The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, March 15, 1901, Image 2

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jtrIjU the pQetyffi At St. Uofeua,
last, id Evgar FamT Mohnino By
j Eiiiroa PaorairroR. (
.One copy one year, in advance fl.00
jSix mouths.. 50
..Norman Merrill, Clatskanle
.....Joseph H. toa, Rainier
J. O. Watts, St. II. Win
R. 8. Italian. St. Helens
E. Rose. XL Hcleus
.1. H. Copslaud, HouUon
Martin White, Si. Hoiens
A. B. Utile. Hnulton
.Dr. R. R CHIT. 8t Hlem
Treasurer. ......
Bum. of Schools
' flnrtmmr:
' ,. , . I P. A. Prakes, Scpio.e
Ueiqmlsdiuier. j w D Cwe pi,,,
emptied f wixxl alcohol, but enough
seeuisil tit have remained to cjuw n ex
ploeiup, .winch fortunately hurt uoone.
Our substantial ami uUUUme neighbor.
of Quiiicy, Harvey Tingle, bus solil hi
place over there, and .expects to leave
Oregon in a very few days for the Kast,
where he will visit relatives, and may he
induced to remain. Harvey haa beu
an honest, upright citiren of this part
of the county for many years, and many
friends regret to learn of hia departure.
The ka f his companion makes life
here somewhat lonely, and he goes back
for companionship to the relatives and
acquaintances ot earlier days. That he
may find much to comfort h im in hia de
clining years is a universal wish among
those w ho know him.
Warren Happenings.
An addition is being built to the black
smith ahop on the Moon farm.
Mrs. Mollie Sundbv and Mies Musette
Grewell loft for Portland last Saturday.
Remember the dance to be given at
tbe school bouse hall this i Friday) night.
A carload of merchandise, consigned
to H. II. Clark, arrived the first of the
Rev. M. J. Ballantyne, of St. Johns,
was a business visitor at this place last
Daniel Slavens, who has been at work
at Scappooee for the paat few weeks, re
turned home last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Waggoner Jiave taken
up their residence in the house lately
occupied by Atr. and Mrs. Baker.
Mrs. H. Antoniesen.of Palestine, Ore.,
was the guet of Mr. and Mrs. Holvtvr
Olson two or three days last week.
Mrs. E. Hawkins and Mrs. Cora Cause
arrived from Portland last week. Mrs.
Hawkins' health is very much improved
. , .:..,!.,:- ; ,,, Carson Harms and Will Bacon, who more optimis m in our! h-w u on ,he nun)e Rt' m.
.view regarding the future of this connty j nier) retUrueil home the first of the week.
than are doxena of other persons. It is I ,, ,, ... , , .
. , , ..... , ' . i Corporal LC. Hamilton and James A.
.evident to .all observing individual that ! Raeon, cf Forl Sevens, were the guesta
the unlimited resources here must of i of the tatter's father and family a few
necessity be developed, land values j days 1"" eek. I
are certain to rise and business enter- A carload of lumber arrived last week
to be launched here. I lor " nvangeucai cnurcn.
Kqabea News Notes.
Mrs. An tone Wise .visited Wands ip
Kalama Wednesday.
Mrs. Anna Koble ud ton, Client
visited Portland Wednesday.
J. F. Smith was a Portland visitor
Attorney Crant and R. yt. Foster, of
Portland, "were in town Xueeday.
D. I. Fulton, who has been .living on
the R. R. Foster place tur the past year, E kouaignoni
moved out to Mooresvttle vveunesuay. .( tvlier .... . ...
James McNaughton visaed Kalama l Ctrria.m . . ,
Wednesday. M J kjiglert... .... ..
.nr.n1ttrPdavmi,r1, ' st- na u;:;. ::: ::::::
waaintownf.nday. M iMiiiela
Mrs. Jaroea McNaughton and Mrs. ! Jj ljwsignont
Ray E. Watts attended the Kasteru i j ouignoni
Star Chapter iu St. Helens Saturday (f y Juneau . . " . .
Mrs. Anna Koble and Miss Anna via- j y fiukhaiu ......
ited friends in Kalainu Monday. Uj Rusmussen. ! .'.",.'.
E. W. Fowler and T. C. Watts were ! N F linker
attending to busiuusa a Hairs in St. Hoi-; J Hegele
as Monday. HII Clark
Judge J. B. Doan. ot Rainier, was in ; Ull
town Tuesday. i RLVuncan
Fr,l Cnmnfort anil wife niovml Into T. " Br-
J.aroiita Issued e .the lioad Jr"sttif
twe Month's Work.
.Wnrranta on the county road .fund to
lie ummtnt Ot (V-s"-weru i-siie.l at.the
Varch term of county court, (ihigh in
dicatea that uticlt K'l work has been
done on the puhljo highwuys. iqllow
(iiig is a.lint of Ihe.cUiina allowed,:
dictkict o.nk.
,. .? l
.' , 1 80
............. &60
3 tM)
8 UH
1 80
2 10
............ 602
lewlna U a ot the n-al Him lraufr
ii.reuiitv a lmvu by I lie 0 juniy roomiUs
MARCH 15, 1901.
