" MA HOI I 1, IIHII "mi'7.1 "I"1 ri,'u",, yf Knlninn, wim in uVhiirHiliiy. uy Wllimroiii, uf Kahuna, wax Jn j'ortlmi'l M.n''",v. Mr frank low was down from Oak i,"n.l lt "rlly ovoiiliig. Mr W. A. Ilurrlit win n pniiwmgor for Portluiid Tuesdny iifternuon. Mr ! Mr. A. J. Hubert vlsltod In Portland soveml days this week. Comity court will meet In' regular eeiUm for Mnreh mat Wednesday, llr Ouwood.doiitl'it.cnn Im) found eauh Vcd ufliy l 11,0 rwl'lf'iw "I Oox. Assessor Wliito will begin llm lli'lil ,Wotk I,IU iNl',,l,,m,ul mxt we"k- N V Henry, ll'''",, i gcut for thi) ' latest improved guolinu lump. Mr 0 I'rki'r mid mm, Newton, of 1'iiul'itiV. Wr I" l"WH n l,,,y ur t'" tllU WKilt. J N. Iirlim. I'M "Ml '"'Inhwoial, of Yankton, vvero doing IiuhIih'wi In I'urlliui'l Monday. Mr. 1). 1'" llnnler" wns up fiom (lobbi tout Hnliinlny triiiiuclilig ImimIih'hk with tho county uillcers. u. Patrick Kellcv was down from hiii riimli. "''ir Warren, Monday, iitioinling la liiimiii'Mi iiiBiiiTH, Merchant Collins l fi". M"'" were attending t'l lltlHIHKH IHIIUCIS in I III! liielropohit I.ihI Muii'liiv, Oii.r f'.M'O linn b'S'm riilti-rM oil th current I" roll 4'1"'" 'l wlt" dcllvenxl lo tlm Kherill iwu wicks Dr. Ollirlin removed III nfllco to the liable building, w here lit) hit reul ni'iit and enmniodinuH jart infiitn. Alfred Cleveland, one of the suceoa (ill vollllil teacher of Astoria, Spoilt hint 'rii'ly and Saturday in UiUrily. Atiornov II. Conymn, of Chits- Imiie. n alli'inling to bticiiit'XM iilxuil the court house day or two thi week. Merchant l. W. Price wn down from HfuinioiiO hist Hnturdny afternoon and was iiceoinpunieo iioiiiu uy iouniy iota Walls. Ki'v. Mr. Phllbrook will preach next Hiiiuhiv nl Yankton In the forenoon and t bachelor 1' Int tu tho nfturmiou at .'I o'clock. Mint Jessie MiK'!n'!l lum ri-tiirniil Jimiii' from I'l-lilt'." civttk, wlirro ln' tmn-lit u term of m IkhiI. KIiu it (mint' iiiK in ln-r liiilu'r'it oillcti. Ainin Kolilti llli'il b in'lllioii in tint iimIihii' fotirt lt ' Vi,iliii'ilny, liv lit'r attorney, V. II. 1'ow'fll, ')'inK lor ItiB B.i.i!iit'iiii'iit iix ivliiiistinliix of tliui'ii InliMil I ri'tl Kulili',Uw'l. If tr.mhlfJ liy H wk litti'tioi, loiMof Bii 'tiU, or coiintiiiHiin, try a hw iloic.' tit t:i:niil'llllill'H fito!lllli:l Mini l.ivi'l TnlilrH. Kvt-ry Ijn wnrriuiU'tl. J'or uli Ht tin; Ht. Ils'litim I'linriiiiti'V. i I'lmrtm Mnyif-r loll from n tlniiio tluit III! WIIK llllilillllli H ll'W Uy HtfO Kill) we tniunl it friii-tiuu of "no i( lim nitk lei. j Wlnlit Ik in lll H, lil HrtiuT, U. K.i Kuiiyuii, it ijmriiiii'inliiij; t l.e work. IIit.U to tln Hiiiount tif f SHI for Inrni mll to I rniiriM 1 n. In M- iiiwl Jolui Dole liiim. of t'lifli 'lii. WimIi., liy 0. I... K. M. mul N. i. I'liikur.of I'itt-lmru, rovi-r-1 IiiK HUO iurv, or UhvX for rncirl un UciliH'nilrty. j j IVoi.lii tlir.aiiintit tlio roimly utintiM i altt'iiJ tlm nmiinil wliwl niwtlntfi to tki pl'iiv lo'iit Moinliiy. Tliort! U m! inori- iiiiiortmit ilulv tti I hi imrformiHi ! liv tin' M-oiln tlmii Ii'ii'linvt lliclr Inttii-j ieiii! to niil in miCtH-mful m liuol work. j Mr. J. f. WuIIh, foiini-rly of i"lil. lut who linn njHMit lu-firly two yrui'H ii.ni', ltiir.ttntonii. IVnii., hus n-lurjicJ to oiirr.oiuily mill rxitrvt lomiiki'ii in'rioii- j ni'iit hoiiic in tlait mit, ln'iut; roiM i' i j UMniMirnrilv nt liuhli'. .Mr. Well", liko othrr, rottirii'i t'J thin fetate cuiiU'iit to rciuiiin licrc. A flintier who In wiill vcmiMi oil tlm iinliitrifii of tlm ntftto olwrvi'il fi-w !nyn iikii tlmt thu Kl tif (? liiOri'?oit iiiouuli:i to moro bii it mi liy Until thu wliPHt mv. t'liilhormori', 'to ittitil that tlm t'lig of thu I'liilnl Stnti'il ri'iui'Jifiiti'.T h lnr)rir tljiirti thntks.lhp anltrH uf wln':U fur it liko pl'l'io l. UilitlilT Ill-Ill iltl llOlllilltltilliJ I'ttllflH fur city otllccri" lor tlm eiimiiiiH yumr on Wi-iIiuMihiy ilht of Ihm wouk, u ml tlu ri'niili nn follow: l''or cjhiu'.iIiiii'h, M. 11. I'oim-rov, J. i:. llii'ity, J. K. Ilroun, (!, A. Hihti, Fruiik Su-hinnu; for niiuc jiuli-. (j. II. Jolinioii ; for tii'iin-un-r, liciiii Itliincliiirtl; for iiiarliiil, C. A. Smtoii. Thi' mon at Drown'i) logKliiR fiuni), thu riipi-r I'imi-i-iiiiiii, nlxiiit twunty-ilvo inili'H from KcIkii, ciitiKht h iiivi'ii-ioiiiiil Wwlhi'iid Mltimn in khI ol wilier iinir thi-ir o.:iiii) ono tiny Lint wi-i-k. It luij HMi-i'iulil th Cowi'i'iucn ilnring IIikmI mii. I got into n hhi1 of wiiU-r nlnil twenty fci't from llm uiuin ntn'.'iiii whore it wait fiui)ht. Ivi'lso Jouriuil. Koiiiti miriirooiri riiii; i piviiiltini to till) follmvilllf llllHHi'lK Wool COIl'.MHt, free niilui-riptiooH to lhi-ir "riiixV for (ivBii piirloil ; ", koi iloiu'oii um'iilflit Blly silt, down on tlm ImhimB uinl of n onrput tuck, llo iil.lori'il two wohIk, huhiBtwiu 'it,' WIiii t wim lh llrrt?" Not being iK'imiiiiilly fumilliir w ith Hh li condition, wo tiiniilly nimuo-t that llm uiinRintj word hi-gun with n rnpitul "i" Indinn' Jm-k cillh'd nt this ollicothiii wot- k mul an ill tbnt tho hooilooin of Ihe einolt wim riiuwil hv on indinn vroiunn who wnHhed lh hloodv clothing of llilly lVtain tho river, Hfior tlm lnttnrhmi