THE OREGON VOL. XVIII. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUAIIY 11, 1901. NO. 4. MIST Ms "or IBB From AH Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Comp-ehenslve Review of the Important Hap. penlmts of th Put Week bl a Condensed Form. The assassin ol Huron von Kettoler was beheaded iu I'ekln Costa Kioa la pleased liy recognition In tna canal negotiation, Tlia British ara nimlila to check tba llovr Invaaion ol CapeO olnny Tba foreign trona In China art wall prepared lor lliu winter aoitaun. The Republican canoua In Pennsyl vniila looted Quay lor aeuator. Ths United Statu training hlp To- peka Im arrived at Tangier, Morrocco, Tha Karl ol llopetoun waa aworo la a first goveruot of Federated Au trails. Oregon, Waihlugton and Alaska Imva beeu formed luto a life-saving district. Fire in Seattle destroyed tha city II brury, oonUluiiiK 3A,0U0 voluuiea and vatiled at $30,000. Tha revenue cottar Terry will aall from Astonria In search of ovardua Columbia rlvar ahlpa. I'at Crowe, charged with tha abode tiou of young Cudahy, of Uiuaha, I been captured In South Dakota. Edward Hire, an Innho man, ai itioei to oeatn lor murder, made dutpcmtH, but unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide by cutting hla throat. An insane man, biting conveyed from Multnomah enmity to the Oregon stats asylum at lom, jumped from mov ing train, bruising himself about th bead. It la thought be will recover, Famine in inmi of tba provinoea ol China ia becoming woraa. Tha ric crop, owing to tha war, were almost total failures, and raullialtsm hat broktta out. Tha authoi Idea ara un able to do anything. The final payment bna barn made on the ilald monnuin group ol niiuea la Eastern Oregun, near linker City. The purchase price waa $50,(10.). The new owovi ara men ol means, aud work on large scale will commence at onca. Ignatius Donnelly, politician and anthor, (Hud very suddenly at hla burnt iu Minneapolis, iigml 70 year.. Mr. Donnelly m a candidate fur vice prutiilniit on tha Mtddle-of-tlie-Road Popouiist ticket at tlie recent general election. An rmitice baa been proclaimed a) J'ekin. Ituera captured a train near Rosmead with AO soldiers. Another slx-risy bicycle race bai beeu itarted In lioiton. Cougar reporta China 'a aooeptauca Ot tha poweta' demnuda. The Washington Post advooatea tba Lewis and Clark centennial in 1U05. ; A severe cold ware ia reported throughout tba middle Western state. Mora than reived at the 1UO0. 48 tout ol gold vera re Seattle assay olllce ia tATER NEWS. Tha navy department ha ordered tba gunboat Scorptou to L Guayra, Von ecuela. Tha Oregon supreme court deciilot that the wile alono can convey estat in entirety. Robbers got $450 from passengers and mail and expreaa iu a British Co' luuibla stage. The Taft oonimiwion ha completed the municipal government bill for tbi Philippine. Fire In Wllliatnaon, V. V., da atroyad almost tha entire towu. Tba loaa 1 estimated at 975,000. One person waa burned to death and another fatally injured by tha explo atou ot a kerosene lamp at Alleghauy, Pa. The new battleship Wisconsin hat been lormally turned over to the gov ernment at tba Uniju Iron Work, San Francisco. , Amamlo Morales, a Mexican, ran amuck at Murenol, Aria,, A countable attempted to arrest hi in aud iu tha light killed Morale. Henry S. Kant ham .tha only snrviv ing member of Commodore Perry's quadron, whioh opened tha .lapanea port many yearn ago, died at hi horn in Berkeley, Cal A heavy exploaion of ga occurred Iu the llolleubeuk mine, at Wilkea barre, l'a. Five hundred men wert at work and all got out safely, except two, who were badly burned. The British foreign olllce expect a renewal of the niodua vivendi in New lotindland, but believe it will be im followed by negotiation! view of finally aettliug tha modiately with tha dispute. Tha way of the transgressor i hard In modern time. The person who commit Crimea ara daily coming to grief. Escape 1 lesa frequent than ir former year. In New Zealand thore exist bras band whose member ara wholly mounted on bicycle. Thl band, which is located at Chriatohurob, con stats of 10 player, atid these not mere ly ride their bioyole to praotioe bat ff.WJ engagements on the wheal Philip D. Armour, the great pork Portugal is tending relnfoioemeuts to ixiureuoo Marque. Eight man met death by tuffooatloo in a aunneapoll hotel fire. David J. fichnebly, the oldest news- paper man in the Norlhweet. 