OREGON MIST. Hli ru KVKRV i KIDAf HIOKNINO -HV- DAriD DAVIS, tditcr and Pnpnttor. ftukucrlpllan Kauee. Oneropy on jr In aOmin-. ........ On copy six iuoulli..... . Single oopy U... - ............ Advertising rat ;.niH smfwif upon Kpiwloatloa V. Hg COLUMBIA. .CO DUTY DntKCTORY. Judge.., (Mere Bhrriir Tree.nrer Hunt, ol School. . Hnrvovor... gjoroner...... ... C'jmuiieloner nd that be i putting hit questions not fur tiie purpose of satisfying hit own curiosity, but because h ia endeavoring to gitUier statistic! that Congress li au xiotia to obtain. Let the fair lady un derstand that the Census Enumerator hat no desire to wrong her, and let her refrain from treating him aa a person 1 30 1 m-ho wishes to find out thlncs that are - j none of hit business. Let her tell him -jail he wants to know. He will have become to tired of asking questions by the time he reaches her that he will ask for no more information than it it poai- tivelv necessary fur liiui to obtain. She may be sure of that. And let her always remember that this report will not be OllirEHS. Joseph H Dou, Katnler J li. Yntu. HI. Ilt-lena ,.,...4. N. KUt. st. Ho(U. j published in the papert. So slit) will K. RMt, St. Helens r . . . r . , , . I. H. tooeiwiu. noniton run no nan wuaivvvr tu answering 111111 - a " "i.iuij .it ;ir""i Moreover, it will be uteless to try to net Dr. H. K I'lilT. St. Helena ...f. A. Fraku, Scappo.a N. I). Pelenuu. Milt JCNK 8, 1900. him to tell how old said she waa. the lady next door WEEKLY CROP BCCLKTIN. OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER. Cmdek the surface the Deuocrati managers are still talking among them selves about Dewey and Schley aa possi bilitiet for second place with Bryan. That it one reason why the Domination of Towne by the Populists waa received with chagrin in Washington. Jones And hit associates there had been given to understand that the convention could be controlled and that the only nomina tion made would be that of Bryan. To the Democrats Towne meant nothing but free coin see of silver. There is enough of that in Bryan. For a second good reason, therefore, the nomination of Towne it viewed at a blunder that will have to be corrected at Kansas City. Jones and the coterie of Democrats at 'Washington w ho count on fixing things at Kansas City still cling to the idea of Vice Presidential nomination which nil) be comforting to Eastern Democrats. There hat been an abundance of auu (tli tite, and the week hat averaged about 9 warmer than the previous one. This increase in warmth was mostly due to higher day temperatures rather than to warmer nights, as the latter continue unseasonably cool, and in the Plateau, district were even cool euough to cause rather hard frosts last Tuesday morning. The maximum, or day temperatures in Western Oregon ranged between 5'J and 77, and the ininimuui, or ninlit, temperatures between 42 and 53. Kaat of tiie Cascade mountains these varia tions were for day temperature! between I their A Lxadinu English crop authority has announced that the grain crops of Eng land and France are sure to be late and likely to be bad this year. While this is not conclusive as to European grain shortage, the conditions that are affect ing the grain crops in Great Britain and France are fikely to' be more far-reaching, and it is reasonable to conclude that the American snrplu bread supply is to be drawn upon beyond the demand of former years. This prospect makes fhe crop conditions of tiie United States of the utmost importance, and fortu nately the outlook is good. With a heavy foreign demand for American breadstuff and an American crop ample to meet such demand, a prosperous year for American farmers is always assured. While counting un hatched chickens is not ever advisable, American farmers hve no cause to lie awake of nights wondering where the money is to come from to pay interest on farm mortgages and to keep