The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 22, 1900, Image 4

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BBSS lit letter Kkarw Raw Mw
ass Mr, riakhaaa aa
"DBAS Mm. PnrinAu: I har
yellow, muddy completion, feci tired
ud he. bearing dosni paina. Mrnar-t
bare Dot appeared for three month
sometime am troubled with a white
discharge. Aiao hare kldoejr and hi ad
der trouble.
I bare been thli war for long time,
and feel to miserable I thought I would
write to you and eee if you could do ma
any good." Miss Edxa. Fkidkrick
Troy, Ohio, Aug-. 6, 1S.
" Thus; Km. Pirkmau : I hare used
Lydla E. Finkhatn'a Vegetebl Con
pound according to direction, and can
Bay I bare not felt eo well for year aa
I do at present. Before taking your
snedieine a more miaerable peraon yon
never aaw. I could not eat or Bleep,
and did not care to talk with any on.
Now I feel ao well I cannot be grateful
enough to yon for what yon hare dona
for me. Miaa Eosa FuDstucx, Troy,
Ohio, Sept. 10, 1S08.
Backache Cured
"Diab Mb. Phtkham: I write to
thank yon for the good Lydia E. Pink'
ham 'a Vegetable Compound has done me.
It is the only medicine I hare found
that helped me. I doctored with one
of the best physicians in the city of
Mew York, but received no benefit.
had been ailing for about sixteen years.
was so weak and nervous that I could
hardly walk ; bad continued pain in my
back and was troubled with leucorrhaea.
Menses were Irregular and painful.
Words cannot express the benefit I hare
derived from the uae of your medicine.
I heartily recommend it to all suffering
women." Hbs. Mabt Bajmbixobb,
Windsor, Pa.
Leavlaa X Stlnc.
Our manner of doing a thing often
counts for mora than the thing itself.
Some people have the gift of doing a
gratioua things ungratiously. They
seem to think it of small moment how
they act, if thev do the right tiling.
Their gifts are felt like a blow. Oth
era refuse with a kindness that falls
like a balm. The Italian who is asked
(or alms, unable to help, replies:
"Pardon me, I also am a poor devil.
That leaves no hurt, while the open
hand of some others inflicts a sting
"God cares more for adverbs than for
verbs." savt an old writer. Do the
right thing, but do it rightly, court
onsly. sympathetically. 8. S. Times.
Allen's Foot-Rase, a powder for the feet.
It cure painrul, swollen, smarting-, nerv
oua feet, and instantly takes tne sunt on!
of corns and bullions. It's the greatest
comfort discovery of the age. Alien toot-
but maM ugntor new snoes teei easy,
It tsa certain cure lor ingrowing ran
sweating, rations and lint, tired, aching
feet. e have over SO.iW testimonials.
Try it today. Sold by all druggists and
aboe store. JJv mail for Znc. in stamp
Trial package FREE. Address, Allen 6.
Olmsted, L Koy, . .
Representative Jefferson M. Levy
has introduced a bill into the house to
repeal the war revenue act.
Tars or Ohio, Cttv or tolxoo,
Lucas Cocsty. I
Fsakx I. Cbsniv makes oath that he is the
senior carter of the firm of r. J. Chekit A Co.
doing business fn the City of Toledo. County
and .State aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay
the sum ol OXK HCNUKED DOI.LAK3 for ears,
and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured
Sworn to before roe and subscribed In my
ereatDca, uus tui day of December, A. II. Ibu.
1 A.W.GLEA80N,
f Katari Pnbllt.
Ball's Catarrh Core Is taken Internally and acts
directly on the blood and macons surfaces of
the system. Kend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by druggists, 76c.
Hail's Family Pills ar lha best.
Pra Bona Publico.
In all the history of modern warfare
there have been no more picturesque
sieges than those of the Anglo-Boer wax
which now seems about at an end.
The picturesque side of the three fam
one sieges Kimberley, Ladysmith and
11 a f eking is brought out with telling
effect by General Miles in an article
contributed by him to this week's Col
tier's. Gen. Miles is a student of mill
tary science, who has also the faculty
of presenting his subject in a popular
and brilliant style.
Peruna as a Nerve and Ca
tarrh Tonic the Talk
of the World.
Bon. W. V. Bulllvan, V. 8. Senator from Mis
Hon. W. V. Sullivan, United States
senator from Mississippi, in a letter re
cently written to Dr. Ilartman from
Oxford, Mibi., says the following:
"For some time I have been a sufferer
from catarrh in its most incipient
stags, so much so that I became alarm
ed as lo my general health. But, hear
ing of Pe-ru-na as a good remedy, I
gave it a fair trial and soon began to
improve. Its effects were oiutinctly
benefiaial, removing the annoying
symptom, and was particularly good
as a tonlo.
