The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 15, 1900, Image 4

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IPu1 osrsan
Is Mrs. Pinkham. Her
great correspondence
is under her own super
Every woman on this
continent should tin
derstand that she can
write freely to Mrs.
Pinkham about her phy
sical condition because
Mrs. Pinkham Is
A Woman
and because Mrs. Pink
ham never violates con
fidence and because
she knows more about
ths ills of women than
any other person in this
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
has cured a million sick
women. Every neigh-.
Dorhood, almost every
'amlly, contains women
relieved of pain by this
great medicine.
Ordinary chimney soot ia an excellent
fertilizer and should be careully raved.
That from coal ia aaperior to that from
wool. It contains nitrogen, and is
beneficial to all crop. It ia disliked
by some inserts, and ia used as a pre
ventive of their attacks, for which par-
pose it may be more profitably applied
owing to the small quantity produced
prohibiting its use extensively as a fer
reeaaeercial sja l-iaaatclej BarMnlaas
f IsicrMt la Gnvlag
WMtirt ItaiM,
The mines owned by the War Eagle
Consolidated Mining Company on
f-haw't mountain are growing better
and better as development progresses,
says the Boise Statesman. The Sic
Carthy property ia now producing some
very rich ore, specimens showing gold
in large quantities.
In the Paymaster, after following
the ore thnte some 300 feet, the man
agement determined to open stopea
preparatory to starting the mill. Five
upraises were started for this purpose
and id every one of them the vein is
far better than in the level. It is
about six feet wide, and there) is fonr
and a half feet of ore that runs close to
10 a ton.
Altogether the outlook for this group
ia moet encouraging. AU that was ex
pected was to open good property,
but it now looks a though it would
turn out to be a bonanza.
Work on the concentrating mill Is
progressing rapidly and it is bo pot to
have the plant ready- to run by the
Fourth of July, it will be a novel
tight to see that mill in operation,
There is no other plant like it in the
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet.
It cure, painful, swollen, stuartm:. lif-rv-
ooi feel, and ihiaiitlr lake the aiuig out
! corns and humous. Its the preatl
rotufort diet-overy of the . Allen' Foot-
F.ane tuakra tight or new --hoes fee ear.
It is a certain cure for Ingrowing; Nails.
sweating, callous atid lint, tired, aching
feet. We have over au.on tf-iimitnai!
Try it biay. Sold br all drucpM and
shoe autre. I'r matt for iy. m Maini.
Trial package rltKK. Addreu, Alien 8.
Olmsted, l.e Roy. N. i.
Hay differs greatly in weight and
quality. Ripe timothv hay is the
heaviest, about 400 cnbie feet, well
packed, being et-timatetd as weighing
a ton. If cut when in blossom a ton
will take op about 480 cubic feet.
Mixed with clover a ton will vary from
450 to 800 cubic feet. Clover hay re
quires about 650 cubic feet to a ton.
Of pea vine hay abont 800 cubic feet
make a ton. Aliout 700 cubio feet of
meadow bay is the estimate for a ton.
These estimate are not strictly reli
able, however, as something depend
upon bow closely the nay is pressed in
the stack or mow.
Iroa Drae Hold.
The famous Iron Dyke mine, on
Snske river, has been sold for $95,000,
savs the Cuprum. Idaho, Standard.
Mr. Charles M. Reed, of Erie, Pa
was the purchaser. The debts of the
former owners of this mine, the North'
west Copper Companv, amounted to
about 65,000, which' leaves $20,000
above the indebtedness. This insures
the payment of all the company owes,
and will place several thousand dollars
in circulation here. Mr. Reed is very
wealthy, and now that he has gotten
the other members out of the company
will no doubt prosecute development
work as rapidly as possible.
Hu-alei Hump.
Charles Sweeney and his associates
have returned from Buffalo Hump.
where they have been inspecting their
properties, says the Lewiston, Idaho,
Tribune. They were highly pleased
with the conditions there and will soon
have big operations in progrees. The
shaft on the Big Buffalo is being sunk
at the rate of from two to three feet
per day, three shifts being at work.
The saw mill is cutting 10,000 feet of
lumber per day and the 10-stamp mill
will be ready for operation in 80 days J
Struck It Rich.
Frank Chesley, a well-known mining
man of Hater City, made a big strike
of very rich ore in a new vein on the
Nondescript. The group of claims in
eludes the Black Prince, Mizpah, Cold-
en Era, Golden Kra No. 2, Pot Luck,
Lost Cabin, The Doctor, The tlub, The
White Rose, the Ellen and the Mount
Lily, and is situated about four miles
from Sumpter, near McKweo. The
ledge is 16 feet between well-defined
walls, an is believed to be one of the
biggest finds in the district.
