OREGON MIST fcrUet-ad at the Postofflce at St. Helena, Oregon, aa econu-cws mail matter, COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, Imbued Evkby Friday Moknino Bv DAVID DAVIS, EoiTOB AMD PrOPBIBTOR. SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: Om eopy one year, In advance. . . . .(1.00 Six moutbf, .......... 50 COUNTY OFFICERS. Reprntt It . . . inan Oler Sheriff Treaaurer t)opt.o Schools., Amwmt. Surveyor.... CoroMr...... ..... Commiaslonar j-" .Nomu Merrill. CUtskanl ....Joeeph B. l)oan, Haiuler J. Q. Watla, HI. Hel.ll. R. 8. Halt en. 8(. Helena K. Rosa, St. Helens .....I. H. Copeland, Houltoo ....Martin While, St. Helena A. B. Little, Hnulton ..Dr. H. R. Cliff, St. Helena P. A. Frakoa, bcarpo.jee W. D. Case, mtaburg SEPTEMBER 28, 1900. CONDITION OF FARMERS. A correspondent of the Boston Adver tiser baa looked carefully over the tarm- ing situation in the Western State, and makes long report on the facta ob tained by personal examination. There is enough money in the West, he says, to pay every dollar of its indebtedness, and no class of its inhabitants is in better shape than the farmer. He car- riea his chin higher, says this observer, his eyes are brighter, his fences in better repair, there is a new coat of paint on his boose, his wife and child ren wear better clothing and his child ren are sent away to school or college, The betterment has occurred in the last three years. "The fact that these im proved conditions," says the cerresond ent, "date from about the time of Mc Kinley 's election, is a coincidence ever - in the mind of the class especially ben efitted. The prophecy of evil and agri cultural rain made by Colonel Bryan four years ago has proved false in every particular, so far as relates to agri cultural interests. Consequently the prophet of evil is discredited." In every particular the business of farming is more profitable and generally satisfac tory than it was during the last admin istration, and the millions engaged in this great vocation see and appreciate the change. Since 1886 the farmers of the West, according to this correspondent from New England, have become independ ent and scientific borrowers and obtain money at a decided reduction of inter est. Instead of 6 or 8 per cent interest they pay 6, or even i, and thus save at least 16,000,000 annually. A lowered rate of interest, it is noted, "marks the difference between good times and hard times. It shows the farmer in the sad dle, and master instead of servant." Banks in small towns hsve multiplied. During his journey the correspondent visited a large city bank holding depos its from 1500 country banks of 132,000,- 000, or double the amount on deposit three years ago. There has been in the tame time an average increase in the value of farming lands of from 10 to 16 per cent. One firm with outstanding loans to farmers amounting to $10,000, 000 reported a default in interest on July 1 of less than 300. The rural country is full of money of its own which competes with the funds of in surance companies for investment in farm mortgages; and farmers borrow now to improve and extend their busi ness, not to meet living expenses. An era of better prices and improved credit has come to the farmers along with a Republican administration, iden tified with the gold standard, a protec tive tariff, a treasury surplus and neces sary, honorable National expansion The Boston correspondent who has taken a close view of the farmers of the West concludes that "The bare record, unadorned by oratory or argument, suf fices to change the convictions and views of tens of thousands of farmers who, in their distress four short years go, turned to unlimited inflation as the only means of relief. The full measure of the changed condition of the farmers of the West I do not think is appre ciated by the Bryan leaders. In the last Presidential campaign an avalanche of free silver literature descended upon the farm. If any