awwm aajUfcaa aaast at M ata? mm i Li -j at a"? f its j f ji""" I ft per la It n In U It not wlM to rt oue that hM atooa tn teat of tline and hM hun dretl o( thousands of cures to 1U cratMr A treat many women who Mr 111 trv verythlnir the hear ot in the way of nwuiuiue, biici iui eparimauuii(j wilt unknown drug it a constant tuenao to their already Impaired health. ThU Mama lo u very unwise, lor wir are rc motile wblcn are no perl menu and hare been known yar nnil vriu-i to bo dulnf only food. Take for Inatanoo Lydia N, THnk ham's Vegetable Compound t lor thirty years Ha reword has been one (in broken chain o( suaeess. Mo medicine fur female Ilia the world haa ever known haa auoh ft reoord for cures. It Mtnu so Strang- that aoma people rial taka medicines about which they really know nothing-, aoma of which might be, and are, really harmful whtla on tha othar hand It ia aa.ll proved that over ona million women have been restored to health by Lydia K, Hukhum'a Vegetable Compound. We have publUhed In tit news P per of tha UulUd States mora genuine testimonial letter than hare aver been publUhed In tha Interest of any other inadleina. AH tlii ahould, and doe, produce a spirit of confidence In tha heart of women which la difficult to dlalodira. and when they are aaked to taka souie . thine; elaa they say, " No, wa want Lydia K. IMnkham Vegetable Com- pound, which haa bean tried, and never fnnnd wanting, whoaa reliability la aatabltahed far beyond tha esperl- Wa have thouaanda of letter like tha following- addreated to Mrs. link ham, snowing Mat Monthly Suffering la Al ways Cured by lydia E, Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, also Dack- meha ami Bearltig-tlowo paina "i tuireren nntoid agony every atonth and eonld yet no relief until I tried your medicine your latter of ad' vioa and ft few bottlaa of Lydia K. Pinkham'a Veiratabla Compound hare made ma tha happieat woman alive. I shall bleaa you a long a lllve.' Mia JOia haul, Hover, allun. " Four yeara ago I had almost (riven op nope or aver iuig wen apaiu. I waa annuum witn tnoee itreadful head' aeho (oil which would aousetiinea laat three or four day. Alao had backache, bearinif-down pallia, leuoor rhiea, dlaaineaa, and terrible palua at oonuiiy period, eunauiug me to my bed. After rradiitff o many tetl- noniaia tor your meoioina, i concluded to try it. I began to pick tip after taking tha flrat bottle, and bar con tinued to gain rapidly, and now fuel like different woman., I ran reootn aend Lydia H. rtukhaan'a Vegetable Compound in tha hlgheat term to all fok woman. Mia Koa, littuiaa. W W. Cleveland Ave., Canton, 0. Two Lmttara which Provm that Lydia Cm Pinkham'a Vagatablo Compound Will uetnovo Tumor and Curo Othar Famala Waaknaaam "Two yeara ago J waa a. great tufferer from womb trouble and pro tuaa flowing eaoh month, and tumor would form in tha womb. 1 bad four tumora In two yeara. 1 want through treatment with doctor, but they did ma no good, and 1 thought 1 would have to reaort to morphine. " Tha doctor ld that all that could help ui waa to have an operation and bava the wo..ib removed, but I had beard of Mr, llnkham'a medicine and derided to try It, and wrote for her advlve, and after taking her Vegetable Compound tha tumor were expelled and I began to get ctronger right along, and am aa well a ever before. Can truly aay that I would never had gotten well had It not been for Lydia K. itnkham'a Compound. " Mabt A. Stahi,, Watanntown, I'a. " After following tha direction given in your kind letter for the treat ment of leuoorrhea, I can aay that I have been entirely cured by tha nae of Lydia B. Pinkham'a remedies, and will gladly reoommand them to my frlenda,'' A, Jt IMvwa, Iltnghamton, M. Y. Oni'o, afli-r exiol!i( Uia rlillouloti lilmiili'i of Ilia udltur of crrtuln old tilnyi, Jnnica Ituwell Ixwtll oouoludud with tin