OJJKGON MIST fcntoreil m tin; IVt-tufiiw at 6t. Uolens, Oregon, an STi'iiii(t'i lii8 mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAER. DAVJD DAVIS, KilTt AMI I'ltot'KIKTOtt. i ii-i'r.H'Tios iT.HE; One copy ouo your. in advance,, ix moiithd. Provideiu-e Mint one or all the occupants of tl wagon did not lime thoir lives, iu which instance there would hnve been no direct criuiitial responsibility attach ing t anyone, lamentable as fmr-h tHinditiou is. Bicycle ridora should at least luive regard for life if not for pri ueffe of others. FARMERS AND THE SCHOOLS. W. .STY OFFU'EUS. Representative.., JlliliCC.l. ,vt Clem. Sheriff.... Treasurer. 6mt. of tichoola. AHi)Nir..,i. . . v. ftnrvevor. ., jUoconer.. Uommissloueni J - ..Normm Merrill. rtatakanle .....Joseph H. IVim, italuier !. Wntm, Si. Helens H. lUttun, Si. Helens ......I K. Ko-. St Helens T. II. t'oiiciiuid, Himlton ,. Martin White, or, Helena A B. l ilt!.-, Hoiiltun ....Dr. H. B, lt w. Helena P. A. rrfca, iM!ki jse V. D, Case, rillsburu r j ,'-;"' -- v , . OOTQ1SER 5, 1000. HWi)f S t;s SUCH. One fact in connection with the Sauv fee Island murder which is giving the officers and citizens of this C-mnty some concern is how it was possible for euch a thing'to happen just outside of the border limits of Columbia County. It seeing almost incredible, yet it cer tainly must be so, since Keutooieyer was arrested by Multnomah County officials and his hearing hud in a Mult nomah County Court. Mrv be the hoodoo is off, and Columbia County will escape,at least.the trying out of one mur der case. Murders, robberies, insanity and suicides seem to have chosen the aoil within our borders upon which to .commit their infractions of the rode, and the County has been the sufferer in that as much that an enormous cost bill and expense account has been our mis fortune to foot. It makes one feel al most like shaking hands with one's self and endeavor to forget that such a crime was committed. Our escape from repetition of history in this connection was by but a hair's breadth, and partly by the grace of the Oregon Legislature jn fixing the boundary line between the Counties just where it did. Our refer ence to all these immoral acts does nec essarily argue that ours is a bad class of people, but the geographical location of the County seems to have been a handy dumping ground for ail the criminal garbage of our sister State across the river, and the adjoining Counties. Ter rible as such occurences are, we are in a congratulatory mood for ourselves that Multnomah County can have a taste of the fruit this County has feasted on, While each a bill of fare has appeased liie mind's appetite of some individuals, it has had a nauseating effect npon good citizens and demoralized our character. beside impairing our financial progress liy unnecessarily increasing our Court expenses. One of the worst mistakes common among farmers it the attitude (or lack of attitude) usually taken toward the V? i education of their children. Few visit fruv evuuut -Alien- tuuir iiumreu urti trained for weal or woe. The hired man is watched very carefully about the caring for the cattle and hogs, but the individual who is appointed to care for the children six hours every day is often a stranger to their parents or guardians. Some say, "I am no teacher and believe in leaving the work to the one who profess to be able to teach. But we must remember that our presence at school may be of great value in encour aging him who knows how to teach to do better and to keep our children, and their teacher, from getting careless and negligent of duty. How much good our presence and an encouraging word now and then may do, eternity only can fully answer, and how much evil a careless, indifferent manner a grumbling about "that teacher" in the presence of our children may do, can never be fully realized. Another common mistake consists in hiring teachers with refer ence to salary only. Many is the term of school taught each year by weak, in competent teachers, simply because they will work cheap, when S or $10 a month would secure live, wide-awake teacher who would be a power for good in the school, instead of allowing open disobedience and