remains it is waste paper. It is certain the farmers will never accept Bryan again as an exposi tor of their needs and interests. cant because Bryan canvassed the State in the spring and hoped to out down or reverse the Bepabllcan lead. It It evi dent that McKinley will carry the New England States by majorities not greatly reduced from the phenomenal figures of 1896. It is claimed that Bryan has im proved chances in Indiana, Kentucky and Maryland. They would fall far short of electing him. Besides, the Republicans confidently count on carry ing' the three States. The sound money city of Baltimore will decide the result in 'Maryland. In Kentucky the gold Democrats and anti-Gobel vote will go to McKinley. Republicans do not con sider Indiana seriously in doubt. AMERICA'S CORK CROP. It will be gratifying to Americans to learn that the use of corn abroad in on the increase. In the fiscal year which ended with June 30, 1900, a little over 209,000,000 bushels of corn were ex ported from this conutry. This was the largest shipmeut ever made. The ex portation in the fiscal year 1899 was 174,01)0,000 bushels, and that of 1898 NOTKS FROM VEBNON1A.. ton Kmmouacame home from Astoria last Saturday. Albert Baker went out to St. Helona this week for a load of freight. Dow Keasev made a trip to the Dairy Creek mills this week for a load of tlour. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, of Bachelor flat, came over Tuesday of last week and visited until Tuesday of this week with the home folks. Rev. and Mrs. G. M. Ptroup and Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Hatfield spent Tuesday of last week at Homewuud, -visiting with Mr. and Mr. E. W. Keasev. They had a wry enjoyable stay. Frank Baker, who has been In Port land for the nst two. year, returiirn last Friday and will be at home to his manv friends here at hi former resi dence. We welcome him bark. Most of the hoppli'kers have returned. Some made rood wages, while others did not more than pay expenses. That's me way u goes me worm over, ino hunters alwavs set the larger share of the good things of life, and they do serve it. Charlie Young;, son of J. L. Young. of Beaver Creek, met with quite a ser ious accident Monday of last week. He ! . . ..... L..I ... lift I.E. was a lutle less than 208,000,000, or ,, . ii.Hii.'.n.r . 1 ,,. ti,. aoout OUU.UUO bushels less than in the hammer caught and discharged the gun, fiscal year lost ended. In 1897 the slid- uie Din going tnrougn me mmtiio n mnt .mounted in it? nnn ana h..Ji. I ft" of the . loft hand just beyond the to LETTER FKOM FATHER. one or two garments at least T" ''The chief promised compliance. A few days after he entered the mission arles' home with a satisfied smile on his face, saying, "Me all right now." He had on shirt collar and a pair of socks. Mir ann. Mr. Hrvan ami lila frlnnila those things to the front because there are badly deceived if they think that isn't any thing else for them to talk their Imperialism" collar and "mtliter- aoousuus year, aii ino rest ot meir Urn" socks will hide the free trado and My Dbar Boy You ask why the Pom ocrats insist that Imperialism aud mili tarism are the "parauiouut isauus of this campaign." The reason, my son, is very plain. Our Democratic friend are pushing power has been burnt onre and won't ex-en Stale this yvur. Their platform denounce the IHngley tariff hill, hut they do not wish to meet us before the people on that issue. The hard time under the Wilson hill and the present prosperity under onr protective tariff lurnisn an onject lesson wincn makes It free silver tiakednesa of the Democratic party lrom the gaae of the American people. By the way, speaking of "militarism," I advise yon always to watch with suspicion any man or any party that la afraid of the United States army. Our army ia a volunteer armv of as gal- JU 1 LTVJ uphill business to argue tree trade this nt men as the sun ever shone upon Their platform also denounces the