nnxTTTi OREGON JLXIJBa VOL. XVI If. 8T. HELENS, OREGON, FBIDAY, FEJUtUAKY 22, 1901. NO. 10. is or I ffiH HUD AS SPAIN IS AGAIN CALM. K III W (Old SIX WERE KILLED. ill n mm From All Parti of the New WorM and the Old. Of INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Ompthuulvt Review of th Important Its. pnlngi of tlx Put W M Condensed Tomw , Money scarcity iu England oontin OM. Tb president will call au xtr m Ion. Tli iid of lb Doer war It not In light. Haver oo Id waather prevail through out Kurop. ' A 18-iuoh gun exploded on the but tleihip Keamarge. Au Englishman' letter created a Munition In Maulla. Five rebel offlrer and 20 men were raptured ne.ir Manila. Civil government wa established In puKluen pwviuee. All the volunteer will be home (ruin the Philippine by June SO. The cur li luapiclotie of Kmpenir William doings In huglaud. A ppropi latino Mile bave the right cl wy in the hou thia wk. Kuaala has imposed id liioreaaed tariff on Import! Iroin America. The senate will practically dtvote tlili week to appropriation bill. Louisiana mob hanged a negro who killed a white uiau aud hi! faiuily. hit persons were killed and ai many seriously injured iu a traiu wreck In Nevada. Nine prisoners iu the Hoku conn ty jail overpowered the jailer aud e cwped. Ollidal Hit of the victims of the Union mine accideut place the uiiin ber at 61. One regiment aud a portion of two other will lie mustered out at Van oouver, Wuli, Klaborat preparations are helug made for the oolonlal tour ol the Duki of Coruwall aud York. Two Ilrlilal Veil, Or., factories and the O. li. & N. rallmad bridge tier damaged by lhbieaklngof a drift Jam, Dunlin government hm broken off negotiation with the Untied dates regarding the aula of Daulsh Wait Iu diei. Colnnel V, T. Hart, well-know! We.teru promoter, committed eul.riile by JumpluK from a moving traiu into the Klmke river. To hasten peace negotlntloiin. Von Walrierae hi punned au.HOflityex peditlon and like American and I reuob to co-operate with the (lermana. The Jofferles-ltulillu fight ii ot- poued. Another Ininrgent band baa been broken op, A itata of ilege bai been proclaimed at Madrid. Guns were tie,l in a saloon raid at Wlntleld. Kan. I'elt Dewet 1 at the Cape trying to brtug about peace. Ctvll government baa been e.tnl Uh d in rampHiiga provluce. lienor I Devil will conduct the t ar- n a u-Ca rr nza i u ven t iga t iou . Charles M. Schwab ia to be preai dent of the new Morgan iteel oompauy. An address of loyalty from the olty or Loudon was presented to King r.d ward. The headless and mutilatod body ol a man was found iu the rear of a Co- lumulu, O., laloon, Pennlon for Oregon ludlan war vet' eram hue been left out of the aubsti. tute bill iu cougreM. The ameor of Afghanistan hn writ' ten an extremely sympathetic Utter to Jjord Cnrxon, on the occasion of the death of the queen. Otto W. Meysaiiliurg, formerly praai dent of the Wells & French Car Coin pany, of Chicago, li dead at bia conn try home, Alma rieta, Cat., at the ag of 53 yearn. Frank Crnwford, aged IB, wai ahot and iuilautly killed by till brother Charley, aged 14 yean, at Kallugee, vv. . Frank objected to Charley gulug out buutiug. From an aih barrel that had been consigned to a dump at Plalulteld, N. J. , Colonel Julian Bcott, the well known artlit, haa len-ued a deatk nmik of Napoleon. Margin McClure, convicted of assist lug lu the wreck of the lintliind, Vt Merchant' National Bank, wai (en tenced to aeven yean in the county home of correction. Fire in the flve-itory block in Boston occupied by Will'am tl. Blood He Co , shawls, cloaks, etc.! Creed Co., fancy goods; Edward Holler & Co., lining!, and M. 11. l'ulaikl & Co., em broideriss, earned a loi of i 1 50,000. Queen Victoria had 78 children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Lord Robert ia the fir it man ever entitled to wear the Garter, the Vic torla Ciom and the order of Ht. Put rick. Tblrty-flve prominent American oulptor will contrlbnte to the embel liihment of the groundi and building of the Pan-American exposition at Buffalo, N. Y. OUR LAWMAKERS. , Oolnji of Importance at Iht SUt Capital Bill! Passed. Two