careless, nnscholarly habits to be formed. The wise farmer considers it poor economy to let a good hand go for the sake of a few dollars increase in wages. Why not apply the same principle to teachers where the result of poor work cannot be estimated in dollars and cents only. Ten dollars more a month to secure a good teacher may mean 25 cents or 50 cents more a month from you. If you are poor your burden will be correspondingly light, while your children will receive as much benefit from the superior training of a good teacher as your wealthy neigh bor's, and if wealthy you can hardly contribute to a better cause and at the same time be throwing safeguards aronnd yourself and property. "Ignor ance is the curse of God, knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to Heaven." It often happens that very poor people, with large families, object to building a new school house, hiring a good teacher, or purchasing a library, when the extra tax would not cost as much as a single vice would cost in a week. A man in a city in this State spent a great deal of time arguing against building a new school house, the cost of which, it was ascertained, would increase his. taxes WHAT CONSTITUTES BR Y A SIS M? Now it is op to the followers of Mr. Bryan and bis code of advocated princi ples to explain just why Governor Koosevelt was attacked by a mob in a v little town in Colorado, last week, while be was attempting to deliver a political speech. Four years ago Mr. Bryan and bis crowd placed a great deal fit stress npon the statement that tiie Republicans were coercing voters, and , in some instances depriving them from pasting a ballot, but if our memory serves ns as it should, we are enable to recall one instance during that memor able campaign when a gathering of Bspublicans refused a Bryan advocate a hearing. Certainly not. The Republi can party has always advocated and practiced the rule of law and order in the land, protected the rights of indi viduals their life and property and iu some instances it has been fuund that the offenders were unanimously of the kind which is giving Bryan his support. To interrogations regarding the respon sibility for such outlandish conduct the country has been given to understand that if people on such a mission as Mr. Koosevclt's was, do not care to undergo Buch treatment, they can remain away from Colorado. That's good United States Constitution advocacy. That ac cords to every individual the unre stricted enjoyment of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" with a ven geance, but it places the Bryanite in a decidedly contradictory position, and one not calculated to gain much favor with the American people. The prin ciple of "life, liberty and ihe pursuit of happiness" would seem to be all right with the Bryanites, when its application is intended for rebellious Filipinos, but for home folks and Americans it finds no place. Conditions would seem to be bordering closely on the desperate when such tactics are resorted , to, and the people or set of people who sanction such conduct will not gain favor with the great masses of good American cit iseus. If that is Bryanism, away with it. COt'ilT IOCKiCT. Following it the docket of cases to lie disposed of at the term of Circuit Court to convene Here next Tuesday." Matrerof a'nment of Columbia Cftv Logging Co.; Euimoni A Emmons, as signees. Mat ter of assignment of Link A Blake ; 1". J. iiannon, aemgnee. Matter of assignment of Bean Blanch ard ; M. Both, assignee. Matter of assignment of Anryt & Kist uer: J. B. Doan. asaiirnce. Matter of assignment of Page A War ren ; k. l.. Ntmn, assignee. Mary W. Newsonie vs. A. A 0. R. It. Co. ; Alex 8 week and V. C. Bellinger for plaintiff. Kelso Bute Bank vs. Wm. Svniona et al;T. P. Fisk for plaintiff. tiyron fjottee vs. victor wisell etal; Dillard A Day and V. F. MasM for pltf. Ethel h, wood, administrator, vs. Koana Ames ; J. B. Stoddard for nialtit- ilf ; Ames A Rice for defendant. J. O. llunthorn vs. James ljtiinn;F. Taylor and Fulton Bros, for tola ntiff : Cotton, Teal & Minor for defendant. j femora Armstrong vs. Kachacl I. Har ris et al : Dell Stuart and L. B. Cox for i plaintiff: G. W. Cole, O. W. Avery and 