gold standard legislation and demands tree coinage ol silver at the ratio of 10 to 1. Unt that powder was burnt four years ago and events have shown the luMty of their predictions. Alley are like the boy who when k rrl.A V - k.Jl. j . - v snattereu, several large pieces Having t( the exportation of corn has gone above be removed. So far it ia doing quite well, me wu.uw.uw Dusnel mark. There is The second onarterlv meeting will he a possibility that the exhibit of the corn I held next 8unday at the church. F re made at the Paris Exposition has had siding Elder J. K. Smith will come over something to do with the recent sales ",e 'ft Helens Bawr . , . V ., ... . ..... day and there will be preaching Satur- hvu, UUt tu .uvoruoeiumn wiucuh u even nil at 7:30 o'clock. On Sun- received at Paris could hardly have had I day there will be Sunday School at 10 a. much effect on the fiscal year for 1900. "., preaching services at 11 a. m. and 2 p. m. Y. P. A. meeting in the even ing at 6:80. No preaching service at night. To all these services everybody is coruiauy invited. FROM YANKTON. W. Saxton is building- a new barn and otherwise improving bis place School ia to begin Monday, October ist, wun Watson l'luibrooK as teacher. J. A. Wikstrom is pushing his new nouse in order to nave tne outside com pleted before the fall rains. Mrs. Kale has been enjoying a visit irotn iter aangnter, Mrs. u. i. Uonuey oi i.fHver v auey, me past wee a Miss Retta Dawson, of Butteville, pasxed through here on Sunday, en ronte ii ir I,-,,,, hiih m an. will v I aun m ra w per wm oi wo crop du gone aoroaa Awe ami other frlendi thu week ll a. .1 , X t 7 u, me put inree years oi neavy expor-vrhe prune cron is almost "too many tation. in previous years of the past for us this year. 0. Tar bell and Fred decade the ssles abroad have several Briggg have built small dry houses and times gone below 3 per cent of the an- J c"in?, ,or their prunes at home. null vield. A rain .ill nnnnt,..ll I . ' i:iien rf j I ii res to tram &avaiiti7A. uisuo uu even uie uzures oi uie imi a the fair opened only a few weeks be fore the year closed. Such influence as the fair will have on the sales of corn in Europe will be revealed later on, in the present fiscal year. An effort has been made by Mr. Murphy, in a small but very intelligent way, at one or two points in Europe for several years past, to bring the virtues of this cereal to the knowledge of that quarter of the world and this crusade can undoubtedly be credited with much of the increase which baa been made in recent years in the demand for this food in the Old World. But this exportation is still very small compared with the yield. Only about three years, and this may be expected soon. The present users of the cereal may be relied on to advertise it, and thus broaden the market for it in Europe and Asia. The importation into Europe will practically all he from the United States, which produces three- fourths of the entire world's product. Corn is the United States' imperial crop, and anything which will increase the demand for it in the rest of the world will be benefit to this country. Yankton ia keening aten with the other progressive neighborhoods of our Connty along the line of improvement, chiefly noticeable by fresh paint, new fences, enlarged fields and a general air ioi mrtiianucontentamonguie ourgners, VERDICT OF F0VR STATES. Since April four States that gave their electoral votes to McKinley have held lections, and the Republicans have swept them all in by exceptionally large pluralities. They are Oregon, Rhode island, Vermont and-Maine. In the three New England States the Republi can pluralities were not as large as in 1896, but far beyond the average of the years before the Democratic party went into partnership with free silver and Populism. In Oregon the Republican plurality greatly exceeded that of 1896. Oregon was very close to its State elec tion that year. McKinley's plurality in