arje4f nn7 AH tba world know of tit wondno fl nna rhlva bar baaa auad by Ljrdi K. rukkm Vantabi Com vomni. jri km womi do not mlu lbt ail lis a is eiaisaaA for it ia itw lately traa. If ail nffcriaf wear ecU bemad to ball U1 lira, PinkBausi caa do all aha aaya aha caa, their Iniir won 14 b at aa cad, for thuf weald at oaca profit bjr be advic. and b tinrd Toer tiMBon pearling thing- thaa that aroanca will Buffer yrcai pais month after month when avcry wotaaa haowa mt mat oou whom lira, inalibaja ha helped, aa the Icttara from grateful womea are constantly feeis; ptibliabed at their owa reqacat. The tame deraofemeota which make caiafai - or lmhrular period with doll backache aad headachea, and d rag-ritif rm m BentaStotis. preaentiy develop lata those) aerio iiflatnaia tioe of the feminine organ which eompiately wreck health. lira, finkbaa iavitca woaaea te write freely aad confidentially to her a boot their health aad get the benefit of her great xperieace with the Bat tering of wensea. No living persoa mi aid viae run ek are 11 Ka remieH r ia the world baa the aoagDiaeeot record of Ljdia E. Piakham 'a Vegetable Cora Booad for abaolate care of femala III. Mr. Piakhan addraaa la Lyaa, - Haaa, , Threo Letters iron One Woman, Showing ho w She Sought Mrs Plnkhams AM, ami was oured of Suppression of thm Man sos and Inflammation of the Ovaries " Dbab lis. PoruAit I have been la bed a year. Doctor aay I have festal weakaeaa. I have a bad dia charg aad much aoreaeaa acroaa aay ovaries, bearing-dowa paiaa aad hare aot raeastruated for ayear. Doctors aay the anew will never appear aeaia. Hope to hear from yon." Ma 3. T. Bbowb, Hoi too, Kan., April 1, IS. " Data Ifaa. PiJfiBAa I received yosr letter. I hare taken one bottle aad a half of yoor Vegetable Com pound, and need two package of yonr ah, aad feel stronger aad better. I can walk a few atepa, bat couid not before taking yonr Compound, I (till have the discharge and am acre acroaa the ovariea, bat not to bad. Every as thinks I look better eince taking tout Vegetable Com pound." Maa J. f. Bsoars, Holtoa. Kana., Aug. 13, 188. " Dsaa Maa. PissHaai I think It la my duty to let yon know the good that Lydia E. Plnkham'a Compound haa dona me. After I took three bottle. Maaea appeared, and I began to feel stronger and all my pain waa rone. Toara it the only medicine that ever aelped me. I am able bow to work around the house, aomething I did not expect to do again. "Ma J.F. Baowx, Hoiton. ., Jan. 15, 1399. Threo More Letters from One Woman, Relating how She was Cured of irreg ular Menstruation, Leu corrheea and Backache Df.ab Mb. Piiuim-I am suffer r and need your aid. I bare pain In both aides of the womb and a drag ging sensation' in the groin. Men struation irregular and painful ; hare leaoorrhoea, bearing-down pains, aore aeaa and swelling of tha abdomen, headache, backache; nervouaneaa, and ran neither eat aor aleep." Mb. Ca BiM Failure, Anna, 111., July 19, 1487. MDa Mju. Pibibam I want to thank yoa for what yon have dona for ma. When I wrote to yoa I wee a total wreck. Since taking yonr Vega table Compound, Liver Pills aad Sana tive Wash, my nerves are stronger aad more steady than ever before, and my backache and those terrible paina are gone. Before I took youi medi cine I weighed lea than one hundred and thirty pound. I now weigh on hundred and fifty-fi7e pounds. Your medicine is a godaend to poor weak women. I would like to ask yoa why I cannot have a child. I have been married nearly three Tears." Mb.Cb Bix Phii-ups, Anna, I1L, Dee. 1, ls7. " DsiH Mm. Piuihaj I did juat aa you advised me, and now I am tha happy mother of a fine baby girt I believe I never would have had her without your Vegetable Compound." Una. Causae