OIMiGON MIST. 3VW 13, 11)00. . Moaarej. Kolloy & (iilnoii, who ImvM Jhioii running the nu'ut iiittiktit in Hum Iilnca (or hdiiio tinm, liavo gonu out of jUHiiiPKH, The ihop i (or runt. At ft nieutlng ol the ncliool lmtird tuild it low tiny ctnci', It win dt'i'ltlml to have tlm Dvliijtil liure oiiun un SupUiiiilx'r 21th. MiiiH Piiiiiy Witlklim wh m ployed to touch the primary ik'purtuient. 1( tliut Indian, who, two yearn bo predicted no Miiiunor or wlnlur (or ton yoitri, could Im (omul, ho would cer tainly be dealt with l ii1i a manner Mint he would not euro to tniike any further predictions' eimoeriiinjj the wcnttlier. lie would noon be a good ludinn. AVo have ninny iwpiild nrcounU on our hooka, ruii(,'lnn (rotu ft toilo, for which wo would he quite ohlljfeil II our debtor! would cull and liquidate. The mount each individual owes U miiull, but taken in the nmtreo;iito It ttiuoiiiita to a ooiislduruhle nuiii. Do not henitiite on account o( (ear (it oirmuliutr un by offering to pay your account. Wo won't pot angry. The million (Inn of Clou inner A Whitney, who havn conductod the Ban niiot caloon (or lome time, haa been dlHiKilved by mutual ooiwent, Mr. (Jlun inKcr rotliinif. ' The buHiiicaa will be conducted In future by Mr. Whitney, who will endeavor to Keep n carefully elected and abundant atock on hand to upply the demand! of the patrona of the wet good department. Coiikii! Kuumerator Godfrey haa at laat completed the conins niking for the Wsili diatrlct, althotiiih It required more time than allotted to him. lie wui allowed pay for two day extra, but that much tlmu waa iiinulHclent. lie put In nearly a week extra time. Mr. Godfrey m determined to have a thorough anil accurate enumeration, hence a few daya extra time devoted to the work will redound to hU glory if not to hi! purse. Definite the rain tho people of Doer Inland celebrated In a quiet way, the lilorioua Fourth. The home of Mr. and Mra. Drown, which waa beautifully ducorutcd with iliitfs and flowera. wat the rendezvous of the people of the nelKhlxirhood, where, alao, waa served a nmst bounteous dinner and anpper, bo aldea an abundance of dcllcioua refreah ineiita throughout the day. In the evening dancing waa Indulged in and continued throughout the night. Mr. and Mra. Drown have the thank! of the ntln community (or their gcnuroiiity and hospitality. A very diatreiwlng accident occurred onboard the rnilroai tranafer boat at Ooblu lant Sunday afternoon. J amc lilair, of Seattle, a paaaongur en route, attempted to atep from a uioving auction of the train to a neclioti winch bad already been run aboard the tioat, and in doing ao hi foot wan caught between the cart, and the part waa aevered from the limti about two inchta above the ankle joint. Tho injured paaaewter wat taken over to Kulama, where Ur. Par tial! completed the job by tho uno of the knife In cutting a few fragment! of akin and llcuh. The plank walk from ft. Helen to Iloultou Ik smlly in need of repair, and the aoonor the worK of rebuilding is undertaken the lex! expensive it will be. The walk should not be allowed to be come dangcrciu and finally use-lens, becuuae ita presence baa been of too great value. There la no ono particu larly responsible for the condition of tho walk, hence a concert o( ellort on the part of the people of tho two towns uliould bo diivcted in keeping it ill repair. Some good, publio aplrilcd in dividual can earn a crown of glory by atarling tho movement that will re mi It in the repair of the walk. The County Coroner elected on the 4th of June, l)r. M. K. Hall, of ltuinier, did not prevent uiuiaelf to qualify before the County Court which wn! in aesaion laat week, anil tho Court filled the va cancy by appoiutine Ur. II. It. Clin", of thia citv, wlio had been the acting Cor ouei aince Ir. McLaren left tho County over ft year ago. .Many people in the County limy bo curious to know why the Coroner-elect failed to qualify. It win by reason of not being A citizen of the United Hlatea, the doctor having made application to become a citizen only last February. Dr. Clin will aee that none of thedulicaof theolllce are neglected. Since the recent fire at Rainier tho town present! a very demolished ap pearance. Hut unfortunate aa the occurrence la, there la atlll aome fortune In tho fact that the reunite are not more disastrous. It waa only by the most heroic effort that the large new hotel building waa aaved from the rav age! of the flume, the "destruction of which, together with the many business place contained in the lower story, would have rendered the town almost without a buHineaa houao in it. The wharves were fortunately aaved, which render! It posaiblo for steamers to land there, but the disappearance of two lurgo buaincaa honac 'along tho water front create considerable of a vacant appearance about the town. The work ol rebuilding baa already been begun. Tho