OREGON MIST Kntered at the i'oetoffice at St. Helena, uregon, as recoiia-cium wait waiter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. lasutD Eva-Rr Friday Morn ma Br DAVID DAVIS, Editor and Proprietor, SUBSCRIPTION PiUCE: On copy one year, in advance $1.00 Bix months , &u COUNTY OFFICERS. JRepreeentativa... Juan t'ler Sheriff Treasurer Bupt-of School!.. AwHor Surveyor. (Coroner Oommlssioners ) ' ' .Normen Merrill, Clatskanie ....Joseph B. DoaD, Katuier J. O. Watts, St Helens R. S. Hattan, St. Helens K. Ross, 8t. Helens t. H. Copaland, Hoitlton Martin White. St Helens A. B. Little. Honlton ..Dr. H. R. Clin". St Helens P. A. F rakes, Srauiwuse w. v. case, nttsburg ial chancea injured. Such conduct, to aay the least, la dastardly, and Mr. Cor bett'a determination to tight it ii hon orable, but hii persistent demands upon the people of the State to elect hiin to a position which it i not wanted hiin to have is at disgusting as the other pint ii vicious and dastardly. Of course, with certain of politicians Mr. CorbeU's can didacy is viewed with approval because there's boodle in sight, but the rank and file of the citiaeua of this Statu do not sanction nor urge bis election. 4 00 5 00 S 00 4 SO 76 JULY 20, 1900. IN HOC SIGN0 VINCES. Here is an extract from the Brvaa platform adopted at Kansas City July 5th. Our reason for reproducing it at this time is to give our readers op portunity to compare Deoio-Populistic sentiment of today with that Existing lour years ago; We oppose militarism. It means conquest abroad and intimidation and oppression at home. It means the strong arm which has ever been fatal to free institutions. It is what millions of our citizens have tied from in Europe, It will impose upon our peace-loving people a large standing army, and un necessary burden of titration and constant menace to their liberties. "A. small standing army and a well disciplined State militia are sufficient in time of peace. This Republic has no place for a vast military service and conscription. When the Nation is in danger the volunteer soldier is his coun try's best defender. The National Guard of the United States should ever be cherished in the patriotic hearts of of free people. Such organizations are ever an element of strength and safety. For the first time in our hieto-v and coeval with the Philippine conquest Asa mere been a wholesale departure from our time-honored and approved system of volunteer organization. We denounce it as un-American, un-Demo- cratic, and un-Bepublican, and as a sub version of the ancient and fixed princi ples oi a tree people." now long lias it been, pray, since our Popalistic-Democratic friends became imbued wijth such loyal spirit as to cherish in their patriotic hearts the ex istence of the National Guard? We will not step beyond the borders of our own State, iior refer to the pages of history further back than four years ago, to find our Popalistic-Democratic brethren de nouncing the Oregon National Guard in all the bitterness of their heart. Noth ing was mean enough to be be said of them. The Guard was villified by that element throughout the State's breadth and length, and now because there has been a turn in the tide of affairs, de manding an army of 50,000 or 75,000 foldiers to suppress an insurrection against the authority of the United Btatea, these same individuals have learned that "the National