J OREGON .MIST r...;. .J at l!-.c rorViS." at ?t. .Mens, Oregon, it emil-cl until matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Imsix Kvcar Friday Morniko Br DAVID DAVIS, ElUTOB AXU PBOTRlRToa. svBscBJrnox frkk; On copy on yvr, in advance. ,.vf 1.00 fen luontii..,... ........... 60 CQPXTT OFFICERS. IftfpraraoUMve.. Jum Clera Hliorir Twwnrr........ Bur, of School,. AMMor. ......... Rurvevor . ... Coroner ....Dr. H. K. Cliff, nt. Helena .....u,- I I". A. Fraltee,(anpogee Coiamiertaaere J w ClHi ubunt .Karraaa Merrill, CtaNkente Jwi)ll K. lNmu, Kaluter .... 1. II. Watt. St. Hi-Una B. Hallau, St. Helen, K. km, St Helena .....1. ft. Oneland, Honltv ,..Maxtln White, St. Helen, .A. B. I.lule, Houlton OCTOBER 2ti, 1900. DSMOCBACT AND TBI TBusrs. Erery voter in the conn try is opposed to trust unless he it a member of some tract. The Republican party is no more responsible for the existence of trusts than is the Democratic party. There is not a man howling against trusts this day bat what would join trust if be had "dough" enough to pay the "initiation fee." He would join trust tomorrow. The Standard Oil Company ia owned and controlled by Democrats. The sugar trust is owned and controlled by Republicans. The cotton trust, of which Mr. J one, chair man of the National Democratic Com mittee, ia the largest owner, is owned sod controlled by Democrats. The ice trust is owned and controlled by Tammany, and we alt know what Tammany is. At the last session of Congress to be exact on June SO, 1900, resolution was offered to abolish trusts, and every Democrat voted against it. It required two-thirds majority to adopt the reso lution, and the vote stood: In favor of the resolution, Republican 148; against the resolution. Democrats 130. Had the Democrats been sincere and wanted to abolish trusts, they would have voted with the 148 Republicans and made the thing unanimous. But no. Chair man Jones, with bis cotton trust; Tam- many, with its ice trust; and the Demo crats of the Standard oil Company said don't yon do it, brethren, and the brethren obeyed the mandate. But Bryanism is as sincere, even in its awk ward position before the people, on the trust question as it is on the question of imaginary imperialism, when William Jennings Bryan labored day and night, teeth and toe nails to have Congress ratify the treaty which made the Gov eminent of the United States the owner of the Philippines. Sow Bryan wants to disown bis own children. T ,JBS OUTLOOK IN INDIANA. It has been felt all along thai Indiana was a doubtful State. This is the only State of the North which the Republi cans won in 1896 that, the Democrats at any time have had any chance to carry in 1900.' The Republicans nntil recently have not been claiming Indiana with any sort of confidence. In the present stage of tbe canvass, however, with the election less than two weeks off, the situation b.as become clearer, and the indications point unmistakably to Re publican victory in tbe Hoosier State. It is seen in tbe recent drift in Indiana politics that the forces now dominating the sentiment of that State are all work ing In favor of the Republican party. For the past six years Indiana has been on the Republican side. That State's tendency to swing from one to the other party in succession is likely to be inter rupted in 1900, and its electoral vote given to the party which carried it in 1896. Authorities in Indiana of all the political parties are getting into har mony on this point. No intelligent Democrat any longer supposes Bryan lias any chance to win Indiana this year. That State has the same stake as all other industrial communities in pre serving the 100-ceut dollar. It has the same friendship for National expansion as all the other Western States. In diana, it is safe to predict, is in the Republican line for 1900, whatever may be its attitude in 1904 or any other year in the future. The increase