plot and reaper going and i n repair. The crop outlook is good, the demand from abroad promises to be good, and when crops are good and buy era plenty, prosperity it assured for all. Tat Senate spent about six weekt and the House is is now putting on the fin ishing touches upon a voluminous bill providing laws and a civil government for Alaska. It is a' little more than thirty years since some skeptical Sena tors and Representatives were willing to vote the $7,000,000 to Russia at a gift if the United States could persuade some other Ration to take Alaska off our bands. Now' the territory which has been that only in name is to have politi cal autonomy next to Statehood. Con' grass feels that it is high time. Look ing forward to the early realization of the great expectations for Alaska, the statesmen are proceeding with much care. Alaska is to send a delegation to the Republican National Convention. It teems strange to hear that only nine days will be required to make the jour ney from the Territory to Philadelphia. Alaska isn't so far out of the world ss people have been thinking. Governor Brady, who list been in Washington helping the committees of Congress with the Alaska bill, thinks that the present year will see an output of $15, 000,000 in gold from the American dig gings, chief of which, of course, is the pape Nome beach. The Klondike, on the British side of the line, will, it is estimated, turn out over $15,000,000. From this northwest corner of the con tinent, a few yesrs ago despised, will come a cotribution the present season of $30,000,000 in gold. According to Governor Brady and the other Alaska people who have been in Washing ton in the interest of the legislation, these figures represent only the begin ning. "In five years," the pre diction was made, f'the Territory of Alaska will be producing $100,000,000 in gold yearly." It takes one's breath. 50 and 8ti and for night temperatures between Sti and tk) Very little rain has fallen, and some sections in Southern Orenon are begin ning to feel the need of it for graiu and gardens, although grass and pasturage in that, aa well as in all other sections, continue in excellent condition. The frosts in the Plateau district did no ma terial harm, and the week has been a most favorable one for advaneiug growth and for permitting farm work tu proceed without interruption. But little, it anv, improvement has taken place in the condition of ft 11 wheat in the Willamette Valley. Many fields are yellow and badly rusted, anil some were so poor that they have been plowed up. In Southern Oregon and in the Co lumbia River Valley both fall wheat and rye are heading and filling nicelv and the crop in these sections is gener ally in nue condition. Spring wheat, barley, oats, potatoes ana ganiena are doing lairiy well, al though there ia some complaint in the Willamette Valley of Spring wheat dying and of rust affecting the oats. Corn needs warmer weather, and itt growth has to far been very slow. There has been considerable improve ment in the condition of bops, which 'have grown very rapidly during the week, although hop lice have made their appearance in many of the yards. Haying is progressing "under very fa vorable weather conditions and the out look for an extra heavy crop it assured. Pasturage continues ample, and stock is in fine condition. A fair croD of cherries ia being mar keted and strawberries continue abun dant. French prunes, applet, peart and small frnit are making good advance ment, and the Italian prunes are doing the same, except where injured by frosts and cold weather last April. Portland, Monday, June 4, 1900. Land Patents. Patents were received at the Oregon City Land office on Friday last for W. A. Geer for three tracts of lieu lands of 160 acres each and one of 80 acres, situ ated in the Cascade forest reserve; also for Abraham Parker for 160 acres in the Bull Run reserve. Patents