Guard of the United States; should ever be cherished in the .patriotic hearts of a free peo ple." Holy mother of Moses, what t wo-faced neat! ! These selfsame declaim ed against the National Guard here in Oregon are now breaking their necks to get well upon that portion of the Na-1 tional platform and howling themselves hoarse over the principle. Well and good, but in the face of the record it leaves people reckoning how it hap pened. An organization which but four years ago was composed of a worthless crowd of idling dudes, according to Pop ulist doctrine, is now cherished in the patriotic heart. The stuff contained in that declaration is loo transparent, Populism in Oregon cannot win the hearts of those they villified by any such rot. And truly patriotic people may honestly proclaim : "In thjs sign you conquer" not. tJOl'.NTY COURT MATTER. Claim Audited and Warrants Or dered Drawn. The following claims were allowed to boards of iudices and clerks of the last election, the nrst three named being judges, the latter two, the clerks : Al'IAKT . PRKCtSCT. T. O. Marks 3 00 J. C. Kilby $ 3 00 j area ivuson .......... 8 00 Wilson l.owman , 3 00 W. L. Brown 8 40 AUBUUN PRICIXCT. I. P. Spencer 8 20 R. Sesaeuian 3 00 John Priugle 3 00 C. S. McNutt 3 00 L. W. YanDyke 3 00 BKAVKB X.U.US PKKCINCT. J. W. Meserve 980 J. W. Boals 3 00 Conrad Snyder 8 00 Aimer Mes'erve 8 00 W. Ii. Kyser 3 00 CI.ATSKA.NIS PRECINCT. F. C. Whitten S 00 li. b. Perriue 10 20 A. J. OrwiK S 00 r rank Merrill 3 00 S. O. Tjehenor. .. 3 00 DEER ISLAND FRECISCT. John King 3 60 m. rresn a no C. W. Emerson! '.. 3 00 E. Merrill 3 00 Gus Johnson 3 00 OOBLB PRKCINCT. T.C. Watts.. 5 80 James Kennedy 8 00 G. C. Fowler..". 3 00 C. Monroe 3 00 H. Wasser 3 00 MARSHLAND PBSCINCT. A. S. Graham 11 00 Jacob I.. Morgan , , 3 00 H. L. Colvin 3 00 two Graham ; 3 00 John Colvin 3 00 NEUALKM PatECKCT. Oliver Wilson. 3 00 F. J. Peterson 3 00 D. W. freeman 9 40 C. Libel 3 00 t. Malmberg 3 00 OAK POINT PRECINCT. yV. Barnes '. 9 60 D. M. Ewing. R. S. Pavne red Fluhrer R. H. Williams. 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 WITH THE SENATORS. Mr. H. W. Corbett, of Portland, last Sunday made an open statement of his intention to become a candidate for United States Senator. Only a very short time since it was published as an authorized statement that Mr. Corbett was not nor would be be a candidate for that place, but circumstances seem to have altered cases. We have no hesita tion in saying that we honestly believe the people of Oregon are not desirous that Mr. Corbett should be elected to the Senate. If Mr. Corbett possesses a superior qualification for that place it is the size of his pile. His knowledge of the requirements of not only this State and Coast, hut of the United States, is undoubtedly BUch as to enable him to render valuable service, but we have other able men. Mr. Corbett has endeavored to be United States Senator but his effort was futile, and his per sistent candidacy looks as though he were determined to force himself upon the people. Hie declaration of inten tion may be a self concerted attempt to vindicate himself of recent criminal charge! preferred against him, very ' likely for the purpose of libel and black mail. We have 110 greater faith in the genuineness set forth in the complaint against Mr. Corbett than we have in the statement that the people of this State want him for Senator. Mr. C01 ' belt is man of unlimited wealth, and some irresponsible person has per petrated a flagrant scheme 011 the old SCAPPOOSX PRECINCT. H. West - 4 80 B. Duncan.. 