10 80
lrt 50
3 80
5 00
13 85
a oo
2 :6
0 75
15 75
12 75
11 .6
I o
f un
t 00
ilia tluir Sniirh hmiuA Sulnnluv V iUCKOT
. ," , , A Freeman
The tx. N.& P. R. sent a hirge raft of j,- Hawkins
M.,J unrraic'T tiikkk.
W. H. Dohertv. who has charire of' .1 , ,
the railroad company's boom, has liuilt y j) jliller 22 14
a nice kittle tWite to live in near the j( j (i'wit(vr . . '. tK) 00
boom. .V. 1. Batterlee is doing jthe j j( Wallter . . . '. '. 1) 64 !
work. i "VV 111 karth ' .' " 17 IU
18 301
mineral makes our land ,,d the - I Counterfeits of DeWitfs Witch Haiel I SM
adiotabilitv to africul-; fin,9hed- I Salve are liable tocause bjood poisoning. JJ ' " " li id
adaptaoi Uty to agrKU- . Clr, a Carlson o( Aetori, was at. tnem aloiie, xhe origini,i htt!( ufe ! 11 1cnl,"tt
, i ww at(the 8, iieell. Pharmacv
rj rises are aura to be launched here. ior uie .vangeitrai cniira. orx nas -
Our coal and
valuable; the
tore gives more value; me standing tim-! tending to business at this place last
. ber is of necessity valuable, and our 1 week. While here he win the gneit ttf
. proximity to the commercial centers all ' j1'" "cle, Mr. Henry Larsen, and
.combine to thrnet wealth and greatness
noon our county. : Another five years
The lingering cough following griiipo 1 S Salaer, . .
calls for Une .Muu.te Cough Cure, ror vt it iivue
all throat and Jung troubles this ia the ' teo Case
only harmless remedy that givea im- iJ L Walker. .. . .
mediate remits. Prevents coiumption. iF'rauk (iliuietki..
For sale bv'N. A. Perry, Houlton. i U R Hyde
Clive Mill
At Ifeant .tletlclne far l.w Urlppe. (red Walkins. . ..
Ceorge V. Waitt. of South Gardiner, Alex A eh
Me., says: I have had the worst rough, ; Joe Sohieki
cold, chills ami irrii) and have taken lota ; K Y-ung
of trash of 110 account but profit to the . Steve I.mni ,
ver.dor. . Chamljerlain'a Cough Remedy ' Wm Mellinger
is the only thing that has done anv good .C Kambloki ....
whatever. I have used one bottle of it : D W'ker
and the .chills, cold and grip have all iClnts VV'allia. . ..
left me. I congratulate the inaniif.-ict- uintkiot rouR.
urers of an honest medicine." For sale Frank Clark ' H 00
i Fred Ingescher S 00
.sequent development and happiness.
E Clark .
F A Knelier.
name LfcVtitts upou the box and
wrapper. It is a harmless and healing
salve for skin diseasea. Cuequaleil tor , , !w,r
piles. For sale by S. A. Perry, Houlton j I',Vlurk-
1 IE. ttaaser .
Timber Land. Art June 3, 17S. ij Wasaer ..
; famil
! Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker took their
I dettnrtiin f,-p Pnrtlanfl TiiAsitav mnrn.
will add four-fold to
I Portland aiul a daughter in ISewberj- for
few weeks, after which tiiev will reside
Mrs. Sm-o wm elet tei school direc-! In. U t0'1. - , . . w , , ,
-..,, , . The auction ale at Mr. G. W. linker's
fir 1 n fVirllaml rtn MAnHav Avar tir ', ...
- 1 ""'iiaat tliraav pa8i4?a off quite 8UW8- i urvwa, Neva ul UuhiutcUn Terrttorv."
jjyyvuviiif .111. ft i f-u, ut m umjoriiv tji , luiiv. A laTW crowa aiieikuefl ieiP!te ' ieu'Je an ne ruuiic uii'U otaiea oy bi wt
103 votes. In its editorial comment on 1 'he rain wnicii tell in torrents all dav
the matter the Oreironiau said: "One i lonY Everything wa sold with the ex
important and two or three minor
morals are to be drawn from vesterdav's
United States Land OBVe, f John Smith.
Orezon lily. Or., March It, MUJ. W E Kiee. .
pliaiMW with ihe prolln o( ibe net of f 0 M n"v
congnvnl June a. J?7, eniitleU "An art for the
biaraicT fix.
sale 01 timtwr ianci In the aules ot tJallfornta. ' 1 . v Ki,.lir.ifc..n
t . 1 1 ,
dictrh-t xiuiit.
I ception of a few household goods.
I A very successful Grange waaorgan
l eanized lajit Thnrndav eveninir ar thia
election, which pots a woman in Port- place. Mrs. H. L. V'ail, of Palestine,
land's school board for tbe first time.
When a set of men imagine the t they
are tbe whole tiling, to use an inelegaqt
but expressive phrase, they are not
likely to go long undeceived. The
school machine, with which' Mr. War
ren haa been identified, baa simply
shared the fate of the Simon machine
last June, and of a similar aggregation
jof republicans in Seattle."
