OREGON MIST Entered at the l'ortofflo nt St. HMena, On'Ron, as eoiid-cli(s uiail matter. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER. Issued Evnnv Friday Mormnu I!y DAVID DAVIS, Editor and pKoi'Hrimm. One copy om Hit woullis. M KI.' TJOS l'HICK: 'r, in advance... 11.00 cou.viv omcKKS, RcprMtntntivc.,,, Nirmn Merrill JIIOU..,,.. C'lora. nhriar. TroaauriT ... Sunt, of 8choo!.. AMir Hurveyor.. .., Coroner ..... C'oininleslonera " Plat.k.nie ;ot-ph H. Oo.ii, Maimer ...... J . u. HIM, Ml, tit-lens ...K. 8. Hntun. Hi. Helen. K. Koa, St. Helen ... t. H. CiMniiri. IltHilton ...Martin tthtlo. St. Helena A. H. Mill, Hmilion .Pr. II. R 'ltn. St. Helen. A. Krakea, .viiiojta W. D. Cane, i'uul.urx 3 JULY 13, 1900. The annual statement of the financial condition of the County, issued on the 1st day of ttie present uionth by the County Clerk, makes a most creditable showing. The report shows thnt during the twelve months preceding its issue the indebtedness of the Count? was reduced $0,233.75, as on July 1st, 1899, the outstanding unpaid warrants amounted to 5,943.49, and on July 1st, 1900, the same amounted to $19, 710.75. The cost of maintaining the County for the year was 130,775.18, not including State and school tajjk which shows a monthly expenditure of $1731, or about $1200 per mouth besides sal aries of officers. Of course, there was considerable over $2000 Interest paid on the outstanding debt during the year just ended which is aa important item, the exact amount paid out on warrants and interest for the year being $29,131. 25. The resources of the County are far more reliable and substantial than heretofore, owing to the fact that al! unreliable accounts have been weeded oat until what remains is considered gilt edge. The total resources amount to $28,342.93, of which $13,920 is liens held by the County on lands for which the individual failed to pay the tax. There is nearly $6000 in the hands of the Treasurer, of County road funds and cash to pay warrants advertised and not presented. The current tax roll shows over $9000 of unpaid taxes, of which about 90 per cent will be collected. To imagine the conditions iu their most unfavorable aspect, the resources of the County are greater than the liabilities, and the future promises well. The col lection during the year, by the County Clerk, of almost $4500 on back taxes in dicates that the liens held are collect able and lends encouragement to the belief that nearly if not all the liens the County now holds will be paid. The fees collected by the Clerk during the year were considerably in excess of the cost of maintaining the office. The financial condition of the County can be said to be in first-class shape, which s pleasing knowledge to the people. Tit llryan convention has met, nomi .,l...t i- ,...,. ... i . i . i . IKllVU ( .1111 A im.lllll, till. -.11 I 1 l. - - . I.-- 1 .. aujuui uei, uu inn lmutiy una uvru given nothing more than was offered it by the previous nomination of thnt Stuiie alleged statesman. The outline of principles embodied in the platform are an almost self denunciation of the issues upon which Mr. llrvau appeared before the people four years ago, when free silver at 1(1 to 1 was made the para motint issue. Una mutter lias place in the lata platform, not because it was wanted for any good reason, but merely to hold the vote of the repudiatiouist the Populist and the idler. The principal feature of the late platform is an attack on the war policy of the present admin- iatrntion, an issue which will prove by far less popular Until the 10 to 1 fatiati uism. The contents of the Kansas City platform demonstrate to the people of the United States in a more precise manner than ever that Democracy has but one purpose that of opposing the Republican party on all National ques tions, be they good, bad or indifferent It oilers nothing new ; merely attacking the policies of the party in power. Mr, Bryan's overwhelming