OREGON MIST. ,JUN 8, JltW. It will be flank roads. . MoDrlde still lias few friends left, We laid someone would certainly be BUtugotertKi. Yes, Oregon is for Bryan. Bo li renuayivauia. Commissioner Frukei was down from Boappoose liutt Friday. That Porto Rico tariff dldu't have so bad n effect ou the Oregon election Alter tu. A few more Perrys and Hulomon Tevi Isaacs and no telling what would have happened. Poor old antl-linuertallstn and anti' expansion received somewhat ol a slap in die lace, too. Rev. 0. K. Phllbrook will preach next Bunuay at uauneiur t lat at it a. m,, ana Bi. iieieni at p. ui. Mr. W. 1). Oonnell and Jack Dart ailed from Portland Wednesday night jor vape nouie, Aisana. Memra. J. E. Dow and Alox Wword, of Vernonia, were in tun city and I'ort- jana the latter part ol lut week. The County Treasurer Issues a call this week for all outstanding warrant! nuorsea prior to beptemoer l, loin. The Columbia County Sunday School l.u.Uii .......... fi,.. .!..., I,.... on and 21. First lesson WudnoBday even ing at B o'clock. The social announced to take place at Houlton thl (Friday) evening haa been postponed indefinitely on account of sickness in the neighborhood, Maaonio grand lodge will bo held In Portland next week. Delegates from the lodge hero will be: Judge McBride, I). J. HwiUer and T. C. Watts. There are a Bood many meuiberi in thia County of tlie Oregon Pioneer'Arao clatlon. 1'helr annual mooting wiil be held in Portland on the loth of thia month. All fear of high water for thia year la now pant and lowland farmers can, witli assurance of no further disturbance, pursue their ordinary, everyday avo cation. A aplendid dinner prepared and served at the borne of Mr. Win. Lett, of South Bcamiuose creek, waa enjoyed laat Houday by noarly everybody lit the ueigiiuornoou. he (rand Indue of Eastern Star waa n evasion in Portland thia week. Rt-p- reaentstives from the local Chapter .were: Mrs. T. V. watts, Mrs. James Muckle and Mra. J. W. Day. Mr. J. P. Weat, of Scuppoose, was In ftown last Friday. Mr. Weat states that gcappoose propoacs to celebrate the f ourth in a manner , never before equaled. He Is chairman of the execu tive committee. School in this city cloaod last Friday. Mr. Cleveland took his leave Wednes day morning for his father's home in Astoria, where he expects to spend the hummer. He will return here, however, about the lat of Heptember and take up the work of another year's teaching. Mr. W. O. Uric, of Bidgefleld, Wash., haa made all arraiiguieuts to give a big Fourth of July dunce at 8t. Helens. The postern will lie out in a few days. Everybody ahould bear iu mind that Uancea here are usually attended by a very large number of jieople and a good time ia always had. Ins r at' Election day paaved off very quietly n 8t. Helena. There was a very good- aiied turnout, 228 votes being caat in thia precinct. The registration waa larger than that, but for some reaaon, bout thirty voters failed to avail thorn selvea of the opportunity offered them to cast their ballot. V Laat Friday, while at play at ScafH fooae. Hazel, the little daughter 01 Mr. ana Mrs. J. u. watta, leu irom a aonsey and received a dislocation of the elbow of the right arm. The injury was im mediately attended uy a pnyaician, ana ine young miM is mi wrwawiiv iwncnu i y . fapiuiy iroiu uie uaueiuicuvi mi. ,UJ JfXittle Rep Mr. ana Mrs. T. J. uieeton expecvo leave in a low days (or an extended Kastern trip of about two month's dura tion. Thvy will visit Denver, bait Lake, Kansas t'ftv, Chicago, HI. Louis, and will be in Philadelphia during the Re publican National Convention. From there they expect to go to Washington, thence to New York himI Boston. They will then return to Laucaator, Mo., and viait Mr. Cleeton'a parents for a month before returning to thia State. YANKTON ITEMS. Will Charlton has been building sev eral hundred rods of