lt-n killed bv tlio cnri. JiieU Buys tlmt thu miudt were (hero in lh river o h CRiitrht ii trout with Hinelt inHhlo of it luiil knows. The llmtrun ofDiiielt which uhiihIIv tulit'8 plncn nhout Xinns was turned back, go Jack mij'H. Kelso Jour nal. A pareol of land on Sauries lulnnd, known ax "No Mini's J.mul," by nn net of tho leiiilaturo, In iitlui lied to Columbia county. ThiH hind is oim-lmlf mile wide and threu mi leu loii, ru'iiiint! Mit nnd wont aeroMS tho IrIiiiiiI. and h'li here tofore boen gupposed to l in Multno mah county, which, In reality, was in Jjoeountv.' A roprenentative frriin Mult nomah county introduced ii bill to hnvo tho land attached to Multnomah, but bis Intent failed nnd. Columbia. Ket4 the doiiiain. Mr. Frank Uow owns ii pur tion of tho land. ThoGobloA Neluiliiin itnilroml whleb l being built jimf, neroa tho Columbia on tho Oregon Dido of tho river, mi it runs throiiKh ft lino body of timber, uow linn about live miles of the roud com plete. Mr. Day, who la one of the pro moter of tho rond nnd also tho general imuiBgers of tho wiiiu), Informs uh that they nro now hauling nhout 75,U(10 feet of lot's to tho Columbia daily, over (heir new road. They hnvo n in nro number of men employed in their lotftfinx camp, mid have three donkey enKiues "t work in tho timber. Tho Hist lot?s worn hauled down to tho ColnnihU over this road only a little over ft week tn, mul when Mr. Day Rets things under hend way, thlii(s will, no doubt, hnvo a lively appearance on that Hide of tlio river. ( Kama bulletin. An exuhttiiico, on trusln nay; "Ami while we are ou tho Huhleet of trusts, there h t,h eorsut trust. That hn un doubtiiilly conui to "stay ;" and think of jlliii peoplM it has "miuoezMll" It Koes to waist bnl Honifllime.il It l hard to Hotaioiiud it, In hiHii of tho money behind n, it Is (tmierally ou tho vui ii. of n "Imih." Milt it I. ,llii,.tl "?,,., t. exiintmion." , , A kjiik! ;ilUen is h who expresses Iiiith in the fmnrti of the town ho lives In, mid ;ho U nlways tulk ir, of its ad viuitiiKiis us a place of resilience, Htrnii rois lUt rUf f HllurlatiH, und never locate In a pluc)tho;liiliiibif!uiir.ofwhii h mmm itu utaf thnru Ikjciiiis" they ciui'i help thimntclves. mthcr tlm:i fniin a cIioiim nml a hunlablu desire of lictterinw tlmir comlllion by Intljitnu the cniuiimii ity (iuojr live in. This is tint .hixne of the evmirreeu blackberry nud no butter fruit for jeiiy, jiiiii or fiimiiii)j can ho oliUine.i Acres upon acres of hilhliles mii;lit he iiultivnU'd lo -f.li 1m I IIH'I'V II lift Itltl. iloyment (or men, woinnu', nls and tioy'H for three montha in (he year could mi eiiiiiii ill yniui'riiiK null pie-.i l!i tin; fruit if a prerervliiK factory wcreroi;tei( h'wir. 'riiero is money In It for num one, i Im will take bold? 'uilnlor Cieo, W, Mi Ibiiln took his leave from I'orilmnl Inst Momlav for Wnsliinxtuii City. Anide from li'iiiht- )K hp his pilvnte business ail'iiirs it is nil coiijvctiue s lo what Mr. Wrliride's niimliiti in tn capitiil c-1 1..V may lie, hut one lluiijt is certain: tin was a ioval .supporter of thu policies of tho admin hliRVloii, and il Is no more than reason iihlts to Kiippoti't tlmt liti will be amply rewarded, as he jio-tly should be, for bis striilhtforward, loynl support. Hie milliy fi iuinU thniii,jhoiit the statu und hi i Ih.hI of friends iibout his old home here will icj'iicu should fnrtnue favor him in some lucrative billet, which ho will lei i.l uibt get. One of our curreiipoiidelits sends in the following explanation of his silence in the line of news: ''To suy thai news is scarce is putting il mild, ' The voting folks I, live iiUmt all koiio away for (he winter, '.ho hired girls have imuo houii) and hired men have tfono to the woods. There has been no courting, fatlliiiff, netting tuarrieil, or increase in wipnhi tion since election, The old folks that are doiiix chores mid running Ihintrs are Kuluji to live lis ldliit us they can. Tlie IH-iliilers nml preachers have forsaken us ; the. liens won't lay, the horses are tisi la.y to run away, uud there are no dn2 to bulk; so what thu dickens is theft to write aluiiit? Il I..I..I.L.I ll.ol n I. .!..,. i.t u ..l.tiil court in liidimin lately renilercd tho fol low im decision in a divorce caw, and Kiivo the w ife a decree of sepaialion, alimony and the custody of two tatijtMlcr., and the father must provide for tlie children. Anions other ehantea set up by the husband was one that llm wife was" yivtux to kissing other men, in rendering his decision the judge in reported to have said : "The court cannot see how a woman violates nnv part of Iter marriage vow by kissing whom alio pleases, nml and a often as she please, it Is woman' natural light to kiss, and this court shall decide thul she shall not in; circuiiiaeribeil in her preferences," 1 1 Is the i ii U'lition of I ho con uty to collect tho mortjfuge taies due theeoiinly, nnd this involves several thousand dollars, ranging from IHiabark to iliieimctinent. Tlioie who have land against which ..... .'