Ra,tjeat-iet r Qaetattaae the
lag seafres ef Tresa.
Pmrt.treet'l tar: Readjustments of
price quotations to meet the chsuged
condition of supply and demand are
still the leading features of the general
trade. In volume the business doing
is of a between-teaton character, im
provement in soma lines being counter
balanced by increased dullness in other
branches. That the basic conditions of
the trade are in the main of a favorable
nature, however, is proved by the con
tinued good railroad earnings returns
which come to band. The fact seems
to ! that the volume of business offer
vd the transportation interests of the
country continues considerably in ex
cs of a year ago. Crop reports are
relatively most favorable as regards
corn and oats. In the Southwest,
wheat crop prospects are still main
tained at a high average. In the
Northwest wheat has been helped by
lata rains, but owing to their late ar
rival it is not certain how much bene
fit was obtained thereby.
The hand-to-mouth domestic demand
for iron and steel continues, but the
numler of small orders received
Southern pig and steel rails note
most inquiry. The situation in the
pipe market is no better, and plates are
weaker. Concessions of fractions of a
dollar are apparently easily obtained
for pig iron, but throughout the trade
the feeling is rather more cheerful, the
foeling being that lower prices will on
the one hand encourage consumptive
demands, snd, on the other hand, tend
to restrict production by less eoououii
cal plants.
Easiness faiures for the week in the
United States number 135, aa com
oared with 167 bt-t week.
Mothers will find Mrs. Winsiow's tooth
ing hvrup the best remedy to use for to'
Children during lbs teething period.
The ground cannot be made too rich
for gooseberries and currants, and any
extra attention given them the first
year will have its effect for years after.
as a good start is an advantage. Plant
in rows four feet apart, cultivate
thoroughly, and then mulch. Cutting
out the old wood should not be over
looked. It is not difficult to get large
yields of fruit when the soil is rich
and the cultivation is thoiough.
In boiling meat for soup put cold
water to it and let it come slowly to
simmer to extract the juice. If meat
la boiled for itself alone put it into
boiling water, which causes the outer
surface to contract and the richness of
the meat is retained within.
Thick brown paper should be laid
onder carpets if the patent lining is not
to be bad. It saves wear and prevents
the inroads of moths, which, however.
will seldom give trouble if salt is
sprinkled around the edges when the
carpet is laid.
arter s
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature) of
6 FaoSlralis Wrapper Betew.
Very samavU ama as tasr
ttJMVfini MfsWNAwl iAMATUMC,
-ilesitfl and fc
a ,-. a.lSf.g .' ..' '
mtm louen arm, t eaiee uuoa. use 1 1
In lime. Sold r rjruinilaas.
Mumps is epidemic in Olympia.
The bunco men reaped a harvest ol
f 1,250 in Seattle in one day recently
The court house at Coquille Citv,
Or., has been fornuhed with over 200
opera chairs.
Five thousand or more young salmon
were turned into the Uoquiue river
last Thursday, by li. D. Hume.
The oyster experimental station at
Key port, Wash., is completed, and the
oysters planted there are doing well
Three inches of snow covered the
ground in the Axe Handle district, 16
miles from Anteleope, Or., last week
The Lakeview, Or., United States
land office has received supplies to re
place those destroyed by the recent fire,
and has opened up for business.
The Lakeview, Or., Odd Fellow.
will build a large two-story brick
building for lodge purposes in the place
of the one that was burned.
On Friday morning's freight Kiddle
Bros, shipped from La Grande, Or., 17
carloads of stock to Omaha, eight
horses, eight of cattle and one of mules
The Dofnr Dispatch says three cases
of smallpox ate reported in Wapinita,
Wash., and it is said quite a number
have been exposed to the disease.
Insurance adjusters are flocking to
Lakeview like bees, says the Rnstler,
as 185,000 loss among the various com
panies calls their attention to the fact
that there was a fire in Lakeview.
The steamer Bismarck, which had
been moored at Coquille City, Or., for
several months, filled with water and
sank last week. She was probably
snagged. The boat was built in Fort-
land in 1892.
Buyers are contracting for this year's
hops at 10 cents, says the Tacoma
Ledger. In the Yakima districts buy
ers are offering to make contracts at 9
and 10 cents. Not many contracts
have been signed at these figures.
