The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, October 05, 1900, Image 3

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OCTOBEU 6, 1000.
W. I). Comiull hai roturned from
.Cajie Noint. . .
Attorney Ilrodlo, of Portland, wk In
this city Monday,
F. M. Hoyt, of Warren, was lu town
Tuesday afternoon.
Attorney . W. Day wM In Portland
on business xuesuay.
Mrs. II. B. OlIfT and children vlattod
In Portland this week.
Mr. Barah Lemont waa in Portland
Tuesday visiting friends.
T. B. Wallace and Mm. 0. 0. Moyer
were m iroui reris Mommy.
Mr. John Ollinoro vlwlted hie fnwlly
in uregmt uuy met nurmay.
When you are squaring your little
accounts don't forijot tne printer.
L. W. Vanl)yke and sons, of Ver
nonla, were In town a day or two this
Kx-County Commissioner Barnes, of
Qiiincy, wax eeen In the County Hunt
Circuit Court will convene here In
regular October reunion next Tuesday
biornlng. "
Merchant Clonlnger, of Kalama, was
attending to business uiattera In Port
land Mouany.
Norman McKay, of Sauvle'i Island.
was in town Tuesday evening attending
K. ol f. lodge.
Mr. 0. L. Ayors was In from Porta
Monday, tie continued on to Portland
in the afternoon.
Rev. 0. K. Philbrook will preach next
Sunday at Perie at H a. in., and at
Vaukton at 8 p. m.
A daughter waa born to Mr. and
Mrs. U. 11. Jomont, at Uitruiany Hill,
Wednesday morning.
Johnny Morrle, of Bachelor Flat, en
livened the meeting of Pytlilans Tubs
day evening by his (ireaenee and dry wit.
The number of school children In thla
County, according to the statistics of
the County Behool 8u,nerlntendwut, ia
' 2213. . ;.;
- Mr. Jameie Black, foreman of Peter
aou'l logging ramp, back of Kainier,
pent Sunday in this eity with his
Rev. O. O. Haley, formerly of tliia
place, haa been acnt to Idaho, where he
will have charge of the Methodiat work
at Albion.
M. F, Hswn wa in from hla Warren
Jnrm Wednesday. Met report his new
t dwelling almost completed and ready
Y lor occupancy.
Pr. J. E. Hall waa up from Clatdkanie
Tuesday attending the monthly meeting
of the County Hoard of Medical Kxauif
en for pensions.
Mr. W. J. Muckle, of Rainier, waa
a Portland visitor Monday. - lie waa at
tending to business matters In Bt. Hel
ens Wedneseuy. -
Mr. John flcolt of Kalama, Wash.,
attended K. of P. lodge In thla city
Tuesday evening, as did also I. U. Wik
troin, of the same place.
The Republican! of Multnomah
County have nominated Colonel John
McOracken to be elected to the Legisla
ture in the place of J. A. Kolt, recently
Say, John i Whore did yon get those
fine shoes? From Collins & Uray ; they
liave a large stock of general merchan
dise, and their prices are reasonable.
Call on thcui.
Mr. M. Saxon received a letter from
his wife Sunday last. The lady ia in
Sweden enjoying a visit with her par
ents and other relatives. She expects
to remain there until next summer.
Mrs, O. W. Barnes, of Qulncy, Mrs.
W. L. Pulllum, of Muvger, and Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Kiggs, of Wardner, ldado,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin
White, of this place, one day last week.
Dr. Cawood, the dentist, who visit
this city each Wednesday, ia find
ing his practice rapidly increasing.
Those desiring dental work will find the
doctor at the pharmacy each Wednesday.
The machinery for the Tarhell mill,
" onthaPopo place, haa arrived and ia
doing pluccd as rapidly aa possible.
Mr. Tarboll expected to have the ma
chinery ready to cut lumber yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Powell expect to
arrive here from Bkamokawa Haturday
to take up their permanent residence.
Carpenters are repairing the Cloningor
property, where Air, aud Mrs. Powell
will reside.
A joint political doliste ia scheduled
" for this pluce next Tuesday evening be
tween lion. T. J. Cleeton and some
sneaker from Portland, very likely.
The debate will take place if the Bryan
representative snows up.
