OREGON HIST Entered at tlia Postnffice at fit. Helena, Oregon, m second-class mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Issued Every Friday Mormino By DAVID DAVIS, ' Editor and J?ropriictor, SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One copy on year, tn advance. , . . .$1.00 Bix months 60 coumty officers. Representative Norman Merrill, Clatskanle J mil on ..Joseph B Itoan, Rainier Clerk 4. u. wmw, at. Helms 8. Hatuui, St. Helens Sheriff.... Treasurer upi. of Schools AMMwr Surveyor. ....... Coroaer Commissioners J . KOM,H(. Helens ...-I. H. Coneland. Houlton ...Martin White. St. Helena A. B. Little, Houlton .Dr. R. R. Cliff, SI. Helena .... P. A. Frakea, Scappojaa W. D. Case, Pittsburg 8EPTEMBEH 14, 1000. If the voter poo Id forget history, re fuse to learn in the hard school of ex perience, prefer promise to deeds, be willing to take chanoea on a wild ex periment and want another change there would be tome chance of the Nebraska candidate reaching the White House. There are two kinds of bad Americans those who are bad because they do uunn mat are oaa, ana tooee wno are bad because they do not do things that are good. The latter class is no less harmful because of its inactivity: in fact, it is sometimes worse than the for mer because it lacks the saving virtue ci energy, as an excellent representa tive of this latter class of baa Ameri cans we place in a niche all by himself that eminent citirn, the man who doesn't vote. The man who doesn't VQtA is an enemy to his neighbor, his country and himself. He is a menance to good government, a friend to cor ruption, a hindrance to protrress. He is either a conceited, supercilious snob, or a sniveling tault-tmding, thick-beaded ignoramus and in either case he's a mighty poor specimen. What the people of this country need just about as much as anything else is to set down to s corned-beef, boiled cabbage, linsey-woolsey basis. By this we mean that among all classes there is a tendency to overdo icings to live and dress extravagantly, to cut a shine and to be something more than nature in tends. The great trouble is that the people who some years ago were satisfied with jewsharp must now have a porlor organ. Those who were content with a parlor organ now demand a grand piano, and those who can afford a piano will soon insist upon keeping up a first-class orchestra. The man who earns a dollar thinks he must ape the man who earns double that, while the latter goes into debt head over heels in attempting to equal his neighbor who earns $5 a day. Bag carpet is looked upon as a badge of poverty, while plain china is considered mark of dishonor. A Silks, satins and velvets have crowded calicoes and ginghams out of the ward robe, and the sunbonnet and plain straw bats have been driven out of the land by wonderful creations heavy with nod ding plumes and gorgeous birds of para dise and birds of flaming tints. Drink, and the gang drinks with you ; wear ofl and you go it alone, for the bar room bum who drinks your rum has quenchless thirst of bis own. Feast, and your friends are many ; fast, and they cut you dead ; they'll not get mad if you treat them bad, so long as their stomachs are fed. Steal, if you get a million, for then you can furnish bail ; it's the great big thief who gets out on leave, while the little one goes to jail. Advertise, and the dollars come to you ; quit, and they fail to come in, for what care the men who have dollars to spend, lor the man who don't care to see them. "I here make the following Drouhecv If McKinley is elected and put in power for the next four years, wages will de crease, bard times will come upon us and over the land the Drice of wheat will go down, the price of gold will go op, mortgages win be loreciosea by money-ienaers ana snarks, lactones and muis shut down; we will export no goods, we will import all the goods we use, ana mere win oe want ana misery over the land. Remember what I sav." Mr. Bryan did not close bis predicting department when he received the elec tion returns of 1896. After his defeat he issued an address in which he said "Before the year 1900 arrives the evil effects of a gold standard will be even more evident than they are now, and the people, then ready to