.-. v-Ht. J.. TA ttitiiMfw a .& 3s At-r f tie i4y timt BOAASO Of COUALIZATIOW. 5r--.t $.rvnt o th w-vt tA,a ait tr&VAf tartar. Tim af. f onvvrmnMt, '. 18X la A.i:Mi.t'. ' ivwatftmnf mm. aaul taewta t6 " ;.I w fcnai t& awtattr iU J -aa.?.? .1fli C"1 i'2!r,!i,I IP-I i0fflhk ("wf 9Mk J. m tsv t-vftrMf as H, If ., omvajr pmn fcrj. rf S9rt a. Jkf rrr4S ' ia-"jat JUmntUrsA . iataajri! a-"-; N awa taar.? v. Ti mi'l r" t&ar 1 wat ' am t"n;j a ; t Wir, t.tw rk e . v. ana mca tawnr at a ;' trtauutt an r-.J! fWssaarl t i.rv, "W e- - "?- .1 CO'JMTY OffJCIAL PAPER. ' ataa 1 i:fc t :a.w jur yet Sate- gj-ma-ot M i pew- M ww aa ex h i uia mh km mm 4 It. if 9A1A a.!.-"" . t.-4 tF-tjt SO- !.. grainy ; . ji . i. : htnut tftf. tl5 txmtfj&m a.--? Ii Km? lxir Jf Rr DAVID DAVIS, Tor Infant and! Ctil'ifen. Ths Kind Yea Have Always Bough! NOTICC Or ruSUC MCTIO!!. (tow 6 a'-fcrV UI 53H . " w . . Mr i T-tm astt r Ma Bears the ,7.'. . J .;,.,.. tfe-sj1!' ay4HRit4 taifti Jfr-JJafar ai 5a 35 ew -fMJ i nt it t B'ff aeii .. f Kua. is'. .t. ' ; ' , . ' " . r -4y aa.4 a.4 a-l ailMt S """" uara. m f aaylVm. 32 A. Signature OK KG ON MIST -J" - - ""H If OI'M I. I' 1 . M i jty t f -s .i.ti1Hrfi) 4 J - T ttidT vvmetfni iaa; t vwiaaWoai 4 VtT.'m Ha - KioVr. Tfcy erar sri Uf iarjs, tit tmttttlmi msA tit ti"frf. Um9rth,tbm frmtin, tit JEatttsl t&If it ia&v4 A w;si. Ti Wart. 71y f tb tucn drf tf fy Immbm, (SaovieayaJ itafU, i fcealisBf tniliec at(!ia. ftw4. tir-, - It'.! a. .1 ..t.iI t .a.:.... L. a. a - . tiat mhtM hrrjaA U.rA tmn far fire .t.a a. . a!-t .ft., a." rty vbiatl that t.Vax, ry twwn - (lis lwritt Kt t t'li!. rrrr ictil !it ffiAf ry JoanAtf teat mttmtnm, anery mmmhif that pWa tb r-Ty migfcty thai t ?., ar ail i jrAs'mf In the tiA, vtA vtxn 4 -1 aeeoed; i'rrtMeot, H"jiiia MrKi6y. Tx Xm m Jf .t' Or. HT nanaid' tfiia a tavi ralt. It wiil brit M'.hT-i-U' C'r.?rea. Tua will ;v efsyw;I-jii c4 old maid. Woman U a tJoM Cfurryyi- Itf, lJt 4f)'t apfarr-M faf twf fwaUV Jnf. The p-fiaii.'al ctr;!itrafa&a of femininity ar the p&rit- l-i't.i'r, itTil)n. We hare ner krn a wofoao t attel one tA tint y.w-wrt whoa- imajtinatkfj ann't ttiultftenA hj mw')pHttt nuiimmxotx. With aa oW mai'l, tle rraft i nvyr 'r sf.tire. Tla mtmrtty tA her gatherfntjeraporaua Uta IrajfraoAei (4 a wittered wr. tMmvnn. bum itaa tne cm horn to Wit)i the motHT-io-!aw and wife, t!. ' diflfer.. Haw wrmM l;ka i ... ...... t wi ana j'ar iwAi)rr-m-u u irv!or- atUrfiri.!a. rf dr.m-ti hnmilita fc . lulf th faim farewe!!, PAVi-tin tammUnf tA worMm wf'0 aim i abtorMni; nw tlaa rn htj -itand j('Ten In'nt. ftr (frarilni;thrr dida't mrm. Th il'nuKttie hi n Irtgf nnmt fur timm. Tim ftf-raatut tA their cfiill n qtKiriehay! tn!ir tliirrt lur s.itVrtt. Ar we to acrih thit We of rit t tttrflii'-m'vjn, in mi'Aaiion, tit to the Btote Normal fichoo! at Mrnro'inthT Tdtaaia. treat temitoiimi to wbW., " . , 1 , 'l , "T we ar, Bt to etat. Mny jitM, I CW""" ,"; ' ' to mm froM In L-m or rHtw re, I ','!'fn?' th chwowlertiaw. I Cl.iep tl-s oBWri i VAb at U' T " ' aealer, mlmm hm it U U, k-.v u,i?nMUn tlf, fk f tint of brM aK,J rra!a hy ' ftm'" .M" awl f-"r"3y , frtiit tmUn. tvA mn,:U -hmeaa-1 f ",W 1,0 Br.prmWft.am.froitraiaer,. TJ.e5 'M i?"" hlarri it pli on the jjrower, who hit tJe f , mad to wJer Wr (hipping the fruit. Ttve trick in tM conflned to tfje grower f mall fruit near m'Jn au'a rinn( wa uim wiriH!Tcwi Ji'ine f " . r . ' . ' : ' "! tt the way to w.n fame or fortune, for ..t .1 1,1 ... 