The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 15, 1901, Image 3

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    Kisli Warden VuiiDuaeii, ol A.lorht.
.tatca lliiil deputy will be appointed
7," ,,u cuiinlv, h"MWH as h water
llitr Tli' 't'" .tkn to ward
llfaliiat Illegal llhlng, m Mr. VuiiDumuii
ladleves that the iw l 't strictly ob
' rve. Thn appointment uf it luilliir
will likely x) '"') auont wiu urm ui
piaXt IIHIIIlll. ;
m J, lliipont was III .from Valley luat
Friday. H afatad 111,1 the bliigUi mill
. nluiia Wllllld cuiiimeiice oiaira-
'tlniii Monday morning and continue to
run Tim product will lm liiiuliid to
lloulton and Ht. Helens. Nick tmys tbat
n,a Nm-thurn nuts 111 Ita amir front
Bcppo"n to I'lttaburg ho will have a
horter Imul and will be able to reallae
mors prollt oil the output.
'I'd Begin H'" Aaaesaiiteiit.
Aaaeaaor White left his office Moiuluy
... iixiriii the Held work of tint 1IHII
tmnmiiimtiit. Ho wont from born to May-
ir, Where 110 iwrw t win worn, vuauig
)ak 1'olnt ami Maralilad precincts,
UICI1UU l ... v. i
liiaver Falls and Apiary prcclmsta will
.i!ieii bo visited, then Unfile, Ihfor Inland,
Warren nml HcpKKse. The Nehalmti
districts will Iw the lt hi Im viaitod,
,eicepllng I'ulo" precinct.
Increased Train Service.
Trunin Ium Iwcoiiiii so heavy on the
Northern 1'itotllc wad that It m necea
ary to Inurcaae the facilities for hand
ling It Hint notice la served tlmt next
Sunday a new nervine will bo Inaugur
ated, emulating of throe local passed
tf,.r trains dully between l'ortlaud and
tlx! Sound. Tlmt is a gotal Indication
Unit there Ih hiialiicM in the country.
When there in travel there is money,
.and when there U money there In travel.
The i:iefo .Section.
Tin eleven section ot laud cut oil
(rout the southern art!ou of thia county
two years ii ii" by tlio legialature and
.tacked on l'i Washington county, wore
.whacked oil from Waahingtou comity by
tlieieceiil li'gialittnro, and lucked Ihu'K uu
to ('ohiinbia county, throiiKh the ellbrt
ul Mr, Merrill. It now ill order to
rtwr. KutrlKnly nmred when the laud
wot tekfii nwuy, mt now it'a rexUtfed to
.u, li'l'a kick with I be veiiKvanui4i( a
.rulllitJ mule.
Hid Not ApiMdntT
We ntulf! In our hint lmie that the
. 1.....I. i: umtiiii n
(Dimly court would appoint a road mav
ti r lr thin county, in compliance with
a mi'iilly-i'imcUtt law, b'lt audi action
wan tli'lfrrfl. The law Mil Urn that a
row I iuhbI't kIiuII tie appoiuti-d, Mpd
hall be nl lowed lor Ilia acivicca a reim
iiiiabUi rtiHi'iiiullou and ahall devote
Jiih cnilrt' tune to tiie mutter Iruiu the
Jirrt day of April until the II rut dny of
January. The Clutwtp county
i nut l aioiiiUid a road inuKler at a pal
aiy o( ht month.
Hid Not Appropriate.
NotwitliaUmlhitt I be fact tlmt the
.ilH-rvlur of llii ditiirirt had ttecureil
iMKiutturt'i tu a voiitribittitin iir to
the amount of iiUmiI tJ.'.ll lo linpmve
Hie .Nftiult'iii mud, thee Hill be linlliliig
done in the lumler at preaeut. The
(uurtdid not aeem ditKiai-d in iiaainl in
(he .uiiderliikniK no there the mutter
rexta. Mr. I'luiik alatca that a ctnilribii
tioii rullii'lciii to purchaoe n ton of mw
der,.Mr alut I7U, wouhl have enabled
him, with the iH cani and 'J'-M dnya
aulwrilMHl, to lo much valmiblu im
juiivinij. Vrand Matron VUlta MUpub.
Mra. Verta, (iaud Matt Jit of the
Order ot Kantei n Kuir, paid an olllclul
l-il to MUpah cbuptcr, of thia city,
Jaat Snturduy eveniiiK. The work waa
exemplified und other huaiueaa inattera
aiu'ihIihI to. Kollowiti( thia part of the
jiroticaiuma una a bainiuet fit honor of
tlbn KiMitd utllivr. Mra. Verta v'a
ite:iit with (he eomlitlon In which ahe
louiid the biimiu'-n maucra of the chap
ter, ami delighted with the entertain
ment and reffiilim accorded her. Hlie
apenl Huniltiy here and continued ou to
Aatoria Monday forenoon.
A 5000 1'oaltlon.
