The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 07, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 51.
From All Parts of the New World
and the Old.
Comprehensive RvUw of tht Important hap
penings of tht Past Week In a
Condensed form.
Conger hni not Klfiiotl the FeMu pro
toool. , . ;
fBortnry ltoot has returned dom
KruiiT visited tha French govern
OlVllt Olliulala.
Palace guards have b en ecnt to ar
real Prince Tumi,
Colonel Deuby limy succeed Conger
minister to China.
NomeTle now completely ihut off
from tlie outor world by a barrier of
A conspiracy to aaanasluate Lord
Huberts was discovered In Johannes
burg. Governor Gwr baa Issued certificates
ol election to Republican electors (or
Heavy fogs preaviled on Pnget
Bound, causing many minor aocldeute
on Ixjth laud ami water. .
Tha ollVinl vote for prealdential eleo
torn lu New Jersey waas Republican,
821 ,70 1 ; Demount, 104,808.
The population of Texas la 8,048.710.
against 2,83,o38 in 1800, an tucreaaa
Of (118.137, or 80.8 per cent.
The population of Nalinukala 1,0(18,
630, against 1,058,010 In 1800, an in
create ol O.A30, or , par ceut.
Olllolal return show that tha vote
for president in Iowa waa: Republi
can, 807,818; Democrat, 800,400.
The population of North Carolina la
1,803.810. aa against I, G17,U47IU 1HUU,
au luoreaaa ol 27o,803, or 17 per cent.
The Portland, Or., Chambet of Com.
merce urgea an approplratlon ot $4, -
000,000 for canal aud locks at tha
The population, of Utah, aa officially
auuouuced, la 870,740, a against 307,
005 lu 18U0, aa Increase 08,844, or
83.1 per ceut.
An irrigation bill allowing mora
than 11,000.000 to Oregon, Washing
ton ami Idaho will ba introduced at
the coming aeaaion of congress.
Slguot Mamiul baa practically eotvad i
1. - ... I .. .. ,.f i ..... hm
, 7 , VT - iL
rttliMa tvlruraiihr. aud will aoon be
able to uae nil system aoroaa tha At- A typhoon awept the lalaud of Guam,
Inatlo. kllliug bnndrede of uatlvea.
The population of Montana, aa an- i The dowager euipieaa la trying to in
Bounced by the Uuited r-tatos censua duoe the emperor to return to 1'ekin.
bureau, ia 218,820, aa agaiiiNt 183,160 j The powere are debating on the wis
lu 1800, an iurreaka of 111,170, or dom ol aending an ultimatum to China.
jB4.1 per cent, XHe impulatlon in ltu
waa 80,160, allowing au iuoreaite of
83,000, or 287.4 par cent, from 1880 to
1800, :,
Floods and atorma are causing great
damage In tha
A young man waa fatally ahot ojr
robbera near Tha Dallaa, Or.
Oflkcra at Tien Talu are In favor of
destroying tha Cbliiesa fortidcatlona.
Fire deatroyed a cement plaut near
Kaiton, Fa., eauning aloeaol $200,000.
United ritatea geological aurveyora
are mapplug lCaatern Oregon mining
Tha oIlMal vote of fndiaua ia aa lol-
Iowa; Brvan. 800.601; JIcKiuley.
Tha offloial vote of the aiate of
glna la aa followet
Bryan, 140,178;
McKlulcy, 117,151.
Sarah Bernhardt and M. Coquelia
nluvnii their 11 rut nluht to a reuresetita
tive audienoa in New York City. They
appeared iu Rostand's ''L'Algloii. J he population of Now Mexico ia
A ttoruev-Oeneral Blackburn glvoahia 195,310, aa against 18,93
offloial opinion that rea.llug the increase of 41,717, or 27.1 per cent,
and repeating tha Lord's 1'rayer ara "jhe United Ptatea auxiliary cruiser
pormiaaible iu Oregon publio achoola. 0eemlte aauk iu a typhoon at Guam,
The president haa decided to appoint Novemlier 6, drowning five of the crow.
F. T. Bowles, naval constructor In j rr.j8 population of Idaho, aa officially
ediarge of tha New Yoik navy-yard, ' nnonno0(i. is 181,772, as against 84,
chief ol the bureau of construction aud J80 ln J8U0 , increase of 77,887, or
repair of tha navy department, upon 8l 7 couli
tha retirement from active service next , Two Amerjoim privates were killed
March of Kear-Aduilral lllohboin, tha a tbrM wounri0d in an ambuah of
Vwaentinouinhent. idronea near Maloloa, Luaon. The in.