rt'iiiiii'k, f'ln point V fart, 'wo iiHixt apply to tUli m'nlli'nuiii the Hum of Hi tirwt King of Spurt!!." No 0110 rPiuiMiilitatxl, of roui'iv, wlmt till win, but wliun tlioy loukuil It up lliy found It WH KlUlUIIlliluil. ! Aa Uornro Maun nut In ttudy on tvi'uiug, an I nun no man rualivd Into the room, mill, nfu r alniHlug I) 1 111 for nil klndu of fiiiirk'il grlwauov, clmlli'iiK1'! blm to fight. Mr. Maun replUtd: "My ili'nr fulluw, It would give uit grvat plwwuro to tH-oimiHiitiite, but I can't do It, tile oihla are 10 unfair. I itm Mua by name ami a inn 11 by nataro two agnlum oitvl It would uevor do to Bglil." Tlitt 1 11 hu 110 nmu auawerod; "Coma KhuMdi 1 a 111 mini, and man btnUUi tiij'i'lf; lit tia four bava fight" rliica lllmiinri'k mid Itmnroft, th liliturlnn, at one time nilulntor to tlia coilit of lli'illn. were ona day dining with HiT vou dr HtyiH, who prldwl hlinmilf on I lm quiintlty ami ijunlity of Ilia food which ba furulalird to hie gup!, In ttmne dny (IHiW) lllnmart k w Ntlll lu HaaKHlou of hla womtorful apliftlte. Unncnift, at flrat anniwd, be en m at lnt aiuloua on aliig hl frlmid Uvlra partnka largely of tha flnut iHiur-. "Di-ar Count," li remarked with a world of auxli-ty In hi voice, "1 iH'llova tht're l mora to come." "I uliotilil liiipe ao," replied Illmimrck, joy- fully; aud ruwd bl terrifying prac- tlce at the tu-xt voui e. It wa oiK-e oaual for IIIghlNiid hop- lii'iiU to tnke their doga Into church aud Icavo tliciu onulile th pewa. Two vheplwrda lit enmity tat on oppoalta aide of tha alula one Sunday, and, oon aftr tha aorinon brgin, tit doga one collie ami (tie otluT not oeind to entor Into thtr uiaater'a quarrel, Th ulicpiicrtU' fgged on tholr dog lu un dcrtom', awl aoon titer waa ft real fight In progroaa. Moat of thoae In the limiHHllnte neighborhood craned their neck over th jhw to bow the en- countiv waa coming out, and not fow wore ttitndliig up. Thr nilnUU-r'i pa- tlcnce wa tiltlniatvly rxhauated, and ao ho called to hla "hmier" and aald: "Ah, wwl, my brHlicrln, 1 are y are more Intomrtrd In tha dog-flght than lu my attrition, and to I'll do Ui bulk- ami I'D bet half ft crown on tha collie!" ('apt. liana Mlruo, who I oat hi life at hla pot of duty on tlie burning 8aale at UolKiken, 11 few inomli ago, waa fond of telling of hi rarly Introduction to the ttern rvMlitlo of hit choaen ca reer. He had but juat coma on iKiard the M'liooner where, at cabin boy, ha wit to nerve hi appreutlceihlp to the tea, and waa atill utarlng about hi 111 with boylab Interna and lninlltlve- neaa, a lien the ktpier approached and ordered blm to a saint In waalilng down the deck. II put down hit bundl and awkwardly to do ao, when a aevoiHl ordw, aeonumnUKl by emphatic expletive, waa given him to tako off hla alinee and atockluga. H waa per fectly willing to oblige, but at home he had not been permitted to wet hit feet No," he aiMwored Innocently, with an engnglng aiiille, "I thould not mind, but my mother doe not allow It." Tha aklpper wa a rough old aea-dog. who did not appreciate olMdlen unlee It waa rendered to hlniaelf, and hi reply wa itunulng blow that flung the buy crot the dwk. "Hut after that. Capt. Mlron would aay, with great laugh and not a tliadow of resentment, 'I knew who wat captain of that eboonor, and It waa not my mother,' Ian orenn wor only ornnineiifaL but Dowtiiluj j thfau tii una at wulL "I llinl tint pi tuning I a niytttiry to moat penplo. They chh uiutoiMlaud bow tli plnuo ttrliig are tightened and looaciiod, lint clmnuc lu the pilch of plf ipieor ttiMtn, It ln't atrHnae either, for the average orguu bat (lv kind of tuning. Of courae, the pitch depend ou the length of too pip. Tlit l'1 1-h nuiy be raited by tlioi'teniiiii tli pipe or by ttopplng (he open end. A number of the wooden pipe tre topped by wooden tlldea. Ilundlet are attached ami the pipe I tuned