Pauxirs, Anna, III, Jan. 7, 185. Proof that Falling of the Womb Is Overcome by Lydia Plnltham's Vege table Compound. " Dzm a Maa. Pibbbam When I wrote to you some time ago, I had been Buffering from falling of the womb for many years without obtain ing relief. Waa obliged to wear a bandage all the time : also bad lA headache and backache, felt tired and worn out. After taking six bottle of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and four boxes of Liver Pill, I discarded my bandage and have not had to wear it since. I am entirely eored "Mb. J. p. Tboctmab, Box 44, Hamilton, Ohio. "Dis Maa. Pibzham For nearly two years 1 was unable to work. J was very weak and could not stand on my feet but a few minutes at a time. The doctors aald I had falling and in flammatioo of the wemb. I began to ate Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound, and after using five bottles I feel iike a new woman." Maa. P. H. Hi.AKe. Confluence, W. V. JOHN POOLE. Oscooa, ean give you the bert bargains' in general niaciiinery, engines, boiler, tank, pomps, !). oei ana windmills. The near ail I X L windmill, sold by him, Is un eouailed. PDROPSY rj 10 BAtr THUTBUT fSU. Ti V.a -4a Tiv anrl ita Mtva. nlinatlAn at feTtriClalltT Of tetntV U9 BOS woBqerim mrdmj tboiiaV mzt't aoirs. AllUtA. UsV CUTLER'S CfiRECLnTEcf IODINE A tirnte1 Cure tor CtvurTb avn4 ronpiimiMinti. fl ftii. It Lock Box 14d. W. H. SMITH I CO.. luffiia, I.T , Piop't f Kimm JH',BS.1f',l" .'. r Cjr.iS rltlil til fl t I Alii. II if Best i:oiurii Hrrui. f (wu Goj1. Cm f 1 In iC'i1 bv tlrntutoK f r T- ;-.r-r "Tvr" ! " in iii ii .im. iia.. 4 Items of Interest From AH Parts of the State, COMMERCIAL K0 flNANClAl rUPPEXWGS A Brief Review ef the Great sad noerove BMats ef flie Many lackutiiu Tbteagh. ant Oar TWrvwe, CaaaaieaMcalth, Anblaaal wilt try to secure several rural mail r-.aSea. The aatJoaal bBk recently orsaniird at A ati bind will o.ira Febraarr S. A eo-operativ crea-nery is to be as tablithed oa tb Coquila at Lea. The Arlingtoa wareboosa is said to oomala 250,000 bushel ol wheat. Cottage Grore will present s new eharte to tha legislature for aproval. A eoogar which bad killed atreral raloabie dog aa snot near Thuraton. Tb Boaebarg marshal has received direction to parcbaa 100 dog liceu 11. L. Kyta, of Merlin, waa recently granted a patent oa aa impnpad type There wa fir toe he of snow oa tha railroad at tb summit of tha Siski- j you. j Work ha begun oa coostructioo of ; tbe Corralli-King's Valley telephone It Is probable that a matting plant will be erected at tha Iron Dyka early in tb spring. A McM innTille resident ha a cat 21 yean old which catches rats almost verr day. and mica , Material for construction 0f tb Cor-1 lo bU accostomed place In the sitting vailia-Kicg'a Valley talepfaoua line ha j room, quietly dining in a large blgb arrived at Corvallia. jback rocker, where be always sleep. Samoet Kana ha bean appointed i " DeT" P bed. fearing rash of poatmwter at iiethanr. Or., vie L! blood to hi. head might prove f.t.L He richGerbor. reaigoed. ta almmt tot"T bliaA- but U In fuU . 1 possession of bis other facnltlea and Th safety deposit box and vault to Mjo, llft door o the new Canyon City bank -C3cle Noah" smoke almost Ince har arrived and ar in plac. !Mntly. On pleint day. In tb Sheep st Long i rx-k are command- mer month be groiea b la way about Ing top price. Aa high a $2.60 per the dooryard and mingle wltb tb bead has been offered lor lamb. male Inmate. His thin. gray, almost J. C. Miller, of Glencoe, brought in the champion turnip of the act ton, th vegetable weighing Sit ,4 pounds. R. C. Goodwin, of Wheeler county, haa again gone into the sbeep bnsinesa, and ha bought 3,000 bead near Ize. J. P. Simpson ha about 