The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, August 31, 1900, Image 4

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""I T F? ft ft ff
u uuuu &Jati
have been relieved et
female trouble by Mrs
Plnkhem's advloe and
The letters eta tew are
printed regularly In thla
If any one doubtm the
efficiency and eaoredly
confidential oharaoter of
Kirs. Plnkhem's methods,
write for a book she has
recently published which
oontalns tetters from the
mayor of Lynn, the post"
mast or j and others other
olty who have made care
ful Investigation, and who
verify all of Mr. Pink"
ham's statements and
' The Plnkbam claims are
sweeping. Investigate
Flyaa Croup of Claim !far Walla to
H Wark.rt again.
WillMce, Idaho, August ST. The
Flynn group of claim are to be worked
at once The Klrnn group consists of
22 claimi, located in 1887 by ibe Flynn
brother. The claim are all on the bin
lead, which i clearly defined from the
Helena-Frisco mine on the Canyon
creek aide to the Miming mine, and
have a continuous lead of over two
mile in length. Fourteen of the
claim have been tiatented for several
year! and the other eight are to be pat
ented tbia fall, and aftei the survey b
I teen maile Montana parties of unlimited
capital will take the entire property on
a bond and at once cotnmeuce system
atic development upon it.
In the minds of mining men there
has never existed much doubt as to the
Flynn group. It could hardly be pos
sible that a break would occur in the
Atlla Dlarrln Claims Lou of the free
Milling Variety,
Seattle, August 27. II. C. Diers. of
Skagway, say that an average of 80
Minus on quart are made in the Atlin
recorder's office daily. The general
ucresss in placer mining and quart
locations in the camp this season, the i
feeliug prevails in Atlin that the future .
of the district as a good permanent pro-1
lucer is assured. I
.Monro mountain is producing rich 1
free milliuit quart, now heiug worked 1
at Atlin. The mountain is eight miles
Coantr Is Atll PrBarlg fur Ik
Fall Trad.
R. 0. Dun Co.' weekly review of
trail says: After a great wave of art
vanoing price, optimism a to business
is generally dangeiou. But the top
was ranched the middle ot March, line
w hich time reaction ha tome to every
great industry, so that consumer are
askiug whether in some directions the
deolin may have not been reasonably
large at was the advanoe, and whether
buying on the present basis ot price Is
not (airly sure. There are fresh evi
dence of weaknesa in. taw material,
notably the break In structural iron,
but each on i availed of to place
heavy contract. Iew York i wel
coming buyer from all over the coun
(rm Atlin ml nnl tar frrtm iflavivr I " luu-. " IMBUy
.. , ' u . , . 'I year at tbis season, in drygoods, gro
and If contract are not placed to as
, large a volume a expected, it i be'
cause of the conservatism of those who
on l ine creek. 1 be quart ta being
taken to the stamp mills of Lord Ham
ilton and crushed. It yields from 30
to f 90 a ton. The Anaconda property
: is not now oeing worsen, nua ine mills ... w .... . , ...
'hi.,h-.. ,.!.-,--. -. -a.,,i i thf'kthey may compel some further
'doing custom work of the Monroe
mountain ore.
mineral lead on which the claim are A telluride proposition is beiug
located, and at either end of which opened a quarter of a mile from Atlin
such bonanza ore bodie a the Helena- which promises well. It baa a six-
Frisco and the Morning mine have ! foot vein.
opened. The Flynn group has two The nickel property at the sooth eud
mil. f .1. i- ...... !.. I.. . .u n lluia . I.. I.. I. : 1 I
two big producer, and .urcly cover. The percent, of nickel carried hi. 1 aC JZfZZ'JE
ane of the greatest and most extensive not been.aaceruined. The statement , '2 .iu!? S ?
hading ot price. Reports this week
from other Important point ot distri
bution show the same eagerness to bny
when the time seem right. It is be
coming mote apparent that the bottom
has been reached in prices ot lion and
steel. The decline was severe and re
covery must be slow, but gradual ad
it to Dlvorea.
"Mamma." said little Ethel, "Mr.
Gayley'a husband isn't dead, is he?'.'
"So, dear."
