The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 20, 1900, Image 4

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Tsre of Tfcsma ! by Mm. rtakfcaaa
Ul iMi UUm.
" Dsax Mji PivKBAM : I am sixteen
yenr old and am trembled with my
monthly sloktneaa. It U very Irreg-ular,
occurring only one In two or three
month, and also very painful. I also
suffer with cramp aad onoa la awhile
pain ttrlke mo In tho heart and I have
drowsy headache. If there is any thing
you eaa do for km, I will f ladly follow
your advice."
Mim MilT
Gome, Aptoe,
CaL, July 11,
Pikkbam: -After
ing your letter
I began the
use of your reme
dies, taking both
Lydla E. Pink
ham's Vegetable I
pound and Blood Purifier. I am now
regular erery month and suffer no pain.
Your medicine is the best that any suf
fering girl can take." Miss ki.Br
Goat, Aptoa, CaL, July S, 1899.
Nervous and Dizzy
" Daaa Mb. Pin k ham : I wish to
express my thanks to you for the great
benefit I have received from the use of
Lydia E. Plnkham's VegeUble Com
pound. I suffered constantly from ter
rible sideache, had chills, was nervous
and diuy. I had tried different kinds
of medicine but they all failed entirely.
After taking three bottles of Vegetable
Compound and three of Blood Purifier I
am all right. I cannot thank you enough
for what your remedies have done for
me." Miss Matilda Jessex, Bob 18,
Ogdensburg,,V., June 10, 1890.
,. . IUtiIIoi Desirable.
Lady (with high bat) I beg your
pardon, but I forgot my opera class.
Would you kindly lend ma yours just a
Tyrant Man (in the seat behind)'
Very sorry, madam, bat I need it to sit
on. N. Y. Weekly.
Try Allen's Foot Vane,
A powder to be shaken into the shoes. At
this season your fret feel swollen, tiervou
and hot, and get tireil easily. If you hnv
martins feet or tic lit shoes, trv Allen'
Foot-Ease. It cools the feet and make:)
walkiug easy. Cures ingrowing nails,
swooleu and sweating feet, blisters and
callous spots. Relieves corns snd bunions
of sll nain and rives rest and comfort. We
have 30,000 testimonials. Try it today
ftold pv all drureiat and shoe dealers fo
25c. Trial package FREE. Address Allen
e. Olmstead, LeRov, X. Y.
Tito Oeeaslon.
"Oh, yes; Prof. Groskopf is quite
phlegmatic. In fact, I never knew
him to be excited, except once."
"What was the trouble then?"
'He couldn't find his pipe." Puck
. For Infant, and Children.
T&8 Rind Yoa Have Always Bough!
Vancouver Iron and Big Oregon Company are
the Current Talk This Week.
Peansflvasla M Bal4 to Bo Bay-lag
for Development.
Seattle, July 16. The PoatlntelU-k-encer
states that managers of the
.McKeesport iron works, in Pennsyl
vania, hare been visiting the Pacific
const, snd have secured sites for new
iron works at Port Angeles, after an
unsuccessful attempt to locate in Vic
toria, B. C, The belief is expressed
that the iron deposits of Vancouver
island have attracted the attention of
these iron men and that raw iron will
be taken from Barclay sound, and else
where in the island, down to Port An
geles for working. It is known that
the MoKeetiport iron men have secured
options on three properties in the Bare- J
lay sound country, namely the Ander
son Company, another owned by Wit
son, Braden, Irving and others, and a
third the property of Thompson, Bra-
den, Logan and Kains. An optioa has
been secured on these claims until the
end of the year, and before the begin
ning of next month between 400 and
500 men will be taken, np to Barclay
sound to exploit its mineral wealth.
If development proves that 'these
properties are at all equal their prom
ise, it will mean much for anoouver
Mints la too Bmaasa District to
Developed. ..
Baker City, Ore., Julv 18. The
Keystone, Belle and Gold Boy CouBoli
dated Mining Company has been iuoor
porated with a capital stock of $3,000.