1 n,. v. liingiiatn ior iietwmiaitt Commissioner Ctae Informs us bv loi ter that the Bittuburtr brhhre whs oiionoil for travel Wednesday inonilmr. The bridge is not conmloU'd. however, but the work remaittiiij. t he done amounts to but very little. The timbers for the bridge at Vernon'.a are all ready and the work of framing was begun Tues- State Land Board vs. M. ltowr: W. !""'v" .mr' VaHO ,on I"" H. Convert and . W. Cole for plaintiff: V u-"r ,wof. ntt exneett to complete efendant. I " ur'K ueiore mo i-jui ul me mouth. ADDITIONAL. LOCAL. Mr. W. A. Harris lias recently re ceived a letter from Hubert Patrick. who has been in the Northern region! Li-i., J. l for over two years. .. His Mend in ll.o ! . County will be pleased to learu that he I'' T. '," it won ana proprous. Persons from throughout theCouiiU coining to the County Scat to atU'iiil Circuit Court next week will I! ml table board and roomt at Mr. and Jaine. Dart's residence. A lurge number cull oe occomouaieu. The receipts of the Cotintv Clerk's OtliCO for tho month of Seotionh-.r a-uounieu ro -iu,ntt. itccording teen 10-M0; Circuit Court ftn, L'8.l)0; land reilemntlona from theCuuntvuii account of hack taxes. 1274.80. About a similar amount of redemption lim-im-st was tran sacted through Individuals, of which no accounting was niuuc. Kolbiil I ho Uravo. I A stni'UIng Incident Is nni'iuted by i John Oliver, of 1'hilitdelpliiH, follows; i wax iii mi iiwiut coiiiiitioii, Aiy itliuovt vollow, eve sunken, I Mite, I, iiiiin eoiitliumllv Iu I'ih ! I and tides, mi npoetue, umw i nir wesker il.iy by ilwy, Tliiee phyulelims had given nm up.- 'I'lion I win advised to ; Kleetrti- ttitii i! In luv ureal Joy, t.'-e I! mi. boltlo iond a divided Improve ment, t continued their lino for three ui't-kis unit am m.a well man. I know iliey lolilied tltr pravo of another vic- nin," to ,ue mioiim tail to try tliciii. Only Mi CvMit, guaranteed, at 'the Bt. llcli ii Pharmacy, I'll- PV..fr Inn dsKPfDi nnn ten cents. Osb of our correspondents thinks we were too harsh in our criticism of Mary Ellen Lease last week. Nav; we have no apologies to offer, either. The cause of Republicanism is not benefitted be cause Mary Ellen advocates it. She is the same old batherskite; was, is, and will always be a demagogue. What is bred in the bone will manifest itself in the flesh. Mrs. Lease will be no benefit to any cause she might champion. Business Change. Having had it in view to remove from St. Helens, I have disposed of all my legal business, including ail unfinished bnasness to Mr. 8. H. Gruber. whom I recommend as a iawver of honest? and ability, and who will, as I believefaith fully attend to all miriness pntriieterl tn him. In this connection I desire to thank all the people of Columbia Coun ty for their liberal natronnun ami crrof kindness to me during my many vears rctuueuue ax bi. neiens. i nope and trust that all my clients and frends will call' at the old stand and give to Mr. Gruber the same warm greeting and pat ronage, in a business way, that has been extended to me in the past. I also de sire to state that hereafter all abstract and conveyancing business will be con ducted by Mr. E. E. Quick, as heretofore, at the old office of Cole & Quick, in St. Helens. G. W. Cole. K. P. Graham for defendant. State Laud Board vs. M. A. Itoeaer: W. It. Conyers and O. W. Cole for the plaintiff; K. P. Graham tor defendant. l.ouia Love vs. Jonathan Tice; Js. and . R. Mendenball for plaintiff: T. ii. Cunningham for defendant. Alice Anderson vs. Kohert L. Ander son j Geo. 8. Shepherd for plaintiff. I .1 11 .1. ..... 