"Then wbat's she going to be mar
ried tor?"
"Never mind, dear. Ton can't on-
derstand such things."
"Oh, I know," exclaimed the little
girl, "it's just like getting vaocinated.
It didn't take the first time, did it?"
Do Tour Wet Acne and Burn?
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease,
a powder for the feet. It makes tight 01
new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to
corns and bunions. It's the irreatest com
fort discovery of the aire. 'Cures swollen
feet, blisters and callous spots. Allen's
Foot-Ease is a certain cure for inimiwing
nails, sweating, smarting, not, aching teet.
W have over 3M.0UO testimonials. Iiciire
while you walk. All druggists and shoe
stores Veil it. 25c. Trial package FREE
I'T HWll. AIIUICH, alien 0. viiiiaicu
Boy, N. Y.
Our friendships in life are among our
greatest blessings. When they are
what they ought to be and what they
may be, they gradually enrich life.
Crusades against noise have been
begun in Boston, Providence, Hartford,
Buffalo, and even in Philadelphia.
ore bodie in the Northwest,
A lot of work ha been done on the
property in the year since the claims
have been located, but being a deep-
mine proposition, the owners have been
unable to develop it into a producer.
Last year a tunnel was run to tap the
lead below the monster iron capping of
the summit. This iron knoll is an
elevation of fullv 5,000 feet and cavers
an era almost as large a Wallace.
Altogether over 6,000 feet of tunnel ba
been run on the various claims, and
the mineralization ha been good in all
of it. None of this tunnel worked was
sufficiently extensive, however, to ex
plore the ore bodie. On the Iron-Silver
claitu the lead was tapped with a
tunnel of 404 feet. The faze ot the
tunnel was quite freely mineralized for
a greater part of the distance. From
the point where the tunnel cut the lead
a drift of 110 feet was run, all show
ing considerable ore. The .ledge is
about 30 feet wide, aud the wall are
in place and solid.
A runnel from the Canvon creek aide
in the vicinity of the Frisco wonld cut
the lead on the Flynn group at a depth
of nearly 8,000 feet, and it has long
been contended by practical mining
men that this is the most advantageous
point from which to open up the prop
that it was 40 per cent is not true.
No nickel tuns that high.
A Sura Thine tar Tou.
Everybedr' constipated now and then.
the only sure, pare, barmleaa cure ii Caecaretr
Caadr Cathartic. Buy and try 1 All druggist),
Horse that are not at work daily
get bnt very little green food. They
would highly relish anvthtng of a suc
culent nature especially during the
warm season. The dry food of winter
and so turner is not as conductive ta
digestion a when varied with green
food of some kind.
Shade trees are neglected from the
time they are put into the ground until
they are Urge. Insects and diseases
attack them, bnt a tbey bear no crops
and are supposed to produce no profit
they are left to the ravage of their
enemies. The shade tree will be
missed when It is gone however and
it place cannot easily be filled. Spray
the shade tree and save them a tbey
add hundred of dollar value to the
One point in growing turnip is to
plant the seed on ground that ba been
well cleared of weed. If the young
plants can escape the weeds until the
leaves are well out, half tbe danger of
loss is then over. No plant is hardier
than the turnip and the plants only re
quire a good start to ensure a crop.
The daughter of a tobacco merchant,
from limply sleeping in a chamber
where a large quantity of tobacco had
been rasped, died toon after, in con
Would b a Big Thing for the Italtroad
and for Lcwliton.
The discovery of immense coal de
posits near Lewiston Idaho, will it is
believed, have great influence in the fu
ture railroad construction in that sec
tion. Tbe deposits are located about
13 miles from the mouth of tbe Grand
lionde riverand if tbe remits of de
velopment meet the elaborate indica
tions, they promise to exert a material
influence on the railroad situation in
the Snake river country, says the Lew
iston Tribune. Tbe O. K. & K. Co.,
it is said, is anxiously investigating
coal prosprec-ts in tbe basins of tbe Co
lumbia and Snake rivers with the hope
of providing and adequate supply of
coal for it system and if such is the
case tbe discovery of a good qnaiity
in sufficient quantity on the Grand
Ronde would be a most welcome devel
opment to that road.
