OREGON MI ST. I VKHSOSI.l VAKIKTIKa. -KV- DMIO DAVIS, Editor and Proprietor. Mrs. M. A. Wedrich. who has been in j oran(j ,e jmst three month, re- laaHEDEVKMV 'UIDAV raoHNIKO ; turninl with her children to her home near I'ilUburg, Sunday. AU'X Sword contemplate! buvinir j harvester if the farmers herealioitts will i irivo him enough grain to cut to justify jj j,, ' the cash outlay fur (rood one. Gust (.Jnstafaon, w ho workn at IYter on 'a loireing camp, has been homo for a j week viilin his wife ami new dauh nitule known npon appileailou j ter, and doing gome work about liia ritnoS. fcplmrrlptiou llnlrsc Qui copy one year In advain-e..,.. , Oueoopy lx thumb-..... M. Single cupy....... Advertising rni ' CO 1. 1) Mil I A COI'STY 1)1 ItKCTOltY. I'OIVK Ut'l ll'EIIS. Jlldlft!...., liter Htieiitr Treasurer fcupl. of SchooU. . Aaaewor Hnrvcyor Oarunor C.ioiuinni.oor I John Maker, who h leen working in a wood vnnl Ilia past Winter and Spring, returned ono day lat week. He says if the folksi will let hitu stay he ia guitig to be at home for the Summer. Joseph K. liiwin, Kaluier J. i. Willi, M. Ilflrllt .. J. .. KI.e. Si. Il.ifin . ,.. , ... K. K. si Hoifii A. i-hannannn went out w ith team I. II r..ilii.l. Hmtlion .,,,1 nv.ln si. IIi Iimis the lalter nart ii. .id,,, i - . . .. ... of last week fur hisdaughter, Mian Lulu, who has tieen vititimr w ith her sister, Mrs. T. J. Cleeton, the past two months. . ...Murlli) While. St. Helen. I A . II Lllllf. llnMUOII ..lir. II K i liff. St Helena A - Kruke. Sep,o e N. l tvwrauu. ilint JUNK 15, jyoo. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. At last the troth ia out, A private letter from IYrto Kico says that every- body there is pleated with the new tariff except one man. That man ia the British Consul at San Junn, Mr. Finlcy, who had bought up ail the sugar and tobacco in eight, anticipating ita free entry into the t nited States. No won der the Democrats in Congress were so anxious for a free trade w ith Porto Rico. They were up to their old tricks of try ing to fling the beuefita of the American market into the laps ol the British, just aa they did by the Wilson bill. There ia something paradoxical in the fact that a large percentage of our great merchants who have pushed their way np from the lowest departments of tore service to positions of wealth and eminence, are men w ho w ere ready and willing to work early and late, and who seldom spared themselves when the in terests of their employer were at stake. Yet among the opponents of shorter boots or early closing, now agitating the mercantile community, are to be found Tery few of the most successful or largest establishments. The dealers who are the largest employers of clerks are most ready to acquiesce in the plan to afford their help a nine-hour day, while those who perform most of the store service themselves are unwilling to take advantage of the opportunity afforded of increased rest and recreation. A number of men were blasting out the stamps in the new plot for a ceme tery addition near town, last Saturday. When this ground is cleared, Ycruonia will have a very nice place to lay away her dead. George K. Gray, of La Center, Wash., has been in the" valley the pust week buying up beef cattle lie only got a tew, the inost of those for sale ut being in good condition yet. He will come again in about a month. Commissioner-elect W. D. Case, of Pittsburg, has been quite ill the past week with la grippe and complications. We did not know it