MY BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY Weak Weauea Made Sappy br Lydia : riakhaas'e Vegetable Cnil -Letters from Twe Wk Maw Hare CMIdrea. Din Mm. Pixkham j It was my - ardent desire) to have a child. I bad been married three) years and was ohildleaa, to wrote to you to find out the reason. After fol lowing your kind ad' vice and taking Lydia Pinkham's vege table Compound. I be came the mother of '". a beautiful baby J boy, the Joy of our f home. He la fat, healthy baby, thanks to your medi- cine." Mas. Minda FITtKLB, EoaCOO, N. Y. From flrsteful Mrs. Ulna " Dbar Mrs. Pixkram: I wrote you a let ter some tints go, stating my cam to you. "I had pains through my. bowels, headache, and backache, felt tired and sleepy all the time, was troubled with the whites. I followed your advice, took your Vegetable Com pound, and it did me lots of good. I now have a baby girl. I certainly be Here I would hare miscarried had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. 1 had a Tery easy time ; was tick only a short time. I think your medicine is a godsend to women in the condition in which I was. 1 recommend it to all as the best medicine for women." Mas. ILabt Lake, Coytee, Tenn. Connecticut figures from its recent state school census shows that it has 20 per cent more inhabitants than it hud in 1890. The population or tns coun try on this bssU 187550000. SHAKB INTO TOUR 8HOK9 Allen's Foot-Ease, s powder for the feet It cures painful, swollen, smarting, nerv ous feet. Slid instantly takes the sting out of corns and "bunions. It's the ( comfort discovery of the sge. Allen's Foot Eas makes tight or net shoes feel es.iv. It is a certain cure for Ingrowing Nails, sweating, callous and hot. lireil, aching feet. We bate over 80.000 testimonials. Trr it today. Sold bv all druggists and shoe stores. Bv mail for 25c. in stamps. Trial package VKKK. Address, Alien S. Olmsted, La Roy, Y. With the men all at the front fight ing on the kopjes, the Boer women may be forced to harvest the cropjes, and, il tbe worst comes, to defend their homes with their mopjes. THREE DAILY TRAINS BETWEEN OQDEN AND DENVER. The increase in transcontinental travel by way of Salt Lake City in con sequence of the scenic and other attrac tions of the route, has recently justified tbe Rio Grande Western Railway in connection with the Denver & Kio Grand and Colorado Midland Railroads says the Salt Lake Tribnne, in estab lishing a triple daily last pas'senger service between Ogden and Denver. All of these trains are equipped with the latest appliances, improvements and cars. This road now operates through sleepers between Chicago, Ogden and San Francisco, also a perfect dining car service. Send 2c postage for literature, rates or other information to J. D. Mansfield, 253 Washington street, Port land; or Geo. W. Ileintz, general pas senger agent. Salt Lake City. Two lions escaped from a menagerie In Valencia, Spain, and injured several people before they were captured. One of them leaped through the plate glass window of a jewelry store, and scattered watches and diamonds with recklessness. By a simple twist of the wrist too can lint ap the auttar bar on the Champion Draw Cut Mower You can't do St on any other. And ther are othsr point too. Bend lor Catalogue. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO., PORTLAND, OREGON. BAD SPRING BLOOD Requires soma sort of a tonic that cleans out the Impurities. Oue that really dues this aud more Is floore's Revealed Remedy And does It thoroughly. Pleasant to take. $1.00 at jour druggist's. Tested alt ( ft i"x i,rn"i7i ia itu'Ms.1" tjp I I Bast Cuuah Sjrun Tasue Uoua. Das f I f 1 In time, gold r flrniinMa M I J PACIFIC COAST NEWS Commercial and financial Happenings of Interast la the Growing Western States. Creamery tot 8h.rl.Un. At meeting held at Sheridan, Or., (or the purpose of discussing the cream ery question, II. E. Loundshnry, of the Southern JPaeirlo, and Dr. Withy coin be, of the state agriculture