ajafa ,i afWMtAj f1 era evercoma fcy LysZIa E Plnkham'a Vegetable fifty tStouaand k&zpy women testify lo tMa 6a grateful lettara to ZIre FLikhanu Hfeaatruailea la a severs strain on a wo man'a vitality If It la painful aemethlaej la wrong whloh lydi E. htlna'1 VtgttaU will promptly aat Hyhtf If exoeastve or Irregular writa to fSram Plnkham, Lynn, I'ass., for advice EvSdenca ahotmtfs that Plnkhama advloa and madlolna kavo for many years toon haiphtg woman to ha strong, t.'o other -advloa la so uw "7 ' w , . . other madlolna has auoa a record of euro. Tariff Schtduk (or tlsaua. Merchant and producer of this coast are watching the new tariff sched ule being prepared by tha Philippine commission. Tbe subject ia vitally important to all coast state. SUB Out f Prise. A real azo Frank E. HcDaniel was sentenced to 15 year in to Oregon penitentiary, bet he's not there yet be cause legal measure bav pi even ted. The German mail have been closed to taosages; so yon will be no longer able to write to year friend la Berlin, "inclosed find four sausages." Stop tha Cotrgh mn Work Off tho Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinina Tablet ear a cold ia one day. No cure, No Pay. Frio 25 cent. fijhtfa ; far a Principle. A San Fracnisco bnsineas man haa sued tbe Well Fsrgo Express Com pany for fir centa that be bad to pay for tbe revenue stamp on a shipping receipt. Fir Beat at PertUad. Tb Portland Fire department ia try ing to have a fire boat built to fight fires along tha dock of the Willamette river. . . : : ' Eggs From the East Since September eight cars of East ern eggs have com to Portland be cause home supply is not sufficient. This signature 1a ea every box of the gsosia Laxative Bromo-Quiaine Tablet Hi I ay that can lit assa slay brshoaaL The girl with tbe great, seraphic, gray eyea complained bitterly of tbe timidity of her steady company. "Give him ths mitten!" advised her entourage, unhesitatingly. "What, for cold feet?" exclaimed be. Polsca'oatt Polsoa ivg awe among- the best known of the many dangerous wild plants and shrubs. To touch or handle them quickly produces swelling and inflammation with in tense itching and burning of the skin. Tbe eruption con disappears, the euf- Tmstulcaarmeandthe rvin ht rwhrA the blood, and will break out at reeulai intervale and each time in a more aggra, yaiea lonn. 1 nis poison will loiter in ths system for Tears, and everr atom of i must be forced out of the blood before yot Can expect a perfect, permanent core. I Nature's Aiflfete FOR 'Retire's Pelsczs, is the only cure for Poison Oak, Poison Ivy, and all noxious plants. It is com posed exclusively of roots and herbs. Now Is the time to get the poison out of your jbutui, u uciaj roafc.es your conuiuon worse. Don't experiment longer with salves, washes and soaps they never cure. Mr. 8. M. Manbau, bookkeeper of t he Atlanta t v.. ; aa . wu poiioneo wua rotion Oak. He took Sulphur, Arsenic au4 various other drugs, and applied externally Bnmercraa lot wma and aal ves wit ti no benefit. At times the welhoff and inflammation was so severe he was almost bund. For eight rears the poiaon would break out every season. His condition, was much Improved after taking- one bottle .i 8. 8. 8., and a few bottlea cleared his blood of the poison, and all evidences of the diseaae disappeared. ) People are often poisoned without knowing when or how. Explain your case fully to our physicians, and they' will cheerfully give such information and ad rice as you require, without charge, and we will send at the same time an interest ing book on Blood and Skin Disease, THI twTFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, SA, DOES YOUR HOME TOUGH YOUR HEART? Then you'll want beautiful things In your boms. Tb flrst thing you think of we sell: Mantels of all kinds, Andirons of every sort, ., Kletrie and Oil Lights In endless variety. A hrlstmaa present that beautifies vour home Is ths best present. Call or write for photo graphs and catalogues. 