Country millers in Eastern Washing
ton have been receiving communica
tions warning them that a movement
was going fowrard to form a flour trust
in Washington and Oregon, and nrging
them to attend a meeting in ripoakne,
with a view to organizing for the pur
pose of dealing with the alleged trust.
C. S. Farrow, of Eugene, Or., has
invented a sidewalk nail which is
driven into the sides of the boards in
stead of the top. He claims it keeps
the boards from getting loose, and at
the same time prevents shoes and
dresses fromjbeimj torn by projecting
M, 3. Ileney, chief contractor of the
White Pass road, has written to Seattle
for all the good general railroad labor
ers he can get. Men are daily leaving
the work for the gold fields.
The Bellingham mill at New What
com, Wash., which has been idle since
1891, will be put into operation. The
E. K. Wood Lumbering Company, of
Han Francisco, has bought the mill.
and will spend about Si's, 000 in equip
ments and the building of dry kilns,
wharves and warehouses.
A party of 18 timber hunters from
California passed through Klamath
Falls on their road to Fort Klamath,
near which place they expect to locate
timber claims. Tbey reported that
I another party having the same object
I ia view will be along In few days.
Reatll. Market.
Onions, old, 7c; new, 2o.
Lettuce, hot bouse, 25c dos.
Potatoes, 16(al7; Sligll.
Beets, per sack, 00c (8 91.
Turnips, per sack, 40($60o.
Carrot, per sack, St.
Parsnips, per sack, 50 75c.
Cauliflower, California Vt)c($.
Strawberries $3.25 per case.
Celery 40iJ860c per dox.
Cabbage, native and California,
Tomatoes S2.60 per case.
ft. 006 1.25 per 100 pounds.
Apples, f2.O0(2.75; 13.00 3. 50.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Butter Creamery, 22c; Eastern 82c
dairy, 1722c; much, li 17o pound
Eggs 19o.
Cheese 14 315c.
Poultry He; dressed. 14 15c;
spring, 5.
Hay Puget Sound timothy, Si 1-00
(12.00; choice Eastern Washington
timothy, 1S.00iS 19.00
Corn Whole, $.13.00; cracked, f 33;
reed meal, $23.
Barley Boiled or ground, per ton.
Floor Patent, per barrel, $3.25;
blended straights, $3.00; California,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, fS.OO; gra
ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat
flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.804.00,
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $13.00;
ihorts, per ton, $14.00.
lem Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton;
middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal,
per ton, $;i0.00.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef
(teers, price 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c;
lirk, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8g'
II T . . n ..,
iiama iirge, lac; smau, J3't;
Breakfast bacon, 12,4c; dry salt sides,
Portland M.rk.t.
Wheat Walla Walla. 6lo;
Valley, 61c; Blueetem, 54c per bushel.
Flonr Beet grades, $3.00; graham,
$2.50; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choice white, 8Gc; choice
gray, S-Jc per bushel.
Barley reed barley, $14.00 15.00;
brewing, $16.00 per ton.
MilU-tuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid
dlings, $19; snorts, $15; chop, $14 per
Hay Timothy, $10(311; clover,$7
7.50; Oregon wild hay, $G(sj7 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 3540c;
seconds, 45c; dairy, 2530o;
store, 25c.
Kgga I34e per dozen.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c;
Young America, 14c; new cheese lOt
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $4. 00(1
4.50 per dozen; hens, $(1.00; springs,
$2.50(33.60; geese, $8.60g8.00 (orold;
$4.50(30.50; ducks, $0.00(87.00 per
dozen; turkeys, live, 1415o pet
Potatoes 30(3 55o per sack; tweets,
2(3 2 per pound.
A egeUbles Beets, $1; turnips, 75c;
per sack; garlic, 7c per pound; cab
bage, l!io per pound; parsnips, $1;
onions, 1 2C per pound; carroU, $1.
Hops 2 8c per pound.
Wool alley, 12(3 13o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, ' 10 15o; mohair, 27
80c per pound.
M utton Gross, best sheep, wethers
anil ewes, 8c; dressed mutton, 7
7)jtc per pound; lambs, 6o.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00;
light and feeders, $4.60; dressed.
5.00(6.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $4.00(34.60;
cows, $3.504.00; dressed beef, 643
Twe Botaiere ia tkephtllpplaea lae tsie
Bones to (Vee Who Is to SusTsr.