..d t,t. .el. .or.. Idv linil lu.llf.r see to il tlmt the matter is squared away, u the supreme court linn urcided tlmt lliu ta is valid and isu Hen iiwaiust tlio liiini, as a manor in iiici ine im ..,td ,(i.d,',.l ,li,-.u.lt (Hrnilmt. Ihllllllltl that the mortgage covered. The big inortg.ige companies nave many a mx uiiimiil and these will be expected to get in mul remit. While it w ill work u hardship ng'iinst some lew, In tlio main ii ail! l.uri tlm coitotFimitH ihe lianlekt.- Ilillsiioro Argus. Hoiie bill 2u5, which was approved bv tlm uovernor Tuesday, reouires the collection of n ro.ul poll tax of $. from every nml" Inhabitant over 21 and under 50 years of age, unless by law exempt. The lax may bo Miid either In labor or cash, but tlie county court mny rcniiiro that it be p;iid in cuoh. If any person refuses to pay the lax a suit lunv lie brought in a justice court to col li! the siime, and the wages of the de linqdeut may bo levied upon to collect anv judgment recovered. The tax must be "expended upon the roads of tho dis trict in which collected. The act cou laiiisiiii emergency clause, und goes into ellect immediate-iv. Thu lax liecomea due on March 1, and may be collected between Mntili I und December 111 ol eiich year. The tract of bind near Castle Hm k known as the l.vmi donation claim has reverted buck to the government. Html proof of continuous residence on Ihe claim hai never Is-eii made by Mr. Lynn, hence no patent has been issued and Mr. I.vou's claim bus been canceled. This claim has neon divided and sub divided, sold unit resold and has lieen the homo of several families for the past twenlvlivo or thirty years, yetoiilva week into a Ihwvit who hang- about the land ollice bv the name of O'Kiiue hied application for a homestend on this laud and the families who have paid their iimnev for it and made improvements on it iue liable to lose their homes. A strange Ihlng in this ease is that ab ut met that have been made out at Kalnnm on parts of this chum show that a patent wag issued to Mr. Lyons. Castle Itock Advocate. The new bievek path law which wont Into ellect Wednesday, with an emer gency clause ill incneii, inn urn '. o i.u.... courts to construct bicycle paths and to levy a license tax upon each person rid ing a bicvclo in tho county. The act provliL-s (or the issuance of ft tug muii lar to that issued under tho obi law. . It is made unlawful for any person to ride a bicvclo upon a bicycle path without having paid the license tux. i he slieri : I i.. u In, .veil, nntl Be II 1H llllllioi ifti'o n., ..v - .- the mime lis upon execution, in orilor to renliwi the amount "f the tax. I ho law nUo renulres that every bieyclo shall he provid! with n bc'.l and at night with a ' i i . i: l ,diliu (inMl.rnctcil noon iikiii. im ii.ni r ; , under the old law me declared to bo bicycle tinths under the pioviiions of this act. It is expected that this act will be legal, in that it provides ft It Wstue for riding, and is not a tax upon tlio bicycle. House bill 10S, to provide for tho col lection of road tuxes, became, a law Tuosdav, and goes into ellect immcli lUelv. Tho law ivouircH county courts to levy a road lux of not more ihun 10 mills mi the dollar, based ou tho pre vious vear's assessment. The fund ihus create'd is to bo expended under the di rection of it county loailniBHtor, whohns Hiipervision of the road supervisors. Ift'im tho mitition of twelve lieeholdera of uny road district, approved by tho roadmuster, for the Improvement o anv roftd, and the county court ahull roiisidcr the petition, and, if approved, shall call for sealed bids for the perform ance of (ho work nnd furnishing of the material needed, and let the contract to the beat bidder, provided, however that Ihe court, nuiv reject any nnd nil bid:-.. The court la also nut homed to p"''chi'so rock-crushers out of Hie rood fund. I he t-i'-vr''.f-v'! "i;i.;m!!' tnxe-i nereiiuoii- i""- - f other acts, , ,, . , . WAUIIKN ITKMH. John Hlavomi spent a few days in Torl land lust week. Amos rjlvns, sr., ahlpped a carload of hay to 1'ortland lust week. Mrs. K. Collim was a l'ortlaiul visitor for two or three days lust week. Mr. I'runk Nagle is moving on place this week from the Cox furm. Ida Misses Musette Crewell und Olive Kill visited a few dnyg lu 1'ortland lust week. Mrs. Maria Hart, of Portland, Visited with relatives at this place a few days last week. Hervlccs were hold lai.t Bundav even ing at the Methodist church by Key. Fill, child. Orvillu T'.iic'm i.nd Carson Uarins left fur Uaiuler last Monday morning, where nicy expect lo work, Miss Marion (ioiild, of Portland, is the gu.stof her litlln friend, Mias Iur garct labitiler,, ul tho paltullu farm, Quito a number of the young people of t.l Ua place, us well as some of tlm older ones, nltendi d tlio dance at Scup pooim hist Friday night. Chi is Carl-oit, who was employed on tlm Kviiiigelical church hint Hummer, passed through Warren last haturday afternoon en route for Alaska. A school meeting will bo held at the school house Monday, for the purpose electing one director to servo three years and one clerk to servo one year. A very pleasant liltln dance wan given at tho new dwelling house of Fred Haw kins lat Wedneribiy evening. A