000. The president of the company is
Albert lieiser, ol llonausn fame; vice'
president, Clark Tabor, of the Red Boy;
treasurer, J. T. Donnelly, cashier of
the First National bank; secretary,
Kngeue Sperry; manager, P. J,Conroy;
consulting engineer. Captain C. H
The property is looated in the Bo
nanaa district, and is considered to be
a very rich and promising mine. It is
the intention of the company to push
development work and get a mill on
the property at onoe.
Much Good May Result Prom the Boise
Meeting In 101.
Spokane, July 16. In view of the
fact that the uext meeting of the In
ternational Mining Congress will meet
in Boies, Idaho, in July, 1901, some of
the events that took place last mouth
in the Milwaukee meetins will be in-
teresting to Northwestern mining men.
t. t- ...!., .i t eo . the Spokesman-Keview
H"""-" ... .. .... ... . . ...
in pis iron, a verr hich per ceutasre. . "" mi.whu-
and one which envoked euthusiatio I mo" ,UOT"U Mere-
expressions from the visiting magnates, j
(mm these fthA taw material inr the I
Bears the
Signature of
Fire Kseapa.
"My mother found my little brothei
putting bis stockings on wrong side
out this morning." "Yes? What did
he do!'" "Turned the hose on him,'
Harvard Lampoon.
Beware of Otatmoata for Catarrh That
Coataia Mercury,
As BMrcory will aurely destroy the sense of
amen ana completely aeranse me whole srs
tem wheo entering It through the mucous sar-
loess, bucb .nicies shouia never M used ex
cept on prescriptions from reputable physi
class, as the damage they will lo is ten fold tc
the good you can possibly derive from tbem.
Hall catarrh cure, manufactured, by F. J.
Cheney A Co.. Toledo. O contains nnmercarv.
and is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood snd mncous sarfaceo of the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Curs be sure von set
the irenulne. It is taken internally, and mode
in loirao, udio, dj r. i. coco r Co.. Test
Saontals tree.
Bold by Drusglsts, price 7Se. rr bottle.
: Ball's Family
The problem of Indian education
seems to be solved bv the Indians them
elves. In the territory the Chicka
caws have five colleges and the Creeks
have 10. The Choctaw have no col
lges, but have 160 common schools in
which the higher branobes are taught
The expenses of educating the Indians
are borne by the federal government
The oldest story in the world proba
bly la the one told by the boys when
ther return from hunting: that they
killed a duck, but that they couldn't
find it.
If a man has a little ability, people
abnse bun because he does not "do1
more. -
No boy thinks he ha had enough
candy until be has started a tooth to
SS poonsawaj, -diuia
1 mi irr "sii i js
"! J
MSfOJiasa 111
ir i
.... iw
rirst A permanent organization.
Second A revision of the national
Port Angeles foundries will be drawn. I n"in8 '"w. with a view of the better
13 I nr-ttoa. m nl nll n 4-n -. Ji - f
The Galena, one of the promising ! I"?-"" .uu uwuers ui
claims on the Gordon river, passed re
Railway Karnlais Art (load, Howtvar,
ad Xustuass Failures Pow.
Prndtsreets' say: Bnsluest is unus
ually dnll at this season, and this yvttt
no exception to the general rule Is re
marked. A tevlew of the past six
mouths, however, gives little oomfort
to pessiuists. Bank clearings, it is
true, are smaller by about 11 pvr cent
than they were in the first half of 1800,
but railway earnings are about 10 per
cent larger, and business re
ported to Bradstreet's, are the fewest
reported for 18 year bsck, with liabil'
itie of failing trade the same, with
one exception, and that last year, sinoe
1882. Winter wheat ha about all
been harvested In the Southwest and
the yield there ha been very large.
Copious lain in the Northwest, too,
have appaiantly worked some improve'
meut, judging from the more cheerful
tone of advice received from thano
tlii week.
ooi u dull and manufacturer are
supplying only actual wants.
In manufacturing lines dullness and
weakness are moat marked in products
of iron and steel.
The settlement of labor trouble is
eflected in the better demand for build'
iug materials at affected centers, while
rains in the Northwest have allowed
white pine manufacturers to open their
works, and ulve employment to many
thousands of men.
Sugar has been marked up attain this
week, coffre is higher, while tea holds
the full advance scored on the outbreak
of the Chinese troubles. Wheat, iu'
eluding Hour, shipments for the aggre
gate 8,018.833 bushels, against 8,184,-
144 bushels last week.