November was only 2117. But Oregon's , Republican plurality this year was over 10,000. In the four States mentioned very Republican candidate for Con gress has been elected, making total of ten for the next House. All the State officers and Legislatures are Republican. Taking Oregon as the test for the West, there will be large Republican gains, enough to add twenty or thirty electoral votes to the Republican side, j The result in Oregon is the more eignifi- Yxs, the Republicans are a great lot of thieves and cut-throats and dead failures at doing business for the people. Why, when they took the reins of gov ernment in March, 1897, they found that careful and economical Democratic administration of four years of peace and tranquility had issued nigh onto $300,000,000 of bonds and had drained the treasury to ia last farthing. What did these horrid thieves and cut-throats of Republicans doT Nothing, only set about to bring order out of chaos. By reference to the records it will be found that they have actually paid off a large amount of the Nation's bonded indebt edness in the face of the fact that they have prosecuted a war that has cost millions, and have over $250,000,000 in the treasury, besides reducing our bonda to 2 per cent, the lowest of any Nation on the top of God's earth. In the face of all these facts, the horrid monsters ask to be continued in power, which the followers of Mr. Bryan think a great absurdity. -It is just s trifle astonishing toi any laboring man supporting Bryan. DO TOO KNOW? That it is just the foolish that throw aicurai a wisv uinu prvier ueiivenug mein in person, That some say that women are a de lusion and a snare? But some men are very easily snared. That a woman always finds it an easier job to drive a man than either a nail or a norser That it is much more aDoronriate to saK oi some canaiastes as "standing' lor oince man as "running" lor omcer That a man may be fast asleep and siow awaxe t That a well-balanced mind always hopes in adversity and fears in prosper- uyr That a girl should never marry a man for his money, nor marry one who has no money r That the only way some men will ever be any use in the world is to get out of it? That a sensible man never complains? If he breaks bis leg be is thankful it was . LI 1 . UU 111 I1VCX. That the man who minds his own bus iness is not apt to run out of profitable empioymeniT That some men who haven't sense enough to tell the postoffice from the the Methodist church get rich by being uugy r That the reason why so many people Four years ago this section, to ssy noth- fail in life is because they fool away so ing oi uie country at large, was overrun mncn oi tneir time attending to otner wiui men iuua.inK jor emDiovineni ai r i . any price and were unable to find it even for their board. That was after four years of Democratic rule. Mark the difference: Today, after four years of Republican rule, there is a cry for hands all round us, and at good wages Taking this into consideration, is a change for the best T Had we not better let good enough alone? . Mart Ell em Leasc, of Kansas, has declared that she will campaign for Mc Kinley, and that is as bad news as could be told. Mr. Marcus A. Hanna could put campaign funds to no better use than inducing the old wind bag to keep her face closed. She is the rank- That a smile on a woman's face looks much better than powder, and she does not nave to go to tne drug store tor It 7 That when a man thinks he can drown his troubles in strong drink it would be wen lor nim to remember that they all wen ii is preservers I That smokeless powder is all right, but tne ena oi science will not oe attained until somebody produces a smokeless cigarette and a dummy to smoke it? That one of our citizens recently said that his hired girl had temper enough to start the fire in the stove? She will be quite a convenience this winter. That in these times of war and appen dicitis the women ought to bo miahty