OREGON MIST. iai to fcvttt v miotinoiiMx; -t- 6WI0 DtIS, Cditor end Proprietor. ftatbarripllou lialra. On cnpT one y.ar In adrauia 1190 On txn'T ai inoiu.ua....... . .......... 60 a)tula copy......... -.. Adrtrtiun rat ' vnad tuuwn uuon application j-tt-i - - COIXMBIA rot'STY D1KKCTORY. . I'ut vr i otrirMts. Judr Clera Sheriff Trcaaurer Silt. of School... AMWUftT..,.. flurvcyor.. Corouer Commlnionen J " J.pph n. tn. Balnlrl ... J. n. Him, m. iiilnii j. n. K!t. nr. ,irun . K. K. M I. II. Il.iitu.a ...Mantn tt hllf. M. Hrlcii. .. .. A II I. !!! . IM1IM11 .Dr. 11 H '!iff. SV lli-ii-n ....P. A Frnir. N'ftPt ' N. I). l:ett;rtu, Ml JUNE 22, I'JOO. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. THE CONVENTION. The Republican National Convention has been in aeacion in 1'biladelpbia, irice Tuesday at 12:36 noon, but up to our pre hour no nomination had been made. MeKinley will be renominated by acclamation, and the latest advices indicated that the nomination for sec ond place would be forced upon Govern or Roosevelt, of New York. The pro gramme waa to make the presidential nomination on Wednesday, but the pro- f ranime seems to have not been followed, lowever, the convention's work is un doubtedly finished e'er this. Tub action of the twelve member of the lower house of Congress, from Sfisfouri, relative to tie Nicaragua canal, demonstrate how intensely in terested the Democratic party is in the access of the mammoth National pro ject. Eleven of Missouri' members voted against the measure and the twelfth one absented himself from the session. That' business ; oppose every thing calculated to benefit the country. Kansas has made another record. Not content with plastering the walls of her State buildings with conceited mort gages; not content with doubling her bank deposit incc IS'.Hj, she row ha but one inmate in the i-tate poor frm. Dining-halls and liedrooins that a lew years ago were crowded with the idle, the hungry, and with the poorly clad, now echo and re-echo the solitary tramp of their one sole inmate, a ho is without kith or kin, and is too old and feeble to work. But one sad relic remains in the Kansas poorhouse, to remind the tax payer of the day when its free soup free beds and free clothe were donated to those who were compelled to be in idleness under a Democratic adniinis- tration. and under its nolicv of destruc- , r tion to all American industries, bot! farm and factory. Kalama Bulletiu. Tn Cowlitz Advocate very perti nently remarks upon the school teacher problem a follows: "Here are some figureBOver which our teacher friends should ponder before signing contracts for the next year : Signal boys in log ging camps are being paid 35 a month and board. No special ability is re quired; any wide-awake boy of fourteen will do. Many youngsters of fifteen to twenty earn from t-VJ to $70 a month in onr shingle camps. No mental attain ments and not even a strong physique is required. m , ,. a . ' These are but samples of the , great advance in wages paid labor over those of a short time ago. The general advance in prices and cost of living has been iu greater ratio. Wiilo there has been a alight upward tendency in teachers' wages, it has not been com Ipensurate with the advance in other lines of employment. There is no teacher worthy of the name whose ser vices are not worth more than those of a boy of fourteen in a lugging camp or a shingle mill, and there is absolutely no good reason why a teacher should be paid less than such a boy receives. Willamette valley papers are at present saying a great deal about the dairying business in that section of the State, the inference being readily drawn that it is the desire to have it under Stood that no other part of the State is adapted to duirying. Wrong, utterly and entirely no. While Columbia County dairymen are not making a great fuss about it, the dairy