1HI JOHIf BAR HKT COM PAN f, SI first 8trMt, lort la,M OrsgOB. JOHN PnrtT.R pnn. Oaxoos, can i give you the best barrralna' In generai cliiuery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps. niaciiiuery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plowa, belts and windmills. The new stewi i i. u winomill, sold by bun, Is un. Squalled. Lu A Ifc.i, ,i, Ail IXiiA. "It. a t.4ub byma. Tastua (ioud. Cl In t'me. Koit t. 4rnwi.ca. OlOiillEWS Items of Interest From AH Parts of the State. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL HAPPENINGS A Brkf Review at tlw Growth Md Improve, mat l th Many Industries Through. ( Our Thriving Cwmbohwm1(K, Elruir bM football team. John Day ha three smallpox ctm. A telephone Hue front Huntington to Barna it projected. Tbe sheriff of Grant county collected 9,418.40 in November. An oiyan hai been purchased for the Gold Hill achool bouse. The Oorvallia creamery is paying 25 cent per pound (or batter fat. J. J. Fitzgerald, of Shelboine, baa contract or 20,000 fence mile. Tha McDonald A Fisher sawmill at gammerrilla is in running order. , Repairs to tha Blanohard bridge east of Aurora were finished last week. The Clerks' onion, of Pendleton, baa organized with nearly 100 members. Tha Enterprise council has passed act against bawdy houses and vs grancy. A breakwater ia being built at Eu gene at the eaat side ol tbe bridge ont n-iiiamett. Malheur oonnty haa accepted the new bridge serosa Succor creek below Barney Slalloy' place. Lincoln oonnty ha allowed SI. D. Walton $500 on his claim for damages sustained from the collapse of Little Elk bridge. The body of yonng Hay, who was drowned November 2, eight Jbilea above Dallas, at the Hood dam, haa been re covered one mile below that city. Captain R. P. Wainwrigut, of tbe United State Army, purchased 85 horse for the government at Hunting ton. Tbe price paid averaged about $50 a bead. Tillamook county commissioner have leased tbe eoonty sawmill to County Judge 6. W. gappingtoa antil April 1, who will furnish road plank tug at 4 per 1,000 feet. Frank Batch wa arrested at Eugene on a charge of forgery. Ilia offent is that of endorsing the name of a man named Davi to a check given by the Acme Commercial Company, amount ing to $9.67. While returning from the Umatilla bouse to his loom in the Chapman building, The Dalles, Fred Stewart, a yonng traveling man representing tbe Merchants' Supply Company, of Port land, was held np by two thngs and robbed of $4S. , I The Homes take mine, located on the North Fork of John day river, seven ' miles from Lewton, has been bonded j to Eastern capitalists by tbe owners, J Messrs. Tom Johnson and Joseph itotii aon, for the so m of $25,000 on a year' time. Further conditions of the bond are that the person holding it are to ' take immediate possession and prose cute tbe work of development with ' large force of men divided into three eight-hour shifts, say tbe Law to a Standard. Petitions have been circulated for three different free rural deliveries out of Albany, nearly covering tbe entire field in all directions around tbe city, and there are hopes of the same being established, bot it i not known whether tbey will reach tbe depart ment in time for the agent now estab- lishing routes in the state to act upon them before bis departure. The route , ont of Shedd has given such general 1 satisfaction that there is a general de- aire to have tbe system extended here, j The Wallowa marshal ran in a man for peddling without a license, who de-1 fled the city aathorltiea and wonld not even listen to the reading of tbe com- j plaint by tbe recorder. He was incar- cerated In tbe city prison lor contempt . of court, where he languished for two or three day or until some peoplei around town pot up $6 for a jury trial. ! Tbe Jury thought upon the evidence offered that the man was entitled to a discharge, and so rendered it verdict. The man is foreigner, presumably an Italian. He threatened to sue tbe city for damage. Viom nrlvato Wt.nl nwivsn ti.!!1" w ". V t""". u M. G. Hope, of Vale, it i. learned I shaath (Wan W.v. mini. t. m.LIn, a splendid snowing, l. s. Clark, a mining expert, has tbe development work of the mine in charge, and in a letter that wa received from him be a- that Bevel a fine nugget