The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 18, 1900, Image 1

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NO. 22.
"Saj Ma I ken aW I mtmmmmJ
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
An Intrri'Ullitg Culfkrlliin if Ileum from
Hid Two llniiilailurn. rreantil
In H (.'umleiiaeil Form.
Painter and pnperhnngnra of Tiiroma
have wou their strike (or a shorter day
Russian Hint Chinese clash In Man
churla, many being killed on both
Ailnilnil Dtiwoy attended reception
by tho colored ixhijiIo t Memphis
Astoria will oflor a bounty (or seal
scalps In order to protect the salmon
The steamer Tom Maru ha arrived
Ht Kim t tin Inuu Yokohama with 700
more Japs.
The bill for Alaskan llulithooiws prob
ably cannot be passed at tul aeaaion of
President McKluley lent birthday
congratulation to the crown prince of
Two parsons were buinerl to death by
the destruction ol the hotel
at Geueasee, N. Y.
New York'a naval reserve refused to
accept the navy department'! oftur tut
cruiae and practice.
Charles F. Neoly lnia lieon arrested
for emliezsllng f ilfl.OOO lu the Cuban
tioatoflloe department.
Three Forest Grove people are thought
to have perished lu the .Inking of the
Dora II. la Alaskan waters.
Three Americans were killed and
even wounded In an engagement with
rubela on the Island of I'anay.
Middle-of-the-road Pnpnlistaat Sioux
Fall will hold their convention in
bla teut. Ignatius Donnelly la talkod
of for the presidency.
Martin Hievert, who killed one
Christnnaon at Latoya liny, Alaska,
asked the mluera there to hung hi in
and via aocominoduted.
The ohlefi of Tutulla. of the Pa
moan group, have formally coiled the
Inland to the United Ktatea. and the
American flag haa beeu hoisted.
Representative of the Field mifeuiu
In Chicago will toon be iu the rorth
wont for a three months' tour for the
imrpoMe of evoking curios among Ore
gun Indiana.
Twenty-nix hundred street-car . men
are on a atrike In Ht. Loula, and every
line In the city la compelled to im
pend Oioraton. The police are power-
War preparation by the reformer
in China are proceeding vigorouiily,
lunro anautitiei of aruia being taken
iuto the country. The lmiorial gov
erumout aeea no cause for alarm.
Kx-Congreaaman David B. Cutbert-
aon, of Texas, la dead.
General Hamilton hai captured Win-
burg, the Boer stronghold.
L. Marquis, a farmer residing aeven
milna northwest of Lugene, committed
Heavy raina in Iowa did much dam
age to proerty and cauaed large loe(
In livestock.
Lord Robett baa crosited the Vet
river and the Boers are atill in full re
treat northward.
Hn Antonio. Texas, waa struck by a
terrific wind atoriu, doing damage to
the amount of $75,01)0.
W. C. Kndtoott, secretary of war In
Cleveland 'a first admiuiatratiou, died
at Iloaton, aged 78 yeara.
Scientists hope to make many new
diacoveriea ou the event of the auu'a
total eclipse on May 28.
Goueral Harrlaon Gray Otla la boom
lug Congruaaman Hepburn, of Iowa, for
McKtuloy'a running mate.
Aguluuldo Ima joined hia forooa la
North Luzon and haa assembled con
alderahle force iu the mountain; Geu
eral Young asks for reluforceuieuta.
Kenor Albortl, prominent in Cuban
politic and editor of a newspaper, waa
hot and instantly killed by an un
known assassin at Uibara, province of
(Santiago de Cuba,
Tope Leo will muke amend", for bla
deposition of Archbishop Kcuuo, who
may be apiolntod to the position held
by the late Archbishop lieuuossy, of
Dubuque, Iowa.
The output of oil in California haa
Increased from 1,345,128 barrels iu
18U5, to 2,203,128 barrels iu 1800.
The atate now ranks fourth among the
states of the nuiou iu petroleum pro
duction. Rev. Chnrlea 8. Morrla. a colored
Baptist missionary, recently returned
from South Africa, waa vigorously
hissed when he ohumplcued the cause
of England lu a lecture before the West
Hide Y. M. C. A. of New York City.