"I was In the Philippines about three
months ago," aald the Chicago agent ot
well-known tea house, "and taw the
queerest throw of dice I ever taw In mj
life. Two soldiers bad been court mar
tlaled Tor getting drunk and assaulting
tbelr superior officer about the gravest
offense a subordinate can commit Be
ing after dark, the officer didn't know
which one it was. Neither did they, nor
mucn or anything else that happened
about that time. But the court insisted
' that for the take of discipline one ot
them must be punished. It was hard
lines. For they were really not bad
young fellows and everybody was eorry
for thorn. Each was willing to take
the penalty and let the other one off.
But that wouldn't do, to It was Anally
agreed that they should throw the die
for It
The first one that took them thook
them hard and turned them out Five
and two! The second man followed
tult Hit were five and two. Then the
first poured out a tlx and five. Six and
five came out for the other. You should
hart Jutt beard the shouts and bets.
Then the first one threw again. Two
and three 1 And two and three thowed
up for the second soldier. Thlt wit
getting Interesting. 'Aces." said the
first 'Aces." cried the second. The ex
citement wat tremendous. Everybody
crowded Into tbe room anxious to get
tight at the miraculous performances.
"Tbey all held their breaths. Tbe tol
dlor whose throw It was gave tbe bones
an extra tbake. Out tumbled four and
three. The second one pounded and
shook enough to hare worn tbe spots
off of 'em. No use. Three and fourl
The Devll't In 'em.' 1 can't get used
to that gamer They're loaded all
around,' exclaimed tbe crowd."
Here the tea agent paused ant rose
to go away.
' But bow did they come out finally f
everybody asked, wrought up to Intent
est curiosity." I
"Oh, out of the box, I t'pose, like
they did before," calmly explained the
ageut "You see. tbe steamer for Hono
lulu wat whistling for the last time and
I had to come away before the thing
waa settled. They may be at It yet for
all I know." Chicago Chronicle.
7P) 1 4
-Absolutely Pure-
For the third of a century the
standard for strength and purity. It
makes the hot bread, hot biscuit,
cake and other pastry light, sweet
and excellent in every quality.
No other baking powder is
"just as good as Royal," either in
strength, purity or wholcsomcness.
M.nrbnv pnt-,l imitation halt Ins powtter are
ln tin nutkrt. 1 lie .1 mail, wilb alum,
11U wit .htfuitl be Lk to .void them at alum
it a puuva, taunt ui Ui lakia tu iu. luva.
I'r PabllM.
The issue of Cottier's Weekly for
May I6tb it ttrougly tinctured with a
political flavor which makes it an ad
mirable preliminary to the two conven
tions at rmiauDipule and Kansas City.
The special article by Senator Frye, oi
Maine, it a clarified summary of lexis
latiou for which the Eifty-ttxth con
tress la responsible. Henator Fryt't
positlou as president ot the senate givet
this article an tx oathreda tone that it
moat oonviucing. No other mau in the
United Ktatea is qualified h prepare so
moderate and ntiblasnd a synoMls of
the winter's leni-lution. The idea of
political activity is further carried out
by Henry Imml .Nelson in hit judicial
article on the l-ne of imperialism.
Mr. Ntilsou it qualified by hit ripe ex
perience to bandit the dellcata subject
ot tvrritotlal expansion iu a way that
must bring true light to every cou.
icluutious American.
flavins niama.
She looked at him scornfully, even
"Would you let a woman stand
while yon occupy a tt-at?" she aokml.
"Madam," ha replied, ' Ma not limine
me. Tho fault lies primarily with
your own sex."
"How to?" she demanded.
"I did not receive proper home train
ing," he answered. Chicago post.
The t' 1.1m,
"I'm not prejudiced, at a ifttieral
rule," tald Mr. Polndexter, looking tlx.
edly at his wife, as she entered th
room, "but the color Hue it drawn in
tills house from now on."
"Why, what do you mean?" she
"Bleached hair doesn't go.'" be re.
piled, violently. Philadelphia North
PARIS IN 1000.
What Concentration Will Accomplish
"Many persons, seeing me to much
engaged In active life," aald Edward
Bulwer-I.ytton, "and at much abovt
the world at If I had never been a stu
dent, have said to me, 'When do you
get time to write all your books How
on earth do you contrive to do to much
work! 1 shall surprise you by the
answer 1 made. It was this: '1 con
trive to do so much work by never do
ing too much at a time.'
"Now, tlnce I began really and earn
estly to study, which wat not till I had
left the college, uud wat actually In the
world, I may perbapa say that I have
gone through as large a course of gen
eral reading at most men of my time.