by moving the tilde up or down Oilier Wood have net In the tup ft piece of &etnl which It rolled or bent over par tially to atop the pipe. "Hllibon atrip are cut In the aldet of the tn'l metal pipe aud rolled down. Tlieee break the column of air aud uct the tame at cutting oft the top of tlia pipe. Auotlter kind of pipe, th reed, are on different principle. The length of the reed control the pitch. A wire premie tightly n gainst the reed mid la moved to lengthen or thorten th vi brating length. "-Now York Sun. WAS PEACHES AND CREAM. General Merr At war Olad to Me Young Weet-Polntere A gallant old American totdler who, at oue tint wat well known In Kan tat had many Idlotyucratlua, not the lewtt of which waa an Irrepressible dltllke ror young Ileuteiiniilt when Drat tent out from Went I'olut The name of thl old aoldlnr waa tieneral Starr, and at the time of which w write be waa a major In the Hlxth United State Cavalry, though durlug the civil war he had been a brigadier general. In 1H74 General Starr waa In com mand at Fort Klley, and one day an orderly came to hla quarter with th nieatag that Lieutenant Morrlton, Juxt from Went Point, wat at the pott ready MIWWimW!i jllil! I -it;ouli I'll Iff t'f ""f" " Milium S'.i. '- ''.; V Tha who aubacrlbo now for th 1901 Volum of Tii2 Youth's Companion Bondlns 1.75 with this Up or thla paper' nam, will receive all the remain In 1900 iauft tt; .nd THE YOUTH'S COMPANION CALENDAR FOR. 1901 FREE. BOM , !lluratd Aaaeuaaemeat and Sample Ceelea FAKE ai iftueat Th Youth's Cornpftnioa, eatea, Mae, T iMaaaaaaaaaaeaaeaaaa rVur B'J Slumer. Four 0,000 tout iteaniaft are going Into tha O. II. & N. torvlc between fortlaud and the Orient. Ticom It Crowlnf, Th Taooma Kewt tayt 8,000 or 10, 000 pepl htv com there to Jiv tiuoe tli June ceiimiK. first Crtamcry. " . At Milton, lntt week, waa opened the firti creamery in ettreine Katern Ore gon. Tu event wat ft big one. Hill iht ipKmlcoMt ' Itnealn hat out liluh tariff on flour I and that bit th count ttate hard. i Mothert will Hi id M n. Wlutlow'a Sooth-li-K Hyrup the bt reinmly to um for the 't Diiiiuren ounng Uietlilng period. Seattle Poultry Show, Ownort ol fancy chicken lo Ponttle will duplny them Jauuury S8 to 81. to WH i'Z ioi. iiTi oi nr Take Laxative liroino Quinine Tab let. All druggUta refund tha money If it fallt to cure. K. W. (jrove't tig natur It on each box, S5o. Sendin Wheat Abroad, rortland wet third among th portt of th United b'tato in wheat expoite i lor October. Th Companion Is Issued Every Thursday Subscription $1.73 a Year Wlnlw Mall te Nome. Mall will It tout to Nome twice eaoh month during the winter from Seattle, overland, or toe, aud th ilrtt lot weut forward December 1. Stoam tlm Oough and Work Ott ihm OoltU f latVattlVa tl milirtJ.IM 1 ttf tie Tultlaat-el MMeft w pay ma repe-i aim report tor amy. lu ,, dy, Mo 0UW( j0 Vmyt In retoue to thla meage the old gen oral wa ttarting for hi ottlce, when bl wife, motherly old out, plucked hlin by the tleeve mid tnld; "Now, general, promlao Die thai you won't be rough with that young man." Ilougbr' aald th old man, tmlllng amiably upon hi matrimonial compan ion. "Why I'll be peacbet and cream unleaa th young dog rile me,' lleaclilng hi offlc the general waa confronted with dapper little fellow, aa aplck and tpan aa though h bad juat com from the band of lit barber and tailor, while b bad th half tu perellloui air that aoeina Intepawble front th flrat atage of military educa tion. Looking the young lieutenant over for half a moment the old general tald with great dignity; "llow do you do, Mr. MorrlaonT I am pteaard to e you." Then, at ft fluu gradually mounted over bit weather-beaten feature, he affiled: "I am alwaya glad to ao you ! trlo IS cent. NealVtar'i Mr. Officer of th ooatt ttat fair olroult niael ia Portland December IS to fit date for next year't