TP 1? JLJLkJ X VOL. XVII. ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1900. NO. 52. iiraSOMIIEIfK Prom All Parts of the New World and the Old. OP INTEREST TO OUR MANY READERS frmprthtiulvt Review of lh Important ttaa tunings ol tht Put Week In Conucrutd form. Consul-General Klowe says the Boer Wir i nearly tinier). Knitter's mission to Europe witt frus tmtod by t!i Kaiser. Mm mail More klllud In train wreck near Huiauu, Cl. The IthinUa canal aoniinlsslim itcoinmeiiils the Nloariijtua route. fteuator Fairbanks, of liirilitua, In Irottuoetl ft bill to admit Oklahoma as stote, wUh two npieeitntutlves, A report ramies from Quwu Charlotte Island that the Indian there art abort of food, Their wants will be sttuuiktl tO.' It la reasserted lu Tien Wri tlmt the German lust W killed mid many wounded west of l"o TIuk r'n, whoie they were attacked by S.fiOO lloxers. ('oiiKressmsu Drltfgs Introduced resolution in tli bouse requiring tlia secretary of war to investigate the practice of "bacinii'' at Want 1'oiot. Senator l'ettluiew Introduce) a reso lution lu tlia senate calltiiK upon the postmaster-general to send to the Minute aur Inlorniatioii be muy have lu hia possession concerning (Ratal irauda in Co ha. Tanir Wang llaang, author of tha outrages Ukiu the I'ao Ting- r'o mission aiie', wa aradod thronyh the streets ol Tien Tain in a cart under a strong German guard, previous to lieing hand ed over t the provisional goterumeuut lor devaluation. Tha state of Louisiana established quarantine t .lliiu at El l'ano, Texas, to guard against the possible lutrodtio- tion of bolxiuio plague into that lute from the fur Kt by way of the i'acillc count. The Louisiana health olllce wilt work In conjunction with the Texas Inspector. Frank Hawlejr, an American electric promoter, ia now in London in the in forest of an A'nerkau syudtvnte. , Mr. llawlry aaya tha capitalist he repre sent are ready to ud no lew than 1,000,000 in the couettuctlon of eloo trio surface road In Im Ion and to tlia uburba to radius of 30 mile. Not a penny of ltritixb capital will be asked, lie express himself a cmrl- lut that the nndnnakiug will U a financial iooctwa. j Major Wood, niminanding the Cana dian nioniitad police in the Vuknu tcr rltory, who collects the royaltlne on gold, reimrta tht collections thla year on the Klondike output aa mounting to nearly tWK'.OOii, about fiOO.ooO mora than waa received lat year. Ten per cent of the gold mined It supposed to I paid to the government, which would indicate the Klondike output (or the toason to have been only $11,000,. JU0, hot the general estimate hai placed it at nearly .10,000,000, Halem, Or., re-elected its reform mo tjlolpnl ollloera. The ahlp subsidy bill will displace t)t l'hliippine bill. Kruger wept at Kinperor Wllliuiq't reluaal to meet him. Five men were killed by the blowing np of power house in Chicago, The ahort aeaalon of the Fifty.aixth congrem waa auoceaitfuily opened. Colorado gam wardena arreated If Jdoruioun who had killed 30 doer. Itobbura blovr ap a Hilvortnn, Or., tiank, but failed to get at the cash. A itrange woman ia exulting tht Pa pngo Indiana to be guided by their dreamt. Cotif-rflMiunn Laocy and Senator Tul lor are in favor of offering homea to tha lloera, Oncar h. Koor.e, a Went Point cadet, ia dying from the cITecti of a huruiug drink given liim by hucera. - A drunken, man wna killed and bit body deruiled a heavy looomotive on the O. K. near Hood Kiver, Ore gon. , Jtev. William Howard Day, D. D., general lecretHry of the A. M. li. Heo ond ohuruh, dl d at Harriaburg, Pa., aged 78 year. liev. Patrick Feehan, archblehop of the Catholio arobdiofleae of Chicngo, will wtire from the active manage ment of nt oflloe jiflth the oloee ot the iroaeut yeur. General W. L. White, ex-quarter-maater-geueral ol tha Michigan Na tional guard, pleaded guilty to complic ity ill atate millutry olotliiug.frap.dt, and wat tentanced to 10 yenrt in prinon. John Maine, a oouiitlile, wat mur dered at Dallua, Tex., by burning- H- clothing had been aaturated with tur pentine and ignited. Both eyea were burned out. John Chapman aud l'.d Fanlknor, aaloon keeper, were arrest ed, charged with the murder. A correspondent of Pauttago de Cuba tayt the nativet there are beooming adepts in the American game ol bate ball. Havana may yet bid lor a pluce iu th National league. A celebrated Kutgiah pbyaiolan tny that be baa found that wnrta can be cured by revacolnaton. He reiaoci nated a girl of 18 who had 94 wartt on one hand, and aoven woeki after the oneratlon tha warta had all aiaappear A. Man other remedies bud been LATER NEWS. German are itlll excited over Kruger Incident, . Japan it much disturbed by Tokio municipal luandnla, The Oregon ichool fund loitet an average of 110,000 a year. The river and harbor committee li cnttlng down all entimatea. The Philippines commission bat pre pared a tariff lor the lslau la. The execution of Ya Ilslvn It cer tain whenever envoyt demand it. The Chinese question ia again laid to bo apptoacbing a settlement. Filty-two Filipino prisoners bavt been taken by American troops. Eulouies were prououueed in tht bouse oil tht late Kepreaeulative Mar- IUBI, Russia savs all credit for securing existing tutentt belougs to United (slates. Johannesburg will be fenced around With barb wire to cut off Doera' lood supply. United States Consul Goodnbw, at Shanghai, will return home on leave of absence. Netherlands disavow! responsibility for sympathetic letter of minister to Kruger. Senate will devote the present week to llay-Pauneefott treaty and ship subsidy bill. The naval approplration bill will provide for two more battleships and two cruisers. Delegate Wilcox, of Hawaii, strong ly opposes importation of negro labor Into the islands. Tung