in the odds on MeKinley in the betting Is merely one of tbe indi cations of the approaching collapse of Aryan's candMary. The bettffi j frater nity represents Democrats as well as Republicans. There is no partisanship in election wager any more thin there la in the multiplication table. Demo crats are betting against Bryan not be eanee they want him to lose, but be cause they are convinoed that b will lose whether they want him to or not. The chances are that the odds against Bryan will keep on growing until elec tion day. Nevertheless, every Republi can must take the precaution to cast his ballot on November 6. Gar am denied the report that he bad promised a cabinet position to Croker. The fact seems to be that Bryan baa promised nothing at all except to kick the spinal column out of the gold stand ard and to make the American flag in the Fbilippinea look like a back-number porous plaster. Teddy RooeavsLT is not to be scared out from bis speech-making tonr be cause some of the Bryanitea take a shy at him occasionally with cobble stones and brick bat. About the next thing we expect to read is that they bave been shying cotton bales and silver bullion at bim. Ma. Clivsland writes in regard to a letter he sent to business men on finan cial questions five years ago: "I have not changed my opinions a then ex pressed in the least" The spectacle of of G rover dangling- after Bryan "and a 46c dollar la not likely to materialize. RAILROAD PKOPCSITION AGAIH Extern Company to Develop Kehalem Valley. Bbyav says that the present pros perity of the country is due to an "un usual and unnatural stimulation." Is it not better to continue tbe party in power capable of producing unusual stimulation rather than change for one which produces nnusual stagnation T Thb Astorian should be reprimanded, in a mild way, for saying: "If the law against the immigration of idiots had been enforced earlier tbe public would not now be bored with so manv anti- expansion calamity howlers." A Tsias Democratic paper says: "Who can wonder that the people of the South refuse to listen to the discord ant and untimely howla of the calamity- it?" Is that the reason whv Mr. Bryan makes no speeches in the South T TBS MAS BEHIND TBI BAN MSB. Times There are bard desperately hard. can be no marble mansions Windjammer Jawsmith Brvan toes about the country with his little ham mer out lor everytblng in sight, in him we behold the ancient and honorable Erofession of the knocker lifted to its ighest power. wnat does Mr. Knocker see In this country to commend anything at all T No, absolutely nothing. As a whole, our territory is too large, our wealth too great. Too many people are making money. And vet, prosperity T Alack, what is vour boasted DrosoeritvT Lend ing money, are you 7 Well. 'that ia a sign of poverty. Dinner-pail full, is it? Well, that snows vou bave no ideas above the stomach. Spreading Ameri can institutions, are wet ell. the more thev spread the worse for all eon- eerned. Prosperous, are vou T Nothinz of the.sort. The gold standard is ruining we country, imperialism is ruining- the country, tbe trusts are ruining the country. We shall be the death of the tilipinos, and tbe Jr aminos will be the death of us. Or, take things more in detail. The Government is a despotism, the army is a mere instrument to enslave the de- fendeneies and abolish trial by jury, he poor are damned because they are not rich, the rich are damned because they are not poor. Whoever baa noth ing should have plenty, whoever hae plenty should have nothing. Tbe tariff is all wrong, the currency system is all wrone. the courts are all wronsr. In the form of a catechism, it would stand about like this: Q. How may we recognise good ? A. Everything- that ia not. Q. How mav we recognize the bad? a. Civerjtuing lOH LB. Q. What ia the genius of American institutions t A. Trrranv and oppression. Q. What form of government