proposition of building a railroad from Uoutien to Nehnlem Valley prom ise! tangible results. A good deal of material for preliminary work haa al ready been delivered at Ueulien, and on Mnndav tho strainer (iatzert took down a nuantitv of lumber out of which to build a lame cainii callable of accommo dating aX) men, who are expected to go to work on the proposed road at once. From the best Information it la posslblo for ii! to glean, it i! ascertained that ahnut three and ono half miles of road will bo built juat aa quickly a! it i pos sible to prosecute the work. Thia is done in order to tap a very extensively timbered res. on. and the worn ol put ting logs in the water will begin aa soon as possible. The ultimate purpose ot the promoter of tho project, we urnier atiind. is to reach Nohulem Hctv bvcros ing the divide from tho Columbia River, intercepting the Nchalein ltiver near tho mouth of Oak Ranch Creek, thence following the valloy to the river' moutn, A vcrv extensive Hunting enterprino is noon to 'bo launched in Heaver Valley. It is currently reported that Messrs. T. J.Cleeton, C. 15. Umiyon and Chartoa W. Mayger are to put several thousand dollars into the enterprise with Mesorve Bros., and build .the largo flume irom Mnaol-vn'a lit ill In Ouiiicv. Several month, ftifo this matter was soriously talked of by Meservo ltroa., in fact, to aiiuh an extent as to secure the rignt-oe wnv. We presume- this latter matter to . . ' .... 1 !t I... I na ..a... lie lllo same, hiiu ii uurnuu tmv un nvn conteinplutcd, will menu-a very exten sive undertaking nnd n very important mid valuable enterprise for tho people of that nee turn, as well as a money, making proposition for those diroctly interested in it. That part of the Countv is fortmuito In tho possession of n vast amount of limber (suitable for piling, enrdtt'ood and lumber, besides a great deal of very fine cedar timber, the value of which all tlmbermeii readily understand. We nro informed that the lminnfnctnro of lumber at the Meservo mill will bo extensively carried on, the product finnieil to the railroad, and marketed both by water iVnd rail. Deacon think! he can make it, Mr. J. (I. Watt visited the metropo lis Wednesday, Merchant Fowler was up from Goble Monday forenoon, . Mr, M. J. JCnglert, of Bcappoose, was in town lust Friday, Mr. Willuni Hulinlz, of Huappoose, wa In tho County Beat Tuesday. Mrs, Jacob liroiiH, of Uuinier, visited relatives at liotilton this week. Uuv. Mr. Philbrook will preach next Hiinday ut l'uris and Yankton at the usual hour, Mr. Chns. Conyors, a hardware mer chant, of Clatskanie, waa In the city on business Monday, Jacob George" and son and daughter, of l'ortlaud spent Haturday and Hun clay lust.jii this city. Miss Mabel Clark, of Htelbi, Wash., visited her sister, Mrs. Eugene Whitney, hi thia city this week. Miss Tillio Muckle, of T'ortland, Is pending a month' vacation with her rehtlivoh in this city. Misi riioebo iialmanno. of Portland. ha been visiting relative in this city during the past week. . The steamer Republic Is nowonihe Portland-Rainier run. lier first trip waa made Inst Tuesday, The oponintf of the present week by pleasant weather caused iiiuny people to depart for tho beudi. Mrs. J. H.Orovos, of Portland, visited her daughter, Mrs. J. (J. Muckle, in this city a few days last week. Cloud Chamberlain, of Wsmhlmlon County, came down on Monday to visit with ins brother at uoiiiion. ftf ... IT,.-., UUn l.-t I.. ...I nn ..... til in. uuiwiisu a ..a.,.., ,,'. down Baturday to spend about ten days vacation with her relatives here. Tho County Treasurer haa ft call in this issue for all outstanding warrants endorsed prior to November 1, 18Utf. Miss Annie Or win and Bessie Hattan, ot this place, returned Monday from Chitskanle, whore they visited a week. William Allen, of Vernonia, waa In town Tuesday with his team, to take a number of ministers out to the annual campmcoting. Attorney O. W. Cole ia making ar rangements to go to Ca Nome. Hie family expects to remove to Portland to reside while he is in the far North. At the term of County Court hold last week there were exactly 800 warrants dri.wn. On the general fund the num ber was 242 and on the road (una 108. Judge Hayes, of Oregon City, spent last holiday in this city looking over the field with a view to locating here to practice his profession, that of a lawyer. Mr. Alfred Cleveland, who had charge of the school hore last year, has been cIcoUhI to the principauthip of one ol the Astoria schools, and will begin teaching there on October 1st. Mrs. J. N. Rice and children left Sun day morning for Quincy, Or., where they will S-nd some time visiting with relative. They were accompanied by Mr. Rice, who returned Monday. Mr. Chas. Maygor was In the County Seat last Friday attending to business before the probate Judge connected with the estate of Oeorire