demand an American financial policy for American people, will join with us in the imme diate restoration of the tree and onlun lied coinage of silver at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1." Has anybody noticed a great rush at the realization entrance ot this prediction T , Many of the large city dailies appear to find great sport in poking fun at the country papers tor printing items of tne "Bill-jones-bas-a-new-hen-nouse" sort, nd as a rule the criticism is merited by the county brethren. But it is observed that the metropolitan press itself is not entirely free from this sort of "journal ism," items equally trivial often finding their way into its columns. For exam ple, we reprint the following paragraphs clipped irom a recent numoeroi a prom- lnent Eastern daily: "Mr, Bryan will forward his letter of acceptance to Chairman Jones some time after the Indianapolis meeting. but he would not intimate the exact date." "After sundown last evening the Bryan's went to the farm for a room Mr. Bryan busied himself in the barn looking for eggs and he was liberally rewarded for his trouble, while Mrs. Bryan went through the tomato patch." in tne language oi Arteinas ward, "This is 2 mutch." Endured Death's Atonies. Only a roaring fire enabled J. M. Garrettson, of San Antonio, Texas., to lie down when attacked by asthma, from which he suffered for year. He write hi misery was often so great that it seemed he endured the agonies of death ; but Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption wholly cured him. This marvelous medicine is the only known cure for nsthms as well as con sumption, coughs snd colds, and all throat, cliast and lung troubles. Price 60 cents and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at the St. Heleus Pharmacy. COMMISSIONER' COURT. Orders Made and Claims Awdlted and Ordered Paid. Be It remembered, that at a regular term of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia County, begun and held at the court house In the city of 81. Helen on Wednesday, the 6th day of September, 1900, that being the time fixed by law for holding regular term of saiil Court, when were present the Hon. J. B. Doan, County Judge; Hon. P. A. Frakes. and Hon. W, 1). Case, County Commissioners ; J. Q. Watt, County Clerk : K. 8. Hattan, Sheriff. Due proclamation being made the following proceedings were had : Appraisers report on the James Dart roatf read, and it appearing that the lands of H. I-arson would be damaged In the sum of $50 and the Court being advised in the matter, it is ordered that the sum of be assessed to the petitioners and that upon the payment of the said sum of 25 by the petitioners to the Clerk of this Court, the Clerk is ordered to issue a warrant in favor of Henry Larsen for the sum of $90 as damages to bis land by reason of the location of said road. It is ordered that tax sale certificates Not. 920 and 466 be and they are hereby cancelled and the Clerk to have credit for the sums, as the land sold under these certificates was not taxable, title having not been perfected. Scalp certificates were examimed and allowed as follows: George Adams, 2, $4; E. G. Jones, 5, $0; A. L. Parker, 5, $10; F. A. Malcolm, 6, $10; C. Felber, , $4 1 Eay Mills. 1, $2. ' The books of the Treasurer and Clerk were examined and the accounts checked up and approved. Matter of tax levy for 1900. Now at this time it is orderd by the Court that this matter be and the same is hereby continued until the November term of Court. It is ordered that the time for the re turn of the warrent on the delinquent tax roll be and the same is hereby ex tended 30 davs. It is ordered bv the Court that the Clerk issue warrants in favor of the Sheriff for the amount of the tax on lands bid in by the County, and for the amount that may be purchased this sale. It is ordered by the Court that the Clerk issue a warrent in favor of C. E. Whitnev on the bicycle fund for 160.00 noon the filing of vouchers bv the said C. E. Whitney for the said amount. tne following nuis were exntnineu, allowed and the Clerk ordered to issue warrants for the various amounts as follows on the road fond : ROAD DISTRICT OK. Joseph Adams J B Duncan $19 80 37 80 2 00 00 32 40 82 40 3 60 9 00 3 15 M Collins Walter Morgan Ben VanCleave John Morgan WHiord West TBVail Herman Klapp H West 1 40 Elmer Morgan 6 75 BOAD DISTRICT TWO. J M Cooper 13 50 J WTinkham v 19 44 L Raranssen 26 40 John Nelson 12 70 A Freeman li W ROAD DISTRICT THREE. W Mellinzer 3 CO Jean Miles 4 32 J G Plank.. 