Business failure in the United States
for the week number 196, as compared
with 185 last week.
Business failure in Canada number
25 a compared with 18 last week.
cently nnder bond to a number of East
ern capitalists. Active work will com
mence on this mine on August 1 aud
will be continued until the end of the
rear. A large sum ig involved in this
transaction should it go through.
Owners Want a Showing Made In the
Hard Cash.
tireenood. B. C, July 16. The own
ers have bonded the Hard Cash mineral
claim for f 20,000 to John Kodgers.
The bond is a working one, and so
much work must be made before the.
first payment is made. The Hard Cash
U a fractional claim, containing 28
seres, adjoining the Golden Crown,
Winnipeg and the J. and K. The lat
ter claim is owned by John Bodgers,
and he recently uncovered a ledge on
the property near the Hard Cash line.
He, therefore, secured the Haid Cat-h
that both claims might be worked to
Thirty-Bo Mlltloa Bashels Sent From
Portland, Han Francisco, Seat
tle and Tacouia.
Portland, July 16. The Oreironian
publishes tables showing the wheat
shipments from the four leading toast
cities for the season of 1899-1900, as
From Portland 94 cargoes, 14,239,
064 bushels.
From San Francisco 127 cargoes,
13.534.635 bushels.
Fiom Seattle and Tacoma 35 car
goes, 7,799,092 bushels.
8is Months, of This Tear Equal to All
of Last.
Bossland, B. C, Jnly 16. Ore ship
ment from this district for the fitst
half of 1900 were nearly equal to those
of the whole year 1897, when the fig
ures were 72,840 tons. The total ior
the past six months is 71,235 tons.
The Nickel Plate has been opened to
the 600-foot level, is fully developed
by drifts, etc., to the 200-foot level,
and partially developed to the 400-foot
level. Arrangements have been made
to ship 250 ton of ore per day from
the Nickel Plate.
mineral lands.
Thiid A mineral exhibit.
rourth To obtain and disseminate
information regarding improvements
an-1 inventions of labor saving machin-
ety and other mining appliances.
The permanent organization consisted
of 416 registered delegates tepreenting
L'3 tiitierent states.
Mineral exhibit were displayed b
Alaska, Colorado, Wisconsin, New
Mexico, Montana, Anions, Canada,
Idaho, Washington and Oregon.
Cold Mlulnc lu British Columbia.
The first authenticated discovery ol
(told in British Columbia, according to
ur. G. m. JJawson, ocenrred at Mitch'
ell or Gold Harbor, on the west coast
of Queen Charlotte island, in 1851, a
nngget weighing several ounces having
been accidentally picked np by an
Indian woman on the seashore. This
nuyget was brought to Fort Simpson,
and, coming into the possession of the
officer in charge of the Hudson Bav
Company' post at that place, was for-
vanJed by him to the company's head
quarters at tictoria. An expedition
was at once htted out, and, proceeding
to the spot, succeeded in locating
quarts vein seven inches wide, 'report
ed to contain 25 per cent gold in some
places." The find was worked for
some months and then abandoned,- th
nr.rrow vein entirely giving out; Bo
other indications of mineral were ever
found on the island, notwithstanding
that this extraordinary little seam ol
quartz had yielded in a few weeks it
was worked a value of $20,000 on the
woid of one authority, or $75,000 on
that of another. About the same time
coal, which had been discovered on
Vancouver island as far back as 1835,
began to be mined in earnest at Nanai-
Fla-urod Oat How Much the Pariah Lost
ttj Ministerial KKchanajsa.
A clergyman who failed to recognise
th fact that hi "settlement" Included
business a well as spirituality, was re
minded of hi relapse by a parishioner
who did not think a two-thousand-dollar
man could afford to allow a fifteen-hundred-dollar
man to do hi work.
"Harper' Drawer" tell bow the cler
gyman was made tc see the business
aid of hi calling.
Some year ago. In one of my purlsh
, I bad vestryman who was an ex
cellent man aud my warm personal
friend. In the neighborhood lived a
clerical brother, an excellent and popu
lar man, with whom I often exchanged
pulpit. HI talary whs fifteen hun
dred dollar and a rectoryy while mine
wa two thousand dollar, with a simi
lar provision for my shelter.
