()Iii:(H)N MIST. . The. semi-annual election of olllceri of win nniKtiiiioI 1'ytliia of thin city took plmie J u.)Hdy evening, mmltliiR as fol mvt: (!!,. linUK U. C: Jau.os W. I 'Jmn i v. u. ! Martin White. M. a ii ' ..Watte, .J'roIti Edwin W. A. Harris, K. of It. and H. ; Davl.l I hvIk, M. t A.j K. B. Mason, I. O.j If. it. (Jlill", O. (J.j frank Dow, trui.t(!K for threw ymr. Installation will take ,H tho first Tiwaday in Jan ury. Afu.r thn routine bwm of the lodjjn Imd been broiiiflit to a conclusion liuinlicrof Indies nnd friends chiiiu in null relroshuioiits were enjoyed. The rcmlfrliig of Ilia (Wlaio-n In the Circuit Court hint Halnrdiiy in thu ( of Winora Armstrong et nl mimIiihI Kitcltael 1, UnrrlH tit al, minus thu mitt u W. at least temporarily. J 111 wax Mil action brought lo net aside tho will of of Jcmho (iuild, tHjqtictltliinK to Kiicliael I. ilurriii curtain IhihIk oh Huuvio' IhJmii.1. It 1 1 nil betsti r carefully and unite Ktuhbornly contented cure throughout, mid tlio dcclnion whs ren dered only iiftur lengthy and candul consideration. Tho defendant, Mm. Harris, is, by th! decision, given tho title to the premises which It wan tho intent of tho will to convey. 1'oonle who have tiina to atop nnd think about it are again beginning to wonder how much longer tho rata war will liixt between the Astoria At Columbia Uivitr Kailwav and the river fleet of the I O. It. 4 N, Those who claimed to know Saturday. December 15th, there will or predicted that the pason- . uirm oftloimtv I.,nrt li..l,l . K'f "' would op reatoreu alter me liere. Xuim gooduat Dolllim A dray', Vury n Uw iJin'i'iiibcr wenther, tlmuk you, Mr. 0. lu. Ayer was in from J'urla Wixlimaday. O. V. (lilnoil vlnltod tho tnotriijiollH last Monday. 3. 0. 1'ringln w over from voinoulii Monday and Tuesday. Alfred Oleveliind, of Astoria, visited In tlii oily a day or two laat week. Charley Moserve.'of Itoluna, was in thl city a day or two till week. Mr. T. II. Wallace and Mu. Moyor vera over from Vulhiy Wednesday. B. 0. Henry, of St. llolen. ii agent for the Intent improved gasoline lamp. Thomn llenderxon, of Asbirla, was In thin vicinity a day or two thl week. llimd Hupervlaor I'lnnk attended to luiMlneM inutUir lu Portland Wednes day. The cane of tho Htata agnlnHt Prince Albert Htuwart coat Columbia County 1U5. Dr, Caweod, dentlit, can be found each Wednesday at the residence ol It Cox. ncanide trade subsides, or. at leant. ! during the winter months. But there tweni to tie no proapect ot a change. I reriiik are ridinit between l'ortland and Antoria for 25eenU the bsiiio a they 1 have hiHtn amen the fight wa inaug nrnteil. and aomii likulv to continue doing to, until one or the other of the t coniiiKiiio crv nulla. George Anderaon, who viaited bore for . ..... , , mhw duva uaat returned to Olvmuia1 A we atatwl two week ago, Road wILUI p"''lu nea WU,'u lJ ,8uporvlii)r flank l.aa been doing aomo weaneauay. UplcnUUI work lu changing and making Mr. W. H. Powell returned Tuenlay ! a new road from the western end of the evening from a week' viait with rela-j long bridge loading in to thia city on the Mr. Alexander flwnrd, of Vernon in. ; rai In town tlii woek on buaiutw mat- tor. Do not neglect to attend the baaar TliuraUay ana i rtaay vciiint(i oi uent reek. tive at Moniiioutti Bev. It. M. Jonea went, the courae of the road waa will hold divine f"nPw w,,mja"r"y oirec ion, icau- r.i.attha Conureirational church at I " " unu ",B ana iiiKJrcepiing " ' , " " . , .,. vunii i ""'a roi,1 nuout a nan a nine BcappooM at 3 p. m., next Kunuay. fmm U)Wn mn cU M thwgilt Oil-grained Kuanla leather hoot, I expeUent a a matter ol economy, and waterproof, laat three tinie a long a in thi the Huperviaor haa diaiilayed rublier boot. Call and examine thetu aplendid judgment, a well a lu the at Collin A Gray'. matter of finding and locating (be road Th. .,..... Ifarenloa la on the lort. ou ",,;h. butu"' !io. "voiding aev- land-Aatoria run lu place of the Ualwrt, while that ateamer i undergoing aoine much needed repair. The annual hauar by th ladle of the Kpiacopal church of tliia city, ia to liebulil Thnraday and Friday evening", December 13lh and 14th. D. J. Switaer ia engaged for a few ay thie week in examining the title 'and making an alwtract of land in Cowlitx County, at