Fu H slang to mean that govern-! ment dealrea peace. I Establishment of ship subsidy bill as regular oraer win uupiaca Nicara gua canal measure. Bills for the reduction of war reve nue tax and legislative appropriations will likely pass the bouas thia week. Robert W. Wilcox, Hawaii's delegate-elect to congress, has arrived in ban ranoiaoo, enroute to asmngion. j Kruger was officially received by, Queen Wilhelmiua. The queen bat , nromtsed to show ber friendship when the proper moment arrlvet. ; j A railway bridge collapsed In Ger many, lettir-g an express train plunge til at rati, m lutlriW. VlvA ItMttlOUB were killed and eight badly injured. Six hundred telegraph operators on tht Atchison, Topeka Nauta Fa, bavt walked out In sympathy with the operators on the Gulf, Colorado & Kan la Fe road. The ministers at Pekln have readied an agreement. The new war revenue bill will redoot taxation $10,000,1)18. Tha rauslon roll for the com inn year will call for tM-'.O.lO.OOO. The novernor of Phnniihai publicly executed 80 Boxer Readers. Kmretjiiv Gaeo'i estimate for sovern- went expense la f 026,741.762. won I. MnvAr. of Haston. will ' J ' be appointed ambassador to Italy. riiarlita A. Towne aooeDted the ap pointment ol senator from Minnesota. MnHall n.a.lfl a aensatioual SDeech in the bouse against holding tlia Philip pines. A amatl American force touted a baud ot rebels at Sunto Domiugo, Luton. rv.ntnnt (nr erection of Halem. Or., postoffloe hat been awarded to a Chi oago firm. In a ttreet duel in a West Virginia town a minister was killed by a prom- iuent lawyer. It is estimated that taxable valuation ol Oregon for 1900 will be about 2,- 000,000 less than in 1HUU. Fire In the Cambridge, Ohio, works of the American Tiuplate Company, caused a loss on finished tin alone oi between fUS.OOO and $200,000. John Luke Hely-Hutchinson, fifth earl of Douoghmore, f.t one time assist ant commissioner in r.asicru u- mania, died of paralysis, in Loudon. t..i.i. .iAaA tlw office of the West- trn Lumber Company in Portland, Or., 4.... i,Ar..m tha aitnilorea were ready to receive their November wages in coin. and secured f 4,700. . . nr Vulr tha Paats-Tioton Com- r,inaai tha most successful auction sale of trotting and pacing norset in its history. The proceeds of the sale were $362,180 for 702 horses, an average ol about $1500 a bead. Fire In the upper storeroom of Hay mnnA lima, nai the Wakefield Kattan Company at Boston, caused a loss of $160,000. of which $75,000 waa to the .took and building of Haywood Bros. and the Wakefield Company ana ine rest to tho building adjoiuiug. A serious cave-in occurred at the Ray Aug. mine, near uunore, i. man ware entombed. The resouing party, altor nearly three hours hard work, suoceeded In digging into the chamber in which the men were sntombid All were resouea, not one being seriously injured. The last enumeration shows a large .i,,.. n i .i,a number ol dook igentt, which in itself ia a good argu ment In favor ol taking the ceusui ivery five instead of every 10 years. The Connecticut woman who nas - .ia,. hpoiuise he changed lUBU ------- her complexion from that of a blond to I brunette reaiiy ougm ; patience. The brunette will be in lashion again before long, aud then she will be glad ol the change. But wo man glways was an impulsive oreature. jriiiEn hem Recommendations for Civil Gov ernment in the Philippines. REVIEW OP THE CHINESE QUESTION The Hhtory of t Yttr-Thc West Indies Operstlons of the DepsrtmenU Other Foreljn Questions. WAHHINUTUN, Dec. t. l'relant MC Klnluy's measuta wsnt to Congrcsa to cay. it tulluws: To the Senate and House of Representa tives: With the outgoing ot. the old and the Incoming of the new century you begin the last session of the Wth Congress, Willi evtdcnras on every band of Individual and Nnllonul pronperlty and with proof of the aTuwIwr atrnath and Increasing power fur aood of Jti-nubllcan Institutions. Your countrymen will Join with you In fe licitation that American liberty la more firmly estubllxhed than ever before, and that love for it and the determination to preavrve It are more universal than at any former period of our history. The Republic was never so atrong, be ciiuxe never so limiigly entrenched In the hearts of the people as now. The Constitution, with few amendments, exlsta as It hft the hands of Its authors. The additions which have been made to t proclaim larger freedom and more ex tended citizenship. 1'opulsr government has demonstrated In Its 124 years of "trial here its stability and security and la efficiency as the best Instrument of Na tional development and the beat safe guard to human rights. When tha sixth Congress aaaembled, In November, 18uo, the population of the United States was t.9l,483: It Is now li.VA.m. Then we. had IS states; now we have 45 Then our territory consisted of 90.oe0 square mllea; It Is now S.MO.i'JO square miles. Education, religion and morality have kept pace with our ad vancement la other directions, and, wnlle extending Its power, the Government has adhered to Its foundation principles and abated none of them in dealing with our. new peoplea and posseaalona. A Nation so preaerved and blest gives reverent thanks to Gou and Invokes his guidance and the continuance of his care and favor. CHINESE PROBLEM. Caaaea That Led I'p to the) Beeeatt Troablea. In our foreign Intercourse the domi nant question has been the treatment of the C'htneae problem. Apart from this our relations 1th the powers have been happy. The recent troublea In China spring from the anti-foreign agitation which for tha past three ;-cars has gained strength In the northern provinces. Their orlitln lies deep In the character of the Chi nese races and In tha traditions of their government. The Tai