Hayes, deceased, of which be is the administrator. Owing to a rush of work in the Clerk's office, on account of Circut Court and other matters of a pressing nature, the proceeding! of tho County Court will not do rcauy lor puuiication until next week. There will bo no services conducted at the Kpiacoiial church in thia citv until early in Reptciuber, owing to the fact unit tne ciergy oi too roruaua uioccae is taking a summer vacation and no rector will be supplied for this charge. That Quick man, of abstrnct fame, of this citv. is of resourceful mind, lie is determined to have some benefit of bis hay crop, even though lie baa to harvest tho product and cure it by use of his fruit dryer. That' a scheme, sure, and may' yet have to be resorted to. At the session of County Court hold Inst week two liquor licenses were granted for six months each, by which the County school fund was replenished to the amount of $400. O. E. Hunter waa granted a license to sell liquor at Uoble, and W. L. 1'ulllam ft license to soli liquor in Oak Point precinct. Reports from different sections of the County are to the effect that much grain, especially oats, haa been spoiled by rust, caused by the continued rains this Slimmer. Hundreds of tons ol bay haa been spoiled, and to add further injury the potato crop has been attacked by rot. Verily, misfortunes never come singly. Of the $0054.28 delinquent tax re turned on the roll and reported in the County Clerk's annual statement for the year ending July 1st, over $3000 has since been collected and tax money is being received daily in large sums, which is good reason to presume that nearly every dollar charged on the roll will be collected in ft very short time. The law enacted by the last Legisla ture reaardinc! apportionment of school money, requires an apportionment to be made on the first Monday im January, Anril. July and Outober of each year, provided there is any money to appor tion. The Superintendent waa under the necessity of notifying the several school clerks in the County that no funds were available (or the July ap portionment. Avon lodge Knights of Pythias held a public installation ot officers last iuea day evening, when many Knights, Rathbone HiBters and visitors were prosent. The new officers for the term are ; John Scott, C. O. ; '0. N. Uable, V. C. ; J. W. Charlton, Plolate. ; J. O. Watts. M. of W.: U. R. Cliff. M. at A. i E. E. Quick, O. G. Aftor the ceremonies the lunch tables wore laid and those presont enjoyed a very delici ous luncheon prepared by a committee of popular Knights. The senwitiou of the eveiiini? was created when the Rath bone Sisters present brought forth about a dozon coBtly linen table covers which they presented to the Knights. Tho features of the evening were very much enjoyed, and the kindness of the Rnthhono Sisters kocnly appreciated by the fytiuans. .... It la more than likely that the ap' ointment of a Deputy District Attorney for Columbia, County will be made in a very tew days by Mr. Alien, me attor ney inst elected for a four year's term. Mr. W. II. Powell will undoubtedly be the annointoo. hnvina received the en dorseinent of a very large number of prominent citUenB throughout tho Comity. Mr. Powell was reared in this Countv. lieinff a son of Mr. A. H. I'owell, of Pittsburg. He is a young man oi more than ordinary ability and although he has been a law student for Hvo or six years, did not present himself for examination for admission to. the bar until a few weeks ago. If appointed, which there seems no reason to doubt lie will be, Mr. Powell will fit up an (iflice in tills city and remove his family here to reside permanently. NKW OKFIOKKH INSTALLED. llalnler Knights and Kath bones Hold Joint installation. Determined to progress in spite of discouraging conditions, Rainier Knight! and the sistor worker!, the Rathbonea. rise above the ordinary particulars ana proceed witn the wort oi rebuilding their standiiiK as prosperous beneficial societies, which were recently attacked and impaired by element! over which no control was to be bad. Without a home, without the least particle of par aphrenalia, wttliout a record of any nature, but strong in numbers and powerful in the spirit which defies dis aster, with numerous friend!, both within and without fraternal societies, the work of putting their orders in good condition and replenish the wardrobes and paraplirenalia, the regular weekly meeting was called to order in the lodge room of the Masons last Saturday even ing and the necessary business dis patched with degre ol caution and tact remarkublo in proficiency and iileasinir to all concerned. A public in stallation had been announced, and the lower hull of the Masonic building was crowded full of anxious spectators and friends. The brothers, of course, labor ing under many difficulties, proceeded with their installation in an almost