"I take pleasure in recommending
your great national catarrh cure, l'e-ru-na,
as the best I have ever tried."
Peruna euros catarrh wherever locat
ed. Peruna has no substitutes no
rivalt. Insist upon having Peruna.
Address The Peruna Medicine Co.,
Columbui, O., for a free book on
ry r ,. "
I l Bast Cough Syrup. Tula ttous. Cat f
1 In time. Bold by drusslstii. P f
tiJWI.. un O .HHVIA7 '-W
Eureka Group Sold to C. D. Lane of
Seattle, June 14. Newt cornea from
Anacot tea that work will be resumed
on a large scale cn the Eureka group of
mines In the Slat Creek mining oaiup,
which now belong to C. D. Lane, a
millionaire mining operator of Califor
nia. The final transfer to Mr. Lane
was effected in Ana cor tea few days
ago. This is the property that some
years ago was under bond to Colonel
Hart for Montana parties. After spend
ing upward of $50,000 they allowed
ther bond to lapse, but the owners,
having faith in ther property, continued
working it nntil about two years ago,
when a bond waa made to Mr. Lane.
Alaaaat Itaadv far Oswratloa.
The property is nearly ready for oper-
ation. The tramway between the mine
and the stamp mill must be finished.
The mill has 10 stamps of 1,100 pounds
each and ia substantisUy constructed.
The property has a saw and shingle
mill and electric light plant. The
stamp mill was completed last fall and
found to work perfectly.
It is the intention to pnt in a roast
ing furnace as soon as supplies can be
shipped in this summer, to treat all
ores on the ground, instead ot shipping
concentrates. People who know the
property, say that it will develop into
a big mine.
Active Wark tha Qalla aad the
Kaob Hill.
Republic, June 14. Work is ac-
tt ve on the Quilp mine. The new ma-;
cnineiy is giving satisiaotion. rwo
drills are making about five feet per
day. The compressed air hoist is work- j
ing smootniy at tne winxe ana gooa
progress will now be made in gutting
out the ore for shipping. The shaft
will be extended to the 300-foot level
before cross cutting. The ledge en
countered on this property has in
creased greater in width in proportion
to depth obtained in sinking than any
mine in the camp. In the tunnel it
measured 26 feet, at the 60-foot level
it was 80 feet wide, and at the 100-foot
level it waa between 90 and 100 feet in
idth. This is the largest body ore in
tha camp and it is hard and clean.
At the 50-foot level there ia 30 feet of
ore that will average $18 per ton. In
the lower levels the values are higher
somewhat. The new seven-drill com
pressor is in operation and the com
pany will be in a position to ship 200
tons of ore a day for an indefinite
period, if necessary. More men have j
been put to work stoping in the tunnel
ana Baca level, iwnj men are eui- ,
lne survey has been completed for
the steam tram to be constructed up
the gulch, connecting the mines in the j
vicinity mr .nipping 10 am mum. t
The Quilp will furnish the new Repub
lic mill with at least 100 tons a day.
North of the Trade Dollar and east of
the Ben Hur is the Knob Hill, a prop
erty supposed to be valuable. A cross
cut tunnel has been extended in the
hill 540 feet, where the ledge was
struck, and the indications are now
that they have a fine property. A shaft
was sunk at the first where the vein
was found in place and an average ot
values obtained of $30 per ton at the
10-foot level. The tunnel level is 850
feet from the surface and there are now
three feet of fine looking quarts that
should run even higher than in the
shaft. A drift north and south has
been started on the ledge.
Good WahlB(toa Miaa.
Spokane, June 14. A contract has
been let for sinking a 100-foot shaft on
the Rebecca and running 125 feet of
tunnel on the Rebecca extension.
These claims are owned by fipoakne
and Cheney parties. About 600 tons
ot ore are already on the dump and it
averages about $45 to the ton. Some
assays run aa high as $200, mostly cop
per. The Rebecca and Rebecca exten
sion are located near the Columbia
river, about 18 miles from Keller,
Sew Idaho Mining- District.
Grangeville, Idaho, June 14. A new
mining district has been organized
across Salmon river from this place,
called the Crooks Corrall district. The
boundaries of the new district are as
follows: Commencing at the head of
Race creek, thence to Euake river,
thence to the summit of the divide at
the Larry Ott saddle (between Snake
and Salmon rivers), thence along the
divide to place of beginning.
Improving tha Bine Jacket.
Cuprum, Idaho, June 14. Hoisting
machinery, pump and engine for the
Blue Jacket mine have reached the
property and will be rapidly installed.