est old demagogue and agitator, except- good to the men ? They are going to be ing Bryan, wno ever stepped upon sn American rostrum. Her campaignine would defeat any cause, and may be Mr. Jones baa learned this and induced the old cat fight to "come out" for McKinley. En4area) Deaih'a Agonies. Only a roarins fire enabled J. M. Oarrettaon, of San Antonio. Texas., to ' lie down when attacked by asthms, from which he suffered for years. Us writes his misery was often so great that it seemed he endured the azonies of death; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption wholly cured him. This marvelous medicine is the only Known cure lor asm ma as wen as con sumption, coughs and colds, and all throat, chest and lung trophies. Price f0 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Tell Year Meter. A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi- mighty scarce at the present rate of mor tality, and there won't be but a few of us left. ' A Fowtfer mil! ExplosUa Removes everything in sight ; so do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. No need to dynam ite your body when Dr. Kins'a Now Life Pills do the work so easily and per- teeny, inures neadacne, constipation. Only 26 cents at the St. Helens Phar macy. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. T-i KIctf Yoa Ran Always Bssgbt Bears the Signature of They are our defender and the protec-1 tors of our persons and property. Hard-1 working, uncomplaining, brave and faithful, they follow the flag through summer's sun and winter's storms, through tropical Jungles and the dan gers oi lever and ot battle lor you and for me and for their country's sake. If I a man I a good, law abiding citisen hel ha, nn ntnjtnn tn Iwk ali-ntr! nl a A uimfi. I uie money question, iney want to play c, aoldicr. "militarism" awhile. Their lack of anv I nn. m m-anftlir u i anil "D ""Foinioio ww mo TOiijur- my great-granutatuer was one, and II ing up oi tne. spectre oi "iinperiauui." hw like taking off mv hat to every sol- uut wtille they are not talking about dier I meet. And whenever I find a free trade or free silver, the people are man who Is afraid of the "tyrrany" of not going to forget that they are the our gallant little army, I feel like asking free trade and free silver party. And. him whnt ha haa been dolus. It la a ueaten piny ing marines says, "W play something else." liuuteu on tariff and e. I "militarism" awhile. Their lack of any Mr. Lincoln used to say. that minds uie of a little story. "One of our excellent missionaries and his good wife went to an island in Poly nesia about fifty years ago. They staved there sixteen years and their work was wonderfully successful. They found a trils of savages. They left a tribe of civilised, Christian people, industrious and temperate, "clothed and in their right minds." ''The incident which illustrates mv point occurred during the first year of their residence on the island. A eheif clothed in sunshine and nothing else, called on the missionaries. They treated him politely, but as he left the bouse the missionary followed him and said: "Chief, we are glad to see you and want you to come again, nut in mv country men wear clothes and my wife Is not accustomed to see men without cloth ing. The next time you come to see us, won't you please put on a little clothing, NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION. On lh 5th day of October. WOO, at the hoar ol 1U O C OCK. A. M.. 1 Will will to tha blvhMt Mil. der. turcaah. in front of the Court Hoasadonr. In fi. Helena. Orecoa, ISO acres of land, known aa ilia James Coo place, aituated on the eaat rxuikor rtenaiam Klver. two intlea below Pltti- bura, deacrtbad aa foilowa: Eaat H of nouth ajt M and soulhweat H of souiheaat U. con Mining l'A acraa ol timber laud, wlua(od waterpower rauulna through It. The south- it hi of the aouthweat 14 haa ImuroTemoota on couilstiiia- of a now 12x16 feel of rouah lumber, one aiory