1. ; .... i I . . , j whythafanoer or frmt grower .ho Id , I eiper;t;d U have more wmnltive coiincicfjftc than his fellow of the cUie. Jut thera ah'nlrl fa arnihing in th free, pnre, eoontry air, the eommonioi) with nature In her moat beaateodM form, the hoar for eilent meditation away from the "maddening crowd" and all tlieae the rural life aforda which ought to, and we heiieve awally doet, create s type of manhood which eornt thdae petty device to dwindle the public while they ruin tiie character of Uie man who practice them. TI.e way to dignify agriculture and uplift the work ia to live up to high ideal in 11 commercial transaction. TilKObOHX RoOajevKIT I tWjtfent of Rpeccb a well a logical In argument. In m recent p:ti he id : "We ttand on the threshold of a new century, a century big with the fat of the great nation of the earth. It rent, with u now to decide whether In the opening year of that centnry we aliall march forward to frenh triumph., or whether, at the ouUet, we (Imll delilHtrately crip, pie ouriMilvea for the contetl. In Airier li a weakling, to thririk from the world work that timet be done hy the j world power? No. The yotmg giant of tha Went tand on a continent and clatp the cri-nt of an rxrean in either hand. Our nation, gWiou in youth and t rung th, look into the future with fworlet rnd eager oye, and rejoice a a ntrong man to win ritco. We do not lnd in craven mood, aitklng to be Maanaw t latW r.rtat tar;il I 7i,a 7. v, . i - . . i-rIiiteil feathen and (trot fn d- tion for raarahty -ttaJ,,,!, .nd hmUm at the tight of at v-r.,1 w. liriwilr in p;kfiif ftli k twin of froiU u A WfJ,r y , 1 , . . tI 7 (pared the tank, cringing a we gu.eon 'gurden, near Baltimore, Md., uppliel us &bt wsv ji'iM-je" MAT'm mmivir a g-T . ' . H. . t3 y.tiijt '.ft msssv.t fce ; liffl. Ts faTt Ciefcat tngmmxv l fy.Vs C2&b . 4(&m bS && S'1 arS ItfeiK, I'.!! eawrjrr .-4 ivi. a c. - so :t2b 4 vr.t U, Vvim-.zi iix Ar t ' .rrvt f j.!sTai sfTa t p5 - ' a4 ' ewTt. Siai'f enaitka in a 3 harr E;t l bt tvt rtureis -a f a. . . J ' a. - . . . af .V " - W - " - j, - - . . I RrrtA ix ertste tA wrk-tairtrt ft. ' -9t.'i-.iit io t7a 'A a (ranc c- !4i hr lit mArvrtfrr 'A a o.:.".:'jtn I !yi. Tiat ll-jt a ftaM tU tva what Km tt'.'l XiJt iBtXlKj tA 'laijeoftg tft U iiff ' wsottt m witMrawn fr,so territrj SUMMONS. iT Ufcaa 'mr Wo ri4. H w d.n-v Tjtt Jlia uxa of Ore- fa liaat la StKtkoH tmd U Lvnwjrbt W.k I -k" XrtUtr. K fraaM, aol from - una? v po.a,f in vva. r(rr3- ti'1'5. Kr" T;r71B . u vw ar jr'j jv;i.jf ?.; w.e us; tw.? nl ffamed t:. tir awl rtri-i witn tfjn, and if j-our ia-tfir tiat wfrtt rrer tb 8jr f t tfir a Ur.