3 00 M. J. innlert 3 00 V. Holadav 3 OI) GusLang 3 00 UNION PRECINCT. -" , 300 N. Gable a no R. H. Mitchell 3 00 W. Day 3 00 E. 8. Faxon 3 00 WARREN PRECINCT, JohnDolan 3 00 H. T. Grewell 3 00 O. Hazen 3 00 Wm. Holt 3 00 E. Collins 4 00 RAINIER PRECINCT. M. S. Dippold 6 0 D. Blanchard 3 00 Jf. M. towier 3 00 W. A. Wood a 00 W. M. Perry 3 00 The following claims were allowed to jurors for the May term of Circuit Court Thoe. Boyle $10 40 rreu uenuerson 440 H. L. Colvin 10 40 A. J. Quigley. 9 20 A. L. Woodard , 10 40 John Peterson. . , 8 40 Wm. Hole-apple 7 40 C, L. Smith..,, , , 3 60 A. 8. Graham 14 00 J. F. Timoney 6 00 Norman Merrill . . . 15 20 J. N. Brinn U 00 A. H. Mathews , 22 40 A. K. Morgan 22 80 W. H. Bumgardner 20 40 Aaron Gisselberg , 24 80 Alex Sword 23 20 W. M. Perry.. .. 19 00 U. M. Beeghley 23 20 H. T. Bennett 19 00 J, B. Godfrey..'. 2 00 G. Adams 2 00 T. B. Denslow 30 00 John W. Boals 29 60 W. M. Boberts 29 60 S. M. Rice H no O. Shelton 8 00 M. f. Young si 20 J. C. Hudson 2H 20 John Dibblee. 27 60 S. M. Rice 6 60 A. B. Lewis a 00 F. M. Thorp 8 00 W. W. Blakesley 2 00 L. L. Decker k no John Scott 18 00 Witness fees for attendance before the Prosecuting Attorney: W. T. Gardner ft no Otto Bittner 8 40 fcthei bane 9 40 Tacie Lane 10 80 N. C. Dale 8 40 U. A. Hall 2 00 Ellen Peterson , 8 40 Mrs. N. D. Peterson... 8 40 B. F.nyart, conveying patient. . . E. Rosa, physician, sume. ........ H. R. Clitf, same. &. Cox, j. p. fees, State vs. Bar- thow '. '. , J. N. Rice, serving papers, same 0. A. Lane, constable. Staters. Wardell. insane 7 90 M. K. Hail, physician, same 6 00 Johnson & Bergdorffer, lumber forrdL. 7 60 Ttchenor Mill Co same for r d 8. . 63 60 Smith & Thomas, bridge lumber S3 49 G F Lindgen, nails for r d 1.3 6 00 A Eagle, tools for r d 12 ...... 10 00 J r I'sterson, work on ciebalem bridge 4 60 A W Johnsou. same. . .... , 8 00 August Johnson, same, 3 00 N I Peterson, same , 7 60 V Pullen, work 011 bridge r d 1.. . SI 70 Q H Sierks, same. 8 00 A Sword, powder for r d 15 7 00 A L Richardson, lumber for r d 8 28 20 A I) Hoiadav, viewer Dart road 3 iO J P West, same 8 00 M J Englert, same. 3 SO E II Lynch, chainman, same 2 00 Chas Lvnch, same 2 00 W E Conyers, viewer Boiavert rd 2 50 G L Perrine, same. , . . , 2 60 W J Zillman, same 3 10 L. Leonard, chainman, same 2 00 C H Boiavert, same 2 00 E Hankins. marker, same 2 00 J. M. Reddick, flagman, same 2 00 wiu Chariton, viewer t'hluian rd 4 70 C F Briggs, same 4 70 w W Clark, same 4 80 S Smith, chainman, same. ....... 4 80 t rtyae, same 4 80 E Brown, marker, same. 4 70 J Uhlmun, flagman, same. ....... 4 00 M F Hazen, appraiser Lousignont road 6 00 H Larson, same 3 30 H T Grewoll, same 3 60 ' A t$ Little, surveyor 61 25 Martin White, assessor 120 00 C W Blakesley, deputy assessor. . 82 60 N D Peterson.' commissioner 14 40 J N Rice, postage and freight. ... 16 80 R S Hattan, postage 10 00 J u watts, same 10 00 , Koss, supplies and postage 6 00 I H Copelnnd, stntion'y and post 2 65 Glass A Prudhoiume, books and stationery , "1 35 R H Mitchell, stationery 4 50 D Davis, stationery and printing election ballots 101 76 Dart & Muckle, supplies court h I 60 Jennings & Sun, chairs for court h 27 00 A A Cleveland, exam 8th grade. . 