entirely faultless manner, after which the Rathbone Sisters, assisted by visit ing members from Portland and St. Helens, installed tnetr new onicers who Ix'sutiful and attractive ceremonies. In fact, every crson in the room waa com pletely captivated by tne excellence oi work and atlractive features of the pro ceedings. The work of installation being finished, it was announced that dancing would tie indulged in for an hour or two. Tickets were placed on sale at 60 cents each and almost sixty numbers were sold. The ladies served lunch to all who desired it, which was rewarded by alsint $20 receipts. The cash received will be used to purchase little necessary articles in conducting the work -of the business of the two orders. The receipts of the evening amounted to $50. CI.ATSKANIK ITEMS. A new boy in the family of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lewis is hemic carefully cared for. Mn. A. M. Wheeler, of Fair Haven, Wash., is visiting her mother, Mrs. O. W. Jones. Mis! Mary Conyers, of Oregon City, mado her parent! a brief visit the first of the week. The school board at ft recent meeting, re-elected the teachers of last year for the coming term, Borne much needed work has been done on the streetB by laying of new plank to replace aome worn out. . Mrs. Crosby and family, former resi dents here, were visiting in town the guests of Mr. and Mr!. 1. 1 carter. Mr. and Mrs. Fabrlaue are in Port land thii week accompanying her sister, Mrs. Temple, who leaves here lor jume County. Mrs. Fannie McDonald and family of Sun Jacinto, Cal., are spending some time with the lady's parents, &. tfryaiu and wife. Lumber hauling is being done now with vigor since the roads are drying up. Shingles are plenty at the steamer landing, also. The postofBce la now in the storeroom of M. E. Page & Co., with Page as dep uty in charge Postmaster Warren has moved to Marshlund for the summer to try farming. W. A. Hall returned lost week from Cleveland, Wash., where he has been teaching a term ot school, tie is spend ing a part of his vacation harvesting in the Nohaleui Valley. The Bryant families had the pleasure of a visit from a cousin, Clarence Bry ant, of St. Paul, who, while on a visit to the (. oast came to uiatskanie to see cousins he bad never seen. The visitor was shown around and introduced to a number of our citizens, who found him a very pleasant gentleman. Considerable attention was paid to a proper observance of the Fourth of July or this year in our town, and a general invitation had been issued to the neigh borhood Co attend and assist. To this Invitation there was quite a generous response, notwithstanding the rain in the morning. The town was quite lav ishly decorated with flairs, bunting and evergreen trees, which maintained their position in spite of the showers. A little break in the rain about 10 ft. m. gave a chance to get outr on the street aui torm the paraue. ine crowd garn ered opposite trie church corner, wuere a flag pole had been raised. "Old Glory" was run up and floated amid cheers, and following this the parade waa formed try urand ftiarsnai ungnes, headed by the City Cornet band, which waa followed bv girla representing the Statee. old soldier!, delegations repre senting the different societies, some of which were in umtorm, mating quite a display; citizens and the crowd goner ally. The procession marched through town and to the river, where they coun termarched, instead of going to the ? rounds aa intended, and pulled up in rout of the Clatskanie Hotel building, where, from the porch, the orator of the day was introduced bv Hon. N. Merrill. Judge J. C. Moreland, of Portland, then stepped forward and read the crowd a very able and appropriate address, winch owing to the commotion on the street, waa not listened to aa it should have been. After thia dinner was served in Merrill'! hall and to others at the various catering houses. In the afternoon the races and ball game oc cupied the crowd and kept them good natured. The game of ball between Rainier and Clatskanie was won by the former, aivinz them the prize of $25. It was an exciting game and a boister ous one cn the part of the crowd, whose cheerine and shouting could have been heard a long distance. Fireworks at different points in the evening kept the place alive, while crowds gathered at Graham's and Merrill's halls for a night of dancing, many boing compelled to be up all night on account of not being able to get sleeping accommodations, which were all occupied, but not seem ing to feel much disturbed over it as long as the music kept going. It was a fufl day at Clatskanie, rain and all. Mrs. Joy Doming was a Portland vis itor on Thursday. J. E. Broiis, of Rainier, returned on Wednesday from a week's tour in the Gray's Harbor country. Rev. D. MacLachlan haa returned from Canby. He will preach next Sun dry at Houlton at It o'clock, at Colum bia City at 3 in the afternoon and in this city in the evening. Speaking of quality. Hop Gold beer holds fast to publio favor. The honest anil delicious flavor of malt and hops and tho delicate aroma of thia beer will satisfy the moat fastidious. For sale at the Cruiser, J. H. Wellington, proprietor, Do Von Know Consumption is preventable? Science hns proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough onn be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Con sumption Cure. Sold on a positive i;mininteO for over liftv yeara. Sold by l Dr. L'dw'ii Ross. VEHNO.illA VAKICTIEH. At last the haying season ia on in full blast, Arthur Johnson ii home during the haying season. 