nninnm XJTiJtL Mi ST. 1 n in n w VOL. XVIII. ST. HELENS, OKEGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1900. NO. 2. RR Of THE 1 From All Parts of the New World and the Old. Or INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS Compreheiulv Review of th Important Hap. pcningi of th Put Week In a Condensed Form. In ruy, SI, 000 person hav iworn illeganoa. ' Moroooo pay the American Indem titjr claim. Ashland, Or., voted against Mean lug saloon. Th Boer raided Cape Colouy at two separate point. - Tba misunderstanding at Pekln wa Jut to a cable error. Duly S Uvea were lo In tbt found ring of the Gueiseuau, Tba French chamber of deputie adopted tba amenity bill. Tba return of volunteer wll cause reuewed insurgent activity. Colorado capitalist bare bonded tba old Oeut mine, lu Kaalern Oregon. Reapportionment bill reported givea ' Waabington no extra ouugresainnn. Railway brotberbooda will ak tba Santa Fa to re-employ ita operator!. Tba naval construction board reoora mend four award for warship eon- truotion. Superintendent Calbreth, of Oregon loaano aaylatn, baa lubiulttod bi an oual report. Farmera' Institute waa held at Staf , ford under aoapicea of the Oregon agrl enilural collage. Washington couutv, Oregon, baa offered 1500 reward for the arrant of tbe'tnurdoter of Andrew Da hi berg. Two transports will atart in a few day from Manila for fan Francisco witb 1.000 sick and wonnded eoldiera, Tba erbooner 1'ioneer, lomber-ladeo for San Francisco, weut ashore on the Ncstoco beach during the receut torm. Associate Supreme Court Justice George C. Ludlow, ex-governor of New Jersey, died at bit realdeuue lu New Brunswick, N. J. Tba stranded bark roltallocb, on Wllltpa harbor, withstood the recent gala good. In tact aba is in better po sition than before. Fira in East Providence, R. 1., de stroyed a wbarf on which there was 2,000 tons of ooal. Tba loss is esti mated at 200,000. Two highwaymen who stopped a boggy near l'ortlaod, upon discover ing that it contained two ladies, apolo gised and allowed tbetn to drive on. Loot aenl to Franca will be embar goed. American wheat vUiblj shows a de crease. . The Monro dootrin may be applied to France. : - Tba Boera were defeated la a battle at Orange river. A third negro was lynched by the Itockport, Ind., mob. In th sinking of th Gnelsenau, 186 persona wer drowned, There is no prospect of pasalng tba subsidy bill this session. The steamer Alpha waa wrecked on tba Vancouver island coast. Major-General John O. Park died at his home in Washington. The Porto Rico oas la before tba United State supreme court. Congressman Bon telle waa plaoed on the retired Hat of the navy. The military commission begins lta investigation in the Boos basing. Fresh instruction sent to Conger will clear tba way ol all obstacles. A oure for strikes waa discussed by tha arbitration conference at Chicago. Preparation are being; mad for de velopment of natural gaa near Rosalia, Wash., , -;, A Washington oounty farmer waa murdered by a shot fired through his window. The official report of tha finance of tba Pari exposition, shows a loss of 2,000,000 frano. The Oregon supreme court decided that tha Portland vehicle license ordi nance waa invalid. Five oases of whst 1 believed to be buhonio plague have developed In Tucu man, in the Argentine Republic. The official of the Santa Fa and tha officers of the different trainmen's organisations will hold a conference in Chicago. Seven hundred Boers have crossed from Orange River colony Into Cape Colony near Aliwal North, and have reached Kaapdal. President McKlnley expeota to ar range his Western trip so as to be in Ban Francisco to witness th launch ing of tha battleship Ohio. Twenty-five terra cotta statue in the Boston museum of fin art prove to be bogu. To the naked eye not more than 9,000 stars are ordinarily lviihle. A werful teleicop will reveal 6,000,00 stars at onoe. In China anyone who writes an im moral book is punished with 100 blows ' the heavy bamboo and banishment for life. Anyone who Mat' it 1 also punished. LATER NEWS. Conger was