The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 07, 1900, Image 4

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rmle SltHaltHit Smtafaeiwrj,
alilerln Srnewn,
It. l. f'on & Co.'s nesklv n n 1 1
trad u:
Tli Ly 1 Uwt ilouula, but llieia
tnflaiaaaatorv RhcamatlkM la a Cook
I iliat No Una Need Carat.
I The u ice rheumatism Is applied lo a
great variety of affection accuiupan
1 led with pain la Hie Joints or muscles.
sooi of theui mora of a gouty or uric
acid nature, other probably of lufeo
working frre.
Prices are t-tendy, hot there is talk
of a decline, peibsps I0 per ton, in,
steel rail nhortly, to a basis, at hirh
it i believed the railroads will ha i
willing to place orders for the enauinst
yearn' supplies. Mora good new comes
(mm tlie grant iron center, where
hridfr and boathnilders mid makers of
agricultural implements, stoves aod i
' AH the world knowa of the wonder
ful ecrrs which have been made by
Lydia K. Pinkham Vegetable Com
pound, yet aoiaa women do not realise
that all that U claimed for it la abso
lutely true.
If all suffering women eould be made
to belter that Mrs, Pinkham can do
all ah says ah can, their suffering
would be at an and, for they would
sit once profit by her advice and be
Thar is ao more putaling thing than
that woman will suffer great pain
month after month when every woman
knows of soma woman whom Mrs.
rtnuham haa helped, as the letters j
from grateful women are constantly j
being published at their own request, I
The same derangements which make !
S sinful or irregular periods with
ull backaches and headaches, and
draggiug-down senaationa, presently j
develop into those serious inflamma
tions of the feminine organs which
complete T wreck health. j
Mr. Hnkhaaa invites women to '
write freely and confidentially to her
about their health and get the benefit '
of her great experienra with the anf- J
tarings of women. No living person I
can advise you so well. No remedy in
tha world baa the magnificent record
of Lydis E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- '
pound for absolute cure of female
Ilia. Mrs. Pinkham a address is Lynn, i
fj, m r strong foirigD quotation, activity in
tnrVV M-ailOrS from Vffv ('hieina Lt filiinmii lunnvn. and fa.
A . tfa m I " T -
woman, UnOWItttJ now S hO vorabie purchases o( harness
sought R7re. Pinkham' s
has been no ta-krd movement ol
huaineaa tbia week. Tkia chief draw ;
back of lh week baa been the intern 1 Uou W. aod others still th expres
heat In ton. seciioui of tha Wert, j m dlis of tlia nemoua
which was more etlicieut in retarding structure.
business than the lower temperature I Acuta articular or Inflammatory rheu
fcast, which in stimulating it. j mat Ism Is a disease characterised by
Crop advices cniinne as cheerful as Ialn and swelling In one or mora of tha
at any lima lately, snd the labor ( ti- 1 Joints, usually the larger bone, such
st ion ihnw mi imivrtaut changes Id ' as the knee, together with fever of
more or less lutenslty. It 5s a disease
of temperate climates, especially In
cold ami(danip regloua, belug very sel
dom seen In the tropics. It occurs in
tbts country chiefly lu lata winter and
early sprlug, although it may occur,
particularly on the soacosst, at any
time of the year. la England It is
said to be most frequent la the autumn.
It attacks person between the aifs
Rich BIqozJ
Perfectly Healthy People Have It.
If, vim nriMn;ly luttl. iijil to get uemtii,
m.'t Iwji etl ami a.)!!! mils, your
Id.xd t i,. slim it milium 0. Rich
LIijikI i ),,... n by unniK nerves, heslihy
tv'ii .v ii.i i, pkh! appetite. trr.Rih and
ia.r. iliml'a &iru.aritla ti.akei the1
liWI rii h omt lima it cures all troubles
are due lo Kr, thin blood, lik suae
Hint, tie rvuutuies. tbat lired leellng.
Hood's SarBopaHIla
l America's in'siO't Mrilicine In enrich
snd viialue ilie UUmi. All druiwists.
A loks That Is Kt a Joka.
.Mra. ShortOh. dear! I do wish
we wer rich. Just think of th good
we could do If w only had lot of
Mr. Short True, my dear; but w
can do great deal of good ta a quiet
way now.