product here, according to population is equal '. in extent to any other County iu the State, and as to genuine quality of the product, we don't etup aBide for anyone, thank you. While dairying has len carried on to a greater or less extent in this County for many years, during all of which time there has been a great . , , , . . deal of money made out of the effort, the record established during the last four or five years exceeds anything in the history of that business here, and we are now just arriving at a point where we can speak of the matter as being only in the embryo. The next ten years will witness the greatest advance in that industry in Columbia County, both in extent and perfection of quality, ever seen in any County in iuiy State. Our dairymen are a progressive lot of men, and their adoption of modern methods and perfection in quality of stock is a matter commanding attention from the ! public eye and encouraging comment 1 from individual residents. The estab lishment of skimming stations in the several neighborhoods throughout the County, as a matter of fact, has been a wonderful stimulus to the dairy busi ness, and the beginning has just begun. 8THVCK IT KICH. Former Columbia County Boy Om of the Luiklra. Two more hard working proipector tvttvtt finnllv won one of ih bur urizca iu the grtnt mining lottery, wy the Kiiini1t..r Minnr. CmrM It. Konkv and r-ani May arts the men. l'avo Cop- pint?, of unipU'r, m iiiieriisu;a iio tlx'iu in tli property. The atriko waa made on the IVwey, an entmaiou of tlie liolcomla load, with only a fractional Uad belre-n. Tlu-w (fentlemen own four claim on the lead. me ipwey, rtaimim, aiaiiaim ami Ooturt. Tlicy were located Inst fall and 1 only the awesampnt work d ine at that time. About a month ago Mt-wra. Ivnn- nU wgau to irwprvt me claim. Deal was found lu abundance. . -n(j tru.ri were aoiutt outcrorpimr at was sunk high up on tho liillide, but no at ie-factory rvsulta were obtained. Finally, reasoning as only a pros pector d.- reason, which is bam don iiotwt-iron law- and would never satisfy one of the "professor," they divided to drive a tunnel on tho lVwey, near tho foot of the hill, not far above Silver crwk. At a depth of only twenty-live fuet a lcdtfo waa encountered one day last week. At present the tunnel is in fifty fot-t and is "till in lede matter, withnoaign of wall rock. The tunnel cuts the letiiro at right ar.tfle. About fifty ponuds of rock, knocked down in discriminately acroM this twenty-rive feet, has been sampled and assayed. It carries trwd gold values; not fabulously rich, but of that medium trade which is characteristic of laro bodies of ore in true fissure vien. The location and conditions are said to be idta! for convenient and econom ical mining. After cutting through tho lede, drifting tactic will bo adopted These gentlemen have been in this district lor several rears, lhey nave sunk many shafts and driveu hundred of feet of tunnels, but heretofore the heartless old hag of fortune has re warded their hard work only with hope deferred a promise of something gnod further in the hard rock. Under such adverse conditions it requires a stayer who doesn't know how to quit, to make a success of mining, when muscle and experience are the operators' only capital. TKIBITE TO THE I'OETS. Effnaiuns Not Received a Being of Excellent Greatn. Editoh Oregon Mist. The poetical ability displayed in the la-t issue of the Coluiiihia Countv News retlect no credit upon tlie authors or on an editor who prints such trash. The attack upon cer tain young gentlemen and ladies of this neighborhood was anything but gentle manly, and as to propriety it falls quite ! short of the mark. We arc quite sur prised that any gentleman would allow i his name to be" used in connection with a literary club (so called) which can tind no more elevating topics to handle than the samples