IOx-Setiator Mi'I'.i iilo liuu received an
apiKjintiiieut from the pretdilent, carry
iiii( with it an annual anlary of ")IKH,
for a period of four yeara, or until tlm
J"W of Hie Ht. iutla fitlr. Mr. Me
trlde, with four other ex-aeiintora, line
ia-en appointed a comniixaion to Niiper
tinteiid Unit extenaive undertakiuit, and
eacli Keiitleinun fonatitutiug the com-
.iniMHioii i in a position to render iuvai-1
uablo aerviee lo hia atate, and hia part)
.of the work need not be auitxeiited to
Mr. he will uttund to that
part of the work in a iiutiincr highly
aatlalautory to our kkm1 H'oplu.
MIKht (Jet a Uaiik..
KomcthhlK ' been aiild recently
jeuiiiitinir Hie extahliahineut of a bank
thia place. Thia ia all well and good !
and we hope biil-Ii a tiling may nam lie J
A rcaliiatiun rather thaii u dream. Thia :
.county ahould have n bank and we i
believe audi mi inatitutution would be-1
come a paying enterpriae. After what!
we have experienced in that reflect, ;
nowever, our Julea of audi an inetitutlou
woultl lie to .have It licenced by the
i!overnuiont,Ar in other word, let it be
Kfnnted at'harter ami liecome a nntioiiai
bank. Thia .would immediately inspire
conlideiice atid materially atrengthen ila
c,Uaucea to aucceed.
Poor Farm Talk.
There la some talk of a poor farm for
rtliii county, and there ia some ground
for agitation along those Hues. By
reference to the list of bills allowed at
the last term of court it will be aeen
that (2.10 was allowed for aiiDDort. Of
'outo thu amount covori a period o ,
two ntiiitilii. Iutt rims., im IttilMlike-l
Jihood that monthly allowances will Isj
come imy Jess. If aome audi plan aa
,we siifWHsted luat week, in the form of
" iiospiiHl and poor lurui comiiineu.
could bo uonaiimated, the institution
night be nmde aelf-aupportlug. With
what rash patronage would naturally
t'omu tu audi an institution probably
u minor auiu could be saved each year j
by the county. , I
1 Flugg (iU $1 Appointment. . j
1' n vi...... r.,.,.,o .l;i,,f ,f Tuif
n:r. .was on Monday annointea deputy
i'oll"ntor of the custoiua for Alnska.
iTJnle here Mr. Fhigg was a pronounced
advocate of democratic, prlnciplea, but
iu 1HUH he waa elected to the legislature
from Marion county on the republican
ticket. During the roc.eut aeniitorir.l
contest he conducted the Suleui Hun
tinel.und made a deaperiitM fight ngiiiiiHt
the election of Mr. Oorbett. Mr. Fliurg
ia to I hi located at Circle Citv, Alaska,
and the emolumonta of hie office i $-000
er year. There ia little reason to beliova
tlnil Mr. Oorbett joined in tlm recom
mendation of Mr. Flagg for the place.
V AHInah Cut; at.Hmlton. :
Ijt-t Kriihiy evening the UoiilUin a
ajnnbly of Arllmina enjoyed another of
Ulnae pleaaant m-Hiiliiga and pluaalng
undivuiia which baa often lwen liiduliied
in there, thia time, however, beinii
tinder the aiipervlnlon of the mule con
tliiKent, and waa nliaruitcrlxed tiv iiimiv
leaturea which ,iui0 jt alinoat uiuiej
eaaiiry lu nk who nrepared it. Dtion
our onUirlng the ball, a little lute, how
ever, our vision wua greeted by the
aaiMtet of three atnlwurt Artiaana carving
cake with a handaaw, However, tiie
eiillrj) menu waa not tHunpoacd of audi
article of diet. There waa an abun
dance of dolicioua oyater aoup, with
umny oyatera In it, too, plenty of a,ml
colhie and an abundance of g'Hxl cake.
(Jreat culinary ability wua diaplnyed by
Home of the male lueinhera in the pre
paration and euibelliahment of their
paetry nr.aluuta. Home with adornmenla
reaiiy iiiviung, while otuera were bo
decked withurticleatroiiii the apothecary
hop, more mimreBtlve of what might lai
exiiected to follow the eating of the
vlanda. There were aotne good cakua on
the table and we know who baked them,
but iioIkmIv haa yet come to our price
for a, puff, hence we will mention no
Alxiul that Nchool Hoaae.
At the achool tiieetluir held two weeka
ago a committee waa apiintd to ascer
tain me ueairea ana winlina of the peo
ple lu regard to altering the plana of the
prceent achool houae, and toaolicltfunda
for any linurovement t hat mivlit lm
cided tiixin. Aa a matter of fact the
meinbera of the committee have taken
no joint action In the matter, but It la
believed that aentlinent la .trimilv In
favor of making no change or improve
mailt in ttie nreaent buiidlnv. and lIih
eroiition of an entire new build in ia
more in favor with the people. Doubt
leaa thia ia the latat nolicv to minnie.