Ir. Short Yes, of course but no
on will aver hear ot It,
A t Orotavo, off th west coast of
Northern Africa, grew the famous
dragon tiee, said to tie the oldest lu
th world. It was destroyed by a hur
ricane in I87. Hundreds ol years ago
its hug, hollow trunk was used as
Thi. i tbe time to "alert - tilt" ti V Cwuelita. Later the
....... . i. .n. c"oqunng rortugoesa aaatcated it to
Christian worship.
com, a the gtowth of etalk. uuiubcr
of irs on stslk and other advautagea
can be noiivwl, Kvery farmer should
grow his eed oru in rowi teiwrata
from the regular crop, and from select.
cd sce.1, so as to iuipruVw. If this is
uot done the seed corn should ba mark- .i, eager to secure of 15 and 40 more commonly than those
WQ0 ,r(. 0dtl. or y0Unger,
, uj.lVWHI HIV nut 1CI 1KITTU U IU
market thau for two months past.
Another sharp decline has taken
plate in the price of tin, but coppet is
Tha lllliar Ka4
About th time of the collspse of tha
confederacy, M-Senator Wigfall wa
crossiug tha Mississippi, making his
way to Texas. He assumed the char
ed in tiie field by tying strips of muslin ; acter of an nlrra-uuion man. On the
to the Malk, so as to bat-vest it wheu ferry-boat with him was a federal offl
mstured. - ,- j or, with whom Wigall got Into con-
t nm ure Pl.'s Ciin. r..r OonKinni.tlmi The ottioer oontlded to him
aveiliiiv life three vn.r i:o - M h . I m.. ;' no was chasing Wivfull. "If I
I:..i.bix. Mujile en'reet, Nurwub, S. Y., ' fall in with the trafor, I'll hang him to taw. .the tint tree." "Vea," vehemently
French railway cars as now con- fmarked Wigfall, "and I will bepulb.
structtxl. with most of the metal parts ,nlf on
r v
HiitV. AM . i
1 1 I , , ILL
efasir-wi. tk. bbb. . .
0 r.
5l ZJ
j i , ,- - , . . . , , . uaiuiv, amioUKU many uuw luciiuv
is already a solid and better balanced . ',. .
irjru it as a germ uisease. n o-
glns gradually, with alight aching lu
the limbs, sore throat and a ccneral
feeling of depression. Tha appetite of aintitiimni, are 3,001) pound liiihtur !
u-hut A.MmA .utt tr,rw h . " toHcue is Deavtiy coaieu.oiten uu oia ones,
ingthe lowet price since early in 'here la complaint of headache, and of
in(, i chilly sensations and tha sufferer la
Corn is steadv. hnt a .Inn lat ireek 8prally "out of sorts." There Is fer
makes tbe pr lsent price only four cents er!lness. and as this Increases, pain
above that of 1899. nd tweHIng apiear lo one or more of
Factories are still working only psrt lUB ,nre jo-nts. xue jomu attacked
are not, rctl ana exquisitely painful and
Our Stolen aaldler.
"To preserve the jewel of liberty in
Young Kucineer j the framework of freedom," is tha iu-
In sit H-temliie brum hta v in ie h itenand . scriptiou beneath a statue of Abraham
r;,.7:7,;,?.: s.uia wu ana
ttu- Pur He ..nt hu ih-t.- t-een m n .-uviiy i sacred to the memory of the Scottish
In l:ni,. !.,.. It U .,l l.l, ..,., .-mI f . . . ... . ....
"...' -". 7. .-: American sounnrs alio itwi fne mir
time in the KaMern Uiot and shoe dii
triers, ami it is evident that earlier e
tiuiHtes of accumulated stocks were
much to small.
There is more activity in the hid
market ami prices are sustained bv
, ana was cured of
Submission of thm Man
ama and Inflammation of
" Desk Mks. Piskhah I hare been
in bed s year. Doctors say I hare
lemata weakness, i have a bad di-
nargs and much soreness acroKs my
ovaries, bearing down pains and have
not menstruated lor a year. Doctors say
anum will never appear again.
nope to hear from yon." .Mas. J. p.
jsaowx, llolton, Kami., April 1, 1S98.
your letter. 1 have taken one bottle
and a half of vour Vegetable (Vim-
pound. and used two packages of your
naan, ana reel stronger and belter.