W. A. Edgerton made our town a brief
visit recently.
J. J. Johnson and family have moved
out to the new logging camp of Graham
A Kent.
W. H. King is about ready to start up
nia sningie mill iu its new location a lit
tle nearer town.
A dime social is announced for Friday
eveningof this week, at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Z. Bryant.
Tom Laws has moved his familv out
to Flippin'a mill and will have charge
of a logging camp this summer.
Chris Johnson moved his family into
. rooms in the Riverview building this
week, which will bring him nearer his
jwork. -
George Badger, jr., and wife were over
roin Oak Point last week, and report
considerable activity about the Bunker j
Hill camp. . ......
Tom Bennett brought up bis pair of
gray fiorees irom narsniana and xe-
pets to flnd use for them in ba,uhr.g from
JMippiD s mm.
samora carver is entertaining a
brother jnst out from Missouri, who it
loosing uronna wnn a view to potai-
pie location.
Palm is getting, machiiiery In ahape
gi.uuvH.v- w rciuiuu. fin idiij. iiie loca
tion wilj i changed a little, the new
site beng 100 fet.or more from the old
Hug Murray was unfortu nate enough
this week to get quite a blow over one
eye from a lever used in baling hay, and
will carry the effects of tbe injury for
several days.
The steamer McMinnville, doing duty
. lor the Shaver Transportation Company,
. was unable to bring in all the freight
Monday, and expects to make an extra
rip this week.
Ed McCInre, of Forest Grove, ia back
agian to begin work for the season at
. the Flippin logging camp, where he will
have charge 01 a team, as he has had
. for the past two or three years. j
Another detachment of Intra flnaie1
down the river past toyn 'Tuesday to be
rafted about the mouth of the Clatska
nie river, where a number of logs are
rafted and waiting towage to Portland.
Bert Seijert and wif have found a
plnce in their home for a boy who came
Sunday morning with fhe expectation of
remaining with them. The parents and I
Bisters each decide that he will do and 1
they will keep him. j
Mrs. N. Merrill and daughters left
recently for Woodland. Wash., to assist
Mr. Botarth in arranging household af
lairs with reference to breaking up house
keeping, made nrcemiary bv the recent
death of his wife, Mrs, Merrill's njother.
Will Markwell went over to Ifehalein
valley with his father Tuesday morning
for a visit ami to await recovery from
an injury which has been causing
film to walk lame for the past week or
more, home lumber fell on his leg
while at work at the Graham A Kent
building, and bruised him considerably.
Three men were very much surprised
over a little incident at Pophain't black-
smith shop on Tuesday. Dr. Hall took
Or., gave a short address on Grange
work, after which she proceeded to or
ganize a Grange. Thirty-aix members
were secured. She then proceeded to
the election of officers, namely: Mas
ter, secretary and treasurer, the rest to
be elected at the next meeting. Mrs.
F. M. Hoyt was unanimously elected
master; Miss Lillian Larsen, secretary,
and lire. Chas. W. Adams, treasurer.
These officers were duly idstalled and it
ia to be hoped that a successful Grange
will be established at this place. The
next meeting will be held Saturday
afternoon, March 30, at 1 o'clock.
Auittift i. Mtti, John W. l.t'itveil. of Vancouver.
eounty of I'Urite. state of Wiuttuiou, ha this i
dav riled tn this nAce hia sworn Hlittetneut No.
.Viol, for the purchase, of the north 01 Miuth ;
west of section .o. 1H. iu township No. i '
north, nintre No. 3 wf.t, and wilt offer roof to 1
1ioif that the lan.i nought ia more valuable for
ii timber or tone thau lor agricultural pur-1
poKes, and to eub:ih his claim 10 nahl fnnil
before the Kea;iter and Keceirer of tnii office
at Oregon City. Oregon, on Wednesday, the 5th
day of June. Heuameaai-ttneaefl: Aivia
H. Powell, John Parker, A. Parker and Llovd
L Detrick, cf Pill.l.urj, Oregon. Any and ill
Mrvtss claiiaiug adversely the above described
A If red Morgan.
W 1, Brown
S Solomon
U 11 Williams
! Heinanie
la are requested ro file their claims in this
office on or before aid 5th dar of June, luot.
ml6iu24 CH A.i B. HOOKK.S, kcginter.
Dr. Ross wag in Portland Tuesday.
Clarence Adams was up from Rainier
last Sunday.
Miss Finley visited friends at Scap
poose last Saturday.
Louis Bradley and father of Goble,
were in town la?t Monday.
Miss Mary Conyers, of Oregon City,
visited in this city last Sunday.
A son was boru to Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Briggs, of Yankton, last Sunday.
Charles Gable was attending to busi
ness matters in Kalama on Monday.
Merchant Bailee of Hon! ton. was
doing business in Portland last Mondav.
James Gaiten and Charlev Merrill
were up from Deer Island hut Monday.
One man's dollar is aseood as another
man'shundriBd cents at Collins 4 Gray's.