1 I1 I. and Mendenhall for plaintiff; G. W. Cole lor Qeiemiant. O. J. Bryant et al vs. Hannah Convcrs i etai; I'll lard jjay tor planum : J, C. More I a ml for defendant. Mary C. Hill vs. James Low: Dillard A Day for Flaiutiff; G. W. Cole for de fendant. A. C. Richardson vs. John Sandstrom : G. A. Hall for plaintiff. J. H. Cameron vs. Jennie B. Cameron : W. H. Convert for plaintiff. F. I. Webber vs. Elizabeth Ifuirbea et al : G. W. Allen for plaintiff. , R. Z. Joy vs. Columbia County et al : Dillard A Day for plaintiff. Eva Tbievierce vs. Albert Thievieree: Coovert A Stapleton for plaintiff. Win. Anulin vs. Margaret Bradshaw: James Gleason for plaintiff. Alauae Al. strachan vs. James Stra Chan : K. P. Graham for nlaintitf. LonigCTtukate teyrer vs. John tevrer . J. Ht-hnabe! for plaintiff. Lena Blackburn vs. A. BlRckburu Mraehan Seton and . W. Newport nd G. VV. Cole for plaintiff: Weather lord 4 Wvatt for defendant. Anna 8. Norton vs. E. D. Newton Sheuhard A Cellars for ulaintiff. Elien Mills vs. Thos. E. Mills; Dillard way tor planum. Jessie E. Bonner vs. Eliiah Bonnev u. w. uoie tor planum. Minnie P. Dunn vs. Harry F. Dnnn G. W. Cole for plaintiff. American Mortgage Co., of Pcotland i. Rachel I, Harris: E. W. Bincham and a. l). Wilier lor planum. T. P. Borkhart vs. N. A. Musirrove: B. Srabrook for plaintiff; E. W. Bmg- uiim and v. w . Avery lor defendant. Foster Bros. vs. Allen Bros; W. D. I? enton and T. P. Fisk for plaintiff. S. Elmore vs. I. Ollila; Harrison Allen tor plaintiff. John Conway vs. S. C. Spencer and i-j. j. isryanc; josepn inistun lor plain tiff; Dillard A Day for defendant. I. Iiwengart vs. A. B. Root ; E. E aiergess tor planum. Honeyuian. DeHart A Co. vs. W. M, Fraiuie; G. A. Hall and G. W. Caldwell for plaintiff. James Humphrey vs. ' Columbia County; U. S. G. Marqnam forplaintitf i. j. cieeton ior aeienaant C. E. Bowers bv D. C. Bowers, euar- dian, vs. Star Logging Co. ; T. J. Clceton ana Henry St. Kayner for plaintiff r. rr , a t e 1 vuitun, it'ni ix ..ninor ior ueiennant. 8. A. Miles vs. Martin Judy et al Barin A Ward for plaintiff. M. Ellis A Co. vs. Glibbert A Sont Gammons A Malarkey for plaintiff. L. E. Clark vs. Glibbert A Sous; Dil- isru a uay tor planum. G. T. Propst vs. Glibbert A Sons; Dil- laru & vay tor niaintin. Sol Abraham vs J. C. Smith; A. Ab- ranam tor plaintm. W. H. Dolman vs. C. N. Plowman G. A. Hall vs. John Lindbere A Co,: u. a. nan tor piaintin. State of Oreeon vs. Manlcv Lane: D. J. Malarkey for defendant. Down at Saldern's logging camp, a railroad wreck occurred, which will delay operations for about two mouths. A piece of new road was being used for the first time, on which was a heavy grade. The locomotive could not hold the train of heavily loaded cars, and the driver was helpless to manage his train. An open switch, half a mile distant, was struck and the entire train, loeonio tivu and all, was badly wrecked. No lives were lent. A Thuuiasn 'luiifurs Could not express the rapture of Annie Springer, of Philadelphia, when Dr. King's Kew Plwovwry cured her of a luu-king rough that for many year hud made lite a burden. She saver "Alter nil other remeiliea and doctor failed It, soon relieved the pain in my chevt and I can now sleep sound- Iv. miinetMicr I pun hieuifuilu iuiiiiii,lu,i doing before. I loci like ouinling its prain's throughout tho Universe." Dr. King's .New Discovery is irtiarantcpd to cine till troubles of the throat, ehet or iiuiir. iv tee rU renla and 1. Trial bottles free at the St. Helena 1'har.imcy Muu u Luvt-r Has turned with diut from an uthor- wibi luvaiiie girl with an ollenslve breath. Karl's Clover Hxit Ten purities it he breath by Its action rn the howela. et as nothing clt-a will. Sold for years on iliolulc guarantee. Pnee 25 cts. and ou cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. The County Board of Equalization, which had been in session thrm diva adjoured Wednesday evening. There were but two applications for reduction of assessment on lands, both of which were denied. Th A Company asked for a reduction in its assesfuient of $400 per mile on road-bed ami ior a reduction ol ?,&uo on aewssed valuation on rolling stock, all of which was denied. The lands assessed to F. E. banford was stricken from the roll. f-anlord did not possess title to the lands assessed to him. Mcbool Funds Apportioned. The County School Superintendent apportioned tne money accruing Ironi the irreducible State school fund, last Monday, among the several districts in uuo iuuiiij, as ioiiowb: dist. clkkk. KO. curi,o. AMT. J. WT Watts 91 !5fl 52 Ji Hi uic. 72 125 42 J A Holaday 41 RP Burns 61 HCTichenor 109 Jos Brown 12 Wm Holt 80 D W Freeman....... 10 AD Holaday.. 