OREGON MIST CM.TSKANI8 ITEMS. M ft tr lVi're nt Ft. !HM!S, Oregon, stx-oiid-cluss uinil matter. COUNTY OFFIC1AI. PAfER. John Palm mi laid no a few dava j illner, but it reported improving. George Freeman and wife were caller b, SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT from Marshland the first nf thi week. Of the Financial Condition pf Columbia County, Oregon, Issued Evkht Viaay Mokninu Bt DAVID DAVIS, EITOK AND 1'aOPRlKTuR. KCBSCRUTIOK PRICK: . On copy one year, in sdvuc. , . . .fl.OO tiix mourns w COUNTY OrFRKRS. BprMataltn.....Kormii Merrill. Clettksnte Juairs.....,.....,.... .losevh B. muin. Kwttuer Clem ftnerisT... , Treirer. .......... will, of tichooU. .... jtiMHor............. Aurvevor.. .......... Ooroaor.,-.,.. Oontmlsclouen j' J. O. Walts. At. Helm. ,.,.R. 8. Ilattsu, Bt. Helens K. Ho-.. St Helens ....1. H. CopeluMd, Hfwilum ...Martin White. St. Helens A. B. Ltltlc, HouHon .Dr. ML R. CUT. St Helena ....P. A. Flakes, cicnn4.4e W. D. Cut, l'lluourg C5 OCTOBER 12. 1900. It will not da to judge of a man's piutr by bis punts being out at the knees. He may be a crap shooter. Silvxh haa advanced several poiota within the cast week, in svmDathv with the general improvement iu bueioeaa oottcnuons. Who it is ail over, we have no hesi tation in caving that it can safely be charged that it waa John P. Altgeld who rockea tne noat. Bona people don't mind their own bnaineaa because they haven't an; mind, while there are other who haven' any business to mind. Aoa air. Bryan' many exploded firetiictiona is the one of 1890 which hreatened tha eoontry with four year fH nam time in caae oi oia aeieat. Bytar haa Quit anotinit Jefferson and Jackson, haa about given up Lincoln and Grant, and haa taken to Scripture to defend hi position aa the Republic aavior. ' FaQH present appearances Governor Roosevelt will gain more votes in No- Drask than Uoionei Bryan can possibly change in New York, as the result of their respective tours. Tat fact that Chairman Jones is con nected with the cotton bale trust is in a measnre consoling to the Van Wycks and other Tammany statesmen, Misery aoesn i like exciUBivenes. Thus ia one proposition the free traders cannot answer, and do not seem to understand ; it ia the enormous and uu presented increase of onr export bus iness. All of them aaid that kind of thing was impossible under a protective tariff. ApcAasrxa to Senator Tillman, stuff ing ballot boxes and shooting negroes in South Carolina is all right. He would bave ns protect the brown man only when be ia engaged in emulating the - example of Aguinaido and firing on pur flag. ' In 1864 the Democrats were charging Abraham Lincoln with being an imper ialist and a Republic wrecker. . The Indianapolis Sentinel was particularly vhroroua ia this work. Mr. Bryan ia not quoting from the files of hi Indian apolis organ. . Mrs. Halite and daughter came up from Clifton Monday morning and are spending a few days in town. W, II. Kyser, of Upper Ctatakanie, was in town this week nnd reports his injured hand improving in usefulness. An effort it being made to organize the Order of Washington at Quincy, and a camp of Modern woodmen waa re cently organised at Delena. The Artisan intended bavins a social on Saturday evening of thia week, but have postponed it a week to avoid con flicting with other appointments. A pile of lumber in front of Kaaper Koberateia't residence looks like an in tention to have some more building done Carpenters will not object. Marshland has telephone now and can "hello" to the rest of the country. It is at tha store and postoffice. where George Graham officiate at master of ceremonies. Word comet from the hospital at Port land that Miss Leota Merrill is getting