A dispatch recoived at Berlin from ,urgeuts escaped ,
Field Marshal Count von Walderaee, I Bank jobbers at Emden, 111., coin
dated November 24, says the Gorman 1 ,Btely wreolcod the Farmera' bank
expedition haa hoisted the German Hag uh dyimniite ud "nt wu' witb
over the great wall, which was reached 3 0no to $4,000.
November 22 by way of Iley Ling j . explosion ol nltro-glyoerine
Cheng, after a difficult mountain 1 keaserville, y. Va., 20 milea ubove
march. The dinpatch adda that the whe8ing fonr boye were killed aud 14
French had a severe light with Boxera onnd,(li 0f whom two will die.
80 kilometers south of i'ao Tiug Fn. population of the state of Wash
Horses to the number ol 50,000 are 'lnJton M ofuoislly annonnood, ia 618,
to ba purohaaed in thia couulry in tha loS M Rguinst 840,890 in 1800, an in
next six months by agents of the Brit- nore(8e f 168,918, or 48.2 per oent.
iah government tor tha ubb of Lord i Gennan(l gUed a Chinese versei and
Kitchener's forces In policing j8n,nded treasure oouHigned to an
Transvaal and Orange Free Mate. This m compiu,y at Tien Tain. Hie
news haa been announced by John S. b()XBi Qt bad been landed and
Bratton, of St. Louis, who baa sup-1 ,)e Gernmni eoutd not get them, l ie
idled dlreotl and indirectly to the,,. ,lu wa, then hoisted on the
British array in tha last two years
many borsea sntiaoie ior cvi
Dr. Uopold Kahn, the Arctlo ex
plorer, is certain that Lienteuaut Peary
la wintering at tort conger,
ti .n- nn Chinese affairs
published by tha French foreign ofllca
allows close relations between rranoa
and the United Htates.
The will of Frank WilHama, late of
i.,v,..,,, ia ...iikns benuest of
$800,000 to tha Lebigh
university at
Kouth liotnienein i a., iu " "
Worthy students.
a lt,n ha null L III
Boxers are active arouud Tien Talu.
The Guam typhoon win the worst In
10 yean.
House Democrats
army bill.
will offer a new
(Secretary Hay signed a canal treaty
Witn Nicaragua. ..
The United Statea gunboat Monocacy
111 wiiter at Taka.
The Chinese court haa lost oonfldenoe
In Karl Li aud rrluoe Chlug.
Twelve liumlred bolomen an i render
ad to the Americana at Vlgan,
Au Aoatrian field marshal eritlolsea
the llrltiah army organization.
An American warahip will mute a
demouatrallon agalust Morocco.
fix men were drowned in a fony
boat dliaater on Spokane river.
Texaa' vote for presidential electors
waa: Bryan, 207,482; McKiuley, 181,.
Uulveralty of Oregon defeated Unl
veraity of Washington in football by
48 to 0.
Fulton, Kentucky, waa visited by a
fire which destroyd SO establishments
aud cussed a low ol 1250,000.
A Sumpter, Or., miner waa badly in
jured by the exploalou of giant powder
which ha plaoud on a atova to thaw
Fred W. Buhsnell, for several yeara
eity editor of the Minneapolla Tribune,
lied at that elty of oauoer of the atom
Kb. The population of Indian Territory la
801,060, aa against 100,108 in 1800,
an increase of 811,775, or 117.5 per
sent. .
Tb population of Wisconsin, aa an
nounced by the census bureau, la 2,009,
140, aa agaiuat 1,080,880 in 1800, au
Increase of 883,142, or 22.0 per cent.
Two steamers collided on the rivr
about 20 milea above Huntington, W.
Va., aluklug 80 ooalboata continuing
500,000 bushels of ooal, entaiiiug a loss
3l $100,000.
Advioea from Australia atate that
tha voloauo on lieach lalund, in the
; New Britain group, baa again become
, active, canaing a great upheaval on
j land aud sea. Many natives bare been
The award ol tlie Swiss government
, In the Franco-Brazilian boundary dia
.,..( ..I uu i)ra.ii til nun ..n,. ,,,mu.
im . . w ...... .-.,wvv rjuHiv ua..v
of the oontcated territory. France
I gets about 8,000 square mllea north of
j the Tuiuuo Hueuiao rauge.