4 50 Mrs S S Way, same 4 60 Bertha Hansen, support of funiilv 16 00 ElBe YnnBiaricom, tame . 10 00 BridaJokela. same 10 00 J Pringle, supplies for Eastlick. . . 10 65 W J Dietz, supplies for Jordan. . . 10 00 A is Lewis, board of prisoner 1 50 Mrs M J Scott, same 19 50 J A buhunasen, arrest and board same.. 2 00 vt m Crazier, board of Lane 28 57 H Lareen, board of He.idlee 80 00 Good Samaritan hospital, care of Mrs Rice 31 00 St Mary's hospital, care of Batron 42 70 RSesseman, fixing election booths 150 G W Barnes, repair of same 2 00 U C Lamberson, use of hull for election. 2 60 J W Meerve, same 2 50 K uox. canvassing elect'n returns 3 00 G W Barnes, same 8 00 T H Woodruff, registering voters 9 10 W D Case, same 1 30 T C Watts, same 8 90 c Liale, same, swearing officers 10 2i H Henderson, same 10 50 I Spencer, same 3 50 G W Barnes, same 7 90 H R Cliff, exam Emma Bittner. .. 6 00 M K Hall, same ., 5 00 H H Hawley, board and cure same 62 30 J J Fillipelli, rebate of tax 3 00 J N Rice, same 2 00 R Z Joy, dn nig's on Lousignont rd!60 00 James Btryle, supervisor 1899 32 52 W Gerrow, rebate of tax 10 30 A C Bergerson, same 10 60 St Helens L & W Co, water rent 3 00 The following amounts were allowed 1 Road Supervisors for services to July 1, 1900: I Geo Ramsey. No. 1 13 00 1 J G Plank, 3 24 00 H Schmitt. 4 . . II 00 F L Clark, 6 63 00 8 M Rice. 6 20 00 J R Ueadlee. 7 32 00 tnos Meserve, 8 74 O0i J Ji Van, 10 , 8 00 John Boxler. 12 in on J F Peterson, 13 48 00 U vv Mellinger, 14 40 00 A Sword, 15 14 00 PROFESSIONAL, DR. E, ROSS, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. DR. H.R. CLIFF, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. To resort In the city of St. Hul- ensjs near as popular as the DR. J. E. HALL, Physician and Surgeon CLATSKANIE, OREGON. j. w. day w. B. DUX A It 1) D1LLARD & DAY, ATTORN E YS-dT-Li W Otnoe next iloor to Courthouse, t. llBLKKs, oKatUON. Ueneral nraotlee In courts of Orairon or Waah- Aoatraau made directly from cuuuty Intfton. records. IS To ladies furniture Is complete Jjjj a v without new light-running I S!NQE If you buy a sewing-machine why 2i not get the best. Sold on easy J terms without interest. BANQUET. Only the very beet brands of Im ported and domestic fine wines, liquors and cigars kept in .stock. ' GYRUS NOBLE WHISKEY WEINHARD'S BEER. Pool and card tables tor the en tertainment of patrons. f UGEHC WHITNEY, Prop. ED HIIXSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used In wash ing ana cleansing the lace, r i Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'8 OLD STAND, ST. HELENS C. P. LOONET, Agent A.Htoria - - Oregon. The CRUISER 1. H. WELLINGTON, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars whiskies: J. H. Cutter, Magnolia. Old Castle, all J Waveily Club. BaKH; Faniout Hop Gold, and Export Beer. ClGAHs: Henry the Fourth, and Windsor Itorca. NEXT TO THK IIUIDL, ST. HELENS, : : OREGON. Card tables and other device" tnr paa- ntarwm am aut Brsnaymar sua sua issriajiraa ftAAilAAilsaaiftalj y IOK POUTLAMD, DAILY. -8TBAMER "America" r Willamett Slongli Route r i Leave St. Helens Arrive at Portland. , Leave Portland .... Arrive at St. Helens . 0:30 AM 10:30 A M 2:! V M :00PM FAHB So CC.1TI. 1.ari mui? inn omer apvioe mr fMuv L tiius. Newspapers and perodltala. a . 