went so hard as that with the successful candidates. It's the other fellow who ought to be aick. We were mistaken last week about Omar Spencer coming in from St. Hel- CONSTITUTIONAL QUESTION. What Proportion of Vote are N pe culiar) to Itallfy an Amendment. Salem, June 8. Columbia County ia the first to send tn ita official returns of trie recent election to the Secretary of State's olllce and these returns have given rise to argument over the mooted question of how it shall be determined whether or not the Constitutional amendments are adopted. Some contend that a majority of the votes recorded niHin either of the amendments will j cause their adoption, while others assert ' that there uiul be a majority of all the votes cast at tlie election. In Columliia County the total vote was over 1;I60, but on the equal suliriige amendment there were only OSS, there being 3t3yes, and 205 no. (The phrase ol the Constitution on this jKiint are: "The amendment shall tra submitted to the electors of the State, and if the majority of said electors shall ratify the same, auch amendment shall become part of the Constitution," Lawyers, as, usual, dis agree as to the constiuction of the phrase "majority of said electors," but the heller opinion seems to be that the auieuiimeut must tie ratitled bv a ma jority of all the elector of the state, not of those who voted on the amendment. The case has never been adjudicated in lircgou, as no occasion has ar'sen re quiring judicial construction of this pro vision of the Constitution, but it has been decided in some other States in favor of the construction that it means ail the elccton of the State. This num her, now, would probably be ascertained bv the registration ; the voters are the electors, though in the absence of a reg istration law the last census might be used to determine the total number of electors, or it might be ascertained bv the total vote cast for all the candidates ens on foot. His father, I. P. Spencer, j lor some Mate oltice. If Una view he shn rirrinl r.nl tl.A el.wtmn rarnrna r.t Correct, tile amendment tn trie Case 8Ut- mi mil womu nave to oe ran ma iy oio votes, a mamritv ol isoll. This was not the rule applied in voting upon the Con' It is the fashion of the young man who tries to dodge work to berate the town be lives in. He thinks if he could only get out of the dodgasted hole, he'd own a zinc mine or be president of the ateel trust in a couple of years. As Boon aa he gets a few dollars ahead he is going to jump the game. Bnt he never makes the required raise. As a matter of fact, all towns are about alike. There is a place for a worker in every community. If a man ia capable of filling the best job in tow n, he will get it, ultimately. . But the kid glove jobs go mostly to the men who have worn overalls and hickory shirts. There is no bicycle track along the road to short hours and a fat salary. It is all walking and mostly up hill. The attention of yo,ung men wlio leel that environ ment is cramping them, is called to the foregoing slabs of truth. Auburn precinct, took a horse out and Omar rode a veritable auimal instead of Shank's mare. , Dr. and Mrs. Hatfield would like to buy a good buggy horse, a good traveler, (racker preferred) one not too old, sound and gentle enough for a woman to ride. Anyone having such an animal or knowing of one will confer a favor by seeing them or writing. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lindstroin, son-in-law and daughter of Mr. and Mra. O. Malmsten, who came here early in the Spring and bonght the Lewis place for a borne, have become dissatisfied with Oregon and will return in about a month to their former home, Red Wing, Minn. Word has been received from Presid ing Elder Smith, that he and other ministers of the Evangelical Association will be here to begin campmeeting on the evening of July 11th. Let every body bear iu mind the date and arrange their work so as to attend. The meet ings will probably continue about two weeks. The Upper Pebble creek children, about a dozen in number, gave Master Clyde R. Woods a complete snrprise on iionaay, June 4tn, it being Ins ninth birthday. The affair was arranged by ! his grandma, Mrs. A. M. Randolph, and j was at her home. An afternoon tea j was served, after which the children had a royal good time playing games. The Vernocia Literary Club gave one ' of its characteristic open entertainments j at tne residence ol Mr. and Mrs. I. r. Spencer Friday night last. There was a goodly number present a tine pro gramme, consisting of musical selections and recitations, was rendered, and coffee and cake were served by the gentlemen of the clnb, this being followed bv a sociable. Altogether it was a verv en joyable affair. The Sunday school will observe Child ren's Day on the fourth Sunday of the present month, that is, June 24th. If the weather is fair the exercises will be held at the camp grounds. Snndav school proper at 10 a. in., the Children's Day exercises at 11 a. in., and this fol lowed by a basket dinner in the grove with a preaching service in the after noon and probably the Young People'a meeting and another preaching servico in Uie evening. That is, the present arrangement is to spend the whole day on the grounds, and everybody is invited to come eariv and to brimr'irood-sied I baskets, well filled, so that all may have a goou uay logeincr. stitution itself, a special section thereof providing ttiat the determination of its ratification or rejection should lie Inn ited to the vote cast for or against the Constitution, but Una, It ia thought. does not apply to subsequent amend ments, and the courts would probably hold that all votes not cast should be counted aa having been cast against the amendment. But if the question ever arises, lawyers can easily be found who will make a plausible argument for the otner construction.) A Card of Thank. I wish to say that L feel under lasting obligations lor what Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has done for our familv. We have used it in ao many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given the mo.t perfect satislaction, and we leel greatly indebted to the manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to please accept our heartv thanks. Respectfully, Mas. S. Dotv, Dea Moines, Iowa. For sale at the St. Helens Pharmacy. Where to Attach Postage Stamp. Everyone has not vet learned how to attach a postage stamp to an envelope, or perhaps as the skilled correspondents die off, new and untrained letter-writers appear. At any rate, the itostoffice de partment has often to instruct on the simple thing of attaching adhesive stiwnps to envelopes. The last instruc tion under date of March 25th is in these words: The proper place for a postage stamp on mail matter is the upper right-hand corner of the ad dressed side. This facilitates cancella tion and distribution, and insures prompt and proper treatment through out the service. Stamps placed else where are