Gold-Studded Hock Ohtalaad
Halu Ldg.
Seattle, August 7 Good tidings ol
the rapid advance of mining operations
in tbe Mount Baker gold fields were
taken to Whatcom by II. O. Anderson,
who arrived from Ited Mountain, via
Chilliwack and Vancouver, B. C. Mr.
Anderson was one of the discoverer of
the Anderson-Schrimsher gold ledge on
Ked mountain. In the Blade be says
the prospects ot the leading ledges in
that district are moit encouraging, ami
owner are pushing development work
rapidly. Work on the Poet-Lambert
ledge ha been suspended for a few
days, awaiting the arrival of engine
and fans with which to drive away the
smoke which arises from constant blast
ing in the tunnel. All miners who
have visited the property ay that it it
very rich.
The Gold Basin ledge on Red moun
tain, in which Charles D. Lane, of San
Francisco, and J. O. Carlisle are inter
ested, is said to be a veritable bonanza
to tbe owners. Mr. Anderson met Mr.
Carlisle at Chilliwack and that gentle
man told him thus aaaava mitria from
ore taken from tbe Gold Basin ledge I
run as high as 930,000 per ton. lhe
improvement more sinking than in any
other. Except steel mils, all forma of
iron from the ore to the finished pro
duct are being sought more eagerly and
with less effort to secure further con
cession in prices, but when the secre
tary of agriculture was reported as pre
dieting "dollar wheat" before the end
of the year, the market showed an in
clination to lisagree, and the Septem
ber option fell below 80 cent for tbt
first time in two month.
tre lea fouatata.
Tbe Woman' Auxiliary ol the
fhurob Temperance society, in New
York, supports 12 Ire ice water foun
tains in the tenement house district.
Tbey are in operation from May 1 to
October 1, and mauy letter hnv been
received tailing of the constant stream
ot children with pitcher, draymen
and other who have enjoyed them.
The great increase this season in the
price ot ! makes it prohibitory tor the
poor, and therefor the fountain will
prove even mora of a blessing than
heretofore. It costs $200 to erect one
of these fountain, and the society de
sire to extend the STttsm.
Guard Your Health
A Wla Prlnl.r.
Aa xohsng tell of a printer, wbo,
when hi fellow workmen went out to oak Out for the) Wash faint.
drink beer during th working hours, That fasllng of debility, depression and
put in the bank the exaol amount he ( w,t of tnsrgyj that slesplsssntsst that
would hava spent it be btd con to poor appstllsi that pain after Mtlng,
drink. He thu kept bit resolution ,10id ht promptly attsndsd to. Hovd
for Hv year. Ha then examined til uraparllla will give rllf and will pr.
Saattt Mark.
Onions, new, i;o.
Lettuce, hot house, f 1 per crate.
Potatoes, new. f 15.
Beets, per sack, 85c
Turnip, per sack, 75o.
Sqnaah 4o.
Carrots, per sack, $1.00
Parsnips, per sack, $1.25.
Cauliflower, native, ?5o.
Cncom bers 10 20o.
Cabbage, native and California,
la per pounds.
Tomatoes 50(360".
Butter Creamery, 25c; Eastern S2c;
dairy, 15 (s( 18c; ranch, 14o pound.
Egge 84o.
Cheese 12o.
Poultry 12c; dressed, 14o; spring,
1S 15c.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11.00
riSIOnn: nlinin KaatMrn Waahtnirtiin
gold can lie seen with tbe naked eye timothy, $16.00.
and stands out in beads on tbe quarts. I Corn Whole, $33.00; cracked, $35;
It is similar to the quaits found in tbe feed meal, $25.
from War to !,
Two cannon from th Civil War are to
lie melted and cast lutq a statue represent
ing peace. What a contrast as great in a
way as the change Hostetter's Stomach
Hitters will bring about In the health ot any
who use it. It cures const i nation, dvatieiuia
or weak kidneys. Try it.
The curious fact is noted by M. Man-
rain, in the Journal de Physique, that
careful measurements of the lutoimily
at gravitation in different parts of the,
globe ahow this to be greater on island
than on continent.