were re ceived for the following homesteaders: baran .banks, i-zra K. Chamberlain, Ananias Bergsvik. Oliver C. Yocum John H. Rein hart, Michael Gorman! Maggie L. Hampton, Andrew L. Porter, Clara Bodgler, Anton Heltbrunner. George H. Bruce, John E. Strait, J. Ar thur Matrons. William H. Cook. Jr. Edward Hughes, Viola Ortschild, Ger trude A. Urth, Minnie Sweeney, Loui Alslebin, Frank Alslebin, Walter J. Fal coner, John Straight, Anders ti. Bergh man, Charles Ream, John New berg Fritx Paetsch, Angus McGillivary, Nell Nelson, Titus Kurtiehaou, John C. Mul- lins, James W. Ball, William J. Reidy, Anthony Marebion, Oren W. Black, lies S. Lidsievold, George A. Hodges, Hani M. bcneei, William u. btuitti, William C. Puffer, Samuel L. Beary, Michael Mart, Adoipnut Hrown. CLATftKAN IK If EMM. Mrs. Brewtck returned from Astoria this week and ia at fler father's, Mr. C. P. Cilars. J. A. fabrique and wire spent a couple of dnve rusticating in the Neha fern Valley this week. Kd Wonderly. our enterprising neigh bor, of Beaver Falls precinct, rode over Monday night with the returns. The rain and mud had no discouraging ef fect un Ed, who it an enthusiastic Re publican and a successful campaigner. R. S. Payne, Martin White and George Mavger brought the election returns from Oak Point precinct toClatskanie about midnight to reach Uie telephone and compare notes. They were highly gratified with the result. The Ladies' Aid Society took advan tage, of the crowd that was expected here on election day and served lundh, ice cream and strawberries In the lower room of theUraham building. They were well patronized and must have, replen ished their treasury as a result. James McDonald made quite a vigor ous canvass for Road Supervisor of this district, but his brother-in-law, Ed Elliott, got a few the most votes. Jim- uiie happened to belong to the minority partv. For Justice of the Peace. A. J". Orwig and his son-in-law, Silvo Graham, were candidate. The tnther-iu-iaw wrs itn the long ticket and secured the prise. Ed Karvonen, a young man whose father resides near here, died at Astoria last week and was brought here for burial. He waa a member in good standing of the Maccabees order of this place and tne tuneral was under tiie auspices of that order and according to t .u. i. 1: : r PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICKNSK To tht Honorable County Court ot Oolambla County, Oregon. ,!,'!' undtrtltusd local votera, residing; ta Oak Puiut Praoltmt, Columbia County, Orenon. Would ra-ipaciliilly petition yoar bonorlle body at tu nest Uvular naaelou, wlilcb will ba heldon th &th day of July, iiwo, la Ilia Court Houu, In iha t hy ol Si. Halaua, Columbia County, But of Orrtou, that a Liquor LImiuw oa raniu to w. u rulllam, to aoll aplrttuuua, vluoua and malt Motion, In quantltlsa Ism thaa otis (allon, In Oak Point Prautnot, Inaald Coun ty and flat., and that aald Mcanaa na (ranted for a period ol alx months: tor ail of wuluh juwr puiioar win ovar urar: W It ttsad. Jm 0 Oatnbart, D M twtnt, Pmil.y, jamsa Coaklay, Carl Slockanban. Ji mockanboni, L Maaon. it H Kl. Oao W Knlrk, Hanry Handaraoi), Chaa Krlokaon.CL maimiuiJi, wra anurnoa, David Hunt, William Mrcollara, a H Crandall, A L MtHlnlrs, Uaoraa AruiMroiia, JoMitk Powtra. 1 8 Uravt, C R 1)11- arts, Charlea Maravr. alnoa Kan oar. Prank Baruaa. A K M(ddauh, P W Plohrar. 8 klo Harnaa. 