Hood's Sarsaparilla Hag won ncce far beyond tho effect 01 averaging only. The true secret ol iu wonderful popn larity is explained entirely and only, by it onapproachable Merit. Bated upon a prescription which cared people considered incurable. which accomplished wonders astonish Ing to the medical profession, Hood's Sarsaparilla Inclodes the concentrated values of the best-known vegetable remedies, united by such an original and peculiar com- wnatioD, pnrpuruuu iDu prucew as J secure curative power peculiar to itaeit. Its cures of mild and extreme cases of scrofula, eczema, psoriasis, and every kind and degree of humors, as well ss catarrh and rheumatism prove Hood's Sarsaparilla the best blood purifier ever produced. Its cures of dyspepsia, biliousness, nervonaness, loss of appetite and that tired feeling make it the greatest stom ach tonic, nerve-builder and strength restorer the world has ever known. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is a thoroughly rood medicine. Begin to take it TODAY. Get HOOD'S. IT'S ALL PURE GUESSWORK. Pitch OoaMor Ule Saving. A pitch cloak is the newest form of life saving apparatus. It is a Swiss Invention. It weighs about one pound, and will keep even a fully equipped soldier sbove the surface of the water. It has water proof pockets in which food and dimk may be carried, as well as blue lights, in case the wearer is shipwrecked in the night. Tkls slsastors la ea every box or the feaarae Laxative isromo-vunune the leanedy tat a M tm ease May Age of Tret Nihility. Authorities on forestry say that 75 years are required for the oak to reach maturity: or the ash, larch and elm, about tbe ssme lengtb of time; for the spruce and fir, a boot 80 .years. After this time their groth remains stationary for some years, and then de cay begins. There are, however, some exceptions, for oaks are stilt living which are known to be 1,000 years old. CATABKH CimOI BSl CURED With local applications, as they eaal the aeat of tne disease. Catarrh la a blood or conatitut.oDai disease, and in ordor to can it too mutt take internal remedies. Hall's Co- tarrh cure is taken internally, and actadirectiy on the biood and moooua eurfacee. Haifa Ca tarrh Cora is not a quack medicine. It waa proscribed by om of too beat phvsioaae ta this coontrv tor veare. and iaa reroiar preecriDtioa. l leeonapoaed of tha beat tonics known, com bined anUl toe beat blood pariSere, actios di- rectiven too mucous eanacea. ine perteci eoatbtnatton oi the two ineredieata ia what pro. ouceesacn wouorn ui results Ul curing Ontexrn. oeuu lor ieai:iuoii)B4B, rrve. F. J.CHK.NKV 4 CO., Propri., Toledo, a Sold by dmceists. price 75c. Ball Faa ttj Pill an the beat. Talktaa with the People of Man la Bwtr- Ject tj Many DifBcaltlee, Tbere are many things to b taken for granted before we can bellene that It Is possible to communicate with Mara. 1. That tbe planet Mars Is Inhabited. 2. Tiiat It Is inbabtted by beings bav Ing a written or spoken language, both. S. That these people are aa well up In astronomy as we are. 4. In order to base any hopes on the experiment with tbe kite man. w must believe that tbe people of Mars (or some other planet, the particular one not being material to the main Question) have not only discovered wireless telegraphy, but have carried It much nearer to perfection than uy- body on this planet bas done. AU these things are pretty bard to determine. We may Iniaglue, assev rate, debate about them at will. weigh possibilities and probabilities. but at last we may come back to tbe bold and uncomfortable fact that we know nothing about them. Whatever we say about them Is pure guesswork. But If all of them were positively known with scientific accuracy, the difficulties In the way of comuiunlcat Ing with Mars or any other planet would stIU be enormous. We hare and can have not the slightest knowledge of what