-J t.'ae Us f ranrwt la fir9 tack it tro, jrm i-aa-fft rt year wAVert asy irmn I'rtiri, and if yoa lAUiw ttte dottris ti.at ya M'stwl la Mir.Ha, roi hart got Vj take tii ';.;:.: Hmpin." Tw, r- '-riing i w hIoar ttt it it rvlienVjtre. ti.one! tioanda rira rJ Unrit;.! rhtAn r "" lati, h xt-m iiif.if.i rr ;a .tn.nrt.n m&ffiff ' r w ; ." . '' w tHy K". j i.v if-Trr 71 wie is ftlrtr . niiayi HI M jft imil'fl flown Iwrni ar t f - w.TTivirj Ktin v Uii trf erauieril. :it it nvttr Urtitt rra'i'yl kwn whiis awlw fire. T Itiiiippinea are otir ewwi'n, ari Bryan, uxre than any 'ther one man. i raaponfiw! r tJ ratificatim 'if the tr-st by which that eri'm wa a'w!fij)i:i!heJ. TJn-re are irtiJl m-⁢tu tn-.ia't; in the I'hiisfr jna wtrt Bra upon the flag. Mr. Uryan .....m nttirrtj Tl'.ll a7 a JlJHf IVIV pride. Os of our ecaog tIia of a lraal msiihUtr who pnte tnwii of hie time to , . - , ... . capital, ete. We are ir, good'ieaa k'u.m .. ' t'. ..wm i ini jrirrty What hat interlaced the trir fare of tin V ,.. . .... ... ,i What uiuu-d the I'acifie with Adantie? Wa it not aggregation of 8!italad other eviih-nre-a of "iu-iHiiti. mrfta," the W.y umii'i delinitionof en-$ terpriae? 1'erha; the lie. grilk'rnan ilj known alytjt aa much about finance aa ' -S we know of tlxlogy. He hould leave to (kwter the thing that are Ceaitar'. Ahoaing corpfration ia one of thoae monotonona hob!e peculiar to thoee mivi can afford nothing hut hobhiea, When a man find hitimelf d'-sfl broke through hi own itA management hi firH comfort i to ahtiae mie manor men who have tome ubtantlal evi' dence on hand of their own foresight. There are very few deadbeata whooe Uxt 1 ntt the "trui." W own no railroad atock, we are extremely aorry U ay, hut riding on s railroad tx-otn walking, eapeclally in Columbia C'onnty in the winter time, and it 1 belter to eat nt a fJrat-clav hotel than to not eat at all. lV.roKK the lieglnnlng of tha century only three aeed farm had been etab- 1 inlied in the United Ktatea, though for rnauy year aeed were grown by farm- ! er and market gardener. The preaent development of garden aeed began wncn J'aviu latnaretn etahiilied a (mail ;ed farm at Philadelphia in 174. At flrat but a few acre were cultivated, and tlicne were moHtly occupied by the nuritery. A the biitinet grew more land we added, until In I860 ome 000 ;r()- were under cultivatlun ner i'hila- dolphl alone. The Clairmout ed n - ' ' i a I7 i&$'jrSai kali ".r rttl . -. . .i . SUMMONS. f I A Stis7 yfswf twV-vfctSS Y 'T l w THX it !.. ; i ti. 1 rf araiant f .a m taa a csi-. i i "-M.?r:T::'rl. .r?, .ffsi'".- ! i,' a.,, . a. aa . 4 .J.I i JT M E VWl 4 Jl ! ' . tw taa arma ( X if , tol 54 -iT. f ffl''i .'alriat . . -an ana. aaiaaa amutt a !., .-7 ur mi aat u.t aa4 a riiftJtL-lJS 2Si SnrsaT ftvr r.a.aef i.airj- 7. taiaa, tu vaV aaawl ti Vf rur ,mmtfflMtB-. ' I tinn ttii aMxnutl y i tit r (wfjii. la tt ' '-.n trtTt rswi. mi r iwa f.mMV. kSfcrJ if 7-va ttvi3 to p-r lUrd fr-t-f is?) fr-r ! iBe e;tit!j, tii: T--e 'r ;tJusT fj- 4i'SM m.4 frr Wo fJ - r(-a U&U4 in Ai WK-ip-U.TaS. tfrWIt; C ln (a4 Shuk X. (jaaa, sa r-; wr) tsr u piintiJf IVjt ifa rr wi jr ff httrAi f4 Mid mitV'T efc:i4r-s. i! v.