OYARIAyraUBLES. tfHim K. Plnkh.m'i Ventable Ctmpml Ceres Then -l w Latter from Wrnau, "Dealt Mas. PiimiiAM : I writ to ell yon of the good Lydi E. Pink ham Vegetable Compound hu dona me, I watsiek in bed about Ave week. The right tide of my abdomen pained im and was so iwollrn and tore that I could not walk. The doctor told my hue band I would hare to undergo an operation. Thia I refused to do until I hud given your medicine a trial. Be fore I had taken one bottle the awelling be gan to disap pear. I con tinued to use your medicine until the swelling was entirely gone. When the doctor eame he waa very much surprised to' see me so much better." Mm. Mast Smith, Arlington Iowa. . " Dk a Mrs. Pihkham: I was sick for two years with falling of the womb, and inflammation of theovaries and bladder. I was bloated very badly. My left limb would swell so I could not step on my foot. I had such bearing down pains I eou d not straighten up or walk across thi room and such shooting pains would go through me that I thought I could no t stand it. My mother got me a bottle of Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Com jjound and told me to try iu 1 took six bottles and now, thanks to your won derful medicine, I am a well woman. Mas. Euix Bbyax, Otisville, Mich. - The Bright lip. It is an old army story that tells how two men of the guard did so well that the adjutant was unable to decide which of them was entitled to be de tailed orderly. Finally he found that the tip ol the bayonet scabbard of one was cleaner and blighter than that of the other, whereupon he chose the man with the bright tip. Do Yenr Feet A file and Barn? Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight ot new shoes feel easy; gives instant relief to corns and bullions. It's the greatest com fort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and callous spols. Allen's Font-Ease is a certain cure for ingrowing mils, eweatine-. smartiue. hot. schine feet. We have over 30,000 testimonials, ltcurea while toii walk. All druggists and shoe stores 'sell it. 2flc Trial package FREE tv mail. Ail dress, Allen te. Olmsted, Le Boy, K. i. Ceneelt Rebuked. Of all trees, I observe, God has chosen the vine, a low plant that creeps upon the helpful walls; of all beasts, the soft and patient lamb; of all fowls. the mild and guileless dove. When God appeared to Moses it was not in the lofty cedar, nor the sturdy oak, but in a bush a humble, slender, abject shrub; as if He would by these selections check the conceited arro ranee of man. Owen Feltham. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. His Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature Frederick Palmer, the well -known correspondent, is in China for Collier's Weekly, and his first article appears in the current Itroe. In illustrative war material Collier's bids fair to sur pass all previous attempts, as, in artdi tion to Mr. Palmer, it has sent J. C Ilemment as special photographer. Please the Children. Children like Caacareta Candy Cathartic be cause they taste Rood, do good, make the little ones well sua seep men in gooa neauu Druggists, luc, 25c, We. Silver Cake. A quarter of a pound of butter, s quarter of a pound of pow dered sugar, six ounces of sifted flour, the whites of five eggs beaten to a stiff troth, one large tablespoonful of bak ing powder. Beat the batter and sugar to a cream and add the flour and whites of the eggs in alternate spoon fuls; mix very well and put in the bak ing powder last. Bake for one hour and flavor the cake with the essence ol ratafied or almonds. Hcq lie lal? Fails accompanied by mucous pa tehee in the mouth, erup tion on the akin, sore throat, copper colored splotches. Cuf t swollen glands, aching muscles l and bones, the disease la making rapid headway, and fsr worse symptom will follow unless the blood is promptly and effectually cleansed of thia violent ties tractive poison. S. S. S. is to only safe and infallible core for this disease, the only antidote for this specific poison. It cures the worst case thoroughly sad permanently. Ej CtsOtl O&U la the fill ef rSw leeatrmcted Bleed live li WWrw.r 3ii me 110 foot! ; X mi retting wore nil Um time ; my hair emmt out ulcers appeared la at ppeared la na alasoat apeerna ana offensive with cooper eelored ml lotehet sores. 