1. f)tnkanhm a w wr,u a rJi. Ham, A Wadln, F S Williams, G 1 Hyvaraoa.C Mr lvrii, J B Lovasrvu, Kdtar Qullay, 0 W Walling, L W Ball, K J Uulun, Q ToniMklna. Kd Carlntu, Kmll Prtoraon, M APoital, Kd Loa- itvii, n 4 utMiKtvy, n iiaruio, u it joitaa, enaa lartno. K 6 Pavna. lUrrv Rnuall. n Sitraranu. K J Smith. K luivaaran. V kiul.Htkln, M It Norsrau. isM W A Card of Thanks. We wish to extend our thanks to the kind friends, neighbors and brethren of the Masonic fraternity for the many kindnesses and assistance rendered ut during the illness and burial of Mar garet JUaynew, wife of John Mayhew, ana iuotner 01 a. saiser. Jobs Mayhsw, S. hALSER. It is now the time for the Census Enumerator to begin to enumerate, and before he comes it may not be out of place to speak a few words in his behalf. There will be a lot of pointed questions asked by him, but let no good woman take umbrage at what to her may seem impertinence on the part of the gov: ernment'i agent. When he looks calmly into' her face and asks ber whether she is white, let her answer yea, sweetly, if she is, or if she is not, she may tell him no, with equal suavity. Nor should she exhibit any reluctance )a giving her age if he askt her bow old sheit. Let her remember that the Enumerator it not acting as a spy for anybody in the next block, but as the representative of our glorious country, Astoria to Have a Monster Fourth of July Celebration. The Astoria Fourth of July Com mittee have arranged a program of un usual splendor and they invite the people of this vicinity to visit them and enjoy the Nation's birthday. The Navy Department has ordered the first-class cruiser, Philadelphia, to Astoria to take part in uie celebration, the procession will be one of the features, composed of blue-jackets from the Philadelphia, ar tillery irotn fort wteveni, elegant Boats, numerous civic societies. Liberty car ana otner attractive features. The celebration will begin on the afternoon of July 3rd., with a procession of the "Ancient Order of Horribles" and a few other novel features, and con tinue until the evening of the 4th, when a brilliant display of fireworks, costing hundreds of dollars, will end the festiv ities. Balloon ascensions', log rolling, trick bicvele riding, tnirs of war. tieht rope performing, kite flying contests. May-pole dancers, and scores of other things will he given free for the enter tainment of Astoria's guests. The As toriana have subscribed nearly $2000 for this event and no pains will be spared to give everybody a jolly, good time. Several hundred people from The Dalles, Or., have hired the steamer Regulator, and will come to Astoria's marvelous Fourth of July celebration. Crowds are also coming from Portland, the Cascades, Hood River and from every direction. Anyone failing to attend Astoria's wonderful celebration will miss a great treat. A Wealth al Beauty It often bidden by unsightly pimples, eczema, tetter, erysipelas, salt rheum, etc. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will glorify the face by curing all skin eruptions, also cuts, bruises, burns, boils, felons, ulcers and worst form of piles. Only 25 cents a box. Cure guaranteed. Bold by St. Helens Pharmacy. j Doe This Strike Tny Muddy Complexions and Nauseating Breath from chronic constipation. Karl's Clover Root Tea it an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an abso lute guarantee. Price 26 cts. and SO cts. 8old by Dr. Edwin Ross. were held at the grave by the pastor of tlierimi Lutheran clmrch in the pres ence of a large number of their people. Though a little late, it might be stated that Memorial services were held on the Sabbath of the 27th, and were attended by such of the old comrades as are in Ui is vicinity. Rev. Jean, himself G. A. R. man, preached an able and appro priate sermon, and the young people had shown their interest by very appro- Snate and ' generous decoration of owers in the church with a display, also, ot a neatly draped United States nag back of the pulpit. There was uo brass band In Clatskanie precinct this year, but there has rarely been an election day when more interest was taken in the individual voter, and more concern as to how he would vote. Whatever a man may be during the rest of the year, he becomes a personage of importance on election day. He cau have a cigar if he smokes, lemonade if he is thirsty, a ride in a carriage if he is weakly, and a great deal of advice as to