liable to be overlooked, and the matter mistreated as unpaid, and perhaps delayed in dispatch. Therefore, unices impractible, stamps should be altixed on the "face" of alt mail matter. Postmasters should advise patrons that the department does not hold postal officials responsible for dehiy in dispatch or wrong treatment resulting from the improper placing of postage stamps. None of the proposed constitutional amendments received the requisite number of votes in this State last week to become law, and w e'll wag along in the ame old rut with no "irrigation" only aa nature sends it forth from the heavens, orthe tank on the hill furnishes na aoiue excitement by a "tank burst"; with the colored population being en titled to no vote, according to the State constitution ; with the horrible and Btrictly-observed law which gays no County can have an outstanding indebt edness to exceed $59110 ; with only three Supreme Judges to draw fat salaries; and last of all, the down-trodden, lib erty-deprived women, who can't yet be men, just because the men said they couldn't be. Never mind; the women can get even by malting water-logged biscuits, hot cakes as tough as sole leather, coffee as weak as a sunshine diet, and frying the beefsteak hard and crisp. Good gracious ! Even? Yes. Last fall I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes, iheiioo tor 1 called ou said at nrst It was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said 1 had rheumatism. It continued tt irrr, tt wrirm ami T ..niil.l liu.illw mil ."". i'uoicui is une : around to work. 1 went to a drug store Sf Ilia tiuas nAauil.i iiif, 4 - 1 . i."i"ii. creamery gn1 the druggist recommended me to Astoria proposes to taxe a i tne cream try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I tried the people of the Valley will deliver at ,t anll one-half of a fifty-cent bottle Mwtat guage pr.ces. The farmers be- j cured me entirely. 1 now recommend twten I ittsburg and Mist are maturing ;itto i Diy friends. -F. A. Babcock. plans to have John and Albert Parker, Erie, pa. It is for sale at the St. Hel tne mail earners pick up the cans three j eu4 Pharmacy times a week and take them to Mist, i A Mt mm Death riakl. Mr. W. A. Hinea, ot Mancheater, Ia., writing of his almost mtrauloua escape from death, aays: "Exposure after meaalea induoVd serious lung troublo, which auded in Consumption. 1 had frequent hemorrhage! and coughed night and day. All my doctor! said I muat aeon die. Then I began to uae Dr. King'a Hew Discovery which wholly cured me. Hundreds have used It on my advice and all say it never fails to cure throat, chost and lung trouble!." Regular sine 60 cents and l. Trial bot- tlea tree at the St. Helen Pharmacy, Many m l.vr lias turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an ollenaive breath Karl'a Clover Hoot Tea purifies the Dream liy Ita action on the bowe Is. eta.. aa nothing else will. Sold for year on absolute guarantee. Price 25 eta, and ou cw. ewid by l)r. Edwin Kos. A Maamter Uevll risk Destroying Ita yiotini, ia a type of constipation. The power of this malady ia lett on organs, nerve, muscle and brain. But Dr. Klmr'a New Life Pilla are a aafe and certain cure. Best in the world for stomach, liver, kidneys and Iwwela. Only 25 cents. Sold "by St. Helens Pharmacy. - PBOFESSIOXAL. DR. E.ROSS, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. DR. H.R. CLIFF, Physician and Surgeon ST. HELENS, OREGON. DR.J. E. HALL, Physician and Surgeon CLATSKANIE, OREGON. -Vavava.1 