OREGON 311 ST F.ntered'at the PkwtoRice t St. Helens, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER, frtUK Every Fbway Morning By DAVID DAVIS, Editor and Paoi'itiFTOB. SUBSCRIPTION t-KK'E: One copy one year, in advance. . riix months ..-.i.oo ... 60 COITNTV OFMCKB3. representative.,., -Norman Merrill. Cletakanle Juoiru Joseph B. hoan, tiaiuier Clers J. . Watts, fit. Helena Bherllf B. 8. Hatlan, HI. Helens Treasurer K. How, 81. Helcus Hunt, of Schools -I. !I. Copsland, Houlton .Asffossor ..........Martin While. St. Helens Hnrvevor A. B. Little, Houlton Coroner. Br. H. R. CI Iff. St. Helens ....W. D. Cue, llttaburg Commissioners porary inconvenience and alight finan cial lose. Perhaps the time hat been when far mer's wives were largely represented iu insane asvlums, but that lime in pant. Increased .opportunities of culture in town and hamlet have developed mind and bodv. Her horizon, even now too often bounded by her kitchen walla, doea not, as of yore, limit her vision. She now has internal resources ami a broader outlook, but the necessity of an occasional change is, if possible, more imiierative. With growth have come larper poexihililiea. Why sliould not agriculturists have n stood a time as those in other industries? Why should not the women of the farm have a vacation as well na thn women of the town or city? They should; and they can if they will. going to the hopQelds this picnic was held last Friday. NK11.VCFM COAL FIELDS. Plana Being .Perfected In Portland to Build liallroad. AUGUST 81, 1900. Tbb batter industry in Oregon is in Its infancy. Within the next few years it will be rapidly developed with results of great financial importance to the State. Especially is this true of Western Ore gon, where conditions are well suited to dairying. During this developement stage everything possible should be done to lead the farmer to . adopt the best methods, so that the margin of profit will be sufficient to encoaage others to embark in the business. Ose man is saving money to build a house and another is trying to sell his for less than it cost to build. One man is spending all he can make taking his jgirl to theatres and sending her flowers, with the hopes of making her his wife, while his neighbor is using what money he has in trying to get a divorce. One man escapes the diseases flesh is heir to and gets killed on the railroad. An other escapes with only a scratch and diea with the whooping cough. One man stands off his creditors and goes traveling or to the hot springs, while the other stays home and pays bis debts. Sss" atob Jones, of Arkansas, chair man of the Democratic National Com mittee, is one of the directors in the American Cotton Company, a corpora tion with 300 plants in the cotton States and controlling the round-bale process. Some interesting legal testimony on this point is given in a dispatch from Waco, Texas, printed a few days since. The American Cotton Company is shown to have an omnivorous appetite for smaller concerns and for monopolizing an im portant industry. Senator Jones is not disposed to let the Tammany ice trust pat on airs over the Western branch of the Democratc party. His cotton bale js ope of the fattest monoplies yet taken into the courts. VALVE OP OUTINGS. Those Who Don't Enjoy Tbem May Read or Their Pleasures. The lawyer and the teacher, the doc tor and the preacher, the butcher, the baker and the candleetirk-maker, nearly everybody but the farmer and his wife, has been or is off on a vacation. Here and there a farmer has recluctantly turned bis work over to the hired man for a few days and taken an outing, but as a class they plod along in the old ruts three hundred and sixty-five days in the year. How is it with the farmer's wife? She cannot relegate her work to the hired girl for even a few days, for she very rarely has one. She has staid at home so long, It is almost universally supposed that there she must stay. To go camping lor a week or two would be an unnearu-ol innovation. Some very wise people, ever ready with suggestions regarding other peo ple's business, advise that she buv bakers' goods and canned meats, serve coia meals lor a tew days, and rest and recuperate in the hammock. A