4,000,000 feet of logs ready to float down the Luckiamnte aa soon ax there is snffi eiaat water for driving. Tb local telephone tine between Central Point and agl Point has been purchased bv th Sunset company and connected with th main circuit. A. E. Starr, a Baker county mining man, disappeared November 14. He left th Mullen cabin, in tb Green born district, and ha not been heard of since. Tb public drinking fountain which will be erected in th city park at Ea gene in memoir of Company C, Second Oregon volunteers, will arrive aboat January 1. M. 8. Barnes, proprietor of the Bake! City -Cornucopia staye line ha made an aaeiiniiiienl to P. Basrhe, f Laker City. It ia thoagbt that tb creditor; will receive payment in full The committee on improvement o tb McKenzie road has filed ita reports. Tb total expenditure hare been 4,847.v5. Collections from all source for tha improvement amount to 14,819.30. Judge Borke, who has a bond on tlx mine at Copper Butte, east of Union 1 pushing development work as rapid ty as possible. lliroe shuts ara now employed. Tha showing is said to U excellent. Hector McDonald shipped a carlo of large tteera from Elgin. Qui weighed 1,860 pounds and anothei 1,680. They were weighed jQt aftei being driven over 30 miles of rougl muddy roads and hal undoubtedly lot over 100 pound each. Rejection of 25 tons of ore from tb old Bntteville Bonanza, now known ai tha Paul Kroger property, in th (joartxbiirg district, has just beet completed, say the Prairie Citj Miner. The clean-up wa 11 poondi ol amalgam, estimated to be worti over $1,000. Joe Mayes met with a painfnl acci dent at Bonner's wood camp at Wyeth. He wa dislodging a jam in th Some when a stick of wood came alont unexpectedly and crushed two of bi finger. The index finger on on banc bad to be am pa ta ted at the first joint ami tb middle finger was badly lacer ated. Lincoln county court at it receni jession ordered the repairing of tli Dridxe over Depot slou-b on th New port-Toleio wagon road, commonly called the "Doncon bridge." Tb approaches to th brblge sre still ir lairly good condition, bnt th spat across the stream will be pulled down and replaced. Link Vanderpool, of Silver creek Harney county, recently sold 130 year liog beiferi (o Gilcbrut Bros., of Crook county. It is lepored that a great many bee( wil be herded this winter in the desert lying south of Waxontire Bntte, Hareny connty. Tbey are now camp ing at the nearest watering placet waiting until the full of snow will per' init tbem to push into tha desert Among the number is one baud recent ly driven up from California. The school enrollment at Marsbfield number 845 pupils. Development of tha proapect west ol the town ol North Powder, in Union county, gives assurance that mine will be opened there of permanent value. A nombei of claims are being opened there with paying results. Tbe or is generally rich in gold and some of it contain wbst is believed to be paying quantities of copper. Tbe district Is designated a Elkdaie. A lot of machinery is now being placed on some of the properties in tli new district for reducing tb ore. OLDEST MAN IN THE WORUX j ttlk ! Haa Uve4 Owe Ummww ' aeeS Tratttiikt Yen. . In the poawrwaloa ef all bla faculties, practically antmpaired. there Uvea a man la the pouboute at llalufleid. N. J, aba baa mt 12$ witttei com aad : go, "l d- le Noah Kaby eojoys the ! distinction of being lbe oldest man la , the l ulled States. Not far behind bin ' la point of year I Mrs, Nancy Eloltt- JrlJ of Eltenbont, N. C who ha reach ed the age of 117. Mr. Raby Is aald to be (be olJval maa ta America, if not la the world. He has bees for thirty years aa inmate of tb New Jersey In- . vtltBtkrB, and seem contented with hi lot. Noah