college, made addtessvs. A large number of the rep resentative farmers of that district were present and listened very attentively to the interesting data presented by Dr. Withyeombe'a address. (jiiestiona were asked, and all present wei im pressed with the desirability of starting a creamery at that point, as they all admit that no money can be made or mortgages lifted with wheat at present prices, and especially as fruit and hop raising have not given the relief ex pectedmainly, however, on account of lack of co-operation in marketing the product. -Washington State Militia. There is a movement on foot to hold the militia state encampment at Taeo- ma in July. Governor Rogers favors the project. The state provides for the expenses while in camp only, and rail way fare and other expenses incurred will have to be borne by the men if the event of the state encampment idea is carried out. There are no funds avail able from the state treasury for en campment purposes this year, but efforts are being made by the Tacoma contingent to provide for the entertain ment of the visiting companies. Sawmill at Dear Creak. A sawmill of 40,000 feet capacity daily is soon to be in running order on Deer creek, one half mile above Eritton station. This new company has been formed bv Robert Service, Charlie Tibbs and Thomas Tibbs. The Tibbs brothers have timber that will make 15,000,000 feet of lumber on Deer cieek. The mill is furnished with a large dynamo, which will furnish lights loir the mill and lumber yard. The machinery is all in transit, and is to be in running order within 40 days Fatting; la a Ballast. The Northern Paciflo is still working a large force of men on the roadbed between Vollmer and Clearwater, Ida., and putting in a ballast of a most per manent nature. The ballast consists of clay and small rock about the size of an egg. which, when once set, becomes like concrete. It will take about two months yet to put the grade in first class condition, and the company is not sparing any pains to do everything in good shape. Asked to Pledge Acreage. At Newberg, Or., blank contracts furnished by the Willamette Beet Sugar Company have been received and the canvass among tbe farmers for seeming acreage will begin at once. Solicitors have been appointed, viz.: A. Clark, D. Turner, V. Cooper, William Man ning and R. . Linnville. As a basis for beginning the canvass 1,000 acres have already been subscribed at public meetings. Small Strike at the Paper Mills. Eleven boys employed as cutters in the Willamette Pulp & Paper Mills, at Oregon City, Or., walked into the com pany's office and asked for an increase of wages from 75 cents to $1 per day. The matter was finally compromised by a promise to give the boys steady work. Only about three of the num ber weie working on full time, the others getting on an average of 15 to 20 days each month. Smallpox Among; Indians. The quarantine that had been placed on the Indian settlement at tbe mouth of Cayote gulch, near Lewiston, Idaho, some weeks ago, has been raised. There were nine cases of smallpox un der quarantine, and one of tbe victims, a woman, died as a result of goinu bathing while afflicted with the dis- New posts are being set in the tele phone line between Vale and Ontario, Or. The Toledo, Or., creamery is now re ceiving about 1,000 pounds of milk daily, and will shortly have nearly all it can nee. J. T. Moylan, representing an east ern syndicate, was in Kalama, Wash., closing a deal for purchase of timber lands on the Coweemau river. Tbe prices paid run rom f 1,600 to f 3,500 per quarter section. A gilt-watch faker has been working the people of Elgin, Or. Ripe wild strawberries were picked near McMinnville, Or., April 23. An expert is examining the coal pros pects on Birch creek, 20 miles south of Pendleton, Or. Ellensbcrg's, Wash., municipal electric lighting plant is about to be Improved at a cost of a little more than 13,000. New Whatcom has f 73. 