One very hot summer, not being In
good health, I exchanged several times
with him, so as to save preparing sermon.
One day I went Into the large (tor
of my vestryman to have a chat with
him, which he opened a follow:
"You have lately exchanged a good
deal with Mr. ."
Yes, air," I replied, "n Is a One
preacher, and every ons In the parish
admires him."
I know that,'' said he. "I Ilk him
very much; but whttt Is bis salary V
"Fifteen hundred dollars and a fee-
"But what ar we paying youl
I told htm.
"WeH," he put In, "have you constd
ered how much this parish lose by
the exchanges T"
I told him I had not made that calcu
'Nine dollars and sixty cents Is the
loss per Sunday," was the statement of
this careful guardian of the financial
Interest of his parish.
Wrw IloiuauMe Koalla.
The Century Company announces ths
discovery ot a new mutant lu novelist
in a young New Yorker, Miss Bertha
Kunkle, whose maiden effort Is to b
The Century's leading piece ot fiction
forth uext eight mouths, beginning
in the August number. It Is described
s a dramatic romance of love snd ad
venture, and Is entitled "The Helmet
of Navarre." The scene Is Pari dur
ing th sieg by Henry of Navarre, and
th action occupies but four day ol
th week preceding th gttuday whuii
Henry entered the oity. The story is
full of vigorous action, and the plot 1
said to be one of fusciuatlug I u teres t.
' The Trust rrublsm
To thoughtful mind Is ons of serious Im
port, for It creeps upon society before yon
ar aware of its existence, In this ret't
much resembling Hie various disorders
which attack the 'stomach, such at consli-
Imiluii, imllirestinti anil dvsneia. !ls
otter's Htuinucli Hitters Is the one reliable
remedy for all such ailments.
Warns Vfcztksr
Weakn la Qultjklv Ovaroom.
Th uoollnf , tening, and blood smithing
Qualities nf Hood's 8arsaparlll ar won.
derful, II strengthens th stomach and
digestive organs and creates an sppstite.
It has n unequal record of cures of scrof
ula, salt rusutn, bolls, plmplss and othsi
dlsessts caused by Impure blood.
Hood's SarsaaaHlla
la America's Orealsst Msdlcln. Price $1,
1'i-enarsd by 0, I. Hood A Co., Lowell,
Hood's sure Inillsnatlnn, Prim 9A osnts.
Rsllgluus Consorting Power,
Man today begin lit in a garden of
inuoaeuoe and puritv, wherein ar the
divinest possibilities, but where there
is also the subtle spirit swatting the
chance to beguile, in every walk, h"
he grows to muturlty, are iinpreHsinu
made on the plastio soul, and ever
present is the intelligence, working of
ten for good, but which may In self
sutHoienoy beguile to evil paths. It is
here religion teaks, reminding men of
Uod. Rev. J, K. tiuiyth.
One result of the installation ot the
corn kitchen at the Paris fair bus beou
a widespread agitation iu that country
in favor ol the appointment of a coin
mission by the government for the pur
pose of visiting the United states ami
ascertaining the best means of introduc
ing corn in France.
It a man living in this part ot the
country should tire of fried eggs, we
don't know what on earth be would eat
for breakfast.
By "appearing at perfect In so
ciety," is mount that one laughs aud
talk si loud as if on tit back porch al
home. ,
Mothers will And Mrs, Wiuslow's Sooth
ing Hyrup th best remsd to uas fur thrlt
oliiUlitn during th teething period.
Seattle Marhota.
Onions, new, 1 J'o.
Lettuce, hot house, $1 per crate.
Potatoes, new, lc.
Beets, per sack, 90c (8$1.
Turnips, per sack, 75o.
Carrots, per sack, $1.85
Pamuips, per sack, 50 7 6c.
Cauliflower, California 90o$l.
Strawberries $2 per case.
Cabbage, native and California,
$1.001.35 per 100 pounds.
Tomatoes $1.50 per case.
Butter Creamery, 83c; Eastern 83c;
dairy, 17 33c; ranch, 15(3170 pound,
Kggs 20o.
Cheese 12o.
Poultry 14; dressed, 149150;
spring, $3.60.