fence inclosing hia own ranch and a large part of. Muckle Bros. land. Charles Brown spent Sunday with hia brother on hia return from Portland, where he had been eisht-eoeing for a (ew days with his little son, Ralph. Mrs. Wikatrom'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matchett, have decided to make Yankton their home, having dieposed of their nroDertv in Grants Pass in ex change for two pieces of land at Deer island. Thirty-six individuals of both sexes ud all age gatuerua at air. auu oars. O. Tarbeli's last Tburaday to enjoy a social afternoon and picnic aupper. A Ladle' Aid society of sixteen members was formed and a good-sized neat egg toward the orgnn fund deposited. VOTE IN COLUMBIA COUNTY Largely Jfacreaed Republican Majorities. Entire ltepubllcan Ticket, Exoept Hliar I IT, Is Bleotcd-Ooan's Ma jority Over Mix Hundred. Columbia County la aafoly Republican bf ami majority. Moody, lor Congress, carried the County by 41)3, which clearly proves that people everywhere are well aatialled with present financial and in dustrial conditions. While the number of registered voters in the County waa nearly 10UO, the vote caat alio a no ma terial gain over two years ago. One fact Is clearly brought to tiio surface. Peo- file are done with Bryanlam and Popu iam. The people are also satisfied with local conditions as well aa the condition of things. Majorities varied, of course, from over 600 for one Republican down to slightly over 100 for Bchool Superin tendent, and on to the defeat of the Re publican candidate for Uhoriff by nearly 200. Below we give the vote for each candldute, and the majority of the auo cessf ul oue : conukkss. Moody, Rep ...798 Ninlth, Demo-Peoples 866 Hlmmona, Ind-Dem 64 Butler, Pro 6 Moody'a plurality'. .433 Moody's majority ..810 suraxMK judos. Wolverton, Rep 805 Ureen, lem 404 Bright, Pro 69 Wolverton's plurality 401 Wolverlun's majority 332 VOOO COMMISSIONER. Bailey, .Rep .629 Uchulmorieh, Demo-Peo 343 Konada, Pro 44 Bailey's plurality Bailey's majority DIHTH1CT ATTOHNXr. Allen. Rod ftchuebei, Pop ..286 ..246 ..820 ..489 ..331 Allen's majority. . JOIST SKXATOR. Cornelius, Rep 713 Nweek, Deino-reo auo McDaniel, Pro 66 Cornelius' plurality, .177 Cornelius' majority , .122 RB1'XBHNT(VX. Merrill, Rep 783 Slaughter, Demo-Peo 606 Merrill's majority. county Jtitioa. Doan. Reu. . . Thome, Peo. .218 .978 .359 Doan'a majority ..621 SHKHirr. Ilattan Peo .... ..i .766 Fowler, Rep ...678 Ilattan'a majority .187 COUMTX CLERK. Watta, Rep.... ...860 Tichenor, demo-Peo.- 472 Watts' majority .......388 COMMISSIONER. Cane, Rep : ...706 l'eteraon,feo 057 Caae'a majority ....... TRIASURKH. Ross, Rep Sayler, Peo Rosa' ...149 ...848 ...400 ...448 majority ASSESSOR. White. Rep .....843 McKay, Demo-Peo 432 Whlte'a majority , 412 SCHOOL SUrXRiNTKNDCNT. Copeland Rep 694 Bryant, iiemo-feo Copeland's majority . . . aURVKYOR. .581 113 ...1010 CORONIR. Hall, Demo-Peo....... 842 Dr. J. E. Hall, of ClaUkanle. received 2 votea for Coroner. About one-third of the voters voted on the proposed amendments to the constitution, For municipal indebtedness, 112: against, 841, tor judiciary amendment, saw; against 320. . , For .irrigation amendment, 178: against, 231. t or repealing amendment zzi : against, 188 For suffrage amendment, 393; against, 265. 8weck. fuaion. for Joint Senator, has defeated Cornelius, Rep, by 650. Allen. Ken., baa deleated Hcnuebei, fnalon, for District Attorney, by 1217. Moody'a malority in the Heoono uon- gresaional District is 8.406. Tongue'a majority in the First Con gressional Diatriot ia 2,947. oupreine j uaire is eieciea vj over iu,- 000 ipftjority. VKKNOiaiA VARIETIES. A Life nd Death I'lsbl. Mr. W. A. Hinos, of Manchester, Is., writing of hia almost mirauloua escape Irom death, saya: "Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. 