64 Jas F Graham 37 F H Meeker 23 C V Mellinger 20 Th extremely narrow escape from death, or at least, very serious and per manent injury of half a dozen members of one family at Scappoose last Sunday,' by reason of a runaway accident, caused, undoubtedly, by the foolhardy acts of two boys old enough to know much better, should be a warning to that class pf individuals not. to exercise their lib erties at the expense of endangering tho lives of other people. Bicycle rid ers should bear iu mind .hat not every horse will coolly permit nil kinds of confiibiou and excitement about tbem, J t was by but an act of extreme kind Military Roll. There are 1051 persons in this County subject to militrv duty, according to the Assessment Roll, juet completed, being males between the aaes of 18 and 4ft years, and residing in the several pre- uim-iB, us iohows: Apiary, zo; Auburn 110; Beaver Falls, 64; Clatekanie, 121 Deer Island. 37: Goble. 02: Marshland 41; Nehaleui, 62; Oak Point, 115; Rain ier, im; ncappoose, wo; Union, 102; iruncu, uv, School Warrant Payable. . Notice is hereby given that ontstand ing warrants of school district No. 2. numbers 213 to 219, both inclusive, will oe paid upon presentation to me at my oiniio in oi. jieienn. interest win cease alter uct. 6, 1900. E. E- Quick, Dis- NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION. Oa the fth dor of October, 1900, at the hour of 10 O ClfM'k. A. M. . I will an tn o, l.ll, . 1.1,1 der, for cash, in front of the Court Howe door, In Ht. Helem, Oregon, 16Uiu;r of land, known m the James Cooic place, Huatei on the et hank of Nclialcm River, two lnllen below l'iits buni, dewrltied aa follow: Bat at aonth- ,.,x4 oiFuuiwew oi aoiitneaat 'A.cau taming VS) acres of timber land, with a good wteiyiwer niI1,n(, through It. 'Jhe aouth- on eunaUiing of a bouae 1216 feet of rouuh iiimoer, one Morf hiifh, with shake roof, a barn Of alllt ooata and nliMka ww,f. -xt.ui.in oilier iniaU bulliliiiKa of name material, tiven . ,""" ina partially cleared and in fulr cultivation. hHiHtx'A nr,iun,i win, timlier on. Ctounty road runs throuah said tract, also good water privileges. The land anove-descrfhed U luefltAl nn iuwir,. ii hfp5north of range t west of Willamette mer idian, Columbia County, Oregon. inow rinr.A w Auetioricer forthe heirs, by order of Andrew r.lllolt, FiltHburg, Columbia County, Oregon, 2. 3. 4. 6. 0. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 10. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 20. 27. 2H. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 3d. 37. 88. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 40. 47. 48. 49. 50. 61. 52.. 53. 54. 55. 60. 7. W A Wood... 215 Mrs E D Johnson 23 JMReddick 60 Mrs S E Stehman. . . , 40 Albert Wood 10 A Ii Melis .... 10 J R Headlee 14 T O Watts..... ..... 72 WD Case. ,.. 19 N D Peterson 38 Henry Henderson.. ,. 01 F J Peterson 8 G W Barnes J22 Mrs W. J Zillman.,.. 13 JC R Throop. ., 37 T W (irant 43 A J Gragg 31 FredBriggs 62 WFIlialt .......... 15 Aimer Meserve. 13 WF Schneider 27 II C Gore 18 Oscar VVaicatien. .. 35 F W Mak i nster ..... 62 Fred A Bticher. ...... 42 W L Brown ; y Chaa K Phiibrook 90 WH King 3 Wm H Miller........ 13 Mouritz Carr 24 CC Moyer.. 19 M P Young 12 John Mulliiis 3 R G Davey 35 John Prinale .. . ...... 21 W MTinmiiev H Geo M Holt.'.. 7 . J W Foater 22 AM Parker 20' F" E Maliiiberg 37 Win G Woods 11 Gus Hegele. 12 Thos Anderson....... 18 Kils B. Olsen ..... 81 BP Wiggins... ..... 10 71 42 88 84 340 65 20 90 149 81 17 42 04 00 04 45 40 07 34 84 374 63 40 00 97 65 09 08 17 42 27 87 ! 24 39 125 41 33 10 06 20 106 20 13 94 212 62 22 05 64 65 74 90 64 00 90 58 20 13 22 05 47 03 31 35 CO 97 90 68 73 10 45 29 150 78 40 ( 2 (15 41 80 33 10 20 90 5 22 00 97 20 58 19 10 12 19 88 32 34 81 04 4,i 19 10 20 90 31. 35 64 00 17 42 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. VJ-OTICS 18 HKKRRY tsrVKN THAT IN M'R A' suaoee of au order of the Coautv Court o( the Slate of Oregon, (or Columbia Countv, uiade and entered Iu the matter of the vatata of T M. Webber. i-eaet. on tbe IHih day ol Jnlv, 1WK), the uuderaigned admlnliitrHtor thereof will nil at public auction, 1 1 the hlghoai bidder, fur w-n, auu suu.ti-i 10 uiMoinnaiiou by walil court, on Saiunlay. the 8nl day of (iovember, 1WW, at the hour of 10 o'clock In tho foreuuon of said dB.v, at tho front door of tho County Co art House, In the City ol St. Helena, Oregou. all Ihe right, title and liuerem ol the said V, M. Web ber at the time of bla death, or which has since been aeuulrcd by hi iate. In and to the lol-lown:g-le!