There are 400 eaaea of smallpox iu
the eity of Winona, Minn., aud to pre
j vent lta epread the publto achoola have
been cloned and street-car compauiea
compelled to alop their etna at the
, boundary of the lnleotcd district.
The official vote ol Winconaiu fol
lows: Kepublican, 205,806; Demo
cratic 150.285.
A laborer on a bridge near Grant's
Faa a waa instantly killed in tlie col
lapse of the structure.
General Butoa reports the capture of
83 Filipinos, alx of whom murdered
aeveral persona lust spring.
The Dutoh ol Capo Colony are be-
coming reatlena and hiyaliata fear there
way aoon he an npiUlug.
j The population ol Oklahoma la 808.-
810, against 01,881 In 1800, au increase
of 838,411. or 44 per cent.
Tba population of South Dukota la
401,570, aa against 838,80 in 1800, an
Increase of 78,762, or 22.1 percent.
The population of North Dakota la
818,418, aa against 188,718 lu 1890, an
j increase of 180,427, or 74.0 per cent.
The population of Teuneasee ia
J.020.098, aa against 1,707,18 lu 18WU,
au inorcaee ol 28,008, or 14.8 per cent
mA heI Wi0 oouUsoated
Unaatlafaotory rate arrangements
with railroads may prevent the u. A.
R. encampment ia Denver.
. it., .u. nt
The man who unui v , -
.iiiua oiirara aud tobao
t 4 gttut, lu the corridor of the
Colonel Benjamin West Blanchard,
onc. one of the most widely known
railroad men in the country, died at
residence lu vt asmugwu,
Bill to Provide Great Irrigation
Oregon, Wathlngton and Idaho. Included
Will Be Introduced at tha Coming
Senion of Congress
Waabington, Nov. 28. A bill for
irrigation of arid landa ia to be intro
duced and pushed at tha approaching
eesslon of congreaa which will affect
Oregou, Washington and Idaho, among
other atatea. The moat earneat advo
cates of Irrigation feel that with the
iudorsmneut of the late irrigation con
gress they will be able to muster the
solid s'ipport of delegatea from all arid
land atatoa and hope in thia way to se
cure some general legialation thia ses
sion, The bill already prepared provides
that (onr practical reservoir sites and
irrlgntinn (Jitohea ahall be enrveyei in
each stale by the geolgioal aurvey, tha
secretary of the interior then to with
draw the lima embraced in and sur
rounding the most suitable aitea and
ditches. He shall then let contract!
for constructing reservoira and ditches,
to cost not more than $1,000,000, in
each atate. Nine million dollara ia ap
propriated by the bill. When the
lands are irrigated they are to be bud
Jnct to homestead entry, each eutryman
to pj $2.60 per acre, and no individ
ual to seen i e more than 80 acres. The
reservoir and ditches are to be turned
over to the settlers when moat of tba
laud irrigated ia taken np.
It ia possible, however, tbat thia ir
rigation bill will be made a part of the
river and harbor bill again, aa it waa
two yeara ago. ,
t. 11. (steams, of Oregon, and Dr. K.
J. (iobel, of Wasltiugton, delegatea of
the irrigation congreaa, called on the
president today and solicited hla sop
port to some plan of governmental aid
lu an irrigation system for reclaiming
the arid Went.
Tha Schema Wu to Blow Hire Up While At
tending Church.
London, Nov. 20. According a
apecial edition ol the Evening Standard
today, a plot to assassinate Lord Bo
berts, in which two foreiguera are con
cerned, bus been discovered. It ap
pears that the conspiratora loaded a
miue, which waa designed to be blown
np Sunday while Lord iioberta waa lu
church at Johannesburg, but the police
aud Lord Roberts' bodyguard frustrated
the conspiracy. Ten men, mostly Ital
ians, have been arrested.
Roberts Confimu It
London, Nov. 80. The war office
baa the following from Lord Roberta,
dated Johannesburg, November 86: '
"Aa reports of a plot against my lile
probably reach you, I thluk yon ahould
know the facta. It ia believed that
there waa a plot in existence, and five
Italians, four Gieeka and one French
man were arrested November 10, and
are now awaiting trial. Their inten
tions were to explode a mine nnder St.
