FEBUUAH J, IDOjY yT In it tabulated statement published til ib Orcgofiltitt fa "M allowing (lie promotion of lumber lu this atale by couiitiv during the year 1UOO, Co iiimlila oity rates second lu tUa list with 60,000,1X10 feet, with Multnomah III tlio load with S!7iX)tJ,(KM) feet. Hut one otlivr county miimU Columbia 0 .t ..i ......I luiltirr l.utio. with (WWIiUI . llini-ri''", . ...... w,wiv,- 000 fuel, while the next iilgluiet in Couc Mt I'ouierov. a former well known young buslne maiuf JtaJnlor, haa lukcn punTlion as traveling salesman for the Illiiuiauer-rraus vai., I'oruimd. tlii territory fiiclutltn the town, butween 1'liu Dalloa and Aiturla wild as fur north at Olympia. Mft It wide-awaka hus tling young follow Hud deaervely popular will) all who know him. If energy and buainvi tct are tit.'SNful drummer's equipment then Met'a success in hit new line ia aaaureu. Enterprising eltlu nr thu making of tnwna, ciuea au truuiiuca, n eenrn not In what direction enterprise 1 Ul rwlcd if it employs labor, untilhtRn imt n ml products, or produces something o' benefit to the community or for export, ft it direct benefit. We can't have too niHuy anw mills, salmon canneries, cheese fiu'lmles, dairies, or IuLkim,iU. ploying Industries of anv kind. Let uh not discourage, then, the aiualletit of them; hut encourage and Kind ail the assistance wo- am able to. It la the secret of the growth and development of cverv go-a-tieud and progressive town on will.. ; Notice haa been received by the county Judge of the death of Mr. Win. T. White, who died at tiie state asylum on January IHHaiwd waa committed to that institution from lliia) county on Novem ber lit. Cause of death Is given by the authorities aa aenlle exhaustion, Mr. While waa a pioneer of thia county, having resided In thia vicinity about forty-eight years. Ilia entire life waa devoted to borae training and borne rala Uit, and hla Judguieut pertaining to horses waa accepted aa authority. Mil wile waa a alepdaughterof Aaron Itroy U( deceased pioneer of liouiton. The ro uiaina war laid to mat at Hcappooae last Monday. All kinda of thing are promlaed to happen in railroad eventa In thia county this year, and elniuuiaUucea aeoin to substantiate the belief that theee prom lane art not altogether like pie eruat. Thia la a resourcelul county and great stag of development ia curtaiuly near ', to liand. We lioneatly believe there will be mors than one Hue of railroad built to Nehnlum vulii r before the year IlXJl la dona. Heaide the magnificent resources of that valley, it ia an Inter-, vening portion of country between the center of demand for thoee thlnga and another equally productive and reaource ful country. The atar of empire ia tak ing il way wcatwurd. The piano recital given by Mr a. JoncV inatrumeutal claaa,ou Thursday evening ol iaal week, waa a very gratifying amt-eae. Thu partiripauta were nearly all new liegiunera in mualo, therelnra the prod eienny diaplayed by the entire c'aaa waa, iudi.'d, moat pleaaiiig aurpriae to pnrenta and fiienda of lha young'people. Aa ia to be eipwted, aouiaoi the muni bera develiwd mora mueieal Ulcnt than other, but all of them gave promise of future auiMWna in muaio and eevurat of tlifiu bid fair to rivnl even the fauioua l'adurewaki. Mra. Jonea ia to be con gratulated upon tho ancceaa of her t'Aoru. The m-ital waa given at the reaideneeof Mr. and Mra. J. U. Walla, where a luraM and iiilerealed nninlivr gathered to enjoy the iiiuaic. Kefreah inenta were aetvel by the boateaiu At Warren Saturday evening will take place the graduating exereiaee of the vlnaa ol IlKM), and the eeremoniea will be atiapicioua and tilting. True, the olaaa ia roiiiKNHMl ol but one atudeut, but llie purpuae of fie reremonlua iano leaa im portant and the reault no la pleaaing. Thia iaacuatom which aliould lie heartily encouraged thronghout our oounty In our UUtrlct achiiola. It la calculated to inaplre the pupila with a deaira to atrive for better tliinga and the uiioua eereiuoniea are an encouragement and Invitation to othera to join In the work which we are pleaaod to aee progeaaing. rarenta anil all echool patrona aliould tie mutually tutorealed In thia aplendid work in their midat and encourage it by every poaaiblo word and ded, for In it la tne material irora wuicn grcaiiniiiga are boilded. Throe larsre crewa nf aurreyora are in the Held between Kalauia and Van couver and are ruahing their work. It is reported here that autre Jiui Hill and hia aaaoclatna have eecured a controlling Intorent In the Northern t'actllc that tiie road will be ehanired between Kalama ami