Railroad Bills Killed. The houiie after spending nearly an other half diiv lu oouslderetlou of rail' road bill, disponed of two more Wed ueiday. One of theie uieaaure rva J'ooniian' follow lervaut bill. It waa debated at length, and although even It opponent admitted It bad good point, it wit defeated by a vote of 81 to 22. The other railroad bill which wa (linpoacd of, and which met a slm llurfatn, wa the bill of iluirl to fix the liability of railroad .corporation (or iujuriea. Hut lit vote were oait lu favor of thti bill. No Holiday it Salem, Waahlmitou'i birthday, February 39, a a legal noiiciay. but II ia not a legia latlve hiilldav unleaa lh ll.l.tnr. h apeciflo act chooira Inaamuoh a U'aahlngton'i birthday imppeu mi year to tail on the 40th liar of the amnion (the nauul A nl line Ale adjouruineut) It 1 probable mat uiialuoM will tie proceeded with much a UlUnl. Tll conatltlltlnn nf the itate doe not limit the ..in tn 4U (lava, but doe limit the tntiil rmm tienaitlon of eu li mamhw ti tllti 3 per day; therefore, few legtdaton oan be exiNtctwl to be m aelf-aaoriao- ng ai to work long lor nothing. Bill! PaiMd. The aenata Wednesday paed tbe following hill: fjeuata bill 70, to cor reot the description of the boundary of wiueu-r county; enate bill 143, to protect hotel aud boarding bouie keen- era; liy Hunt, regolatlag treet rail way in 1'ortland; aeuate bill 78, to enact the Torreu -ayttein ol regiatra tlou ol land lltlee; aenate bill I7J, to mgulate Inaurauce oompaoiea; (enate bill II, to provide (or the eleoiionof road iiiperviaon; aeuate bill 187, to create tiie office of county auditor of Multnomah county; aenata bill 217, to amend the charier of Nberwood; aenate bill 916, to fix the aalary of prosecut ing attorney in the Seventh jndtclal dUtriot. Tbe bonae Wednesday paaaed bills as follow.: house bill 97, providing for a uniform system of mine bell ig ale; bonne b'll 140, making it a crime to remove or interfere with mining lo cation marks; bouae bill 127, regulat ing the supply of water for irrigation purpose. Th StnatorUI Vet. The joint vote for senator Wednes day waa: II. W. Corbet t, 82; Binger Hermann, 29; George II. Williama, ; It. D. Inman, Democrat, 26; W. E. Hobcrtson, Democrat, I; absent, 1. LkiuM Bill Defeated. Ketiato bill 10, lor the llceming of tatiouary engiueer and tireineu waa defeated .Monday. Woman Suffrage Defeated. A u effort wa made in the home Monday to reconsider the vote by which seuate joint reaolutiou 71, for woman auffrage, wai defeated. The vote (or recouaideratlon wai loal, 28 to 21. Law Without Governor'! Signature Governor deer Monday filed the barber Sunday cloning bill without hi lignature, tboa completing tbe proceeding neceaiary to make it a law. A It bears an emergency clause, It went into effect Monday aud will make barbering on nuxt Sunday a crime. Paiied Both Houm. The following bill have paaaod both bouesa: House bill 9, relative to cliool libraries; boune bill 91, to pro hibit barbering on Monday; houm bill 208, appropriation for legislative ex penses and detioienciee; senate bill 12, provi ling for sale of school lands; aen ate bill IS, exemption of earniuga of judgment debtor; aenate bill 17. fix ing (oo ol witueaeea In Douglai, Jaok ton aud Joaephlne couutlei lu orimiual actioni; lenate bill 9fi, fixing salary ol judge ol Clackamai couuty. Incorpor ation bill, Bberldan aud Whitney. Sifned by th Governor. The following bill bave been signed by. tbe goveiuor: Donne bill 8, amend luic Albany bridge act; house bill 4, appropriating 946,000 lor Oregon agri cultural college; nouse bin zd, appro- oriating 147.600 to Oregon state unl vernitr: houne bill 180, (or payment of scaio bounty warrant; honse bill 224, relative to Portland tax ley; house bill 267. relinquishing ground to United Htatea (or poatoftlce at Kalevn; aenate bill 8, relative to license on itate fair ground. (A law without goveruor'i iunature); (enate bill 19, to pay ex- Denies o( Indian war veterans to WanB- ington; senate bill 89, to submit initia tive and referendum; senate bill 104, removing incline at Cascade looks; senate bill 11, to authorize