Mary'a ohuroh during the morning
service, held at 11 o'clock, on Novem
ber 18." ;
Roberta Reports Engagements.
London, Nov. 89, Lord Roberta,
cabling from Johannesburg, nnder date
encouuiers wu wm
separated points, in wblon tne untisn
..ninmil anmfl rattle and a few nriaon-
era, and Buffered alight caaualtiea. The
most eerioue affair was an engagement
with the forcea of Geueral ue Liarey,
numbering about 1,000 men, with three
who nDnoaed General Clement's
march towards Heitfontein. The Boers
were completely dispersed.
Dewet ia Portuguese Territory.
Lourenco Marques, Nov. 29. A de
tachment of 80 mounted Portuguese
troops, with two gnna, crossed the river
thia morning at Catembo. It ia re
ported General Dewet la In Foitnguese
territory and in that district.
Hondurat Pays Pears Claim.
Washington, Nov. 29. The state de
partment received a cable today from
United Statea Minister Hunter, at Gan- nnnnnnaiuii that he had
kUiliniM v ' "
lust received from the Honduran gov
ernment a draft for $10,000 American
gold aa indemnity for the killing of
Frank Peara. The killing ocourred at
San Pedro Suln, in May, 1800, and the
Indemnity is tha fnll amount ol the
ulalm set up.
Census of Oregon.
Washington, Nov. 29. The popula
tion of Oregon aa officially announced
today, is 418,536. aa againat 818,707
for 1800. Thia ia an increase of 99,
709, or 81.7 per ceut. The population
in 1880 waa 174,768. showing an in
crease of 188,909, or 79.5 percent from
1880 to 1890.
Killing of Frank Michaels.
Redding, Cal.. Nov 29. It is now
thought that the body found last Thurs
day night, near Bellavista. is that of
Frank Miohaels, of Portland, Or.
Michaels lelt Bully Hill Thursday
morning on foot for Redding. H
never reached Redding. When found,
the head of the body had a bullet hole
ln it, and the authoritiea are divided
a to whether it waa a case of murder
Ol suicide.
Tha New Law Places Them at a Disadvantage
With the Regulars.
Washington, Nov. 80. It haa just
been found out that the law which pro
Videa that a man who serves two years
aa an enlisted man in tha regular army
and then, upon passing an examina
tion, can be made an ollioer, places the
West Point men at a considerable dis
advantage. The West I'oluter ia oblig
ed to atudy four years, and to be a good
scholar before he oan become a second
lieutenant, while the man who goea
through by way of the ranks needa only
two yeara' service. It baa been a com
mon happening for some young fellow,
wbo baa aecured an appointment in
Weat Foint, after'paasing the competi
tive examination, to eee a young man,
whom be far outohuised in aucb exam
ination, be credited with two yeara the
beat of him in the matter of yeara mili
tary service, due alone to the fact that
be took bis chances in the regular
army. It la understood tbat aucb ap
pointments will be held np aa much aa
possible hereafter in order to give the
increased membership at West Foint
an opportunity to become available for
tilling vacancies in the regular army.
Trala Wreck oa the Cleveland i, Pittsburg Road
Passengers Escaped.
Pittabnrg. Nov. 80. At 1:15 thia
morning the night expreea for Cleve
land on the Cleveland & Pittsburg waa
thrown into the river two milea below
Beaver. The scanty Information at
hand shows one man, Express Messen
ger Casey, of Cleveland, waa drowned
and fonr othera badly bnrt.
The accident occurred at a point
where extunaive fill-ins bad been made,
and It is supposed the high water" bad
waahed the fill from nnder the track
and let the entire train of engine and
five cara into the Ohio river. The olli
ciala say no paseengers were hurt.
The excitement waa indescribable.
The passengera were compelled to force
their way oat from under the cara by
breaking the windowa and climbing to
the banks. The express messenger la
supposed to have been imprisoned by
tbe baggage and drowned.
United States Will Retain Possessloa of It
Siguenea Bay aa Excellent Harbor.