1 suffered severely freta riMamatie peine In asy shoulders and araaa. My eondHlea could have been no were ;oaly those afflicted as iwms can understand mf eufertnga. I had about lost all hose of ever being well again, when a aeciaea te try n. n. n. but must eon iesa i as little faith left in any medicine. After taking the third bottle I noticed a caeuge in aay eoaot- new. i ata waa tmir ran- nm. an 1 eeler- , and I del nined to aiva . a. . a thorough trial. Vreaa that time eatheiinnrove. aaent was rapid ; 8. S S. seemed to have the die control ; the aorea and ulcers healed and I wasf soon free from nil elans of the disorder: t have V been strong and healthy ever since. (,. W. Surra, it. Box on, Noblcsrtl!, Ind. i i the only purely vogc i table blood purifier known. ft.ooe Is offered for proof that it contains a particle of mercury, potash or other mineral poison. Send for our free book on Blood Poison ; h contain valuable information about thia disease, with full direction for self treatment We charge nothing for eat advice ; cure youra.it at some, THI SWIFT SKCiNO CO. ATLANTA, , 1 rtt.,,t-iirLiiCl f j Seat Coi'iia Byrua. Tastes Good. Use I 1 1.1 tuition. H.,' bT drueeita. M k , .,,-... m. i ... iiim..iiii a, Li, J Mm jr S 1 I ' ' I JUL Ft V mJ MINING NEWS OF BIG. PLANT FOR HECLA. Twenty Drill Compressor Halal Uolng In. and Large Burke, Idaho, August 9. The Hecla Miue, near here, on Canvon creek, in the Coetir d'Alenes, which reently paid Its first dividend of $20,000, has under way extensive improvements. The coin puny is putting in a plant for its eventual operation at 3,500 feet depth. This plant would include two 400-horse power toilers a compressor plant with a capacity of 20 drills and a hoist that could operate the mine to the 2300-foot level The installation of these im provements has been under way for some time. The large buildings for the reception ot the plant are practical ly completed the boilers and compressor are on the ground and the work of put ting them in place is going on rapidly. It is expected (bat the entire new plant will be in operation by fc'eptem be i 1. In the meantime the work of developing the mine is going forward rapidly and about 1,000 tons of concen trates a month are being shipped. The main shaft in which the big hoist will be operated is to be sunk to the full 2,500 feet, though operations will not be confined to this work. The ore bod ies will be opened and mined at the successive levels as depth it attained. TO OPERATE THE HEADLIGHT. Ceeur d'Alene Property of Remnrhnhle Promise to be Worked. Wallace, Muho, August 9. The Head light Mining Company will soon let a contract for the running of a 600-foot crosscut tunnel to tap its vein 400 feet below the surface. The property lies immediately west of the Mammoth and covers the same vein. It will be oned by a crosscut tunnel half way up the mountain side from Canyon creek to the cropping of the ledge, cut ting about 1,500 feet west of the Mam moth where there is a blow-out, indi cating ore below. Ko work of conse quence has ever been done on it, al though ore has been found near the sur face in two or Hire different places. It has been held for years by some prospectors- who were not willing to part with it at any price which mining men were willing to pay. Iown Capital In Hoodoo. Palouse, Wash., August 9. W.J. Springer, of New Hampton, la., writes from there that he has secured capital to work the Blue Bird and eight claims in the Hoodoo district. He has em ployed M. W. Truax as manager of the mine and authorized him to begin work at once and push development. Mr. Truax put a double shift to work and the property will be thoroughly developed. The Blue Bird is a copper property showing high values, and now that capital has been secured to develop it is expected to be' come a valuable producer. James Maione reports a rich strike in the Elk creek disrict in Idaho