Portland to lev? a special tax; incorporation acta for th followlug places: Hose burg, Canyonvllle, Silverton, Elgin, Pummervllle. Baker City. Antelope, Dallas, fiuinpter, Myrtle I'oiut, Med ford. 1 Th Vol (or Senator. The vote for senator Monday tood: Corbet 80, George H. Williams 23, William Smith 26, Binger Hermann, 6, not voting 1. aluent or paired 6. Aid (or Orphanage!, f hnnaa Mimmittee on corpora tion Wedueday rendered favorable report on the bill by HoloomD provio lng tate aid (or all orphan.aiylum of not to exceed 1U per anuum per iu- mate. Foj Clark Sword Fund, tn tha hnnaa Wednesday Eddy in troduced a concurrent resolution pro viding for an appropriation ot im ior the completion of tbe Captain Clark gword fnnd. FH Filipinos Warmly Welcome Amer ican Commissioners. eVHEN ON THEIR FIRST TRIP NORTH ludje Tift and His Auoclstei Have Con to Bacolor to Orcaniz Provincial Govern ment Bulucsn Will Next Be Vlilted Ban Fernando, Province of Pampan (a, laland of Luzon, Philippine, Feb. 14. Bacolor and all tbe town adjacent to the railroad, which name are hie torlo on aooount ot the lleroe battle of the earlier period of the American oo oupatlon, turned oat to welcome the Uuitod Ktate Philippine commlaelon it proceeled northward, on it first trip to organize provincial govern ment. At every station, inoludlng th hamlet where the train did not atop, there were bunts of rauiio from the native band and oneers for the American commission and the partldo (ederale. The oiowd at Malolos, th former seat of the inaurgent govern ment, wa imaller, In proportion to the population, than at the village. At all the stop addrease were deliv ered by the native, and response were nude by Judge Taft, the presi dent of the commission; Professor Worcester, General Flores, Chief Jus tice Arellno and Dr. Tavera, president of tbe Federal party. Tbe native re peatedly declared the people were be ginning to understand the purpose of the Americana, adding that tbe com mission' acta allowed it promise wonld be kept. Judge Tift told tbe people of tbe town in Buluoan provluoe that a pro vincial government will shortly be established there. The American party alighted at Ban Fernando, passed - un der an arch of welcome and was greeted by the military aud hundreds of children waving Amerioin Hags aud ainglng "Hail Columbia." The entire American party wa then driven to Ba color, capital of the provinoe of Pam panga, where they will be cordially entertained tomorrow, and until apply ing the provincial government to Pain panga, there will be publio discus sion of the law enacted. General Grant reoeived information that a band of Tarlao Insurgent 1 ap proaching (or the purpose of harassing the people of Bacolor. He ha sent oouta out alter them. UNCONDITIONAL SURRENDER. Eijht Olficen and Seventy Mea Civ Up th Fight Manila, Fb. 14. An insurgent ool onel, Bimon Teobon, seven Insurgent oHioer and 70 men, with 60 gun, have aurreudered unconditionally to Captain Coolea, ol the Thirty-fifth regi ment, at Ban Miguel de Mayumo. . In fight at Blbiiyan, Batangas, the rebel general, Malbn i reported to bave beeo killed. Six Inaurgent offi cer and 20 men were captured. ' Mariquina i the scene ot an im mense peace meeting ol the Federal party. Tbe Women's Peace League met at Judge Taft'a house today. Benoiite Poble attempted to introduce renin tlon requiring the release of the impris oned insurgents. Mrs. Taft and other ladies spoke on a resolution urging the Insurgents to aurrenler. This was adopted instead Of Benorita Poble's. BOILER MAKER'S GOOD LUCK. Bondi Mine In North lor Quarter ef J Mil- lion Dollar!, Port Townsend, Wash., Feb. 14. A mining deal wa consummated here to it..., of mora than naual intercat. owinn to the amount involved, and that it transfer a man Iroin tne ranx oi pov erty to affluence. Eriok Molander, a boiler maker, ol tbi city, who had in vested bi earnings iu Mount Bicker, It. C, mining property by hiiing claims staked (or him on extension ol Tyee and Lenora claims, haa bonded hi holdings to London and Pari in vestor lor $260,000. The papers were made out and signed today. Molander pent last lesson