along anocessfuly so far in her attack of typhoid fever, intelligence very gratify ing to her many friends. Eagle's new plank walk besides ad ding to bis own comfort, will be greatly appreciated by the traveling public. It might be well for others of na to look after our walks "and ways" before win ter sets in. A school entertainment is announced at Marshland next Saturday evening on the 30th Day of September, 190a SEMIANNUAL REPORT Of ths County Clerk of Columbia County, Bt( n(Oretit, showing the amount of claims allowed by III Connty ami Circuit Courts, for what allowed, amount of warrants drawn, ami I ho mount or warrants atiietantiiug uid unpaiti, mora la Ml any ol A m 11, MOO, to ihe Huili day ot September, 1IM1, both Inclusit: ON WHAT ACCOUNT ALLOWED. Road and brldg general fnad.... Bund Mid bridge, road (mid...... ,..,..., rauper Criminal account, circuit court Critniual account, )ustlcof ths peacs court inaiiouery, printing awl postage , Courthouse nd jtal Clerk Sheriff.... Surveyor bullltf School eupcrlnumdeul. County Judge ............. County emiinttaslousr. Rud auparvuwr...., lnMne ,. Jury Coroaer Treuurer Amgmot Election Board ot prtaonent Official Keponar , KebHtaof tax Tearhera.. ttoldian'aBd Sailor' Indigent fund Total amount ot claim allowed and wamut' drawn.. AMOUNT WARRANTS PHAWN , I ITOd 08 tmo t is TO , WTO 447 Tit as m 1144 an 1U1D 1W e T& IW (W ST 00 (0 . lt 40 M aa 74 Ml SO IS Ml SMI ll Ta T 4U HO lt 4 m no 44 14 is! on 46 00 1:4366 1 AMOUNT OF OCTSTASDINO WARRANTS UNPAID. Outstanding vnrwld eonnty warfanta oa the lat day ol April. 1W0 (aeuerl fun.1) Ouutondln unpaid couuty wamuusoa tha lat day ol April, jwfo, (roMAi runai. that will close the present Successful I County rrnu (snTal fuott) luiwd In lx month. County warrants (road fund) iatuad la tlx aiontha. . Amount taneral fnad warranto paid.... Amount road fund warrant paid....... Total amount of unpaid warrant oa October 1st, 1900 EaliinaMd Interest acorued thereon. ... Total amount of unpaid oounty warrants and Interest. .Ko.Tm 41 . 4,0dn Sit term of school under Mrs. Maud tint' ham's supervision. The invitation ia a general one. Lee A Id red bad the misfortune to so mutilate one of bia finrera last Satur day evening that amputation waa found necessary and performed the first of the week, removing lees than half of the forefinger of his left hand. A box social waa held at the ITaxel Grove school house Saturday evening, that waa fairly well attended and very highly Spoken of, SO far aa the literary I rants outstanding and uupisld as the asm appear upon the records of my'ornca, ai exercises were concerned. A few dollars custody. V. luiee my hand and the seal ot the County Court ol said county, wmnsl to far antra Ineal a 0-. , . I JI. "AT.i vV prise. ..mm ex ,. 11 ISO .. S.1KS 71 .. 4.171 St) Hi,"4 .134,747 SO ,1.1S9 14 aao oo ,18.SflO 14 I STATE OF OREOOH, I Count oi Cotumhl.! I, J. O. Walls, County clerk of the county of Columbia, state of Orvroa, do hereby certify tnat tna rorsaoiu ia a true ana oonwt nsiintni ot me amount Ol Claims allowed by Ul t otinty and Circuit Courts of said eounty, fur Ihe six month aodirur oa Ihe 90th day of tteptember, lu),on what account the same ware allowed, and the amount of warrants drawn, and the amount of war- nd In mvomclal inis isi oay oi By W. A. HARRIS, beputy. Tbi chairman of the executive com mittee of the Rational Democratic or ganization has made np bis forecast of the result of the election. He concedes Oregon, West Virginia and Pennsyl vania to Mr. McKinley. Good, we're glad we live in Oregon. Ths current number of the Tillamook Herald come to hand in an enlarged lorm witn a orana new brevier areas on. The paper looks nobby and shows un