good time was reported by everyone who attended. Tlio Warren creamery, uitnated on the Noon fiii i. i, ii running and tlie whistle can now bo heard every day. A large amount of butter nud cheese will be made, which will he u trreatcoiivouience for the people hi this vicinity. Mrs. II. L. Vail, of Palestine Or., will address the people of thin plueo next Thursday evening, March 7th, ut the cho;i house. An effort is being made to organize a (range at this place. This is something that has lieen needed for a long time, and which will be appre ciated very much by tho young folks as well us Ihe older ones. Senator. I. L. Mnlkev. of Polk conntv. Introduced a bill to imike unnavigable streams highways for the floating of j logs, wnicn is oi niucii in ererv io mose r.iie i.-e.l in thu I innliorliiff iniliiiti v i. f if . i I '. '""M, "f. '""ustiy. j ,,. ... !. "" . ,VJ courts may enter into coimacis witn 111 diviiluitls to improve small mountain streams so that logs may be lion ted upon them. There has been a law of thai kind, but it was declared nuconstitu lioiuil oil the ground that it did not pro vide for due notice to parties across whose lands tlie streams run. The pres ent bill makes a provision in that res pect. In his argument in favor of tlio bill, Henntor Mulkey said t hut the for ests ,f Orciron are remaining without development, becanao Oregon has mr laws which encourage men to engage in enterpises for the manufacture tit the timber into lumber. The laws of the stale of Washington make every provis ion necessary to aid lumbermen in get ting their logs to tho market, while Uieifoii has Iwen negligent in this res pert. Timber land iu Oregon that is worth $4 per acre, would be worth til) per acre in tho same location in relation to a stream, in Washington. Oregon has been too conservative and her tim ber resources, the best on tho surface of tlie globe, have remained undeveloped while in Washington lumbering lias rapidly forged to the front. Mulkey said that ho represents no milling inter ests, but the owners of timber lands far up in the mountains. He desired this bill to pass in order thut the owners of Ihe timber claims near tlio head of small streams may bu ablo to sell their property at a fair price. ntaiiiKN. I'M Knyart lama Monday ami family moved to Kb- M.O. tirnv, of 8t. Helens, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Frank Welter visited Mr. and Mrs. V. K. Klliott Sunday. W. E. Klliott, chief engineer for the road, moved back to Portland Tuesday. Mrs. C. Iturdick, of Kelso, Wash, vis ited her daughter, Mrs. T. J. Culviu, Friday nnd Kaiurday. Mrs. J. M. Archibald and Mrs. V. P. IVSpain were passengers on the Kellogg for Portland Monday, Chas. Uuttcher nnd family nnd John V. Mason and family left here for Washington Wednesday. C. V. Anderson and family moved their household goods to 1'ortlund Fri day, lie will work in Inman A l'oul soiVs mill. The bridgo and trestle work is about emnplotoil as tar its mo roan is gruuuu. The(i. N.&P. H. laid all of their cai pen tors oil' on Monday. i,n. r..M uln Kami for Halo. My farm of eighty ' acres, tn'','(r Willi eighteen neau 01 biock, 1.1 mi Gicoikik W. PttmiY, II nilton, Or. Itrliiits Hie BIiibIi. Senator Kugonu Halo recently paid n lino tribute to the "conn try editor.'' Every time a country editor reads his eulogy il makes him blush. Much of it is true but much of it is romance. Here in what ho siinl in tho senate: "No In a naekhoiho of every coninilin it v. till) nroiieiter of every laudable en- i , ,,' , i 1 a, in., worst undermi d laborer in ....... . - - . , ,,. ,10 the vinward. Count ing h is s a co s cud till he irlves moro to charity, ins mi.,1 oa oon illcreil, lllllll liny utoi-l miaa i... f aoeiutv. lie is a power 111 poll tics, U pillar 111 thO eilllicu, a icanei in I the crusiulo for better morals. He is pru-eminenllv tho fiiend of humaiiity. Lino upon line, paragraph upon pai n-1 graph, duy bv dav, he is embalming in I colli type inctH iroin wnicn im- nrnsiu tus, Taciliifl, rtismoiHli, Macnulcy of the fuluio will write tho history of our times, llo I'ullv chronicles our advent into the world, 'brielly notes our uiria ings and our down-sittings, and sortow fullv records our exit. "Venro nil more or less generally mure hia handiwork, and the creature ki. 0,1,1 not I m unvmileful to hia creator. Without his ceneroiis and enthusiastic I labors most of ns never would hnvo been j here; aud, when he then of us, most of Ins will return to private life amid rural ! scenes propitious for secret meditation land silent pravor. Working highland ! dav during tlie unniiuiigu, when the elect ion i" over and tlie time conies for .i... .1 .....ii. .,!,, ,,r in niivim nno s i-h i. i n.,.l. i..,i..nl. mo, ut i now viitnu. i,iu I . Strange lapse ol lueuioiy nn i hiiiuiiy ! forgotloil. " , Mr. K. M VVI.m inii f l'nrtlnnil vus Miniloil, n I I oitianii, van j in tliis city on bunim ss Ihuiwliiy monv i ig. Mrs. W. II. IMuinti has returned from Folein, where Khe Hpent several weeka visiting relatives, The occasion of Washington's birth day wan duly observed and celebrated by the Heading Circle of