how to vote, all free. Verily, it it a good thing to be an American citizen, and the more politically doubtful, the better tor cigars and lemonade, etc. A few of our people went to Quincy on Memorial Day, where public school exercises were held appropriate to the dav and brief addresses were made by Rev. Jean, Superintendent Copeland and Dr. J. E. Hall. A procession to the cemetery followed, where the graves were decorated with Sowers. The re main! of Comrade Lvman B. Jonea and a naval veteran, whoee name escapes trie writer, are at rest here, r lowers were ased for the graves of friends gen erally, at well as for these veterans, and the exerciet all through were quite lm pressive. A large number of people were present, showing their interest in tne day and occasion. George Statler, of Quincy, Killed The steamer Shaver brought the re mains ol Ueorge Htatler to tins piace on Wednesday morning, accompanied by the foreman in Benson's Bunker Hill camp, near Oak Point, Wash., who re ported that statler was killed by a stroke of a fallen limb of a tree about 3 o'clock Monday afternoon, while work ing in the woods. He lived a short time after the accident and was able to speak to the foreman, but death soon occurred and his remains were brought over here on the steamer to await tiie withes of his father. George and his aged father have been living on the Bur ford place, where his father is living, while George worked in the camp. The interment will probably be at Quincy, where George has spent most of his time for several years past, being well known in that and this community. Deceased was a member of the Clats kanie tent of Maccabees, but unfortu nately allowed his certificate of insure a nee to lapse last February, which will render it void. It 0TICS FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orraa at Uaaoo City, Oa , Un 11. inn. VfOTUK IS HKKEBY GIVUN Til AT THIS IV (ollowtua nikitlaMi slaalllsaF ttsua (Haul isnflias if at iiiieiitioa to tuako nnal proof In support ol nn riHitn, aim mat aatu proof will oa itiaua oa for tha KKlter and Kooolnsr, at Oraaoa I lly Oroiioii, on Jlv 14, l.W, vl: SAMUKL 1' HAI.T.ARD. Itomniead enliy No, lD.iW, for tha W. U of . K. i and S. K. V; ol c. K. ot soctlou X towu aulii 4 north, ranica -I won. He nainaa Ui followtut witns-wts to prom hl i-ontiiiuou rsKUIvuca upon and cultivation of aald land, via: Joint D. Kakar, K. K. Nk-kar-ou. P. M. Parker, ami David T. Karly, all of Vernonta, Orvf ou. J'JIJ CM At. a Mooats, Reglttsr. Brinn Brothers CAFE ST. BUSKS, - 0RSGQN. NEW PLACE. If you want aomtthln rood In tha Una of whlaky iry SHAW'S MALT V -Only tht baat ot- S Lianors Bui Cisars Kept in Stock OPCN PROM A, M. TO 12 O'OLOOK MIONIQHT, YOU ALWAYS WtLOOMt If 0TICS FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ornca at oaioos City. 0., May Si, IW0. NOTICE IS HKKKHY OIVKN THAT THK following ni.Hl nttler baa Slad notlra ol his Iniontion to make final proof In support of hla claim, and that aald proof will ba niads bo lorathaHavlater and Rocetvar, at OrasonClty, Oregon, ou July Mill. two. vl: JOHN D HAKKR. Homeatead entry No. 10.4OI, lor tha W. ol M W. V, section IS, towuahlp 4 north, range S weat, and tha K. i, ol N. C.Matlou la. town ah IB 4 north, range 4 weal. Ha namaa Iha following wlltmeae to prove hla continuous resideuce upon and cultivation ol aald lamt, via: b. P. Ballard, Olio M. Malm to. David t. Early, and Squirt W. Karty. all ol Veruonta, Oregon. )J13 . caua. fl. Mooats, RegUtar. NOTICE FORUBLICATION. Land Orrirt at OatooM City. Oa., May 39th. imx VTOTICR IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE it lollowinanamed aettlar baa filed nolle ol hla Inicnilon to make Anal proof In support ol hla claim, that aald proof will ba mail befor the County Clerk ol Columbia couutv.at Si. Hal aua, uragou, ou joit ia, ihou, Til VI 1 1.1.1 K A, Homestead entry No. 11.17S, lor the N K. H. W. 