1 dead An effort Is being made lo revise the Kusso-Uiluete agreement about Man oburla. An agreement restriction nner.Hnn. oi aiiiea troop nas been made by Von n aiders s. Klght hundred colliery employe ol i ennsyivania ooai aud iron mines ara on a strike. China desired envoys to delay stun Ing joint note, but was informed by tnem mat tma wet impossible. Samuel 8. White, pioneer of 1845. and Oregon'a first probate judge, died at bla home ia Portland. He waa 81) yeara old. Five bags of registered letter bav been stolen on the road between Turin and Koine. Three bag came from New York. In an affray at Altgeberg. Hungary. between striking miners and gend arme, there were seven of the former killed and 40 wounded. The followin Washington post- offices bare been discontinued: Dlab man, Hpokane county; Green River, King county, and Laurel, Whatcom oouuty. Charles W. Norton, switchman, waa instantly killed at Tacoma, by being crushed between two oara. He leave widow and three children at Mount Pleasant, la. Severe cold weather baa suddenly set in throughout Europe. The cold wave ia accompanied by a gale which baa wrecked Severn I vessel and caused heavy loaa of life and properly, The coal miners' strike at Picton, Nova Kcotis, ha been settled. Kvery demand of tba men wa conoeded. The manager sought to bind the men not to ask (or a further increase fur 13 months, but failed. Governor Alien, of Porto Rico, bas list returned to the capital after an extensive visit to the towns in the western part of the island. He visited placea where no goveruor of Porto Klco ba visited before. Kvery where lie wa enthusiastically receive.!. Henry M. Hock, agent for the Knights Templar's aud Mnson's Life Indemnity Association, ol Chicago, i nuder arrest at the central polict sta tion, Chicago, on a telegram from Washington. D. C, which ktated that he waa wanted in that city on a obargo of forgery. The llritish seonnd-olass cruiser Am- pblon bas arrived at Panama. The envoys were surprised by the prompt acceptance of the note. A movement is on foot looking toward Cauadian independence. Great changes are said to be planned for tbe U M. & Ht. P. railway. Russia, it i laid, inspired the obargea of barbarity against Herman troops. Governor Geer announces the ap pointment of Oregon's text book com mission. A Russo.Qilnese agreement gtvei Russia protection of one Mauohurian province. The aemi-anuual statement of Ore' gon'a state treasurer show nearly $1. 700,000 oasb on band. The transport Meade, which carried a Urge amount of specie from San Francisco, ba arrived at Manila. Variety of Enropeau prune wbich ripen two week earlier than present crop 1 to be introduced in Oregon. A bill will be introduced at the com' ing Oreogn legislature making life im prisonmeut the penalty for kidnaping It la undrestood that at the conolu slon of operation in South Africa, Lord Kitchener wilt become command er-iu-chlel in India. United States Consul Wildman, at Hong Kong, baa been granted a leavi of absence and will return to the United States immediately for the beneilt of bl health. The Boer Invasion of Cape Colony ha not yet been stopped. On the other band the burgher seem to be gaining grounl daily and are at pre eut ball way to the Cape. Tbe new Argentine-Chilean agree' nient. in regard to tha frontier settle ment, ha been algned and the presi dent of Argentine and Chile have ex changed friendly telegram of congratulation. The war department has authorised enlistment at Vancouver bairacks, Waahington, for service in new regi ment to be aent to the Philippine is' land. Reorults will be sent to the Presidio at Ban Francisco