Several cars of ore are ready for haul
ing to the railroad for shipment to the
Eastern smelter.
Gold Output This Tear.
Nome Probably $15,000,000.
Washington Rough estimate, $3,-
Klondike Some say $18,000,000.
Others $25,000,000.
Oregon Rapidly increasing and this
year's output will reach close to $3,-
Klondike's Gold Output.
Victoria, B. C., June 14. The first
crowd of Klondikers this season arrived
by the steamer Amur Saturday. They
report that 200 miners have reached
Skagway. Six steamers have passed
up the river.
The gold output is estimated by Daw-
ion papers at $18,000,000. News is
given of a stampede to the Koyukuk
and to Sulphur creek, gravel being
found in the old channel which goes 60
cents to the pan. A nugget weighing
77 ounces was found on Chee Chako.
Looking for Coal, Gas or Oil,
Port Angeles, Wash., June 14. Ar
rangements have been completed by C.
an Sickle, of New York, to drill here
tor coal, gas or oil. He claims to rep
resent Eastern capitalists who are will
ing to spend $10,000 to determine
whether coal or oil can be found in
this vicinity.
Mora Far fur Coal Miner
Seattle, June 14. Coal miners at
Carbonado and Wlkeson mines, in this
tats, bava been notified of a 10 per
cent increase in wages. These mines
soploy $7$ man.
New Owners of the Giant Take Hold
of the Property.
Rowland, B. C, June U. The
water is being taken out of the Grant
shaft in preparation tor the resumption
of sinking on the ore body. This
work is being done by A. D. Ooplen
and W. G. Armstrong, of Spokane,
the representatives of Philadelphia and
Michigan capitalists, who have ob
tained conttol ot the company. The
'new owners express confidence that
! the Giaut will make a mine, and are
! willing to spend money to proving it.
j They are the third party to make the at
tempt, the laat being Colonel . M.
Kidpath, E. O. Sanders and others of
the ol.l La Rot syndicate, from Spo
kane, but they threw up their bond
lwt April
Other Caaadlaa Mines.
Work is to be started on the N nth
era Belle, which adjoins the St. Klmo,
on Bed mountain, by R. . Palmer,
who has Just returned from Montreal,
where he rewired Instructions from
the owners. There is a good showing
and if the summer's work confirms its
value a plant will be installed in the
fall. '
Andrew Drewey and other have
honied the Sunset, near Whitewater,
in the Slocan, for $30,000. It adjoins
trie Wellington and a snort extension
of the tunnel from that claim will tap
the vein at a dejpth of 600 feet. The
vien is IS feet in width, with 10 inches
of high grade ore.
Mew Machinery la Frist.
Gem, Idaho. June 14. New ma
chinery is being installed in the Frisco
mill here. One ot the largest crushers
i the Northwest, weiahins? 15 tons.
will be ready to start in a few days.
Struck a foekat.
F. M. Smith, who has been assisting
Joseph Shepherd in prospecting a ledue
on Grubb creek, a tributary ot Sterl
ing, informs the Med ford, Or., Mail
that he and his partner took out a small
pocket last week from which they real
ixed over $27 at the bank, and Mr.
Smith says the pocket is not by any
means exhausted. He says the pocket
may prove to be a large one, as the
same character of rock continues.
They will lose no time in going
down on the vein, which varies in sis
from one to four feet and all sufficient
ly mineralised to make it a fine paying
proposition. The quarts ia blue and
porous and all of it carries more or less
free gold. The walls are granite and
porphry with cyanite and feldspar.
Work la Being Fashed
TV- i. : - I i .. . .a ; I . I . .k -
,.; i.i mia n bnl,n rin
son. owned
gon, owned by Bailey brothers, on
Missouri flat, savs the Bogue River
rVtiirior ThA invar tn nrtnl haa now
reached a length of nearly 400 feet, and
it eInected that it will tan the ledxe
inside of 40 or 60 feet farther. Through
out the whole course of this tunnel, the
rock has been easily worked and not
so bard but that a good showing could
be made each day.
A flow of water almost sufficient to
run the mill ia now coming from the
tunnel and it is expected that when the
vein is struck, the tunnel will yield an
ample water supply for milling pur
poses. The ore at this mine carries
high values in gold, and the new tun
no 1 will open a large body of the ore.
The mine is well equipped with a
good stamp mill and is one of the very
best properties in that section.
Two Hew X.4ges Opened.
The placer district in Southern Ore
gon is showing up some very fine prop
erties. In addition to the valuable
claims already under an advanced
state of development in the district and
which have been proved to be high
grade and permanent, Paul Hcharing-
whkh 'give "i8e of in no less
valuable than the Greenback or Brown
ing veins.