D.J. Swltzer has the contract from
Road Supervisor Plank to getoutOWO
cedar puncheons to be placed on the
roada in this district. John Morris and
Ueorgo Case are getting ont the pieces
of timber on SwiUor'a land at Bachelor
The last Issue of the Kalama Bulletin
tolls of an exciting game of baseball
played in that town between the local
team and the Cioble boys. The latter
were beaten, however, but should take
courage, it you do not succeed, try
The Lnnrut-Kueteiitcver murder on
flauvle's Island lust week had the elfeot
of revealing the whereabouts of William
Lay Held, one of the witnesses, whom
-his brother, James, had not seen for
thirty yoars, and whom the latter bad
long supposed to have been dead,
The grand lodge Knight's of Pythias
will meet in Astoria next Tuesday fore
noon at 10 o'clock. The local lodge of
of this place will be officially repreti
. aeuted by Messrs Frank Dow and K. E.
Quick, besides others from this place
who are members, of that body may
attend the session.
Last' week articles of Incorporation
were tiled with the Secretary of Htate of
the Beaver Flume & Lumber Co., head
office at Portland, capital stock $20,000,
C. B. Runyon, C. W. Mayger and T. J.
fllentnn. incoriioratnrs. The company
will engage in the lumber and logging
The steamer America hd a break
down on her up trip Tuesday, and the
KnnnliHn mucin tha run through the
Slough in place of t hat steamer. On the
Republic's trip down Wednesday, near
the mouth of (lllbort River, she too, be
came disabled and a series of difficulties
have been necessary to overcome.
Tha now flnmA vt'liii'n Is being con
structed from Qulncy station, on the
A. A a. ft. R. to Meserve's mill, a dis-
fniicn nt !17 mm font ia nrmrressillB. The
- flume will have 83-inch sides arid be
capable of handling 100-foot sticks, 24
inches at the butt. The flume controls
6,000 acres of timlier land, principally
suitable for fir and cedar piling.
Hoiiry Krata and A, M. Tlchenor
inflile Luaiiiusii triiis to Pot tluitd recently
The Artimins of this pluce announce a
oox aocini lor Buiurdny evening tlie IStii
3.0. Bryant left on the steamer Mon-
tiuy evening to resume Ins studies at Pa
cillo University at Forest (irove,
John KngllNh was limping this week
from an accident out at the logging
rump, t ie reports riiuisoll not seriously
injured, nut eniiiiud to a little rust. ;
Andrew Laws, of Ridgufleld, Wash
has won spending a few days in this
vicinity visiting his son and nephew, A.
T. Laws, at the JSordby & Flippen mill.
Rev. 0. 0. Culiner. the newly ap
pointed M, li. minister, has not yet
arrived. It is reported .that becomes
from Iowa and is now on bis way to the
MIks Annie Orwlg, of this place,
Arthur llinit and Wallace, of Mint,
started on Tuesday morning of this
week for Philomath, to enter the school
there as students,
lion. N. Merrill has been spending a
few days In Portland, somewhat an
xious aoout bis daughter, in the hospi
tal there, but returned Monday evening
feeling encouraged. Mrs, Merrill re
mains in the city to asuiat in tho care of
the patient.
The fruit dryer of the Buck brothers
has been taking care of considerable
fruit lately, consisting largely of prunes.
Mr. Oulbertson loft some 2H00 pounds
from the N. Merrill place, and others
have been favored with good prune
crops this year.
The new office at the Imperial hotel
Is now fitted up with a stoye and tire,
thanks to a new chimney through the
building. The guests can now discuss
politics aliout a warm fire. Manager
l'ilcher tries to itok out for the comforts
of his patroua.
Two men have been at work on Ne
halein avenue this week again, remov
ing some of the old plank and replacing
them with new ones. The large amount
ol lurubcr hauling done this season has
been hard oil tho road piauk, cut nas
brought in the means for buying new
Mrs. Rutter went to Portland Tues
day with her daughter, Miss Maggie,
and expect to place her in one of the
business colleges there. Maggie has
been axMstimr 11. Kratz In bis autre and
at bis books, and has a taste for book
keeping and business, for which she
wishes to more thoroughly qualify her
self by a course of study.
The steamer fiarah Dixon came in on
a special trip the first of the week to
assist in getting the manufactured lum
ber away Irom tno river nanus nero.