alga, with anal roof, a barn of aiUt noata ana ehake roof. aoa&OalO feet, and other unall bulldtua of Mine materiel. Peren acrea of bottom land partially cleared and In fair cultivation, balance la upland with torn timoer on. vounij roaa rnua inrouttn rata tract, also good water prlrllcsea. Tha land abore-deaoribed la located on auction 11. town. hip 4 north ol ranire-i weatot Willamette mer- lataa, voiumuie county, uregen. Auctioneer for the helra. hv order of Andi-aw Biiiou, ruiaourf , uoiumbla vouuty, ureaun. small army for so great a Nation, and I the introduction of "militarism" in this campaign shows that our Democratic menus are naru up lor an issue. IOIII JF ATHXR. Card of Thank. We wish to extend our thank to the I public for the liberal patronage accorded I to us wtitie engaged in tne hotel busi ness in ot. Helens. Ma. and Mas. Joiiar Scon. The Slavery f Wonsaa Was srandly shown by Mr. John Dowlinn. of Butler, Pa., in a three years' struggle with a nialinnant stomach trouble that caused distressing attacks of nausea and iuuigoation. All reme dies failed to relieve her until she tried I Electric Bitters. After taking it two months, she wrote: "I am now wholly I cured and can eat anything, it is truly a irrand tonic for the whole system as 1 1 gained In weight and feel much stronger I since using it?' It aids digestion, cure dyspepsia, Improves appetite, gives new life. Only 60 cents. Guaranteed, at tno et. Helens rnarmacy. many a Lever Has turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea, purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else will. Bold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 eta. and 60 eta. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rosa. O Bears tW Blgsatas r Tbo Kind Ton Ilftvo Always Bought and which hat been In use for over 80 yean haa borno tha ftlguatnre of and has boon mad under hla pen A tonal supervision alnoe ita lnfluiey. CUcA44h Allow no one to deoel va sou 1m thla. All Counterfeits, Imitation! and Just-aa-good" are butt Experiments) that trifle with and endanger tha health of Infants and Children Experience against Kxperunent What Is CASTORIA Oastorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It la Pletuant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karootto substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays FeTerlahness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collo. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panaeea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J9 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. SUMMONS. In tha Circuit Court ol the Slat of Oregon, to I in iur LoiuBioii .ounir. Btim dotfev. PlAlntlir S va. Vlotor Wlaell, an Insan rraoo, O. W. Cole, W. Timmona, W. a. liar rta, and W. A. Harrtu, aa guardian ol Victor Wla ell, an inaaa peraoa. Defendant.. To Victor Wlaell, one of lb abov named d- lenaanie. .BTOnial. IH UalilosHr) Mwn UasH WHITE COLLAR LINE State Normal School monmouTn, est. Fall Terra Opens Sept. 15th. Th student ot tha Norma) School are prepared to lake Hi mate Certificate Immedi ately on sradiiatloa. OrainalM readll. error sand voaHlon. Kl penaea year Iron II w to I1&0. Strunc Aca demic and rriifeaaliinal roaraai new aiwlal de partment In Menual Training. Well Equipped Tralulnf Dopertmimt. Caulofiiecuutelnlnt frill announcement, adilreaa Y. UCAMHUKIX, Incident. or W. A. WAHN, Secretary of the r.cllj. SDMMONB. a. J$ ssssseggasafeKWf Mow About Your Title? IN THK NAME" OF THE STATS Of OREGON: You are herebr required lo aottear and ana. wer the complaint Sletl atrainat yoa In theabore entitled suit on or before the last der ol the all weeka neat fallowing th first publication of una auraniona; and If you fall to answer the plaintiff will cause your default to be entered, and apply to the Court for th relief demanded In the complaint, lo-wlt: For a Judgment aealnat you for the sum of SH0.0O. with Internet at the rat of ten oar sent, ner annum from the loth day of February, 1HS7, together with MO. 00 attorney a ie, ana n.w taxe. peia or plaintiff OH the morto-aaed nremteee hereinafter deaarlbed. and for coata, aud that a decree be made effalnat yon rorecioaing an interact wmcn yoa nao on th lath day of February. 