recentlv given to the pub I lie, in case such a club had existence iu i fact, but which, by cereful inquiry, we i tind has no existence. We are also sur- j prised that the parlies would affix their name as oiheers oi such an organization where common decency eeenis to have no abiding place. The author of the verses (?) is an almost total stranger to the young people of this vicinity, but be has arrived just about at the point of becoming lietter acquainted. The in sults could be borne bv the male portion ot tiiose attacked, but when ladies name are dragged into such business it is but just and proper that such actions have the rebuke and condemnation which is at present manifested in this neighbor- l nool. v e understand, Mr. Lavie, upon Zooa authority, that you positively re fused to publish the effusion which ap- peared later in the other paper. I5y such refusal you displyed your customary ?rj0,t lenient, and won for yourself and tne esteem aud praise of every sound-mimleu person, not only in this vicinity, but wherever the filth was read. Yours, Frank Sheffield. Warren, June lif, 1900. FltOM JtllGE DOBBINS. Congratulates Republicans on their Succeaa Here. Oswego, June 13. Friend White: It may be a little late, but I feel like congratulating you on your recent elec tion. You are probably aware of the fact that a a matter of principle I am opposed to any one person being elected to the same oflice for more than two terms in succession, but there are excep tions to all rules, and as I have always been a great admirer of record-breakers l''u "Aic tciiuiu i null limb uieiiutauu, ' nn .,,,,. fVln, ha ' before len elected for the fourth term to the office of Assessor or any other County office, bo I throw my time-honored principle to the dogs and hurrah for the record breaker of Columbia Coun ty. Seriously, I am reaily very glad you were re-elected. Oregon's Republican majority is grand and glorious, and fig nrativefy speaking, it is the handwrit ing on the wail that foretells the doom of Bryanism at the election in November. Y'ours, Jos. Uobbins. Can Tell no Secrets, No one need be afraid that census secrets will he divulg'-d by the Enumer ators, for in the instructions to Enumer ators who are now gathering the infor mation for the census in June, among others are the following: "If you arc asked w hat is the popula i ion of vour district, or of anv nomilu.- tion, reply that you. are forbidden by law. to answer. All such requests, whether from newspapers, local officials or individuals, are to be referred to the director of the census." The instruction declare that an Enumerator who communicates to any unauthorized person any information he vnitiu iti Ihft urfrMit.inn nf bis ilnti-u is guilty of a misdemeanor and liable to a i hue of not more than fj-WO. One reason j for the law is that local officials often mane errors, it is nopea the news papers, local officials and others will accept this condition of tilings and sub mit to the delay it causes in the issuing of census statistics. L , . . Q , , I Would Not Suffer Bo Again for Hftj Tlmea Its Price. j t awoke Ingt night with ,'evere pain(1 ! in mv stomach. I never felt so badly in all my life. When I came down to work thiB morning I felt so weak I could hardly work. I went to Miller & Mc Curdy's drug store and they recom mended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It worked like magic and one dose fixed me all right. It certainly is the finest thing I ever used for stomach trouble. I shall not be without it in my home hereafter, for I should not care to endure the suf ferings of last night again for fifty times lis price. j. it. Wilson, Liveryman, I iiurgcltstown, Washington Co., Pa". This remedy is Pharmacy lor sale at the St. Helens Itue J Ilia fttrike l .u? . Muddy Complexions and Nauseating I'rcath fromchronicconstipation. Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and ha been sold for fifty years on an abso lute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. Cl'HHKNT TAX llOI.I,. Thrrc-l'ouriti of Whole Amount Han Been Collet-tod. Tlie tm roll for 1809 for Columbia ! County M olowd laat cdnecday f iiioiniiig liy tho Shrifll, and the work ot mnkiiitf tip ttip le una lie til roil wa , tartd at unet The amouut collected on the roll is a little more than three- fourth of the entire amount charged npon the roll, the total charj-ed beinff t-ld.069.40, and tho amount collected luin 44rt.07. lp vim? delimiuent f!',6;3.33, which, indeed, fa a good show ing for anr Comity. Of counie, the whole amount will be collected, but no more entrie of canh received will be made upon the roll until after the de linquencies are copied into another book. This does not mean that no cash will !e received and receipted for; fur from it. Those who have not yet paid need not defer the matter long -r. You will get your olllcinl receipt whenever you see fit to pay. The Sheriffs lelivve that nearly f'.H.0 will be paid iu liefore the roll is alvertised. The sooner the amounts yet due are paid the better o(T the County will lie and the less trouble and expense the individual will have. In Mciuoriam. Hon.TON AdXKMIIlY OF VstTKO AbTIHANS, Uori.ToM, Or.. June 15. l'.KXi. WiiKiia.s, It has pleased the Supreme A:tisan o( the L'niverao to remove from our midst our esteemed Brother, Capt. Alexander Henderson ; therefor bo it Kekolvkd. That in the death of Brother Henderson this Assembly lose an esteemed and worthv Brother; the community, a citijen whose character was alwe reproach : the bereaved wife. a kind and attectionate husband. Rksolvkd, That Houlton Assembly of United Artisans touder its sincere sym pathy to his sorrowing wife and rela tives. Muv thev look to Him for hopo t and comfort who sustains all, in every trying hour, rv II is omnipotent lovo. "Umolvkd, That the charter of this Assembly be draped w ith the emblem of mourning for three months. kksolvko, That tlie fecretarv lie in structed to spread a copy of these reso lutions on tlie minutes of this meet ing and send a copy to the bereavd wife, also transmit a copy U)TiikOkk oox Mist, the Columbia County New and The Artisan for publication. J.1XK8 KOH I.KV, Committee on Resolution. Mini MbliokY A grand old remedy for Coughs, Colds and Consumption; used through the world for half a century ; has cured in- I numerable cases of incipient consump- t tion and relieved ninny in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money, l'riee 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Ir. Edwin Ross. Card or Thanks. I wish to thank the Masons and all friends for their kindness and sympathy throughout the illness and death ol my husband. Mtut. S. E. Hrmikkson. lloi'LTON, Ort-gon, June lutli, IKK). A .Hoimrr Vcrll ttah IVstroying its victim, is a type of constipation. The power of this malady is felt on organs, nerve, muscles ami brain. But lr. King's New Life l'iils are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world for stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Only L'5 cents. Sold by St. Helens Pharmacy. Tlie law requiring the registration of voters while a good one ami a measure that has long been needed in this State, is defective in many of the details and will cause much confusion, especially in this County where so many elections are held. The registration books are now closed for two years, and persons who move from one precinct to another before the Presidential election will be unable to vote without going to the trouble of filling out an affidavit which must be signed by six freeholders and testifying to his qualifications as an elector. Vu Try It. If Shiloh'a Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 2.i cts., 60 cts. aud $1, does not cure. take the bottle back and we wili reiund your money. .Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 2 cts. and 50 cts. Sold bv Dr. Edwin Ross. The Astoria papers declare that the report that the railroad company will th is season raise the transportation rates between Astoria and 1'ortland are un founded. Instead of a raise there will probably be a reduction, says one paper. A Wealth at llrauly Is often hidden by unsightly pimplet, eczema, tetter, erysipelas, Ball rheum, etc. Bueklen's Arnica Salve will glorify the face by curing all skin eruptions, also cuts, bruises, burns, boils, felons. ulcers and worst form of piles. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by St. Helens Pharmacy. Superintendent of Public Instruction J. H. Ackerman has just completed a new register to be used in all the pub lic schools in the State. The general plan in the new register is to have a detailed record of every pupil, from the time he enters school nntil he leaves, and a copy of the record to lie left by the teacher for the use of his successor. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doc tor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse ana the doctor then savi I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommended me to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a fifty-cent bottle cured me entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends. F. A. Uabcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale at the St. Hel ens Pharmacv. n it b. -hj Karl's Clover Root Tea lintnMfha th Complsxlon, PnHflM I he II nod ,Klve lrah,Urarllln. CurwCon jIImi on, iiuligeuinn, ""J all KruMiom of ino bkiii. An u.'reesMe Laxative N.rve Ionic. Sold on ahwlule Kntniritfl by all druKxIita at 21:., 60c. and I.OO. C. WELLS & CO., LCROV, N. V. SOIC rRQSfllCTORS FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. O' . I I II "I Vlrlua New Come from Dr. D. R. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He write: VKIectric Fitter ha cured Mr, llrewor of scrof ula, w hich had caused her great suffer ing for year. Terrible sore would break out on her head and face, and the best doctors could give heir no hvlii ; but now ner neaitn i excellent." Electric Hitter I the best blood purifyer known, It' the supreme remedy for eciema. tetter, salt rheum, ulcer, boll and run' ning tore. It stimulates liver, kidney and bowels, expel poison, help diges tion, build up the strength. Only 60 ceiu. rHiu uy m. Helen I'liaruiacy, uuaramccu. Mr. W. A. Hine. of Manchester. 1. writing of hi almost miraulou escape irom ueain, say: "exposure alter mcnsiei induced serious lung trouble wnicn ended in Consumption. I hai frequent hemorrhage and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I ti i list soon iu. then 1 began to uso lr, King's New Discovery which wholly cured me. Hundreds have used it on my advice and alt sav it never fail to cure throat, chest aud lumr troubles.' Regular io 60 cent aud l. Trial bot tie Iree at the St. Helen Pharmacv, A Card of Thank. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligation for what Chamberlain's I ough Remedy has done for our family We have used it in so many caws of coughs, lung trouble and whooping cough, ami it ha always given the most periecl satiklaclion, and we loel greatly indebted to the manufacturer of this remedy and wish theiu to please accept our ucartv tnaiiKs. Keepwtlully, Was. S. Doty, i)e Moines, Iowa. For sale at the St. Helens Pharmacv. PJiOFESSIOXJL. DR. E.ROSS, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. DR. H.R. CLIFF, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. DR.J. E. HALL, Physician and Surgeon CLAT.SKANIE, OREGON. i. W, IAY W. B. DILLAK1' DILLARD & DAY, ATTORN E YS-AT-LA )l Oincs next Wr to Courthouse, ft. IIKI.E.N. UKKUOM. Gni-rl t'ri'' Id courts f OriKn or Wash inn: Iruui couul)' n-i-vrrt.. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without on equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued ce effecta a permanent cure. It also cure itch . barber's itch, scald head, eore nipple, itchinir Dile. chapped hands, chrouio sore eyes and granulated no. Dr. Tally's Condition rowdVm for l .. . . 1. 1 - : 1 . . uornes ro mo re.n ionic, mood pnnner and vermifuge. Price, 23 cents, bold by Dr. Edwin Koss. "Duke's Place" POPULAR KE4URT FOR Star Brewing Company's Lager. -IMPORTED AND DOMKSTIC- Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Card tallies and other devices for ainuaement. - h'evr.papers and peroneal. NEXT TO THE HOTEL. KT. HELENS, : : OREGON. Stallion "OTTO" Will make the season of IDOOat my place on Milton creek, or where conven ience may dictate. THIS STALLION Is eight year old, fifteen hands high ; was sired by "Farwell." His dam was "Maud," a full Morgan. Terms: Insurance, $5.00. O. C. BARGE R, Yankton, Or. ED HILLSBERRY, Expert Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used in wash- i 1 ..i .u. f...... log aiiu vicuiJBiiJg tiio iiwe. r Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS ft IOII roUTLAND, DAILY H H X -STEAMER- H H H H M M H H H H H H M li "America" Willamett Slough Route i Leave St. Helen. ... fi :3d A M Arrive at Portland. .10 :.10 A M Iave Portland 2 :0 P M Arrive at St. Helens. 0:00 P M rAHE 26 c-Karr. Will Carry KnOilwr but Passen gers ami I'ait Freight, 9S Jt.HK KOOIt, Maaler I " A oriuu Druincrs CAFE sr. tmsxs, ... ORSGOS. NEW PLACE. If you want Mimthlii rtmm to th SHAW'S MALT Only th beat of Lipn and Cisars Kept in Stock OPCN FROM 8 A. M. TO ia O OLOCK MIONIONT. 5 VOO ARt ALWAYS WILOOMI ooo -AT Till $1 None but the bet in both Imported and Domestie wine, liquor and cigar. wines, liquor ana cigar. , nvoito unoic tuuicvrv vS utnuo nuDLt unionu i iv vnvoiwicu fiviiiiiitru ? 5 lleer alwavs on draught. A CLOHINCiR A WHITNCT. Prop. K; K No ladies furniture 1 comtilete jj without a new liht-runuiinj SLNGER If yon buy a lewing-machine why not gt-t the lM't. Hild on easy terms without interest. j v C. P. LOONET, Agont lj Aatoriu ... Orouon. S' 0. R. & I CO. t.ra.r Time SCHEDULES t'hlcaitiv Iwll Lke, twnver. Yt. 4 p.m. I'nrtUitd Wiirtli. Omaha, Kan Hilal Ma. Lily, M. I.i.uli, S.lii a ia. Chicago aud Kwt. Sail !.ake. IH-nvfr, Ft. 7:00.m. Atlantic Worth, Otuha, Kan KxpreM aaa City. hi. Lottla, V (M p. oi. Cbll-agoaud t'aat. Walla Walla. Lrwla- S tOa. m. Skall6 !'', iMif Kite, Moiri Fiver aHlii, Hi. t'aul, 6 00 p.m. liututh, Mllwauace, Cblcago aud EaaL Ocaan Staamihlpa. . 8 m- .All aallln !ate milj- P' jwt l change. For Han Fraticlwo Mil every fit daya. rially Columbia River 4 p. m. Ki Kuuday etumin ICi.Suuday S p. m. Cnturday To Astoria and Way lu p. tu. laudluxt. Ca m. Wlllamatta Rlr. 4pm. Ex.tfunday Orrnoo City. Newborg. Ka.Suuilay Kalctn A w ay land'i 1 m m Wlllamatt and Yam lUnu, Tiiei!lh'ur. hl" '' M.ia. Wed. sad Sm. Oregon City, baytnn, ami Frl. aud Way-latidiUffS. tn. Wlllamatta Plar. 4 k) p. m. Tuw.'Thttr. FortUnd to Corvallln Mn. Wd. and Hal. aud Way landliiita. aud Krl. I.v. Rlparla BnakaRlvtr. ' I..Iw'tnn l lli m. tl.lly at dally Rlparla to Lnalmou. 8uu. in. W. II. HURLBEBT, General l'ansoniicr Air ot, PORTLAND ORKUON j STOMA & COLUMBIA RIYER li RAILROAD COMPANY. KKADOOW TATIOa. U. 4, 7 00 II OS 21 8 XH 44 8 00 I .0' Lr. . forlland..Ar1 .. nM . .Halnlur . I'vramld .. Mayioir . Quinsy,,,..., (Malkiinlt). . . . Mitrnlilnnd.. , , . W4'.tport ,. Clifton . .Klmppa . Hven.on .John Hay .. A.torlu ... I.v Ill 1. r. a. 40 HA m 00 7 54 7 40 7 an 7 ax 7 17 7 ut 42 fi M -JO 10 OS IMJl 1 1 M af im,r,l 9 40 V,0! 9 li) Ml.ti, 10 00 M.3 10 10 ui.il 10 iti i7i.ii 10 Ml 7H 7! 11 Ot i.l 11 10 uo. 11 w -i.4! 