The oountor-deinonstrntiona booame ao
pronounced that the loctnreraliautloued
the discussion of the merit of the con
tending nations.
Greece has forbidden tho exportation
of antiquities.
A railroad across Gieece, to cost
10,000,000, will be finished iu four
During the present decade tho United
States produced half of the world' cop
per supply.
The Alaskan winter was the ooldeaf
,on record. The temperature ranged
from IT to 60 degress below aero at
A choline trust ha
been formed In
Arbitration with regard to the
Lout street car strike ha failed.
Lord Robert eutered Kroonstaad,
wiiloh had been evacuated by tho
Irummial forces.
Honolulu has been officially declared
a el
:ian pori, trie plague being elllciont
stamped out.
The somite, by a close vote, rcjootod
the itroiHisltion fur ail urmitr.ftliitn tiltuit
uperaiou oy tno government.
Tho towns of Hilongos and Maaaln
Levtu. have Imiioi hv tho
.mcrinau with few casualties.
The AniArlenn rtav(H,tn nft la(a tun
turned over to tho oxpoaition authorities
wun impresaive cureinoules
A woman anil, 1 nkffd
nnrnea to auatli at Kouth Umalia, Neb.,
starting a lire with gasoline.
fiermunv Is aul,l In l,A antmlvlnc
i-iiipino wun arm to enable t lie in to
oiiuijuo inuir nuni auaiusi ine united
Chnrlea PanurnlfV A mnnlitmni oih.
lute of liutte, Mont., shot aud killed
tiutclier, his wife and then committed
The Populist national convention at
Hloiix Fall nominated W. J. llryau for
president, Charles A Towne for vice
president. llefore leaving Kroonstaad, President
hteyn issueil proclamation making
Liudley the seat of government of
Orange Free Htate.
Mlddle-of-the-Koad Populist conven
tion at Cincinnati, nominated Wharton
P. Marker for president aud Ignatius
Donnelly for vioe-presideut.
The work of the Chicago city di
rectory enumerators for 1000, almost
complete.!, shows that the imputation
of Chicago is not luaa than 3,001,000.
Heven men were killed and 20 or
more firemen hurt by a oollisiou in a
tunnel iu Philadelphia. The wreck
caught lire, aud the total loss ia $140.
000. Owing to the alarm being taken in
America over the influx of Japanese
aud the probability of autl-Japnuuse
legislation, the JupHiiei-e government ia
making efforts to turn the ti i of Its
surplus population to Formosa.
Tho choleia continues to rage in tlie
famine camps of India. There have
boon 400 deaths in three days at Man-
dive Ho numerous are the cases at
Uodra that it is impossible to collect
tho bodies, which lio for days in the
sun. Xlie iicipie navo neu ami oannoi
be induced to return. A similar state
of thiugs prevails at Ilrouvh.
Plague has broken out at Hong Kong.
Ira Williams, a logger, was drowned
In the Neeautuum river, near Astoria.
The government ot the Orange Free
Htate has been moved from Kronatadt
to Ileilbron.
Republicans of Illinois In convention
assembled, indorsed the MoKinloy ad
ministration. Two men and two boy a were killed
by tho wrecking of a f rait train, near
Rawlins, Wyo.
Excessive customs duties imposed by
the military government are fast kill
ing Aiuericau trade In the Philippines.
The First and Second Irish Fusiliers
sailed from Cape Town for Athlone,
Ireland, to recuperate from thoir try
ing experiences In the field.
Captain Cushing, of the rovenne cut
ter Rush, which baa sailed for the Aro
tic, will take a census of the inhabit
ants of the Aleutian islands.
President Powell, of tho Ordor of
Railway Telegraphers, issued an order
formally discontinuing the strike of
the Southern railway telegraphers,
During a riot between strikers and
workmen at the Duttonwood mine of
the Parish Coal Company at Wilkos
barre. Pa., about 80 men were badly
injured, the strikers dispersing the
The British iron ship Siorra Nevada,
Cuntnin Scott, from Liverpool, Janu
ary 10, for Melbourne, Am., wa total
ly wrecked outside the naruor ot tne
latter plaoe. Five of her crew were
saved, but 32 others, including the cap
tain, perished.