-ribil real m-operlY, ti-wtt: The went i of the north went i of tin sontheaNt u ii soi-iiou 7. township north of range 1, west of me niuauiene uiaunian, iu coiunjbia Couuty, VTiHipui vresi'll. VAVltl liAtl.l, Administrator of tie estate of t. W. Webber, aeoeaNed. . Jab Couldn't (lave Mat It If he'd had itchiini piles. They're terri bly annoying, but llui klen's Arnica S.dve win cure ttio woiat case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For injuries, pains or bodily eruptions ii' the beat salve in the world. Price 25 cents a lux. Cure guaranteed. Sold at me et. Helens I liai utacv. Tell Vsjur Mtler. ADMINISTRATRIX SALE. XTOTtCB 18 HKBEBY OIVKK THAT IN PrfB. XtI suani of an onler of the County Conn of the Slate of Oregou, for Washington County, mails and entered in the reeonls of said Cnuri oa ilia Ut day of Oetuber, l'AW. iu the mstu-r of the estate of Johiiitoi Kreeoian, Jr., deceased. I will, on Monday, Ih. Slh day of Korember. l'.lOll, in St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, at the uoor ui me voun maim, la aaid St. Helens, Or egon, sell in one panel, lo the highest bidder, (iircaah In band, all of the right, title and In terest that Johnston Freeman. Ir . h.l al ihu time of his death, or that his estate baa sine acquired of. in and la all of lha fnlloivit,ff-.i- senbed real property, lying, being and situate ill Columbia County, Oregon, and described as the south H ol the nurthwen i and the north east of lite norlhiKst Ki and lot . of s.eii,,u 6, lowimhlp 7, north oi range 4, west of the Will a.nvtte meridian, containing li3 l'i acres. vaieu tuia lai oar oi uctormr, 1HUU. KUZAIIK'ttf KKKEMAN. Administratrix of Lhe ejitnta nf JiiIiiihOoi Kmmv. man, jr., ileteioieif. ueore K. Ilagley, attorney foradmtnlstratrli. A Beautiful Comiilexion is an luniossi bility without good pure bloial, the sort that only exints in connection with goil ilicptioii, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover K"Vt Tea nets directly on the unwell, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 ct. and 60 eta. told by Dr. Edwin Uoss. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. Tha Kind You Wm Always Bought Bears the Biguatore of AVtfclable PrepatnlionforAs slmilatlnfi iticFoodnntlRcSuJa Uiij. flic 5loumchs mid Howls of Promotes Di6caHon.Chfcrfur- ncss ami liesi.toMtims iiciukt Ojjluni.Morpluue norMiitcraL InotNakcotic. flx..tmjm AMWsJMr- sff eVfaWfaiaMfr aflVMPi ApetfccI Remptly forroretllpn Tion . Sottr Stotnhch.DioiTlvHvi Worms .Convuliuuiui .ft wristv ness And Loss or Sleep. FacSiinilt Sitfnnlurs of NEW YOHK. m ill i'4 For TRfanta cim CMMron. Tha Kind Yea Have Always Bo'jght Boars tho Siffnatiiro of EXACT COPY Of WWAPPCH. AW m n B awM a H SB on For Over Thirty Years tub etntaua aasiaaaiv. asw vsaa am. OAOTOa-ITA. Bearttisj f Ta Kind 1m Haw Hlwn Bottgftt Bigturtu of nAa. ita i 0,1 i s ffUM.IHM Til, tt. Fall Term Opens Sept. 15th. WHITE COLLAR LINE SUMMONS. In th Circuit Court of the But of Oregon, lo , ami iii niiiiiiijin viuiity. vjmu vsoneyt riauuiiu, vs. Vivfyr Wiftelt.an fnsnno person, o. W. Crle, W. rlri. i u W a. nrrf; SUMMONS. Kuanifaii of Victor Win on, au Insane irwa. !efi?ii4tats. To Vi'-lor Wisell. one of the above Ufimol de- fnnitiiiiiM S THE NAME Of THE RTATK OFORKQOS: fwt-Sl- .iL' . ft ; -V- TUB COLUMHU RIVER AND I'fUBT HOl'Kl) NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. SIR. GATZERT ) ou are herliv rmjulrcd to aimear and ans wer thcninitiaiul flleitnualnst vnu In thexlim-a lltitlel suit on or before the last dav oJ tha all wiwJm next followliii; tha flrr publication of mis imiuumns; n no 11 you rait lo answer wie plaliililT will cause your default to ha emeriti, auda.ply to the Court (or the rellel ilcmamleit in tha complaint, to nit: For a imlioneut against you fur tha sum ol po.00, with iulerest ai uie rale oi ten per wnit. oer amoim from the 16th liar of Kolimarr. MU7. trarathi-r with Imm aiuiruev s lee, auu u.a, taxes paid hy