Baby was bora la Eatootoa, Galea County, N. O, la 1773. Ill moth er wa a native of .Nona Carolina, bat hi father. Andrew Bam. wa aa la - diaii. Though the blood of aa aborig ine I ta bis reins, Kaby s akin la per fectly white. rttcataway poor farm I alio ted tCll BOAB BABV. aboot four mile from New Market, in tb Stelton highway. When a or- respondent called at the farm "Cnrf Noah," a be Is familiarly called, wa J oow-wnlte. balr and bis bent figure denote hi great age, thongb bla mus cle are firm and be appears quite ac tive. He has a remarkably clear Intellect; and hi mind Is retentive oa nearly aQ aubjecta. The moat noticeable thing; a boat the old man is his slight frame He Is quite thin, weighing lea than 100 pounds. I Tbe population of the earth doable ItaelX In 200 years. Prof. Lloyd Morgan, In a recent ad dress, stated that be bad found that young chicken, taken straight from the Incubator, conld swim very well, th power of swimming being perfectly In stinctive. A seen from tbe moon, tbe earth would appear four time greater In diameter and thirteen time wider In surface than tbe moon doe to us. Tb j Illumination of the earth la fourteen, time greater on tbe moon than that of the moon on tbe earth. j Tbe oldest public building In New York City Is St. Paul' ChapeL at tb corner of Broadway and Pulton street. It wa built in 17S0, ten year before the Declaration of Independence. For some years Gen. Washington wa a reg ular attendant of tbe church, and bla pew I still pointed oat to visitors. The people of the Southern Ap palachian mountains number about two million, their descent being from th Scotch Irish, French Huguenots, Eng. Hub and Ge.-man. Tbey bare been In these mountains since long before tb revolution. They love their borne and mingle but little wltb the outside world. A frequent cans of tbe olllnes on tbe outside of lamps I that tbe wick 1 kept too high when onllgbted. lt should be remembered that tbe wick draws the oil to tbe surface, and If It projects too far above the burner. It will oon accumulate oil there, wblcb will find its way slowly over the out side. Saxon maker of needles drove En gland out of Brazil by wrapping their good In pink paper Instead of black. Other Germane are catering to th fondness of Russians for red In their dress. France recently learned bow distasteful green Is to a Chinaman, but It cost a good deal of money to mak tbe discovery. A Tboaxhtful Profewsor. "Johnny found a half-dollar to-day and bought a pound of chocolate. Wasn't be lucky r asked tbe wife of tbe cranky, analytical professor. Lucky?" answered the professor, lowly. "Let u see. He has now cre ated an appetite for chocolates. There 1 not one chance In a million that b will again find enough money to par- chase another pound. Ill former ap petite for gumdrop and cheap candle Is now gone. He will torn from tbem with scorn, yet will not possess enough money to bay chocolate. Would yon call him lucky? Always remember. madam, that we arc happy with tb I in pie things until we taste the rich and grand. Tell tbe cook, when yon go down, to not serve any more health food to-day, as I sm feeling unwell and need a change of diet" Indianap olis Sun. Two Creed in One Chnrcb. et In tbe city of Heidelberg, Germany, there Is church called the Church of tbe Holy Ghost, wblcb 1 unique In Its way, being tbe only church in th world In wblcb tbe Protestant and Catholic services are held at tbe same time, a partition wall through tbe cen ter separating the two congregation. Doctor la China. A Chinese doctor's fee ta perhap th smallest In tbe world, ranging from 'IA to Bd, bat this can be accounted for by tb fact that any on can practice a doctor or physician. v.