Savr York. Nov. 80. Tha United
States will retain possession of the Isle
nl Pinna, whatever the filial disrjosition
of Cuba, says a Washington dispatch to
tha Journal ana Ativertiaer. it win
be fortified and a strong garnaon will
ha Itent there. Lviiig south of the
western end of Cuba, tbe Isla of Pines
oommanda the western or Yucatan en
trance to the gulf and forma an import
ant outpost tor the defense of the Nica
ragua canal.
When Secretary Root visited Cuba
be went to the island and recognized
ita atraontia imnortance. Tbe State
department now holds that nnder lie
treaty of peace tbe title ot tne lsie ot
Pines pasted to the United Statea.
Secretary Root holds a similar ' view.
Tbe northern side of the island .that
next to tbe Cuban shore is admirably
adapted lor the purpose of the govern
ment. It ia high, thickly studded
with valuable woods and the climate is
ao healthy that piior to the war a
health resort for pulmonary patients
waa estanliBhed there.
Naval officers say that Siguenea bay.
on the northwest coast, will, with but
little dredging, afford an exoelleut and
safe harbor.
Florida Murderer Shot by a Mob.
Lake City, Fla., Nov. 80. Spencer
Williams, a negro, Waa ahot to death
near this oity today by a mob from
Peneacola. Last night Williams shot
and dangerously wounded City Marshal
Strange and William Strickland, a
buiinesa man of thia city, while resist
ing arrest. As soon aa the uewa of the
shooting became known oitizena
armed themselves, and, forming a
posse, followed the desperado on horse
back and overtook him today in a
swamp. Tbe negro was literally ahot
to pieces, fully 200 bullet holes beiug
found in his body. The body was
brought into town and placed in front
of the courthonBe gate, where ia wa
viewed by hundreda. -
Newport Bank Hat Funds. -Washington,
Nov. 80. O. P. Tuok
er, receiver of the German National
Bank, of Newport, Ky., haa sent his
repoit of tha condition of the bank to
the controller of the currenoy. It ap
pears tbat there is snilicieut cash on
band to realise to the depositors some
thing over 90 per cent on their clainiB.
Tbe amount of the defalcation, as giv
en by tbe examiner, agreea with hia
first estimate of the same $191,000.
End Was Peaceful.
Rt Paul. Nov. 29. Senator Cosh-
man K. Davis, chairman of the com
mittee on foreign rotations of tue sen
ate, died at hia home in thia city to
night at 8:40 o'clook. He had suffered
greatly during two months of sickness,
and gradually sank away, being un-
c na ions tor several hours before
(! al and so far aa oould be known,
suOered no palu.
Tugs Going to Assistance,
Astoria. Or., Nov. 89. A telephone
message from South Beud says tbe tug
Astoria reports that the British bark
Poltalloch, 85 daya from Santa Rosalia
for the Columbia river, went ashore
during a denae fog thia afternoon on
the north apit at the entranoe of Wil
lapa harbor. Seventeen men had laud
ed and 18 wore still on board. The sea
waa runulng very high, but thore had
been no loss of life.
Football Spectators Dropped on
. Red-Hot Furnaces.
.ea and Boys Were on Top of Glass Works
Building Whea the Timbers Gave Way
Thirteen Persons Killed.
San Francisco, Deo. 1. As a result
of the moat horrible catastrophe that
ever occurred in San Francisco, 18 peo
ple were ki led and 100 badly injured
today, by tbe collapse of tbe roof of
the Pacific Glass Works, on Fifteenth
street. They fell through the roof
upon tba red hot furnaces and glass
vats below. All were horrioly burned,
and it ia feared that in addition to the
18 deatba already reported, there will
be several more.
Down to a Horrible Death.
Two hundred people, all men and
boys, had gathered on tbe sheet iron
roof of tbe glass worka to obtain a Irea
view of tbe annna! football game be
tween Stanford and the University of
California. About 20 minntee after
the game commenced there waa a
ciaab, plainly audible on tbe football
grounds, and a portion of the crowd on
the roof went down to a horrible death
Tbe fires in the fnrnacea had been
started for the first time today, and tha
vats were full of liquid glass. It waa
upon theae tbat tbe victims (ell. Soma
were killed instantly, and others were
slowly roasted to death. Tbe few who
missed the furnaces or rolled off, to
gether witb workmen in tbe glass
works, saved the lives of many who lay
nnconacioua by pulling them i away
from their horrible resting places.