at Nome, but (ailed to n,ut hl fnrtmia. Ha returned on the teamer Charles Lane, aud when her boiler gave out and the vessel wa in danger ol awaraping, ha repaired the boilers so that the steamer, with 800 passengers, reached port iu safety, and (or which he was presented with f BOO. Silk Weaver! Locked Out fiwanton. Pa.. Feb. 14. The strike of the 4.000 silk worker in Scrauton , nnltnd in a lookout. The mill- owner and manager today declared they will not reopen their mill until the girl are willing to resume at tne wage whloh were offered nearly two w.ka aco and in which there was a concession of 25 cents a week to each employe. The strikers are determined to stav out until tneir aemanns suau omntnri. Thev have a sked all ailk workers in the oountry for moral and material assistance, requesting tnem t .t.ika if the mills at wbion they are employed handle material from the Soranton mills Telegraphed 200 Miles. London, Feb. 14. Professor John Flemins. lecturing at Liveipool yester day, aald he had Bignor Marooni's per mission to make the first mention of the fact that on the first day of bie reian of Kins Edward VII Marconi ac complished the astonishing feat of end ing wireless messages between St. Cath arine, Isle of Wigbt, and tbe Liazard, loo miles. Perfect communication has ilnoa been stablished. Bui Martial Law Will Continue Throujhoirt Carnival Week. Madrid, Fb. 18, The minuter of the interior, Benor Urgarte, in the course of an interview, asserted that oalin reigned in tbe provinces and that if tbe same pacific behavior of the peo ple continued after tbe carnival next week, martial law could be discontin ued in Madrid and tbiougnout Spain, except in Catalonia. Madrid remain perfectly calm, although the talk of the probable ohange of ministry after the carnival i very strong. All th troo bave been withdrawn, and the censorship is las vigorous, bnt no refereuoe to lb disorder of the past few days is permitted to appear. All dispatches are now revised and de layed. The street are now guarded by only the ordinary number of police. The weather la bitterly cold and not conducive to mob manifeatatlon. There i not the (lightest foundation for the statement circulated in the United Btates, on tbe authoiity of a news ageuoy that the government bad placed restrictions on tbe sending of message regarding the royal wedding. Two persons wore killed and several others wounded yesterday at Grenada. Tbe count and countess of Caserta arrived at Hendays, France, today. They met with no special inoident en route and continued tbe journey to Nice. Cause of Diiturbances, New York. Feb. 18. A speoial to the Time from Washington nays: Tbe disturbance which General Weyler i now trying to quell, are not, it ia said by person familiar with tbe situation, of either Carlist or Republi can origin, although both parties are no doubt active in tryiug to take ad vantage of the trouble. It i deolaied that tbe uprising i in reality an out break of tbe discontented. Those tak ing part In it comprise all classes of malcontents, aud its oaose are like those which brought about tbe Frenob revolution. Poverty haa been increasing, tbe burden of taxation has been growing heavier, and the laboring olasses are ripe for revolution. At tbe same time the ruling dynasty i unpopular. All these complications and a number of other have brought about a widespread (eelluir of uurest, and great eveuts are looked for in Spain unless the incipient revolution is quelled. Spain has been tending toward a rebellion for some time. HARD LABOR FOR UFE. Sentence to th Rebel Officer Who Captured the Yorktown Party. - Washington, Feb. 18. Aooordlng to mail advice from the Philippine. Captain Novico, the insurgent officer who commanded tbe band whloh cap tured Lieutenant Gilmore and party, has been sentenced to Imprisonment at ban! labor for life, ou tbe charges of having permitted one of Gilmore' party to be buried alive. The victim wa a sailor named MoDonald. Surrender In Bulacan Dlitrlct Washington, Feb. 18. New of an other. Important surrender in the Phil ippine i oontained in the following dicpatcb reoeived at tbe war