Instructed to sign th now. Ther I another bitch in th Chines negotiation. Troop are being couoentrated In northern Cap Colony, Tha English war olllce baa arranged reinioro Kitchener at onoe. Nicbola Darnell, a pioneer of East ern uregon, 1 dead, aged 68 year. Governor Uerak Pacific Northwest tatn to join Oregon In celebration of wwii and Clark centenuial. A mob at Gulf Port, Miss., lynched a negro, it now appear that he was in wrong man. Th supreme court of Ohio ha dis missed 11 v oases brought under tba trust law of that ttute. It 1 probable that th president will visit Portland and th Pugat sound cities on hi trip in May. Bute Of Washington pay $11,800 sugar bounty to local sugar beet fao tory for Spokane county crop. Th controller of the ourrenoy has appointed a receiver for th Anieriosn National Bank of Baltimore. It la thought that depositor will be paid in lull. Tbe aiming telegraph operator on th Bant F have given up th fight. Ihelr place bava been tilled by new man. Over 1,000 Christian are reported to bav been massacred by Turk. Th Turkish autborltle show the uttnotrt indifference. Tha United State gunboat Anapolia, whloh went aground opposite Lam bert'i point, Va., haa been floated. It la not thought that the vessel 1 in- lured. A dispatch from Tien Tsin says: "Prince Cbing asserts that Emperor Hwang Hsu, unaccompanied by th Km pros Dowager, left fcinan Fu De- camber 19, bound for Ptkin." The dead body of Peter F. Johnson waa found in a water ditch on Park avenue, Puyallup. Tbe presumption I that Johnson fell Into the ditch and waa unable to rescue himself. A ooal mine under th city of Pitts burg, Pennsylvania, ba partially oaved in, allowing part of th principal atreet of the town to fall Into the mine. It is feared other section wilt also aink. Following th break of tbe Luln is land dyke, Hood have oaused further damag to th seawalls protecting th farmer of the Fraaer river valley. Owing to high tide, strong wind and heavy rain, th land bav been badly flooded, and tbe village of Stevenson 1 thro feet nnder water. All th ministers at Pekln have signed th joint note. England ia alarmed over tba Boer Invasion of Cape Colony. Tha senate committee mad many ohanges in tha army bill. Th Morans, of Seattle, will not get th contract for new warship. Speaker Henderson Is opposed to en largement of th Portland postoffic. The river and harbor bill will not be made publio until after th holiday. Martin Stick!, th aelf-confessed Castle Rock assassin, will be banged. A company has been organised in Iowa to build Bah cannery in Alaska. Senator MoBride has asked for large appropriation for customs service launch at Astoria. Tbe Booth-Kelly Lumber Company will ohanga it headquarter from Sag inaw to Eugene, Or. Anna E. Smith, wa appointed post- mlnstress at Cams valley, Or., vie H. Allison, resigned. Tboma Parker, a native of England, wa frosen to death near th mouth of Whit river, Klondike. Sample of two dangerous countei felt silver coins have been obtained fioin Portland and Sopkaue. A collision occurred on the Sumpter- Baksr City road in which two locomo tives wer slightly damaged.' Memorial service wer held at the Oregon university in honor of Henry Villard, on of th oolleg' greatest benefactors. It is announced that th total tax able property In th city of Salem, Or., will be approximately $330,000 less than last year. A pitched battle 1 Imminent be tween th British nnder General Cle ments, who bis been reluforoed, and th Boers nnder Geneial Delarey. Th clearing home bank st Tacoma, bav decided that alter January 1, they will accept Canadian silver at par. Heretofore it haa been taken at 6 per oent diicounl. All attempt to float th British iteaiuer Laura, Captain Yule, from Sa vannah via Norfolk for Bremen, ashore on the coast of Holland, near Petton, have been unsuccessful. Tbe steamer Surah Dixon collided with th breakwater neai Mount Coffin, on the Lower Columbia, and now real in IS feet of water. This 1 the steam t' second experience nnder water, Tbe agricultural departmment hai established at Washington a