Ping rebellion and the opening of Chinese porta to forelgi trade and aettiemcnt disturbed alike the homogeneity . nd the seclution of China. Meanwhile foreign activity made Itself felt In all quarters, not alone on the coast, but along the great rivera, artertea and in the remoter districts, carrying new Ideas and introducing new associations among a primitive people which had pur. aued for centuries a national policy of Isolation. The telegraph and the railway spread ing over their land, the steamers plying on their waterways, the merchant and the mtealonury penetrntlng year by year farther to the Interior, became to the Chinese mind types of an alien Invasion, changing the course of their national life and fraught with vague forebodings of disaster to tholr beliefs and their self eontrol. For several years before the present troubles all the resources of foreign di plomacy, backed by mora! demonstra tions of the physical force ot fleets and arms, have teen needed to secure due respect for the treaty rights of foreign ers, and to obtain satisfaction from the restionsible authorltlea for the . aporadic outrages upon the persons and property of unoffending sojourners, which from time to tlmj occurred at widely sep arated points In the northern provinces, as In the case of the outbreaks In Sxe Chuen and Rlian Tung. Posting of antt-forelgn placards be came a daily occurrence, which the re peated probation of the Imperial power failed to clwk or punish. These Inflam matory appeala to the Ignorance and superstition of the misses, mendacious and absurd In their accusations, and deeply hostile In their spirit, could not but work culrrlnatlve harm. They aimed at no particular class of foreigners; they ware Impartial m attacking everything foreign. An outbreak in 8han Tung. In which German missionaries wore slain, was the ton natural result of the malevo. lent teachings The peeling of seditious plncards. exhorting to the utter destruc tion of forelgnera and of every foreign thing continued unreouxea. Hostile demonstrations - toward the stranger gained strength by organisation. The Daier Aerltntlon. The sect commonly styled the Boxers developed greatly in the provinces north of the Vnngt' e. and with collusion of many notable officials, Including some in the Immodleto councils of the throne Itself, became alarmingly aggressive. No foreign er's life, outside cf the protected treaty ports, was safe. No foreign Interest was secure from spoliation. The diplomatic representatives of the powers In Pekin strove in vain to chock this movemen'. Protest was followed Ky demand, and demand by renewed protest, to be met with perfunctory edicts from the palace and evaaive and futile assur ances from the Tnung II Yamun. The circle of the Boxer Influence narrowed about Fekln, and, while nominally stig matised as seditious. It was felt that tta spirit pervaded the capital Itself, that the Imperial forces were imbued with its doctrines, and that the Immediate coun eelnra of the Empress Dowager were in full sympathy with the anti-foreign niovemi nt. The Increasing gravity of the condi tions In China, and the Imminence ef peril to our own diversified Interests in the implre. os well as to those of all the other treaty governments, were soon appreciated by this Government, causing profound solicitude. - The United States, from the enrlhat dsys of foreign inter course with China, has followed a policy of peace, emitting no occasions to tea irv unod-aill. to fuither the extens'nn of Inwful trade, to respect the sovereign, tv of tie government, and to Insure, by all legitimate and kindly, but earn est me-.rtx. the fullest measure of pro tection for the lives and property of our law-abiding cltlsens. and for the exer cise of thiir b.nellcent callings among the CI tnese pc-ople. Mlm'ful of this. It was felt to be ap propriate that our purposes should be nromiunerd In favor of such a coursa ' would hast, n unltid action of the onwert at Pckln to promote the admln uratlve reforms so greatly needed for tnnvthenlvg the Imperial government ind maintaining hs Int grltv of China, n which we belli ved the whole West rn world to be alike concerned. To hese fnds 1 cuuted to be addressed to he several powers occupying territory and maintaining spheres at Influence In China the circular proposals ot lsw, In viting from them declarations of their Intentions and views as to desirability of the adoption of measures Insuring the benefits of equality of treatment of all foreigners throughout China, With gratifying unanimity, the re sponses coincided in this common policy, enabling me to see In the successful ter mination of tnese negotiations proor o the friendly spirit which animates the various powers Interested In the untram meled development of commerce and in dustry in the Chinese Empire as a source of vast benefit to the whole commercial world. Powers Acted la Coacert. In tills conclusion, which I had the gratification to announce as a completed engagement to the Interested powers March W. 1900, I hopefully discern a po tential factor for tha abatement of the distrust of foreign purposes, which for a, year past had appeared to Inspire the policy of the Imperial government, and for the effective exertion by It of power and authority to quell the critical and foreign movement In the northern prov. luces most immediately Influenced by the Manchu sentiment. Seeking to testify confidence In the wlll Ingnees and ability of the Imperial ad ministration to redress the wrongs and prevent the evils we suffered and feared, the marine guard, which had been sent to Pekln In the Autumn of tm for the protection of the Legation, was with drawn at the earliest practicable moment, and all pending questions were remitted, aa far