mistakable evidence of ail kinds of prosperity. Miss Herald, take our hand for future success, and may your weekly smile continue to bewitch the good people ot AiiiamooK. Thk gold Democrats of Maryland, who assisted in electing a Democratic uov ernor and Legislature in that State, have reorganized and will do everything in toeir power to nnng anout Republi can success this year. When they ral lied to the auDDort of Governor Smith they announced that, if the Democratic .national convention made the financial question an issue, they would duplicate their position of 1896. And they bave kept their word. One may be a little surprised at the confidence displayed by intelligent men everywhere regarding the probable aoccess of the Republicans this fail. It is to be regretted that this confidence tends to apathy, but intelligent people cannot conceive bow businef men, la boring men, farmers, mechanic, and in fact ail citizens who are enjoying such a full measure of prosperity can vote to overturn that prosperity. And while this ia inconceivable, it cannot be im pressed too often upon tbe minds of Rev. C. C. Calmer and wife arrived at Clatakanie Friday e renins from Milo. Iowa, and have taken np their residence at the parsonage. The Sunday evening sermon waa quite thoughtful nd in structive) one and paved the way for cordial relationship between pastor and people. Martin White waa over to see the town a few days ago and finds it im- 'roving ngtu along tb roagn tnese Mc kinley times. G. W. Barnes comes over from Quincy occasionally for polit ical pointers, ne ia tne war norse oi Oak Point Precinct and whoops it dp for McKinley and the dinner pail. T. L. Carter, of our city, haa laid aside tbe hammer and saw and taken himself to the County Seat in response to a summons to act as a juror. He says this is bis first work in this line and he don't believe he will like it. He would much prefer driving nails snd nana linn cis saw about some new building. Tuesday beine one of the oleasantest days of the season the men seemed to beat work, while the ladies came to town to do the shopping. We noticed Mrs. Harry Syverson, Mrs. Walter Jones, Mrs. Louison and Miss Lottie Jones, of Quincy, Mrs. R. M. Graham, of Marsh land, and others from abroad, while our own ladies were out enjoying the sun shine and interviewing our business houses. An effort waa made at Convera' hall last Tuesday evening to talk our people into organising an order or tribe of Red Men in Clatakanie. It waa surprising to learn that we needed another frater nal order in town. It seemed as though we were rather more afflicted than blest already in that direction, and few peo ple took mucn to tbe idea of another order. It would seem to one on a fence that fraternity could be taught much better by combining efforts to strength en existing orders than in an attempt to build np a number of societies that must necessarily be weak and struggling for lack of numbers and antagonize rather than fraternize. As long aa or ganizers get so much for each one Drought into an order there ia room for suspicion that it ia the individual rjurse rather than the general good that prompt this vigoroua work to bniid np new lodges, me xmDroved Order ol Red Men may be aa good an order as any, but we don't need any more in Clatakanie. SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT Of the County Treasurer ol Colombia county, Oregon, for the six month ending on the soth day oi Peptemtwr, iww, or money rvcsiveu aau patu out, irom woom reostvea ana from wnai soaro, sad on what account para out: AMOUNTS EKCEIVKD. To amount on hand from last report............ To amounts received from ttharin. . . ., To " " " " To " " " " To " To To " To - , To " To " To " To To " To " ' " County Clerk " School 8upC III!!. ' Mate Treat. , . u . ...... " License and Fines. . Total Received.. FROM WHAT HOURCKI RECEIVED. General lax County road tax special school tax.., Ppeelal ally tax....,, rece .... ltellnquentlax Btryeietaa Kese HeOemptloa of land. Por teachers' eertlflrale ft per rent land salts. . niate sen on i niou..,.. Fines snd license AMOUNTS PAID OUT. Bt amount nald out oa county warrants By amount paid out on School Superintendent's warrant, . By balance oeueral fund on hand. By balance school fund on hand , ,, ......... By amount special city tax paid..... By amount special school tax paid y.,,... By amount eouuty road tax paid .... By amount Institute fund paid out By amount state road fund paid ont By amount hicycls lax paid out By amount soldiers' and sailors' Indigent fund paid oat. . . . By amount error in land redemptions paid out By amount on hand stclal etty tax... By amount on hand special school tax..... By amonnt on hand county road tax,,.;.-.. By amount on hand institute fund Total paid out. , lO'NER'L FUNO. t 9T 15 K07 M si at . Sow 14 40 12 87 IM 00 16.17 fa 75 00 81 14 14W 403 as 'vV' Hashed lha flrav. A stunting Incident is littrrstci! bf John Oliver, of Philadelphia, n follows: 'I wi in nn nwful romlliion. My skin waa alinont yellow, fyt's sunken, toimiie coated, unlit ti'titiminlly in hat-k nml lili'. nn nntietlm. irrnuliwi a'etlkl tlitv liv tliiv. Three uhvslcintis had giwn me ni. Thi'ii I was ndviaed to tisu Klertrh- Kitten; In my Brest joy (he first hotlle imido a deculud improver mt-nt. 1 cintimie.l thv'ir use tor three vcvkr, now a well man. I know I hey Milled the grave of another vic tim," No one Hhotiiil fall to try tneiu. Only ,'0 cents, guaranteed, at 'the St. Helena rimrniitry. A Tbauaaiaa Teetcuss Could not express tha nipt tire of Annie E. NpriiiRW. of Philadelphia. when Dr. King's New Diteovery cured her of a hiit'kinit cottitli that for tunny year had made life a burden. Hhe sayx,' "Aller all other remedies and doctor fulled it soon relieved the pain in my rliet and I ean now sleep sound ly, something I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praixes throughout the Universe." lr, Kina's ew Discovery la u-tirtrantaed to cure all troubles of the throtit, chest or lung. Price BO cent and II. Trial bottles free at the St. Helen Pharmacy, Maar Lover Tin turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath, Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the iioweU. cto, as not hi ng else will. Sold for year on absolute guarantee. Price So eta. and 60 ct. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rust. Job Cln' Have et.od It If he'd had itching pile. They're lerri bly annoying, but Bueklen's Arnica Salve win cure mo worst case oi puoa on earth. It ha cured thoufamls. rr injuries, pain or bodily eruptions It' the beat sal re In the world. Price 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at the St, Helens Pharmacy. Tall Year aiater. A Beautiful Complexion Is an linooul bllity without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with frond ingestion, a neaitny liver ana bowels. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea acta directly on the bowels, liver and kidneya, keeping them in perfect health. Price 2ft eta. and SO cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Roes, CASTOR I A For ZolaAta and Children. Bi Iki Yes Hsu tkiji Esiiglt Beam tha Signature of OABTOniAt Bean th yf I" alas IW Mai jwwT Bgpt lgaatti f omits WHITE COLLAR LINE 12171) 41 740S 91 1 ton S 8 W lr4 04 jm ml 110 67 SO 00 so so 4A 00 22 as S S2 sa 4 lldH 76 I W Utt hosier' V-V' - V 1 - " T alalml swmJ 47716 S STATE OF OREtJON, I Cuiitr of