- Stark f oeykaedPtta, ' All readers who know Mr. O. W. Cable's delightful atoriae will tad much atartaiomcat ta aa ac errant of aoma of hi boybood pet, which will appear ta aa early Bomber at the Youth Cotrpsaica. Ttw Caus rtard as Kxk. Tha aaparior court at Taeoaaa has dlamubad a rasa for 15.000 against tb great court of Waahinftoa Forest r of America, brought by a oao) data who tbeagbt tha goat van km aarely, aad tb poor candidate mast bow to lbe local lodge officer, it ka ax pacta to get any thing. Tke Bee rrmrlpUM Car Malaria Chill aad Fare it a bottle e( Grova. TaatrJaaa Chill Tonic It is simply iron aad auiniM In biiaUa Ion 1 NQ Cure, No Pay. Price to. ' Vhst b rUiabaa, A notable featar of tha TSth vol am I .1 V- . 1" I . . 1 1 j vi suvjui a vwopeBiits vim ua aa arsiciaoa i a tawm oi tieroiam, by Governor Theoooi Booaavelt. Bxpottt !, sad Irani kelp free ta eav ate era. Ac Bareaw, aos B. reeUaad. Of. The history and methods of tb tare eat Sunday school In the world, which I at Slock port, Ko gland, are described by tb Unions editor and reformer, W. T. Stead, la an article written fur tha Youth Uouipanion. OlKrilLb T B A UUeert(1al aarfc tea loe the ear el eua ttipaikoa to4 tick headache; It It a apeeiar km all 3ta araars ! stosuek aad haaeia. Vrak ef Ceatral Lnrtaa, nnel Lawton ,nd -t. - i.m n4rfnr-of . ..u-. Be bu writen for the next volume of .h Yooth's Comnanion. ABSOLUTE SECURITY; Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Slgnatur of rOIILUACBL roi DIZZ1HLU. FBI 1IU00SIEU. roiTORnauYU. mi C0MT1PATI0I. rot SAU.0V FSI TUEC0WPU1I0I CURE SICK HEADACHE. Primary E lectio Law. A primary election law ia being agi tated in Washington as well as Oregon, j TO CtEl A. COLD IW OXt DAT Take Laxative firotno Quinine Tab lets. All drrggUts refund tbe money If it tails to cure. E. W. Grov' sig nature 1 on each box. 2 Sc. AiUion Bushels ef Wheat. In on week, ending December 15, Portland exported 030,000 bushel of wheat. A Household Neotsity. r.v. ry home thua Id bar handy lor a s Ut ile Utt oi ;w-trett 4 Cttliartic, tt l-r l.i l gnardl.a ol tb Uo.ll health. All drug.' iut, lot. x. Mc Pemuylvsnit'i Forestry Prucrv. The state of Pennsylvania haa p ir ehsiesd 100,000 acre of land to. a forestry preserve. AVegetable Preparation for As -s Initialing fivFoodaMBefi ida ting (he 5 tousaxhs aMBoweli of Promotes DiestionChferfur ness and Rest .Contains neither Opuim.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. jhteua-Simamvujt hfnuStmd- A perfect Bemedy forConsllps fion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOUK. i . Asa Fac-sasslls I Tear aitTI tnt tt a tafca a UCAKTBIS HIpillS j tfUlHBrly Wagwi j t&-st,i,iimiMtiim, ,,4,9 i; V ; t tXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. , ' Ufc floured &Mi3 ssied rautrle and derailkg bo lie, vrhathavocl crofola, W alone, U capstls of all that. and mora. Led Lt bum l In Iheno k. inrttnauitiions in the er, il)- pp. caiarrli. aid reiieral ilewlKv. II is aiaays raditally and pen"f cured bv Hood' a SarsaparlUa Vl'hicb exrels all humors, cures all trnp (toos, ami build up the aliule syiteui, aheiber vouub or ohI. fl vWs'ruwcatv Bvw' aunsWial air etnatrUe to uas auk lioW'i A-napaniia. iH Thry Get M. Tb Nehalera coal field. west ol Portlaad. is aalJ to be very valu able, and Portland Deed tb coal tor ship, factories, cheap bom tool. to.. and it would mean tha bi,gt thing tb eify ever bad to open op those coal beds, yet no effort i being mail la that direction that anybody know of. although the daily papers and cUiaen generally have long urged such devel opment. Mother will find Mr. W!ulow' Pooth- !rg Hvrup tbs beat remedy to ate for tnrur shudren duncg the teething ptnod, Expetitioa Net Ahtadueed. Tb big show (or Portland In 1802 ha aot been