The Shaver has not been able to carry
the mill products of lumber and shin
gles away as fart as they are brought in,
necessitating two or three of those visits
from the other steamer belonging to the
same company.
John Conwav ia another returned
Cape Nome miner who reached this
place on Monday evening, He reports
Alex Chlsolm haa left the diggings and
will soon reach Portland. This con
cludes our Cape Nome representation.
They, with others returned earlier, have
oeen fortunate in getting oaca auvo at
least, briiitfinir with them experience
and a wider knowledge of the surface
of tho earth.
Miss Leota Merrill was the second
unfortunate victim of typhoid fever in
family of Mr. and Mrs. N. Morrill. The
attack seemed quite a severe one and
she was taken to a hospital In Portland
nstTlinrmlav. where at last account,
she was getting along a well as is
usual in such cases, riiie nas me sym
pathy and earnest wishes ol host oi
riuuds. who desire that her recovery
may be sure and prompt.
M!u mils Tucker is the nroud DOSS-
essor of a new "Ideal" bicycle.
t mnA HTmi intnl HtftVAnft flnAnt a
few days in Portland last week.
If. n 1 Talittli nil Will
Pattullo spent Sunday at the farm.
Tl. AAiunlln,a wimnlnlwl Ihnip lull.
lot of cutting for this season on Tuesday.
T IfrtL-aw Af SinnAnU 1 nno
employed on the barn at the Pattullo
arm. . . i'-
A UWtllJ .ViMg ..."
E. church and also other carpentering
ia being done.
M- K'am.l .i.ilnft TVirtl.lllll
dental parlor last week to havo some re
pairs made to, her molars.
Mr. J. 8. Bacon, our genial store
keeper and postmaster, is having his
storo reshingled this week.
t T mvat.n wtin tlflH been SO
seriously Hi for the past few weeks, is
slowly regaining her health.
JLf. 1l..n Glnwuna nnrl familv ar ITIOV
ing bank to Warren again, after residing
in Portland for a tew weeks.
Mr. Ed McFarland. of Portland, waa
down a few days Inst week visiting
friends aud old acquaintances.
Mrs. Maggie Cooper, who resides in
Portland, Bpent Inst week visiting with
her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. Blavens.
M. ....! Vlrm V II T.vnch and child
ren visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Duncan, of Hcappoose, last sunuay..
Ml.. V.1.r1ta ITavnn mhimAll tO IlCr
home last Tuesday, after having spent
lew weexs at toe uoneyuinu i
tr. fn,u Ila,lunii vahn bna befln
working on the Evangelical church for
the trnst three months, returned home
last week.
Mr. V. D. Scobert and Miss 55elma
Seobert, brother and Bister of Mrs. I).
C. Allard, were visiting with her a lew
days last week, .
i. n,,.a Wllann of Aberdeen.
Wash.', Bnd Mrs. Don Moore, of Sanvie's
Island, spent a flay or two mis wour h
tiio guests of Mrs. Thos. Isbister.
The attendance at school has reached
flfty-BOven. The children are all taking
-..,( iniiiroat. in the school and im
proving their time vory creditably.
Alii, ill, ..V..,.., v,.w I - ------
.Mn1.,a.l 4I.A Kncn III. t.lm l'at.tllllo
farm, was in Portland one day last week
to have some trotiDiesome teem u
tracted, .
Mr flunrirn Vnllllim. who baS fust fin
ished the building of a silo at the Pat
,tlin liirm Uti luur. wAelt for IudcnBml-
ence, where he goca to erect a silo for
parties up there,
viM .. n,l 1W. VLrtlli.n., rinmtnr. wtin ft
Wii. fii.i ,.,,.,... i ..
.(...ulniaiiMwiint !ialr in lvitninnto
reside, are exneotod soon to return to
this place. we told you so. ximro s
a place like Uregon.
Tl, .nl,nn1 ),ll,l.r, nnkrl led it SO
Wltu wnicn to purcnase covers iur inv
J..m ft... I.mL. uil.lnl. war. pai.ontlv
I1VO UWMI, ni.H't v,v . " - J
purchased by Prof. Allard for the school
library. ThirtjVlive have already been
Mr. C. L. Parker, of Pittsburg, was in
the County Seat Thursday morning.