sort of language tbe people of Mars sneak. It Is safe to say tbat they are not In possession of tbe Morse al phabet or anything like It. If tbey sent ns signals tbey would be wholly unlo telllgible. If they could write or print words In their language upon any sub stance attached to an Instrument we could not read them. Mars bas an aver age distance from the earth from tbe earth of nearly 50.000.000 miles, but It sometimes gets within 35,000.000. Wire less telegraphy will have to make great advances before It can cover a distance like that If we are ever able to signal tbe planet Mars In any way and get a return signal It will be a very Interest ing event In the annals of tbe world, but we shall not be able to understand tbe people in the least Louisville Courier-Journal. LAW AS INTERPRETED. Distance Between the Earth sad Sua. About SO of the principal observa tones of the world are now co-operat ing in a great programme of obterra tion for improving onr knowledge of tbe distance between the earth and sun. flTS Pernaweatlv Cared. So St ar m-im llw alW Brst'isy, saf Dr. alia 'Ureal Narra Bejtumr. MM far Fata KSJ.ee trial frxuesniltreas. ka. DS.E.H km a. LuL.s.1 Arch St, rhilartalelile, fa. Abandooca Farms Being Taken Up. Tbe abandoned farms of Maasachn setts are fast being taken up. Three years ago there were 330 thus clamed la tbe state. A recent enumeration shows there are now. but 136. Li re or gcio victoria. Ceasplato life r Quta Victoria- fleet book, beat terms. Outfit namlle froo. Address S. C. Miller Co.. Fortius. Or. WiO Revolutionize Water Nsvicatioa. W. A. Heath, of P.swlins, Wyo., says be has invented a 8ying machine which will revolutionize water naviga tion as well as solve the aerial naviga tion problem. OU KMOW WHAT TOC Ami TAKIHO Wkenvoo take Orore's Tasteless cblll Tonic, becauso the formula is plainly printed on every bottle snowing that it la simply Iron and Qui else Id a tasteless long. Ko Cot, No Pay. 69c la Memory of Hamilton Fish, Jr. A bronze bate relief tablet in mem ory of Hamilton Fisli, Jr., who waa killed in the Spanish-American war, baa been erected in Columbia university- ContDfJEQlSG Blood Polo on There is no poison so highly contagious, so deceptive and so destructive. Don 't be too sure you are cured because all external signs of the disease have disappeared, and the doctor ssys you are well. Many per. oas bsve been dosed with Mercury aad Potash for months or years, and pr ttounced cured to realize when too late that the disease wss only covered up Ulr. W .7cctX at again, and to their sorrow and mortifi cation find those nearest and dearest to them hsve been infected by this loath some disease, for no other poison is so surely transmitted from psrent to child as t his. Often s bad case of Rbeusnatism, Catarrh, Scrofula or severe skin disease, aa old sore or ulcer developing in middle life, can be traced to blood poison con- b'eiy " Sllt of tho Par it. life, for it remains smoldering in the sys tem forever, uuleas properly trestcd and driven out in tbe beginning. S. S. S. is the only antidote for this peculiar virus, tha only remedy known that can over come it and drive it out of the blood, and k does this so thoroughly and effectually that there is never a return of the disease to embarrass or humiliate you afterwards. cures Contagious Blood Poison in any and all stages; contains no mineral to break down your constitution : it is purely vegetable and the only blood puri fier known that cleanses tbe blood aad at the same time builds up the general health. Our little book on contagious blood poison is the most complete end instruc tive ever issued; it not only tells all about this disesse, but also how to cure yourself at home. It is free and should be in the hands of everyone seeking ore. Send for it. tni twin specific co, Atlanta, u. A gas company which negligently penults Its supply of natural gaa for Ugbt and fuel to flow with such pres sure tbat a building is set on fire on account of it la held. In Barrtckman vs. Marion Oil Company (W. Vs.), 44 L. R. A. 92, to be liable for damages. Personal assets of a national bank are held In people vs. National Bank of D. O. Mills A Co. (CaL). 