fair. Idaho, Oregon, Wanhiugtou, California aud Britith Columbia will b repretented. NATl'NK' ttttur, Hlnmarb, Duwil n t Uver Cow,Ulut rvrnmurtul Fiir.H t,r nalr mi, tn IIKBII feKIHl't tC llml (Kirvi In Maiun'i ywbr retnmliit iheeftMM, BIUr Wderweriu. Th water work of Port Townwnd, Watb., will inn bond for 1150,000 for improvement lu 1001. I do not believe Plau't cure for Con mntiiiim hn an etiual fur enUKb and Collin. John K. Hoykb, Trinity Spring, llid., Krb. I fl, IIHIO. Cettlnj People Into the SUt. D. B, Ward, Wanhingtun immlgra Ion agent, aay 100,000 people can be brought into Washington within two year if hi board la given tli right help. now Tiutt 1 7e offsr On Ilimd wi Dol Im Rflwan) for By eiuw ol Cnuurb iliirn uul lieturad If MU Olorrh Vurv. t l. (IflRNKY A CO Proi.,Toll(i,0, W HmunilortiKnuil.lniVB Uiioxn K. J.:lici for tlinilvri. ami Imller him parhwlly lmMi.-bK in all buolii iiiiwUiiii unit en CovemmtAt Should Help, The Portland Telegram aay th gov voiinir mn from th iiu.r ' ernmem anooio neip in nauvea oi you-you-ther the aeneral ended with 1 Aloaka. who are hopelonaly belploa lu ft roarl-you think yournilve ao mart!" Kantaa City Journal. GERMAN MASK INDUSTRY. TUNING A PIPE ORGAN. Another Oaaa of Womb, Kldnay and Dladdar Troubla Cured by lydia C Pinkham'a ' Vegetable Compound " PRAft KmurD Two yeara ago 1 bad ehlld-bed fever and womb trouble in ita wont form. For eight month after birth of babe I waa not able to alt up. Doctor treated Hie, but with no help. 1 bad bearing-down palm, burning In etoinaeh, kidney and bladder trouble and my book waa atiff and lore, the right ovary waa badly affeoted and everything I ate dbtreamsd me, and there waa a bad or ge. " X waa euufined to my bed when I wrote to yon fur advice and followed your dtrectlona faithfully, taking Lydia K. link ham' Vegetable Com pound, Liver Pill and mnng the Wath. and am now able to do the moat of my houaework. 1 believe I ahould have It Takei Twi,or bree Day mat fa a Nerve-Trrlnai J h. "The tnlauM which many pipe organ uffer l a wonder to liter ald a ret eran organ tuner and builder. "Church organ com! from f 1.000 lo 110,000. Tbey are very aenaitive to change of tem perature and yet many are heated and billed once a week all winter aud al lowed to get damp toaked In tummer, The tame people who neglect an. organ will take good care of a piano coating tentli or twentieth aa much, "An organ la a good deal like a bti man being when It come to change of the thermometer. Sudden drop put man out of tune and It't the aauie j with the Inntrument. It need an even, moderate temperature during tbo win ter Itwtead of roattlng on Sunday and a r recto the rent or the week. In ' tummer a atone or brick chuicb get damp. A alight fire once a week will keep the organ dry. A pipe organ requirea tuning at ; leant once a year and the belt Instru ment are looked over two or tore time In that period. It I a tro or three day' job and need two men. Itenldea the tuner up In the organ an I aititaat uiuat be at th key board to 'hold down the key. Temperntuni bat (to be eonldered even In tunlug. All .the plpet tnuet be brought to pitch at about me Mine degree, aud till degree jahould be that which th organ UnumJ- ,ly ha wben In ue. died If it had not been for yonr Com-', "" ' P'P organ tuning It U......J I L- . L . i I . . ( . . thj. Ilk. , narvnlii U,,.it am.. . , . pwti", 4 wpw Mil ioi itir may um in - -v-- " v vuw utckie, reault of beneritiug torn other uffef ln fal' f,t,r H,u wperlenc I bar lug woman. I recommend yonr Com icome to believe that I tune with my pound to every one." Mr. Mary nerve. No. I tlou't refer to the nerve Yautihtt, Trimble, Puta&ki Co., Ky. .'of bearing. I get my Impreenlou that J0I1M POOUS. Pobtlb. can viv yon the beat briiii In cei ttiaiilituery, eiiginea, boiler, tank, pu na wiiminiin. xii nw wtel 1 X L wUidmtll, old