OREGON MIST. ihiim sveitv raiBAf nouKiiu -- Dtrio mm. mtf ipnue. SXiawcrl ?" Hatm. o mfr rr advano HO Of ' UttMMIt'H"iV aaawn upon sppilcallon COLUMBIA C'ODSTY, DIKECTORY. CC!TV 01CKKJ. Joerpb B trtn, Rainier Jl , .CleSS. ............ IMrif Treurr. Cant. a School fturvevor........ eOoroaer eCommlasiooar I j. i, wen. Ht. HeIIS , X. Hire. St. Helen K. IU, t. Helen .1. H- CoiwlM.1. Hnalloo Martin While. St. Helen , A. B l ittle. llmilmo ...I)r H. R t llft. St Helen v. p. a. Fr,t-pp. ...,...... i. I'etem, mm JCIY 0, 1100. OFttCIAL COUNTY PAPER. TBi BUBOEJf OF LOW IHTSHST. In the ordinary itrioj round the circle one quite unconsciously become the observer of many rery pecnlur phaeee of life, end in oar daily walks we approach dangerously close to the hreehold of human peculiarities which nearly baiBe oor understanding. At firtt impulse we are inclined to regard the freaks of nature aa being inconsist ent, bat the olt repeated occurrence ia finally looked upon aa just a "happen stance," unattended by sound mind or care for loyalty "to principle. But for f -ar we will preface bur idea at too f reat length, we will sUte quickly a few line of former thought which has prompted these remarks. It require bat a very abort journey on the back track of oar memory until we are con fronted with the conditions of finance, public and prirate, which we were asso ciated with at that time. Four years ago a tremendous hue and cry wae raised by considerable number of the popula tion of this good County of oars, that interest on debt, of both public and private nature, was excruciatingly bur densome. That was during a period when County script fetched the holder about 83 cents on the dollar, and the County was paying about SO per centum in tercet on its outstanding debt. , Be monstrancee were honestly enough made, bat conservative people were sat in fled with the confidence they felt in the termination of coming events to re lieve the County and its inhabitants from the burden it was struggling under. From these complaining persona no good remedy w suggested, and time has demonstrated more completely the conservatism of the conservative ele ment. Too high interest wae the all time, never-ceasing wail until the legis lature at its last session, lowered the legal rate and the County management has been each aa to reduce the debt to such degree that purchasers of script re inclined to complain that tbe in vestment ia a poor one and offers but little inducement to the man with cap ital. The strange part of tbis very peculiar condition of thing lies in tbe fact that not to exceed two miles from the County Beat of this County reside a man, who for several years was one of tbe loudest croakers against high interest, and who, although a loud and persistent advocate of free silver, his pocket are aden with gold coins, which he turns and tarns again at quick intervals by the investment in County script, and although apparently forgetting bis wail of high interest, he condemns tbe policy and action that has cut off his interest on script. And that is good Populist consistency. His pocketbook is touched, which is further and more Convincing proof of the old saying that "tbe surest way to reach a man's heart ia through bis stomach." Jt has just been stated and widely published tbat tbe State of Kansas has bat one inmate at the State poor farm. Poverty seems to be tbe one thing which does not thrive in Kansas tbis year. Kansas is chiefly an agri cultural State, and it people are now in position to give strong testimony to tbe fact, which has been proved over and over again in tbe past, tbat when American industrial interest prosper, when American factories are running with a full complement of hands, as they have been running under the Ping ley law, as they have always run when we have had a protective tariff, tbe farm keep along step for step with tbe fac tories in the onward prosperous move ment Tbe factory workers have to be