1887. th date ol the merteace men by too lo ulaintin. on the orem- lava acecri nea, or nave aince aequirea in or to the southwest quarter of section six, townihlp fire, north of rang three, wst of th Wlllam- atie menaian. in Columbia county, ureaon. eontalnln 148 0 acre of land, and orderlna; aald premlaea aold aucordlna: to law, and apply- raft thetltrooeeda thereof to the Davment of aald Judgment. Thla summon la published by or der of the Honorable J. B. Doan, County Jud or vufumoia iounty, ureaon, mane on tn lotn day of Auruet, 1W0. Th dale of th flret pub lication hereof la Friday, AuKet 17, UOu. Ine tlmepreaoribed Inth order for publication la elx weeka. and the time within which Ton are to snawer the complaint la on or baton th laat asy or eaia pnoucation. W. F. Mauiu. ANa Dillasd aV Day, THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND FUOET SOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA BOOTH STR. GATZERT Landing Foot of Alder Street, Portland, ire Portland dally (except Sunday ) at 7 A. Land! lie Telephone duck, Aatnrla. Leave Aetorla dally (except Saturday) 7 P. at. Bailer Gataert tlcketa aood on ateamer llaaaalo. Slammer Uaaaalo ticket tood on Halley Uauert. I R? YOU BURS U Is all rlhtt Remember that II Is th nnv.ifnir in a atTma. ii ia oar ouaineas to searrB tn record and ahow what the contain in Mlaiin. an lt4 tlllea. If yon contemplate buylu land or loaning money on real elat Motility, use no man'a word, but Inniet upon kuowlni what Ihe record ahowa reardinUi title. Aa Abatnul laaewaeatlel a adeed. In.laton harln It. We have the only eat of ahatrant booka In th enwity. A ll work pmmptlyeaecuied and aatlslacilon guaranteed. If you bar property loln.rae;lvuaatall. We are axonla lor Ihe beat Hre ln.uranceeompenle.ln th world. If yoa have property for aale list It with ua aud w wilt Sud a buyer. S Main Stmt OOIE QUICK, U. B. SCOTT, Pres. sssajssaaj A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER ; II RAILROAD COMPANY. AAAAAAA.A.AAAASAAXAA AX .WHEN A NEED OF MEDICINE... BU on ly "2TI OAILV. '4:80 S:J5l S OA Attorneys for Plaintiff. Bsantte j9 ' YW Haw AlWftl Baojh i:47 4:02 4:07 4:16 4:23 4:32 4:4S 4:57 4:17 IS. 36 :SA S 3S S 44 S 50 s as OS 19 S7 10 00 10 ox 10 20 5:50 10 80 22 A.M. S 00 S 06 IS 86 40 50 10 00 10 10 10 21 10 S 11 02 II 10 1 22 11 30 .01 M.4! 4S.S 68.51 M.SI MSI 12.3 M.tl 71.2 (7S.7 90.3 il.4 :w.s! STATIONS Lt Portland All ... uobl .., ...Rainier . .. Pyramid. . Mavaer... ....Qufncy .., . viaiaxeni . Marahland .. Wmtport.... ....Cllton.... ..Knapp..,, Svenaon..., John Day... Ar. A.torla .Lt -OO TO- DAILY. M. 11 10 10 05 62 9 15 SO ( 20 12 02 S 52 17 S 17 S 07 7 66 7 46 n THC CLATSKAN1E DRUQ STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc 0H. J. i. HALL. Pnpriitw. J CLATSKdNIE, OREGON. PICKED UP. Vf.kl k.i lua. I nana r at . rtsumg "ii ivjvumvu. vvw- vwiirr can onq Mme by apply, nf to Miles Wfttrooi, columbU TEAM FOR SALE. rcseonabl fJrnr. at thla once. For aale. at well-broke mulee. Inquire BIOS WANTED. IDS WANTED FOR 2000 CEDAR TIES 7xx8 1 delivered alone the track nf the a.avIa Columbia River Railroad. Same to be cut of nnv-ciaw ceaar. tree irom large or rotten knot, i.gu hit .mm iciik ,u ena iree irom oera, Aaarem a. m v. . u., A.torla Oregon. All trains mak eloee connactlona at (lohle with northern racino iralna to and from th Bait and Sound points. At Portland with all train, leaviof Union d.pot. at A.loria with I. K. A N. Co.'