45 L. R. A. 747. to be beyond the authority of a State to tax, under C. S. Bev. Sta. section 5219, which permits and regulates the taxa tion of tbe shares of stock In such cor porations. With these cases will be found an exhaustive note on State tax ation of national banks. Release by tbe Legislature of a claim of tbe State to a portion of a decedent estate under an inheritance tax law although tbe money bas not yet been received. Is held, in matter of Stanford (Caf.), 45 L. B. A. 788, to be In violation of a constitutional prohibition against gifts by tbe Legislature to any Individ ual or corporation, and against any spe cial law releasing any Indebtedness to the State Correction of false entries In legisla tive Journals is held. In State ex reL Brickman vs. Wilson (Ala.), 45 L. B. A. 772, to be beyond tbe power of tbe court to compel by mandamus to the cierk of legislative bouse after be has duly delivered the Journal to tbe Secretary of State, or by mandamus to tbe Secre tary of State, unless the duty of erasing such entries la Imposed upon him by statute. A pledgee's purchase of the pledged property at his own sale Is held, in Gild den vs. Mechanics'- National Bank (O.), 43 L. R. A. 737, to leave the pledge still in force, unless tbe pledgor elects to treat the transactions aa a valid sale. in which event be can bold the pledgee accountable for tbe net proceeds, but cannot bold him liable for conversion so long aa the pledgee has possession of tbe property and can restore It on pay meat of tbe debt for which It Is pledged. The annotation to this case presents tbe prior decisions on the conversion of pledged property by tbe pledgee's In valid sale. HAD FAITH IN THE BANNER. Basalt Boy Col I Hleou Well Under th Folds of tho !. There Is a 5-year old boy on Massa chusetts avenue who la of tbe blood of patriots. His grandfather waa In both the Mexican and civil wars, and his father was also a uulon soldier, coo sequently tbe little fellow has heard much "flag" talk In his short lire and bas exalted Ideas of Its "protective" qualities, tie was the bnby or the family till rery recently and occupied crib bed In his mother's room. When ths new baby came Harold was put to sleep In a room adjolulng bis mother's, and aa he had never slept alone before his small soul was tilled with nameless fears, which he waa too proud to tell to full. It's mighty lonesome In here, mam- mar he called tbe drat night after be been tucked in bis little white lied. "Just remember tbe angels are near you and caring for you." replied mam ma from tbe outer room. But, mamma." be objected. "1 ain't acquainted wltb any angels and I'd be scared of them If they came rustling round same as I would of any other granger. Now, Harold, yon must go to sleep quietly; nothing will hurt you." "Can't I have the gaa lighted in here?" No, mamma doesn't tblnk It neces sary, and It la not healthy." There was silence for some time, and then the small voice piped up again. Oh. ma mins r "Tea, dear." "May I have grandpa's flag?" " by, what for? I want you to go right to sleep." "Please, mamma!" and a small night gowned figure appeared at tbe door. 