District Attorney Allen was up from
Astoria on Monday to attend circuit
Merchant James Dart waa up in the
metropolis Monday attending to business
W. X. Meserve, of Grav's River, is
having a large wharf, 24x100 feet, built
at his landing.
Rev. Mr. Philbrook will preach at
Yankton next Sunday in the morning,
ai. rjaciieior riat at 3 p. m
Mrs, White accompanied her husband
as fur' as yuincy, Monday, where she
win Visit lor several week.
Rejr. Mr. Breck. of Portland, will
preuch in the Episcopal church here
next Sunday evening at 7:45.
.Geonre Mavzer was down from Port.
land Wednesday forenoon. George js in
vesting in uplumbia county limber land.
At the St. Helena Pharmacy there has
of all kinds
herinen can
.lialst Wsia Her I'trrar.
"I would congh nearly all night long,"
writes Mr". Chas. Applegate, of Alex
andria, Ind., "and could hardly get any
sleep. I had consumption so bad that
if I walked a block I would couith
frightfully and spit blood, but when all
other medicines failed, three 1 1.00 bot
tles of Dr. King'aNew Discovery wholly
cured me and 1 gained 58 pounds." It's
absolutely guaranteed to cure concha.
cold, Ia grippe, bronchitis and all throat
ana lung troubles, fnce
Trial bottles free at the St. Helens Phar
Bears the
H Kratx
J E Van
li A Keltv
F B Elliott
C Lovegren
CN Cole i
I) Dixon
G K Keltv .
E B Elliott
E G Hryant
I Ollilla
in no.
f.,r li,,, 111. mill of Jiiiotarv
JauJX-Juhll I. lltll.on 10 Ul'iwm. 0
oI um sec ;;!, 1 1 r , tlulii 01 ay..l
Jau K C null aim Ki t to H N iV t'
rlvntef wa-
Jau 4.-1. H hiiinau ami wile Iu ihoa
Nelson. l iiiterct c, uf uw U- a 1 ul
ira sco i. ti a, t j.......
Jau . ihiroiny K t-'opvUtol uiMrsfcM
VVattn, M USI acres 111 cc 4, tp 4 r 1.
Iloulioii.... -
Jan 17 -Jahn Caiuerou to 0 A Aiiileraon,
e t, ot aw aim vim V. o !
. f r4... . 1 .iX) uv
Jim ai. J M Ari'lilhalu ami wile to I'hoa
liay ami k C Hell, rlalu of way..... 1W W
Jan h -John hrvln and wilo to U N V
K. right of Way 21 W
Jan U -at W r...l.r Ui K V Uell ami Thoa
Duyrl(ililof . "
Jan it John Ullmoie ami wile Iu t M
Thorn, 17 acre. In lament 1 1. 1' H) 00
Jan JS. U N A P It In Bucuriiy Siii Ai
I'rusi l o, aniinuiiiiii ( Itane ol rilit
of way-,.. ,- I
Jan la -J It llumlli-il to W K llultnas. n M
of uw I of aw 14 and ol a ,m of uw
t .'&. lp 7, t VU
Jau la, lunula J Jonea to Julia alaro,uam,
of uw n V. ui w me :l, tp 4, r
4 ami lots 2 a 4, , S, Ulk IJ and lot U bllt
S, id add to VerminiH... 'J 00
Jan '.1 Kiluanl i:.uiiull anil a ifa to ti h
f V R, ni; hi ol way t00
1 Jan J4. Commercial bavliig, itullk to l 111
tVolveriuii, laud 111 sem SI, lit)
7, ur&w V.t.W00
Jan an. Uiarlva K Cnnifl,ll and wile to
1..I1II1 k i:irM. mill, i 11111 1.1 liu 7 blk 14.
: Kii.uier.. -
j Jau I? Juui liat'i and wile ioiiiiuhs
i r.vniiKi'ttc.11 church, iV.u.uli, lot jtuluO
i atouuhioii l 1. 1' J ft'
' Jau Ai. I'hoa liuy auo wile to ii si'Ri
aMsiuntneut of k'UMin! riiiht ol wuy 1 00
Jau JI. -I'll Dovliie and nc to IKiuton,
II w V. ut neu M. tit I, r it 14110 00
Jan iu. I'.veiillUK .a r.oicit to brick
Krli ks.iii. u mi sec a. inti. rj mil ou
Jan iS.-U t; Jat,ilsh i.i a C Hell ami Hum
fa), riaht ol oay ill U ' ui H, !(". r J
ami sec 1,1, tu r 4 100
Jan itl. Iiakvn Jolinsoii ton .t .t I li,
im )s f aw . toil, t i 01)
Jau ua Amirciv Johuui au.i in
l.lill i J Buniunke, an Uol i,i ;a en 14. I
a, r.' W0 00
Jau JJ Jamva U k . inn to li N A V R Co
t .i,.i ..r u,..- . . liu on
'li (18 ; j i. Mary k Ktlly to Mine, ilahtul
lftt way 100 Oil
1 ii, : Jan 24. Loui Kilhll aiul wife to W l Vol
I' oi uurt.. i.,n.i u, bJl. ii tM, .a iisi tn
Jnn:o til Lumaii t,i Louua A Luiuuu,
w ot an Ks arc 1 1, . r 1 - 1 00
Jan ll tioo c' .4 ec and u'iie ni Jeae
t ineoat, lie U ol uw W sec '.M, lu 7. r 2
iru.t J0 00
Jau '2. .-Minuet Miitiu tu H C Hell ami I
Thoe bay, ourcel of land lu J 1. Jouea
iii i nut no
!M 50 Jau ji,-," l"ir Ma"rk"ov"t JOVkenJTe,
! U lulcrtvt lu fa sec Ml. tu S, r 4 Xlll 00
Jau 10.- IV C ilcljvv to Ul K liolluce. ae
'.oi sec U. l)7, t 4 W0 00
J.iii -ia. Kunalm aud tv N M cum re lo d-
ward t'eunou, riaht ol way.... 1 00
Jau IU B K Neei, by K fc quick, ailuir,
to K C Bell aud Thus tiny, Ic.i.e.