-, Lvt !fi. lj fA4 ihft -4 hvf f K Mo. 11 in .-0t i-. 4 u tfc to-.! of OwrrMiMrn. j,r i.-fjr to th tUt of Msd town dcv n tie in if 'it-r Ui tieft rI I1 OintT u4 rtuu. I i .11. - Mn.iavV(iuit Hi. J. r fcawt. C-atal l-fl rtr-rr 2 11. In til jpThr (A th Hm. J. A- McfirVJ. J'v tji .vvot Dun-1 ' v'v't ftrcm h1 'smnty crvl fefu m1 btrl i 4iflr-fititi-vl trt Ti 14 U fif'. ;vne.tafD tA thi giRtmor: t avsAmamr . i fto, ni th !jtuat mjUfit.n U-rcof it .(.iftr a. a. x il o. w tour.. AtUjrnef fur Fuicuff. O .jSaaTCXt.XaC. r PICKED UP. 7!hler"t, lleeaaiwl, rx. OwMreaatixl TEAM FOR SALE. '! at a remain M r,r!T. a team of wtA-'.rftk laakm. inquire u U.ia BIOS WANTED. ttttt WASTKU 70K a t lVAH TI7J!7lr 1 .J!ii!4 ljr tb lrrk f th Aotorta ( Mumum klfer kallr'ay). Kama lo tat tit A 1: rL'iAt ttt. free itttvt ia5 or rrittan h rvAm, l.alrw fr entire )u'-b ii1 fre fra bark. A. tea. H., Auila rrxa. 1 XJo laliea farnitare i comoleta K witWiOt s new light-running (f. SINGER aaJijSfV U yon buy a a.wjn(r.rnar-(,ine why &. not gH the (rt. on trm without intereat. h' C. P. LOONET, Agent Atitorifft ... Ornifun, ! f Vc Shilohs jougn ana nsumptipn TW I rwyond qua-tlon the tnot tuciuiMiful CoiiKb Madl. clna rer known to tcienoe: a law diMf (nvarlaliljr cure tha wt isanea of Courh, Cronp and iltonchttla, wliil It won flerfiil tnceeaa In tha care of Conautmni'm fa witbout a par. allel tnthe tilxtoryof medfetna. Kin ftn flrat diacoverylt baa bean mil on a anarantea, a ft it which ao other medicine can atanrf. If wm hava a Crmitri, wa earneally aak you uyi Cailn Vk Urn. and and In Knglaad 1. ltd., ka. 3d. bud ta. id. SOLE P0PRItT0R5 S.CWELLS&.CO. LEROV, N.VT lUKUlNTO.CAN. I I. FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. ? itulf r ltf. W 4rrf arfwi EtvA r-rwftarx, .u.fcrMt rtcia. SUMMONS. T 0..T. -va Gta Kxr , mu 1 -t r.. M as j ra -f aa Wt at i M ua tiaar ftaarr fci f Trw.ir 2 A 4 4"-.. iWtt. Va apa hju a f iii-: !Jas J ! W ai adMFwyf t e ai " 5a a us w3u'SfA. ita4 a, Irp r t ci j"f latf Wfc-c4 aa 6 SAa .a,t msj tk iSLt3- fcnataa to gnUVka fcrarftiaaf Ew. : "u.'a f .f -a. it. 9 .h va aary , a ata , . , , - ."ZJ .1 !iMUaiRUaa,. .. orrm ituxmrj tea Kax.. SUMMONS. i f ta tsmt cr-t tu itasa at Ottv a CM ftUf LaCia ttuii rsTtxa, Haiac a rT B . f "r irt. I TMI ii 1a TUI aTftTC OtOHW Tu arw arfrr !wajtai uua u& Ku-a: ftfa fca fiai4 iwattibt aaaai r'ai ta tiwc ao- eMtLatil Catn aad eaM. a4 Va ' ftf.T rart to ft?aar 4 tamf a4 rmttaaA a or WW tij faac 4ar af ifta tiek Tdaj lalj sa Mtar ab4 anrr ffaaJcaaat fair Acfas.t Ui alantfl al v&U asrgijf w tfwr aa4 Owart tot r.a reiirf aima) tor la (n C'awpaixit. E.ba ta Utmr. ktt a xateraf' ar.anajJ'.a aj! Ua.itiifi( n-arla toaii cif Euuia jftf Usai iaay aa axt4ina erara Kjktrtli mad UiaAjutt txfrim a4 tut toflt e&&ar as4 tunfe rauai a. u. tha :mn atay atam arfiwr. Iu 42 lha ftrat (....i-a-'!o af Ul. iai. m--ff te frftar. aur3 aa.i ut iaat ai..aai..a ittnvt, lr.!f. Orbrbcr li. ls .ct taat eaajuACa) abaj La aiasluk4 aa ;i1 rnuro((ai 4i a (w.