Portland, going via Woodland and . Vancouver, tliut avoiding tranaierrtng trains aoroaa the Columbia by boat. Another report aava that a party of anrroyora arrived at Martin'a Itluff by boat Saturday and dividml into two corpa, one working north along I he old Union l'adtlo grade and the other townrda Vaucouver, a cotinle of men remaining at Kaiama to iook np me oiu right of wav reuorda. Humor further I aaya that a junction will tw effected lKitween the Union Pacific and the "Great Northern and an entirely new line will be built. Laat week the county clerk'a office waa kept butty recording riulit of way decdp, lenaea, tmnafera, uiortgngoa, etc., of the Uoblo, Neliuleiu It PatHlie ruliway comp any, the recording fu for which amounted to $74.7b. Thia maaa of docu tnenta la voluminoua in the extreme. Deedx of right of way and leaaea of land that could not be transferred, were II rut Hindu by the owners of the land to It. 0. Hell and Thomas Day, who in turn tranimred them to the company. The company, immediately upon aucuring title to the right of wny, mortgaged it to the Heciirlty Havings & Trust Company for fau.OOO which will probably be usod to operate that part of the rond already completed. This will enable tho comp any to commence earning money atonce and will also enable them to place fur ther mortgtigvs upon the road U they see fit to do so. Articles of incorporation of the Port land, Nebalem A Tillamook Hallway Company were filed In the county clerk's o'lHce in Portland on Monday. The Incorporators are UcorgoT. Myers, John F. O'Hhen, John McOraoken, II. 0. Campbell, Ernest liarton, F. h. Bench, 0. F. Pearson, William Fliedner, William Hledt, John Mlowart, H. h. PlttiM'k, John Welch, II. W. Sott and Donald McKay. The capital atock is 1,000.000. exoluding IU first mortgage bonds to be hereafter Issued, with power to increase the capital stock as desired. The capital stock la divided into mm shares. The objects announced to build, equip and operate a railroad and tele- Sraph line from Portland to the Upper ehaiein Valley at or near Vernon a second, to the Central Nohalem valley at or near Grand Rapids, ClaUop county third, to the Lower Nchnlem at or near Nehalem City, and fourth, to , .Tillamook buy and city, with branches from either or all of said lines. ttitllroad rumors galore, ' What's the matter with NehaleuiT W. A. Hurrla viBited Portland Wednwdiy, For standard goods at ' fair iirlces aee Collins AUray. ; ' . fiatiirdav will ho "ground-hog day and there's the rnli. . It was not spring fever weather, how ever pleaaant It was. ' Mr. A; lavis spent a couple of days in this city this week. ; - ; J. 11. K. Hourue. of Kalulnr. waa In town Tuesday alternoon. Mr. and Mra. A. J. Hubert were shop ping in Portland last Saturday. Dr. Oawood.dontUt, can lie found each Wednesday at the residence of It. Cox. Mr. W. II. Ilolmun waa tttan.lltu in uuaiiiess maiiera in roruana Moiuiay Mrs. J. B. Watts, of Hcappoose, vla- iieu relatives in una nay a day Just weefc B. U. Henry, ot St. Helens, is agent tor nie latest inipruvea gasoline lauiis, John JJerdabl and Krlck Morton, bf uiicneior rint. wers doing businesa In Portland Monday. The length of the days has materially Increased and tlioie are nearly twelve hours of daylight. Mr. and Mrs. G. (i. Mawer have aold tlmlr biHincsa in Portland and will va cate) their establishment today. Rev. Mr. Phllbrook will preach t Yankton next Hunday morning and at ltaclietor Flat at S o'clock in the after noon. . Alva II. Powell, a cioueor resident of Pittsburg, paused through this place Sunday on a business trip to Portland and Oregon City. If the number of miles of railroad in Columbia county are not doubled during the present year, then we will have mowed our guess. Ri'tiresetitativto Merrill has introduced a bill lu the houso to prohibit hogs run- nig at large, we presume una means for alt counties in the atata. Mr. J. Ii: Catmiboll has taken charge of the Hainivr Grand hotel, having purciiaatm tno furniture ana nxiures belonging to Mr. C. A, Lee. At the secla! school meeting held in this district lust Fridav night a 6-mill tax was voted to help carry along educa tional work here me coining year. Collins A Grey, the people's mer- chant', carry a full line ol general neral uier rhandiae. If you need anything, give them a cull, they will treat you well. John Morris, of Bocblor Flat, returned yesterday morning from Kan Francisco, wnere no wem aigm seeing nixiuinu weeks ago in company with Dr. Hons. W are Dained to hear that our young frlund, (ieorge Perry, of liouiton, Is forcrd to seek another and milder