One of these ledges is seven feet
wide, and though the ore is not high
grade as far as prospecting has yet
shown, still it is sufficiently mineral
ized for a milling proposition.
There ia 350 feet of tunneling and a
70-foot shaft on the other ledge. This
vein is about 18 inches wide. Consid
erable money has been taken from this
ledge with an arastar.
4 Outlook la Bright.
A correspondent at Geiser, Or., writ
ing to the Baker City Democrat, says
the mines of the Empire Mining Com
pany are looking fine and the company
Is planning for the erection of a mill.
The White Elephant owners are go
ing to build very soon.
The Bonanza mine has plenty of
good ore for its 40-stamp mill.
A $312 nugget was picked up in the
placers of Austin, McMudre & Co., at
W inter ville, near here, the other day.
The owners of these claims expect to
clean up $25,000.
They are working a full crew on the
Black Bird and pushing development
as fast as possible.
With three or four mills in this camp
we will begin to have a day.
A new bank building is going np in
Coquille City, Or.
A scarcity of laborers is reported at
Gray's Harbor, Wash.
Tacoma has adopted plans for a new
school bouse, to cost $20,000.
North Yakima, Wash., is soon to
have a fruit and vegetable cannery.
Sixty-five men are employed build
ing the Great Northern railroad bridges
in Spokane.
Machinery for sash and door and
furniture factory combined has reached
Coquille City, Or.
Ellensburg, Wash., has passed an
ordinance forbidding the nse of barbed
wire fences within the city limits.
The promoters of the Pierce county,
Wash., fruit fair have decided to ex
tend its scope and iufvte the entire
state to participate.
I An electric plant to cost between
j $160,000 and $200,000 will be erected
at the Nisqually Falls, near Elbe, 22
miles southeast of Tacoma, providing
the latter city will make a contract for
; lighting. Tha rata proposed is 20 per
cent lower than the present contract
rTholaeala .r a Madaat Cha.
eater Co rots Are Higher.
Bradstreat's sat s: New business at
srholesala ia ot a bet wean stations cbar
attar, but warmer weather has offered
a. tumulus to retail business ia some
sections. Chief activity and moot at
tention is, however, still concentrated
n the prica situation, and efforts to
readjust quotations to meet ourreut de
man.i and supply conditions go forward
steadily. The exception to the general
downward trend of prices is that fur
nished by leading farm products, nota
bly cereals, but here the moving can as
1 hardly so favorable, being the result
of less satisfactory crop reports, tr
ticularly from tha Northwest, and it it
to be noted that advice from the
Northwest, where tha winter wheat
yield promises to be very short, are
also lest favorable.
Corn crop advices remain favorable.
aa likewise do those of oats, but the
grains and hog products bava sympa
thised in tha upward niovemeut of
wheal, which has at last broken front
its lethargy and is agalu attracting
speculative attention. Foreign crop
advices, It niiitht be added, are not flat
tering. The German rye crop promises
to be very short; the same report
comes regarding French wheat and En
glish crop advices are not of the best
Cotton is slightly weaker.
Leather it dull and rates weak.
Wool is dull and on the whole
slightly weaker at Eaittern markts.
Mills engaged on women's wear-good
are fairly well employed. The outlook
favors lower prices tor the new Spring
Surplus visible wheat supplies nre
decreasing rapidly, lending interest U
current unfavorable crop reports.
eatUo Mark eta.
Onions, old, 7c; new, 2c.
Lettuce, hot house, 25c dot.
Potatoes, $16017; $17(318.
Beets, per sack, 90c3$l.
Turnips, per tack, 40(j60o.
Carrots, per sack, $1.
Parsnips, per sack, 50 75c.
Cauliflower, California D0c(i$l.
Strawberries $1.00 per case.
Celery 40(3 OOo per do).
Cabbage, native and California,
$1.0001.25 per 100 pounds.
Tomatoes $1.60 per case.
Apples, $2. 00 ) 2.75; $3.00(33.60.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Butter Creamery, 22c; Eastern 22o;
dairy, 17022c; ranch, 16($17o pound.
Cheese 14(315o.
Poultry 14c; dressed, 14 315c;
spring, $3.60.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11.00
(112.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, $18.00.
Corn Whole, $33.00; cracked, $23;
feed meal, $23.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25;
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; irra
ham, per barrel, $3,00; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(34.00.
Millet off s Bran, per ton, $13.00;
shorts, per ton, $14.00.
Feed Chopped fee. I, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal.
per ton, $30.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
steers, price 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c;
pork, 8c; trimmed, c; veal, 8hi
Hams Large, 13c; small, 13 'i
breakfast bacon, 12c; dry salt sides.
8c. .