Columbia.! I. Enwin Ross, no nerany eartiry mat in Kirerotna it a true ana correct statement of tne (mounts received, paid out and remaining on hand. In the Connty Treasury ol said County for lbs my nana tnts no nay oi uctooe. K0W1N ROBrt, Couh.y Treasurer. TUE COLOMBIA RIVER AND ftOET BODHD HAVIOATION CO. PORTLASMSTOEIA EODTE. STR. GATZERT Landlns Foot of Alder Street. Portland. Leaves Portland daily (exceptHtinday)at7 A. M Landlns Trleohone dock. Astoria. Leave Asuirla dally (exeepl Halurday) 7 P. M. Bailey Ualsert ticket rood oa steamer ilaasalo. Blaamsr Hassslo tickets ood oa Bailey liaise rt. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. six months ending oa the SOst day of September, 1DU0. Wituets nil a. if. tuou. SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT Of tbe amount of money and warrant received for taxes, and money paid to ths Connty Tree-1 nrer by the sheriff ot Columbia County, Oregon, tor the six mouths ending oa lb WHb day ol I Beptemuer, a. u. cam: A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIYER 11 RAILROAD COMPANY. telKOK-llli The) Hind Yott Have Always Dought iwid "hloU baa horn. ia u tot over 80 year tuaa borao tho al;rnature of and wm uceix made under Lla peas sualRupervlhloit alnoe iUfiifasMTr, ' ---www Aiiow no ontt w uooci vw you ,a uyau All Counterfeits, Imitation and JuBt-w-gxMHl are bui Experimenta that trifle with and endanger the health of In Quit and Clilltlrcn E Pr lonce agttlust ExpcriiiioxiS. hat Is CASTOR I A Oafltorla la a Itnnnlesa tnbstltute for Castor OH Pari gorio. Drops and Soothing: Syrtipa. It U I'loAaesut, 1 oontatna neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karoo tia ' auhfitanoes It age ii Ita iMarantoe. It dewtroya Woinun and tUlayt Feverlahneut. It cures Dlarrhoaa and Wind Colic It reliovea XeetUinf; Troubled, curea Const) pisUon and Flatulency. It (Mcimllatea tbe Foods rcgTilataa the Stomach and Bowel ftvlugr bealthy and Mtural aloes The Children's l"anaoea Th Mother'a Friend CUnuirjB CASTORIA ALV7AY3 Bears tho Elpiatoi of SI He Kind You HaYO Always Bought In Usa For Over 30 Years. TSjv-iem-Sja-msrotarsmrs State Normal School nOKMOCTH, OH. Fall Term 0en8 Sept. 15th. i i i i -a Th ttuiVnis of th Norms! Bshool are prs pared ately cm grsditatlva. OM.4ti.lM saatt. Smiim mnttA iWHt4lnM.. S . Sense ol year from ll JU to 11,10. Sirunf Asa- fl smle and rmfsestonal soars; uew etrl d- 2 part m. in in atauuai TraiuiBg. wsu julpped T'slulit Department. Tt Ci address EorCauUuxuseuutalnint fall snnouncemeBt. a r. I CAM f HELL, , aft afsi A sfV A th afsi afh frotliUal. , A. WANN, Becnrtary o( th fatuity. SrSS553e3eg2c How About Your Title? i Rsmembsr that H Is th RE YOtT SI' RE It It all rtxhtt I v title. If you contempt! buying land or loaning money oa real. RECORD that governs, li Is records and show what Ihsy contain la relation to Ian. onr butitieas to search th iid e.taie security, take no man word, but lnlsl uiuin knowing what the record shows rstsrdlng ths tills. Aa Abstract ts s seetiusl a a deed. Insist on having H. - We hav th only set of stwtrset biwks In th county. All work promptly esesuied and satlsfavtlwa guaranteed. If you hav property to Insure give us a call via are aawnu tot lbs beat Sr Instiranrwenrnpanlesln the world. If vera hav property fur salt list It with us and ws will tad a buyer. stTf aTTfc If . 13- mSR9 st TT KT a"t fTT- VI VJF JUT. waW Hor lw A. sUk Kl Hula Strt sr. HUtNI. OHltOH fil axannowa DUKIftli THE MONTHS OP TO AMOUNT RECEIVED. Aprt, Mty Juue July August gept ToUl Collected im ui. tana 37 tseii m him ti rai7 4 i4 n v u (ctbos 7 Fees for serving papers 15 67oJ ) M " 00 "S 90 Bicycle tax... .'. TJ 'XN 4S M 2 So ........ 