have been taken out lately. In a former let ter be stated that the gold ia not con fined to the rich vein that is being fol lowed, bnt that small particle of it may be teen in tbe dirt over tbe entire face and walla of the tunnel. It is bis opinion that it wonld pay to mill the whole hill on which be is working. This mine is an extension of tbe Golden Eagle, which 1 owned by Portland capitalists. Th Lakeview Rustler say that John Green, of tbe West side, who has been drilling for artesian water, bat succeed ed in getting the water to rise itbin five feet of the top of the ground, at a depth of 101 feet. A. Nelson, of Cottage Grove, sold his undivided one-half interest in the Peek-a-Boo mining claim to G. Meadow and D. G. McFarland. This claim is located in the Bohemia district about one mile south of the Muaick inlii. The consideration wa $600. Richard Lester, young man who ha been working in a Coos county log ging camp, is in jail at lioseburv, charged with grand larceny. He was arrested at Olalla as be was on his way from Myrtle Point, The ease of Casey vs. Crook county. involving tha validity of the eoonty road which the county court establish ed about a year ago through the lands of Casey, near Powell Butte, ha been decided by th circuit court against the ooauty. The court decided that in establishing tbe road th county court acted without ju nadiction. TRADE IN WINTER GOODS. wtather Conditions Farm s Slight Drawback fMMsy Trft l Exretttnt. Bradstreet's says: There is a quieter tone and reduced volume of business doing at wholesale in many lines, but this is not unusual at this season, and is partly balanced by a target interest in retail and holiday distribution. Weather oomlUious are still a draw back to the trade in winter-weight foods, but it is notalila that better report comes from the Noithweet than for soma weeks past Southern trade advice remain good, hut retail busi. Be at Eastern markets is still report ed backward. In the larger lines of trade uw features are not numerous, i Teitiles are quiet and rather dull with amenta, peuding the opening of tha spring sraaun. Wool, and woolens are) tilt quiet. Cotton is irregular and tl:e market is at a bain ore pending tha publication cf tbe next government crop report, which, however, is expect ed to approximate 9,730,000 bales. The bigh cost ol raw cotton has not yet been equalled by the advance in manu factured (rood a. A hopeful feature thi week was tbe taking of a large lot of brown cottons for export for China. Tbe higher trend ut value in Novem ber has been duplicated in the first week of December, and cereals, long baokward in this respect, have led the advance which, however, haa not been steadily ma ntained. I A better report comes from th flour ' milling Industry, but tb detnud is hardly what was expected. Sugar is higher for raws, but tb r j fining brauch presents th old appear ance of iircitularity, and auotber price war is foreshadowed. Failures for tbe week number 214, gsinst 184 last week. I Canadian failures number 27, against 29 last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE. Seattle Market Onions, new, So. Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate. Potatoes, new. $16. Beets, per sack, 85c$l. Turnips, per sack, $1.00. Squash lfcic Carrots, per sack, 0c Parsnips, per sack, $1.83. Cucumbers i050c. . Cabbage, native and California, le per pounds. Butter Creamery, 30c; dairy, 180 3c; ranch, 18o pound. , Eggs 84c Cheese 14c. Poultry 12c; dressed, 14c; spring, 13915c turkey, 13c. j Hay Puget Sound timothy, $14.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00. Corn Whole, $33.00; cracked, $35; I feed meal, $35. j Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20. I Flonr Patent, per barrel, $3.30; blended straights, $3.35; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra , ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.25; rve flour, $3.80 4.00. Millstuffs-Bran, per ton, $14.00; shorts, per ton. $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $18.00 per ton; middlings, per ton. $20; oU cake meal. per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, price 7 c; cows, 7c; mutton 7U- mrk. 8c: trimmed. 