by him, 1 un-equalled. VM V. Oaiooa, i,, pump, but I tune with my m.rrou aya- My aHUtunt atrlket the chord. af It la not true I feel a nervont ttreaa kind atraln. A toon at the chord la true my nerve become ntrmoutoua. ClAHMUtt F0 Wri ! N'MN IGHIuiii. ainlm, ' loo. It toundt funny, but it's ao. ii li si I Q rJ , Two or ttltv toy " - iik a to. 1). C . U..Y oil) t. It anl:ut, ftmeutiutelaliiu.inoeUia. " whin yon top lo think of the LJW , . . ,i in..,. t,,;mM in a li, ri'a iiiihIui, ln,lninium ., HlTT SID? TpiSPn StinnrKIY :oton- U.m oran wUI hive ( ii'jiirvi IWITVm IJf-VHI IffflOID, BAVIr U UO U Uit- ot.ty cur htl uounv you wnn lo tipt tiv uri Moid With ft ftrauti:' ihMt thr bejs wUl (9itr atity eMtw, T-TT"HJ1 th Nvime inu rirmi. It hu L;'1,,; eurvil (hoiijittU. it wlilcurtt vwt, UMiftftiitU. it wllloura vmi. :ntt or ma(t DrMiiu.. II a Im. I Ihm ,; .j0. HKklt fpfi. M rlW frfttA I'MtMK , , Ov, Lft I rtitH, lit. V -w- L -Aft tC ail! ti le. .'Un ty f'Mp. lalie k Are octave or sixty ou keye. Theae inatrumentt have twenty eight register and a pip to each key sua register bring the number to l.Toi. Not every key aud regltter lim a pipe, but at tome have two It auiount to ,tbat Th pipe are of all tout aud 'we, moat of them wooti, but many ef metal A amall number of th targe and long wooden pipe never get out of tune. They are too long, for many yeara th fancy plpea at th (root of How Paaer and (la a Haaka Are Made aad What 1 key Ceat. Paper matke are made by doubling on hect of ft specially prepared paper, wetting It, and molding It by baud over ft face form; It It then dried by artificial beat aud cut off to form, according to the CoiKUlar Keporta. Openlugt are cut for eye, none aud mouth, and It palmed aud decorated by baud at de- Ired. The paper ued by Monneberg manufacturer la made In Oetlau am! SchleuMluisen aud com at prevent about 1. 40 murk (33 cent) per H0 thvelt, One theet make-three of th common uiank. The painting of cheap mak coat about SO pfennig (12 cental per gro; the molding of face coat about 00 pfeuulga (1 cent) per grot. Pack log la figured at about 8 per cent, aa th Lak re rolled In brown paper, the eno being folded In to aave ttrlng. The expennea are eatlmated at about 18 per cent, leaving th net profit 20 to 23 per cent, a th complete article sell at preaeut at about 1.80 marka (42.8 cent) tr grosa, Wire niaakt are made by tamping a piece of wire netting about one foot 1 nre over ft face mold In large machine. Inclosing the rough wire edgea In ft narrow atrip of lead and painting. The latter It done by band In oil colors. Oauae maak ar made by molding over day face form a doubled piece of cheap linen gauae that haa prevlon ly been toaked In a atarehy paste. The ttlcky Iluen I made to adhere to the form, and this It tet on a ttove and dried for about twenty minute. Th linen I then taken off and openlngt rut for the eye, mouth ami nodrlla. It It painted a deelred, and niakea one of the tnott practical matkt known. The game mask la nued contlderably In the L nlted State, but the larger portion of thT are mad therelu by machine owneu by two firm, one tn New York am) the other tu Tlndlay, Ohio, ' Terrible Kali. ThU It aald to be on of the diver ion occacloually Indulged In at Kan tat City: Solemn-faced man (with newspaper) Well, I tee there wa a lingular acci dent at one of th tlaughter-houtes out at the stock yards yesterday. A nmu who wat leaning out of tu upper story window let go and dropped tixty feet. and wasn't hurt a particle. Eager Llttener Uow did that ban- pen?" Polemn-faced Man Tbey were plat' feet Hla IMrn Idea. A teacher waa giving to her data an exercln In spelling aud defining word. Thomas, she said to a curly-haired little boy. "spell 'Ibex.'" "1-b-e-x." "Correct Defin It" "Ao Ibex." answered Thomas, after a prolonged mental struggle, "It where yon look In th back part of th book who you want to And anything that's printed In the front part of th book." Narrow Kaoape. ' Mr. Ilenpeck-What't thlaf Ah. a blonde hair Ueniwck That muit bsve come off the- Belgian bare I had for lunch.