Two tiiouaaiid dollara would erect a
neat, aulwtantlal. adeiiuate buildimf.
where, on the other hand, one-fourth
that amount would be required to make
l lie atiKguatcd alteration In the prcaent
tiiiilillnu. Probably the beat nliin to be :
adopted would be the calling of a meet-1
ingot me taxpayer within .tiie district
that they ihilit at once decide hii i
what aliould lm done in the matter.
Vancouver Kahuna itoad.
It la now known for a cei taint v that
a railnaid will lie built from Vancouver
to Kalama, to becomea part of the great l
Northern l'aelllc avslem. and tliut work i
will heirin at isitb ends itt the line at
once withiu a few dtiya. TIioukIi thia
atateini'iit ia authorilulive, the source of
the iiiforintttioii cannot now lie made
public, ludependcnt of thia asatirance
there ia enough visible evidence at hand
to itintlrm tiie pleasant news.
The ciibo of the Waliiinlon A Oregon
Ujiilway va. the Portland & I'ugei Kouuil
Railway for comlciunatiou of the right
of wnv Udweeii Viiiicouver and Kalinnik
wn la'xun aeveral weeka ago before i
l...l.. Llitlu .. . !'..... .. a....i: ',
i.iiK ..1111.71, .iv , ntivtjiitrri iitn-
calion waa made to Judge llatifwrtl to
tiauafer the cse to the Hulled ritatea
Court, indication that it wua to be hotly
contested. Suddenly cornea the word
tbat the rase will lie tried nut In-fore
Judge Miller. Tbia ia uhnont conchmive
evidence tliut the puriioa to tiie suit
have adjusted their dilfereiicea, nml the
ease will ill all probability go no further,
Monday's Telegram.
A Mult for
Hukuii B. Henderson has filed suit ill
the circuit court uf Chitai comity,
against Clara C Munaon, aminiatralrix
of the estate of livton Kimball, de
ceased, for ffuTaKI, aliened to lie due fov
acrvicca rendered.
It ia reeitvtl in the iiiuiphiiiit that
Thoinaa llemlersou, husband of plain
till', entered into n p.n tm isliip for the
purpose of conducting a runcli, and that
plaintiiremraged aa ciak nud mnnagerot
the household. Kimball wua taken ill
and for aeveral yuara waa cared for by
plaliitiir, whom deceased nitn-ed lo give
half hia interest in the farm. KimUiM
died in 1KI. but negleclod to rttineinljer
iiiatutitt in hia will.
Hlie allege tlmt a I
half Interest in the farm is worth totHMJ,
and asks that she 1st awarded $500, the
administrutrix having refused to recog
nize her claim for tbat amouut.
Crashed Rock on Their Roada.
The Washington county court at the
lust session decided to purchase two
rock eruahera, signify luga determination
to improve the roada of the county:
Speaking ot the mutter, editorially, the
llillabuio Argus aaya: "Tbeinvcatment
bv the county court in the two rock
crushers ian move In the ripht direction.
The wav to get good roads ia to got good
roada. 'With tbo two rock eruahera on
hand plenty of material can be crushed by
road work,' and then it can be hauled
and placed .on the highway. After a
start la made, tiillo after mile of rocked
road will stain lie in fact, and this is
what the fanners of the county want.
There ia rta-k to be found in each end
of tbo countv, and if fftruiera go without
making a few miles of rock roud eacl)
year, henceforth, it will lie their own
.fault." .
May Bevclop the Iron.
It ia probable- that an attempt will
be made to develop the irort prospects
in the vicinity "f Bunker hilt at no far
distant time." A move ia being uiude In
that direction now by purtiea whoae
miines we have not ho far been able to as
certain. Correspondence ia taking place
with onr county olllcera in regard to
recording the neeemary documents, and
when the weather becomea aettled there
will likely he extensive operations
started. At the Ciunpliell claim, thia
aide of Bunker hill, there haa been con
siderable work done, enough to demou
atrate that good iron proscets exist
there, and It ia not unreasonable to
suppose that aliould audi be the cuae an
ellbrt will be made to ascertain tiie ex
tontund value of it. The claims have
been bunded for $24,0011, w It is said.
Petroleum In tills County.
When In Portland a few days ago w
were advised by a prominent business
man tlmt au expert tu that line had in
formed him that no section of Oregou
allowed morejndicationaof the existence
of petroleum than dooa Columbia county
Tlita is only confirmation of the be lot
bad by maiiv persons (or some time that
there la petroleum here. Juat when or
how extenaive the. preparation for de
veloping this valable product will bo
made wo have no definite kiu wh-dge,
but if -conditions are aa represented it
may be supposed that something in
that direction may be looked for at no
distant time. ' ' "
20-Acre Farm ftir Hale.
Mv farm, about one mile from Goble,
together with jitock and houaobold ef
fects, ia for sitle at a reasonable figure.