cli mate. George's health demands a change. Mr. F. fl. Younner. of Monmouth, was in the rllv Tueadav eveuinu- vialtitlll his daughter, Mrs. W. II. Powell. Mr. Younger is a merchant in the Polk oou my college town. A twelve-pound ton was born to Mr. and Mra. H. Halser, of liachlor Flat, last Hunday. The mother and child are doing well, and the physician believes that Hard will recover. Norman McKay was in town Tuesday alter further medical treatment for a aevera cold which aeixed him some time since and liaa incnpiwiitaled him for attendance upon his duties. However, he is improving and we hope soon to be able to nole his complete recovery. Talk about special school tax I Over in Tillamook county in school dUtrict No. 21 a 85-mlll tax was voted, while in district 41 a 30-uiill tax was levied. Uood schools and good roads cauuot be had without paying for thoiri, and the votera in those districts seem to be will ing to pay, K. 0. Ktaawood A Co, loaded a barge with tiea here this week, running them down Milton creek, thence through the flume. Hundreds of thouaands of ties are lieiilg used by the railroads these iliivs lu improvement and construction, and this county cornel in line to supply a goodly number. A few years ago our farmers would have fainted at the suggestion that the r.nlilin rnaila be macadam iaed. At the farmara' congress in falem last week the Idea waa encouraged.- Attrexerluient ing for so many yeara, and having made no appreciable advancement, it is time that the only remedy be adopted. , The county fudge some time since, re e jived notice from the superintendent of the asylum that Joseph Bureau, who was taken to that institution from this oounty early in November, eloped from there on December olh. His commit ment was irregular, and no effort seems to have been made to apprehend and take him back. Rev. L. K. Rockwell, presiding elder of the Portland district, will hold quar- . ..-I.. t ll,Millnn atwl Kt. llel- ens next Sabbath, llusiness meeting at liouiton Saturday at 7 p. m.; preacn i i . ........ t il n m Mnnnnv. Mr. Rockwell will preach in thisc ty Sunday evening. All are cordially in vited to attend these services. A Jolly party of young people repaired to tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Vnndolah, .! kill lnak UallirvlttV AVenilllF. Hi viwrniitujr in.., - J ' where a few pleasant hours were spent .. I V .l.A n..l tlilnoa Wlin music, gaimia y e of Mrs. Vamlolth'a table, -The party, .k.n.MH.ul liv Miu Klnlev. returned to town at a seasonable hour greatly pleasea wltn me evening -tertHinment. - Mr. M. Saxon and Mr. C. W. Adimis .i.,un fmin Warren Monday. The ul1ii.nainaf!n In their en- gruiiuiaii nm ...... " " - Ucavora to aecure iuo t.j-oiii.v.v... ine peopie bioh i'i"" - i -nnilt ot of deepening the channel in that .. 'il..,M .hnnlil Iw a h a turn- out at the meeting at warren k"koi. and efforts of all the people should be enlisted in tne worx. From present Indications there will be soino changes made in ownr hip or operation of tho established railroads (n our midst. Humor now has it that the Northern Pacific is to extend ls road from Kaiama up tho nortlrbank of the Columbia to Vancouvor, thenco to Portland, and that the road from Port land to Uoble will lie purchased and used exclusively by the. A.; A C. people. Francis James McHenry, the noted elociitioniHt and all round actor and vo calist, assited by the noted pianist, Tenry Uuldwin Barton, will apnearat the opera house on this (Friday) evening, lit an evening of song and story. Mr. Me-Ht-lirv carries a lilrst class stewpt wn, lighted by the vapor liglit, to ill net rate most of 1.1s work. Al o 40 lino views will be shown, milking a program of un cx. ptionul merit. Pen 'program for press "tU Adii.is-.ion, 20u, . Ohildreii.yn. .ler 12 ysiirs, 10 c. Furthormore the u . lie m.llibray fund will be largely encllttcl, as It ia given under the aiu- pices of the, Miool, ' '" P cet' allowed for that purpose. ; OKATH OV A. 4. OUWIO. nespeoted Oltlaen of Claikskanle ' -lllea Suddenly. CiiATSKAMiit, Jan. 80 This community lost Olie -of its well known nitiutna In the death of Anson J. Orwig, who was yery suddenly taken HI last Thursday at his meat uiaraet wnue waiting on Mr. Hnnyon. He was carried home as soon as enough men could be gatiiered for the purpose, and what appeared to be a drowsiness developed before many hours into unconsciousness irom winch lie uta not rally. The attack of dizziness, Which was followed by vomiting, came on a oou i ii o'ciock -In ttie forenoon. When seen bv the doctor he waa con scious enough and not thought