-
spomiing, tne kneeling waa not caueu
to order. ;
Tlie mensle are still raging in this
vicinity. The families of Mr. E. H.
Lvnch and Max' Bonr have been very
ill, but at the present writing have so
lar recovered as to oe aDie w uearouna
The Bess Bias Pnririer.
The blood ia imiisUntlv being purified
by the lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep
these orirans in a healthy condition ana
the towels regular and yon will have no
need of a blood purifier. For .this pur
pose there is nothing equal to Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver TableU, one
dose of them will do you more good than
a dollar bottle of the best blood purfier.
Price, 26 cent. Bam pies free at the St.
Helena Pharmacy.
Bis; Excitement.
It begin now to look as though
"Rome would howl" in this neck-'o-the
woods this year, and the apparent
legarthy rent asunder. The iron horse
iscerulntodoalittle galloping through
the interior of the county before the sec
ond year of the new century has dawned.
Wednesday afternoon's local Northern
brought a host of railroad engineers and
assisunU, with their luggage and equip
ment and dumped the whole thing at
Houlton, from where we do not know the
party will go to begin tbeir operations,
but we presume somewhere between
Houlton and Nehalem. Nehaloin rail
road, did you say T Well, we guess yes.
Prof. Ivison, of Lonaconine, Md.. suf
fered terribly from neuralgia of the
stomach and indigestion for thirteen
years and after the doctors failed to care
him they fed him on morphine. A
friend advised the use of Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure and after taking a few
bottle of it he says, "It has cured me
entirely. I can't say too much for Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure." It digeata what you
eat. For sale by N. A. Perry, Houlton.
First and Yamhill Streets.
At the above location i a store which
has nine show windows, filled with dis
plays of spring styles, clothing and
shoes at following prices; Men's suits,
fancy worsteds, cheviot or blue serges,
in square or round cut. Other store
would consider cheap at $18. Our price,
marked in plain iigurea, is $10. Men'
panto, pi value for $4. Men's shoes,
worth $4, our price $2.60 Ladies' shoes,
a hitr assortment, at 2. worth $3. You
can save $1 on a boy'a suit, compared
with other stores' prions. Boys' shoes,
black or tan, at $1.26 r men's golf shirts,
silk front, with extra cuffs, full value,
tl :h nnr nricA. 7B cenU. Bovi'S hose at
10 cents per pair, the same as you always
pay 15 oenu tor. emcuy ono ,
John Dollar, proprietor, Portland, Or.
Like Oliver Twist, children ask for
more when given One Minute Cough
Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for
croup. It quickly cure all cough and
mlila and every throat and luug trouble,
It is a specific) for grippe and asthma
ana nas long oeeu a wen kuowu ruuiuuj'
tor whooping cougn. ror saie oy ai. a
Perry, Houlton.
Coble Railroad Survey.
It is announced, says the Telegram,
that the Uoble, Nehalein A Pacific Rail
road will have its survey into tne ptena-
leni valley completed by April 1. The
Hiii-veviiitr uartv is making excellent
progress during the present favorable
The company la now operating ten
trains dailv over the portion ot the road
completed, and hauling and putting
Into the river 100,000 feet ot logs dally,
as well as considerable piling, telegraph
pole and cord wood. ,
Saddle Pony tor Sale.
First-clasB, well broken, wwt roadster. Apply
to tsTsa fSAHSDN, warren, ttregun.
Bean th Am mm mm iwar.
A Widow's bera Affair.
Receives a setback, if she has offen
sive breath through constipation, bili
ousness or stomach trouble, but Dr.
King's New Life Pills always cure those
troubles: clean the system, sweeten
the breath, bullish headache! beBt in .the
world for liver, kidneys and bowel.
Only26o at the St. Helen Pharmacy.
aVOUMtfU qoitKtJPONpBfllT... j
Timber, Coal, Iron and Petroleum of
More than Usual Worth.
floLcmiti City. March 13. (To the Ed
itor.) Through your paper I wish to say
to those people wno iiave unuerai
spring on their places, or know where
such ipringl exist in thi oounty, anu
will let me know by letter or otherwise,
I will cause the waters to be analyzed if
desirable and tend the results to the
parties interested. My object la to nave
the varioua place examined in reference
to gas, oil, sulphur, soda and other val
uable properties.
There are some poison springs in this
county; one on Tide creek, and one on
the Barr place, on Lower Clatakanie.
There is an oil spring on Upper Neha-
lem. lhta i am tota, anu. oeiievo w im
true. . ' .
I have bad the waters of several
mineral springs tested, which are lo
cated near here. One chalybeate spring,
one which contain gas. I have stated
in Th a Mist that I would show tlvese
places to anyone who wished to see them.