1 had frequent hemorrhages and coughed night and day. All my doctors said I muat soon die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery which wholly cured me. Hundreds have used it on ' my advice and all say It never fails to cure throat, cheat and lung troublee." Regular size jBO conta and 1 . Trial bot tles free at the St. Helena Pharmacy. Whsl SjttllollV A grand old remedy for Cougha, Colda and Conaumntion; uaed through the world for halt a oentury; haa cured in numerable cases of incipient consump tion and relieved many in advanced stages. If you are not aatialled with the results we will refund your money. Price 25 eis. and 50 ots. Sold by Dr. Edwin Rosa. ,. FINAL SCTTLtMENT. XrOTICB IU HEREBY OIVEK TO All, WHOM 1.1 umay concern, m tn unnoriuu,Ki rtiaa of tb aalata at Otorae E. FmJim, amli oar Court of Columbia v.. ih. r.Aimtv i raDort aa suoh cuardlaa ot ld tst, sad that iaturtav. th Tth dsj olJuly, 1900. atthahour of I o'oloeJ f It-, of aald'day. at the Court aaUt Court a the tims aad plo lor nearln ot obWt asid nnl, oaount and report. ruaririLH of -t natftte and rierMi K. Krakca, a miiut. , Of CiOtH-J! Bert Mills came oyer home to vote on Monday, Master Blanton Gustafson has a brau new baby sister. The Bundnv school had an attendance of forty last Sunday. The baseball craao among the boys has struck our village. Mrs. A. II. Powell, of Pittsburg, vis ited in Vernonia Decoration Day. Joseph Hiirinbotham, of Glencoe, has been visiting Allxirt Baker the past week. W. A. Harris," of St. Helena was here Monday to east his ballot and to look after his ranch. John Parker. J. E. Dow and Alex Sword all made business trips to St. Helena last week. The election Monday nasaed off very milatlv not even a dog tight. At this writing it is too early to give the returns. Lester Mow came home Friday to spend a few days visiting with hia par ents. He IS at wore on a inrm in vrasii' ington County. E. E. Nickerson la at Smith & Thomas' mill thia week running the edger while G. W. Wooda la looking after his home interests. , ,; ; ; Arrangements are beins made for .the annual camp meeting to begin about the middle of July. Further particu lars will be given later on. Mra. S. B. Rose. In town, and Mrs. Thomas Anderson of Upper Nebalem, have both been quite aiuk the past weet, but art better at thia writing. t P. Spenoer returned from his Port land trip Saturday night. Bertha came in home with him, but Omar re mained to sing with the University Quartette f.1' one of John G. Wooley's moeunga on rJunday, and rode Shanks mare over tho mountains Wednesday of tins wees. fCddjo North, of .the Uppe.r Nehalem, Ja 'the only person we have met in this vicinity who aaw the eclipse on the 2tb ult. ft was too early in the day for most of us. T. B. Denslow lost a very valuable horse Thursday night of laat week. It was well and hearty when be fed in the evening and dead In the stall next morning. Guat Peterson and wife, of Mlat, came up on Wednesday of lost week to con sult Dr. Hatfield about the tatter's health, which has not .been good for the past month or two. Dow Keasev. who is workins with a seining company on the Lower Colum bia, came Home Monday, Incidentally to vote, but really to visit with the wife at home for a few days. A. M. Randolph and Q. W. Woods. who work at Smith dc Thomas' mill, near Mist, came home Monday, and are home this week, planting; their spuds nd doing other odds and ends on their ranches. That comic cartoon, showing the ef fect of the dinner furnished at Frank Tracy's on election day was simply im mense., It was executed by our fellow cltixen, L. W. Van Dyke. Van certainly nas some artistic ability. - Miss Lena Tucker beiran teaching at the Wm. Pringle achoolbouse, down the river from Pittsburg, on Monday last. She will board at home. Thia will give her a pretty lone ride morninea and eveninga, but it will be a heathful oue. The Bundnv school on laat Sunday elected Omar