baa the United States? A. An unlimited despotism. Q. What is the American volunteer? A. A scoundrel and a cutthroat. Q. What doe tbe American flag atana lorr A. Slavery and tvrranv. Q. Should the flag be advanced or hauled down 7 A. Invariably hauled down. Q. Wbat of our rich men ? A. Their wealth is all stolen. Q- What show does tbe poor man stana in wis country 7 A. None. Q. In a contest between the United eta tea ana an enemy, whose success should we strive for ?. A. The enemy'a. Q. Is the word of Americana who have been in the Philippines aa trust worthy as that stf the antia who have never been there? A. Not in a thousand years. Q. Would Dewey, Otia, Merritt, An- uerson ana juawton oe entitled to cre dence as against Agumaldo? A. Not on your life. Grandmother Jones says that this is just what the people want, and that Bryan will be elected. Is it possible that we cave become a Nation of knockers ? Oregonian. Falsa Report Circulated Ilogardlnar Timber of tbat Boot I on Other Item from Vernonia. The wood have been full of timber men the past week. Two were here Tuesday in the interest of Eastern capi talists. It seems that the two timber cruiser who were cruising between Mist and Buxton two or three weeks ago reported all this countrv as containing nothing but horns and brush, which, of course, stayed the sale of land upon which Messrs, Pringle and Cainphull bold options. A real estate agent of Portland knowing this report to be false. induced a representative of these East ern men to take a drive with hlin from Forest Grove to St. Helens, passing through Buxton, Vernonia, Pitulmrg. thence to St. Helen via the Carico road over toe mountain. Well, seeing is believing, and this one Eastern man has gone home to New York convinced that the Nehaleut possesses some of the finest green timber in the world. But mesnwhile Mr. Lester F. Clarke, agent for Gaston & Co., of Portland, and an other Eastern syndicate, is now in the Nehalem with a proposition. He has called a public meeting for Thursday of this week at Vernonia to get his propo sition before our people. It is this: It usston dt Uo., lor the eastern svmilrate can buy 60,000 acre of timber land in the Kehaleiu valley, at So to (a per acre cash, and the people, landowners, w rive them the rii;ht-of-wav. thev immediately proceed to tbe building of a railroad through the Valley. M Clarke says they mean business, Among all this whirl of words and wind and smoke and flash and fire and crash of wheels and assertions and contradic tions, something may come about for the Kehalem. We await events. into effect, each one ot whluh scalp (of coyote, wildcat, etc,) costs the Htat tt, when tbe proper eertitlcat i tiled in th State department. The state ment shows thnt 4 S" ponh have been delivered and paid for bv the Mate, from May , lSlttf, to September 80, 1H0O, coating the but $UJ,U2. To pay this the special sheep tax was levied by the legislature, but thus far less than 1U00 has been paid into the fund from the several Counties, and th State' paper Is out for the amount represented by 45.000 scalps, being practically the only debt of the State of Oregon, Douglas County ba sent 6)10 scalps. 75 of them during tli but quarter. rustling cattle and Popular Vote of ltiOft. The following tab) givoa the popular vote, by States, onH in 181W ior MeKin ley nd Hryan, and the totals resulting. It, will be vahuiSilo mi a reference table during the vmupaign and for compari sons MUor thu coming election; MIKIHLKY Alabama. , ArkaiiMM, Co I lunula , , , . Colorado, .. Con licet icllt... IVhitvnre, ., , , . r lurid it Georgia Idho Illinois Indinna Iowa tVttllK Kentucky , Louisiana. . . ... Maine . Mary hind ..... Maiiitichuxetts.. Michigitn A prkachib in Kansas the other dsv . I . ' I- . , . tiwiivertju m. very unci uub uenuuiui erected by pe"Pl in oar town, having i ,m jua . n to be satisfied with ordinary flOOO to j Post mortem