abandoned, f von 11 sum merchant at timid, and a gigantic exhibition i going to b pot up U po mbl Carter' Ink bat a rood deep color and it doea not strain the eve. Carter dueau'l fade. Stain Brass. Stain on brass will generally yield to paraffin or bath brick. It they are annsually obstinate, try robbing them with a little salt and vinegar, and pul ish afterward with dry brick. . Y. Journal. New Towa at Wuhinjtoa. Darrincton, 92 miles from Seattle. will b th new mining town of west ern Washington in th spring. Th Great Northern and Northern Pacific ar boilding there. 8 tor tbm (Jamah modi Work Oil tha Oold. Laxatir ilrowo-Uuintne Table ta car cold in on day. No cure. No Pay, Prio ii cent. Aim ftlni k (L K. Major Ruhlen, 0. S. quartermaster at Seattle, say tb army canteen or saloon is O -K., and work lea haim to soldiers than tr.e tough Kiinta near tb army post. owa Trust Weoffer Oa Hundred Dollar Ktirtri! far eat of CaMria i&tt eaa uui ka curl by Haii't iurro i-aru. f . J. CZ ESET A CO.. Prop.. Toledo, 0 We the BDOertiinieit. bare known r.J. tfeeney kr tif put II ert. tad IwlMiv him a'rlertiy honortblc In all tmtta ta IrtiuActlom attit fin ancial Wtbl loearrj aulaajrvbUsnUunsaiaas f wieir am. WarriTBCtX. hoio iiriunrttta, TolMn. WtjaiM. KlKKAM Jl U.rVtH. I al llrur itu, Toledo. t. Call- Catarrh Cur M I Sen n: roallf, teilnf y.rMMj un im Dtoofi sua m coos euritrt at uwt7 am 7Mpert-Ua. Uul tr drusrliu. Ire. iUUSfaatUyt-i.1 rthibesk i ' I Pouibls. I "Her," al) th observant boarder. who had a newspaper in bla hand, "1 writer who asserts that odor i cause deafness." "Well," added tbe ero-eyed board , ar, "musk ia pretty loud." I'ittsburg 1 inronicie l eiegrapb. OESTFORTl BOWELS ftrtm Bra't . nitlir, bU)f morement of Mm bot. mrerj ear. re ftiCei. or will b krp oyr twmei opTft. n& tm rU. Iirct, in lim .ttt of f loMot pbyitte or piit poivm. ! df.tioo. Vba Htwunh, vaan-na. W'a WU bowels etmt luitl ei4ui tt tajma rTataii. Ptlttabi. fotent-TtueOooil noOorni. never Bictea. Weaken, or lirlp. KK. UK Wilt foe frttttmplt. tod tiooklet oo iMtlia attdrtu MH -ei - Olin. tMml, SetleA. BBt KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Tor Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years THt ontTawn MMMNf, new von, crrv. mm I 3 I w tetbiDsta I rtiFll canov 11 tjT CATMARTie Taaessuan avswrtBso ngs IF VmMbsw Tews Shew fnpm Nearly all thm eitle I town ol Washington show goxl iaoreaa ta pop utatioo. Tha most Mtall o " Aberdeen. Hallard, Fveratt. North Yaklm. I!oiuum, Whstcont and Walla Wall. Tb Utur cily ad vanced (rum 4.7M to over 10,000. GtmbUftt tor Patter. A novel way of c hooting a patt-ir wa receully adopted by tb Meunoo If at Uroffatlal. P. Thai war ton candidate, ud tea bible wer placed ou a Ubls before tliera. In on wa slip of pr. sn I th eamll'lat who chota this MM becain th pastor. fir. Shot 20 Mik. Th foiled Hltle will tire a thnt twenty Billet, whirb ll h a nmird hrvaatr for the di.itii.-e Tb gun from ahn-h II it to be tired Bill b a marvel of American Inrriimiv and irkiiiiiM. AntHher n.trvel of Amem-an tiigennuv I Il.wii lr" Moinach llmert. Kor tiflr vear. ii bat cured, liidigetttou djft pepsisaml btliuumir. Bif Butlaass TM Moath. Portland merchant predial th big gest basinet this month of any during tb year, and each month has been un usually good. I'lto's Cur fur Contumpuon I an In fallible median for constat and M N. W. Snami, (Xvaii liruve, N. i , Feb. 17, two. Surtity af Caws, Tb scarcity of cow in Oregon for dairying pare I a serious handicap to th development ol creameries. roc moir what voc ambtasiijio When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonlo becaua tb tormnl is plainly printed oa every bottl showing that It is simply Iron and Quinine 1" tast lest form. No Cure, No Iay, o0c. Ta Hmdlum Nohaaov, Tb young hood I u rn nuisance ha be come o intolerable in Portland that steps bar been publicly taken to atop it, and tha reign of burglary ha evi dently been transferred from Seattle to Portland. ! Ttie Famoun Qermma Wood Prttervw mm A VENARIUS wmPermaaeaUy Dmwtroym ..CH ICKEN LICE I - rOne application It afl that is required. It taste for yean. Ii your dtikt cannot supply you, write for circulars And Information to th following- distributing agents Perfection Pile Preserving; Co Seattle, Wash., Foher, Thorsen & Co Portland, Oregon Wbitticr, Cobura & Co Sad Francisco, CL Ortjoa Property Vritttie, Tb Vetln of Cii,oo prttpertr, lor 177,000,000 xtrf low luJ-xd. This tiff tin rt I e every aaa ol lae saaala Laxative Broroo-Ouinine Twe lb raaiedy thai a fa eete ajr Wtal SUU Cod. R.vbtd. Orejjon attorneys are moving to bar tb tat coil revised at tbia winter ' lion of the legislature. It 1 wtll to remember that CAHflt-MI TKt clettiKt th tftirm, urlfli- ihe blow), rrS'ilttrt lite liver tnd kldaey, tnl furc f l.l.inlc coilUoo. Northwut Mining News. Tb Northwest Mtulng New ia th nam of a ltt-paga weekly paper to b started in Spokane tb first week la January. Tb nam tells tb paper' mint ion. Big Twtrttl ea b'alea Pacific The hlg railroad tunnel being built by the Union Pacltlo at Aspan, Wyo ming, will be finished next October. Tha dtmentlons are, length fi,e)0 fret, tti text biKb and SI teat Inches wld, lined with Oregon fir and ven tilated with 20-tucb blow pipe. YOU NEED NOT SUFFER Wltk Rbeamafltia.Selailes. Heaealtar Btelllett. Drept'.' Will stall All Pala and Car Vea. wssofs 's iiRnrr- it auiek potitlve. It prevmtt and lnliillr ciiint dlt-rtM-. It kill, the lermi. Ilirii alih .....i. .ii. run i on ineiliiinun, liver suit lrtlie; piirilie tha I.IwmI, lrri,(ultn th nerve,, end .!.- llieentircy.if.Di u bealltiv o.nilm..n. I It tbe rliriw.l tnd Ui nieilleli.t In ii.. ... , ..... ia ruifien aim aone- iik fii,..,, i . r . - r .-. r- l he be.t n m.-lv on earth to bav In th hr.u, .... ..... . . 1 ln n,rm. it 11 4athM.a. Hav . k .. HruHehlll., Heart Wakna.a, Tunlhaeha! aOIXD KOr BK WITHOUT IT. xb'uh !!".rr n.1 behalf of your a I1HIM'. the Dlilv tn.H ),. ,1... . It H r I M f at "1 ., ana n.t llt. out emt tttlrk nine I cm- ltllKt.MA.TIHM fortlveiilv lone veta. t-v.,. "- 'e ien a en-tt .iinMpe f J "''r", ,P,,n I would think onirl l m I" ! .'i. h,"k" ',"" tii-l your " imiirH" i'i.l,,?..V.'"Uv" 1 ""'M WMhOtlt it- bli rttn 1 1 sua 1 Kit. ...... ... Kcudlheialnme. 1 nonitt T. Ke.rldirk, Kln,tnd. Oa" 'IT HAD BAVKb UY I Iflr " An not know hna, in . . , . . . Jul I mink yonr ..5 OlioV'". ,,T lerlnr Intenu' e lih a viid . uiiedav a lady ealleil to tee m tnd Ij-ouelil tjnieni ol-yotir'i lli.- I t(N,k III flr.l 1 be lev It hi! ttved i. Hie. Thlt latemtnt to WMlllvllt l!"Vti "" l"atiir Cri. ir.uiiAi.UM, 1 our verv trolv. andasenu. In .ome pl.cet the lirieiu our ee Ksies: ii ; z r.mi!?. p tow ".'.'I?er"' "llf't. UritenU bottle. rJ "r,'"r nt f da,. u enthto -.. wi.v are tiinerillt, to tt leul a, ff ,,, rr-iriCM Fttl, wa Will saar- cel,toHM,,ay p,iti(e. Asentt aauaa wanle.1 In new lerrli,,.. ai.i.. TT t"AKfcS' RHEUMATIC CUSf CO.. THE BEST NEW YEAR RESOLUTION tK. KbELE ( e.a for reaellng matter to tha I latUWI.. l Sl.Ta ?,; r-.ruiud. 0!,,y J. i aniaiiiii eneet in telatlea, llaehaell. (Kearalsln, N.r...n... tleepleeeaeaa, Nervnu aa.l Nearalale llelaehet, Nerenat IHeeuaptl. anil nervnn rreellnt tl , CfiUflll t Catarrh has become such commn. f3!scae that a person frr ro tin ditgwttInK complaint U telilon, Z With. UUwatooiarytostieakolCatsrtk as Bothing mor serums than bad cold, a simple inflammation of tb no ua Uiruat. It K in trt, couipllctt very dangerau disease ; If but ct Brt, 2 Very aoon bectwK so. Tb blwxi I quickly contaminsitil th foul Brvretioiia, andtlir potain throoib th general Curulalin la tarried to all psrltof the syntcm. . Salve, wathe and sprays ant tmaji!. factory ami disappointing, becaus th,. ,u nut reach tb rt of the trouble. 8 ft a dor. It clcanar tit blood of the pouwn and eliminate front tli system all ctiw. rhal secretion, and thua cure thoruughty and peimancnUy th wor cttc. ' Mr, T. A VIM, a Iradltf try enM, rfetnt of BtinnbfB. . 4, wih, II rw I haa a tew . e,"Nak tit mm! Ctlarrh. with all the dimeter tl eert whfch beluna m lhal Staeote, aaT whit auk life ealafnl I Bad ltd efteMuraM. l e.lirea pvetrtltw hf Irarflt JkuiM t4 ueve-lnl W ree I fiiraa, bet itxwl fetlln aay aeiiee, i tet Letta Intake a. II 14 Ik ire4 t fleet, s a i ire4 M tiler Itkfna eiehtee 1 Imitea la inoviik. a a a. teIL else tuiw la at Ifaal will t a Miauiu el CaunV I the only purely ve tbl blHl purther known, and the greau tat of ail blood tn4r rinea and ton Ira If vou have Catarrh don't wait until b become deep-seated and chronic, but be gin at one toe t S. tk B., ami stsd lor our book on Blood and tkia i Httasts and writ our physician about your t tut twirl tficif to. rust t, ia, A Ntlffiberh) Cataftraph. "Dicky, m Mr. Il,t. a,k y, why w i wreu'l eomlog oivr to tind tb vning?" "Y, ma, aa' I told bur j' had Bother luvttatlon 'at j' likad bttr.n Iudiantpolis pra. CARBOLtriEUa ma AND VERMIN.. IT LEADS THEM ALL The "Cycione" Thresher U Yon Puy a New Thresher, Engine, MORSE POWER OR SAW MILL Yoa of Count ward tb Best. TrlU lor Catakgut and Prut. RU8SELL &, CO.. PORTLAND, OHE0ON ID TIE CSEEi FIELDS or vmieixi. HfiNblr lit N to Vtr, lb tr I ntM t. nm-"f 1 raumtw, 1'4 ima M T llMiqtv lltMti tor g mi, ta jMtiiH fi J nit. llfV. , I I'll Hwvitttt Tr!wmiiH f Hatlb. Umf' UHtim Hmtmr V At"l .' U't M, Hho a Haw "Hi h S VMt - Hum IW ltai fin. ?ttfe, tarrM k, , aM'fMi fc-i'l mtr i.4 fnrtirMv r4 . t'.v thtt h i wiih Ml'ir rBmr4tt.t.l Nr Snrrtv iitAt K U (V r ma i X MIM THI OICe-Klt. hl- rtrt t hi . r Vt VtHsftna Hwiiatni't I hlrtttv NOTHING BETTER MADE Yoa can't aitkt a atltlaks U yo ret .Mitchell. Mitchell. Iteruis & Staver Co. PORTLAND, ORECON. jmt fM piles iTCillNO ltl u.rf... n.i.n aa.uae Ul-bmS Thl rurm, t wll a llilo. Illeeiin. l-naraOleS I'llettreeamll.jr Dr.Ooaanko' Pit Smal. i"l II. ntn nj Induing. Al'rlt tuniort, l't Jar ti drtittif.u or Mat l.v mali.T rettlee fra. wrlw tit tbuui yuur ctM. lilt. Hoaainau, J b Mdt.ra PATEflTSi TMOUT rB" att taeeeaerul nd il.l.rhililill and set free oiiilll" H. MTKVKIia . Kmtli. I'. Hie. 4.S17 HlliMrm-l, VfAHHIKAI'lIN l. !. hranoa omcmi t hcitjo, Cleveland till! tMiroll loois rolm HOMilrduoir YOUR HEART? Then vnn'll aiant heamllul thtnse In yflllf home, lb flrnt ihluei you think ul we nelll Ua.iiMt. .11 bi...i. ,,..ii.... i ...rv wirL iiat kieirle tnd oil i.iitlut In tmlleu vtrleiy. a 1 iirittnta iriMiiu that heauimea jmir n. It tin liet iitfii iii. t ail or wrli Inr phoiii. rapna too raltioRiiet, TllK Jirun rn IKr ClIMI'ANV. Ul rir.l Ntree.1. I'arl- land )inn. if; ciaiMsai fun Wrl a tt BSiHta PENSION notes, U 6 . Ilw 'K BltlHFliao MJ..I.1..... reive OMlok U .'.I I. N. II. VU. )ih Corps. froMKiitlns claim ilnii IH7S. 7 S10? Tobacco Suddenly It ln)um neivont ivatein to do to. HA'"" t IllfO to the iinlv eura that rallV enre nil noil Ili a you lien lo lo. Hiitd Willi uartnii-e that three bote wlllonr any ' PliTn.fillRO itvi'teitlilii ami hsrtntota Itaas t SuU bUMU e a thutistiin. II wlllciire vnii. 1 tu ilriii'inmt or hy null preiitid, ' tHIIaa Si Hi. Ilooklel tree. H rll KUStt Ciumo I. Co., U Croat, Wla. M. F. . O. 0. 8-l00. tlHKW wrltln t dertlttr 1 SIS r.,V i.f F f. t. fa. I yjjitchelU e-- ,T 1 BtauiiB thi bauer.