plalntlB on tha morl caged preiiiises lierel nailer descrtbeil, and tor costs and thai a decree lie made against VOU IlirecllMlllff all lstn.itt ulil,-h v,.n hu,l the 16th d iy o( Kebn.ary, 1897, the dateol the I iiiunKuue tveu oy you w piaintlir. on the prem ises described, or hate since acquired in or lo I tne southwest ouarter or section slv. tiuvnitliln Urn, north of ran ire three, west of tha Willam ette meridian, in Olumbla Comity, Oregon, containing 1-lato acrs of land, aud onlerlnic raiu ureiiiisca sum acforuina to law, ana aoply. thetjuoceeils ihcrtof to tiie payment of said I-andlni Fool of Alder Htreet, Portland, nes Porllanil dally (except humiavlat 7 A. t.auilluii Telepauna dock. Astoria. fieavea Astoria dully (except Saturday)? P. M Halley (latxert tlcketa amMl on stcainer llasaalo Hteamer llaasalo tickets kooiI on Halley Uuucrt. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER ll RAILROAD COMPANY. aKAODOWR OAltV. fllK .uilvment. This sunt nous is tuibltshed bv or- der of ihe Honorable 1. B. Idiun. c;ounty Judge mr uoiumhia c-onnty. Oreeon, made on Ihe lSili day of August, liKJO. The date of the first pub lication hereof Is Friilav, Aumst J7, 1100. The time Drescrllted In the onler for biihlii'Attnti u six weeks, aud Ihe tine within which vnu are io aueiver tue coinpiwiH is on or before the last ay oi saui puoilcallOD. W. F. MatilLL AKTI nil f.itn A, Tt . V 172S Attornova for t-lHlntllT. 't.W, 5:8ft! 1:07 1:1 :5 8 0.1 an 8 38 8 44 s m i-:u; ft Bean tha t I KiM lot Hav Alwrrl EMt Bajnatar. -J ' W of S&JZjSC siTATIOMS f.vl-ortland Ar .... liohie .... ....Kaluier ... ... pyramid... .... MayKor.... ....(.ulucy .... . . CUtskanle.. . . Marshland, . .. Weittiigrt.i,. ....Cllnon.,.. ... .Knapr-a.... ... Kvenson.... ...John Hay... Ar. Astoria .f,v Rsuour I DAILY. ' 31 28 a. a. i-. m. II 10 0 40 10 (V 8 Hf, m tw 5 8 00 ! 7 54 9 ll 7 44 IB 7 UK v m iw t tti 7 17 8 7 7 oa 8 17 42 8 07 in III 111 7 45 fl 10 PICKED UP. Flshfnirhoat. Hcensvi. OC.a. Awnaritan fln.l same by applying to Miles Watroua, Columbia Cliy. TEAM FOR SALE. For sale, at a reasonahla tiaitr a team nt welt-broke mules. Jniitilre at tills olllce. FORSALE. An Undivided onp-hHl lrifrosf In NO mtm ..I partly improved land, l4 mllca from Warreu: ..j m-res in arass, aiHtiit o aires tree from stumps. Kifieen hanilreii con) of wood on the laud. Some fruit trees. Now waitnn and harness. Apply to r-K H.cvi-x, Warren, Or. BIDS WANTED. rID8 WANTED FOR 2000 CEDAR TIEH7xx - delivered alonii the track of the Astoria Jk Columbia River Railroad. Hume to be cut of I urst-ititMKi ceiuir, iree rroin larxe or rotten knots, st:n!xhl (or entire leuath and fiee from bark. Add tens A. dt C. R. K Astoria Orunon. A. M. I I w I .0: 9 0.1 Wlj t IH 4!i.H 0 M II 40 Vi lli 9 ho tflD.gi 10 0!) f,i.: 4.IK; 9 m 10 10 tw.i I ID JlO Sll ;71.' 1;!T, S7 10 1 78.71 5:17 10 00 11 02 'SII6 -m io ok h; io m.v b:m III M II !3 :ltt.4" All trains make climo connections at noble wllh Northern Pacllio trains to ami from the Kast and Hound point. At Portland with all trains leavini Union depot. At Aslorln with I. R. N. Co.'s boat and rail line to aud (mm 11 waco and North Beach potnta. Passenircrs for Astoria or wht twiints mnt a. a trains at tloullun. Trnltn will stop to let naa- seiiKefs oir atllou!ton when comina- from itolnta westofOuble. J. . llliayo, """" den. Pass. Aid., Astoria, Or 0, 81 N. 1 a - ' "'r'-HIp -- LBajtVA. r The sliirtiititi of lh Norma! Miool am pietiareil lo take Ihe Kiai i ciiiiovi.. uuiuvU aivly on madiiailim, ' lint mates nail !yai'iira i,uy nnslllnns K. IK-Ilwsiif year Hum $!3U In l.. lUrnlta A,-a, leuiii! ami I'rofcs imui cniin-ei new si-m ial!. Welt Kiulpwd s pauioim! Iu Manual 1'raltilita. Ttalul'm Dcpaitiiieiii. -I'lirl-'alulo l-lrusa . citiiliiliiliis full nniii'Uiireinciiis. ..t;AMI'lll.t,l., f r,"l(lcllt. . t.. :,u-m i.i., or W. A, WANS, HscrcUry of tit Kutuit. sfV-sfV sf k sfa afW skAAaVAIAAiji A JU Aj.AAj.j.iaj i How About Your Title? A k 5 K " h " "h,f R-m....lWf that It I. tbe rf MM HKD that am-erin. II la our l.uihea to search Ih Ii.i . r,;"r'u ',",w "'' hrr "ihUilii In i.lati.ui to land title, if yiucniileui.lal buylnalatiil or litaulna money ou real late swur ty, take no wan word, but llt.l.i umi kuou iua what thenfcunlsliow.ruaarilliigihetitlo. Au Ahslrtmi lsssrntisl at ' d,.,t iu,,i n havliia 11. w have the only wt of i.uii a.ks Iu thaciiunty. All work promptly exei i.tc.) am) alll,i.