Hay Puget Pound timothy, $11.00
(3)12.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $19.00.
Corn Whole, $33.00; cracked, $33;
feed meal, $33.
Barley Kolled or ground, per ton.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.85;
blended straights, $3.00; California.
73.35; buckwheat flour, $6.00; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flonr, $3.00; rye flour, $3.804.00.
Millstoffs Bran, per ton, $18.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $30; oil cake meal,
per ton, $30.00.
rresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, price 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8o;
pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 81.(3
Hams Large, 13c; small, 13. V;
breakfast bacon, 13 He; dry salt sides.
Chase of a Woman After a Fug that Had
Taken Iter Malar.
Phlladelpblan on Diamond ttreet
were very much interested the other
day In watching the chase of a young
woman stylishly dressed after a pug
dog. The wind was high snd during a
gust that came around a corner the
young woman sneesed, gently at first.
and then with some degree of violence.
A cry of alarm escaped her Hps ss
something resembling a string of pearls
fell from her mouth to th pavement
For an Instant th object glittered on
th sidewalk, when tb frisky dog
It yon want to make trouble tor an
enemy, tell bis wire that a daughter in
the family has musical talents which
must not be buried.
stoth my
sing CAnCAMsVl'ti and sue ars ids best
naaniiae we bas trsr had la in bouse
In my wire and sin
CAnfAMsVl'ti and lb
In the houae. Last
wook. b wile was franile with fceadarbs lor
two Says, she tried sumo of oorCAMt'AUKTii,
sad ther nllesed lbs naia la bar haad aimnai
iaB)dlM!f . Ws both reromnsnd Caacarsl '
uaas. BTsnaronu.
PUatburf Sal Deposit Co, Pittsburg, Y
raxoiatMa ssmnsto
Aoeo. Mssar siftsa. Wsaaaa. or Orli. Wo, tea. Mis.
'"SS Sao! tnHW. Wsisl. alml. tart, til
MaTfi.Blfi Sltarantesd Or all Smf
IV'BAW tieisM:VMH-roisao liaaii.
The gossip in llihl days must hav
hud a good time, if they knew of th
things going ou that the Bible tell
about. .
Pisa's Cur cannot lie loo highly spoken
of as cough cure. J. W. O'IIhum, IMI
Tiurtl Ave., N., Minneapolis, Minn,, Jan.
, ltWO.
It il better to be defeated iu a good
cause than to b victorious in au un
righteous tine. United 1'resliyteriau.
Down In tlio Humps.
Snd, ts II ha heavy, anxious letllnglh
hlurs I The liver nceils quick kiii'miIoii,
Take Cascnrets Canity Cathartic at nine I
Alt druggists, 10o, 3(h-, tM.
Parhharst on John S:l.
I could gel along with a confession
ot faith containing but the little thai
Jesus said when He wa trying to
miike a Christlttu ot Nlcodemus; "God
so loved the world that II gave III
only begotten Hon, that whosoever be
lieveth In Kim should nut perish, but
have eternal life." That give to u
the doctrine of tind' unlimited love,
human guilt, the divuity of Christ, sal
vaton through CluUt, faith in Christ,
immortality; every word Naxon, three-
quarters of the words monoeyllalilas,
profound enough for any elder, simple
enough for any four-year old. Dr. O.
II. l'atkhurst.
Menln Park, fan Mateo Cnuulv, Pal..
Willi Its new liulldlngs, newly forni-linl
and cimileke lalniratorlea, heiiutifu! sur
rotiiHliiis and home lurlnem-es, Is one ol
the Iwst equipped srlirad lor the training
of boys ami voting men tin the coast. It
Is in charge of ltr. Ira (I. Hunt and is ar.
credited at th universities, feint for cat
alog, Tenth year begiua August 6, l!0.
'The empress dowager ol China is ths
one woman in th world to defy all
Europe. 8he is now about SO year
old, aud fur the last 40 year ba ex
erted an all-powerful Influent in di
recting the affairs of (lilu. She it
the second wife ot the emperor, aud )e-
cause she bore him a sou and th first
wife did not she takes precedence. A
to education, she ha received the best
China can give. A native wit and
cleverness supply what she may lack
iu book knowledge.
Has Been
Twenty-three Times Gold
Struck mt Palmer.