8c: veal. 9 a. 11c. Usms Large, breakfast bacon, )& 13c; small, 12c; dry salt 13V; sides. Portland Market, Wheat Walla Walls. 54 540; Valley, nominal; Bluestem, 66.0 per bushel. Flour Beet grades, $3.40; graham, $2.60. OatsChoice white, 45c; choice gray, 42o per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $15.60 brew- "SiZSTnr a . - lid Eft sua 4vrM ,7:7 ' 7k, iiaT. 2U shortol ,l7: chop' ,16 w Tf.nntW li?ailm. 17 (2 9.50: Oreifon wild ha v, $6(87 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 6065c; store. 32Vc. Evwfi 80c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream. lSJic; Yonnir America. 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chicken, mixed. $2.75(31 8.60 per dozen; bens, $4.00; springs, $2.003.50; geese, $0.00(38.00 doc; ducks, $3.50(35.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, lie per pound. Potatoes 6065o per sack; tweets, le per pounn. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnip, 75c; 1 parsnips, 86c; onions, ei.l". cru, luo. Hops Sew crop, 12(314o per pound. Wool Valley, 13(2 14o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 12c; mohair, 35 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wether and ewes, Sic; dressed mutton, 6)i3 7c per pound. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.75; light and feeders, $6.00; dressed, $5.00(36.25 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $3.60i4.00; eows, $3.00(8.50; dressed beef, 6(3 To per pound. Veal Large, 66jc; small, 70 8c per pound. San Francisco Market Wool Spring Nevada, ll13oper pound; Eastern Oregon, 10(31 14o; Val ley, 15(3 17c; Northern, 910o. Hops Crop, 1800, 13), 9170. Putter Fancy creamery 2626c; do seconds, 25c; fancy dairy, Zi ?.3c-r do seconds, 21o per pound. KgK Store, 40c; fancy ranch, 0c. Millstuffs Middlings, $16.50 19 bran, $13.00313.50. Hay Wheat $8 13),; wheat and oat f 9.00(a) 13.60; best barley $0.50 alfalfa, $7.00 10.00 per ton; straw, 36g47)aO per bale. Potatoes Oregon Burbsnks, 4 5o (3 $ 1 Salinaa Uurbauka, 90o$1.15; river Burbaoks, 811(3 76c; sweets, 60 80c. ! Citrus Fruit-Oranges, Valencia, ,3.753.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 5.00; California lemons 75c$1.60; do choice $1.752.00 per box. . , ,. , Tropical Fruite-Banaiuts, $1.60 4.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom - ioal; l'ensian date, 6 60 per oonnd. LIVE ON TEN CENTS A DAY. Heal ante at the Husk a Colony la (In lU An Kcowuealcal, Willi other peoi't bare rwn theor ising, the Ruskinitva of Georgia bav (Ivmoiist rated by actual experience the lowwt possible dally cost fur food for their entire community. Tbey bare solved tbe riddle of how to live at the lowest cost. When forced to leave their TenuesM bom the colonists were bard pushed, but they possessed stout hearts and willing bauds, and to-day are on a fair road to prosperity. They live and live well at an actual cost per capita of less than 10 centa a day. Kverythlng they consume la bought at wholesale. In large quantities, and la cooked lu the community kitchen. ' immunity dlulng-rootu tables are set for 300 people. Those who do not wish to eat with th crowd are given the privilege, of purchaslug com pany stores and cooking it at home, When vegetable are scarce these peo ple are allowed 7 cvnts per capita a day; that Is, T centa for each person, big, little, old, young, slt-k or welL When vegetable are plentiful the rash allow ance la only 5 centa. Aa the column nlty raise lta own vegetables, tbe ap proximate cost I only about 2 cent per capita a day. making th actual coat of living at Ruwkln from T to cents a day for each man, woman and child. The community dining-room la large room, 25 feet wide and 150 feet long, where we see nearly 300 men, women and children seated at long tables. Breakfast la our first mil We make wholesome meal on light bread furnished by tbe colony baker, butter, Georgia sirup, oatmeal, Irish potatoes, milk, cereal coffee and sugar. , Dittoes generally varies, according to the season. The bill of far usually con sists of rice or peas, beana or maca