to be serioualy ill, but gradual stupor came on, followed Inter by unconsciousness, as stated, which continued until hla uuam at o'clock next morning, lie haa boon an Invalid for the past year or two though able most of the time to do liglit work. An irregular action of hla heart caused him some uneasiness for which besought medical aid on two or tiiree occasions. Kocfiitlv thia trouble seemed better, but an occasional dizzi ness gave warning, though not fully recognised at the timi, of what was im pending. The cause of his death was discovered to be due to uraeiuic coma, from Brights disease. He was past 61 years of age and leaves a mother, wife and ten children to mourn hia loss. These were all present at the funeral which took place on Saturday. Ser vices were held by Hev. Culmer in the church, where the remains were brought and from where they were taken to Maplewood ceuuttery for interment, A worthy man has fallen. f, F. C. Whitten and wife anent (Satur day hi Portland. Mrs. A. B. Haines and dmiuliU-r. of CI I lion, spent a day or two in town but weec. Frank Merrill and wife loft town laat week expecting to soend a montli in and about Portland. G. W. Barnes was over from Ouincv last Thursday, somewhat crippled from muscular rueumausm. M. E. Page has been appointed city treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Treasurer Orwig. . - Boecial rollir'.ous services are beina held In the church each evening nnder tne direction ol ttie pastor, itev. Culmer. Miss Annie Orwig waa called home by telegraph, from school at Philomath, to be present at the funeral services of iter father. At a recent special school meeting those present decided to levy a tax of 7 mills and provide for a term of seven months of school. Charles Runvon and wife were in town one day laat week looking for sup- piles iur weir ciuip..,. i.iietr duuw is progressing rapidly, Dr. Win. Jones, of Portland, was called by telephone laat Thursday to visit A. J. Orwig in consultation. He remained over night in town leaving next morning. , . Our loggers have been sorting and floating their loirs past town to be rafted a little lower down the stream where steamers can gut at them more readily. The logs bring a ready sale. Mr. and Mrs. William Flnley, from Nehalem hay, former residents here, spent a day in town on their way from Nehalem to uiacaamaa county, wnere Mrs. Finley's aged parent ia reported quite ill. W. F. Illatt and wife, with other members of his family, Chas. Lindgren and wife, Mrs. Baker and 'Mr. and Mra. Dunn were over from the valley near Mist, to attend the funeral of titer friend and relative, A. J. Orwig, deceased. Mesara. Tlchenor and English have been at work digging the machinery out from the ruina of the sawmill. They find it considerably damaged and greatly scattered. It waa agreed that a party of citizens would go out last Saturday morning and spend the day in assisting, but the funeral postponed their action. At the laat council meeting a remon strance signed by over 100 persons against granting another saloon license in Ciatskanie, waa presented to the council, but the city fathers thought the benefit from the licenao money would be greater than the injury from another saloon and granted the license, so an other business ( 7) house is established in our city. UKUHfSN. Miss Tempest McLaren visited Port laud Friday. R. W. and R. R. Foster, Jr., of Port land, were in the city Sunday. James McDonald and wire left for their old home in Ohio on Thursday. a. C. Jaotiish went to the hospital In Portland Thursday. lie has the la grippe. Samuel Munn received the lumber from Portland Saturday to finish his new house. J. M. Archibald and wife, who spent the winter iu Cottage Grove, returned home Thursday. The R. N. A P. R. Co. put In a tele phone at the orossing ot tne a. sr. h. track on Mondav. The R. N. & P. R. Co. surveyors were camped nt the twelve-mile post on uax Kanch creek Monday. C. Cannon, 0. V. Schilling and R. C. Bell, of Portland, were down Sunday looking over their new road. The new railroad bad the steel laid out as fur aa the Rainier bridge, across UOUie Cltwa, mouuay Evening. BPKOIAIi SCHOOL TAX. Twenty-One Dletrlote Have ao far Reported Special Levy. There aeems to be exceptional Inter est manifested in publio school matters In this county mis year, as ueuioo strated bv the fact that many of the Uvi. luviail anmitil tax. soma high and others low. Twenty-one dis tricts have so rar reporieu o lire tammy clerk, and their levica are aa follows: I , . t'4 UUIIB 2 WWW , 6 mills k 7 mills 7jt 8 mills 12 8 mills g 6 mills i.4 11 mills 25 , , , 6 mills tf .' .. .. ...... ... 