80 on band to entertain President McKinley when he shall visit the coast and that town the coming summer. Preparations are making for a big season at the watering places of West port and Cohasset, Gray's Harbor. New seashore attractions and excursion rates are advertised. The Walla Walla creamery is using 10,000 pounds of milk per day, and will soon have a branch running at Freewater. One-balf of the milk now consumed comes from Umatilla connty, Oregon. George Mapes is gathering bis cattle near Plush, Lake county, Or., to take them south. He will take about 1,200 head. He has wagons arranged like bay tacks upon which to haul the calves that aie not able to make the trip on foot. K. Elliott, of Lebanon, Or., has sold 200 head of Crook connty horses to R. W. Nichols. Mr. Nichols will first take a drove of tbem to California and sell them, and will then take a lot to Portland. A new rale has just been adopted by the Spokane police department by which any Indian fonnd in the city who has not a pass from the Indian agent or is not on some special business wili be promptly arrested as a vagrant and sent back to tbe reservation. Eleven Indians were jailed the first day. SITUATION IS FAVORABLE. there Ara Had Praturas, Rat they Are In the Mtuurlty. Pradstreet'i lays: Evidences ot the fact thitt there are now two sides of the geuoral trade situation, where for year jst titer was but one, come to sight this week. Different sections of the country and lines of business return different reports, but that the situa tion as a whole is a favorable one and suffers merely by oommlsseration with the enormous and almost fevrish ac tivity of some time ago, is also evident. Excluding the great speculative cen ters, the aggregate of business is un doubtedly larger than a year ago, and the busiueea done in several industries reporting reduced activity would seem vetv large even to those nearishly in clined had it not been for the enormous aggregate done some short time ago Crop prospects, except in the wheat area of the Central West, and in som Hooded sections of the South, remain all that might be wished tor. Retail demand is improving and nothing of a definitely depressing character has yet developed. In tbe abrupt readjustment ol steel and wire prices, the iron and steel in dustries received a notable shook, but bave stood the ordeal very well. in agricultural products the situa tion is generally oue ot sustained strength. Some slight shading in wheat prices is largely the result ol (Uttering winter wheat crop pros pects in the sections west of the Mississippi. Wheat, including flour shipments, for the week aggiegate 3,583,683 bush els, against 3,SUS,4M last week. Failures tor the week in the United States are well down to the minimum, numbering only 182, an increase of 21 over last week. Canadian failures for the week num ber 18, as compared with 19 last week. PACIFIC COAST TRADE, aattle Market. Onions, 99. Lettuce, hothouse, 40 (i 45c dos. Potatoes, 16(31T; $17(318. Beets, per sack, 50 j 60c. Turnips, per sack, 40($60o. Carrots, per sack, 75 (S 85c. Parsnips, per sack, 5061 75c. Cauliflower, California 85 90s. Cabbage, native and California, $1.001.25 per 100 pounds. Apples, $2.00(32.75; $3.00(33.50. Prunes, 60c per box. Butter Creamery, 22o; Eastern 22c; dairy, 17 22c; ranch, 16(3 17o pound. Eggs 15316o. Cheese 146J150. Poultry 14o; dressed, 14(3 15c; spring, $5. Hay Puget Sound timothy, $11.00 (3 12.00; choice Eastern Washington timothy, $18.00 19.00 Corn Whole, $23.00; cracked, $23; feed meal, $23. Barley Rolled or ground, per ton, $20. Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.25; blended straights, $3.00; California, $3.25; buckwheat flour, $6.00; era ham, per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour, $3.00; rye flour, $3.80(34.00. Mills tuffs Bran, per ton, $13.00; shorts, per ton, $14.00. Feed Chopped feed, $19.00 per ton; middlings, per ton, $20; oil cake meal, per ton, $30.00. Fresh Meats Choice dressed beet steers, price 8c; cows, 7c; mutton 8c; pork, 8c; trimmed, 9c; veal, 8H3 10c. Hams Large, 13c; small, IS X; breakfast bacon, 12 Kc; dry salt sides, 8c. Portland Market. Wheat Wall Walla. 