Spencer chorister and drill master lor tne musical part ol tlie Children's Day exercises to be given probably on the fourth Sunday in tills month, Instead of the third, as an nounced last week. Uncle John Campbell returned from hia business trip to Portland Wednes day of last week. He says that the laud sale is a go this time, but that it cannot be liniilly closed until about a month yet, it requiring mat long to make out the papers and get them prop erly signed. On last Friday the house of 11. K. Shirk, of Upper Pebble creek, caught tire on tlie roof where the pipe goes through, and but for the heroic efforts of Mra. G. W. Wooda, who climbed to the root and tore away the burning shakes with her hands, the house surely wouiu nave been consumed. Mrs. L. B. Stuart died on the 29th ult., after a long and painful sickness. She had been married only seven months, coming here for that purpose, with her mother at the time, and being of a quiet, retiring nature, few people had met her. Funeral services were conducted at the house by Rev. W. II. l'aluier on Thursday, and the remains were interred at the cemetery near town. Our sympathy and that of the entire community is extended to tiie bereaved husband and mother. We understand that tills ia the laat near relative tbe latter had. having buried a husband and one or two children before this daughter, within the lost year or two. tttorloa News Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile. of Washita, I. T. He writes: "Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrof ula, which had caused her great suffer ing for years. Terrible sores would break out on her head and face, and the beat doctors could give her no help; but now her health is excellent." Electric Bitters ia the best blood nurifver known. It's the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcere, boils and run ning sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps diges tion, builds up the etrenglb. unlyou cents. Sold by St. Helens Pharmacy. Guaranteed. A Monster Devil Flak Destroying its victim, ia a type of constipation. Tbe power of thia malady is ten on organs, nerves, muscles ana brain. But Dr. King's New Life Pills are a safe and certain cure. Best in the world for stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels. Only 26 cents. Sold by St. Helens Pharmacy. WARREN ITEMS. G. VV. Baker visited at Newberg laat week. Born. To the wife of John Hawkins, Thursday, May 31, 19((0, a son. ' Mrs. M. Saxon, of St. Helens, visited with Warren friends aat Monday. . Miss Musette Grewell is now spend ing a few weeks at the Honeynian farm. Miss Theresa CRourke, of Portland, has been spending a few weeks with Mrs. John Dolan. Mrs. J. F. Downing, Mrs. N. F. Baker and Mrs. Adams were Portland visitors Thursday of last week. A. II. Sheffield left last Wednesday for Portland, after visiting with rela tives here for a few days. A force of Japanese arrived at the Clark farm last week, where they will be employed at grubbing stumps. Miss Gertie Lynch has been visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Grant Lynch, of Scappoose, for the past two weeks. Frank Sheffield has been nursing a very sore band tor the past week, how ever, he has kept on with his work. Mr. snd Mrs. Jenaen's daughter, whose name we did not learn, came down from Spokane laat week on visit. Cliff and Ernest Ellis came down from Portland last Saturday evening on a visit with relatives who reside near Warren. Our blacksmith, J. F. Downing, is kept very busy in his shop these days. We can hear tlie ring of his hammer from daylight nutil dark. Mrs. Maggie Cooper, who has been very seriously ill at the borne of her parents, is improving rapidly and was able to return to Portland last Monday morning. Election day passed by very quietly here. Quite a number of votes were cast. No fighting or drunkenneaa was reported. Warren