Oust Clustafson and Bert Mills were
home ou a vaciiuon lust week.
John Dullns, of Upper Nehalem
brought a four-horse load of flour from
f orest Urove Thursday last,
Emery Mills and family, who have
oeen living on tlie Mngoou ranch, moved
Into town this week, occupying the old
W. W. Allen made his chon mill hum
Friday and Haturday of last week, grind
ing leeu lor some ol the Upper JNelialem
John Bmilh and wife started for Port-
hind Haturday last, returning Wednes
day of this week with their second load
of winter supplies.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kensey, of Rock
r!p,.l. 1Lt f rn ft ht .1. 1
imi, mi, juin, i. luriu miu
Mrs. Jolin Dallas, of Kict, attended the
quarterly meeting over ttundny.
Tlie Vernonla literary club will meet
rriuay evening ol tins week with Dr.
and Mrs. C. L. Hatfield, to elect oillcers
and to plan work for the winter months.
Mrs, J. P. Walter went over the
mountain Tuesday with Fred Cellar to
St. Helens and will go down the river to
Cathlamett Wash., where she will
spend the winter,
C. A. Malmsten and Miss Mabelle
Ross wore elected by the local Y. P. A to
attend the district annual convention of
V. P. A's., which meets in Portland on
the Uth and 101 h next week.
Mr, and Mrs. B. F. Tracy and Lon
Emmons went to Clntskanie Saturday,
returning Monday, bringing with them
Mrs. Nellie Bjmon and children, who
havo been visiting the past three weeks
in Portland and Clatskanie.
The ouartorlv meetinir was larcelv
attended Hunday last. The presiding
elder gave two or three very practical
laias, tie auu raster Htroup went down
tlie river the first of the week, holding
services at Jewell Monday night and at
Aiiut xuesuay ntgui.
Albert. Wood made a trio to Forest
Grove last week to bring in a loud of
flour and groceries. Mr. and Mrs. 1. P.
Spencer and Maggie were also out and
returned with tha. third load of winter
supplies. People of the Valley are get
ting ready for the long rainy spell.
Mr, and Mrs. Oust Guatafson and
hi Id run and Mrs. O. Malmsten left
Monday morning for Washington
County. The women folk and children
visited with Mrs. Eva West near Bux
ton, while Mr. and Mrs. Gustafson went
on to Forest Grove for flour and gro
ceries. -
Julius Wheeler and familv, recently
from Missouri, are domiciled on the
Woinsinirer ranch, in the Upper Pebble
Creek neighborhood. They will atop
there for the winter and meanwhile
look around for a permanent location.
Mrs. Wheeler ia a sister of A. J. Mc
R. Sesseman. Josh Sesseman and Dow
Keasoy have been getting out timbers
for the new Rock Creek bridge here the
fiast week. Quite a lot of the material
s now on the ground and active work
is in progress this week. The desire ia
to get the frame up before the heavy
rains bring the water up.
Ye typo
made us say "hunters" in
stead of "hustlers" in our last week's
ad of "
notes. We mean't to sav that the fel
lows who "get np and git" are the ones
who generally get the larger share of
the good things of life. But our chirog-
rapny is so miserootv unu tuttt iu umy
wonder is that there are not more typo
graphical blunders.
II. Goldstein, of Portland, representa
tive of a Ban Francisco firm, came over
tlie mountain last Thursday and was
displaying and sellinir his goods to our
merchants t riday. n is so rare a tning
to see a commercial man with his big
trunks in the Nehalem that we chron
icle tlie event as a choice bit of news.
When the railroad comes we may see
"Johnny" more frequently.
Say. Mr. Editor I Don't yon think
you were a littie too hard on Mary Ellen
Lease last week ? Would it not be
well to (rive her credit in that her wom
an's intuition has perceived the insin
cerity of her idol of four years ago, and
that she now has the couratte te de
nounce him from the public platform aol
a man without principle r uive tne
poor woman a chance to redeem herself
for her many foibles and follies of the
past. :. . '
Alex Smear, of Rainier, was in town
Ira Bayler, of Portland, was In town
Charles Kratskie and wife were Port
laud visitors Monday.
Gus Smith and wife returned from the
hop fields Wednesday.
A. Wise and wife are visiting friends
at Hood River this week.