defeat four years ago will as certainly be repeated as the day comes for the casting of the ballots. Four years ago everything on every hand was unsettled and uncertain, but today the people and the country are prosperous and on this point no score can be recorded for Democracy or Den ocratic principle, and on matters relat ing to wars and their results Mr. Bryan will find that the side he has chosen to uphold is quite as unpopular and in correct as bis wild theories of the his toric campaign of four years ago. Tug population of the United States has increased 100 per cent in the last thirty years. There has in that time, however, been an increase of only CO per cent in onr yearly imports of foreign goods. To the mind which cannot stand an "intellectual strain" this would look as though the American people were consuming less per capita in 1900 than they did in 1870. But there is not an intelligent person in the country who does not know that such is not the case, who does not know that never before have the American people bad so many luxuries ; that never before has the standard of living been so high. It is plain, therefore, that the American jieople are consuming more per capita than they ever did before. The explan ation is that they are consuming a much larger percentage oi nome maae pro ducts, that they have more than made up the decrease in the percentage of American products consumed. It means that under our Protective policy the American people have taken possession of the American market to a constantly increasing degree. It means that Amer ican labor is producing the goods con sumed by the American people and that the wages paid for the production of the articles which are need by the American people are being paid to Americans. ANNUA!. HTATEMENT. Clerk's Hhowlujr of the Financial Condition of the County, Pt. Hm.im, Or., July 1, 1000, To the Honorable County Court of the Mateot lirojroii. lor Columbia Count I, J. O. Watts, County Clerk of theabov'e- nmmM county. Hereby submit the lol lowing report of the condition of the County, as to amount of warrants drawn during the year from July 1st, iwu, to j u iv isi, iwu, amount oi prt cipalaml interest pant, and th amount of warrant outstanding and unpaid on ine ist uay oi juiy, tuw: Amount o( warrants issued on Suite road fund ... 120 00 Amount oi warrants on otute road fund paid ' 120 00 Amount of warrant Issued on Countv road fund 2 271 60 Amount of Countv road war rants paid 2 222 7 Amount issued and not paid 43 81 Amount of general fund war rants outstanding and, Un ix id July 1st. 181M) 25 943 49 Amount of warrants issued oa general fund from July 1st, 1S99, to July 1st, 1900 20 775 18 Amount of interest accrued on warrants paid from July 1st, 1899, to July 1st, 1900 46 718 67 S 123 3: (48 811 m Amount 01 warrants on jener- i i i i . . . ai mmi principal ana inter est paid from July 1st. 1890, to July 1st, 1900 29 131 25 Outstanding nnnaid warrants on general fund July 1, WW $19 710 74 Summary. Outstanding unpaid warrants on general tuna July 1st, 1900 19 710 74 Outstanding nnpaul warrants on County road luud 48 81 Total amount nnpaid warrants JUiy 1st, mi) $19 759 05 Itrsourcea. Amount in hands of Treasurer to pay advertised County warrants I 2 139 93 Amount in nanus oi t reasurer to pay warrants not adver tised 677 94 Amount of County road fund on band 2 530 Amount of liens on land held by County for taxes 13 920 00 Amount oi delinquent taxes. . 9 054 28 Total resources in cash and taxes $28 342 Kesources over liabilities... 