this city at the home of Mr, ami Mrs. N. A. Perry, at Hon I ton, last Friday evening, -The subject of Washington's private and public, life was discussed at length, which, with some appropriate music and other. historical features introduced by Hostess perry, together with tt sump tnous luncheon, occupied the time until after 12 o'clock. Prizes were offered by Mrs. Perry for the most perfect answers lo her historical questions, tho jiri-t prii, Longfellow's poems, wan won by Mr, W, A. Wood, the second prize, "The Ailtocroat of tho ilreakfunt Table," by Holmes, being captured by Mr. Dillard, while Mrs, Hubert wan granted tho honor of doserving the booby. Unit Perry, not aatisfied, seemingly, witli what had been provided for means of entertainment, invited bin guests to bis hall over the store, and providing the mush: himself insisted upon completing the evening's pleasures in the indul gence in Terpsichorofin festivities for an hour or such a matter, very much to the satisfaction of quite everybody proseut. A transaction which occurred here this week, we br-licve, has considerable meaning in its eonniminintion aside from merely the transfer of ownership of soma 'timber hind. The purchaser of tliu Parker tracts, near pituburg, Mr. Francis Donahue, of Chebulis, is a man of wide biitfinpss experience, nnd states that bo did not make the purchase of the land to hold them for spccnlniive purposes. Ho is a man of considerable wealth, and states that his intention in to put in a sawmill nnd cut his recently purchased timber Into lumber, and from this remark we would judge thai Mr. Donuhou expects some Imiuediute means of tram porting his product to the mar kets, lie is a banker at Chebalis and mayor of that city, having resided there for twenty-six yours, and has bad oppor tunity to become familiar with the methods of tlie Northern Pacilic Kail road people, and we believe Mr, Dona hoe understands that the proposal of tlmt company to build a brunch line to PittHbung will be immediately curried out, in the event of which Sir. Dona tion' recent purchase will yield him large returns on bis capital. Current events would most certainly indicate that Nehulem valley is soon to have a rai I roud . Three railroads lines are now under wnv to the Nehnlem Valley, the (joble, Nclifllun 4 Pacilic, the Northern PnciKc and the Portland, Nehalem ATilinmook. 'Clm lnl.,L'l Is, !.!( rn it., rtiirni.eafit aitit tl, 'i, t0 the i,ower Nchaleni Hnd Xiliatnook bnv is the lirst one that , . - w, BlluU.(l for tliat country, the rond ! from I in ilu. w inch lias its lisse on tlie ' river and also connects w ith the North ern l'acttic track, thus giving it both water and mil entrance to Port land. The total length of this route is ahout I5M miles between rortlnmi ami Nehalem bay. The Northern Pacilic brunch is delinitoly projected only to Pittehurg, a distance of twenty-four miles from Hcuppoose. The intention is eventually to go through to the coast making a lino IU miles long between Portland and Nehalem bay. The North ern Pacific's line to the coast is said to be substantially the same as that mapped out by tho Uoble, Nehalem A Pacilic beyond Pittsburg. The Portland, Neha lem & Tillamook project is for a road direct from 1'ortland to the Nehalem and Tillamook coast tbnt shall be twenty to thirty miles' shorter than either of the others. An alteniative routo out of Portland is show n, one out the north end of town nnd one out the south end. The country to be drained is, rich in tim ber, coal and agriculture, capable of the highest development. Headlight. Superintendent Copeland is conducting the bth grade examinations for the St. Helens and Houltnn public schools at tho court hoiiKo this week. Hut one other school in the county is conducting the February 8th grade 'examinations, being Clatskanio, however, large classes in the county are expected in the April examinations. Those attending here are: l.uln (ieorge, Leota Whitney, Daisy Kwing, Nellio Payne, Mamie McClay and l-ester Spinner, of tlie St. Helena school, nnd Miss Ruth Little, of the Houlton school. At HotieM Medicine (or l.a drlppe. George W. Wsitt, of South Gardiner, Mo. , snvs : I have bad The worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trash of no account but profit to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy is thooiilr thing that has done any good whatever.' 1 have used one bottle of it and the chills, cold and grip have ali left me. I eongratulato tlie manufact urers of an honest medicine." For sale at tho St. Helens Pharmacy. For ltent or Sale. AlOO-acre farm. For particulars write to or call on Kdwin Merrill, Deer Islnnd Oregon. ..- The Host lllood Piiriner. The blood is constantly being purified bv tho lungs, liver and kidneys. Keep f.fiose oreana in a healthy condition nnd the bowels regular and you will have no need of a blood purifier. For this pur pose there is nothing enitnl to Chatnber- Iain's Stomach and Liver 1 ablets, one dose of them will do yoll more good than ii wiomr iiuuic oi no ,.,,.,v. ,,v.,,.v.. ,., 0 m.,i,,. . t tlm St.. Uclens Phnrmacy. Nix lit Witn tier H'liiTiir. "I would cough nearly nil night lone," writes Mr.". Clin". Applegute, of Alex nn.lrin, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had oonsunnit.ion so bad that if I' walked a block I would ciingh frightfully nml Spit blood, but when all other medicines' tailed, three If 1.00 hot ties of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly w vuii mo una 1 gfiint'd 5 pounds." It S ; ' ", '. i,;i;o.l ,.i,, ,.,,;; nUuiiifiiiv aiiiniinift'ti io r ire eoniru-. 