I have been in this county a good
many years, and have made an exami
nation of the timber, coal iron and other
minerals, and am of the opinion that If
our resources were properly made known
to men of capiul at once the develop
ment would be made of the things
spoken of. Our first need ia railroads to
take the timber out of the way in order
that farms can be opened and tbeir pro
ducts Uken to market. One more thing
I wish to say is that thi county has
been in sUtu quo since the world began,
and will remain the eame indefinitely
unless the timber, coal, iron, oil and
gas is used to better advantage than
iormerly. C Cr. Caplxs.
Record Chattel Mortage.
Hereafter, under the law, the chattel
mortage must be recorded in the office
of the county recorder. This will prove
to be a matter of revenue, as it costs
more for. recording than it did when
they simply required filing inthe coun
ty clerk's office. It required fifty cents
to pay for simply filing, but the record
ing run from one to two dollars, accord
ing to the amount of work on the instru
ment. ., . - - :
When you are bilious, use those fa
mous little pills known as DeWitt's Litr
u v.rlo Riaera to cleanse the liver and
bowels. They never gripe. For sale by
N. A. Perry, of Houlton.
When yon have finished reading Tax
Mist this week hand it to some one of
vour neighbors who is not a subscriber.
We are endeavoring to improve me news
service of the paper each week, and we
feel tbat onr efforts are not altogether in
vain. We want to put our paper into
several hundred more homes in this
county during the present year, and a lit
tle moral assiaUnce from onr friends will
be a great help, and will be duly appre
ciated. Thi Mist give all the local and
county news, which can be bad from no
other source.
We are authorixed to say tbat a cau
cus of the cit iiens of this city will be
held at the court bouse next Wednesday
evening for the purpose of nominating a
citv ticket to be voted for a city officer
for the ensuing year.
POM.iAit-Ptii.LiA. At Mayirer, Oreenn, gun
day, March 17. 1S01. Mr. James Puliam and
Mrs. liora raitiam. uuiu
ThAnAwmniiv waa aaulet one. at the residence
ol the briile'e brother, Mr. Ed Hillsberv, at 8
S. m and waa creaiiamy pmuinmt uy jusuitv
, W. Barnes, alter which lira. Hillsbery kindly
invited all preaent to partake ol a wedding din
per that bad been prepared by her. Those pres
ent were: Grandma Pulliam, Cbaa. falliam
and wile, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pulliam, Mrs. ljts
well, Mr. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Quigley,
and Justice Barnes aud wile. In the eveuln
the hanpy couple was net at the train, where
tbey were given a serenade before they started
on their honeymoon to Portland.
A Geaile Hint.
In nnr stvle of climate, with it sadden
changes of temperture rain, wind and
sunshine often intermingled in a single
dy it is no wonder that our children,
mends, ana relatives are w tiuwj
token from us by neglected colds, half
the deaths resulting directly from this
cause. A bottle of Boschee's German
Svrnn keDt about your home for imme
diate use will prevent serious sickness,
a large doctor's Din, aim pernaps aeatn
by the use of three or four doses. For
consumption, hemorrhages, pneumonia
severe cough, croup, or any disease of
the throat or lungs, iu success is simply
wonderful, as your druggist win ten
you. (Jet a sample Dome iree uv me oi.
Helens Pharmacy. Regular eixe, 75 cts.
Get Green's Prize Almanac
TM KiM Yd Ha Mwars
Timber Und, Act June 3. 1878.
Vhitkd 9tats Lamo Orrir.
. . . . 1 M I. ..K iMl
nnrv. in hkkkhV OIVKN THAT IN COM
nllance wltu tne provisions oi me act tu
Conarens of June S. 1878, entitled "An act for the
ale of umber lands In tne Males oi jautarnia.
Oregon. Nevada, and nasnintnon territory, as
extended to nil the Publio Laud States by aot of
August 4, WW, William King Katie, ol Oswego,
onMiit. nf riankainiLB. state of Oregon, has this
day tiled in this otlice his sworn statement No.
KI63, lor th purchase ot the NK $4 of section
Will offer proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for its timber or stone thau for
agrloultuntl purposes, and to establish bis
elalni to said land before the Register and Re
ceiver ol this otlice at Oregon City, Oregon, on
sin wt in tnwtiiiniB no n. ranire no. o n. anu
Mnn.l.v. the 27tn nay ol Hav. iwi. no namea
aa wltnesxea: William Wesley Allen and ura
P. Lavender, ot veruonia, ur.,ana mmorej.
Russell and John 11. Gardner, of Oswego, Or.
Any aud all persons claiming adversely the
.hnv..Hpwirlhil lande are reoileated to file their
claims In this office on or before said '17th day
of May, Hail. utiAa. o. stuuitas,
milm'i Kegister,
In the County Court ol the State ot Oregon tor
Columbia County. ,
In the matter of the estate of John Hendricks,
deceased. Citation to heirs and otaer intesee-
ted peraoua. .. .