I can walk a few steps, but could not
before taki-.g your Compound. I stiil
bare tha discharge and am sore serosa
ue ovaries, but not so bad. Every
ne thinks I look better since taking
BROWS, Holton, Hans., Aug. 1J, iss.
uiaw Mfts. pixkram I think it la
say duty to let you know the good that
Lydia E. Pinkhsma Compound has
aone me. Alter i took three bottles
menses appeared, and I began to feel
stronger and all my pain was gone.
Yours is the only medicine that ever
helped me. 1 am able now to work
around th house, something I did not
w no again. rs J. k . Bbow,
uwtwi &mua.,rau. Z3, IVVJ.
Thraa EZoro Letters from
Ono Woman, Relating how
ono was vured of Irreg
ular Menstruation, Leu-
vorrnma ana uackache.
"Deab Mrs. Pixirah-I am suffer
ing and need your aid. I have pains
iwiu mucs vi viie? womo and a orag
ging sensation in the groin. Men-
siruauon irregular and painful ; have
lauoorrhosa, bearing-down pains, aore-
aeaa ana swelling of the abdomen,
neaaacne, nackache; nerrousnrss, and
smu onuirr ut nor sleep." Mr C ar
bib Pxiuiri, Anna, 111., July 19, jS7.
usab mm. rimaAM I want to
thank you for what you have done for
me. When 1 wrote to you I was a
total wreck. Since taking your Vege
table Compound, Liver Pills and Kana
tive Wah, tnr nerve are stronger
nd more steady than ever before, and
my backache and those terrible pains
are gone. Before I took vom medi
cine x weignea Jess than one hundred
and thirty pounds. 1 now weigh one
sinarea ana nrty flve pounds. Your
maaicine is a godsend to poor weak
woman. I would like to ask you why
I cannot have a child. I ht w
married nearly three years. M ns.C a n-
sua j-aiuuj-s, Anna, m., Dec. 1, 1897,
"-cu me, ua now i am the
aula Markets,
Onions, new, 1 'c.
lettuce, hot hoiiso, $1 per .crate.
Potatoes, new. f 15.
Beets, per sack, b.'n- (i 1 1.
Turnips, per sack, 75c.
Squash 4e.
Carrots, per rack, 11.00
Parsnips, per sack, 11.28.
Cauliflower, native, 75c.
Cucumbers IO(2Uc.
Cabliaire, native and California,
2c per pounds.
loinatoes 50(3 60".
Butter tYeamery, 25c; Eastern 23c
dairy, 15$ 18c; ranch. He pound.
Kggs 24o.
Cheese l'Jo.
lontrry lie; dressed, 14c; spring.
13 1? 15c.
May Pnuet Sonnd timothy, $11. OC
(912.00; choice Fjuitern Washington
timothy, I6.00.
Com Whole, $38.00; cracked, $35
feed meal, $2ft.
Karley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flonr Patent, per barrel, $3.50
blended straights, $3.25; California; buckwheat Hour, xs.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.25; rye flonr, $3.804.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $12.00:
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton
middlings, per ton, f20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh MetfM Choice dressed bee!
steers, price 7jc; cows, 7c; mutton
114; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9
Hams Large, 13c; small, 13, '-4
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides.
you advised me.
nappy motner or a line hat.v 1
oaueve 1 never would have had her
without your Vegetable Compound."
7 Anna. HI, Jan.
Proof thai Falling of the
Womb fa Overcome by
mm rm m m ...
k-yuta cm rtmtnam'a vego
table Compound'
aus mas. i-ikkham When 1
wroie 10 you some time ago, I had
sawn sunering lrom falling of the
wusuu ur many years without obtain-
u uungea 10 wear a
bandage all the time ; also had bad
Aeadach and backache, felt
worn out. After taking six bottles of
ATui. a. rmknam Vegetable Com
tiound and four hni ne 1 1... n:n. 1
discarded my bandag and have not
" wear is since. 1 am entirely
nred " Mrs. J. p. Tboutma, Box 44
Hamilton, Ohio.