Tbe prince ot Wales, simple aud un
ostentatious a ha always desires hi
private visit to be, cannot be fittingly
entertained for even two or three day
without au eapeuditure ot -.'3,000
Mot liera will llml Mr. U'l. .,th.
ing nyrup th best r-mtdv to un for tbr
juuurii auring in teething period.
Lire is not one grand sweet sons at
(.ape Nome. A Wichita man writing
home from there says: "Here lie the
rolling sea. Towering above the sea
are the ice mountains, and towering
above tbetn is the price of grub."
Eggs have kept up well in prices
this year and considering the tact that
fowls are almost self supporting insu
uier, eggs are almost clear pro lit com
pared with their cost. It i probable
that when poultry receives a muc
attention a other stock more fowl
will be regarded a invaluable ad
juncta to farming especially as eggs sell
fur cash and are produced every month
of the year.
many Americana in .'arts are very
m noli exeicised over the sale of in
toxicatiug liquors in the Auioiican
cafe, which form a part ot their
national pavilion.
bank account and found h had on da-
posit $521.80. In the five year h
bad not lost a day from ill bealtn
Three out of Ova of his fellow workman
hail become drunkard, war worthies
and wer discharged.
The people of New York bny daily
the milk produced by 140,000 cow
It is brought from farm in New York
tate, New Jersey, Connecticut, Ma'
tachusetts and Pennsylvania,
I rlit not believa I'lao's Cur for Con
sumption ha an itml for coughs aud
colds. Jons f . Itovus. Trinity eprluga,
lud., Feb. lft, lHOO.
The Paris exposition of 1878 i com
memorated by the Trocadero and thai
of 1880 by lhe Efful tower, both ol
which form part ot the present exhibi
Hemord from lhe fct or akin with
Bell's Revelation
B) Ball, teciirelr ira'cd, 11.00.
nOODAKI), CI. A UK CO., Ag.aU,
Purllaad, Orgoa.
Lone Jack ledge, owned by English A
It appears that tbe location ot the
international bouudary line is in ques
tion, and fears are entertained that $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; .ra
ited mountain and other mountains in bam, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
....... M.i.t. J u; ' ne. . A ... a na.- An
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
blended straights, $3.25; California,
Sufferers from this horrible malady
early alwaya inherit it not necessarily
fsota the parents, bnt may be from some
remote ancestor, for Cancer often runs
through sersral generations. This deadly
poison may lay aoraaan. in tne Diooa ior
years, or an til yon reach middle life, tbea
the &rt little eon or ear makes iu an
peanncc or a swollen gland in the
breast, or some other part of the body,
ivea the first warnine.
To core Cancer thoroughly end perma
aently all the poisonous vuu must be
ibm mated from tbe blood erery vestage
tt it driven out Tbia S. 8. 8. does, and
i the only medicine that can reach deep-
seawa, oosunan mooa irouujao iia uua.
When all the poison has been forced out
f the system the Cancer heals, and th
disease never retnm.
Cancer begin often in a small way , as th
following letter from Mrs. 6 hirer show :
A saull ptrnplc cany oa aiy Jaw about aa tack
bvlow tharoaialltsiai aayfac. itga
m. ao iin or MIcofrrrD-
auK. aao i anouio o i
Th Ooologleal Survey rabllano a Lata
lie port oo Them.
Washington, August 27. Tbe coal
field of Oregon are thus summarized
by tbe latest report of tbe geological
Tbe conl fields of Oregon, so far as
yet known, all lie west of the Cascade
range and north of Rogue river. Most
of them are among the mountains gen
erally known in Oregon a tbe Coast
range, but others occur at the western
foot of the Cascade range. Four fields
will be noticed the upper Xehalem
coal field, in Columbia county; tbe
lower Kehalem coal fields, in Clatsop
county; tbe Yaquina coal fields, . in
Lincoln county and the Coo Bay coal
fields, in Coo county. Trace of coal
have been fond in many other parts of
tbe state. The greatest hindrance to
the development of tbe Oregon coal
fields is the lack of transportation.
Work Progreaalng on the Klnaborloy.
The tunnel on the Kimberley, in tbe
Kam loops. B. C, district, is in 827 feet.