122 87 Road tax Irom parties not on leM roll U4 00 112 301 S4 85 00 2M 46 TsjtbnckofuM im SID 14 40 Advertising on m tax. 7ft - U U 17 72 Total received r22 7 t97S 47 tfiMO SljlOdlO SO 354 27 W1 SI taom at Bat. on- ly. 2 DAILY. 24 I r air. 2:M, tM GOBLE NEWS. those very persons who are enjoying the wmcn is tne trait of Uepao , that they mast see to it in Ed Black bat returned from Marsh land. Frank Bishop returned from Dawson City Thursday - Miss Lfnnie Bishop, of St. Johns, visited her parents Sunday. Jack Bar bee is bnilding a fine resi dence on his place back of town, G. 8. Foster reports an excellent of potatoes and applet this year. Judge Cox and W. B. Dillard were attending to business matters here Sat urday. Mrs. E. H. Voight gave a very pleas ant party at ner resiaence uatardsy evening. With favorable weather the G. N. A P. K. B. expect to be hauling logs in sixty days. The N. P. B. K. has a crew of men here renewing a part of the incline for tbe ferry boat. A party of twenty went from here in STATE OF ORfMOS, County of Colnmbla.1 I hereby certify that th foregoing statement, showing the rarlrmi amounts soiled ed each month la true, and that I have turned over to tbe Connty Treasurer each month, the said amounts a shown collected in each month, xeept 117.72 for sdvertlrlng turned over to B 11. iumeu. , . b. nai i a.-, Sheriff of Columbia County, Oregon. . SEMIANNUAL SUMMARY STATEMENT Of th financial condition of th Connty of Columbia, la the Stat of Oregon, on th 90th day of aeptemoer, a. u. iwsj. U:8 J: 47: 4:02 4:07 4:M 4:i 4:2 4:49 4:67 6:17i S 05 I 20 t 118 t 44 t 10 t te t ON t 19 t 17 10 00 6:21)110 OH :S 1 20 S:60 10 SO 22 A.M. S 00 OS W.4 IS i46.lt as iss.s t 40 S6. t so 'm.t 10 09 ,6J.a, 10 10 01 10 21 171.2 10 H 17 7 111 02 V. 6 11 Id . II 22 r..4 11 M HI TATIOfsS Lv Portland Arj .... uotiie .... ....Rainier ... ... Pyramid... .... Merger.... ..Quincy .... Clalskaul.. Marshland.. Wostport.. ..CltlUin.... ....Knappa,,,, . nvenson..., John lav... Ar. Asuirla .Lv axsovr DAILY. 21 tt a. a. r. a. U to 40 10 os a s w t 20 Sft 00 f 80 7 64 t 20 7 44 t 12 7 at t 02 7 t 62 1 17 87 7 Oil I 17 42 I 07 m 7M 6 20 4 t 10 LIABILITIES. To warrant drawn oa the county treasurer, and out-i stannine and unoain To estimated amouut of Inter est acorued thereon To road warrant drawn on the county treasurer, and outttanaingana unpen. Total liabilities-. AMOUNT. 241 001 I lMSSS 14 RESOURCES. By funds In hands of oounty treat- urer aiiollcable to tha navmejit or . .1 17S46 64 oounty warrant inr estimatea annaia current saxaa SCO 001 applicable to the payment of coun-l tr warrant. By funds In hands of lb eounty treasurer applicants to in pay. mentof road warrants. By delinquent taxes UM6 to 1W2 In. elusive By amonnt of liens held by county on iaiu out in tor uute.. ....., By SO acres of land Uy oourthous and txtura..,..,,. Total resources.. All trains make close connections at Oohls with northern fact tie trains to and from Ihe East and Bonn points. At Portland with all trains leavtnt Cnlou depot, at Astoria with 1. R. A N. Co.'sbost and rail lln to and from U- waoo and North Be sen point. Passengers for Astoria or way point and flag . nouiton. rains win atoo to let nai sangert oft stHonltort when coming from polnl AMOUNT. tof Ooble. J . sn. Tlsra. Oen. pass. AgL. Astorts. Or .. 1 28 .. 6VM M .. 180676 .. 2849 66 1 ., 18718 12 .. fWOOO .. 176000 ..I 28724 48 0.R.&N.C0. Dasaav Chicago- rortiaaa Mpeclal (:16 a.m. School Warrants Payable. j proeperity lican rule, are cast and counted in order to con ttnue the blesgine which are now beinir ! enjoyea. Notice is hereby sriven that outfitand 1 A.rt . - .11.1 . 