"Dba Mb. Pikkham For nearlv
two year I was unable to work J
was very weak and could not stand or
jny feet but a few minutes at a time
an doctors said t bad iauinp and ir
nammatitm of the womb. I Wgan t
us Lydia E. Pinkham' Vegetable Coir,
pound, and after using five bottles
feel like a new woman." Mas. p. K
Ulaxb, Confluence, W. Vs
rartlan Market.
Wheat Walla Walls. 64 550;
Valley, 55c; Blueatem, 58c per bushel.
Flour Best gnules, $3.10; graham,
$3.00; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 87o; choict
gray, Sac per bnnhel.
Barley Feed barley, $15.00 15.50;
brewing, $17.00 per ton.
MilUjtnffg Bran, $12.00 ton; mid
dlings, $20; shorts, $15; chop, $15 pet
Hay Timothy, $11(812; clover,$7
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $6 (05 7 per ton.
Batter Fancy creamery, 45 60c;
store, 27 c.
F'ggs 17o per dozen.
Cheese Oregon fnll cream, 13c:
Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
4.00 per dozen; hens, $4.50; springs,
$2.00(33.00; geese, $5.00(37.00 for old;
$4.506.50; ducks, $3.00(84.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, I6MIB0 per
pound. ,
Potatoes 40 O6O0 per sack; tweet.
8ia2J'4C per pouna.
egetables Beet, $1; turnips, $1;
per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, 2o per pound; parsnips, $1;
ouionST 1 'sc per pound; carrot, $1.
Hops 2( 80 per pound.
Wool Valley, 1616o per pound:
Eastern Oregon, 15 16c; mohair, 25
per pound.
Mutton GroM, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, 3?4c; dressed mutton. 7(3
7'iiC per pound; lambs, 6l4c.
Hogs (iross, choice heavy, $5.00:
li'ubt awl feeders, $4.50; dressed.
$5.00(0.50 per 100 pounds.
Ueel Oross, top steers, $4.0004.60:
cows, $3.60(4.00; dressed beef, 6i
7?o per pound.
Veal Large, 64a74o: small. 8(2t
8io per pound.
have every sppcarance of being severe
ly Inflamed.
AH these symptoms may disappear In
a single night from one joint and ap
pear at the same time In another; and
so, the disease may go on, attacking
one Joint after another, those first af
fected recovering much of their tone
and function. One of the characteris
tic symptoms Is profuse perspiration;
th skin Is not red and dry, as In most
fevers, but cool, moist and sometimes
actually dripping with sweat.
The disease may come to an end In a
week or ten days, or It may go on at
tacking Joint after Joint and when all
have suffered it may begin over again
and so go on Indefinitely. As long as
the rheumatism Is confined to the
Joints there is little danger, although
occasionally death results from exces
sive fever; but there Is always danger
that It the lining mcnibrans
of the heart and cripple the organ per
manently. Barely it attacks the mem
brane of the brain, causing violent de
lirium or death. Touth's Companion.
Haitian Diplomat won Port Arthur
bv a Conp After a Peace Ramor,
Count MuraviefT's most famous
"coup" was the grabbing of Port Ar
thur. Concerning that bit of active
diplomacy on the part of the late Rus-
ilan Minister, the following story Is
being told: Muravleff, it Is said, heard
t the psychological moment In the ne
gotiations during the Chinese crisis cf
two years ago of Queen Victoria's
iTowed determination never to sign an-
tber declaration of war. With this
knowledge at command he held the key
3t the situation In the far East
He knew tbat Great Britain wonld
aot "risk a war," and, therefore, be
read the brave talk about the "open
door" with a smile, and received Lord
Salisbury's protests thereby as sign!-
rylng so many pretty phrases and hit
veiled threats as simply bluff. In thla
way, say those who believe the story,
lies the explanation of tbat sudden
withdrawal of the British ships of war
from Port Arthur after they had gone
In with such brave parade. They were
tent as an ultimatum, but the Admiral
discovered tbat there was nothing at
the back of tbe ultimatum.