as wa were concerned, to the or dinary resorts of diplomatic intercourse. The Chinese Government proved, how ever, unable to check the rising strength of the Boxers and appeared to be a prey to Internal dissensions, In the unequal contest, the antl-forelgn Influences soon gained the ascendancy, under the leader ship of Prince Tuan. Organised armies of Boxers, with which the Imperial forces affiliated, held tha country between Pekln and the coast, penetrated Into Manchuria up to the Russian border and through their emissaries threatened a like rise throughout Northern China. Attacks upon foreigners, destruction of property and .daughter of native converts were re ported from sll sides. The Tsung 11 Yamun, already permeated with hostile sympathies, could make no effective re sponse to the aopeala ot the Legations. At tnls critical Juncture, In the early Spring of the year, a proposal was made by the olhei powers that a combined fleet be assembled In Chinese waters aa a moral demonstration, under cover of which to exact of the Chinese Govern ment respect for foreign treaty rights and the suppression of the Boxers. The United States, while not participating In the joint demonstration, promptly sent from the Philippines all ships that could be spared for service on the Chinese coast. A small force ot marines was landed at Taku and sent to Pekln for the protection of the American Legation. Other powers took similar action until some 100 men were assembled In the capi tal aa legation guards. Still the peril Increased. The Legations reported the development of the seditious movement In Pekln and the need of In creased provision for defense against It Taklnar of Tilts Forts. While preparations were In progress for a larger expedition to strengthen the legation guatds and keep the railway open, an attempt of the foreign ships to make a landing at Taku was met by fire from the Chinese forts. The forts were thereupon sh lied by the foreign ves sels, the American Admiral taking no part In the attack, on the ground that we were not at war with China, and that a hostile demonstration might consolidate the antl-forelgn elements and strengthen the Boxers to oppose the relieving col umn. Two days later, the Taku forte were captured after a sanguinary con flict Severance of communication with P kin followed, and a combined force or additional guards, which was advancing to Pekln by the Pel Ho, was checked at Lang fang. The Isolation of the Lega tions was complete. By June 9. the Legations were cut off. An identical note from the Yamun or dered each Minister to leave Pekln, und r a promised escort, within 24 hours. To gain time, they replied asking prolonga. tion of the time, which was afterward granted, and requesting an Interview with the Tsung II Yamun on the following dav. No reply b?lng received, on the morning of the 20th the German Minister, Baron von Ketteier, set out for tho Ya mun to obttln a response, and on the sir was murdered. An attempt by the legation guard to recover bis body was foiled by tne cntnese. Pekln Legations Attacked. Armed forces turned out against the Legations. Their quarters were surround ed and attacked. The mission compounds w-re abandoned, their inmates taking refuge In the British legation, where all the other Legations and guards gathered for more effective defense. Four hundred persons were crowded In lta narrow com. pass. Two thousand native converts assembled In a near-by place under pro tection of the foreigners. Lines of defense were strengthened, trenches dug. barri cades raised and preparatlona made to stand a siege, which at once began. With the negotiation of the partial armistice of July 14, a proceeding which was dc ubtlesa promoted by the represen tatlona of the Chinese envoy In Wash lng'on. tne way was opened for the con veyance to Mr. Conger of a test message sn by the Secretary of State through the kind offices of Minister Wu Tin Fang. Mr. Conger"s reply, dispatched from Pekln on July M through the same chan nel, afforded to the outRlde world the first tidings that the Inmates of the le gations were alive and hoping for succor. This news stimulated the preparations for a Joint relief expedition. In numbers sum. cient to overcome the resistance which for a month had been organising between Taku and tha capital. Reinforcements sent by all the co-operating governments were constantly arriving. The United States contingent, hastily asaembled from the Philippines or dispatched from this country, amounted to some 5000 men. un der the able command of the lamented Colonel' Uscum and afterwards of Gen eral Chaffee. Beaeao at Letratloners. Toward the end of July the movement began. A severe conflict followed at Tim Tffln. In which Colonel Uscum waa killed. The city was stormed and partly de stroyed. Its capture afforded the base 1 of operations from which to make the ' final advance, wnicn Degan in me mi days of Augus'., the expedition being 1 made up of Ji nese, Russian, British ' and American troops at the outset. An other battle was fought and won at Yong Tsun. Thereafter, the disheartened Chinese troops offered little show of re sistance A few days later, the Impor tant position of To Si Wo waa taken. A rapid march brought the united forces to i the populous City of Tung Chow, which 1 capitulated without a contest. On August 14, the capital was reached. I After a brief conflict beneath the walla, the relief column entered and the Lega tions were saved. The United States soldiers, sailors and marines, officers and men alike. In those distant climes and unusual surroundinga, showed the same valor, discipline and good conduct and gave proof of the same high degree of In telligence and efficiency which have dls- I tlnituished them in every