5 mills 88 5 mills ID -, IS mills 40 10 mills 41 5 mills 4jt ' 1 mills 4!(,.'., 8 mills 44 ,:. ............. . 8 mills 48'' !'!;,' .' 6 mills 4 . 10 mills 48'.'.'.', , 10- mills 63 10. mills 54 ,, .,.,.,...12 mills BCTINO NKHAtiEM TIMBER. Prospect of Railroad and Presence . . of Cruisers Cause Stir. PiTTSBtiao, Jan. 80. (To the Editor. ) There are two timber buyers from Che halis. Wash., here, looking at and buy ing timber in the valley, making their neauquarter at t'lttaburg. xiiey nave secured about 1,000 acres, so far, and are still on the hunt. The railroad is expected along any day and excitement runs ntgn. . Martin Wedrlck came over the mount alns Monday to assist in the appraise ment ot his father's estate. Miss Lena Tucker ia teaching a very satisfactory school at this place. There are several pupils from outaiue tne aist rict in attendance. Joseph Dupont visited the valley Monday on business connected with his shingle mill at Valley. In your comments on the hog law last week you ouote the old act. In 1893 an act was passed making the penalty $10 end $20, Instead of $5 and $10. All other parts of the 't3 act are identical with the former act except that the latter law applies to all atock. Mr. John Parker and Miss Lena Case were married at the bride's father's home at this place laat Hunday, Justice Wilson officiating. It was a quiet wed ding, but a sumptuoe dinner was en Joyed. ' ON TO NEHALEM. Declared Object of the Road Now Building fronj Uoble. It is now declared the purpose of the Ooble, Nehalem A Pacific railroad, which baa been understood to be a log ging road, to tap a valuable timber dis trict of Columbia County, is to cross the divide into the Nehalem valley and pass aronnd the northern rim of the valley to Nehalem and Tillamook bays. It ia eaid that a trackage arrangement with tne isorinern racino nas neen semea whereby the new line will get into Port land, and that it will be a Portland road to all intents and purposes. President E. Cannon, of the Uoble, Nehalem A Pacific, yesterday gave out the following statement : Our company is composed of local young business men. We nave not asked for financial aid. and are building the road with local capital. All we want ia the moral backing of the com munity we will serve. We will have the line through to Tillamook bay this nj it n ti.. Umber and coal landa of that region. "we already nave nve nines com- Kleted and in operation. The road aves the Northern Pacific track about miles this side of Uoble, and we have traffic arrangements with that company as favorable as though we bad bnilt clear through from Portland. . The substanstial character of our work is shown by the fact that the road is stan dard in every respect, oo-poona steel having been used and heavy bridge ma terials. The grades do not exceed per cent anva here on the line. The route was only selected after the most care ful surveys, and the public need have no (ear but that It will De well served. ivwi win iu t f.wv m ... . ,v constractand equip, and will be oper ated by experienced traffic men. We nope to have tnrougn trains rnnnmg into Portland before the end of another twelve months. We believe the busi ness is there to support the road. This road haa been under construction for a vear oast, though little noise was made about it. I am a little surprised, how ever, that the public has lost awakened to the fact that a raiiroau is neeaea into the Nehalem." Oregonian. Inducements for the Boys. John Dellar. located on the corner of f iroi buu ft mumii on rovn. & wi umiu, i a diaplav of twenty-five different styles and grades of Boys' suits, which are offered as a special inducement from CO eenta to $1.60 lees than any other store . - 1 1.111 . - .. nl u. in the city. John Dellar knows that tne bova are hard on shoes: that's why he carries none bnt good, solid ones, and sells tbero from 20 cents to ou cents lees than any other store in the city. A big variety of bova' cans, reeular 26 and 60- cent values, are offered for 16c, 25C and sac. A large assortment oi Doys- waists at 25c and 40c. regolar 60o and 76c values. The latest style of sweaters, 60c, 76o, $1 and $1.60. The boys can be very neatly dressed for a very little sum of money by buying of John Dellar, corner r iret and Yamhill streets, Portland, Oregon. WARREN ITEMS. Ivthnr PMlia nf Pnrtland. waa a War ren visitor laat Saturday. . W r u 11.., n.l Unmla fllitwiinc illlB. X. 1W. HUM ,.,n,.uw w.w.v.'w were Houlton visitors last Tuesday. Mrs. Maggie Cooper, of Portland, vis Ited with relatives at- this place last week... ...'