Kahuna. The place to procure auitable Chrlat ina preaenl at uiiuinuiu coat and hare an eulovable time i at the bataar to be held next Thnrfuny and Friday evening. About a den memberaof the Artlaan Aaaenibly at 11 mi I ton attended a meet ing of their lodge friend at Kalama. la Saturday night, and a royal good time 1 reported. Mr. K. M. Wharton and family have freturuetl from Kan Joee, Cal whither they went laat an miner, hoping to im- ' Iha Li.ullli of tluiir .ill TllM are located for the present lu l'ortland. Commencing next fnnday at 11:30. Bev. Mr. Punuiug, of Foret tJrovo, will breach In the Cougregnlional church riura throughout tho week. Mr. 1'hil brook will not preach at Bachelor Flat on Humlay next. Martin Stickler, the fUherman who waa arrested lait Haturduv for the mur der of Mr. and Mra. Corueliua Kuapp, at Callin, Waah..haa coufewiH'd bia gmit. lie al conteaiHhi to the murder of Will iam B. Hlmnklin. The following named neraon had letter remaining uncalled for at the Hi. Helen poatoHlcei on December lat: Mr. Nellie Kenuever. Mia Minnie Tiiley, T. F. Ford U. W. Kiloy.Mr. Tim loon, Wm, Wataou, O. M. Zuinwalt. Beuntor Fulton, and Sliorllf Lluvllle, of Clnteop County, were in town Tues day doing buaineiM with Justice. Cox, having arrested Win. Smith for trexpaa ing uKin the promine of Tho. Qiiinn. Hinith pleaded guilty and waa lined f 15 ud coat. Mewtra. Israel Bincer, It. Peisenmn, fi. U. Hchoonover and L. W. VanDyke. ol Vernonla, were in the County Seal laat Saturday in response to tummona iaued to tlie'iu to lie on hand and take port in the conduct of Circuit Court matter coming on that day to bo heard, acting a juror, Five maakeil men talked Into the ofllce of the Wetirn Lnmlier Company, at l'ortland Wednesday afternoon, at a 'quarter to 0, hold up the men in the office, aioxed the envelope containing tlie monthly wage of the day force at the lull), dumped the content into a lag anil wataeu away in me uarxuca. The bandit procured WW. Thankagiving Day In thi city wni made all the more pleaaaut by the an embling of dien of peraona whoao home wii formerly here, where the day could necoHnarlly be made more pleas ant than elsewhere, owing to aaaoctallon with relative and friend for a few hour. The day was truly a pleasant one in tunny home in our town Arrangement are being made at Wnr ren for an entertainment to take place In the very near future, the principal ieature to be a farce entitled "The Milk mui.l'a finnmnttnii." The nroceed ac- irnin im 1,1 h. annliml in flniMhiug the MethOiliat church at that place, the ded ication of which it is expected will take about the last (Sunday in this nionth. A very unfortunate accident occurred t Btanwood'a mill Wedneaday after noon. While operating a cut-off saw h. .Ihl hand of Mr. J. B. Sherman came in too close proximity to the ma chine and the hand received uch In juries that it was neceBnrv to amputate the thumb at tho first joint, the entire (rid. flnoor wa removed, and the fore finger was lacerated in a frightful ner. but may be saved. mi. .. l Ai-Haans at Houl' . ".".T' rV,.i for themselves tun nro wii:Fiiiia - . i.i- : and I rioud on the occasion of thoir open meeting ulgni. DVeember 16tti. An interesting literary j programme i being pnfare'l, oi's ng principally of a light otKer entenitining features, eftoi w bh h , rofreabmont will be served, to all of which the. public Is tti JXJ cordial invitation to witnes and enjoy. 1 1'rtnce Albert Stewart, "'i"'"' charged with attempt to comn . t rape. TJ'"; nrA .alii v." Stewart .was end very abrupt, rocky places along the route. Tite road ha been surveyed and will be legally and permanently located. The b.tdgn will be lowered and tempor arily repaired nntil spring, when it will bo taken away and a suitable and per manent grade made. Commiasloner Case visited Portland one day last week to ascertain informa tion as to the whereabouts of Mr, 0. It. Boles, an old gentleman who owned a homestead near W. H. Powell's place, below 1'itUburg. Mr. Case went to l'ortland to seek information at the re quest of a nephew of Mr. Boles', who reeue in Micnigan. niwn me om gentleman left his home at Pittsburg he went to Portland, where he became sick, and it wa ascertained by reference to the County record that he had applied for