laboratory for tatting all tort of road material The Immigration bureau' ha al lowed oontraot laborer from : Porto Rico to land in th United States a citizen. Tbeoost of th pnbllo school of Greater New York for th year 1001 will ba $17,700,1)78. The number of pupils in tha aohool 1 estimated at 408,118. hie -mm They Pay Eszagul Indemnity Claim of $5,000. THE RESULT Or A STR0N0 PRESSURE Turkey, However, Refuses to Agree t th Claim of th United States nd Ad ministration Officials Olv Up. Washington, Deo. 20, A message from United Ktates Consul Guramerl, at Tangier, inform the state depart ment that the Moorish government bad settled the claim of the United States foi $5,000 Indemnity on account of the murder of Marcus Eszagni, a nut n rallied American oitiaen, in Moroooo last spring. Easagoi wa of Frenoh birth, but th fact that fa wa naturalised and an American citizen relieved the French government from tha necessity of Join ing in th demand for Indemnity. Th Moorish government pleaded as a basis for Its first deolinstion to pay th taot that th man was killed, not by Moorish olllcers, but lu a fight with the rabble. Tb claim for indemnity, however, wa based on tb failure of tbe Moorish government to make any effort to arrest or punish th prepetra tor of th murder. The navy depart ment, at tbe instance of th state de partment, wa making airangements to send a naval vessel to Morocco to give moral support to the demands of tb American consul for a settlement. The president today appointed John O. A. Leisbman, now minister to Swit zerland, to be minister to Turkey. It is recalled that when Minister Strauss came back to tba United States and resigned in disgust at hi inability to clone np tb Turkish claim, tb Im pression wa seml-oUicially given thst no imnister would lie named to snooeed btm until the Turkish government had met our demands. After waiting a long time, the Turkish government itself was obliged to take notice of the diplomatic manifestation of th dis pleasure of th United States, evi denced by tha absence of Mr. Strau-s from Constantinople. Therefore, it oaused tba announcement to be made that it bad terminated the ministerial office of All Ferrouh Bey, the minister resident here. But to prevent tbe issue from becoming too acute, It at tbe same time named Shekth Bey a minister to Washington. But Shekib thus fur has not left Constantinople, and All Ferrough Bey remains in Waabington, although, as be frankly state, he is nothing more than a charge d'affaires for tbe moment. It Is expected that Shekib Bey now will come to Washington, or that th for mer minister will be recommUsioned, which in either oase might be taken as a sign that a settlement bad been reached of the mission claims, nnder th purchase of a warjhip, or in some outer nnoulolai manner. Turkey Will Not Pay. New York, Deo. 20. A peoud to tb Herald from. Washington aaya: Payment of tb missionary claims pending against Turkey is no longer expected by tbe administration. Al though tbe aultan entertained tha ofll- oer of tha Kentucky in truly royal style, he did not let the presence of the battleship have any effect upon his pooketbook, and still holds tb $00,000 hich American missionaries assort is the value of personal and missionary property destroyed six years ago. -Tbe belief of the administration ia that Turkey will not settle th claims arts lng out of tha reported purpose of Great Britain to picas the missionary claim of her subjects against the sub- Urn porta. It Is stated that it an other nation begin to pros ita claims, the sultan will probably decline to set tle those of the United State. TWO HIGHWAYMEN KILLED. A Mexican Miner Thereby Saves $3,000 ia Currency While Going to HI Mine, Chicago, Deo. 20. A special to the Reoord, from Parrall, Mex., aays: G. E. Keernsy was going out to hi mina, 20 mile from Parrall, Friday, to pay off hi employe. He bad about $3,000 In Mex loan ourrenoy, which ha had tied firmly to the bottom of hi waon, put -his pistol in bia coat sleeve and started out. When he had gone about half way two Mexican