.'; , r 1 - f VAlA.wI .-ao lha guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. 11. Lynch, last funuay, . , Tnk. V.tonn la ttaiilinv lnmiiAr with which he intends to erect a new dwell ing house. n.nl.1 Ul.i'Anv lnff. laat Rnnitnv for Rainier, where he will engage in car pentering. A taia.tltnnA l.na Vw.An Tint in thfl StnrA of Mr. J. 8. Bacon. It will be a great convenience. Mrs. Henry Larsen and daughter Mae returned from Bay Center, Wash., last Thursday. Mrs. Laraen's health is very much improved. A meeting ia called for this (Friday) evening, lor the purpose of finding ways and means by which to dredge the chan nel in Scappooee bay. The graduating exercises of Misa Maude Slavens, will be given Saturday evening, of this week. Au excellent program la being prepared. The exer cises Will be held at the school house, the psoceeds to be UBed for the benefit of the school. An oyster supper will be given immediately fli'ler the exercises. REPORT OF, RAINIER BOHOOIi. Close of Fourth Month Shows Ex cellent Progress. The fourth month- of the Rainier school closed Friday, January, 25th. Number of days taught 20, number days attendance 1816, number daya ab sence 187, limes tardy 40, number boye enrolled 60, number girls enrolled 68, I total number belonging 114, average number belonging 100, average daily attendance 1. Pupila neither absent nor tardy during the month: Advanced room: Myrtle Ueitx.Virgie Prichard, Lulu Lane, Claude Green wood. Robert Woodruff, Estella Prich ard, Anna Moeck. H. S. Gibuom. Principal. Intermediate room: Van Prichard, Ruth Brous, Beryl Muckle, Clyde Girt, Knhnrt Marlow. Gertrude Doitx. Maude Greewood, David Prichard, Georgia Silva. Willie Stehuian. :) Gbacr A. Mokck, Teacher. Trimary room : Eleanor Marlow, Dot Prichard, Terris " Brooks, Ivan Miller, Leila Brous, Flovd Shntto, Jamea Aaron, Ronald Hollis, Harry Price. Madok Hill, Teacher. A PUBLIC MEETING. . .'''. aaa -, ClUxena.of Warren Wish to Dlacuaa an Important Matter, . We are requested to announce that a public meeting of the citizens of Warren will be held at the school house at that place on thia (Friday)evenlng at 7 p. m. The object of the meeting, as stated by our informant, is to devise some means of deepening the channel of Scappooee ereek sufficiently to permit permanent navigation of the' bay as far as tui terton's landing, a distance of less than a mile. It is stated that It will be neces sary to deepen the present channel only three feet in order to permit steamers of ordinary draft to reach the point desired. The work can be done by the government dredger and it it estimated the cost ill not be more than $1000, and it ia for the purpose of enlisting goverment aid In the matter that the mectino- is beinir called. The benefit which the proposed Improvement would lie to the people living in that district is more than sufficient to warrant the necessary out lay, A general attendance at the meet ing is earnestly desired. ... The claim of other couuh medicines to be as good aa Chamberlain's are effect ually set nt rest in the following testi monial of Mr. C D. Glass, an enmlove of Bartlett A Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me. lie said: "i bad kept adding to a cold and cough in the winter of 1897, trying every cough medicine I heard of without permanent help , until one nay l was in the drug store of Mr, Houlehan and he advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money if I was not cured. My lungs and bronchial tubes were very sore at this time, but I waa completely cured by this remedy, and have since always turned to it when I got a cold, and soon find relief. I also recommend it to my friends and am clad to aav it is the best of all cough medicines." For sale at the et. Helens 1'barmacy. The St. Helens Pharmacy will refund yon your money if you are not satisfied after name Chamberlain's btomacb and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, biiioiraness, constipation and headache. Price, 26 cents. - Sam ple free. Farm for Sale. Mv farm of eiehtv acrea. together with eighteen head of atock, is for sale. Ukoboe W. 1'ebky, Houlton, Ur. OiLBTOTlZA Bsaatae Tr tilal Yw Haw faWW BagM TtolitaiYMlbwAiwii BJfittaa f ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. XTOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE it undenilgned haa btsm appointed by the Countf Court of Columbia County, Btale of Oregon, aa ancillary administrator of (he aa tat of Crawford Hill, deoeowMl. All persons bavin claim asairu aaid estate are haraby re quired to present the sauie wilb proper vouch er, within six months from the date hereof to me, at tne law omce oi cnauDeriam i nomas, numbers . 