. One hundred and fifty-seven Japauese
immigrants have landed in Hun Fran
claoo, of which number 75 were admit
ted by certificates of landing signed by
the United States immigration com-
lsaloner at Vancouver, 13. U., and 83
on certificates from the commissioner
at Seattle.
Vinnlrlin W. Fisk. D. D.. whose res
ignation aftor 41 years incumbency of
ilio nffina rvf nresldont of the Chicago
Thoelogioal somlmiry, takes effect at
the close of the current year, has been
eleoted professor emeritus of the ohair
of sacred rhetorio of the institution.
The election ia for life.
The sncretarr of the treasury has di
rected Collector Jackson, at Sun Fran
cisco, to detail an inspector from tne
Jilnese bureau to attend to too mnaing
out nf nminra for Chinese merchants
doimciled in this oonutry who are ou
the eve of departing for China witn tne
intention of returning. They will have
thnan Tinners on their return to this
country to facilitate their landing.
Louisville, Ky., is to have a large
Mormon temple.
There are 0.821 officials on the New
York state pay roll.
finnans enumerators begin work on
June 1 and finish in 80 days.
The Alaskan gold output for the sea
n 1 estimated at over $20,000,000.
Major Arms says he has "sont nearly
S8.000 Ameiioans to South Africa to
Join the Boer forces.
Bryan for President, Towne
for Vice-President.
Uoth by Aoalamatlun Platform D
lluunooi Uuld MtaiKlard iud
for President W J Bryan, of
For Vice President Charles A.
Towne, of Minnesota.
fiiuox Falls. H. D., May 13. The
National Populist convention conclud
ed its sosslon and adjourned sine die
after nominating Hon. W. J. Bryan for
president aud the Hon. Charles A.
Towne for vice-president. The nomin
ation of Mr. Towne was only accom
plished after a struggle of several hours'
duration, in which an effort was made
to have the question of the nomination
of a vice-presidential candidate referred
to a committee to confer with the
Democratic and Silver Republican
parties in their national conventions.
A motion to this effect was de'eated
by a vote of 28 to 402.
Both candidates wore nominated by
acclamation, but before the result was
reached various candidates were
placed in nomination, aud their names
successively withdrawn. Both nomin
ations were accomplished amid sceuet
of great enthusiasm.
The riHtrnrm.
"The People's party of the United
Htate, iu convention assembled, con
gratulating its supporters on the wide
extension of Its principles in all direc
tions, does hereby reaffirm its adherence
to the fundamental principles pro
claimed in its two prior platforms, antt
calls uput all who desire to avert the
subversion of free institutions by coi
porate and imperialistic power to unite
with it iu biinging the government back
to the ideals of Washington, Jefferson
aud Lincoln. It extends to its allies in
the struggle for financial and economlo
freedom assuiabcea of Its loyalty to the
principles which animate thn allied
forces aud the promises of honest and
hearty co-operation in every effort for
their success. To the ponple of the
United States we offer tue following
platiorm as the expression of our un
alterable convictions:
"Resolved, That we douounoe the
act of March 14, 1000, as the culmina
tion of a long series of conspiracies to
deprive the people of their constitu
tional rights over the money of the
nation, and relegate to a gigautlo
money trust the control of the finances.
and hence the people.
"We reaffirm the demand or the re
opening of the mints of the United
States to the free aud ununited coin
age of silver and gold at the present
legal ratio of 16 to 1.
"We demand a graduated income
and inheritance tax.
"We demand that postal savings
banks be established by the govern
"With Thomas Jefferson, we declare
the laud, including all natural sources
of wealth, the iualianable heritage of
the people. The government should so
act as to secure homes for the people
aud prevent hind monopoly.
"Transportation being a means of
exchange aud a public necessity, the
government should own and operate
the railroads iu the iuteiest of the
Trusts, the overshadowing evil 01
tho age, aro the result aud culmination
of the private ownership and control of
the three great instruments of com
merce money, transportation ami the
means of transmission of information.