emergency. ! The imperial family and the govern ment had fled a few days before. The city was without visible control. The remaining Imperial soldiery had made, on the night of the 13th, a last attempt to exterminate the besieged, which was gallantly repelled, It fell to the occupy ing forces to restore order and organise a provisional administration. The Raaalaa Provoalttoa. The Russian proposition looking to the restoration of the Imperial power In P tln has been accepted as In full con sonance with our own desire, for we have held and hold that effective repara tion for wrongs suffered and an endur ing settlement that will make their re currence Impossible can best be brought about under an authority which the Chi nese Nation reverences and obeys. While so doing we forego no Jot of our un doubted right to exact exemplary and de terrent punishment of the responsible autnors and abettors of the criminal acta whereby we and other nations have suf fered grievous Injury. For the real culprits, the evil coun sellors who have misled the Imperial Judgment and diverted the sovereign au thority to their own guilty ends, full ex piation becomes Imperative within the rational limits of retributive Justice. Re garding this as the Initial condition of an acceptable settlement between China and the powers, I said In my message of October 18 to the Chinese Emperor: "I trust that negotiations may begin so soon as we and the other offended gov ernments shall be effectively satisfied of Your Majesty s ability and power to treat with Just sternness the principal offenders who are doubly culpable, not alone toward the foreigners but toward Your Majesty, under whose rule the pur pose of China to dwell In concord with the world has hitherto found expression In the welcome and proteotlon assured to strangers. . Taking as a point of departure the Imperial edict appointing Earl LI Hung Chang and Prince Chlng plenipotentiaries to arrange a set tlement, and the edict of September 25, whereby certain high officials were des ignated for punishment, this uovernment has moved In concert with the other powers toward the opening of negotia tions which Mr. Conger, ass let ed by Mr. Rockhlll, has been authorized to conduct on behalf or the United States. General bases of negotiations, formu lated by the Government of the French Republic, have been accepted with cer tain reservations as to details, maae necessary by our own circumstances and by like similar reservations by other powers open to discussion In the prog ress of the negotiations. The disposition of the Emperor's Government to admit liability for wrongs done to foreign gov ernments and their citizens and to act upon such additional designation of the guilty peraona as the foreign Mlnistera at Pekin may be In a position to make gives hope of a complete settlement of all questions Involved, assuring foreign rights of resldenoe and Intercourse op terms of equality for all the world- I regard aa one of the essential factors of a durable adjustment the aecurement of adequate guarantees for liberty of faith, since Insecurity of those natives who may embrace alien creeds la scarce ly a less effectual assault upon the rights of foreign worship And teaching than would be the direct Invasion thereof. Matter of Iaeteaaaltr- ' The matter of indemnity for our wronged citizens la a question of grave concern Measured In money alone, a sufficient reparation may prove to be be yond the ability of China to meet AH the powers concur In emphatio disclaim ers of any purpose of aggrandizement through the dismemberment of the em pire. I am disposed to think that due compensation may be made In part by Increased guarantees of security for for eign rights and immunities, and moat Important of all. by the opening of China to the equal commerce of all the world. These views have been and will be earn estly advocated by our representatives. The Government of Russia has put for ward a suggestion that In the event of a protracted divergence of views In regard to Indemnities, the matter may be rele gated to the court of arbitration at The Hague. I favorably Incline to this, be lieving that high tribunal could not fail to reach a solution no leas conducive to the stability and enlarged prosperity of China itself than Immediately beneficial to the powers. OTHER FOREIGN RELATIONS. Relatloas With Germaay. Good will prevails In our relations with the German Empire, An amicable adjust ment of the long pending question of the admission of our life Insurance compa nies to do business In Prussia has been reached. One of the principal companies has already been readmitted, and the way Is opened for the others to share the priv ilege. . The settlement of the Samoan problem, to which I adverted In my last message, has accomplished good results. Peace and contentment prevail In the islands, espe cially In Tutulla, where a convenient ad ministration that has won the confidence and esteem of the kindly-disposed natives has been organized under the direction of the commander of the United States airnl -1 M , m at Panm Ptnm An imperial meat Inspection law been enacted for Germany. While It may sim plify the Inspections, It prohibits certain nmliii,!, fcturetnfnr admitted. There. Is still great uncertainty as to whether our well-nlgn exunguisnea uerman iraue iu meat products can revive under Its new burdens. Much will depend upon regula tions not yet promulgated, which we con fidently hope will be free from the dls crimlnatlona which attended tha enforce ment ot the old statutes. - On.