401. 4Ut. 401 Chamber of Commerce building, fortland, Oreiww. . oatea vksiuwi u, isuu. w. h. rsA st, Ancillary Administrator. H0TICE OF FMtL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY aiTEST BY TBE OK deraianed adminstralor of tee estate of tferah Caae, deceased, that he aaa filed in the oflice of the eouuty eourt of Columbia County. Oregon, bia Anal account of his administration upon aaid estate, togeiner witn nia petitioa tor final settlement and diatributloa, and that the Hon. t. B. boan. Judge ot said court, has ap pointed Friday, ttie Sth day of March, 1M11, at one o'clock In the afternoon of said day, as the t Imt, and the courtroom of said eourt at the oourt bouse in tit. Helena, Uregtin, as the plac ol hearing and settlement of said account and petition for distribution, at which time and glace any person interested niay appearand le objection in writing to aaid account and petition. W. I). CASE, Administrator of the estate of Saraa Case, deceased. w. u. Fwell, Atttorney for Administrator. H0TICE OF FIHU SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THE CK deralgned admiuuitrator of the estate of George Price, deceased, that he haa filed in the omce of the oounty court of Columbia County, Oregon, his final account ot his administration upon aaid estate, together with his petition for final settlement, aud that the Hon. J. B. boan, Judge of said court, haa appointed Friday, the sth day of March, 1WH, at uue o'clock lu the afternoon of aaid day aa the time, and the courtroom ot aaid eourt at the court house, in Ht, Helens, Oregon, aa the place, of hearing and aetUeinent of said account and petiliou. at which time and place, any person Interested may appear and file objections in witiugto said account and petition. W. b. CASK, Administrator of the estate of George Price, W. H. Powell, Attorney for Administrator. H0TICC OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVES THAT I, THE aitderKigued administratrix of the estate of Win. L. Urahani,- deceased, bare filed with the Clerk of the County Court of the atateof Oregon, for Columbia County, my report and dual account In the administration ot said es tate, and that the Judge of said court baa fixed the 4th day of March, 11)01, at I o'clock, p. m. of said day, and the court room ot aaid court as the time aud place for the hearing of said re port and acoouut, at which lime aud place any mni all persons interested in said eatate may appear and object or contest the same. MAUD K. OKAHASf, Administratrix of the estate of Win, L. Ora- Dated tbia 9th day ot January, 1901. R. P. Grthaui, Attorney for Administratrix. PETITION F0K. LIQUOR LICENSE. To The Honorable County Court of Columbia Couuty. Oreaou: We, the undersigned IcrsI voters, residing In Oak Point Dreelnet. Columbia County, Oreaon, would respeotfully petition your honorable body at Us next regular resstoa. wmoli win be held on ttie Mb day of March, 1901, at the eourt house, lu the City of 4t. Helens, Columbia County, rltate of Oregon, that a license be granted to Uiuis Flu brer, to sell spirtuous, Tin ous and malt liquors in quantities leas than one gallon, in Oak i'olut nr.H-Uicl, in aaid county ana siaiu, ana mat saia license u tcramvu ior period of one year, for all of which your pe titioners will ever pray; J S Pulliam. Charlea Sundln, Ed Anderson, 8 K Norgren, L Stoekenberg. D E HilUbery, Jamea Coaklv.U D Myers, L S Mason, C U Pnll lam, J A Kemp, C K Dtlly. 8 McHarnea, K H King, C N Davidson, W K Schneider, J C Atchi son, W II Hulsapple, Simon Kaspar, W L Pull lain, Charles Mayger, J B Lovcgren, O W Love gren, Carl tockenberg, Aiubnse Madden, A P NcUraw, J W HoHman. D M Bwiug, Win An derson, C A Temahan, 1 T Went, D MoCune, F Williams, Prank Barnes, O W Barues, Ouy Karnes, T Brvant, t'haa Krh'kson, F W Kluhrer, Wm MoCallam, Win Koberts, J W Turner, Henry Henderson, A MoAveal, A Stockeaberg, F D craivlitll, J Howling C U Jonem L A Jarvy. Cieorge Kuglehart, J 1 Davis, James Miller, F J tiuiuu. CONTEST NOTICE. Department or the Interior. ' LutiD Orrica at Oaaoon Cirv, Oa.; January 33, 1VL A SHinrleut contest affidavit having been tiled in this office bv L. L. Iietrickeontestnnt, against Homestead entry No. 11,0X6, made March 16 h, lhM, for east half of the southeast quarter and the east half of the northeast quarter of section twelve, township five north, rauire. four west of tha Willamette meridian, by charlea A. Foster. contestee, in which It is alleged that contestant kiMws tbe preaeut