on Breakfast creek. The rock carries good values in gold and copper. STRIKE ON SILVER MOUNTAIN Another "Mere Chnnee" Fortune 9tam bled Onto In Cnnndn. Spokane, August 9. The Thompson boys have made a good strike on the Silver Mountain claims, in the Slocan district. After long prospecting. Buss Thompson stumbled upon a very fine looking ledge. Thia was exploited further with the result that one of the finest surface showings of galena ore ever shown in the camp was uncovered. It is from six to 18 inches across and chunks of ore weighing hundreds of pounds can be taken ont with p ick. Three claims are embraced in the group, the 6infl, Atwood and World.. PRESTON PEAK COPPER MINE. Devolepnaent Work Is Being Fashed on That Property. Ashland, Or. August 9. The Ash land Tidings says that Schoonover & Young, New York capitalists, repre sented by Henry Phillips, have spent $150,000 in the development of the Preston Peak copper mines. Work is being pushed on a 200-foot drift. The rock is very hard. Some of the ore as says 22 per cent in copper, f 1 in gold and trace in sulphur. OREGON WONDER TO START. Contract to Ran a Tunnel Will Be Let at Once. Prairie City, Or., August 9. P. J. Morey and Elmer Cleaver have gone to the Oregon Wonder mine and will at once let a contract tor running 800 feet of tunnel on the mine, to be completed with all posBibl haste. Hew Compear at Wnllnee. Wallace, Idaho, August 9. The Cathella Mining and Milling Company has filed articles of incorporation at Wallace. G. A. Cunningham, Patrick Sullivan, Adam O'Donnell, J. VV. Weyer and Joseph F. Whelan are the incorporators and directors. Wallace is the principal place of business and the capital stock of 150,000 is divided into 1,000,000 shares. Klondike Gold Shipments. Seattle, August 9. Gold shipments through Skagway from the great Klon dike camp to the outside world this season have reached in round numbers more than 17,000,000. BRIGHT CARBONATE MINE. Property la the Greenhorn District That Looks Good. Pendleton, Or., August 9. Parties from the Bright Carbonate, located in the Greenhorn mountains, near Law- ton, and owned by George Darveanx, Heniy Kopittke, Frank Duprat, John Hiebert and others, of Pendleton, re port a rich strike in that mine in the face of the 160-foot tunnel. The vein has been penetrated 2)4 feet and shows high values. Midas Mia nt Elk City. Boise, Idaho, August 9. Jesse Coulter has returned from trip to the . property of the Midas Gold Mining , Company at Dixie, 26 miles from Elk City, Idaho. Eleven man ar at work, and Mr. Coulter reports that the prop erty is looking fine. In the Summit Olstrlct. Seattle, August 9. A number of lo cations are being made in the Summit . district, on the Cascades. The numer ous discoveries in that district are ex- nitine' livnlv tneareat in the Yakima NEARBY STATES SLOCAN IS ON THE JUMP, Nearly All the Mines Are Again Shin ning Ore Sandon, B. C, August . Nerly all the miues around Saudon are shipping again. The Idaho sent out S00 tons in July of high grade ore, and will do bet tor in August. The Payne shipped ahont 1.200 tons in July, anil has paid its quarterly dividend of 8 per cent. The Truth, Queen Bess, Whitewater, 8 loon u Mur and liambler-Cariboo are regular ship pers. The Ruth mill in Sandon is running double shift and the company is put tiug in two more Whitley tables, these doing bettei work than the round tables. It is shipping ahont 200 tous of good grade concentrates per month Ssmlou is building up rapidly. About 900 men are on pay rolls iu and aiound Sandon. PLANS FOR GOLDEN ZONE, Capacity Will Soon Be 100 Tons of Ore Dally. Loomis, Wash., August 9. At the Golden Zone plans have been com pleted for increasing the rapacity of the mill to 100 tous dailv. The neces sary machinery has beeu ordered ami the work of adding to the present mill s fracture for its accomodation begins at once. The Golden Zone is so thoroughly opened np that it will be able to supply the daily mill run with a minimum force. Continuous (level opment of the ore bodies will go stead ily forward though there is more than 100,000 tons or ore in