Loomis, Wash., July 16. In the
Palmer mountain tunnel the last 30
feet driven has gone through a forma
tion highly mineralized, giving assays
each day running from $3.74 to $37 in
gold. The last shot at the face broke
into a well defined ledge, showing
much blue quarts foil of mineral which
may prove one ot toe most important i meut Coi
in uie niHWjry ot ujo runnui. mis
ledge is in a different formation from
that of the other 23 and the good values
pj Breeding the cuttings of the foot wall
make the crossing and testing of this
23d vein a matter of special interest.
Suit Over Mlnlnc Claims.
Aancouver, Wash., July 16. The
case of Adolpb Hooper and Victor Carl
son against J. G. Copely and U. M.
Launian was on trial before a special
jury, called for this case, in the super
ior court. Tha case relates to the
rights of the parties to certain mining
claims in the St. Ilelou mining dis
trict, in Skamania county. The suit
was first brought in Lewis county, and
was transterred to Skamania county,
where the property in controversy "is
located. The trial was held in this
county to suit the convenience of the
parties to the action. Since the com
meucement of the action, the defend
ant, J. G. Copley, died, and Charlei
W. Thompson, administrator of his es
tate, was substituted as a party defend
New Oregon Mining Companies.
The Elk Creek Gold Mining Com
pany, city ol union, $50,000.
The Lillian Gold Mining and Invest-
inpany, Baker City, $500,000.
Keystone, Belle and Gold Boy Con
solidated Alining Company, Baker City,
Hew Machinery Weighs Nearly T
Million Pouads.
Anaconda, Mont., Jnly 16. New
machinery weighing 1,650,000 pounds
is being installed in the concentrating
plant of the Anaconda Mining Com
pany here. The company is using 24
Huntington mill five feet in diameter.
of the latest pattern; 24 sett of crush
ing rolls, 40 inches in diameter by 16-
inch face, with forged steel shells;
eight Blake crushers, 24x13 inches, snd
16 Blake crushers 15x5 inches.
Copper aad Gold Produced at tho Cop
per Clin.
Missoula, Jnly 16. Visitors in the
city from the Copper Cliff mine report
the shaft down 200 feet snd the ore
running high grade. The owners ex
pect to drift at this depth and find bet
ter ore. There is on tbe dump about
35,000 worth of ore, running in both
gold and copper.
Wallace Reports Two Recently Incor
porated, Moderately stacked.
Wallace, Idaho, July 16. The Nov
elty Mining & Milling Compuny, limit
ed, has filed articles of incorporation.
Its principal plaoe of business is Wal
lace, and its capital stock of $30,000
is divided into 300,000 shares.
The Capitol Mining & Milling Com
pany has filed articles of incorporation.
wallaoe is tbe principal plaoe of busi
ness, and the capital stock of $100,000
is divided int 1,000,000 shore.
Now Washington Mining Coinpaniet.
Gold Ledge Consolidated Mining &
.Milling Cotnpanv, Spokane, $100,000.
Hacramento Gold Mining Company,
spoicane, iiou.uuo.
Pilgrim Gold Mining & Milling
vxmipaoy, uavenport, f 100,000.
Golden Era Mining Company, Col
ville, $75,000.
Consolidated Gold Mining Company,
Republic, $1,500,000.
Myitle Mining & Milling Company,
iscoma, id0U,0U0.
Bald Moo n tain Mining Company,
uiear -alio, 91,000,000.
Galena King Mining & Milling Com
pany, Hepublic, $75,000.
Portland Market.
Wheat Wall. Walla. 566TXc:
Valley, 57 i'c; Bluestem,60o per bushel.
t lour Best grades, $3.20; graham.
$3.70; superfine, $3.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 85c; choice
gray, 83o per bushel.
Barley reed barley, $14.000 15.00;
brewing, $16.00 per ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $13.50 ton; mid
dlings, $19; shorts, $13; chop, $14 per
Hay Timothy, $10(3 11: clover,$7a
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $07 per ton.
Butter i'ancy creamery, 85 40c;
store, 25o.
Eggs 16o per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 18o;
Young America, 14c; new cheese JOo
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00(1
8.60 per dozen; hens, $4.60; springs,
$2.O03.5O; geese, $4.00(3)5.00 forold;
$4.50(96.60; ducks, $3.00(4.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 14a16o per
Potatoes 4050oper sack: sweets.