'X of .H. E. U' a 11,1 N. K U n of Motion l, townahlp I uorth, nuiit4 weal. HAKHI3. ;. for the N. j of 8. sim r. s. 7t Wl is OOO AT THK- BANQUET None but the best In both Imported and Domestic wines, liquor and cigars. CYRUS - NOBLE WHISKEY The celebrated Welnhard ltoer always on draught. CLONimCR 4 WHITHEY, fress. &BBceWe HL X J 1 J l-.UUJL',U.iJ I The Weekly Oregonian a CONTAINS All the newt well written, inHde'ntT Wlbln( Wettsra icenei and Btorlrs of We. and advrutur by wall. known author. , ' Hrllliant illustration by newspaper artitU Interesting sketches and literature for bovs and girls. w Fashion article and Illustrations women. lor 1 OUR CLUBBING OFFER - We have perfected arrangement whereby we are enabled to fur- -Z ulsh Th Weekly Oreiroiilan In connection with Tim Mist for 2 only Two Dollar. Tl price ol Th Orwgonlan alone is $1,60. : : THE OREGON MIST ! ImiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiiiiUiUiUiu V W AS i W V a-M W now ADout Your l ltier XJo ladie furniture I com Die te without a new light-running glNQER It you buys sewing-machine why not get the best. Sold on easy terms without interest. Resolution of Thanks. Headquarters John Bucher Post No. 70, O. A. K. At a regular meeting June 2, 1900, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, That the thankt of this Post be extended to the Rev. G. A. Stroup. to the Vernonia choir and to Comrade J. A. Ray for their assistance on Memorial Day and the Sunday ser vice preceding. 1. iJ. Uenmlow, S. A. HosroBD, Commander. Adjutant. Yea Trr It. If Shiloh's Couch and Consumution Cure, which is sold for the small price of 2d cts., 50 cts. and $1, does not cure, take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 2-5 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Ross. 9lasy si (.aver Has tamed with disgust from an other wise lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's Clover Root Tea rmririea the breath by its action on the Dowels, etc., as nothing else will. Sold for yean on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by Dr. Edwin Roes. He namaa tha followiiia wltueaaaa to tn hla eoutiuuoua reittlpm-- uuiu ami ttllHrattnn of aald land vis: C. W Melllnxer, 8. A. Wilkln . U. M. beeahley. and A. H. Metliewa. all of enjoma Oregon. JIJU Caas. B. Mooass, Rcglttar. NO TICS FOR PUBLICATION. La mo Ornca at Oisuox Ciry. On., May I'.', l0O. VOTICE IS H Kit Kll Y GIVEN THAT TH 11 following-named aettler baa Med nolle of her tnteution to make dual proof In anpportof narviaim.auu imu aatu prool will oa maoe V- tore tne 1 nunir i:ierk of Columbia louaiy, bt. Ueleat, Oregon, un Jnn U7th. I), rij: BtarHA c. (iiixiHAN. Homeatead eatrv No. 11.440, for the 8. t, ol eectlon 12, tnwmhln 4 north, rena 4 waat. She naiaea tha following wltnaaaes to pmr her continuous realdence apon and cultivation 01 earn lana. li: John D. Raker, Olio B. Malm ten, and Alice D. soiile, ol Vernonia, Oregon, mlaja Cuas. B. Mooaa. Reglnter. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE Cochtt TBgAntJara'i Orrics. St. lUL.m. 0., Junes, 1900. V"OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVES THAT ALL lf unuald Countv Warranta ol t!olomhta (.onniy, uregon. wnicn nave Been prraetitml ana enuoraeo- "ot rain for Want of Fuoda. prior to eapt. mi, ims, will Da paid upon pre sentation at this oak-. Intercut will not bt auowea alter utiaaata. kowin iM8, mllJS Treaaurar of .;olumbla County, Oregon. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To Tag HoHoaasia Cocktv CotitT or Col umbia vounty, btats or uagooa: We. the nnderalmad lesal voters, realrtlna in Ooble Piecf net ilumbla Coanty State ol Oregon, would raapeotfully petition your Honorable bo.l at ita next regular term, which will be held on the Hh day of July, 1WJ0. In tha Court Hotue In Ibe city ol St. Helena. Columbia county, mat 01 urnron: That a llcenw be granted to O. E. Hunter, to tell aplrltloHa, vinuoua and malt liquors In quanitlra lew than one gallon, in Goble Precinct, in aald County and dtata, add that laid llcenaa be granted for a period of one year, lor which we aver pray: uaiea inis sxa, oay 01 May ivw, at UOOle regon. u. c. Jaqniah, E. w. Kowlcr. r. A . r . rvwm, H.vifr i u nri, aisc Link, Glenn Link. Frank Cleaver. Jacob Zwtnell J. W. Urd, Fred Koble, Frank Welter, J. at fame. John Olllinn. U. H. Farr. Thomaa Paw on. T. H. Blacketer, L. Bradley. M. W. Bradley. Charlea Link, J. C. Monroe, II. Dtehman, John rarr. Jay r. Archllbald, Oonald Bate, John Munaou, 1;. w. ncrarianu, 0. . roater, r, rruck, Henry Blake. James Blacketer. H Ward. G. 0. D'Hpatn, A. H. Rolwru, Jamea Keniiedy. ar. Jaiset Kennedy. Ir. Thoa. Buraeaa. Oeonro Fouler. Jr. f. W. Ui-KlnMer Ftter Hoeacy, Uaba Vraaalral, H. N. Fowler, II. W. Brown, Joa. Lawrence. Thomaa PeoDle'e. G. W Farr. (J. Antiker, Walter Hunter, Fetor Wlcka, Wm. bnrdick. R Anllker. C. P. Anderaon. n. a. nuiia, a. eer, j. k. aGiacn, k. a. nmitn, W. I). Hetterlee. Fred Wood ham. J. li. Sicurai vnnaiopoer naginn. BO BP4. Hattaw. -In this city, June 2, 1900, to ttie wile ot it. ti. Hattan, a daughter. "Duke's Place" POPULAR RE80RT FOR Star Brewing Company's Lager, -IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC- Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Card table and other device for amusement. newspaper anil peroaitala. NEXT TO THK HOTEL. ST. HELENS, : : OREGON. Karl's Dover Root Tea BcaatlAes the Complexion, Purlftw the mood.gle,!rh,CIar8lln. CureaCon ''O"' n. Indlgeation, and all Eruption! of 'i- , ktafc airraoible Laiatlve Narv 1 onic. bold on abaolute guarantee by all drug(lata at aOo, 60c. and S1.O0. 6. C. WELLS . CO., LCS10V, N, V. aouc aaoeairTOa ED HILLSBERRY, Expert :-: Barber SHARP RAZORS AND CLEAN TOWELS. None but purest chemicals used in wash ing and cleansing the face, r Get a Hot Towel on Your Face Usual prices for work. DECKER'S OLD STAND, ST. HELENS 1 A 1 YOIt BntlC It la all riuht? H.ui.mlar that li 1. 11,. llf,il,Uh,l..i . w-f n , .n.i ,11a, auvrroi. ( nor iiiikiiiva o ae an a In - r iwwiui biiii uow wnii iney coiuain iu riailin to land title, II you noiiieiuilat buying land or loaning money on rral .li aMurlt)-, lake uo man's wont, but Inaliit upou knowing what the re. mil ahowa Mgardlng the tula. An Alxlrant laaaaaasaual a sdmxl, lniaton huvltig It. We hat the only rmi tl aliairam booka in th oawnty. All work promptly (utd and atlilaouoa guaranteed. If you have properly 10 Iniorvglve uk call. W ar aKeula for tha heal lire tnauranie com pa u lea 111 iha world, If yon liav pruparly lor sale liat It wllh ui and w will lud a buyer. Gor-ais OXJICK, so Jfrasf $T. MUM. OKieOU W r C. P. LOONET, Agent j AaitorlM Ore,on 0. 8, & N. GO. DarasT nblrago Fortland BpecUl lie. tu. Atlantic Kxpreaa S 'JO p. m. Via Hunt-ingion. Time SCHEDULES Salt Lake, Denver, ft Worth, Omaba.Kan mu City, tw. louu, Chicago and Eaat. Atlantie Einreaa S .1) p. m. tp. m. Dally Ki Hunday s p. m. Saturday lop. m. ta. m. Ea.buuilay 7 a. m. Tuaa.Thar. and Sal. ta. m. TueaThnr. and sat. Lv. Rlparia aa. m. daily Halt Lake, Denrar, Ft. Worth, Omaha. Kan a City, St. Louis, Chicago and Kaal. Walla Walla, Lewla- ton, Spokane, Minn eapolis, St. Paul, Hulutn, Mllwauku, Chicago and Caal. Ocean Staamahlpa. All aalllng dates aub- J-1 ta change. For Han Franeiaro Hall every Bv days. Columbia Rir Staamar. To Astoria and Way-landings. Wlllametta Rhrar. Oregoo Olty. Nwbarg. Salem A Way-lend g Wlllamtt and yam hill Rhrar. Oregon City, Dayton, ana way-iaaning. Wtllamatta Rivar. Portland to Cnrvatlls and wsy-landtnga. Snake Rhrsr. Rlparia In Iewlaton. VT. H. HURLBERT, Oentral PaaHDger Agent, PORTLAND OKEOOH W I V lTlFl-'8'-C SLi valu.dal B M.UUOIatMaa lr -i,-TTt'i-: fVt tT7 W m and eacnny Iha tallaat menantlle building In Ike world. We hava Lf W ' !,. lulimui. S.ataan hundred (lerw art aenaaaally JuKb l f aagagad ailing out-af-towo