The cue remedy for the trusts is that
the ownership anil control be assumed
aud exercised by the people.
"Applauding the valor of our army
and navy in the Spanish war, we de
nounce the oonduct of the administra
tion in changing a war for humanity
into a war for conquest.
"We extend to the brave Boers of
South Africa our sympathy and moral
supiort in their patriotic struggle for
the right of self-government.
"We denounce the pratice of Issuing
injunctions in the cases of disputo be
tween employers and employes.
"We Indorse municipal ownership of
pulilio utilities.
"We demand that United States
senators and all other officials, as fur
as practicable, be elected by direct vote
of the people.
Cargo of Coffee Spoiled.
San Francisco, May 12. On the last
voyago of the Acupulco, from Panama
to this port, $12,000 worth of coffee
was destroyed, and the Pacific Mail
Company, not only is out the freight
money on the shipment, but will have
to stand the loss as well. The destruc
tion ot the cargo was the result of pack
ing sheep dip into the same hold with
the coffee. The niattor is being in
vestigated. . Washington, May 13. Major-Gon-eral
John R. Brooke today assumed the
duties of commanding general of the
department of the Kast, succeeding
Major-General Wosoly Morritt, who to
day, with Mrs. Merritt, sailed for
Europe in search of health.
Corn for Inillan Hurl'ernra.
New York, May 13. The steamer
Quito sailed today for Bombay with
200,000 bushels of corn for the famine
district. This is the largest cargo ever
can-led by any vessel ou a similar occa
sion, It comes from the people of all
denominations in every part of the
Uultod States. It is expected the voy
age will be made in 40 days.
Last year 4,700,000 culilo yards ot
material was dredged out of the Duluth
Superior harbor.
Nominated by M Iddle-of-tfie-Itoed Pop-
ullat Convention.
For President Wharton Barker, of
For Vice-President Ignatius Don
nelly, of Minnesota.
Cincinnati, May 13. What is com
mouly known a the Mldlde-of-the-
Road Populist party, but according to
leader of the movement is the one and
only People's party, placed it national
ticket in the field today.
Mlddle-of-the-Boad Pisiform.
The People' party of the United
State assembled in National conven
tion this 10th day of May, 1000, affirm
lug our unshaken belief in the cardinal
tenets of the People's party, as set
forth in the Omaha platform, and
pledging ourselves anew to continued
advocacy of those grand principles of
human lilierty until right shall triumph
sver might, and love over greed, do
adopt and proclaim this declaration of
First We demand the Initiative and
referendum and the imperative man
Second We demand the public
ownership and operation of those means
of communication, transportation and
production which the people may elect,
such as railroads,' telegraphs and tele
phone lines, coal mines, etc.
Third The land, including all
natural sources of wealth, is a heritage
of the people, and should not be monop
olized for speculative purposes, snd
alien ownership of land should be pro
Fourth A scientific and absolute
paper money, based upon the entire
wealth and population ot the nation,
not redeemable in any specific commo
dity, but made a full legal tender for
all debts and receivable for all taxes
and publlo dues and Issued by the
government only.
Fifth We demand the levy and col
lection of a graduated tax on Incomes
and inheritance.
Sixth We demand the election of
president, vice-president, federal judges
and United States senators by direct
vote of the people.
Seventh Wo are opposed to trusts
and declare that the contention be
tween the old parties on monopoly is a
sham battle and that no solution of
this mighty problem is possible with
out the adoption of publlo ownership of
public utilities.
Large Rebel Force Attcked American
Scoule, But Were Kouted.
Manila May 13. A force of 600 in
surgents attacked 25 scouts of the
Forty-eighth regiment near Sun Jacinto,
province of Paugasinan, Monday, but
were routed by the scouts, 10 of their
number being killed. The Americans
lost two killed.
April 36, the rebels burned and
sacked the town of Trocan, near Buln
can, murdering natives who were
friendly to the Americans and two
Spaniards. The Americans killed 87
of the insurgeuts.