aasintance from the County, and further, that he died at tho Mult nomah Cnnntv hospital on August Hist, 1BUU. Tho old gentleman waa aixitit sixty year of age when he left Pitts- mrir. lie has numerous roiauves in Michigan wile and children. His nrouertv in this County i aid to be of coniilerable value for the average home stead ranch. Mr. Case will report his findings to the relatives in the Jbaet. Talk of smallpox in thi vicinity is Indulged in very freely of lata, ami Madam Humor bs 11 mat me maiauy has Dieted upon nearly everyone in the community, but no deaths have yet Wn reported. U tlie auegea contagion con Id sieze hold of the tongues of some of the meddlesome school children who are cockling such rumors very likely there would be nothing more serious result than the temporary abatement 01 the veerings of some little meddlers. School children are prone to peddle such matimontfl and thev are magnified until ,1, ,..,, nf nthorwiae sensible person" are overcome with temporary norror. j-asi year the alleged prevalence of Manila itch had the ellect of thinning out the attendance at the public school, and some whose life is made burdensome by compulsory attendance and application ol mind to their studies have found in thi a anhuidld . opportunity to avoid attendance at the schools. MR, HAMMOND'S V181T. . Ia ICxcliliig Considerable Interest , in Financial Circles. President Hammond, of the Astoria 4 Columbia Hlver Uallwsy, will not re turn home before Jimuiirv 1. lie is still In San Francisco, but is exiected to leave lor tlie I'.unt lu a lew days. Just what Mr. llainniond's extended visit means only thoso who "are next" can surmise. One thing i certain, he is not visiting simply for his health. Ill interests in Oreuon demand his full time, nnd It must bo very nrgent busi ness that would take him awav from hero. By his extensive operations in the .Northwest he has shown that he has powerful backing somewhere, pre sumably in New York City. Kxcent that he hnd ucccsi to n long nnree he could not keep up with the proti acted wartare lie lias egiuiist a powerful cor poration like lliuO, H. & N, ; nor could lie purchase a hlif red ood timber tract which wont with the purchase of the railroad in lluinbnlilt County, Cat, In udiiiliou U these interests, he has the option on largo timber tract in the He- halein country, controls the Corvitllis a r.Bfltern. anil is nrepnring to extend that road into Central Oregon. When Mr. Hammond's business is so important that it take him Kast to commit personally with the men who are backing him, those who pretend to Keep Close track ol suctr tilings declare there is something more than usual in the wind. Telegram. it... ..til, hifA face; belt marked oropofl (eft and under bit m the right ear. one z-year-oiu uwn name uescnpuon, nui iuicv.. 3-year-old yollow Jersey, name mark a IlrstaesorttMiu cow. ii(iirn white cow, one horn broken off. JouN t. iori"i Ittuntcr, Oregon. wAnue.N ITEMS. Jack Cooper, of Portland, visited with relatives over Sunday. ' .i..i.n ft. Barlclilo left for hi home at Shoalwatcr Buy laat Monday. Mrs.LirJiie Oslleld and Mrs. Maggie Cooper returned to their home in I ort- land last rrmay. . Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pattulo, Will l'attulo and Mr. Stevens, of Porthuut, smnt Tlianhgiving as uk s Mr. ana Jurs. iuob. mram,, Mr. E. H. Lynch was arortland vis itor last Saturday. A carload of tiling arrived one day i .r u i... xi, li. II. C arke. A force of men la busily engaged tiling the lower field of the Noon farm. A meeting of the proposed new creamery was called at the store of Mr. V u if-nnn w. Saturday evening. Mr Max Burg presided over the meet ing. Nothing new being brought ap, tho meeting adjourned. The young men of Warren will give .i. ... T......ai.. .... tliis Friday evening. After the programme lnnehea dl be sold, after which dancing will be in dulged In bv those who care to trip the light fantastic. The proceeds will be used to purchase uona iush-uiuw. i At .vnrvnne attend. . A bold attempt to burglarise the store of Mr. J. . nacon wo Wednesday night of last week. About 12 o'clock a noise was heard " one were trying to -ry open th-door Mr. Bacon, very cam-ioum. ,i rnVstorewhee he -u -d the man for a short time. BiM-ir nlyer. The follow gave one yoll and disappeared down the racx prs badly trignieiicu beard of ainee. Mrs. Ponnick returned home lart Wednesdav night, after a few days visit with relatives in Portland. Miss Edvthe Hasen is -pending a few dev. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lynch, ot tscappooso, SCAPP008E NEWS ITEMS. Fred Pangerfield was attending to bus- ineHi in l'ortland one day I ant weak. Bulub Thomas spent Saturday of last week in Portland. ' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lambcrson spent Thanksgiving with their daughter in l'ortland. lay White ha been on the sick list for the past week. Newton Perry and family, J. G. Watt and family and Mian Procbatel spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Price. Miss Maude Watts, who is attending Pucilic University at Forest Grove, is spending a few doy here. Onitn a crowd of vonncr neonle at tended the ball at St. Helens on Thurs day of last week. All report nice time. Tommy Callahan, who is working at Kelso, spent Thanksgiving at home. Mrs. Tompkins and father, Mr. Smith, spent Fri'luy and Saturday of last week in Portland. The school directors of Warren showed their good judgment in retaining Prof. A Hard to teach their next term of school. Don ia the right man in the right place. Mrs, Shattuck i reported very ill. Mrs. Ellis and her aon. Karl, of Mc- Cormick, Wash., are here ou a visit to relatives. Key. K. M. Jones will hold service at the Congregational church here on Sun- lay next, uecemoer utn. Will Lonsignont ay the only thing he lias to be thankful for is that the owner of those decoy did not catch on. Miss Alice Enirlert is spending a few day with her grandmother at lioulton. Mat Englert is digging a well for Teter Loueigiioiit at his pluce, on the Slough. Jack Chambers says any man ought to lie thankful for four years more of the full dinner pail. Geo. Vollens, who hai been employed at Independence for the last two months, returned on Sunday' train, Mrs. D. A. Paltullo and Mr. Thomas Isbister, of Warren, . re Beappoose vis itors Saturday lust. There la a rumor afloat that parties from Minnesota have purchased the property of Jomes McKay's, and in tlie near nun re it is meir imeuuou w opcu a store. . Tho Western Packing Company has poster out announcing mac tuey win receive a trainload of horees on Decera- lier 7th at Linn ton, which they will sell or trade. Last Friday night ome one attempted to break in to Mr. Lam hereon' house, but was prevented from doing so by the watohdoc. which made the would-be burglar make tracks lor tall timber, The management of the masque ball In lie iriven here on December 25th wish it announced that no expense will be snared to make it a Brand event, and all who attond are assured a pleasant even' ing' enjoyment. IIICEB ISLAND. rw friend, flharlos Enalish. ir., has placed a new platform at the front and rear nf his store, the best move that has been modo at Deer leianu lor a long woo Mrs. Pulliam. of Quincy, is visiting her sister, Miss tlutgley. Miss Neltie Pavne spent Thanksgiving Day at home witn ner parents. Hfrnntre. but Mra. Palen Clark's birth day fell on Thanksgiving day. Her host nf friaatwlal ISI I ft ttll thered round hor on the occasion made her many acceptaoie presents, one especially so, oeiug Wtilcn picaseo. ner vorjr mu. Mr. Willis BumgRrdner and Walter riark are very busy cutting wood lor Travis Bros., of Portland. Mrs. Spooner ha been visiting Deer Island friends tlie past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Scflert are visiting their daughter, Mrs. ueorig.oi iswis river, Mr. and Mr. Brown gave a Thanka- ;,.;,. nnrfv lHni'imr was induteed in oniiiiniiina until tlie break of day. Tlie large attendance voted the occasion an enjoyable affair. Inducement for the Hoys. John Dollar, located on the corner of First and Yamhill streets, Portland, has a display of twenty-live different styles and grade of Boys' suits, which are offered as a special inducement from 60 cents to $1.60 less than any other tore in the city. John Dollar knows that the boys are hard on shoes; that's why he carries none but good, solid ones, and sells them from 25 cent to 60 cents lens than any other store in the city. A big variety of boys' caps, regular 26 and 60 cent values, are offered for 16c, SKic