Portland Market,
Wheat Walla Walla. 52 53c;
Valley, 63c; liluewtem, 65c perbunhel.
flour Bent grailes, $3.00; graham
$2.60; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 85c; choice
gray, 83o per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $14.00(3 15.00;
brewing, $10.00 per ton.
Millstuffii Bran, $13 per ton; mid
dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 pel
Hay Timothy, $10(311; clover,$7
7.60; Oregon wild hay, $8 7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 35(fl!40c;
seconds, 46c; dairy, 25(g30a;
store, 25c.
Eggs 14c perdozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheeae 10c
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4,000
4.60 per dozen; bens, $5.00; aarinirs.
$2.50(33.50; geese, $6.00(37.00 for old;
$4.6006.60; docks, $3.00(35.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 14lGo per
Potatoes 40(3650 per sack; sweets,
2 O 2 hio per pouna.
Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab
bage, IKo per pound; parsnips, $1;
onions, lc per pound; carrots, $1.
Hops 208o per pound.
Wool Valley, 12 13c per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 10 16c; mohair, 270
80c per pound.
Mutton Gross, bent sheep, wethers
and ewes, Otic; dressed mutton, 7
7Xo per pound; lambs, 6 Mo.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed,
$5.0006.60 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $4.0004.60;
cows, $3.60 0 4.00; dressed beef, 6)4
io per pound.
Veal Large, 6,74c; small, 80
io per pound.
Tallow 654c; No. 2 and grease.
OtOfo per pound.
aa rraaeiseo Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 1416o per
pound; Eastern Oregon, 10(8 15c; Val
ley, 18020c; Northern, 10O12c.
Hops 1899 crop, ll13o per
Butter Fancy creamery 1701 7 o;
do seconds, 1816o; fancy dairy,
10c; do seconds, 140150 per pound.
Eggs Store, 16c; fancy ranch,
Millstuffs Middlings, $17.00 O
20.00; bran, $12.60013.60.
Hay Wheat $8.6010; wheat and
oat $0.00 00-60; bent barley $5,000
7.00; alfalfa, $5.0000.00 per ton;
straw, 26O40o per bale.
Potatoes Early Rose, 60(9 65c; Ore
gon Burbanks, 90o$l; river Bur
banks, 85 0 66c; new, 70c$1.26.
Citrus Fruit Oranges, Valencia,
$2.7603.25; Mexican limes, $4,000
5.00; California lemons 75c (3 $1.60;
do choice $1.7608-00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50O
9.50 per bunch; pineapples, nom
inal; Persian dates, 888o per
Thar Ar No Lonaer Uentleaaaa or
Ulgaltr and Breeding.
Tbe "grand manner" btl goat from
the world and tbe world ivemt llttls
put out at Itt departure. Tim was
when It wat a token at onct of breed'
lug and education. Scholarship uu
adorned with It was held up to naked
scorn as naked pedantry; manners with
no touch of the graud air could not
past muster In polltt circlet; literature
tnw In It the turn and substance ot It
tHug. ft did duty for a whole lexicon
or qualities, but Itt outward aspect
was unmistakable, depending upon
very simple theory of society and bo
ms n life. If men are to wear honors
and slice lightly, tbe background
of ease will come Into prominence, and
they will study to amuse. And to cams
that social finesse which our great
grind mot hers adored, those bowing
and smlrklngs which their grandchll
dren scoffed at. and the whole pleasing
science of the beau monde.
The tear of sensibility limy be drop
ped over Itt tomb, but there ran be no
question of Its revival. The moat Its
admirers can do Is to write the history
of Its floruit. It belonged to an age
when wealth, leisure, culture and all
the good thing of life were confined
to a Hits, and It drooped and with
ered at the advent of democracy. Our
modern serloimneas and our modern
businesslike air killed It. and they
chose the crudest of weapons. It mtglit
have survived frsnk opixwltlon; It
could not endure being made to look
Hut with the rubbish went much that
was admirable. At Its best this grind
manner meant an exuberant vitality,
genuine test for lire. Itt exponents
might fall, but they failed gallantly
11 all worked out to a kind of Intense.
self respect, which nilglit be ludlcrout,
but was rarely Ignoble,
Moat great men hive been many ld
ei, tun with tbe gentlemen of th
grand air It was a social duly, and si!
traces of the process must lie blddei
from sight.
Disraeli was almost the last of tht
grand maimer" dlselnles. and the
abuse of hi in which wa current for to
long shows how people had come to re
gard the affectation. For tn affecta
tion It wis, though a ehirmlng and
sometimes a noble one. Versatility can
never be abolished, but a pretense ot
esse and insouciance anj a parade of
divers acconipllshmenlt may easily be
discredited. The splendid IuidsssIts-
ness of the great gentleman has suc
cumbed to modern worry and bssle.
and for the most part we frankly con
rest that dignity Is a nuisance and an
ani'hronlaiu. Hut the other side of tht
thing the taste for a liberal culture-
show signs of revival and we may tea
return to the grand manner, brought
np to date and purged of Its silliness.