1 v""'v ,' . , o ! Hill ting UOIIOICB, l lice oimmiu ji.wi ? iull( VricP 50 mul $1 .(H). maey. CASTOIIIA. Baar. tha s? a W You Haw Iha Kind You Km Always Borat ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. K- tnte of itlley Adams, dci ea-ed. NOTICE l HI'UKIIY lilVKN THAT l,ET uirsofadinliilstratlonon iheestnieof Kiley Adnms, ileeeased. were irrauled t.) Ilic under aimii'd on Ihe'jath day of r'ebruarv A. 1., 1501, by the Conntv Court of Columbia Coil'.ity, All piirsons liavibK clalim uirainst said estate are rooiiired toexhlbll llii'.n UT nm for allowance, nl niv ollleo In the eltv of Kk. Helens iu s,'id ei.miiv and side Miililn six moiiihi ni'.er the dale !' this noiiee or tiny shall bo forever burred. Tula 2lsl day oi Feliruavy, A. n. UHU. K. I. Ol'H'K, Ai'.nCulntintor of tho eslate of HI ley Admna, dneeiised, S. H. lirubji', .Utorn.-.v lor Adnilu Isirnt'ir. , 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS. liv Ihe count v court of tliu Stato ol Oregon, for i:-.ihimbiu County. In Hie mailer of Ihe cstalo of Cyrus R, Holes, i I r.ii.i,' ii-o'nRiisUUNKn H WIXil 11 KICK AP - , I -i,-. I,, iheeniiiitv eourl of Ihe state ol" (pri, ',, (r ,;Hmi, ooi'mtv, nitministnilor ol the e'tatu of Cvrua It. Holes, 'deceased, iioiic.o is I hereby alven tii llio ereditors of, and all ira ns havtnu elal ins aiialiist said deceased, lo presom . , , p r.,,.i10d ,V law, wltlilu six nioiittis atier tho Brat inibliealion oi this noilee to'siild W, 11, Case, at his rcildeueo at I'iltshurn, Oreuon. ' W. D. CASK, Admhilstriitor of the eslale of Cyrus H, Boles, i jnitoii I'ebituiry loth, ltt." w. ll. l'owe . Altornev lor Auuiinisiraior. A Horrible Outbreak "Of large sores on rny little daughter's head developed into a case of scald head" writes C. V. Isbill, of Morgnntown, Term., but Bucklen's Arnica Halve com pletely cured her. It's a guaranteed cure for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, pimples, soree, ulcers, and idles. Only 'ffw. at tlie Ht. Helena Pharmacy. tSSIONEES NOTICE. 1)Y VIRTIIB OP A DKKD OF AHHIflKMKNT J nuele to the unilernlKnuil by Hruiif:Jn I). Ilunrlcl oa tlie 2l riiiy of Mny, JM, on the 'A'ltli day (if March, 11)01, at 11 o'clock a. m., hi Irunt of Km Court IJ'iune flo,,r in Hi, ifeltui. Columbia County, Mate of Oreifini, I will anil nt public fti!!!i,ii tlie lioimtlmi linel cIhIoi of Ch.irlc" Wlllliiin llenrli'l, In secib.iu 'il nml as, toliw:il i north, raiiffl 1 wivt-ol Ihe W OIk'h nlte Merlilliin, uiiii ii me (.1 leu inTe nil' ol lliu wi'iUn't nt l,,t 7 in iui,i .-.toliioi all Ii; I'eliini blll C'lUllly, llll'VU. It Ixl'itf '! neie-i. Allbjeef to a DiurlKiiire ol Juiiri o. Hunrii'l, for $l,iiis taid liit'jrn.i ilicri'oii at tlie nun of l i,er ct cl tier fl iinuiii'.l nee .luniiurv JiiiJi, Ibvil. ii.fij i-nte will be chmIi, II ler eijiit nl till; 0.;iy ol wiie, HH'l the bal anee Ujiuii tlio corifinnfiilnii oi iliii mile by tlm 1'ircnlt court ol the htmis ol Omoh f-,r the Counlyof MiiiiiKKmili. W. It. llfcNBH.I,- NOTICE FOHJPUBLICATION. bi-imrimeiitef tlie Interior. I.ano UrricK At Oauooa cu r. Oa. Kebnmn llllii l!Kll. VTOTICE IH JIEHKliy CIVr.N 'I HAT 'I'll K 11 loliOMiiii.-ijiiint-d wettter hm iikd liotlec rt tiU initriitlen lu iiiak-i li'inl proof hi npHrtof hii eiiiiiii, (nut Hint mtlrl prool will be maof be fore Hit- l!ii.'ier ami iiceeivor at Orewi city, Oregon, on April Im, l'.iOl, viz: (iKOUHK II. JOII.'JHOS, llr,mitcT etitrv No. in,W3, forthef.iof N !i, MVJ4l Kliti n'no of MKJiJ, neotlon :u, towimhti" 4 north, rnrnie i wimt. Ho nininw thu fulloivjni? witiiiinKt; to broyo lilh coiitinuouH rt--liietii'ii iioon.utKl 1'iiltivfttioii tti, MHbt Ifin.i. viz: Uall-b Ho ;ei-H unl j. A. Meh-.nu:,!. of Verlloniii, i Oreifiiii. ttiiil T, J. t'lilinioi anil .lohn Hoc'ji, of I'orllsinl, Oreijou. CliAS. ii. MOOIUM, tttmtt lU-:;intcr. NOTICE OF FIML SETTLEMENT. j NOTICE 13 I1ERKIIY (ilVBS BY THU UN-i ilfirh:'iiei( H'liniNnlriil.ir of Ine isMtc of Bunlh Cie-o, ooeei.-ieil. hint h') h?i nU-o-ln llio otiice ol the colony court of Crilniribin County, j Oregon, hirt liiml i.eeoimt of his fi Itoliiii trutioii ' ui-oli mil 1 t-xoito, toollti-r wlih his petitloo tor ! fliuii i!li!e;nelit uiel iliMlrlbiilion, tiil that the j Hon. J. 5l. poan, ju.lco of wild court, Imf. ap-' (iohlte'1 Friday, the th duy of M,ireh. lyl. at i 011ft o'rlork io the nfti-riioon of ' at, I ib,y, iu. tins ; titno, and tlie co'irtnsim of mid co-irt nt tie; ; court iioiiM! in Ht. lli'leim. Or&K"n, the jdaeo ; ol licariiitf and -etlleini'iu ol n.H aiM-ooul and , pethtoii for iitKtrhrtiioa, at which time and j oIhco anv nenion lll!erl'ted may Hl.tieiir and i lite objections In wrhhiK to biiiit areount and petition. W. U. CAE, Adiutnlslrutor of Ihe estate of Hurali Cane, deecH.'Cil. VI. II. I'owell, Atttorncy for Aiiuiinbtnaor. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. vrOTK'E IS HEREBY" 01 VEX BY THE CN i.1 demlned adinhiNtrator of the e-nile of tleoriro I'riee, deceuned, Uihi he hnii lileil In tho ; onu.'e oi ine county ronrt oi coiumoin i.f,un! v, oreeon. lim nunl mcolinl ol inn iidmilil.iiroiioii uiwn said csime, tocetiier with bis petition for mm Miwiinni. sua tnai tan nun. t. o. ihm Juitije of mild court, has appointed Friday, the ! sihduy of March, liwl, at one o'clock hi the j afternoon of niibl day ua the time, and the courtroom of aaid court at the court holme, in i Ht. Ileleim, Oregon, as the piaee, of hearlnt; ; and ftelilemetu of anid account and fietiiiou. at which time and place, any pernou interested 1 iilv nuneKr Hiiil flit, oltiiii'tlona in writlllff to ; siliil neoount und tlitloil. W. I). CAS', j Auinnunirutor ol lite uiatc ui oi-ergu riieo, deee,iM;d. W. li. Powell, Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, THE HlldtTKieued administratrix of the estate of Win. L. Oi-iihain, deceased.- have hied with the Clerk of Ihe County oiirt ol the Mateot Oregon, for Columbia county, my rei-ort and tinul account In the administration oi paid es-; lute, and thai the Jn liie of mid court lias li ved the -llh day of March, l'.ul. ul 1 o'clock, p. m of Haid dav, and the court room of siiid court a the time anil place for the hcnriim of n iiil re port nml tieeoum, at wkii'h lime anil place any au l all persons intereMed In laid estate may , appear and object or contest Ihe same. MACDK. IIKAHAM, AdinlniHtratrlx of the esiute of Wm. U. Gra ham, deceased. Dated this nth day of January, lsxjl. R. I'. Urahara, Attorney for Admiuiitrairlx. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. To The Honorable County Court of Columbia County, Orenon : We, the nnderslirned lesal voters, residing in Oak Point precinct. Columbia Comity, Onuon, would respectfully petition your honorable bodv at ll.s next regular seinion. which will be held on the lilh day of March, 1901, nt the court 1 house, in ibe city of St. Helens. Columbia ! Conntv, Htnle of Oregon, that a license be granted lo Louis Fluhrer, to sell spirruous, vin ous and mall hiiuore in iiuantities less than one gallon, in Oak I'oint preeinct, tu aaid county and stale, and that said license be pjrauted for a period of one year, for all of which your pe titlonern will ever pray: J 8 Piilliam. Charles tlundlu, Eil Amleraou, 8 K Nnnrrcu, L Stocketiben:, D K Ilillsbery, JameaCoaklv.t) 1) Myers, 1,8 Mason, f B full iam, JA Kemp, C K Hilly, 8 Mi-Barnes. It II Kiug. C N navidson, W F skhncldcr, J C Atchi a.,11, W H Jiolnpple, anion Kaspar, W I. 1'ull lam, Charles Mavger, J B Lovi-area, V W Love iiretl, Carl Sloi-kenbertr, Ambrose Madden, AP Mcliraw, J W Hotlmun. DM EwiiiR, Wm An derson, C A Teniahali, J T Went, l) McOune, K Williams, Frank Harnes. li V, Marnes. Uny llarnes, T llrvant, ('has. Krlrkson, K W Fluhrei', Wm Mctlalfum, Wm Huberts, 1 VV Turner, Henry Henderson, J A McAveal, A Steckenberg, V t i ran.lall, J Powliiiir '' H Jones. 1. A Jan y. (ieorne Englehart, J J Davis, James Miller, F .1 Quliiu. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior. Land omca at Orbuom cn v. Oa., janunry .i, .'.nil. A atiffli'ieut contest affidavit having been tiled In this oi:iee bv L. I-. hi'lrirltCiinU-slnnr.auainst llo:ee.-le;iil enirv No. ll,0.si', made Mareh I.") h. I Ih'jJ, for easl h iff of the southeast quarter and I Ihoensl h:ilfnf tie' northeast ipiarler of section i tweh'e, townsiiip live north, raic'e four west of liie W llliiiiielle meridian, by Charles A. Kosior, eontesu-e, in whleh it is albxed that coutestsint knows the present condiiio of tlie sa. ic: also that said Chits. A. Foster failed to cointdy v illi i the houie.-teild laws of the United states as fol-1 lows: tlmt ba has never resided upon Mild i nail of laud since liie year IkU: tant be abau- j doned the same in l ie ; re-lded apou said laud or in manner Improved! tho same. A iliiuit alleges upon itn'ormation and belief that wild Foster has not resided upon said land sluee Januai v l.s'.i7, and upon ins own pfr.oiinlkmm-led.u-e thai Foster did not reside thereon except as heretoiore herein slated, prior to said Unto ui'd ihat sail ullesvd absence lioin said land was n.n one io ins pnip.iov ineni j In the iirmv, navy or marine corps ol tlie Lulled ; trttos. as a private soblier, oiliier. seionan or; murine diirin-j the war with Spain or during i anv oihiu' war in whit-h Cue I'uiicd Slates may ; be 'enirasjed, said parties me here ly notified to : le-lioiid, appear and Jfl'er evidence touching ! sal., ailenallona at 10 o'eloek a. in , on Maieh j Jr' " i , , ' 1 at es l aud oiiiee h, 'Vliy. : otonon. Tho suia CtmterMwnt liaviuit iu a imui" ; Hmnn u nioi juuti.u v oiu iwi, eti hm whiih show th.it after due dilbionce. personal ; (mi(rxMl au l tUri'pIe'l that sacb nuttcD be given ii -s.' lUl. notlliU CUI llAt ll.l muiln. iJ tl.Tp! l.v dim tiiwl iiMiitT lillbllealloll. CHAS. H. MO0RE8, Register. CITATION TO HEIRS. In the County Court of the State ol Oregon lor Columbia County. In the mutter of tliee'tate of John Hendricks, deceased. Citation to heirs aud other intesea- ted persons. To Mary A. Frve, Sarah Jane llaydon and Ke becea" Hendricks, heita at law of John Ilen dvieks, deeeascd, and to heirs and devlsrs uuliiiown.il any such there Ik?, ami to nil oilier persons interes'ed in Ihe r. al estato ol the es tate of said deceased, meetlm; IN THE NAME Ur Til. 8TATJK Of OKKllUM You aud each of you nro hereby eom i nnuided to tie and appoar befoie the Honorable ! Count v Court of the i-lateof llreiron for Colum bia County, ut the t:onntv I otivt itouse iu ine eltv of Ht. 