praises and love are in the $1600 wooden building. Some of our air. People kiss their dead who never people are so desperately bard up that "P '? tne 1tneTnolve.r .ver for musical instruments thev are .lac- "iZZ" ""WV ing piano in their house instead of pipe organ.' At least four high-grade piano have been ' placed in our little burg during the past two months, and some of the purchasers of these 'instru ment expect to vote for Bryan in order to get good times back. It is noticeable, however, that some who are boa ling the (oudest are doing as much building and piano purchasing as the other of them. But perhap their hard times is only in their mind's eye. SovrTBiNO - terrible has happened. Th Second' Oregon ha been coerced into voting for MeKinley. There are 117 member, two of whom are for Bryan and the remainder for MeKinley, Don't do it, gentlemen. Let those two ltomocraU Vote (or Bryan. Honestly, it isn't right to try to make it unanimous. fail to throw their arms about their lovea onee wno are ngnting me stern battles of life. A word of cheer to the struggling soul in life ia worth more than tbe roses of Christendom piled high on the cover. The dead can't smell the flowers but the living can. Scatter them broadcast in the pathway, therefore: and pluck out tbe thorns before it is too' late," i TkHiul Tencuea Could not express the rapture of 1 nt,l. V finnnr f PI, i Uslolr.1.1. when Dr. King'a New Discovery cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden. She saysfc "After all other remedies and doctors failed it soon relieved tbe pain in mr cnest and i can now sieeD sound ly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding it praises throughout the Universe." Dr. king' New Discovery ia guaranteed to cure all troubles of the throat, chest or lungs. Price 60 cent and $1. Trial bottle tree at the St. Helen Pharmacy. Miss Lena Tucker has been engaged to leacn uie ruisourg scunoi una winter, Miss Dors VanBlaricom and Edward Duurow, of Portland, are visiting this vicinity. Jsrrua T. Woodward and son, of near Houlton, visited Mr. A. Soule and family two or three days last week. Wm. M. Wilson. E. G. Shannahan and Thn. Tucker were busy hauling lumber from Smith 4 Thomas' mill last week. Emery Mills has moved back to h ranch. He waa a citizen cf our tow only during the building of the bridge here. Rev. Lester F. Clarke, of the U. B, church, filled Rev. 8 troop's pulpit here at tnv morning uour. prvacning a verv excellent sermon to an appreciative audience. Rev. G. M. Stroiip. C. A. Malmsten and Miss Mabelle Ross returned from Portland last week. They report tbe district meeting of the Y. P. A. aa very interesting. Hon. Ralph R. Duniway, who was to peat at the nail Saturday night on the issues of the campaign, failed to mater ialize, quite to the disappointment ot goodly number of people who had as sembled to hear him. H. K. Shirk and wife moved into the Maynard house last Thursday, where they will be domiciled the next five months, while Mr. Shirk is teaching our school, which la began this week with a pretty full attendance. Smith A Thomas' mill has shut down we understand, for the winter. They have done a fine business the past sea son, the good weather and roads permit ting them to get all the lumber they cut to market, at fair price. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Powell and son, Virgil, went over the mountain Thurs day last to St. Helens, Mr. Powell for a load of supplies and Mrs. Powell for a two or three week's visit at St. Helens and Portland with friend and relative. Mr. and Mr. E. M. Dow. who have, for the past three or four weeks, been visiting friends and relatives in Polk anu 1,1 on iourrueo, reiurnea ounasv. The ride borne in a wagon was not as pleasant as the ride going, because of the rain last week. We can definitely say that the bridge up the river will be rebuilt this fall. In a note from Commissioner