Mrs. M. Pierce, of Portland, is visiting
her son, Roscoe Pierce, this week. V
W. D. Satterlce and family returned
from the Cowlita hop fields Saturday.
R. W. and R. R. Foster, of Portland.
were visiting friends in this vicinity last
Miss Mamie Snvder, of Portland, is
visaing Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bunrer
this week.
Mrs. Antone Wise and daughters re
turned from the Cowlita bop fields on
Wednesday. . '
Fred Koble met with an accident last
week that will disable him for some
time. He was working on the roof of
his new house, when the staging gave
wav. iirociiiittttiim him to the ground.
distance of about fourteen foet. At last
reports ho was getting along as well as
could be expected,
N. A. Porry and wife, of Houlton,
were in Portland Tuesday.
Miss Lottie Cooper, of Kalama, visited
friends m this city last Sunday,
Albert Sundby is rapidly recovering
from a siege of typhoid tever,
Lars Ellison, of North Scappooso, was
in town Wednesday evening, en route
to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob George came
down from l'ortland Thursday morning
to look after their
Droiierty interests.
Mrs. A. J. Rubert, sr., expects to
depart next Tuesday for Ban tranciseo,
whore she will visit relatives during the
winter. ,
Mr. J. S. Gragg and Mrs. Jane Mc
Donald, both of Deer Island, were is
sued a license in MultnoinBU County
Wednesday to wed.
Smith Kisttier was up from Rainier
Monday. Mr. Kiatner is erecting a
store building fifty feet square, and
otherwise preparing to enlarge bis mer
cantile business.
Mr. and Mrs. Tyaaklowic.s have re
turned from their trip to Cape Nome.
Mrs. TyBcsklowic was in tlie city Tues
day and states that the family may come
to our city to reside in future.
Al 8. Kuelemoynr Bboote and Kills
HI Stepfather, Win, Lnnrut.
As the result of a long-standing family
fend, William Lunrut, a Russian farmer
or buuvie's Island, was shot and Killed
by his .'stepson, Al K iietemever, ant
Thursday night. Three shots were flrcd,
and the old man died almost instantly.
Kuotemeyer eiive himself up to the ail'
thoritles Friday morning, claiming that
ho acted in self-defense. The stones of
the three witnesses, differ materially
According to the testimony brought out
at the preliminary examination the
crime was a most dastardly one, Kuete-
meyer reloading ins gun alter no had
tired two shots, and then shooting his
victim again. From tlie story told by
Kuetemeyer's mother It seems that the
murderer is a bad man and has had de
signs on his stepfather's life for a long
time. The shooting occurred in the pres
ence of three witnesses, two of whom
were the Epperson boys and the other
William Layileld.
From thestartoff it would appear that
Kuetemcyer had his witnesses, the Ep-
E or eon, in good training, as they swore
nrd to clear their friend from the crime.
The scene of the tragedy is but a few
miles above the line dividing Columbia
and Multnomah Counties.
Tlie Grand Jury immediately took up
the matter and has found indictments
not only against Kuetemeyer, but also
againpt the Eppersons, for complicity.
Sulticiont evidence was produced to
satisfy the Grand Jury that the mur
der bad long been planned and the Ep
persons knew of it and made no effort
to checkmate it, which Implicates them
to the same extent as the man who com
mitted the crime. .
VanCleve'a In a Runaway,
A demolished wagon, sore legged and
nervous horses,' frightened and bruised
children and injured, nervous parents,
characterize the conditions at the Ben
VanClcve home in South Hcappoose can
yon, the result of a runaway that oc
curred last Sunday forenoon, while the
family was eu route to Sunday School.
It was near the Methodist church on the
County road, that the accident hap
pened. The team became frightened
and unmanageable by two bicyclists,
who sped swiftly past. The entire
family, husband, wife and four small
children were occupants of the vehicle.
All were soon hurled to the ground with
terrific force, except the eldest girl, who
leaped from the wagon and escaped in
jury, fortunately none were killed or
no hones DroKen, but some serious
bruises were sustained, and Mr. Van-
Cleve received a downward dislocation
of the right shoulder, besides bruises
which slightly disfigured bis counten
ance somewhat. Dr. Roes hastily an
swered a summons to the house and
reduced the dislocation and otherwise
administered to the comfort of tho
family. It is a miracle that no more
serious damage resulted, since the
wagon was wrecked and its bed turned
down side Op, on top of its former oc
cupants, in the middle of the road,
Traction Donkey Stomp Puller.