12 25 BOAD DISTRICT FOUR. EOVarner 27 72 h B Glcason.. . 17 28 6 40 17 10 3 24 26 64 7 20 James Gaittens. M Schmitt John King M fresh D B Fowler KOAD DISTRICT FIVE. G LClark 3 00 F L Clark 10 65 BOAD DISTRICT EIQUT. G W Bicbardson 33 21 BOAD DISTRICT KIKE. E Chipman 1 80 B li King 18 00 BOAD DISTRICT TkM, A Eagle. , 5 00 Chas Rice 22 70 EB Elliott 6 60 il O Metcalf 31 95 BOAD DISTRICT ELEVEN. WBColvin... 3 50 4 20 J F Grahttui. . BOAD DISTRICT TWELVS. John Boxler 12 00 A Gisselberg 16 20 BOAD DISTRICT VOPKTEEN. John Parker 3 90 John Kice 6 40 F M Parker 7 20 N J Parker 4 60 Wm Pringle 3 60 AM Parker 6 30 James Emmons 5 40 J G Primrle 9 00 JohnBroue 9 00 BOAD DISTRICT FIFTEEN. Wm Wilson 7 35 OEHEBAL rUKD. A A Cleveland, teachers exam. . .. 12 00 Mrs S S Way, same 12 00 A B Little, Surveyor 7 60 Martin White, Assessor 168 00 C W Blakesley, dep Assessor 131 25 B H Mitchell, printing 4 60 D Davis, same 35 60 I H Copeland, post and express. . 9 25 It S Hattan, postage 8 00 J U Watts, same 10 00 John Pringle, reg Auburn prec't 8 90 Jas Leonard, same, Scappoose. ... 8 40 11 W Clark, box and booth War ren precinct 3 00 AH George 3 96 H v watkins, juror May term .... Z 00 A F Henshaw, same 8 00 Wm Symons, j p fees Coroner's inquest 6 90 E W Foster, juror 1 00 Richard Tavlor. same 100 C W Msckinster, same 1 00 Alex Nichols, same 100 Ud roster, same , l 00 John Gillin, same .' 100 GCJaquish, witness.... 160 n M fowler, use ot telephone. ... 115 Walter Hunter, photograph . . 1 00 John Pringle, supplies for Eastlick 8 65 N A Perry, same for Isabel 7 31 tsertna Hansen, snp'rt of children 16 00 Effiie VsnBlaricom. same 10 00 Brida Jokela, same 10 00 St. Mary's Hospital, same, for Batson , 43 40 U T mun knl rA TT..-.I1-... OA flfl a . m i .syjv. u v. kcouic ...... .nj w Wm Frazier. board of Lane 36 33 Cole A Quick, abstract of, land from Land Othce 2 00 Peter Pearson, rebate of tax ..... 9 00 J W Parker, bridge work r d 14. .107 48 N A Perry, tools 1 or r d 14 6 00 J Honeyman 4 Co, iron for Neba- lem bridges 84 60 Smith A Thomas, lumber for same 96 73 (i F Lindgren. nails, etc. same. . . 22 40 J L Young, labor, same 17 60 Alex Sword, same 11 28 R M Ward, same 11 28 E Shannahan, same 11 28 Hunt Hardware Co, tool for r d 5 14 25 Austin Western Co. same 8 60 Tichenor Mill Co, lumber r d 10 46 08 H O Howard, same r d S ...28 16 N A Perry, tools for r d S. ...... 10 40 Collins A Gray, nails for same. ... 7 65 Andrew King. Iron work for same 14 39 S A Miles, timber for tame ., 8 24 A Hvde. work bridge, same. , . . 8 00 Eugene Miles, same 11 52 0 N Gable, same 11 00 Delos Walker, same . 7 20 H J Watter same 1 75 T B Lott, same 10 44 John Smith, same 8 64 N Hyde, same 0 50 J G Plank, same. 7 uo 2d 00 16 00 15 00 5 00 6 50 14 00 P Lousignont, Supervisor r d 1. . . H bchmitt, same, r d 4. J G Plank, same, r d 3 F L Clark, same, r d 6 E B Elliott, same, r d 10 W B Colvin. same, r d 11 John Boxler, saute r d 12 10 00 34 20 23 00 W D Case, Commissioner P A Frakes, same St Helens Light Water Conip'y water rent R Cox. appraiser Dart road L Meeker, same 3 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 G D Gilson, same A rtwiir Mill KxpliMloa Removes everything: in sight: odo drastic mineral pill, but both are mighty dangerous. No need to dynam ite your body when Dr. King's New Life Pills do the work so easily and per fectly. Cures headache, constipation. Only 25 cents at the St. Helens Phar macy. Carnival Excursion Rate. From September. 6th to the 15th In clusive the Astoria A Columbia River Railroad will make rate of one fare for the round trip from all point to Port land (except from Astoria and points on Seaside Division) tickets good going on any of the above dates and returning up to ana inciuaing sept. lota. Tell Yamr Slater. A Beautiful Complexion is an Impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acta directly ou the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 60 eta. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Earner's Awlal Plight. F. M. Higgins. editor Seneca (Ills.) News, was afflicted for years with piles mat no doctor or remedy Del pea until he tried Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world. He writes two boxes wholly cured him. Infallible for piles. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cent. Sold at the St. Helens Pharmacy. O Teat Kb aw Consumption is preventable? Science bus proven that, and also that neglect 18 eiiicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Con sumption Cure. Sold on a positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by ur. tuwrn jttoss. The soothing and healing properties of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, its pleasant taste and prompt and perma uent cures, have made it a great favor ite with the people every wnere. For sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy. O. Bear tne .STOniA. i Ilia Hind Yo Hav AJwarti Baeg&t fSjraatars PROFESSIONAL. R. P. Graham. T. J. Cleetoh . Attorneys-at-Law. 303 Marquis Blinding, Portland Oregon. Colombia County business will receive nromnt auvnuou. - DR. E. ROSS, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. BIDS WANTED. PIDS WANTED POR 2000 CEDAR TIES 7li8 19 delivered along the track of the Astoria A Columbia Klrer Railroad. Same to be cut of firat-claas cedar, free from large or rotten knots. siraigm lor enure tengto ana iree irom Mrs. Auareas a. c. a. a., Astoria Oregon. SCHOOL CLERK'S NOTICE. 8t. HiLgnt, Or., Aug. 31, 1900. KoTTCS Is berebv Blven Lhaft certain outatand. tng warrants against School District No. 4. nf i.-oiumma uounty, uregon, Deiug warrants num- Dereu an, an, 20, JO, juw, zw, 4JUL ana 21', will be paid upon presentation to me. Interest will veuse ua tueae warranis aner mis aate. E. K. (tutCK, District Clerk. Vt hiIoIis Cough and (pnstimption ' --uire This Is beyond question the moat successful Cough Medi cine ever known to science: a few doses invariably cure tbe worst cases of Cough, Croup and Bronchitis, while its won derful auccesa In tbe cure of Consumption is without a par allel in tbe history of medicine. Since ita first dtecoveryitba been sold on a guarantee, a Ust which no other medicine can stand. If yon have a Cough, we earnestly ask you totryli In United States and Canada Sc., 50c. and 1 1.00, and in Kngland Is. SkL, li. 3d. and 4a. So. SOLE PROPRIETORS S.C.WELLSj&Ca LEROY.N.V TORONTO, CAN. FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. hP-6.PV aVaairVwVaAsfVWWJI r i r v H H H H M H H H H FOB rOBIXAND. DAILY. STEAM Eft "America" lillamett Slongb Route Leav St. Helens ... . 6 :S0 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at St. Helens. 6:00 P M rtBE S CENTS. Will Carry Nothing bat Passen gers and Fast Freight, H H M M mm ' IT w f H H H Ej ! 1 I J I 1 j J ! 1 : f 4 J A. TIEN GOOD, Hatater. BOARD Of EQUALIZATION. Orrics or Onmrv Aeaxesoa, VTOTU'K U IIKKKBY IIIVEN THAT THE uoaru oi iciuaiieatino lor coinraota County, Oregon, will meat In the Court House, In th city of tft. Helena, pa Monday, October 4V mem of iwu. AU clalme for correction must Da nuuie oeior the board. MARTIN WHITE, Aiamorof Columbia County, Orafon. NOTICE OP PUBLIC AUCTION. On the Sth day of Ovtoher, MOO. at the hour of 10 o-elork, A. M.j I will anil to tlia hlgheat bid der, for ean, in front of the Court Houaedoor, In Hi. Htilena. Oregon, ISO aorea of land, known aa the James Coott place, altuated on the eaat bank of Nehaleia River, two mllea below Pine hunt, deaerllMHl aa followa: Kaat Sol aouth eut4 and auulhweat U of eoutbeMai J.oou lain Ins 1'A) acrea of tluioer laud, with a good wateroower ruutiln through It. The aoulh eaat t of the aoutliwest U haa Improvements on ooneiauuv oi a nouae lisie icei oi rounn lumber, one story high, with shake roof, a barn ef antll pxati and ehake roof, IuiWiIO fact, and other email buildlnga of attnta material. Haven aerea of bottom laud nartlallv cleared and In fair cultivation, balance la upland with some umuer on. uuiy roaa runa inrougn aaiu tract, alto gixvt water priviletea. The laud ahove-doeorlbed la located on section 11, town hip north of mure west of Willamette mar- tuiun, votumiiia uunty, ureen. Auctioneer fur the heirs, by order of Andrew r.uiott, ruuDurg , Columbia uouolj, uregou. SUMMONS. , In the Circuit Conrt ol the Stats of Oregon for Columbia Conutv. John H. Cameron, Plaintiff vs. Jennie B. Cameron. Defendant To Jennie k. Cameron, tha above-named Ds- temiant: T N TH K NAM! OF THK STATE Of OREGON : X You are hereby notified that the flalnUIT n ore in naa meu aeomniainl aaainat you in tne above entitled Court and you are hereby re quired to appear and answer said complaint en or before the last day of the time prescribed by the order of publication to wit: Ou or before September SAtn, A. 1). lfOO. You are further no tified that If you fail to appear and answer the coinpiaiui, or pieeu were to, ina riaiutin will cause your defa as your default to be entered, and will apply aid Court for the relief prayed for lu the to complaint, that la to ray, toradecreedlasolviiif iue oonus ot maininouv eiisuuv oetwesn Ptalutlff and Defendant herein, ana for auah other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. This summons la published by order of Hon. J. B. Doan, Judge ot the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Columbia county, la tbe absence ot tne Hon. T. A. UcBrUle, Judge of said Circuit C ourt, granted on tha lth day of July, A. P., 1900, and directing the publication of thta summons In the Okboom at 1ST once a week tor aig weeks successively. W. If . Convsas, Attorney for flalnUBT. SUMMONS. In tha Circuit Conrt of the But of Oregon tor Columbia County. Louisa HisATa ravasa, rial stiff vs. Johx Favsit, Defendant IN THE NAMK OP THE STATE OFORKGOM: You are hereby notified that the I'laintiff herein has Sled a Complaint agalust you in the above entitled Court and cause, and you are hereby required to appear and answer aaid Complaint on or before the last day ef the time prescribed by Order of Publication hereof, to-wil: on or before the 12th day of October, 1K. You are further notified that if you fall to appear and answer the Complaint or plead thereto, tbe Plaintiff will cause your default to be entered and will apply to the aaid Court for the relief prayed for In the Complaint, that la to say, for a decree annulling and dissolving forever the bonds of matrimony that may be existing between Plaintiff and Defendant herein and for such other and further relief as to the Court msy aeem proper. The date of the Ural publication ef this Sum mons la Friday, August 81, moo, aud the last publication thereof, Friday, October U, IWU and said Summons shall be published on said Friday of each week fur a period of six weeks between said dates. This Summons la published by order of Hon. T. A. McHride Judge of said Court, made and entered In said cause, and dated the XU1 day of August, A. D., lSOU. CHA8.J. rICHNABKL, Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Ctrcqlt Court of the Stale of Oregon for Columbia County. Maun M. STBAcaAS, Plaintiff va. J mis A. Stsacba, Defendant. To Junes A. eUrachan, tha above named De fendant: TN THE NAME OFTHB STATE OF OREOON: X Xoti are hereby required to appear aud an swer the complaint Sled against Ton in the above-entitled ault on or before the 19th day of October. 1900. said day being the expiration ot six weexa alter September 7lh. 19(10, the date or- tiered for the first nublicatlon of this summon and if vou fall to so appear and answer, tor wiu iwmii, me risuiiin win apply so tne Court fur the relief prayed for and demanded in tne complaint led against yon-herein, to wn: ror a decree forever dissolving the bonds ui mainmonv neretorore ana now existing be tween the above-Darned Plaintiff and Defend- ., ." tumnij ill ,uc 11 uiiuuf child; for her costs and disbursements and for sucn other and further relief as to the Court may seem just ana equitable. This summons is published inTasOaxooa hut by order of the Hon. i. B. Doan, Judge of me vouniy vourt or tne state oi uregon, ior Columbia County, made and entered on the 6lh uay ot Beptemoer, isuu. B. P. GRAHAM, Attorney for Flalntln. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the But of Oregon, la ami ior vxinimoia county. Bvron CnsVv. Plaintiff s VS. Victor Wlsel I, an Insane rrson, O. VV. Cole, W. Tlmmons, W. A. Har ris, and W. A. Harris, as guardian of Victor Wls el!, an insane person, lJefendanu.. SUMMONS. To Victor WUell, one of the above named de- feuuania. TN THE NAME OP THE STATE OV ORP.OOW- X You are hereby reoulred to arnjear and ana. wer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled ault on or before tbe last day of the six weeks next followinsr tha Ar.t nuhllnmttnn nf vnis summons; ana ir you leu to answer tn plaintiff will cause your default to be entered, and apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the complaint, to-wlt: For a Judgment against you for the sum of 160.00, with Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the Idlh day of February, 1X97, together with 120.00 attorney's fee. and 111.56 tax as nald bv nlaintlff on ids mormagea premises aereinarter aescnuea. ana ior costs, ana mat a aecree oe made against you foreclosing all Interest which you bad on the 16th dev of February. 1HS7. tha daU nf tha mortgage given by you to plaintiff, on the prom isee described, or have since acquired In or to tue eoiunwesi quarter of section BIX, townsnip five, north of range three, weat of the Willam ette meridian. In Columbia County. Oration. containing ltd 40 acres of land, and ordering said premises sold according to law, and apply ing thetnroceeds thereof to the rutvmant nf said Judgment. This summons la published by or der of I he Honorable J. B. Damn, County Judge wt vuiumDia county, uregon, mane on tne txn day of August. UUO. The date of the first pub lication hereof Is Friday, August 17, 11)00. The time prescribed In tbe order for publication Is six weeks, and the lime within which von are to answer tha complaint la on or before tha last aey oi saia puuicauon. n. r. amiu am dillasb & dav, arras Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of Oregon for tb County VI lAlUmDIB. Frank I. Weber, Plaintiff vs. aiizanetn Hugnes, oeorge T. Hughes and Mary nugnes, nis wue, uertrui Hughes and Wil liam Amsdell Hughes, belrs-at law of George nMun. ukhmm. ufliennanu. To Gertrgde Hughes and William Amrdell uugnes. Defendants above-named: N THE NAME OFTHK STATE OF OREGON : You are herebv reoulred in annear and an. swer the complaint filed against you In the .hAVJ.fltlMH ( ''.) I an1 n a. kfu .1. . 22ud day of September, WOO, that being the date ii&vj ior sucu auocaraitce or anawer nv ins Court In the order for the publication of this summons; and If you fail so to appear or an swer Plaintiff will apply to the above-named Court for the relief prayed for In his said com plaint, to-wlt: thai the mortgage in form of deed and defeasance be foreclosed as a mort gage; that the aaid premises therein described, to-wlt: The South U of the Southeast 'A and the Houth of the Southwest ii of section M In Township S North of Range 4 West of tbe Willamette Meridian, In Columbia County, State of Oregon, containing 1M acres, be or dered sold according to law and the practice of this Court; that the proceeds of such sale be applied to the payment of the expenses of said safe, the cost of Conrt, and lastly, of the amount due this Plaintiff to-wlt: The sum ot 1437.14 and interest thereon as demanded in the com plaint and tha further sum of tSS.AA- and tha surplus, If any, be paid in to tbe Clerk of this court; subject to the further order of Court; II pel n, sine claiming by, through or under them, since the execution of aaid deed and defeaaance. be barred and foreclosed of all claim, right or equity of redemption in and to said premises aud every part thereof, and that Plaintiff have such other and further relief as to tbe Court may seem juat and equitable. This summons is published In Ths Oucoor mist by order of Honorable J. B. Doan, Judge of tb County of Columbia, State of Oregon, duly made and entered on the 7th day of Aug ust, 1300. Dated August 10th, 1000. 