3uy McNutt visited last week with his Aunt Rosa Keasey, Most of the schools in this vicinity have been having vacation the past week, . Lon Emmons visited with the home folks last week, as did also George Adam. Postmaster C. 8. McNutt has been off duty for a few day on account of ft slight illness. Miss Lizzie Early haa been auite sick the past week, but is improving rapidly at tills writing. Charlie Solomon, who ii visiting hi! sisters, has been laid up with la grippe or a tew aayi. t,a..a I.---!.. ,..i. i... u.. i.m nun jmi 7wi vtuim.um out near Houlton on a ranch, i borne during the hay harvest. Tell Sonle and Charles Maluisten will cut Mr. P. Peck's grain this year. They are boss cradler's ''from away back." Dow Keasey came home last week and will run the mower purchased of I. P. Spencer during the hay harvest. Rice and Wrench were out to St. Helens again last week and brought in loads of merchandise for Zillgitt & Ulihuan. ' Fred Zellar expect! to get hli stage going soon between here and riouiton. Depends upon tne quality oi the roads. There waa ft shooting match on the common! near the school bouse last Tuesday. Nearly everybody got a hunk of mutton. E. G. Shannahan is hauling lumber this week from Smith & Thomas' mill for the finishing touches of his brother Omar'a barn. Miss Stella Hosford, who has been in Portland all winter and spring, came home Tuesday last and will remain for the summer. The admirer! of Terpsichore cele brated the Fourth in the evening with festivities at. Webster'! hall, and a aup per at Frank Tracy'a, Several rancher from the lower Ne halem were up during the week, looking for nien to work in their hay field and offering $1.60 per day. Wm. Allen went out to St. Helena Monday. The ministers who will hold the camp meeting came over the moun tain with him on Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. Hatfield spent Friday last on Upper Pebble Creek, visiting with Mr. H's. brother, W. G, Woods and family, and other friend. E. Rtdgeway, A. M. Randolph and W. (i. Woods, who work at Smith & Thomas' mill, down the river, spent Fourth of July week with the home folks. Some person haa been making him self very handy about O. B. Malmsten's place during his absence. Better not do it any more since Otto might beat home one of these days. Mrs. Frank Tracy and Mra. Nellie Bynon and children leave Thursday of this week for Clatskanie to visit with their sister, and go from there to the Coast for a month or two. Jim Em mons took them over the bill. The camp meeting begins Wednesday evening of this week and will continue with meetings every afternoon and evening for an indefinite period. Pre siding Elder Smith, with three other ministers, will conduct the services. O. C. Spencer has received word that hia application for admission to Stan ford University has been accepted and he will enter in September. We con gratulate Omar upon his successful ef fort, and shall expect to see him "get there." John Q. Priugle, who waa out to Clatskanie last week for a load of mer chandise for his father, came near hav ing a serious accident. Coming up the mountain hia horse! stalled and backed over the embankment. By unloading John managed to get the wagon- up again without any damage being done and came on home with his load intact. The Fourth here was not celebrated in a public way, but there were a number of small picnic parties in the vicinity. At Bacona the Upper Pebble Creek folks gathered and spent the day very pleasantly. Quite a number of young people, with a few of the older ones, had a picnic dinner together and a good day at the homo of I. P. Spencer, with fireworks in the evening. Parson Stronp and family and others spent the day at T. W. North'!, in the Upper Ne halem district and had a very enjoyable time. We understand the people oLthe Keasey neighborhood had a picnic, and that "there were others." Give or take at the Cruiser. W. B. Dillard and family are touring I the interior of the County on a camping expedition. Announcement. F, Wesley Peterson, of the University of Nebraska, under the management of A. M. Paulson, will lecture in the Con gregational church at Scappoose tomor row (Saturday) evening at 8 p. m. As this is an intellectual and instructive lecture, a large attendance is antici pated. Purchase ticket! early; 16 cent! for adults, 10 cents for children. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the SUta ot Oregon, for OolHtnbift Countv. The Board of Commissioners for Die Bale ot School aud Univer sity Lands, and for the Invest ment ol the Fnuda Arising therefrom, styled "the State Laud Board ", f laiDUiT, COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE N CoumY Thsascbsb's Ornca, ST. Ilm.ann. Ob.. July 18, 1800. . OTKJK 1H HKUfatty OlVKJi i'UAT AU unua a uounty warrant oi i;oiumuia County, Oregon, whioh have been presented and iidorseil- "Not Paid for Want ol Kuud," prior to Nov. 1st, IKttl, will be paid uaon pre sentation at thia ofhee. Interem wilf not be allowed after thin date. EDWIN KOH3, Jliiitlo Treasurer of Columbia County, Oregon. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, In the County Court of the State of Oregon for ',.l,.nl.lu rloMiittr NOTH.'K IH HKRKBY GIVEH THAT THE andartlicned was appointed by the Honor able County Court of the Ulate of Oregon, for Columbia County, exeeulor of the estate ol K. K Foster, deceaaM, and late oi uooie, (Keuneni Oregon. All venom bavins' claims aKainat said estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to roe at No. 100 Third Street. City of Portland, Multnomah County, Bute of Ore gon, within tin months from date hereof, iaieu at ruruauu, vfi-wuoii, , uho n, R. W. KOBTBR, Rxecutor of the estate of R. R. Poster, deceased. J27 Vrank 8. Grant, attorney for said executor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrica at Ohkooh city, Ob.. June lnth. 1900. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE foUowlnc-nained aettler haa filed notice of hia Intention to make dual proof In support ol hia clulm, and that said proof will be made be fore the Uealster aud Receiver at Oreaon City. Oregon, on Aug-uit 11, 19U0, via: GC8T H. ANDKR80H. Homeate&d entrv No. 11.5U4. for the northeast of section a, township 4 north, ranee 3 west. He namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous realdenne upon and cultivation of said land, via: Julius Floeter, of Valley, Or,, Krick Erlckson aud I. T. Wilson, of Yankton OrcwTon: John Hlldebrand, of Portland, Or. yma CHAS. B. HOOKES, Kegiater, NOTICE FORUBLICATION. IAmd Orricc at Omoo City, Or., May 81, 1900. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following named settler haa filed notice of hia Intention to maJie final proof In support of his claim, and that euld proof will be made be fore the Reeister and Receiver, at Oresou CUy, Oregon, on Aus. ith, 1900, vIji: JJlir It. DA&r.S, Homestead entry No. 10,401, for the W. ' of N W. section 18, township 4 north, range S west, and the E. X of N. K. k section II, town ship 4 north, range 4 west. Ha namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and enlUvation of said land, vis: S. P. Ballard, Otto B. Malm sten, David P. Ear!;', s,S 8.ulre W. Early, ail of Vernonia, Oregon. JSJU C'has. B. Moobbs, Register. NOTICE FORJPUBLICATION. Laud Orrici at Obeooh City. Ob., May 29th, iflOO. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE fallowing-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, that said proof wiU be made before the County Clerk ol Columuiacounty,at 8'.. Hel ens, Oregon, on July 16, 1900, viz: WILLIE A. HARRIS. Homestead entry No. 11,179, for the N. If of 8. E, M , B. W. H of 8. E. and 8. E. M of 8. W. of section 19, township 5 north, range 4 weat. Me namea tne roiiowing wiiuepeB io prove his continuous residence nnou and cultivation of said land vis: C. W. Meltinger, 8. A. Wilkin son, u. M. Heeamey, ana A. n. nainews, su oi Vernonia Oregon. J1J13 Chas. B. Moobbs, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orricc at Obeoos City, Ob , May 31, 1900. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has Hied notice of bis Intention to make final proof in support o! his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver, at Oregon City Oregon, on Aag. 4, 1900, vis: Homestead entry No. 10,532, for the W. H 8 E. ',i and 8. E. li of 8. E. W of section 2. town ship 4 north, rsne 4 west. tie names tne louowing witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: John O. Baker, E. E. Kicker son, . M. Parker, and David T. Early, all of Vernonia. Oregon. Jsjll Chas. B. Moobbs, Register. Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TJnitkd States Land Orrica, Orkcoh City, Or.. June 22, 1900. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN COM pltance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of June 3, 1K7H, entitled "An act for the sale of Umber lauds in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada, a'ad Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Ijtnd States by act of August 4, 1W!, Harry D. Burrows, of Van couver, County of Clarke, State of Washington, has this dav li led in this nmee nis sworn state ment No. 5234. for the purchase of the northwest of section No. Its township No. 6 north, range No. 2 west, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land before the Regis ter and Receiver of this office, at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 7th day of September, 1900. Ue names as witnesses: John Archibald. of Goble, Oregon, Daniel 8tahmen, of Apiary, Oregon, Thomas feopies and ueorge Arcmoaid, of Goble. Oregon. Any and all persons claim ing adversely the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said 7lh day of September, 1900. j29all CHA8. B. M00RK8, Register. r $ New Firm! New Goods. CITATION.. In the County Court of the Slate of Oregon, In and for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate of Prank M. Webber, deeptuml. To Elizabeth Webber, Mrs. I. G. Wikatxom, heirs of said deceased, ana all omen wnotu it may concern. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OP OREGON: You are hereby oited and required to appear before the Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Colambia County, on Mon day, the 16th day of July, 1900, at 1 o'clock in tbe afternoon of said dav, at the Court Room of the Court House, in the City of SL Helens, in Colambia Count.v, Oregon, to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made granting to the said Administrator permission, and directing him to sell the real estate of said deceased, at publio auction, according to the pe tition oi tne Administrator on me nerein. -mat tbe following is a true description of the real property described In the petition, belonging to said estate, to-wit: The west H of the north west 'i ot the southeast i of section 7, township 4 north, range 1 west of Willamette Meridian, in Columbia County. State of Oregon. Witness, the Hon. J. B. Doan, I" "-". Judge of the County Court of the SEAL Slate of Oregon, for the County of 1 Columbia, this Uth day of June, A. I. 190H. Attbst: J. G. WATTS, Clerk. ! SUMMONS husband, Joseph F. Lincoln, E. N. Wheeler, Nicola! Bros. Co., a Corporation, Mrs. H. A. Colby, William B. Thomson and I. C. 8anford. Defendants. To Mrs. H. A. Colby, M. Roeser and L C. San- ford, Defendants above-named: TN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON: I Yrtn and noi,h nf von an. ItAMthv notified, that the plaintiff heroin haa Hied a complaint against rou in the above eutltled court and cause, anu bat von and each of vou are nerebv reuuired to appear and answer said complaint on or before the last day prescribed by tbe order of publica tion hereof, towit: August 10th, USX). You are further notified tnat II von tali to appear ana answer the said oomplalnt, or plead thereto within said time, the plaintiff will cause the default of each one of you to be entered of record aud will apply to the Court for tho relief praved for iu said coinplaiut: That la to say, for a judgment against the above-named defendants, M. A. Roeser and M. Roeser, for the sain of 1200. with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per yoar from the 16th day ot February, 1X9), and the further sum ot I'JOO as attorney's foes, aud the costs and disbursements of this suit, and tor a decree foreclosing all your right, title and interest in and to Hie real ostate described in the mortgage mentioned in said complaint and described as follows to-wit: The north west )i and the south t$ of the north east quarter ami the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of seotinn &2; Mso the south west quarter of the southeast quarter of section 29. all situate in towiuhip7, north of range, west of the Willamette meridian, in Columbia County, State of Orovon, and containing 320 acres. Also for tho usual decree for the sale of sttid described mortgaged premises, and the ap plication of the prtK-eeds of said sale in pay ment of said Judgment, and for such other aud further relief as tils Court may deem proper. The date of the first publication of this sum mons is Friday, June 15th, 1900, and the last publication thereof Friday, the loth day of Aug n:;t. A. D.. 11HM): and said summons shall be pub lished on Friday of each week for the period of six eonsooutive weeks between said dates. This sumuions is served by publication by order of tho Hon. Thos, A. Mcllride, Judge of the above-entitled Court, made and entered on the JOtU day ot May, A. D. . 1900. W. H. Cony rbs, G. W, Coi.B. - Attorneys, for I'lutntlft. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for Columbia Countv. The Board of Commissioners for the Sale of School and Univer sity Lauds aud for the Invest ment of the Funds Arising Therefrom, Styled "The State - Ijinrl Hoard." Plaintiff . vs. f SUMMONS M. Roeser and M. A. Roeser, his wife. Joseph F. Lincoln, E. N. Wheeler, Nlcolai Brothers Co., a Corporation, Mrs. H. A. Colbv, William B. Thomson and i. C. Sanford, Defendants. To Mrs. H.A.Colby, M. Roeser and I. C. San ford, Defendants above-named: IN THE NAME OP THE STATE OP OREGON: You and each of you are hereby notlt ed, that the Plaiutiff herein haa filed a complaint agatnat you In the above-entitled Court aud Anus, and that van and each of vou are hereby required to appear aud answer said complaint ou or before the last day prescribed by the order ol publication nereoi, town: August iviu, ivuu. Vou ant further notified that if vou fail to ap pear and answer the said oomplaint, or plead thereto, within said time, the Plaiutiff will cause the delimit oi each one oi you to oe ea COLLINS & GRAY Carry the largest stock and greatest variety of general merchandlaa of any firm io Columbia county, where the wants of the farmer, the logger, mechanic, business man and laborer can be supplied. Their stock consiata of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Furnishing (roods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, frlass, crockery, cuttlery, UiauKl0fOlj Cluuiing, i ecu, uuur, garueu wcueibun.u giaon, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc, LOGGERS' AND W00DSMENS' TOOLS. Collins & Gray (Successors to W. H. DOLMAN.) THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. . r. i . . T, , iir-i r" a r snrniti uooas exennngea lor rrouuee. oi, ntbciii wn&uwiii i - 1 Is Money Kefunded if not Satisfactory NO DOUBT YOU ARE ALL IM NEED OF Clothing and Shoes! Before taking; chances on some unreliable -shoes, why not have a sure and square deal by seeing ..JOHN DELLAR.. Where he recommends every article; price accord ing to ita value. -NOTE A FEW SPECIALTIES $7.50 1.25 .40 1.25 2.50 Hens' Balls, Fancy Worsteds, (Tneviota, Brown Checked or Striped, with Douole-Breasted Vest.. Boys' Btits, Three Different Patterns. Boys' Washing Salts. Boys' Shoes, Satin Calf, Lace Ladles' and Hisses' Shoes, Vlcl Kid, Tan or Black, Vesting Top, tZJM Values for John Cellar, COB. FIRST AND YAMHILL, FORI LAND, OKEGON. ajU ijjjirjy5j-ay jyijaayE-aua. jyrayoa ay ay hjf jya If You will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You that what is Said in this Advertisement is THE TRUTH Our Large Stock of DRY GOODSjeGROCERIES Consists of the Highest Standard of Quality, which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices. RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ....BOOTS AND SHOES.... DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. ..WHEN IN NEED OF MEDICINE... -QO TO- the..... Y1 LATSKAN1 E V DRUG STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc DR. J. E. HULL. Pnprittor. CLATSKANIE, - OREGON, tred of record and will anolv to the Court for the relief praved for In said complaint: That is to say, for a Judgment against the above-named defendants. M. Koeser and M, A. Roeser. for the sum of 11000. with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per year from August 16th. laai, ana aiso lor ine mruier sum oi .no as attorney's foes in said suit, and tor the costs and disbursements iu this suit, and for a decree foreclosing all your riant, title and Interest in and to the real esiite described in the mortsage mentioned in said complaint and described as follows to-wit: The north half of the north west quarter; the southwest quarter ot the norlhvreat quarter; the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 33; also the south west quarter of the southeast quarter; and the northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of section 82, all bains situate In township No. 7, north of ranua a west of the Willamette Meri dian iu Columbia County, Oreaou. Also for the usual decree for the sale of said described niort gaited premise, aud the Application of the pro- CCeOS Ul HIU WW IU pMJUIQHl V, OCT.', JUOB' aud for such oilier and further relief as the Court may deem proper. The dale of the first publication of this sum mons is Friday, June lath, 1900, aud the last publication thereof Friday, the loth day of August, A. D., 101X1; and said summons shall be published on Friday of eueh week for the period of Hlx consecutive weeks between said dates. 1 las summons is served ry puDiioauon oy : order of the Hon. Dios. A. HcBride, Jndaeofl the above entitled uourt. mooe anu emereu on , tho UOth day of May, A. D , WOO. W. H. CoYM, O. W. Com, Attorneys for Plaiuttff. 1 1 aiyaayyvyyvwyyvM wWrWVVW St. Helens Pharmacy DR. EDWIN ROSS, PROPRIETOR. Drugs, Chemicals AND ....PATENT MEDICINES.... Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books, School Sup plies, Stationery, Etc .... Proscriptiong carefully and accurately compounded at any honr of the day or night. Orders by mall for medicino will receive prompt auenuon. D&INTS. OILS. PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. i WUutwtur,o. f CLEVELAND 1 ..St. Helens Pharmacy.. ST. HELENS, OREGON, i a