roni, some two or more of these; Geor gla sirup, beets, tomatoes, egg plants, ' potatoes, eonp, bread and cereal coffee cereal coffee I manufactured by th : colonists and Is one of their main In 1 dustrte. f For supper, cheese In some form, ! iraiuiHue, canir, rice or oeaus, sugar, ' grits, mush, fried potatoes, cold tea and j bread. The meals are wholesome, sat j lsfying and well prepared. Of course, i there are no little delk-acle. As will be 'noticed, the colonist only get nieaf , twice a week. Atlanta Journal. CONTESTING FOR HONORS. Cbleeae Uudcrao KaaasUatlona While lit Their ClooodCslla. The University of London a few ' years ago admitted to Its Initial exam- 1 nations about 1.400 students and pass ed one-half. There are four different examinations in tbe Chinese university. ) Tbe first la for the degree of "Budding Genius, corresponding to our B. A. The examination la held In every pre fecture. The second I for the degree . of "Promoted Scholar," or M. A., and ' la held In each provincial capltaL LI- Uuug-Chang has never advanced be-s yond this degree. Tha third Is for "Fit for Office." a sort of D. C. U or LU D. l" " "" lln '-'. "Forest of Pencils." make lbe "uccessfu! scholar one of the great tneu of the empire, Each degree la open only to the men wno n,ve won 108 lower degrees. The lowest Is open to anyone. "A man of talent," as Dr. Martin says, "may raise himself from tbe humblest ranks to the dignity of viceroy or premier." No land can be more democratic than China. In each provincial capital la an exam ination ball. It consists of long row a of cells open at tbe end and just large enough to bold scholar with bis bed Sing, teapot and food. There are 12.000 cells in the Canton ball. A great wall surrounds tbe grounds, and at tbe end I the ball where tbe officials sit Ths candidate are all admitted at the tame time, assigned to their cells and tbe gate are sealed. If a student dies, as often happens, hi body I put through a small bole In the wall. Each exam' Inatlon last twenty-four hours. Then the students are released for two days, only to return for two more sieges. A paper with blots or defacements Is thrown out. Such Innocent questions as this are proposed to them: Tbe art of war arose under Hwang-Tl forty' four hundred year ago. Different dyn asties have since that time adopted different regulationa In regard to the nse of militia or standing armies, tbe mode of raising supplies for the army, etc. Can you tate these briefly 7" Th men who pass these examination are lot of pedants, arid as the deserts and primeval a tbe patriarchs. Leslie's Monthly. . .. . His Banjo Barometer. There I a young man about town who I alway prepared for all kind of weather. No matter If he attend a function when the night I cloudless and rain fall before he goes borne, he la alway on hand with an umbrella. much to tbe delight of the girl with blin. For a long time his secret remained undisclosed, and he waa looked npon aa a weather prophet who could glv points to tbe local bureau. However, It I no longer a secret, for tbe young man confessed not long ago tbe reason for his Invariably correct prognostica tion of nasty weather. lie is a very fair banjoist, and It was noticed that he always played on his Instrument before going out at nlgbt. When tbe plaintive sounds were muffled, be never neglected to take hi umbrella, but If, on the contrary, the sound waa sharp and clear be went without It. The head, or sounding board, of a banjo I made of aheepskln, and lo damp weather It expands, and the bead comes tight a a drum. This is the reason for his Invariable good luck In "picking" tbe weather, for be own a natural barometer, - Travels of m Blood Corpuscle. Tbe mileage of tbe blood circulation reveals some astonishing facts In our personal history. Thus It has been cal culated that, assuming tbe heart to beat alxty-nlne times a minute at ordinary 'heart pressure, tbe blood goes at the t) of 207 yards In the minute, or ser- enfoper1,n0UI'' 108 mlle Per and P Jr. If a man of 1 84 ot "Ke coul(, nT" 008 'n8l iblood "T)ucle floating In his blood I all hit life It would bave traveled In that same time 6,150,880 miles. 