Case, he says he is instructed by the board to go aneao. work win pronaoiy oepn Im mediately and pushed to an early com pietion. This will, no doubt, be gratify ing news to the Upper Nehalem people. We have been asked what became of the milk route project between Mist and Pittsburg, which waa mentioned in these notes some time last spring as a oon i io oe estaousneo. w save made inquiry among the ranchers interested along the proposed route and find that when they had investigated the cost of carrying to Mist and thence toCIata- kame, they concluded tbat there was more money in their present plan of turning the cream into butter, a readv sale for which they can always find at good prices. If a creamery could be built we are of the opinion ft would pay from tbe beginning, not onlv the opera tors, but the farmers. Thu Vallev couia support at least uiree, one at ver nonia, one at Mist and one further down the river. You Need Not Horry To such special sales aa othera claim to bave. John Dellar'a regular prices on gooas are lower than other stores' special prices, isote in our windows a variety of men's golf shirts at 60 cents. 76 cent -and $1.00. Latest patents in striped or checked worsted pants at t2.50. 13.50 and 16.00: men's shoes, satin calf, vici kid, tan or black, genuine welt, $2.60 and $3.60; ladies' shoes in all styles, $1.76, $1.60 and $3.00 ; bovs' wash ing suits, 40 cents, boys' good wearing pants for 26 cent. Our prices are about 20 per cent cheaper than others, and we do not try to hurry any one, as we are alway satisfied to sell goods for small profits. Strictlv one once. John Del- lar, corner First and Yamhill, Portland, "It is reported that a fastidious newly i married lady knettds bread with her gloves on." An exchange pnblinhes the above and adds: "The incident may be somewhat peculiar but there are others. Tbe editor of this paper noed bread with hia shoes on. and needs it with bis pants on. and unless the de linquent readers of this old rnir ot free dom pay up before long, he will need it wiinout a darned thing on." The Scalp Bounty. One would not imagine that in the course of a year tbo number of scalps taken from coyotea and wildcats in the State of Oregon would reach nearly 46,000, When one stops to think of it anu realizes that uregon ia the birth place of anch a number of varmints, he is pretty likely to think that civilization hat hardly got a foot-hold yet. Secre tary of State F. I. Dunbar has com pleted compiling the statement showing the number of scalps delivered to the respective County Courts since May 6, 1809, when the scalp bounty law went Wm. Hacker still hogs for market. Mr. and Mrs. E. WV Keasev spent WeduemUv and a part of Thurmlsv at Vernoiiin, were nreeent at the wedding of O. U. Malmsten and Mis Berth Uillihau. The pie social appointed to b bald at Ml Keaaev school house proved to be some- Mii.i.nl wnat nibvr tuts uruor Ul tue priuierfl pi". It wns not enjoyed by anyone as mi one was present. Rxitroad breese whispering through our valley, but whether thev will in crease to such a velocity a to bring the locomotive we eanuot aay "Hope de ferred makoth the heart lick." A man, name unknown to correspond ent, passed through Kork Creek Vallev upas far as the summit returning, went Avw Miaft anil ,I.,u.m ftl.a V..KnA... uid he waa Inilkiiiv nu, II, a M .ailma.i KlllHlo iMKIlil survey in the interest of a nrivate com. South Carolina pany. May it not be of so great privacy as to never be mado of public benefit. Opinion differ a to that which I ot benefit to community. One man aeva if we have railroads taxes will be in creased. Man No. says they help to pav the taxes, another say we cannot sell what we raise, and- in contradiction to this statement one replies, railroads are au inducement for farmers to raise more because of easy shipment to mar ket. Therefore, we see that the old saying doe not prove true that "great mind ahvaya run iu the same channel," for no one would dure to say we are not all of great mind. Great mind or small, Ignorant or wise, we care not. Give us the bright steel rails and mitr ing engine, in preference to the liver shaking road of fir and cedar puucbeou with which we are now blessed. 