To Mary A. Frve. Sarah Jane Hayden ana Re
hNvt Hendricks, heirs at law of John lien
drlcks, deoeaseti, and to heirs and devises
unknown, II any such there be, and to all other
persona interestati in tne reiu estate ui we
I.,, nt said rieoaiutpd. emetine.
-rv Til IT N lilt til. TIIK STATU OF OREGON:
1 You and eaoh of you are hereby com
manded to be and Appear befoie the Honorable
County Court of the State of Oregon forColum
bla County, at the County Court House in the
city ot Bt. Helena, In said County and state, on
Friday, the 'JUd day oi March A. ., MM, at the
hour of 1 o'oloek p. nt, of said day, that being
a ditv of the regular March terra of said County
Court, to show oause, if any exists, why an
order ol sale at oil the real estate, jjr so much
thereof as may be necessary to satiety the
charges, expenses and claims against said es
tate, the property of said estate should not be
made as praved for in tlie petition of the ad
ministrator tit said estate now on ale inthe
ottleeof the Clerk ot the aaitl Court: The fol
lowing is a -description of the said real estate,,
lo-wlt: The north naif of tlie aoutlutast quar
ter of section . in towospip rive (5) north
range two (J) west of tlie Willamette meridian,
in Columbia County, lu the stale ol Oregon.
' In Testimony WHRsaor, L J. a Watts, the
Clerk of the said Coanty Court of th State of
Oregou for Columbia County, have hereuuto
art my hand and the seal of the said Conn, at
my ofhee in the City ol 8t. Helen, the Coiialy
Seat of said Comity of Columbia, In the Stair of
Oregon, this the lth day of KtsbruarA. l. DM1.
, County Clerk and Clerk til tlaa
I REAL. I County Court, of the ntatc t urn
1 - ' gon, lor Cohimbia County. , .
I 1 1 ' t
Regular 25 cent
Paper Back Novels
...Only 10 cents...
. St. Helens
BEGI8TEKED DENTIST Long experience. All kind of fine dent
al work, i-o matter what yonr work may be, yon can have it done here,
and further, it will be done in a first-class, durable manner. Your work
ia not limited to last only a certain number of years. Much of it will last
the rest of your life; aome of it may not. Yon will be told the truth con
cerning; it permanency when yon come in. Everything depend on the
duality of yonr teeth. Teeth examined free and an estimate given, you
thu know just what your work wall cost before you begin, and no change
will be made except at your own solicitation.
rM rtwine r fwv Whii Oowna.
ings, $1.00 up ; Amalgam Killings, 75 cent up ; Cement Filling, 60 c
Teeth extracted free (painlessly) when teeth are made. Warm, pleaa
antroom. Lady attendant. Appointment made by mail.
Room 60 and 61, Washington Building, Southeast Corner 4th and Wash
ington Streets, 5th Floor, Portland. Taka elevator.
Quality and Variety
Are two very important feature to Uke Into consideration when one goea
to procure article for everyday use and consumption. To
onr host of patron we are pleased to say we have
Onr iarge and select etock afford the Intending pur
chaser splendid opportunity to get the best
bargain onerea
Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware,
utanaew, on KsuuttuB, i - ,. : : "
garden implement, and dairy aupplie, etc. etc.
Goods Exchanged for Produce.
Seasonable Goods
At our store mean that we keep
nf mArchandi
irchandise wnicn at an
of all well-living people.
General Merchandising
Is our especial business,
a Dlgn
Household Necessities
fiuppliea for evervbody and to meet all demand. We invite examination
of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to priije and
quality. Now ia the time to call on
...All Kinds of Rough
rtaorlua;... BUsatle ...Ceilisisr
..Dlainaisu LuinlMr...
School Supplies.
Paints, Oils, Glass.
Shelf Paper.
School Books.
California Perfumes.
Toilet Articles, Etc.
Orders taken tor
Wall Paper
From Ham pie Books
Portland Prices
Books of all kinds.
15.00: Bridge Work. $5.00; Gold Fill
painta, oils, glass, cTockery, cnttlerj ,
constantly ror saie a vaney ami quant
m i- i
times is buiusuib
We cater to all classes
and we have held the fort
quality oi guuua ai w
ity price, we nanaie
of aud Dealers in o '
and Dressed Lumber...
Mill on smith fork of Ucsppoose creek.four I
sallcs from Sckiipoost. station. j
Lumber delivered t Ut-apiKHise slstion or
Johnson's liiinlliitt Rt 11.00 per M, extm. At I
Warren slalion.JLSa i
. - - OHEGON