62 53c; Valley, 63c; Bluestem, 56o per bushel. Flour Beet grades, $3.00; graham, $2.50; superfine, $3.10 per barrel. Oats Choice white, 85c; choice gray, 84c per bushel. Barley Feed barley, $14 14.50; brewing, $17.00(317.50 per ton. Millstuffs Bran, $13 per ton; mid dlings, $19; shorts, $15; chop, $14 per ton. Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7(3 7.60; Oregon wild hay, $6(37 per ton. Butter Fancy creamery, 85 40c; seconds, 45c; dairy, 25 3 30c; store, 20 25c. Eggs 14o per dozen. Cheese Oregon full cream, 13c; Young America, 14c; new cheese lOo per pound. Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50(3 4.5(T per dozen; hens, $5.00; springs, $2.50(33.50; geese, $8.60(38.00 forold; $4. 50 6. 50; ducks, $5.50(96.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10 (3 Ho per pound. Potatoes 40(3 70o per sack; sweets, 82Jio per pound. Vegetables Beets, $1; turnips, 75c; per sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab bage, lic per pound; parsnips, 75; onions, $2.603.00; carrots, 60c. Hops 3 (3 8c per pound Wool Valley, 12(3 13c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 10(3 15c; mohair, 27(3 80c per pound. Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers and ewes, 3c; dressed mutton, 70S 7)0 per pound; lambs, $2.60 each. Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $5.00; light and feeders, $4.50; dressed, $5.00(36.50 per 100 pounds. Beef Gross, top steers, $4.00(34.60; cows, $3.50(34.00; dressed beef, 6 'Ad 1o per pound. Veal Large, 66374c; small, 8(3 6c per pound. Tallow 5(35c; No. 3 and grease, 8M(34o per pound. iaa Francisco Market- Wool Spring Nevada, 1 4 1 6o per pound; Eastern Oregon, 12(3 16c; Val ley, 20 22c; Northern, 10(3 12c. Hope 1899 crop, ll13o per pound. Butter Fancy creamery 18c; do seconds, 17(3 1 7 Kc; fancy dairy, 17c; do seconds, 15(3 16o per pound. Eggs Store, 16c; fancy ranch, 17c. Millstuffi Middlings, $17.00 (3 20.00; bran, $12.50(313.60. Hay Wheat $6.60 (39.50; wheat and oat $6.00(39.00; best barley $5.00(3 7.00; alfalfa, $5.00(36.60 per ton; straw, 25340o per bale. Potatoes Early Rose, 60 65c; Ore gon Burbanks, 70c $1.00; river Bur- banks, 40 75c; Salinas Burbanks, 80c 1.10 per sack. Citrus trait Oranges, Valencia, $2.7S3.25; Mexican limes, $4.00 5.00; California lemons 76c$1.60: do choice $1.762.00 per box. Tropical Fruits Bananas, $1.50 9.60 per bunch; pineapples, nom inal; Persian dates, 66)gO per pound. New Train ftervlea on the O. ft, N, The double train service just estab lished between Portland and Chicago, in which the O. K. & N., tho Union Paciflo and the Oregon Short Line are interested, shortens the throuuh time 1 1 hours. Train No. 9, leaving Port laud at 9:15 A. M daily, is known as the Chicago-Portland special. Its equipment is new, making it fully the equal ot any train now in service from the Paciflo coast to the East. It con sists of a mail cur, baggage oar, a libra ry-composite oar, a nret-olass Pullman sleeper, a dining car, two chair cars aud a tourist sleeper. There is but oue change ol cars to all Eastern points. Ihe full time is three days through to Chicago, or four day and two hours to J.ev York, The second train, known at No. 6, leaves Portland daily at 6:20 V. M., connecting at East Portland with the Southern Pacitlu'a overland train from San Francisco, and carries through equipment to Chicago via the Uulon Pacific and the Chicago Sc Northwest ern, and also the equipment for the Washington division ot the O. R. A N., in connection with the (treat Northern for St. Paul. This train reaches Spo kane at 10 A. M. A dlulug car serves breakfast into Spokane, aud dinner is served on corresponding train leaving Spokauo at 3:45 P. M. The new sched ule as arranged, supplies the most complete service ever furnished on the O. R. H N., also provides in creased service in Eastern Otvitnu, where it