1 . 1 A gml1 ! the reflection ot a light , heart, ' Gsissrat HcSiilliy Pay In and out tlirrs it that feeling of Weakness that makes a burden of itself. Food due nut strengthen, Sleep doe not refresh. It ia hard to do. hard to bear, what hould b v. vitality is on tb sbb, and tbe whole aystom suiters. Fur this condition tak HootTm Carsspsrls'a It vitalises th blood, elves vigor sud ton to all lbs organs and tuiictiona. ana I pos itively (iiiei)iiallvd for all ruu-dowu or de- ouusieii eutidiiiuiis, U ooo's Pius out constipation. Ml esuia. Dea't Try to Stand Aktas. There i not In th universe such I thing .aa absolute personal lndepend' ence. Try it a year, a montn, a nay! and . Paid Blj Oamajta, Tb Tacoraa street railway ba paid $100,000 to those injured and to re la Uvea of thos killed in th itreel car accident July 4. OAMriKCO TstA la a wonderful preparalloa composed at HKHtts that at on th L-tvor, permanently Surlng oouslipalloa. CalU for a "WasA-Un," The Portland Telegram urge every body there to wake np and get a great big high wide move on for th ipoal Hon of 1D02. TO CTRE A COLD llf ON OAT Take Latxativ Uromo Quinine Tab lets. All drt'srgtct relund ths money if it tails to cure. E. W. Grove' tig nature ia on each box. 85c. Good Mac to ft Cartful. Seattle city council Is considering an ordinance making it a mihlmneauor to attract crowds on th (treat by word, getturet or otherwise. A blow tt tb Salvation Army, Itinerant preacher, peddlers, eto. Better go low, Mr. City Dad. 'V'T UBT rOOTSOKB. OBT fOOT- BASE. A powder. At this sea.oq your feet fee) wolleu, nervous ami uncomfortable. If you have smarting feet or tight shoe", try Alien s Foot-Kae. Il rests and comforts makes welkins emv. Cures swollen and sweating feet, blister and callous s)ls. Relieve corns and btmtoiia of all twin and iaa certain cur for I'hilhlalu. bweatnig. ihtmnor Kriwiett Feet. W lia over 30,- 0s trftiniulilals. Don't get loolaotw get Kot-Ka. Irv it feKfa. 80WI by all druggists and alios stores for 'lie. Trial nu-kag Fsas. Addre, Allan 0. Olm sted. La Roy, N. Y. Ortjoe't Capital City. Th official census give tbe popula tion of Salem. Oregon, a 4.248. Rather tmall and disappointing, but it must stand. Mothers will find Mrs. Window's Booth- ifg Byrup tb beat remedy to use for thel uiuureu aunng ins teeming period. Rich VilWils Valley. The Willamette valley, Oregon, is one of tli richest on earth, and i de veloping dowly. But a ttrok of light ning will strike It torn day in the shape of new life and then she'll jump to tha front with a bound that will nrprite the ttate. HOWS TUIt t7e offer On Hundred Do) tan reward tor any uw of Caiairb. thateu no; b eusad ur llaU'a Usunb our--. , r.l. tJiisnsT a ro., r-roos., Toieoo, o W the undersigned, have known r. J. cbeuey brtue past 1 vesrs, and believe him aerloetlv honorable in all buftln as trauaae lion and 0o- sneial' r sbl locar.rout any obiicaUona mad oj i-icir arm. nsrrs miss, Whoenalj linn-lit, Tolelo, " Wi.si.-, ' lasts & Ma-via, nuloiala Drug tats, Toledo. 4. nall'sCatarrh Cur 1st ken B'maily.ae:int Ireo.lyon the blood and m sou surf. ts thaayst ra. Frl :s aer bo .1. bol b tL drug; lata. Teatlmonl. Is Ira. UaUsrsaailrful- r-U-baat, Blj Tims January t, The Afro-American leagn of Port land are preparing to bring th new year to the front with a gigntia en tertainment. Esaetly What Tow Wast. " A handy little box ;)"" right for a lsd.'s purs or a sentletnan'a vest MHket) of Cas esrets t'sttdv t ailiartlr, prevents limes. Ail ilrnggisu, 10c, 4, iur.. Advtniry and Prtw parity. Prosperity and adversity ere' always in prooeaiion. Each by turn precede the other, I am sure Pian't Cure for Consumption svetl my life three years ago. M as. THa. Hossir. Mnple Street, Norwich, N. Y., Feb. 17,1000. B Cartful la Otbsta. If inclined to anger when debating, remember that it cools tlowly and sometime leave permanent bitter nets. ; TOO KNOW WHAT TOO ABB TAKIWO When jau take drove's Tasteless Chill Tonio because tbe formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it it simply Iron aud Quinine in a taste, lent form. No Cure, No Pay. 