In short, Sl'iraviefTa discovery of tbe
alleged determination of tbe Queen
never to sign another declaration of
war enabled him to accomplish without
hot what Russia had secretly been
itrlvlng to reach for centuries. In tha
anguaga of the new diplomacy, it was
he scoop of the century.
fcte ilieetmit Work. Tue Vinl-r NttO-en M-liooi
i l-meucuKI'ivit, Mhilt-r. hta-trlcut Kusuiet-r-
ma. Aw-ayi'-s I ymii.'e, ete.. lll-h tift Wen
Hli.e.t !ie 11. twMUc ibe old. l icn-l(rnl
'Iki.i1 o. tifeinv. liat iliH m(-lfMv hr. eleclru-
I'Urn. Slid all tHrevrvaimrtttu,timll to-
'-t'Mt. 01 ail ave-, at all time. rt-xartt!c of
net pi-riit rimaMtitn. luti.traie.1 raialiwit'-t
aiw mltt 10 an a.!i1rt t,v nieiiilmiinir Hit-
i-aifr and alure-jtltig Market St., S. I'., tat.
KvMrimeuta chow that a frog de-
lriel of his bruins will lire and est
and curve exiteuce iu a rort of auto
matic manner.
Baa Fraaeiaca Market,
Wool Spring Nevada, ll18o per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 14c; Val
ley, 18(ai8c; Northern, 910c.
11 ops i8w crop, lltaiao pet
flutter fancy creamery 24c;
do seconds, 22 (a 23c; fancy dairy,
2Zc; doseconds, 17 (3 20c per pound.
fcggs store, 17c; fancy ranch.
Millstufra Middlings, $17.00 O
20.00; bran, $12.60013.60.
Hay Wheat $8 IS; wheat and
oat $8.00(410.50; best barley $8.50
alfalfa, $J.007.50 per ton; straw,
26(s37Kc per bale.
Potatoes Karly Rose, 80g 76c; Ore
iron Bnrbanks, 90c$l; river Bur
banks, 86 00c; new, lJs2c.
Citrus Fruit Orancmi. Valencia
ft. I. SSSITH I C9.;!uffil0, .y,PlCp$. .! Mexican limes. $4.00
do choice $1.752.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Banana. 1 1.60 A
13.60 per bnncb; pineapples, nom
linal; Persian dates. 606 Wo net
clisiiiit fon niftioinai
writ to HAINAN " ggOIVII
BICKFOSU. W.lhlnol.n.T C. lZ, 2Tii
I ceire quick rfullen. R. tih H. H iini. lii.a
Here's a Proposition
tau't It reaaonabl to mppone thst a Arm ol
mi jiaia pcnIllt coum tell joti tke txtt n)
10 rt k(ki value lor vour money r llvouarcl
tnaklns Improvemrou In joHr house, or build. I
ins new liouae, no matter how email nr large I
' ju witii iu M)eiiu in electrical or frat 1
ilxtum, flreplacea, maiiM liirnllure, etc., you
win inre monev ana be wen nulled if vou con
sult TMK JOHN MAKKKTT lO., 1 Mral
- Rimi, rnruaaa, urin.
A guaranteed Cure for Catarrh snd
Tv:i-1 MftVlAl's. f J
t Voufh arms. Taatsa Ouod. Cat f 1
In ttfnft. Snid bf SriuriftntH. p 1
Kacing Camels.
Of all animals the camel would seem
to be the least likely to distinguish lt-
lelf at a race, yet camel racej are held
regularly in the south of Algeria, where
valuable prizes are offered for the en
couragement or toe oreea or racers;
and as much Interest Is taken In their
preparation and performances as In
tbat of race horses at Latonla. The rac
ing camels are the result of very care
ful breeding through many generations,
and in alze, temper and appearance
they are so different from the ordinary
beast of burden that they might almost
be considered a different race of ani
mals. Perhaps the most conspicuous
characteristic of the ordinary camel la
Its extreme slowness. Nothing on earth
will ever induce it to hurry. Twenty-
five dollars will buy a very fair speci
men, but for a mehart, or racing camel.
Ave or ten times that sum Is paid. Tbe
racer, however, can be depended on for
nine or ten miles an bour, kept up for
sixteen or seventeen hours almost with- i
out s stop. The pace In a camel race Is
generally fast and furious at the begin
ning, when all tbe animals are together
and seem to realize that a contest la In
Bamboo In China.
Bamboo Is of universal use In China.
The windows are delicate lattice work
of bamboo, and the furniture I of slen
der bamboo, bent and curled and plait
ed. The water bucket Is a good blr
stalk, sawed on just below the joint
and made as deep as needed above it
For a bottle a slender piece is taken
and treated In tbe same way. Hunger
is kept off by cutting the little tender
shoots Just as they peep from the
ground and cooking them like as para-
Modern Way of Mending- Sock.