The same date, Major Andrews,
with two companies of troops, attacked
General Mojica's stronghold near
Ormno, Leyte island. Mojica had
brass oannon and plenty of ammuni
tion, but after three hours of fighting
the insurgents fled. Their loss is not
known. The Ameericans lost two
killed and 11 wounded. They destroy
ed the enemy's rifles, powder and stores.
The insurgents have suffered a heavy
loss at Tabako, province of Albay,
Liison. Two hundred riflemen and 800
bolomen were preparing to attack the
town, and Captain Lester H. Simons,
with a company of the Forty-seventh
volunteer regiment, advanced to meet
them and killed many. The insurgent
leader, native priest, was wounded
and captured after his horse bad been
shot from under him. Three Ameri
cans were wounded.
At Least Six Persons Killed In the
Aeeldent at O'Neill.
Denver, May 13. A special to the
Republican from Cheyenne, Wyo.,
The charred remains ot two more
victims ot the Union Pacific accident
at O'Neill sidetrack were found in the
wreckage today. Both bodies was so
badly burned as to render identification
impossible. One of the bodies was that
of a boy. Papers in the pockets of one
of the unknown victims found yester
day indicate that his name was Daniel
Shay, and that h had recently been
employed at Rook Springs. The other
unknown found yesterday has not yet
been identified, aud the remains of
Fireman Louis Benta have not yet been
found. When the aooident occurred
a car loaded with sulphur oanght fire,
and transformed the wreck into a sea
of flames. The wreckage is still burn
ing and renders the work of searching
for additional victims exceedingly
haxardous. Thus far, the remains of
three men aud three boys have been re
covered and it is believed other bodies
will be found before the search is com
pleted. An official investigation into the
oause ot the awful acoident discloses
the faot that It waa due to the care
lessness of an employe. The last train
to pass O'Neill prior to the accident
waa a westbound freight, in charge of
Conduotor Heudrloks' orew.
New York, May 12. A dispatch
to the Tribune from London says:
Lord Salisbury took the grace out of
the recent visit of the queen to Ireland
by the vehemance with which he
warned Irishmen that recent events iu
South Africa proved that therejjcould
not be praotioal independence any
where in the empire with opportuni
ties for arraying hostile force a against
the imperial government It waa a
trenchant, but acrid speeob, and was
not well timed
Experience of Ship St. Mirren
Off the Columbia.
(nstraments on Shore Show There Wat
IMeturbanee Some Honrs Heforo
Ulatnnee Reckoned.
Astoria, Or.. May 14. The British
Ihlp Saint Mirren that arrived in this
morning from Yokohama experienced
a peonliar phenomenon last evening,
It was about half past 6 when Captain
Cordiner, the bar pilot, boarded her
from the pilot schooner San Jose,
The wind at that time was blowing
lik-ht from the south, and there was
only a moderate swell on. Suddenly
the sea to the southward was seen to
be In commotion, as if a hurricane was
blowing, but the wind did not Increase
as an immense wave approached the
vessel. The ship was tossed about
for over two hours in a sea that would
bury her in the water and then again
lift her up and drop her down. Th
seas frequently washed clear over her,
After this had continued for about two
hours it subsided as quickly as it had
risen, and the wind immediately shift
ed from south to east, then in a short
time to northwest, going almost around
the compass in a few hours. The wind
from the northwest was soon in the
nature of a gale, and the ship was un
der lower topsails during the night,
but no injury was done to her. Cap
tain Hamilton and Captain Cordiner
at first thought that a tidal wave was
coming, but the long succession of big
waves leads them to the belief that
there must have been an earthquake in
that vicinity.