-. Hunolnln. Itnlr In thai nAW lln Of direct telegraphic communication between the United States and the uerman e.m plra has recently been completed, afford ing a gratifying occasion for exchange ot friendly congratulations with the German Emperor. Tha Boer War. Our friendly relations with Great Brit ain continue. The war in South Africa introduced important questions. A condi tion unusual In International wars was presented In that while one belligerent had control of the seas, the other had no ports, shipping or direct trade, but was only accessible through the territory of a neutral. Vexatious questions arose through Great Britain's action In respect to neutral cargoes not contraband In their own nature, shipped to Portuguese South Africa, on the score of probable or suspected ultimate destination to the r.av ...Ib, Rur-h nnnslirnments In Brit ish ships, by which alone direct trade Is kept up between our ports "u ouuw. Africa, were seized In application of a .law prohibiting Britisn vessels trom uu ng with an enemy without regard to any contraband cnaracter or me gouus, .... oargoes shipped to Delagoa Bay In neutral bottoms were arrested on the ground f alleged destination to the enemy's coun try. -Appropriate representation on our part resulted In the British Government agreeing to purchase outright alt such goods shown to be the actual property ot American citizens, thus closing the Inci dent to the satisfaction of the Immediate ly interested parties, although unfortu- ..i .. wlihrtiil hrnaA Battlement of the imicuy - question of a neutral's right to send goods not command per se 10 a port adjacent to a belligerent area. Alaska Boaadary. n-h mrv nt marking- certain Drovla- lonal boundary pointa for convenience of administration around tne nena oi unn Canal, In accordance with the temporary .-.nnnnt r Octohar 1899. was com pleted by a Joint survey In July last. The modus vlvenai nas so rar womeu wnuuui friction and the Dominion Government haa provided rules and regulations for securing to our cltlsens the benefit of the reciprocal stipulation that the citizens or subjects of either power round oy mai an-on....,- within Ihu tamnnrarv lurls- A.iH nf lh. nlha. annll suffer no di minution of rights and privileges they have hitherto enjoyed. But. however necessary such an expedient may have been to tide over tne grava,- . , .i,...i.. i . i- - Km, hut an unsatisfactory makeshift, which should not be suffered to delay the speedy snd complete establishment of the frontier line to which we are entitled under the Kusso-Amerlcan treaty for the cession of Alaska. In this relation, I may refer again to the need of definitely marking the Alas kan boundary where It follows' the 141st meridian. A convention to that end has been before the Senate for some two years, but as no sctlon has been taken, 1 contemplate negotiating a new convention for a Joint determination of the meridian by hellocentrts observations. These, aslt is believed, will give more accurate and unquestionable results than the sidereal methods heretofore Independently fol lowed, which, as Is known, proved dis crepant at several points on the line, al. though not varying at any place more than 700 feet lateraatloaal Arbltratioa, It Is with satisfaction that I am able to announce the formal notification at The Hague, on September 4, of the depos it of ratifications of the convention for the pacific aettlement of the International disputes by 16 powers, namely, the United States, Austria, Belgium, Denmark. Eng land, France, Germany. Italy, Persia, Portugal, Roumanla, Russia, Slam. Spain, Sweden and Norway and The Nether lands. Japan also has since ratified the convention. The administrative council of the permanent court of arbitration has been organized, and It has adopted rules or order and a constitution for the In ternational Arbitration Bureau. In ac cordance with article 2 of the convention providing for the appointment by each signatory power of persons of known competency in questions of International law aa arbitrators I have appointed as members of this court, Hon. Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana, ex-President ot the United States: Hon. Melville W. Fuller, of Illinois, Chief Justice of the United States', John W. Griggs, of New Jersey, Attorney-General of the United States, and Hon. George Gray, of Delaware, a Judge of the Circuit Court of the United States. ... Tho Hlcaraa-oa CaaaL The Important matter of an Interoceanlc canal has assumed a new phase. Ad hering to Its refusal to reopen the question of the forfeiture of the contract or tne Maritime Canal Company, which was terminated for alleged nonexecution in October, 1899, the Government of Nicara gua has since supplemented that action by declaring the so-styled Eyre-Cragln option void for nonpayment of the stipu lated advance. Protests In relation to these acts have been filed In the State Department- and are under consideration. Deeming Itself relieved from existing en gagements, tne Nicaragua Government shows a disposition to deal freely with the canal question, either In the way of negotiations with the United States or by taking measures to promote the water way. Overtures for a convention to effect the building of a canal under the auspices of the United States are under considera tion. In the meantime, the views of Con. gress upon the subject in the light ot the report of the committee appointed to examine the comparative merits of the various trans-Isthmian ship canal proj ects may be awaited. 