- Byracuae Herald. "Com easy, go easy " It an ancient saying and good tesolutloas don't coal any tiling. poverty and sickness. Tbl J (nature I ea every bos of the teaula Laxative liromo-vninine tw. mm a MM ia mmm em How Wuhington Grew. Washington itut baa 80 eonnties, all bat two allowing good gains in pop ulation slue the oenau ol '90. iiciali, iocrrr oulaoyubUtnUoiMi uur nrin. WarrATsCaX, WholeMtlo lirulm,Tnleit, H. WalAlHM, KlKNasa UanviM, itulnMl Brur lal", Tolmiu, u, nll'CUrrb(.'ur lai a.u.u' inalljf.anlUiS rlnmilrou iao bliMMi and n sou aurlai-m of Itie rt. to. I'rl e ;r.c tmr ba U. Sold by li druiiilau. TtMilmonl. Ulnie, Uall'iraniirl'iilf r lli' leai. -..... i ii i mi .in.. .. m Blgjut fruit Crop. Almost 800 oar loads of (roll went from th Walla Walla valley this year. the biggest crop yet. and th best quality. TOO KNOW WHAT YOU AHHTAKINO Wben you take (irova't Tameless Chill Tnnlo booauie the formula i plainly printed on every bottle showing that it Is simply Iron and Quinine in a taste less tuna, ,No Cure, No I'ay, 60o. Bulldingf Art Goiaj Up. Permit for new building in Seattle luring November footed np 8256,000. "ork goes on all wiuter. New Gas Plant Everett, Wash., grant franohls for ga plant, to b finished September i next. Thrt Times for Murder. A colored women in Portland is bav- j ing her thiid trial for mnrdering the sain woman th flnt two being dis agreement by th jury. She killed th woman and admits it. Spsnlih Wsr Mtdslt. Tb adjutant-general of Oregon ha BOO Spanish war medal, made lor Ore gon soldier, that are not called for. Getting Rich Frost OIL Oil magnate are tpringing np in Hontbreo California like tnnihroomt. Coal oil it going it. Poor today, rich tomorrow. Then poor again in many case. -' TclU About Oregon. Th Southern Pacific bat just leaned a bandsom folder relating to Oregon, sis 1824 Inches, filled with reliable statistics. Poultry sad Pets. Walla Walla ha organised a poultry and pet association and the first ahow will b held in February next. Tb kangaroos wbtch nsed. to be a plago in Australia, are now getting ao aoaro that it pay to rait them in bet-da. Alnlilp Story Prern Twom. Portland papers print a story from Taeonift about air ship building g0u on ther in a big shed In South Ta coma, and that trial will be made soon, ' Protpcrlty for lyoi. Indications point to great prosperity for tha coming yr. 'fills is a sign of a healthy nature. The snoco of euuntrv. as wsll of an iiiilivldual, drpmids upon health, if you bavs any toinsrli troubla try UosUtter's Stomach Uliters- which cures dyjepla, lmllijtwii and bilious ness. Indie Tex-Psyer. A full-blooded Indian pays taxes In Wasco county, Oregon, his share thla yea being ai. 78. The Heat Presnrlntloa tut Cbilla and Fever is a bottle of Groves. Tasteless Chill Tonic. It it simnlv Iron and quinine In a taiteless form. No Cnw, No Pay, Price COo. Indiana Ssy Hard Winter. Indian predict a hard winter for Idaho, Washington and Oregon, and it oertalnly started off that way, No Mors "Spit Work," Coart actions lost (or spit will be stopped in Multnomah county, Oregon,, because judges bav ordeied ooett put up by all complainants. . impaired .Digestion, Msv not be nil tlmt is mrsiit by dunteaiia now, but it will be if nriiei'U-d. Tli uiiesnliieas after entiiis, tits of nerv ous beMilsebe, loiirueaaof ibeatoiuaeh, slid diMtKroeable belebiiiK msv not lie very bad now, but tbey will be if llie suiiintcli ia auf fereu to smw wesker, liraiM'li'la is such a nilaerable dlKesae that the ciuleiicy to it aliuulil he ariven early attemiou. This Is cumnlftely over- coiii by lloosl'a Carsaparllla which strengthens the