ham mock is a very good place in which to spend a leisure hour, but the impera tive need of the farmer's wife is not leisure but change. So long as she re mains at borne, its labors will not be laid aside. The body may for a time take the attitude of repose ; with noth ing to divert, the thoughts will invaria bly run in the accustomed channels, and the hands and feet will soon follow. A day spent entirely away from home brings more in the way of rest and re cuperation than several days of com parative leisure amid customary sur roundings. . When we go for a few hours' ride, see j other people's homes, catch a glimpse I of new faces, if only the plowman and j the reaper, the milkmaid or the house- Wife at their homely toil, life takes on new interest; we return to oar uailv tasks with an added itest. It is a dobi . tive luxury, trivial as it may appear, to the woman who week in and week out has been cooking, canning, pickling, preserving, to go from home and eat something that some one else has prepared : to lie cosilv in bed of a morn' , ing, hearkening to the rattle of kettle und saucepan; scenting the aroma of colTee and breakfast odors which are wafted to the senses while dreamily and expectantly awaiting the summons to the morning meal some one else's hands have made ready. Neither mind nor body will long retain elasticity and vigor without an occasional change of environment. "Iron sliarpeneth iron, bo a man shnrpeneth the countenance of his friend." New faces, new scenes, contact with new peopje, give new im petus and interest.. With careful planning, the work of the house can be made comparatively light for a week or two. In nearly every neighborhood some one can be found to take it for a few days at least, if not. buy a supply of bread, cookies, canned meat and vegetables, as recommended ; feed the milk to the pigs and calves, instead of scurrying out to the old ham mock, if by hook or crook an hour's leisure is secured, let us up and away, and leave dull care behind. Poesibly pater fsmilias will open wule his eyes in astonishment. But never mind, when we get hack he can take hid turn ; the gain will more than compensate for tern- There is much indisputable evidence that cheap coal will soon lie laid down in Portland. Good coal, both bituminous and lignite, exists in paying quantities within easy reach ol that city, and the only thing needed is a little capital and energy to place it upon the market. Those who ought to know assert that before 1001 Portland will be a central market for cheap fuel. Some of the leading capitalists of the city, including the Corbetts, I.adds, President MohTer and prominent O. It. A N. officials are interested in coal prop erties, some of which are bound to pay and furnish a large coal supply for that market. Only proper transportation is needed to get the coal to market. Plana are under way to furnish the transportation, so that it is safe to say one of Portland's greatest needs is in a fair way soon to be realized. There are other irons in the fire which promise to become factors in contribu ting to the city's future greatness in the matter of coal supply. Right now there are people willing to take at cost bonds for building a railroad to the Nehalem coal prospects, if the people of Portland will equip and run the road. It is known that coal exists in laree twtiM a t tha has. I nf lha Nahalam around Pittsburg, and all that is needed is tne proper means of transportation. A railroad could be built at an average expense, as by following the meander- lugs of streams comparatively easv grades could De maintained. fames previously mentioned in this connection are already work ing on a road, incorporated to run from a point near uooie to tne Aenaiem itiver and on to the Coast, but the promoters say its pur pose is simply to tap the intervening umoer Deit. By tins route it would be an easy matter to tap the vast coal beds inatare Known to exist at the head' waters of the Nehalem. Prof. J. S. Diller, of the United States Geological Survey, in a report about Nehalem coal, says : "The Upper Nehalem coal field, while it has a length of over ten miles, is, as iar as Known, not over twenty miles in width, so that the whole area of the field is less than twenty sauare miles. Nevertheless, with two beds of coal, one six and the other nine feet in thickness, it ought to yield a quantity of coal of commercial importance, if upon practi cal tests the coal is proved to 1 (rood enough to create a demand for it, and if facilities are provided for cheap trans portation, ai present tne Dest outcrops are not reached, uy even a poor road, week, the picnic was held last rruiay. mere was a large attendance, tne wnoie neignoor hood attending, with others from out side the district. The forenoon was devoted to the regular school work. At the noon hour a very bountiful din ner was -spread which was thor oughly enjoyed by all. The afternoon was given over to recitations by the children and some timely speeches by the older people. It was altogether a day well spent. Mrs. Hatfield has given most excellent satisfaction "to the pa trons of the school and there has been a unanimous invitation bv directors and parents that she teach again next year. The following persons in and arouud Vernoni have either (tone or will soon go out into the Willamette Valley to pick hops: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tracv, Sir. and Mrs. S. 1). Sheeley, Mrs. I. P. Spencer and Rob, Mrs. A. N. Karly and familv, Claude Chamberlain, Miss V'er nie Siieeley, Will Palmer, James Em mons, Rav Mills, Bert Hoaford, Albert Baker, John Smith and family, Charles U. Malmsten, Lester Mowe. Emery Sheelev, Sidney Malmsten, Miss Oral Spencer. Miss Bertha tiillihan. 8. B. Rose and family, Albert Wood and family, Ore Lavender, Mat Johnson, Peter Olson, Otto Cheldelin, lieorge Sltts and daughter, Mrs. H.Redmond, Mrs. E. . Nii'kersou and daughter, Mrs. R. Rodgers and family, S. G. Schoonover, wife and Rosooe, Bert Schoonover and wife. Miss Celia Van Dyke, Elba Van Dyke, Clarence Reed and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Black, Mr. W. P. Dercberry and family and "there are others." Miss Alice Some and Miss Lizzie Earlv expect to go in two weeks The home-stavers will have a lonely time of it for the next four or five weeks, T(mber Land, Act June a, WW. NOTICE rORPUBLICATION. United Static Land Ornra, tioiiw city, Or,, June , lWt. VOTICK 18 IIKKKHV OIVKN THAT IN COM ll pllance with the provisions til the act of IVns-ryaa uf Juue , lava, entitled "Ad art tor the sale of timber lau.is In the Mate ol California, uregon. ioevnua, ! Hashlnalou Territory as extended lo all the Puliliu Ijkiitl AIM! .v net at Auicual 4, Ufcu, Marry D. Burrows, ill Vim- ionver, ouiny oi i;iare. Mate oi mtsnina-ton. ana una nay mel lu tuts otnre nis swum stale meat No. ftu.14. tor the nnroliaaaof the nnrthwHl ' ol aeetlnu No, IN. townshio No. north, ranne No. a weal, ami will offer proof to show that the iauu snum is more vnmaoio lor tta umber or atone tli an for nitrlciiltoral purposes, anil to ea tnblish hlsclnitu to auid land before the Reiiia- ter aim Kri'eiver ol thia ouice, at Oregon city, the 7th .lav of N.iit.mlM,r i'-nv. m iiauiea as witnesses; Jonn Arunttmltl, t'reiton, on Krttlay, l'-fttt. He names aa of tioble, orwui, Daniel Slulimell, of Aiilar Orek'on. Thomaa Peonlea anil llmirm Art-hlliul, of tiobie. Oregon. Any and all pertains claim, tint adversely the ftbove-doeorllied lamia are r uuented to flli their claims In this otttaa on er oeiore aaiu 7Ul nay ol eltniber, luuu. JlWaill C11A8, it. MOORUa, Register. TEfino.llA VARIETIES. Frank Tracy and wife moved last week into the Brink house. V. M. Beeghley went ont to St. Hel ens and Portland thia week on business. H, K. Shirk, the new teacher, and family, will occupy the Maynard prop erly. Most all of the Nehalem birch weild ers will attend the Teachers' Inbtitute at Clatskanie next week. Herbert McNntt. of Forest Grove visit ed the first part of the week with his ancle, C. S. McNutt and family. Mr. A. M. Randolph, of Upper Pebble Creek, who works at Smith & Thomas' mill, spent the Sabbath w ith the home folks. L P. Spencer and Maggie went to Forest Grove last week. Mr. Spencer brought in a load of supplies for the winter. Supt. I. H. Copeland was in the Ne halem last week visiting schools. While here he was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Hatfield. . Uncle Joe Coulter has blackberry bushes with the second crop almost ripe and some in bloom for the third time this season. The new cottage of F. A. Zillgitt has taken on a beautiful pea ereen coat of paint during the past two weeks, being the handiwork of Mr. Uhlman. W. W. Allen went down the river below Jewell the latter part of last week and brought home an eight-horse-power engine with which to run his new chop mill. v Postmaster C. S. McNutt and family returned from the Tillamook Coast Friday afternoon. They report having had a fine time and all are improved in health, L. W. VanDyke and Miss Alice Soule will be compelled to have vacation in their schools the next three or four weeks on account of nearly all their pupils having gone boppicking, F. M. Parker and E. G. Sbannahan were haulmir lumber from Smith & Thomas' mill last week, the former for l,. w. vanuyce, who will nuild a root house, and the latter for his brother Dinar's barn. Ira E. Wheeler, of Reedville. and Mr. Dutton were here last week looking up tne prospect ol starting a camp ol Modern Woodmen. They put in camp at Delena Monday night and think of returning to work up this ter ritory in tne near future, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lindstrom, son- in-iaw and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Malmsten, who came here last spring from Minnesota, intending to make the Aenalem their home, started back to their former home the first of the week. They do not dislike Oregon, but Mr. Lindstrom can find work in Minn, more suitable to his liking and for this reason returns. Omar C. Spencer went to Portland Monday and after visiting with friends there two or three days, went on to Palo Alto, California, and will enter the freshman class in Stanford University, which opens the school, year next week. We shall miss Omar, but rejoice that he has the opportunity to obtain a hicrher education. The course he will take is a select one bearing on law, but will give him tha A. B. degree in four veara. and the L. L. B. degree in three vears more. DO YOU KNOW? That the battle-ship Wyoming will be launched cepteuiperts, at ban t rancisco, Tuat wisdom is better than richei that is if it is our own wisdom and other people's riches. Til at the distance from the farthest point of polar discovery to the pole it self is 4ou miles. That if the Lord loves only the cheer ful giver there will be lots oi vacant man sions in the sky. That one reason that women are suc cessful in the legal profession is that their word is law. That after this campaign is over it will be noticed that some of our political guns are only air guns. That as an act of sisterly regard, it might be well for Ladysmiih to tell Pe- kiu now she was relieved. That Spain is not very well represen ted on the seas, but she makes a very good showing on the bottom. That when a suest refuses dessert the applause of the children at the table is sincere, though it may be silent. That there is only one excuse for buy ing on credit ;the hope that the merchant will torget to charge your purchase. That no doubt David said in haste "all men are liars," but he might have made the same remark alter due de liberation. May all his aspirations be hilly realized and an abundant success in his life work follow. Mrs. Hatfield's school at the Wilson school house will close this week. It was her intention to have a picnic for the children, parents and friends on the last day, but finding that so uiasy were That there are always lots of political pessimists who persist is having the country going to the devil and never get ling mere. That the Jap Army is giving a good account of itself in the Chinese war, as well as testifying to the value ol the American school of training. That from the magnificent bursts of silence on the question of free silver it is tair to inter Col. Aryan considers the money problem fully settled. That whatever difference of opinion may exist as to tne paramount issue, it will have to be admitted that America is the paramount power of the world That at every man's door, and almost Deneatfi his feet, he a wealth ol oppor- tunties which, if properly utilized might prove the long-sought key to the portals oi success. That it is now being discovered that the Russian thistle peat may be mode something of by actual use as fodder, if tne thistles he cut when young, either leu green or as bay. That the truly honest man is euided so by his conscience. The man who is honest only because he believes "honesty is the best policy" is not honesty at all. He is afraid to be dishonest. That an examination of the Demo cratic platforms of the past forty years discloses the interesting fact that the paramount issue of one campaign invari ably becomes the back number of the next. That the Adjutant General of the United States Army reports that the total organized militiamen is 106,33!. while the number of men available for military service, but unorganized, is 10, 343,262. That we were asked the other day if Ringling's circus would show in Port land. No, it will not. The show will be just outside the city limits of Port land. It would have exhibited in Port, land if there had not been so many curiosities running at large in that city. Principal among this latter class is the members of the city council, who wanted (12,000 from the circus people for two day's performance. A Mother Tells How She Saved Her Little Daughter' Life. . I am the mother of eight children and have had a great deal of experience with medicines. Last summer my little daughter had the dysentary in its worst form. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing seemed to do her any good. I saw by an advertisement in our paper that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was highly recommended and sent and got a ooiue at once, it proved to he one of the very best medicines we ever had in the house. It saved my little daughter's life. I am anxious for every mother to xnow wnat an excellent medicine it is. Had I known it at first it would have saved me a great deal of anxiety and my little daughter much suffering. Yours truly. Mas. Gko. F. Bukdick. Liberty, R. I. For sale at the St. Hel ens Pharmacy. SUMMONS. In tlie Clrtnit Court of the Stats ol Oregon for loiiiimna voaiuy, John H. llanivrou, Hulutlff va. Jennie B. Cameron, Defendant. To Jennie B. I'amerou, the atiove-naraed I)e- leiiuiiiit: 1 N TIIK NAMK OPTIIK BTATR OSTIHKflllM X You are hereby notified that the I'lmnliir nereiu uas niea a eouiu aim analog von in tii enure emiuoii lonri and you are ncrefiy ro. quired to ai'iwitr and aimwer said ttunilaliit on or bedr the last day ol Hie tlmo iireaortheil hv the order of publication to wit: tin or before i-ejiteinlier iMh, A. i. limo. You are further no tified that If VOU fall to atllHr and answer tha ruuipiuiiii, or viiau iiiproto, tne I'ltUutiir will cause your default to becnieml. and will aimlv to said Court tor the relief urnved for In the oouiniaim, mat is to ay, tor a decree dissolving me uonvis oi uiniruuony existing; oetweeu flalutln" and neleudani herein, uud for such oilier aud further relief as to llio Court may seem equitable. This summons la published hy order of Hon. J. B Doan. Judge uf the County Court of the Kiale of Oreirou, (or Columbia County, iu the absence of tne Hon. T. A. McHrlde, Jmlite of said Circuit Court, (ranted on the 2th day of d ilirn tliiK tlio im lillcul loll Mi iIut ouce a Julr. A. I)., luco. ui of this summons In the Oukoom wee lor atx weens successively. W. H. COMYKBS, Attorney for I'lainttff SUMMONS. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State oi Oregon, In auu lor vumuiiua t.nuiuv. Byrou Cofley, riaiutllf.S ve. Victor Wliell, an Insane person, U. W. Cole, W. K. Tlmmons, W. A. Har ris, and W. A. Harris, as Kuanliui of Victor IV Is ell, an Insane person. Defendants. To Victor Wlscll, one of the above named de lenonuts. IN THK NAME Of TUK STATE OFOB.EOON: You are hereby rennlrcd to antiear and ans wer the complaint filed amd list vou in the above entitled suit on or before the la.it day of the six wefts next louowine tne nm nutiucallon ol mis summons auu if you tall to answer me nlulmlrr wilt .... .I..f-.. it ,.i..Ui.h.i and apply lo the Court for the relief dcmandeif In the complaint, lo w II: For a iudirmeut airainst you lor the sum of jsu.ou, with Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the lsth day of February. 