condition of the same; also that said Chas. A. Poster tailed So oomply with the honiostend laws ot the United Slates aa fol lows: that he hu never resliled upon aid tract of land since the year IttM; that he aban doned the same In the year IXH, during Hie snriiiirnf MMiri veur and haauit aiuceMeid lime resldetl apou said land or in manner Improved ! the same. Atflautalletfea upon Informutliinaud . belief that said rosier nas not resuiuu upon said lam! olnce January lean, and upou his own penonal knowleilg that Foster did not reside thereou exeept as heretofore herein stated, f.rior to said dale and that eaid alleged absence rom aaid land was not due to his employment la the army, navy or marine corps of thetJnited Mates, aa a private aoldier, otlteer, aeamau ur marine during the war with Hpaln ordurlug anv other war In which the United States mny be engaged, aaid parties are heredy cotilied to reapoud, apear and otter evidence touching iil iiimilnni at 10 o'clock a. m . oa March lath, W01, before the register and receiver at i the United Slates land office in Oregon City, f Oreon. The said eontestant having In a phvper amduvlt Hied January 8rd MM, set f9rth laqia which show that alter due diligence, personal nrviA of this nothw canuot be made, lshereLy . onlered and directed that each notice be given bv due and proper publication. j Cli AS. B. MOORE8, Register ..Pure.. DRUGS Regular 25 cent Paper Back Novels ...Only 10 cents... ! . . : i St. Helens Pharmacy. DENTISTRY. REGISTERED DENTIST Ima; experience. AU kinds of fine rlent al work. o matter what your work may be, you can have it done here, and further, it will be done in a first-class, durable manner. Yonr work is not limited to last only a certain number of yeara. Much of it will laat the rest of your life; some of it may not. Yon will be told the truth con cerning its permanency when you eonie in. Everything depends on the quality of your teeth. Teeth examined free and an estimate given, you thus know lust what your work will cost before yon begin, and to-ciiuxe will be made except at your own solicitation. Gold Crowns, f5.00; White Crowns, f5.00; Bridge Work, $5.00; Gold Fill ings, $1.00 up; Amalgam Fillings, 75 cents up; Cement Fillings, 60 c COLD. CELLULOID MB ALLUMINUM FLUTES. Teeth extracted free (painlessly) when teeth are made. Warm, pleas ant rooms. Lady attendant. Appointments made by mail. BEe:WSOKBOK, : Rooms 60 and 61, Washington Building, Southeast Corner 4th and Wash ington Streets, Sth Floor, Portland. Take elevator. Quality and Variety Are two very important features to take info consideration when one goes to procure articles for everyday use and consumption. To our boat of patrons we are pleased to aay we have iDALITY, VARIETY AND QUANTITY. Our large and select stock affords tbe intending pur chaser splendid opportunity to get the beet rjargaina onereu GROCERIES, DRY Furnishing goods, hardware, tinware, blankets, oil clothing, feea, nour, garaen seeas, orcnara grass, - garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. COLLINS & GRAY, 1 THE PEOPLES' r1ERCHATS.,, uooas .xcnangea ror rruuuoe, , M , . . . . Seasonable Goods At our store means that we keep constantly for tti a variety and quality nf merchandise which at all times ia suitable to the demand ' oi all well-living people. We cater toall Classen :. , LOGGER, FARMER, UERCHAIiT. : General Merchandising Is our especial bumness, and we have held the fort byotTeriugahighqualttyof goodsatlow ; , quality prices. We baoctle Household Necessities Supplies for everybody and to meet all demands. We invite examination of our gooda and guarantee satisfaction as to price and , ... quality. Jsow ia the time to call on , HilEL MlJGIIIaaEI.? ; , POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, -; - OIIE(iON. .....JOHNSON & DURCDORFEn o Manufacturers ...HII Kinds Bf Rough flwarlatv. RasUt ...Celling .Dlmanaloia Lmnlsar... . ' BOAPPoosr:.4 - School Supplies. Paints, Oils, Glass. Stationery. Shelf Paper. School Books. California Perfumes. Notions. Toilet Articles, Etc. Orders takes for Wall Paper From Hamiile Hooka Portland frleoa Books of all kinds. PAINLESS EXTRACTING in wis viciuiiy. GOODS, CLOTHM, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cuttlerj , , nrl i-nr Av?ie?s,as o I ncbcnoi vntuuiii wVVVVVwwl fra"(rc . 9 tuUuiMM . a of and Dealers la o anil Dresssd hizlzL. nnnn Dnait fr vuht un I MIU on Bouth fork of hiihoiw creek, our (HIIUIl irUlH 0(-n'lKHm!ll,ntl'IU, Lumber delivered at jvtww.m HlsitiiMi or JohiiBon'slKiiiilnn: at 11.00 pet M, ft&U.. t I warren staiioo, i-3U. , - - OKKGON