is greatly needed, and give immediate connection with the Wash ington division at Pendleton. At this point theie is a lurge interchange of traffic, on account of the various min ing districts of Baker county, the Coeur Alone, the Republic aud Kooteuai mining camps. Portland is greatly benelitted by this chant:, in as much as increased service is given from East ern Oregon and lduho. No. 2 arrives in Chicago at 9:30 A. M.; No. 6 at 7:45 A. M., as at present. The Westbound train out of Chicago, corresponding with No. 2, is No. 1. This arrives in Portland at 4 P. M. The train corresponding with the East- bound No. 6, is No. 3, out ot Chicago. This reaches Portland at 7:30 A. M. Westliound train No. 1 leaves Chicago at 6:30 P. M., and Omaha at 8:20 A. M. the following day. The time is re duced two hours and 45 minutes. No. 8, Westbound train, leaves Chioiigo at 10:30 P. M., and Omaha at 4:26 P. M. the next day. Ihe service on the Union Paciflo on all these trains iuciudea buffet-smok-iug-library cars and dining cars. No. 6 carries a dally ordinary sleeper to Kansas City, with change en route to ordinary cars to Chicago. Consult tbe nearest ticket agent foi detailed information. W. II. HCRLBURT. General Passenger Agout. The ordinary atep of an ostrich, when feeding, is about 21 inches; when walk ing, bnt not feeding, it is 26 inches; when fleeing from an enemy, its stride ranges from UH to 14 feet. A deacon in a Baptist church in Trenton is a stickler tor decorum. He saw a young lady whisper to another luring prayer at a church service, and be loudly rebuked her. In indignation she was passing out of the edifice, when he said the church was no place for her. Aroused by this taunt, she pro- ;eeded to return to her pew, but he slutched ber back hair and tbut drew her out of the church. Prospectors are boring for xino in four counties in northern Arkansas, and within the last year several changes in the ownership of land there has result ed in consequence. One syndicate is said to have purchased 13,000 acres of land. A Blood Trouble Is that tired feeling-blood lacks vitality and richness, and hence you feel like a lag frard all day and ran'l get rested at night. Hood's Harsaparilla will cure you because it will restore to the blood Inequalities it needs to nourish, streiiKtbeu and sustain the muscles, nerves and organs of the body. It gives sweet, refreshing sleep and imparts new life aud vigor to every func tion. Felt Tired "In the spring I would have no spoetite and would feel tired and without ambition. Took Hood's bnraitpo rills in small doses, increasing as I grew stronger. 'J hat tired feeling left me and I felt better in ever wav." W. E. Baksb, Box 9J, Milford. Ohio. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Best Medicine Money Tan Bur. Pre pared by C. I. Hood 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. ALABASTII1E Is a durable aad natural eemeot- base wall coating, la i lb. paper packages, made ready for use la whits and fourteen beautiful tints br mixing with eold water. It Is a cement that goes through a process of setting, hardens with age, and can be coated sod recosted without washing off its old coats before renewing. ALABASTINE Is entirely different from all the various kaleomines on the market, being durable and not stuck on tbe wall with glue. Alabastins customers should Insist on having tbe goods In packages properly labeled. They should reject ill imitations. There is nothing "lust as good." ALABASTINE Prevents mucb sickness, particularly throat and long difficulties, attributable to unsanitary coatings on walls. It has been recommended In a paper published by the Michigan Btate Board of Health on account of its sanitary featnrae; which psper strongly condemned kaleomines. Alabastine can be used ou either plaatered walls, wood ceilings, brick or canras, and any one can brush it on. It admits of radi cal changes from wall pftier decorations, thns eecorintf at reasonable expense the latest and best