Last week a vein was struck on tbe top
of the tunnel, at a pitch of 45 degrees.
Bnncbes ot very good ore have been
encountered, of chaloopyrites and black
oxides. Tbe present vein matter is
very much decomposed, bnt so tar con
siderably exceeds in value anything
hitherto taken from the tunnel. This
finishes the contract for the 100 feet ol
driving. Work is still in progress,
and will be prosecuted steadily.
Boad to Bluo Hirer Mlnas.
Crews of men and teams have gone
from Brownsville, Oregon, to build the
wagon road from that place to tbe
Blue river 'mines. Relays of men will
be at work until the road is completed
to the mountains.
that vicinity mav possibly be in Brit
ish Columbia. According to field note
of Provincial Surveyor Dean, the line
is supposed to cross at Box canyon at
the confluence of East and West Silicia
creeks. Owneis of claim at Red
mountain have taken out mining
license in British Columbia and are
also making filings at New Westmin
ster in order to hold their claims in
case they find that tbeir claims lie in
British Columbia.
The Red Mountain Gold Mining
Company has a large force of men at
work driving a tunnel in to tap its
ledges. Cabin are being built for
winter quarters.
Th afonto Crlato Company Will Soon
Employ Mora Men.
Monte Crista, Wash., August 27.
Tbe Monte Critso Mining Company has
about 60 men on tbe pay roll. The
concentrator is using only one side of
tbe mill, handling 70 tons every 24
hours. Some repairs are being made
and when done the mill will rnn it
full capacity of 300 tons per day. The
dynamo will start np in a few days,
then the Burleigh drills will be at
work. As soon a a raise is finished
so there will be more air and room, the
force will be increased to 200 or 250
men. It is claimed that the Monte
Crinsto Mining Company ba enongh
ore in light to keep the mine working
for 10 years. A surveying party is at
work on a line to bring more water to
the mill.
forgotten abaut It had It
aoCbcaaa to laaani and
kek It would bld a
unit, tbea scab ovar, but
would aot haL Tbia
ootjaaod for awn time,
when my jaw began to
well, becoming rcrf
painful. TacCanc bo
na to eat and spaaM,
Until it was aa larga aa a
half dollar, wben I board
of a 8 8 aad drtanala
d tori tt a fair trial,
and ft wa lemarkabi
what a wonderful cSTaet
Ik had from the varv haotntittio . thoanra lun. t.
hoal and Ar taking a few bottles dlaappaared
onuray. xuwu a yaara ags ; t ar ami
no iga of the Caac r, and my gnral baatlb
aa-ttauaa (rood Ma, ft. Saoaaa, La Plata., Mo.
i ta the treatest of all
I blood purifier, and the
only one guaranteed
l purely vegetable, bend
for our free book on
Cancer, containing valuable and interest.
ing information about tbia disease, end
write our physician about your case. W
Shake no charge for medical advice.
Ooppor in Vulon County.
The copper fields in the eastern part
of Union county, Oregon, are likely to
become valuable property. Properly
being worked by tbe North American
Mining Company show ore bearing
gray copper in good quantities. Re
ports say that a great body of copper
ore exist in this section.
Thirty Thousand a Month.
The Greenback mine, in Josephine
county, Oregon, pay its owners $30,-
000 a month in dividends.
mr e
. mm W I
it ii 1- r T i tn-i
CuritS iVHtHt All ILSt fAtlS. I
, Cough 6run. Tumi Good. Urn f
in time, fold by drtifrtrlrtti. f
Good Idaho Mln Blug Developed.
The Klondike mine, in the Pierce
City dfCrict, Idaho i being developed
by tunnels, and about 20,000 tons of
ore have been blocked out. It will as
say about $8 per Ion. Fifteen men are
working on the new site for the mill
which will be put up at once. This
mine i owned by the Oro Fino Mining
Coal and Petroleum.
Several Astoria men have formed a
Dividend-Paying Minos.
The following i a partial list of the
diviiend-paying mine of British Co
lumbla: Camp McKinley paid np to
June, 1899, 1312.984; the Fern, np to
June, 1898, $10,000; tbe Hall Mines,
Limited, up to May, 1899, $120,000;
the Idaho, up to January, 1899, $292,-
000; the Last Chance, up to April,
1899, $46,000; the Le Roi. op to Ho
vember, 1899, $1,805,000; the Queen
Bess, np to July, 1899, $25,000; the
Rambler-Cariboo, up to December,
1890, $60,000; the Keoo, up to Janu
ary, 1898, f297,500, the War Kagle
Consolidated, up to February, 1900,
$545,250; the Ymir, np to November,
1899, $30,000.
1 Bushing to Uawaon.
Navigation on the Yukon river closes
early in October and there is a rush
ot freight to tbe Dawson country.
Quart Strlk Near Detroit.
Four quartx claims have been located
near Detroit, Oregon, during the week,
and tbe bills are being bunted for loca
tions. Oldest Minor,
Douglas county, Oregon, claim the
oldest miner, William Kerr, wbo is 99
and work every day.
Klondike Gold.
The yield of gold in th Klondike
country this year is estimated at $16,-
Gold Output This Tear.
Director of the Mint George E. Rob
erts, estimates the world's gold output
this year at $800,000,000.
Permanent Gold Veins,
Mining experts said in the Portland
syndicate to develop coal lands near , Telegram, August 23, that they be
that place. Petroleum is also expect- lieved the gold vein in Eastern Oregon
ad to develop on this property. I are permanent and of good denth.
flour, $3.35; rye flour, $3.80(34.00.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $12.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed bee!
steers, price 7H'c; cows, 7 c; mutton
1 pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8
Ham Large, 18c; small, 13M;
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt side,
8. Sc.
Portland Mara at.
Wheat Walla Walla. 64 o,
Valley, 55c; Bluestem, 67c per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.10; graham,
$2.60; superfine, $3.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 87c; choice
gray, 85c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $15.00 15.50;
brewing, $17.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $13.00 ton; mid
dling, $20; shorts, $16; chop, $15 pel
Hay Timothy, $1112; clover,$7(
7.50; Oregon wild bay, $6(37 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 46 50c;
store, 27,'t'c.
Eggs 17c per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo
per poond.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $8,000
8.60 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs,
$2.504.00; geese, $4.00 5. 00 forold;
$4.60(36.50; duck, $3.00(34.00 per
dozen; turkey, live, 16(gl7o per
Potatoes 40O50o per tack; sweets,
3(8230 per pouno.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 76c;
Gin, Brandy, Rum
1J lull quart". 19.00. Prr tallon. I.'.no. XXX
runt ell S.KK i , f l.viU,
On"era (or tJ.YOO and upward delivered Ire to
ni'areai nanrcaa or otiaiutr Lauding, lllaiik
vawa auu arg.
ffitabllahcd 30 Years.
- M-
Yoa can't make s mlataks II you (at a
Mitchell, Leoiis & Staver Co.
one FOR A poll, CaraSleltIIeileliBd!r.
papala, Hi-awt rimplei.furtrr Ilia Hliwd, Aid Ulan-
uon.rmireaiiJiiiouniaM. IMnotUrfpor)lck. T
aiiiL';l,'",,MI,,'!0 Dili
BOBANKOCO.rMMrf,r Sold U KructUU.
Here's a Proposition
lin t it reasonable u auppma that a firm of
ou yi-am exeriMtf-e coihu (en Ton th liiit aav
lo et ifii.t value (or jrimr iiiorierr II sou ari
MKklriK Imriroremrni In rotir liuiine, or liulld-
l Vli
per sack; garlic, 70 per pound; cab. ! I'm a uw Iioiim, no matter how mll or iaraa
ham 2o tier nonnrl- tmranina i . 1 tha aum rou wlh to (nd in elretrleal or jr
cage, o per pouna, parsnips, t flxmrea, llreiilacea, mantel furniture, ate., ruu
unions, a 7c per puouu, varrui, vvo win ra.r mime? ana oe weit luitea ll vou con.