depart ment from General MacArthor: "Manila, Feb. 18. Adjutant-General, Washington One hundred and twelve rifles and 1,600 rounds of am munition snrrendeied at Haganey, Feb. 13, mostly from supply seoreted in contiguous swamps. Tbe incident is important, and indicates a great re lation favorable to American interest iu region of Bulacan, heretofore one of the wont in Lnxon. The result is ac complished exclusively by tbe long continued, intelligent and persistent efforts of oflioer of the Third infan- fry" Engagement! With Insurgents. Manila, Feb. 18. Colonel Cronin, and 80 of the Thirty-third regimunt have located 100 insurgents at Candon, innth Hooos. Captain Green with 60 men, met a force of tbe enemy at San ta Maria. The insurgents, who' were commanded by Tino, hid behind stone walls on a steep mountainside. There was hard fighting ' for three hours. Tncn Tino abandoned his position and retreated southward. Gold dlsooveiiea of some importance have been made in the province of Le- panto. Car Jumped the Track. ' Pittslmig, Feb. 18. A oar on tbe Hamilton line jumped tbe traok to nigbt, at the corner of Sixth and Ham ilton avenue, and toppled over against the curb completely wrecking the oar and injuring 20 or more paiaenger four of them severely. ' To Stop Can Rushes. New Haven, Conn., Feb. 16. The Yale faculty baa abolished the time honored custom of granting a holiday to the undergraduate on Washington' hirthday. The action of the faculty tins excited much . discussion among the undergraduates, and au attempt will lie nuide to have the day restored. February 23 is annually the date when the Yule sophomores wear high bats aud carry cauea for the first time, and when the fenhmen 'rush the opho mores and "take" th fenoe. Defenses for Port Orchard Dock. Tacoma, Feb. 18. The work ot lay ing mines and torpedoes about the en trances to the Port Orchard drvdook is soon to begin. A shipment of five cars of mushroom anchor baa been re oeived by the quartermaster's depart ment, consigned to the United State engineer by the ordnance department of the army. They are to be used to old down tbe gunootton mine and torpadoe. Dewet Engaged a British Force Near Philipstown. CROSSED ORANGE RIVER AT SAND DRIPT Th Inalskllllnji Charged th Enemy Who Left Five Killed and Six Wounded Tea Boers Were Captured. London, Feb. 16. The war office) ba received the following diipatoh from Lord Kitchener: "Pretoria, Feb. 16. Our troop are now engaged with Christian Dewet'a force north of Philipstown, which we bold, Dewet having crossed tbe Orange river at Sand Drift, apparently moving west. "Frenoh, reporting from a point 26 mile southeast of Ermelo, state that large force . of tbe enemy ia being driven on tbe Plet Kief, their effort to break back having so far been frus trated. Tbe Inniskilling charged tb enemy, who left five killed and six wounded on tbe groojtd. Ten Boers were captured, and there was a large capture of wagon, carta and cattle. Our casualties were one killed and five wounded." The Kvening News print! a dispatch from Cape Town, dated Thursday, February 14, which say: "The government here Is advised that Christian Dewet and ex-President Stern entered Cap Colony and occu pied Philipstown. Tbe British attack ed them yesterday and drove them out of tbe town with loss." Cap Town, Feb. 16. A Boer com mando crowed the Orange river yester day, lu the Philipstown distriot. It i reported that Dewet wa in command. Van Wykivle! wa oocnpled Monday by 800 Boer who were retreating from Calvinia. Tbe Boers are reported in force 24 miles west of Carnarvon. A Boer convoy of 66 wagons and 45 pris oner! haa been captured north of Am sterdam. Boers Near Cap Town. London, Feb. 16. It i reported from Cape Town that the wife of Comamnd ant Botha left Pretoria with a military eioort to endeavor to get her husband to surrender. Tbe Boer tried unsuccessfully to destroy a culvert near Cape Town. Re vere fighting ensued, tbe Boer leaving three killed and 28 wounded. The British lost one killed and two wounded. Boers Wonted at Aberdeen., Cape Town, Feb. 16. Fighting 1 reported to have taken place near Aber deen