11 30 irj 10 OS li III V. so t ') VI 0 02 k m m 17 07 7 Ml 7 41 Ul D (04 l'J 0 7 10 00 10 OH 10 W 10 ) Ar. All trnlna makn elnae eonnertlon. at (Johla with Nurtherii I'lUiiito train, to uud fcirn the Eat and Hound point. At I'nrtland with all traliia le. viiiii Union depot. At A.mrla Willi I, K. A N. Cn.'N hont and rail llrio to and frua 11 watio and North llcmih iilnt.. raanenirffra for Aatoria or wav nolnta mii.t fine traina at Houlton, Train will .ton Ut lot tn.. aener ofTat Houlton when coining from boiuu VH Ol UUUIC. ... Oon. faa. Aku, Aatorla, Or WHITE COLLAR LINE THE COLUMBIA ItlVBR AND l'UUET BOUND NAVI0AT1ON CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT rftii-lhiff Foot of Alder Hlrflet, fortlantl. Leavei I'ortfuiid dally (exri!ntHiitwIay)nl7 A, M iyttinlliiK T!li'phon fliK'k. ANtorln. Thriven AKtorla Mrtlly cx.pt Hun(,t,y)7 P. M. B ul ley Oalzert ticket. n on U-nnier IIbwbhIo, HLynuier UuhkaIo tickets good on Jlitiley (litUurt. U. B. SCOTT, Pres. THE NEW YORK STORE SUMMER SHIRTS OAfltQ Vn0h THREE FOR 65 C. MUID. Mill. Summer Clothing at Greatly Reduced Prices U. MOEGDS, Cooper Building Main Street, ST. HELENS, 01tE(50N .JOHNSON & OURCOORFER DROS. ""''a.5' ' O-Manntariurvra of and 1'ralcr. lu a ...All Kinds of Rough end Dressed Lumber... 4 rtewrlng... Itnatlc ...(riling ...DIaanlBi l uiairr.,, USOAri'OOHIfi. - I The Weekly Oregonianiig; CONTAINS 1 OUR CLUBBING OFFER We have tH'rfeited arranireuients whereby we are enabled to fur- z liiih The Weekly Oregonian In ronnwtioii with Tub Miht fur 2 only Two Dollar. Tho prleo o( The t'reonian alou i I.60. ' THE OREGON MIST Igf'iiS&rielt i& 'Zfie 1 How About V I G j Hk;t'4KI that cnvr crcor't tit dhow wit li Ue. n oit tHMtf i'Ui (iin Uba r lntu mtmey on rl- A' iit cfurli', Uk n nun'i wr4. bui tnla um kmvtg wht K ht rH'mt hiwi rcKBtrUtijjf lb it He- An Attr4-t l m cmtmtial m K it ilwjtl. Ituiiitt Ituvtuic U. V hr tt nniy hr of tkirMl 0 btMtkft in tii rnaiuv. All work frtui'Hy evtutro m Uii.-iUm $i RturftiiUHMl tmi h (.mitvrtjr to tHnuthiu v r W nxt iitB. if ilm twt itrv tnnruu- ciiitmnie i th worM, ( vuu W huw trorty fur U wttU u iu w will ft4 bujor, a OLHQUIGK. sr. uncus, on toon BSfiSftSvSa vfrrrw WM rt3j wa and ocaapr ttia lallaat B.rr.r.lll. bulldlnf In tk world. W Kara U,1! lKi, in ur i.Tr-. Btatoo hundr.d al.rka an svaaaaatly IJH aoiaf Slliu eut-tf'towa eidwa. l m I 111 OUK OtNBKAL. CATALOOUK 1 th twek fth paepla H qaat ItSn tp-fi WboUtala Pricaa to Fr.rylwdy, hai ov.r l.nw p.(a, it.ew llluatralloM, and llij I fllTit Su.aoadMcrlptlana of artlcla with prlcM. It coata 71 canta to ptlnl and stall V Jl I ru$J .achcopr- W. w.ot you to hav. on.. BIND ririltN ttNltUlln V Til your tvii faith, and w. ll r..l you a copy flitlt, with all chat ff.pa'd- fOHTGOMERY WARD & lVitkZT" -OO J DRUG Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc OH. J. . HALL, Propriotor. CLA TSKANIE, - OREGON. ! .STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... and Friday al if"? "M, l J ,1 ' ti ''.lStl! fl . BalurUayt, l lo-elo.:.... WJ7:A4!iJ!!Kf O'clock.... Portland and Kelso Route via Columbia River..... STEAMER G. DELL SHAVER, Maeter. The company ronorvu the rlgh to oliaiiKo tlmo Shaver OOOO R0AO TO THE MILL. Mill on uniith Ji.rk n srHmo crwk.fnur I Bill Inuu (Uhiumhuio amiloo l.iiinlwr ilrilvrrM ai Hi'p autn nr 1 Jnliliuill Iniiillni! at H ue par 41, ailra. AI I Warreu.lallon.Jiai, ' - - - - OREUON 3 3 weak 'ar All the new well written. Article deecrihing Western dcene and llll'ldl'llt. fetlorie of love and adventure known author. hy well- Hrilliant illustration by ni'wamier artlxts Interi'itinit vketche arid liieraturo for Ihivs and girls. 1'ushioii article anil illustration for women, Your Title? I li It mtr iftuiiiffMi U fmrvh th OJ hut (liny nittUHi in rt niton 11 l.n.1 tl) TO STORE - W. SHAVER Will leavo Portland, foot of WaHlilnr ton etnitit, each Hmiday, Tuenday "J Tlmrwlay aftBrnoun at 6 o'clwk. tuiiilnst, leavo Clalnkaiila Biwh Mi''.v Vdntiiday and Kriilay aftoriioon at o'clock, title jicruiittliiK- without nolle. Transoortation Comoany.