is to be congratu lated for not having a saloon. A neat little tool house has just been erected in a corner of the I. O. O. F. cemetery and a neat picket fence is to be built around it. Henry Larson and Homer Bennett are doing the work. Mrs. Oliver J. Gould and two child ren, of Portland, are spending a week or two with Mrs. Ttios. Iabiater, of this place. Mr. Gould joined them on Sun day and spent a day or two with them. Decoration Day was observed by quite a number from this place. Not a grave in tbe I. O. O. F. cemetery waa left neg lected. Some very beautiful flowers were laid on each grave, showing that some loved one had not been forgotten. The Warren baseball team went to Scappooae last Sunday and played a game of baseball with tbe nine of that place. Our boys easily defeated them and came home victorious. An enthu siastic crowd of young people from this place accompanied the team. A few of our friends and neighbors visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jensen, at Yankton, last Sunday. A merry time was spent during the day, and in the evening all repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nagle, where a most enjoyable evening was spent in social converse. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Grewell laat Saturday evening. Dancing was indulged in until 12 o'clock, when the young folks bade their host and hostess good night and wended their way home ward, tired and sleepy, but all declaring they had enjoyed themselves very much. Married. At the Oriental hotel in St. Helena, Wednesday, May 80, 1900, Floyd Puaey and Olive Grewell, of this place, Justice Cox officiating. Only near relativea were present. After the ceremony all repaired to the home of the bride's parents, where a sumptuous dinner was served to tbe invited guests. A rousing serenade waa tendered them in the evening by crowd of their young frieads, and of course, they were all treated. PRECINCT OFFICERS ELECTED. Road Supervisors, Joatlons of the ' Peace epd Constable . DKSa ISLAND RKOIHCT. Road Supervisor, Herman Ecbmitt, Rep., elected. No Justice or Constable. ' AlfBCXJI PRBOIMCT. Road Supervisor, District 14, Jas. Adams, Pop., elected ; District 16, J. P. Sheeley, Pop., elected ; Justice, W. M. Wilson, Rep., elected; Constable, Al bert Parker, Rep., elected. WARRRM PRBOIMCT. Road Supervisor. L. Rasmussen, Rep., elected; Justice. G. W. Baker, Rep., elected ; Constable, N. F. Baker, Rep., elected, SCAPPOOSR PRRCIMCT. Road Supervisor, Peter Lonsignont, Pop., elected; Justice, Jas. Leonard, 11.. .Wll. rv.rulal.lii Thna Hlnnin. ger, Rep., elected. RAIMIKR PRRCI1ICT. t..j a a vf -pl Pn elected; Justice, Wm. Symons, Rep., elected; Constable, F. M. Fowler, Fop., elected. ' imioii PBRcmcr. t" f a 1 T n lit V. nA elected ; Justice, R. Cox, Rep., elected ; Constable, Ured watxtns, uep., elected. NKBLKM PRRCIMCT. Road Supervisor. District 12, John Boiler, Pop., elected ; District 13, Oliver Wilson. Rep., elected. No Justice or Constable elected. OAK POIMT PRKCIMCT. Road Supervisor, R. S. Payne, inde pendent Republican, elected; Justice, G. W. Barnes, Rep., elected ; Constable, A. J. Quigley, Rep., elected. BRA VRB PALLS PRECINCT. Road Supervisor. Geo. Richardson, Pop., elected; Justice, I. S. Parcher, Pop., elected ; Constable, J. a. Johnson, Pop., elected. GOBLR PRRCIMCT. Road Supervisor, F. L. Clark, Rep., elected; Justice, Thomas Pawson, Rep., elected ; Conatable, 8. E. Butts, Rep., elected. CLATSKAMIB PRECINCT. Road Supervisor, Ed Elliott, Rep., elected; Justice, A. J. Orwig, Rep., elected ; Constable, A. D. McGillivary, Kep., elected. Martin White, for Assessor, ia the only Republican on a County ticket who has carried Auburn precinct in the last eight years. Skin Diseases. . For the speedy and permanent core of tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment ia without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber's itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated lids. . Dr. fadr's Condition Powder for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 23 cents. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. John Dellar I CORNER FIR8T AND YAMHILL STREETS, PORTLAND. Dealer In CLOTHINGS Gents' Furnishings, SHOES. We note the following- prices on our tpeclaltiea: Lsdlea' Short, Kid or Kane. Calf f 1 Me or Button, (2.50 values Pi, I J Mens' Clothing, Cheviot or Wor sted, Latest Htyle, 9.00 value.... Boys' Clothiutr, Cheviot. Datable and Fashionable, tM value. Boys' Crescent Sulta, Durable and Fashionable, 75 eent value 7.501 2.50 & .40? JOHN DELLAR, Proprietor. STRICTLY ONE PRICE TO ALL finyayt mc mm mfi mm. M asmarj nintrTAnv rtr rrUTTMDTA PATTYfTV. CPUHHT flEEFPT A T Q ? 3 4 i i i 4. i i Complete List of Directors and Clerks of the School Districts of Columbia .County as Elected on the First Monday in March, this Year- Com piled by Superintendent Copeland. DIB MAMS OF CLKBK, 1 Wm T Watta 2 E E Quick 5 J A Holaday 4RPBurns 88 C Tichenor , 6 Jos Brown 7 Wm Holt 8D W Freeman. BAD Holaday 10 Jas F Graham. ..... 11 F II Meeker.... 12 C W Mellingor 13 W A Wood 14 Mrs E D Johnson.. . 15 J M Reddick 1(1 Mrs S E Btehman. . . It Albert Wood 18 A R Melis 19 J R Headlee 20 TC Watta 21 W D Case. 22 N D Peterson 23 Henry Ilenderaon.. 24 F J Peterson 25 O W Barnes 20 Mrs W JZillman.... 27 E R Throop 28 T W Grant.. 29 A J Grngrg 30 Fred Briggs 81 W H Hiatt 82 Aimer Meaorve 33 W F Schneider,. 84 H C Gore 36 Oscar Waisanen .... 8fi F W MaKinator 87 Fred A Bucher 88 W L Brown 89 Chas E Philbrook. . . 40 WH King 41 Wm H Miller 42 Mounts Carr ; 43 0 0 Mover... ....... 44 M P Youns; .! 45 John Mullina 40 R G Davey 47 John Pringle. 48 W B Timoney . 40 ueo M Holt. MAUI OF DIBECT0B8 TOUt TO 8EBVB. TURKS! YBABS. t 51 62 63 54 65 66 SOU W Foster. AM Parker.... F E Malmberg. . W G Woods ... Gns Hetrele.. ... Thos Anderson. N lis B Olson... B P Wiggens. . . fT A Cloninger.. Edwin Koes ... Jas Gaittens S K Hudson.. J E Hall Mrs Blair H T Grewell W S Shearer.. Gus Lange W B Colvm.. ....... C G Caples M K Kmmons M Both J P Sheeley U H uwena JH Doan Jos Wetrick Dave Whittig Jennie Morris John Lindsay KJ Mills O H Wilson J no Stockenberg. . , . Wm Frincle M M Dobbins Oliver Nelson W B Derebery, I J Skuza J C Severn.. R B Mason W 8 Harvey ....... Dr J W Meserve W H Kyser G A Johnson Caleb Kinnunen... . C 0 Fowler G Anliker A 0 Zigler N A Perrv Oliver Anderson.... Andrew Kenoski.... E E Hogberg C 0 Rock G W Jones A Smith Olef Anderson..,.., A Sword F.T Bundblotn.. J B Braun Anton Birkenfeld. , F M Parker James Hill.. J A McDonald..... Ij S Millard Peter Bergerson .... A Knntola M E Morgan TWO VCAB8. Harrv West James Dart Erwin Seffert. . . . Ira Parcher.. ...... Frank Merrill.. Wm Blair Henry Larsen W E Van B Van Cleve Chas N Cole W P MaClay Phineas Peck J E Brous T B Denslow 0 H Boiavert ... W H Hankins A H Mathews Casper Libel Jared Wilson G C Jaquish OL Parker........ J W Holmstrom... Fred Fluhrer.. . . . . . Andrew Elliot..... N B Hendrickson . . 0 F Langfeldt Mra M Mcoauiey... Wm Tatee Jno McAdam J N Brinn.. M M Harvev OE Wonderly..... Geo Richardson. . . . Nelson Pinckney... Jacob Hossa Geo W Makinster. . Chas Kratzke. . . . . . Paul Roeser Jas Spence Aiiarew jiricason. . Frank Gleniski A M Bern Jessie Hendricks. . . 