fed, and when they are prosperous the farmer who supply tbem with food are prosperous. Experience bas justi fied reason in proving that the protec tive tariff i quite as much for the advantage of the farmer as for that of the manufacturer. Oklahoma want statehood for the following reasons;' The territory covers 38,716 square mile and exceeds in total area the Btalea of Vermont., New Hamp shire, Massachusetts, Kliode Island, )lew Jersey and Delaware. It has 700 mile of railroad and 4C0 miles under construction, Last year Oklahoma pro duced more than 25,000,000 bushels of Wheat and more than 150,000 bales of cotton. The corn, oats and fruit crop, together with tbe cattle and hogs raised were of far greater value than the com bined wheat and cotton crop. The en rollment of the school children in 1810 waa 101,474 in 1806 school districts, a larger notnlier lhau has either of fifteen other Stat in the Union. The schools bave most liberal appropriations of land from which the revenues are now in exeee of fiV0,W0 each year. The terri tory maintains a university, two normal schools and an agricultural college. Thi statement U made that there are 200,000 miles of railroaJs in thia coun try and not exceeding 20,000 miles of good ordinary roada. Tbis suggests a wide field for improvement. A great many more people use the ordinary than the railroads. Considered from an economic viewpoint, the iocs sustained by the country on account oi bad roads ia incalculable. It amounts annually to multiplied millions. Considered from the standpoint of civilization no coun try that is progressive csn afford to neglect ita ordinary public highway. The time has come when the good roads movement should receive universal aid and encouragement. It ia of a great deal more importance now than new railroads. There are railroads needed and they will be constructed ; but the necessity for good ordinary rods is greater. OREGON'S T1MBKK Sl'PFlYT. Mlcbtcan Man Say It Will Last for Half at Century. "The banks of the Columbia will be alive with sawmills between Cortland and the mouth of the river before ten vear," said A. J. Harvey, of (Saginaw, 'Mich., a few days ago. Mr. Harvey ia a sawmill constructor, and was here in the West in the interest of C. K. Eddy A Co., prominent lumber manufacturer of Saginaw, who have obtained title to 10,(XH acre of timber lands in Oregon. The firm is winding up it sawmill in terests in Michigan, on account of the depletion oi the forests, and will pro ceed to erect a mill Just below Astoria in tbe near future. The proposed plant, Mr. Harvey said, would have a capscilv of 100,000 feet in ten hours, and will employ a large force of men about the mill and in the woods. Among the Michigan firm wbo wilt soon erect saw mills in Oregon are Bliss k Alger, of Saginaw, he said, and this firm has now four men in Oregon forest purchasing timber lands. He thinks the timber resources of Oregon and Washington will not be exhausted for sixtv years, even though mills multiply and modern methods of logging and sawing prevail. "Michigan timber ha lasted forty years," he said, "and the supply was never so heavy as it ia here. Lumber ing, therefore, will be the leading indus try here for tbe next half-century, and the product will rind it way to the At lantic seaboard via the Nicaragua canal within a few years. Tbe railroads will probably reduce . their rate on lum ber before the canal is built, and tbis will eive us a clear field in all the States east of tbe Rocky mountains. In the meantime, our lumber exports to Asi atic porta will constantly increase, as civilisation spread over China, Japan and biberia." FISHJfclltM EBi ' LICENSES. Tf aa Intended to Shot Out Jape and Chinese Fisherman. The "kick" of the fishermen against individual licenses is generally recog nized a unjuet aa well aa unconstitu tional, l he history of bow that clause got into the joint fish law of the two States puts it in a different light than