effects. Alehastine is mnnufscturefl by tbe 111! Instructive and interesting booklet mailed fret to au applicants. T fuilr Introduce our Faaiaae "SOUTH KK BBI.I.K ClOiBS" aaiflialoemcb parson burins a box of DO clears for SS.M end ajturaaa oberuaa. an alrmuil Icbal plettcaae. aum wind, atam ant, open faca W atck. anurvaa mua, wnicn iih proper cars anouia leal lor yoarajauH, a plated watch chain ens euarm. Sendua four name and full edriraaano saonof. We will aand elgara. watcb. chain and charm. If, after atamlnatlon. ym ara aatiaflad, Bar rour sf ant S1.W and expreaa charjjtta. TheaagotMlaaamearwhare la the 17. S. attheae ternta. The "Hoatnaro Balle- la see ood ea many IQc e la ara aow offered. AidraaaNatlenalOlgarco.. StI.ouu.Mo, A Welt-Kept Lit. It requires a well-kwpt lift to do the will of God, and even a better kept life to will to do His will. To be willing is a rarer sraoa than to be dolus? the ! will ot God. For he who la willing rooms not at all timet open to publlo may sometimes havs nothing to do and gsss. They wars also notified to dli must be willing- to wait; and It it continue and Prohibit umsio and to easier far to b doing God's will than to be willing to have nothing to do it is easier far to be working for Christ than it is to be willing to cease. No, there is nothing rater in the world to day than the truly willing soul, and therw is nothing more worth coveting Mian the will to will Clod's will. There is uo grander possession for any Chris tian life than the transparently simple mechanism of a sluocrely obeying heart. Henry Drummond. Inrurniatlna While Van Wall. Mr, 8pellnm. ol Ilighlandtown, writes: "Dere Stir: Please tell ma wat is the holesumest food tor chil dren?" You will find doughnuts about the "holesumest" articles ot diet. Balti more American. Strength la Stillness. Those who make the most noise in the world are not those who have the most power in tha world. Quiet lu ll mm ces are the potent forces in God's esteem, ami even in man's sight. As Aubrey Moore says: "Great men think, while ordinary men talk. Great saints pray, ordinary men preach. High-sounding words and showy arts may impose upon the tow, but it is si lent effort which moves the world." This truth is not held popularly; yet Elijah Ira mud when he wat divinely shown that God was not to be recog nised in the whirlwind, tha earth quake, or the fire, as be could be in "the still small voice.", Even this world's wisdom testifies to the truth in the adage: "Deep waters run still est." It is God's voice which aays: "Be still, and know that I am God." S. 8. Times Chrlel fur A 1 1. It must never I supposed that the beautiful words and condescending acts ot Christ were Just for Peter, James and John aud their coiiinuioua. John is not the only beloved disciple who is encouraged to lean on the bosom of his Lord. His love for the family in Beth any is not a singular love with which other families have nothing to do. It is a specimen of his love, rather, in tended to make glad tan thousand other families. -George Bowen. Piety la Ihe Home. Parents must show piety at home; that is, they must give good example and reverent deportment in the fare of their children. All signifi cations of love and tenderness, care and watchfulness must be expressed toward children that they may look upon their parents as their friends aud patrons, their defense and sanctuary, their treasure aud their guide. Jeremy Taylor. Sweeden has ordered 47 batteries of duced in the ruichstag to Us th sales tie asylum in Pontiao, Mich, They the largest artillery. These little coun- of the big stores on an increasing ratio keep au even temperature, therefore do tries are learning that they can put up until they reach 30 per cent ot th not need to bs changed, like those heat a stiff fight. 