64.737 117,61, l-MffcW 20,'.'7l 110,21.7 20,41)2 ll.IIHl) 20,101 0,824 twr.uto SZ1,710 SIMM, .1)3 16H.6I1 21.X, 171 22.012 80.421 11 D78 27U.07H 2y:i.f.27 103,501 4,730 304,010 10.400 101,001 1,1)11) 65,444 221, S07 Missouri. Montana.. . . . . Nebraska... ..... .Nevada, New Hampshire New Jerney New York 811UM8 North Carolina 1M.222 North Dakota zo.&ld Ohio 627,040 Oregon 48,711 Pennsylvania , 728,300 37,437 0,313 South Dnkota 40,802 Tennecsee .... 148,773 Tosh Utah ..... Vermont Virginia ,. Washington ... West Virginia... Wiscousiu Wyoming KM.S80 13.801 60,001 136,388 80,163 104.414 200,136 10,072 navAN. 131,219 110,103 144,100 101,200 61,740 10,616 82,213 H4.232 23,102 408,703 806.771 223,741 171,810 217,800 n,m 84,604 104.745 106.711 237 ,2M 13l),;tl 03,467 30.1,052 43,080 116,000 8.877 21.0-V) 113,076 661,613 174,488 20.0.M) 478,617 4tl,7:il) 47,127 14,406 68,801 40,030 108,170 8W,SU0 07,063 10,007 154,ub5 61,840 02,027 10,866 liiiii! 7,107,980 0,600,060 Total number of electoral votes, 447 : votes necessary to a rhoioe, 224; total electoral vote, MeKinley 271 ; Bryan 170. Popular vote, MeKinley over Brvan, 608,024; MeKinley over all. S0.',762; elix torul vote, MeKinley over llrvan,06; total popular vote 1800, 13,910,1.03. The) Kind You Have Always Bought, ittid which La boca la ono for over 80 years, Iiaa borne tlte ,lnalur of sum. bat been madv under Ida per Sp oualiupervlalon ilnco It Infiuicjr, tfcAi4Z Allow no ono to deceive yon In tlila. All Counterfeit, Imitation and JuNt4ta.;ood" are baft Experiment that trifle with and endanger tbe b faith of , InfiwU and Children Ex perlence affatuat Experiment, What Is CASTOR I A C&utorla Is a hartnles aubstltute for Co tor Oil, Para torlo, Drops and Sootblnir tlyruna. It la I'lwuuwit. It contains neitber Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotlo subatance. Its age 1 Its guarantee. It destroys Woniis And allays Fereriahne. It cures Dlnrrbcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It asfilutllates tbo Food, regulates tbo fitomacb and Bowels, giving bealUty and natural sleep, Tbo Children's Psuaoea The Mother' Friend, cunuiriE CASTORIA ALV7AY0 Bears tho Signature of S9 -w r The Kind You Have Always Bought In Usa For Over 30 Years. Hlamarck' Ireai Nerve Waa the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous enertry are not found where stomach, liver, kid neys and bowels are oat of order. If yon want these qualities and the success thpy bring, nse Dr. King'a Hew Life Pills. Only 26 cent at the St. Helen Pharmacy. General Bnckner for MeKinley. Four year ago the Gold Democratic ticket waa Palmer and fiuckner. and it poiiea a total vote of 133,871. It tie had lived General Palmer would have voted for McKinlev next month, and he said so in the last letter he wrote for publica tion. (Jeneral lsuckner makes the same announcement. "1 am not going' to take the stump for anybody," he de clares, "but I shall do what I can to secure the election of Mr. McKiulev." Th General says hi advice from Ken tucky convince him that the Republi cans will carry tbo State, and that the real democrat or the state have no sympathy with cither Bryanism or Uoe- twitam. tie say further that in the election for Governor last year at least 20 per cent of the honest vote of Ken tucky was thrown out and nullified. The General looks for a repetition of tbe crime, but adds that Congress will take no nana in tiieniRtter.and. for one tbinz. should deny a seat in the Senate to J. 8. Blackbnrn, who claims an election from the Legislature tbat tram Died upon all majorities except those of its own uoeoei members. Hkk4 the