1 G. W. Atbstt, Attorney for Plaintiff. Card of Tbanka. To our neighbors and many friend wno so tenaoriy ana unsparingly gave us their svmnathv and holu In time of bereavement, we tender our heartfelt thanks and pray that even a they have given it may be given unto thviu in their time of need. Ma, and Mas. Fbank Bhowh Yankton, Or., Sopt. 6, 11HX). A Mather Tell How tine Bared Her Mule Uautrbter'a ljllo. I ant the mother of fight children and have had agreatdoal of eiperionc with medicines. Last summer my littl daughter had the dysoittary in Us worst tor in. i tried evorvininv i could tiling of, but notliing eiued to do her any goou.. i saw ity an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain' Colli), Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy wa highly recommended and seut and got bottle at once. It Droved to be one of the very best medicine we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter's lite, I am aniious fur every mother to know what an excellent medicine it la. Had I known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter ranch uirerlng. Your truly. Ma. Ubo. t. mmuicK. Llbertv. R. I. For sale at tb St. Hel- ens Pharmacy. The kiawerr ml Wosaast Wa grandly shown by Mrs. John Dowling, of Butler. I'., in three years' struggle with a malignant totnach trouble that caused diatressina attack of nausea and indigestion. All reme dies failed to relieve her until she tried Electric Bitters. After taking? it two months, she wrote: "I am now wholly cured and can eat anything. It is truly a grand tonio for the whole system as 1 gained in weight and feel much stronger since usini It." It aids dineetion. cures dyspepsia, improves appetite, gives new mo. uniy ou cents, uuarauteou, at tho St. Helena Pharmacy. During the civil war. as well as our late war with Spain, diarrhoea was one of the most troublesome disease the army had to contend with. Io many instance it became cbronio and the old soldiers (till sutler from it. Mr. David Taylor, of Wind Ridge, Green County, Pa., I one of these. He uses Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and says he never found any thing that would give him such quick relief. It Is for sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the email price of 25 cts., 60 cts. and $1, does not cure, take the bottle hack and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 26 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. OABTOITXA. Bears tka 9 1M aln IN HtnMwtn bsojol "a"-" stO-WZ- WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND PUGKT BOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA BOOTH STR. GATZERT Landing Foot of Alder Street, Portland. Leaves Portland daily (exceitHunday)at7 A, Utnding Telephone dock, Astoria- Leaves Astoria dally (except Saturday) 7 P. M. Bailey Gatsert tleketa good on steamer Heseelo. Steamer Haaaalo tickets good ou Bailey Gatsert. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. J STOMA & COLOMBIA RIYER li RAILROAD COMPANY, asso or OAILV. n at A. at. r. at. 11 10 t 40 10 06 I S6 S 62 20 16 00 SO 7 64 20 7 46 12 7 SS 02 7 26 S 62 7 17 S 67 7 02 S 17 42 8 07 tta 7 66 6 20 7 46 6 10 OAILV. STATIONS 34 r u r. at. A. at! 6 00 06 IS K 40 Ml a mil 6:66 S OA S 20 5 88 6 44 60 S 64 I OS t IV S7 .0! Lr Portland A r S:S3 M.4 .... Gobi .... ....Rainier... 3.47 46. 4:02 iAS.6 160.9 m.t, Pyramid... Merger.... .Qulncy .... 4:07 4:22 10 00 10 U) 10 21 10 11 02 11 10 62.8 tM.4 71.2 7S.7 M.6 tPO.J 06.4 IW 8 ..Clatskanle.. . Marshland.. . Weetport... ... Clifton.... ,,.Knappa.... .. Bvenson.... 4:43 4:57 6:17 6:20 ! 10 00 10 08 6 3 10 20 11 22 ...John Day... a so io so 11 to Ar. Astoria .Lv All trains make does connections at Gobi with Northern Paoiito trains to and from the Kaat and Sound points. At Portland with all trains leaving Union depot. At Astoria with I. K, A N. co.'s boat and rail line to and from II. waco and North Beach points., Passengers for Astoria or way point must flag trains at Houlton. Trains will stop to let nss- aengera off at Houlton wben coming from point west OI uooie. . J. naatvar. Oen. Pas. Agt., Astoria, Or 0. R. k N. CO. Das AST Aaaivs Chicago Portland Speolal :16 a.m. Bait Lake, Denver, Ft. Worth, Omaha.Kan aas City, HI. Louis, Chicago snd Kast, 4 p.m. Bait Lake, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, Ht. Louis, Chicago and Kaat, 7:00 a. m. Atlantic Express 00 p. m. Walla Walla, Lewis ton, Bpokan, Minn eapolis, St. Paul, Duluth, Milwaukee, Chicago and East, 1:40 a.m. Spokane Flyer 6:00 p.m. Ocean Steamships. All sailing date sub ject to change. For Ban Francisco Hail every nv days. 6 p.m. 4 p. at. Daily Columbia River Steamers. Kx.Sunday Ex. Sunday a p. ra. Saturday 10 p. m. To Astoria and Way- uuiuiuga. 6 a. m. Willamette Silver. 