'Just let me stick the flng up at the head of my bed. and then I'll go right to sleep. Indeed I will. Tou know the other night grandpa said at the meeting that 'Under the protecting folds of the flag the weakest would be safe,' and I feel mighty weak, mamma.1 He got tbe flag, and when bis mother looked In on him an hour later he was fast asleep with a little fat fist under his red cheek, holding fast the end of the "protecting" Bag. Washington Star. Cannon Balls for Payment, A private letter Irora China says (hat the soldiers at Tien Tsin are using the csunon baits In tbe arssnal to pave the) roads. The? bava fonnd aa enormous quautity of iron shot and shell of dif ferent sises, whioh soma ingenious Yankee suggested would make good substitute for paving stones. APACHE TRIED SALT TEST. T- 4 tuKts WHut Ail Rst (aits; r r I J Beat Coueh Syrup. Tastes Uuud. Use I 1 r l In time. K..IH hrdrunrlus. Cheerful Outlook. A man wise In his day and genera tion says that one of tbe things wblcb everybody really wishes is a candid opinion. I wish you'd come out to my house and see a Corregglo that I bouirht In Italy last summer," said a collector of pictures and bric-a-brac, more noted for bis zeal than bis discernment, to a friend wbo waa a connoisseur In tbe fine arts. "It's a head, perfect beauty Just a fragment of some great picture," be proceeded. "1 should like to see It" said the con nolsseur, in his most cantlous tone. "I want your candid opinion of It, wars what I want" continued the col lector; "I'd like to know exactly what you think or it A man bad tbe Inso lence to tell me tbe other dsy that be amn t believe it was an original! If another man says that I'm afraid my temper will get the upper band of me, and I shall knock blm down where be stands. Now yon come out Just as soon as you can, and give me your perfect ly unbiased opinion of It" Unalloyed Bliss. "Aren't you going to wear that neck tie I gave you on Christmas V Inquired Mr. Meekton's wife. "Of course 1 am, Henrietta. I was saving It up. I'm going to wear tbat red necktie, and my Nile-green smok ing Jacket nd my purple-and yellow socks, and smoke one of tbose birthday cigars you gave' me, all at once." Washington Star. A Non-HydrophoMo Do. A baker appeared in a Paris court to have a woman fined for keeping a ra bid dog, wblcb be claimed bad bit blm. Inoculating him with rabies. When be waa through with his complaint the woman put the dog on the Judge'sdesk and removed from Its mouth a set of false teeth. The most tiresome thing on earth at practical Joke. Old Chief Victoria 8 lected Warrior by act Up-to-T'ote Vetbol. In the early days of Union Pacific railroading, Victoria. Nana, and the present Geronlmo, tbe three chiefs of the Arizona Apaches, with 100 or their best bucks, came through to Green River, Wyoming. Tbey had heard of the "heap wagon and no boss" and bad come to stop tbe train. They made a lasso of rawhide. and nrty men on each side held on to the rope ss the freight came down the Wasatch divide. The engineer saw when several miles away what the Indiana were up to. so be whistled "off brakes," and, opening his throttle. let her loose, Tbe cowcatcher struck the rope and hurled tbe Indiana In all di rections, literally tearing tbem to pieces, headless, armless, and leglesa Three chiefs went south to tbeir cactus plains, very crestfallen. Before tbe selected these men tbe old Chief Victoria bad them all eat a piece of rock salt about aa big as a pecan, run swiftly about 100 yards, sit down on a log or rock, and cross tbeir tegs. Then he watched the vibration of tbe feet which were crossed. The feet which vibrated tbe longest or had the longest strokes be declined to accept for a severe duty or a dangerous trip, or for one tbat was at all hazardous. But he accepted the feet which vib rated short distinct and regular strokes. Now, what did that old chief know about pulsation of the arterial system or of heart action, and. Indeed, about salt in the system? I have lived near to Indian reservations and have bad occasion often to survey over their lands for railraods and other objects, and since this salt controversy I have wondered wbere old Victoria got bis Ideas. Is not tbe child of tbe sage brush plains better posted than bis pale face brother? j Only a Small Favor. A