ardera. r JTB rTf OUR OINIIAL CATALOOVt la Ike boak of Iha peopla-H qeetae VpA Wf j Whelaaale Price la Beaiybady, haa over t.aa peg, tS.ea llluairallase, sad U J I I aa.i.a iSCI oa.ao daacrlptteoa of arlitl.awlih pmaa. It teata T tenia la pilot aad mail Fill asbits I VJ ,.chcsfr, vv. wM yu ta hv an. UNO PIFTCBN CKNTi taahaw fWl Ul your gMd faith, aad we'll and yea a copy FRKE, wllh all charge prepaid. IIAM 4P'" jyQHT6GljRY WARD & tViMVZr gt " " 1 -WIlEX IX SKl9lJIFf2ICJE- I I -OOTO- I 1 Tc 1LATSKANIE I I V DRUG STORE iv. n. S Kg.Hund.y DrUgS patent Medicines.Toilet Articles, Etc I 0f. j, 1, mil, PnpnMu. "'"" 8 CLATSKANIE, OREGON. 1 Hon. and Frl. i , ; 5iiaaaawaaaaaaawaw ' "-STEAMER JOSEPH KELLOGG.... 4 p m, " 11 1 - -- r - 1 ' " Mon. Wed. 1 a,- and frl. . 0ffS3S0Sfim ... A STORIA & COLUMBIA RIVER II RAILROAD COMPANY. DAILY. 24 U. 7 00 I oft S 3 g 44 t HI i m t OS IS 9 7 10 00 10 OS 10 20 10 30 22 A.M. 8 on OA 1 3 40 Ml 10 00 10 10 10 21 10 89 11 02 11 10 11 2 11 SO .01 SMI 4M m.bi IfW.S C'2.3 M.4 71.J, Ml W.l Wit STATIOrtl. Lr.. Portland. .Ar Oobl Rainier Pyramid Mayger Quincy .... Clat.kanls.... .... Marahland.... Weatport CUflon K nappe Svenaon John bay Ar .. A.torla ...I,: SSiD OF OAILV. 2i as a. m. r. n. 1116 (40 10 OA S S6 W S 20 lit a oo ao 7 64 9 20 7 4S 12 7 as 1 02 l a 52 7 17 I 87 7 02 8 17 6 42 S07 S2 7 M t 20 7 4 t 10 Learet Pott land Tuesday, Thunday, and ftaturoaya, ai 4 o'rlook a a. Portland and Kelso Route via Columbia Rirsr. STEAM ER G. V. SHAVER Hi DELL SHAVER, Master. Wilt laave Portland, foot ol Washing ton strnet, sub Sunday, Tustdajr and Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Ke turning, leavs Clatskanie sach Monday, Wednesdsr and Friday aftarnoon tt O'clock, this jicrniittlng. The company rescrvoa the rlab ts change Um without ootlos. Shaver Transportation Comoany. AH trains make clnaa connactlona at flohli with Northern I'aclne trains to and from tha Eaat and Bound oolnt. At Portland With all trains leaving Union depot, at A.lorla with I. at N. Co.'s boat and rail Una to and from 11- weoo and Korih Beach point. Passengers lor Astoria or way points mnt flat train at Houlton. Train will Up to let pas senger off at Houlton when coming from points wcatofUoble. jr. C. naya. nn, Pus. Agt.. Aatorls. or Stallion "OTTO" FOR SALE BY EDWIN ROSS. Will maks the season of 1900 at my place on Milton creek, or where conven ience may dictate. THIS STALLION Is eight years old, fifteen hands high; was sired by "Farwell." Uit dam waa "Maud," a lull Morgan. Terms: Insurance, $5.00. G. C. BARGEE, Yankton, Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE u Am. j. a. Cfirx. THE COLUMBIA RIVES AND PVOCT WJ0KI HAVIOATIOM CO. ti PORTLAND-ASTORIA EODTL STR. GATZERT Landing Foot of Aider Hlreet, Portland. Leave A.lorla daily (except Hunday)7 P. at, Leave. Portland dally (eicui Hunluy)at 7 A. af Landing Teiepnone noca, Astoria. Bailey UatirrttlckeU ood on iteainer Haaaalo. Steamer ilataalo ticket, good on Ualley Uatscrb U. B. SCOTT, Pres. WVW V VWVV ssi auga- M OK P0B1XAND, DAILY. ti i M H H H M H H H H J gers and Fast Freight. hS JatlSS GOOD, Rlsisler. f4 -TiAMeH uAmerica,, Willamett Slough Route Leave Bt. Helens. ... 6.-30 A M Arrive at Portland.. 10:80 A M Leave Portland 2:80 P M Arrive at St. Helens. 6:00 P M rtRE it cEfiTa. Will Csrry Nothlnr but Passen- O.G.NIXON, ATTORNEY-AT-Lt W Collections a Specialty. -EAINIER, : : OREGON', ; W ATt TTIlTm I T , HOTEL Mn. M,J. Scott Proprietress OT. HELENS, OKKOON. A Slrlrllf Frsl-Clas Home. A Hon) (or Commercial Travelers and the Public. Hoard and Lodg ing al Most ltrssonaUt Rales. . . A WEIL KEPT STABLE For Care of Patron's Horssi. J. vr. DAY V. B. DILtalll ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW . v " I - - -' I''- 'V.' tnV'C."'t rtiwrleCnort house,' y ' , K UKLtKII, OHliGOK. V - fJenVrsl prirUce In roii'rtaol Orogon or '"J1" Ingtnn. AlHitactt made directly from -record.