8 543 40 1st our last issue was published an article purporting to voice the sentiment of the Fish Commissioner relative to shortening the fibbing season on the Columbia Kiver. as a necessary means for the protection of the salmon fishing Industry. It is evideut enough that some sure means should be adopted, but the method proposed is far short of being the proper one. The salmon in dustry has been the means of va6t for tunes being amassed, besides the an nual distribution among the laboring class of hundreds of thousands of dol lars, and today the enormity of the in dustry may well have been greater than ever before, instead of as it is, border ing closely on the verge of almost com plete extinction of the Chinook Balnion. Legislation, touching the salmon indus try, in both Oregon and Washington has been particularly favorable to men of large means and quite unfavorable -to the class of men who earn and dis tribute vast sums of money each year by the process of gilinet fishing. Traps sua seines have been pctmitted to operate, greatly to the disadvantage of the gilinet fishermen, and almost wholly to the ruination of the industry, by scooping thousands of tons of fish from the witter in a few week's time. By tins method tlie money made is cen tralized and hoarded by a few individ uals, where, upon the other hand, had the use of those methods been prohib ited, the gilinet fishermen would have farned and spent millions of dollars, mid today instead of it being necessary to adopt means for restocking the waters w ith fish and for their future and pres ent protection, tiie quantity of fish would have been almost equal to that of any period in, the history of the industry. The proposition to shorten the fishing season to two months, in order to save thu industry, ie not nearly so practicable or important as the abol ition of the trap or seine, nnd if Com missioner Kevd desires to recommend to the Legislature an outliuc of laws calculated to preserve the industry be had far better make the use of traps and seines illegal than to recommend DO YOU KNOW? That the condition of the State treas ury indicates almost anything but bank ruptcy? On the first of the present month there was $1,080,944.01 on hand. The increase in funds since the first of the year is $329,627.58. That if weather conditions were con sidered there has been little to impress njion people that summer is at hand? But the callendar says so. Notwith standing weather conditions people are preparing to go to the coast to spend the season there, presuming that some of these fine days it will be unduly hot in this section of Ood's footstool. That the age of man, we are told, is three score years and ten 7 From 25 to 40, if the health be good, no material al teration is observed. From thence to 50 the change is greater. Fifty-five to 60 the alteration startles ; still we are not bowed down. In the earliest Deriods of our life the body strengthens and keeps up the mind; in the latter stages of it ine reverse takes place, and the mind keeps up the body ; a formidable duty this, and keenly felt by both. However, such is the progress of Time. That a propeller steamer is beine con- i structed at Portland to run between that city and ltaimer? The frame is of bent oak style, the first of that kind to be constructed in this state. She will be 124 feet in length, will have 19 feet beam ana six leet six inches depth of hold Her engines will be of the Well's bal ancea compound pattern, and are now under construction in hew V ork City, She will be equipped with 12 and 24 inch cylinders with lft-inch stroke. Her boilers are to be of the Dp new natent and are being construced at the Willara amettelron Works. It is confidently expected that tiie steamer will make 15 miles an liour. Captain Hooghkirk will have charge of the new boat, which will lie out as soon as it is possible for me- cimuics to get ner reaoy. White Jlan Turned Ifellaur. Great consternation was felt by the menus oi m. a. llogarty, oi Islington, Ky.. when they saw he was turn ing yellow. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered ter ribly. His malady was yellow jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try .Electric Bitters, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, and he writes: "Alter taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all stomach, liver ami Eiuney troubles. Unly 60 cents. Sold nt the St. Helens Pharmacy. Amount of fees collected by the Clerk and paid to the Treasurer from July 1, 1899, to July 1st, 1900 , 2 504 25 Amount of redemption col lected by the Clerk and paid to Treasurer from Julv 1st, loW, to July 1st, 1900 4 378 45 Respectfully submitted, J. G. V?ATTtt, County Clerk, Ban This Strike tin? Muddy Complexions and Nauseating Breath fromchronicconstipation. Karl's Clover Koot Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an abso lute guarantee. Price '25 els. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin K nes. So boo I Report." Following is the report of theGoble vcnooi lor me month ending June 29: .Number of days taught 16 Number of days attendance .-.306 Number of days absence 67 Number of times tardy , g Number of boys enrolled ....... 15 Number of girls enrolled '., 13 Total number enrolled 28 Average number belonging , . 24 Average daily attendance 20 Those neither absent nor tardy dur ing the mouth were: Oscar Hunter. the shortening of the season. The root ! ihoma Hunter. Mabel Foste of the evil must first be gotten at, and ! Sf llie Wise' E'I8ar . i.,.i;..., ; ... i.,. .. m i .. i ""Mr. that tho thousands of tons of tith taken annually by means referred to bus been the greatest menace, in fact, the direct cause of the almost entire destruction of the greatest industry the Pacific Coast w as ever blessed with. , Pearl Fowler V isitors during the month were Mr. Copeland, Superintendent, and Mr. Abie Link. Lizie Wkti,b, Teacher. For Kale. One No. 13 Freeman feed cutter and ! 1 Horsepower sweep, $75.00 Oak (iBovE CBKAMiiHY, Scappoose. CIRCUIT COURT. Judge McBride convened an adjourned term of Circuit Court here on Monday, when the following matters were heard and disposed of: Kinehatu vs. Burney et al: decree of foreclosure. J. Shearer vs. Mead et al ; default. A. Kubler vs. F. G. Porter et al : de fault, and attorney fee of 1100 allowed. and decree of foreclosure. H. and G. E. Tvscikiewicz vs. II. B. Nicholas: set for argument and tilimr of brief Monday, August 6th. Mary C. Hill vs. James Low et al : de murrer overruled and given until Aug ust 6th to answer. Michael Picrter vs. Win. Mellintrcr: order of confirmation of sale. L. O. Baxter vs. M. West; dismissed. Bryant vs. Conyers: set for trial Aut- usi oiu. A Card of Thanka. I wish to say that I feel under lastin obligations for what Chamberlain Cough Remedy has done for our family We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cougu, aim it nas always given tne most perim eatisiaction, and we teel greatly indebted to the manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to please accept our nearly tnanas. Kespectiuuy, Mas 3. Doty, Des Moines, Iowa. For sale at the bt. Helens Pharmacy. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some, heavy boxes. The doc tor I called on said at first it was slight strain and would soon be well but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to drng store and the druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a fifty-cent bottle curea me entirely. 1 now recommend it to all my friends. F. A. Babcock Erie, Pa. It is for sale at the St. Hel ens Pharmacy. It Naved Hla Lcf. P. A. Dan forth, of LaGrange, Ga.. suffered for six months with a friirlitfn running sore on his leg; but writes that Bucklen'a Arnica Salve wholly cured it in nve days, ior ulcers, wounds, piles, it's tho best salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cents. Sold at wie bt. Helens Pharmacy. Urt. JAP8 AS DAIRY II AN DM. Uilk Rancher Cannot Gat White Men Helper. II. It. Clark, who is mnnlns; a large ranch at Warren, on tl N.irtWn t. ciiio hall road, twenty miles from Port land, says lis has been forced to employ Japanese on aocouut of the scarcity o"f ui mii, aim ne nnus in at a good, smart Jap is superior to many ot the "cultus" specimens of the Caucasian raca. 