Jau IA. w J Kiev uiid wife to Bertha
iHxkiou. bik 16 aud lou A. 1. !. Kain.
ler I W :
12 75 ! Jan W -ii T Mullli alio wile lo Tho. a
u .,5 I Smith. .11 acr,n In w S.Ky ' 1 lw 00
, Jan U.U J nwluer trustee, lo Jeni-e riu'
B uu i out, n of nw !. section a, in J, r aw SOO 00 1
9 oo l aau ii. n i iiatuiu, suerin. to b camion,
4 60 i ,u,r uw ' " Iu9' ' A ux "c1!.
' Jau.w. ftaiue to itnie, u U ol aa V. w t
of se sec au. t, a, r 3, and tu uw
see 14, 6, 1 1, ln nceu.
Jau 21 eatne to J K Hull, se l. see , tp
a, r a. tax deed.
Jan 14. Koas U sintiwiaKl to Harry Clin
ami "lie. li of uw see V. to i. r 'JO 00
Jau au. .iiertrf lluiuiu to J II Lamljarrl.
43 G8 lot. . II, lu, 11. sec r,. ip s, i 4, aiieall'a
16 Kll 1 deexl.
1 ( Jan W.-Kre.t Tniw to T H Merriman, loi
I 1.'. blk 37, Moves s add to haimer 400 00
a i vi 1 Jau 2o. t bailee larbell and wile to Alice
j YT. K 1' llrmvii. V .ieres lu ec 90, In 4, t J 1&0 00
wi J,n Jl.-rteiij K lubU aud wife to W K
11 00 I afeckeiuue a interest iu a sec M. lu S
SIMl - --- o
: Jan 1.-11 Vara i Iraud wife to k C lietl
I and I'hoa bar, riaht of way 2,4 00
Q ci l Jau t lareuce L lailcox tu A Look, uw
:i i, c aa. tp S, r I 1 00
u ov ! Jau ALHennr Woodbaia end wife tod
MFt lo, right of way 100 00
Jan II U lo c lias Krai ke pal; Jan 14,
I' a to J A Klneoul at; Jan 1ft, U a to
Kred A Heveraiue iat; Jau 14. 0 H to
tls Dtteiat: Jau la, U a to KHia
beth A Marks pat: Jan 'J4, U s to Vlcu.r
K strode liat; Jan'Ji, V 6 to Henry eena
pat; Jan ii. V a to Uua feiersou pal:
Jan 24, li ti Ul Freil K Cook t: Jau i
U a to heirs of Kd t) Lyons pat: Jan .
U to Arthur L Uorxan pal.
e- -I ai -wi-uajiMk,-iM
i if rv. n I i i n n n i
r XjC aaasa s ar M 1 I V J 1 I I I 1 H
3 WJ
16 50
12 m
Vi 00
15 08
tt W)
14 68
L'l iW
17 Vi
9 DO
, .vi,vW)j
The Kind Tou Ilava Always Biitiffht. and yvhlvb luw been
in une for over 30 your, hus Jiorti tho NlKimtur of '-.
i and him bowit iiiiulo uudcr kla poo.
aoiml aupcrvlNlon alnco it" inAtuoy. " ' '
Allow to on to del vo yoii In thla.
All Countorfolta, Iiitlutlona and " Juat-as-irooil" Hr but
lixiicrluicnU that trifle with and i.v!siiffr tho health f .
InfUuU aud Children Experience arajntt Exporliucni,
OaatorlA la a li&rntlta ubatttiite for Castor OH, Pare
gttrlc, Vrops and Hoothlnir NyrupN. It la Pleoanut. It
contuins neither Opium, Slorplilno nor other Nitreotlo ,
HubaUnce. It aire U IU irtiitrantee. It deirtroyt AVonni
and allaya FeveriNhuemt. It etirea Dlarrjhona and Wind
Culle. It relieve Teething Trouhlea, curea Conatlpatlon
and Flatulency, It asHlnillatea the Food, ru;ulatea tho
Stomach aud Dowcln, glvinir healthy and natural sleep.