Stockings and socks can be easily re
paired by means of toe and beel caps,
which are oeing made lor the purpose.
and are adapted to fit over the worn
parts and be sewed In position.
Very few people live to be 30 with
out acquiring a physical complaint that
hamper them till their lights go out
forever. Tbe man of 40 who Is strong
all over, has a rar experience.
If a man has a dollar put away for
future trouble, a Joy come along aotf
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Fac-Stmila Wrapper Below.
union iu the civil war.
mount a tbia should
Such niomi
typify eternal
A reaction ha set in sgaintit women
removing their hat in church, and
Uev. W. D. Holly, of Christ Kpiscopal
church at llackeusack, N. J., forbids
the women of bis Hock to take off their
headgear. 11 quoted from the Hilda
thus in support of hi atnu.l: "Hut
every woman that prayeth with her
bead uncovered dishoooreth her bead."
By local applications, as they cannot reach tha
diaraed urtiun of ibe ear. There l ou r on
ay to cure ttale, and that la by eonititu
ttutiai rcmevlicK. lieaftica is caused br sit In
flameilroitttiilon ol tb ntttcou linitiff ol tb
Kunterbian lube. Wben tbia tub tta In
flamed tou have a rumblins Kiuud or imper
lct b'-ani.n, ami bn It Is entirely cIiimmI
di-aiiic la lh reiult, and imleeMlte Inflamma
tion t-an to takrn um end tlile tube reetwed to
ita normal condition, bearlcg win bdatrure
forever; nine case out 4 t.-a are cauaetl by
caiarrb, olilrh u nmhliis but au lubamea
condition of the mueiHteeiiriavee.
He will sit io Hundml botlara for any
eaMTof IH'atneee (canard by catarrh! chat can
not b cured by Hall a laiarrb Care. Bend let
tuculare, Irce.
.... F. 1. CHUNKY CO.. Taleda, O,
aoia oy ?ac
raatlly mils are tba beet.
Yarr aaaall am aa eaey
to take aaaagaib
Mc I
In c.fl
CBllt-Kni wirHMuuunni.
Pnrory eretaala.yjiwi
A Milwankr t'orifl thit'ks he lihs
nic eH('e. I in proiln'-iuu grpeii .i-arna-
tions liy the mv of cbeiuival whiie the
plants sie grow inu. .
Cart-r'a Ink la Nc riillllcallr '
"imi.iuniieil of i h- lict niitti rutU. If vnur
iwilcr df not kero it lie tan iiet it fur
vim. ,
Dr. Wilfte, the new Argentine min
ister nt U imhinytoii, says tlint more
rlnily pspeis r pulilixlied in liucnos
Avres tiinn iu Jew York City.
Mothers will find Mm. Wiuslow's Hooth-
tiir hvrun tne best reinedv to n fur thi
.hiiilruii during Ihe Uwtliing iwriod.
Fur Hii;o reHfon n yonng tre or vine
ot-s uot mem to thrive where mi older
rcc or vine of I he wtme kind Im Wen
removed. If a tree Ims died t.ut
i cherry or peach tree in its place. If
this is uot (leniralile it will lie of ad-vnn:,i)-e
to n-niuve a lunch dirt as pox-
iihie ud fill iu with Mill from some
trier location.
anniionte nent that Peking ts
pronounced '"Ph-king" will be apt,
says the Clnveland I'laiudealer, to
pique paragralipers.
Do Tour feet aelia and nnrnf
Shake into vouralinea Allen's Kool Kane,
a Hiwiicr fur the feet. It makes tight or
1 new alniea feel amy; give iuetant relief to
wu and bn iiioiin. It's the creuteat com
lort di-t-.iverv ul the te. t'urea iillen
feet. I'h-lcr-i and callous ejHita. Allen's
Fool-Kane ie a certulii cure fur iusmwing
imil. Meaiiiir. muarliiiir. htii. nrliiug feci.
We have i.ver i,(a te.ilinioiiiula. In urea
a hile vim n all All dnic)!ia nml aline
iure e:l 1;. Trinl pin lii(e FUKK
l'V mail. Address. Allen 8. Olmsted, Ls
Itny, N. Y.