Mr. Herb Howard, of Yankton, has a
machine which is revolutionising land-
clearing methods. It is a huge traction
donkey, weighiug about sixteen tons
and has a pulling capacity euuat to
about two Samsons. Mr. . Howard
purchased the machine for logging pur
poses, for which it is very useful, but
its value as an all round machine is not
confined solely to the purpose for which
it was bought. When employment for
tne aoukey becomes slack in the logging
business, Mr. Howard starts it in opera
tion at some other kind of work, tiie
latest being at pulling stumps out of his
meadow ground, at which it is proving
a great success. There seems to be no
stump too Urge or too firmly anchored
in the srround for the donkey to extri
cate so long as the cables will stand tlie
strain. About niteen acres oi ground
have been cleared of stamps recently at
minimum cost, first using a light charge
of powder to clear the earth from
around the roots. One important ad
vantage of the monster machine is that
it ia not cumbersome in handling. It
has its own means of locomotion and
travels at a fair rate of speed, consider
ing its size.
Smallpox In a hoggins; Camp.
" The Portland Telegram last Saturday
printed an account of tlie arrival in
that city of a man from Peterson's log
ging camp, back ol Maimer, wno was
auti'ering from smallpoic. The victim is
David Kutin. tie landed in rortiana
Friday morning. He began to feel ill
three days before, and not knowing
what tho nature of his affliction was, he
boarded a river boat and went to Port
land. He is 80 years old. He has been
working in the logging camp for some
time, and where he gol the disease is a
question. . Upon his arrival in Portland
h-Ulm went to a cheap lodging nouse
and wont to bed. The next day he
drifted into the City physician's office
and asked tho doctor what ailed him.
An examination confirmed the suspic
ions, and preparations were at once
made for the patient's removal to the
pesthouse, where a competent nurse is
in charge. Kuhn was in tha pappilar
stage of the disease, and the eruptions
were appearing. His removal to the
pesthouse was accomplished under
grave difficulties. . '
In Search of Data.
Assessor White and his deputy ex
pect to go to Oregon "City and Salem
next week to search tho records of the
United States Land Office and the rec
ords of the State Land Board for parcels
of land subject to taxation which have
not teen reported to this County. The
Assessors found a number of parcels of
land this year which had .not heretofore
been assessed and tlicir researcn oj tne
books and plats of those offices will un
doubtedly have the effect of placing
manv pieces of land on the assessment
roll which have heretofore escaped taxa
tion. Besides for this purpose, the As
sessors expect to soon resume work on
the present ownership books, and in
order to make their work perfect they
must become in possession of all the
information to bo had tcearding own
ership of Jand within the County. The
result of their trip will undoubtedly
benr good fruit and enlarge the County's
annual income.
You Noert Not jaorry
To such speciiil calcs aa others claim
to have. John flellnr's regular prices
on iioods are lower than other stores'
8i)6cial prices. Note in our windows a
variety ot men's Roll snirta at ou cents,
75 cents and tl.00.
.Latest patents in
worsted pants at
tripcu or cnei'Ken
1(2,50, 1(3.50 and $5.00 ; men's shoes, satin
calf, vici kid, tan or blacfc, genuine welt,
$2.51) and 1(3.50; Indies' bIiobs in all
styles, $1.75, $1.60 and $3.00 ; txys' wash
ing suits, 40 cents, boys' good wearing
pants for 25 cents. Our prices aro about
20 per cent cheaper than others, and we
do not try to hurry any one, as we are
always satisfied to sell (jooda for sinnll
prolits. Strictly one price. John Del
far, corner First and Yamhill, Portland.
Does TUIa Strike tout
Muddy Complexions and Nauseating
Breath fromehronicconstipation. Karl's
Clover Root Ten is an absolute cure and
has been sold for fifty years on an abso
lute guarantee. Vrice 25 eta. and 50 eta.
Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross.' .
In the Clronlt Court ol tha Btats of Oregon for
I'nlmpMn r'niMify. ,
Loums Kskatk FKYKKft, Plaintiff
Joiim Fey hkh, Pofendnnt.
You are hereby notified lht (tie 1'lnliiiiir
hureiu htut Died a Comblliflit nuninffl veil 111 thfet
move eutllliiil Court irnd catiae, jinil yoM we
hereby riulwl to appear and nnnwer laid
Complaint on or before tho lat (lay ol the time
uremrlbeil by Onler of fnblicattou hereof,
to-wlt: on or betoro the lvth 1hv ol c.t"'H;r,
)!. You re lurthcr notified thnt II you full lo
Mppmr and niiKwer tho Complaint or plead
thereto, the Plaintiff wllIctUKe your defuult to
be entered and will upt'lr lo the mild Court for
the relief proyed for lu the Cumpiuliit, that in
to nay, for a decree siinullfnx and lUHMdvlnic
forever the IkiihIm of inntrlinouy liat way lie
existing bclwoen I'lntlitlir and befvridnnt
herein and for micb other and further reUui on
to the Court may neeni proper.
The date of the first publication)! thlSum
moiuld I'rliiay, Miami ill, IMI, anil the lnt
publication thereof, Friday, OcU.lwr 12, l'.WO
and haid Ktlnimoul! nhall be publLhrd uu ftabl
Friday of each week for a period of nix weeks
between mild date.
ThU HummoiiH Is published bv order of Hon.
T. A. MrHrMe iudte of wil.l Court, made and
nlarea In d.l r.iu,imd dutcd the 2l day of
August, A. WOU. CH AS. J. r!CH.'AHIU
: Attorney fur I'JaliitifT.
In the Circuit Court of the Btute of Oregon for
Columbia Counly.
Maud It. iTunuum, Plaintiff
J turn A. Strachaw, Defendant.
To Jiiinen A. turachan, the above named Dc-
-You are hereby required to appear and an
swer the complaint filed aifaiust you lu the
above entitled mlt on or heiore the lath day of
October, IWH), said dav belna the expiration of
fx ee after September 7th, 1, the date or
dered for the lirai publication of thin sufnmomi,
and tf you fall to eit appear and anawer, for
want thereof, -the Plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for and demanded
In the complaint filed ainityou herein, b
rit: For a decree forever dhwolving the bond
of matrimony heretofore and now existing be
tween the afove-iimed Plaintiff and Uefend
not: for the care and custody of tbeir minor
child; for her comW and disbursement" and for
nch other and further relief aa lo the Court
way eeem junt and cuuu&'!e.
Thla summons l published in Thk Obeook
Mist by order of the Hon. J. B. Uoan, Judge of
tu County Court of the Ktate of Oresron. for
Columbia Conntv, made aud entered on tiie 5th
day of September, ISOO. .
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Columbia county.
JenaieK. Bonney, Plaintiff ,
Klliah Bonney, Defendant,
To Elijah Bouncy. Hie above-named Defendant:
I Vim are reouh-ed to annear and anawer the
oomplaiut tiled aiwiMt you in the above entitl
ed suit in the Court above named on or before
the 3rd day of November, l'juo, which is tlie
time proscribed In the order of publication of
M,iu Hiimmoiia. and if vou fail to airoear and an
swer. Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed tor in sum compiuiut, town:
1 be reieu aemanueo. in iwuu complaint ia or
fObtinlntinn ,,f tha honrlH of mat ritnotlv now
and heretofore existing between plaintiff and
aefcudaut, upon the ground of desertion of
plaintiir by defendant and for the care, euidody,
control and education ol the followiug-naroed
minor children viz: Charles H.Bonnoy and Fred
dy E. bonney, and for general relief in the pre
mises. Thin Summons is published pursuant to
au order made by the Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge of
the County Court of said County and Stale on
Sept. 2uth A. D. 1900, in the absence of the Hon.
T. A. McBrlde, Judge of the above named Court
in said County and State, and entered in the
above entitled Court. The date of the first
publication of this Summons i September 21st
luno, aud the last publication thereof is Novem
ber Srd A. I. WHO. O. W. COLE,
Atwrney ior riainuir
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for
Columbia county.