'I hava now ten of th littla nrown loilows on my place," he said yesterday, "and I keep thorn busy in i-ivaiiiiK ianu ana oomg ine general work of tb farm and dairy. V.m al. ways know where to find them and they re not continually itching to got off iv ouine umer pan oi tne country, whore wages are said to be higher and nour snorter. They are willing to tearn. and are cheerful in their work, and do not Kt into a nout whan f.inml fault With, like a Chlnaaa I I have worked Chinese and found them very apt to get hutly and when they get the sulks it's almost impossible to do a tiling wiin litem, -Mr. Clark has found 11 an .llrtlo.ilt obtain white milkers that lm ha. (. cided to teach the Japs the art ol milk ing, ana two oi them are now quite expert in assisting in the twice-a-day "nalins" the llftv-riva row Tlx .!. already up in the new art are very proud , of their new accomplishment, and seem anxious to educate the rest of tneir countrymen in the business. The cream senaratad fron. thn millt nf the cows on the ranch has heretofore h.!) rliNIlrta,w1 In lwtll I. mlA j. ...... ... v. au - ... .in . v. , oaivi, but when the new creamery now being finished at Warren gets into operation, the Cream will ha llllrnul Intn hnttnr there. Thi new creamery bnildintf has been erected at a cost of iitKM) and th machinery will require $1600 more. tne plant will be capable of making butter from the cream of K00 nl Mr. Clark hone to be milkinv K of , " n . ..ran ueiore many momns, as tne lanre acreage in connection with the W. C. Noon dairy ia beinor ranldlv eWi-ivl ami planted to clover with the aid of the Japs. The new creamery will be in operation by October. No more calves will ha anlrl n(T tM dairy, he says, as preparation will be made to keep them until they mature and then sell the steers for beef. He think that portion of Columbia t tallntv an ideal locality for adair ran-h Mnn. day Oregonian. o resort In the city of St. Ilel- .j en I nesr a popular as the gswwtw 5 VT 8 i BANQUET. Only the very best brand of im ported and domestic, fine wines, liquor and cigar kept iu stock. CYRUS NOBLE WHISKEY Pool and card table for tb en tertainment of patron. f uee ne wmrfter, ED HILLSBRRRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used In wash ing and cleansing the laco, r-H Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual price (or work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, 8T. HELENS Would Not Baffer So Again for Fifty Time It Prtoe. I awoke last night with severe nalns in my stomach. I never felt so badly in II my life. When I came down to work this morning I felt so weak I con 1.1 ardly work. I wont to Miller & Mo- urdv's drug store and they recom mended Chamberlain' Colic. Chulera nd Diarrhoea 11nilv. It nrka.l like magic and one dose fixed me all riirlit. It certainly is the finest thin I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in mv home hi.rrofir for I should not care to endnra tha nl. feringsof last night again for fifty time its price. U. H. Wilson, Livervmmi, tmnrettctown. Waaliinirton Co.. Pa. Thia remedy is for sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy. hki'hen. ' James McNaushton foreman at Hmith Itros. li-KL'imr cauiD. on the Coweunian. and his wife are visiting friends in ijotile this week. Day & Bell, of the Goble 4 Nehalem ailroad, have located their first camn one-nun mue west oi nere. rney have ten men at work putting up mess and nunk bouses. The new officers of the Red Men for e ensuing term are: U. A. Makinster. i c. . rowier, s. n,; tv. Hunter. J. ; H. M. Fowler, P. ; F. W. Makinster, oi a. , i. i;. rowier, fc., ot w . M 4 M 4 4 aiW rfV fc aWa V FOB FOKT1.4N0, DAILY. -TIAMBH- "America" Willamett Slough Route r Leave St. Helen . . . . fl :S0 A M Arrive at Portland. 10:30 A M Leave Portland 2:30 HM Arrive at t. Helen. 