understood by mauy. 1 he nsheruien ol I'd get Sound are reponsible for it and joint legislation could not have been secured without its incorporation in the bill. Tbey then feared the inroad of the Japanese or even possibly tbe Chi nese into the Dupiness. ly demanding tbat every individual connected with tbe fishing industry should bave to make an aindavit that be was a citizen of the United State and also of the State in which the license was taken out, it would prevent Jape, Chinese and other foreigners from competing with resident fishermen. The Columbia river fishermen at the time agreed to the clause of the bill in bope that it would bave tbe effect of keeping out the annual emigration to Astoria of tbe Cal ifornia fishermen. The law has not had the desired effect a the Japs are gradually working their way into the fishing industry of I'uget Bound and the California fishermen come and get a license as usual. SECOND HOMESTEAD ENTRIKH. Revlalon of tbe Homestead Laws Gives Tbat Privilege. The following bill granting settler the right to make second homeatead entries has been passed by the Henate. Tbat any person who, prior to the passing of una act uaving iuu a iiuiiieuwinu entry, but for any cause lost or forfeited the game, or for any reason failed to perfect or secure title in fee simple to the land embraced therein, or wbo, having per fected or secured such title, did so by what is known a the commutation of bis homestead entry under section 2301, United State Beviaed Statutes, may make homestead of not exceeding one quarter section of any of the public lands in any Mate or .territory subject to such entry. Section 3' That any person desiring to make another entry under this act will be required to make affidavit, to be transmitted with the other filing paper now required by law. giving the de scription of tbe tract formerly entered, date and number of entry, and name of the land office where made, or other sufficient data to admit of readily iden tifying it on the official records. Section 3. That on the proper show ing being made by any qualified ap plicant under this act. to the satisfac tion of the register and receiver, that his former entry ha been lost or for feited for any cause, and that he has not perfected or secured title thereto under the homestead law, or who, hav ing perfected title thereto, did so under section 2.501 of the United States Re vised Statutes, and having all other proper qualifications of a homestead entryman, the register and receiver will, without further showing, on payment of the usual fee and commissions, allow his said application and make his entry of record. many a Lover Has turned with diegust from an other wine lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its action on the bowels, etc., as nothing ele will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts, and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Bos. A Card of Thanks. I wish to sav tbat I feel under lasting obligations for what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our family. We have UBed it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it ha always given the inont perfect satisfaction, and we feel greatly indebted to the manufacturer of this remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mas. 8. Doty, ! Moines, Iowa, Jr'orsulo at the St. Helen Pharmacy. JtOVl.NH TVnEKCUIiOHlS. Care of the Dairy Herd May Largely Prevent the DUea.ee, Dairying appears to be attracting the attention of quit a uutuWr of Uiioers in Oregon, and by the establishment of a large number of cieamerie and cheese factories in tome parts of the State the past year the industry is making good progress. There is one feature connected with dairying which nerds attention, that of tuberculosis in dairv rattle. The office of lairy and FrJ Commissioner i a move in the right direction if it were filled by a per son who was a specialist and could de termine whether cattle were