quiet middle-aged man wbo was in attendance at an operatic perform ance was much annoyed at the be havior of two young women In tbe row of seats; behind blm. Calling one of tbe ushers, he. put coin In his band and whispered some thing In his ear. The ruber went away, and presently came back and banded blm a small package. Wben tbe curtain went down at the close of the first act be turned in his seat and said with a smile to tbe young woman directly behind blm: I beg your pardon, mlxs. but may 1 ask a slight favor of you?" "What Is Itr she said. "Please use this stick of gum In place of the kind you are chewing. Tbe odor of wintergreen la very offensive to me." After that he was not disturbed. The Trust Problem. To a thoughful mind, the trust problem is one of eriiiuttiuporl. It muot be firmly Kruppled wtih, fur It creeps upon soriety tie ture you are awsre of iia eziatsnre, in his reapert nnu'h meniblhig the var ious disorder which ettact ths stoniaik, nt h aa ctmtiiiiii, imtiireiin. dyspep sia and iiiliutiuieaii. llosieiter a Stomach Kilters will cure all aurh ailments, sud i rrvvnt l grippe, malarial fever and sgus. Ha sure to give it a trial. The Powers That Be. "Hush! Not so loud. We're hav ing a conference of the powers." "Kh? Who Is conferring?" "My wife, my mother-in-law, and the cook 1 ' TO CI K A COLD I Ofi DAI Take Laiatlie ftromo Uulnlna Tablets. AU Irunrlsts refund the money If It fails lo euro. K. n.urove esiinalur is on eacn sea. sao. Amerkaa Cera Exports. American exports of corn have aver aged 178,000,000 bushels a year since 1895, an iucrease of 254 par cent over the preoeiliug five years. reoile who bare for years suffered with eU'k headarhoa have never used Oar Held Tea, for Ibis H Kit ft TA is a positive cure lor constlpatlea and sick headaches. Will Experiment With Jspaasss Oyster. Kastern oysters do not reproduce well in the colder waters of Oregon and Washington. An attempt is to be made, there ore, to acclimate there the mi nervousness, mv blood is in perfect HARD JD BEAR Story of a Drujrgist Who Was Always Compounding Rem edies for Others Yet Suffered A ironies Himself. Frvm ISt . TUorode, III Perhaps In n osa where storoaoh trouble was tbe ailment has tbe sill cienoy of a popular remedy been so thoroughly demonstrated as in ths case of W. K. Mathts, a prominent druggist of Eldorado, III. The story as told by Mr. Mathts is as follows: "In the spring of 18t)4 I had a very serious oase of indigestion. My stom ach commenced to give me great trouble, and, while 1 knew the natuia ot the pain, 1 did not at first nae the proper precaution. For some time t did not pay any attention, but it gradually grew worse, wben 1 oonsuitea a pny sioian, who prescribed for tne. I used his medicine according to Instructions. bJZ: i7iSr .rTonlon of he 1 ' Columbia College, and w ."w ' C' ,.?....8i.f ! rvl three years al West Point, b IUIUWVU) IUU WtiaV""J ItlJWti as precarious condition. The physician's MEDICAL EXAMINER Of the U. S. Treasury Recommends Peruna. TM Leglos sf flssof. The Frenoh Ugion of Honor Is ths blgiiest order ol uierll. It numbers ss mm ....... I,.e. V V W Sets w its w w we f ' uiediulne and other remedies 1 tried failed to beuerlt me. ''One day a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lor Pale Peo ple. I considered it a useless ex pert inent, but as I had tried everything else, I agreed to take them. Tbat was three and a half years ago. When I bad used three boxes I oould note very plainly the obsnge fur the better. When I had used the seventh box I was cored. "Ti.e pills have not only cured the Indigestion, but tnev have also cured fine large oysters of Northern Japan. I am snre l'l-o's Cure for Coniuiiiption saved mi life three years aro Mrs. thus. Mosaics'. Mapel Si reel, Norwich, if. Y., Feb. 17, l!M). Exports sf Coal Grew. Ths exports of ooal oontinoe to grow monthly, and in 10 