for assign ment to regiment. Tbe iteamhip Thomas Brooks, with the Cuban orlioiala on board, bas ar rived at Port Antonio, Jamaica. The officials will inquire into the British methods of colonial government and adopt the desirable features into tbe Cuban government. I (I 111 British Authorities Actively Pre paring for Defense. GUNS LANDED FROM THE MONARCH Invading Columns Ara Still Marchlnjf South. ward Kitchener' a Conference With Burjheri Remove! Anxiety. London, Jan. B. Advices from Cane Town this morning are more hopeful, owing to the active recruiting of local forces in all quarters, and a better feel ing prevails in London, based upon tbe prospect of Lord Roberta taking the reins at the war office. From tfydney, N. 8. W., it Is re ported that there is quite a rush of men there anxious to join the new contingents, 5,000 having volunteered. The reports ol Lord Kitchener's con ference with the burgbeis also tends to remove anxiety. According to the Daily Express, Lord Kitchener bas warned the mine owners that tbey must not count upon military protection. There is an nnconflrmsd report from Cape Town that fighting baa ooonrzed bO mile north of Matjesiontein. Health authorities estimate that 10 per cent of the men who go to Cape Nome never come back alive. Over 800 of the leading German goldsmith met in Berlin recently to take part in the oelebrnttou ol tne fourth centenary of Benvenuto Cellini's birthday. Electrio fountain have become very popular, especially a attractiona for amusement park. In England, espe cially, tbey have lately been Installed i huge number. Preparations st Cape Town, Cape Town, Jan. 6. Tbe military authorities are providing for all con tingencies. It bas been decided to transfer the Boer prioners from tbe camps to transports. Fanners coming in from Carnarvon describe the Boers as traveling in par allel columns, witb numerous flanking partie sweeping the country on bones, plundering loyalists and carrying off everything eatable. It appears that tbey are accompanied by strings of packhorses ligtly loaded. Coles berg telegraphs that Kritiinger'a com mando ia crossing the Middelbera dis trict, but is getting few if any recruits. Here in Cape Town, ancb business men aa ars unable to leave are organ ising a town guard, composed of tha leading citisens. The commercial companies have asked tbe mayor to call a mass meeting to uige tbe govern ment to suppress district newspapers aud to proclaim martial law. The British battleship Monarch to day landed meu and gun to relieve the troops for service northward. It is believed that the guns will be sent np the country. F'ive hundred citixens enlisted to day. It is hoped that the first batob of mounted men will leave within thtee day lor Worcester. They are to hold the passes of the Hex river to protect the railway tunnel. The or gaizatlon Is rough and ready, and not troubled much witb drill or specie uniform. Horteg ara scarce. Bix thousand five hundred Sooth African irregulars have been recruited during tbe last eight weeks. Tbe Boeri in the Transvaal have been exceedingly active for tbe last week or so, daily attaoking trains, convoys and isolated posts. In most instances tney have been repnlsed, and tbe railways are now working mora regularly. A oommando is supposed to be in tba mountain dividing MiddalaVirg and Uraaf I'.eiuet, but cannot be exactly located. Tbe inavdera in the west, who are expectod at Frnserborg today, have altered their course and are now moving iu the direction of Willison, to the northwest. The British bave occupied Frazerburg. UPRISING OF DUTCH. Situation In Cape Colony Takes a Serloui Turn Boers Half Way to the Cape. Cape Town, Jan.' 4. The British battleship Monarch will land guns to morrow a a precautionary measure. The situation I serious. It is true that the Dutch bave not Joined the in vader in any considerable numbers, but s lack of arm ia believed to be the true reason for abstention. In many places horses are freely offered and information readily supplied to the Boer. Tbe