The police and fire departments were
aoon at band, and every patrol wagon
and ambulance in tbe city waa sum
moned. Tbey were not enough and
express wagona and private carriages
were pressed into service to carry off
the dead and wonnded. Many of tbe
wounded were unconscious, while oth
ers were raced, shrieking witb agony,
to the hospitals.
The Southern Pacific railroad hos
pital was only two blocks away, and
waa qnickly filled. About 40 wound
ed were taken there. Othera were sent
to St. Luke'a hospital, tbe oity receiv
ing hospital, to private residences and
other places. At tbe hospitals there
was soon a shortage of surgeons and
soma ot the wounded had to wait until
help came.
Victims Mostly Boys.
. Most of those killed and injured were
boy a between and 10 yeara of age.
Nearly all of the victima bad their
skulls fractured or limbs broken and
sustained serious internal injuries. The
portion of the roof which collapsed waa
merely tha covering over the ventilator
bara at tbe apex of the building and
waa not constructed to sustain any
heavy weight. The horizontal timbers
in the center, corresponding to the
ridge pole of an ordinary structure,
broke near tbe center, and the light
frame work underneath, with ita cover
ing of corrugated iron, turned inward,
totaling a chute, through which tbe
men and boys were precipitated into
the tmnacea beneath. Duly a lew
were aotual'y cornea to neatn, me ma
turity betug killed by the fall. Sev-j
era I of thoae injured are in a precarioae
condtion, and the list of dead may be j
increased to a scoie within a day or
two. A number who were only slight- j
ly hurt went to their homes unassisted.
Yaquis Entrapped Mexicans. '
El Paso. Tex., Deo. 1. Newaofa!
tierce battle last Sunday between Mex
ican regulars and Yaqui Indiana, waa
brought here today by two American
miners, Seth Tomkiua and Will Lowe.
They were prospecting about 40 milea
from Soyapa, Mexico, when the Indians
appeared, made them prisonera and
ransacked their camp. Troops were
dispatched in pursuit of tbe Iudiaua.
The Indians entrapped tlio Mexicans In
a narrow part of the mountains and
when the Mexicans finally withdrew
they left 20 dead. The Americans
scaped. Six Indiana were killed or
wounded. ,
- Stole Three Can of Wheat.
Mound City. Kas.. Dec. 1. F. E.
Wesser waa arrested here today by a
Wjtiv nf tha Chicago & Milwaukee
road on the charge of atealing three oar
loada of wheat from tbe yards ol tne
company ln Dea Moines, Ia. Wesser
in some manner seoured the bills ot
lading for the cara and got them to
market, realizing $1,000.
Smallpox In New York.
New York, Deo. 1. Twenty four
cases of amallpox were discovered to
day in a block on Weat Sixty-ninth
street, near West End avenue. Tha
suffererB were taken to Willard Parker
hospital. Tbe disease ia supposed to
have started in thia eity from a negro
aotor, who belongs to a Southern the
atrical troup.
Campaign Against Sunday Theaters.
New York, Nov. 80. The Actors"
Church Allianoe of Amerioa haa begun
an active campaign against Sunday
theatrical performncea, and ita mem
bers promise to keep it np nntil aotora
have one day ot rest in seven. It
claims to have caused the arrests which
have been made at New York theaters
tha rutat. tlirnn Rnndava. and it ia now
keeping au eye on the prosecution of
thee) oases.
Four hundred British Surrendered to the Boers
Relief Came Too Late.
London,. Deo. 8. Lord Roberta ca
bled from Johannesburg, nnder date ot
Wednesday, November 80:
"The Dewetadorp garrison of two
gnna of the Sixty-eighth field battery,
with detachments of tbe Gloucester
shire regiment, the Highland light in
fantry and tbe Irish rides, 400 in all,
surrendered at 5:45 P. M., November
80. Our losses were 15 men killed and
42 wounded, including Major Hansen
and Captain Digby. The enemy is
said to the 2,000 strong. Four hundred
men were dispatched from Edenburg
to relieve Dewetadorp, but they did not
succeed in reaching there in time.
Knox joined this force and found De
wetadorp vacn.ted. Seventy-five sick
and wonnded had. been left there.
Knox pursued, and is reported to have
successfully engaged Steyn and Dewet
near Vaal Bank. They retired weat
and southwest. Knox'a messenger
failed to get through, ao I have no de
tails." .
European Canals Will Employ Electric Motors
for Propulsion.