and il.'ic. A large assortment of boys' waists at 26c and 4()c, regular 60c and 75c values. Tho latest style of sweaters, 50c, 76c, H and 11.60. Tfie boys can be very neatly dreBxed for a very little sum of money by nuylng ot John liellar, comer rirst ana Van, hill streets, Portland, Oregon. IllSUBKN, Samuel Munn was a visitor to Port land Wednesday,' Mrs. J. M. Lindsay visited Portland Wednesday. MUs Edith Clark, of Portland, visited Miss Tempest McLaren Thursday. John Burbee returned home from the Coweeumn Thnrulay evening. Mrs. James McNa'ughton and Mrs. Eniil Waaser visited Portland Friday. Mrs. W. E. Elliott visited her mother, in Portland, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Jacob Goorge, of Portland, vis ited Mrs. B. E. Watts Saturday and Sunday, returning home Monday on the Kellogg. Dr. J. A. Bay. of Pittsburg, and his daughter. Mrs. Wright, of Mist, were passengers lor rortland Monday. C. L. Wilcox moved his family and household effect to Portland Monday, Mrs. Edith Bettle visited Portland Wednesday. Collins 4 Gray, the people' mer chants, are now ready for the holiday trade. They have just received an as sortment of toys and notions appropri ate for Christmas presents, beside a new lot ol supper, anoes, etc. ii win not be necessary to go elsewhere for anything you may need. 1 COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Cousty TsimiK'a Owcx, St. 1Iki.h. )., November W, WOO. NOTICE IH HEKKBY GIVES THAT ALL, i,r,tu.M Ciimlv WarrflliLa of Columbia Conntv, Orenon, which have been pret-nUii and ewtnnwl' "Not I'ald for Want of Vuuda," prior to MnihHh, Moo, will be paid uboo. pre entaiu;n at thin olhce. Interest will nol be alloWBtlallerthlBdate. KPWIS ROrW, 0l7ulS Treasurer of oalumbla County, Oreicon. Reopened to the Public Oriental Hotel. EUGENE BLAKESLEY, : Proprietor. ST. HELENS. Board by Day, Week or Month At Bkasohabli Fioubi. Visitors met at ateamer landing and guests baggage looked alter. THE OLD STAND ST. HELENS, : : OKEUOS. The Columbia Jetty. The work of repairing the jetty at Fort Steven preparatory to extending it farther seaward i now fully under way. The Oregon Bound Lumber Com pany, which iiu tlie contract for the piling, one day the latter part of last week delivered the first bargeload at the fort, and is also barging down 1, 000,000 feet of lumber from Portland for use on the Jotty. . The contractors for the piling are securing supplies from Kalama river and Stella, and are taking them down ou the barges Defender and Columbia. It IS poBsiWe that aupplie ol roea win be secured from a point nearer than Fisher's Landing, where former sup plies have been taken from. An eflort iY being made to form a quarry on or nt-ar the line of tlie Antoria & Columbia Kiver Bailroad. This would enable rock to be delivered much cheaper than in the old way, as cars could be run from the quarry to the dumping place on the jetty. Among the tens of thousands who have ud Chamberlain' Cough Remedy for colds and lagrippe during the past few years, to our knowledge, not a single case has resulted in pneumonia. Thos. Whitfield A Co.. 240 Wabash aveune, Chicago, one of the most prominent re tail Uruggists in that city, in speaatngot this, says: "We recommend Chaniber laiu.s Cough Remedy for lagrippe in many cases, as it not only gives prompt and complete recovery, but also counter acts any tendency of'iagrippe to result in pneumonia." For sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy. How to Care Croup. Mr. K. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchens Comity, N. Y., Bays: "Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is the beet medicine I have ever used. It is a fine children' remedy for croup and never fails to cure." When given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even after tbecroupy cough has developed, it will prevent the attack. This should be i borne in mind and a bottle of tiie Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instant use a soon as the symptoms appear. For sale at tlie St. Helens Pharmacy., St. Helens Pharmacy DR. EDWIN a V'VVVrVVyWVVVVVy''VVTWVVVVA Mkifciyvvy'Vv-vy 9 ROSS, Proprietor. Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books,School Sup plies, Stationery, Etc .... A LARGE STOCK OF BOOKS Suitable for Holiday Presents. A New Line of Choice Perfume jimt received. t Prescriptions carefully and accurately compounded at any hour of the day or night. Orders by mall for medicine will receive prompt attention. PAINTS, OILS, PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. CLEVELAND A UU 1 1 Aub UULUKSl. ..St. Helens Pharmacy.. LST. HELENS, - OREGON ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE uudeniiKned tan Iwcii, tj Hie Hun. County Judce lor ColuraBia County. Bute of On-gun, aj,pointd ailiniiiimrator of ihe e.tateot Maria Went, deceased. Any and ail iiemons havlna clalma aKalnst aatd entate are hereby reuuired to preaeiit the same to me at my nwi'ience at Hr.ai.iHoe, Oregon, within lx rnoiulm from tlie dale ncreof. liated Joeinlwr aih, l'.io. HABKY WKUT, Administrator of th. estate of Maria Weal, deceased. ESTABUHHED ....1900 JOHN A. BECK DEALER IN Watches, Diamonds, Silienare, ....JEWELRY.... Kepairing a Specialty. 807 Storrlnoti St. Bet. Front & First, PORTLAND. Steamer G. W. SHAVER. i pFfl.nrf font of Waflhlneton street, ln, ;i'ukAnVe"a'tHi, wav landlnw. on Monday aud Thursday at 0:30 a. m. Leave Clatskanie Tuesday and Friday at i o'clock a. m. Shaver Tiansportation to. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt of the State ol Oregon for the Conntv of Colnirbla. J. a Uillner, Plaintiff, . v.. Mra. M. E. Bryant and C. P. Bryan. Defend- anu. To Mrs. M. B. Bryant, ana xi. r. urjau., tue above-named delendanw. -,. IN TUB NAME OSf THE STATE OFOKEGON: Voa are hereby required to appear and ans wer the coinnlHlnl Olea Kinst you iume ooy eutitle.1 action on or before the 1st day of ue ceniber, A. B. lane, said dny beim; the expiration of six weeks from the lath day of Oetober, A. 1. VM). the date ordered by the Court for the flrnt publication of this notice, nd If you fail to so appear ami answer the plaintiff will take ludy meut aKainst you lor the sum of two hundred dollars and Interest thereon from the 2Mb. day of July, law, at tlie rate of ten per cent per annum, and the further sum of fifty dollars attorney fee. ud the costs end disbursements of this action. This summous is published by order of the Hon. a. MiiBrlde. Judge ol the above-eniuiea i-ouri. made and entered ou the 17th day ot October, A. u. liKIO. 0'LIIr.n mmu ol9nl Altorueys tor riaintin. Timber Land, Act June 8, 1HM. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. CacntD States Land Ornci!, ORK'n CITY, Oregon, October 22. 1900. NOTICE 18 HKRKBY OlVKN THAT IN COM pliance with the provisions of the act : of Coneriif June 3. 1B78. eutitled "Au act for the sale ol tlmlier lands In the States of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, and WaaliluirtvD Terri tory," as extended to all the Public Land State by act of August', uWi, Walter W. Webster, of Buxton, Countv of Washington, State of Oregon, has this dav filed in tiiis o.hee his sworn state ment No. 6305, for the purchase of the southeast W of section 29, In township No. 4 north, runga No. 6 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to sid land before the Regla teraud Receiver of this office at Oregon city. Or egon, on Tuesday, the 8th day of January, Wtl. He names as witnesses: Robert T. Mmpson, Al bert F. Webster, William B. LousignoM, Robert Kahn, ail of Buxton, Washington County, Ore gon. Any person claiming adversely the above aescribed lands are requested to (lie their claim in this office ou or before said 8th dav of Janu ary, 1S0L CHA8. B. MOOKKS. Begisler. DENTISTRY. EEGISTERED DENTIST Long experience. All kinds of fine dent al work. o matter what yoor work may be, yon can have it done here, and further, it will be done in a first-clasn, dorable manner. Your work ia not limited to last only a certain number of years. Much of it will last the ret of your life; aome of it may not. You will be told the truth con cerning its permanency when. you. come in. Everything depends on the quality of your teth. Teeth examined free and an estimate given, you Uiua know just what your work will cost before you begin, and no change will be made except at your own solicitation. PAINLESS .EXTRACTING Gold Crowns, o.OO; White Crowns, 5.00; Bridge Worfc, ao.uo: txoia fin ings, $1.00 up; Amalgam Fillings, 75 cants up; Cement tilings, 60 e, COLO, CELLULOID AND