early proclamation of martial law ia the Cape Town division is ex pected. Tbe division doe not include Cape Town itselt. Tbe latest report show the situation to be generally a follow: Kuruman, if still uninvested, prob ably soon will be. Griqualand West 1 filled witb email parties of Boers, who are working south toward Priesak for tne purpose of co-operating with or supporting Commandant Hertzog, whose advance parties are in tbe ueighborbod of Fra lerburg. The Boer are close to Graaf Reiuet, where of bite the Dutch bave given many demonstration of extreme sym puthy. In tbe eastern part of the colony the advance guard of tbe Boers is close to Mariesburg, about 2S miles north west of Cradock. The general opinion here is that the position is not properly appreciated in England. The Worcester conference excited tbe Dotob throughout tbe col ony. Many old residents, who are bj no means alarmist, regard a genera uprising of the Dutch a quite likely Gii) inomniTYi i to Settle Question. MOUNTS DEMANDED VARY UNFORTUNATE VENEZUELA One GEORGIA NEGRO LYNCHED. Judge Refuted to Protect Him and Mob Strung Him Up. Rome. Ga., Jan. 6. George Reed, I negro, charged witb an attempted aa aault upon Mrs. J. M. Locxlear, ol thi city, last night, was hanged to tree today, after which bia body wai riddled with bullet by a mob of 160 men. Reed protested his innocence. Much excitement prevailed throughout the day belore the lynching. Aftei hi arrest this morning, the negro wai taken before Mrs. Looklear, but sh failed to identity him, aud be wag re turned to jnil. However, the mot whioh had been seeking the prisoner's life apparently was not satisfied. Tha demonstrations were o pronounced that Judge Henry, of tbe soperioi court, not seeing any reason lor noia ing Keen end fearing an attack on tha jail, ordered the sheriff to release him. The mob, after tne release, lormeo within the city limits aud marched to the bouse ol Lila Glover, in North Rome. Here they found Reed. Ha was taken three miles from thi plaot before being lynched. Mrs. Looklear'i condition ia seriou. Revolution Terminate and Two More Break Out. Caraoas, Venezuela, Jan. 4. Tbe revolution bas ended, but ex-Secretary General Peraza is said to be, with about 60 followers, in the mountain district. San Juan de Port) Rico, Jan. 4. Pasaengeu who bave arrived here on tbe Red D line steamer Philadelphia, from La Guayra, December 30, say serious revolution bas broken out in -the Maracaibo district of Venezuela Tbey add that tbe government troop bave defeated tbe rebels and arrestee 30 of tbe leaders. Another rising reported to bave occurred in tbe vicin ity of the Orinoco. The United Statef auxiliary orusier Scorpion left ben yesterday to join the Hartford at Ls Guayra. NEARLY FROZEN TO DEATH Man in a Drunken Condition Slept Out in the Cold for Quite a Time. Express, Or., Jan. 4. A man by tbe name of Tudor started from thi. place yesterday evening for the liip Kitld mines, about 12 mile east b thi place. A party leaving for the same place this morning found bin about balf way between here and tbe mines in a frozen condition. He wat brought to this place and later removed to Huntington, where be conld reoeivt medical aid. A far as could be ascertained, tbe man bad been drinking quite beavilv before leaving here. On reaching a cabin near tbe True Blue mines m topped for the nlgbt and built up s fire on the floor of the building. H then dropped off to sleep. He awoki in time to escape before tbe burnim structure collapsed, although be sul fered several burns. He crawled i abort distance away and fell to alee again. Aa the weather was bitter cold. it ia s miracle that be waa not Irozei to death. A Newport Bank Arrest. Newport, Ky , Jan. 6. E. C. Rem ote, late ensmer ot tne uermao na tional bank, was today arrested on an affidavit of Bank Examiner Tucker, charging him with aiding Assistant Cashier Drown iu the embeilement ol the bank's fund. He waa held In $30,000 bonds. . Coal Trsln Wrecked. Nile, O., Jan. B. A coal train on the Nile & Lisbon road waa wrecked lust night, killing Charles Frack and seriously injuring Fireman , William Klein ami BraVeman Garfield rower. The train was descending a steep grade wben a farmer attepmted to cross tbe tracks with a wagon loaded witb bog. The engine (truck it aud witb six can went down an embankment. The en- viueer wat buried under the dabrla. Tbe faiuier escaped. A Zambesi College Chicago, Jan. 4. A special to the Record from Richmond, Ind., says: Bishop Hartzwell, of the Methodist Episcopal church in Africa, has ar ranged with the Rev. George II. Rei boldt, of Indiana, to go to Zambesi. Africa, to conduct a college at New Ontolia, in the country. This being a British country, the British govern ment donated to the Methodist Episco pal ohurcb $15,000 and 18,000 acres of land for the put pose of building a school to educate the English residents. Rev. Mr. Reiboldt mission ia to go to Africa to superintend this school. He will Rail from New York tbe laat of thi month. Cable Around the Globe. Ottawa. Ont., Jan. 4. Sanford Fleming, one of the prinoipal promot ers 0! tne raoino came, nas written an open lettet to Hon. Willim Mulieck, postmaster-General, iu favor of a state- owned telegraph line enciroling the globe. - Thia i said to be the begin ning of a movement to nationlize the cable and telegraph services of the British empire. If thia were done, Sir Sanford says, it wonld reduce the price of messages to one-eighth or one-tentb of what it now costs to distant British possessions. A Disastrous Salute. Tien Tsln, Jan. 4.-Ten Germans were killed and niue wounded at Leie Hn, January 1, through the firing of a salute witb a defective cartridge. Pittsburg Ironworkers Strike. Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 4. One thou sand structural ironworkers struck to day for an advance ot 6 cents per hour in wage and a nine-hour day. Not a single man ia working, and a number of important oontracts are tied up. BOMB IN A TUNNEL Discovery Wsa Made by Chicago Detective Sergeant. Chieaao. Jan. 1. Tha Pxrnrd EnVOVS at Pekin Not Expected "u Information from a source which ob oeouaes wj rnaxe pnDiic, Detective Sergeant McLaughlin located gas pipe bomb in one of tbe niches of the La Salle street tunnel shortly before GREATLY midnight Tbe bomb was taken by the policeman to the central station, and thence carried to the lake front and exploded. Detective MLaughlin said be received a bint to the effect that an effort would be made to blow np tbe tunnel used for tbe passage of the North Side cable car. lie has tened to tbe scene and found a piece of tnree-incb ga pipe about 15 inches long in one ot tbe small arcbed open ings in tbe dividing wall of tbe tun nel. A half-burned fuse protruded from one end. When touched off the bomb is (aid by the policemen to bave exploded with a loud report. "Earlier in tbe night one of the aweepera employed in the tunnel aw a man about 25 years old and shabbily dressed loitering in the tnnnel. He wa asked what be was doing there, and replied, 'Nothing.' The stranger OHW Items of Interest From All Parts of the State. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL HAPPENINGS It la Believed That the Bill of Germany Will Be Urgeat State Department In Cor reipondenc With Other Power. Washingtoon, Jan, 7. The state de partment i making a strong effort to ecure an understanding among tbe powers to serve aa a basis for tbe ad justment of the question of indemnity to be paid by the Chinese government. It appear from Mr. Conger' reporta that it is hopeless to expect the foreign ministers at Pekin to reach an agreement on this important point, and if tbe problem is to be solved at all it must be removed from the Pekin coun cil and dealt with by direct diplomatic exchange, a wa successfully at tempted in tbe case of tbe preceding serious differences between tbe minis ters. Therefore tbe state department ls in correspondence witb other foreign office respecting this subject, though tbe negotiation bave not proceeded to point where it can be