Nino acres cleared, orchard of lorty-five
trees, running water, team and harness,
two iVerlr cows. For pHitiuuliirs aO
dress, GkokoK l'jTahNliBKdail,
ii,15ul2 Goblc, Gregon.
If troubled bv ft weak digestion, loxaof
appetite, or constipation, try a few doses
of Dliambeilain'a Stomach and Liver
pui,i,.i Kverv bux warranted, tor
aule at the St. Helens Fharmacy
niM I IT COl'KT.
Judge JJc Bride Hulda a Hpeclal Term
. t : Here on Monday.
A apeclul term of circuit court waa
held hereon Monduy by Judge Mclirido.
A uunaiderable buainona waa trauaacte4
for ao abort a term. Following are the
prococdiuge had: .
W. U Clark va. A. F. Reed et alj de
fault, Undlnira and decree.
bute Land Board va. M. Koeaer j con
flrmution of aulo.
State Land Jtoard va. M. A. Roeaor ;
confirmation of aule.
J. llouadi va. J. If. Peteraon et aU al
lowed to amend.
Commercial' National Hank va. Co
lumbia Klver Lumber 4 Fuel Co. ; order
of conll rmution of aule.
M. M. liiiighaui va. W. T, Burney et
al ; coiillrinutliin of aule,
Mary W. Nehon va. Hoaetta Binlth :
demurrer overruled, defendant allowed
twenty Uuv to anawer.
Ta tn m & Howeu va. Joalah Weaton ;
default and jiulgnient.
(Ion way vh O J. liryant; judgment for
defendant fur coata.
Minnie K. llradley va. Loiiia K. Brad
ley i decree of divorce.
John Farr va. Libbie Furr; default
and decree.
Mutter of estate of Dean Blanchard ;
rciiorta and ordera for leaning, etc. '
i'iiikhuin va Kmery; default and
8. A. Mllea va, John Schmitka; do
fuuit and judgment.
H. A. Milea va. F. L. Emerson ; delimit
and judgment.
Foard & Htokea va. Jacob ilaaaa;
decree of forecloaure.
A. 0. Reichumu va. John HmidntroiiJ ;
H. A. Henliori; va Edward Kkbloin;
default and decree of forecloaure.
Hate War May End.
Mr. R. II. Knight, of the Merchant
Freight Bureau, lias prepared a ached
u le ot rates uini aulnuitted it tu Mr.
Mohler, of the .. It. ti. N. Co., who
ututea tbat if Mr. ifuimoood. of tiie
Aatoriu road, will airree to it the rate
war, which haa la-en on for two yeara,
can lie brought to a speedy end. the
idea is to establish a svbcduhi by boat
and train, and the figurea submitted are
aa lollowa :
A. A 0. K. R.
Single trip $2 50
Round trip..;.. 4 00
By ateuuier.
Single trip 1 75
Round trip 3 OU
Iiwer la.-rtU , 75
Single Iwrth 50
Section 60
Room 1 25
Mcala 50
To Clatsop Bench by rail.
Round trip
To Nortli Beach.
Round trip
4 50
Mr. Knight atatea that the Gaatern
lunib.-r rate question van also be aettled
1 '
May Vote Hpeclal Koad Tax.
According to house bill 108, which
recently became a luw, the residents of
a road district may vote a special road
tax in about the same manner aa special
achool tax ia voted. Meetings for thia
purpose are to be called during the
month of December of each year, and
the amount levied ahall not be in exceea
of 10 mills. The road supervisor ahall
lie chairman of aaid meeting. Incase of
failure ou the part of the people of any
road district to comply with thia pro
vision of the law, the county court ahall
make the levy for them, and the amounts
levied shall be reported to the county
clerk, who will extend the amount of the
tax on the roll. By notifying the
aupcrviaor in proper time any taxpayer
may or k out on the roada the amouut
ao assessed ugaJaat him or her.
First and Yamhill Street.
At the ntiove location ia a store which
baa nine show windows, filled with dis
plays of spring styles, clothing and
shoes at following prices; Men's suits,
fancy worsteds, cnevioia or mue serges,
in auuare or round cut. Other stores
would consider chea pat $15. Our price,
marked in plain llgures, is siu. men s
pauta, U value lor $4. Men's shoes,
worth $4. our price $2.50 Ladies' shoes,
a big assortment, at $2, worth $3. You
can save $1 on a boy's suit, compared
Willi other stores' prices. Boys' anoea,
black or tan, at $1.25; men's golf shirts,
silk front, with extra cufl'a, full value,
.'& our price, 75 cents. Boys'shoseat
10 cents per puir, the same aa you always
pay' 15 cents for. Strictly one price.
John Dellar, proprietor, Portland, On
Henrlcl's 11000 Violin.