Grave. A tartllnc Incident is narrated bv John Oliver, of Philadelphia, as follows: ' i was in an awiui condition. My skin wns almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain coutimiullv iu hack and sidrs, no appetite, growing wckrr day by day. Three physicinua had given me up. Thou I waa advised to use Electric Bitters; to my srent joy, the first bottle made a decided improve ment. I continued their nse for three weeka, and a in now a well man. I know they rubbed the grave of another vic tim. " No one should fail to try them. Only CO cents, gunrantecd, at 'tho cU liclt-iia Pharmacy, WHITE COLLAR LINE a. 1 State Normal School OTOXI.nol'TII, OH. Fall Term Qim Sept 15th. TIM Dlililvnl o( tli, Niirm.l Nxhunl r r-rrpared feu w, ,f,w rira i friinwr laninvui ately on urauunilon. On mutllr srenr, trot fralttnn,. IwiiMMol rvor (row llju to t:i. Hinmt Am ilrmln nut) Pri.fnwiuiiAl emir; new .twUl it ti.rtinoiii In Manual Trulnlu,. Well K)Ulmt rtr'iltjruuutNlnlif full snnrfniierttMnls, i wa mr 111.1,, atUirou l'r-lilcnu or w, a. warn, riarrof in rioniiy. i ai SrW SnVijaiOSj gj jftj J ii fawiiti 'WiiWi ,!". ai i THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUGET HUUNU NAVIOATIOS CO. POHTLAHD-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT Lannina Foot ot Aldr Htroet, Portland. Leave, Portland dally (aarspt Sunday) at? A Lauding Teltfpnoua dock. Aibma. Lsarea AMorla dally (except Sunday) 7 P. M. Many laver Has turned with disirnst from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Koot Tea purities the breath by its action on the bowels, etc.. aa nothing elite will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 eta. and 30 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Boa. Bailey Gatwrl llckeu good on noamer Haaaalo. SUHUusr Uaanlo Uckcu rid on Bailey (iataert. a. w. i.Bii;ti iwn. Agent, rnruana. A. 1. TAYLtiK. Agent, Aatoria. J ST0RIA4 COLOMBIA RIVER fl RAILROAD COMPANY. How About Your Title? - &i YOU BITRK It la all rllthtt R.mentW thai II l lha KCOUIMhat attveruii. It la our l,n.u.Ma Ia an k tt. rw-urd, and ahow hat the ronuin la relation In l.n.t ttilua. II yon rmileroplat huj In, lira or hnuiina nioney on rral .taiewirttr, lake no man', word, butliioUt uihi kmnring na the record akowa reaanllnit Hie iliiv. An Atutrael la aa Maeniial a deed, InaUton liavlnit It. We have Uw only art of ahatram rMKika In toe routuy. A ll ork promptly eieeiitetf and aattafartlim auarauleeit. If you bave property to uiaitre g Ive u, a call Wear, aaenta lor ths heat Sir Inaiiranremnapanlea In the oorld. II vou have property for aaie. IUI it altli na and will eud a tiuysr. rf ST. HCLCHS, OfttOOM K o Basis tt Ogaata f BTOIIIA. IM tl ID I 8M on OAILV. 34 OOBLE NEWS. ha returned from Robert Havard Union, Oregon. Mr. Ed Voizt was seen with a fine otter Wednesday morning. The G. N. A P. R. R. ha commenced driving piling with a new engine receiv ed Saturday. T- T i ir , n it t . iwcihj ncu juen ot uodib iriDe vent .n .... ... , . ... . .- Llatekanie Saturday evening td help with Northern PaeMe tralna to and from tbe organize a touge at mat place. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Archibald left Wednesday for Cottaee Grove. Oreiron. They expect to spend the winter there. r h r. m. :a u I .-! S OA 8 47 A trr, a aa 4-07i S 4-1 4:1.11 s ha a . s m i.iei S oh CB1 19 5 17 10 00 as io ox 6 ::m io -JU 6 M 10 Su 32 in S 00 .0' OA SB.4 is i-t.Vx 40 ;.v.9' no m V io oo tax 10 10 ifiS.tl 10 21 I71.J 10 W 'W 7 11 Ot M) II 10 eo.aj il v foa a u aojpg.al STATIONS Lv Portland Ar .... tiohle .... ....Rainier ... ... Pyramid... ... Slayxer.,.. . ...Qulucy .... ..Clalnkanle.. .. Marahlana.. .. Wi-ntport.... ....('Ilflon.... ....Knappa.... ... Bvenaon.,.. ...John bay... Ar. Aiiloiia .Lv asao ur DAILY. 21 33 iT51 t. it. 11 10 40 10 OA SA 11 S 80 a oo M IM 1 7 4 12 7 8 02 2 M 1 17 S S7 t 02 17 (42 (07 tS2 la 20 7 4,1 6 10 PuaVA A rV A A AWatb-aHajaV. 