Friday and Saturday last, th Boer being wonted. CHICAGO HOTEL FIRES. Attempt! Were Made t Burn Four Structure Robbery During the Excitement Chicago, Feb. 16. Flame were tarted simultaneously on four floors of th Palmer House this aflernoon. and 45 minutes later were discovered on two floors in tbe Great Northern hotel. Two men supposed to be hotel thieves were seen to run from the Palmer house. During tb exoite ment, $500 worth of jewelry was stolen from one of the rooms ol the Great Northern. About the same time, a blase of light wa discovered in tbe Sherman boune. Another fire ot sus picious origin hud been .discovered only 24 hours before. The tires con vince the . police that an organixed gang of incendiaries is operating in Chioago. Good desciiptions bave been secured of tbe two men who were seen running from tbe Palmer bouse, and a number of detectives are at work on the case. The four Area, with tbe oir onmstanoea attending them, were: Palmer House Four fire started simultaneously in baskets of linen on different floor. Towel saturated with kerosene were found. The fire wa extinguished by guest and em ployes. Two auipeots were seen, but allowed to escape. Damage nominal. Great Northern Hotel Simultan eous fire were discovered on the H and J floor. Odor of kerosene on H floor. J. 8. Friest, ot New York, reported that $500 worth ot jewelry bad been stolen fiom hi room. Damage of $1,500 by fire and small panic among th guest. Sherman' Home The. bias, was on the upper floor and wa attended with little commotion. Damage, $100. ' Hotel Grace Fire of suspicious origin discovered in a linen closet. Damag nominal. The most dangerous fire in the Palmer house wa on the fifth floor. It wa extinguished at personal risk by John M. MoWilliams, Jr., senior at Princeton university. The police agree that all the flies were incendiary and tonight every iiortant down town hostelry was guarded by a detail of officer in plain clothes, watching for the men snspeoted of having started the fire. These officers, a well a the hotel manager, have the theory that the blase was started by some din charged hotel employe who wished to satisfy his grudge and was able to do 10 through hi intimate knowledge ol opportunities. Ribbed el $3,000 Worth el Jewelry. San Franoiapo, Feb. 16. Mr. F. H. Osgood, of Seattle, who arrived in till oity on tbe Oregon express tbi morning, ha reported to the police and railway official that (he wa robbed during last night of $3,000 worth of jewelry. She atated that tbe gem were in a leather bag which she impended from her neck, bnt that they were taken while he was sleep ing. The polio officer have arrested man on uspicioo. Five Passengers and Fireman en Wrecked Train As Many Seriously Injured. Winnemuoca, Nov., Feb. IB. The it bound overland limited Southern Pacific train, officially known a No. II, wa wrecked at 6:20 o'clock yesterday morning at a point 27 mil west ot this place, while running at a speed of 50 mile an hour, tbe train went Into a waahed out culvert, and tb reiult wa tbe wont wreck known on this division of tbe road. Six persona were killed and aix injured. Tbe disaster occurred at a point where an embankment 8 feet high c rouses a ravine. Melting (now from the mountain cansed heavy rnh of water which broke through tbe em bankment aome time during the night. The wanhoot wa about 75 feet in width, and into the. raging torrent th Ill-fated train plunged witboot warn ing. Tbe engine nearly cleared th break before the rail gave way, tb tender falling back. Tne mail oar and composite car followed into tb chasm, the composite car telescoping the first of tbe Pullman sleepers nearly half it length. Two lie peri and the dining car re mained on the track. The bodies of two men, evidently tramps, who were steal lug a ride, are In tbe wreokage. Train No. 4, th esstboond express, was following tbe limited train very closely, and the rear brakeman of tbe latter bad only a few minute In which to flag No. 4 and prevent rear end collision. At 7:20 A.M. a special train left thi place for tbe scene of tb wreck, carrying doctor and nurses, and the injured were given