New York, Dec. 8. Mr. Hawley,
wbo haa been comiaaioned by American
interests to advocate the principle of
electric propulsion foi canals, haa re
turned to London from the oontlnent,
says tbe Tribune's London correspond
ent. He reports that plans for elec
tric canal service have been adopted
in Belgium and Holland, and tbat the
waterwaya of those countries will ba
equipped witb motors similar to those
proposed for operation on the Erie ca
nal. These motors will be provided
by an American company, and the en
tire ayatem oi electric propulsion of
canal boats will be introduced from the
United States.
Mr. Hawley asserts that in France a
bill haa been prepared for the intro
duction of the system of canals
in tbat country. He expects that elec
tric motors lor French canals will bt
ordered from tbe United States.
Tht Career of the Breedlong Blacks ia Australia
b Finally Ended.
Vancouver, B. C, Deo. 8. The
ateamer Warrimoo, from Australia,
brings news of the finish of tbe Breed
long Blacka, Joe and Jimmy Governor.
After committing 100 crimes in 100
days, including nine murders, their
camp in the bush waa surrounded by
squatters, wbo watched all night, and
in the morning demanded the surrender
of the notorious outlaws. The blacka,
suprrised, started to run, and the
squatters fired, killing Joe and wound
ing Jimmy Governor. The latter was
snbseqently delivered by the squatters
to the posse of constables wbo took him
to the nearest hospital, where bis re
covery is being awaited by the author
Hard Fight Near Luchoff.
Orange River, Deo. 8. The Heraog
commando, 600 strong, Holding a
splendid position on a range of precipi
tous kopjes near the village of Luohoff,
eompletelv barring the British advanoe.
attacked Colone' Henry - Hamilton Set
tle's column Attar five hours' hard
fighting the Boers were expelled from
the position, losing heavily. The Brit
ish losses were small, owing to the
iaot that the British adopted Boer'
methods of taking cover. Colonel Set
tle ocenppied Luchoff, and learned that
800 horses had paaaed through for
Dewet, who ia reported to be in tbe
neighborhood. Tbe Boer commander
openly boasted in tba village of having
shot 200 natives ior sympathising with
tbe British.
Hawaiian Land Leases.
- Honolulu, Nov. 81. The Repbnlican
of today Bays: "Within 80 days suits
will be filed on behalf of tbe United
States to set aside all 1 grants, sales and
leases of publio lands made by the ter
ritorial government ol Hawaii since
July 14, 1900 The Republican ia in a
position to atate thia aa an absolute
fact, despite tha statement sent out
from Washington to the effect tliat the
department of justice denied that Attorney-General
Giigga had instructed
District Attorney Baird' to institute
spits to set aside all grants, sales,
franchises and leases in Hawaii granted
ainoe September 28, 1899."
Newport Bankwreckers.
Cincinnati, Dec. 8. Robert Win
ttel, assistant bookkeeper of tbe
wrecked German National bank ot New
port, Ky., waa arrested in this oity at
a late hour last night, charged with
being an accomplice of Frank Brown,
wbo was short $196,000 in his ac
counts. Winatel waa taken to Newport
and locked up, bail being refused.
Brown bas not yet been apprehended.
Wyoming's Vote.
Cheyenne, Wyo.. Deo. 8. Offloial
returns ahow the result of the eletion
In Wyoming to have been aa tollowa:
McKinley, 14,482; Bryan, 10,164; Mo
Kiuloy's plurality, 4,818.
Conspirators Blowa Up.
Pittsburg, Deo. 8. A Morgantown,
W. V., apecial aaya: State Mine In
epector James W. Paul, of West Vir
ginia, aaya the recent mine disaster at
Berryville, in which 14 Uvea were lost,
waa duo to a conspiracy to kill tha
foreman of the mine. The conspira
tors, after lighting tba fuse, stood at the
entrance of the mine, but the force of
the explosion waa greater than tltey
expeoted and they were alua killed.
Boat Capsized and Four Lives
Were Lost
fhe Passengers Numbered Eighteen, Five of
Whom Succeeded in Swimming to
Shore Others Rescued.