The Children' l'OJUtcca The Mother's Friend,
Bears the Signature of
m .aaV .aV ..sjasjjajajjsja v w - m-
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
cv. iera HMI
rt?V'rtfs'& 'w?;'&&sWt itiiry. sw 'sfrsj-js?1 s
a) it
How About Your Title?
1 80;
14 40 i
7 201
k Kf Vti
Vol! Hf UK ll Is all right Remember that II Is the
i iiKlilhat eotara,. ll la our Imnlueaa to wink tba
nnU au,t .luiur I,I lliatf I'dtitain 111 tMiallnn Ii, luA
titles, it )on coiiiemi'iale iaiy;na larn or loaiunit uuiney ntt rc,l
e-tate security, take no man's aord. but lut,i iiimui Ituowlut wtisf
the rccont show, resanlliia the ll lie. An Atotrart isasesenisl as
ad'oil. In. 1. 1 mi harliu; 11. We have the auli wl ol , i
bimk, lu the cnilnly All work pmmi'tlv executed eitd aallfsciioa
auarameeil. If )nii have prtiMtt lo lnautilciiA call svear,
aitclils for the hepl lire lliauraiice eomtnlea In the wuild, it us
have nroperty lor sale 11,1 It with us and will Hud a iiniaa.
3 M
1 80
21 60
9 W
3 HO
24 00
lit 00
17 10
9 00
t Tn Kind Yw Haw ktmn mgi
jA m una in Han mm
A Hwrrlble Outbrenk
"Of large sores on my little daughter's
head developed intoacaseof scald head
writes C. D. Isbill, of MorunUiwn,
Tenn., bat Backlen's Arnica Salve com
pletely enred ber. It's a guaranteed
cure for eczema, tetter, salt rlieum,
pimples, sores, ulcers, and piles. Only
zdc at tne u tieiens rnarinacy.
Department of the Interior.
LaKiiurrics at Oasuoa City. Os ,
March 1. 1301
followlua-uamed aettler haa filed notice of
hit Intention to make final proof in support of
nia claim, auu teas aaia prooi win oe Diaius De
fore the County Clerk of Columbia County, at
ot. neiena, urctfou, un Apni in. laui, Vii:
Homestead entry No. 10,661, for the W M of Vt
'iV4H4 8W 4, sec 26, Tp 5 S R S W. He
names ine roiiowirtfr wiuesses in prove nil con
tin nous resilience upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: llllurn Karth, Wllford Miller, Joe
Sobleaki and sltoheu ljimpa, all of Valler, Or.
CHAS. B. MOOR EH, ftegurter.
been received a lares snppiy of all kinds
oj ready mixed paints, i inlie;
get tneir Doat paint tliere.
Dr. M. K. Hall, wlil nrsvlVed al
Rainier for about two vears. leftniinilair
for LaUrande, Or., where he expects po
uo ieruiuueuiiy tucatea. .
Attorney Powell has neeojjateij tho
sale of eighty acres of lanj tiri Xehalem
river the Magoon property to Cbe
halis parties. The consideration was
Mrs. W. H. Powell returned Tuesday
A WlalaiWa l.eT Affair.
KeceLyes a setback, if she has offen
sive breath thronch consti nation, bili
ousness or stomach trouble, but Dr.
King's New Life Pills always core thone
troubles; clean the system, sweeten
the breath, banish headache; lst in the
world for liver, kidneys and bowels.
Only 2)c at tho 8t. Helens Pharmacy.
For Infanti and Children,
The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought
jBlgnatpra of
J F Oraliaiii 8 10
A Gisnellierji 1 60
Join, ltuiter 1 60
J Hclielvin 4 60
(i Phillipelli SOO
Prank Peterson '3 75
E tirouberg ) 00
J F Petcraon 3 00
N D Peterson 9 00
L Honnelaml 3 00
KKLiml 3 00
Aueimt Johnson 6 00
RuUdnuan Bros A K.aye 11 26
Bert Roberta 1 80
8 P Ballard 2 62
John Roberta 1 80
J W Parker.... 6 22
A G Hotcbkias JO 60
O Schoonover 11 26
J A McDonald 5 26
W (i Woods .. 2 26
H Christiansen 3 00
J P Sbeeley 9 00
In the connty court of ths Mate of Oregon, for
iuumoia county.
In the matter of ibe estale of Cyrus R. Boles,
A pointed by (he couiiiy court af the Htnle of
ureaon, lor Columbia Comity, adminlstrauirol
the estate of Cyrus K. Roles, deceased, notice Is
hereby irlveii to the creditors of. and all pera.ina
u. ma claims attempt sum uecenaea, to preaeut
them veriiled a re)uired bv law, within six
months after the first publication of this notice
to aald W. D. Case, at hia reelilence at Pittshurv.
vrraou. n . V. CASK,
Administrator of the estate of Cyrus Jt. Boles,
W , H. Powell, Attorney for Administrator.
Dated February Mtb, M01.
Assignee!! fiovce.
made to the undersigned by Francis 0.
Henrici on the 2d rtny of Use. UW. on the
26th fay of March, at 11 o'clock a. in., lu
front of Uie Court House door in Ht. Helena.