months this year ' this country hss shipped abroad ooal and coke to the value of almost f'.'O,- 000,000. Do Not SaSTort Buffering la nnneeeesarv. t'aaearoia Candy 'aibartlc kilt disease (eras, eleauout thebodv, -emme the Srst causes of suSeriug. Alt Drug . :isca kc, ie, 4uc. Night sad Morninj. Pays a Kentucky obituarist of bis -object: "She was waited into tbe tloom ot eternal night at six o'clock in be morniusT." condition, and they bare brought my weight from 140 pounds at the coin tneucement of the stoinaeh trouble to 180 at present. "If any one who reads this desires to know more of my experience 1 will gladly answer letters whioh enclose stamp tor reply. 8igned, W. E. MATH IS. hworn and subscribed to be lore me this 27th dsy ot June, 1900. Tboe. D. Morris, Justice of the Peaoe, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are sold at all druggists or will bt sent direct from Dr. Williams Med I cine Company. Schenectady, N. Y Price 60 cents per box; six boxes, f 3.50, CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Ths Kind You Han Always Bought Bears the yf . t" Signature of UltSZTZUcJUti Te Be Sura. Qoisser "What does it mean by hi. ling your lliibl under a bushel?' " Uurer ' Sending vslentines with in! writing your name on 'em." Fine The skin and flesh feel like tbe St of a new soft (love wbca J' St ' Jacobs Oil aas driven oat IsoSei from cois. In Former Days. Tears clung to tbe lasbes of Egypfa Queen, to say nothing of tbe hesdless slave wbo weltered In his blood at tbe foot of her gorgeous divan. It was plain tbat tbe daughter of the Pharaohs bad received evil tidings. In the streets the newsboys could be beard hawking tbe Evening Monolith. "All about tbe football game! Cor inth Latin School. 10! Alexandria Polytechnic, 8!" they were shouting. "Now, wouldn't that, scald your faltered the Queen, and burst Into tears. Detroit Journal. One Comlnjt. "Could you tell me tbe rrtan1ng of the word 'cataclysm ?" be asked of the street car passenger who was folding up bis newspaper. "Are you going to ride two or three blocks father?" was queried In reply. "Yes, sir." Then youll see one. The conductor bas carried tbat sharp-nosed woman two streets past wbere sbe wanted to get off already, and she'll wake up soon and start a cataclysm that'll probably Jump the car right off the trackr Washington Post ' Wben a woman says that one of her children looks like her husband's fam ily, It Is her way of admitting that It is sot aa good looking aa the rest. Soreness aaa Stiffness Composition of pitch Pine. A cord of pitch ptne under distills tion gives the following substances: Charcoal, SO bushels; Illuminating gas, about 1,000 cubio feet; illumluating oil and tar, 60 gallons; pitch rosin, IS barrels; pyrollgneous aold, 100 gallons; spirits of toprentine, 20 gal lons; tar, 1 barrel; wood spirits, fi gal lons. Tha Beet t-reserlpllaa far Malaria Ftillls and Fever Is s bottle of Grove's TaaMleea tain ionic, ntssimpiv iron and quinine In a tasteless form, tio Curs. Mo fay. fries Me. A Business Transact Ion. "So," said tbs Impecunious Noble man to the Astute Interviewer, "I am not in America on a pleasure trip. 1 am here on business." "Count de 8mallcbange, wiote the Astute Interviewer, "arrived yesterday witn tne intention ol osptnrtng an heiress for his bride." THE 6BXAT HERB CCHE. The naes of Oarneld Tea are mani fold: lintulstss the dilutive organs; cures eonstlrialton; purl. Acs the blood; brings good health. Pants by the leg. A man wbo went to Providence ths other day was amused to see this sign on the front of a clothing store: "Here is the plsce to boy your pants at 2 a leg!" Tbis method ot offering trousers for sale must possess great Interest for one-legged men and centipedes. Mtmmm thm Onmah mini Werku OH Mo OeWef. tazstlve Rrorao-Vulnlne Tablets euro s cold la one dsy. Ko cure, No Fay. price K6 coats. The