-ma W aia ai taMtra al 4ataa. tbia inaoaXM U VUKt hf orSar af T. a. Mr ferula ialn u ai4 Coan, atafeuwi clr4 ia .aat faoaa. &4 dafte Ih Z1 tar of A.ifwiat, A. I., la. CM HA. i. CUi BtU Awrntf tut fMuut. SUMMONS. Ia Ik. Cinrqit Caurt of (ha Rtare of Onfea tor tfaca K. irrmcai. riaialiaT a. fra.rai a. beftadaat. To Jam A. ban, Uut aia-aamad ta 13 TUB NAME OF THE STATE fiT OREOOX; Toq arv bere&r r.i jirerf 10 av9a aa4 aa. war Utc fmriU;nt t.ai aaralaat I'm In ti t.,r .ti't oo ar kbnt tue Uab 4r of Orjar, IMk au4 "lay btlni irt axturatJoa f it ft v-yUnr.rmt iih. lwa. the !! or lr tr U.. firm iruhiitMUtu of Ui is luaaofli, ul If yoa (ail o ao apvaar and tamtr, lor al Uirranf. the flain::9 atli tun: to th (.Vjart l tha r.li.f irmy4 fur aa-1 UsmtMll la (Be cnmpiaint .! krainx yoo harato, Wv att: 7fif a acr tiirvTcr rliaiotvina tha tnda rif aaatrlmofiy hrtAttUtn an4 00a iitlnr aa. twero U.e aftOia-ira4 PlaintilT n4 tM(pn4 ant; f'r tha ear aui euvaly of their ailour fhiki, fi-irher eMta and 4ituremenu a4 f'ir uefe otbr aixi funher rvlief aa b the Oynn aar are en jnat awl fj'iitib.e. 7bia futnmoo la imiluhe4 In Taa Oacaoa Miar hr rf'W fit Uie ifoa. J. a. Man Jmlaaol the Cotinty Coart of the tata of Onnroa. for '"Hn'a Couittr, mail aaii etilerad on the 4tb -Jar of beiteiaber, I'avb. H. r. IjKAHAH. AUcmiey (or f lalutlC SUMMONS. Ia (ha Clretilt lUtttrt tA th Slat of Ore on, la and lor Mirarjia icriiy. cj rfio i4irer, runilia, eft. Vicbw Wlatll. an truant rmtm, O. tv. Ci, w. Timmoni, W A. Ilar rta. aivl W. A Karri-, a irnarilian of Victor WU li. an iruane fmntn. befetflanta. HlatlfO.VS. Tu H-ti.r wImII, one of Ui abort named Se- femani. IS TUB SAME Of THE FT ATE OFOBKOOK: Y0.1 are hereby remilrrt t abrjaar and ana. ver theromiiaint fttei seal oat you in theahova enlllled anlt on or heh.re :be iaat dar of th rti aeekt bel bliowinir the Ana ouhlleatlon of thin aumniona; and ff fnq fall to anower the pUtiitlir alii eaoae ttmr default to be entered, and apply to the l.ourt lit Uie relief demanded io the eoinpUiot, U all for a iodirmeot ialiit you f.tr the mm of trnXft, with Interest at the rata of ten tier cert. per annum from the Kin day of Kel-raary, KB, totcetber altb tx't) AUornev'a fee. and 111 V taxaa oaid hv olalntlfl on the tnonitaxeii prenniaet hereinafter deecrlbed. and tttttvtnn, and lhat a decree be made aeainat 7m foreUxrin all intereat whtr'h yoa had 00 ih th d.y irl February, 1XV7, the data of th roortiraice efren by yon to Dlaintiff. on the orem- Uee deacrlhed, or hav ilnce aejulred in or to ineeoutnaeatqiurier 01 aer-vioo aix, town-nip ne, north of raitce three, weat of tha Willam ette meridian. In Columbia County, Orwon, eontalnlne ItaO tcrea of land, and ordarliif ald nremlreaaold ai-cnrdlnr to law, and apply fne th4ir(aedN thereff to the paymant of aafd judeuaut. Thla atinimont In publl.hed by or. derof the Honorable J. ft. !oen, fouuty Ju'lve for fJolumMa County, reon. made on the 1Mb day of Aiiut. MO. The dau of the tint pub lliatiun hereof la Friday, AukhM 17, I'jMI. The time praeeriiied in the order for publication U Mix weekf, and the time within which yoo are to amvter the complaint la on or before the Iaat uay 01 Halo iHioiif-auon. W. t. MaOILL AB DlI.ttlD DlT, Attorney for PlalntilT SUMMONS. Ia the Clrcnft Court of Orefoo for tttt Coo uly 1,1 VfflllllJHIK. frank I, Weber, PlalntllT ' v. anrnoetn HiiKhe. oeorae T. H turhra and Mry IfiiKhei, hi wife, (Jertrndt Huirhe and Wif llain Anxatell flufhe, faeini-tt law of (ieorne iiiiuneii. nerttaaeo. iMtiatui.riui. To liertrude ffu(rhe and William Amadell ritnrrie., onreunant atKire-named: 1 M iHK NAMK or Tlf K HTATKOK OREGON L You are hereby retiuired to apnear and gn awer the cooiplnint filed atainat you lu the above entitled Oiurt and eauae on or before the 22d day of rk-ptemtier, rl, that being (be date hapo fir ni;n appearand or an.wer ny tne Court In the order for the publication of till auminoii.; ano 117ml mil ao to aiiear or an awer I'ialtitilf will annlv to the above-named f'lurt fi,r the relit;! prayed for in hi Mid com plaint, to-wit: that tht niortfraKO In form ol uce'i anu aeieaaance oe lorcrioaed a a rnort- riKe; tht Hi e!d prerntaea (herein deacrlhed ti wit: The Mouth U of the noutheiM and tlieKouth 14 of the Houthwitat V. of e.:tfon m in Towualilp 0 North of Banite 4 Weat of th Willamette MerPilan, In (Xilumhla County, ntate 01 ureKou, containin inu acre, oe or dered hoM attftordln to law and the practice of thla Court; that th proceed of uch .ale be applied to the payment of th txpenne of Raid utle, lb coat of conrt, and laatly, of the amonnt due thla PialntlfT to-wlt: The um of XW7.14 and Intereat thenson a demanded in the com plaint and th further amn of I3H.W, and the iirplua, If any, be paid In to the Clerk of thla Court; aubjeef to the further order of Court; that Hld fifenduU. and all neraon clalmlnt br. (Iimuirh or under them, sine the i execution of anid deed and deteaaance, b J barred and foreclrncd of nil claim, rli(lit or j equity of relempllon lu and to ald prcmlre. ; end every part thereof, and that Plaintiff hav uch other and further relief aa to tht Court I may acein Juat And ciiiltable. I Thltauiuinnu I tiiibllahed In Til Camion MiaT iiy order of llonoraltleJ.lt. iJoan.Jud of the County of Columbia, Uinta of Oreiton, 1 duly made nd entered on the 7th day of Aug ! uat, l'JIA). Hated Aueuat loth, IKH). I (J, W, ALl.r.a, Attorney for Plaintiff", mxt, ete I Hmj ... f Vi!4 ajwf afW3S ,. .. Fi.ra mi atoefc. , . . .. Vasr e . . , , 17,! s.a l.t'A jrarrr. f irmm asxi acak V; -jr td Ktaum Can a ice . 4J mi !.. l2 IT1 ia" US fl ia Oi ; KKa rwia?. ............ r Vai 1(4 aas Grew raloa et aH fcrftrir ExrSBpta! , , Te! rmlaw taiah.' pp-farrty fl,iv.'$ T!a roil aa it ioAietra mm 1 a aa ijwrraa- in nea l taitMe fmptrty tvt kaat yar tA $Sl JfrJO. Citaa Iwlil ruu P. M. H:ii. aO.V.r .TSU.; 5w. waaadaried t.a j-a aitij fW- tfeat o doirtwr or radr b!paj B0U! f trjl Fork t n't Aran fealv. It Sirt tB th worati. Hr writ two boiet hoiJy cnr4 hta. lafaI5i It Cure faaraataad. fMij SSeenta. told at tiat t-i. HtthtDm rtiaraucy. Star taaaar llaa tarzwH with diaratt froa an other. awe fcvarrie r.r! aim to a&jiKra breath Karl "a Ctont B-k Tra font) the Bream dt isa ojh t,n tn fxiw (.. ate. at Dotting elic wiil.- rVAl lor yrara oo : Ul fuid by lr. Edwin Roe, o Santtka .BTOnZA. jf lm Jm 19 I &cja WHITE COLLAR LINE TBECOLCMBIA UIVEB AXD ftOtT Kot'SD HAVIOAnoSCO. P0ETL1KD-AST0EIA BOOTH STR. GATZERT Ltuifilnc Foot of AMer rt. PortUrwl Lfte PitfiUnO ilW (tt-Mi fuootty) 7 a, M Imtm A Hon ft -U; (arp -tuM 1 7 P. M, Heiy 6itrt UcAru rood n Mitnir llimlo. ttmatr tiMtmio ik-lMrUr gt-xMl on Hi.jr iun. U. B. SCOTT, Pres A ST0RIA& COLUMBIA RIYER XI RAILROAD COMPANY. IllDbOWM Sat. DAILY. t : aTATlOFta III DAILY. rn-i U T a r. K la- a. (t la. a. a l.y Finland Aril i r. a 2 ar s i to t 40 20 R 00 : OS V !!.... oble .... 7, taojtlA ftlJtli... Rainier ... t Of Stj t it..', ... Prraml.l . :OT, M 5 ,ViM...ifay-er.... 4: IS-' SO Se "!... .tfillnry .... 4 a . 'io on ea.1'.. Clatokanl.. 4 t t O. 10 10 .4ti.. Marahlarwl.. 4 w;i0 21 712 ).. Wlrt.... 4 7 t T ilO B( 7 7 I.... Clifton.... 17 10 IX) 11 02 M i....Koaprwt.. JO li 10 )J.L.. Tenon.... la) 1122 V4 ..John Uy,., 5 SO 10 li II i J Ar. Aatnria 10 Ui w XI t to t 20 12 9 02 B2 87 17 07 7 H 7 4 1 M 7 as 1 a 7 2 T 17 7 02 42 X2 t 20 10 Ail train make elrjae connection, at (otle with n'rrtliern Faeiile train it and from (he F.M and Mound I-.lnla. At Portland altb all train, leavina I. nion depot. t AMorta with I. Jt. A K. Co. boat and rail line to and from U waeo ana oru iseaco point. Panenren for Aetoria or way pof nta ntnat fin train, at llooiton. Train will atop to lei paa aen.era off at Houston wheneomln from point weat ol trobie. J.c .Tiay. Oen. I' am. Airt., Aatoria, Or 0.1 AH. CD. Pet ar Time SCHEDULES rhlcmto portland Hpeclal l;t m. Bait lake, Denver Ft Worth. Omaha. Kim- 4 pm. City, ht. Loul, vnicaao ana aaaft. Iltlf Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan Ma City, Ht. Ionia, 7:00 a.m. A'lantlc Kxprea :00 p. m cnicafo ana eaw. Walla Willi, Lewl. S:40t. in. Spokane llyer t OO p, m. ton, Hpokane, Minn apolia, Ht. Paul, Inilutli, SIllwAiikee, Chicago and Baal. Ocean 6tamhlpt. All aallin date auli- ect to Chan. For Han Franelaco Hnll avery flvt day. 8 p.m. 4 p. m. Pnlly Kx.Kunday H p. m. ttaturditr 10 p. m. Columbia fllvar etamra. !xVu m. uuday To Attorl tnd Way. lauuiOK. Wlllamatt Hlv.r. 4:80 n. mi , m. Kx.Miiudajr Oreeon City, New here, Ex.Hunday rialem nay-land a 7 a. m, Wlllametta and Yam B:D0 d. m. Tuea.Tliur, hill ftlvar. Mon. Wed. and Hat. Oreiron City, Dayton, and r rl. and VAy-latidiHg. tx. m. Wlllamatt River, 4:110 p. m. Mon. Wwl. and Frl. Tuca.Thur. Portland to Corvelll and Hat. and way landliiga. IiV. Rlparl 8nk Rlvtr. Rlparl to Lewlauin. Lr.Iaw'ton dally at 0:00 a. Ul. a;w. 01, dally ' W, H. HUBLBERT, Oeneral Ptaaenger Agent, PORTf-AKD ..... OREGON 11 :i in '"Tti.', in'', .a, 1.1 Tuili ituftif CmjatJlatipte! itorTiiicral ot Narcotic. 