I have traveled much and I have teen
much; I have mixed much In politics,
and besides all this, I have published
somewhere about tlxty volumes. And
yet what time do you thing, at a gen
eral rule, I have devoted to ttudy, to
reading and writing? Not more titan
three hourt a day. But then, during
these three hours I have given my
whole attention to what I waa about
and lost not a moment"
Every great man hat become great
every successful man bat tucceeded, tn
proportion at bt has confined hit pow
ers to one particular channel. Pushing
to the Front
For the benefit of thtwe who intend ,
viniting Paris during the exposition, '
he Hio (iraude Weoteru railwav has
gotten out an attractive- folder illuslra-.
the aud descriptive of the main lea lute '
of tho exposiiiou. It contain some,
valuable hints (or ititending vUitora'
and descriptive articles upon Place de
La Concord, Are rie Triumphs, the'
Madeleine, the Column of July, the
Trocadcm, Hotel Att Ville, Column
Vendome, the Louvre, the Grand opt-ra I
boiiM- the Ilourve and the tomb of Na-
Thr Am Na Lang.r S rUnrfa.
Fay That Miss Suapp ia just hate
ful, imi't she?
May Yes. Yon wore pneeut yes
terday when she told me 1 wat "the
lioinliest girl iu our set," weren't yon?
"Yes; ami I gave her a piece of my
miml alHiut it afterward."
"That was kind of you, dear, but I
hope you weren't too severe."
"Well, I told ber how sctmitlve vou
full tluaaa.
"Yet, he started a hotel and h't
made a bit, too. You know tho old
established place across the street ad
vertised itself as ' hotel with all tht
coin lorts ot home.'' "
"Well, he advertised bis place as 'a
hotel without the dlscotuforta ol
borne.' " Philadelphia Press.
n.voUtlun In Water Travsl.
Kf prniiituit have proven thai venue!..
mtri Willi protwiirri ahlrh Imitate tin
mu-t be about it."-Catholio Standard j I!"'' !,nV; Zn I'L'JV'Xl , .il '.i!..!'?,',t"'."
trav.l. Men gradually learn thai Naiur i
wav. are tie.l. On ran of the remar.alil.
and Times.
The Bonk at Hooka.
The Hook I tbe Ikwkl erode ntialed
iKtaas of lloaletirr'a Moiuai li Inner
poleou, in addition to a bitd's eye view bv Ulvlnit.- It. ...ti....i.. - i t. I natural lit, mad of Kamr . ..,.t
j .. . ....... , . .......v.. ... a.i' i' . .. , . . . , : -
ot mo exposition groutifls. the folder, hutorv rniii-h of . t, ,i ' i sirengineuiiig iieri... it is a attrw cure f..i
ur utuiiiniei, u to i ueu oui in naniiv (,. !.- -.,.i.i- ...a. ... ....
form, aud is written in a pleasant and (. on for ih. Iul...n,
........... .. . , - 1 . : . . : ; ' " "
""-iiti .ti i.. ih, in tm:i. Kives in i,i i,.,i .......i.
lime apace everything one goltig to tbe n,, ha P,l l
exposition wouiit like to know before
starting on his jouruev. , . , ! yo read romances. l!e
For copies of the Pari, exposition 1 ,, "kZ., t.JZ,l:","iy- " J" want
folder and other atlvertlsln, mstter th,(lleh ... ... J,, .1.7 , t. read, take your llible."
descriptive of tht l.'ocky mountains'
not the ISookt touch
This ia the voice of the
const ipatloti, ilKllyentiuil, U)pria, bill-
uu.iie.. or wraa aiune a.
sld her mother, with sotns
in , , . . I. . . i.
..ill;....- i ....... j pimuui, 'u urn uto away, ion
.,..,.'Mw v ..i.iiik. uvivut ntnii cverv- . .......... .....i . . .
the Kit)
its coil-
famous scenery. tribntrv to
iraude V extern railway and
twctiou, write
J. I). MANSFIELD, Oen'l Ageut,
253 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
where and
woniatinooit in evt
matter though all beside should fail, the sacred
mothers of I-rael will hold fat to the
Hook aud teach their tons and daugh
ters to believe it. Lother LatJin Mills.
Worth Itein.mbarhia.
Tht man whom you dislike is one of
the men (iod loves. Huston CVujsre-Katioualist.
artrr. Ink I. l'.., Kxilualvaly
by th h,H,i. of New York, lloton and
many vlhtr plates, and thry won't ue any !
oilier. '
Th. I.aundrr lllll.
The laundry bill doesn't coma out in
the wah. Chicago Democrat.
Polite Rata.
The other night at the Alblsa. va
riety theater, one performer made a
display of flags. Wben tbe Start and
Stripes appeared someone hissed, and
tbe galleries and part of tht body of
the house joined In. Whatever prompt
ed the demonstration, It ceased In
stantly wben several Amerlcant seated
In the orchestra rose to leavt tbe
bduse. Tbey passed out amid tllenee
at respectful and deferential as though
In their persons they represented tbe
highest authority. Some of the audi
ence clearly bated the flag, but they
wished those present who loved It to
understand that no personal affront
waa Intended, and they conveyed that
wish at clearly at an audience could.
Santiago, Cuba, letter.
Bran or onm, fmr or tolsuo, i
l.t'lAM.'ul'N-fY, w-
Ksakk ). i hrskv make rath that he la the
enier iri.r .,1 th. snn ol r. J. tiattsr at Co..
dolus bu.liinu la th. t'lly ot 1'nir.lo, t'mtulv
anil Kiate a'oral,1. ami that .i,l Ittm will lav
the aura ol ti,K HISUKKli IhiLHUs l.,r'., n
ami .very caw o( C.tarru that ranimi Iw cured
by lbs ua ol lliu'i t .TAitaH Cl as.
sworn to befnr tas ami .iii..-rlt-tl iu m
presence, tbi. sia day ot u'mlsr, A. I). I w.
I A. W. 01JU8ON,
' . ' . Hotary Public
Hair. Catarrh Cnre 1. taken tnt.rnall.anrl a.-t.
tllrselljr on tha hltMHl anil mnrnn. mirlacca of
ui. r.tetn. khi lor tr.tlrannia!.. tree.
r. J . t'HKNkY CO foll0,O.
FoM hy ilrursnu, Ho.
Ilall'. Jaaiilj fiilj at. the beaL
l'lao's ('lire cannot be too liitfhly Kiken
of aa a coutiti i nre.- J. W. IIUhikn, 3."2
Third Ave,, N.,MiitiitaiwH, Mlnii., Jan. (I.
At the end ot half an hour Katiu'i
silence became oppreaalve,
"What are you doing, Katie?"
"I'm reading the beautiful romanct
ot Kster in the Ilible. That's whui
I'm doing." Chicago Tribune.
Th. Mu.leal l.loa.
Hald tbe lion: "On music I dote,
Hut something is wrong with my throat
When I practice a scale,
The listeners quail,
And flee at the very llrst notel"
Oliver Herford, iu Kt. Nicholas.
Miss Wonder Why do you always
or mottled btittor may be "k u" W"tf'r t play her own ac-
working of the , "i"i"-""'"'
,ii is tiaony ny, ant aiwayt plays
loud enough to drown her own voice.
lUltlmore Aiunrican.
Farmers will take extra pains when
feeding a crop, but thoir greatest loss
is iu not harvesting at the proper time.
The longer a crop remains on the
ground after it is ready or matured the
more woody fiber or indigestible ma
terial it wilt contain.
due to the salt or the
butter. In the fluent quality of butter
the salt ia so evenly diffused that, as
appears under tho mlcrosooiw, every
grain is surrounded by a flhti of cleat
and transparent brine, which shows the
necessity of avoiding the overworking
of the butter before the salt it ad. led.
In tho tirt working every particle of
th milk should tie gotten rid of, but
euongli clear watnr should tie left to
dissolve every grain ot salt in 12 hours
before the next working. It this is
done there will be little danger ot and Impurities In the blood cause dif
struaklneas to the butter, hut to got the and strktiens. Ei!llnt; these Impurliira
The horseless carriage goes; but the
newnleiis paper down't.
Straight Road
To Health
"by the war ol purifying Ih. blood, flermi
Green corn snd lima beans deterior
ate more quickly than any other vege
tables; they should lie spread out siiiii-
bttst results tho
finely ground.
salt should be very
To make sealing wax for fruit cans,
take eight ounces of rosin, two ounces
gum shellac and a halt ounce of beat-
ly on tne cool cellar noor as quickly as wax. Melt all togtither. This will
possible after they couie from the mar-' make a quantity, aud may be melted
Itet. i fur una when wantnd.
removes the dlni-aw. Hood's Haraaparllla
dues thlt and It doe, mors. It makes Hit
blood rich by Increanlng and vitalising tin
red (liilmles and giving II powtr to trans
mlt to the 6riaut, nerve, and muaclri tht
nutriment contained in digested food.
Hood's SarsapaHlla
Is the Ile.t Wed Uln Money Call liny.
Good Civlo Work of Women.
The Town Improvement Association
of Montclalr, N. J., It composed en
tirety of women. Its annual report
showed the association's work last
year wat very successful little crime
in town, many needed public Improve
ments made and a balance in tbe asso
ciation'! treasury.
7?o per pound.
Veal Large, small, 8
io per pound.
Tallow 6 8 5, '4o ; No. 2 and grease,
8c per pound.
Ban Franei.eo Markat.
Wool Spring Nevada, l-irtblflo per
pound; Kastern Oregon, 10 15c; Val
ley, IS 20c; Northern, 1012o.
Hops 181)9 crop, ll18o per
liutter lancy creamery 17(?174c;
do seconds, 16(3 ldjic; fancy dairy.
18c; do seconds, His$15o per pound.
r-gg Store, 15c; fancy ranch,
MillHtiifTs Middlings, f 17.00 &
40.00; bran, $12.60(818.50.
Hay Wheat $6.00(310; wheat and
wit y.00a9.00; best barley $5,000
7.00; alfalfa, $5.00(7.00 per ton;
straw, 20 Q 40c per bale.
1'otatoen Early Hone, 6065c; Ore-
yon liurbunks, 70(s80c; river Bur
banks, SOiSOOc; new, 70c$1.2S.
Citrus Fruit Oranies. Valencia.
f2.?C(s.33; Mexican limes, $1.00
0.00; California lemons 70c6ttl.60:
Jo choice $1.75 2. 00 per box.
Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50(9
2.60 per bunch; pineaptlts, nora- ,
liial; Peralan datet, CasWo Def
Bucns Carlo of All Kindt.
It It tald of old curiosity shops In
general that nearly half the object!
offered are spurious, expretsly manu
factured for tale. The Ingenuity of tht
forger of antiquet it remarkable. Fur-1
nlture, cblna, prints, bronzes, armor,
Ivory and tapestry all are Imitated
FOR $50.00...
If You Arc Awake to Your Own Chance. Re4 Thi and Then Write
Ut for Full Information and Prospectus.
California In ileMlne't Int the s raata.t nit fluid of ths rnrld. Alrraitf va.t rli hM havabMn
tmawl there In i-truknm. and sreal fortune, are .nr. to be mail. In that anetlon this year.
. , m" ainsncr aeciiun l land, If.i.i re., in that heart ol th famoui keru Couuiy Oil U ll
trlet. The oil la llier- ami all w have in dn I. tn itrll! a wail anrl lai. It
For ileveliinmi-nt niirnm.. we will ..ll '2.uio .h.,n. nt TrMior Hnwl al ll aanhara. Pare
ho buy tula .bark will ae It Inrrea.. In value laat aud th.y will mak. tnotn'r lal. Knll'H
tlcatlnu Invited. Our titouariv b,. l.i,n ....1....1 . .. ,.,.M...tin.l,iy
v.liianie hy M. M. Osden, Klrld Kieri, rriMlurer.' ml Ksrhatitn, rtan Franelaio, Cal., and or c.
n. ros, lor niteaii rearassiwrl forth, hiamiard Oil t'omnaur. Our deed, and abatraets srs
now depoaited In tho Merehanu' Nallou.; Hank, I'orlland, Or, Our offleriarwllliout.alariM-
612 Obsmbar of Oommeroa, Portland, Orgon.
It. C. gCKESIlEKOKH, Pres.
R. L. KUIllUM, Vlce-Prss.
Would be too cheap to be food,
hut we have Top Buggies for
wt BMSII or Dl BK;roiia,(To any and allot whom . refer ynn Frank Wat.OT.
trr (nr nnr wa. t. J,.., f Jlreslal-tti. Msrchanls' National Hank, Portland. Or.i H I, liurham, Vles-l-realdent Merehaiiu'
tee IOr one year trom Ciate Ot National Bank, l-oril.nd.Or. ll. t:. r...en,nf II.C. llr,il.-u A i:o., fnriland, drill. CKekaik
purchae. They have good ; vitZ'tAT"'" c'"",r, ' vbul" v' Cuo""' c",r"
Hbot Dead by a Dead Man.
After tbe battle of fjplon Kop a Brit
ish soldier wat found dead with his
finger on tbe trigger of hit rifle. A
Boer who attempted to take the rifle
out of hit hands wis shot dead by a
slip of tht dead man's finger.
Strong wheels, guaranteed hkk . lW'rltsn. t1y. Vnn will be .d r IUt.n, If you have any mesas stallyouows
. . -.,4., 1 u your4-ll to invntiiiata thla nptmrtniuty for Inveaunant.
ory tpoK.cs, tires 9-o tniCK.
Travelers In Arctlo Ileglons.
Notwithstanding the dlfflcultlet and
dangers atteudlog a trip from 1,200 to
1,400 nillet over mow and Ice In the
most Inclement tcason of the year, no
lest than 700 people left Dawson for
Nome between Dec. 4, 1880, and March
I, 1000.
Vine Disease in Bpaln and Prance.
Tbe phylloxera destroyed 450,000
acres of vineyarat in apain in lHW).
I Vlnet In Spain or Franct are not worth
cultivating unlets they are grafted with
the American vine, which renders them
proof against tbt Insect
round ede and oroiectino-' ltw rKUWUKOUS FARMER
over the felloe, to protect same.
We have others at $70, $75,
$30, $85 and up.
Road Wagons at $40 and up.
Mitchell Farm Spring Wagons
and Harness.
Always has a McCORMICK.
Buy reliable goods of a reliable concern
is good oolky.
. i;Na V - '
ivT1' i ui V
U Save 8o Per Cent
Call on the Agent, or address A. H. Boy
Ian, General Agent, 32J Hawthorne Ave.,
Portland, Or., or Catalogue.
Some one says that tbe greatest thing
In the world Is love, but any woman
who has gone through family squab
bles with a busband will tell you It Is
People who never look forward to tht
future seldom manage to set ahead.
can give you the bent bargains In general
machinery, engines, boilvrs, tanks, pumps,
pious, belts and windmill-,. The nivr
lrl I X L windmill, sold bv him. ia mi.
HIM 1' I Ins product) moisture and Caujue Mch
A pontal sildrnMcd to V. O, Box 41, Portland,
Ori.-iriiii. win hri,,,, y a hainlaonis Ko-Nut
Look Moult. Ko-Nut la ths lati-nt lard anhall
tula; and purer, ehaier and mora sconoiu leal.
, For Sale by all Grocers.
If vou iia lb Naw Columbian Firs Orals In
jour hniino. With an nnllnary rats m pi't
cunt of the hiial nts up th clilmnny. hill ll'
New Columbian Urals makoaa whim Haiiia,
moktl, and all the hrat fw. Into tho roam.
Kiillrnly new and ahaulula jicrli'ctl'in. rr
lilMHugraiih and full drai ili.tlon mind loTHK
.IOIIn MaKltKrT CO., HI first titrael,
Furllantl, Oregon.
Can Snd quirk snd jirmannt rell't
lor arloin and irtn,th Uciiroyliie
troubloa Id
Moore's Revealed Remedy
Thouaanda liata tiaed It and Diouaanda
now pralas It. ll ruriia piiriniiiitly. fl
per bottle at your drusHlit'i.
Thi form, m witil u blind
Pllti art) rurt-4 n Dr. Bam
fltopi ltebfuir ud ItiMdinf.
blMdlnsT or Frotrudiiia
otinvo'i film nmmmuy,
rm currA n
AbsMrrtM CiiBQurt, (Kh: m
Jaw fttdruKKliU wf Mtt br nitvll. Trnutfre. Writ
Bullillnu or modlln n-aldennei aud
;tors. He carry a c..tnili!i Una of Manlela,
t.ral- and 'I'lllns, Tile Hoorlnx, Tile Wain'
WMtlns, Andlroni. Kendera, Sorneiia, Kh-ctnc.
Oaa aud Combination Chandeliers, and all inu
plies nertalnlns to Kluotrlo and liaa Mshtlult
We alao carry all kinds ot Hatterlei, Bella and
Indicator-, Photograph- chiierful ly atiut on
sppllcatlon. t-KANK HOLCUM B t)
Washlugtea St., furtlaud, Or.
av. S 0aaraal4 SB
r i
fcr a
V V V.t.A. A i rr
nates, U. C., they will re-
Wri t Is NslHSN
celvaalilok rimlli-a. II. Alh N. II. Vol'. Hlail
auth Corps, i'ruaeoutlni olalrui elncs 1S7-
llae Blslfornnaiirl
Irrllallona or ulonrelioua
m f .utaiao. or m annua an "-
bua. I'alnlm. inn out eaum-
IrHtiiuiONismtiOo. ! ' sot""""-
VSITI, 1. 1 J
aiaraaa, prapani. i
Ilreular aaol on
N. P. N. V.
Mo. Se-ltOO'
WUKM wrltlBg ta ad yart leers
aaeaUaa tub paasr.