sight The management proposes to increase the capacity of the mill from its pro tit until it can treat S00 tons daily. That a mine of this character could in three rears be brought to such high stage of development, show quantities of ore and be scarcely known outside of the district tells the story ot the quality of work being done at a dozen properties in the Palmer Mountain district. Mill runs up to date have averaged about 10 per ton, and thia is probably good average of the mine. Sllrer King Agnln Going. Seattle, August 9. Captain Gifford who has been appointed mine msnaget of the reorganized Hall Mining ami Smelting Comiany, proposes to justify the faith which he has had in the Sil ver King as one of the great mines of British Columbia. He has an exten sive program me of development mapped out and within a short time be expects to have 500 men at work in the com pany's property. A small force will go to the mine and get things in shape. Klectrio power instead of steam power may operate the mine machinery and possibly the smelter. Kellam'e Camp la Next- Helena, Mont., August 9. W. Kel lam and J. D. Bone, two Montana pros pectors. own a group of six claims on the eastern slope of Eureka mountain two and one half miles from (Irani Forks, B. C, that are attracting con siderable attention, and are regarded at of considerable promise. There ia well-defined quartz ledge on the La coma. It averages about 20 inches wide. A shaft has been sunk to a depth of 25 feet. The foot wall is in granite. Assay returns gave small values in gold and copper and it ia ex pected that they will improve with depth. FAMOUS MONUMENTAL MINE Likely to Start Up With a Good Force of Men. Baker City, Or. August 9. It it currently reported that the once famout Monumental mine, eight miles north of Granite, now idle for five years, it to be started up shortly with a force of 100 men. C. S. Miller, the principal owner of this property, will neithei confirm nor deny the report. Worth west Notes. John P. Vollmei is erecting a large grain warehouse at Genessee, Idaho. A hail storm is reported to bsve shat tered 5,000 bushels of grain near Ox ford, Idaho. The people of Genessee, Idaho, have asked for a special election to vote on the subject of a waterworks system Forest fires are still raging in th White Pine district, Idaho, although s large force of men is at work trying to check the names. B. Gieda, a sheepman of Condon, Or., died recently in Texas, from con sumption. He leaves considerable property. The O. B. & N. Co.'s gang of track layers has completed its job of putting down heavy rails on the branch from La Grande to Klgin, Or. The Albany, Or., ice factory, al tnougn running nignt ana day, is un- able to supply the demand, and a car load of ice was brought up from Oregon City on the 6th. ine loieao, ur., jjeaaer reports a sample of "pieplant" or rhubarb, grown in that town, whose leaf is 21 feet in circumference, and whose stalk is seven inches in diameter. Forest fires are raging near Medical Lake, Wash. Colfax, Wash., ia threatened with a water famine. Ex-Senator Warner Miller, of New York, was recently in Spokane. He t- : -1 . i ; .1 : . , . I us euiu vj im cuusiuonug ner.ue rails, with ft view to transmitting elect tic power to Bepublic. There are 200,000 sheep in Wallowa county, Oregon. An unknown man committed suicide in a variety theater at Spokane the night of August 4. There was nothing in his clothing to identify biin, and his body lay all day in an undertaker's without being recognized. Largely as result of the vigilant crusade against owners of unlicensed bicyoles, instituted by the president of the Taooma Wheelmen's Association and carried on by the police depart ment, the city treasurer has issued 4,255 license to date. It is believed the 5,000 mark will be reached before the year is out. One salmon cannery at Fairhaven, Wash., has received 85.000 fish two days in succession. J. D. Barnett, of Ritzville, Wash., lost 800 sacks oi wheat, hi barn and torn fencing last Wednesday by Ait. STILL FAVOR, THE BUYER. Trade Conditions Mot Warrant Any tlrrnt