ALLUMIHUN PLATES. Teeth extracted free (painlessly) when teeth are made. Warm, pleas ant rooina. Lady attendant. Appointments made by mail. : ; ' OIS. THOMSON. Rooms 60 and 61, Washington Building, Southeast Corner 4th and Wash ington Streets, 6th Floor, Portland. Take elevator. Quality and Variety LIQUOR LICENSE PETITION. To the Honorable County Court of Columbia County, Oregon: . . ... . Wo, the undersigned legal voters, residing In Oobleprecinct, Columbia County. Oreeon.would respectfully petitiou your honorable body at its next regular esaion, which will be held on the 9th day of January, M01, in, the Court House, in the Ci'y of St. Helens, Columbia County. State of Oregon, that a license be granted to O. K. Ilnntsr ia sell sniriiuoas. vinous aud malt liquors in quantities less thi Stealer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leaves Portland on Taesday, Thursday and Sat- aruay at is.bi.iw . , St. Htltiit. Kalama, Catreira Point, Rainier and KtlBo, Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed nesday and Friday at 2 p. in. Wharf foot of Salmon St. H. HOLM AN, Agent. verdict oi -not, ,K'' 'i I,U nmllinl. unable to , tarnl. . bond . J l PJ ,. -i -i- nnndina the atlj iurnoo S of Court? l'l? .M'r i ooose. vliitcd W.'rVon last Sunday custody Immediately upon uicn. ( hmn went of the verdict. Jfut Saved Hta Mfa. It was a thrilling escape that Charles Pavis of Bowerston, O., lately had from a frightful death. For two years a severe lung trouble constantly grew worse until it soemed he must die of Coneuniption. Then he began to use Dr. King'B New Discovery and lately nrntM. "It trnve instant relief and effected a uornianent cure." Such won- ; derful cures have for 25 years proved KM all r.h.)ufc ailll P Its power to tuionii lung trouble. Price 60o and 100. Every bottle free at St. Helens l'har-uiacy. XTo resort in the city of St. Uel- il en is near as popular as the gANQDET. Onlv the very best brands of im ported and domestio fine wines, liquors and cigars kept in stock. CYRUS ' NOBLE WHISKEY WEINHARQ'S BEER. Oregon, an one irallotL iu Goble precinct, in said Couuty aud state, wis ...... t: . . . .... Mn.,wl f,l. M nArlOd Of OU year, for ail of which jruur petitioners will ever prav: W E Huntor. Edptr Eiiyart, llio Pw on, Q C Jaquish. F Bruman, W A Blood, J Bur bee, O W Foster, Win 8 Beiidick, J Keunwly, JohnOillem, FW Makluster, O 0 Fowler, Vic tor Korer, H Blake, J Chester, A itcer. R Liv ingston, J M Fowler, H MKowler, L Bradley, M Bradley, Frank Welter, H Ward, Christopher Maginn, Joseph iJtwrenco, C P Anderson, Wal torhunter. Bolt Uarard, John Muuson H Meh man, James Moriarty, It L Pierce, C V Miller, C Horen, B W Fowler, J D spain, 8 h Butts, Joe Schmidtmein, B Wajyler, Jay Archibald, John "Farr, Ross Envart, Peter Hoesay, Thos Day, M Link, P II Filer, E V Butts, C C Fowler, t,eorge Foster jr. O V Melville, William Thomas, N BallsonliUFnlttm, A Lint, C Krauke, 0 W Pltsenborper, J C Monroe, Jao Unsslamnd, I at !penoer, Frank Cleaver. Are two very important features to take into consideration when one goea to procure arncics lor bvoijikit unc our host of patrons we are pleased to say we haye QUALITY, VARIETY AND QUANTITY. - Our large and select stock affords the intending purv chaser splendid opportunity to get the beat bargains offered in this vicinity. GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHIEG, Famishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, cuttlerj , blankets, oil clotning, ierat nour. itBruBti inn a" . garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc. . COLLINS & GRAY, THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. Goods Exchanged for Jt'roauce. Ol. ncLtno, wnr.uwi. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. To the Honorable County Court of Columbia County, Oregon: .,. , Ae, tlie unuercKiieu iwn, ,"vct."D,'V'R Ooble Precinct. Columbia County, State of Ore- Pool and card tables for the en tertainment of patrons. EUGENE WHITMET, Prop. " ion, would respectfully petition your Honor able Body at its adjourned term, which will be held on the loth day ol December, isw, in ine Court House in the city of tit Heleus, Columbia i! ,mv Ktt nf Oregon, that a license be grantcu to jonu wuiww ok.