When bouillon is served in cup a
spoon is laid in the saucer, and it may
be eaten either from th spoon or drank
directly from the cups. Covered oups
are very seldom used for this purpose,
but when they are, each person removes
the cover and places it juHt at one side
ot her phite, snd when the course ls re
moved the fervuut takes away the cov
A nr Thin for Von.
fcrertnrdy'a d now ami then, and
,.,- .i.rr. pure, narmieiM cure la I acateli
iii vawiaruc. miiv aim trv I All driM-vlnta
The above picture show th house whore George Dewey was Imrn Decern
her SA, 1H.H7. It wits occupied by ths Dewey family until after the death of
the admiral's father. It then cam Into tha possession of Captain Kdwsrd
Dewey, who Bold it to it present owner aud oocupant, T. B. Oordon, Kwi.,
In the summer of 1889. Mr. (ionlon moved it to its present site in th follow
Ing Kebrnaty 1RU0, and has occupied it until the pnwent time. Mr. and Mrs.
tiordon are unfailing iu their courtesy to the thouandt who visit this shrine,
th birthplace of Admiral Dewey.
A recent letter from T. K. Gordon to th rerun Drug M'fg Co., Colom
bua, O., read a follows:
"It Is with great satisfaction that I find myself able, after an attended trial
to write you in this e-nplmtio manner ot the good your I'eruna bus don my
'She has been troubled with catarrh from Childhood, and
whenever she has a cold, or any unusual condition of the weather
It was worse than usual, and seemed more than she could bear.
Tha dropping in her throat at night prevented refreshing sleep, iu fact, w bad
come to look upon it as incurable, and from the many romudlu used in vain,
we bad resson to.
" Wa are thankful and happy to say that your 'Peruna' has been
of great benefit to her, and I confidently look for a complete and
eutire cure. High praise la not loo much to bestow upon your remedy."
T. 11. Uordon.
Address The rerun Modiolus Co., Columbus, O., for free book on eatairh.
II I II ,L. .1. .
ni tne worm loves a lover t an
old proverb, lint all women love
wedding. And the bride' dress
more important than the rnnsio, or the
'decorations, the bride' father, the
I'rideriiiiuids, th ushers or tbe olergT-
I The practice of taking nrsciilc in mi
nute iIiim- is very prevalent among the
peiiwititry of the iiiotintniaous districts
of Ausirn-lltiiiiigry and 1 r.ince. They
ueciare mat tills poison enable them
ti ascend with esse heights which they
couiu not otnerwise cliiul).
A stuie Innch
UO dishes.
iu China consists of
AVegelablePreparalionror As
similating Ilie Food iind Regula
ting die Stoiuarhs and Dowels of
Promotes Di(;c3lion.Cis?erfiil-
nessamiHest.toniains neillier
Opium.Moi-pliiue nor Mineral.
hope cfOUO-SiMUELmTliTR
Aprrfecl llemetlv forCnnslirw-
rion , Sour Sloiiuich,l)ianho!fl
VVorins 4'onvulsions .Fevcnsh-
ncss and Loss or SLEEP.
Facsimile Siv-nnlurc of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
VMa ooxeaxr, niie naa aire.
Tha MeCarmlek Cumpaay avar4 at
, I'arla Kipoeltloa.
raris, August 30. The MoCormlck
Harvesting Machine. Company, of Chi
cago, has been awarded th Krand prise
on hiirventiiiif machines at the l'aria ex
position. This is tha highest award.
Tbe McCormick Company also re
ceived the highest sward, a (told med
al, on binder twine, for th superior
quality of its product. Special twin
machinery from the celebrated McOor
mil k twine mill was exhibitor to the
jury and awarded a modal.
The McCoruiioks have received the
largest number of awards, a well as
the blgheat awards mad to any Amer
ican exhibitor. In addition to the
grand prize on machine and gold med
al on twine they bave received two
medals in th department of metallurgy
for superiority iu formilij; metal into
special parts (or machines; in the de
partment of machinery a medal for fac
tory machinery, and also silver and
bronze medals in other classes, six
medals in all, besides the grand prize, i
The international juries of tha expo- j
sition have recognized the great revnlu-
tion wrought by MoCoruuuk machine
and this large number of award is a
great triumph for America.