'Helens, in sald'Couuty nn.l state, on Friday, Ihe ail dav of Mareh A. D., 1901, at the hour in' l o'clock p. m, of aaid day, that Injtns a dav of the reaular Miu'eh lerni oi said County Court, to show cause, U any exiats, why nn order of sale of all tho real estate, or so much thereof as may be ueeersary lo satisfy Ihe charges, expense, nnd claims iiKainst said es tate, Ihe propertv of said eslate should not be made as nraved'for In tlio petition of the ad- I ministrator of said esiatu now on Hie In Ihe i olllea of the clerk of the said Court: thefol- lowing Is a description of the mild real estnle. ' tor of section 211. In townspln live (." north IO-W11. inenoioi iiiiii in ine "... ii. .,... raie-o two ('-) west, of the Willamette meridian , in t loluiuhla Comity, In the stale of Oregon. i In Tkhtimomv WHBKKor, I. J. 0. Watts, the j Clerk of the sal 1 Conntv ( . ourt of the .state el oreifoli for collimma i Diimy. navii .ere. ! set inv hand and the soul of Ihe aab Conn, at . ,ny oiiiee hi Ihe city of St. Helen, the county , Seat of said Coiiutv of Columbia, In the Stale ol i Orvxoti, Ibis the Wth day of February A. 1, , l'.mi, , J. U , i I I S- ' pir.Al,. I i.niiiuo i,oun,.u m. v. v... gon, for Columbia County. ..Pure.. DRUGS Regular 25 cent Paper Back Novels .0nly 10 cents... St. Helens f 0 St. DENTISTRY. RECHSTKKKD DENTIST Long experience. All kinds of fine dent al work. o mntter what your work may be, yon can have it doife here, and further, it will be done iu a first-class, durable manner. Your work is not limited to Inst only a certain number of years. Much of it will last the rest of your life ; some of it may not. Yon wilt be told the truth con cerning its permanency when vou come in. Everything depends on the qnalitv of your teeth. Teeth examined free and an estimate given, you thus know just what your work will cost before you begin, and no change will be made except tit your own solicitation. Gold Crowns, ?5.00; White CrownB, 5.00; Bridge Work, 5.00; Gold Fill ings, (1.00 up; Amalgam Fillings, 75 cents np; Cement Fillings, 60 c. BOLD, CELLULOID AND ALLUMINUM PLATES. Teeth extracted free (painlessly) when teeth are made. Warm, pleas ant rooms. Lady attendant. Appointments made by mail. Booms 50 and 51, Washington Building, Southeast Corner 4th and Wash ington Streets, 5th Floor, Portland. Take elevator. k'VtV'VsV''V''V quality and Variety Are two very important featnres to take into consideration when one goes to procure articles for everyday nse and consumption. To our hpst of patrons wo'are pleased to say we have - QUALITY, VARIETY AHD QUANTITY. Our large and select stock affords the intending pur chaser splendid opportunity to get the best bargains onereu GROCERIES, DRY Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, i., . .. 'I .e.l.i .. ...... 1 iln.. OianKeis,OLl riuiilliis, iceii, iiuui, p""-" Dtv.a, u.v...,.v. garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. COLLINS THE PEOPLES' Goods Exchangod for Produce. 1 Seasonable Goods At our store means that we keep constantly for sale a variety and quality of merchandise which at nil times is suitable to the demand of all well-living people. We cater to all classes LOGGER, FARMER, MERCHANT. General Merchandising . Is our especial business, and we have held the fort by offering a high quality of goods at low . quality prices. We handle Household Necessities Supplies for evervt.odv ami to nieet all demands. We invite examination of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and quality, isow is the time to call on POPULAR ST. HELENS, - .-k'VV'vvsy.' ...JOHNSON & BURCbORFER BROS.. o Manufacturers ...All Kinds of Raugh Flooring... KukiIc ...Ceiling AND " ' ...IIiiiciisIoii Lumber... A SCAPPOOSfl. - School Supplies. Paints, Oils, Glass. Stationery. . Shelf Paper. School JJoc-ks. California Perfumes. Notions. Toilet Articles, Etc. Orders Liken for Wall Paper From ai!ij,'o hooka foreland Prices Books of all kinds. t Pharmacy. PAINLESS EXTRACTING in mis vicinity. . GOODS, CLOTHING, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cuttler) , .,wlt,i daoiIb nmlmp rmua & GRAY, MERCHANTS. ST. HELENS, OREGON. DEALERS. ; v. OREGON. rorc v of aud Dealers iu o end Dressed Lumber., GOCD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on south fork of Seappoosi; creek, four ( miles from SeupiHKiso stallon. , I ii.,r delivered at SeaiillOO.e slatloll Or Johnson's lninlhiu -nl tl.W per M, extra. At I Warren stanou, i.!io. - - - - OKKtrON