London Spectator.
Tho chance of two finger prints being
alike is uot one In fifty four billion.
There are nearly two thousand
stitches In a pair of band-sewed boots.
Sun Diego, Co I., has a lemon grove
covering one thousand acres. It It said
to be the largest In the world It waa
begun lu 1HUO, with 170 acre.
L'lghteen thousand bills and Joint res
olution were presented by members
In tbe last Congress 12,008 In the
House and in the Senate,
Table Mountain, Cape Town, South
A fill a. Is a magnificent natural curl
OHlty. It la nearly four thousand feet
In height and has a level top about
three square miles In area.
Wedding festivities In Cairo, Egypt,
UHtially continue for three days, during
which time there It coustant feasting
and Jollification. The guests ar ex
pected to remain while the festivities:
In the western part of British Colum
bia Is a novel railway, two miles In
length. The rails are made of trees,
from which the bark has been stripped,
and these are bolted together. L'poo
them runs a ear, with grooved wheels
ten Inche wide.
At Bosco Reale, on the llopea of
Vesuvius, near Pompeii, excavations
have brought up tbe most remarkable
paintings of the Roman period yet dis
covered. In the grounds of the Del
Priso villa a great peristyle and font
large rooms have been unearthed, tht
walls of which are covered by twenty
large frescoes of rich covering and cart
ful execution. Tbe figures ar lift
A Itat's Tail.
A rat's tall la a wonderful thing. Tht
great naturalist Cuvler says that tbert
are more muscles In this curious ap
pendage than are to be found In that
part of the human anatomy which It
most admired for Its Ingenious struc
turenamely, tho band. To tha rat. In
fact. Its tall serves as a sort of band,
by means of which the animal It ena
bled to crawl along narrow ledges ol
other difficult passages, using It to bal
ance with or to guln a bold. It ia pre
hensile, like tbe talis of some mon
keys. By means of It the little beast
can Jump up heights otherwise Inac
cessible, employing It at a projectile
A liallleerent Archdeacon.
Canoo Bella Irs, of England, who died
rwiitly, was aa old enemy of tbe bet.
liferent Archdeacon Denlson. lie wai
a school Inspector before the act ol
1870, and East Krent wat lo bit dis
trict. Tbe archdeacon objected to gor-
eminent Inspection of bis school, taught
the children to slug some Hoes of ridi
cule when bit brother clergyman ap
peared, end at Inst wrote to Mr. Uel
lulrs, telling him that he would put him
In tbe Tillage horse pond If be again
dared to show his face In tbat part of
Tha Match Trust Spreading Uot.
The match trust bat several factories
In Kurupe, and ha now absorbed aa
Important establishment In South
Every one should put a guard on him
self, or be will find tbat he enjoy
those occasions most when b 1 en
couraged to talk freely of bis grlv
The following iuoldent tn Lord Wol'
! seley't military carreer It recoidtd at
having taking place wntn ns waa
' t.i- - I ft.... I l.t. in tha It
his twenties, aud bad been in tht Brit
ish irmy three year. Ht tpeakt of It
himself at the most netting experience
ot bis lift. It wa in Burma, and
Wolsaley was in charge ot a tmall de
tachment. During the advance he had
tha bad luck to fall into deep hole,
aud when ha crawled ont found him
self on tlit enemy' side. At he
emerged ht wat mot with mob a show
er ol bullets that he slid back in short
order. After a tew mluutua ha oattie
ont again, and, amid a vigorout volley,
ran tor hit life, lit was nearly 800
yards from tht British line, aud wat
hit three timet before ha reached a
place of safety. Youth' Companion.
Wanted to Bell Mia Teeth.
Tht king of Bavaria wit kept very
short ot uionry when ht wat a boy; in
fact, tht allowance for pocket money
granted to Mm aud hit brother wat
only about two shillings a week. One
day he heard some one say that sound
teeth were salable, aud off he went to
a dentist aud offered to have his owu
extracted for a monetary consideration.
I do not believe Plsn' fnra for Con
uiiiillnii ha an iial for roughs and - Joins K. Iluvsa, Trinity riprings,
I nd., Feb. IS, llM).
No Balvatloa Army In Mealea,
The Salvation Army for the second
time has failed to got a foothold in
Mexico. Mexican law forbid all re
ligious procession lu the stievt of
Chicago tailors, who have been on
strike for two months, have compro
mised aud gone buck lu work.