1HW. together with I.1IIU attorney's fee, and fll.56 tuxes paid by plaintiff u'i iue inoriKaaeu premises nereiuiuier oescriiMKi, and for costs, and that decree be made aitatnst you foreclosing all interest which yoa had on the lcih d,.y of February, W)l, the date of the mont-age iilven by you to iilalntilf, on the prem ises described, or have since acquired In or to toe somuwest quarter oi section six. townsnip live, norm oi raiixa tnree. west oi tne vt main ette meridian, lit Columbia County. Orexou containing 118 40 acres of Uud. uud ordering snid premise told according to law, and apply ing Ihclproceeds thereof to the ne-vmeut uf said judgment. This summon U published by or der oi me uonoraoie j. tf. uoan, county judge ior v.ojumuia i,ouiuy, Oregon, mane on tne i-un ilar of Alieust. l'JOO. The datA of the first oob- licutlon hereof la Friday, August 17, 1900. 1 ho lime prescribed In the order for nuhlteutlon Is six wevas, ana tna tune within which you are to answer the complaint Is on or befure the lust aay oi said piimication. W. F. UAU1LL AXD UlLl.ABD It DAY, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Story or U,va. To be bound hand and foot for year by the chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D, Williams, of Manchester, Mich., save: "My wife has been SO helttlesa for live, Voara tlmt aim could not turn over In bed alone. After using two bottles of Klectrio Hitters she is wonderfully improved and able to do her own work." Tbia unreine rem edy for leiunle diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleeplessness, nieiuncholv, headucho, backache, fainting and dlnr.y speiis. xi is a gousena to wean, sickly run-do o neonle. Cure (lunrantnod. Only (Uc. Bold at the St. Helena l'har- macy. Prevented A Tragedy. Tlnielv Information irlvitii Mra. (iinra Long, of New HtrnilsviTle, O., saved two lives, a frightful cough had long kept her awake every night. She had tried many remedies and doctors but steadily grew worse until urged to try Dr. King's new discovery, une nottie Wholly cured her; and she writes, this marvelous med icine also cured Mr, Long of a severe at- tacx oi pneumonia. rucn cures are pos itive proof of its power to cure all throat chest, and lung troubles. Only 60c and tl.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at the bt. Helens rharinacy. It Helped Win Batons. Twenty-nine officers and men wrote from the iront to say that for scratches bruises, cuts, wounds, sore feet, and still' joints, Unction s Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for burns, skin eruptions aud piles. 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold at the St. Helens t'haruiaey. What la ShllobY A grand old remedy for Comrhs. Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century ; has cured In numerable oases of incipleul consump tion ana relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will retuna your money. 1'rice 25 cli. and 50 eta. Sold bv Dr. Edwin Roes. OABTOniA. Batistas 9 ' Hrijwiiys BOHM 8aatmn of SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of Oregon for the County of Columbia. Frank I. Welter, I' lain HIT vs. Elizabeth Hughes, George T. Hughes and Mary ougues, nis wue. liertruus Hughes ami Wil liam Amsdell Hughes, heirs-ut law of Ueorge Hutrhes, deceased. Defendants. To (iertrude Hughes and William Amsdell Hughes, defendants above-named: N THE N A UK OK THK STATU of OREGON: You are hereby reuulrcd to antiear and an- swer the complaint filed against yon In the ahove-entitled Court and cause on or before the ciaa day of rieptember, l'joo, that being the date fixed for such appearance or answer by the onn in the orncr tor tno publication ol this summons; and if you full ao to appear or au swer Plailitlu" will apply to the above-named !urt for the relief prayed for in his said com plaint, to-wlt: that the mortgage in form of leeil and defeasance be foreclosed as a uiort- f;ige; that the said premises therein desoribed, o wit: The South !