suddenly confronted him and ordered biiu to get out of th wag on. He obeyed and the bandit searched hi person with no result. Knowing he must have some money they proceeded to search hi baggage and other effects. While they Were at thl task Keernsy drew hi revolver from hi coat sleeve and fired. HI attack wa so sudden the men did not have time to act, and both were in- stoutly killed Wster Stars la Nevada. Washington:, Deo. 18. Repiesnnta tlvo Newlanda today introduced a bill for the construction of reservoirs for the storage of water on the Humboldt liver, in Nevada, and( for the disposi tion and settlement of publio laud within reach of the stored water. ' No Duty on Christmas Present. Washington, Dec. 20, Th war de partment has Issued an order providing tor the admission into Cub ml tlia Philippines Ire of duty of packages and artlolea cleat ly intended a Christ mas present for the officers and en listed men of the army and navy and for other employe of this government now serving in these islands. Tha pro vision will terminate as to Cnba Feb ruary 18, and a to the Phillppl ) March 15 next. STICKEL WILL BE HANGED. fat of Sclf-Confessed Castl Rock Assassin- Defeat Was Hereditary Insanity. Kelama, Wash., Deo. 21. "Guilty ss charged" wa the verdict of the jury at 9:80 o'clock tonight in the case of th state of Washington against Mar tin Btlokel for the murder of William B. Sbaoklin. Stiokel 1 tbe most notorious and cold-blooded criminal ever tried In the courts of Cow I its couutv- A year ago but November, William B. Shank lin wa killed at bi bom near Kelso, and bl boose . wa burned over hi dead body. H wa hot at night while eating (upper. The case wa shrouded in mystery, and no clew to tba murderer could be obtained. On tb evening of November 28, 1900, Mr. and Mr. Cornelius Knapp, an aged couple, living near Castle Rock, were killed while at th supper table in the asm manner aa Shanklin was on year before. It wa evident tbat the same man had committed both crimes. Sheriff Klrby and Detootira Sam Sim mon traced the crime to Martin Stiokel, who lived on a scow near tbe moatn of the Cowlits river. Stiokel wa arrested. He maintained bia in nocence until ounfronted witb the fact tbat hi watch and key had been iden tified a having belonged to Shanklin, tbe murdered man. Tben he made a partial confession, and Implicated hi neighbor, Ed Pierce. After hi prellimnary trial, he wa taken to tha Pierce oounty jail for lafe keeping. There he joined tbe Salva tion Army and mad a fall confession, admitting that h did tb killing in both tb Shanklin and Knapp murders, and that he was alone in tb matter. When arraigned in the superior court today, on the adivoa of his counsel he pleaded not guilty, and bia case was tried upon tb evidenoe, - which was overwhelmingly against him. The de fense mad an unsuccessful attempt to wove tbat tha man bad inherited a criminal disposition to the extent tbat he waa not accountable for bis actions. Mis mother testUed tbat before bit birth and during gestation she was mad at everybody and tbat tbe child was born sick and was always an un natural ohild. Tbe jury waa out but one hour. Tbe prisoner was sentenoed by Judge Miller to be hanged on a date to ba hereafter fixed, not sooner than 80 day nor later than 90 day from data. An Austrian Airship. New York, Deo. 21. A dispatch to tbe Journal and Advertiser from Vi enna aaya an Austrian engineer, Wil liam Kieas, ha invented an airship wbloh 1 pronounced to be better than Zeppelin's. Tbe emperor' attention being called to tbe model, ne ba ue . . j com inuon interested, ana express tbe belief that it would be successful. Kress did not have money to build a Urge ship, and the emperor laid he would fix that, and oontribted $1,000 out of bis own pooket. Numerous other followed suit, and Kress will build tba abip. That Telegraph Error. Waabington, Deo. 91. It I now learned that the entire misunderstand- inn which haa delayed tba oonsnmma' tion of th agreement at Pekin was caused by the change or omission of th single digit in a complex group of figure