1 I I ' 1,1 . i . - , . , I numoers ici.3 to 2iy, unui inctosive, win a sailboat Sunday to attend the baseball bepaidopon presentation to me at my e omce in rJt. Helens, interest win eeae I. B. Shoemaker writes his wife that after Oct. 5, 1000. E. E' Quick, Di- 9 has a situation in tha nnfahe aehnol trict Clerk. at Campbell, 111. trie Aovember elections that their votes 1 1.. has a aitnatinn in th. ,,r,li .hnol trict Clerk. " atCamobell. 111. , . ' I Mnndflv P. Ci. Marka broilirht In mar. ket ninety pounds of honey from his ranch near Apiary. The semi-annual statement of thai financial condition of the County ap I pearing in another column, makes a I "A couple of months ago," sayt the very creditable thowing for the past six 1 Battle Lake Growler, "an old man came monuis. ine inaeDteanesa was de creased during that time over $11,000, bringing the entire indebtedness down to fl8,fa66 on tiie first of the present month. The semi-annual statement issued April 1st, 1898, showed an in. debtednest of $60,000. Constant whit tling has worn away the debt very con siderably, and now it may be truthfully said that tbe County's debt is no longer a heavy burden. Toe money heretofore paid on account of interest each year ran be applied with profit to road build ing, from which much direct benefit will result. The debt, naturally, will be increased during tbe next six months, that being a portion of tbe year when revenue doet not come in to the County Treasury to any very great extent, whilu expenses are no less. But tbe di'lit is down to such an ebb that it can tin bundled without, difficulty, for all of y, hu h our citizens may well feel glad. Ton Need Not Harry To such special sales as others claim to have. John Dellar'a regular price on gooa are lower man outer stores' special prices. Note in onr windows a variety of men's golf shirts at 60 cents, 76 cents and $1.00. Latest patern iu striped Or checked worsted pants at $Z.50, $3.60 and $6.00; men's shoes, satin into this office and stopped bis paper." we nave xrequentiy met ntm on tne ryui biuv u, www itiiu is very I'1, Tici aiu, brill vw irises, rj...iu".w noo, amusiag to note the look of surprise on $2.60 snd $3.60; ladies' shoes in all the old fellow's face that we are still in styles, $1.76, $1.60 and $3.00; boys' wash existence, regardless of the fact that he ing suits, 40 cents, boy' good wearing "stopped bis paper." Some day, and it pants for 26 cents. Our prices are about won't oe very long, either, mat poor zu per cent cheaper than others, and we old fellow will turn up his toes. Neigh- do not try to hurry any one, as we are oors ana inenas win ionow ins uieless always satisfied to sell goods lor small clay out to the cemetery and lay him to profits. Strictly one price. John Del rest among tbe flowers. Aa obitusry lar, corner First and Yamhill, Portland, will appear in these columns, telling what a kind father, good neighbor and FOR SALE, benevolent citizen he was-which lie Twent, , Mtt, -for , ,hI)rt m, ot)Iy. the recording angel will kindly overlook Apply to Joseph Hay bum. St. Helens, Oregon, for charity's sake and in a short time thereafter he will be forgotten. As be BIDS WANTED. littr, EVh. iuJ.lt"1!.? "fT".' RIM WANTED FOR 2000 CEDAR TIES 7xx8 wrapped in the silent slumber of death. 