said tbat successful termination ia in sight. The principal difference in the way is believed to be tbe enorn.ou indem nities demanded by some of tbe powers. Tbe effort of the Chinese government to secure better terms, so far as they tena to protract tne negotiations, are also expected to bave the result of adding considerably to the sum total which must be paid in tbe end. Thia is because tbe expenses of maintaining tbe foreign military establishments in China probably will be assessed against tbe Chinese government, aud tbe cost of keeping foreign troops in Pekin at tbis season of tbe yenr, aud in a coun try whire every necessity of life has to be transported from a distance .will make tbe bill very heavy. It is be lieved that the bill of Germany will be by far the largest, and it 1 a sig nificant fact tbat the German govern ment has allowed its officers on serv ice in Cbina five fold their regular salaries, a rate of pay probably higher than, hitherto known in military his tory. The Chinese, however, are ex pected to pay for thia. A Brief Review of the Growth and Improve ment of the Many Industries Through., out Our Thriving Commonwealth. Grant Pass is considering plans for better tire protection. The Burns poetoffice ha received s number of combination boxes. Tbe new depot at Ia Grande ie ready to be painted and furnished. Ninety Dane bave made their homes west of Eugene sinoe last tall. . Leonard Lingren lost three finger at Mineral last week in a shot gun accident. Construction of the new hospital at Baker City will begin in the early left tbe tunnel hurriedly. The police PnneT' aspect the bomb was placed there by Colonel J. T. Grayson ha bought tbe a discharged employe ot the company." Last Chance mine, in Cable Cove, for $3,600. FROM A BOER STANDPOINT. Over FAILED TO BLOW UP. Machine Would Mechanism of an Infernal Not Work. Paris, 111., Jan. 7. Thomas J. Coff- ruau, an attorney residing at Hume, natrowly escaped being blown to atoms with an infernal machine re ceived through the mail today. The box was of wood with a sliding lid. it contained a pound stick of dynamite and several match heads, which, bow ever, failed to ignite and explode the charge when the box was opened. Two thicknesses of heavy brown paper covered the box, which was addressed to Dr. Sylvester Coffmac, Hume, III., a brother of the lawyer, who opened bis mail. Tbe inner surface of the box lid was studded witb tacks, so ar ranged that they would scratoh the match heads and there was also a slip of aand paper fixed so that it would be drawn over them if the tncka failed to do their work. It is thought the jolting of tbe box in tbe mail disar ranged its mechanism. An iudistinct postmark seems to indicate tbe box was mailed at Logansport, Ind. The only other clew about the box is a printed label pasted on the lid, in scribed: "Dr. J. W. Blusser & Son." The United States marshal and the local police are investigating. 16,000 Hardy, Determined, Invincible Patriots Under Amu. New York, Jan. 7. Charles P, Pierce, consul-general of tbe Orange Free State in New York, and treasurer of tbe Boer relief fund in America, has given out the following statement: "Tbe news coming to u every day. both by public and priavte cable, bow the reported conquest of the Boers tt be a delusion. There are under arms on the Boer side over 16, 000 hardy, determined, invincible pat riots, of which 5,000 are now invading Cape Colony against the 210,000 troop landed from Great Britain and her dependencies. Tbe Boers' total loss in killed and dying from wounds have not exceeded 1,500, but tbeir losr in property bas been very great. Part of the Boers are armed with Mausers, using a plain bullet, but many bave Lee-Metford rifles, which use tbe dum dum bullets, and all of the latter were captured from the English; they bear tbe arrow mark of Woolwich. Two carloada of mining machinery 'for the Cornucopia mines baa arrived at Baker City. Quince Davis, who was aeriously in- , jured recently at the Coos Bay jetty, is recovering. J. P. Abbott