4:30 p.m. Kx.Sunday El.Hunday Oregon City, Mewberg, Salem Way-land gs Willamette and Yam 80 p.m. Mon. Wed. aud Frl. Tuea.Thur. hill Rivers. and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton, ana way-landing. 6 a.m. Willamette River. 4:60 n. m. Tues. Thur. Portland to Corvallls Mon. Wed. and Bat. snd way-landings. ana rn. Lv. Rlparla Snak River. Rlparla to Lewlston. Lv.Iw'ton s:wa. m. dally at 9:00 a.m. daily "W. H. HUBLBERT, Oensral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND ... OREGON ANfrffctabfe Preparation for A& slmllaung rMFoodandKetfula ling the StointKta andlkmsh of Promotes DigC9Hon.Chcerful ness and Rest. Contains nei titer Oim.MortIiine norliitcraL 1SOT NARCOTIC. jtfaujBrsmMnrcwi MM.Smmm jglistists Ask ' ?Me4aW 2Wv)r"af JwSgWy eWMiayyMSaVaV rtwRHt Aperiecl Rented forConstipa Tlort , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Wonrts,(x)nvulskn3.Fevtrri5iv rtfsi andLussor SLEER M Sural Signature of HEW YORK. a-asWstjsajstat atsi arat srat atat How About strums ior tne nest nre have property for sals COLE Haiti Strut A 11 A 1 .1 fa ... r r -.---. ' V ' VT -OO CXACT crjrr o wrUrwr.' lsst 11 CLATSKANIE DRUQ STORE THC. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc 0H. J. I. CLATSKAmE, 1. a. WELLINGTON, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars WHISKIES! 1. H. Cutler, Magnolia, 014 Cast), and Wavsily Club. BKEBl Famous Hop Gold, aud Export Beer. CIGARSi Henry ths Fourth, and Windsor Hons. HE XT TO THE HOTEL, 8T. HELENS, : : OEEOON. Card tables and other devices for pas- Ims. Newspapers and parodloala. B aug bus 1fWqrWTfqptffrjl firrajja-' ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP EAZOBS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemical need tn wash ing and cleansing the face. !- f Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, BT. HELENS ev - o-Mnufaoturrs ...AIJ Kinds of Rough tf The CRUISER r Lrieerlnff... ...Dlaaeu BOA wwwt Buttle ...Celllns; -AMD eualen Ltsmber... OAPPOOSK, Tot Infanta and Children. aassssssssssssawawasssssssssMassassssssaaasBwe The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of State Normal School Olon.tlOl'TH, OH. Fall Term Opens Sept. 15th. The students nf ths Normal School are prepared w laav mv mate .ninnaie lunwi' ately on graduation. Ciraduates naxttly secure good positions. It. pauses of year from 1120 to 1160. tttrone- Axe. demlcand Prnfessional course; new si-arial de partment In Manual Training. Well Equipped Ttnltiliig Donartmsnt. For taul.us containing full announce mania, addreea P. L.CAMPHKI.L, I'rmident. or W. A. WAN!, secretary oi lha raculty. SnstOk. Your Title? If I V AW hi Use U' For Over Thirty Years . vws eewvaea eelwe. tasw vases ewv. flt RE YOU SURE It Is all right? Remember that n la ths t REt:OKD that governs. It la our business to seairh the ro-nnls and show what they contain In relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying land or loaning money on real. estate security, lake uo man's word, but Insist upon kuowlng what the rorurd shows regaMlitg tb illle. An Abstraal is as essential aa a deed. Insist on having it, We have the only set of aUuast books In the county. All work prompllyeieeuted and sallslaatlos guaranteed. If you have property to insureglvatisa call. Wears instirani.e ennipauiMi in the worm. If list It with us and w will end bujer. QUICK, T. HUCHS. ORtDOH a-rtVw, sVJgsfcawawat sftl m9Lmmm0mJA V VUiX li,,. TO- HULL Frtprittor. OREGON. Brinn Brothers CAFE ST.HSLSNS, - - - 0RSG0S. NEW PLACE. If yon want something good In the llneol wblsky try - SHAW'S MALT Only lh best of Lipn ami Cigars Kept in Stoct OPEN FROM 5 A. M. TO 13 O OLOOK MIDNIGHT. Steamer 0. W. SHAVER. Leaves Portland, foot of Washington street, for Clatskanle aud way landings, on Sunday, Tuesday aud Thursday afternoons at o'clock, passing St. Helena at 7:16 p. nl. Leaves Clatska nle on Mouday. Wodueaday and Friday after noon at 4 o'clock. Shaver Ti asportation Co. - avO : B of and Dealers In-o and Dressed Lumber... OOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on south fork of Boappoos creek, four mllea from Scappoose station. Lumber delivered at Hcappooa station or Johnson's lauding at $1.00 per M, extra. At Warrou station, 11.60. ORKQON r w -W 4VVJ