Your Blood
ar fmginft,
Your nerve will be strong. If your blood
Is bad and you feel nervous, tired, lul-er-ahle
and weak, ynu should take Hood's
Harsapartlla. It will change the condition
of your blood and tha stale of your feeling),
alo. It will make your blood rich and
pure and give you strong nerve and sweet
sleep. It Is America' Greatest Medicine.
Hood's SarmmparUta
It sold by all drUKttist. Price It.
Hixitis Pius ar the larortle calharUe. 'A'w.
We Are Direct Importers of
The Famoua German Wood Preserver)
One application Is ail that It required. It lasti for yean. Price, 50 cent.
per quart. Write for circulars and information
FISHER, THORSEN & CO., Portland, Oregon
If You .Arc Awake to Your Own Ounces Read This And Then Write
Us for Full In form At ion and Prospectus.
rftlifomU ! .In tin. In t ihr (rotrtt oil AM Of lh wnri-1 A)rft'.v ful rlrhot hnv h
mautl thtjr tn vtrilfiim. ml great fortune ' ur It b miU lit lhl Mi-iton ttitg vitar
own ft titisirivr Mwtitm ol Uul, rtir,rr-m. In 0i hri nf hm Untou iru t'vttuty UU l If
frier Ttia mi i titor tin aii nv war i
Kr d.4.iititiil MirMwa w will .. tti thaw ol Trtanrir Mtork ftt fl tr litr
who htii lilt! mUn III rm It Inert In valu Utt ami ther will titafc imitn-f tmmt, I
rit who h
tivafttlf at
Ttlf ftttirii luvittxl. Our trort? Urn b
Tttabl t M M Off1n. FioUl JUtri, Crmlucer
h . rut, ftr niUM-n tr extort mr t Mannam uu i i-mi-any, itr nr4 ai ativtram ar
now iiHiauBi lu Ilia Merchant' hatlotta; l.auk, t'onlan.l. Or. Our of1k'ta am wltduulwilarir,
612 Chamber of Commerc!, Portland, Orsgon.
it. I. IH'IIIUM, Vlra-l'ms.
KOAItn or Wrtrt'TOU:- (Tn snr sa
PrrslrirM Mffrrlisnl' National batik. I'urtlaint.
National Rank, Cnrllsmt. Or.; II t Hri-nlcH. i'l
Mrgvr, t orn, sarin Hiruian i mitral Hallway;
Lnloo I'silOc Hsllwar.
frYrlt u trxIsT, Yon will hr lxl ron
It U jiitirsrlt to Itivrstlssl this opportunity for
Force Feed Elevator, warranted
to waste leu grain than any other.
Send for Catalogue.
First and Taylor Streets, Portland, Or gon
Branches! Salem, McMinnville,
La Grande, Medford, Seattle, Spo
A imatal swMreiapi to P. O. Bm 41, Port I and,
Oreifoti. will bring ynu ft hnlim Ko-Nnl
Cook Book. Ko-Nut lc (lift IfttMt lard tit-iat.-tuifti
and purer, cheapar ftnd inoravcunomlcal.
For Sale by all Grocers.
Km ilnea a rat flraa war InvanUrl. himohoM-
ra bava brn wailn f ernt oftlialr dial, ror
moat uftli hnat wnt up tha ltiiiiriy. Bui now
titar la a wottrfiil changa, for mryn)y who
It a4pia ilia Nw Columbian flra grata that
haa ft naw ayatam nf nVaughU, maka ft whit
llama, mi atri"k at all, ami aud all tha hrat Into
tha mom. Vr uiuturaa anrl full i-acrltlou apply
to TH K JOHN KAHHKTT CO., tfl aVIral
fltraat, Portland. Or agon.
Can find quick anil parmaiiont rnllctf
Inr srlus and siromtn destroying
troubles lu
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Thnussnds hsra tisril It snrt thousands
now pralsa It. It PHrrsiwrnisiiently, II
pur iMittls at your driixiflst's.
Hiillillii(r or rcmodslln riKildeticps ami
stores. U carry a rotui.lets Una of Mantels,
Orates and TIIIiik, Tllo flooring. Tils Ham.
coll MX. Andirons. Ksmlers, Hcremis, Klmrlo,
(ins and Comlilnsllon Chsndellers, and sll sup
plies ertalnliiir to Klentrls snd lias Mslitlua
wealnoearry all kinds ol llstterlcs, Hulls and
Indicators. flioto(rniihs chi'Srfully sent on
application. fit A N K MOM IIMH A t:l.
VTa.hlnalaii ., Portland, Or.
Ttrlak la India.