a farmer of Wasco county bas finished tbe most up-to-date) residence in tbe county. Plans are being drawn for a numbet of modern residences at Baker City to be erected in tbe spring. The discovery of two new veins of copper at the Greenback mine, Grave creek district, is announced. Tbe Bison group ot mines near Quartzburg, Grant county, bas been sold to a California syndicate. PRESENTED TO LANSDOWNE. The DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. in Three Mea Wert Blown to Atoms Cartridge Factory. Philadelphia, Jan. 7. A frightful explosion of dynamite occurred in the powder machine house of the Repauno Chemical Company, whose works are located at Tbompson'sPoint, N. J., tli inly settled spot on tbe Delaware river, 13 miles below this city. The building was demolished and three workmen in it at the time were blown to atoms. , Several workmen in other building were hurt by tbe force of tbe ' explosion, but none seriously. Tbe men killed were in a frame build ing, and were engaged in loading eight-inch paper shells with dynamite for use in blasting. It ia thought the loss will not be over $50,00. British Foreign Office Has the Canal Treaty Amendments. London, Jan. 7. United States Ambassador Cboata presented tbe Hay Pauncefote treaty amendments to tbe secietary of state for foreign affairs, the Marquis of Lansdowne, today. No discussion occurred and the na ture of Lird Lansdowne' .answer is not indicated. Mr. Choate simply notified the secretary of state for for eign affairs that be bad sent bim a document forwarded by tbe state de partment. An answer piobably will not be sent until the cabinet discussef the matter fully. The interview be tween Mr. Choate and Lord Lans downe waa chiefly devoted to an ex pression of tbe letter's view on China's answer to tne demands ot tbe powers. It is understood that Secretary Hay desired; to know what Great Britain thought of those points, wbich China in her answer said sbe was nnable tc fulfill at present. No difference of opinion appears to exist between Sec retary Hay and Lord Lansdowne. Tried to Drown His Landlord. Chicago, Jan. 7. In view of several persons, Joseph Schweir committed thl final act in a confessed plot to kill John Korda, Scbweir's landlord. He pushed Korda into the lake from a pier at tbe foot of Michigan street, at a point where the water is 12 feet deep, and then ran from tbe scene, leaving Korda to drown. The plot failed, for tbe intended victim was rescued from the water by workmen in a near-by factory. Schweir wat- ariested late last night. He was sur prised to learn that Korda waa alive, and confessed to an attempt on tbe man'a life. Will Pay Tax Under Protest Rochester, N.Y., Jan. 7. The latest development in tbe woman suffrage fight, begun over a quarter of a cectury kzo, when Suasn B. Anthony and her sister, Mary S. Anthony, were arrested aud fined, is tbe stand taken by Mary Anthony in the matter of taxation of her property. She sends notice to Coonty Treasurer Hamilton that she will not in the future pay taxes except under protest, until she is allowed the right of suffrage. The action will likely result in a test case being brought in tbe court. General Batcheldcr Dead. Washington, Jan. 7. General Rich ard N. Batohelder, quartermaster general of tbe army, died here tbis afternoon at 2:25. General Batohelder had been in delicate health for several years past, but bis illness did not assume a critical phase until just be fore tbe holidays, wben be suffered from an attaok of angina pectoris. In terment will be made at Arlington cemetery, Monday. General Batohel der served in the quartermaster' de partment of the Pacific coast, doing doty as chief quartermaster at Port land, Or., and depot quartermaster at San tranoisco. Travel Resumed. Travel has resumed over tbe Lewis and Clark road, Clatsop county, and the break in tbe dike ba been repaired. Extensive Repairs to the Baltimore. Washington, Jan. 7. The naval board of construction today decided to rehabilitate almost completely the