6O0. Glvt Equity and You Get Equity. He who seek equity must give equity. Greed and avarice are ever at war with equity. WANTED. Women and glris to do plena work tor nsal heir homrs. We fiirnlMti ail material ant nav from V to tl'2 weekly. Kxoerleii- e inineeeaRarv. Mend stamiHNl e. .vdowe to fsk V. (aval sit s C., 34 Msnie tt , CMc.f. III. " Bit Fbh Story. A report from Port Towntentl, Wash ington, say 14 ton of herring w ere csught at a single haul, but whether by one or one thousand net was not lta ted. "WW Wife bad ulannlas on hatfa... hm be ba baB taking I'AwllKTs) aud Uiev kav. all dfsatipeared. I Uad been troubled witb eonstlnation for some time, but attar ,au. Ing tb flrst, CaaCuret I bar bad uo Irouul wlttt tbls slimenl. Wa cannot apeak too blab. ly Of rawarew " I'MU Wurail. '" uinasrosi ars, fbiiaaaipaia. Fa Wjasarit, Pslstslile. town. Test OoM. n wood. Haver Sloaeo. Wskaa. or OriM. Hie, 36, stie. ... CURf CONSTIPATION. ... Sewea, Ci.ar. Caaaaia, Seems!, tea Vats. Mt VfleTQ.Elfi "d gnsrsnteed br all dreg. Tf3 candy. . hm, vt JJS CATHArTflC V Mutt Dlipot el Bl DM. Multnomah county, Oregon, h( debt ol $300,000, reprssieutod by un paid warrants, and a bill will b pot through th ststa l.iaUtui thla win tr lo fund thla debt in mint way. Want Btlf rrtlj.M Rstu. Paolflo coati Joblrai are again for the. interstate cemmsre coinml slon fighting for more favorable freight rate. Mt Art Not Alike. Two tnn way ctly allk op to tb too of their head. Uncover on bead and discover a gwiiua. Tb othsr revsalt an idiot. Our Natlos'l Wsalth. Th maUrlal wtsllh and atrsngth of otir nation Is lu iron, th most useful of all metalt, Juat at lbs wesllli of a human be in lie! In a useful stomach. If voti have overworked yours try H.wtstlar'a Htoni ai'li llittem. It will relieve the cogged bowels, improve the s-ill ami curs couatluatiou, dyitl and billuuanoa. IndUa Tax-P.ytr. A fitlMiloodsd lu.lian pay tax In Wasco county, Oregon, hi ure thW year being $21. 78. Tht Fmw OermMti Woo4 Preterm .mmmPmrmaaaaUf Destroy ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. fflT One application ball that Is required. It Utts for yer. If your dcAlcr cannot supply you, write or circular ani information to the following distributing; agentss Perfection Pile Preserving Co Seattle, Waalu Fisher, Thonen & Co, Portlani, Ore&'ond Whittier, Coburn St Co, San FrAncuco, CaI. Orandosf 0i7i It No. 09 Arlington lVr FUU. UUA. BtWllllsl - n , BrsfH... T THE FINEST, :.i..t Ruula MaehlMla ilia vswriu. Four Motion Feed :?."I.lu1.i usee. aouwa vool rsBa asaeta saa. . Self Tkrsakil Ins Shatlla, Slf Sa4tl Noaall, aalawsIM KaaMa Vslwatoe, I-wefee atilrh MaeabsUw, aatwswMIe Tewaioji allsaa. WC SHIP FOR INSPECTION vtoeoMtrf (osl t.iut mi rowr part. aak siHtto am.il u fs oswtUi Iwf nroar. Writ MM naiua, SOJrsM ana rsM'-w fawitli ttaaikaifBOtorv aJ vibmiV mm ramrmmmnU Mnwrvutioktrto. IIS artalfl HQ mat M xl. wut-rHsr to Trr . tb t- s t -js nr o-T rit;isit rm iw mar vttrwA. in Itit ot ant MUmr Mpr, par traMl Uw tMtr tla, lu.-S ltd ebarirmi .tt4Uitiwhiiti I" aaStwtr Mo will twrUari-! o ro. u twii. THE BALL BUB1NSS y fvtj n fr.-Uai amHt iaHl4t a atraw wb-owa Vr. tm beam arm tarwa mtwa, iMal rtm ana it StsmtI rma in an ait ham- prw4 etsjawl imp - aaa am iva4 f U. un 1 iaa amataai mrtma I r 0 9a4 for nnr rHFiaJ iVwInff Mttlns ratal. -ay gatyint fr. nit aa nt aat ait mm- CASH Siatff.aaa llltlAH BUTI.H UlllUni aarsaa.vt.Ks; strsi B Cartful In Caruurs. When inclined to censor, hesitate. If centur I ttwcesaary, eisrcia it litb discretion and charity. whst tht Cewt Art Dolaj. The food commlwloner of Oregon re ports that 6,000,000 pound ot hotter war mad in tb state laat year, alto 1,600,000 pound of cheese. tt rmn wcta To men with rigs to introduce our poultry load among farmers. Address, with stamp, Acme Mfg. Co., Kan City, Mo. Tb Bast rreserlstloa rat Materia ChiU and Fever is a bottle of Grove. Tasteles Chill Tonic It is (imply iron and quinine In a tastele form. No Cure, Ko Pay. Price tOo. Wants t Small TortuM. A Seattle fireman named Br lion wa thrown from a hose cart and killed. Mrs. Brabon is after $38,000 ot city money