whole digeallve system. Mil tl5HZRti& lint 11 Takc Ne SusTitvTt , fact Cavalocuc. Snewuas Fuu. test or Casmcnti mp Hats, A- J.TOWtrn CO. Boaro Ma.' te rat witK to men with rigt to introduo onr poultry food among (armor. Address, with stamp, Acme Mfg. Co.. Kansas City, Mo. Shipping floor to Chios. Flour mills at La Grande, Or., bav receive. I late order for 1,600 barrali of j floor for China. Tha Fmmoua Qerman Wood Preserver mm a VEninsuo cnnnounEurj.. PermamamUy Demlroym.. ..CHICKEN LICE AND VERMIN.. SSrOne application It all that is required It lasts for rears. If your dealer cannot supply you, write for circular and information to the followingr diitributing: ag-entu Perfection Pile Preserving Co Seattle, WaalM Fisher, Thoraen & Co, Portland, Oregon Whlttier, Coburn & Ox, Sah Francisco, QJ, Your Stonkttptr Cta Sell You rarler'a Ink or he can get It for vou. Aak h I im. Try il. Cur louila are seni siiiiiihIIv lu every aim. in tlir l inoii. Ihi you buy (arter'af m Church Robbed. A Portland tough robbed a church la da) lli;lit aud got 18 mouths iu tits penlteutiary for bis work. What is the difference between a ixir- on stitreriug fniin beat priMtnilioii and Allen's Himi KhmiT One feela the heat Slid lb. oilier iirala the feet Lift. Bit Priest lor Your. Ctttls. Grant oonntt, Or., la paying highest . T if firs T lifAM D!1Tn price ever known for young cuttle, Jail vtlU JU1 W Ui X lllaje rates ruuuiug np to f 10 per bead in om caaea. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine . Carter's tal im- A OOOD COHI'ttCXKia laobulned kjr piiriryliic th blotxl snd elrsnalnt tli sjrateiin iih ti tt tec i. ii tea, an nana MtOlCIHK praiaed il.t world ovar. Water Boads for Sals. Weleer, Idaho, Is offerina tor ttS.000 bond lor water aud light provements. roe tha Whet, r.nilly. A Sttfo. anre. nuni. iMirli.f. mflliilna In, all th family. i.rela Cauilr l aiharill). bi Ins hi allh. Mrva lira Ilk lu lb. hoiuahold. PtUKsUU, Wo, mi. Hh). OldMateak led;. Willamette lodge of flaenns. Port land, celebrated ita 60th anniversary November ST. Must Boar Signature of A Fao-Slaalt Wrapper Biliw. Terr aaU aa aa eeavjr If tetalusaaeai I 'CARTER'S m l imntmmM mn mam i tmM.H..i, wnnv win p-riM v tito ... JTiStkVi canov bUKE SICK HEADACHE. I f t t HI - - 1 ' - fl -d "' 1 "in iii inline x f 11 11 "' " ' ' . ,1.11 ii i i, i I X V rmes tavaa asaarmno r m m Hftdt w. ejavarr -- aa -a m s , m aanaav bl h a, m m t s um imanaiaa i.. , ....j.. .. . . . j t MuJ I FOt tEABACHE rei dizziness. roi IIUOUSRESS. FO TORPia uvu. rOI C0KST1PATI0I. roiSAUOwsui. roimcoMPiExioi IF YOU WANT AN ENGINE, BOILER SAW ILL Or in (set snythlnr in th Machine W. wru us tor vataiogues and mess. RUSSELL & CO., Portland, Oregon. fFOflHi 01VEL8. If m tawn'is rwrolar. bHh, mortinetit r ke ' , ,i r !.! or will tw. Ki ronr Tha rore. In ttta abatw ot I1"" fiw.l, alwai. anial irfot was w 1 tlulaiii pb.le or sill ptilaiMi, la dan ItlaultWIaU CATHAWTtO a , Ci'21Siok,nS . orUrlp., W.W(li WrU rnrtTM aamiiia, aud houalat oa IwalUa. Addroaa """a ar -aT., a.amai, sw. ia. ana KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN PATENTS: WITHOUT rKK nnlaia awi-ei-aafwl land d-avrlitil,in anilaut fri o:tliil,n atin. k. ir!s .. iat. issi. Illr-4 1' HlhHiTi. Vf taHIMl l itx l ti. Branch aOlciu: I liicaau, Cloaland and Dwiroit. ToW. C T. U. Workers with nnarltaH 4vollon noarlt.s rar mIMt gains tuto-taw lap a S'va. nHifi,l, uwitr at4 d .,'ar ine Af nolila w mu, aaua fur deiaiia of 4t;K it.soo orrni. 