Columbia County, 8tate of Oreon, I frill sell at
public auction the donation land claim of
Charles William Henrkl, in sections 21 and 'JS, i
night on the Hercules from
where she went in company with the i township 4 north, ranire I et of Ibe wiiiam.
Krana matron or the Eastern Star on "ennian, ana ana oi-u acres orr of ths
ber official visit.
When one buys good be should con
sider quality aj well a quantitv. Collins
x uray's goods are of the best and
tneir prices are reasonable. Call and
see tnem when in need of anything.
See tJit you get the original DeWitt'.
U',t,,l, Ll..n..l C1..I ...1 ". .. . .
nauxi naive mien vou asa lorlt.
The genuine is a certain 'cure for piles,
sores and skin diseases. For sale Cv Ji.
Timber Land, Act June S, ITf.
I'HITltD HTiTKi f.AKD flrriCS,
Ohsoow City. Oreifnn. kfarch 1 1W1.
Dllance with the nrovf slota of the ai of
Coua-resa of Jane t.lXii. entitled "An act for
the sale of timber lands in the stales of Cali
fornia, ores jn. nevaaa. and Wushlriaton Terrl
Uirr." as extended to all the Public fttnd sintM
by act of Aueu,t 4, lh, Edward H. Olson, of
Portland, county of Multnomah aiaut of rira.
gon, has this dar fllcl lu this office h is 'Worn
atuiement wi, lor the purchnae ot the S. K,
XA of section Nn. 30, in townaUp No. 4 K ranee
ho. 5 W, and will offer proof tn show that the
land sought ia more valuable tor lu timber oi
stone than for agricultural purposes, mid to es.
tahllsh his claim to said land before the Kcids
ler and Receieer of this oitlce at UrexoiiCily,
Oregon, on Wednesday, the 22d day of May, mot.
He names as witnesses: O. P liveuder and
W. W. Allen, of yernonla, Columbia I'ouuly,
Oregon, and O. W. 8tevena and 1. B. Htevenk. of
Fortland, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming
adversely the Above-described lands are request
ed to file their claims In this office on or before
said 221 day of May. 1MH.
jLnAB. d. Muunr.f. Register,
Ex-Presldent Harrison Dead.
General Benjamin Harrison, ex-nreii
dent of tbe United States, dim! i. I.i.
a two-gallon emptv tin can into the shop home in Indisnapoiis at 4 o'clock
. nntl asked perniiBf ion to melt the toi off
- hi tne ore, which was readily granted.
He held the can with one eitd into the
fire for aboilt two minutes, when an ex
plosion occurred with a treniendotis re
iiort, tearing Open the can and making
mcIi man woutler for an Instant where
he wks shot. The ran had just been
Wednesday afternoon, of pneumonitis
Their promptness and their pleasant
effects make, DeWitt's . Little arlv
Risers most popular little pills where'
er they are knoyn. They are simrly
perfect for liver and rbo'wel tronbles
lor sale by N. A, Perry, of Houlton.
west end of lot 7 In said section W. all In Colum-!
bla County, Oregon, It being 2W acren. subject
to a mortgage of John O. HenrM, for ai.02H and
Interest thereon at the rale of W per Bent per ,
annum since januarv latn. iwi. said sate win he '
caan, lo per cent at tne day of sale, and the bal
ance upou the confirmation of the sale by the :
Circuit Cout of the ftate of Oregon for the ;
iOuntroi asiiitrjonian. w. e. HKHit:i. n
Asi7nije. ; nta
r 1
Reopened jjjhe Public
Oriental Hotel.
EUGENE BLAKE6LEY, ; Proprietor.
Board by Day, Week or Month
At Rkasovahle Fiocre.
Visitors met at steamer landings and, hS
sucw? yeistc iwsrn nv'. , i ii
fj rr r r-r-a am w n
I flG VaU v I mek 'It jl
rtrw nvT - e. nnnn'iif ir t
MB pQWlTLAHPf JfAibll. 9
Keaaey Sews Items.
Tbe dance at tbe school house was
not very largely attended. Of the
feminlnes only seven young ladies and
one matron being present. Supper was
served at Mr, aiagurs.
Hiss Estella Lindsay, niece of Mrs.
Joseph Beed, is visiting relatives at
Heed's bill, rjlie bails from the Hawk
eye state. Have not learned ber com
parison of the two states.
The school board in district No. 27 is
O. P. Cheldelin to till the vacancy
caused by the resignation of Mrs. Mc
Cauley, Mrs. McPeraon elected for three
years, E. K. Throop re-elected clerk.
Tbe Keaaey postoffice is somewhat akin
to the county seat not that every body
wants it. but that people do not want It
removed Irom tne locality. Mrs. Mc
Pherson having resigned, a peittiou haa
oeen circulated asking trial it be again
established at it old quarters. Forty-
seven names were inscribed and we
presume Uncle Sam will heed their re
quest. Tbe honor of a country post-
omce are innniiesimai, tne pecuniary
value almost equally so, but the benefit
to the community nearly sufficient to
overbalance the faultfinding. "There's
none perftict ; no, not one."