1 I commend to the early attention or the Senate the convention with Great Britain to facilitate the construction of such a canal, and to remove any objec tion whUb might arise out of the conven tion commonly called the Clayton-Bul-wer treaty. Relations With Spain. Satisfactory prorress has been made toward the conclusion of a general treaty ot friendship and Intercourse with Spain in replacement of the old treaty, wnicn passed into abeyance by reason of the late war. A new convention of extradi4 tion Is approaching completion, and 1 would be much pleased were a commer cial arrangement to follow. I feel that we should not suffer to pass an oppor tunity to reaffirm the cordial ties that existed between us and Spain from the time of our earliest Independence, and to enhance the mutual benefits of that com mercial Intercourse wblcb la natural be tween the two countries. By the terms of the treaty of peace. the line bounding the ceded Philippine group on the southwest failed to Include several small Islands lying west of the Sulus, which have always been recog nized aa under Spanish control. The oc cupation ot Slbutu and Cagayan, Sulu. by our naval torces encitea a ciaim nn the Dart of Spain, the easential equity of which could not be gainsaid. In order to euro the defect of the treaty by re moving all possible ground of future mis understanding respecting the interpreta- tion of Its third article, I directed the negotiation of a supplementary treaty, which will be forthwith laid before the Senate, whereby Spain quits ail title and claim of title to the Islands named, as well as to any and all Islands belonging to the Philippine Archipelago lying out side the lines described in said third ar ticle, and agrees that ail such islands shall be comprehended In the cession oi the archipelago as fully as If they haa been expressly Included within those lines. In consideration of this cession tne united States Is to pay Spain the sum ot iiw.ouu. A bill Is now pending to effect tne rec ommendation made In my last annual message, that appropriate legislation De had to carry into execution article S of the treaty of peace with Spain, by which the United States assumed the payment of certain claims for Indem nity of Its citizens against Spain. I ask that action be taken to fulfill this obli gation. CONDITIONS IN PHILIPPINES. ReebxameadaUana for a CItII fisv eraaseat for tha lalaada. In my last annual message I dwelt at some length upon the condition of af fairs In the Philippines. While seeking to impress upon you that the grave re sponsibility of the future government of those Islands rests with the Congress of the United States, I abstained trom rec ommending at that time a specific and final form off government for the terri tory actually held by the United States forces, and in wblcb. as long as tne in- surrectlon continues, the military arm must necessarily be supreme. I stated my purpose, until the Congress shall have made known the formal expression ot Its will, to use the authority vested In me by the Constitution and the stat utes to uphold the sovereignty of the United States In these distant islands, as In all other places where our flag right fully floats, placing to that end at the disposal of tha Army and Navy all te means Which the liberality ot tne con. gress and the people have provided. No contrary expression of the will of the Congress having been made, I have steadfastly pursued the purpose so de- clared, employing the civil arm as well toward the accomplishment of pacinoa tion and the Institution of local govern ments within the lines of authority and law. Progress In the hoped-for direction has been favorable. Our forces have suc cessfully controlled the greater part of the Islands, overcoming the organized forces of the insurgents, and carrying order and administrative regularity to all quarters. What opposition remains Is for the most part scattered, obeying na concerted plan of atrateglo action, oper ating only by the methods common to the traditions of guerrilla warfare, which, while ineffective to alter the general con trol now established, are still sufficient to beget Insecurity among the popula tions that have felt the good results of our control, and thus delay the confer ment upon them of the fuller measures of local self-government, ot education and ot Industrial and agricultural devel opment which we stand ready to give then. By the Spring of this year the effective opposition of the dissatisfied Tagala te the authority of the United States was virtually ended, thus opening the door for the extension ot a stable administra tion over much of tha territory of the archipelago. Desiring to bring this about, I appointed In march laet a civil com mission, composed of the Hon. William H. Taft, of Ohio; Professor Dean C. Worcester, of Michigan; Hon. Luke E. Wright, ol Tennessee; Hon. Henry C. Ide, of Vermont, and Professor Bernard Moses, of California. The aims of their mission and "he scope of their authority are clearly set forth In Instructions ot April T, 1900, addressed to the Secretary of War, to be transmitted to them. PORTO RICO AND CUBA. Saeeees fa tha Former Prosrreae Toward Cnbaa Aatoaomy. The civil government of Porto Rico provided for by the act of the Congress approved April 12. 1900, Is In successful operation. The courts have been estab lished; the Governor and his associates working Intelligently and harmoniously, are making a commendable success. On the 6th of November a general election was held In the Island for members of the Legislature and the body has been called to convene on the first Monday of December. I recommend that legislation be enacted by Congress conferring upon the Secre tary of the Interior supervision over the public lands In Porto Rico, and that he be directed to ascertain the location and quantity ot lands the title to which re mained In the crown of Spain at the date the cession of Porto Rico to the United States, and that appropriations for sur veys be made and the methods of ths disposition of such lands be prescribed by law. - FEDERAL DEPARTMENTS. As ay thawld Be 60,000 to 100,000 Tho Navy, Postoffleca, Kte. The present strength of