First King Known. From among 600 fragments of writ inns discovered in the roins of Nippur, f'rnfexsor Ililprscht hss obtained knowledge of the first king known to man Kn-shsg-sbur-ana, lord of the Kengl, now known aa fiabylonla, wbo reigned about 6,600 B. C. Dr. L'ewtllvn Jordan. Dr. Llewellyn Jordan. Medical Ei amlner of U. 8. Treasury Dspartiuaul ho years al west romi, nas the hillowlna to asv of Peruna: "Allow jn to txprtt my gnth tule to you tor the benefit derived from your wonderful remedy. One Bhort month hee brought forth a vest change and I now consider myself a well-man after months of suffering. Fellow suf ferers, Peruna will cure you. " Catarrh is a system lo disease curable only by systemlo treatment. A reme dy that cures catarrh must aim direct ly at the dspiessed nerve centers. This Is wbsl Peruna does. Peruua immediately invigorates the nsrve-ceu-tors which give vitality to tha mucous membranes. Then catarrh dlsapiiswrs. Tben catarrh Is permaneullv oured. Peruna cures oatairb wherever Io ns ted. Peruna is not a guess nor an experiment it is an absolute sclent Iflo certainty, Peruna baa no substitutes no rivals. Insist npon having Pe rn na. A free book written by Dr. Hartman, on the subject of catarrh In Its different phases and stages, will be sent free to any address by Tbe Pre una Medicine Co., Co lumbus, Ohio, New Hampshire's Gam Law, A new law In New Hampshire pro, htbits the boidlng ol propeily lo ilut state by gsme clabs which are not lo. oslly Incorporated. also provldsi thai tha state shall bold In trnst or publlo ot all natural bodies ol wit., bavlug an area of IS tores or more. Irrational. The girl with tha great, tv. gray ayes complained bitterly ol tu timidity of her steady company, "Olva blm tha rnlttrnl" advised bar entourage, uuheattatlugly, "What. lor cold teelT" exclaimed lh, SEED DEALERS. ML jt Perrvv Seeds are """N. gw known Ueeoualrr aver as the meet reltabteSVeeslelbeS ft esa ke eewjht, beat eave si I I sleSel on eheosi aeeee nost twee a g 1 I AsUae aa Ike hwveat 1 I isal Heed Anneal five, I VV M"ii4 eo-Jr J ak hw 0w4fH Me-Vfc iffr jlW Ji.jim.ar'arnr;mr-wi Q'BALZEETO GEED9 Hi t.i N. UsfrZ.'!1' HIGH l trr it it SMlt Comblnat. ft! ' .ttff":, MjViN tltwaefpesaer. flint f (' fcgrWIiat Is It? K'SK' -Hrae wax HV' 0 Kt lo llaM'l Ll ti asi sms Sin-H-S asS LJ- V serf III I m, SiM D n eavXaaewSnaasValaJssL kasst M. S.I s Ssftsv .ttlf -fi laVa, aaa. WsnsSla eais aloha a. Bataar Boos! 0. ts tnssv Church Membership at Newton, The ministers of Newton, Kan., bava just completed a religions census ol tbst town. Ihsy found 6,833 pereons In 1.453 families and ot tbiae people 3,816, or less than half, professed to be eburvh members. Ths Erejith Sparrow Defended. The iluffalo Hlr.l Protective Society defends tbe Kngllah sparrow , ascrib ing to the birds tha dissppearauoa In that vicinity ot tbe eankerwonn. OIL OIL OIL furl lines bsve been fnate. fortunes aie he ng made by Jmlieivoa Investment In Oil Stuck, We are films ajenis lor several mniani4 hat are sure to si like Oil Prices are loo u... forward flnr renie for aehuireof tie. inrliid liig maps, nrmneetue and stmsii rrtint-ate, (.! veuraeli oosied. MM','MKHtlM a I II., imentliet ol f-tcbsnge) AS! Hrar.t ftu;tdiie, Third and Market at., Han rraneisro, t al ml bands vameii aud Oil 1-anSs lor sale (roes iou rer acre to tio.ow awe sore, aaente named is ovtiry lonn; guaranteed ooasniiaaluns. POULTRY NETTINC. Buy from the manufacturer, fries la tull rolls J feel aide. 14 (ret nng l 4 I " ..,... 1141 i " " .... ., t n g e . . a 3 " " " ZZZ '. all Kinds of Wire sod Iron Work. PORT LA NO WIRK eV IRON WORKS ISS front at.. Pert land, Oregea. Ifj " PENSION hieaten. 0 C . ihsr will re am a la asms. Sicsr-osu. waahiaaten. 