making np one of tbe cipher messages of instruction to Mr. Conger. Durloualv enousb. the change in this sinnle di.it exactly reversed the mean Ins of the entire message, so that Mr. Conner, in opposing tbe English view, was aoting exactly contrary to the spirit of bis instructions, though in ac cordance with tneir letter. A Gernuia Cuuonhip. Berlin. Dec. 20. The Deutsche Co lonial Blatt publishes an order of Em peror William forbidding officers and officials, including those on the retired list in the colonial serivoe, to print anvthlne about tbe colonies without the consent of tbe minister of war, or tbe minister of marine, who must first obtain permission from the imperial ohanoelllor. Not S Bad as Reported. Madrid, Deo. 80. An official dis patch from -th prelect ol Malaga show tbe loss of life by the foundering of the German training frigate Gneise- nau off Malaga to be less than baa haen renorted. Acooriing to thl die natch. 85 fatalities resulted from the accident, and 100 person were in jured. New Mint Regulation. Washington, Deo. 20. Tbe senate committee on finance authorised a fa vorable leport on the house bill giving tbe luperintendent of ooinage at tbe mints the right to exchange gold bars for gold free of charge or witb charge, at their discretion. The present law makes the charge mandatory. Dissatisfied With Von Wilder. St. Petersburg, Deo. 21. The Novo- Vremya observes thai tnere are evi dences of discontent in all tbe armies, including the German, with Field Marshal von Waldersee prutauty. The paper supports the demand that each army act heneceforth on its own responsibility. Crushed to Death by Train Vancouver, B. 0 Deo. 21 While attempting to board a gravel train at Barnet, Charles Mo Fee was thrown under the moving train, the car pass ing over bi stomach, crushing him to death. Patterson' Nom Initios Confirmed. Washington, Deo. 21. Tha senate bas confirmed tbe nomination of J. M. Patterson to be postmaster at Th Dalle. Or. Have Turned the Tide by Enter ing Cape Colony. YEWS CAUSES MUCH ANXIETY IN LONDON Qenenl Kitchener Is Said to Have Demanded Heavy Reinforcements- A Pitched Battle Seems Imminent London, Deo. ' 92. Th war office last evening could give no information regarding the report of a Boer Inva sion of Cape Colony. Th official ex pressed the opinion, however, tbat tbe newspaper accounts were exaggerated and that probably tbe troops who- bave been employed in chasing General Dewet will be diverted to deal with the invaders." Having regard to the cus tomary method of the war office, this can only be interpreted a confirming the report. Lord Kitchener, in th meantime, keep tight rein over th news, which increases the publio disquietude. There is a persistent rumor tbat ba bas demanded heavy reinforcements. According to tba Dally Mail, private telegrams received in London yester day depict the situation in Cape Colony as somewhat ominous. It seem that tne Invading Boer are receiving con siderable assistance from tbe iooal Dutch, and that th troops at th dispxal of tb British are not sufficient to cope with any serious invasion. It is believed tbat tb government has at last awakened to the seriousness of th situation, and 1 making great efforts to have Lord Kitchener supplied with horse and mule. Tbe British loases at Nooitgedacht, according to the official accounts, wer 83 killed and' wounded, with 44 miss ing and (till unaccounted tor. It i re ported thi afternoon that -General Knox haa been foroed to abandon tbi pursuit of General Dewet, owing to tbe situation created in Cape Colony by the Boer crossing the Orange river. It is aid tbat 8,000 republican have entered Cape Colony, and a similar number have reached Pbllipstown. The report adds tbat Dewet, witb about 4,000 men, is northwest of Lady- brand, and tbat an attack on Winbuig is mometarily expeoted. PROTECTION TO CATTLEMEN A New Branding Bill Is Suggested That Will Sav Them Many a Head Portland. Dec. 23. It ba been sug geated tbat a bill be passed at the next legislature compelling cattle-buyer tc brand atock either in their regulai