every attention pos sible, being taken to tbe hotel at Mill City, tbe nearest station. Tbe dead and injured were later taken back to Wadiworth on a special train, and will be carried on to San Francisco. It will be two or three daya before the track can be put in condition to tbat tbe running of train may be re sumed. It will be necessary first to build a trestle across tbe cbaam in which the recked cars are lying. OVERPOWERED THE JAILER. Nine Prisoner! In the Spokane County Jail Escape Officer OaVe Pursuit Spokane, Feb. 19. Arthur Spencer, of San Frauclsco. charged with imper sonating a United State officer, and eight other prisoners overpowered Jailer Thompson in the Spokane county jail this morning and are now at large Thompson say he wa seized from behind by prisoner who were hiding behind a door, waa beaten in o ineen sibility, robbed of key and revolver and gagged to prevent an outcry. When the jailer got loose be took a Winchester and went out to look' for the escaped men. He spied citizen who, frightened by tbe jailer' appear ance, started to run. Tbe jailer gave pursuit and began to shoot at the man, who finally waa rescued by a jury out for an airing. Posses bave been lent out every where, but not one of the jail breaker ha been lighted. NEGRO WAS LYNCHED. Killed Man and His Family and Ransacker th House. New Orleans, Feb. 19. Thomas Jackson, a Negro, waa lynobed today at St. Petet, 20 miles above thia city, for a series of ciimes. This morning be visited the home of Alexander Bour geois, the engineer of the drainage machine on Bellepoint plantation, some distance from the plantation quarters. He told Bourgeois the manager wanted bim, and the engineer mounted the tricyole with the Negro. Jackson stabbed tbe engineer in the back and threw the body into a ditch. He then returned to the house and butchered Mrs. Bourgeois and her two babies and ransacked the house. Two boy visit ing tbe family bid in tbe wood. After the negro' departure the boy went to St. Peter and gave tbe alarm, return ing with mob of several hundred men. The negro wae tracked to his home and fully identified by the boys. He was banged and bia body riddled with bullets before the sheriff arrived. Composer Nevln Dead. New Haven, Conn., Feb 18. Eth el bert Nevin, musician and com poser, died suddenly here today of heart dis ease. Mr. Nevin came to New Haven about five weeks ago to be associated with professor Parker, of Yale univer sity, in bii muscial work. Ethel bert Neivn was born in Nevinacre, Pa., in 1868. A copmoser, Mr. Nevin at tained a name hardly second . to any musician, and hi aong are known throughout the continents. Among these are "The Rosary," "Naroiesus." "Good Night," "Good Night, Belov ed," and an arrangement of Heina' "The Helden Roealein." Mexican Troops Defeated Indian. Mexioo City, Feb. 10. The federal troop had another engagement with Maya Indians yesterday, and the troops turned their flank and drove them from ail their fortified . place. The caw Mauser rifle are found to be extremely effective against the enemy. Three S'.'lcldcs In Sin Francisco. San Francisco. Feb. IB. Suiildei were epidemic in this city today. Three men suffering from despondency took their lives. A. Lewis, a hoe- maekr in ill health, ended his life trou bles by asphyxiation. Robert Mo Kenna, painter, quarreled with bia wife and (wallowed a dose of arsenic. A. Moeller, a baker, who grieved over the death of a son, who waa killed In the terrible football accident last Thanksgiving, took carbolic aoid, Sixty-Five Miners Are Entombed No Hope for Them. - CAUSED BY AN EXPLOSION OP CAS Only Exit b th Mouth ol th Shaft Which U Puled With a (lug Velum of Smok Relief Measures Have Begun. Vancouver, B. C, Feb. 18. Sixty five mlnr are imprisoned in No. shaft ol tbe Cumberland coal mine on Vancouver island. The only exit 1 tbe month of the shaft which ia filled with a huge volume of flam.' Thr la considered to be no poiiibility for tb unfortunate! to escape. Details ef Disaster Meager. Details of the disaster are meager. Th Cumberland mine is near the vil lage ot Union, "about 60 mile north of th town of