Mary Clemen Leavltl, honorary
president ot tha World's Woman's
Christian Temperaiu Union, said, In
a recent article! "Tht boat physician
In ludla told in that if white people
woudl lot drink tntritily alone, aud eat
not mora than half it much meat,
they might have a good health at la
England or anywhere elan."
The Typewriter Invention,
A stallstlriaii has proved that tha Inven
tion of the typewriter has given employ,
meiit to AIM) penple, Imt lie falls to stale
how many case of weak stomach am)
dyspepsia It haa induced, All people f
sedentary ihciimiI..ii need Hosteller'
Stomach Hitlers. It helps nature tn bear
the strain which ensues mm (-oiilliieineni
ami It I a Wonderful inciliclne. No out
realise this mors keenly than th man or
woman wh line been cured of stomach
trouble by ll use.
Twenty-six thnuaniid arrests fur
drunkenness a year and 8,000 Impris
onments Is the appalling reord ol oua
ot tha most enlightened American
oitles. It means one arrest to every
four (amlllnt. The not oust to th
city therefore wat more tlian $100,000.
Mania Park. Pan Mateo County, Pal.,
with It new liullillugs. newly furnished
ami complet lalxirntorles, Itraiillful sur
mumtlng" and home lulliieiu es, Is nue of
the ties! equipped school lor the training
of hoys ami young men on tha coast. It
Is In t'liarjie of r. Ira (I. Ilnltt and 1 ar.
emitted at th universities. Keml forest
nli'K, Tenth yenr begins August U, IK").
Customer I've got money to hum,
and 1 want the best wheel you have.
Dealer That's all right. Wt hay
blcyulea to icorch. Detroit Free Tre.
Mothers will II ml Ura. Window' Booth.
Ing Hvrup lha best remedy to us fur thelf
Bio Id ran during th teething period.
A CuiiiparlaoB.
From the official report of tint Wash-
l"lftn police It It shown that while tht
whola number of arrest in the Die-
trlct, with a barroom (or eauh 441 of
It population, was eunl to one arrest
for every 11 ot its population, the num
ber of arrest made lu tha First pre
cinct, with a barroom for every 118 of
Its population, and In the Ninth pre
cinct, with a barroom tor every 1,048
ot It population, the arraata was only
one fur every 18 ot its population. A
petition to oongreas to pmhiiitt the
llipior traffic in tha District ot Colum
bia is being prepared.
tn ami wti him up i.
cjiatniiivl ami r-iont on w nii-HitlotJiM
oil Ktlian. Han Kmnrii
n-o, ai ,ani ojr t;.
t all whom ws rrt'r von )J. Prank Wsisnn,
Or.; R. L liurlisin. Vlia"l'riMmt Mrrrlisiila'
II. - lltrr.ti.ri A I o . 1'i.tllsn.l, Or : II. r, tit
marm V. luoimr, luniravimi rrtijnt Al.ut,
illd so. If you hava any means SI sll f on oa
.. Best On Earth...
Eccentric Sprocket Wheel, chain pulls
on the long spokes when doing; the hardest
work, which is compressing' the bundle, ty
ing the knot and discharging the bundle.
We guarantee a gain of power of 16 24
per cent at this time.
ONlrOMADOSI. Curs Sift flssrfsrhs "i'l "'
Bosnia, imixk ciiiiifis, 1'urifr tlio iiiuaul, Aid
um,rrviillllllriini.. iMimlllrlpaoraiikno. T
t4invlHrr'.u,w!!linsllmp afrasifulllii.-JM. Da.
t)OBANkO CO., ruMttt, rs. Md 17 1 malt
Always has a McCORMICK.
fr MrtxaiMit K I
Call on th Agent, or address A. H. Boy
tan, General Agent, 321 Hawthorn Ave.,
Portland, Or, for Catalogue.
JOHN r0()r,E, Tostlasd, OsiooHi
can aiva you tha bast liuriialii In en"r
inacliliierr, snglnes, boilers, tanks, puuips,
plows, bait and wlinliiillls. The,
led I X I, windmill, lcl by him, It
claim an ft roii n C
IICKFURII. Wsihlntton, 0. t . Ilie. J
will re-
nu,u,...lnk It Mh N. II. V"l.
auth Corp. I'rosetiutlns claims slncsifc
.. ...... ... Hnflattiral
I U Hllalar.. "" f" ..i.Ib.
rn'isu (Inlutas. rslnlHS, !"
IrKiEviulOHism.i Oo. I"
B.t.k. A 1 K. .raoalil. If
C-aUB If , eattiss. si-'s.
M. f. N. 0.
Mu. 5-l00
HRN wrltln
to eniamaara r'
. .
saaaUsa th