-""-, - ous and malt liquors in quantities less than one gnllou. in Gohle Precinct, in said County and Slate, and that said license be granted for a period of one year, lor au oi wmcn Guv Smith, G 8 Foster, G C J- latc, 'and that Baid license be grantei rlod of one year, for all of which v vcrpray: J Chester, R L Pierce, D C 1 KOthWeil, UUV Dlliliu, ur a "J', ouish, O E Hunter, win o nuruicy.. i Huuter, 1 M spencer, John 0 1 em, J i Camp hell, M Uuk, Jay P Archibald, Bolt Havard, Wm Connor, E W Fowler, J M Fowler, J M Lindsay, Jas Kennedy, Jake Miner. Wm Fur long, OVorce Yates. Geo N White. Walter Un derwood, Bill McOHs, C. Hoveu, Charles Link, Allen N Fogle, Goo Gale, J Desnain, V Wacho wiak C rt Sore, W Miller, H W Jurks, Carl Gus tttfsoa, Jas MoNauh ton, H A Mccormick, A B Porter, R Champion, It Siennlck, T Wasser. Emile Washer, Avery Miller George Clark, J Wallace, John Shea, Pat Clafiy, John Whitney, C R Melville, O J Melville, G c Fowler, Peter Hoveu, Alex Nichols. Victor Fnrer, W L Hun ter, H Blake, W A Blood, l J Fulton. NORN. wV A ww.a iW. AAA Ait lOUl'OBTLilVI), ,WLV. Grkwrll. At Warren, Wednewlav, I)ec?uiber 5, 1900, to the wife of II. T. Grewell, a son. n ?' S' "an eSialnment i Sin.to" the m.oiupetent judges. . pii,, m tl a exact date we have This wil I mko Oiem hops sonant ir in a short time, tlie exact. ut i quarter of tlie Tvorld nioro not yet learned. .-,..! '""' rT, ,t ,i,B nrescnt tinio. and ... ...iii,- w,n. R letllold, oi ocau- irn... " ' - tk u,,k i, for a innre lor tnw pnximo ut i.. H li Word has been received in Salem, snys , ' Jj the Statesman, that hops grown on the ; Dove plHre, near lntlcpenJenco, won the , LJI eold medal at the l'nris exposition. The JJ Orocon hops wore placed in competition , fi witheverv hop-growing country m the k Jj world an.f it is a sourea of much pride to ; ' JJ (ir,nn trowera that tho hops grown 2 top price iu the markets of the world. -8TEAMER- "America" r Willamett Slongli Route Leave St. Helens. . . . fi :80 A M Arrive at Tortland. .10:80 A M Iavo Portland 2:30 P M Arrive at St. Helens. 6:00 P M MRU 5 DUSTS. Will Carry NotliliiK but Passen gers and Kat Kieight. J 4.il:s ciioi, namter. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon, for Columbia county. John Farr, l'lammr, , vs. TO.v.1. W l-tfn,tt.nt To Libbic'Farr. the alMive-named Dcfrnrtant: TN T IK NAME Ol. TH It STATE OFOKHGON: swer the complaint filed against you, on the JMh . .... l t itsit in Iha ahitVsWHUtlt Ml tt-SSnvStt vJhTs U,e time prescribed In the order of publication of . and if you fail to so appear and answer anld complaint within said lime, the plaintiff vvt w to the Court lor the relief cfemaudeu in the complaint aforesaid: to-wit: For the disso lution of th. bonds of matrimony, now and heretofore existing- between you and tlie Jve- named plaintifropoii the Kroundaofthadesertiou for moiie than one year Immediately preceding i the eommenoeineut of thi ult, by you Irom ! PThTs s'ammon la published In the Omook I Mist, pursuant to an order made by the Hou. J. In .... .itk.CiinlvCnllrtnf UUltl COl- ! umbta County, Orcxon. dated the 8th day of ! November A. U. WO, In the absence from wild 1 Countv of the Judge of said Circuit Court. The , date of the llrst publication of this summons Is : November 9lh. A. D. HRK), and, the lastjiii lw- tlon Ii or will be Deoember nth, A. "-r, Attorney for Plaintlu. Seasonable Goods U our store means that we keep constantly for sale a variety and quality of merchandise which at all times is suitable to the demand of all well-living people. We cater to all classes LOGGER, FARMER, IIERCHART. General Merchandising Is our especial business, and we have held the fort oy oiieriiiK uu.tj v. hw-..v- quality prices. Household Necessitie 23 Supplies for evervbotly and to meet all demands. We invite examination , of our goods and guarantee satisfaction as to price and quality. Now is tlie time to call on POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. .....JOI.NSOri & BURCDORFER BROS o Muuufnctnrcrs of and Dealers In o Kinds of Rough and Dressed Luster... Floorlug... uatlo ...reillna; DlHieuaioii l,maer.. Mill on south fork of Bcj,ooac crcck.four V miles from Hiai,MoKe smiion. , ,...nv..,...l at tuxuiM stlion or , Johnson' landliiK t l-IW lr M, Jtl-. Al W arren station, tl.nl). f gOAPPOOHK. - - - - :UMJvwt'ii a