1 profits. ed on tha coals or with gaa .MIL IlIi you naturally and" easily and without gripe or pain. Start to-night on tablet keep it up for a week and help the lircr clean up the bowel, and you will feel rifht, your blood will be rich, face look clean, eyes bright. Get a 10c box of CASCARETS, take at directed. If you are not cured or satisfied you get your money back. Bile bloat it quickly and permanently oc.ft!i5te 2wtst i'-.wSP To any ncsdy mortal uttering from bowel troubles and too poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a bos Ire. Address Stcrlinf Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, mentioning adwruauncnt and paper. M NOTICE TO PROPERTY CWKHS Portland directory, rsm cure yourselfi cawrroK. co, o.ku, ma. HJB Oas and Cornl.lnalkm Chandeliers, slid all sup- elnnsrjr, supplies. s Su Hut Hi., I'urtlaud.Or, KJlrHUrLlOHiyiiuTnn sut or sulaoauua. plies pertalnliiir to Klectrlc and ties I,lshtln. - VJka,.,... . sw-IS' SeM kr Draawteta, h&isSih steel t X L windmill, sold by him, is un- U Save 80 Per Cent " h.y.-... tb; YOUNG MEN If you naetheNew Columbian Fire Orate In n" TOU 'nm uKS? T' "TJ lint "SlISHs WweS your house. With an ordinary arete SO per Mpu Mr Pnrm Irlf RaIIop ioimuuiL!i cent of the heat ss np the chimney, but The ItCW IVICUOliTlICK nOIICr- aTHw i! rtHJl "'JKlSK. New Columbian Urate makes a white llama, no r .! 11 . rt '"" "a uea will aabmiah you. H la atjaeiuteir aara. smoke, and all the heat goes Into the room. 112 IVIOWBr I C" t J''"'i US' T tok"u',V'i;"ii 'SFISi Kntlrely new and absolute perfection. Fur wcii " "3 fronOj 'Sfl photograph and full description send to Til K M -J J&T,, iaMSftrprt. K ' ,MH 5 lU Hit ETT CO., SI First street, W. .'rcuSJalUAC 00., Oalaese. I'urtlaml, Oregon, ' J arV-Ti Olrsakr saaltod OB leuaaaS. BUFFALO PITTS CO. 31 Dn.GUllirsKP.LLS MaNtrPACTiMiKRii ov asw-IC.ifj 2jmf-kr1 ." ONirOsADOII, CoreiletlleadeeheeBdnre' MAlKUr-ACTUllKIUJOir rZVTAJ'Ar i"'raeeasa P""'1- Hiove I'lmplM.rurlfr tliellwod, Aid Uls New Double Cylinder Farm T.oeo- lWWf IMam-ni tlon,l' DonotOrlpeorSlcken. 1 moil.., aad Thraihlni Maahlaafi V . "'Si, '. fnnlnre . u, will nail aempie free I full lws,ne. OWm motives and THrestilnaj naenmery Xv i fT;. i "a O8ANk00O.,wiiia,ra. SuiduyJJrugflaJS - Writs for Catalogue. t-A. - &jk-'gft. ..J" - -p iiiCioo, S40X. Yamhill at., PORTLAND, OB. Call on McCormlck Agent, or address A. H. iuin a. .lea's mention this psper.J Boylan, Portland, Oregon, let oalelof Z J W iJatTas! inf. jLaTst. tWurui al It, toais. Tha saloon keener! of Ht. Louis, Mo, have bu notified that they shall not maintain in connection with their saloons wint rooms or private stalls or prevent dissolute women and criminals from frequenting their saloons, uuder penalty of forfeiture of their liosnses aud having their places closed as dis orderly houses. Union Signal. raw Cellege atiidents Die. The death rats in colleges Is sxlramsly l.iw The alrlet attention to tha lilivsttllia is itivsii as the cause. 1'eoplt outside of colleges, as well, may liavs iisniiu ami strength. Hosteller's Htoiuni'h Hitters Is recommended most hlslily for preventing as wall as curing bodily weakness. It Is for the blood, the nerves aud all stomanh disorders, and Us cures of constipation, In digestion, dyspepsia, sliiiigish liver or weak kidneys, are most remarkable. Six mourners who ollloiated as pall bearers at a funeral in Mlshowoka, Ind., have aunt in bills ol Indebtedness against the man's estate lor oarrylug him to the grave. lOOItKWAllU IOO. i paii l leant laaru that there is al ana dreaded ill iliat eeieuee has been able to cure in all Us tasea, and thai tscelerrli. llall at starrn t lire la the only positive cure known to the medical Iretwriilty. t alarrb being a constitutional die esee, requires a conaiTimlnnal treatment. Hall's airrh Cur Is taken Internally, ai-llng directly uiHn the dIihhI and mueona snrfave ol the lyalrui, thereby dnalrnylng the founda tion of Ihe diaeaae, and siring ihe naltenl strength by bulldlns up tbe constitution and aeiailng nature In doing lie work. The pro prietor have so much faith In lis eitrative fiowera, that they oiler One Hundred pullers nr any ease that It talis to ours. Head for list Of teatlmoulals. Address r. J.OHKNgT A CO., Toledo, 0. ntu'i pt nriiHiaiia. t(ti Hall's Family I'Uls ate the beet. A contract made over the telephone is legal and binding, according to a decision recently rendered in a Penn sylvania lawsuit. Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Booth Ins Hvrup the best remedy tu use for the-te oliildrvu during th teething period, Iuoculation (or the plague it coming more in favor in Bombay city, as many as 7,171) persons haviug been treated in one week. I I'tso't cur cannot be ton hlghlv spoken of as a cough cure. J. W. O llsiss, .M Third Ave. N., Minneapolis,, Minn.. Jan. " ; living animais nave, ueen new,y ois- covere.1 at a trl-pth In the ocean two miles greater than any hitherto reached. leal riatrorme for faeeeager Car. Instructions have been issued by the meohaulcal department ol the Rock Island, that all passenger coaches ol tha road must be equipped with steel platfotms. Already many bave been eqttlpied, and as fast as tha coaches can be spared from tbe daily service, they are run into the shops aud the old platforms Ukon off aud a now steal one put in its place. ' and family disputes are common. Rmall retailers in Germany hare I organised for an attack on tha depart- Smoothing irons heated by eWtriol meut stores. A hill has been Intro- . ty ara used by tha Inmates of the luna- BLOAT Puffj under the eyes; red nose; pbnple felotched, greasy face don't mean hard drink in? always as much as it shows that there is BILE IN THE BLOOD. It is true, drink ing and over-eating overloads the stomach, but failure to assist nature in regularly dis posing of the partially digested lumps of food that are dumped into the bowels and allowed' to rot there, is what causes all the trouble. CASCARETS will help nature help you, and will keep the system from filling with poisons, will clean out the sores that , tell of the sys tem's rottenness. Bloated by bile the figure becomes unshapely, the breath foul, eyes and skin yellow; in fact the whole body kind of fills up with filth. Every time you neglect to help nature you lay the foundation for just such troubles. CASCARETS wili carry the Doisons out of the svstem and will regulate CURED BY iwJY CATHARTIC Mi mmm sits: "Ptrunt Ii an Exoallent Bprlnf Ota Urrh Esmsdy I am ti Will si ITr." Hon. A. tlrosrenor, of Ohio ramify. Famous Hon. Dan. A. Grosvsnor, deputy auditor for tha war department, in letter written from Washington, D, 0., sayat "Allow nvt to express my gratitude- to you lor lbs benefit arrived from on bottle of Psruna. On week has brought wonder ful changes and I am now as well at ever, Bssldea being one of tha very best prim tonics it Is an excellent catarrh remedy." Very respectfully, Usn. A. urosvenor. Hal P. Denton, chief national export exposition, Philadelphia, Pa., writes: I was completely run down from overwork and the responsibility natur ally connected with the exploitation ol a trreat international exposition. Mv I nhvairdnn miruimmnmliMl an avland,! V V - " vacation. When HI seemed almost a burden I began taking Perulia, and with the use of the fifth bottle I found myself in a normal condition. I hsvt luce) enjoyed the best of health." Almost everybody needs a tonlo in the spring. Something to brace) tha nerves, invigorate the brain, and cleanse the blood. That Peruua will do this is beroud all question. Every one who has tried it has had tha same experience at Mrs. I). W. Tlmborlaks, of Lynchburg, Va., who, in a recent 1....... l !. I..ll1 . J... laiwr, memo uan ui tut, luuuavaug wvrua. ..i ,iwtv tok, , ,iotB 0, rUt.a altar BUllM)i; hours, as it It a great thing UT t,. nervBi no j,., spring tolllo, and 1 have used tbuul all of them." For a tree book on "Hummer Ca- tan-b." address i he Peruua Modiolus Co., Columbus, Ohio. Quarreling among the members ol the households is extremely rata in Japan. This is because tha Japanese at very little meat. Among great I meat-caters irritable tempers prevail, ALL DRUGGISTS the