0 C . ihsr eetveauiek lenlies. It Mb H. II. Vol, ataat seta torn, rrueecuting claims smos Ul Don't You Want Th pMttii-ii rl)uUr ortt Ihti iftMn ii bo. trna ymr ttw ua MtoniniM tti 4(trevMMi uf n. riiciin lu pour nt-mlt U)'hiKH, Dd on, will k mativtl you Uw Aiitirru: 4. Hm DOYLAN, (ien.jtsi., Ve orml II. UK., til llanthutne .. Portland, lire. Don Sio? Tobacco Suooenlt It tnlurea neivous system lo do so. fJACO t l'KO Is the only cure thai r. nlif eoraa aud uotlflra you nben to alon. nt4 with a guarantee that three uosee will cure any rase. E1C0-CUR0 a '"I1''' n 'armless. It has It all druiilsis or lr mail prepaid, II n bos: g botes fc.iu. Huoklet free. Write Unas Casaic-.L Co., La Cruses, Wis. CUTLEB'SCtRBULlTEttf IGD1DE A gnaranteed Care loe UauutB aad antmptlon. i on. b Lock Bos lea. I. SItTIICMst.ali, I.T .Pnp't m. r. n. n. o. -IS. WHB.-e wrltl.e- t advert lee ra yleese anoatlaa tkls paper. fifelliiii -a Will Keep You Day Tang Mo SukvivuTI . fact OTAlOCOt. Seiowtsas ruitLsNC Of CaaMtfITt SMOHATS. A J.TOwm.Co. BosveM. Haas. fat RtrMnt temttm tnariioa seat s mvtit i The "Russell" Compound ENGINE Is here to stay. It is the Most Economical and Powerful Engine built. Trite us far full particulars, RUSSELL & CO., PORTLAND, ORCOOM. O00OOOOOOOOO0OOO0O0OOOOO0C3000OOOOOOOO0OOO000000C00O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o D o o o 10)5 I n o)il onus a a (Sot a old? You're bilious, got a cold, you have a throbbing sensation In your head, a bad taste In your mouth your eyes burn, your skin is yellow with dark rings under your eyes, your lips are parched and you feel ugly and mean, as if you wanted to kick a lame Infant or kill a canary bird. Your system Is full of bile not properly passed off, and what you need Is a cleaning up inside. Don't continue being a bilious nuisance to yourself and those who love you, but send out at once for a box of CASCARETS and work off the cold while you sleep. Be sure you get CASCARETS I Don't let them sell you a fake ubstitute. cera Deoeanoer i in .. - si vjss est auai ustl. Hi. "--l-i,'aw eton cera Deoesnoer 4. 1713. awfe JF JT " V s aiave weed yeas valaafele CAB. y JT jr JT X . CASlyi-s and find tm perfect. Couldn't ftt- jf f f t do without tbom. I have used them for aaow ft mSk 111 'd's It? ,or f goatlon an blilouaaeas "v" i f f J I v. fh. BOW ompWelr cured. Reeemmetid mor I r I I tbem to every one. Ones tried, you will bay ft I I if 1M- b-T.li50,'., ,hM ' tsmlly." -T, J J dim- OW. A. MAitX. Albany. . T. Jk I J rmfl d A movemeni im on foot in New T'-k selft l . BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. 000 THIS IS N. sr--e Zr O f;i iili): Willi so THE TABLET DRUGGISTS CfJAWAlTtBTOCPBenweleVlee,oeaeitUltts, fclllwesee , afillSTlsn m tena brretth, msd kle, wind on tne blenlied kowels. hsl mesitk. rHUIC'Aii7.ZZ.id mZP.. . stvo Veers see tko Seek hen mt C S. keadsuene. IndlseeSlee, BilrstBlee, pntne afur aotlnm liver treable, satlose mmm.. Masllne mTJtliT. s. ' ' l aalllUe WneTTs v'IrrareaMr tkaa i a7n le,.. mm dl.el.eee.' Vven far keveele do.1 meve r.sn.rly ,.m .To e .Tr bZ,td.l'm' HZ Vl t-J.U. L" neeelase p"orYae?aS nserlt? S.I Use elek. t:sutlpsllsa kills asrs esssls lhss all other diseases taseeaerT ZaaraateV I. Ar. 2ILT.I!J?,i,,J0"i ' sell t'ASri i r i a ai.-lul" 1 J IS Is a elartar far fc ent-eale allaH-ate and laee veare ereaSVirtaa thas eaase IkesaVtair l!LZ?i ".ifLF ' eefaeded. is Bay ledar, f see M, baeVs. .1.1 nrsarwarae. Je asatser what alls v. a. stark t.tf.e (ASI'iSEll teaavVr7 InTt".!?!!' Ill iiirl"J' .- slasple dlre.tloes. aad YrVZ!Z.Jl".,!ill I H.allk will enleair 'fh'l.. a. i IT?."."?.? aaatser wkmk alls reu-etart Sada I arc ASU.A li !VI. '"""I kless Ike dee , Sr.', .tarted tke esa asi, aasi BTKKUIUl ssw.av a . van will never ST I well aad no well all the time antlt van sal r Marks. Take oer advlael atari wlifc JCASC'Ama 1 Sadajr, aader a f rassssa o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o o oocoooocoooooooooocoooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooooo