The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 22, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 27.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
Aa Interesting t'nlleellon of Items From
tint Toil )ImlM1ira Presented
In a Coiiiliinaed Form.
Fifteen hundred Boon surrendered to
General Brabant,
Half the tuwn of Franco, Wash.,
was destroyed by lire.
Han Francisco' Chinatown will be
released from quarantine Juua 23.
France tolka of joining Kussla and
Germany to restore oritur lu China.
Boer have evacuated Lalng' Nek,
and Puller is eucauipsd ou Joubert'
Kan Francisco Chinese have won an
other cane against the board of health
of that city.
The steamer China arrived at Baa
Francisco from the Orient with 066
Chinoie merchant.
Mr. George II. linker, widow of the
poet and ex-minister to Itusaia, it dead
at her home in I'hiladelphla.
Postmaster Graham, of fait Lake
City, Utah, wan convicted of unlawful
cohabitation and lined $350.
American! at Chin Klang are ia
need of irotection, an a large number
of Boxers have baited at that place.
Russian authority says the present
trouble lu China will be put down, but
a terrible upheaval will come later.
Mine. Augusta Lchmann, once a
singer of international reputation, U
dead at Santa Crus, Cal., aged 80
The president ha issued a proclama
tion formally announcing the establish
tneut of reciprocity agreement with
A icore of paasongor were injureil,
nine Mverely, by the derailing of t
train on the Great Northern, near Bum
mlt, Mont.
General Oti lay the Filipino are
quick and anxiou to loarn and uggeata
that an educational system be adopted
In the inland.
General MacArthur report the cap
ture of lthiion, near Mexico, and Ca
restany at Alcala, both importaut, the
latter a very important leader of the
guerrilla in Plugastusu provtncee, Lu
on. The Yaqul Indian are earning trouble
for the Mexican. They occupy the
impassable Bacatete mountains, a rauge
SO mile in leugth, mid it requires the
ntmoRt vigilant ou the part of Gen
eral Torre' 1,0) troop to hold them
In check.
The Unltet! State navy will build
warn hip aggregating over $100,000,-
000 In cost a toon a the builder are
prepared to undertake the great pro
gramme, which call for 11 armored
bip and three highly Improved Olym
pia type of oruisors.
Four pel-eon were killed in a trolley-oar
accident at Providence, Ii. I.
The Republican convention hall at
Phisdelphla will teat 16,000 people.
Doer have toru up 24 mile of rail
road between Pretoria and Kroontad.
Roar captured a British battalion
of 600 men at Koodeval, levering Rob
erta' line of communication.
Philippine rebel aim to follow the
tactic of the Cuban rebel during the
war of the latter against Splun.
Thetamer City of Seattle, which
arrived at Seattle from Alaska, brought
820 Klondiker and f 500,000 in (old.
Senator Clark wa given a great ova
tion at llutte, Mont. He made a
speech denouncing hi enemle a per
jurer. Documonts aiezed in the Philippine
Indicate that iu a rebel plot for an up
rlaing in Manila, women were to take
important part.
Clilnee minister in London aay it
1 i.baurd that the power should believe
the empreaa dowager i aidiug the Box
en' movement.
May thipmenta of ooat from Seattle
to San Francisco by water amounted to
20,000 ton, or half of the total amount
of ooal received at that port during
A a result of a week' scouting la
the Philippinea, more than 200 in
urgent were killed and 160 captured,
while 140 rifle, with ammunition and
tore were seized.
Two flve-atory brick building, owned
by Geo. K. Ketchiun. on West avenue,
New York, contaiung 125,000 bushel
of grain, were destroyed by fire, caus
ing a loss of $140,000.
In the preliminary examination of
1.. L. Cook, ohargod with the murder
of James Collins at Arlington, Or., a
physilolan testified that Collins oould
easily have been saved.
1 It is estimated that during the past
month various railroad corporations
have placed orders for 30,000,000 to DO,
000,000 feet of Washington fir, mainly
In bridge timbers, dock stuffs and ties.
The bubonlo plague has entirely dis
appeared from Honolulu.
Harry Kimball Shaw, of Pittsburg.
Pa., gave a dinner at Paris to 88 per
sons that cost (8,000.
Ex-Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania,
bas announoed bis candidacy for re
election to the senate.
' Th nhnrtnse in Cuban revenues oc
casioned by the defalcations disclosed .
will be reimbursed by the general deli.
flenoy bill.
A second-class naval station will be
astabllnhod at San Diego, Cal.
Churches and residences of foreigners
In Tien Tain have been burned.
An extra session of congress may be
convened owing to the Cblneee war.
China will have a heavy bill of dam
ages to pay for the Boxer outrages
when order Is again restored.
Fire destroyed the Home for the
Frlendlea children at Leadvtlle, Colo.,
causing the death of four of the iumates.
Francis of Orleans, Prince of Join
ville, sou of the late Louis Philippe,
king of the French, is dead of pneu
monia, aged 82 year.
Three persons were killed and 16
uriously injuied by a collision between
an express train and a train filled with
rave-goers noar London, England.
G. P. Itummelin, a well-known
merchant of Portland, Or., was mur
dered iu New York oity, presumably
for the purpose of robbery. His throat
was out from ear to ear.
A native rising has ocourred in the
Gambia colony, West Africa, and two
British commissioners and six members
of the police have been killed at Sann
kttudl, on the south banks of Gambia
liver, by Mandlugims. The party had
gone to Sanukamidi to settle a question
ol local administration, when the Man
dingoes suddenly attacked and mur
dered thdin.
The Mexican government, following
the example set by Texas, has quaran
tined against San Francisco, and until
notice to the contrary is given, all per
son who have been iu San Francisco
within a period of 15 days will not be
allowed to peas the border until they
have remained in quarantine for a iuf
llolent length of time to make up the
lfi days. The Mexican quarantine
relates to passengers only. The border
authorities have the matter in hand.
Journal specials from towns In South
west Nebraska tell of violent ralu and
wind storms with some haii. At Syra
cuse, 6 'ii inches of rain has fallen ia
24 hours: Damage to crops ia heavy.
The Little Nehama valley is one vast
bike, and many families have been
compelled to abandon their homes.
Freight trains on the Burlington have
been abandoned. Weeping Water
creek, at Weeping Water, Cass county,
is tho highest known for 10 years and
Missouri Pacitlc trains are delayed.
Abbe Marenx, the astronomer, has
discovered and sketohed through the
big telescope in the optic palaoe of the
exposition, at Paris, a remarkable spot
on the sun, forming a part of an extens
ive group, and having a diameter of
nearly 40 kilometers. This spot, he
says, will romaiu for seven days, and
become visible to the naked eye. He
predicts the appearance of other spots
in July, August and September, Inferr
ing that the heat during these months
will 1)0 very great.
British marines killed and wonnded
40 Boxers.
Itoboits' line of communication Is
again open.
General Grant reports the capture of
San Miguel, a rebel stronghold.
The summer residence of the British
minister at Peking has been burned.
Seven persons were drowned by the
upsetting of a boat on Lake Bennett,
Four people were killed by the de
struction of a large cooperage plant la
Robert's forces had a bard battle
wtih General Botha, but did not defeat
the Boer leader,
Peunsylvanians will push the candi
dacy of former governor Paulson for
the vice-presidency.
The money appropriated by congress
for use at tho mouth of the Columbia
will be used at once.
Two persons were drowned at South
Bond, Ind., by the capsizing of a boat
ou the river, at that place.
Methuen and Kitchener, in an en
gagement with Dewet's troops, scat
tered the Boers in all directions.
Terry MoGovern, champion light
eight of the world, knocked out Tom
.Vhite in three rounds at New York
New York capitalists have secured
concessions from the government of
Honduras to build a railroad in that
Wood workers of Chicago threaten to
go out on July 1, unless their wages
are increased. The strike will involve
8,000 workmen.
Two city detectives of Kansas City
undertook to stop a street fight between
a crowd of negro men and women and
as a result a man and a woman wert,
News ha been reoelved in New York
of the murder of Dr. Edna O. Terry,
In charge of the station of the Metho
dist Episcopal Woman' Foreign Mis
sionary Society at Tsung Hua, China,
Thomas Lewis, a minor of Tucson,
Arts., has been arrested on a charge of
setting fire to the Catelina forests,
where 6,000,000 feet of timber wore
destroyed, A miner who was with
Lewi claim that Lewis became in
oensed because the pino needles hurt
his feet and Bet fire to thorn, causing
the most disastrous forest lire ever
known in the Southwest.
Kansas ha 300 flour mills, with a
capacity of 10,000,000 barrels a year.
The nrnnoaed ocean cable between
Copenhagen to Iceland will be 404
miles long and cost about $850,000.
Manv Americans who went to Paris
with the expectation of making ex
penses by working are penniless.
Tli nenaua office is to handle the
statistics of the 76,000,000 people of
this country wito intricate eiecirio
British Must Reckon With a
Formidable Force.
lluller's Advene Delayed by the bat
of Supullea-Iluudle In kl
ml.h at Fleksburg.
London, June 16. That Command
tnt General Louis Botha should have
been able to stand for two day against
Lord Huberts and then retreat without
losing any guns or having any of bis
men captured, Is taken to mean that
be has a force which the British must
still reckon a formidable when acting
defensively. The pacification of the
whole of the Transvaal, especially the
wide spaces far from the railways, is
looked upon as a busiuoss lequirlng
mom hs, rather than weeks. Meanwhile,
everything goes well for the British
A Boer bulletin Issued June 13, at
Machadudorp said:
"Both wing of the federal forces
touched the advancing army at 1 A. M.
yesterday, east of Pretoria. Fighting
continued until dark. The enemy,
though In overwhelming numbers, were
checked along a line of 86 miles, and
the burghers succeeded in driving
back their right wing live miles. Two
burghers were killed and 10 wounded."
Another Machadodorp announcement
Is that the first regiment of General
ISuller'a force attacked Almond's Nek
tud was "annihilated," but as the
British were in overwhelming force,
the burghers were compelled to abandon
the Nek. .
A dispatch from Lourenco Marques,
dated yesterday, says:
"President Krugor is holding onto
his gold aud issuing paper notes from a
press in his executive car. The Boer
government's coin in stock is exhaust
ed, and the oflicials are now paying
out plain gold discs unstamped. Some
who have declined to accept notes have
taken their salaries in gold bars. The
Boer government la still paying out
much gold that way.
"Two steamers arrived at Lourenco
Marques yesterday, bringing several
thousand tons of supplies consigned to
Portuguese merchants, but destined for
the Boers. One hundred Americans,
Frenchmen, Germans aud Hollanders,
have arrived there by various steamers
en route for the Transvaal. Mr.
Crowe, the British consul-general, has
largo stock of clothing for the British
prisoners, but he will not forward
these nutil he gets assurances that the
Boers will not take them for their own
General Bailer will be unable to ad
vance further until be gets supplies.
Nearly every farmhouse bis troops
passed flew a white flag. The British
took nothing without paying for it,
and a brisk business was done in milk,
eggs, bread aud chickens by the thrifty
housewives, who were pleased to get so
much English money. One woman,
whose husband and two sons have been
fighting, said: "You British are unlike
our people. They took my horses In
exchange for sheep and mealies, and
made me make butter, which they
never paid 'or. I am sending to have
my men come home at ouce. " Usual
ly the first question a Boer woman puts
is. "Will my husbad be shot if he 1
captured?" One young man waa
pulled from under a bed, and be went
on his knee begging the British patrol
not to shoot him.
General Bundle had a sharp skirm
ish at Ficksburg, June 12. The Boers
had boon aggressive along the whole
Flck8burg-Senekal line, and menaced
Ficksburg in force. The British outpost
retired to tho village. General Bundle
held the attention of the Boers in front
with two gnus, while yeomanry were
sent around to their rear and drove
them off with a loss to the British ol
three wounded. Two patrols were also
'Why a Launching Stopped.
Vancouver, B. C, June 16. The
launching of the might steamer Cham
pion from the marine ways on False
Creek was prevented through a pecu
liar circumstance. At high tide the
skid on which the vessel waa to run
waa greased with tallow. When the
steamer was pushed off, however, she
only ran toward the water a distance ol
about her own length, and there Bhe
stopped. The sun had so heated the
skid that when the tallow was put on
it immediately melted and soaked
away in the wood. The result was
that the tops of the skid were sticky
and notelippeiy. A cold-storage device
was arranged for today, so that ths
steamer will float out tonight.
Casta ittean Fliinneee.
New Orleans, June 16. News was
received here today that President
Iglesias. of Co.ta Rica, had sent to con
gress a decree making legal the circula
tion in that country of the money of
the United States; also the gold coin
of England, France and Germany. A
a consequence, the value of Costa Rloan
money improved here today 110 points,
from 880 to 220 discount. The Costa
Rican congress 1b now engaged in form
ing n national banking law whioh will
conform to the new gold-basis system.
Nnnelino llrewery Burned.
Naniiimo, B. C, June 16. Fire com
pletely destroyed the plant of the Em
pire brewery, in this city, today. The
brewory was owned by Peter Weigle,
and was valued at f 12,000, and was
Doer Surrendered.
Veutorspoort, June 18. Two hnn
ilrnt mid tiftv Boors have surrendered
to General Hunter, and the remainder
in this distriot have promised to glvt
op their arm.
I. Louis Street Car Mow Bun Vnmo
let ted-All Quiet.
St. Louis, June 10. The predictions
tbat yesterday witnessed the beginning
of the end of the great street railway
strike were corroborated today when
the police department withdrew ' its
officers from all the cars and power
houses of the St. Louis Transit Com
pany and returned them to their regu
lar beats. The Transit Company con
tinue to augment it force of non
union men and its transportation facili
ties at a ratio that promises to see the
system in full swing before many more
day have passed.
Muob interest is being shown by the
general pnblio in the coroners' inquest
at present in progress over the bodies
of strikers and a citizen killed last Sun
day by member of the sheriff's posse
oomitatus. The testimony adduced at
today's hearing does not' deny that
Deputy Sheriff Marsh shot Frederick
Bobne, the citizen in question, but the
witnesses disagreed as to the deputy's
provocation for shooting. There was
testimony from about 86 witnesses,
consuming three hours, after which the
Jury returned a verdict of homicide.
A sensational feature of the inquest
was the conflicting statements made by
witnesses as to whether Police Lieu
tenant Staok ordered the deputy sher
iffs to fire on the crowd. Several of
the deputies testified that be ordered
the posse .-card to shoot, while Stack
declared be did all in his power to pre
vent the deputies from firing.
The disappearance of Deputy Sheriff
Marsh was a startling development at
the inquest. It is believed tbat Marsh
has left the city. No further search
will be made for him probably, unless
friends of the dead man seek to prose
cute him, the verdict of the coroner's
jury being practically an exoneration.
Charged With Conspiracy.
Ban Francisco, June 18. Ernoat
Emmrich, chief clerk in the quarter
master's department, U. S. A., has
been arrested, charged with conspiring
with J. W. Bartholomew, also under
arrest, to defraud the government by
approving bills for supplies that were
never furnished. He was released on
$3,000 bonds. On his person was
found a note made payable to him from
the American Box Factory, which has
been paid considerable money for sup
plies that it is claimed were never de
livered to the government. Bartholo
mew is the secretary of the concern.
The boxes were used in packing guns
and ammunition for shipment.
Eight Miners Killed.
Canmore, Alberta, June 16. A ter
riblo gas explosion occurred in Can
more ooal mine yesterday afternoon,
lesulting in the instant death of eight
men and the injury of several others.
The cause of the explosion is supposed
to have been the carelessness of one of
the miners in opening his safety lamp
in violation of the rules, and in a por
tion of the mine where to do so waa
dangerous in the extreme. Tbis miner
is believed to be one of the unidenti
fied victims.
A Wedding In June.
Astoria, Or., June 16. Governor T.
T. Geor, Oregon's chief executive, and
Miss Isabella Turllinger, were married
in Astoria this afternoon, under cir
cumstances as happy and surroundings
as pleasant as could be desired. Th
weather did not promise well, but re
sulted in a beautiful sunset as thi
bridal party started away on their spe
cial car. amid a shower of rice. Thf
ceremony was performed at the First
Presbyterian church, by Rev. Henry
Marcotte, pastor of the church.
The Ashantee Rebellion.
London, June 16. The Daily Ex
press bas the following dispatch from
I'rahsu, dated yesterday: "There hai
been another fight on the line of com
munication of the Kumussie relief ex
pedition. There are 10,000 Asbanteei
surrounding Kumassie, and 6,000 fac
ing the relief force. The leaders of the
rebellion include Ashantuab, Queen ol
Tortulng a Murderer.
London, June 16. A Shanghai dis
patch, dated yesterday, says: "A
Chinese steamer, laden with arms and
ammunition, cleared from Shanghai
today, bound for Tien Tsin. A notor
ious murderer, who was delivered by
the municipality of Shanghai to the
Chinese authorities, is being slowly
toned to death in a cage. Thousands
of spectators watch his agonies daily."
Thirty Miles From Feklng.
Berlin, June 16. The Berlin papen
have a dispatch from Tien Tsin saying
that the international foroe has arrived
within 80 miles of Peking, but that ths
distance remaining must be traveled
on foot, as the railway is completely
destroyed. Tbis, the dispatch says,
will require three days.
Six Million Destitute.
Simla, India, June 16. Over 6,000,
000 persons are now receiving relief.
There was an increase in Bombay oi
8,200,000 last week, owing to the re
turn of destitute people who deserted
the works on aocount of the oholera
care. The prospects of a fair mon
soon are somewhat improved.
Bishop Wllmer Dead.
Mobile, Ala., June 16. Right Rev.
Richard Hooker Wilmer, Episcopal
bishop of the diocese of Alabama, died
here this morning, aged 84 years.
Fire Miners Killed.
Blwabik, Minn., June 16. A terri
ble accident ocourred today at the Hale
mine, three miles from here, in whioh
five men were instantly killed by an.
explosion of dynamite.
Drngglats and Hotelinen'Kxoluded.
St. Paul, June 16. The grand lodge
1 Odd Fellow today voted to exclude
druggists and hotel-keepers from the
ordei in this state. William MoGreg
or, of Minneapolis, was elected grand
Members of the Foreign Le
gations in Trouble.
One Hundred Thousand Chinese Troon,
fluardlng the City's Jt For
eigners May Raise Taku.
London, June 18. This is the situa
tion in China a it appears to the
Shanghai correspondent of the Daily
Express, eabling last evening:
"It is really a state of veiled war.
The members of the foreign legations
in Pekin are virtually prisoners, and
the Chinese troops are only restrained
from attacking them by fear of the le
gation guards. Meanwhile, the minis
tera are altogether unable to communi
cate with the commanders of the relief
column, which is making an enforced
and isolated halt between Tien Tsin
and Pekin. Tbe walls of the capital
are guarded by 100,000 imperial troops.
The gates are heavily defended with
modern guns. General Tung, acting
under orders from tbe empress dowager,
says that no more foreign troops snail
nter the sacred city.
"Monday the ministers sent a de
mand to the Tsung li Yamun tbat the
gates tie opened, declaring that other
wise the foreign troops would enter
forcibly. To this no reply was given.
A second message was unanswered, or
had not been answered when the latest
news left Pekin. Sir Claude MacDon
aid's latest message says that the lega
itons are capable of sustaining an effect
ive defense unless attacked in force."
Russia, this correspondent asserts,
notwithstanding assurances to tbe con
trary, sides with China. Some of the
foreign troops are already reported to
be in the environs of Pekin, and the
attitude of the Chinese troops ia in
creasingly menacing.
Neura Brlja Insurgents Scattered One
American Killed.
Manila, June 18. Upon information
furnished by Major Wheeler to the ef
fect tbat General Lacuna intended to
attack Papaya, province of Neuva Ecija.
General Funston, with staff officers,
Captain Koehler and troop G, of tbe
Fourth cavalry, and half a company of
the Thirty-fourth infantry, repaired to
Papaya. General Lacuna was found
with 200 men occupying a position on
a ridge seven miles south of the town.
General Funston attacked vigorously,
60 Americans charging the enemy un
der a hot fire. The insurgents fled.
On their attempting to make a stand
later. Captain Koehler, with a detach
ment of troops, charged and scattered
them. The pursuit over the rough
country lasted until nightfall. Twen
ty two of the insurgents were killed.
One American was killed and one
An important capture of Filipino in
surgents was reported to the war de
partment this morning by General
MacArthur, in the following cable
gram: "General Macabnlos, with eight
oflioers, and 148 rifles, surrendeied to
Colonel Liscum, of the Ninth infantry,
at Tarlao, this morning. Macabnlos ia
the most important insurgent leader
in Tarlao and Pangasinan."
Philippine Soldier Returning.
Washington, June 18. Adjutant
General Corbin received a cable mes
sage from General MacArthur from Ma
nila today saying that the transport
Hancock sailed today with the return
ing battalion of the Eighteenth infan
try. This battalion is composed en
tirely of men whose term of enlistment
is about to expire, and is being
brought home for the purpose of being
Quarantine Dlssolxed.
San Francisco, June 18. In tbe
United States circuit court. Judge
Morrow rendered a decision in the case
of Jew Ho against the board of health
of this city, dissolving the general
quarantine of Chinatown, enforced by
the board of health, owing to the al
leged existence of plague in this oity.
Judge Morrow held that the quarantine
was discriminating in its character .
Regarding the existence of fbs
plague, Judge Morrow stated that he
was not qualified to pass judicially oa
the question, owing to the conflicting
testimony of physicians, but that if it
came within his power to decide in the
matter, he would declare that plague
does not, nor has not, existed.
At a meeting of the board of health
tbis afternon the quarantine was de
clared dissolved.
A New York Mystery.
New York, June 18. The body of a
man with the throat cut from ear to
ear was discovered today in the upper
bay. An autopsy showed that the cut
had been inflicted before the body en
tered the water. In his pookets were
an account book with the inscription
on the outside, "Ladd & Tilton, Port
land, Or." There was also a billhead
of G. P. Bummelin, of Portland, Or.)
a business card of M. F. Phillips, rep
resenting E. W. Bedell, 93 Bleeker
street, New York, and a visiting card
of J. D. Williams, 863 Wickoff street,
To Kxplore Greenland Coast.
Copenhagen, June 16. The Norweg
ian steamer Antarctic, with tbe Dan
ish East Greenland exploration, com
manded by Lieutenant Ambrup, sailed
this morning to explore the coast be
tween Cape Brewster and Aggai island.
Havana, June 18. Yellow fever has
broken out at Quemados, eight miles
from Havana, where United State
troops are stationed. Thus far thers
have been four cases, three of which
proved fatal.
Popular Beimel Monthly.
Languor, loss of appetite, indiges
tion and often feverishness are the com
mon symptoms of a physiological con
dition termed "malaria." All these
symptoms may be and frequently t
the effect of the use of alum baking
powders in food making. There is no
question about the poisonous effeot of
alum upon the system. It obstructs
digestion, prostrates tbe nerve, coagu
lates and devitalizes the blood. All
this has been made clear, thank to
physicians, boards of health, and food
commissions. So "highly injurious to
the health of the community" does the
eminent head of the University of
Pennsylvania, Dr. Barker, consider tbe
alum baking powders, that be says
"their sale should be prohibited by
Under these circumstance it . ia
worth the while of every housewife to
employ the very little care that is nec
essary to keep so dangerous an element
from the food of her family.
A pure cream of tartar baking pow
der, which is tbe only kind that should
be used, ought to cost about forty-five
to fifty cents a pound. Therefore, if
you are paying much less something is
wrong; if you are paying twenty-five
cents oi less per pound, tbe powder is
certainly made from alum. Always
bear these simple facts in mind when
purchasing baking powder.
Three Day ef FestlTlty Rave Bee
Arranged for In Portland.
Portland, June 18. The Fourth of
Jnly will be celebrated in Portland
this year as it never has been before.
Three days of festivity hare been ar
ranged for, with special programmes
for every day. The con.mittee wliich
has the matter in charge is composed
of enterprising business men, among
them being Gen. Owen Summers, Julius
L. Meier and Dan McAUen. They
bave succeeded in securing a rate of
one fare for tbe round trip from all
points in the state, so that everyone
will be enabled to come to Portland
and help celebrate.
Among the unique features which
have been arranged is a grand illumi
nated parade at night, which will take
the place of the usual fireworks. Vol
leys of rockets and mines will be dis
charged as tbe parade moves along
through the streets, and in the proces
sion will be many brilliant fire floats
and squads of torch bearers. The best
of musio bas been provided, and visit
ors to the city will find no lack of op
portunity to find entertainment while
giving vent to their patriotism.
Bow a Newspaper Man Retaliated for
Insults From a Candidate.
' A good story, and one with a moral,
is related by a well-known Southern
writer, says tbe Ner York Mail and
"No great statesman with good bard
horse sense ever went out of bis way to
offend a newspaper man," he says.
"Some years ago there was a very hot
campaign in Georgia for a big office.
"In a distant city lived a candidate
who was confident of election. He
wa proud and haughty, and thought
only of himself.
"A young newspaper man waa de
tailed by the managing editor to ac
company tbe statesman and report bis
"Now comes the funny part of tbe
tory. The statesman ignored his com
panion left him to take care of him
selfintroduced him to nobody treat
ed him without any consideration.
"Once when tbey were riding in a
buggy through the country they stop
ped at a spring. The statesman cooled
a bottle of wine in the spring and dsank
it all, without offering the journalist a
"Then be helped bimselt to a cigar
from tbe valise, and resumed bis seat
in tbe buggy.
" 'Drive onj'he said.
"The newspaper man hated and de
spised the cold-blooded politician, but
he had bis work to do. ,
"He reported the speeches and cam
paign incidents, but in a quiet way he
knifed the statesman. The big man
read tbe re ports, and was conscious that
something was lacking, but be could
not tell what.
"The newspaper man simply stuck
to the facts and damned tbe oandidate
with faint praise. He left out the ele
ment of enthusiasm. He was dull.and
deliberately so.
"The candidate was defeated, and he
never knew how much the newspaper
man had to do with it.
. "Of course he did not dream that his
own conduct had injured him. No
mean man ever makes the discovery
that he ia mean."
Opportunity of Trouble.
The tests of life are to make, not
break us. Trouble may demolish a
man's business but build up his char
acter. The blow at the outward man
may be tbe greatest blessing to the in
ner man. If God. then, puts or per
mits anything hard in onr lives, be sure
that the real peril, the real trouble, Is
what we shall lose if we flinch or rebel.
3. S. Times.
Sixty workmen on the Deleware 4
Western coal trestle at Oswego, N. Y.,
struck for higher pay.
Prosperity Hard to Bear.
There is one bard thing to bear ii
this werld, and tbat is prosperity. Tbe
fact that we do not feel it as a burden
does not affeot the truth that it is bard
to carry it and yet stand upright. To
be honest, generous, considerate, fair,
magnanimous, in "prosperity" ab I
that la not easy. Yet this ia what it
means to stand upright. Under world
ly prosperity one is in great danger ol
getting spiritualty stoop-shouldered
and weak-kneed. Pray for ths proa,
parous! S, S. Timet,
Had No Trouble Getting to
Cape JNome May 35.
Brought Beek Four Passengers, With
a Quarter of a Million Claims
Richer Than Reported.
Vancouver, B. C, June 19. That
the gold fields of Cape Nome are richer
and more productive than bas yet been
represented, is the story brought down
by the steamer Alpha, which arrived
from tbe North tonight. From a single
claim, worked by 20 men in tbe employ
of Jack Brady, $15,000 was taken out
in one week and the same claim panned
out 56,000 within a month. As an
earnest of Cape Nome's golden pro
ductiveness, the Alpha brought down
1250,000 In gold dust. There were
Ave passengers on board, and tbe dust
belonged to four of them, in the fol
lowing amounts:
Jack Gill, of Seattle. (145,000; J. C.
Mongahan, of Denver, $40,000; Frank
Green, of Kansas City, $30,000; Glen
Tinsley, an old Dawson miner, - who
went to Nome last year, $35,000.
Unusual interest has followed the
Alpha's trip, not only because she was
the first steamer to sail for Cape Nome,
but more especially on account of pos
sibility of international complications,
the Alpha being a Canadian bottom
and Home not being a sub-port of en
tay. But the skipper bad no trouble
with the customs regulations. He
sailed from Vancouver on April 6,
clearing for St. Michael. He says he
was so menaced with icebergs as be
approached St. Michael that be pro
ceeded directly to Nome, landing 163
passengers and their supplies on the
beach on May 25. and sailing for Van
couver on May 30.
The Alpha was carried by the ice to
tbe Siberian coast, and for five days waa
packed in the ice unable to move.
She finally made Nunivak island, where
she found tbe San Francisco whalers,
Alexander and Jeanette, with about
100 passengers each, also trying to
reach Nome. After spending three
days more in very heavy ice near Pri
byloff islands, the Alpha finally made
Nome, whither tbe Alexander bad pre-
Auliu) llanoa Jraan AavA aWAT4rhWie4
were tbe miners at the double arrival
of the Alexander and the Alpha that a
civic holiday waa declared, and the
Canadian boat was received with sa
lutes, all the oustoms regulations being
waived, although as she had cleared
from Vancouver for St. Michael the
discbarge of her freight was in direct
contradiction of the custom laws.
Nome waa rather dull during March
and April, work being entirely sus
pended on aocount of cold weather.
Several times during tbe winter the
settlement narrowly escaped total de
struction by fire. All the buildings
are said to be flimsey structures, and
no fire piotection is afforded.
The extent of the gold -producing area
of Nome seems much greater than was
at first supposed, and all over the coun
try men are reported to be washing
from 15 to 25 cents to the pan in gold.
Golden Gate and Mascot creek are
turning out well. Topoock is the big
gets find of tbe season, where it is con
sidered nothing remarkable for a miner
to make $30 a day on many of tbe
claims, although the gold is found in
intermittent streaks. It was on Top
cock creek that $56,000 was oleaned up
In 30 day. Topcock is 15 miles from
the sea, and 60 miles south of Nome.
One thousand people are working there
now, and there have been clean ups
from $25,000 to $50,000 on 100-foot
claims. ,
The Colombian Rebellion.
Kingston, Jamaica, June 19. The
Royal mail steamer Don, Captain
Davis, which arrived here today from
Colon, brings news of an important
battle fought on Friday last about 10
miles outside of Panama. According
to this information tbe insurgents
forces were victorious and some 200 of
tbe government troops were killed. It
is inferred that Panama may already be
in possession of tbe rebels. The latter
are strongly entrenched at San Joaquin,
near Santa Marta, and all the govern
ment troops at Baranquilla bad been
dispatched to Santa Marta, when the
Don left Colon.
Help From Manila.
Manila, June 19. The Ninth regi
ment has been ordered to Manila,
whence it will proceed to China.
Manila, June 19. The gunboat Con
cord, with marines aboard, bas sailed
under sealed orders, supposedly for
China. The British cruiser Buenaven
tura has Bailed for Hong Kong with
troops and stores for Hong Kong and
Tien Tsin. .
Died In IMntng Oar.
Chicago, June 13. John H. Donlin,
a prominent contractor here, died while
sitting at the table in a Chicago &
Northwestern dining car between
Waukegan and Kenosha Wis., last
evening. Dnnlin, with two friends,
were on their way to Eagle river,
Wis., where they intended to spend
several days flabing.
De Moines Auditorium Burned.
Des Moines. June 19. The Dv
Moines auditorium, used for a conven
tion hall, whioh was constructed a
year ago at a oost of $50,000, was de
stroyed by fire today. It was insured
for $25,000. It was occupied by the
Commercial Exohange and tbe T. W.
P. Chase Amusement Company, the
latter holding a lease and conducting a
vaudeville show. All tbe seats, effects
and scenery were burned, making a
total loss, as now estimated, of $40,000,
with $27,000 insurance.