Hops-298o per pound. WiXiZZCXZZZl' M
Wool Valley, 1616o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 1516c; mohair, 25 ..'"'n rooi.K. Pos-i.a-d, Oaitao-,
Tier oonnd I r. you l"? Mrt "aiKalns In genera
per ponnu. I natliinrv. ene nea. holler, r.,.1,. J
IfnOn I Iwu. !,. wa1.m l . " , . " . . -. . r .....
and ewes, 8J40; dressed mutton, 79
1o per pound; lambs, 6o. I
Hogs (jross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, '
$5.00(90.60 per 100 ponnd.
Beef Gross, top steers, $4.004.60;
cow, I3.504.oo; dressed beef, awQ
70 per ponnd.
Veal Large, 6 (3 7 Mo; small, 8 9
8 .o per ponnd.
I""". 1 a anu windmills. The nrw
steel I X h windmill, sold by him, Is mi.
aa fraaeisea Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, ll18o per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 1014o; Val
ley, 160 18o; Northern, 9910o. 1
Hops 1899 crop. II9I80 per
Butter Fancy creamery 229224o;
do seconds, 21 21c; fancy dairy, c
19o; do seconds, 199 1 80 per pound.
Eggs Store, 17o; fauoy ranch,
22o. : I
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 &
20.00; bran, $12.60 13. 60. I
Hay Wheat $8 12; wheat and'
oat $8.0011.00; best barley $8,609
alfalfa, $6.00-97.50 per ton; straw,
2587Mo per bale.
ft' . .
Have toad Drspry ana It oora
plioationa a avaotaity for twaaty
year with to moat wandarial
iaooeaa. Earn carta mint thou
aad nun.
HI. .I.tlIIi'l001I,
Box V, Atlanta, 0.
Uaed a few minutes even
ing, will rid your houa
of rllo and Moaqultoea.
No mark or ataln left on
lis calling or walla.
Worka llko magic. Prlca
2ouuuta. Write for book
let. Dayton Hardware
Co., Portland, Oregon.
ri-,:v.HF;j; pension
If BICKSOS". Wathlnstan, 0. C.. tliav will re
a cm quick reilli;. B. Sih N. H. Vola. Btatf
Will nr. Hroi-eciitins nlalma alum 1S7S.
Dncan't afem worth living to s sick woman.
Kh li'cla tlri'd anil weak day alter dy. What
ahe iianli la KuuiL'thliig to give her the vitality
ahe once had.
Will Vaccinal Loeetar.
An enterprising Loudon plaoleultur
1st has invented a lymph with which
he proposes to vauciuate young lobsters
to protect them against crustaceans
The vaccinated lobster will hava a pe
culiar scar at the base of bis tail to
distinguish him from bis unva?olnated
... ..J - - ,
"I have a4 year valaabl ArA
ItK la aad and tbm perleoi. Caulda'i da
witaoui lbm. 1 bv ueed tm foraom llai
for tad'gaauoa and billouanaaa aad an now ooav
plaiely uurfld. Kecouimend ltam. tovry on.
One irld. you will never b without thm la
lb family.'' Kusr. A. ataax, Albany, N. V,
can or
Ploaant. Palaubl. fown. Taau Good, n
Ouou. .S.r Sloaaa. hiiu.i Uria, tto. M.tUa.
laWf t. cain. iaml. lav tat. SB
M.Tfl.ltlR '14 narril by all ra
vsut tus nervous prostratlun. chronic dva.
pepsla ami oilier serious diseaa that
would follow a persistant naglectof tha
It it th sarrsuard of h.alth
aa wall as th surest remedy for diseaa.
Hood's Sarsoparllla
1 America' Greatest Medloln.
Huon's Mlls our all liver Ills, 9r win,
Shipyard la Oar naay.
There are 89 shipyards in Qermany,
employing altogether Dearly 60,000
men, and together they constructed last
year 628 vessel of all kinds for th
navy, the merchant marine and for
river (radio ot the larger description.
Of these yards five ar used for th
construction of naval vsaaels, having
an aggregate cspaolty forth slmultan.
eon construction of over 40 of the
largest ships, 18 torpedo destroyer and
80 torpedo boat.
Dursiii cannot ormiD
By local application, as thay cannot nuk the
dlwad (Mirllon ol lb r. Thar iaealy aae
way locnrdalua, and that la by sonatliu.