The stomach controls the situation.
Those who are hearty and strong are those
wuu can rut uu uiKvet plenty oi looti.
Koilol Dyspepsia Cure digests what vou
eat and allows you to eat all the good
food you want. If you suffer from in
digestion, heartburn, belching or any
stomach trouble, this preoaration can't
help but do you good. The most sen
sitive stomachs can take it. For sale by
N. A, Perry, Houlton.
Department of the interior.
liAMU orrtca at Oaaona i:itv. Oa.
February lAlh IOAI.
follbwlna-nuined settler haa fllail nnt!i of
his Intention to make final proof Iti support of
his claim, and that aald proof will be made be
fore 'the Register and Receiver at tlninn I !li
Oregou.on April 1st, Wul, vis:
UAMawtaari antra Wn 1ft tUlt e I. - VI w !
SW'4of KEJi and wk 'ot my., section all
Uiwushlp4 north, range 4 west, lie names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous res
Idenre upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz:
Knlph Rogers and J. A. McDonald, of Veriioula,
(ireuou. anitT. J. Ulllruan aud John Hoes, of
Portland, Oregon. CHA8. JJ, MOoKErt,
f'-'-im2il Heg later.
E. 33. QUICK tfc CO.,
Ham Strttt
The Weekly OregonianjigH?
All the news well written.
Articles iltwcrlblng Weatprn genu- mvJ
Utoriea of lovt and adventure by well-,
known anttiiira.
lirillinnt illuatratloti by niwai"'r ariliii
lntirtitig akettlips and hlcraturci for
bovs ami girls.
Push ion articles and lllumrntliiiie
We have perfected arraiiifctiicnta whureby we are enabU) t lnr -tiiah
Tbe Weekly Ori ifoiiian In ronnwtinn witii Ttiji Mmr vr
only Two Dollars. Tho price of Tho Oreironiau aloue ia 1.0. Z
iatka atw afs, era afw afh aVAafkifta afts A IAAAAAAA aj Ai afW frM
...ii -"-. i vfislsis ,t 1 t n fjfjl , M.v Jj.,
-00 TO -
prugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc'
tjp ays egr-sue iy ay y ay ang-sn-ic
OR. J. t. HALL, fnpritlor.
.- OllEGOX,
nrvi v w vvvvtv v
a. d
M it la Dona,
The first obtect in life with the Amor-
ican people is to "get rich ;" the second.
how to regain srood health. The flrat
can ue obtained by energy, honesty and
enving; tne accoiia wof Health) hy
uniiig Ureen's August Flower. Should
you be a despondent sufferer from any
oi me ciicci. oj avspepaia, nver comp
laint, appendicitis, indigestion, etc'
such as sick bend nchc, palpitation of
; me neart. sour atuiiiHcn, lialiitual cost
j iveness, dizziness of the head, nervous
j prostration, low spirits, etc., you need
not suffer another dav. Two doses of
N! me weii-anown August Flower will re
! lieve vou at oncn. (l,in H.owi u,.u...
M Willaratt Slough Route
- "
Leave St. Helens. . . . 0 :30 A M
Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M
Ieave Portland 2:30 PM
Arrive at St. Helena. 0:00 P M
Will Carry Nothing but Passen
, jiers and Kaat Jrelgbt. , , noon, iriaater. fr9
jaftaaBa a arWMatatjflBVjgstaT Srar aflajlarfcvjl
Pharmacy, and get a sample bottle free,
Regular sue, 7$ cl,a. Get (ireen's Prize
In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for
Columbia County.
In the matter of the .slat, of Fred Kohle. de
1 polnteil by the County Court of the rllnle
of Oregon, for Columbia countv, adiulnlstratrla
of the estate ol Kred Koble, deceased, notice la
hereliy given to the creditors of, and all persons
having claims against said deceased, to present
them, verified as hy law required, within six
months after the first imhltnntlim ,J n.i. ,...
! to said Anna Koble, at her residence at Reuben,
uregou, isetea march loth, iwi, i
Administratrix of the e.tHie ol Kred Kohle.
deceased. VI. H. Powell, attorney for Adnir,
Pry Goods, Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Etc.
: (hooper Building, Main Street, 8t. Hpjcns, Ojugon.
r ' J72.
Watches, Diamonds, Silverware,
.....JEWELRY.... i
Repairing a Specialty.
a7 Morrison 8t. Bot. Front ai l'r,t PORTI.ANP.
beavos Portland on Ti lav, Thursday and Sat-
"May al 7 a. m. for '
St. Htltm, Kalama. Carroll t Point, Rainitr
and Kelto, ., ,
Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed- :
"csday and Krlday at a p. ,. '
Wharf foot of Halnioii Ht. H. HOI.MAN, Agent.
liiiiii Druiiicia
new place.;;;.
If you want.snitietliliig giwul III tnu
line of wit laky try,' .
(inly the best of
Liprs aniCitars Kept in Stock .
anU r.i at M. ,ms , Tt -' 4 .! I
'fy'ay'vfv ri