J. G. Ilonrlci, now of Portland, but
who for veara lived near Farmington.
was in the city last Friday evening, and
assisted Kowutl Bros', orchestra at the
inu8Uerude. Mr. Hen rici is one of the
most famous violiniat in the Pacitie
North'weat.and.Washintgou county has
in the paat tripped the light fantastic to
his melodv with a relish that justified
his reputation. The violin on which he
plHvul last Friday is one of the finest
on 'the coast, and he has refused $1000
for it mure than once. He is now en
gaged in making and repairing violins
ml'ortand,aud instruments come toluui
for hospital work clear from Boston.
Evetbody at the dance voted him the
finest player that bus held forth in this
city, as yet. Mr. Henriai was Mr. How
ell's instructor and is known to nil coun
try violinists. Hillsboro Argus,
A Good Record.
... n... i i a an iw Cun -
111 1' mil uu n i. ..f -v 1
u i,.. ii.o ili,iiihla TtivHi-
& Puge't Sound Navigation Company, to
between Tucoma una Beiutie, naa
ni-ovNil tt tin
a recoru-ureuKer, iaai..uour.
veur the Flyer ran 813 days, and covered
70,000 miles, a greater mileage than
covered bv any other steamer afloat.
During the' ten veara the boat haa been
runniug, not a single life has been lost
on her, nor a passenger or memlwr ot
the crew injured, though In that time
ahe bus curried over a million passen
gers, a record held by but low boats on
this or any other coast. ,
Recovered a Humau Body.
Whilo the Hteonier llassnlo was at
Rniuier on Friday ol lust week, a truck
with a box of Hal' was lost overboard
from her near 'the wharf. Later in the
day grappling hooka , wero used to II nd
the lost articles and the body of a until
was picked up. It waa badly decom
posed so that identification waa impos
sible, but it is supposed to be the re
main of the deckhand who wa lost
from the steamer Bailey Uatxert about
three months ugo. An inquest was held
by the coroner, but nothing was ascer
tained that wouLI lead to the lenitive
idoutillculion of the body. .
Howard for Lost Dog. ,
Irieh Hotter dog, light red, ten months
old, answers to nitnio of Don; lost faoiu
Ilonevumii ranch, Scappoose; disap
pearoil about February Kith. Keason
able reward for return of dog or any
Information concerning him; s '
J, p, Honeymak.
Membera of County Court to Consider
' Matter Ajwll-Hth." :
There haa been some new court houae
agitation lately, In fact the matter waa
presented to the county court at ita
afternoon aoaaion on Thursday of luat
week, by some of the citizens of thia city.
The court took no definite action In
the mutter, in fact, no action at all, fur
ther than to adopt a reaolution, the text
and aubataiice of which followa:
"In the county court of the 4lnte of
Oregon, in and for Columbia county : '
WiiKHKAa the county court of aaid
county at ita March terra, JUOl, haa been
waited upon by a delegation of citizena
and taxpayere of aaid county, conaiating
of Jamea Muckle, jr, 8. A. Milea, W. H.
Dolman, Jauita Dart, W. F. Slaughter
and othera, aaking that laid court con
aider the advisability of building a
new court house; and
"WiiKKKAs the court ia desirous of ob
taining an expression of the people on
the subject, therefore be it
"Rkhoi.vko, That the member of the
county court will be preaent at the
county seat on April Oth, 1001, to enter
tain the question of the construction o(
new county buiidinga, and aak that the
people expreaa their wiahea ill the mat
ter, either by petition or in peraon.
"J. a. Doan,
''I'. A. FlIAKKH,
. "W.D. Cabb'
The niemtiera of the court are not
contemplating thia meeting at the ex
pense of the county, but are coming aa
interested individual in the matter, at
their own expense, and for . no other
purpose than the .consideration of the
one matter of considering the building
of a court houae.
Probate Matter.
In the probate court laat Friday W. D.
Caae, administrator of the eatatea of
Ocorge l'rice and Sarah Cnae, deceaeed,
assiateil by hia attorney, W. H. Powell,
had a final bearing and settlement of
aaid eatatea.
Bond waa filed and letters of adminis
tration were issued to Anna Koble on
Tuesday to administer upon the estate
of Fred Koble, deceased.
Uooa Cah Medicine far Children.
"I have no hesitancy in recommending
Chauiberlain'a Cough Remedy", aaya
F. P. Morun, a well known anil popular
baker, of Fetersbnre. Va. "We have
given it to our children when troubled,
j with bad cougha, also whooping cough,
and it iiaa always given perfect aatia
I faction. It waa recommended to me by
ladrugiriat aa the beat cough medicine
' for children aa it contained no opium or
other harmful drug." Sold at the St.
Helena Pharmacy.
Prof. Iviaon, of Lonaconing, Md., Buf
fered terribly from peuralifia of the
stomach and indigestion for thirteen
years and after the doctora failed to cure
him they fed him on morphine. A
friend advised the use of Kodol Dys
pepsia On re and after taking a lew
bottles of it be aaya, "It haa cured me
entirely. I can't aay too much for Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure." It digeata what you
eat. For sale by N. A. Perry, Houlton.