cruiser Baltimore, now lying at the New York navy yard. Her improve ments will involve an expeoiture of about $500,000, and take at least a year and a balf. End of the Venezeulan War. New York, Jan. 7. A dispatch to tbe Herald from Curacoa says: It is announced here that General Celestine Perai, ex-seoretary-geueral of Vene xuela, who proclaimed a revolution recently at Leeina. in tbe Miranda were instantly district, nas been decisively defeated. miller, wa He is said to be fleeiog witb a few Wrecked by Boiler Explosion. Watseka, 111.. Jan. 7. Bishop's mills, controlled by the Pure Food Milling Company, were wrecked by a boiler explosion today. John Spobrie, a member of tbe firm, and Lute Mai- lott the engineer, killed, and Era Jones, lightly injured. The boiler wa follower toward Colombia. No de- thrown 200 feet, demolishing Gard'a tails of the engagement bave been re bard ware store. Tbe cause of tbe ex- ! ceived. He bad gathered 700 follow plosion ia not known. J ers at La Pasoua. The Medford bank presented to its oustomers and friend in Jackson coun ty, 700 buckskin money pouches. The men who carried out the dead- Chinaman tbat succumbed near Can non beach received $50 for tbe work. A portion of Pete Peterson's dike, on Hayne siougb, Coos county, washed out. The damage is estimated at $1,000. Constance Duffy is held in $100 bonds to await tbe next term of court for having assaulted John Tolen at Athena. The road from Miami bridge to Garibaldi is obstructed with dritt loga, and it is possible to get by tbem only at low tide. Two Marehfleld yonngsteis had a duel witb air guns last week. One was shot in tha finger and tbe otber in the forehead. Paul Ronco killed a cougar near Bald Mountain, Polk county, for ' wbich he received $20 bounty from tha Livestock Association. Joe Peters, aobut 90 years old, who ' lived about three milea south of Los- tine, Wallowa county, waa found dead near bis cabin several day ago. Tom McEwen states tbat a three- foot body of ore averaging $34 baa been encountered in tbe shaft of tha Snow oreek property at a depth of 65 feet. Dan Yager, who ba a group ot promising claims at old Center, about six milea from Sumpter, on tbe Gran ite road, bas gone to Montana to buy mining equipment. The Granite Hill mine located in ' Louse Creek distriot, and owued by Messrs. Hull, Mongum and Boots, ia being operated on full time, witb pros pects of a good run. Mrs. Captain Geary of Corvallis ' made a compromi ie with the insurance company in which her husband was insured, accepting $3,000 in lieu of the claim of $5,000. In a drunken brawl an old man named Aldricb stabbed Henry Zum walt severely several times in the back and shouldeis. The wounds aie not considered dangerous. A barn belonging to John Reith, of the Lewi and Clark river, Clatsop county, was blown over recently. . Four bead of stock were buried in the ruins but none were injured. Sidewalks nearly two miles long' leading to the shorch are contemplated at St. Louis. For this and other im provements on the church property the parish expects to use about 100,000 feet of lumber. A new coal mining town, three miles southeast of Wilkeson, by the name of Hillsboro, has been platted by Andre J. Hill and Joseph Finkelherg. The plat contains 12 acres. A logging road from Wilkeson runs near the new townsite. The Crowell rancb of 300 acres, near Jacksonville, ba been sold to O. J. Knips, ot Grant Pass, for $8,000. It consists of 20 aores in apples, SO acres in prunes, 10 acres in alfalla, and SO acres in new sown wneat. ine pur chasers are recently from Iowa. John Colter, alias "Scotty," bas been held ia $1,000 bonds to answer at the next term of oourt on tbe charge ot robbing Thomas L. Edwards, of Mil- ' ton, of $100. Colter snatched a purs ' from Edwards at Pendleton. The Spaita and Sparta-Carson stage ' lines in Eastern Oregon have gone into the bands of the bondsmen lor tbe ' mail contracts. The reason given was that the contract was taken at too low a rate, and running expenses could ' not be made.