(g yo per ponnu.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75o;
per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab
bage, lio per pound; parsnips. $1:
onions, l.ic per pound; carrots, $1.
Hops 3 a so per poond.
ool alley, 15(9160 per pound:
ijuitern Oregon, 10 15c; mohair, 25
per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
ana ewes, 82.c; dressed mutton, 19
TH'c per pound; lambs, 6'Ao.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy. $5.00:
iignt and feeders, 14,60: dressed.
$5.00 8.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers. $4.0004.60:
cows, $3.604.00; dressed beef, 6,3
7 74o per pound.
Veal Large, Ji(17e: small. 6 m
6e per pound.
poo ntrss orr with Ats tbstii.
bounded to tbe spot, picked up the
glistening thing snd bounded off again.
Blushing, the girl. In bar perplexity, j
cast a wistful glance at the dog In tb
distance. Quickly sh placed her
trembling hand over ber mouth and
kept It there, while she started In pur
suit of th dog. The chase was excit
ing. Pedestrians paused to watch.
After many turns, rushes, dodges and
halts th pretty maiden caught tbe dog
at Tenth street The animal fell pros
trate at her commands.
Drop It, Fldo; drop It!" she cried.
Th dog obeyed, opened Its mouth
and dropped upon tbe pavement with
great reluctance the proud maiden's
set of false teeth. Exchange.
ssV Jttsstwpea
-awasasiKELUir.; - viiaaA- gKUCT " "I
Ifj ' ' . r 7. v
Mad of the Best IvUterUU. thoroughly ieuoad, by competent workmen. Il stands
without an equal. Call on our Agent, or address
320-338 East Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon.
The Plsinvew, Or.,
ont 10,000 pounds of
month. ,
creamety turned
butter the past
The oity treasurer of Fairhaven,
Wash., has just "called in $5,300 ol
Tbe necessary acreage is pledged tc
secure a starch factory at linbler, in
Union county.
Spokane lawyers have agieed to close
their offices at noon each Saturday dur
ing July and August.
The Stayton, Or., creamery paid 17
cents for butter fat its first month, and
18 cents last month.
Port Townsend's school directors
have re-established tbe oflice of city
superintendent ol schools.
A young man named Arthur Dunn
lost his right leg at gtaruuck, Wash.,
on the 9th by attempting to board a
moving train.
In every home you will find at least
a half dozen skin lotions and toilet
articles on a girl's dressing table, and
a boy- with bands chapped and bleed-, lnal; Persian
ding. seuuU
Baa Francisco Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 18(3 15o per
pouna; eastern Oregon, 10 15c; Val
ley, Jo30c; Northern, 1013o.
hops iow crop, ll a l8o net
pouna. f
Butter Fancy creamery 18 (3 19c:
do seconds, 17se; fancy dairr.
17c; do seconds, 16 160 per pound.
fcggs btore, 18Jc; fancy ranch.
Millstuffs Middlings. $17.00 a
30.00; bran, $13.60(913.50.
Hay Wheat $6.60 10; wheat and
oat $6.00(39.60; best barley $6.00(3
7.00; alfalfa, $5.00(36.00 per ton:
straw, 26 (g 40c per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 60(3 65c; Ore
gon Burbanks, 80c g 90; river Bur
banks, 85 05c; new, 70c $ 1.25.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.76(38.25; Mexican limes, $4.00
6.00; California lemons 75c$1.60;
do choice $1.75(82.00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.60 ,
3.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom-
dates, flao pw
Rons;! on tb Job Master.
'A few days since," relates a solic
itor, "as I was sitting with my friend
D In his office, a man came In and
" 'Mr. W , th livery stable keeper,
tricked me shamefully yesterday, and I
want to be even with him.'
" 'Stat your case,' said D .
T asked him how much he'd charge
me for a horse to go to Richmond. He
said half a sovereign. I took the horse,
and when I came back be said be want
ed another half sovereign for coming
bsck, and made me pay It'
gave his client some legal ad
vice, which be Immediately acted upon.
a follow. He went to tbe livery stable
keeper, and said:
- -now mucn win you charge for
bone to go to Windsor"
"The man replied:
" 'A sovereign.'