The self-recording government ba
rometer in the office of Weather Ob
server Johnson, of this city, shows that
about 4 o'olock yesterday morning
there was an electrical or seismic dis
turbance iu this vicinity and the tele
graph wires also gave evidence of it at
the same time. While the ship was
experiencing the waves off the mouth
ot the river the barometer remained
steady. This would indicate that the
waves resulted from an earthquake
that happened early In the morning,
and as the effect of an earthquake In
Japan is felt here 10 days later, it can
readily be estimated how far away it
BITotta to Settle It Failed Another
St. Louis, May 14. The features of
the day in the great street railway
strike was the conference between Gov
ernor Stephens, the members of the ex
ecutive committee of the local street
railway employes' association, and the
officers and -attorneys of the Transit
Company, called for the purpose of as
certaining if some sort of an amicable
understanding could not be arrived at
to end hostilities. The conference
lasted several hours, but at its conclu
sion Governor Stephens announced that
nothing had been accomplished.
The Suburban Company operated Its
system under police protction during
the entire day without interference,
and was patronized liberally by the
public. The Transit Company ran two
cars over one branch of its system, but
attempted to carry no passengers.
Another fatality as a result of the
strike was recorded tonight. As Flora
Siegfried, a young woman, was crossing
Washington street, carrying an lufant
In her arms, she was hit on the head by
a brick that had been huiled at a
passing car on the Suburban system.
Her skull was fractured, and she died
shortly after being carried to the City
The street car men of the East St.
Louis line struck this afternoon.
Still the Champion.
Seaside Club, Coney Island, May 14.
In the fastest, prettiest and closest
heavy-weight ring battle ever fought
in New York, James J. Jefferies has re
affirmed his right to the championship.
Ilgtbe arena of the Seaside Sporting
Club tonight he decisively defeated Jim
Corbett, once champion of the world
himself, after 23 rounds of scientifio
fighting. It was a clean knock-out,
that came so quickly that It dazed the
thousands of keen, alert, intent specta
tors and left them in doubt as to just
bow the winniug blow was delivered.
It was avowed that It was a left-hand
ed jolt to the jaw, but Jeffries himself
and Referee Charley White, who stood
at his sine, say it waa a right-band
Great Fire In Japan.
San Francisco, May 14. Mail ad
vices from Yokohama give particulars
of the big fire at Fukin, a large town
on the western coast of Japan, April
18. The flames originated iu the sub
urbs of the city, and were carried by a
heavy wind to several parts of the city
at once. The fire rage for six hours
before it could be controlled. Sixteen
hundred houses, including 30 temples
and all the principal buildings, were
burned. Sixteen persons perished and
nearly 100 more were injured. The
property loss is estimated at 5,000,000
yen, or about 2,500,000.
Mills Suspend Operation.
Tifton, Ga., May, 12. All the nills
belonging to the Georgia Saw Mill
Association will be run on two-thirds
time after today. This affects thous
ands of operatives and decreases the
output of yellow pine in this state near
ly one-third.
Sohroeder Sails for Guam.
San Francisco, May 14. Commander
Bcbroeder, the suooessor of Governor
Leary, of Guam, sailed foi his post ol
fluty today on the steamer Coptic
All Principal Towns Occupied and
Given a Government.
Washington, May 14. The war de
partment has made public a report
from Brigadier-General Wheaton, U.
H. A., concerning the operations of an
expedition led by him early in January
into the country stretching south from
Manila to Lake Taal. His forces, con
sisting of the Fourth, Twenty-eighth,
Thirty-eighth, Forty-fifth and compan
ies D and II of the Thirty-seventh in
fantry and detachments of the Third
and Fourth artillery, concentrated at
Imus and one mile south of that point.
On the 7th of the month the first en
gagement occurred, iu which Lieuten
ant Ward Cheney was mortally wound
ed while leading a Detachment against
the enemy, 500 strong. The American
loss was two privates kllld and one
wonnded, while the insurgents lost 60
killed and wounded. On this day Col
onel Blrkheimer, with a detachment if
the Twenty-eighth infantry and Cap
tain lieillv in command of a section of
the Fifth artillery, engaged the enemy
at Patol, where the insurgents were
routed with great slaughter. 74 bodies
being counted in one portion of the
battlefield. Our loss was 11 men
Still another sharp engagement oc
curred on the 7th, when Major Tag
gart, with the Second and Third bat
talions of the Twenty-eighth infantry,
attacked a force of insurgents estimated
at 1,000 strong, near Imus, driving
them from the field, killing 60 and
woundng more than 80. Major Tag
gar t bad one man killed aud six
wounded. Lake Taal was reached on
the 10th, and several slight skirmishes
occuried on the northern and eastern
On the 16th Major W. H. John
ton, with three companies of the Forty-
sixth infantry, met the enemy at Lem
eriug, 800 strong, with four cannon,
and drove them across the river to
Taal. On the 20th be was reinforced
by three companies sent from Batangas
by Colonel Anderson, Thirty-eighth in
fantry, and attacked and carried Taal,
dispersing the insurgents and capturing
their cannon.