and will get something. IN OAftriELD TEA W have a com blnatloa of simple HKKHS that has (Ivan th World lta greatest blood purifier. Rich Alaska Copper Mia. A big ledge on Prince ot Wale island, off th coast of Alaska, owned by Seattle parties, allow copper valued at $98 pet ton. NOTHING BETTER MADE Toa can't mak. a miatak It you gal MitchelK. IHitehelU Letuis & Stavep Co. PORTUANO, OREGON. SEim no MONEY Until foti bsw Hn anil Wlxl tit watch. ff Mil at rtsttf trU a UtHHaJI mi ma Ui an what yum hat U pmf lthr), O-ir w.t- hmt art ftttewl with jl, QHeawalUw r.rlrt ar m th bssrt, aid RRANTEB 20 TtARS I, hofcW.., KuL: ff.M p.UarR .tas, eKi.au a.,.1 )4 il aw ar-Htiih fn. rail,,,. WaRRANTEB Uaaw fifrawtoit. laltMbw la. o-a y s4dM f 10 0. I iMHIaa. 4 MirlwVwIllMBd ttaolt D. 1 with awWIUM at full Maepiiiw- I-, call In Miy (r. an If i"wtn tw' tiy Hi'lIMWrj 11 ma W4 watyh av otTeT4 fur tnm, 1 rlM BM ft T Wi HlitHiflni. .. . , mibwi fot tttOdiirw wiUierwr matam. tam ff UAtat Uuu w.uh I -ntd. WrWloniM -WIOtfl4MthUWalltthla,e.,l--...i- ..IT. " "iT-T maaatataw nntVfh aa I VtmUfti Afantf r'M -Ifh." I, - .!?5.F P8- OirmSleSBesdaelwaodrrra- eon win mi KUSAN KO 0O.f faUaweiaUa, tolAbw frtWaUli KJMMMWI riiiiK!iiiMiiHiufnnam t t if ,. Jr . . V TO r 0i6iS6OaOCiCii00 v " h a 0 Tied Up Whew th muscles feel draws Sad llvdnp and lbs Itesti wuoer, thai Uask-a la Soreness sad -" ' - ; . Stiff gess from cold er over esen-t, tt lawU bwt a ahoct Mast after St. Jacobs Oil ! banptM. The curs is piuuijit sad smi. n ? - i O00000t0!30a0000 mint Uzi2 ;7oi ,,,1111 - I'tv HK iltl it kK. On nwWrw iwiwsrvf, na atnttta ma Wwf, asH ( (unr MMMavwrw )? Kbs tap U H at aa ttvIV IwltwaT. W.t, MHf tsMltww1, nl vot4, lkvHH-cm'. ' f ... hma sl fH IJHltRtFwt'MI - TNI POtitMtO OAR fOLDIMO OAimiT VI ti rtaMt o tfrwstF. It M nd of t.iHxit nttt mma rukli . is nm ta tiuam4 W inn Mini am ewa a aamam M a an n fltrr. namtiMtvr M wUtfmnt aamt9 ammuMf aaa uaatianf. We f gtee a vwtwaale roles atlearae' a ! ata im im . van tucta it.. ohisaso. ill. Awnosaw jsawa y i.wiewse If You Need SAW MILL, ENGINE Rf.ll Ft snvptawef Maeblnerr.lt tJVStLL.iVi will pay to writ us for vata lifu and prlne. RUSSCU A CO., Por tland, Or, Only Swrw t'ttr shiI H.llef for nuriiimTinii W mitUMfllldM X .. !y-tt'i:rt A. HKI('HK, takhh, mote, mtoNinirii 1.4 UHtVrK. Mlt41tlS IIKltf UKAK Nl.i4 CKtVlIM. MlTN,.Kt, t. 'if nntrtil tmiy ntid hnm U t tht $vh ll wil nvat tHVriti(f nnl duwHot'it but. tinrmlaxM lif c4tl!(.rH tMt, ( fininitia no i tHF wthf hfm ful mtnenu. a buiiiy nttrn muA niwnirnit. Ir bottt d ) tiisMia) ftr i. rfoeNt by nwii nr tiriM, ur witl an(l jroa (immIihUiI) tt Ulnl huftlfi for 3f ftlU, AfriiU WntlttMt, tVUMt MUrUIlt tSM M4UI. WUUl BhMOII, . CUTLER'S CISSOUTEcf lOQISE A (nsranteetl t'nr tor t siarro aaa CoBtunptlon. ll ai, b Look Mot lA. W. 1. SKIT! JL C9 roffaJe. I.T . Prop's. of PfTAIMf fl nr HARO-Hff AHINO I A A) K llw(Mp rtrrw tiiwonl ;h mill tlmaus tvrra dmf mlnrmrsvbl, Mrlil HHW.it ttCll maUUTt.f lMerltis tot , I iimto.tion nd mAvtrm In on M our fovaalt at home at a nominal atM4t faternationai Aural Clinic. Zl-XV7r. nono c Y 1 tVa S 1 Wasr 3 10 lAVt'TilUlNtM Tlsvssiaa.Dretiiyaidluiioa; V plUtiou, a spwoisi y for tw.u f Jrsart with. III ran, wondsrfot t t.. ,..a. II .as., fln waiil tnaVD w LtlUU" W..rf,1 J Bo , Atlaatt, 0. All AE3EBIGJUI VATCH Sh ..nrltvinnsS 14 at. aleitlbl sttl.liJtri wwt'll sreajf 31 TJ ' avT ' V -TWa,Tr L'"l i ii . ti y JU-AMERCAN i XI MOVEMENi r" X s- J Uw. $w'P-',f "1 . 1ar C , SeW'ae.l.t.. a,bt,MAwillll 'aC aasa. -aw far t tB l h !. Mfc-ii.a--- tim prut"! e.'t ' ' wiw .,. -j, pam9nwitar9ft"ni-ti Hntl' O P i su..l..i..aait..r. a-itk u.l. ii WiUfe k & AM I H ATIOH. M Putar,ai,TwivrT.tfior'irnoiuHf wenw. ntit'M.owiiiuart f htn wortnutio in-'Httr, r.UM... "... imi. -1 - IVtSa.. Uh D s a wo i hh won swuet, nwwp mm ntBrvm . . am Hb I with tirttaf .r.d no,t will b -lii)-pw- l.f tall. Wrltw wheihar tjpfita nr UrU, Jw-I.y Cat J'' a wpl' jkfeirr Co.. DtpU3 ( rii-Ut ClUtAUU. n. r. N. D. Ko. l-t'",. advsrtlasr pls lVHIK wrrtsln. S "11 u J7r.ii m 1 1 yvrr Mf DROP I I - J HEAD N I i 1 1 EtMeasiaaatifgar w mt ,& . r aossUoa Mils fo