8:00 P M r AKK CEITI a. Will Carry Nothin but Passen gsrs and Fast Freight. W4 JASIKN WOOD, Maatar. ?4 J- m THE NEW YORK STORE SUMMER SHIRTS Ofl Ptc l?0flh THREE FOR 69C, VJIO. Mill. Summer Clothing at Greatly Reduced Prices Cooper ItuiMing, Main Street, ST. HELENS, OREGON JOHNSON & BUFZGDORFE.R BR08 r:,,;,,i.r;,, w...v.,.,,,,,.,,1,;I,i.,, n r.M,., o Manufacturer of ami Dralare In-e ...All Kinds of Rough end Dressed Lumber... riaerlnf... lliiaile ...C'cllliif ...Dlmanslen Lumber. bOAPFOOH1, - QOOD NOAD TO THI mii i Mill on aMh ford of H.i)iWMti urm k (, , l.iiiuln-r iliOHBi-fil al Hi ,.MMn M.ii,m , V. ansa tlaliuu, ita ' At - OKICOON J itfi!fnfnrnfnfitrm!tr!Tri!f!!Fnf!?fitr!frnf!?rHfnfnfnfnfnf! The Weekly Oregonian it'J aojHitiittf A14 tNattt a fM CONTAINS All the new well written. Article dwcrltiliiK Western kkucs and inoldent. 8Uiriol love and adventure by well kuown author. Itrllliant illuslratlnn by newnater artist Intereatiiiir .ketches and literature for bolt and girls. Fasliiou article and illustrations (or women. o. r. a co. 1AT Pl.ANK'. In thia cltr, Satnrdar. Julv 7ih. lw. v w wit. u, 4. i. .-laua, a uauguier. W ATBOUS.-At Columbia Cltr, Oreaon, Julv 11 ... vmv wihvi nitrvu, UsVUgnwtf. At Hmilton, Oirirnn, July 10. to the maw rmnm unr, uauffuier. yT ' ''mM DISEASE Karl's Clover Root Tea mJA"!' V1 Complfiton, p.JrMa tha ii iv . ". !K in. Cure. Cm- i-i ""'i- A" r'll l-aiatlva Nrv onic. bold on ahuoluta Kuarantaa by all druwlBl. Rt 26c, 60c. and 1.00. 8. c. wells 4 co., Lrnov, n. v. aoi ra-rirroaa Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent ctire of tetter, salt rheoin and eczema, Cham berlaio' Eye and Hkln Ointment U wunoni an equal, it relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and ita continued ne effects a permanent cure. It also cure Itch, barter itch, cald bead, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic ore eyes and granulated lid. Dr. CmUt CondlUoa Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood pnrifier andyermifuge. Price, 25 cenU. Bold by Dr. Edwin Ross. PROFESSIONAL. DR. E. ROSS, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREOOX. OhtraifO lnlnJ Stxwlal 9 11a ta. Atlanlla l-;x(ra DO .. m. fipokan Kljfer ' 4 Ul p. m. Time SCHEDULES Kali l ake, Deliver, Fl. Ctly, i. Utuit, Chlcunuanil Euk Ball Ukc, Drnrcr. Ft: Worth, Omaha, Kan- U. Kt LnilU. i;iliiio anil aal. ( p. m. Itllv hx Sun lay S p. m. Haiiirtlar 10 p. in. a.m. Ex. Similar 7 a. m. TiKM.Thar. aud Sat. Walla Walla. Utrlt b'U, 8Dokao, iltlin rxiu. I'aul, imluih, !Ullwaiik, Chlcafo ailj aat. Ocaan BUam.hlp.. All Mlllng 4am .ub- jm'l to rhaiitf. For Han FranrlKn Mail every llvailay.. Columbia flv.r Sleamara. To Altnria and War laudtaga. Wlllamatta Rlvar. Divsoo Ctly, Nrwhcra, Hutu Wajr-tasil ga Akrivs 4 p.m. J. 00 a. oi. Ml. Bl. 4 p. Bl. Ex 4 p. m. Sunday 4-30 p. in. Ks.Mumlar iQUR CLUBBING OFFER : We bay perfected arraiiKoment whereby we ar enabled to fur Z nish The Weekly Ormrouian in contiection with Tim Mit for : only Two Dollar. The price of The Oregonian alone t H.60. THE OREGON MIST liUiiliUiUiUiUaU4iUiUiUiUiUmiU4U.iUiUU4m I How About Your Title? 5 a VOIl Hi' UK ft 1. u ,Khtt Rtui.mhcr that It I th n KKl "'"I""" (txarna. It la our buainiw. to aranh Hi. v'.ihiv anu wnnw wual inmr roilMJll in rvlallnll In land m land or luauins hiiiiut oa real ttllM. II you ooulamiilaia buvln lata aMiirUr, un ro.ir. uM. bin lnM tin know In. ahai Hie record & fi-nar.llii, ihc 1 1 1 la. Aa Abairasl laaa Manual m adnxt. Inat.toa hat lh. I. Ha tiara ttva oult aal ol al-lr.cl lMka In th rauulr, All work pmiuitlycutwl and aaliafaotlnn KuaratmxMi. II ou hut. minv to Inaiiraaitcuaa call, ttaat. aurui. h ihn l.l lira lii.uranre rompaiilo. la Ilia world. II mu hav pniwrtr lur aal ll.i It with u. and w will Sud a burer. COLE QUICK. mam Jfreef sr. HUMS. OHB00H l5 Mock ol cued rat iit tl.MNUMl.00 l I0.UC0 M ktur ft. m. Tain Thur. and Hat. I.y. Rl parte a:aoa. nt. daily Wlllamalla and Yam hill Rlvara. Oreitoa City, barton, and Wajr-laudiuia. WUIamatla Rlvar. Portland tn Corvallli and Wajr-landinga. naka River. Klparla to Iwlaton. 