0 Lindahl..s S (i Schoonover.... II N Lnokkanen . . . Jos VanBlaricom.. . W L Graham J L Young Frank Lionkey Geo Rice.. .......... J Peterson ......... A M Randolph. . . H T Bennett... . ... John Dallas.. .. .... D KelH R McMath. ONB YKAB. H W White HR Cliff. J M Pavne Andrew Peterson. . J A English Chas Kichardson. . RO Hazen A E Harvey P Lonsignont HLUolvin.. ...... Geo Graham T M Tucker CO Prichard...... John Edholm Chas E Rice R N Lovelace Wm Wood John Jones (Jos Hackenberg. . . O E Hunter A H Powell Gus Peterson John Huffman Wm Haslett JHLumijarvie.... VV J Ziilman M M Johnson 0 Rabinsky..... .. John Sholander .. G C Barger S Markwell G W Kyser Conrad Snyder . . . W H Bumgardner. August Larson...,. win Mcureggor... E Cnshman Dan Stehman.... .. Edwin Potter Lewis Johnson.. . . . W D Miller Dan Berg J B Wilverding G W Cross E 8 Schoonover... . WOMetcalf....... Wm E Crisey J F Timoney Otto Siedelman .... Ben Birkenfeld... . E E Nickson OS Lyon A U Hotcoaies Wm Resimiua. . . . . Hermau Domuia... A Anderson Harry Anderson . . , posTorriCK addbiss. or CLIRK. 8cappooee St. Helena Deer Island Hudson Clatskanie Sauvies Warren , Fishhawk Scappooae Marshland .Columbia City ... ...Vernonia Rainier Vernonia . . . . . .Clatskanie Rainier Vernonia Mist Rainier Goble Pittsburg ...Mist 'fc in w ........ .war(ri .i ...Mist . , Quincy Clatskanie Keasey Scappoose Mayger Yankton Mist Delena ....... Kvser , . . . ..Deer Island Clatskanie Gobla Gobla Apiary Houlton Clatskanie ..Valley Fishhawk Peris Clatskanie ; .Vernonia Quinns ... .. ..Vernonia Rainier Braunsport Mist Vernonia Mist Bacona Warren Kist Marshland Westport New Firm J New Goods! J rni i iMQ nDAV I Carry the largest stock and greatest variety of general merchandise of any firm in Columbia county, where the wants of the farmer, the logger, mechanic, business man and laborer can be supplied. Their stock consists of GROCERIES, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Famishing goods, hardware, tinware, paints, oils, glass, crockery, euttlery, blankets, oil clothing, feed, flour, garden seeds, orchard grass, garden implements, and dairy supplies, etc. etc, LOGGERS' AND W00DSMENS' TOOLS. Collins & Gray (Successors to W. H. DOLMAN.) THE PEOPLES' MERCHANTS. j J- L. 1 TJ.,M UPI PsVIO sfr(Cf ssaVI k v-rvio AVAViiniiSjVU tvi svuuwv ssf s f I laitBiBMl af W S bbWVI If You will Give Them a Trial They will Convince You that what is Said in this Advertisement is THE TRUTH Our Large Stock of DRY GOODSiGROCERIES Consists of the Highest Standard of Quality, which we aim to sell at very reasonable prices. RUBBER GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ....BOOTS AND SHOES.-. DART & MUCKLE, POPULAR DEALERS. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON. SlVVVVyVVVVyVVVV va-ks ' " , ; o Manufacturers ol and Dealers In-o ...All Kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber... & Flaarlns;... Bastle ...Celltas; .Diu.CBa.oai Lauufcer... GOOD ROAD TO THE MILL. Mill on south fork ef Scappooae mtkjota ( mile, from Scappooae itailon. . Lumber delivered at SroppoaM station or Johnson's landing at si.ui per a, extn. Ai warren ataaon, ai-su. SOAFFOOSE. ... - - OREGON St. Helens Meat Market KELLEY & GILS0N, Proprietors. MUTTON, DCpP BOLOGNA, PORK, PORK, VEAL, DJQJQl SUMMER SAUSAGE. Breakfast Bacon, Cottage, Picnic and Westphalia Hams. Pure Lard. Highest Cash Price Faid for Stock.. KELLEY & GtLSON, St. Hcxbhb, Ubjeuom. St. Helens Pharmacy DR. EDWIN ROSS, Proprietor. Drugs, Chemicals AND .PATENT MEDICINES.. Perfumery, Toilet Articles, School Books.School Sup plies, Stationery, Etc .... Prowrintinna carefully and accurately, compounded at any hour of tlie day or night. Orders by mall for medicine will receive prompt attention. 1 .' -.! -ro mi e f ri rvn AKin PAINTERS' SUPPLIES. J COTTAGE COLORS. ..St. Helens Pharmacy.. ST. HELENS, - - OREGON, s OREGON. 1 .fmn niarri.'l.a THE NEW YORK STORE Has removed to the Cooper building, and haa the largest ' stock of dry goods, groceries, boots, sboea, notions and gen eral merchandise in Columbia county, and is constsntly re ceiving new invoices of spring and summer goods. Com and get some of the rare bargaina I am offering to make room for new goods. Remember that I pay the highest pries for pro duce in exchange for goods, at the lowest pries. Call and see .... B'MOBGUar.' Cooper Building, Main Street, ST. HELENS, QKEG0N