9 1 mmts0aiitfiMm : aaafta A MriKi towcly forCcsfir- rv.SotarS4rach.DukTrtiocs ra and Loa Of SlXEP. fatSaaaVa Stwarwra af xew vrniK. I How About RE TOO rJt'RE KKCOftt) that vr fwl I COIaE i Jftva 5frf r i - - ' -r aaM TaZai2ft4aV i I : i t . ,. . ... ...I . 1 afa. ala a. 1 .WHEX IX NEED OF MEDICINE.. CLATSKAN1E DRUQ STORE THE- Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc 0K. J, E. HiLL Pnprittar. CJLITSKAXIE, - OREGON taAAAiliAaVAA.A.aw 4 The CRUISER i. If. WELUXOTOS, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars I ' uui.ui... J. H. Cotter. Magnollt, Old Ctl. aad A Waveilyclub. r;r.a: Famoui Hop Gold, and Exprm Deer. CIO ARM; Henry the Fourth, and Windor Houat. EXT TO TIIE HOTtl,, ST. HELENS, : : OKEUON. r Card table, and oilier device for pa llioe, Mewajwper and ptcodltala. irv wvv wvv v-v'-. ED HILLSBERRY, ; Expert Barber BHABP BAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but puret chemical aeed in wash- mg and citiitiming the face, i . Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual price for work', DECREE'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS -JOHNSON & DURCDORFER BROS..... i o-MBntirocluroraol and Deulera In-o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... Fl ear Ina; Hnatle ...Ceiling ah n Dlmeualen Lumber... 80APPOO9K, t. of In Use For Over Thirty Years State Normal School laIt Til, OK. Fall Term 0tx.iw Sfpt. 15th. tWtmti trt ttm MtM U Si li.vm Arm. una t rfa., mrmi iww ;-ui d- r rmtufn lirtafCt3l Mi'inMV aT, Io VAatrPaVU-i A. A,rrtJ7 of its rcHj. Your Title? it la all rirbl? Ren.a.br teat It t th averai. It ia rwir taNaiw to aeaarb is .how afeat tbtv Contain la r.:ail m. li Lii.I tit tea. If jtw eontempiate botin lar.d or luanlna aooey oa real-a-tate areurttr. take im utan . aonl, bnt npuo fciM-aina anat tht wwJ ikni rrerdtnrtaml An Atatract .;.! aa I'kwl. In-Mn t.atln it We bar. rfc ,:! art o ataaiact boot ia th county. All work pmiaialveam.tvJ ad Mtu.'uUi-a (uaraelee-l, If yim bare (tt-my to tnearcgive n.a caii. vV f aeeata fre the hM tire m.nr.n-e eoot(a in the at.tid If voa bav itfofnrty (or aala lut It alia aa ao. 1 at am tnd a tirt. ODICK, ST. HUMS. 0 Hi COM AAAAIAAAAA -CO TO w r i At 1 onnn oroiners CAFE ST. HELMS, - . - OREGON. NEW PLACE. If you want aomethtn (Md In the line ol whisky try SHAW'S MALT Only the boat ol Lipn and Ciears Kept in Stock OPEN rnotw 6 A. M. TO ia O'CLOCK MIONIQHT, tv Steamer 0. W. SIIAVEK. Iiavea Portland, foot of Waahlngton treet, for Clat.knnl anil wnv Itimlln... ,tu Millldnv, Tuewlay ud Thuraday ntlornoona at ft o'clock, poaaln Ht. Helena at 7 IS p. in. Iave cll"k nln on Monday, Wednesday and Friday allrr noon at 4 o'clock. Shaver Ti asportation. Co. QOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on aouth fork ol Hrappooao creek, lour I aim-, irom rscaioiae ainiion. i l.iiroher (lvllvored 1 Htapiiooae amtlou or JohiiMiu' landing at 11.00 per M, titra. At warren alatloa, I1.6J. OK KG ON CaV4Vay VUai-3r ,-if 1r ,r,.v, -i ii it.jg I I y. Ni V,