0 n.Ai Drum Droinersj CAFE rrrvo adp'im ST. HELENS, NEW 2 aV"jyaW OREGON. PLACE. If you wsnt something a;ood In the line of whisky try SHAW'S MALT Only the beat of Lipors and Cigars Kept in Stock ; OPEN FROM S A. M. TO 12 O'CLOCK MIDNIGHT. Our Beat Customer. The following fieures are taken from the U. 8. Consular Report for July : During the harvest veur. 1898-9. En gland bought from the American farm ers od,3o7.397 worth of wheat, and 41,335,609 worth of flour, during the same period either countries in Europe purchased $40,009,876 of wheat and $6,426,210 in flour. In wheat and flour there was sold to Europe $143,138,082 of which uie larger portion was bought by England. During the same period England I bought of pork and beef $69,680,067 1 worth, and the balance of Europe took ' $43,163,574. j For the same time Enzland bomrht ' worm 01 our cotton and other European countries $99,270,552 worth. From the figures given in the Consu lar Report of all the articles which the American farmers export, England pur chases 60 per cent and other countries 40 per cent. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent enre of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Chum berlain'a Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost Instantly and its continued oe effects a permanent cure . It also cures itch , liarber'a Itch , scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. Dr. faoYs Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25centa. Soldby Dr. Edwin Ross. Flossie Dale. . . C. L. Hatfield..., Witness fees in Court: J. A. Ray V. 1,. JlatlielU R. L. Gillespie. . May term .... 8 40 .... 7 20 of Circuit .... 9 20 . . . . 9 20 10 00 H. H. Hawley 10 00 lacie i.ane Ethel Lttne Ellen Peterson. . . ... . Mrs. N. D. Peterson Flora A. Dale N.C.Dale C. D. Lane Clara C. Lane Geo. A. Hall John W. Lane MalindaLane... H. R. Cliff M. K. Hall.,, 7 60 MISCEI.LANKOUS BILLS. B. Cox.j. p. fees, State vs. Fisher, insane $ 4 40 A. Robinson, constable, same 1 7ft Ii. Hazen, witness, same J. J. Lake, same H. R. Cliff, physician, same E. Ross, same R. Cox, j. p. fees, State vs. Swan- son, insane, 12 80 11 40 10 40 10 40 10 40 10 40 10 40 10 00 4 00 11 40 11 40 4 00 3 40 3 40 5 00 5 00 While man Turned yellow. Great consternation was felt by the irienus 01 ai. a. wogarty, 01 Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turn ing yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered ter ribly. His malariy was yellow jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but wiinoui wnem. men ne was auvieed to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, and he writes : "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for, all stomach, liver ana Kianey trouDies. Unly 50 cents, Sold at tlie St. Helens Pharmacy. MAKKIEI). Swopk-Wilkinsoh. In this city, at the Congregational church, Tuesday, July 17, 1900, Mr, Thos. W. Swope, of Ore gon City, and Mrs. Lucinda Wilkin son, of Pittsburg, Rev. C. E. Phil brook officiating. Dn Shilohs Couah and (onMiiiiplion This Is beyond question the moat successful Cough Medi cine ever known to science: a lew doses invariably cure the worst cases o( Couch, Croup and Bronchitis, while ill won derful sin. cra in the cure of Consumption is without a par allel in t he b intiiry of medicine. Since Its first discovery it has been sold on a guarantee, a lest which no other medicine . can stand. If yon have a Cough, we earnestly auk yoa totryit. In United States and