EsUtc of RIIct A d ii
utrKof ftdinlillstM
Adams, derea-ed.
lemofadintnlatrnilonon theeataleol Klley
Aitania, rieceaswl, were arnaleu to toe uurier-
II.. Jlllh .11 frtltrtlArv A. D.. 1SU1. I
tty th County Court of Culunibia Counly. All
Itemins huvlnir plslini atntnst uld esuu re
required to exhlhli ibem to ma for allowance,
at mv oltlee in the city of Si Helena la aaid
cuuiiiy and UK) within tlx moittha after the
date of Utla uotlce or they Khali t furrver
Urreil. Tula ilt day of Ft-liraary. A. D. 1VU1.
Admlnlatrator of the eslate of Riley Adam.
decttHMid. 8. H. Umber, Attorney for Admin
istrator. Strike Rick Find.
"I was troubled lor several years with
chronic indigestion and nervons de
bility," writes F. i. Green, of Lancas
ter. N. H. No remedy helped me un
til I began using Electric Bitters, which
did me more good tbnn all the medicines
I ever used. Trey have also kept my
wife in excellent health for years. 8he
aaya Electric Bitters are juat splendid
for female troubles; that they are a
grand tonic and invigorator for weak,
run-down women. No other medicine
can take its place In our family." Try
them. Only 60c. Satisfaction guar
anteed at the St. Helens Pharmacy..
iimtemliriied ba Ihla ilsv been appointed
ailratnlatnurlx of the entMe f Aiiaon J. Orwln,
aiH'eaed. AH iwrwiua hsvlna clte.i agslnat
aaid Mlate will preent the aarna to me at Olats
kanle, Un-Kou, an or befura six uoutba from
the first publication of thin notice.
' Patod thia 4th rtuy ot Mnrrh. WOl. Ri P. Ora
kain, Attorney for Administratrix. mS
Tka Beat Blovat Pnririer.
The blood is conata-itly being purified
by the Inngs, liver and kidneys. Keep
these organs in a healthy condition and
the bowels regular and you will have no
need of a blood purifier. For this pur-
Kise there is nothing eoual to Chamoer
in's Stomach and Liver Tablets, one
dose of them will do you more good than
a dollar bottle of the best blood purfier.
l'rice, 25 cents. Samples free at the St.
Helena Pharmacy. -
Two inches of snow fell on Bunker
hill lost Sunday.
Wm. Miller wont to St. Helena on
A. Kerowaki, who served hia time of
five years as a Boldier in the V. S. army,
has now made application to prove up
on his ranch.
The shingle mill owned "by J. Duiont
& Sons started up on full time on Mon-
day laat.
1 Railroad aurvevors around thia neiidi
i , , i,
Imrhrxyl are liacine the woods all over,
and from the appearance of things there
ia 10 ue a riuuu p
VVa Imlil a school mactimr in this dis
trict ou the first Monday in Murcli, and
achool officers were elected.
Like Oliver Twist, children aak for
more when given Cine Minute Cough
Cure. Mothers endorse it highly for,
croup. It quicklv cures all cougha and
wilds and everV throat and lung trouble.
It is a Bpecitib for grippe and: asthma,
and has long been a well known' remedy
for whooping cough. For sale by N. A,
Perry, lloulton. .;
Dr. Cnwood,. demist, ' can lie found
each Wednesday at the residence of
R. Cox.
Btan the Il Kind You Haw Always BingK
Il Kind Vo Haw Always
' - fopaHment of the 1ntrlor' f
LAHn-orfica ATOaaeos Oitv. Ob.,
. " March mil. 1001.
lollowllin-uninwl unlllor has lllixl notice in
hia inteDtloii to make Saitl limif In supiwrl of
hit claim, and that autd proof will be inmle be
fore the Countv Clerk of Cohmihin County, Ht
St. Helena, Oregon, on April wtn, ln, via:
Houienteml eulry No. 10W1, lor Itia UK Kt of the
N Ii t ei'ilon l, Tp fi N, K fl W. Hb iiamea the
following wlttmiwwi to prove hl coiithiuoiia rea
iilenee upon uurt cultivation nfaatil lanrt, via:
Jolianne llovck, W. C, Kh'liraan, K. R. Throop
iinn ueortii Sttta. all of Kawwv, OWKon.'
mliiWll CHArt. B. MOORKS, Keglatcr.
Bill -
AadltMl -aHd Ordered Paid
' .the march Term of Court. ' ' -
1 Not' so many bills' were preaeftted to
the county court for payment at the laat
term aa ia usually the caae, but the total
thia time ia suflicicut. Following ia the
official list of the same for the term :
- allowed yon All).