brand or a road brand before drivini them out to tbe railroad. Thia Is t matter in which all the stockmen o. Eastern Oregon are interests 1, and which should be agitated by men in that business. The lack of such a law ia a sou res of much annoyance in tbat section, every season, and should be reme died. Representative Geer bas signi fied bis willingness to introduce such a measure, provided the stockmen will get together and give him an outline ot what is desired. The Harney Countj Stockmen's Association should take the matter up and formulate a bill, ai it is of particular importance to the members of the association. It should bave their immediate attention, aa it is not long until the legislature meets hi January. It is not a matter that the stockmen of Harney county alone are interested in, but Malheur oounty a well. Th resident of that county should b heard from as to their ideas and pleas ure, therefore tlio ' time is none too ihort to begin at once. Tiku No Stock In Chittjes. Paris, Deo. 22. The Frenoh govern ment has given the most emphatic de nial to those French papers whioh tried to involve tbe American embassy in the Paris disclosures in conneotioa with the United States war depart ment's knowledge of French govern-' ment gun secrets, by offering the oroai of tbe Legion of Honor to Lieutenant W. 8. Sims, the formal United States naval attache at Paris, whom La Press describes as tbe person guilty of dis closing the gun seoreta. Umatilla Lightship to Be Replaced, Astoria, Deo. 92. The lighthouse tender Manzanita bas received instruc tions to replace the Umatilla reef light ship as soon as practicable. Tbe light ship, which broke adrift some days ago, is now at Port Angeles Captain Greg ory baa all the necessary appliances oa board, and will leave out on bis mis sion at the earliest opportunity. ' Spanish Royal Marriage. ' Madrid, Deo. 98. In tbe senate to- day the royal message read by General Aaoarrag-, uo preiumr, -uouunuiusj , the marriage at an early date of th princes of the Austria, heiress pre sumptive to the throne, with Frinoe Charles, second son of the Count ol C'aserta, waa adopted by 157 vote against 49. Christians in Turkey Massacred by Moslems. London, Deo. 23. A dispatch to the Daily Express reports recent Mos lem excesses against tba Christian pop- lation of Turkey, in whioh 300 Chris tian have been killed. Chile Will Exhibit. Valparaiso, Deo. 21. The chamber of duputie bas passed a bill appropri ating $500,000 for th Chilean exhibit at tba Pan-American exposition in Buffalo. THE POPULAR VOTE. McKlnley Plurality, According to th Present Fijuru, Was 159424. New York, Deo. 24. The Time thi morning poblisbe table (bowing the popular vote for presidential electors In the recent election. Minnesota waa tb last state to dealer ita vote, thl not having been dona until yesterday. In some states, a in Louisiana and South Carolina, there were tb nomi nation of but two parties. Republican and Democrat, upon tht ballot; in other state there were three or four. and in aome eight. The total vote, inolnding 0,311 scat tering, waa 18,967,299. Of thi Mo- Kinley received 7,217,077, and Bryan 0,857,868. Wool ley, Prohibitionist. received, so far as reported, 907,868; Barker middle of the road Populst, 50, 188; Debs, Social Democrat, 94,652; and Maloney, Social Labor, 83,450. McKlnley' plurality, according to the figures of tb Times, was 859,824; Mc Kinley's majority was 468,055. In addition there were votes re- tamed in five states for tbe candidates it tbe National Union Reform party, eth H. Ellis, of Ohio, for president, and Samuel T. Nicholson, of Pennsyl vania, for vice-president, and in two states for tbe candidate of tb United Christian party, J. F. 2. 'Leonard, of Towa, for president, and John G. Woolley, of Illinois, for vice-president. WILL BE $400,000. Amount Settled Upon for th Improvement ot th Columbia River. Washington, Deo. 94. 'jjh river and harbor bill will contain an appro priation of $400,000 for tbe moutb cf tb Columbia, and a further provision that tbia improvement be placed under the continuing contract system until completed. It is understood, however. tbat tbe total amount of the contract will not be as great as tbat recom mended by tbe engineers. It will probably be in tbe neighborhood of $1,500,000. This cut in the estimate ia very favorable to many other states. Chairman Burton was anxious to bave some repeal legislation to qualify the large amount In tbe river and har bor bill. One of the items which he wanted repealed was tbe Dalles boat railway. Tbe Oregon delegation in sisted that It should remain until as surance of some other project for over coming tha obstruction could be bad. This contention now prevails. RICH STRIKE IN LUCKY BOY. More Stamps Arc Sooa to Be Added to Present Milling Faculties. the Blue River, Or., Dec. 94. A new body of rich ore ha been (truck in the last crosscut from tbe middle tun nel in the Luckv Boy mine. This crosscut haa been run in about 20 feet towards tbe banging wall. A fine body of tree gold rock, some of which shows gold to tbe naked eye, ia re vealed. A new tunnel haa been started on the level with the top of tbe mill, that will soon tap the pay chute nearly 100 feet below the upper tunnel. This will soon be connected with the two upper tunnels by an upraise, and thus be made tha main woi-ing tunnel. The tunnel can be extended into the mountain for nearly J, 009 feet along the course of the ledge, gaining a per pendicular depth of nearly ,000 feet. from 20 to 80 feet wide. Hundreds of thousands of tons of ore can be taken out without expense for pumping or hoisting. An additional number of stamps will be added to the present mill tbe coming season. Crashing of ore began December 19 last year, nni the plant haa neve (topped an hour, day or night, since except for slight repair or to clean up. r Mystery Surrounds Boy's Death. Chehalis, Wash., Dec 24. A boy named Wileon met his death in the Chehalis railroad yards In a mysterious manner. He waa found about 9 o'clock, still alive, and carried into the depot. He had been badly bruised on one side. He died a few hours 10S "omB- Negroes for Hawaii. Chioago, Deo. 24. A special to tbe Record from Nashville, Tenn., says: About 900 negroes will leave Nashville in the morning for San Francisco, whence they sail for Honolulu. Tbe negroes are going to work on sugar plantations. Scotch Steel Industry Suffering. Glasgow, Deo. 24. Clyde shipbuild ers recently plaoed orders for 150.000 tons of plates in tbe United States at a saving of 50,000. The depression in Scotch steal and iron trades is acute. Fourteen furnaces will be damped at tbe end of the year. The steel works are talking of closing indefinitely. Washington Man Dead In Pswson. Seattle. Wash.. Deo. 24". Advices hom Dawson state that Elbridge Baxt- iett. 48 Tears, died there Novem ber 85 of pneumonia, after a week's illness. He was from Puyallup. He has daughters in Puyallup or Tacoma. Bartlett waa a member ol the Odd Fel lows. He had been mining on Hunker, but with only moderate success. Advanc to Raisin Growers. Fresno, Cal., Deo. 84. Local bank ers have ai ranged to advance to tbe Raisin Giowers' association $600,000, as required to fulfill Its oontraots. Sales bav been slow of late, owing to the sluggishness, ot th Eastern mar kets. The packers have taken 1,700 (airloads of raisins and paid for them. About 600 oar loads more have been packed, but there is a dispute be tween the growers and packer about the grades. HIT I. DMIflfD Senate Approves Hay-Pauncefote Convention. WAS ADOPTED BY A VOTE OF 55 TO IS AD Amendments, Except Those Offered by the Committee oa Foreign Relations, Voted Down. Washington, Deo. 24. After spend ing the greater part of the past week in considering the Hay-Pauncefote treaty for the modification of the Clay-ton-Bulwer convention of 1860, tne senate consumed only one hour and ton minutes in amending it and ratify ing it as amended. During tbe time there were several roll calla and viva voce vote. Tha first five of the roll call were inly amendments offered by individual enaturs and the last one of the resolu tion to ratify tne treaty aa amended. All tbe amendments except those of fered by For Iter and reported by th committee on. foreign relations, wer voted down by majorities averaging about 19. Tbe ratification resolution waa adopted by a vote of 65 to 18. The senate waa in executive session for about an hour before the time for voting arrived, listening to speeches by Thurston, Gallinger, Wolcott and Bard, explanitory of their altitude. Tbe first roll call waa upon Elkina' amendment declaring tbat "nothing contained in this treaty shall be con strued to prevent tbe United 8tstea from acquiring at any time sufficient sovereignty over the same to operate, defend, fortify, protect and control said canal or for any other particular as the United States may deem best in Its own interest." It was lost, 25 to 45. The other amendment roil call waa aa follows; On Butler's amendment to strike out section 7 of article 2, prohibiting forti fication 26 ayes, 44 noes. Upon Mason's amendment authoris ing such protection of the United States to discriminate in the canal traffic, 27 ayes, 44 noes. On Tillman's amendment authoris ing defense and maintenance by th United States, 27 ayes, 44 noes. Allen's amendment amending ar ticle 2 was voted down viva voce, aa was also an amendment suggested br Teller practically striking out all ol article 2. Foraker withdrew bia amendments because they were tbe same as those reported by the commit tee on foreign relations; Penrose, be cause his were practically identioat with Elkins', and Beveridge, because his was covered by the second of th committee. All amendments suggest ed were voted upon, and those of th committee adopted. Allen asked for ibe reading of tha treaty as amended. This request was compiled with, and the vote waa taken upon the treaty itself, resulting 55 for and 18 against ratification. FIGHT TO THE BITTER END The Santa F Telegraphers Say They Win Keep Up th Strike. Chioago, Deo. 24. Tbe striking tele graphers on the Santa Fe road rttolar that they will continue tbe tight against the road to the bitter end with out reference to the results of the con ference held here recently between th committee representing tbe other or ganisations of the road and Third Vice- President Barr. This announcement was made today by President Dolphin, of the telegraphers, after receiving re ports from Galveston, Fort Worth, To peka and other points along the road h did: "We regret tbat the organisation do not feel that thev can give active sup port, but we do not propose to have any controversy with tbem. There Is no cause for the complaint made by some of the members of the committee tbat we did not notify them of out pur pose to strike. We were not called upon to do this, and there were good reasons why we did not." Prevented a Lynching. Dallas, Tex... Deo. 24. At the trial at Corsicana of Andrew Norris, a negro charged with the mnrder of tha wife ot J. L. Frenoh, a white farmer, a mob. led by tbe dead woman's husband, at tempted to take tbe prisoner from th courtroom and lynch him. Tbe sher iff's forces saved the prisoner. Gover nor Bayers was appealed to and a com pany of state militia is now guarding th prisoner, courthouse and jail. Row In Spanish Chamber. Madrid, Deo. 24. During th dis cussion In the senate of the royal, meg aage announcing the marriage in tbe near future of the princes of the Aus tria, heir ' presumptive to the throne, with Prince Chailea, second son of the Count of Caserta, Senor Artega, a re publican, raised a storm of protest by recalling the conspiracy of the Burboa princes against other Bourbon royal lata, which he feared this marriage would have a tendency to renew. Amid insults from all parts ol th house the speaker gave up the floor. New Washington Postmasters. Washington, Deo. 24. Tbe follow ing Washington postmasters bave been appointed: O. N. Eriakson, at Auburn; A. B. Sutton, at Dole. Th Invasion Spreading. Cape Town, Deo. 94. The invasion of Cape Colony is spreading. It is re ported that the Boers bave occupied Colesburg, near th. Orange River Col ony frontier,