Canada 25c., 6U, and $1.00, and in England It, 3d., its. 3d. and .0d. SOLE PROPRIETORS S.CWeixs&Co. LEROY. N.Y. TORONTO, CAN. uiuiuiuiuiaiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiiiiuiuiuiu: GREAT FIRE SALE -or- Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Etc. AT- Wlll Carry Nnthlmc bnt Psssen Kirs and r'aat Freight. ?4 JAttfc GOOD, Master. ft rV 0 Sweeping Reductions. These goods were saved from the recent fire at Rainier, out of large stock owned by J. Morgus, and will be sold at any figure, FOR CASH! Sale will take place at Blanch- j ard's old store building, in Rainier, and continue i throughout July. j 1 JT Oil n Morgue, j RAINIER, OREGON. f 3 3 3 3 3 0. R. & N. CO. """ Time SCHEDULES Chicago- Salt Lake. Denver, Ft. 4 p. in. Portland Worth, Omaha. Kon Hiiecial ana Cltv, m. Loul. vli am. Chicaxo and Eaat. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft 7:00 a.m. Atlantic Worth, Omaha, kan Kinreas saa City, tit. Louis, 'J.OU p. in. Chicago aud ut. Walla Walla, Lewis- 8.40 a.m. Spnknne ton, Spokane, Minn Flyer eatilfs, Ht. Paul, C OOp. m. Duluth. Milwaukee, Chicago and ast. . Ocean Steamships, , 8P'm- All satlliif dates sub- v m Ject to change. For San Francisco Bail every live days. Pally Columbia River 4 p. in. Kx.Hunday ateamera Kx.Sunday 8 p. m. Baturday To Astoria and Way top, in. laudlugs. s. m. Willamette River. 4:30p.m. Ex. Sunday Oregon Cltjr. Newbcrg, Kx.Hunday tialem dc Way-laud'ga ' 7 a. m. Willamette and Yam- s:r)0 p. m. Tuos.Thur. hl" R'rs. Mou. Wed, and Sal. Oregon City. Daylon, and Frl. and Way-laudlugs. a. m. Willamette River. 4:30p.m. Tuea.Thur. Portland to CorvallU Mon. Wed. aud eat. and Way-landincs. and Frl. I.t. Rlparla Snake River. Lv.Iw'ton S:aia. m. daily at dally Klparia to Lewlston. A go a. m. W. H. HURLBERT, General Pancnger Agent, PORTLAND . . . . . ORKGON - . THE NEW YORK STORE SUMMER SHIRTS OAnf0 AQflh THREE FOR 55 C. VLlb.CaUl. ' Summer Clothing at Greatly Reduced Prices MORGUS, Cooper Building, Main Street, ST. HELENS, OREGON JOHNSON & BURGDORFER BROS RDn .-Sfc.-S... 0 Manufacturers ol and Iiealera In o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... w llaarlns;... Rustic ...renins; -axn V ... Dimension Lumber... SOAIT'OOSK, . . VVav,i OOOD ROAD TO THE Mill Mill on south lurk nl rapi creek, f.iur I miles mini Kiiipoose station. . Lumber delivered st a.pis station or J(.hinMin alaiHlliiatl.oup,ri, eitra. At I MarrenstaUoa.tl.it. OHKOON The Weekly Oregonian i 2 PiffCB A wcrk columnt CONTAINS AH the newt well written. Articles uWrihing Western sec-net and Incidents. Storira of love and adventure bv well known authors. Brilliant illustration by newspaper artist Jnteifatinij Bketehcn and literature lor nova and girla. lnliion articlfB and Illustrations for women. g OUR CLUBBING OFFER A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER all RAILROAD COMPANY. Hlit.l on- DAILY. 24 P at 8:47 4:02 4.1)7 4:ir 4:221 4:l 4 r. V. til 8 Of) a 20 m S 44 W a ah OH 9 19 S:17;10 00 5-26 10 OH 4:38 10 20 A:5tl 10 30 22 A.M. II 00 9 m 9 1H 0 K 8 40 155.9 9 SO IW.3 10 00 Ii2.3 10 10 lfXI.4 10 21 171.2 10 !i!l 78.71 It 02 W.,! 11 10 90 .1 11 22 (tt.4 11 :I0 99 8 Lv Portland Ar .... oobie .... ... Rainier ... ... Pyramid. .. .... Mayifer.... (luiticy .... .. Clatukatiie.. .. MiirahUnd.. . . WentiKirt ,. , ..Clilton.... ..Knapna.... Hvenaon.,.. John Dav... Ar. A.toria .l.v j acao cr DAILY. 