-i of the Southeast aud the South of the Southwest i of section M in Township s North of Range 4 Went of tho Willamette Meridian. In Columbia County. Hiato of Oregon, containing 1C0 acres, be or dered sold according lo law and the practice of this Court; that the proceeds of such sale be applied to the payment of the expenses of auid ate, tne cost oi court, auu lastly, oi the amount I nc this Plalntiif to-wlt: The sum of M:;7 U and interest thereon as demanded In the com plaint and the further sum of S.'t.'. and the surplus, if any, be paid In to the Clerk of this Court; snhject to the further order of Court; that sid'l lcfcndantfl and all persona claiming by, through or under them, since the execution of said deed and defeasance, be barred and foreclosed of all claim, rluht or equity of redemption in and to said premises and every part thereof, and that Plaintiff have such other and further relief as to the Court mny seem just and equitable. This summons is published In TftB Orkook Mist hv order of Honorable J. B. boan. iurltre of the County of Columbia, Htnte of Oregon, illy mode and entered on the 7th dav of Aug ust, luou. Dated A ugust 10th. luou. u. w. alum, Attorney for Plaintiff. ED IIILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used In wash ing and cleansing the face. r Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER il RAILROAD COMPANY. ' s k . AU-gcfflblc Preparation Tor A v slmilutlnf HwrotxlaiHlUcffula liitg the StoiDoriB airfUowcIsosT rrotnotcs DigesHonJCfur nessaivllfcst. Contains neither Opuun.Morplune nor Mineral. Kot Narcotic. JtMstZjMt tfmfitiMime aVMMsTJar'WM raWIW A perfect Remedy forConstlna tlon, Sour Stoawch.Diarrhoca Wornvs,fartYulsiuit3,Fcvpri9fV ness and Loss or SLEEP. Facsimile Stfinalurs of Lou For Infanta and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of EXACT Copy OF UTUPPER mm 1 As A AW In Use For Over Thirty Years I El Yxs osaraoa aaaie. Mai sw smr. AD Dow r u r . I:a0f : 3 JW, us 3:17 S 20 t:02l S M 4 U7 8 44 1:1V 8 M iS2:, to 4 :3-2 IM 4:43: 19 4:37 S7 5:17 10 00 5 : 'J6 10 UK S :w Hi '20 5 60 10 SO 22 a. a. 8 00 S 05 IS 35 40 9 SO 10 DO 10 10 10 21 10 XV 11 Oi 11 10 11 -"1 11 .10 TATIOS .0 a.4j 45.S 5.3.51 :55.!); !f.8l MS 66.41 71.JI 77 W, (i WI..H! ssvt; KI.H L Portland Ar .... tKiiiia .... ... Halulrr ... ... Pyramid... .... fa) er.... ....Qiiltifif .... . . (.'latskaiiie.. .. Marshland. -.. Wcstoort.... ....Clifton.... .. Kvtmsoit.,.. . ..John Day.. . Ar. Astoria J,v ad vr DAILY. a 38 a. . I rTi". 11 10 I I) 4U 10 05 S W m s vi 85 8 00 S 80 7 54 t J) 7 S iu im (U TV 8 hi 1 17 8 87 7 OJ 8 17 42 8 117 8 ! IM tM 7U 8 10 All trains make rlosa rotiiiactious at (iohla with Northern raolrlo trains to and from the hast and Soitud llnts. At Portland withal trains leavitiit Union depot, at Astoria with 1 R. A N. Co.'s boat and rail line to and from 11- Waco and North Beach points. 'assent-era for Astoria or way point mnst flat trains at Houlton. Trams win stou to let nas- setifcer off at Houlton when coming from pollila staviuuum iiyw neu. t'au. Aitt., Aatorla. Or 0. R. d N. CO. Dktakt OABTOniA. Bean tha ' A m 'w "3W lway BOttgtt Dignsttm of PROFESSIONAL. DR. J. E. HALL, Physician and Surgeon CLATSKANIE, OREGON. W. DAY W. B. VILLAUV DILLAED & DAY, ATTORNE YS-AT-LA. W Offlre next door lo Courthouse, 8T. HEhESS, OKEtiON. General nracthre In courts of Onimin or IV. uh. liiKfm. Ahstrocu mm le directly from county records. Chlcano I'ortland Kpecial S:l.'ia. m. Atlantic Kx press 9.00 p. in. Rpokane Flyor 6:00 p. m. 8 p. m. Dally Kx.Hu inlay 8 p. m. Hflturday 10 p. m. Cs. m. Ex.Htinday OABTOniA. Beantbs ' 1M Kinfl Yw Have alwuti BoagM Signature cf ' A Kind Von Have Always Buss Thia Ntrllte YuY Muddy Complexions and Natiseatinir Breath from chronic conati nation. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an abso lute guarantee. Priee 28 cts. and 50 cts. Sold vy Dr. Edwin Koes. Vi: dhilohs Counh and nsumption ' 'Uire This Is beyond question the xnost successful Cough Medi cine ever known to science! a few doses Invariably cure the worst case of Coutrh, Croup and Bronchitis, while its won derful auccesa In the cure of Consumption fa without a par allel in the history of medicine, Bince Ita first discovery It has been sold on a guarantee, a till which no other medicine can stand. If you have a Cough, we earnestly ask you to try it. la United States and Canada SV., 80c. and 81.00, and In England Is. W., lis. 8d. and a.6d. SOLE PROPRIETORS S.C.WELLs:&Ca tEBov."N.y: TORONTO, CAN. Time SCHEDULES Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha.Kan. his City, Ht. Louis, Chicago and East. Halt Lake, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha, Kan sas City, Ht. hunts, Chicago and at. Walla Walla, Lewis- ton, Pnokaue, Mlnn- eaions, Ht. rain, Iuiltilh, Milwaukee, Chicago uud KasL Ocean Steamshlpa, All sailing dates sub ject to change. For Han Francisco Hall every hvedayi. Columbia River 8taamers. To Astoria and Way- luuaiugs. Willamette River. Orogon City, Newljorg, Salem at v ay-land gs Willamette and Yam hill Rivera. Oregon City. Dayton, aud Way-lamlliigs. Willamette River. Portland to Cnrvallis and Way-laniiingi, Snake River. ' Rlpitrla to Lewlston. Aaaivs 41 p.m. 7:00 a. m. 8:40 a. m. 4 p. in. x4Jiii Kx.rlunilay ar-sijar-axari qua say ay ysyay-y-iyr-y aj-.-fy-yyy. y ry y UTnTTI, State Normal School i i i i i i i i i i i sfV w afw afV affci a sfk afw ikAl A sUt ana AAA AAAA, aJ nonnui tii, on. Fall Terra 0ims Sept. 15th. The itmlrnts of the Normal Rrhnol an pronarad tu lake the State Cerllflrato luiuivdl atcly on graduation, nrsdiinlcs rttaitlly secitni gooit noalllnrui. ' Kg. pousosof yinr from HM to II.Ml. Htn.ng Aea ili' lulr and l'r..fi.iiiiisl I'oitrse: new sixaiiitl de i.sriipinil In Manual Training. Well Equipped Ttaiulua Ix-l'srluii'iit . For Catalogue ooulalnltig hill announcement, address I'. L.CAMI'UKU., Frtnldent. or W. A. WANN, Hecmury of the Faculty. DR. E. ROSS, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OKEUOX. DR. H.R. CLIFF, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. -5 m aw The Weekly Oregonian 13 pagoa a week iiumna " Kl n 4.aculutuua iMitn a year CONTAINS All the news well written. Articles describing Western scenes "and incidents. Stories of love and adventuro by well known authors. Itrilliant illustration by newspaper artists Interesting sketches and literature (or boys and girls. Fashion article and illustrations women. (or OUR CLUBBING OFFER 3 We have perfected arrangements whereby we are enabled to fur- nih The Weekly Oregonian in tronnection with Tu Mist (or 2 only Two Dollars. The price of The Oregonian alone Is $1.60. 3 THE OREGON MIST uiaiuiUiUiamiUiUiuiuiwiUiaiUiaiUiuiUiajiiiUiUiuR a 6 4:30 D.m. Ex.Buuday 1:80 n. m. Moo, Wod. and r rl 4:30 o. m. Mini. Wed, and Frl, Lv.txsw'ton dally at s ouu. m. W. H. HURLBERT, General Passenger Agent, OHEOON JsJo ladies furniture is complete ffi a i without a new light-run niriK Cj glNGER If you buy a sewinfMnachine why not get the best. Bold on easy terms without Interest, O. P. LOONEY, Agent .Astoria . . ' . ' Oregom How About Your Title? i KK YOtt HUf !f KKCOBDthi T rerun!, end BITRB It Is all rlBhlt Hememher that It ! the tnat snverns. it Is our business to sran-h the lllll sIlOW What tlif. ..nnt.lii Ih .AlMi..n ,A , l(-ui.isin oiiyinic isnn or loaiiuiK money on real eitaie tfOurliy, take no man's word, but Insist iiih.ii kiinwln. what the roi oril shows reaanlliiu the title. An Ahstroot Is as essential as adMid. insist on having It. We have the only set of abstract books In the county. All work protutly executed ami satisfaction Kitarantotit. If you have pro!rty to liisureKlre use call. Wears uuuia for the best lire Insurance companies in the world. If vou have property tut sale list it with us and we will Hud a buyer. COIaEOUIOK. mam Strtet m m 5T. HELENS, 0RE00N -00 TO- yAtrSsrVAAsfajsfaarWarh.J.Asrail J ... WIIEM IX NEED OF MEDICINE... i i i THE. CLATSKANIE DRUQ STORE? Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc OH. J. E. HALL, Pnprittor, CLATSKANIE, OREGON. sJ fr VVVVVVVVVVVWPsstwuiUMsisssiMU S!jJOHW8PM '& BURCPORFER DROS..... L -aavsav-eav o Manufacturers of and Healers ln-o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... Flooring-. ...Celling; Hustle . AMI 1 ...Dimension Lumber. FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. 1 fegaggasgg. BOAPPOOBK. GOOD ROAD TO THE MILL, Mill on south fork of Scappoose oreok.four miles from ncapponse station, dumber delivered at Mcappnnse station nr .l,lii,H,ki.t, lu,ll., .1 .i im U At Warren station, II. W. OBKOON At