infected with tuberculowis. and who should have an assistant in each County. We be lieve the next State legislature should make come provision to ascertain defi nitely the health condition of the dairy cattle of Oregon, for it is only by the most rigid inspection that this infectious dipeam) of tuberculosis can be eradicated in dairy herd. That the disease exists to some extent in the cattle herds of Oregon will be vouched for where the (iovernmenc tuepeetor mate a inoei thorough examination at slaughter of all stock before it is killed, and the vital rarta w hen the carcase hi being dressed, r it is no uncommon sight to see a bettf condemned as unfit fur human food and consigned to the tank to make fer tilizer. We understand that Oregon cattle are not infected with tuberculoids nearly as much as the rattle and dairy herds" in California. Take a dairy County like Tillamook, with perhaps no lews than 12,(100 head ol cattle, and there ia no provision made to eradicate the diwaee or to know where tuberculo sis exii. iHtiryinen can do much by keeping their barns in a healthy condi tion and with plenty of ventilation, for this is a good preventative for stock not iniected with the disease. The medical nroft-seion trace many diseases of child hood to the unsuspecting cow, and the yearly mortality ia variously estimated in alt targe cities, traceable to the dis tribution of tubercular infected pro ducts. It is not only iu milk, but in meat, that the germs of tuberculosis may be taken into the system and the person become a victim of consumption, therefore a law cannot bo made too stringent in condemning rattle and de stroying meat infected with tuberculosa. -Tillamook Headlight. Three Timely Ileclpes. The following recipe will be found easy to prepare and extremely pleasing to the taste : CHEBSr SHSKBET. To make cherry sherbet take two quart of cherries and one quart of water, stew for fifteen minutes, then strain through a cloth. Add one pound of ansar and juice of four lemons, when cold, partly freeze, beat the whites of four eggs stiff, mix together and finish freezing. , pmtArri.a let. Dissolve one tablespoonful of gelatine in half a pint of warm water, add one pound of sugar and three pints of water. one teacupful of shredded pineapple and Juice of six lemons, blir together and freeze. BTHlWnCRBV ICt CK8AM. Two quart of sweet cream, one quart of milk, one pound of sugar. Mix to gether and partly treeze, then add one quart of berries crushed with one cup of sugar and finish freezing. W it a MlracleY "The marvelous cure of Mrs. Rena J. tense excitement in Cammack, Iud.," write Marion Stuart, a leading druggirt of Muncie, Ind. She only weighed 00 pounds when her doctor in lorxtown said she must soon die. Then she began to use Pr. King's New Discovery and gained 37 pounds in weight and was completely cured." It has cured thous ands of hopeless cases, and ia positively guaranteed to cure ail throat, chest and lung disease. 00 cants and $1. Trial bottles free at the et. Helen I'hannacy. White 31 Tsracs Yellow. Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty, of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turn ing yellow. His skin slowly changed color, alo his eyes, and he suffered ter ribly. Iliarua)ady was yellow jaundice. He wa treated bv the beet doctor, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, and he writes: "After taking two bottles I wai wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all stomach, liver and kiduey troubles. Only 50 cents. Sold at the St. Helens Pharmacy. The Appetite of m Uoat Is envied by all whose stomach and liver are out of order. But such should know that Dr. King's Mew Life Fills give a splendid appetite, sound diges tion and a regular bodily habit that in sures perfect health and great energy. Only 25 cent at the St. Helens Phar macy. Tell tr sum. A Beautiful Complexion is an impossi bility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with good digestion, a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys, keeping them in perfect health. I'rice 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Roe. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doc tor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain's l'ain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a fifty-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends. F. A. Babcock, Erie, l'a. It ia for sale at the St. Hel en Pharmacy. f?n5hiIofis Couah and (jpnsumption uire This I beyond qnestlon th tnot stioeftful Courf) M edi ct n ever known to ciflc: a lew doses Invariably cure th wont cae ol Cough. Croup and Htonchitis, while its won derful ucces la the care of Consumption Is without a par allel tn the history of met loin. Hince Its first discovery It has been sold on a guarantee, a trie which no other medicine can stand. If yon bave a Cough, w earnestly ask you to try It. In United State and Canada c.. Mo. and f 1.00, and In Kngland Is. to., It. U. and 4.6d. sou PROPBirroBS ifS.C.WELLs&Cal W LEROV. N.Y. (li TORONTO, .can. m life FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. Wo a Id Not 8nr Ho A;aln for flftf Time It Price. I awok laat night with severe pain In my stomach. I never felt so badly in all my life. When 1 came down to work thi morning 1 felt s weak I rotild hardly work. I went to Miller A Mo- I'urdv's drtiir stiira and thov recom mended Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Iharrlioe Remedy, it worked like magic and one due fixed ui all right. It curtainly is the finest thing I ever nsed for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home bet rafter, (or I should not rare to euduro the suf fering oi laat night again for fifty time it price. O. if. Wilson. Livervmau. Hnrgettftown, Washington Co., l'a. This remedy u lor Mlo at the ft. Helens Pharmacy. ' It av4 HI a.. P. A. Dantorth, of LaGrange, G.. sutferad for ix month with a frightful running tore on his leg; but write that ftnckWo's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in five day, lor ulcers, wounds, pile, it' the best aalve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25 cent. Sold at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Paste Thi In yowr Hat. Beginning Sunday, June Stth, the Astoria k Columbia ltiver Railroad put into effect a train schedule by which rifsengers can leave Portland dailv at m a. m., arrive at Seaside at li :30 noon, remain at the beach until 6 p. ni., and reach Portland at V : I0 p. m. Yrora Astoria to the beach train will run daily at 8:1ft a. m. and U :35 a. m j leave Seaeide at 2 :30 p. tn. and 5 :00 p. in., connecting at Astoria with Portland train. Arrangement bare also been made with the 1. R. k N. Company fur daily boat to connect with the morniog train from Portland, leaving Astoria at 2:00 p. m., and making direct connec tion a llwaco with train for North Beach point. Also boat to leave llwaco in afternoon to conuect with evening train for Portland. Oa Kaow Consumptlon is preventablet Science ha proven that, and also that neglect i suicidal. The worst cold or cough can be cured with Shiloh's Cough and Con sumption Cure. Sold on a positive guarantee for over fifty year. Sold by Dr. Edwin R, r Jft.,sjflkji 1L HaiWVwtlVJ The CRUISER J. U. W ELLINGTON, Prop. Wines, Liquors and Cigars WHIBKIKS! J. II. Cutter, Mscnolla. Old Castle, and Wavrily Club. Bi:i:ki famous Hop Gold, and Export Br. ritui Henry the Fourth, and Windsor IIhUs. NEXT TO TIIK HOTEL, ST. HELENS, : : OKEUON'. i Card table and other ctevicn lor pa- Uin. Miwsinper and perouicaJ. W V Prr"8PrV V V V V " Skin Diseases. For the jpecdy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham -b?r1ain Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieve the itch ing and smarting almost Instantly and ita continned nue effect a permanent core. It also care itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic fore eye and granulated lid. Dr. fady'i Condition Powdar for horse are the beat tonic, blood tmrifipr and vermifuge. I'rice, 25 cnta. Bold by Ir. Edwin Rosa. PROFESSIONAL. DR. E.ROSS, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OBEGOS. DR. H.R. CLIFF. Physician and Surgeon 8T. HELENS, OBEGON. DR.J.E. HALL, Physician and Surgeon CLATeJKANIE, obegon. J. W. DAY W. B. DILLAKD DILLAKD & DAY, ATTORN E YS-dT-Ld W OSlce next door to Coarthou, ST. HKLKN8, OBKGON. ' Oeneral prartlf tn conrt of Oroaon or Waoh inntou. Abatrsct made directly from county record. ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP BA5COB8 AND CLEAJJ TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used in wash ing and cleansing the face. y Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual price for work. , DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS wsrnr t'OU POBTLAHO, DAILY. 9 H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H M STEAMER- "America" Willamett Slongh Route Leave fH. Helen. ... 0:30 A M Arrive at Portland. .10:30 A M Leave Portland 2:30 PM Arrive at Bt. Helen. 0:00 P M rnc 85 tl .1H. Will Carry Nolhfnir but Passen ger and Fast Freight. JalNliS UOOD, Master. H H H H H H H H H H H H Brinn Brothers CAFE i ST. VSLSSS, ... 0RSMX, NEW PLACE. If fou wmnt anmrthlnt jrood la th SHAW'S MALT )ulj U et of- Llinors tui Cisan Kept ia stock OPEN MOM 6 A. M. TO 12 O'OtOOK MIDNIGHT. 1 VOU ARC ALWAYS WCLOOMC OOO AT till QUEIl None but the best In both Imported and Domestic g A wine, liquor ana cigar. vj; .... V a a am a a a. . iii ant taltkJ awl TO l f U ! I V NIIUIL WUlVIkl K mi. - t V- in ceicurswu viiiiihiu i" S lktir always on draught. J CLOKIHGiH A WUITHtr. Prtp. No ladie furniture i complete without a new light-running ;j . a. 1 1 VJ IV S3 ft. ' I 1 1.1 a a wm S If yon buy a sewing-machine why (J. not get the bot. Sold on easy ! term without interest, S ' jj O. P. LOONET, Agent ; a Aatoritt - Or (ton. n. 0. R. & N. CO. BAN I dat Time SCHEDULES Chlraxo- Ball Iike, Denver .Ft. 4 p.m. tonlD4 Hurtli, mali.Ks- HtMinl m t'lly, t. toul. :tta,u. Clilcaao ana East. 8H like, lienver, Ft. 7:00 a. m. Atlantic Worth. Ouisha, kan Kxprea City. t. Uml, SOU p.m. Chicago auil tCaM. Wslla Walla. Lewie 8:10 a. n. llpxkan tn, Kpokane. Minn Flyer ent-lts, M. I'aul. OOp. m. tnlutli, Milwaukee, Chicago and Kast. 1 Ocan aieamshlps. . 8tl-m All allln dste sub- p" Jttl le change. For Han Frawiwo Hail every BUar. IllT Columbia mar 4 p. m. Kk.Hud.Isf t.am.r. Ki.AiBilay 5 p. m. Blur4F To Auria and Way- Iup.ni. taoaiUK. 6 a. m. Willamette l?ler. 4 so p. m. ex.BumiaF Orr.)MtT, Newlwr. K.eunUaF Halcin A Wa;-lanl t 7 . m Willamette and Vam- ISO p.m. Tue Th'ur h" ' Mn. Wed. and eat. ' Oregon Oltr, t)ytn, "d and WaF-landlug. Sa m Willamette River. 4-Mp. m. Tnee. Th'nr. Portland to CnrvsllU , and Hat. and War-landing. mu'x I.r. Rlparia nak River. Lt Iw too 8:W. ra. u.llysl dally Blparia to lwltoa. 0 00 a.m. W. H. HURLBERT, Oentral Passenger Agent, PORTLAND - ... OJtKOON A STORIA & COLOMBIA RIYER it RAILROAD COMPANY. asiDDowa Hal. I STATIONS on it DAILY. DAILY 24 29 21 28 k. M. II 00 m u t 40 9 fiO 10 00 a. a. 11 10 in o 02 M 9 HO 20 9 12 i ti S7 S 17 S 07 7 M 7 41 r. a. t 40 V a so a oo 7 M 7 7 as 7 2ft 7 17 7 02 42 S2 20 10 2:80 :6ft S OA S 20 s an 8 U 8 no .0 Lv Portland A r m.i 4.'. . linbl .... .Kalnlerl.. I'yr.mlil... 3:7 4 02 4:07 4:Bi M.6 W.9 59.3 .... Marker..., ,uuiri(TT .... s m !2.3j .. Clsuksfjle., 4:Stt CM io to m. 10 21 71.2 10 89 !77 11 02 is. II 10 V0.S II 22 0.4 11 01 99 V . Mttrshlunu., . Weitiurt.... ...:lifun.... ...Kliapt.... .. Hvoriflon.... ..John lJr... 4:4,'l 19 9 87 4:67 ft 17 10 Ml 5: 10 OK ft:3H HI 20 .10 10 M Ar. AtorU .I.t All trains make etna connection at (iolil with Northern Pacific tralim Ui and from tlia Kant ant Honnd txlnu. At Purtlan1 with mi train leaving Union dennt. t Astoria with I. R. A N. Co.' boat and rail line la and from ll waco aud North Hunch mlnt. PauenK'r for Anuirla or war point mmt Dai: trains at llonlton. Trains will atop to let ns ner on at Houllon when nnnln Irom point wet of liobl. J. V. ftw. Hen. ran. AtrL, Astoria. Ot WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND I'UUKT BOUND NAVIGATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA RODTE. STR. GATZERT Landlnc Foot of Alder Htreet, Portland, Iave Portland dsllr (i:eiitHiinda')ut7 A, M Landing Telephone dork, Ai)Url. Tve Astoria ilully (ccel Hn inlay) 7 P. M, Hallcr CiatKert ticket koimI on tirier HumisIo. Htesmer llassslo tlcketa good on llsliey Oatzert. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. Fvft THE NEW YORK STORE SUMMER SHIRTS OAffc Vwh THREE FOR 65 C. iU Ulb, paWI. Snmmer Clothing at Greatly Reduced Prices H. MOEGDB, 'Oooper Building, Mala Street, ST. HELENS, OREGON ? .mm JOHNSON & DURCDORFER OROS ''' o Mnulsciurr ot and Dealer In- ...All Kinds of Rough nd Dressed Umber, I'loarlwc... Uvatla ...Cetllttf .OInseislii laakHi.i ISOAlPOOeiJfl. snfmmnfmmmmtTftTfiTfttfmwnfmnrTTfitrmnfnrnr P ThA lIiinllTT 11 The Weekly Oregonian - B CONTAINS i OUR CLUBBING OFFER j - We bao iwrfwteJ arranjroont whervby w ar enabled to fur- ; ; ninh Tim Wnwaly OroKouian In nuniinctiou with TJjl Miwr lor : Z only Two Du liars. Tlia prloe ot Th Orogoniau alon I $1.60. : THE OREGON MIST How About RP. Yor! St' Kit KK:oRl itist mnl sii'l title. II v.ni emu-mi 1 3 conEaniGK. I' Main Str-t 8s' W mil Math wf C'W) iUwOiUUluO .is We m an eerapF lb tallert mercantile building In lb wertd. W kaW s.oM.eu uteaer. Smteea hundred lrka MueaallF eei(4 mun eut-ef-towa ardars. OUR OtWERAL CATALOOUB I tb baeh of tbe people It ooovee Whelel Prleee to Eeerybody. ba ev.r l.oe paf s, i.ea illutrUa. an t,oe tfetcrlptien of article wlih price. It coat Tt tenu M pnot sad wall abepy. We want yea to hsve one. IKND F1FTSKN CKNTMbew yoor lead faltb. and we'll ad yea a opr t. with alt bmee gpai4. .yQHTeOMERYWARQ&CO S . ' ...WUKJV JJV NEED UE JUEJJIUIJYU... -00 THc..... flLATSKANIE tl DRUG STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines Joilet Articles, Etc DU. J. t. HULL, Pnpritior. CLATSKANIE, - OREGON. ....STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG..;. ""."" " " : . ' wC23a"--. -. ' , .- .o'clock a. m. A J' V. ) -ttXgT' Portland and Kelso Route via Columbia River... STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Master. -- The cooipany reseive the rlili to change tlra Shaver DROS t OOOO ROAD TO THI MILL. Mill on aoulA Uik ol Bcanuutiat trwk.four I atlle frtan H4khtitM ltlon. t.umltrr dellvretl at waviKxa tatlon or ' Johuun'sliidlna at fl.U) Kt M, satra. All - - - OliKOON .in rf nn inn R2 colwmna n por a rear iHMsuiuiaa " All tlia nws wall written. 2 Ariit ltw tlvscrililng VVvstorn ccu and Incidents. Ktorirsof lor auj aJventur by well- knnwn author. Unlliant Illustration by nwsiaper artist ." Interesting sketche audi Uteratnrw fur bin and girl. 1 i'aalilou articlo and tllustratloot or 3 WOUlt'U. Your Iitle? It I all right? ftememher tnal It Is the euverna. It I onr uiwiiiesa to searrb the ilwiw hsi Iher mntaln la relsllua to land Ule hutlur land of bnln moue; na real- etate vtirii:f Uk no man's viutd, but lnM uhu knuwlng what the recur1 sb.mii ft?ar.Uhg Ibe ml. A a A bet reel I a tns.ntil s adrecl. iuaistna having it- W have ttw ..nl eet el sixraet biwks In Iheroam? All w.nk pniinptlyeieeiilrd and aatUlwitlua gnaranteHl. If rn have mierty to Insitre give as a rail. W e are agetiu for ibe twst tire Inauten.-e otantHkniesln the wotid. tt voa have prupert) lur sale tlx It with u and ws altl Sud a outer. tT. Hi LI MS, 0C0H W mtift hum ,o.i0uO m tisbkjs aaw. and WaawM Mrs OHIOA4JO ' ' TO- Lear and TtdJi 4 1 Thurxlsy, . o'eiookaai. W. SHAVER Will leave Portland, foot of WMliinr ton lrBt, each Hunilay, iiiesnay Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clojk. i"" tiirninn, louve ClHtskanlo eah Moniisr. Vdrii'.dHy and Friday afturuoon t o'cUxtk, tluo permitting. without notice. Transoortation Comoany.