21 29 a-1. r. m. 11 10 9 40 10 On S 86 9 Ul 8 2p 9 85 8 III) 80 7 M 9 20 7 ii 9 12 7 88 9 02 7 '8 W 7 17 8 87 7 02 8 17 42 8 07 82 lit 20 7 4.1 a 10 Tei''?,ve rcr'f,'') ."rrn?B"r" whore by we are enabled to fur ' , 1 Ih0 r JJk ly Oregonian in connection with Tu Mist or vinv a . iouura. ine price ui xne urogontan alono ia l,60. THE OREGON MIST iUiUiUiiiiUiUiUiUiiiiUiiiiiliUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUWiUiUR I WW . d . - . . . 0) nw About Your Title? All trains make rloan fnnnftlnti. at with northern I'acilie tralna to and from the cwtauu nuuiin point. At roriianii with all trains leaving Union deoot. at Astoria with I. K. A N. Co.'s boat tud rail line to and from II wuco and North Ilench points. Pasaenircni for Astoria or way points mint Hrtt tralna at lloultnn. Trama will aim, m i... ..... scnKeia off at Honlton when nonilng Irom points flen. Pass. Ant.. Astoria. Or FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. vvvvvv vvvvvtwwvvw gentleman to are.hun into putting up , E. oiaon. wttnea... am ' money iu order to not have hit Senator- C. Bauibolski, game , 4 30 5 50 3 60 3 60 tAAAAAAfcafcal WW MOKIilIOIJTn, OB. Fall Term Opens Sept. 1.5th. The students of the Normal ehool are prepared to take the ritate Certllleate lnimell ately on graduation. Graduates readily secure (food positions. peoaesoi year irom siaj to tloo. Kx- Htronit Aea- itemlc and Professional enurse: new sneaial A. narinient In Manual Trainiug. Well Equipped Korataloiruecoutainlna full annnunenu.nla. addreas P, L. CAMPBKLL, President. or W. A. WANN, RecreUry of the Faculty. WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COtUMIJIA I1IVER AND I'UOET 80UNO NAVJQATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT Landing root of Alder Street, Portland. Leaves Portland dally (eiceptHundav)at7 A. M l.unJInrt Telephone (lock, Aalorla. Iavea Aatorla dally (incept Hunday) 7 P. M. Hmlcy (latzert ticker nood oo steamer llaxsnlo. Hteauier Hasaaio tlckels goo.l on Buile) tiataert. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. M recor titles. ,T.?,'oH!,.Rf u 'J"1'" Rememher that it la the ?.Vi!: :..,.":K,"ve."'. " M search' the I.'.."". """7 ."'.". "'"7 cpniaiii in relation to land lai If you contem. lati Kiln- f.-S ".7 " ' ' "IT" e.tate seourlty, take no man's word, but luaiw upon ki owliuT what .deTorin.u7V7,r:H,,K,!hi!tlel AnAi!.e..mi"l a deed. Inalaton havlna It. We have tho only set of ahatraat .S.ia'nl" c?i"Ur.-. '""ork promptly ,,J?,M and MlS S ""r,'i,.'i!..y hV PrP,'rl'' u murelv ua a call. w are audits lor the boat lire Insurance eompanlne In the world. If you Imvo property for sale list It with us and we will and i buyer! OOLEQUIOK, mum airwmt v uei rum norniiU I ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... a. leaves K elso F-C, . m i I fe, 1 on Mondays, SX I lfhtjt t I Fsf5 IB) Wednesdays I B JlJMI r4 lk il A tb leaves Port isnd Tuesday. Thuradav, aud Halurdays, at t o'clock a. ni. Portlanrl and Kelso Route via Columbia River..... STEAMER G. W. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, Master. 4 Will leave Portland,' foot of Wahinr ton itreet, each Hiindav. Tuesday anil Timrriduy afternoon at 6 o'clock. Ke tiirnin, leave Clutskiinie each Mondav, Vtediit'ediiy and Friday afternoon at 4 o clock, tiue permitting. The company reserves the rlh to chsnite time without notlet. Shaver Transoortadon Comoany.