-il.,u guaranteed, II oii have pro, tv m Insure (ire us a call vir aacuts lorlhebciithre iiiiuniiiieeoiitiHiMlesiii the uoihl. tf i0J have property (ursale list tt Willi us aid e wilt llu.l bii' tir. OOILaK SS? QUICK mam Stntt i ST. HELENS. 0KCG0H i I I jAAAAJIuaiAiAiliAI4ulll ...WHEN 'IN -NEED nr?:MKmnr.vv -w -00 T0- THE. U DRUG STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc DR. J. C. HALL Proprietor. - OREGON. CLATSKJNIE, vvvvvvvv WftDfyv vnr v v v v v v Dbsabt Chlcairo Portland Rpecial 9:1& a. iu. ti.742 per pupil. 221313854.93 k Joint (liitricts. Pursuant to an adjournment. Hnmlair School will be resumed in the Congrega tional church Sunday, October 7th, at the uual hour. Come when tho bell rings. M. C. tiray, Supt. f.'i tf-. s 1 'mi Z3 Coiitih and onsiimpiion isUre Thl It fcoyo.ul question the most auocessful Couich MedU cln ever l:nown to acienc: a few doses Invariably cur tho worr.t cases of Cmixh, Croup and Htoiichitla, while Its won dsrfci euccc-sa In th cure of Consumption la without a par. 1lolintlichlatoryof medlcln. Mn: In rtn.t clmoovery It hua been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other mediolna can stand. If yon have a Coufrh, we earnestly ask you to try It. In United State o4 Canada S5c., tiOc. and $1.00, and In England Is. ltd., lis. M. and 4. 6d. SOtt PROPRIETORS SaC.WELLS.aCO. tEROY, N.V. TORONTO, CAN. Spokane I'lyor 6:00 p. m. 8 p.m. la. m. Kx. Holiday FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. 7 a. m. Tues.Tliur, and Hat. 0 a. m. Tues Thur. and Hat. tv. Hlparta o:-h. m. dally Time SCHEDULES Bait Lake. Denver, Ft, norm, umaha, Kan sas City, Ht. Louis i nicago ana cast. Salt tjike, Denver. Ft. worth, uiniiha, Kan sas t:iiy, Ht. Lout. i.nicafo ana cast. Walla Walla, Lewis ton, Rpokaue. Minn eapolis, Hi. 1'aui, Dululh, Milwaukee, cjnvaKO aim x,ssi. Ocean Steamships All sailing- datn sub- jeci to cnaiiKfl, PorHiin PrannlM-o- all every ft v days. Oolumbla River Ctaamara, To Attnrla and Way lauuiugs. Wlllamatt Rlvar. Orcion city. Newlxir-, eaicm way-iauu gs Willamette and Yam hill Rivera. Orwron City, Dayton, and Way-landings. Willamette Rlvsr. Portland to Corvallls ana way-ianainus. Bnake Rlvar. Rlparla to Lewliton. Aiirivi 4 p. in. 7:00 a. m. 8:40 a. tu. 4 p. rn. 4 n. m. Kj.Hiin.luy TheCRDISER J. II. .WKLMNUTON, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars t. H. Cutter, Mannolla, Old Caslle, and Waveily Club. Famous Hop Oold, and Kxm Beor. (KiAim! Henry the Fourth, aud Windsor House. 5 EXT TO Till-; HOTKL, ST. HELENS, I , OltEOON. 4 j cam tames anu other devices for pas V time. Howapapera und peroneals. rn n .ii. r CAFE ST. HELENS, . - OREGON. NEW PLACE. If you watit soincthiMK irniMl in tlx Hue of ivhlhky try SHAW'SMALT Only the best ul Lienors and Cifars Kent in stort , 4 OPJN FflOM 0 A. M. TO 12 O'OLOOK MIDNIGHT. 4:Hfln.tn. Kx.Hutiday S S0 n. m. Mod. Weil, ana rn, 4:80 D. m. Hon, Wed. and rn. I.v.T.ow'toii dally at D:lX)a. m. ED HILLSBERRY, ' Expert :-: Barber 8HAKP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purOHtcheuilcalr) uaed in wah ing anil cioniwlng the face. . ' Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual pricei for work. DECICEK'6 OLD STAND, ST. HELENS Steamer 0. W. SHAVER. Loaves Portland, foot of Washington sireet, for t'latnkaiiie ami way tamlinfis, on Bundnv, Tuesday aud Thursday afternoons at Ikn'ulock, pacing Mt. Helens fit 7:U p. m. Iaves Olatska nlo ou Monday. Wednesday and Friday allur no.ui at 4 o'clock. Shaver Tiansportation Co. ? --'9LiMN & BURCDORFER DROS i "-Manufacturers of and Dealers lu-o ..All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... W. II. HURLBERT, ticncral Passenger Agent, IPORTIiANO . . . . . OKIIUON ..('elllnf I'loorliif... Hustle AKD ...nimeusion Lumber... S0AP)?008I;. OOOO ROAD TO THI MILL. Will on south fork of Mcappoose creek, four ( miles from Hcnppoos station. i I. limber delivered at Hcappunse sUllon or -'tiiiKim s nuuiing in ai.uu ier iu, esira. ai warren stallou, ll.fs. OBKOOK