Ilunal renrdiaa. )lni I cud by an la
Samadeonditloa ol th baucoua lining ol the
Kn.iarblan Tub. Whan thla tub gala la.
flamad yoa hava a ruaabllns aoond or Irnpar.
lent hearing, and wbaa II Is antlraly eloaa4
dcaliia la tha mull, and nnl lb Inflaataa.
Hon can b taken out and thla lubratord lo
It normal condition, haarlng wlllbadnitroyad
loravar; nln caaaa out ot I' rcndby
j-lkrrh. whlrb la nolhlus hut aa IttflaaMd
condition ol th mneoua aurlacaa.
Vt will si On Hundred Hollar for any
eaaol Pe)iiaa(caud by catarrh) Ibal ea
not b cured by Hall t tatarra bar. n lea
Iroular, Ira,
f. 1. CHINE Y A COh Talade.0.
Sold b rtruBalita 7&a
flail's TriUy fill ar th I
The most important discovery mad
lv th Ilarrlinan scientlflo nartv in
Alaska, is that glacier ar receding.
A hitherto unknown fiord with a beao
tiful itream running iuto it wa named
after Mr. liarrimau. Many animal,
supposed to be rare, were found to bs
plentiful in Alaska.
"Then be isn't real count?"
"Bless yon, no I Thsy oall him
count' because he was once a referee
at a prtae fight."
At the battle of I tasting, A. t
1006, the weapon being sword ami
battle axe, 600 fell mortally wounded
out of every 1,000 soldier.
J?, . a -. e-''?
-sx s-r-r cr rc-re '"
JtCMlM' V S ,SS1M' x
A. P, Armstrong, LL. B Prin. J. A. Wasco, Pcnmsn ind Secy
Illustrated Catalogue, College Currency, Business Forms, Speci
mens of Penmanship, Etc., Mailed Free to any Address.
20 to 40 Per Cent
That's Good Interest Isn't It
We can name a Rtock which navs about 20 nr rent nr annnm nnw and will
pay aliout 40 per cent before the end of this vear if bou-ht nam. Thla ak la
steadily advancing and will go much higher.
Another Stock we can tell about that will be i
selling as a prospect.
i a Dividend payer and is now
We will he glad to advise VOU about these Stocks and an nf lhantharann tha
Milling Kichange. Write us.
318 and 319 Chamber of Commerce,
REFERENCES: Exchange National Rank. Colorado finrln-a. f,ln Ma.
chant' National Hank, Portland, Ore., and many other.
(The Famous Qerman Wood Preserver)
....Permanently Datroy:.
g0FOnc application is all that is required. It lasts or years. If
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the
following: distributing agentsi Perfection Pile Preserving Co- Seattle
Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co- Portland, Ore.on.t Whittier. Coburn tc
Co., San Francisco, Cal.
Chisel Bit SAWS
Solid Tooth SAWS
Shingle SAWS
Cross Cut SAWS
AH Kinds of SAWS
K Portland Branch,
t 60 First Strcctm
Potatoes-Early Rose, 80976c; Ore- Tloore's Revealed Remedy
gon Burbanks, 80cl; river Bur
banks, 80 60c; new. lJ4(3c.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
3.788.25; Mexican limes, 4.00
S.00; California lemons 76c91.60;
riA ntu1.a II IK nt 1 nn v
uw w .w wVa,,ww yvm w. t in 11 auiYU a a 'a
Tropical Fruits Bananas, fl.B0 mnu ""',
f.SO per bunch; pineapples, nom- M. r. M. v. nt
Ual; Persian dates, 6S).o per VV wnn .,iT.Vti..r."
if aasiea am
la reeoirn'serl to he lirr reatorer to heallh. It
curea. II.UU at )'onr driiKKim.
A guaranteed Cure fur Oatarrti and
Conaumpttun. All liniigll, li.uo.
T Prop's.
Mo. 8S-1VOO.
Mad. of the Bat Materials, thoroughly seasoned, by compsUnt vorknun. Ii it.nda
witnout an squab Call on our Af ant, or address
320-33a East Morrison Street, Portland Orrfon,