3 ...WHEW 7JV NEED OF MEDICIXE., -OO TO-' THI CLATSKAN1E DRUG STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc 0H. J. t. HULL. Propritttr. CLATSKANIE, OREGON. Kat and Sound polnta. At Portland olth all traina lenvini union iepoi. at Aatoria with 1. a. ac n. t o. noat and rail line la and from II- aw auu vvrin ueocn point,. ejp tp -aei Tell Your Bister. A Beautiful ComDlexion ia an itnnossi- bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowel. Karl's Clover Root Tea acta directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 26 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Paaaenr, for Astoria or way polnta mint flag train, at Houlton. Train, will atop to let paa aenirer, off at lfou?toii when comlug front pom! lofUoble. J. Uon. Pi May. a. Avt-. Astoria. Or jlUrjlliUlDMl Jt 1 If fV Vf 1 IVflWatff R AT M rl! 3 Wines' Liquors and Cigars V. II. U 11. W. J, CASTORIA lot InianU and Children. Tin Kind Yob Han Alwajs Bssgbt Bear the Eignatnr of I w Karl's Cover Root Tea nantlne th, Compl.rfon. PnMe the ':. a rrenn,.iearlKin. cureacon- itlOatiOn. ItwUlMMtlM.. ..A .11 V.L.ll n. tli, bklo. An aaraaalila Laxative Nana oom oo absolute a-narant drundaU at SBc, BOc. and S1.00. t by i C. WELLS . CO., LCROV, N. V. on wmowmt ttoii D"" Time SCHEDULES I 'A"T' Chlpairo- Salt ljtke, Denver, Ft. 4 p.m. 1'ortland Worth, Oinaha.Kan- rliwclnl aa. City, Ht. Ixml,, 0.14 a. tn. Chicago and Saat. Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. 7:00 s. m. Atlantis Worth, Omaha. Kan Kxpreaa aaa City, Ht. Loula, 0:00 p. ui. Chicago and Ktuit. Walla Walla, Iwla- 1:40 a. m. 8pnkan ton, Ppokanc, Mlun Fiver eaKlfa, Ht. Paul, :00 p. m. Diilnth, llllnraultoe, Chicago and Kaat, Ocean Steaminlpe. 8 m- All .allln, d.te ,ub- Pl m Jert tu chatifte. For Han Franoiaoo Bail every live day,. Dally Columbia River 4 p. m. Kx.rlirarity ataamera. Kx.Hunday S p. m. Baturday To A,torla and Way- 10 p. m. . laudlug. a. m. Willamette River. 4D0p, m. Ex.Huiuiay Oregon City. Newherg, Ea.Suuday Haiem Way-land gi 7 a.m. WlllameHe and Yam- :jop.m. Toea.l'hur. hl" "Ivera. Mou. Wed, and Hat. Oregon City, Dayton, and Kri. and Way-landing,. a.m. Willamette River. 4-80 p m. Tuea.Thur. Portland to CorvallU Mon. Wed. and Hat. and Way-lauding,. and Frl. Lr. Rlparia naks Rlvar. Lv.Uw'ton s:8Sa. m. dally at dally Rlparia to Lewiston. 11:00 a. m. i i i 4 WHIRKItiit H. Cutter, Mannolla, Old Cast), and Wavsily Club. Famoui Hop Gold, and Export Ueer. ciOAttat Henry th Fourth, and Wlndior Honaa. H EXT IO THE IIOTKI., 6T. HELENS, : : OREUON. Card table, and othor device, for pae tiute. Ncmiiamr, and MirodlciU. Steamer JOSEPH KELLOGG Leavos fortland on Tseaday, Thunday and Sat- I - - ....j m i m. ia. ior , I HUmm V-t ..... . ...... ....wh, i.umr rOMt, ltamir mm sssa, Arrlvlns at Portland Monday. Wed netday and Friday at il p. m" Wharf foot of Salmon Bt H. HOLM AN. Aeani Bean tie algsatai sf ABTOniA, il Kind m Hm lww tuft r r i j. i. f CAFE ST. HELENS, - . . 0BSG0N. NEW PLACE. If you want something- rood In th line of whlaky fry SHAW'S MALT Only th heat of- Lipr. and Cicars Kept in Steele OPIN FROM B A. M. TO 12 O OLOOK MIDNIQHT. Steamer 6. W.8HAVER-. T.eat-a, Portland, foot nt Wiuhlnalnn Itraef. for Clatxkanle and way landlnaa, on Biniday, TueMlayaud ThHraday afternoon, atSo'olnra, panalug Ht. Jlnlena at T:lAp. m. Iave, ( llka. nle on Monday, Wednenlay and Friday alter nomi at 4 o'eiock. Shaver Tiansportation Co. . .. v. Mn'eurenindT)eal,rt ln-o .ah Kinds of RoHgfj and Dressed Lumber.., FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. I PORTLAND W, H. HURLBERT, General Paeeenirer Agent, OREO0N Fleerlng-.o Dlaaeat BOA atie -AMD eatsleai Celling; Lumber., BCAPfoOSM. QOOD ROAD TO THI MILL. Mill on aouth fork of Koappooae oreek.four I uuuw iroin r.:apHoae nation, Lumber delivered at HrappooM ttntlon or -iiinaun , lannina at si.w per at, extra. a ' Warren itation, ll.fto. -, - OHEGON "'I