30n m. MD wd. and Fri, 4 0p m. Mun. Wed. aud Fri. I.T tw'ton dally at 00 a.m. VT. H. HURLBERT, General Pauenaer Arent, PORTLAKD ORKUON Jl STORIA & COLUMBIA RIYER 11 RAILROAD COMPANY. BEAD DOWN DR. H.R. CLIFF, Physician and Surgeon BT. HELENS, OREGON. DR.J.E.HALL, Physician and Surgeon CLATdKANIE, OREGON. W. BAY W. B. BILI.ARU DILLARD & DAY, iTTORNEYS-AT-LA W Offipe next door to Cnurthouae, OT. HKI.KNS, OKEtiyN. General nraetlpa In f-ntirta of Ormmii m Vuh. llltrton. Abatracla made dlractlv from nhhiiv record.. 24 Hat. on- ir. -ill r"i i-.m :47i 4:(! 4:0 4:H 4:221 4,-'i (: 1 4:S7! 9 !17 5 :17 10 00 4 as. io ox 6:; 10 20 l 10 SUl DAILY. r. n. t M S U5 S 20 S SS S 44 S .V) S M i OH 22 a. u. s no a 06 Is 1 40 no 10 00 . 10 10 M io 21 n:t 10 Ml '7S.7 11 Oi Ml (I H 10 DO.S 11 ?i vn.4l .0 4.VH, MS M.Sl, r9. i TATIONS I.T Portland Ar .. (iiibla .... . Rainier . . . . Pyramid... .. MayK.r.... . Uuim-f .... Clatnkanle.. Marahlaiul.. Weatmirt .... .. Ctillon.... ..Knappa.,., . HvenMin.... John !ay.. llL?? ?JA ti A jlnrta JLy j asaocr DAILY. 31 H A. M. rTT. 11 10 40 10 0 (86 W S 20 IV. 00 SO 7 64 20 7 46 12 7 Wl 02 7 2K S ta 7 17 S 7 7 02 S 17 42 8 07 S D2 7 66 20 7 41V 6 10 lit likliw. I- v J a :,,'T .. u'i''T " A W own and occupy th lallart mercaatlla tnilldln in tha world. We hare ever ,eoa,aio cuatomara. Bitiaaa hundred elerka ar eaomnlly an.a.d flllln eut-of-towa aiders. OUR OINBRAL CATALOOUI I. th book of Ih. popl.-tt quote. Wholeaal Price, ta r.yerybody. haa aver l.aoe pa ea, iS.uae lUiiatratleo., and 60,000 deacriplion. of arllt lee with price.. It coat. y. ceel. to print and mail eacbeopy. W. want you to hae an. ICND PIPTKKN CENTS ta .bow your food raiih. nd w.'ll .end you a copy PRICK, with all chart, e. prepaid. jNivnivv H'wit i nniiu w vvi CHIOitvO All train, make rtnaa ronnerllon. at tlohle wiin noniiarn racmo train, to and from the Eaet and Sound luiiula. At Portland with all train, levins Union depot; At Artorla with I. K. A . Co.'.boat and rail line to and from II waco aud North ileach polnta. Paaaenrer. for A .tori a or way point, mini fla trolna at Hotilton. Train, will .top to let na aenirei. off at Hun 'Ion when mm Inn from uolnU we.t of (hibl. J. Maya, Hen. Paa..Ait., A.torla, Or fo ladies furniture is coiupleta without a new light-running glNGER If you buy a sewing-machine why not get the best. Sold on easy term without interest. WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA RIVKR AND PDQET HOUND MAVIOATION CO. POETLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. j C, P. LOONEY, Agent Aatoria . - Oregon. fnntiliie Foot of Aider Street, Portlutnl. c ; iR.Trf a worm nnriy ixrpi nunoMy, v, Iav Horiland dally (ei(eutKurt!ay)m7 A. M e nttvii, Axtorii M. Hnilev (ialr.ert tldkel. KOod on atcainer Htifanlo. Hcouiiicr Hu.xaio licki-te (foml on lliiiiey GaUt-rt. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. Brinn Brothers CAFE iT. HELENS, - - - 0BEG0N, NEW PLACE. If you want eomethln good In th line ol whlaky try SHAW'S MALT -Ouly the beat of- Lianors and Citiars Kept in Stock 0 OPEN PROM S 4 12 O'OLOOK Ml A. M. TO IDMIQHT. W ser! r The CRUI ;, II. WEU.INaTON, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars 1. H. Cultor. M.irnoll., Old Caatle, anil Wav.ily Cluh. Ml-: EM I Famoui Hop Oold, and Kiport Beer, CIUAHHI Henry th Pourth, and Wlrnlwr Honas. NEXT TO THE HOTiX, bT. HELENS, : I OREUON. Card table, and other rlerlo. for p- time. New.iaper. and peronioau, fjjpp aji ay 0 ajjp ay fi-y. aji iy ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Portland and Kelso Route via Columbia River STEAMER G. W. SHAVER DELL SHAVER, MaBtor. Will leave Portland, foot of Washing ton street, each Sunday, Tuesday ami Thurmlity afternoon at 5 o'cilork. lie turning, leave Clntskanie each Monday, WodiH'sdiiy and Friday afternoon at o'clock, Hue permitting. The company roanrvon Hi. HkIi loclmniie time wlllioiitnotli. Shaver Transoortaiion Comnany.