"Client accordingly went to Windsor.
came back by rail, and went to ths liv
ery stable keeper, saying:
'Her Is your money,' paying him a
" 'Where Is my horse T said W
- -He's at Windsor,' answered th
client. 1 hired htm only to go to
A good conundrum 1 like an Inani
mate object, because it cannot die. A
correspondent of tbe New York Bun
recalls one propounded by the poet
John Godfrey Saxe, and mentioned to
the writer by one of his daughters. Al
though of reputable age, It Is apparent
ly new in print, and so Is repeated
Can yon tell me wby a hypocrite's
eye can better descry than you can, or
I, upon bow many toes a pussy cat
A hypocrite heat can best counter-
felt, and so, I suppose, can best count
ber toes.
Probably. '
Haughty Lady (who has purchased a
stamp) Must I put it on myself 7
Postofftc Assistant (very politely)
Not necessarily, ma'am; It will proba
bly accomplish mor if you put It on
tb letter. Tlt-Blt.
The Famous German Wood Preserver)
TOnt Application is all that Is required. It lasts for years. Ii
your dealer cannot supply you, write for circulars and Information to the
following" distributing- ao-entsj Perfection Pile Preservine Co.. Seattle.
Wash.; Fisher, Thorsen & Co., Portland, Oreg-on.j Whittier, Coburn &
Co., San Francisco Cat.
Mitchell Wagons
Arc the best that can fee made. Nothing
is or can be superior to a Mitchell Vagon,
because it is nude of the best material
by experienced workmen which, cou
pled with 65 years' experience in building
wagons, during which time the manu
facturers have had but one aim, and that
to produce the best possible to build, is a
& iri
e .
guarantee of quality. If you buy a Mitchell Wagon, you get the best that can be made.
AGENTS EVERYWHERE, If none in your vicinity, w will sell to you direct.
Send for circular.
Branches at Spokane, Seattle Salem, McMinnville, '
Med ford and La Grande.
Mention this paper.
Hero's a Proposition
Isn't It reasonable to aunniMe that a firm of
mi year experience cuiuu iflll 7011 111. nest way
to si't goml value for your monevT Jf yon sru
mskliis improvements In yonr nouns, or build
ing a new house, no matter liow smnll or isrirs
the sum you wish to spend In eleetriesl or (as
futures, fireplaces, msntel furniture, etc., y,m
will snve money and he well suited II von ,,.
suit THI JOHN HAKKKTT CO., ill first
Street, foreland, Orsgss,
When a woman tell a hired girl
story to ber company, they wonder how
often her husband bas been compelled
to bear it
If a father call bl 12-yar-old child
at 9 'clock at night, and asks that It
.a t bed, sem people call it a "mat"
Dayton's FIy Killer
t!el a few minutes even
Inn, will rid your house
nl Hies and Mosiiulioua.
No mark or stain loft on
the ceilings or walls.
Works like nisido. Pries
26 sent. Write for hook
let. Dsyton Hardware
Co., rorUand.oreifuu.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Ossoort,
can g v you the best bargains In general
iiMioIihiery, engines, hollers, tanks, pumps,
plows, belts and windmills. Th new
steel I X h windmill, sold by him, Is unequalled.
Can Snd quick and permanent relief
for serious and stron.iu destrorlii(
troubles Iu
Moore'.s Revealed Remedy
Thousands hay. used It snd thouaanda
now pralis it. It eurea permanently. l
per bonis at your di usslat'a.
mils 1. NAIHa
.ivnruflii, isaaninatan. 11. r. . 11. ..
'v.i,,,uivi ramies, n. nil, nl 11 u.-m
th Carps. Proa.cutlD( claims Hues 17.
ONI FOR A DOS. Curs SlokHaadaob. and I)ys
psasla, HemoYs I'lmplns, purify 111s llkioil, Aid plss
tlou.PraveotaiiLiii.ii.... ii.ii.iuut, Ta
mTinrn.'ui.wmuiallsamD'afreflirtilllioz.Ma. DR.
n. r. n. d
l writing
rtiiassipaia, ra. Suidbylirussist
1 1 u.ntioa this pap.r,