Minnie P. Dunn, Plaintiff
Harry F. Dunn. Defendant,
To Harry F. Dunn, the above named Defend
Yoi are i-euiilred to annear and answer the
complaint filed against ym in the above-en-tiiled
suit, in the Court above named, on or be
fore the Sil day of November, 1900. which ia the
time prescribed in the order of publication of
thin summons, and if yon fail to appear and
answer plaintiff will apply to the Court for the
reliel prayeo tor in me uoiiiihkiui, wwiv. ane
nliHf demanded in said complaint is for s de
cree dissolving, the bonds of matrimony now
and heretofore existing between plaintiff and
defendaut upon the ground of willful desertion
of plaintiff by defendant and for the care, cus
tody, control and education of the minor child
ren meniionea in muu vmnpiumi, wrm:
tr.,ri.v K. liunn and Nellie E. Dunn, and also for
a decree awarding to plaintiff for the care and
support of herself and said minor children, all
of the lot No. U and the east half of lot No. 11
in block No. 2 in the town of Georgetown, ac
cording to the plat of said town now on tile in
tlie oDice of tlie Clerk of said County and State,
snd for general relief In the premises.
This summons IS puousnco. pursuant to an
order of and made by the Hon. J. B. Doan,
Judge of the County Court of said County and
Stale Jnn September 20, 1900. in the absence of the
Hon. T. A. Alcliride, Judge of the above-named
Court from aaid County and State and entered
in the above-entltied court The date of the
first publication of this summons is September
21st, 1900, and the last publication thereof it
November a, A. D., 1900. O.W.COLE,
Attorney xor jruiimiu.
Ben the A Kd Yoo Haw Always Bought
liffl Kind Yoo Haw Always I
o resort in the city of St. Hel
ens is near as popular aa the
Only the very best brands of im
ported and domestic fine wines,
liquors and cigars kept in stock.
Pool and card tables for the en
tertainment of patrons.
Loaves Portland on Tnpsttaf. Thursday and Sat
urday at 7 a. in. for
St. Htlons. Kalama, Carroll' Point, Rainbr
and Kelso,
Arriving at Portland Monday, Wed
Dusdiiy and Friday at 2 p. to.
Wharf foot of Salmon St. n. H )tM AN. Agent.
aj. aur aua-snrrrars sulsui star liar
ron poKTXJitvn. daily. a&
Wiilamett Slongli Route
Leave St. Helens. . .. 6 :S0 A M
Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M
Leave Portland ..... 2 :30 P M
Arrive at St. Helens. 6 :00 P M
Will Carry Hothinu but Passen
gers and Fast Freight, .
kjffc rfl A A ! Jfa-JW Jfc 1. MM.M
New Final
Carry the largest stock and greatest varioty of Kneral merchandise of any
firm in Columbia county, where the wains of the farmer, Die
logger, mechanic, Imsincss man and lulwrer can
- be supplied. I'lmir stock cunsixta of
i I'urnishinc floods, hardware, tinware,
T blankets, oil clot lung, feet,
garden implements, and
Collins & Gray
(Successors to W. II. DOLMAN.)
Goods Exchanged for Produce. ST. HELENS, OF!
If You will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You.
that what is Said in this Advertisement is
Our Large Stock of
Consists of the Highest Standard of Quality,
which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices.
H Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Etc. 1
i :;: BE."' MOEGUe, ;' '' -3
Cooper Building, Main Street, St. Helens, Oregon,
St. Helens
DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor,
' " AWAfc?
III' " I
' yvvvvvvvvvYyvvwirvvvv'vvyrvv'ii
Prescriptions carefully and
day or night. Orders by mall for
..St. Helens
I The Weekly Oregonianjis?
sp ' "
gr: Wa have perfected arrangements whereby we are enabled to fur
JET nish The Weekly Oresonian in connection with Tmc Mint for
only Two Dollars. The price ol The Oregonian alone is $1 5;.
new uuuusi
paints, oils, plasa, crockery, cuttlerj ,
Hour, pimifii soens, orcnaru grasp,
dairy rnpplio, etc. etc.
Drugs, Chemicals
Ferfuniery, Toilet Articles,
School Books,School Sup
plies, Stationery, Etc ....
accurately compounded at any hour of the
ior medicine will receive prompt attention.
AU the news well written.
Articles describing Western scenes and
Stories of love aud adventure by well
known authors.
Brilliant illustration bynewcpnperartiHtfl
Interesting sketches and literature for
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Fashion articles and illustrations for
women. o