Activity. Bradatreet'a says: Trad oouditloua still favor tb buyer; general fall ile msnd, though fair in view o( the raid summer couditlon, is still below expec tation!, and below year ago; bunk clearing are at th lowest for two years past, and failures are slightly more numerous, though no marked ten- donates are perceptible. On th other hand, gross railway earnings hold their perceutsge of gain previously shown, and where prices are mad low enough to satisfy buyers, heavy business is uucovered, and readily booked, point' iug to demand being still present aurt waiting disposal. The crop situation, as a whole, is better: the outlook as to corn ia lor- ft 2, 100,000,000-bushel crop. Spring wheat is turning out better in quality and quantity than ex. peoted, and there has been an unques tionable Improvement in cotton crop conditions. The yield of apples will be the largest in many years, and fruits generally are yielding liberally and commanding good prices. The iron and steel industry furnishes the most notable example of reduced prices, iuduoiug a heavy business, whii the outlook is still ft contused one. The cereals are all lower this week, partly ou better crop reports, partly on lower cables, but largely on the growth of bearish feeling after the late re action. Beef products are generally higher on army demand, while tin is seekiug n lower level in sympathy with foreign markets and increasd supplies. .Wheat, including flour, shipments for tb week, aggregate 8,827,008 bnshels, against 2,806,743 bushels last week. From July 1 to dare this season, Wheat exports are 14,508,869 bushels, against 18,508,96 bnahels Inst seusou. Business failures for the week num ber 170, as agaiust 183 last week, PACI FlCCOAST TRADE. Seattle Markets. Onions, new, l3to. Lettuce, hot house, $1 per orate. Potatoes, new, $16. Beets, per sack, 85c $1. Turnips, per sack, 75c. Carrots, per sack, $1.00 Parsnips, per sack, 50 70c. Caulitlower, native, 75o, Cucumbers 20a)30c. Cabbage, native and California, So per pounds. Tomatoes $1.60. Butter Creamery, 24c; Eastern 22c dairy, 15sf I8cj ranch, 14o pound. Eggs 24o. Cheese 12o. Poultry 14c; dressed, 14 15c spring, $3.60. Hay Puget Pound timothy, $11.00 ( 12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $16.00. Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $25; feed meal, $25. Barley Boiled or ground, per ton, $20. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.60; blended straights, $3.25; California, $3.25; buekwheat Hour, $6.00; gra ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat Hour, $3.00; rye flour, $3. 80 4. 00. Millstuffs Bran, per tou, $12.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef steers, price 7)c; cows, 7c; mutton 1; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 9 11c. Hams Large, 13c; small, 13 '4; breakfast bacon, . 12c; dry salt sides, o!c. . Portland Market. Wheat Wnlla Walla. 65 56c; Valley, 54c; Bluestem, 68c per bushel. Flour Bent grades, $3.20; graham, $2.60; soperhne, $2.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 86c; choice gray, Ma per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $14.00 15.00; brewing, $16.00 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $12.50 ton; mid dlings, $20; shorts, $14; chop, $15 pei ton. Hay Timothy, $10 1 1 ; clover,$7 7.60; Oregon wild hay, $U7 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 4560o; store, 27 'iC - Eggs 17c per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; new cheese 10c per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00 8.60 per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, $2.604.00; geese, $4.006.00 forold; $4.60 6. 50; ducks, $3.004.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 1617o pet pound. Potatoes 40 3 50c per sack; sweets, 22Vo per pouna. v egetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c; per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab bage, lfto per pound; parsnips, $1; onions, ltc per pound; carrots, $1. Hops 2 8o per pound. Wool "Valley, 1616o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 1616c; mohair, 26 per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes. She; dressed mutton, 7 7 Mo per pound; lambs, 5)o. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.60; dressed, $6.006.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.004.60; cows, $3.504.00; dressed beef, 9H THo per pound. eal Large, 8Jsa74o; small, 8 8to per pound. Sna Francisco Mnrket. Wool Spring Nevada, 1815opet pound; Eastern Oregon, 10 15c; Val ley, 18 20c; Northern, 1012o. Hops 1899 crop, 11 18a per pound. Butter Fancy creamery 2222Wc; do seconds, 21 21c; fancy dairy. 19c; do seconds, 16 18o per pound. Eggs fctore, 17c; fancy ranch, 22c. Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 S 20.00; bran, $12.6018.60. Hay Wheat $6,6010; wheat and oat $6.00 9. 60; best barley $5.00 7.00; alfalfa, $5.000.00 per ton; straw, 25 40c per bale. Potatoes Early Hose, 60 75c; Ore gon Jiurhanks, 80c9(); river Bur- banks, 86(5o; uew. 70c$1.25. Citrus Frnit Orantes, Valencia, $2.763.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 6.00; California lemons 75c$1.60; do choice $l.752.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60 1.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates. 6 6 Ho per pound. A CLEVER TRIOK, How to Make a Hall Out of Hand kerchief. It Is not very generally known how a ball can be lu few minutes extem porised out of an ordinary handker chief. Tb trick Is, bowavtr, well worth knowing. Inasmuch as w can therewith perplex our friends as to how It was done, as also submit th result to them as ft pusle, It belug diffi cult or (It It has beeu thoroughly done) Impossible to undo It except by on particular method. As the first part of the process fold your handkerchief as In Fig. 1; next fold the points A, B, C, D, Inwards NO, 1. ngalu to the center, and continue this process as long as It Is possible; finally bold the handkerchief thus folded lu the left hand, keeping down th folds In the center with the thumb. Next with the thumb aud forefinger of the right hand pluck at the sklu of the roll you have now made till you separate the sklu from th con tents and draw the sklu toward you nml towards the center, a shown In Fig. 2, pushing the contents uwny from you with the thumb of the left tin ml. Pluck the skin again at a point ft little further away from you than at first, Mud again draw the skin and push the contents as before. Coutlnue this pro cess, turning the roll round io your left hand, till the handkerchief begins to form ft sort of whlrl)ool. Id which J lie thumb of the left hand Is engulfed. ' It Is now easier to complete the work !y making each successive plucking u-arer to you Instead of further off, though of course the drawing with the right hand and the pushing with the eft must be In the same directions as before. It will bo necessary also at Intervals to knead it a little between the hand In order to equally distribute the con tents throughout the ball. Continuing In this manner yon will finally arrive at a very hard ball. Fig. :i, with Its skin quite tight and Its wrinkles all firmly fixed In the little center of the whirlpool. It now ought to be Impossible to undo it again except by reversing tb process that Is, by plucking the skin no. 8. away from the contents and pushing from you Instead of towards you with the right hand forefinger and thumb, while pushing the contents towards you with the fingers of the left band. Large sheets and even blankets and counterpanes can be rolled up In the same way; and I have beord story of ft visitor at an hotel who, consider ing himself badly treated, rolled up all his bedclothes before his departure so tightly that they could not be undone, by way of revenge. The result, how ever, falsified his expectations, for the landlord, by displaying these curiosi ties and charging a small sum on each attempt to undo them, realized ft small fortuue on the transaction! Prejudiced. Not exactly the right word, but very expressive one, was that used by i dilatory witness, a woman, who, says the Kaunas City Journal, was brought by the sheriff before District Judge Thompson at Westmoreland. What reason, madtim," said