the Army Is 100.000 men 66,000 regulars and SS.OuO vol unteers. Under the act of March 2, lklKI, on the 90th of June next the present vol unteer force will be discharged and the Regular Army will be reduced to 24f officers end 29,025 enlisted meu. In IS a board ot officers convened by President Cleveland adopted a comprehensive scheme of coast defense and fortifications which involved the outlay of something over 1100.000.000. This plan received the approval of the Congress and since then regular aproprlatlons have been made and the wurk of fortification has steadily progressed. More than KO.OOOOOO have been Invested In a g-eat number of forts and gjns, with sll the complicated and scientific machinery and electrical appli ances neeessary for their use. The proper care ot this defensive machinery requires men trained In Its usa The number of men necessary to perform this duty alone Is ascertained by the War Department, at a minimum allowance, to be 18.420. There are 68 or more military posts in- the United States other than the eoast defense fortifications. The number of these posts is being constantly increased by Congress. More than 122,000.000 have been expended In building and equipping them, end they can only be cared for by the Regular Army. The posts now in existence and others to be built provide accommodations for, and. If fully gar risoned, require 26.000 troops. Many of these posts are along our frontier or at important strategic pointa, the occupa tion of which Is necessary. We have In Cuba between 6000 and 6000 troops. For the present our troops in that Island can not be withdrawn or materially dimin ished, certainly not until the conclusion of the labors of the constitutional conven tion now In session and a government pro vided l y the National Constitution should have been established and its staoiuiy assur-d. In Porto Rico we have re duced :he garrisons to 1636. which include 896 na'lve troops. There Is no room for further reduction here. We will be re quired to keep a considerable force In the Philippine Islands for some time to come. From the best Information ob tainable we shall need there for the Im mediate future from 60,000 to 60.000 men. I am sure the number may be reduced aa the insurgents shall come to acknowledge the authority of the United States, of which there are assuring Indications. It must be apparent that we will re quire an army of about 60,000, and that during present conditions in Cuba and the Philippines the President should have authority to Increase the force to the present number of 100.000. Included in this, authority should be given to raise native troops In the Philippines up to 15.000, which the Taft commission believes will be more effective In detecting and suppressing guerillas, assassins and la drones than our own soldiers. The full discussion of this subject by the Secretary of War In his annual re port Is called to your earnest attention. : ' The Navy. - Very efficient service has been rendered by the Navy In connection with the insur rection in the Philippines, and the recent disturbance In China. A very satisfactory settlement has been made of the long-pending question of the manufacture of armor-plates. A reason able price haa been secured, and the necessity for a Government armor-plate plant avoided. Tha Hawaiian Islands. Much interesting information is given 1 the report of the Governor of Hawaii as : to the progress and development of the , Islands during the period from July 7. 1898. tne date of the approval of the Joint resolution of the Congress providing for their annexation up to April 89, 1900, the date of tha approval of the aot providing a government for the territory and there after. The last Hawaltan census, taken in the year 1896, gives a total population of 109.030, of which 81.019 were native Ha waiian. The number of Americana re ported was 8485. The results of the Fed eral census taken this year show the Islands to have a total population of 154. 001 snowing an Increase over that report ed in 1896 of 44.981, or 41.2 per cent. There has been marked progress in educational, agricultural and railroad development of the islands. The Twelfth Census. The Director of the Census states that the work in connection with the l-'th ejn. sus Is progressing favorably. This Na tional undertaking, ordered by the Con gress each decade, has finally resulted in the collection of an agregation pt statis tical facts to determine the Industrial growth of the country. Its manufacturing and mechanical resources. Its richness B mines and forests, the numbers of Hs Krlcultursl districts, their farms araJ produrts. Its educational and religious op. portunitles, as well as questions pertain ing to sociological concHt'ons. Preeaatloa Agaiaat SSxtravaaanee. In our great prosperity we must guard against the dangers It Invites In extrav agance In government expenditures and appropriations, and the chosen represen tatives of the people will. I doubt not. fur nish an example In their legislation of that wise economy which, in a season of plenty., husbands for the ruture. tn mis era of great business activity and oppor tunity caution is not untimely. It will not abate but strengthen our confidence. It will not retard but promote lm ate Industrial and commercial expansion. Our growing power brings with It temp tation and perils quiring constant vig ilance to avoid. It must n t be used to In vite conflicts, nor for oppression, but for the more effective maintenance of those principles of equality and Justice upon which our Institutions and happiness de pend. Let us keep always In mind that the foundation of our Government Is lib erty! its superstructure peace, WILLIAM MeKIXLFT. "Executive Mansion, December S, VjvO. dried in vain.