Spokane, Dec. 8. Four lives were
lost here this evening by the capsizing'
of a current ferry boat id tbe Spokane
river. The ferry ia about' two milea
down tbe river. It waa crossing tbe
stream with 18 woikmen, who had
ended their day's work in a construc
tion camp near tbe Great Northern's
bridge. Tba men crowded to the bow
and it it waa swamped. All tha men
were thrown in tbe cold water. ' Five
swam to shore and the othera climbed
on tbe capsized boat. The waves
ran high aud washed four ot them to
When the ferry capsized a man
started off in a skiff to tha rescue.
Some of the men who witnessed tha
accident say be picked up one of the
men in the water, but neither the res
cuer nor the skirl has since been seen.
It was probably carried down the rap
ids, and it is possible tbat the two
men have reached shore some distance
down stream. Another account Bays
the boat waa awamped by a large log.
General McArthur Confirm Sentences of Hang
ing Passed Upoa Four Native.
Manila, Dec. 3. General MacArthur
baa confirmed the sentences of hanging
passed upon four natives recently
convicted of murder at Lingayen. Tba
condemned were members ol tha
"Guardia de Honor," a band of asms
aiua whose victims were kidnapped and
boloed. They will be banged Decem
ber 81.
The transport Indiana, which went
ashore on the Isla de Polillo, off tha1
east coast of Luzon, was successfully
floated, and ai rivet! at Binangoan Sound
short of ooal. She transferred to tha
transport Pennsylvania the contingent ,
of tbe Twenty-second infantry and the
supplies destined for Baler, and then
proceeded for Nenva Caceres, South
Camarinea. '
. Guam Need Help.
Washington, Deo, 3. The navy de
partment baa received tbe following
cablegram from Admiral Remey:
"Cavite, Deo. 8. Official report
from Guam just received. Following
men drowned: Joseph Anderson, coal
passer; Jacob Le Roy Mabaffey, ap
prentice, first-class; George Auhel,
seaman; William Frederick Davis,
fireman, first-class; Frank. Swanson,
coxswain. Two bodies recovered were
unrecognisable. : Governor reports
danger of starvation. Asks for 65,000
pounds flour, 80,000 biscuit, 1,000
sugar, 2,000 Bait pork, 20,000 rice, all
for destitute natives. Shall I send by
our cruaier? Brutus took ample stoiea
for the piesent. Newark, Guam.
Chief of Polks of Manila.
St. Louis, Dec. S. The Post-Dis-patch
today says: "Chief of Police
John W. Capmbell, ot St. Louis, haa
been offered the position of chief ol
police of Manila nnder the civil govern
ment now in tbe course of formation,
and bas accepted."
Growing List of Victim of the San Francista
Accident Dead All Identified.
San Franciaoo, Deo. 8. The terri
ble accident of Thursday, resulting ia
the death ot 18 "persons and the injury .
of four times aa many more, bas cast
gloom over the oity. About the
morgue today there have been crowds
of anxious inquirers, relatives and
friendu of those who are known to have,
been victima of tbe accident. Tha
dead have all been identified. The
coroner's jury will be taken to viea
tbe remains and will also visit tht
scene of tha tragedy. Until all tha
dead have been viewed by the jury,
none of the remains will be permitted
to be taken away from the morgue.
All tbe hospitals are crowded with tlie
maimed and injured and a large staff ot
physicians and nurses is at work.
Daly's Horse to Be Sold.
New York. Dec. 8. The exocntari
of Marcus Daly's estate will sell Mr.
Daly's stable of tborougnbreda aud
breeding horses as soon as possible,
These horses cost Mr. Duly over $000,
Don. Amona the stallions are Ham
burg, Tammany, Batbampton, Isidor,
Ogdan and Inverness. Over 100 brood
mares will be aold.
California's Vote. . "
Sacramento, Cal.." Deo. 8. The
official figoree on the presidential elec
tion for California, aa compiled by tin
aecretary ot state, give MolClnley 164
755. Bryan 124.985. Woolley 5,204.
Prince Tuan's Rebellion,
Shanghai, Doc. 8. A missionaiy la
the province of Kang Su reports tha?
10,000 of the troops of General Tans
Fn Usiang entered that province ni
joined Prlnoe Tuan's rebellion anaiiis1
the emperor. General Tung bas bees
obtaining supplies of tha viceroy oi
Sze Cboen. The governor of Shan SI
has wired a request to tha Wu Chang
viceroy to send bim without delay eijjhl
quick-firing guns, and the viceroy hn
ordered the guus to be sunt. .