G W Lane ...$ 8 00
Bertha Uansen , 1 00
Effie Vanbiaricom 10 00
H Laraen, support of Hendlce 30 00
Good Hainaritan Hob., Jolineon ... 31 00
8t Mary's hoapital, Batson ... 41 30
Mrs D F Baker, for Mrs Eastlick. . 20 00
J Girt, care of McCourt 19 50
H Kratz, supplies for Kice.. ...... 20 00
N A Perry, supplies for Isabel. ... 8 16
Western Cedar Co, for Jordan. ... 10 00
A Hhannaban, for Atkins. ....... . 6 00
It Cox, state vs Laraen et el 8 95
J B Godfrey, constable, same..,...,- 6 85
W M Wilson, state va Shieve 5 60
A L Parker, constable, same. .'. . . 9 40
C L IfaHfield, witness, same...... 6 00
Mrs G Rice, same..-. 7 80
MreFZeller, same ... 180
George Parker, same ,. 3 00
W M Wilson, body of Wedrick. . 10 25
C L Hatfield, pbyaician , '.. ft 80
W D Case, witneea 2 00
GGustaflaon, juror .2 00
Tell Soule, aarne 180
WW Allen 1 80
I Spencer....' - 1 70
UM Beeghley 1 70
C W Melilnger.. 1 60
H R Cliff, body of Melville 11 00
A Roberts, witness.......... 100
J McNaughton 100
JDeapain 1 00
I) unit, juror , . l Wj
J Kennedy 1 00 i
F Henderson...... , 1 00 j
EWaaaer 1 00;
H Wasaer,..., 1 00 j
Geo Foster... ,. I 00 ,
F Henderson, watching body 2 00
H R Cliff, unknown body. Rainier 8 40
M A Kvser, securing body..'. 100
O Shel'ton, same 1 00
D Weston, same 1 00
A Schunaaen, same 3 00
Patch PI ue, box... 4 00
J Low, hauling 4 00 i
D Adams, burying. 6 00
Rainier Cemetery Co, lot 1 00 i
H R Cliff, unknown body, St Hel fi 00 1
C N Gable, burying same 4 00
J Hall, burying unknown body. . . 4 00
W Muckle, hauling same. 2 60
A II George, box for aame 3 00
R Cox, state vs Stewart, witneea 2 00
E Ross, same 6 00
C G Caples, juror 2 40
FredFluhrer 7 60
A H Tarbell, dist 3 43 96
E 0 Stanwood A Co, same 3 89
Tichenor Mill Co, dist 10 ........ 86 66
WnCase, shingles 81 50
Wm Pringle, work. . . 9 72
J W Parker, same 6 76
Wick BOAD.
I M C Gray, viewer 2 00
Frank Meeker, same 2 00
! D J Switxer, same , 2 00
(i v TWrv viewer
. "n, fnwM.
8 20
8 00
8 00
6 20
6 20
John Beruahl, same.
Uus Hegele, same. . .
Hyde, chainmao..
8 Saxon, same
C Jensen, marker. . 6 20
J N Brinn, axeman. 3 00
J W Saxon, flagman S 00
A B Little, surveyor 20 w
L Rasmnssen, dist 2. 28 00
JO Plank, 8 : 70 00
F L Clark, 6 14 00
S M Rice, 6. . . . 16 00
ii W Richardson, 8 14 00
OH Wilson, 13 21 00
W M Wilson, Auburn precinct. . . 3 00
I Spencer, aame 1 60
A Shannahan, aame .... 1 60
W Syinons, Rainier prec't, same. . 3 00
T H Woodruff, same 1 50
H Brous, same .... , 1 50
RH Mitchell 15 50
David Davis 24 00
Glass dt Prudhomme 54 05
C H Crocker Co 21 80
WD Case 20
PAFrakea ; 17 00
J B Doan, freight. 1 00
S-C Henry, lamp for courthouse. . 7 00
C W Klakesler, deputy aseeeeor,.110 00
R fi Huttiin- noittara 20 W
j J O Watts, same JO 00
I H Copeland, postage ana slat y J ut
Bt a L, & w uo, water rent a uu
T C Watts, bailiff 3 00
H Krata, nails, dist 9 . . . 11 10
When you are bilious, use those fa
mous little pills known aa DeWitf g Lit
tle Early Risers to cleanse tbelier and
bowels. They never gripe. For sale by
N. A. Perry, of Houlton.
Itcwarknbl Car of Kkeataaiaitlaaia.
The editor of the Vindicator has had
occasion to teat the afficaey of Cb amber
Iain's Pain Balm twiee with the most
remarkable results in each caae. First,
with rheumatism in the shoulder from
which he suffered excruciating pain for
ten daya, whiob was aelieved with two
applications of Pain Balci, rubbing the
parts afflicted and aealriing instant
benefit and entire relief in a very short
time. Second, in rheumatism in thigh
Joint, almost prostrating mm wnn severe
uuin. which was relieved by 4wo appli
cations, rubbinar with toe liniment on
retiring at night, and getting up free
from pain. For sale at the .St. Helens
Pharmacy. - -
Basra tka y m fcwa nw raw always gAa
In theOonntvCourtof the Stata of Oregon for
Columbia county.
In the matter of the estate ot John HendrlcM,
deceittiea. L-llauou w neira iiu ihowi iwww
ted pensone. . .. .