Nansimo. Tbj only telegraphic communication from On ion is by (ingle government wire, and little i( known of the tragedy in the mine except tbat terrible explo ion occurred in No, 6 shaft of tb Cumberland about 11 o'clock thia morning. Following th ex plosion tbe shaft caught fire, and the 65 miner who were working half mile front tbe entrance were caught in Ja death trap. A relief party from No. 6 shaft made a brave but futile attempt at rescue. They were headed off by the fir and could not reach the imprisoned men. Th attempt at rescue wa mad through No. 6 shaft, but tb flame prevented any development of th per ilous venture. The Cumberland mine is on of tb ptopartie of the Onion Colliery Com pany, situated near Comox and reached irons Onion bay by the privet colliery railway crowing tb Trent river on which tb memorable bridge disaster occurred a year or two ago. It baa been singularly fortunate here tofore in immunity from disaster and was counted an especially aafs mine to work in by reason of th character of tb formation in which th coal is found there, and the manner in which it bad been opened op. No. 6 shaft, tbe scene of the disaster, wa bottomed in October, 1898, at a depth of 814 feet It i well constructed and lim bered, with a mud wall, the pit bot tom being timbered with 11x18 sawn hulks, built wildly together, 16 fee wide and 13 feet high. Tbe abaft la located cloae to th railway, and th ventilation of the mine is fleeted by m 14x5-foot Guibal fan, wbicb, when ran to iu full rapaoity, give 85,000 oubio feet of air circulation per minute. Tbe air enters by the haulage elope and is divided into asperate splits, th main aplit being at the. point wber No. 2 branohee off the main elope, part of the air going down each slop. Further down each of then dope th air i again aplit, and sent to th stork ing( east and west of the respective dope. - A second explosion ooenrred in No. 5 ehatt tonight, bnt it had been ex pected, and all the men had left tb workings. Tbera were no casualties. Thia explosion prevent any further effort being mad to rescue the ear tombed miner through No. 6 hft. Killed by a Tiger. Indianapolis, Ind., Feb. 18. Albert Neilaon, aged 15, employed a an ani mal keeper at the Zoological garden, in tbi city, v killed by a Bengal tiger , today. He entered the tigei'a eag and was attacked by tb beast. A terrible struggle followed in which Neilaon waa torn in a hundred placee. Red hot iron war thrust into th blood thirsty animal, but not until even bullet had been Bred into it body did it release it hold on its vic tim.' Neilaon was dragged from th cage more dead than alive, and wa hurried to the city hospital, where be died as he was being carried in. Th tiger wa not fatally wounded. Neil son had been employed by tbe Zoo company thre years. He- was in charge of the lion'a cubs, and it is sup posed opened th tiger's oage by mia take. Generals te Retire Today. Washington, Feb. 18. Generals J. H. Wilson, Fitzbngh Lee and Theo dore Schwan will be retired tomorrow, the last named on his own applicaion. Colonel A. 8. Daggett, Fourteenth in fantry, wilt be promoted to a brigadier generalship, succeeding Sohwan, and will be retired immediately. May Arrest Without a Warrant PitUbuig, Pa., Feb. 18. In tbe snit f John B. Bennett against Secret Serv ice Agents Flynn and Berriman and Deputy United States Marshal W. 8. Blair, who war charged with malic ious trespass assanlt and battery in connection with the arrest of the plain tiff, Judge W. M. Achin, in th Unit ed State court, Handed down an im portant opinion. He make a prece dent in deciding tbat United State marshal or their deputies oan mak arrest in emergenoy cases without warrant. , found Dead on the Desert. Tuoson, Aria. Feb. 18. Gsorg Wbeatley a well-known mining man and two Mexloan miner were ton ad dead in their tent, one mil from th mining camp of Scholia, 80 milea front Tuoson. When fonnd the parties had been dead for aevaral daya. Indica tion point to death from oharosal fume. Some believe that th man war polond. Th body of en o' th Mexloan waa being ooniumed by fir when th remains war discovered. ..it. .