Inventor Kiplaln VLow It Pierces
New York, May 14. James W. John
son, member of the firm of Isaac G.
Johnson & Co., of Spuyten Dnyvill, in
ventors of the Johnson soft-nose shell,
explained last night how the soft steel
cap enables a projectile to pierce ai mor
"I think." said Mr. Johnson, "that
the action of the soft steel cap may be
illustrated by a simple experiment.
If you would try to drive a shingle nail
through a piece of sheet iron, the nail
would beud. But if you first drive a
nail through a piece of hardwood, it
will penetrate the sheet iron.
"The soft-nose, in other words, pre
vents the projectile from glancing off.
Its whole force is concentrated at the
point. In one of the tests made at In
dian Head, we fired a projectile at the
armor plate at an angle of 21 degrees.
No sooner had the soft nose touched
the plate than the projectile turned at
a right angle to the plate and pene
trated it. The cap or soft nose, also
acts as a kind of lubricant to the shell."
Possibility of War.
Washington, May 14. No disposi
tion has been made as yet of the naval
appropriation bill by the senate, but
after an all-day discussion, an agree
ment was reached. A notable speech
was delivered by Lodge upon' the ne
cessity of building up the United States
navy without delay. . The speech was
delivered with the vigor and earnest
ness characteristic of Lodge's discus
sion of publio questions, and attraoted
much attention. Daniel presentd an
extended argument in support of the
immediate oonsti notion by the govern
ment of an armor factory, while Alli
son opposed the project of a government
armor factory on the score of economy.
Towne's Advice Not Taken.
Chicago, May 11. Charles A.
Towne, when asked for an expression
of opiuion regarding the action of the
Sioux Falls convention, said: I can
only say what I have always said since
my name has been mentioned in this
connection, that I have not sought the
office and have made no efforts to se
cure the nomination, but if the Popu
lists and the other parties think I am
the most available man for the position,
I will accept. It has been my wish
all along that the Sioux Falls conven
tion should name a committee to meet
with the committees of the other two
parties at Kansas City to consider the
vice-presidential question, but it looks
as though my friends at Sioux Falls
did not consider that the best course to
KloU lu Spain.
Madrid, May 14. Yesterday passed
off peacefully practically everywhere
throughout the Spanish dominion, de
spite the universal anti-taxation agita
tion. The only noteworthy disturb
ance took place at Valencia, where riot
ing occurred and barricades were erect
ed iu the streets, from behind whiob a
mob stoued the gendarmes. The lat
ter, in endeavoring to dislodge the riot
ers, were received with rifle shots, and
two policemen were injured. (The gen
darmes replied with a fusillade before
the mob fled.
Importation of Contract Laborers.
Victoria, B. C, May 14. There are
over 400 more of the Japanese immi
grants waiting at the quarantine sta
tion, lauded last evening from the
steamer Sikh. These 400 are nearly
all for the United States, but only 200
will be carried through direot. A
large number of the Japanese are weav
ers nuder a contract made with them
by a Jupanese firm in New York.
They are engaged to work in some New
Eiifflaud mills.
British View of Situation in
South Africa.
Lord Roberts Was Welcomed to Kroon-td-Dutch,
However, Have Suf
fered Small Material X.oas.