To Mury A. Frve, Sarah Jane Jtayrten and Re-beoi-u
Uenilrlckn, helm at 1 ot John tfeu
(Irloks, deoeiiseil, anil to helm and devises
unknown, If any mioh there tie, and to,U other
pemom Interested in Die roul estate! the es
tate of said deceased, sreetlnu .,..-.,
You anil eaeh of you are horrby eoni
manded to bo and appear befor the Honorable
Oouiiiv Court "f the Slate of (Irenoii for .Colum
bia Comity, at the Comity Court House in the
i-Uv of St. Helens, tu auld Couutr u Mate, on
Krfday, Hie XM day of Mareh A. JD.,-19W. nt the
hour of 1 o'clock p. m, aaW dsy., lhat being
a dny of Iho ivaular March term A aaid County
Court, to show cause, if any exists, why an
order ot sale of all the real estate, orjio much
thereof tu may be necessary to satisfy the
ehanies, exiiemea and claims against said es.
tale, the property ot said date should not be
made as praved for In the petition of th? a.l
nitnlstralor of said estate now ou tie fa the
'otllco of the Clerk of the said Court: ltJ ful
lowlnirisii description of t belaid real estate,
to-wlt : The north half of tt southeast quar
ter of section '.!, In wwnsplp five- (a) north
ranae twotS) west of the Wlilaiiieuemertdiuu,
in t'olninbla County, tn the slate of urecon.
Ia TasTiaowY Whkkkof, . J. O. Walls, the
Clerk of the said County Court ol U. state ol
Oregon tut Columbia County, hare hereuutb
set mv hand and the seal of Ihe said Conn, at
my omoe in the Ctty ot St. Helen, the Oowity
Seiit of said Countv of Columbia, In the State of
Oregon, this the Wth day of February AMOl.
' 1J.. Countv Clerk and Clerk of the.
1 8KA1.. I Couutv CoHrt of the Stale "ftt'Ore
I 1 - gon, for Columbia bounty. 1
T ..Pure..
Regular 25 cent
Paper Back Novels
..Only 10 cents...
St. Helens Pharmacy.
REGISTERED ENTLST Long experience. All kinds of fine dent
al work. So matter'W'hat your work may be, yon can have it done here,
and further, .it will foe done in a nrBt-claxs, durable manner. Your work
it not limited to laat oiriy a certain number of years. Much of it will last
the rest of your We some off atanay not. Yoa will beiold the truth con
cerning its .permanency n'hea yoa -come in. Everything depends on the
quality ol your teeth. Teeth -examined free and an estimate given, yon
thus know juat what your work ;il cost before yoa (begin, and no change
.will bednaile except at your own solicitation.
Gold Crowns, 5.00; White Crowns, $5.00; Bridge Work, 15.00; Gold Till
ings, fjl.00 up; Amalgam Fillinge, 75 cents up; Cement Fillings,. 60 c.
Teeth extracted free (painlessly) when teeth are made. Warm, pleas
ant rooms. Lady attendant. Appointments made by maiL
Rooms 50 and 61, Washington Building, Southeast Corner 4th and Wash
ington Streets, 6th Floor, Portland. Take elevator.
Quality and Variety
Are two very important features to
to procure arxicies ior everyuay une auu camouuifbiu...
our host of patrons we are pleased to say we bare
Our large and select stock affords the intending pur
chaser splendid opportunity to (jet the beat
bargains offered in this vicinity.
Famishing goods, hardware, tinware,
hlanaeta, oil clothing, feed,
teta, ou clouting, ieea
garden implements,
s, ana
t ooda EsebftKged for Produce.
Seasonable Goods
At our store means that we keep constantly lor sale a variety and quality
of merchandise which at all times is suitable to the demand
of all well-living people. We cater to all classes
General Merchandising
Is our especial business, and we have held the lort
by offering a high qualtty of goods at low
quality prices. ; We handle
Household Necessities
.Supplies for evervlajdy and to meet all demands. We invite examination
of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and
quality. Now ie the time to call on
MaaavBOMKi p. i-iir"irreTrri none ' f
t junniauis a. uajnauunrbiv uimwvra.a.
0aInuufacturere.of and Dealers iuo ; " "'
...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... ; .
(Flooring... Hustle ...Ceiling
i A.KS-
...DlmonatoM lamlwi...
School Supplies.
Paints, Oils, Glass.
Shelf Paper.
School Books.
California Perfumes.
Toilet Articles, Etc.
Orders token for
Wall Paper
From Sample Books'
FouIawI Prices
Books of all kinds.
take into consideration when one goes
paints, oils, glass, crockery, cnttlerj ,
flour, garden seeds, orchard grass,
aairy supplies etc ew.
Mill on south frk of Scappoose creek.four (
.niiub ..., Mcunixtnae statiou. i
i.umt-rr delivered st s-appoose atatioa or
Jnhasnn'aliindim: l tl.OO per M. extra. At
Warren statiou. !..
- - OKKCON ,v