In addition to winning these awards,
the gold meilnl and 300 francs, tha
single highest award for binder was
won easily by tha McCoimick Hinder
at the field trial at Conlomtniers on
July 19, against all comers. This is
tbe greatest ami most important trial
held in France during the exposition
An odd exenae fur burglary wa alv
en ny a one-legged boy, aged 14. He
broke into a hardware store in Kansas
City, Mo., and wa captured. He
pleaded he wanted to steal tome tool
which would enable him to make a
wooden leg for himself.
British Guiana has a cannon ball
tree that grows to a height of 100 feet,
its straiuht, unbundling item being
only 18 inches thick. When tbe can
non balls are ready to drop the tree is
avoided as a Iwttery might be that was
about to engage iu a boinhardmerit. ,
The most onrious street pavement in
th wolrd U that which ha receutly
been put down in Lyons, France, it
is of glass, tbs block being about
eight inches square, each mad up of 1A
smaller block. Tha glass block are
o tightly fitted together that water
cannot pas between them. A a pave
ment glsas i said to have greater re
sistanoe than stone.
Kxperiment made by Professor Joly
show that quart! at the temperature of
800 degree become plastic, and at
1500 degrees is a thick fluid. This
softening point 1 much . slo'ver than
has coinouly been supposed, and th
discovery give encotiragemeut to th
hope ot a wide use for quarts in scien-
tlllo apparatus.
People marvel at tha mechanism of
the human body, with its 03 bono and
00 arterto. l;ut nutu is simple in this
respect with the carp. That remarka-
We lieu moves no fewer than 4,886
bone and muscle every tlin It
breathe. It ha 4,930 veins, to tar
nothing of it 89 muscles.
A simple cement fur broken chin ot
earthenware is made of powdered qulok
lime, sifted through a ooars muslin
bag over the white ot an egg.
"I bare naa 14 Sara at a tins wlikaae
aaevaaent ml tke kaarele, n.l lli able to
amva ttient eioeei er u.iii but a-aier luiveiioua,
t:ttriiiitHiiiftiitaMoii tot Mien eere plane aia la
tiiit trnte eimiiiiifMi! annua ti,t time I aid ae
erulun iiwara nt tiulnerer fuuuil aur retlefi auefe
ia viiiil I iMnaH uin t ani Aiiaia.
hmw have rnmiuiietutliree tweaaaee a dar. aad It t
t ncii I e-uiim (it llutiuu lo, aack Hiniemeati It
la aaea tenet. ' a r i u 1. llevr.
MSJ Kuaaeu St., UeuoU, MlSk.
Palatable. iMIent. Taata Ue.
Swat, Keer Sico. Weaken, or unee. UM.
uHlaa Smar tM.r, Mm Beatnal, Sea lera. BB
sss . a,ktJ I. .
arT 'I
II a'
" 1(i21,-B
Chisel DH SAWS
Solid Tooth SAWS
Dantl SAWS
Shlnglo ' SAWS
CrossCut SAWS
AH Kinds of SAWS
SSSK-av Portland Branch,
Yo can't make mlilake I you get
Mitchell, Iteoiis & Stavep Co.
Think they mint grin and bear their inlrarlnr.
In tlilasiiHjtlitened aia there li no neeS si li
loalr cumvlainta And a cur la
rioore'5 Revealed Remedy
It doein't dlaappolnt. II at your drugflat.
Gin, Brandy, Rum
12 full ourt. loon.
Per ssllon, K.50.
11HV, I.W.
Orders for l'M.00 and anward dallearad Iraa ft
ncaru.t Hallroa4or bluamer bsudlug. Blaak
Csaea and Kegs.
Katabllihed SO Years.
ssss-swi ,
Jar atdrur.ta or nat hi 'm.11. Tti,, rrS Jffl r V nlloation s ipeoielfy fir twontv
me about jwurceM. uit BogANKo. V 'i ui Pa! fW A "' "R, Btst WosJeridl
4rW' uooeaa, Uava asrsa nsay thooi-
iSJ WfdlP te I, aus,,,
ft..?" i"ita wffM"2J f. k. p. HZTia-i.-.
.O.U.U.U? L Windm1"' 0ltl hhu, 1. UZ WiTiM writ,.,, t. .dv.rt...r .U.."
uaaUvii thla paper,