the Judge, severely, "have you for not obey ing the numinous of the court?" "I hain't got none, Mr. Judge, only we have smallpox down at our house, an' I thought you might be kinder sorter prejudiced agin It." The Judge was "kinder sorter" preju diced, aud the spectators must have been more so, to Judge by the quick ness with which the courtroom was emptied. Sparrows Are Wideawake. The sparrow Is a wise bird; up at the fulnlcHt streak of dawn ho Is on the go until the shades of night are fully de veloped. Astronomers watching the eclipse noted that the sparrows were last to succumb to the darkness and the first to resume their predatory ac tivity on the fnlut dawn of renewed light. Ha a Temple of Serpents. The kiiihII town of Werdu, In the klugdoni of Dahomey, Is celebrated for Its temple of serpen tn, h long building, lu whli-li the pi'lCHts keen upward of 1,000 serpents of nil sizes, which they feed with birds and frogs brought to them as offerings by the natives. The World's Hheep. The number of sheep In the world Is estimated to amount to 550,000,000. If ft thoughtful man Is frank with himself when thinking of the past h has great charity for young fools. 'fin. 2. WrekrtWnO M J1 Oold Harbor, This ia th name of an Isolated tavern st ft oross road near th Chtokabomiug river, and a few miles from Kiohsoomi, Va. It was her that ft short, but de cisive battle occurred between th un ion and confederate forces on Jun 8. 1864, in which th loss of th former ar said to have baeo over 12,000 uin In half an hour. Passing of the Horse. So toon as nature s an Improvement there is a cluing. The candle gave way to electricity and th horse to the automobile. Th fact that Hosteller's Btomaeh Hitters has been sold lor over a hull' a century, proves its value. Tusre is nothing to equal It for stomach or liver trouble. Be sure to giv it ft triL . Objecting to a fellow workar, who bad ridden ou boycotted oars, 160 ) ployes of the Brownelle Car Company, st tit. Louis, Mo., struck. 1'lsn's Cure Is the best medicine we ever used fur all fleet ions of the throat and lung. Wm. O. KNimLiY, Vaiihureu, lud., r eb. 10, ItKW. Refusing to sign a wage seal de manded by its 600 steel workers, the Newport, Ky., Boiling Mill Company will shut down. Mothr wTuHinTal rs. vTnsTciw's Sooth ing Hvrup th bast, remedy to use for their ahildreu during th teething period. All the department of the Bay View, Wlscoulsin, mills of th Illinois Steel Company, which operates on the amalgamated scale, closed down, pend ing an agreement on the new seal. Sixteen hundred men are affected. .F Qtslinij Poorly? A ppetit poor, and you ar all run down, dull, tired and without energy 1 Can't sleep? WIihI you need ia a good toning up with a course of Hood's tiai-sapitrlll. This medicine purities, enriches andvital Ires the blood, strengthens the stomach, quiets the nerves, regulates the kidneys and gives vitality to the whole system. HootTo SarnapaHUat Is America's Greatest Medicine, Prepared only by C. I. Howl A Co., Lowell, Mnss, Hood's Pills cure liver tils; Ihe non-lrrltatlne and only catnartlo to take wltu Hood's Maraauatillai Ed, G. ATiiiNS & COMPANY (im.) PORTLAND, OREGON. & if Pi V. J jr saws... it Portland Branch, repaired g GO First Street. (The Famous German Wood Preserver) amJF-MWmmMVJWnallJmM Pormmnonliy Doutroy... ..CHICKEN LICE jptaf"One Application is all that your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and information to the following- distributing agentM Perfection Pile Preservine Co.. Seattle. Wah.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oregon.; Whittier, Coburn & Co., San Francisco, Cat. DON'T LET YOUR HARVEST SEASON FIND YOU WITHOUT A STUDEBAKER WAGON. iff ?V ? tlfli Wr Mad of the Best Materials, thoroughly Without an equal. Call on our Agent, or address STUDEBAKER BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., 320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon. Mitchell Are th best that can be made. Nothing is or can be superior to a Mitchell Vigon, because it is nude of the best material by experienced workmen which, cou pled with 65 years' experience in building wagons, during which time the manu facturers have had but one aim, and that f . I . tt. 1 . :Ll- . - L :IJ . . , n pruauva ncsi possioic io nulla, u g guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell AGENTS EVERYWHERE, II none to your vicinity, we will sell to you direct. Send for circular. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO. PORTLAND, ORECON. Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem, McMlnnvHIe, Medford and La Orande. Mention this paper. Hero s a Pronoaltlon J0,,IN P0(le, pohiid, ohko, t 1? . FV cuu give you the beat bargains in gsnera Isn't It rasonahl to snppos that a Arm nl machinery, ngiii.s, oollers tanks mViiiu 0 yuar. experience conlu tell yon the test w.y ow, u-7, 'J'", r,',T. 1 l'k. to get gueil value fur your nionarf If you art, f,,. f H ,!!l,in H w ut i " making Improvements in your house, or butlii- I n , " "'"""'"li sold by him, Is lin ing a near home, no matter how small or larita e'l""rci. the sura you wish to spenit In electrical or gas flstums, Hrilaurs, limine! furniture, etc., you ""itev r r f IJ O f will save money and be well suited If you con- (-mmW I J KC I J K I sultTHK JOliN IIAItHKTV JU.,t S-Iist V "aw I I VaT I Street, r.rtlnnd, Oregon. ' " k eja VI 10 DAYS' TRCATMENT FREE. W . 3 Pve mads Droppyaad its oots- HARD WORKING WOMEN SL piirihph ''iKmi' A' soeoses. Have onrsd nam thoas- Can find qnlclr and permanent relief ,u,il . - ....... ..na for serious and streusib dostroylus v . 3Starva,,an M. S. 1. 0MK a 80HB, troubles lu feff?TfJ!" Bel H, Atlaatt, 0. Moore's Revealed Remedy Oft. GUHN'SIivS PELLS M ,17, Sllirri: 0M? ro D- 'J,.. Ce Tboa ? at von. 11 r'.'""1.' "" flaHes,I'Urtfr the mood, AM Uls". per bottle at your diugglsl's. lloa,lrsrentuiiousaeas. Di,i'etOrli.eorMcen. Te ' mnvlneairna.wllinalisanip free i full hot, wo. OI. IT ClUltUfm FOR nrilnin.l SOBANkOOO., rWaWaala, fa. guld by Urugslwa. Lazy Liuor "I atere bseu troubled (real with) torpid liver, walck produces eunstlnn tioa. I found CAWiKLTa to be all rou slsial forlBSra. and seourett sues relief tlit Brst trial, that 1 Burohesed toolbar supply and was so. anislT ouiso.. I suall only be too glad to rea oamend CeaoarsM whanam ilia ovportunlig IS presented." i. A, 8MITU. svsu nuauueueuun jtro., i siwhi lyuia ra CANOV CATHARTIC riaaaanl. Palatable, I'oiont. Taste Good n aeua, Nerar Slokaa, W eaten, or Urliie. Ue, U.tus. ... CUnl CONSTIPATION. ... ttarih Umit tnasur. ChtMes, nMrul. B la. MS UA TA as it gold ana atisrenteed be al 11 drug. SV-IU-BSU il.l. i 4ilHkTftiaM llahlk Vnluable Kalremltles. It i little woudur that Sou' rag time melodies have become popular rage In Pans. The French hav talked long enough with their beads, says the Han Franclson Cull, to welcome ft diversion to their feet ROW! THIS! We offer One llnndrtd Dollars Reward far an ease of Catena that ran nol baeursi by Hall's Catarrh Cure. . . t. i, cnKNKY fO., Props., Toledo, O. We theundersisneu, liave known F.J.Cuenug fnr tlae past Is years, ami believe lilm fMrleotl honorable In all btislu as transactions and Bu. enaletw able to cany out an obligations mad by Itutir flrtu, WSSTATSftX. Wholesale Drui"lta,TolrSo, '. . Vl 41 PI Nil. K IHNAN A MaTIVIN, V nolenale llrug 'lets, Toledo, t, nell'sCatarrnCura 1st- ken.nt -rnally.aotlnl I'lrr.'Uy on ihe blood and ra nous surlavaa ol thesystt ni. I'rl VSo per bo' lie. feSHd hf nil urugitats, Teatltnoitl.il free, lull's Family VMt rth' Lest. Sum Luther autograph tnamiioiipt have been discovered In the Vatican library by Prof. Ftker, of Strasbuig. There are two ootnmentarleg on the Kplstln to th Humans, one on the text ami the other on the sense, and two commentaries on the Epistle to the He brews. They wore wrltteu in 161(1 and 1517. shortly before the nailing of the 95 theses at Witteuberg, Chisel Bit SAWS Solid Tooth SAWS Band SAWS Shlngio SAWS Cross Cut SA WS Hand SAWS Ail Kinds of SAWS JfanMJ9J'MmMMWMLtJMWimm AND VERMIN.. is required. It lasts lor years. If i tcuoncd, by competent workmen. It stands Wagons '-W., ' JVr,..t., rff Wagon, you get the best that can be nude. leal 1 9