London, May 15. "The war is prac
tically over," says the Daily Chroni
cle's Kroonstad correspondent, and, in
less definite terms, this is the view to
be gathered from all the correspond
ents. They picture the Boers as utter
ly demoralized and disheartened by
Lord Roberts' unexpectedly rapid ad
vance, and by his facile turning of the
carefully prepared positions of the
Boer. There wa practically no fight
ing and there are no further details to
give respecting the occupation of Kroon
stad. The correspondent of the Daily
Telegraph says:
"The Union Jack was hoisted in the
market place by Mr. Lockheed, the
American wife of a Scotchman. Most
of the horses of the Boers are in a
wretched condition, but President
Eruger declares he will continue the
It appears that the Boers at Kroonstad
bad been reinforced by 3,000 men from
Natal last Friday, and that altogether
10,000, with 20 guns, treked from
Kroonstad on the approach of Lord Rob
erts. The Boers made an ineffectual
stand at Boscbiand, and had elaborate
entrenchments in front of Kroonstad,
which offered great facilities for a rear
guard action. Their only anxiety,
however, appears to have been to get
away safely with all their guns and
convoys, which again they bave success
fully accomplished. The few stores
they were nnable to carry away, they
The Times says: "The signs point
to military break-down on the part of
the Boers, but after experiences of the
past, we cannot accept the reports of
demoralization without reserve. The
game of war must be strictly played
out to the end."
Lin d ley, the new Free State capital,
is 45 miles southeast of Kroonstad. half
way to Bethlehem, and was probably
elected as a convenient rendezvous for
the command that is now retiring be
fore General Brabant and General Run
die, in the Thabanchn district. Bra
bant has occupied Hoepelok, half way
on the road from Thabanchn to Lady
brand. There is not a word of news regard
ing General B tiller 'a movements or
from the far western side. Nothing is
known, therefore, of the progiess of the
Mafeking relief column.
Two More Seriously Injured Sever
Eleetrlo Disturbance.
St. Paul, May 15. Three persons
were killed and two were seriously in
jured during a severe wind and rain
storm this evening. The wind played
havoc with the telephone wires between
this city and Minneapolis. The poles
of the company for two blocks were
strewn over the track of the Inter
Urban trolley line, thus blocking trafflo
for the night. Sidewalks were dis
placed and buildings suffered.
Patrick Sexton, senior member of the
firm of Sexton & Co., wholesale cigar
dealers, bad been at Como Park with
bis four children and they were driving
home. On Dale street the storm dis
lodged the sidewalk, which crashed
into Mr. Sexton's carriage, killing him
almost instantly and more or less in
juring his daughter and 10-year-old
First Republican Convention.
New York, May 14. A special to
the Herald from Washington says:
Survivors of the first Republican Na
tional convention are to be the guests
In Philadelphia next month. Invita
tions will be sent to them next Mon
day. Only 15 survive of all those who
assembled in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania,
on June 18, 1856, to enunciate the new
principles and to bring into existence
a new party. Of these only one con
tinues a prominent figure in politics.
He is Representative Galusha A. Grow,
who was the youngest member of the
lower house when he first entered it
snd who is now its oldest member.
The guests ot the national commit
tee will be given prominent seats on
the platform.
Wool Pinug-giln;.
Boston, May 14. Special treasury
gent, under the direction of Agent
Converse J. Smith, of this city, have
just unearthed an alleged swindling
ichome, and, as a result, 100 sacks of
wool, valued at $6,000, have been
seized in this city, Lawrenoe and Bris
tol, R. I. It is estimated $50,000
worth of wool has been smuggled
through the port of Boston during the
past year. '
America Ought to Send l,000,000.
New York, May 13. The Indian
famine relief committee tonight issued
an appeal asserting that despite sys
tematic aid furnished 6,000,000 people
In India, at least 6,000,000 are starv
ing. The appeal says that America,
ought to send at least a ml lion dollars.
Scotch Banker Killed Himself.
Edinburgh, Scotland, May 14. II.
II. Norc; manager oi the Union Bank of
Scotland, was found dead this morning
at his residence. His head wa halt
blown away by a gun. Apparently be
committed suicide. His action is attrib
uted to the faot that he had been
suffering from Influenza. '
Murat Iialatead ha accepted the
presidency of the new College of Jour
nalism, an institution devoted to teaoh
ing practical newspaper work, ,'.