r rs r a! oriiin oroiners CAFE ST. HELENS, ... OREGON. NEW PLACE. If you want omHhlnt rood In th iin m win? iry SHAW'S MALT Only tin lxut of Liprs anl Ciears Kept in Stocit OPEN FROM 6 A. M. TO ,12 O OLOOK MIDNIGHT. YOU ARI ALWAYS VVf LOOMI THE NEW YORK STORE Haa removed to the Cooper building, auJ ha the lai-gnat ihx k ol dry gmxli, groceries. IkwU, shoes, notion mid gen oral merchandise In Columbia county, and la constantly re ceiving new Invoice ol spring and lumiiier goods. Come and get some of the rare bargain I am ottering to make room for new good a. ltumembor that I pay th highest price for pro duce In exchange for goods, at the lowest price. Call and are 1. MOEGUB, Cooper Bunding, Maiu Street, ST. HELENS, OREGON r inuMsnu A niiDrnnocco nnno (Wva WavatJ V MWIIMkWItr hll affVatlfi );- ' ' o Manufuctururii ol anil Dealer lii-o ...All Kinds of Rough end Dressed Lumber... AT Til! RAN QU Ell " 5 1 None hut the best In both S! Imported and IVimestio Sj wines, liquor and cigars. S' GYRUS NOBLE - WHISKEY I ! The celebrated Weinhard j Beer always on draught. Ij.' J CLOHIHCEH A WHITNEY. Prop. I G.W. COLE, ttorney and Law Counselor ST. HELENS, OREGON. Ttllf Atwtnut Bookn. NiMnrv Putillc. Cnmrnli. ionroi iiwii inr wulilniiioii. u.l anopvr- ivmvcu viMicviur in cunuviiivu wuu omcc. ! No Indies furniture ia complete a without a new light-running t glNGER II you buy a sewing-machine why not get the lx-st. Sold on easy terms without interest. J. W. DAY W. D. Dll.LARD DILLARD & DAY, ATTOEXEYS-. IT-LA W Ufltc nest door lo Conrthou'c, HT. HKLKNts OKKl.ON. (5!tral practice In conrlw nf Orcffnii ttt Wawh i tlx ton. Alwtrvcta niaule dirvcifr from count Skin Diseases. For the speedv and Permanent enre of tetter, salt rheum and ecaeina. Clmin- berlaiu'a Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and sMartine almost Instantly and its continned use effects a permanent cure, ii also cures itcn. Dnriwr a itrh scald hend, sore nipples, itchins niles. chapped bands, chronic sore eyes and mm lltllfjail liila Tlr. fnitr'a rnmllllnn Tnn..1 . -- .......vi. a vnutii . i . . hornes are the best tonic, blood psriSer andvenuL'tiire. Trice. 25 cents. Sjldh Dr. Jvlwin Koss. Thosk who knew him as a two-terms Congressman refuse to take "Charley" Towne seriously as a Vice Presidential candidate. Towne is a Michigan man, who settled in Duluth. lie belongs to the class ol "boy orators" in all the term implies. As early as the age of 18 Towne was a campaigner. That was in 1870. With 12 years to his credit, Towne still shaves smoothly and affects all of the manners of the professional platform roan, adding the classical ex pression of a pair of glasses. He wears a white tie a good part of the year, and when he gets into a crowd of Democrats hia exceptionally well-groomed appear ance mukes him a marked man. In every campaign after he was 18 Towne took an active part. In 1802 he had won considerable reputation as a plat form orntor, nnd on the strength of it was nominated by the Republican! for Congress. Two years later Governor McKinley (he was then) included Du luth in his appointments in order to help Towne toward re-election. In Con gress Towne redeemed his reputation as an orator by making an exceedingly good tariff speech. Then he began to go astray on the silver issue, but con tinued to on I! himtclf a Republican until the St. Louis convention of 18!Ki, when, although not a delegate and rep resenting nothing but himself, lie joined Lie Teller-Pettigiew procession m Hi f pectacnlar exit from the convention when the free silver pionsiii.jn was Voted down. and the milk route will begin at the borne of C. L. Parker, two and one-half miles above Pittsburg,, which would give the farmers east and north of Ver nonia the advantage of selling their cream. Something of this kind would be of very great benefit to this com munity and we are glad to note that the fanners along the proposed route are taking quite an interest in the matter. A Wealth of Beamy la often hidden by unsightly pimples, eczema, tetter, erysipelas, salt rheum, etc. llucklen'a Arnica Salve will glorify the face by curing all skin eruptions, also cuts, bruises, burns, boils, felons, ulcers and worst form of piles. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by St. Helens Pharmacy. Vote by Precincts, of ColainMa County, Oregon. June 4tn, l900.--Offlc.aL 9 2 e c ft ? s ! E J CANDIDATES. g -3 S f - j5 Z I ? I I i I ij 2 JJL JL CojIliRKS Butler, pro IS I 1 4 1 4 .. MnoUy.rep 49: si 40 2(1 M, 20 rilmmonv. in dem ' I s si 8 4 1 Smith, pop 67; 12 !1 it I 16, 16 HLPHKMR JCbUE BiUrht, pro K 2 3 12 1 .... 1 firuine. lein j M51 1:1 21 Id 20 10 Woh-erlon, rep 4ft; S vj Ui 2C S'J i Food Com mittioNBH i j Bailey, r) 1 40; ' HI S4 24 67 111 Kenailjr, pro j 7j li 3 l.V . Schulmerk-h, pop 62i 12 24 ifj 7 15: V, PiRTttlCT ArroBMEY ( Allen, rep 55! 7 45 108 28 W 2S Heliue!el. pop 72j 16 SO S7 1 21' )li Joint Hknatvu I Cornelius, rep 4K 10 41 10S 27 70' 24 MclMntel, pro 12.... 41 9 1 1 tjiieek, pop 62 13 3ftj 80 11 1 20 RKeKSHISMTAriVK I Merrill, rep 6 10 4 12.) 26 fllj 23 HlmiKliter, pop 7 Vt 84 70 14 84, 23 JUIOE I Doail, rep. 51 13 63 JW 26 80 26 Tli'.nie, pop 76 IS Si 12 15i 11) Kll RUI FK Fowler, rep 43 3 3f 63 16 611 16 UallHll, pop 81 l'J 45 131 21 32 W ;i.KKK Tichenor, pop 74 13 31 111 12 17 12 Watta, rep 53 10 61 (S3 27 77 34 Com MiKHioseu Owe, rep 60 3 40 62 26 67 25 Pelernon, pop 64 W U 117 7 23 IV TUKAHUHKa Ron. n-p m 10 4'J 121 30 f,M 26 Hayler, pop 65j 12 25 5 6 21 16 AhKHoK I I I Mi-Kuy, pop 50 15 27 50! 11 20 12 While, rep. Ml 7 45 W)i 26 71 32 w:llool. KUVT. I I Bryant, twp 67 14 ,3 Hi! 11 2 2d! C'oiwlanil, rep 5U m 72; 26 6H li! KIIKVKYOR- I ! Utile, rep (Mi 13 57 Ml 29! W 8 CoKONEII j f t m. k. luii m 20 44 wo 2) 4a w l ... 1 I I 41 61 1 .... 27 12 56 71 S3 25 51 40 2 3 81 W 56 72 37 25 74 77 IS 16 2X 67 62 41 2 23 M 77 30 M 51 25 55 61 ,'iO 20 17 14 OS 76 3!) 281 11 7S 12 51, 101 531 811 4 50 1)1! 82 4 1 82! 1 138! 66 ail fill hi: 741 7:1 88i Ml 4 7 83 ri 7i It! 76: 142i 21 42 26 7 101 27' 54; 70! 137. 6' 116' ! a . 24 40, 152' 661 1201 3! 14i 37i 71! 72; no! 35j as: W! 1W 1 52 611 91 4 123 221 44 SHj lMli 77! 143 27! 62 71 1 801 3l! 821 7i 12., 73! 73 llj: 88( 160' 61 ! 47- ,:! 65' 120! 591 7!) 61 3C5 401 805 6 44; 311, 820! 4M9 713 66 636 78.1 e5 087! 357 67s! 7051 310 212 831 122 "Duke's Place" -POl'lXAB KESORT FOR- Star Brewing Company's Lager. -IMPORTED A.ND IXME8TiC- Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Card tablet nrt other rlevlees tor muwaient. Newipaperi and pcrotlicuU. NEXT TO THE IIOTKI,. ST. HELENS, : : OREUO.V. Stallion "OTTO" Wilt mnke the season of 1U00 at my place on Milton creek, or where conven ience may dictate. THIS STALLION Is eight years old, fifteen hands liigh ; was sired by "Farwell." Mis dam was "Maud," a full Morgan. Terms: Insurance, $5.00. G. C. BAKGEB, Yankton, Or, BROS I'laarlsig... Itnsile ...Celling 4Kl - ... Itlweitslau Lumber... 8CAPPOOHK. - . OOOO ROAO TO TNI Mill. Mill on wiuih lurk ol Hkh.iih ersvk.fnur ( iinlri (rotn h. n,ii. .ii.ii,,ii. ur ' Mimiierilollvetwl a I HnpH nuilon or 1 ,", wt.w per ii , pAir narreu itnllou, 1..'D. - - - OHiqCtON- mfmnrnfitrmmmrrfiimntnimnimrfflmnfmnmfmm: : The Weekly Oregonian 12 pn a ff k S2 "ilHliilin S34 liHUpa VBAf 4! ooluuim CONTAINS AW the new! well written. Articles descrlhitig Western scenes and incidents. rUorirs of love and adventure bv well known author, llrilliant illustration by newspaper artlsta Interesting sketches and litcriitnro for IkV! and girls. fashion articles and llluitrntlons (or women. C. P. LOONET, Agent Antoiln. . - Oregon. 0. R. & N. CO. DirUT I'htcaiciv I'orllanil ;ecl 15 a. ru. Ailnnilc KxpreMfl 6 '.0 p in. VU limit I UK i on. MUnllc Ksprciis 6 JO p. ID. kallo. 8 p. m. ritv r.i hiirt'lsy s p 111. HHiurilay 10 p. iu. 6 a. m. Ei.buuly 7 s. in. Tuen.'nmr. ad hat. 6a. m. Tueit Thnr. and Hat. I.v. ttlparla na. m. dally Time SCHEDULES ball ,ak, Ixnive-r, Ft Worth. Omaha. Kan Ma Illy, M Liinlfi, Chicago and Eaii. ASRIfl 4 p. m. Salt Uk. tletiver. Kl, Worth. Omaha. Kiiri an City, . lxiul, l.hirago aud Ka-tt. Wall Walla. Iwla- toll, Hpokane, Mililt eaolla. Hi, fan), llilluth, illlwaukec, Chicago and laat. Ocaan 8laamtrilpa, All .alllnr dates ut- jm'l to ehanK. For Han FrauelH-o Mttitevary Ovedayi. Oolumbla Rlvr ataamars. To Astoria and Way- UudiiiKi. Willamatta Rlvar. Oregon CUT, Ntwbeis, .-uiem V vyay land i Willamatta and Yam hill Rlv.rl. Oregon City, Dayton, and nay-UiidiiiK. Wlllamalta Rlvar. Poriland Ut CorvaltU and W ay landlnita. 8nak Rlvar. Rlparla to I.ew!!on. 4 p. m. 4 p. in Ei.buudoy 4 30 p.m. Ki, nun day S SO p.m. Hon. Wed. aud Krl. 4 30 n. ni Idon. Wed. aud Frt. LT.ICW'ton diily a 0 UOa. I W. H. HUBLBERT, General PanaenKer A lent, PORTLAND OREGON A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER tJL RAILROAD COMPANY. asAnnowa DAILY. 4721 80; 388 706! 149 6WI 848! 448 400; 431! 8I, 412 581 4.( j OOlj 113 61 10101010 !'. I 47 S12j 842 proposed eon.titiitional Binendments rw.eteed the following nnmher of volcn for iliiet. wnhill I he County, tne iullraKe nnd ieicalhig amelldneiil! being Iho only The nit-i juiii!i, HHiioi i ne ,ouiu.v, uie iiiiireue ana feK'Hllhir w..vn M.,u a ,.uui"Ci ui U- lllf lllllll UlfUinMt: For municlpul I n iebled nets 112, mrnlnct, 841; for Jti'lie.iarv nrnen'inient lr,, nrainst 3261 for Irrlgailou Bmeiidment 176, agalnut, 21; for repeullj amemlmeut 22, iimilust. If8l for sullrage uraeiidnieut 393, agnlurt, 265. ! -. ,. my ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber 6IIARP KAZOES AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used in wash ing and cleansing the fane. r -i Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS ton POnTLANU, DAILY. B1 T. n. 7 ( s or s 20 8 38 8 41 8 !i) 8 ft 8 08 IU 37 10 110 10 Oh 10 20 10 30 k. M s m S OS ,0 S9.4! 9 IS l.'. K 9 35 iA3.f' 9 40 M.V 9 HI 10 (10 !K2.3! 10 10 IAS. I 10 21 71.2 10 80 178 7 11 02 :s fi Ii 10 II 22 '.4 II 30 908 ftTATIOMft. bT. . Portland.. Ar . . (xobie , . , . .Halnier . . Pyramid., . Mayxer. qui ui Ar iluev . Clatokaiilfl.... Mamhlund.,,, . Wetioft ., Cllltoil , .Knappa . Hvenioti .John fay .. Aitorla .. I.v DAILY. 21 2D A. M. II lit 10 05 9 M V 85 30 20 9 12 02 8 f2 8 37 H 17 8 07 7 6 7 45 r. u. 9 40 8 86 8 70 S U) 7 54 7 40 7 38 7 28 7 17 7 02 42 82 0 20 S 10 g OUR CLUBBING OFFER f We have perfected arrangement! whereby we are enabled to fur ZZ niah The Weekly On-gonlan in coiineetion with Tiia Mnrr Jor only Two Dollara. The price of The Oregonian alone is ll.fto. E THE OREGON MIST iiUiUiUiaiUiumiUiUiiiiUiiiiaiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiu; 3 3 How About Your Title? I i RK YOt! Ot'RK II la all rlgl.lt Ramairlwr thai It ti th. "V KKCoKUthat overn. It la our Im.lii.x to aean-li lha 4 re... oli and hnw what thy rnnialu in reliln pi aUl titles. II ion tumieiuplate h.nli.g land or loaning money on ri al a.lala reurlty, lake no man a word, but InilH iihib km. whig what Ihe rn-urd akowa re.ardlng ihelllle. An Abilract laaavuHrntlal aa adHl. liMintfiu having It. W hava ih only art ol attrait Ik-.Iii in the eonuty. All ork promptly iimiiioI and .'l.l, un guaranteed II you have properly to lniur. give u a call Wo ara ageuta lor the tieil Bre lli.uronre euuipanln In Hie world. II Juu huve propart) lor ! ll.l It with ui and will iud a bur. cole quick:. Main Strvt ST. HELMS. OHEBOM H:k o( frawl lujOiOvaco tt.LU liir i-rv 9 irmFi 0 4&0 We iwn an! ocaupr tha tatlaat marcantlt building In the world. Wa havs ever i.eua.aou suatomara. fiiatecn hundad clwraia ar aoaaaaatlx angaged fllling out-ef'town ordara. OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE la tin book of tlx propla-lt aaotts Wbeleaal Prices to Everybody, haa over l.oao pagaa, li.oaa lllu.lratlonl. and to,ooa daacrlptlona ofarticlae with prlcaa. It coata T cants to print and mall each copy. We want you to have one. k;NI FIFTEEN CKNT8 to ahew your good faith, and we'll aend you a copy FKEB, with all chargea prepaid. )Mvinvwrgiiii trrtiiw v vvi CHIOASQ 1 ... WHEX IX NEED OF MEDIC LYE,.. All Irnlna make etnas connection at liohle with Northern i'uelllc train, to and from the KaKt and Sound polma. At Portland with ell tralna leaving (Juion dert. At Ailoria with I. K. A N. Co. 'a boat and rail line to and frpra II waco and Norlb Heavh winta. Paaffentrera for Aetnrla or way point! mnat flflg tralrm nt Hoiileou. Traina will atop to let phk aengeoi otfnt llouHon wheneoming from poiuu weatofOuble. J. :. ITIwyo. (Jen. I'aa. AgL, Anuria, Or -STEAMER 7 P jj Will Carry Nollilmr but Pnsen o geM anil i'nfl l ie pjlit. ?4 J t T; ; It, nailer. America Willamett Slongh Route Ix-ave 8t. Helens .... 15 :30 A M Arrive at l'ortland...0:()0 A Al Iave Portland 2 :30 1' M Arrive at 8t. Helens. 6:00 I'M I1RK 85 iKSJTs). WHITE COLLAR LINE I k THE COLUMBIA KIVEFt AND I'UGET HOUND NAVIUATION CO. PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE. STR. GATZERT I,firlln(r Foot of Aider Htront, PorUnnd. Lcftven i'ortlttlHl tinily (exciii.t HuimIh )nt 7 A. M j.aiirlliiaf inlcp.KMic i1ik:K, AMorln. fftvei A(.rl rittliy (-nvett HiiinUy)7 H, M. Ji III Icy (ittU'Tt ttClt Ctrl (I MMt Oft (fllllK.'l HftMrllO. Hti'oiiicr IltuiMtio tlck'Mr good on Itiiiley iit.t'it U. B. SCOTT, Pres. -00 TO- THE. flLATSKANIE DRUQ STORE Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Etc DH. J. . HALL Proprietor. GLJlTSKAN IE, - OREGON. ...STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... Iavoh Kelo on Monday, WtNlnewdiiyii tid Kri'lRya ut ft O'clock A. in. Unrm Port nd TliemU'i Thnmday, and HaiiiriUyn, al O'eloek a. m. PortlantJ and Kelso Routt via Columliia River..... STEAMER G. W. SHAVER itu DELL SHAVER, Master. JET Will leave Portland, loot ol Wasliinif ton street, each Hntidti) Tuesday and Thursday afternoon at 6 o'elork. H" tnrniiiir, leave Cltitskniile eneh Moinlitv, Wednesiliiy and Friday aflenioon al 4 o'eloek, tlJo ioriniltiiig'. The compgny reaetvsa the rlgli to change time without initieo. Shaver Transportation Comoany.