. boat and nil line t and (rum II waoo and North Beach polni. PaaMnrera for Aatnrla or wav nnlnt. muri I trains at Houltnn. Train, will atop to let pa- aenrera on at nouiton wnen comma irom noinu Iwea. ui uouie. . v. Dier, Oen. Paaa. Ant., Anori. Or 0. R. N. CO. i ayt aai mrf BOARD Of EQUALIZATION. Omcc or CotrirrT Aaattaao. t. nai.ana. uref on, tunut si, 100. VTOTICE IS HKRSBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 Board Of Canalization for Colnmhl I youmy, urcgon, will meet in th Court Houa, in tn uity ol HI. Helens, on Monday, October x, iwi, i or tne purpose oi egnaiiainir in aaaeaa m.ntof 1900. All claims for correction must oe maae neiore in noara. MARTTnT WHIT!?. Aamaor of Columbia County, Oregon. Dacaar Chtcainv foniand Bneclal 9:16 Am. Atlantic Exoraa 9:00 p. m Ellwr' Awlil Fllcsit. . Hf neminm lilr.. Omm Til bility wltliotit good pore blood, the sort News, was afifiotsd tor years with pile's unv "..j vauiw wiuidvuuu .uu ajuiai mat uu oocwr or remedy ueipea until digesUon. a healthy liver and bowels, he tried Bncklen's Arnica Salve, the Karl's Clover Boot Tea acta directly on best in the world. He writes two boxes the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping wholly cored him. Infallible for piles, them in perfect health. . Price 25 eta. Cnre guaranteed. Onlv en cont. to,i,i and Wets. Sold by Pr. Edwin Boss, at the St. Helens Pharmacy. ri i 'J u -a-l.ll Nil UJ? tiler At. SpnVan Plver 00 p. m. 8 p.m. DallT Ix.Kunday e p. m. Batnrdajr tup, m. 6. m. x.Sunday 7 A m. Tuea.Thur. and sat, Karl's Cover Root Tea m-Sy"1" Compleilon, PorMes the H,mVrili,tlMrSlilii,Cu.CM. tlpatlon, InJIiettlon, and aU Hruptlon. of ! ."U An asnwable laxative Merve Mtair C WCLLS s CO., liaov, N. V. oi raomiiiTO a. m. I Tuea.Thur. and Bat, Lr. Rlnaria e:ena. m. dally Time SCHEDULES Halt Luke, Denver, Ft. Worth, OmahaKan aaa City, St. Louis, tuicaco ana seat. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, OmabA, Kan- aa City, 8t. Louis, i.aiuaco ana xast, Wall Wall, rewlc lon.npokane, Minn eapolis, St. Paul, iuium, siiiwauae, Chluafo and kvaat. Oc.an Steamship. All sailing dates sub- jent to cnange, For Hen Franclann Ball every fly day. Columbia River Steamer. To Astoria and Way- lauuiuaa Wlllametta River. Oregon City, KeWberg, Bafom Way-land'gs Wlllamatt and Yam. mil Hivart, Oregon City. Dayton, ana way-landings. Wlllametto River. Portland to Corvallls ana way-ianatngs. Snake River, Blparla to Lewlston. Aaatvs 4p. m, 7:00 Am. The CRUISER V- J. B. WELLINGTON, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars YVHIIsKIESl J. H. Cutler, Magnolia, Old CeatU, and WaveilyClub. BKRBl Funoua Bop Oold. and Export Beer. OIOARSI Henry th Fourth, and Windsor Houa. REXT TO THE HOTEL, BT. HELENS, : t OREUON. Card tables and other daylces for pa time. Newipapera and perodicaU. " II II 111 II" II1 II1 V u ua aj 'rreVVVVr Brinn Brothers CAFE ST. HELENS, - . - OREGON. NEW PLACE. If you want something good la th lluof whisky try SHAW'S FJ1 ALT -Only th beet of- Upn ui Cigars Kept In Stock ;. m. ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber 8HABP RAZORS AND CLEAN ' TOWELS. None bnt purest chemicals used In wash ing ana cleansing the face. Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. ix.sund.V DECKEB'8 OLD STAND, BT. HELENS Ex.l 0 OPIH FRO S 12 O OLOOI FROM B A. M. TO OLOOK MIONIOMT. .'VWi Steamer 0. W. BIIAYEB. ... j-w-r--- msupa'i m Leave. Portland, foot of Waahtngtoa slrest, for Clataksnl and way landing., on Sunday, Tuesday aud Thursday afternoons ate o'clock, passing W. Koleni at 7:1S p. m. Leave. Clslaka- noon at.o olook. Shaver Tiansportation Co. S:80n. m. Mon. Wed. aud Fri, JOHNSON & DURCDORFER BROS Hon. Wed. and Frl. -wvO 'nufaoturr.of and Pealor. In-o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... Flooring . FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. (PORTLAND VT. H. HURLBERT, Oencral Passenger Agent, OBE00M ' Bmtie ...Celling AMO ...DIsacasloa tamfc,,.,,. 80APP008H, GOOD ROAD TO THI MILL. Mill on aouUi fork of Hoappooas creak, four miles from Hcappooe station. Lumber delivered at Hrappooa nation or Jon neon's landing at I1M par M, extra. At Warren ataUon, 11.60. - - - OREGON ,