1 delivered along the track of the Astoru be Will never know that the last kind ColnmWa River Railroad.' Ham to b cut of word snoken of him were those nf tha rst-c . cedar, free from large or rotten knot, . . ii ,iT . "T . v " v. 7 ; simiuntmr entire injm and free irom nark. editor of tbe paper Which he "Stopped." Address A. C. R. ., Astoria Oregon. REUBEN. Miss Tempest McLaren visited Port land rnaay. Attorney W. B. Dillard and B. Cox, oi pi. xieiens, were in town on tMturaay. Fred Koble, who met with an acci dent last week, is doing aa well as could be expected. Dr. Simmt, of Kalama, is attending htm. O. M. Bstikin wife and W. E. Elliott and wife, of Portland, moved to this place Saturday and will occupy the house vacated by T. C. Watts. Bismarck's Irwti Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy sre not found where stomach, liver, kid- nevs and bowels are out of order. If you want theee qualities and the success they Drinir. use nr. Klntr'a Maw liife Pills. Only 26 cents at the St. Helens marmacy. Does This atria YoraV Muddy Complexions and Nauseating Breath from chronic constipation. Karl's uiover uoot lea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an abso lute ffnarantoe. rrice za eta. and Ml eta. 8old by Dr. Edwin Boss. rORSALE. An undivided one-half Interest In AO acres of partly .Improved Isud, miles from Warren; I w acres in grass, anout o seres ire from ntm pi. rirteen nannrea corns oi wooa on tn lana. ; Some fruit trees. New wagon and barneM. Apply to Pass H. SLAvasia, Warren, Or. Atlantis Exnres ;00 p. m, Epnkan Elver 6:00 p. B. 6 p.m. Dally Ex.Sunday e p. m. Saturday tup. m. 6 a. m. Ex.Hupdsy 1 a. m. Tues.Thur, and sat. 6 a. m. Tues. Tliur. and sat. Lv. Rlparia :tua. n. dally Time SCHEDULES U.I. f .... w. Worth, Omaba.Esn- m city, HI. unit, Chicago and East. SaltLsks, Denver, Pt. worth, Omaha, Kan. saa City, t. Loui, Chicago and East. Walla Walla, Lswis- lon,BpoksnS sunn sanolls. Hi. Psul. Pultith, Milwaukee, i. u tc ago so asst. Ocean Staamshlp. All sailing date sub- ject in ensngs. For Hsn Francisco Soil every five days. Columbia Blvsr atssmers. To Astoria and Way- lanuings. Wlllamstt niver. Oregon City. Newberg, Baiem a way-uuurgs Wlllametl and Yam- hill Rivers. Oregon City, Dayton, and way-ianoiugs. Willamette Rlvar. Portland to Corvsllls and way-landtng. nak River. Rlparia to Lswistnn. Aaatva 4 p.m. 7:00 a.m. 6:40 a. as. 4 p. m. XSU! Kx.Sunday 4:80n. m. Ex.ijuuday 8:80 D. m. linn. Wed. audFrt. 4:80 n. m. Mon, Wed. and Frl. Lv.lew'toa s.uy at 6:00 a.m. W. II, HURLBERT, Oentral Pusngr Agent, PORTLAND ... . . OREGON r sat afk Jk aa sfai rHi afsi rfti a aHj aflhOa WHEN IX NEED OF MEDICINE.. QO TO THE.' 1LATSKANIE DRUQ STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc 0H. J. t. HALL, tnpntttr. J , CL4TSKJJYIE, OREGON. 'QSjargjsj ay iaat jsjrayans' The CRUISER l. H. WELLINGTON, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars WlllgKIS t. II. Cutter, Magnolia, Old Castla, and Wareily Club. . BFJfiRl Famous Hop Gold, and Export Br. ' V CIOABSf ..' Hnry th Fourth, and Windsor Boas. XT TO TUB HOTEL, ST. HELENS, i i OBEGON. Card tables and other devices lor pa. hhiw. ..n.iirB us peruuioais. ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used In wash ing ana cleansing the face. ; , Get a Hot Towel cn Your. Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS Brinn Brothers CAFE ST. REIMS, . . - onsGon. NEW PLACE. If yon want something gnod la the lln ol whisky try SHAW'S f J ALT Only ths best of Liquors anil Cigm Kept la Steele OPIN FROM A. id. TO 19 COLOOK MIONIOHT. Steamer 0. V. SHAVER. IjlfH Vottlarol. fAAt nf Wuhtneton street. for Clatskanl and way landings, on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday sflsrnoons atto'clot'k. passing Ht. Ilnleos st 7:16 p. m. Leaves Clatssa- noon at 4 o'tMook. Shaver Tiansportation Co. JOHfl30rj & DURCOORFER CROS o Manufsotursrs of and Dealer la-o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lombsr.. rieerlf;... Bustle ...Celllwg AD ...DlmesisUr Mtaaaar... 80APPOO8H, OOOD ROAO TO THI MILL. Mill on south fork of Hosppoos ex Joat miles from Scappnos sutlon. Lumlier delivered at Mrappoos station OT Johnson's landing at 11.00 per M, axtra. At Warren staUon, 11.60. OREGON