1st la.l.l K ATIUt. -I te 11 H eat 13th St., Near York. KILL THE GERMS! Srwad of Oarm Tbrowsh the Bamaaa Sal.aa Iaataatlr Ckackwd r a unops." "B t) tin PS" I, a crrm killer: a iravfntla ofdiauaaa; a biiWik-r of iivrvalurre: a vakr ol ur blaoil; nl h. ahl.y Inaut. H nrc II a iiavd inr can ba nu oiaaaae. It la a natural toe to serm L. ll li ilimaelvr, aliliuul aliial aicaiira o( prevaiuiun. Hi riTtna aoii'D emvr iiici weai nuntao aratam wultiplv to rapidlf that lhlrnnmlrrv tmiae byond nfiman eomprenanition, ueairaviiif tu atrue lllrtKlof tlia boitr uutll dtaih niinii i ,hvi. tlnrareUef, imill s," If taken In time, la ao abaolul. tirevvuitve ( diwaa. IT la tha only alwolute ear. br Khtumanam. driving out il the ajratrm (orvvrr tha uric acid an oilier lni.uritL-a ihirh eauaa It in llavarloua forms. It l lakwn up at wnca bv th faiuod. Hvtun lit Work ta qulear, anrcr ami iiiauv tlma more vltffctlra. V011 ahuald an. hm wlihont It. Sveiire a bottle tolar. Vou will then beon the awf aide, "a irota" la barat-le-aand ran be UM-d iiv ahiil a. a,n 1.. n adult. It wilt, wnrallina: waTaive la tha. followlM aHaawana: tthnw aallam. SolMtlra, KarkarK. Ni-ar.1,1,, Uwua. lllll)p,la, AalhlRia. H laaar. I I.rrh. l ump, C Orla. LltaranS Kid aay Trwablna. KUaplMlMH. Marvoua- Nra and Narll Haadaehaa. Rararka. Tnnkhaeke. H,rl Waakataa. fanalyala, Crawailac Mambaaaa, KM. . I WA8 AT DKATU'9 DOOR. Oantlemeii! 1 want to tall vna what l,i" haa dim l ma. waa lur iwo yeara tufferer of 11 11 10 nl mtiwrv. Uv hwt war. iwollrn an 1 eould not wfarahtM ami' m war. drawn ao I uld no: ni ih.m ... coul.l I hHt them. They r ranged kail abut, aly kuaband ha.1 me try fioiv mnlicina ha could haar of and I still auflVrad nnioid aton- r,,noiiiit 1 nniiu set woaiif my alu laa. sf-rrhl? t'l11 A,,w,y" Wousrht has bonis the Hi,;.,,.. - ... "hhh i , auu mis oceu lnuiio uuuor Ills iwraontU supervision for over C yonr. Allow tio ona What is CASTORIA Cnstorlik la bitrtiileaa aubatltute fr Castor Oil, Portw hl?.lane'wher 0l.,ul? n nr other Kamtk) m f V,Uc,re ne? Troubles .Hr,a CoutlItlia I..,i.t-U,.u'iV U, 'oMl, tritltoa tho 1h Cliiiarvu's l't.uuft'ii 'llie Mothor I rlcnd. The Kind You Haie Always Bought yy mom tue signature of Y Over 30 Years. In Uso For 0 NOTHING BETTER MADE To can't autk. a mlauk U yea gats ..MitcheHw Mitchell, Lewis & Stayer Co. PORTLAND. ORECON. aaana, rf araaaav araaaav naw waa ewv. Mm V:Ztm FILES' - , imur, mui.cura ana rayN tu-ftm?. m.aawrilaa l;lml. Bl.e.llii of l,ipo,n runsbr Cr.8onko'a plla Sanaut. ITOHINU I 1 nil rorm. I Jar ajilrui,ia or ant by mall. Twailaatma. Virtu waavutjuuciuae. lilt Ui'U.'ivx Ik lad, fa! i nnlll lat NorrmtM-r one of my nrlahbors had Kheumatiam ao had ha muld But waik. Ha told my buibaml almtt llr.,ia" cnrliis mm, ao ne tot tna a dollar buttle, and In ihr waeka I at kid wlibout a rant and conld ua aiy hanila, aoaiathlnx I ha.l not dont tor t j,'ra- I Siva all th. Braue tn llr.,)." My m-lhbor know that I waa at daiVe door, bow I have uaed four hottlra nl "it ..-. andean do my work with rae. Iamatlll lk Ins It aomalliirra. ( hia will do any good 111. ward xaltlns uff.rin- prnpia to u lirojpa.' 'aav thla aa you ,,l,.a. If aur one, donbuallita, anid thm to mi trlcnda and. h.-lRhbora. EI.ISAHrrrll C, HS'N.SUiJ .Nor 1 1. L on M. Ktirln held. Uo. ' l" eept. w, Mie. IwANmun'I DKOrS" anid ey ma and aac-nta. In aoni lca th Piassrata Tare our aKnta. 1( the n-niady la not obtainable Ilk iowj town, ordrr at n dirw. Urpui, bonla. O doaaa, ll.iw, ivnt prepaid bvaaprMor mail. "f lor the nvat m da.a, to anabl. no mrr aimering, to at naat anonpoftunltir lotrv tha mui Ddorfut of all rrnia.liML a. wii. tt,t 6AMPLK Fttf t apoa re. ralid ol 40. to nay noalava. awtait wautifd in ma tarrltorv. WrMa Kan. iMANsoa't iHEUMATie cunt Co.. IM Lakt I rut, Calc, Ja."V UtatmaV. )l.wW, M i K woadc i i J aaud i iDROPSY Ci i 10 ' l-t't" rstu Vl Hiii maJaPron-yai ita coiav . Zi lieu aapiciai y tor twoatv -w" ff jiiarawuh tka suit weailirtul and saaea. 1.9 W W .I.M.. MM " :i .V" . a,wn.aa a urf. 4 sx a, atiaau. a ifi' -. r. GIITLES'SCmOllTEcf IODISE A tuaranterd rir lor Catarrh a. CoBaomptlna. si. en. l Uwk Boa tk f. I. SXITI 1 C... Itm I.T.Pi8s'L w. r. n. u. Wa. to leea. V iH."1!? "''"'a alaaw 1 paper.